Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 28, 1871, Image 1

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ll II III I II !' lliril til ' I I II Will
Klin l-
ti.i: MAU.Y
is rt'Bi.isaKJ ht
II. P. II A Til A V A
r.oiToa in ppoi-aiAT..?.
Rrrron x rRoriuirroa.
? Cuice corner Main an'l Second utrcc'v. e&- I
on l rt-.ry.
TERMS: Weekly. $2.00 per annum if i-at-d in j
S2i if not paid in .-vlvnnee. I .
To tin; Memory of I'-fr Vallcry.
Tin: deimb i ::.
11 v GKr.rrK joiixso.v.
HU work r n earth wa done; the Master c .llcl. j
Ami hale him lay his earthly joy- aside, j
Ati.l don the rohe 'Vn. fittest he should wear j
To pa heaven's portal j
To hear wan to ohe! Well roen-Ud out.
To full perfection, w.ia each earthly t-k;
An 1 looking rma l upon the work of life.
ll said. "It seem-" my sheaves' nrjfew and pior.
And yet my Master Li-U mc to prep-ire
For life immortal.
"Vrs Go I d-.ih rail mc even though the j
si v . j
That I !" long have lahorel to r.VtVin '
ll.ive far more tan. than wheat. nirc fljwers i
thn:i fruii:
I!m tyc. far ii ;'.
ri--crii not ?i::t 1 Ii l. 1-ut what in v:iiu
I -tr'.vc t d ':lh eacer, toi!i!i hand.
I'm I'll... red h.i!: imw all the earthly j.y.,
And irr.i. tn'. like vi.-i',u5 iti a il'cam.
Are I'rdiii :iie fieeins."
An.! fli In- .-li, .led Ii! ; even, an 1 weft t U-r.
W ith cold hands ela fed acr.-.- hi .ulelets j
And weary f.-tt .it rret. he Upt the sleep
... . . t. . 1 :
1 II Jl ii'- iiu " I
And whiie we mourn for him with t-.irful eyes j Wear It. It IS an Ugly iru.n. mat Ulsii
Wedo fjriji t that he is c one l.i-forw. j washers, hor-c-cleaners ditch-diggers,
That oierhiai are -i-rea lii.',' tairer ki...-; ! 1 r..l!.,.,.h,. .h..t.!.l r.a-eJv.; more
That now. h.r h'::n ur n the other t-horo
New day is hreakiiiic.
Wc ,hould not m-urn . r -
- , ... . 1 :
riv.i iv
With h--erfulne hecaie hr joiirnoyet Ii
'Neath bluer i-kii Ue should tct call the -t
il: dayl;irl-t l.idd.-ri.
or e'eo mourn that it had disapiienred.
And earth ha- lot a .-tar. and auK-.-ts now
ltejoiee that Ueavtn elaitii- one aucel more
And wi-fhoald j -y t!ra. t - a l.riphtcr liol-.c
He ha.-, heen hi 1 i-n.
I. ATTui rn. Sept. U'lih. IsTl.
i the lir.-t .lace, examinations are coti
The Kepubliean voters f a-County , f n hut t,jo who
are rci.ue-te l to as-mbL- m the-.r van- j ,vi 1raullJt;,j aro lhe ollu-, tiiat art.
ous voting preciu-fs i "J o'c'o. k j). ! jr,. ,la mti:i!aU-, whether they can
Thursday Uet. oth, ;mi 1 select .h -legaf-js ; tc;(.h (.r j,, th.; sct.UI., ,,1., the
to atten 1 a county eoveroi .,, to .... .o-o ,
at tho Court Ib.u-e in I'lattsmo-itn. l .
1 o' P. m., lUirday (ht iltr ,t.i.. ;
fir the purpose of nominating candidates ;
for the various county offices. 1 !
ciucts will be etiime 1 to roprcse,nM.!uu
. r n. . !
as n.nws. . I
i ) ai o
I hittsu.tmh City ;
Flattsmouih Free'::
Oivapo'is ''
South Ib'lld "
Salt Cre-k
(IrcenwooJ "'
i'.!mv.on 1
Stove Creek
Wcej-ing Vi'atfr
F.iht Mile (iivve
Mount I'le.'i-unt
Avot a
J,l. Waid -
Cil.Tty - - -
Keek h'-iiTs - - - - '
It is im, oi tnt that prDMpt a -tion be
t:,!an, as the is very .-holt
oid.T of tie- Itcpiib!ic.m Central
tnmi: tee.
Ti5f I.I.i IXI.
laiient Keliirns.
... .r. ' i f i. fe-e- lit-
The Omaha 1 apers
. VII. IIIUV i ........
the report that
i .twnee lias inw.o
... .
uguiii-t the con.-t iiution, and m die ao
i . i! ii. ........!:..;.-,., .
sene? oi rcr..i...i5 eoiiuau.. nou
i-oniiielle 1 to so count if. This, accord
ing to the figures report? d, wouid threw j
the constitution f. Id behind, w ith 11
counties yet to hear from, which would
hardly change the ie.-u!t if the above
inures are coirect. Tlu Jo'lowing are
the figures as now reported
ns. .o.s"r.
Adami eotiti'y
I to., ne eotmty
l'.ui t riiUlU!
Ittitler eoiinty
ltuthi'ii county
'.is- eeon v
I'. ilar county
';i vane e.mniy -.
i'i i eoa'ity
Oolfax i--ntity
t'uiiittiinz e.iunty
I 'a!. ota eount v
Ii.i.-o:i eoin ty
ll.xon e-a-iiiiy
!odi:e eoanty
llotiKlas eoiinty
Fi'more county
I'raTiklin eoiinty
tiatre eounty
;n-e!ey county
ll.-dl eoiir.ty
Hamilton eounty
i ar I i'i.'j n ty
.leflerron e oiaty
.1 ihti ou eounty
!eir.,ev eounty
hat-ranter .-oti.ty
l.'Ki:ciiii ("oui t eoiinty
!.ia.-.-il- county
M l.iisoT, eoullly
MerrieU eo-an'y
N tanalm .--.nuty
Nu.'liiilj eounty
i toe county
I. county
I'.crrc eounty
1'latte county
1'olk county
l'.ii h inl.-. a eaunty
Valine e.iiinv
starry county
Saunders county
Seward cOJIity .
She rnijii
Stanton eounty
Thayer county
Valley eon lty
Washitorton do
Wiiyne eoun'y
AVehstcr enmity
i3 s
l: -
V -
.... ll. i
..... !
'.. '.' l-.i
."'.'. 1 'TO
..i ')
"York county
Majority apainst r.
A good anccdo
r1"" , ;T-n:
1. . .1. ...1 . 1 .N.-.. i.a. ... l 1 ... I,
v ...v ... .... .........
Seminary in Prim-e E hv.nrd, one of the
.-, .. xr- . . 1 i"
out parishes rt lrgmiti s nt to him mr
a minister. They, as usual in such cases,
wanted a sch'i'.ar, a gentleman, an orator,
a pastor a hue wntorin short, a per-
leefmini-ter. They "had formerly given
$;."iO jer annum ; but now, if thev could
get such a man as they wanted, they
emli :-e it to loo " The d vt..r an-
rejT.v tei!i.VtW: o Jemd thcavei,
for lr. llwight He was tlie onlv Mieb
...... 1.'. ." 1 l ....'! t..". k ...
man he know and s Ise had been liv-
iu r rood while or. sniritual food, be
mi rh t r.os-ihlv !ix-f r.n timr 1-i'idr -d it il-
plight pos-iuiv mc on tour hauar. 1 cji
a siorv
A writer 011 Monkeys tells us
of one ot'these female undeveloped spe
ties of humanity, v. ho, having lost her
nitar.t, adopted a kitten. ,. Utie tiav the
Litteu scratched this affectionate baboon
who much a t mished at being sct atehed
immediately examined the kitten' feet,
an! without tuoro ado bit olf'th? claw.
ewCcn.-t-tiun VS-, " Vi 1. . V state utviitue a- of the State of Ne- 1 v.'-nto ol the I'.-nperor v ii.iam I. has
s . . ...1 ........ .0 , 1 ..i ! .1 . . 1 oile..:! I, is resignation. lie !- ading
K.iirUHai rood I teach eight or nine hours a day, he his tra..i Let t.-deuiaad t!ia our teacli- j rft! ,-rVi;lll armv t(
spiriuiniioou. j own jgnitor, and get no thanks. Let a ! ers .-had inculcate ail tl.e virtues of an j lM v.' any hvi-er v. ilh him. 'on account
te is related ttf Ir!li..v ; teacher demand and get unti-iiaily large i hotiorablv life; that thev shad set be-! of his condu't during tiie recent war in
VOL. 7.
Mu. Kunos. 'II. l'V in Satunlary's j
fistic has a good article on the wages of (
teachers, as a qualification. With jour I
permission I would like to add a lit tie.
,f f )iowjIg repo, t of a sub-C0mil,it
111 1 :
tee to the IMtlla delphl school UOtird Is
gi". c:t by ilie Nat i'iia! Normal, and re-
commends its readers to pat it in their
pipe.- aiid Muoke it.
