I- D. n. WHEELER. E. T. DUKE . Wr-t !: 5 VI '1 &H !' ' , ' i - -"- i . I '"J .IT FOOT OF MA IX STREET Whole?:tle A- Rttail Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINWAItE, ROPE. JRON, STEEL NAILS AND Itlueksuiitk Tools, Ac. Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS r A TEXT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA, L 0 YA L C 0 OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES. AM kinds Of .Heating Stvcs. Coal or Wood kept on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. MOLINE- Stirinjr and Breaking I'lows At Tct Coa; for Cash. Our i rice' urc ns low as any house in the LV3 A T MARKET, THE UXUERr-rOXED HAS OPENED THE STAR Z,L A RKET. t his new stand On 3Iain ?troot, between Sth a ml h soul h f wlicre he is rea iy t- serve all hisold eusininers. and us uuiuy m oiii'.' :. - may him a call. I keep on hanl nothing but the very BEST OF MEATS Ii I1 II EST PRICES r.UD FOR CATTLE -'.-Ton trn ;t. ni;i Ic l'r famishing larjjo 'juan- i :i. a .l meat. Ta!' anil u. i 1 1: '. I A -Alt'. A. C. 1IATT. ijiiim'bcrS Lumber i'he I "ri'icrsisnoJ has on hand an J is All kin.ls of COTTOmVCOD LUMBER! ! .t hi.- Jlilli at the Ferry Lan.lingat riattmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William Edgertos. June3il Jiwtf. F U R N I T U R E And dealer in all kinds of Furniture & Chairs. HAIS STEEKT, (third door west of P 0 Plattsmouth - - - Neb, Rerairing and Varnishing neatly done. unerjl ttended at the shortest notice. "wrought iron 32iclge Company Canton Ohio. T"-- County Comn'issioner?. city antho hies, and ' we woul.t re-peot fully soiint your .uion i of di-rptive pami.l let, and lirhnprn . sent to the county clerks or county coin--loners of different counties in the JStnte of ' -i.'kn. And especial atte ition is na'led to n roueht Irnn Piers and Abntmer--. which r, i.c put in cheaper than stone. ;Mt the r intees tor ail t rioecs built b- thia Company : ..lu.tice. Nebraska City. Keb.. Asent fr - i-aska, Northwestern Missouri and South o lem iovra will cnperintenJ putting ni r.dre'. and mate ccntracte fur the lame. E. T. Dl'KE. & J T- - . " .v-T. vi : -.!; ' .-. r.-i-'-.'i r -.t. -; H ROBERTSON Vholceale Dealers in WINES. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES- Best quality of Cigars and All order?" prnmT.tlv attended to. AIN STKEKr. OXli DUOii WEST OF U MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company Ho. 70 ALL DELAVARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS POLICIES R0K-F0RFEITIKG. IMvidcmls on i.ac Cozifribuiion IPlan, Securicj the Oreatect Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING l?J THIS COMPANY : Tiis is a V estern Coinriany, managed by Western men, whose known finananc ial charac ter, ability and position, nilonl ample guaranty lor its careful aud suuccelul management. 2d. Its lolites are all iiii-lorlilni. d. i'reiuium nil oiiIi. It receives no notes and cives none. Policy holders have no interest to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies. 4th. Jt has no restriction upon travel. 6th. It? dividends are mado upon the contribution plan. Cth. Its business is excluseiviy life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, licnee the Company that loans its aseis at the highest rate of interest can (rive you the largest di idouds. Eastern companies invest their moneys at i percent., while this makes its in vc.-tments at twelve per cent, or more. '1 ho udv.nitajrc ot Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following Etartlinj figure.: The amount of SI.