Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 14, 1871, Image 4

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    ZflrAwifV'ltl'tY fl I n .A,l?''"', . , Al i i;,ve.tur.t VowuUAow t.jT KLOISTKV uvr J OltiitX ATid J .BV-e-i .o. tUrcf f-,rflt ad pav a j-vn-! ,V than the tail treasurer M W 'tuItCttb Cluf
Ql s.. V dition has been tt djo'irnd until Mond iy ! , ,ru,Vu urnvt-i from tJ.. --t lit ' h'jall'Ju J r-Acr - in I'!:,'!.-:no!i!h I 'rf-oi !it'flr:-rri(nr',:'5 c- i Sic'". 0- if i...v rr.2 hh-li rent-Ii h ' .- ipt t.-r rr,'.. wh'.-L tail Tiez--Jrcr n. x, t. u. j. Vv LLRA- '
" " - - - - - , S' jVri.Ur ''ti 171- i ! V) to-,v lave- i ri'-i:;n l r',v! ' Ca- t- ! t.'.,Hf!. w ,,, r.'-aiu u; on hi- r.-jj-.s nr-Lali thrrrr ' uiv retain s 1.: Ar. ! vr.-!!-:,. fnTy.r?.
- . !" ti tui! kooi.ka i v j f-'r mo: vtt from J'lattstnouth. . . OlJ.,.,.ity.7;w(w-I-'IV;.. i, ;, v ii ;iiJ cv, jivvaJiVrir.'r: - r, ; U ; 'aJf. --1.
TllCJt;-jDV J'iIJ"j'M l'14 i 17J : W w votei f look out fir m- J.ej.:;:J train conTeying the Como.i-, fJ j T.' V' IT .Clw ' C"'"'' "f Vl'J : i 'i -d '-a: -a- eg. v,'.!.... si -. r c tl.t. ! 1 v law. M. J,. Vv j J I 1 jl. Jisy'T. i l jo'.v. a! Si, fe-- 1"
! ! rf-;.iecu''feti of the fj;y (."otj.tituiryfi ' ''-'ij'.'r? 3.ft tus ity t ; a- m je.trl.y, ; V;;" , a .'-jr. I. T.:.-t UtUr :Lic tlsll J; 'r-, ; Att-.-t. It. II. Va.vatta, C;ty Ck-rk. j Lv. jj. :a. m. htp-j.
lL.:Ii, J OiT;".- it Wfr-t J'oifjt, .N'tb.
Mr. VtAtr, Wu, yot l.'n Vy x'-: a !
f. w vr( mi,- f, ki-.-k of a horw.-,
'JIiC r't'jtoiH'Ji t-j., IJoh. J. M.
'J'Lajor vw!i '"iiM n-.A l n u: in Kinrtf-y'i!
Ms future J.ou;.
In :rnu7c,- oflh. 1,1 off!,-
weather, J, yi.A t.l- nicoflh" .'I.
j;. an.J 'of,;.r.Taivf!aJ UffJi H
i- Off ,oi -1 liufj! r iioti".
- -
'"'ruian r j jl li.-!,- '! at oiaka
rir, r-.l.l.-l, l,y "Jr. I!'-n:f,irz. jt -
rjfUM-oi;iI', r .i f !.'. Vi !. r,' l'",t, JJ-7J,
f y J.j.J;v CI,;!! .Mr. J'uo! IV-f o Mi.-s
Mary ,cjt.
m.hi;.-., .-.r ),-; r,oh,'4. .!;:
lNaf,n.,ofl,Io,l.l.,.h of rn.K ly
'':,vl,; n,'w,r!4 f' '
'I'd ; lafc-t olj-i lion .iir-.J euiut ili-
r on-titoi!i,n h il.i K-nvfli. Ji-
I Iou'Iit of that v'.:iy.iy (cirj liy) arju
in nt.
- - - - J'Juinrii' r h i" ,ur lia- 1 th! jitop
r ify foinit liy .wn-1 by Mr. Iu , on
r.'hirajo n vi on'-, nn-l J,i: it fitting it nj
for a ni b-ii''': for him--' If.
TJi ji w t hool houc at A!,laii'I i
iaii'I!y iij,j,rou( lung fnfujIflioii. Jt i.-i
nil ornaiiK iit fo th; J,!.i i). I'i'al t.-iu',il l
thoiiM rr ifainly I,ave on' u j?ol or
l rtt-r.
- 9
(.'. JI. I'ariin!.., J.-i , J..'i mi. iiM-ur-rol
llnj t it-i fion i,J' a, fin'! Lli' k bu-in'-'M
h,u - on Muiii tiirot, on llii; lot ail
joining Claik l'Jumnjf r'e ttori! on ( J.i
A wort man r,n I lift Jt. Jt. l.rMgu at
Omaha f' II info oi,.; of tht; tiil, , u Iis
tnnr; of Ut ft.ef, Jiif. 1'ii.J.ty. JJis was
faken out alive, but iiou!y injurt'!.
Jlu wi'J fiobtibly itcovt r.
Joliii Moan, a iii ii ol'Ofoft County
nan foiin l b-a l n f-v I a i ! -x lt of N:
bi a-K.i City, I. tit wr-i-k. 1 1 i.-i wai'ou Jja J
ij..- t an I fi!!i ii on ltim whilo roini?
Iioiii.j at
Our f.i' fi l M. Jt. IS. iim tt, of th
fir iJi of lJ.'nri tt liio-i., i tiinie-l u day or
tw.) r-im-e with it h! mining J.ii. !atip It
Icr of Ju.lgB Ij-iiiffhri'lfO', ,f ( i.-kaloo:-a,
limn. May tln ir (lays Joni; nii'i liap
jy, 'n I ho v ii-l of their fii'-n-li.
A. ('. Itayiiion f, l!.-., Sx-rt tary of
tin; 1 'i 1 1 a w ;il l mn i: i-oimty (Jowu) Afri
cultural ) il l Michuitii tl li.n it-ty, hn-t uiir
Iiii iik h for ii tic U t to the annual i-ihihi
tii. ii wliii h taLcK j Lien on tin; ;;., llli,
.'.tit unl t.lh of () tober, Al.
Mr. (.'. It. IVi kiits, Hii.. riiift-n hM.t .r
lh. II. M. It , A. It. Tou. tlin, (I.mi'I.
l'.t.-rt-iifo r Airrnt, un l H. IJ. Malloiy,
("hii:f I !n.L;iiu -r an 1 A-tistanl tSti j ,'t i n
ten. b ut, wt nt wt-.t a f' w tl.iy.s ritn-u on
u Lull.ilo hunt.
Thn (ioMiiitii. li! ( ' hi t in i --i iit-r-, nc
romp-tnii- I ly I ho oltic-t-rs ol'thnioiil
un. I a i v lii n l I. -ft ii tt pt-.-ial train
tit M A M to ihlV, tor t!nl tllMir-(l of i s
nmiiiim.; tint ti r-.t ri: li y mi!fs til' tin' IS
A M. U. It. in N.Liirk... 'Ih.y will
I'robab'y b; ah-riif two or thifij tlays.
Wti lia l tin' pli asiut! of uiVum jinny in
thu ( Jnvn nun nt ( 'oiiiini-inin'l i mi tin ir
trip of examination ovt r ilm It. .V M.
II. It. iu NrbrMt-Ln. We fouinl thoin
rry plnitviut t-'i'iith nnot to tiat l with,
an. I tin h'tiih un Lb ntd of tin trip
will not mi. mi bo forgot t ii by any of tho
'Ibo jiuini" l.tJy trtlm iii nhi tho fn piiry
in lvl.ition to Mr. iriin.-t'.i trip to Iowa
i.-t bi'lt'by llotith-tl tint tint f'tllit for
w hiilt ho wi-nt w ill mi i vo iii tl 1 1 : tinio.
'riirrti ia blwayn M-cil tinit) an. I bnvtf
tlto harvest tu-vt r finning lir-t:
- .. . - --
It will be Hfi'ii by ri-l'i-ii-in-o to our nil
vfirliMhi? t'olunni-i, that our City Conn
til ara now nai-.l to nn-oivei b'nl-t, for
tho next Wft k, for tin. i-ti't-tion of a j.ilo
bi'nli?a on Main Kivct, 1'lans iau bo
rotui at tho tlVt el J. II. liitit-'iy.
Horo is a ch tniM for hoina oontra.'tor.
thir yonni; t'lii inl, It. I. Wiinlhaiit,
l-ii tliU tviiiiii for Ann Ailor, Mit h ,
whoio bit will ntti-inl Law Sihool, for
the lu xt yi-ar. NVin lham i-t tt faithful
r-Unh-nt, ntnl w. pre bu t if life ami lu-alilt
is ".pHii-.l, bo w ill bo a itiffttl imunbt-r of
tin-iffy, wlu-ifVi r bit lot may bu cat.