A cook receives irom S:;. to $4. per
week, and i.- lo'in 1, eijual to from 7. to
' . .
A coachaiari receives, iroiu 5- to 3''-
per week iMli fjuucl, c.uul to from $10
tj i jo
Aliborer from to i'2. per week
A $17. j ) per week.
I A school teacher, of the lowest grade j
i(- i
... ,. ., - 1 I
! I'igurcs will not he, s tne o!d adnge
1 but do they not sometimes show truth in
aT, uy lhd;t ? "They Uil It M p!l!ti!y,
j put it so squarely, and display it so
I nakedly, that one can only grin an 1
..... , i.i.i- 1
money for his work than the educator of
I . .ri . - ..!! t
.......r .lllinri.l'.li; t LIT 1J l'ir..,!! I I T:k 1
- - -
more of their kitchens, horses, and door
n.r..-. .a fit. .ti l irr ii. I'.iir. ami 11 i r I
, yards than they do of their children-'
rarents, however, are nut altogether to
blame for (Vis state of things, for '"no
tax is pail more cheerfully than the
school tax."
Waucs of leathers, like everything
! el-e depend in a great measure on the
! supply. And the supply depends on
' th? m. inner in which it is obtain-'d. I:i
ex;illl;nt.rj huIj c,i;J.Jty I.titutes. (olten
f.r (he (ri..rc of Ul lk;ri;r themselves
: r.,,!.P I,..,,..';-;:!- ih.i
' , i j... . ,,...,. verhi-1. !
,at a;j (i,... .,., attcn 1 one cd the-e
.,:,! . , some ' Ta le, i
... . .
re: fit. is the p.role.-si
The result is the- r-rofo.-siou L so up !
with uii-iualified teacher.-, who-" imlv
i.ret.eraiio:, is a ccitbieate which cost
4 him nothing, and which is often worth
2 nothing, except to aid in drawing pub
4 j iic money, toi,se.(Uenily they can teach
o for nearly nothing. A writer i'i an edu-
cutional journal says :
;; j "'Kvery stripling who has jcisscd four
. i years within the wall of a college; every
4 t dissati.-Sed c! rk, whohs-" not ability to
4 ; i!nn:ir;u the lrif;I;ng concent of a co:n
i, ! tiieu retail s!:-p; every yoatig farmer
i wh-. obtains iu winter a hort vacation
. j from the t-ji!s of .-ummer i:i short, every
H I youns per.-ou who is cons.-ious of hi-iod'e-i!i;y
in ether bu-ir.css, csreetas
hiee ell 'idly competent to train tl
e lg-
.ti l weakness of infancy int o all
m 1 wis 3 .:lu L,f nm-
I tilrcr y!:irs l, form a creature, the frail-
j est and feeblest lhat heaven lias made,
i - . 1 ,' 1 o ,
; into lite liitetugeiit alii le liie.-'.s -over
cigu of the whole unimtitfd creation, the
ii.te: j.rc-ti r, lhe adorers, and almost the
nlatives of
j Thus teachers who have spent titi.e
and money to prepare themselves have
toresort to seme mere luciative citii-'ov-
1 -
. .
. i il t.. .. -t-i'ii v:e'.i.f'.i-l A. .:! fli..e .l
tueiit to obtain su:.i.ort.
to i? vtiiiio tneti:.--:ves ior tnetr wrn a
not value themselves nor thei
thev should. j'ht.-v se.ould remember
, , , ,,';.,.,.. .,
able of material. The finest of all raw
materia! is to he faun 1 in human I cing-',
i and to work up and refine, this is the
j work of v cry true teachers. Some old
j logics claim that teachers do but little
j woik only six hours a day and therefor
! should receive hut little." Such are the
; words of one cf Ca.-s County's would be
: " "'" s" "
" Only six l.otirs a
b-.ur- of mental ht'eor is harder
( ' i:si itutii-n thiti lifteen h.iurs e.i'pby.-i-fil
labor. '"Ibit li'.t'e to do!" Is it but
l.ttie to bring up men and women wrh
' genial natur-, "good tempers, and hap-
, c ,. , ,. , . .
1 py iramcs ol nutid, and at the same
, I ... .1
! t ,-,e y';e til:,t "' !'ess I'nwer'' of
; -If help and sell-reliance, and a willing-
i i.e-s to employ these forces in the right
1 direction, and he should be paid aeeoi J-
Not one teacher in twenty can tain a
I ,, .
ieinoraoie conipcieiiev iioui l ie wages
,'.!(.l . 4 ' . . .1.. 1 11
.. , ...e. nv,., .v.!.. w n'" oi'-j siio.iiu
not teach tor mere pay. hut teachers are
: .,.i. iti.u ...i,.., '..I., ,
as much like other people, that pecune
t : i ... i .
- '
:, i'iiii'iu'iiiii ,r : : 11 i. ii..i:i it., ,.1,..
j deuce of chaiat
Their strength of;
' purtio-e could md then be s-liaken by
; J ' , ,. , , J
b goted dirca ti.i s, or be made
; examinor-
Fesiiles if a
ccive-a i i:ge saiaty ne is :-ure io receive
.t - l ... , .-.i: i
ti.e ueaiiv co-ei.ciaiii.iii ui ciieeiu.s ami
J,.. , , .. ,., ,
parents, ti tne icacncrs oi i lait.-toouj n
e. : i -.1-1 .. .i. . . . 11 . .
" I leeetieij ?i.r a laonin, inex noui i not
I have to work half as hard as they now
:,-...., .... I l.-.l I . , o r-i.,.r ni- o ... I , v... .r
i n:r ; - ;r. -;'r:.;
1 Vl-j, v,i:i nun. x nt- leacuer w in
I. .,. , , , ,
woi.t ii.ia luiau j .ic.-huuii . . .una
.... , , , .
careludy, so that he may command the
j same or higher wages the next year.
The parents will co operate, because it
; M)lt.t jjin.r a,.,! th.-v want thei -
1 c ' - "-'u" ,
t?har.e " e rcsu.ts. Children wi:. wor
l':"der. becau-e the pr.jnitees of the
! grouts aro in favor of .he te:.,dicr. Hi -
1 rectors will help iti order to keep the
neorle from saving that thev were "f ol
i People J10111 saying mat they were i. .1.1
I I" V away their money. 1 iy it, teacher.
i 1 5"ou get remunerative pay. everything
f -.J. : rr.
j V. ill UL 111 )VIU 1JIUI. o I'IIV KU U UIVIU
J nominal sum, and all that deprived hu-
t man nature can invent will wm!; bar-
I momously in opposition to your etiorts.
Depraved t iuldicn, prejudiced parents.
' o.eote.i utrcctcis aoa unp:i;iciiiea ex
miners, work against a poorly paid
cool teacher. A well paid teacher can
urn a.l tuoep.rsoiis into mmisteru.g
ti.i, .jatntors won. 1 iioo i .111a every- 1 .1 - 1 , - .. , 1 -. . 1 , 1 r
, -, ,. , . , , , tcaeh their puptls the tHMind iries ol the ! (icneral v. el mteg.-l. th? sreetal fa
-Vl.l-J l.JI.) tl.t.w 1...,.!., ,...,,,-r r.i Hit If ll,,,,. ,..!. ' I .... 1, 1 ,
1 r- 1111-1 ,
'tiiiKilKiPlaiixl Item In licence."
Under the above heading the Oiu
Jlenihl of Wednesday morning, has
following, which will be appreciated by
many in this section of the .State :
Thr constitutional contest is over. As
wo write, t lie people are cu-ting these ver
dicts, and we t:ike tlie ttpporiium' to re
coil a remini.-cenee of tlie tiiit whieh
cam; off in Ncbra-ka City
enafor Tipton and Mr Frost were ai f
nounc.d to sieak thereon a certain even
ing la-t week. .JuJij'j M on was ad
vertised to .-peak at Urownville. 3Ies.-rs.
Tipton au-l Frost had been addro-.-ing a
large acmbljge in the XcLrasku L'i:y
t'ourt llou-e, and had been arraigning
indue M t-on with C'lisi ieraMe seveiity.
Ut l'ore the last of the two speakers h id
concluded, to the uiter a.-totii-hinent of
b ilh, Juds;e Mason appeared in the hall,
and was r.xvived with ttimtiil umi.- cheer-
uz by the crowd. He shook hi- mane,
smiled over his "oveted opportunity, att'I
;;) upoI)..e t! vwj; ta!ls tvvk ,hu
,.t:U!.i to respond to bis assailants. It i
said that the .ludce ilul tlien and there
tlre.s out, wallop, and otherwise peel and
pummel our astonished l',iend-i to the
great amusement of both specta ors and
themselves, it was a refreshing season.
Ol'K ii 1: . I H IIOOI.S.
" I," in your Friday's issue, l as writ
ten well. Let him continue, o sub-
. ... iyi:.0rt:ir,t:e thur, thi
j.ct of rublicseho,:!s. Don't be
..: i
friend "D," of txhaustitig it.
The teachers in cur : need a
sixth qualification hiidi t ene d moraiity,
l morality that sli ill tiiake it.-cif felt
upcu the school. The f bject of our
com mon schools is two Ibid : to train our
children for good citizenship, and to
train them for personal success in their
life work. Now both these ctidd depend
largely upon three things
lt. Thought power.
