Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 16, 1871, Image 2

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U VV.i
Til I? KSDAY . NOV KM BVM 1 0 1871.
"iHE IiIitV."iVH.: i: A.I fr' 3. li K. tt
The Drownville Advertiser of the 9th Iia3 the fV.bwing double IcaleJ
"Yesterihy Col. Converge ai.ty-J in
the city with the cliwSttjr intcll'iA'cnce
that on I;it;:Hay, o.C jO b.irs of iron
for the Ii. & Ft. K.'ji. 11., ict'tht L'suis
for l'iiclpj, uri.l is rob:il,ly :.t the ! ittcr
V'nnt now awaiting tra.nsj;'jn hither.
The Lalanee of the iro.i necessary to
make the first ten miles, vi 1 follow in
two or three days, tog'jther with the re
cjuibita spikes, splices, bolts, construc
tion ear., Lc.
"A hirre has been purchased of the
1$. & M. it. IL nt riaitiraiouth fjr thi.
river crossinfr, and will reach this city
within a vet-fc, bringing with it the lo
comotive. "Track laying will be commenced by a
week from to-day. ' '
ii in i i m n in u m
The Omaha Herald and other defend
ers of law Lowlcd lustily
over the supposed fact that lirhjham
Young and others were indicted for mur
der on tb.3 tsfctimouy of Bill Ilickrnan
alone. Tho following di-patch of the
'Jth fhowa that other testimony ii at
hand, which must have been evident to
Brighara when he so quietly and quickly
took his departure from the land of
Saints :
'"Notwithstanding the Grand Juryand
officers of the court huve kept their se
cret wonderfully we!!, it i- now ascer
tained that the in lii.-tiurit's aL-?in-t. I;i
haru Yourg, Mayor WlIL and Hose:
Stout for mur ler, were not fnur.d on the
sole testimony of Bill i lick man, the fco
culled destroying awi-A. It is known
that o,i the trial will be pro
duced for the prosecution, not. implicated
in the charge at all. who, it is said, tes
tify about a!l that Hkkaian has sworn to,
and perhap3 more."
Fro a tho Xelra :i City Chronicle.
Th? following coiiiiaariicariin from
Mr. liradibrd, Attorney for tho State,
will sufficiently uxpbtin itself:
Nkuua.ska Citv, Nch., Nov. .rtb, 1S7I.
To the Editor of (he Chronicle : I'er i:.o to provide a.-im t a wrong im-i.ici-ion
which may n conveyed in a part-graph
in your i.sue of the ad inst.,
epeakin ci' tho Mort'.m Saline, and
of myself iu connection with it. I in
tended to say the cue would certainly
goto the Supreme Cot:rt of Nebraska,
and by writ of error thence to the Su
preme Cotut of tha United States in nil
probability; and that the latter tribunal
by reversing or alarming the decision of
the Supreue Court o: tho Stare, a3 the
case might re juirc. vin l; tte or main
tain the rulings of Jude L ike upon the
points of law vL-irig in the recent trial
of the case in the District C. u:t Fur
ther, in reference to the Saline lands
for which Moitcn or ethers may hold
Federal patents, a-i v?A as those in suit
fjr which no patents Lad issued. I ex
pressed the opinion lhrt such patents
were voidible in equity, though conclus
ive rit'ea at Ian, p.t -1 that if the salt
rprings covered by the;-.; had i en select
ed by the Govern ; under the nets of
April 19th lti'A, the State was tho prop
er party to cpply to the Secretary of
the Interior for leave to use the n ;::e
of the United State.-! as cotaphunant in
equity to vn-ate uach patci;;-. K-it if
buc'i tracts had n-.t been tl u- r-.'-:: tod
by the State under il;e gniit al'm-yM,
then the United Slatej ouM alone, as
the ou'y party in inter-: -t, (i'.o a Mil to
vacate the patents Should, however,
the United Sta: s see ft, as thry have
done towards ether St".:s in souie in
stances, to amend the a;-ts of Aprii i'Jth
1?C4, so as to graa: -Jl Siiine bind-to
the State, then it is pre table tht the
State would acquire euc'i r.n interest as
would cualb iicr t bring the su'f.
Congress cannot rre th remaining Sa
lines in this State, a:: J the evident h.1
tcntwas to grant them all to the State,
no one F.uppo.-iv.g t!i;-y would exceed
twelve in ru fiber, tbe limit c ifjb!ih"d
by the gru.t. It L thertfore p-robable
all will be granted to the S; : All
were reserved to tho United States by
the actsof Sept. 4th, Is41, and ihe acts
ot Juiy 22d, lzzih and .!: st
ed or not, were con -roue
the umerence m declaring them no is
one of mode alone.