- . . -
'I"li3 ( '.'t a oi ('." tays Maj. lVarniftn,
wlu ha ju--t tittniii' l fVtun St. Jo-cph,
Mc.t brings tliotbi'i'viiii; iiiti-lliL-onot-i that
Xubra-k:i oariio-t !l th firt pvemi ni
nt tho Fair in that City for tht fmo.-t
vxhibitivni of fi nt i. Mi.onri, Ki"n-a-
it tul Xibra-k t wi-iv ropi-OM iite l.
A ts rospoii'li-nt w h in' Itiinxflf
"(Mau.l Now," iimU fault with the new
, otii-ititutioti bi-ian'O it u-i. tho woi1
"pri-Min-" iuti- i I of "nta!--." Wo
lotvi- oft i n lu aril it s ti I that it w t-t an
matter n bo m iiittie, but il tlieith
ti bea.stnwfnl author. IVihaps thert
aio ubtnt fitly two mm wht realist) tho
(ruth rf tbti viiii;.
A tax paying faniu-r of lvUl.tH c om
(V i "rs ti. w ter a im? with th.i elit r
.f the Omaha IitiUt (hut ho (tho
farmer) ean ili-miuitiate, b. yo;.l no-t-(ioit,
that tba oJ-eiit' of runniiis' tho
St tto jii.veruuimr ttu ler the new Con
etittition will not k t jsrt-at as uti.h-f j
thd obi one. w ! i-u-traiiteo tht no
iuju will cuvcr" 'b-'
o Lr Jjy of I-' liof;, at tf.; 1'!!,
1 . rt f f f l l V, .
I I,. ........J -..I I fow ',: 1 f-.r-
" "'
j f o.Mi;:oi. Jy.-t i;. an May av y
; j A..,;,f I't'-'l' -,-y vih' nor U
! "''!' f" 1 lL; !''' ' U lo "r t":
i '-1"? "'' '
! " "' w (-V,i Is:-',. u:
i to I,'.- .rin'.-.-'l at th'i OiaaLi J!'juUkiu
; o.
mi: MiiRji c.tii.itoii).
tJ.-'-'iofi in.Ni UiIiU, loufjfy f r
t'iin :ii i to lli'-.' Ti Kiili Jt. Jt. ('u., ' j
uri i,y !.; ui,.;,o;iti.' (-.", hi
... it ....
i:n u J r. ,.i' t
. .... .1 O I ......
ilitK rtn i jf'ioit. to ),i: l.-jii'l tn r.-iai L-f , a-a
Ni .t 'J o'v lay U thtf f-y f-vt for 'of!f; i Lox I'.f'l at tli !ii.i:A!.T ,S (. to 'Jay !a
oo m ii'-w ("oi.-ii'otiorj. 'lii't o ,o :! . 1 "Mar.-li Ji-:,in:I t's J Voit (.'oi.i-
n-nl.-i t.-onfi lmt!y PX. f. fo l.'rat it !,.- 1
l.,::j)!,5 (lLi: ;(!1Iltry a,'l of j
IS...- e,l;. - .m,-; v;.I not turn out. J
-,-i'o,ooo. !
'J'hft ri,,oiult. fay th':r a fun 1 of
2"-),V-rt iio.f laivl an 1 licing u.r; 1 tn
thi - Hl.-id: to 'I' f' at t!;: nuw ronr tiluMo.'i.
i hk mum ;i v.
I I u 'I limimiitt'l tCcnitii-Mii Mnforlly
I itiUi uIh.
Ii-p i!' !j-i r,f this 7'h aiiooui.' ; a
iiun I J !-pit!,!i-an tiiuiiipb in Cihf n ni t,
ti..; flit ii J'ii-j,u!.!ii-au .Stato tickt-t b in,'
i !( t 1 by fioiii fivv to fix thou-an 1
inajoi i'y, aii l l:,n I'Viii i -o ivin fiom
two to l h !. thou-aii'I Jt''j,ul,Ii'
niij uity. 'Jhii is tin; lii-t 1 1" tlni
f.i.l 'ampai.'.-ns, an l ii a iii'b x of
v. Ii' t ii to f !!ow.
M Catlilit AIII.AI.
Ilit'tliul ilfllnii nt I rn i Is of any
fcl-ile in lliu l iilnii.
A thojt linn. t:i.; Wfl ea!l'l U iti tl,;
r a b i-h of thn lli.HAi.tit i furnish fpo--ii;irii
r.f finite to I n i-clit to tho Na
tioii il I'oim.l ii'ioal ot i' ty, at Iti'.h
ni'in, Va. -'- i i a! -o!!-''t ions W'-Mi unit
an 1 wi: fiow bavo tho gratify in;J in-w.s
that Nt bra-k.4 was uwarb:'l llm I IIIST
I'ltlCMICM f ..r th b'-.t roll.ttion i f
fni it. -5 of any !"'t:iti; in tho l.'nioit. 'Jhi-.
is I'lr-niio Hows to our fruit ivrowt'rs.
I It io ii tho ili-pati-h t-t nt by Co!. I ut
nas :
Itit-hm iii'l, Va.,S- j !. 7, I T I .
Ni-hranka t.ikfi tin; lir--t piemium for
th i bt-.-t o!!lc( ion of fin i is. tilory
t nou,h ! it. W. I'ciiNAs,
If I'lllll'I llou-o.
Mitt III II l.OIlt ItlStl It.
Whi!.; at n. tilnter yi-lt i lay v.t;
I'-.tni' il I hat. a m nt bul l.t-oii inur l rnl
ftliout t iht inil'-s Iii, in that pi ico l i-t
Sun. lay ni;'ht. No oln; hfi-liifl to
know fiuy part it-ulai s of tin; afl'iir, on'y
thitiiiit; man ha l I u mur.l iv lanl
two othtrs fi t'!i-!y wnun !!. 'llo
iit in h t;:is h-aiii' .1 fiom a man who t-aim;
to plact! in f anh i f a ilot-tor.
!.-. I"i. I.!i-r will opt u his iil-w meat
maikot on tuaiu ftiftl, n -xt
inoi uitiii. i'i o hi.) big a b i i ti.M tnt nt in
it fi-w il.iys.
'fho t njimo n of the II. Sc M. It. II.
iu .Ni I ta-ka h ivo j'l-t torn plrtt'il it sur
Vry fio'll Cli tl! to Colli -llbtH, flll-1 II V
will run a trill lino from l,;n t in toCo
luinl iii. 'I ln-y propoie fin -lm ; tin' bi--t
routo I i'-lore tin y toniiiiciiro operation-.
Tin- Oltlahn l!r;uih!u--tu is i ppo-i'.l to
iho li w i'iin-t it utioii bi-cau-i! it tivt-s too
j.Tt at lepn-M-utntioii, anl rays Oiuaha
does not want aiiv iin-reiiMO in frf re t-u
tatioii -- pro i.b' 1 there i- tn inert- im- a ny
where rise. Ah, that t . ju-t tho rub.
If tin; A'eyoio.'o M i e nd 1 ki'e tho n pre-M-iitatioii
jn t us it now is it wuiil.l un-tl.'.i)tt-.-lly
1 1" tati-ti--1. C.iss t-oui.ty is
willing that the people of tin Wt.-tein
counties r-houl I have it fair repiv vnta
tim, ; n 1 her eiti'.ens will -ay so by their
Votes on the luth.
Tho Omaha 7.Vu.fn-ni won! 1 uefeat
th eon tkntion beeauM it m-.kei the
men who enter n corporation liable to
the par value of their Stoek after the
corporate property is t xhau-te 1 ; or, iu
other wonls, it opposes ('.to eent;t'it!.io
beeau-e it forces the rith man to ileal
ju-tly ly tho poor man whoe labor he
has reet ivetl. In this Itrpubliean 50 v
t riinient, the objeetion of our (' nalia
neighbor will jrove a strength. The
wiiibnn of the men who fiainetl the
constitution is mauife-teil in many little
clauses of this kin.l, where they protect
"thti toiling milliims" front tho avati
eiottne.-s of tho wealthy mixer.
We cannot construe tha ubovo othr
iJ than f.tvor.tblo to those who wish
to ih feat th.! constitution. It i im
psiilo to vote a blank ticket uri.ler
the above clause, for every ballet that is
not for the ivnstittitioti or each or all of
the i'ep trale Articles mn-t of mvo-Mty
t atraiust them. There is coit-tiuly
very littlo ibui;er of any per-ous acting
for a proj'osiiiiin unYsi they are in favor
of it, nn I un.ler the above il in-e it
i'iar eotmt n-j.itHul it if it is net .special
ly for ic. 1 f thin is unfair to tlu-tn who
desire to defeat the document, v. e cer
tainly are unable, to seo wherein.
Ni 1 O'KtlJwin, tho It Islt tli-tiit. was
in the thy M onlay ui.Oit, atrl he r--fused
to paitako if any (troceiies except
Mich ui were purchased fro at l'mumicr'.
Some looked upon this as a great twvu
tri.ity; but he t.;i.l 1 'Summer ha 1 the
best in the c'vy, si,4 he would have ucne
! other.
wt iit uii t' 1) ji:l U;r t Ax. Ay
iA',:H 1'U.KUuih'ilh) tnl t!i'.-(i :'im-
1 ui'. t.-xA lLt r-vuuA'i a v.. 1'L" trala a?