-I. W'ii! power.
;) I. llightly regu'a'cd emotion.
Where these three things aiv- attained
by any man or woman, (here is a grand
development of tlie highest manhood.
With one or more of these wautit
weak, the manhood is proportioiiuteiy
d .varied ainl weak, (.liven thouijht jiow-
"" : on . ami you have a man Icart.eU,
'"T" ' ut un-ta' le. mne.i-th.e the
'i'"11 u- vagari . Civeii will pow
r alone, and yen have u man bigoted,
iloiinueerin-g, imtraetuhle thj slave oi twtg m his mouth, however, and mai.a- (.,,,,r. aii-hi i s:,i- v. t-es. of :
nairow t-tioeits. (liven tl..ught power i ''', V nvh'U? .!'l,out hl W('!i,lf.'1 W3.v st ruction', and 'r cetv.-d" stud, ' iiiiu.i.s
1 .... t.fl ' i .m- ,:,.r: I li i-.-i.. , . i i - i i .1 . .
and wid power Mm ply, and you have a
mail un.-ciut I'.tou.-, cnergeuc, tearing
rieht from her throne, crushing truth in
the dt:.-t with iant ti i-ies mountitig
the throne of self-woi.-hip, with baud
alius throttling the upii-ing spirit of
liberty, at) J progrc.-s, and humat.iry.
(Jiven thought power, and will power,
and right emotion, a trinity ol conpral
f uxc-i iu the soul, and jcu have a man
ol' clear an 1 l.-road comprchen-ion, ot
strong an 1 lixed nurpo-e, undo! hi neli
cent influence. When you have a State
ii.i.ide up ul such men and women, you
have a State w ho-e prosperity 1- placed
Now, the p'.oiiiiiieiit In.-triiUivntalitj-
j f"r, lhc I'r";1-':' of thought p-wcr
with the ma-.-es, is the common school ;
and it is n-i less effective in creating wili
e cniy application
mini in study gradually strengthens ail
the wiil lbic: of the soul. It i, the
child lhat is left to him eif to fo'.'.-w
every wayward iui,u!st: of a wayward
heart thai loses all power ef a Gxcd pur
pose. While the coir.ui n seliori i - thu
the crcntor of thought power and wis!
power it .'.houid bo the G--!d of mortd
forces. We all !. utand ti'aclicr- in oar
si hools who will awaken and in -truer the
mind and hold th-ir pupil- to the steady
work of improvement. We cannot af
ford to send our children whire they will
be trained to mental imbecility. Uut
are we cipully anxious to guard ttico
,wr;.:.f .,,r..i :
beeility, and yet is not
the latter inure to be dteaded than the
former Kul.dr, the j bi! .'ogi-t an-1 muv
! .1
lerer, rvei titiy hung in Nt w York. !..
W id-ier, ti e chemist, medical .rnfes.-i
and tnurb r, hung twenty years ago
1 '"' ago ;..
i 15o-toii, lor the murder of Jr. I'aikiiian:
, ' , ,. , ,'
! Attroti Ilurr, the inau cl very hieh ip-ta -
! ties of sfttc-iiiiP.hin -n 1 vet ii,,- I,.,.!
I , ' J-,tt--ia,--,lS - '1 ,! dw"
j lft a:sJ le,',auJ:h.l'c a:i 1 '! Kt.:r ol t!li,M,!'
were none of them mental imbeciles.
j Bat their mental development, lacking'
I the moral equilibrium, made them mon
I .tnr ..f iri,-t,..ln,i. .,..1 i ,-i t. ...,.! ..V.
i - v,. .... o oi. v ii iii.u. mi
, ,, .
trl-itit r t rir.r Ii.iw .,..! . . .. .
I: is
i f- .....- vi . . . v .in a 1'it.s-iiii.
i r i e...,,.,,i ,i.. : .. r,,.. ..r
' , i ...
! .D1,,,rtH f"00" t,lU faimtig is prepar-
...l...l. ...u..I...'.U 1,1. ..
iii in-; iniuie nu on, cr cosier, or
. . .
Uurr. tor the career of er in
As fi lends of cdueatiou, frietid- of li.i-
i ,.
infinity ami Jaws of
mr country, wc
oiiglit to awake to toe neees-ity of so-
i : . . i : n .
rlll'ili'' l-i -. f t
in -r.-.i lml lences in our
It is iptiite as ieiportant that
,,,., i : i . t , t
I our tettciit rs he :t.!e to see eleailv the
i iieness tii a ne, as ir.ey i,e aiio to tcii
1 .1
lif x Let us b
as anxious that our tea-hers be able to
vmu ii, beauty ami tu, ob -
i i- . , ,. . rt- 1 . ,
"gationot truth, of kindness, ol charity,
of gratitude, of temperance, of revcr
thing that adorns character and wins con-
, , . , ...
i r 1 l1 ';
' feetaranisui ; I would not even haw
. i ttatfll:,liIS a,.UUJe t(l fonu
1 UUJt"l-u'lu
. of a ichgious inculcation at all. Let
. tnem he simply an 1 purely mora! lessons,
1 T..t nnr ehil.l.r.,, ho ...,i,f .1. . .v..
ii Tehee and esteem. 1 wcuni have no
1 Let our children be taught that thev
' n ti;irf r,u;r t.....: ...
1 . ,. , J -,.0,,., 10
; ht them lor life's w-o-,1 in.r.te
I s ..w... ......
j that. 1. F.
1 .
Gartbaldi is in danger of !..-ing Lis,
home-tcad at Caprera. Some time asm
I :.... . ..1 u. . i:..t . . . . , 1 ,1
. 1aiian bonds. The heavy decline in
j thc;r v;t!ue n n,iercij bin, unable to pay
j a mortgage on his hou.-o, and his creditor
; uc nivfsieu xnai nine money tie in
I threatens to have it sold at auction.
A .Ufc.N' ltll llOlT ... Iti!V.
A I.ivJu, - 11 11 0:1 n I'arnl.vzril Trunk
ilut, tie Ikefj the klivnolt.
K.-om the St. Louis Tiaie.i, Aax. Hl?t
to-sid several times hv an aucrv euw. I
Shortly itfterwaid wh le he was eating j
oread an 1 miik', a rattlesnake joined him.
and wh- ti the two had tinisheiJ. h:s :
siiake shi; made hi bow and l tir ;
At live ears old a ran uway v. i? h I
him, and maoe tor a stable, nero.-s the j
entrance ef whieh was a bar. 1 he hoi
reached in under the bar, and hi mothi-r
s-ized him ju.-t in tio.e to save hi-iii'e.
He erow upi-aetivo and stung, and was
1" .ii. 1 . .1 .iinit. II.. !.i.i o.iii J fr. i. ,i I i ot
James, at the tiuu of the .ici-iileiil
that left him wbh a dead hody an i a iiv
iii!' head, was- a line, handsome yiiuii'.'
mn. He weighed two hundred pound- i
and thetc was not a .-upettluous ounce of" j
lie-li on ins l: !y.
One atiern.ion, when on a visit to an
une'e near (jhnwood, Iowa, he was tx
ttcisi.ig on a pole placed f; on, one tri-e
toatioiher in th-.i back ya;.:. lie had
on a p.iir of toilers t-p: ( d v.iih pwent
leather. He s.vur.g down fi'oui the
by hi- f ct; the ieuther : -hpp e l and lie
foil. He .-uuek hi-n ck where it jo;n
the shuuiders. He was !. e !. but
peiieetiv con cons in- i.o-iv 1 !t as
ifeetlv con cons Hi- l.o-iv f, it
though sma.-hed to u jelly lie cxpt.ri-
eneel a horrible fiiuhng, and win n the
doetor came he told mm not to toueh
htm as his body w.s broke, to pieces
His neck wa- broken; mil , u 1. 1 m set in,
and all tl.oitght.ts .d wa. come lo
tne su.pnse ot all, :n a tew days ,,c l.e-
gan to iti.-iid
1 i" wa- s'l'iri 'v
iter ie
moved to his .
he st id reside
Time li'l.ig
father's hon.-i.
Wle ie
. I r.' :.
: ill-,
wit !i
Ii j :e-oivel to I'.an. t- write
mouth. H aec in jili-le'd ihi
he say.- to Mr. d' K. Nutting,
w.ete a ti'I- rable uond neoitii.
, an
lie I
now ti;. it:;' to j aint. :::c! h ijns by tlo
ni 'an- to e. iru -mnething i- : h s -nop e t.
lie has been and -lib is, tet.h.r'y cued
for by his tier, who iii i ci) a
poor man, hissh.jwn bun evtry kind-nc-s-.
I'i: , ,,. . - ,
! lis vror.-1 ne:ii!os :;re the h.e- i.ieu
buzz about hi-face. Ileh .il- a lea.;,
5;whWt .",;,.,, V, ,.f .,,.,; j
farter ot Iving! 1:1 - wii i wa- injured iu a
imilar way, and who became a famous
1 1'.o KiKtst Niialif.
lhe editor of the Foit II o t:!