Very respectfully,
Your fjhcd't Serv't,
J. L. BitADFoarj.
Attorney at Law.
t'nn'l Uct KiJ of t!ie Brnrn.
If yot waut to make the ruin of a
child sure, give him liberty -after dirk.
You cannot do any tiling nearer to Lis
damnation than to let him have the lib
erty to go where he v.iil without re
straint. After dark ho v. ill be sure to
get into communication with people that
will undermine ai! his good qualities. I
do not like to speak to parents about
their children. Their child cannot or
will not lie, when bis tongne is bended
like a low; he will net drink-, when
there is not a saloon within a mile of his
father's, where he is not as well known
as one of its own decanters; he never
does iniquitous things, when he is rock
ing in filth. Nineteen out of twenty al
lowed perfect freedom at night will be
wounded by it. There is nothing more
important than for a child to be home at
night, or, if he be abroad, you should
te with him. If he is to see any sights,
or take any pleasure, there is nothing
that you should cot see with him. 1c is
noi merely iliat a child should be broken
down, but there are thoughts that never
ought to Cud passage into a man'.s brain.
As an eel, if he wriggles acro.-s your car
pet, will leave hiss'iaia which no bru sh
ing cau evereCiice, to there are thousilits
that you never get rid of, once permitted
to enter, and there are individuals going
round with obicenj books and pictures,
under the lappcls of their coats, that
will leave ideas iu tlu mind? of your
children that can never be enbecd.
There are men who have heard a sa
lacious song and t'-.ey will never forget it
to the end of their lives. 1 do not be
lieve in a child's seeing life, as it Is
called, with its damnab.'o In -t and wick
edness, to have his imagination s-t
on fire with James of hell.
Nobody goes thrc::,:h this lire but he
is burned, and he cannot ret rid of tha
scars. lleni'f ITonZ JJcrdt'W
Mr. Cc'faxsays : ""Visitiri."?. reontly,
one of the bu'Cf t men in ihe I'nited
States, I found that he h:.l LM down
the law of Lis c.rily lite that, whn ' -tnrn.rJ
hU bs.k n IU (C-. he 1 ft n .i
its thousaui dt.taib bclun 'i liita till the
luorrow; hut oa: aboohitely his niuVi
l lied bnine.-s cores whoa !:e cl 'ed the
door of his dwelling: and there in the
fullness of e:;i::e;jf with his fr.n.iiy,
renewed his dtiiy yutu ly luiag.hi
with the arr.u c-uier.'? of the honfehold.
To sueii, life has a daily seal never real
ized by him who.carriii Lis budness a:
Lorue as well as hi Lis counting-room, Lk.-
gl!!g -ip::
v.j iJm
Tammany Scoopod!
Tlie I'eople IIcf tl Real or tlieir
(t'n leruuafioii on I'oiiiical
Sew Yorii City unci Siliitc uvcr'ribrlm
luly Itrpuklicun.
New Yoek, November S.
No election in many years has been as
finl and pcaceabb; and fair as that of
yesterday. In aii but four of the assem
bly dL-trLt of the city either rei-ubli-cans
or reform candidates are elected.
SL-cl's majority fbr Kcg:.ter, Si,"')').
Darn t, f"r the Supreme Court, boats
Ledwith, the Tammany nominee. Jy a
lieavy m:.j' ritj-. Tweed is the only lam
many candidate for the Senate elected
1 s republican can ii dates from tho city are
elected aguirit three Tammany candi
dates. Tlie r ntire county ticket of the
committee of seventy is dec-led, and all
the reform candidates i-r Aiderue.-n.
The vote fell behind t he registry in many
ui.-tricts. In tho State probably twenty
two republican Senators. agah-t ten
deuiociats a' clectid. The a-vmbly
will be largely rej-ui hean. The Tiuies
says: "The ieople have nobly respon
ded to the appeals made to them. Wo
have pained a greater victory than we
dared to hope fbr and one? mere re.-t in
perfect ro entity. The long reign of ras
cals and outlaws is oier." Tlie Vv'utM
says: '"The returns irotii the ttuto in
dleate the election of the repubiienn
ticket by at least 1, u-ajoiity. As
it never rains but it p -'ir-, it may bo
even more than this. We havelo-t the
State Legiditure, and tho icpublicr.ns
will not fall far short of two-thirds vote
ii either house." The Star, Tweed's
paper, says: "'Vo have met the
enemy, a. id candor compels us to an
nounce that we are vciy decided'y
"theirs.' There is no good in JJinding
the fact Tammanv's ticket is over
whelmingly defeated.' '
n.'ieen o;
men are elected in this city, and fifteen
anti-Tammany an 1 six Tammany A.--is
tant AIdTu;en are eleered.