! ' 1 1 c w. ...
j verts, aiev ai o:i.-r j . - r.iii.i'.- ii
; fl,r 0f ,J,(. rVx i fvr 1, . ,:,'n-: in::'-. i
, C'.ij li-t C-Vt j'f;, ai ! f!Ot;j tJiL';; to
. city o- iy. V.'(.- kf;ow i.ot whit l!.';
i but t!.T; f;o .J..-:.-;.:.- y lU JUot that iU
I5- 'I- - a very x-'.-'!.-U
j rouJ fri J.. larir.y fuj.ior 'jvulh;....-f
tl,t iout.-J ujr.n any oth-r roai in tho-
w-t. 'J !.; 'oin:jiiio!i'.r j;roJ-J!y
r-2:,ii;.'fj til's f!i' an-l froun 1-s in tlr;
i.'i'y to iiMT'yM, U'il l!.!.n il;'.: to
i n.alrj out th-ir f.oort.
: - . t
i., ,.,
.It . VC "ifl
t ;t
j j,! a yo-jrj;; li' or i,ot-t!jt
! Io.",nfrtt Jtrc;-. lo i-r't.-:tjt tLe f.-.--t
j,liu:-:.t- Umi.-tt Jii'.il.'.r.-," will
witn-V,." The afon -sai'j L)x r-oof a'.I a
hVS ! ,,. n rf the fin',: t t,,-;n.n, of
I 'ai'i ! i,'.t fi-it vi; J. jv: (fn:a-t
,A' ll''y Mountain-. 'J'h'-y Lavo
lOOIO Of till-Ill.
A young man ir icd I J. .y I . an ator-ii'-y
at law, is tiyb.-r to pi t. up a hurrah
among th; pi-op!', in Sowar 1 eounty, on
tho lino of tiro It. k M. Jt. Jt., by
el.iiuiiti;' that they have b oi !. ,
an-t that tho railro-i-l company had no
right to r h tfigo its bin;. V. 11, thi-i man
J'oy l may bn very nn:ut. but ho has
evidently got "tin: wrong bog by tho
ear" this time. 'J'ho Company was mi
llion" 1 by io.-t of Coii."n.--i I o make tin;
chano, ati 1 "brother" JJoyd t un barn
t-omo law whi h ho seems m,t to huvo
known, by n fi ning to pa;.'. IfMand
Jl'., if the j ul, lie laws .f Corivrcvs at tin: mm on 1 f .-. iou of th .- 11-t
Cnire. Mr. JJoyd has not, ci 1 tam'y,
lui-lcj tlo peojdtj v.f Sew.i.. I j urpotdy.
- -
"I one,, d,. a-.n-d," :aid I'af, "that I
eill'-d up' i! tho I'lOM.f.-nt, and hi: axt-d
mo wud I dtiok ; I tould Jiiiij J tlidn't
care if' J fuk a drop of pum li. 't!iwld
or hot? ' um I tho rit -id.-nt. "Hot,
yer t-Jt' t-H--ney,' rai l J ; and ho Mopped
down iu tho kill hen for mint; biim.'
water, and h; go! b.n k I Woke
ftrateup; and now h'f tli tr in' 1110,
that I didn't taku it i-owld."
A few days aco tht? wil-r,f Sa mm 1
IJ.iui'-t, t.f Cnih-iL'f, llliniis w.i
kieked in tin; chin ,y a noil'-, t-amang
her to bite nil' the end of lo r tone u--Sinei-
(Io n Mr. llameM has been uih red
1 110 1; ; a ii' 1 1 tif 1 j 1 1 1 it for that, mule, but
will not part v.iilt it - hi-, i li u eo to mar
ly u Kt-oud tiii.t- being J. 11.!, able.
An untutored man in !o -ton, when
ie,ioat Ind l',r t he t xt rat agaiit charge h:
bad ni'i l; for eel tain furvice.-, t xel limed:
'Well, i n't it I t Iter to be a ho,, m,.
lit good pay for what you ifi, than to
ho a good ''.How, anl et. ki-kt-.l from
p.,-t. to p.. t." With that man, bu-i
lie '1 i t bu-iiit-sf.
Colrh Cii-hing, ij tljo In, I, ,ruhnt,
fhowi that I Was on'y eonipit-red
by t In; ( lilted Slates: -"It ii noirtl,.
licit no tioe Mn.L'li'h army c t r : urn 11 1
ei e l I'm l! to a fori i;: 11 ( to my except in
the Coiled State-, hut ,:'4f twi.e ii, .
M-eoiid war, an I tn.L'lis'n n. nl eapitu
l ite I 011 (he field til b.tttl -, and Mlllend
1 red his fuees .to the ill Ul.i of t ho l,'nit
ted States. Th iv is no parallel (o t hi.i
seii.-t of i-veuts in all lli" hill ii'li
military o eialions of I Ingland, in
lluiop.-, Asi:l) it 1 -1 Afii.-a, fiom tin
t ma of William the .Noiman to that of
fhe fall an l winter clop 1 f f.-ma'e h'e
tmers li!. fair to l- very heavy. .Ml
Mills oi' mi! juts will ho introduced.
Ibiw to I.. 1 p tb.ivn t!:-- I' inily " is an
noiinecd by a beautiful, Ind .ini lady of
twenty -lit e.
The late Ir. N ben, who wrote the
"Catl-o and Cure t.f luli h-litv," nbo
wrote tin- f.i!ii'li:n- h 001. My d iy.s are
g I i. Iii or .-wiltly by." To many the ftet
will hate peenliir intere t that it was
written io a Mis.ouri CAamp. c!o-h hy
tha Misdoippi liver, while th- h.a-tor
was hiding fi.vii the bloo bhotiuds of
th1' Fugitive' Slave I,iw, until ho could
do--' the river into Illinois.
Not 11 great while, s'iu-v nt a mteial
gat heriug, a young ladv, tlres-cd iu the
extreme of fashion, and glittering with
diamonds, .sat ileut nud up n t from the
rest, taking no pait iu a c oivers-iti. 11
purely literary in its charact -i. The
gentleman of tho hou-n approach her
with the remaik : "Vou tlo not appear to
bo t 1 j . iii' your-elf. " "No," .said the
la !y, "this is too dry for mo. Ain't
there iiubobv hero that cm flirt?"
"Fhit! 'Vail he. "Ah, I vee-you
aiv n mrl of Cleopatra in di.-cuie."
"Cleopatra ! No," rejoined the intelli
gent beauty, " I nevt r hked Indians.
A". J". iVoyoo-.
J11V1' mi I'liliurcsv
Th very irencral belief that tin? ''on
gresuian of to "lay is a nui h worse sot
of person than too CougresMiian of hu g
is not entire'y correct. It appears
from an incident, related in a recently
j u'dishrd vohimt", entitl-d, " The lo
mcitie life of Thomas .Ictl'erson," that
our iciolutionaiy fu hers in Conit's.'.
assembled h id their bttlo itt-ius of "inei
den'al," c pene., ma.vy id I hem as (pact r
as :hoso which ustonisli the constituents
of t d y. The following Mory is related
by Mr. le!lei;-o 1, i tiiccitiing tho first
continental Comri os :
" I'ehgito llarti-scn, id" Virginia, d
siiin;.' to '.stimulate, ' pio-onted himself
and liit n l at a certain p! ice where sup
plies were furnished Ciuigic.-s, and order
ed two of l randy and water, d he
mail in charge replied that l;tU rs weio
not iu -hided in (h; s-upplics furnished
"Vltv," .said llanison, "what is it
then, that I see tho new Finland mcia
bt-rs come here and drink?'
".Mo! and w ater which they have
chared a stati -neiy," was the reply.
"Then give me the brandy nn 1 water
nuoth llarrisson, ' and charge it as futl.'
The tail id' Price's re hi I army did at
the last election un in Montana
Two cars sv',t the Territory was lleui
Oeratio by l .NiM majoiity.
"l'isonals," for men's ynits, are
imiv-n 111 vto ue tins Mimmer. Itioew
k WU vs: A nenileman who !
or 1
tot home a niht or two tance in an !
elevated conditi tried to persuade his
to the ftet of his bi-ing ihessd ia ilia- I clothes
: Ak .:. v;j 1
A-ii.!:;, T M
UorJV r; v
JJ.OiO ii
Cumrtiios J C
C ! : '. V
Ci- p cr A!y
Io-Jg'i M;-';1
J- . ... ' t
-j . c . i. tii'y 0 j
Ji-.k' .1 'Jotfi'.y
Jloroij- C J
UojIiOj,' .1
It 1 ,
: Ji'-wr3i J'-i
. C..; Ir.i.-t
- i;,,,. .) .- - ;j
j kiUfcUiy IJ'.-Jijy
1 -rr,;-
iaysa:, J.o',
--A U- my
JJ'jfiUr Jt
II;;U!jio;j ii V"
1 au. nLary
J.-an Nol,
K nndy L It
n-'.rii' .-'iJ.r
. . . .
harm - dot .I'hr.n -r. K-rns J
Kat.'i'--: J'li.a'han jr. Kin.-cr 'j V,'
Jicani'.-.s (i W
Is-i l-y John
f if.-'-!on J.