Hetiii cioi-es even the misfortunes id m- n
to eontribute to his ii:!eie.-t. Ib: say.- :
In Chicago, eisl week, we met a friend
wiio owed u- live dollars on an old Mih
scrijitioti. 'lhe fallowing conver-atiot)
to..!; place :
' (b.n.d morning, (jeuree, on the sick
list to-day?''
"Vcs got the acne."
"D-i vim shake?"
'Vc-, .-bake fearfully "
"When do mi shake again ?"
'"Can't sayi'shttke every lay: why?"
( In. titit lung in ii.-n tienla! : on.y we!
thought if you .-honk bad. we'd like to
stand b and see ii've.ti woiiid not shake
that live dollars out of your pocket,
whieh von've owed u- so long."
i left
A Fr r.cb. girl, nn'.y twelve v.'-tr-old.
neatly and t.i-tefnily (Ircieb lias -cr
pri-vd the 'ovt n Fa-t, r- by her skiii in
the u-e of an ax She cursum! piie- up
n eer j cd wo nj Jaib.-.
Mark Waid, a boy about foto'teen
.,.,. ... : 1 a ...... ... r ,r..
iii-trti"'cd ii
i - Wlilg
machine wi
ja-.k Klilfe, ftotii pine is u i -.
tiiat make- perfect r itches.
An onicrnri-ing fanner, in order fi
ui p.y the maiiiet with hv-liegfs 'r;n. s
h: netis along, and U ts il.etii lay in the
wagn-i along 'lie way.
, , . , ,
a whole year and vou can't advert e on
i i r.t.t ,.! ,t eel h.-.r
....... , .... v ...... .
A iarg-! udvcrti.-t in; t.t fi; e. ati
1 .K-e
line, o: eate- t lie i:., !
:-itn ilia
Iia e h-l, (ivy!. .!
II A t '..i; .,,.;.. .in.r -..,,.:, ,r r.ll,,v r, o-e , l.
A ( ahfortibi p.ip.-r. nmong other wond-
cr- of th .t Sta'e. !.!!- how, on a r-e- nt
. .. .1- 1 . t -
oec.1-1 ,ti a birniev ut his v. heat etirly in
5. morning, took it to the mill and had
it cronnd. took th.' flout h .ne-, and then
had bi euits baked of it for breakfast.
The ehi'oriic croaker-. wh" ". hr-
rr a ,f irm-il of it," when NeiTa.-ka
, . , -x . . i- i
fooK t;.e iiiisi i ;:k'.ih m on
i-..'. 1 t.... 1.1. II..1 l :
i lino, a , e : -..-g ' ill, it:g, nie i.-iiini iit;(iiie:i
! to see men
w.tikiiig " Th"
f the '..'ago J'r-ii'tii: on
' r-j ',;-. ot :n
th - t pr-r ";.i:-!st.'a::i. wide ot, n,
.,., (ll,;v fi.,. ,h :!lt. w.,v1.. b . - a' ualle
1 . . . - ,
tnoveo. while tliev -at iiisat in the mn-i
with their eves -!eit Imcging their old
l-r f"1,;" y V"1;'" ,h'-!
dit.-h b.ugs Ids beiov- i whi-ky b .?tl..
, l.,,br,. and learn lb-,to
I br:.-ka is t.vihiv th.- "Ilatmer Flint
; ..c .1 . T . .
A i li. ( 'ifj Ct roi Ir.
Won't you take lia'f t f tilts jt or
1 ap!il" :
at i a pretty .lam-ei A ).
1 inaiiK you. 1 woum prcier a oerrer-
1 h-.'i-
Kliz-i l.'ttd.ed and referred th?
' y"HXi" U1:K' l" h 'r ',S,IU-
. .
Tlie hiiihi -t farm in tlie wo.-'d is said
1 to he situated four mile- fp-iti Sherman
Tt h
! '.t '1U", c1' ant ti,o,..n,m
! leet above the -ea-levej egctihle-
i i ;...!,.'..., -i .... .1: , ....1
; and grain thrive well on this farm, i.ud
j two htmbed young apid-tree- have
been set out as an experiment.
The Kiko Indepen hut says tho ynnntr
j ladies ot that p.a .-t have orc-irr.z.-d a
1 b it term Ik S i : -ty, for tin- gradual ro-
1 i''i"iori!i .K r- -tx, ior uu; gra-iuai ro-
fmatiou .0 young unoi given to nnno-
m.o.m. still l'-l" 1 !i .X- r.i !-!l.O-.i til
ce-s.'rx still, .l.J .. s. ii'i I"'1 'Use hi
r. . , -., .. 1 -
olier a pure artleli; nt outtci litik or t he
11-inl "rticle- 'n du'ir -d in and b ,-. bv
this meam to wean ihetn from their bad
! fcabits.
Davbl f'rnLett r.r.e. iiev ib-s -idb
, , ... r. " . '
di tne coinlit, ei oi a party ol ine' ar-
! ter a political ielilicati,,,, "who rr.-re so
j tipsy tht neither of them could hit the
ground with hij hat in three tiiugs
I throwiD--.
.War lih-nwood, L.wa, red lc .las srt. g lc. troui the simmer i.-rts ui ,,, ,,,m.k:.Ttu,li i"'"'' .,,i,,!-v- "10 "i ," 111 V i ' " :i '" mV."uV " '
1 . Anderson, aged twcify-M.x. I hree I It - hn W won:; whiV ti Jetiv such ! uoitha -d in me v . t .imi 1. ..n i ,;.(rs S (l ,i(.;iv,r. 1 1.. ,i. "udtf.
v ar- .it . he died Iro n liis n-.ek down I an alle 'anon The in w ( ' n-t:tiuion ..f i every eoti-i leia lo p. ace in toe Kei.ub- j-; rro-i.l t.Vnif-any wiu-it i-.i 1 It i:rad shall he - - - ' '
w.rd. ;ilis hea 1,1, -Wevc;. is u:ive, and Sl- ra-ka, we showed by a diligent com- ! ' , ' 1' i ot'u.oyT'";1 III 'u Krf en.ri! T -r ,
Morotis a:)-i active tnin oeiotv ttie ' tutrimt. coi.a, s m-arlv an the wiioie- j ' 1,1 -Ml u " r,i. .--- HX., i,..,,,,! r j,,:,,!,..-.! .t -.i-i -itv. s.nd ! i-twiat v. t -
tiodv. wuiefi it once troverneo, ci'iiu 10 ,i,k rei..r:its cin h in i in me new 1 .m- t "" "' " ...... .. . . - . : - .
he Vital. At the aJe of two, Jame." I ,itutio of Id.n.i.. wire!) is -ck.,o i- lf the present ge. rat:on -houl 1 cv,, t lZ " , w
father died, and his mother .soon mar- .0d to the tv-t one in the Tiut.-d i by a eotnm.-n n. voiuti nary ilcterutiiia s ii 1 u-u n. : .m n-i i.-M!i.m uomy ..r m,re ! V'1 A '.1' .'" .i ""
riedain. At the a,e of three he w,, , S. -":n,l whieh rai:i.:,l he .ho 'ion. the present Maudaid of Ushionab e than ..ur,,. with a,:,,.,, 00,,...,...-'
! Th-.i Om .h. j TrHnH'e opines that the !
; recent article in the t'hie:igo TrUvi,ry I
I bra-ka. was written bv sotnel.odv in that !
i State, and sent hither for publication as :
.,.1 ;..., .. t, ,,..,;.;.,.,..', 1,.. t ,
r,r ihi-j t:.':. liv ni.w.. ihan i-.n.
huf.".h-,.;l thou-r.t I majority. If there i
anvthliu' .-tai-ier or mah voh-nt 111 mir
reeommendMii.' a similar (aiu-titn!io:i to
the pe-ple of Nehm-ka, we suomit that
uch motives would onlv hi: di-covei cd
by somebody whose interests ;ne tippo-i-d
in a iro'nl t,-jt! -tirutio.i. -
ft Ull f..
L Uic t'-n J i tt
From the Xeh dry t h.unie.i;.
: Tola! re-U il i H !!. an it Loss of,
; '
w i r , ii i ,t
U clean) !;om some I ai.uvra people
. . .i r . . ',, '
w .o were in t oe city yesteruay I hat j
c i - . . i . i .i i ,
H-rllhe u.ur.vvi:,:J passed lotouh loat
precinct on Tue.- l.iv, Sep;, fit h.
It shuck the lumher yard at Faimyra
depot and scattered every loald, hoi-t-
l nir ;ui-l wi:;r.ii:g them in the air like!
buMier-. iL -ecuis ilia
huit :h ie. and hotuc.- iii
We I "iVj'i ( kid.
noooiiy was
the village
tJn I in- t.r.:ii ;e, tni ee or lutir nnles
fitoii the i.i.ix;e, re-ides a r Calie.v.