The Brooklyn Union this morning,
concedes that that city Las gone demo-.-ratie,
but :-to,i4'v nmintaius that it has
el by dihG!:e.-t COU!
I'o-acI!, democrat, was elected Mayor
by l-'J.t'OO majority over Booth. The
democratic ticket in Brooklyn was car
ried by 10,0';-) t ir.jori'.y.
Ta!i.L'j::.y I hill was not opened last
nbrht. Isaiah Kynders addressed a
small slreet assemblage from the steps,
eulogizing the reformers, aiH. etating
that Tammany was not the democratic
There is a general feeling of demorali
zation among the defeated Tammanyues.
Many of them, confident of their elec
tion, were surprised at the result. As a
general thing they spent largely of their
means. It is .said some fbw of them are
wholly bankrupt. Le-t, night Tammany
Hall was deserted. Tho cnthu-bim of
the members who CGnld be ibui.d at the
club rooms throughout the city, seemed
to 1 ave departed.
The r.jformers believe llossa would
have defeated Tweed had he been
given a fair show at the poll.-. Thieves
and rowdies had control of this district,
which ace rat.".-, for the result. The c lec
tion i. to bv: contcslcd.
The great victory fbr reform v.-.v; tho
principle topic of to-day in ail circles
throughout the city.
At the city hail, where flags were dis
played in honor of the re.-uit, the pohti-cian.-.
of 'I'amiiiitny secuiod to be bewil
dered. Uprn the door of th-: Mayor's ofScc a
large placard in blaziiig letter." was po.-t-e
t bearing the '' omiu' : '"The down
fall "d' Ta:;ims.ny Had !''
The leading denmcrati" of the State
and city are to talk about
; Char!-:
or, as tin
icrailo Cit:ia4 -te li.
the iiext i'rosi-
Farther election return.-; show th it
Johnson (dettiOerat) is ci.a-fed to ih
S.v;:'e iVosn the sirta dli rici, u:ikinr
that body s-;m t "J 4 rc-p-ubhe-ttr" to ei;;ht
oei:i ): rats, i.ii.ludiiig one Tauimanyiie.
In the Assembly the rcpubiicans bae
nl-'iTif iritv. Uorr.tio Sevmou''
is defeated by J liomas C.
to ."Jl'-. Samuel J
- w - . . . "
Tiideii" has
:,.", 0 majoiity.
Tho (Jhairmun of the llci'iibliean
Co.nirilltee cf Brooklyn has called a
meeting ibrtu-monow to take measures
ta cj.n.e.-t the alleged fraudulent ehreth-n.
Albriny, November
According to an estimate of (he Aiia-
cveinn .Jnnrnui, I Lv 'itioucan ) too
Legislature' will stand : Scimte Kej
24; i iiioerat, o : ilcfnttii
m -
crats, 2. Assembly i.puohcans 'JO ;
lJeiuocrats .';" ; U '. no I ' mocrats, o.
Who marries for love takes a wife;
who ninrries l'-r fortune takes a mis
tress; who marries for position takes a
lady. You are loved by your wife; re
garded by your mistress, ;:ev-ated by
your lady. You have a wife fbr your
self, a mistress for your house and
frier. Is, a lady 'or the wor! 1 tind society.
Your wife wil: agree w'uh you, your
Uii.-tress will rub yea, your lady will
manage you. "Your wife will take ca:e
of vour iioacho!d, o;r mi -tre.-s ofy.-ur
b.ou-e. vour lady of aii""arMiees. If
you are sick your wife will nurse you,
your mi.-tress will visit you, your lady
will ir-quire alter your heal' li. outake
a walk Vith your wife, a ride with y .ur
mistress, and go to a party with your
lady. Your wife will share your grief,
your mistress your money, your lady
your debts. If you are dead, your will
win weep, your mistress lament, and
your lady wnr mourning. Which will
you hive? Tk: Cltristiun.
A Kur!f;ilcll.
Two negroes barga ning for ronie land,
the price of which was six huuired do!
lars, said th-y had only half so much
money. "Wrry well," said the land
agent, ' I'd tnke Jiwn, ard a
mortgage fertb.e balance in one year."
Sambo scratched his head a moment and
replied '"But I say, boss, s'pose a filler
hair.'t get no mortgitth." The agent
exi h'.ined that ho would a mort
ratre on to secure the balance.
"'But, boss, I hain't got no morteitch."