J-a-!-,y .,.,;.!,
Moor Curtis
Mt-Culioek C I'
M ixwi.-ll S iujH'd
Montgoioi.ry II ii
M.irit'u Wi.o II
m i.
.Moor Joljii
Ow n T H
J'hillips. It
Q i'.:y John
Jt-'-Vi It J
Jiobolt.i .1
Smith OS
Shoop ib-lslii-y
S:t " Jiha i
St J.nak. r S
Spaoch r Henry
Scottd M
O N oil Jaio'.s
Porter Win Jt
l litl L
Jtii-hii; Johfj
Itkhie J (j
Shf p.l! 1 Will JJ
Hkirviu li Ji
Smith A It
Suy b r I ! iry
ruij ' !-r
fay lor A It
Todd 'J' J
To i 1 A It
Tuner Allen
Vi!"s Jaoir-s M
Wilh.ini It W
Wail.t r l.ovi
Walker Nathan J)
Woleolt C II
Wain i -oil. Jo '. j,h
'i 'ri---lit J 11
W.-.'krr I'. rry
Wri; ht l-vi .M
W atson llt nry
Watson John
Woodruff W in J
Wilos SleplieU
Wiloa b.1.1;
Wile's Thou. as
It oks to b-i opened for corroding the
li r, at my -id-iiee, n Saturday tin'
lfe.h day of September 1- 71.
Jb gi. tiar
Th'! following is a complete li t of tin:
tplalifld Voters id' the S-'eofi'l ("') Ward
I'latt: mouth city ("as.-county, Nt Lra.-ka :
Altair-r V.'m
15 lines A
P. nnes J W
it. nm tt 1. J)
Morton It
Hi van P F
Pates F A
Colviu (5 W
Cmtis F V
Corwin C I'
Poke Shi paid
Ivd.min P
F.oin Patrick Id (J W
Fulli r l.t i 1
llin'on A
lb i el C
I Io! -el, oil John
Hathaway M II
Krobb'r ' t
Kiikham I lemy
Piinbuig V
Min-ball Jam -s
M n.pielt 'I' M
Mullen I W
Nichols C
( )bernoIl v Simon
odcii ii :
Piic. II F
Puz Peter
Panda' P V
Keiti h John
HobeltsJ P
Stadehnann Wui
Shafer W 11
Sh nnp P T
Sidetistrikcr P
Tutt Andrew
Todd F P
Vallery Jacob jr
Vanatta S P
Vauutta It 11
Pottery J II ,
P111 1 m.i;oi C
I on ton 1 1
PoUI.H i t'T J F
Pryiiii .Jainen
('l.tiborn,. It It
i 'ariot li'M-s John
Corwin C I-'
I .ll!n;.-r Aloi t
K.hai t J .hii
Jt ,111 .Joint
F.i .y CP,
Fi o-1 W 11
I 'i.-lloo'lV II
H. tl;
llcuipi 1 Pen
J'hieW Fad
P wis D W
McMnken Andrew
.Mnckeiihaiipt C
N ichols ( i.'orgi5
O.r II N
Pitz Jacob
Pobiiie C
Jtandail .1 F
Spiers A
Siull Jacob
Shat'cr b-orge
Shur John
Thtuvcnt'l Pan
Tutt J I
Vanatta J 11
N ailery Peter
Waterman II A
Wise J N
Woodson .lames M Wayman John
atci in in John Wabiis;ht Nathan
Wold' Henry Wiikbau-h V
J. P. Vapp
I hereby cutily that ih nbove is a
eotreet list of al! tho bed voters reg
istered in the Second pM w ud Pl.uts
niuth citv Cass county, Ncbraskn.
Tho bo ks will be opened on Saturday,
Sept. Ii, for the p'iipo.e of correcting
the above list, tit tin Itc-i-trar's oilice.
It. II. Vanaita, Iteistiar.
A Joliet woman has orijin d and pro
nounced view s tm Co-nub' Mt'li Jge, w hich
she expresses in this way :
"I just don't believe in these new wo
men noti ms 1 have rasied t-ix b-.-y-
four of thorn vote now, ;n, I th? others
will fioeii bo old einvih. Then 1 wi'l
hive six rotes. Now these goo. Ifornolh
in women who h.ivo foolelthe;r litae
away, and never raised a tingle boy,
isune around sm 1 want erery woman t 1
vv-to for herself. 1 don't hi novo iu such
n.e.isoiiso 1 have raised tix boNS, and I
ant going to have every one vote for me.
Jbose women who K Iceturms: around country nisicaa ot raisins i-oys nave
no bu-sine-ss to vote anv nv.'
woman u a rv soonest. Wo ihtlcr : it J
ic the liht-ht add ones !
i r.I Vv-:.';.J- it. i ica-ur.,s
, wi- r.:rj ;!.
j t-.l 1 ti."
' :-t hy v.
Jy, un l.tlii T. i -H &-ior t
V s;
. . I.
ur. J an
;.:. 2. T:.:: Mcvt an Cj-i,A Ail
sj ; .-:r;t a-i n--A jr tn 1 Seal-r of
-.v.-o-L's ,, n.'--vr.. vi ) A-j) J.r.'.i
his 'on;-.-! u-i-.i thy a: poii.'a.-i Lie
tue'.-e- -;r, ao-i who.-.- duty it A-Al )..-. at
k-.-t-t otic--.- In evtiy v.-;ir,"to to t an 1 ' z-
! 'r-.t. t'-.A s.-.--:- of?.'! v.- i-v .o.i
' u;'fe, f t.r ot!..-r i::-f rj:-.ii-!jt r r ii.'-i.s ;
i v- 1 ly any sr'm, t'-.-r v.i;'-.hi;2 or;
ni l, for ut the city
I of Piatt -::., 'ii't ;
to Mump v:ih a tun
! a
I i:-ed.'w!.':-h ic m-v fi:i j o;:i .-t". -.-A
i doiiw.-r to tho ov.-n.-rlli.-r.of; ae.-r: .-.'e
Ot li
nn a.i
h ho I.TJ V t.i;
1 ire: irre . :,t, i to
cao-; toe u-.voer ti, .-J..-.J
I to b .-.e t
ht-i-i c .' iK.-tcJ. and ua J ? ,n-
j form.ib.'e to the fttan-lard h:ir:ab "ore
j providd. A oy - --.o 1 '-f"o.-in to c-.!.!n-;
it any w-Ig!:t-, 10 a-ore-, or real- '-, or
1 i'j-ti u;o--:.i f r v. . i, liii; nr uiisurir; to
1 i r - ... . j.- . 1 .
L .... i 1 ..... -. .-- s . . .
Sl 1 . I J . ' 'i 'i J.'. I , I . . J j
aloi..' i: 1, or io '..y ob-liuc!
y '
:t j I
t ho j -i f'-i .'o-ios; of l.i-s-iij !,jry fi. ;
upon co'i'i i.-t i on, full-it an i j :.w a -ui
not t x- i,u t.itn'y iivo d .iiais.
1 1
. 1.0 insi cci a- roi l . e..;.:r
woogtits and n:'-f!-uivi (.ball 1 ab-w-
'').: insi ccl o- a.;. S
to eooi.-et th" fliio-aii." f'-'.s f.,r s.-rv
p. lei'-rd by him i;ie.'-r ti.i- O. di.vit. i r io -; : i t an 1 m!.-:.ii: i.:a.-
1 ,1
fe.ik- of I.'VO t!.iol-:.l, d
Ufiwai'!-, lic-ol
w. i-rhts.
-its ;
oi J., s iJ. iion.:nj!.o ! iiieoi on.' wr-ij-ht:
tx-nty liv;, e- i!- ; i'o" in-;.-.c :i.': 5 ;..':
M:a!il.g Ji.rgii h W. .!,,!. ,1: 0:0, 1 1.0 u-
fand liounjs ai.l uiiWitrds. ineliidhiif
1 a r-t-tita?
weight.., twenty live cents; ofMuidler d-:- j b'-'f J'" ,ir-
nonjinatioos fii't'-.-n eents; counter f-.-aht 1 , 'Vf:''- ' It sha 1 bo the -Pity of the c!:y
itidu-Joig weight-, twenty Jive cents. I '1-rk to affendali the j.-guhtr nnd . pi cia!
For ;oit; paring- and V-a'.iti'r any hah' ' muotni-'s t.f t.'ic t::ty co'lii'-.I. to keep a
bu-h-laol upward-, twenty live cell's; j crr-...-; journal "d'arl proeee.ungs, aa l rc
fir l-.-s den K.ii'it'ion-, t-n cents. J-',.,- '"0:d the i.i a b-'ok kepi fir that
iij-p.:fti;ig and -' :.'iug clotlt nnd boar I j ii'trpo-.. : U ,-L,.l rce-id m a .v-par;re
m a-ijii-s. ton c iit.-; and where in: ui tv ! book ad or-hnati.-.-.'s wh;i-!i may from tioje
employ labor or m tr-rial in mat :: -.- 1 0'; j u I"11'- j a :d and cnu.-u the .same
fame accurate be hluil be co'it'ed 10 itj-t j ('' ' '-' l-'i'dishe'l a; nfjuird by br.v. in
coii.j..-n-atiot iher.d'orf l'nvlld, that j 1 '-!"'i"" - 'bo Couu :;! may h
it Miall not ,0 .e.t o ta .. t .0 1 . :, ' r -
t charge f,r i:i t.ei.-tiu
u:ri e.iiil.g
w.-iei.ts. mea-urcs hi. d f.-aie-.- a-i aforc ai i
(d't.-mr than once in c-ich vear.