(.ka), invested fortilty years at per cent, compound interest, is $ 1S.4 J0.15 " " 4';,'.hii.;4 l't " " " " 117,;t5.Ho 12 " " " " 31S.m--H.Mr It is obv ious thn.t thi company ofTorii jrrcuter financial advantages and inducements to the policy-holder than any other company in extetunce OFFICERS : TI D Mackav. Prt-sident. I M Swan. Vice Pra.-ident. Dr J L Wevcr, Jlcd. D tor, ficorpe A Moore, Secretary, J Jones, Ass't Secretary. II L .iewuian, Treasurer DIUECTORS. D Sh;re, Leavenworth. TCan, .1 F Kichards. II II llammoud " II Eduerton. II D Mcckay, Leavenworth Kan. I M Swan, Wt; Collin, (ieo A Moore, Thos Carney. 1) W J ewers. M S-ri'-klcr. Jurotion City ico I. Davis. St. Chas Hobinson, Lawrancc, J Mcrrift, V . lludlcy, " K Hastings. 2il li Tilorgan Gen. Agcutfor IVebraslin and .oriIieni Ka:isc GOOD TrIAVELMG SOLICITORS VANTED. W. IIAHSH ALL, Agent, r, r - frr"'i R. LIVIO3X0:i. tied Examiner i 1 '"q 1 i SmtiUIJ a f-lontli Hide jlalu direct - - Tusiibcr S PLATTSPJ3UUTH, CaSS CO., eB. AND NEW FIRM ! Call and see latw cltcsxp C?oojI cai? lie ko3I AT TODD & EATON'S, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries? Clothing, Notions -AND FANCY Ckfts, Sahtcljr:, Sfifotlru, Silver S htcb ScEtart, Stnskal Instruments & Spectacels. Agents for Osn?, I'ianos, McloJuon?, anl Sewing Machines of all TJe;t Makers. -:o:- .Tl.iiia Street, Opposite Rrooks Ilone. Wanted, City, County and Territorial Warrant?, for which the hishes market Trice will be jaid. Sept. 7th, vtCm. South Weeping Water, Neb. DEALERS IS General Merchandise, 8CCH A3 DRY GOODS. UKoCEIES. 1IAKHWABE. VLK;swAKH. HATS. CATS COOTS, SHOES. NOTIONS, ig.. PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SUINGLEo AND LATH. V-'o are Agents for Willcox &. GlSte Sewing Machine, Thich is undoubtedly the nest Machine now ir mariaVttf. GETTING MARRIED. ESSAYS FOR VuL'NMi MEN. on the d" iichtsof Home, and the !ropriety or impro priety . of pettim; Married, with sanitary hcij fortuose wholcel unfitted for mairiinoni.il hr. finess. Sent tree in sealed envelopes. Address IUV AUD ASSOCIATION. Bos 1'. I'hiladel tun 1 uinly. In Running Order. f-Tde;re to announce to the public th I now " ; e my Great meiican Ten Inch Double bine w ater heel in lu'l operation, llar nllrrvetted :cy mill throupliut I am now pre miir dto do beticr by ay customers than any rsin th isutc. Tobacco always on hand HE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE II A Calkins, (lencrnl Aeent, W K JIarvey, Con.ctuar, T A llurd. Attorney. II L Xwman I.cnvenworth Ka W E t'hemberlain. " " T A llurd. E It Allen, C A '"erry. Wes'on. Mo, i W Veal, Topcka, Kansas. .1 M Price Atchison, Kan. W H Stchhins, " Louis. Mo GOODS. ALSO- z'l 1 Sargent & Co. Soap 32ainsfacl5!rei? WE wouM incite Dealers and tho Pub generally to cill aud examine our stock of S O .A. S , before purchasing elsewhere. JMr. Sarpcnt havinjf had tho experience J twenty years in manufacturing all kind ot Soap. Wp are confident of piviasr entire satisfac tion to ail wno may favor us itU tkeir patron ajre. Soap exchanged for grease, and delivered in any pa of the city. C;'8i paid for rendered tallow and clet grcas nh Works. Kearney Ward, near Feiry ft. Brid , Neir:isk City. Ju lodiwtf. HUMAN MISERY! Juit Pu blimhed, it a ,:ait :l rnre hpc. l'ri:e Cctn. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and F.adical cure of permattirrhiea. .r t-eminal Wc.:kne.-, Involuntary Ir.miion-". Sexual le l ility. and Impeuiinent? to Marriajm generally; Ncrvousnes". l'on!uinpiion, Eidlepsy, nd r its; Mental and l'hi?ical Iucjpdcity, ri-.