The agent aiain explained, but the
darkey couldn't see it, and disclaimed
the owner; hip of a sin Jo "aiortedfeh."
The r ! her da: k v licr? t-.m" to the res
cue T-.v.-X "l.icidite-1 on the p'iat." Say?
he, "Sambo, don't you know what a
m"rt.itch i.-? f n I'il t. li vor. A mort-
citcii i- e;
ui- yet
S pose y.r pay
do IiosSj.,i. dowr:; ceil yer g.ves yor
word or. de word ot'a nigger ihit yer'il
pay him de ud ier !"0 in a year. Den
s'pose en thr la-t d.iy ob do year yer
pays Jo In s $41 J and dod't pry bim do
tid.h.r dollar, why den do ruori.dtch seys
do h iss een take r." d ; Ir.'ao i.t:d lo i.i .ccy
r.nd yo'i don't haii iraaia not d cent.
Gr.iiy. ii ---, a raort-iiteh makes a rd .-L-cr
mitey honest."
A writer on r.c-ho-d diseii.IIne sr-.ys :
"Without a iiterr.1 use of ti e rod it is
- . i . i )t
po ssa.. i io a:uu o-s
A wiber in the Lm lors Tim3
i.i-jr t-- ja-.-ive hat the r-o.'d V. J;
:: '.v O V'it: -,
'kll yt IN,til ill.
Ilouiiolders nud "Pre-mitor in
"Tho Western State that contains the
greatest quatitity of strong grain laud is
certainly destined to lead the Union as
the great grain producing Stale. So
w.U t he Agricultural ilditor of the New
York Tribune before the Farmer's Club
in tlie Cooper Institute on the last lues
day in August" He had just returned
from a Western tour of 00 miles look
ing everywhere at the "lay of the land."
But Iowa is no longer the We;t.
Whv not? Because, its public land is
all absorbed. Accordingly, when 1 am
asked, "where is the Wert!" I anawer,
"beyond the Missouri, for there you can
Lomc-tead or pre-empt."
No wonder then the homesteaders in
Nebraska more than a year ago, had
been more numerous than in any other
State exce-t one, and that their number
tiiis year has in; -ica-ed faster than ever.
In every new State, however, in which
I have traveled, I have seen immigrants
pressing in, aud have heard of their in
liux as greater than anywhere else. But
on a recent tour through Nebraska, I
have not been content with indefinite
generalities of observation and testimo
ny, but have resorted to the United
States Land Oilices satisfied that the
best meter of populational growth is the
number of homesteaders and pre empt
ors, each of whom must be peidbree an
actual settler.
I know that among your readers a
thousand farmers who are advising some
of their sous to "go West," as they did
themselves a generation ago, will be glad
of the fctatistics I have gathered for
Up to last New Years the Nebraskian
homesteaders numbered in Grand Island,
(iO'i; in Lincoln, G,0o'J, and in Beatrice,
4,8o7. Within the next eight months
th.v numbered, in Grand Island, l,2f3 ;
in Lincoln, 2,2-45, and m Beatrice, 779
a total of I o,;j71 homesteaders.
The pre emptors up to last New Years
ui'.mboed in Grand island, 72; in Lin
coln, 0,40', and in Beatrice, 4,25.
Within the next eight months they num
bered in Grand Island SUf; in Lincoln,
2112, and in Beatrice, 577 a total of
lS.s'2 prc-empiors.
These figures mean that .G,4I3 hive
filed claims as actual settlers at three
land oilices in Nebraska. I say "per
sons" because not a few both bonieJtead
crs and pre-emptors fear feminine
nam. s.
Of this army 8,214, almost a fourth
more than a fourth of all the homesteader-
took up their lands within the first
eignt months oi the current year.
i his l'.ov. ing tiue wlncn wil
ble the
a wei:ets iu itoraf sa wunni iour years,
1 ' I , ,
has set D0;t strongly toward the Lincoln
There is no obious reason for this
com -e of the migration current unless
the lands iu the Lincoln district are bet
tor or in a more desirable latitude than
those for sale at Grand Island. The lat
ter has a railroad as well as the former1
indeed it has had it much loncr.
Both railroads 1
lave also been selling
much of their land grants, and their
sales must not be unnoticed by any sta
tistician who would accurately gauge the
growth cf the Platte valley. 1 Regard
ing the Union Pacific railroad sales 1 am
not able to speak definitely, but they no
doubt equal those of the Burlington and
Mi-souri Biver railroad, which 1 have as
eertaitied to amednt in Nebia.-ka alone
to l;"l,2ol acres, to 10S4 purchasers
usually i n ten years' credit and six per
cent, interest. Many settlers who could
lmmcstead only tso acres, or pre-empt
ooly twice as many, have also bought an
equal number of adjoining railroad acres.