St.rt. 4. Anv 1, ; 1,1.0 ttl.i. sl,.,'l ..otlo
ne of any weight scabs or ti;eaur or
otbf r in.struiin-nt t,r thin for weighing
or measuring any articb; lor .-ale in this
city, until the . tiine b.n beu 'iulyex-im-iln
d and si.idd by tho scaler of Weight i
and measure fhai!, upon eonvietion, for
feit and pay a penalty, not to exceed
twenty five dollars. And any pc-i.-on
v. ho shall aher any weight or u.eistiic,
or f-.i'e.. and ca i-', tho f.m.i: to mea-urc
or wi i At i;n:i,rieet!y f-lr!l, upon convi :
tion. b., lined not Jess than ono buudrd
Si:t:. .". This ;t.-! fl.ali t.ikecfilet from
audufte-r i(.s puMicat ion as j,re:eri!jeJ by
li w
M. P. WIIITP, .M ivi-r,
Attest, It. 11. Vanaita, City Clerk.
NFMPIiu j. Grdinaace far the jircvon
lien of fires.
liv il Jul'iiiird hij lir Mitjnrnii'l to'oi-
t!'iir,t . f tin- (.'il; J' J't'iHsiA'tnth :
Sri-. I. 'I iiat hereafter it .-hail ho un
law fid f .r Miy p. i: ..u t i put up'-ru-o
any Mice or Move pipe' in lie city oi
i ,.o l-moui o,
the follocni.
t xo JO in .;iV"lU:i!e. with
pt o i- ton , viz : 1 Ivn v
ft'lVO in II-c ll ill I'O I'i.O ,
upon a fioor
platform of iiicoio I 'Osi ,!,t! maltiia
ol Milll-
ill- Iclit I Olelvli
s an J event to I ro
Vent ail I' of !il' 1
i-F t. . hi i Wink 1 1 out Ml'
il l! ::.-r t.f t.ill-
I i.m .shall ir it he less tfi.iij foii:- m.-Itos
iroiii Wood oro'leT co:j:!i.i-IiO.; materi
al uuie -s MirroUfi'l.".i by lire pi oof mate
rial ; no M live pipe fhill di-ci:aig:: or
te-1 mi c at any tli.-taiice le -.- loan three
fact from the roof or other wood vo:k,
so as to t ii dai.g. r the Mime, nor ;oto any
.street oi- alley.
S ;:. U. Any p.T on v. ii i - !i ill violate
any pi c;-: o o' l!u: pi"-e.l:n ; section,
hall, upon conviction 1 i li it. ;.od ay a
penally of not ! , s th ::i live l:- r moit:
than hl'ty d ill i.' s.
Sir. 'I. It .hall be th.: duty oftbe
Mai.-bid to caiel'udy i vain::.'., at ;:!i tiiii -.s
tiding the year, cvt-iy h i-i;.,-, tore t-r
other I i::l din.-:: and ) lacs for thcth-p:. -It
ol ;i-lic.-, cliijis o,- fhavin.'.-, and a!-.)
to remove an 1 al iti- any cause for wioch
in. mediate danger oi' the m ay ! c api-ie
hi n led ; i-ii i to t r.i.s.; no builo.iis
clin.i:i s, foot-s, piji-, :i ii hoii-csor
bai 1". Is and ml iixtu.v- and things u t tl
in or about any hud li:i r which fliail I c
found iu an un ale t- n.ig.i ui to b ' the
i x pen so of l ov.-ner t h. rcof, put in Mich
coiioiiioll as li ,t to he iia:,t;i r..;;-, j., ciiils
icg or proi.i.oiug li.c, and any jcimui
who .--hall prevt nl t.r !el.;!he li..o. !'..d
in the pcrf'ormaiict: ot' hiss ,j.J iuty, hall
upon conviction lorf. it and j ay a penal
ty ol not le.-s than two liuliars nor iu re
than fifty dollars.
Si t1. 4. This act to take edict from
and after its publication, as pre.-cribod 1 y
M. P. WHITP, Ma-, or.
Attest, it. II. Vanaita, City L'Icik.
NFMPi'.lt Kb An Concern
ing rul3anccs.
J!,' it Of-f.tii'r,l ft the M t:;nrt:ul Cou.l
ci'.;n:t i j if'.f. Ci,': of J 't'littsiiiout.'t .
SiC 1. That hereafter it. -ha", ict be
lawful for any person in .said city to
throw in- depn. -it, or cause to be thiowu
or tl.'po-iicti in or upon any .street. Alley
sitlevvaiks cr public i lace, any himlt-r,
wood, stone, boxes barrels, mates (r
any other article, thin:, or Ctm;uo !ity
w hiv h i.i.iy in any mauncr, ol-Mruct or
in. um!T any ol' said .streets, alleys, fide
walks or public places or any part ther"
of ; and any person w ho shall vi"!a!e
any provision ot' this fccticu shall upon
conviction forfeit and pay a penalty not
to exceed twenty-live dollar-, and an ad
ditional sum of live d f-r every
twenty four h-mrs that Mn h incntubran.v
fh ill he j ernjittcd to remain, after .suh
Sv.f. '2 Tha occnptnt of on h at:!
every building in said city fronting up
on any streit, th" sidewalks of which is
stoti", brick cr plank, or the owner ot
any uuoci-upi -d l".u!dig or l 't fu utimr
as aforeaid, sh.i'i at :;-l times k- cp saii
M.tewaiKs ti.c-.n atrt iti goo-i o:tcr : an !
illli l..-v..i..o,i. v....'.' " .... ....
provision ot this section sliad ui on con-
....,. .. , . .
vietpoi forfeit and p.iv a ih-ikhiv net to
i.-t o . . "1 1 ':.--..
cxeee'.l ten oooai s no 1 an u-oii-ioi::u f un.
ot' five doihus for every twenty-four
hours that sail sidewalk shad be per-
motev! to remain m an unclean or ta-1
i-on dilion, after suh eenvi.-f;o:i.
S: g. o. if soy p-Tson fhai' permit
any cellar, vault, drain, pod. privy sower
or grou:i 1 owtud or m-cuj ic i by him to
becon.ed teal, oto-u-ive or injurious to
public health, Mich j ersoii upon cenvic
I ion f ball pay a pepaity not to excee I
tiity dollars, 311 1 five dellars fer every
twentv-four hours that Mich culsur. e
shall lema.oi. after such convict .on,.
1 istf - I ri. !..,!! , m- t 1
lis l-v 11-.- -.
i 1 1 .,-1, .- , f.
; 1 v . . 0 v . ... - . .. . .... - . 1 ......
a ? to the nei-thbo: i. m i .- -i
tJ a::V rcRa or taaiiiv, he -dull upon i
' a . t 1 ' , i .... I v j . r 'J . .i 1 1-T
' vi-'-n .-.-onvj-'i--fi 1 -iy u j-?ni!;y. j
' aul cvry ' .-.u -:, not to 11:
. r c-.'- h
i -
1 '-' e- It -b.-tlibo the fj.'.-cia! diy c f
: the '-ity Mr-.IA to ,? that the j rovi.s -
: r;' 7 I :-e-.edii s-ctin-, are cn
b re. u-: -. 10 ::- -i ii-udtately up -n
1 v:c-t tr wb.n t. ! Jt.t i.s ti.2-1., tota-ke
; a t !.o: . !i t -.:;"-'. a ' i rj. 3.; 1 to abate
1, tt;.'.t 1
r.'.rut t.-,u:.; j.-:t t r:? v-rr, - orc ip::
- : ." ",- '-': VJt' "Jl jT f
in or u p"..;i wh::-.-!j
cr be tb-, owjj-.r rtiu-o
! 'A 'f'-' :': ":i .J'.-11'; :; - L-':;-
f e a :,".:. i iti Mi-.-ii u.;.i.:...r
1 I :'
Ti.oi n
j icr-u
: ":- O
lil to c 1.0' ic-,. tj...;i li. i
1 . I
a:.ate or r -v.
uve suc-.t i.o;-:in,-c,
I .r.-. ' ri ro fiilling
r.-x;.-. n-o 1 X t
ilo' to 01 If.