-uitiiiir from ?clf-abuse. Ac. By Ko iert J. Ctilverwell, M. Dr. author of the "Green BroU.' A'c. The world rcnouneil author, in this admira ble Lecture, cleat ly proves troin hi own exper ience that the awful coceuence ofelf-ubuse may be etfectually removed without medicines and without daii(ferou surgical operations, bou fries, instrument, ring- or coj Jials. pointing out a mo-ie il cure at once certain and e :k ctual by which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself eheapty, ri vately. and radically. This lecture will prove a bo n to thousamls and thousands. Sent ui der seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt ol six cents, ot two post.ttre stamps. Als-j Dr. tulvcrve l'e "marri -pe guide,' price 23 cents. Address th ruDiii-ners. CHAS. J.C KIKE Ti Bowery. New York, ox St, DerW iz wly" LOCAL ZTsTETWS Two new smokins car3 ariiveJ ior the B. & M. in Nebraska th Tho lijtllance of the irifuranr.'o money 72,000 on the Insane Acy'um, was jai( to the Comnji-;oners ye.-tcr'Jay. IV. Livingston, of this city, has or dered a quantity of the cole! rated cancer cure coriduranpio which U just now at trnefiii2- kiii eh attention from the medical f.icuhy of the world. The town of Crete, was oraniz?d as such, n dny or two since ly the election of a hoard of truces Cl--;k, Treasurer, C'ily Attorney a. d Marshal. Our cor respondent '"Ye Ancient" S. F. Coor-cr wa.-s cleefed attorney; hi-; partner Mr. Baker, Clerk, Burr, Treasurer, and Frank William? Mar.-hal. Gov. James Scott, of Ohio ; John J. SafilyFq., of la, and I. II. S'.unreon, of St. Lou":?, Mo., Government Com missioners to examine the B. & I. K. in Neb. arrived in the city yesterday and will at once proceed with their work. Several persons were inclined to bo jovial at our expense, because we spoke of the new cars which arrived yete:hir, a smoking ear-. They thourrht they were too fine fir that use. We n.srre with them, but then the B. & M. folks have every thins of the best. Just as we po to press we learn that a saction hand on section number two was run over and his left leg cut off just above the ancle. Married, at the residence of A. L Child in I'lattsmomh, September Cth 171, by Judee Child, Mr. Joseph W rctit to Miss Elizabeth Snyder. We have been shown a specimen of the lime from Mr. Lamb's new patent kiln, which is superior to anything we have seen in the west. The Statistics show that something over '30,000 people have been added to the State of Nebraska by immigration during the present season. How long will it be. at this rate, before the propo sed constitution will not bo " too big for the body" it is made for. Galamus McCarty, Esq , of Ulysses, Bntler County, is in tha city. He re ports Butler county settling rapidly by a well to-do class of people. He says the people of that, section are almost unani mous for the new Constitution, and the more they know of it the mere they like it. The Omaha Tlerall denies that it has endeavored to ridicule the meetings held in that city in favor of the n?w constitu tion. We wish to do the 1 lentil per fect justice in the matter, and we admit that it is less guilty in this respect than its neighbor, the Hrjittlh'ein, yet we do not reckon it as entirely blameless in this respect. S. Bloom has jut received a stock of the latest styles of clothing by express. Call and examine them. Newman, the popular manager of the Elephant Cloth ing House, is always wide-awake on busi ness matters. He has opened a branch houe.at Crete, where the ever accom modating J. M. Wolf accommodate the people with "Xo. 0? mit out stock ings," or anything ele in the clothing line they may desire. John W. Coirothcrs anived to-d; y from the Republican liver, where he has taken a homestead. lie will remove his family as soon as he ran get