The proverb "as good fi.-h in the sea
as ever were caught" will bo always true;
but Uncle Sam cannot always give every
body a farm iu Nebraska. Wide as that
s. a of lend i, tlie Universal Yankee will
sc -Tj absoib it all, as he Las drank up
Iowa already. li.
Tir. I'ricue on Hurts.
The Kev. S. I. Prime say?, in a letter
to the Oob'crvcr :
vVlten 1 was a pastor, one of ray ciders
made it a rule to come to my study every
forenoon to talk with me, fbr fear, he
said, thrt 1 would study too steadily.
Of course, I had to make up for the
unio lost while ho was boring me, by
hard work after be was gone. Bores are
great moral, seciai and phy-ical pe-ts.
A man who has little to do, and spends
his lime in hindering other people who
have much to tio, J3 a nuisance to be
abated in some desperate way, since no
law can reach the case. Such a man
persistently violates the eighth com
mandment, and ought to be held as a
thief. "He who steals my purse" does
not get much, but ho who steals lav
time "takes that which not enriches him
but makes me poor indeed." And these
bores sometimes make people crazy.
They r-re in no dinger of losing their
own wits, for the best of reasons, having
none to lose ;. but they haunt and op
press and goa l men of action to the
verge of despair.
NIIin i:e Hot Calve
Many farmers, for an extra dollar or
two. soil their best calves to the butcher
and raise such as are not valuably and
think they gain by the practice ; but the
few dollars they think they make would
in many cases be worth at the milking
ago of the stock, if the lest had been
kept, more than thirty dollars, instead
of a dollar or two.
Of Iceland we hear but little, and,
speaking generally, know still les. It
seems, however, to be losing all value as
an inhabitable country; its winters are
growing colder, its lislieiies failing, and
from beiag cnee a timbered country, it
is said that not a tree is now found there.
The inhabitants being thus rendered des
titute of the proper means of sustain
ing life, and the Danish Government
having consented, it is proposed to esta
blish an Icelandic colony in Northern
Wisconsin and Nebraska. As an experi
ment and to test this regiem, some fif
teen Icelanders, mostly men, hare al-rea-Jy
gone to Detioit and Washington
Islands, where they intend to support
themselves by fishing until they can learn
to farm.
Josh Bi'liogs has issued a supplement
to his famous essay on the mule. litre
it is in full : "The mowl is a larger
bur J than the gusc turkey ; it has tu
leers to walk with and tu more to kick
with and it wares its wings on the side
cf its bed."
A distinguished clergyman says :
"Your affairs may become involved, and
your property le taken for debt. lrour
stocks and shares may fall in value.
But a thousand dollars assured upon
your life cannot be taken for debt; can
not 1 e alienated from your heirs ; and if
yen havo chosen your company discreet
ly, is subject to no commercial risks. It
is as nearly sure as anything earthly can
well be."
Among the lesrons emphatically taught
by tfie Chicago fire h that wooden cor
nices, wooden roofs and wooden rave
monts are grat si-Is to conflagrations.
No matter w"btt material a building is of, marble, stone, brick or iron,
the fhmes will catch the wood-work cf
tli 3 ccrnice and roof, sn 1 when the fi.une
touches the wooden pavement soaked iu
t-.r. the Hre ills the street with the ra
n: J iter of lightning.
uii: u steel' ti.0111."
Scene in ('alifornitt Uiimblinsr 2Iell.
"A moment if you please," quietly
remarked an almost beardless desperado,
covering his pile with a firm hand, and
fixing dangerous eyes on the burly dealer
of monte whom he addressed "you can't
stop there."
"Well, sir."
"Well, excuse me, but I think you
drew two cards."
"I Lcliove not. I'll take your pile,
if von please; the kervryo takes it."
""'Two cards!"
"Your money !"
And in each ease the words are ac
companied by a quick but quiet move
ment which di-cioses a revolver. With
the appea am i Oi these two new dispu
tan'S polished, curt, of 1 lief but sharp
and downr'ght speech thete is a quick
but f'ussless f.tir among the spectators
around the table. In a moment a clear
space is formed in the midst of a still
circle of flashing eyes, compressed lips
and clenched hands. Yon may count
twenty, deliberately, ere you hear a
breath, to eee the sil-dttest movement.
"Well, sir?"
" Well 1"
"Your mor.ev!"
" Your card., i"
Up stens a bystander some cool,
steady veteran expert in thcgamc, and
ver.-ed in the lav ef difnculties a man
of awful nerve, whose tympanum, ac
customed to the crack, no pistol shot
"Gentlemen," .-ays he, "try arbitra
tion first."