Sue. 7. This a-t to take c flirt from
tin I af:.r il-- 1 iM;--.:t oti a i.ri.-c
. , , ,
-. - i I IX 11 t XT,...
tiri ' ts
Atic.t, II.' II., Ci"ty';.i
Nl'.MPPIt 11 An Ordinance Prcscrib
k and CorafrCrtaation
1 '
City Gfi;cc.8.
j JJ. .7 Q r. J, 1 '..-. I :!,e .V-n.-.r awl Co fit
tuluu.H i.J the ,J I'ioUdinO'i'U
l ! c,
r ic- ;-erv:t.- a .-:.: i:y i-l one hutiire-i
- l-er year.
. j.U".'l b
his serviocs a falaiy of
iii": v dollars
'(:-'-- Mia.i a..-o nave me co n iy m uu
)OOn.-. 1
is, maj
1 d )c i.i, nt s. he
'''-' '"'-' tu H" ' :"' 1
MIVf; If? ;.. J J-rovido. at toe
expense of the ejty, a!! books, anl Ma
tioin-ry, ri'-cc-: .uy 1 (he use r.J tho cny,
;oid i-hull Leon a correct account of the
t St;r. 4. The Cl.-rk shall r c-ive f.r
his seivic-es an annui.l salary ci'one hun-
tlrc'l tjiolar -.
Skc. o. It shall be f ho
Inly of t!
city Mai.-hail to provide at the expen.-cs
ot tho city, a'l Ii-hfs an l i.i 1 i..-i-.;s.-ary
fir the u- i'i"the city and s li ill k'-ej a
correct account of t he Mime ; to n.juire
into all violations of city ordinances; of
broaches of tho peace and violation of
the Ciimin d law-, of ihr: Stat", and to
prose. -utt; ih-: per-rois guihy thr-rt of; to
s -areii out a'l su-j.ii io is or oi-onb-ily
boils.;- iu t!i-: '-i;y and to be vigilant
in preventing all di-tur! an:-es or I-n ailit ;
of', in: peace ; (o p i.-'-r-i' and Mil' ly keep
all n.oii'-y-or oth-;i- prop.-iiy whi.-li may
be fo-:;,d nji oi the p -r -.oi of any person
arre-i, 1 for crime, an 1 pay or d. -liver
over the .-a me by the order of the magis
trate I foe v,i! un the ticllnlant mac
' v. tii. d.
Srv. li. Th- .Ma.--h::l sbaU erve all
wi',!- and process s--i I f'.ooi the Police
Judgv and s'lall coib-'-t all judeeun n's
(Ir lim - and p-'iiai; i--, r- .-'.-vi red fv said
C.ty bi lliC si' 1 folic.. Jll
Sk '. 7. For -ci ving all w-rits or pro
t i ss "i aoc I.iu 1 too If -a'! -wed I,-,' the
lilV.-s o IliC ,-l .!' i. .X. I ;t lof slilil
.-ka Mivices, sjin'l ,c d ill ti ." bill 01
eo.-!s; ai.l i'.-t s w'ht-ii th-: mo vice is l. ri b
in bcha'f of (!: city sh-il be paid into
th': citv treasury, otherwise, to be paid to
the Maisbal.
. 'l'lit: Marshal .shall pay to the
uvr at th end of ca-h v;-c';
citv ti'
a'l m-.i.cys colb-cl.-d bv him in h- ha! I
the eiiy (ale li:c tri-a-ur'-r s receipt
th- reloi- ; and !;- ,:M V3 oi t to the
Couii'-il monthly his a -is, - taring fl,c
Minmcit if money collected doling s-.ico
.iioulh, and t u what account, anl tin.
li.-l o-iiioii which be ha-i ma le of it.
Sol'.' '.I. 1 II a iditiull to t h'-I:ill. s here
in eiiillt:'. i.o. I (he M.i.sbil sl'a: have
the care and conlioll of I he -fire eb p i:t
inci.t i f the ci:y.
Sl-.f. l!'. 'l lie Madia! r-hall ree ive
llr his .service:! a sa'a.y of . sixty-live dol
laos ji. r niooih.
St'.f. II. The Street Oommi .--loner
sli-id reei ie two tlttibu-s and fifty t-.-nt-pcr
day fir each day a.-tually i miie.iycd
in the service of the city.
Si. IJ. 'i he Mayor shall have power
rt any tioie to appoint cxtia poiiecmcn
w.'io shali r.'ceive two dollars ilr each
tlay cm ! eyed.
Si:c. Iii. This ordinance to take effect
iVoin and ai .cr its on I la a' ion ;is prc. ci io
c 1 by l.i-v. M P. Will I'll. Ma car.
AttC-t, It. II. 'A.A"iTA, City Clerk.
N I TM IU'li Ii' To J-cstrain Swine from
JiLTotinn at Lnrijo in the City of
ViV it O't'-i'i'id Initio' M "or tnul Covn
cit'uittt oJ't!,f City tf J''ilt.iiuouti.
Si:c. 1. That it will be unlawful for
any person or persons to permit any h'gs
or f wine tt itm at larg! in the inccrp.o
rate limits td't h'' . aid city t.f Platts-moiah,
at any time bet wt en the hrsi days o
Maich a-.d October of each year.
Si:t -J. That it will be' lawful and the
duty of the city Marshal cd" said city, to
take un and confine in a pen or p. .un l
any swine to- hogs that may be f-un l
running at Lirce in said city of Platts
m .o.ith, and thereupon the sai l Mar-hal
shall iiotifv the said owner or owner-J in
writing, if known, and if not known, by
posting the notice up in three coii.-picu-tms
plac. s in the s-iid city, that be will
proceed to sell tin" logs, de.-ci ibing the
same, at publieaucti n, at an hour t here-
! iu named, the time not to be !.- than
throe ilavs fro a i the time of riving the
sai I notice. a:id upon aid -ale the pel
son oiV. riog the hi -ih.Vst bid f.'rt'ie same
for cash, s-iali he deemed the purcha-er.
which s'.i ill invest all the title in and to
saivl hog or hogs in sat I pur h i-er.
Skc. The Mai-h il.shail rcv-eive the
f'ilo-.ving as fees f i.r taking up and selling
i.' ...1 ;., , .... 1,,,,
as ai, . i-s,. 1 1. 101 t;ivii. u !".
f.ftv c ots, far sellieg each h -g fifty
. 1 ; - . t
cents, lor luMi!-'' ;ii:a t:i.s.:ng caret i cacti
!!:(( u
pi r
71o. ,' -V.
I so. -h tics an I epen-es fhu'.l be p-ti 1
, ,,,
, ... , 1 : . 1 w 1;,,
11 tis oi tti.s uriiiua
aris:i g ;r,ui tuf
j.r v:s
: -other
.tiice, an I fr -:u
Sl'.r. 4. The owner or owners t fany
hogs so taken up o.n red., in and t ike
t! eir lics at anv time lef-re s:oe I v
pavir.g to the city Mai sha! ail hts lawi'.d
ties an ! cxt i!:-v.s up t. the tiuic if lak-
! in.- tl. -a aw iy.
I Skc. 5. All m ncy nrlfttu fi cui ca - h
! fide alV-r pivio-t the co-i- und i.ijv:i-fs
of tc.-.-.king the s.-.u.e st.-i'.! be paid to the
City treas-urcr. and kept : y him fir six
m-uiths-, wh- n, it by tint tiu:e the owner
of th ' sal! ! -s cl c - t:."t t.ppear ct, I
1 m to sat si;,..-tory pria-i :..s oi. r o.;
I . -.. c C 1 -
t ii n 1. is te
1 ' the e ,) ral f-m-j
, .,
e s. i 1- 1..
1. .. i 1:1 six C3titii3 iron i
. i s
o v:: f t t s tiJ i; g i r ho
s!: 1, :. Ac ' -. . te-y r roe., taat tee
-'- v-'n-:r thcrcot at t&o time ct saca
" 1 i
' .
!o ana t
. , .
1 tu-j.j tion; in its rat'y f-'a-c., rr.tb;"g
. c -nals l.r. Pierce's Alt. Kt. or Oo'-Jcn
; Me Ji a! di-r-overy. It U ulo a pre at
; blood purii:i-r sjid t-trcr-th rt.-tort r c-r
; to i .. an f:r L'ver Coo:; !-.:r.t V n-
1 tire Cor; ii: i.-i s-f the P !- i' has no
r ou-J. Ad Serofo'ou an 1 ik'n d"-r-9-.c
1 oroto.ou an o --.-e
I,:! as Pior les Pi : c
i a ; s:j '! -. cii l ' iru; ii
i t- it- " -
rc : re.:
... i
Tt TT Vi'! .-' , r ri f-o oO-. rt-.n. r.
c. nv.-r - j "si ti T
i -ts ?:i ii.e iny (.; 1 .-.:t:s-
pi-ices, ru'.itr.z froia J7.0 to
JC ,.l
loo-ji Ii, 1
Itiii Sale I will
, fir cash, lli
Tf S r.f
corn. ' le?
- 1
r-cs. tvro c-uliiv
;-:':r... ar. J
tar.tor 211 1
two Milling I'l .'-s. t n..- com j-
...... A V. I . 1. A , . J . ' 1 1 ! . t
m ctr c.itt. J :.! r:
- i i-j o-i.-n v. tiio;.-irt-if-i .ji.'mic. i;a: ".--.