a hou-e built. His location is near the mouth of Prairie Dog creek, fifty miles south west from Kearney. Carrothers reports that country settling rapidly, and says he fears it will be traversed by railronds before he is ready fur them befo.e he gct his farm ready to ship produce. Thirteen homesteads were taken in that immediate vicinity dunns ten days he wa there, and he met as many more families on their way there during the first day of his coming homo. We are requested to announce; that owiucr to the house not yet being ready, Mrs. Martindale has been compelled to abandon the proposition of teaching a select school in the 3d ward, as the reg ular term will commence in about three weeks. Mrs.M. would return her sin cere thanks to the numerous friends wl o have interested themselves in her behalf. and very much rcgivts that clr.uimstanccs have prevented her complying with tlu ir wishes, although, no blame can attach to any one for the failure. johs (.'iid.Ksnr Said in Omaha, last week, that his office (Auditor) was worth not less than $1, 500 per annum more under the old con stitution (counting perquisites) than it would be under the new. How is that for high salaries under the new consti tution. FA 1,1, STOCK Clark Sc Plnmmcr, who regulate the prices of all first-class goods in this market, are receiving a lanre stock cf Fall and Winter Goods, selected with care especially for the market. You should call'and examine their S:ock and prices, in order that you may be posted, even if you buy elsewhere. o tiM.vr; HAiinrr. A private letter from a prominent citi zen of Nebraska City says: '"The new constitution is gamins rapidly, rind only needs to be discussed to receive a unan imous vote." Such are the words we hear from almost every locality. Chas. Sponsler, runner for the Platte Valley House, got his leg and font bidly hurt this evening while making his ac customed trip to the 4 p. m. train. Wc did not learn the particlars. (."() UOKDS. From all parts of tha State wo receive reports that tho people are becoming aroused to the importance of carrying the constitution. Thev see the ciTort being made by designing politician-: to defeat the document;, and they are bc p uning to understand the reason there for. There is no question as to the adop tion of the constitution if the people turn out. The only danger :s that thev will remain too inactive. Let the people arise Jn thmr mibf it- tbli tt,r on.l - press their choice as between the old and , the new. i mi l r snmi:. Bucks' is emphatically a fruit store, notwithstanding they keep a good as sortment of groceries, etc They have the finest assortment of fruits ever in the city. Apples weighing a pound and a quarter, and pears that make your mouth water to look at theiu. Call and see. coxtkact s on tijs: si:v ixsixr. ASYI.13I I.IIT. Kinfs A ?iif: tl:c Surccs .f! EitNIerf W T C..... IT.-. Ct., IU l-tilll lll'll. L dli:, j one oi tho Asylum I omnnssioners that the contract for the building of the ne w Insano A-ylura was let jesterday to Messrs. Bines & Price, contractors of Lincoln, for the sum of :?o',7u..). There were eight bids, this being the lowest hy some $.j,Odi.. Tlie f jundatiosi walls are to bcoinplet.d by tb.e first day of" Jan uary, IS 7'. ovras5ii:sr "M7!i?ise?SF.its. On the 2ith tilt, the Picsidetit ap pointed as Commissioners, on behalf of the General Government, to examine a:i 1 report upon the condition of t lie B. Si M. B. II. in Nebraska,. Dr. James Scott, of Lebanon, Ohio, Maj. John J. Saptly, of Iowa, and Tsaac II. Sturgeon, of St Louis, Mo. Thcso r.ece.