Hi- W.fe Wilii an iniant, ai. t los tuol her,
a voi v aired i.idv. Were in me lnut-e. a;.d
, i,. i , .... -
a Tl.c. ,, . tta"
I , ,. f:-. ('...-.. -.w -oid
,( tlK. .,, .,,.,.,,. , a ,..; y .V,j d-.;n t.
ail.j ca-,-,i.,,' h r hahe up xlr , voting lady of lo-day .hmi.d be
,,:(. ru i:, , to th, a.-,r to shut it; bo. ; f.3,.'1-"; !';'r -,ht' ' ,! 1 h,"
j.,,, then t:..- wind . augh' h-r and ..feed : virne. good h,lth ; ano
; .h Vi);,. a;v.v frot.. th- iio.-c,4.1;'' o: re !..--r eur-c and ii.o-
i a": 1
i I 1 it h v dowr
i a f ! at: ic
"Ut 1'
i . i
.c io '
rat :u
I 1
,1 e . :l . I i:'J: O -itld 1 I'i
en .-nut
Wh'ih' I in lie at: lid ihete e a
rait. S
j ivo
e! it ,cl: 1 1 l i ie r.
i of it wc:
ai t iw.o i- i oili.l tit ;!:!
j p'ae : - Ol, i he
j ::.o ind. Iv.eiy
: t!ie il air- .in i -:
rati :e 1 i
l i n
e -:
; - w-
i; e i i ( , c i i .
i ...
"HI!! ; ."I i i .lill
1 ,
t li.e.'.u. eao-oaiu.
, , ,
I'iiitit i;'. d:-hi s.
I .-e.itieri d- 'i'i.e b.
! stoi truii'v--. i.i.x
l c!o-hiiie. i v. t ii t !;
: i . Was
Mattel. - 1
! ike ise ut-. I. de,i.!i-!i-.d :r
! :,. i,r i . lf ...... v ,. ...
ill' o.jK-ii - ii, eii:"- a. oiiinl.
I le- ui t ia-iy h-mg iu I h" ii-.n e vva-
i a i .a -ala:
vv. it'
,;,, ,t,- ;. ; 1
J lr. ' I'almer fotitid a tia.-ni
b'owti fioin thi- house a mile distant
without being brokn; aitii iimny nilur
iticul.-iit.- i ipia.'y .-ingii ar o euned, i nr
we he.-e t-'t tne pa; ticui tr-.
Aliothl'i' i:te. heavy ft'.telid ii.u-e
ii ',ir I'r. v'ai!i'-, vvn- b; ed hodiiy IVoin
it.- hum I i r :i oi and vvhiritd half around,
iiitt wa- not over.
Tiiere wa- r .iii vviih th : aii..i and the
n adcr e::n '.v -'i itn.-igine th sulTeiings i f
tho-e hfbjiless wouietl It wa- out: ot
the most (li-tre-- ii.,g events 'ha' ever oc
e itied in that par. of lb county.
Mttiy of our ciiiz us will nmeiii! cr
tiiat ; -in.i.'tii -t in. th-oigh not so io
ietit, laea'e.-. or onr hi 1- and fitnber,
passed over the city that same day, and all ot Lem. (joodwin's bul
btiu b -aid-.
Iinlie J.-i:aj :-.:5-.J J'i I::ihj.
The i. cerif ihioh of five p'T.-on-',
cau.-ed by c.ihig iii-o an unused coal
j .-ha:', near L -1 i viite in tin- State, from
J choke dautp, and ihe killing d' a'l ci
I lime eo-.i nr nets nt I Yiin-yivaimi frotu
i 'ne ihit.ip woiiid see ui to : ! r a dv-
iO'.l O
te; tiblv J.-r truer
lve iieeti .os u-c'ui as well' as intcrt'-ting.
Ad oid weiis lhat are kept c!o.-ely ttoy-
;,;! ;V.itioii- m to tin; ear th,
! such a- coai shaits, and not a lew o'd.
I badiv ventilated e. 'lar.
a.-i-io:u!afe in
them eaib ' aci 1 gas, or choke ilunip.
1 in- is so .iesiitn-iive ol human hie that
j a .-i tig iu bie.ath inhaled the lungs
i renders the letii.i iia-f saving It is a
j Ve;v tense, c .1 .i'e-s. inod umu- ga-. so
j Jieuvy iint it may he porm-d from a jar
j over a cat. :;nd put it out. It is the
i gas formed by tiis-olviiig imii lie dust, or
whiting, in
in thi- W:.V
-u'phmto aci. I, and i- tt-ed
in making so.l.t w . :t r
. .. .
u l alv. near ii on ;, is known as
the. Cave if 1) s. It aeiuirid this
name b :eau e a eoiist int stream of this
utinti.'.i,' I' toieg firth fr nn it.
: i: is is c
-ii ii will, in'o the cave wif.'i ini-
;' " '' l''''k,;
1 punny. h r the en- .,,, - no; r c hii-her
ih n I.'- kiees 1 efot-. it fi..'v- out- but
; . . , ,' H , ', -'
j ! 1
I o.a-c!y.
! ,. i th -u' ,n,; e l" a
! e..i.,.,.i i.e. te i..,., .1. ...... .,
1 lio-i-tl I..I.I ie . mi vile i iini. i -j. i.i i I
J wc'l and it goe- out, no poison uiivht to i
I go lato it Utoil it h;l- lei 11 t hot ouglcy I
: . . . i i .. ' i .: i c. . i . ...
wnu.aica o. uisinitg itowti uo-ii w aivi ,
I by iL'i-an- of slanting hoards or a wit-l
i ail No excavation of the- .-ot i is lit
! to g,, int,, tmni a eaiaie- xv 1 1 ! iiinn ireely i
i in it. 'I hi- lie: has be, ., ,-, ... ,,!eoiv
I" I .' .1.1
; urgeu in ni'.'s-. co.uinns, aim i- worm me
I attention of a'.i farmer.- who clean out
,1,V!r Wt,
! Fire d.titip i an litire'v diff. rent gas.
It i. cai htiiet ted hvurogen. t h e same I h:it
is generated from bituminous coal for
lighiing cities. in mining coal hugej
reservoiis of thi- ga- are fr .'ouctriy Pro- i
(;,.;, ,',lti) -vi,, tlc miner's pick, at. d ter-
I rible de-ti ueti m ol life ensues it ur.eov-
, cred lttihts are u-ed 111 i he mtne. Mr
j Ilutjiplot-y lavy an.l !
eoi go
lepil, n-
on the great father of the railway sv- j
tern, both iiiieiitcd lamps covered with j
wire gauze, for the protection 1 f mineis. !
Ilut tlie-e u .ij are a re.-kle.--, careie-s j
set, and do riot like the ditn, iuip.'i'tect t
light tin' safe v lamp gives. It i- iii.T.ri- '
veniett, too, to light thiir pipes by, and
tiiey li e-piently knock tl.e safety wire
gauze ill" the hit. tern: when th" mine
owners attempt to enforce it b'-cau-e by i
locking up the hg'hr. .-o the miner- can- j
not have acces- to :t while in the mine. !
, - 7 V
- --'
1 I hk tr. I uauk io si-a-on tor tl.i-
I , dt!K rctt Iiivpk.- J fe sea.-on lor the j
i fur trade in the Jled river country ha-i
VU' a Tl,u "V;'1 :,,,1"!i"r of i
buitalo rohes.-old will n-,t exceed in ;
$24 ,,M Theie were oniy I.od) robe-:
! m-ui thi.-sea.-on. agains s'..V:i !t.-t year.
j Ti( !e,t ;-. of so! an m..m.t i.
, j ho codeetiot. of so mal! an atm-unt 1-
1 attrihiitotl to a scarcity of bu Haloes.
11 .l. i" I . I
. s 11:1 l-:..iv .ho Indeniv; uml th
I ... -3 ... - - , ' ...w
il rebellion.
treatment p leal cone, brought Oil hv
I t. : . 1. 1 -l. 1
fc.ssi.i- au.i-.iy ia'jy wim an ititpiovtu
In one w. ek i.ftcr rl e rr"A ing of the
Chicago river by the diver'siot, f its
waters into the Hi imis the deaths in J
'lnoaro have afcr-jvrl JJ9.
titk. KLV1M I) 1VO.UA.V
In answer to the co inudi um of tlu of .he M. tropolir tn p:e.
" H've we a strong woma n ai.tot- n. :
t hi- word i- n. turned Ih'ui tt.ewati :-!
1 Aim r. ran Woinai.iiuo.l .
j ;jaia:y teach their girls these u u lis :
! ""i 11 oeuer to pus-es a 1 .
heaitl.v iuii''- tha i a tan r w i.-r. 1 h it
it is heiter to walk civet tha.i to have
suiali feet in pinching, hijih Ineied
boots. That it is Letter to h-.- free from
h-aiuciio than to wear a chignon, and
) better to lone brains ui-id one's head
i than dea l men's hair out-ide of it.