Another quick change of inquiring and
rcspon. ive glances between the dispu
tants. Not a word: but tlie eyes of each plain
ly say 'agreed." Both thov; themselves
back in their chairs and withdraw their
hands from the table, with the air of men
inviting examination and resolute to
abide the result. The veteran calls up
two brothers of the Green Cioth, compe
tent to net as umpire.-; and throe minu
tes frou:"ht with jam: tal danger, are pass
ed in deliberately counting the cards as
they lie on the cloth and naming them
slowly like the tolling of a bell, or the
measured proie-.uneiaiion ef a death
sentence, except thit there has been no
noise but the simultaneous clicking of
two pistol-locks. The dealer and his.
young vis-a-vis rue seemingly unconcern
ed for the result.
"You aro wrong, my friend," says
Veteran. "No card was drawn here.
Mistakes will hapeu to tho most careful
From that decision there is no appeal.
His finger on the trigger after that
woul'1 have co.-t the young fellow his life
So pistols go tiaek to their resting pia. e,
hands are shaken across the table,
drinks fbr the company at the expense
of the "bueker" as he who play?
again-t the bank is called and the game
proceeds with a b- tter understanding.
ToGlIe, ila.isia & Clark,
oiaisr.s in
2 Old ViZZti ColB3,
RT r. r, r4l.j -s-j fi-e - 7,,.
Dtaftg drav.i on r-r rt-.-f tho t'ri'c-5 .' tnto
n-J l.'urei o. !. ;,:- r iv- I. :ml si: a:
toiition (fiver, to calioctioii?.
Piatt -mouth, Nebraska.
U -SI mm
--;c; '
v.". -ieir-i-j-;
ION. W. l5 5C?f,
n a ttfz&fj? pr iiJ-ss .a if f? ;,5
c' iL w U w m s-m L trtm ' 4
An.l ;lca!er ia all kinds of
mai:j 3TRF7.T, (lliiril door west of P O
I lult.&0 '.I VJ - !1
4ltpairins nal V.-iral-niroj nc.ttiy dona,
funerals ttcmleJ at the Iiortost iictii-e.
WE v.culJ incite Ptulcrs aud tl-.o l'uLlic
geDcriii'.y tucii! ari l examine our sto'.-k of
bcf iro purcTinrine cTe-hcre.
Air. Sarccnt tiavii(? h:vU tho -I
twOi,tyyu:. i: :i'-.ntl'.'-itricK !;1! kin. ci
Soil)?, wo are contldvi.t ef pivinB enii. a .-ae.s;'ac.
tion to all vho ui.iy favor us vri;h tkclr patror.
i!.M? esebansc.l for grease, tad delivered ir.
any el" the city.
Owa piii 1-ji' roiiJoroJ taip.-w ar.d clc:i
pre as -..
n 1 j AVniks, Ko.trrie V.ird, ucar t':iy St
Drid , Xrlr k City.
Ju l.:.i;v,tl.
guy MhAT mm,
JZ TJr, -T 4
The ic;it of Frrvh ?Iunts always on hand in
their c.ut0.
Highest Price raid for Fat Cattle
firliiiiLc-Jt Cu-'u 1'iicc raid for green lli Ji:.
Oct. i .iiiVLf
Buttery Si Lizenby Props.
Call asid see laow elseap Qi5d.- vat Ise sold
Dtxiicrs iti.
Dry Goods, Groceries? Clothing, Motions
(SMs SSIatcIjc?, g tlarlrg, Silver $ htn SStart, Sfasicnl
Instruments St, Spoctacels.
Agents for Ogans, I'ianos, 3Jcl odeon.s, and Sewing Machines of all Best Makers'
Kain. Sftree?, Opposite ISrocks House.
"Wanted, City, County and Territorial Warrants, for which the highes market
price will be paid. Sept. 7th, w 3 m.
;. . ;-;
"lf RmsmxG goods,
,A -vi
( ats auJ Caps, Boots anil fhoes,
,iin Street. Sacond Di-orEast of tho Court Houao
BrvAICCil iIOL.'si'J Uronitejr.Cju-.'Mil I'lutfi Iowa.
Insurance Company
SiTiiIesil:4 :a tine Qisnivllnitive-zi 1i?ln?i9
Sscarl th:- Or;.- i-sst Pecuniary Advautcgo to the Policy Holders
?t. T). a i'- tsrr- ' '. r-1 r.;-. v. :it:i?i-.l by V.'o.sti-rp km, who.--- !:;i'i-vn fi:-.:i i::: iici;-l charac
ter iib'litr v-t K-'ii.-i. -t : ; : i :y 1"' r i: - c.rcf'il r.nd ?uv.o. t'ul uinn;ig-aioul.