-ary in structions wc-ro signed by th? Acting Sec retary of the Interior, on the and the Commissioners are expected to arrive in our city in the course of a few days to proceed with the examination. They will report upon the first sixty miles of the road and perhaps the first eighty miles. For Nebraska Dcrald. oi.: A SO X K IV. "T)'omnn'!i Iiljlts" Half Won, In looking over the old constitution you will see that it required as qualifica tions to a seat in either branch of the Legislature, first, that the person n.u.-t be a male citizen ; and second, an elec tor in the district for which lie was chosen By the new constitution the qualifica tions for Senator are, 1st. The Senator must be a tc-so:t. 12 1. Must be 2 years of age. 3d. Must have been an iult-iltant of the State for two years next before his e'e'tion, and the last year thereof an i ihah't tnt of the distiict fiom which he is chosen as a Senator. These are the qualifications required for Sona'or, while iu regard to lleprc seutatives there arc no qualifications whatever as to sex, age or citizenship, u:ibr the n:w constitution. For Representative, Cass or any other county, can send whoever she prefers men, or women ; nor is any di.-trict con fined to its own bounds in the selection of a Representative. You may if you sec fit. import your Representatives from any other county, or from another Stat-', or from a foreign country and that with out naturalization. Nor need you be particular about age. Ifsome CL-n.-titueney in the State should avail themselves of tlu latitude thus given, an I elect Mrs. Cady 1?. Stanton to a seat in the House, jt would be worth a thousand tulles travel to see her inarch in with female grace, and dignity, as-ume her rights, and with her cutting sarca -ni silence those, if any, who might be disp ised to talk her down and vote her out. While a boundless latitude is gtyor, Jn the si-lection of Representatives, it is al most as unlimited, in reality, in regard to Senator. True the Senator must be twenty-five years old and an in!tthittitt, and must be a pemoi; but may be a male, or a female person ; may be a citi zen by birth, by adoption, or may be an alien, merely residing here for business, without becoming naturalized. Of course, i i-as-mm h as the section on rtie qu i'iii'." r. ion of Senators uses the pronouns ''he" and "his," it might bj supposed that none but men could be Senator. And such would be the legiti mate inference in any other composition. But such a view would not be sustained by the u.-ago.s to which these pronouns are subjected in other parts of the con stitution. '"He," "his" and "him" are apjlied to both sexes in many cases. For instance, in the Bill of Rights, sec tion 10. No person, in criminal cases, shall be compelled to give evidence against In'msiff. And in section 0 a person accused shall have process to compel attendance of witnesses in his behalf; and again in section 23 "All courts shall be open, and every person for any injury done him in his lands, goods, person Sec , shall have remedy by due course of law, " In these cases the personal pronouns and thecompound "himself" as used by tho framers of the constitution, convoy no idea of gender That is, it is not intended by the Bill of Riirhts to afford protection to males only. This idea is so evident that no person can dispute it. The framers have frequently used, flcncralh 7'geJ, tho word "persons" as their collective noun, and although "per sons" is of the common gender, as put down by-some grammarians, i. e. a word that embraees both genders or cither, yet the framers have applied to it pro. nouns on!y in the imnseulsno fender. For instance, in sec. 23, "All courts