I That it i- to have a heart calm
and -llci-. U- than one liao.e to l.e
thrown into a violent pa pitauon i
j pressure of cors'is. pre-.-ure of shoe,
r-'P'ri-.-sed circulation in bo' h extiemitie.-
. ... . - , , . ..
i and the h-.-a; ot mood lntlained ly hi s
; , . , . , " ,, ,
! iooi.-t w.-iii n do not permit to burn
; r, . - - . ... r ., ,...n,...v
thrown into a violent na lutauon b
lhat U is bett r to have a convex Hied
ofone's m-.'M thati that obtained :it a
modis'e's; better to have square, plump
shoiiiiier-'. ma le of good fo..d ut:d i;ve:y
: e..-!Ci-e, t!i an autoin.i't n pet- i.uoi-u-
e l i y a dies-niuker : la tter to h iV
bright hi s ru i.Iy with lie i.ihy b!o d and
i.rinht es, I oatuin v. oh inte'liireiice
and health ; better that the wuhmc-s
of the forehead and lhe conation of ihe
cheeks the taper of the lill' Is. iili i
i : 1 ... '. 1 . ' I . : 1 i-
' " ' ' ' '"""" " "
1 !' 1;"-; ;d uoo-ed nute tnan
i tl!;,! li'' s,!ou.d t-e produced ly degr.i-
1.:; tiic.nv i - th- a. t-rr ir
u. e e! n
j 11 l:i i i-e'!c ot w -.d
V'llilHII. vll
: ti v . a von- w
i ii ii h t i.-1'iiu-i 1'.:
.. !li atei ,
ii'ni poi aiv ha-i
; ,.
l t
i) ;o-.i ; i,e oral illeai ton
?! an i in : : I"r e: ' I
, 4 lit
h mi 1 lie tail di th. ! Utiles he
I a ii I : I. ill : : 1 1 - at
Week ol vvom iti'tioo i
; , e . i .. ' e t : . .1 i
in ic I ti li. ! w i i'i i'i i I la-r: it ma on nine:
, i i
i c e''0.i:e. sue tuu-t m-k her
i f il "
. ,r ... - . ,
m o nv .1 l.-iif"- i li rent loon t.'e:t !.
' , - , ' , , .
i ".hill .Ii-e w ti til have !,iet! ma:-'
i .. . . i i
.-ie- liiii-i t.ii ii i : Jii JVtl- .i !t o' i
; nd.-pt-n
h-M'dtc.-s t.i ..:i.;.. li :i in .
;,."; ro te-ruies-. ol i r. otie itg v.-aimtn
in her 1 1 a 1 1 . ;!or :n ia-r ;ij - an ! chei l.s
;:eiii: -s it, hair c.i. etn; -.- in he
I'u ire, Vpci inn ie herc '.e I. ate!
seii -e in li i he:t 1, hy the m.-'iioi- na
ture and provide bv wliiih. m -i,
over, can alone le pro-iueed the .m v
it- it. in. e wom.ti.h i.i.i p!i;. -i ab Ui-ii'al.
ant ttiota-, that t;;e world ha ever .- en
or will ever s'e again.
We opei.ipg r.n
Unusua Iy dtr.tctive
Stock of fall antl
Vv i.ittr, purcl'.astd
Earlv Iirely ami
l,- down
We bu, frtHii first
lass h uscs, invaritbly
For cash, antl have all
The advantrig- s of trade,
Propose to f;ive our
Customers goods at
Prices we Know must
( oine,
.nd be convinced that
Our stock is complete
An J tlie place to purchase
Dry ood, otions,
Hoots, Shoe, Ciroccrits,
Is at ('lark &- P.ummer'3
Main Street opposite
Hrooks House
TO 1 ME AVOKKlNti CLASS. Ve are now
prepared to furnish all class- - will, c. n t.n t '
vR'.ployaient at home, tho wtioie of the ii:ce or
for the snare moinent-i llr-ines- ne.v. licht
and proSitahte. I'.-rsoH.' of either sex can ea.-dy
earn from li tr cents to Eve dollars per evening i
000 oi iiiuiiiiiii suoi .1) '".-""li .111:11 nuu.-;
i i' a .1.. :
iiuir in tut; iiu-ihi:.-?. nii'i ill! li" v.iiu iit..i ij j
! as much ut men. That all who see thi- notte j
uia send Ibeir mhires-., and te.-t t!e fusiue-.-i j
tor the trouble of writim? r'uil p.rtteulari
x-ahl:ihl saiei-le whieh will o to eolriliiell-.-e
( work ot r!ir Vo;.y'. f VoenoooH
; one of the larei st. and hest faii ilv
puhli-hed ull sent tree , r,iai;. Iluauer, it
:u wan; p'-riuenaDt work.
' " t- . . t t T-v -.-.
I AMaiar rtn
I .1' J IH-' OIU
NO. -Hi
EicCiicr. h'G'iae.
NOTICE ialiprfl.v ciirn. t'ri' an inn
ho held ot l!i-us-o.l .!..-- .1 !,.! o- a
e'ecti'in-', in t he m-i ei ai Waol-" 111 1' a-1 im-at !i
t'.ty. t'ass roii'ity. e'v;!'.va. or. I'lil it'-u '-ih
day id .-? li--r ! . tur the iu.-.n 1 t' t t'.m i" -tiutr
in ih'' liv ! i"iiii'!Kii l eiiy ! I' aft
iou'h tne ''i"i-i:i m 10 :-.-u -t ti, --!. I. i:!-
In- st t'.H' i.tli.-c ol the t'.ly I'i e ;sun r
of -aid I 'ii v, a ; . 11- :
I . netemh "I s . . i . 1 iJ mJ.- lo l.e .ai 1 iii twetity
o:ie yv-ar-1 iraio ttie time taev are iteliereil, a:id
nre-tenth i rsaid ll ui ! h your ther'afier
until the v i lo .iuii ant of said hoiuls r mid.
I he ioi' sitiini alro he si:lj!nitted tJ
sai l coti -. :U said ele.-' ion to au'h.iri.e and re
ijiiire (ho Maornnd city Conned to levy un an
nual tax to eiiy the interest oil -ni l Iioii.I.j. and
alter the ex iialieii ut i'. yeais from th' time of
ie;i vei ii:r .i:i i 1 timid ; to levy i-niuially e.n'd
said hotitis are .aid nn nddit.onal tax", saili. ient
to pay one lemh P rt ut said Hoa-N and lo no
1-1 y thesatee pi (lie t .-ij men! thereo'-. 'J'heir.i"s
1 ion -u uin it ted ' sa i l voter. at s iid Kleettm
Willh.-. Tor hotels and Tax Yes" "i'ur
llond-1 niid Tux Nl."
ISai l Kiel tiou will he opened at S o'ehiek .
in. and e.utinu?d opeu until 7 uil nk p. in.
ol s aid ilny.
Hy order of 'he City fVmtj -ii. t 'i i - ";h d iy o
Seje. IsTl. M. L. WilirK. M.:or;
lluss Vas tt.. Clerk.
.Scji Od.V td
Elcctfcn Notice.
N'o'i.-e j- h. r :' f'i ."H t!..i'. an I-'leetinn :','
he held ut the n-uai id.-ec id hoi na !
ti-iiis in 1 i:it" in
a ;
CM r. ll-!. t - . .; . Ae-
to-a-'-a. o a 1 r il..v. i a- tli .lay oi O. I.ilier. 1 -.1.
tor 1 a pill (i.-se in su' iinl;) iia to t e n: .
of: aid I'li.-iii.t : ro.o . . t i u to a-to tin: St.
l.oiii-l Nelira-k i 'J'muk l.'o.. Kail head the
l..e.i is of Mi l rci' iiri i 1'ic aiiioitui of l'i'iit'i
I'll. '- .: ! !o;; sai l !..ei.N to he delivered
said Itiol li-.nd l.'oaii.aay when s .id ttoa.l s!i i II
Ve h.-ilt iind in vi:iiiii:ir crder iVoia t!u yau;h
lin. til" l':'." touvty 1" the City ol i'l.n t.-ai nil li
i ; s od .ie:-i:i.-t. and u di lmt he ated iu said
'ir ; and 1 h r on l to he i-oiiiilt'teil t a said foint
y tin- lih t ay of duly 17:'. iin-l sa-d .roosition
aias' oe .-n-oi'ie eu "ii or hef i-e January 1-a 1S7J:
s :id ' "ii J - to run ino l. s- ttian twenty) ears nor
a .re ; lem tliiriv-y. ,:r- witli ioiie:t ut
S jut ( '-iif per an: in-.; sai I hotels t:n i i'.iire-l
to '.e pa ulile at i o!:i of i!ie I "'oiin. y i n us-
onr ot la s .oe.y, : lollop.-: I iru- lentli ot
I in.'i is ; i !.' ti ' . i:t t '.vi.-iity- ooe s iroin
he l:me tiiey ar- itc'ivered and oai- ti otli of
.i I lion U ea" '. rt lereat'ter ur.iil tha whole Ul:t ot's. d '. i (Ji -jr.- pal 1.
1 he pr.e.1 .-e i. w iil a so he suhitiit 'ed to said
oil's at s ai i e c -ti Ml .o 'lUthofi.'S and ri-.tlire
tlse -ai 1 oua; i oraail-a in is t levy a i itn
:i :;:! I -x ! p iv th i-iiere-t on sc. id don I-: and
:. Iter t - ex j. ra'ion (' Jo j (. li .e'l .he t i me i.