1 - 1'oi .',-.-. :.! t.-' ;EiMiT- ,
;,d. l'n :iiu:a all f :!. Il rve'-svc no not" an-1 ?:tv s none Po.ioy holder havo n-j intcrcFt
to t'-.y. Mi l .-. imi! -'.r'!iitL T!.'' ".- .!? li.-r..-- nien tut-u rulu-ice,
i. 'i. I r h:; 1.1 11 t: k , i 11: ii:-:r. :.-.;vcl.
Ssh. i i ! 1 v-1 li r.iis rc it: :i!; uiJ jf! the contribution pWn.
bill, i'.- au; laf ss is oatlarcivly lii' iaiiuancc.
Ar? the noou;nr.!-.ition of intT.-?t upo'n rciniuin.1' r-ii-.I, henre iho C-j:nr-aiiJ' th.ii 1 ;:-nj its- ussns
r.ttlic !ii''b( : v. '.c vi interest ":ui piv c y 'j the b;rest -liv-.-ends. E.i.slerii companies iav-t thoir
rntn'j-s i- ) rec-m.. v. line t--;s n-.-ik'--1 if : investments at twelve per cent, or iii'iro.
Xiie lutv-iioujre -t V'i sieru i'lvt -: ; ;er t-to ; he i-Tiiy holder iiir'0.irs in tho fol!i)-.vius startlinj
ure: liicuuiuuut uf !.:", inveited fir Ctty v:i;-5 at
(-: jier ceut. cuaii'Ouud inLcr-;t, is S 1 s, VO.!.-!
" 4'i.'.ii.i;4
1) " " " tlT.iWi.k'i
12 " " " SlS.lH-S.H)
It i- obvi-j th it thi? i-o'njinny -fTer? ptojUpt financial advantages and induccu:cnts to the
l-oti-.y-biiider lhaa any otUer cuiuriaay iu exiitaiico
U I Mac):s. rrosident. Gpnrgs A ?I'U-r. Secretary, H A r:i!!;in?, nsnr il Ascnt,
I. M Swan. Vico-Pr-Si-if-nt. J J'-nc-'. .Af-'t Set.retitry.
Dv J h W'ever, ilea, xl'tor, II ii ix'cwaiaa, Treasurer
l ?h5r- iejvrnvr ttli. Kan, II I ZA ,-;'!!, Leavenworta Kan. !' L "J-wtnan T.c.ivcr. worth K
J F Kid :)rd:. " " l . M Swan, " " V.r ('lieml erlai.i. "'
!f I! II:-?. i,;-iid " " "v." .'. C-titu.
li iid..-rtiu. "' (te- .-1 yhu,re,
Thiw l.'aru.-v, " " !) V J'evver:-,
f Strir'.-lcr. J'l-'-'i.n City J h Davia, St.
('l:n- K"liiis-in. LnAraucc. .) .-: -;T:it
VV. lladley.
i: II.'.,-tinK: "
K Mi.rcan
ien. Kfsitfr Sebragknanfi SortlEeru.IlasiEEt
Ir?. HA71SHAI.L, rcnt, r r v'v 'li fllTT n
Vholc-ale Dealers in
Best quality cf Cigars and Tobacco always on hand
Sowlli 'Side Mnin Street
M 4, 5 i a : 5 J i i'h,
CENTS' V-v ri
riattsmouth, Nebraska.
V K i! Tvey. Con. r elaar.
1 A liur-i. Attorney.
I A i'i rd.
Louis. Ml
K il Alien.
(' A '"erri. vrcston. Mo,
i V. Veal, Topcka, Kansas
J M Price Atehisoa, Knu.
W Ilbtcbbius, "
r-- - " " v eJ
One Ycur
Three Months
One 31onih -
- -91X0
One Year - -Six
Months - -
Now OiTors the
West of the
It U rcai by Farmers, Merchants Me
chanic?, Contractor, Stock I'calcr.s,
Jlailroail Men, Uasine.;s Men,
3Ianu'acturers, Consumers,
Jill W J&ljdL, iL jU IIP Mjs H o
Li:i: S. (JLLF.TTE
Xebraslca City,
General Agent Dcp't Northwest, J
Union Central Life !
Cf C:noh.n:.ti Ohio,
J. li. PUESSO'
julvl l.t
the unci?!
Northwet Corner rI'hirI i.A CVr.'t .