1 . r X .-' . . 1 . .
.11 OI i i .I ' 1. 1 .1 1 0 . .-p! .' to
X J'i itt-n-.t-.uh. Apt 1
"'.-- - lUI.i iff C II.Vi.KiS
tlodiwlM Urooa l'c,t--2:;
- j
of i '
f iting 1 s-01
Mf-.rr- s.r, ti 1'.,...
. 1 . 1 . . .-41. it.,:i.i:..:.c
1- (1
n the sn and . b ' -
I Ola.O Ot: . I
1 .
;:.' . r 1!tK If
I : . , ...... i.. - 1: r..
l- a i -eg j :.:.-.-::. 1 UaO, 1.1 i.i 'J -IC 1 . 1 1 1 111 i'J
(''. - , bi.i'ini, and ree ivii g
tipl'.toa ha-fiot'ht -t.-n yeais
i.a-j:;-t j urci.a-t-1 1 irtho n-e rd hise!a
x fine toiid IJurJctt (V-:u! in .ti'-tiorrati,
with two banks i f key-, f-i.-ht ft j
I.IiC'i rWeli find Hi? octa ve of j pd d 1 a
p-nee f-'.joo whaoi nil! enaole Iniii to
give a thorough e-itir-e of organ i iu- ie.
He a! -o wilt give j-iano !c.-. ou; at rc.-i-dc-ner--.
TKItMS. $p, fjr 21 Ic-s-r.ns
Pedal P-i.-e 14
C-e of In.-ttii'a.'rit :;- o-J
Mu ie looms nt M. L. Wbi'o's new
tun iiii;
Up .-I -its.
SC-J s.J.jW 1 '
Pi'NMNii at L?:i;t: O.-ie s-orre
mare. "1 1 on.nijh t vof I Jin 1 of one
eye, Ion:; sear on h;j, Ji-bt mane and
tail, is no-.v runniir.' at large to-ar my
; mi-os. lour liii.e.s n oi 1'Jatt.s
uifudi. where the owner can find le.-r.
nugolv,:; Ji. Iv. Pah.mki.i:.
?s o t ii i-:
A rf? iTt-r ar. 4 lo fnr.t-t- tlip put Ii.-wOh lime t.f
tin; Ijevl .U.ilOy, al tlte-ir wo-.;, nt llie rales t l
Thirty cent per Bushel
r4 warn Icirrt lO .l I wt til v-C vo cvnts extra
w ill i c- t h iri-'t 1 in r i,:oi 1.
lira, rs .-ioi In.- it-It n-ili .1. V'. .s-'liuntion. Plat Is
liitiu'li. oelir.i.siot. t.r :el l;.: s-1 f t!i :-uu-rri-Ijir
Uox t.lM. 1'l.ilt -MJ..I.; a Ni l..
.1. L. l.A.MC. i'r-.
T"; ' t - iiioaili, .-' oe- an 1 I.iaio C'j,
fiii j:; Lew if.
Kcrso Dccior ar.J Veterinary
Surge cii.
Mr. I'm-1. O:.. ;.n x ... . 0 IJ ,r f... ;..r
nii'i i-o rina v .-1 1 , ,-- ' i i . I.:j -J'i. -a! in I'ia'i--m'
v. iOi olli f .,i tic. l r s 1,1, i,. To-
.... is I w!lli;.lt! l-li'fl('S l inc: c. ; i;it i v-
. .-ot. t.i t!.t. l,..(1,...r .-l.-i-.- -, wlo-if Jit; ii loieij
t. nil tile f... ll. : Ci.-i- ,.r.tre:,:i,.K lf,r o- ill
llif 1H...-1 .-. noli,- i.iaiii.i-i-. II,. j.r , -c-i to
curt-any oi-ci- i. e. Inch ic :-.-., flth ji I,,.;,- ti,
nub wKiisUni. .-oavia. l i-ml.t. l'..-c-vili
I,:iii.!ii...-s. ! lli- . only iir.Ut rt. io i i.i
oii'., oat, mi. treat vwa, e-ow
l ll.O IllOI.Cll.
flu 11 li.V'.V!!'.
or ii i.y
AND r..PZn DE-'LCP..
PI Ar rSi.-iOUTIl, tiZ3.
Sci t- m'.-f - ' -t. 4 ei:4 y If.
Estray h'clico.
TriLc.i t;ji l y l'i r-i. -n, 1. 0, Ki'.t Mi!
(o-.ivu l'lf-cITI; I. t.;l .- , otic li'.iiv Ill ll l.. .1
5 '':o.- ol. I. clif.-Iniit fwr, 1. li tie V ioic on '.,',.,
isiili neat lt-.:t wliite, l,i.o,,i( 1 ' (' 2" u ;, -t
,-llo,o, !,-,-. W U, Vi'l l K K - Ml t
M f. V.
Veepino Wnier HeLraska.
LI.'.M.iiiiS IN'
Pry tl'-o4s
OiiM'ii- ,
liar 1 arc.
yuei-ii- iv.-irp,
iiuul.-. :i e l S li.n-a,
. . , , , ,. 11 ' 1 ;r".
Acncnloircl laiflonoiit- of ail k iinH, V. . ir ar
'1 -V 1." O'lioi .-ours. l'ni,, i.rii Piano r,
.r.-!.a.-.', ,..-.i I'riiK-t-t'.rt I ' I ov A A t- ,
i.'..-. ail t i !,u h we-oll cr to the iiublie- at the
ewc-l rtiaii 1 rice-.
All Coad.4 Hr::rrimtc-a
e r Our rtT-.-tanf r.'im wit! lie to fell - o l.orl
i-: I f ic t:n-..oi:i o .i i , ot-o-c. -.f 1 v. ry m.
e.-ia;h"u- so-rti :oi 1 l;. : ,.-.rti,.M Co-;
w'v io tuaUc Ue.-" tin ir Lea i-. .n,-;- ir traa-
1. L iii , ii ite s.
-i Z- ij A Jjs ti j
-i-s -s
"A Penny ?.irJ is a Ptur.y ly-mrj."
Ami it'jou dc -ire to
e, ra-mm
J &ZVC TilZl JPCliiS!
A- Well a - penr.i.- SO t J
Ai 4-.'- AL -L if-.i-l.
Tj ITuy Your
a iz o en 11 in &
v.- . .- 1 t,, tr t, T.- ... 1 . .
l;-v : . ' il ':iii 1 1:1 ; 1 :i : --c,.t 11.-.. v- .. '
........... ,..,.i v ... 1 it. j-. x ..1 .tvi :..-. ' - 1
I l, vt ;a-t r-.-iMV.i-l k-.i a ! i ti-n: il -o 1 ply ..f iir-
e-i ii.--in 1 c -ir. . !,, .-h we w. a scti very
l.o I'jrcasli. AO ki-.cii l'couiitry pro-lupe- ta
kca m excaaiize torgoa-is,
IS-.'AS tn:; ltiL'.N.Sti .Mi.N. on 've u'
i.J li'as ol' li-.Tiie. a iM las pr-..rit-'y or 1::'; -o
t-ri..- el ..z .I.irr:!. with -....if - I
I t !l:o:e ii'ito I ui.!'.-a-, m-'trine. k .!
pinis-s. S. r.t lrpp in .-1 t'.--I fn v. i, ! - s-. It!--llO
w A It Li A"s.-.v-,iAiioN. ii. 5. V. V- . v.
Ira. iaa 1 ii': -'
1 i..l :
A.r. -At-
At.:-- .
Ar. s P. M
Ar. V. M
Aril; "
Ar. l, -Ar.
1.4S "
Le. l- "
!.t. "
At. ijr.
Ar. W.U "
l.t. i.- -
u-. y- ii
- ! At. 31.4".
1 At. J p 'a
5 At. 1.12
I Ar. J...5.f
'O ii v : y
--.' :T1
1 . . - - v . - 1
t r .'m .
n , .. ..t-, -
: 1--' ..
I Ar
; Arr V ;,
j yj-j yn. ?,
i it, v.".
' !.-'..;. V. r.'.
S; - '1 -r 4S
.-"wi ri - J.
; k ;: . a J.- " 'J
il. vso.t.
Ti- ")':. A'. A. M.
to:,. .1 J .i.-. Ar. - A. M.
l.'..u'--r.;.. Ar. K.
. ..u:a i -J. Ar A.M.
.A.-Jar.-l. X K-Vi.
1 .--. , w .i.J Ar.
liarr!y Ar.
T: r w n A .
Lit.-s.-n L .
Liiic.'n !r. (i3
Ii.rt.n Ar.
Ho.-l.Ur, I Ar.
('rii" I ' l II
Ii..r.-o-.:.,r I- . '
.-.;. 'a I...-
i-" ii.-'a 1
s. 1 : ' a 1 -
1 ;ir-iv.:J ( r - '.!-
:- . ii 'a .- t '. 1- r ' -.i-
a it 1- :.. .- ' i.Ur
. : t . - -. o .