.i. 1: t : i. j. s. ia 1 1. oi is. t . i.-vy :iii:.:i:i!!y oi t lo
ir p i;. ol said p-' e -iaet until said l ond- .'lie
paid, an tiddti i-)! .i I I a x siitheient to pay on
ten-'i nut ol '.-a:.! i in i aa I ta a:.;d. ia.- siinc
! :::e pa vna lit lll.-1'i of.
'flit, 'j 1 1 . 1 1 -a -u' "oi t -1 to --ltd " I'-i a t i 'a
-l ' ion shall lie. ' 1 .r It.ead? an 1 Tax, Yes ' '
' for I'm! s ii ml TV x", Nn.''
S lid eli i l ion -It :li he open d at S o'eloet; . M.
aeii nuc oje a utnii 'i o'clock 1". !. of the
so 1 .lay.
I'.y nr.l -t n'llii' i! ar l of C n'.ntv Coiit-.nissioa -er-.
i Ii .- !. -!..y ..! st pi.-ial.i-! . 1-71.
J. li. M'.'t tvK IV.-. i'. -a do Co. C in
Is aac 1'hI.i.a i:n. Clelk.
IJv .1 M Li'ini-i.v, ! 1 1 my Clerk.
Sept C d and w t d.
Elcclicn Notice.
N OTICE i- hf rehy given that in rilc-tinn w 11
li- hei. I at til' usual place m lioldin Id.i:
to.n in Koei; i;lu!-i I ri - ite t. Ca eon m . .
o .-! a. on 1-rnl iy. i he I"; h d iy oi I ii lol.i r. is7 .
i i l!i-' ; op so of saihinitt tor to li e h-cal :-' said jireeinef th- prop..-it ion lo .s-ne
to the St h ui'iii d Ntiaasha liaiii!. Kail ;,, d
( i in ."lny , Ilie howls et s"aid piceiin t o lhe
r.uiotnit of tuiiey ihoo-ind d .'lais; said
I. :..!- to he delivi r.'d to s iid it i;!. i Coiupa
i:y wh-'ii s.i -1 re.. 1-lia.I l-e an I -a runni'ii;
1" 1. r. troia !i:e- ntth l.i H':i eounty, a.-fir
a- 1 'ic tow n o 1 Ko.-k loi.ti's ,n - :i 1 J-: e: i-t t.-nel
: ! ;..; .1 h- !oe-e. i i. -ai t town. aid r .ad
to in- eotnpie-' , n aoj.l p . in t '.y the 11 1 i ay of
Jaiy 1-7-1 'I his ploposal o-l to he lleeepted l'V
tlicl- t nay .latt'ia yl-7'. Said hote!-to run no
I e - t han I at -nt y n r more tlian ti.i ty ea- v. i h
M'.r.u il in rr-.-'t at S pt r eetit per :i:::.ii:a. Stipl
I !..i and iatei's.i to I,., i ayal.a a: the ollo-i: of
I ! e t '..ll ty Ti ca-in-f r i.l eou'e y. v foil m s;
!;e- lentil .. . i. to l.e paid ia tuoiity
ei: e a. s .' ial'e'li .'ley il.-livercd ar.l
o-ie t- teh o1 s. id ir'ti-lseaeh )'--ii-- Oicr. :if!i r un-
il t !i wind" ion tint ot a i.l In -a Is a re pai '..
The proj oOto-n wi 1 l.e -n Inn 1 1 ted to sa ii
vott r- at said ei- i-ti-et to .in u- i ie and re. -aire
tin-said t'o n ty !' in i-siom-r-of sai l coimty
to levy an .intuial t:. on the proper y of y.-n-l
pre-itiet t i ji.-iy th- iiif."e-l 'il sat i li o, I- . and
afo-r t !" e t i-:it ' ion i t 'tweiit v je trs- from tlie
I mie .f ii' i o e;iu.' s oi oc rei s lo !e.y atuoeil-j
nn i i ! st; ! i on ! ire i d :, t a id it j.i.a I tax on
sa'd properly, miti-i-nt to pay em: tetitii pirt ot
. .ihi ho-i -s i d to a; p-y 'he same t i the pay
ment thereef.
'fli- '.lie -'"a o'.o'.ii! d to si: 1 v. t : s at s:t i I
lleelio.l will!, " or !., .i-aitd Ta.c, Yes."
"I . l- l;,.i.os and Tax. ..."
?ui-l cl- ( t e ti v. id to' opened at o'eloid: a m.
and centiutie o en uuiil o o'clock in th alter,
r.ron et' -ni i ''ay.
liv order of the hor.rl of eountv Coiinnissioa
er liii- 'eii tv of ;(. oi oer. 1-71.
J. U MOOHi;. Pre t lioari ol Ci. Com.
J. "luta'-a.Kv, Uejai.y.
ttc pt. i) d and w t d.
Elocticn Notice.
"V" CtTlCK : herehy eilen that an election wit!
r'! ai'i.i in ifie usual i I oo ei Ii .liinc i-iee-
tions in hiher.v l'rei iat-t. (.'ass eoutiiv. Nelira-"
k. on I'd eliiy the ittii lav o: ' l.-lolier is," . tor the
utrr"i c ol'.-ti ;!ni!t inn tho lesral vot. r cf
n:i i I'recitu-t a j ropesii ion to issue to tlie St.
I.oais. nod Net.. Trunk liaiiroad Cu:i:p:;iiy the
hoi.d.- ol said PrceiiicT (o it, . ;,ia unt ot ten
tiioits i. l d il ii-. Said hotels ti he lielivercl
I to. s.iid lla'.Iioa i Cotiip:.i;y v. ;i"-,i s..,d r -a I shall
i I e i ailt aad in r nni; ! ooe-r. from ihe -'.tiili
I line orCas. county to ;!ie no, :h par-o: LV-j rty
! I'ti-i-i et. and u depot i- tted i,i a con -e-i
nie'.if plaee in said IVeeitiet. .-aid l iil to In
I eolnpieO; I lo .-' i ! poi ii i by h c l h i! iy o t Juiy
I lS7:i. and til's leeposi-jon to he rc-et p ed hv
Jan. 1st 1-.. S-aid Uond.- lo i tin not li s- tlian
twenty yems nor tte re tiiiiii thir y ::rs. niili
iitit-u d iiite,c-tai Hoi-rceit er annum Said
1-ei. is ;.t,i in ercst to he p .id at the ii'TI;-" o:
thj Cot n.v 'fre.. -urer o Ca-s county, us tofowsi
t 'n teiiih ofs: id Jhe.i is io he p o i iu tvvcoty
oue j ears troiu the t .mo ihev are da:i ered. and
, one ten; ii ol .-aid I, mi Is en. li v..;ir ihervafter
j until .hew ele atie net f said jioii - nr.-paid.
Tint proposition will a!-o he s'llaniited to s:ij.
vo lers at said i-lt et ion to act ra .fi." aiel t e.a.ire
. th.-siiid ('ounty Coinmi i: u rs of said eounty
to le y annuaal tax on tliept-.o-e ty in said pre
I t-i i t to pay tt:e i:eer,-t 0:1 sai l l.omN an I a t:r
j iheexpiiatioii i f nv. niy c.i.-s from t!..- tit le ol
t drlivei ii-x s 1 d i, n,l... to levy annually .in!:!
I 'bs M'id I on is are p iid a" a l iili.mal tax suf-
fe-i.-n: to pi.y ot;e o-nl !i . : rt ol el ti..nds, and
! up' ly the -i.aie to tii- p.:y; liie-'of.
I I lie i,iu t on s..i,init i d to s.u.l 01 e i"s .;t ai l
I fl ti".i .-!ri,l I..-: "ter anx iai. Yes."
I l-o- li. !! i- arei lax.
SaiJ eh-etio.-i shaii l.e openr-d at H o' lo k A
! ,j.;"uj -,,'-;t"oiei.i-ii liati' liovioek e. i. . said
lty order of the It. .ar t of Coun'y Ci:!r::i:i. .ion
crs 'iiis ." h 1i.1v , f pt eiiiher 1 - , 1.
J. 11. MO'JiU:, Pr-JM . of iJo-ir.I Co. Coat.
Is e I'uli AKI. I l-'tk.
l!yJ. M. CAi; Ie.uty Clerk.
Sept. 6 J A vr I ij.
NEV hook hy James I'art' ti. A les-fory o
I ill
, v, in v. nt .oe.-. u i.--e . vet a.'-., mei ccL t - v -j
i em.-, s h.v, iti how udm-r.i le a'-'i n , 1,0'o.e
I e!i::,'.i, t-T, iat nutty, an t -.uhlie .(d p, have
I c.'iitnhuted to the a Jviiiceit t nt of li e w rid
I Finely iilus: r.ited , iaien- ly httesriu-i. I
j very iasiru-nvu. A ciiaiit-" for jo:-nti.
: end for eircithos', iu:d oete extra te'iii'
) M. A. PA11KI.K .v Pntii her-,
j loo ia i;.-'..i St , Chi - ao. III
1 '. S. T.a !y Airei.tM T,'.:i.ti:d to sc il t!i.. ercat
: i?l work on the th: ctl.-jia.-t eer pulii.-hed.
li--Py-! U f!i iv -(.. ;.l T). A wio-h i
l-l ice I iu 1 very 1 ht'ii.y. -ave tl,.; jives'
tl.ous o.ds ot .YiotM ,
. and ci
Irca if.ry.