Avenuce, Cincinn -'i. ( '.':,
Amount Insured. $6.GQ0,C
ors ttt. sif- t- azz f--'
John M. I'hilli;., I'mUmf.
Jno. V. IVvk, Yiec-lVtidr,t.
N. V. Harris -r-h:rV.
K.r. Marshall, A -;-'.( X- .-
,Ti Vtn l:iis, M. I., V'n.U. I'.nis. M !..
H. S. I'wl, It D. Cor. Fro- i' :' iiV Aid :' -
ei.'-y, Ci::'-ifiint i.
J ii '. J.itrlhi, L.rkin, Vr;-:.t A. Co l;.i:.l;e:.'.
If. IV. Ihn ri-. i-
neinn.i 1 1.
;-.ryl':-.;-.-n Ce::tiui J.'
Inur.:i:n' Jwir. I;f u'.'.
John (.' vr. i.ui in, Vii! :i:t .V C'i., I-in
kcr.s, Cincinnati.
Hum v 1 t''iiiii. t.arkiu. AVr'ot .V Co-. I' r
ki-r-i, C':nei:in:i:i.
Jh.i .-.. .U . XnK; t:im trei-t Ci:i.
Wi J! I.r. M IK No:!: Ki-ij ;-tjv t. ':n.
.,..-! I'.JK '' '.. Vii i -i'n -; . t 'if I'i.i. I.
fVntrnl Lite Insurance Co,
I'ii ill '; -';', liiiniii.i n, :h:
lrt:l U Attorney ;it I.. 1 1 . 1 1 i Ii ! "l ' '.
''! r Miirjil.i, lliimilloa, ii
.'ir J I. t'l:"lt'ii:t, ( ineiimmi,
J.,hn .1 I'lii'up. l'.. .-n!ei.t d C :.tral I.if:: Ir:-
Kiirani-o Cwmi-nuy
Leo 1' (i iilettc. ieii Ae.-n! For " c'ti .-kit
.' JI Fukssiis, Loei'l Aiiei.t
It K LnisiiSToN, il'- lieal Kxatniucr
Sept, CO d&vr tf
Veepiiig Valer, t 'ibracka
General Merchandise,
DUY (jOf)T-s!,
li AT.-', CM:; I. " T-'.
h i 1 0 i-'X. "'.TIONS. .'. -.,
PINE AND COTTON W )!.'!. I.'MI'i i:,
rillN-JL'-: i AN'O I Ai !.'.
V.' e ire Agentd f ;r
FUR H 1 T R Vj ,
ur a 1. 1. DKc:ci';i'i:o3 a:. ;t am. i i :...
tf,sl?,Uo Burial Cas23.
Ready Made, and Sold Cheip forCinh.
With many thanks for p.T-t jet! "en I 'n
vitc all to call and cxa-iulne uiy lar--- to :. .
niture and Cufling j:;nt
Ii" O 2 C S3
CaaBk Ji Zm W Lai j k y
Ars r-fparo-1 to suj-td; t!i-' i' w "th Iw;.-- t
tbu bttt yuali'.y, at ineir ,. n , ;,e riit' . c'
Thirty cent per Bushel
And when barrellcl twr-ntv-fn-n crr.t.i rxtn.
will I'f eltar'e 1 er hrrrr. l.
Ordi-r.' can be ieft wi'!i .1. V.'. .-liar.T' n. I'h.t:
niouili, Nelira-h. or niidrv ' ( t i tu-.a'.ri-
btr li'JX OH). i M .-...
.1. L. L.iJ;.,, i'j. - t.
PlutUiiioath. .St-.a--i.u 1 I.'.::: ' .
ifcp l.'Sdiwtf.
Plows ! Plows ! Fiou! 1'Icw,;
Tches .-lcasure in uiwk.u:.'-i't-r to t' -
Utiio that t;if:y Lav; .-ecuM. 'l tii" i vi
s of that rionccr l'low riu:.;ii'. ;'ui.;;-.
Who i n-w on:M?cd in f r ir : I - tr.uf..' f:r
IH4 a better ani'-le, ut 1 over .r t:r.!i can '
had from any e.-.-t( rn in-.uul'. i i.i y. Ct.c. rn
advantatro Ksin-'d ly ) ' i r-.v '. .: -ur ''.I.-1 i
that y ju not oiily n;t a Ijirt a. f ; t lii'ii.
i-rn-e?. but yon aro i a:r ji. .i u' 1' . .J - - '
h AC I'I'i'.K, wip-re every -ii'.J.i 1 t' Tin.' u.',:. - j
remain.s in t iiu tiate. j t 1 1 1 -1 -V w'-t
joi:n riT.iLUALi rr-:-.-;ct-..-
I '