.n - ArirVr. pi iii
.Ar. "A t
1 Ar -!- "
I At. V. "
I Ar. 5-. .) -
r 1 L
1 i.e u . 1
J. J1.
y ,
' r -
1:-. i-
: v u
1 Tie
- i.-: v ( :i t r
.i'.u'n r! -C ' r '.
- 1 J
ten t
TJ. i
I. '.
A P. ! ! V
' - It . : t -
. ' t N.-i. t-i . 1 t -::o: ; - y ...
e::t .,. 7 Jl -i 1 t -ur lay
1 iri'-T.
.. il (..,,
his i r,.;
'in e.y
.- . ... 1 let 1 ; m::i y.
,' I ! S
f .!-.rp is it- ... '
He1 li
- "s . '' 1 1 ' '.
t t -
. '', il ':'' : . :.'. ':1 ' :
. f
.' j wil
i. t
. L- I-. i i
11 O'a- ,
K C. .'T. .T"i:. .'v
i it ri c:t :' t--.. t -
"ro! :.y V. rr-V"' -' ,
Ni.-'it r '.. s:r ....
I !,'- Cos i o :. .-
" Ti T . .- -i I. :;: .j:
oa t'.e 'v.V ;. la. 'rain.
' H. Ill
' p. ni .
I h.Ti
7 , 7 Air IJ
: -j. ."
Trs :r.r -'i. n w'th I! aril: -Itii.
r Kaiio.;; ! i:. .. ' r.v '. t.
Il,; ..t nt f. ..f of J..,c- Strrct.
I.:: a r.
Oia-tl:n s o ' .1. in. I J.-'-' .. ;
i . ' ;.. -a. I .!
L:!i'-i!u r. 'i ;. in. j (..;!. i!i i .
e! j 1; j'. ia. I ht
ARiUVATi AND DIir.tltTl '.:
ia i t::. i
C. Tt. A St. .l,.p IX. V.. so"1! '
C. 11. V .-. .fe. It. !L. Imi-A:. 1
ii. .v M. it. :. iv. t. :
It. .V .V. It. It. W e-t.
'Oi ,'i.i.l.y it 01
o't ;.ii z a i f-r. 1 .'
V. l.r.ok i '.:v. bv t r".
In j ar's .U...l:iys, W,.,ii,, ! .-.-
Uriu-e- li.;urs, trmit T.:o a ia l "
r-xiu biy.-, 12 to 1 p inr
J. Vv. .TAT:.-:
Chxtb ?irccl
il p a
') p tn
'. prr.
o a in
R n:.
Y. M. ( A. !!.:'! "vci
Store ' 'rca T.insr ever;- .:!.,.. i
3 i,Vl"'-.'l : Pi iy i i-i : . ' : e ir ' . . : .
ir-jr at 7 oV-t.i k : lo-:eiiiiic K ;.ni .-
from 8 ii. lo. to 1 1 . ia.
Fii:st 1', . tkki in "N'crih
f.-t o s ixtii Itev. li. W. ( :o i
svtiv Si, I.!),,-. Ii at II .'i.iii. -oil'
till School at !':.JJa- in.. Tics P...
.iiilftit. i'r.iycr Mi-i-tii.iJ tu
o eniiif, nt 0..-J oV-loi-k.
Mr'iiioni-T Io-iscop,, "W, .i .
rtn t-t, K.tjiii i f Maui rtf .-. J.
S'-rvi'-t - .'-vi ry S.i 'i :u l'.'-',' : :-.
l'lay, r niffl ioc ovt-rv 'I'lcir.-iiv .
'n't' :::-( .'! y ,M..t:.l.-.y "Vci, ii :
t iit't.T -!o-e i.r S,o!.:itli Ii: i.
!s:ib.l.irJl Sell. ml ill -J:.,'l
.to iv ' ("..mrr ic.
5' ri - : - ii. r. It. 1 ' : 1 r. ,s.., ,
at 1" ', ' :. in . a i: l T p. 1:1. S c ,
i p. iii. 1'i :.;-( r in : - 0, ,ni
'.',. tea;-.
1 .'is' epn, Cirn'-r Vio
xl 1'. St. Ii, or.-,; Yoim;-. S'-l .
nil .:' i ' !..; a. 111. anl 7 p. 1:1. :
U .1 p. hi.
in : -tiav S'-rvii-.-- ir. C"tirt
It. Mii'iiH, local prc-K ior. i.iil..
out T. .1. 'lo.lil. -T I'l-riii'liii,? ::t t'io
co ry s-,lo;i:h Mil n iti It .y .' .
Lf.-I. i'rayi r in.-, f iair fv.-ry "l"!:
at I he ri -Mi 'I- -.- o i ;o i'.-.-i ,r.
uiiiit-.iiali-ly iil'ler m-.i'iiiiti; .-en .
flTIO-I.IC N'r si Irof Pu! ;.
Kai'it-r l.'ayt-i. t-ir-t .Ma-ri c-, 1 .
:; 111., Sc. .!:.! ,l;i... aa I Si-nr.o.
Ve-pt rs :tii4 li-.'-iclict I .n at
al -j a. 111. every 'vei li ij :y.
DicDfj!i:LiLn Hi
T.i". C..;,ar-r- oi.i;. ic-,-, I ,C.
tl.t" iiaino to Sc.. c y A- Joe If,
ju ir.-y I-:' nn.l -u ii I c -1-7i
h cay t I ,s ;.( ml,. a-, ; 71. I y
1. Sv. f i y v, :li eoil.-cl ail L i:,.
o I1:'- l i t- f ITU.
si 1 '. Ii!At-,v.
J.-r- I: - - r"
uuut-, I,
" Jn ttiL I p r of I ' ,-i
, I - . ,.. ;,',. ,:i (
f-r 1 ': a 1 1 ..iiii ui, :i ..j'..
A ! i - i 1, i.-t r.i rior 0:1 t : ' I
iiioot- o- l in ai I !"; .'
t:..-,t 1!,.. s;, .lay ..!":-.
i I. .-if l.y :-t t ,r hearia;;
iM'p.i iii'Hi.
an i -.1 .V iff
. r,
Ail jar- ai inoTi-M .1 ir 0.
M ten i 111: il.-ci a -t; I. 10,. Ice
iO' til... ! I a 1" 1'.-i.- I . i - 1 .
( a-l-i.T ;.: i ii' iiiK l.r.t p 11 1. c
oiiiionl' Ci it c.'iw'y Nt-:-. 1.
aii'l Henry 1-t ntt ha tan it- j .
11 1 J " i:o. a -x t-ti 1 i .11 ih . t-..ii.
I-.- I e.i-.l ats.iij lr-ilj;tto t.'i'i
A. ' I . lv7I.
S. t. llihlSTl. A. T .
f."-t' 1,
"Luxuries of ficrJcr.
In tiosp .lay.i t'o,. ,-, o
I. .1.-1 l. imp exe'-p ',: . t oo
t t o I ! : a I in-ir f a! : ie..i j; ;
I,. :o :c f iic-nri' .-a't ly. s' ... 1 ..
t r.oi -; . - rt:" i-.n.I.v ,o- --i .,:.' 1 a .
I.,- O c-i:.- - .1 a iir -t-i la-.-" i'i i... :
I-.. ei-cii e-, 11 s-ioci r , 1 I-1 t ..
i 'ai , ia,-. l'alla--.) slg.-oi,, ,
ui:io j- .-ar. a iiirt--t rout-.-, g-. i
c. ; !'il -ii .- ic at 1
i.c- 1 .-o ! ia :" ai 1 !! r- ! i !i:.' i-
p..- 1 - all t'e ; r,.,:i;, , .
10; I !; r.i a ro-ate lo ail 1 , .
s- mil, oy iiu-aii to i'.-i c.,-i r ,
1. At !!!.-. t..'t Wi'li tilt- l'.:.-'.-
-. At l'i.U.-'.'oout!i wc.a tii-.- IJ.
N'. '.'-ia -!: 1.
:i. At litm-.'iurr. wiJt it' J..
f -r ail 1 ..o,t- ia Kii.'ait, ,V-.
4. At''.' laiiva. mitii tli tc
on 1 itort'i .'::-- i ri r.i: r,c.
.". A U.iriit-Kton w i'!t thf . I
P... f.r !...-. : ;..-il. M :.::..
'. At .Mi.i.i -.-,m!i. ':,- K. "
nr. 1 V,'o: -fii VOoon It i r : r,
points ia t ie ic r'ii. avi r.r M i,.,.
ia ttip f i'i:li.
7. At I'.s r:.l. ::h l' o ft rt Ii
ton r.a.t-.- !' 1 i !i "-:o ,.:o. I' ,
ai: i all I "ir : -i-i 1 .01 1 . 1; :.
:!. A: p.- - 1. a C. i A V
I.-..-:'a-:- r. 1' co -.
:. At ' t a --. u . a i 1 :-.- I:!
!'. At t illC.c.:- , oa uil 1 rat...
.No ; f,-r l t-.-v c - a 1
o'l :.J i: .r t . -i. :.
11 K ;;..' '
To Contractu.
Fu rr cr r a. Ni.S
N.-t",' i.i s.Hr.t y i.-iv-.-'t thtt
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