shall be open and every person i" r any injury done fu'm ;., ands &e.'' Here the word "person" means boih sexes, nor is that meaning changed by the improper use of the pronoun '," and "'iV And the case is exactly the same in re gard to qualifications for Senator. The real import of the laPiiurse f section 7 is : that any person whether ma'e or fe male, who is twenty-five years old, and who has resided fir the last two years in the State and the last year in the dis trict is eiiiuble to a seat in the Senate. Should thenew constitution be ratified by the people (which we think doubtful), but should it be, we hope some inde pendent constituent"? will break through the barrier of olden prejudice, and rive us a specimen of female legislation. For a party in the minority in any disfriet. it would be a sure road to success. Lot the majority nominate their party hacks and then let the minority take a' "new de parture"' by nominating the best woman "? ?eir Lstnct' M at "ome -ld and New. Legal Notice ! Thorni" C. B-y nohi-s. Sydney fhaekcl.'ord, j .Tohn L. I'innev and Wm 11. Iinney. nor-rcs-i-dent defendant", will tnko notice that John t'firistianst-ii ot t'ass county, did on the li'ih day of Aii-rns't lTl tile his petition in the Iis-trii-t Courl-d Judicial District in and for Cass c v.inty Nebraska, avainst said defendants. 1 hat the oi-.iect and pravcr of said petition to o'ltain a decree of sai 1 court ilc'arins a certain trust dee t on lot number ti it; oi"-k no. 1:! in 1'lattsiuouth Citv Cu-.s county N elon.-k.i. executed by Kei;nout L. Kand-ill at.-l Anna h Kaudall to Thomas C KcynoiJs who at the time oi execution and delivery ot" Fail tr::t d-ed w as a partner of the linn of bne'- el ford I inncy .V Co. and that suid tn.r"j:aire an I trust deed was piven to secure a pa t ic-M; ucht due and owiri to sai.t l;r:a" frot?i sail Krcnnont L. Itan :!!! ;'i! I Ann i L I iu la!", to be fully paid oil" a:i 1 sat"s!ied nii-1 tin- cloud re-iu; opon I'laintUl's" tit'.t to said lot t' in block i.Sin 1'latts MaXWcll. i ou:h Citv ' i?i nty, Xclua-ki tn;i'- be f-r- , fuiiy confirmed ind.uniete.. JOilN CilKISTIANSLV. By rdASWi:i.L A- Chai-mas .Jljs. a'.'.lTwtt A CARD Ve ask the attention of the public to the stock ot spring Roods we are opcr.inir. iVc have taken preat care in the sclcctioi of none but first-class goods, and from first hands, we buy us low as they can lie had in the market for cash.r. id we shall sell at prices that we puarentee will Five entire satisfaction to all who may rive us a call, coiae and see an 1 von will be convinced. CLAKK A; PLUMMKK. J. U nUlTKKY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Is receiving and bason hand (at tho old stolid of White A: Dultery s Soutn udo Maia Street, Flatt.-nioutb. Neb THE LARGEST AND HIoH Complete Stock of Drnirs. Medicine-, Paints. Chemical Lead. Varnish. ConlOil. Ti.-h "il. Maoh'ne Oil. fJarplins Oil. Castor Oil. Neatsfo t Oil. Whale Oil. Linaeed Oil. Lard Oil. Kssentinl Oil. Cod Liver il. and a large varie: c tions, (' 1'anly and 'ilet Arti-as Essences, Fit-' vorir.tr extrac' and ao PATENT MED GINES P'ich as .Tayne's Cue's Avers", s-'civillc's Hall s Christie's .'Ic Lain's. .Morse's, ltakor's MTistar's, Wriirht's, Wake field, tiuvsott's. iVrrv Davis Itoback's. I'eti't"s. Jlr. Vinsh,w' Ir. WiiieueH's llostet'er's. l.r!ik"s VraMace's. West's and ottlie most popular Patent Medicines in use at the present day. BrandissWinss and Vhiskic Of the Kest Grades and qualities, strictly for wedical purposes. COMESTIC DYES, Red or Rose, Green. Tllue, Black. Analine. In diso. Madder. Ks tract Locwood, Iry Woods. Ac. In fact everything that is ncrded in the dr'ae or Medical line. Phisicians' Perscriptioru Carefully compounded and put up at all hours All Drtijs warrented fresh and pure. Call be fore buying, and see what I have to scX Flattsmcutb, Feb. 2ith.diTrtf. Plows! Plows! Flows! Plows Way 222 mi C:iriir:. Takes I'ieasuro in announcing to the. public that they have .secured tho scrvi es of that 1'u.necr Plow Manufacturer. Who is now enned in t-'c-r.