) u want to :101k" li.oocy. nt: I do r I. s- 11. 1 a
mice lur nor circular and teriu.-, m-aied fite.
Anjr o.j -x' t
isterr.s Buiit aiici ock Work
' ' J Ml E,a. 1 to ts kceontraet
I for building Ci.-tv.riis audi urinshiiut ail m-
ee-sary material, also to do any and ail kind.- 01
s itoes worn Ly co-tracl, ami I arrusu all uiater-
; iai.- lur sauie.
I I bavo te-.v a;-r3-of eh ,icfi nd f rresi ence
ti je?lru htAsLtl
-0S":ee rrnvr Main ii'i!
r. 1 fd-iry"
ICrtMS: I.iIIj ?: l.O' .-r a
i-er tmijifh.
7"ii ?.i.r. on r.KN'r.
Tlie fii-a; rrtv h: doiiiriiijj t" T1. ' ir I'.i'-t:
yiid - r r-i'fi"l "H iva-rai'V O rin?. l'h
o .it.: : 1 1 - ii r -nr:;. 'J'li!" Is , ! .. a h-ive
street: i ta' e rti : i a 'ti-it.' iie
ot ! rn -iii's l,ii::i!-.r iir I l'ii.ti -tnoulh. .
J. W. It .1 V I.I 1 ', ?l. I
rnvsiri.w a.M) st:.;::')N'.--!:.u' -.
f.-on-ii! t'hirl ef ti.'- Army of t'ne pot.n
riat;mouth. .i I'.a. Ulliee::' P
oonV I rUK- S;.re Xi ..ia street, o labile 1 '! .
riuniii'.eis. l'l ivale re.-idi le-e em ner ol Io. .
Iir. .1. H . THi).TIt.
Having periiiiinen'.l located nt Vi'ei .
ter falls, ti rid rs hi-" iire'c-'-ional .-er ices -Cititens
oi t'a.- onntj , Nehru.'ltr ia':
?i E A I IS
r. I". 1 l .iM rv.M I o; t hi-a-... l.a
hi"fn11 "toi'k of Hie I t-inediM '
Sehil Iktn hi. wko will keer ,i!u!t duj rd'
stuut'y en Iiand.
jnlyJiJ Jui
j. e. f. :. r. u -
iov & ivijr.r.:.! it,
TTr.xr.v.-5 r h.wv.-s'eociiii nt-
I civ.'ii to , ):.- i.,..;oe-s :itl 1 land t'tie
t'll'oe in tl.e Ma-Plati.ssa.-uth.
i:io. k. Mi... i
,. Mi V.W l.-.l.. s' . i
ATTOUNCYS AT LAW and S.diei ..
t'oHicry. I'laitMiiouth, Nebraska. O
Pit.- Gerald's itlnek. :
t. a. si.c..".'ari:. j. s. -
ATTCI'.NKY AT LAW n-.d Solicitor i- '.
rry, A O'Ul.-i for hailru.t .1 i,:ii is i'lat;
oko. s. s vi rn. ;ro. K. : - -
4.7X1 aTEi v I ICIlli
I A te.rncj s at l.a r.', and li.-nei al Collei tito.' .
Will i rai li-e in all court-oi lli"" a
tern Imva. I'li e io ei l.'l irk .V l'
opoosil e the ltreo!.- Mouse.
Si. F,. fAfiI)15,
J.'iiral Iu-airain'e it,:cnt. an 1 N'ot.i'.v 1
file, fire mil .Marine l our. in. -e, a: i
a hie r ties- in the lii.-t -nh-o .1 a' ial 'on
he I 'iiitial S nt.. I Mhee !i out royni i . .
Ulii.o- vxiil, T M Mar.fielt.
I'lattsiuotith. Nehia-Ua. April .".til. ti
r. n . wl'U f.Klt. I . H. HI
15. 12 V5Bg.e,5, r? ,.,
r.e.'il I".-tatc end Tax l'a)iuK AKUiit.-i, N
l'i:l, l-e, Kire and l.ile lusur.uicu Auents, :
moult.. Nel.ta: kit, '
?) "
c r PKNTinis ii .i.di:i:-.--Are ...
'od-iwork in jo.i.l stvle, ml sieo t 1 1 e, 1 1
a-. heap ll-" t he cliea p. .-1 . Sim;-, ci .
M'-inHi.,l c-reet-'. u .
TV. E.. 1 ft UVJZ,
ca:;i'!":,ti:k an: .toix::;:. v.:
' 'Is in hi ll ti" ii: -hio't iioia and 'me
'). Colli ri" . .,r ..iiii:i, i::a !e on r-
H' l'i. Si;..; oae I. lock sciltli ol I if
.o.i-ie. ju'
I'I. ITTS.-taOi'TII .1)1 .!..
C. 11 1'TSIMo Thoorii-tor. M-ivinct rr.ceutiv I..--
repaired and phn 1 in tli nuiiiii ruonii: r fi
1 M.iKin I ir, -1. , is o! S heat
1 iiiitueii.-i
fir w d. ie!i th i ii-l.i .-1 in i
I ili.-St'.
t price will In I i:i-'
brooks irousK;
.H:il N 1 lTZ'ii.h.M.!) !'i ..
l ait: Str.-i t, !!et v.iet,
H--i Ti-seiiis woir.e of the :a e 1
ic" in ihe I'iok-I .-'tfli.-e
it!-, h'ar.'ie' .V I' dio. ;,
l il. 00
. i .1 1 . 1 v
Nortliwet Cornoi- Third end (V
Avenue-, Cincintiafi, Ohio.
Amoiintlnsii c-cf, $G..GOQ5 . ....
s re-" nt rx r z ss -.- ru cc -,,
John M Phillip-, l'..,Ch.r.
Jno. V. I'. Fe -k. IV. -!',. x.f
N. V. lir.iri.--. ,.'.
i:. P. Marshall. ,hi',.',i, '...,
Jofcu Davis. M. P.. V. m.JJ. Pavi-, .'
J.' J I'.ll .V'O.1 1 11 Ti.
r. w
is ts--(K-'s-cia wo t
U.S. .'nil. I I). Cor. .-'ee. ' .'.
i"ty. iia-hin iti.
.o '., l.arkin. Vt'rijrht Si Co 1., .
, te i 11 na I i.
.V. i , JJ'iri i. See .-t ry I'nion Cel.
In-ur-.tiee Coinoaii"'.
.oi.t t I,,- tttirrr. hat kin, tVl :;riit .v
kers. Ciiu inna: i .
rr '.;. hr.ikin, ,.'r'lritt A ' .
kor. Cin innali.
.oi h'tn. M li. No".'.; Kin! -fe.-t 11
lV,i ; line-, .1 I). No 'ii i i-.liu .;re. :. 1
J.ih 11 '. ' -' .-. e-l'r - i.iei t 1.; !
Central Lite In-'irat'.-e Co.
l'h 'tV,j,H llrv'i, -., ilaiitil on, ' 'ii:o
.,-. W, ;;..,.,. Alt .. toy :.' Jo.w, ':,;..,
aarpi. il ,ne tl! 0.1, I ll io
l:r .1 I. (''i'i in!, Ciaen, n il i, Hiiio
.Mi 11 .V I'li, I l-i-.-iuei.t ol Central
s"r.iriee ('..iiip-.:.y
!.' 1' Chit ite, tiiii Agi nt Per Xehra-'i- ;
-.' II I'lif ssoN. Local Ai-nt
It II LiViM.sTov, Meii.ii! r:ina.u"
Sept.lfd.VW tf
Attention Yoiinfj Aincn: .
cttnz r.e-ordit.sf to t !i wis ho Ufa.:-.,
t l oc r A r... r i'i. a : ii.e.v i i:i.'i,-- v
eonelade j to ;. iir it ynioi- AtieTi-i,
lie iti.!i-s ol 'J and 57 years, luour hriia
L0U13CAEJ!r7, 1st Tu.T.':tf
'.V ill ji vs Ci f r-i l.-'.' .ii in Tarn r 1 tj : :.
01 ."'.io-el.. y I l.e '.!. id Si-M-tuhi r nt ' '
a., at Tiiini r .i-t All t oe 1 . who i -.:ei...;le
" i ! rail -ti ..-,. I :, , : ;.
a i'a ir-: iv c.e.'.iiof ;hc..s p- ...
o clock, at 'l':.,-:i'-r iltli. le !,a vj fe. .r I.' .
ier..ii-'.',:-ii p:-r in..n::iin adv .
lltr tlertis'i 1 v. i -e t viT eeti.
fa id. 1 i.-cn. f,. .
Lot is i;.w.o;t, 1 o Tin n v.ii
drs. mi s ilKVNiKR, 1st Turn ;
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In R' Crclcr.
I desire t" u a 1:0 : u to ii,e ptit.i.e :!. 1 T
have n:y in ;,i i a li:,..
Iu hine V ".U r V i.eel m nel ep. ;.l a 11.
ailrr-tt'c l a.y laid tiif iil-..l I ..a: 1,0
mis (1 to do '-et :cr Py iyy ".io.r.e"