-h jp in viv.faL-tnr-itii- a l etter article, at lower prices, than can be had from any eastern !.iai:i!'.ict;iry. .t'nc prcat auv.-intai.-c j'ainr-i by patMni.iop this firm is that you not only pel a bettor mole at hoi-,.) s-, ;it you are p-.i'roninnp ll".M 1. .UA- I. - I K 1' , where every -'ol'sr ot tiic m-'iiey remains m the ?tat-' iprch! IdAwtf Vbiting rialtsmoulh, WILL FIN r ;tr.r PTART.TN- ACCOM MODATION AT I'll -J Farmer's Feed Stable orr.T of f i th rnd Vir.e Ptrect One Lb c North ofihe I'rohbyteriac Church, Tl ttsiiiou' Nebraska. BATES PetJAIlMO BOILsTISnffiK T . in l is s Iuttcry Si Lazenby Ihops. LIVELY SALE & E.XHAMGS j5-The brt of Horse--and Bucsics on hand. " I Cori.cr ine and iourth street. "A rsTASi.t.:ir.3 in iaoi. rj. J E W E h R Y flLVKR AND ll.AliD V.'AK!-;. GOLD 1'KXS .:i'CTACLi;.S. VIOLIN STKl.NGS AND FANCY. GOODS. Watohe". Cloeksand Jewelry repaired nentl nd with disnatch. f. ?,liemoved to orposito l'latto Valley House U---i:ir t. nov. niwtl. HENRY diOECK DEALER IN FUR N I TURK, LOUHGES, SAFES, TABLES, KEDSTKADS- OK ALL Dr.SCEIPTIUXS AXU AT ALL PRICES. r.Iclalic Burial Cases. OPAIiL. SIZES. WO l) Li EN COFFINS Heady Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage, I i:i ito ell to call and examine my larc stock of niture and ColTins jan.St CHOCEWES & PROVISION ! CALL AT AUCTION AND Commmdon liooms MAIN sin LET. Where you can buy almost every thins eatable, including ,. Frcsli, JFruitm At the lowest Prices fjr cash. Highest price paid for Country Produce, Butter, thickens, ccc. kc. Goods Delivered in the City Free cf Charge. S. DUKE. jylTdoCwtf. I'frki.vs' New Pehool Hook, "The s.omr Leho," promunc- ed 1 lie hesi work of its class fir I ji the followiiiit reasons: "The ' Mu-ic is all new 1111 1 lresh: every I'iecc is a wcil-kno.vn House hold 3c!od 1 ii'h as. "Jlnvp." Ofroai ho ui "Li-tieilr :o!iic," " Wiie me a letti 1 ' 1 rown . enroll. ' etc. It W contains twieeas many fconfts as r:Mi be found i ti other works. 1 be music is ? cleef I from sixty T f 'ur authors, and err not tilled I I -1 N up with on- --nthor's coir. pot i- J 1. ti "is. i'ric"1 T.i cents inch, or fr7 fsi per dozen Sample copies mailcl to loaenors tor t cent t Liberal arrangements for intro- o "VA uuetion. Ad-lre-s. Uuetion. Ad-Ire J. L. PKTEF. o'.D IJroa-t way, N. Y. 2.C; r. G2LLCTTC General A;-ent Dcp't Northwest, Union Central Life irijzniiinrcis oo Of Cincinnati Ohio, J. II. IT.SS30N. ja'c'l-Sii-rtf Local Aeat iViiOiH lAiVIMt'if. Reck EIuiTs, I7eb S'prin Term Commences Pap'lsof e:lh''rscx wi'I rc.vvve t'oironpli nn 1 rysrcuiMtic i;i-;r;;c paid to Priiiisiry si ioi. fiere. i .irucn'.ar aUcn- ?v'io!.l bu ks famished free cf sit to rl pupt!. GOOD l:OAV.TINu CAN PP. OlVi AINLI AT R A S CN AD L F. P. -: . 1 f I. I. 1 A 1 CY BEST i'A TAZ VOKLD.tv) i i:cw Tori OSco, 7 EEEKMABfisT? notic: rW I l.L fnrni par! ic.: it ii i ti" fir ' 'i:! n-j pitr os. -it rt -a-oiial-'c r :'o.-'. at my r t t ,ri v or di livere i on t lie t :T at I."" i- ii Ic t; n ,r Jblio.'vi tr kill' Is r.'i :i I " !..'. I on -liort ic .f ice. .-il is, caps, perch r. " k, I .;:'" i -! snul s'.ioc s'i. h it its ii.-i j l!i IS. A M 11. I'.. iii t!ic iTi'-iri".. ; -i. '1 oir st :i w rl. . ,11 re- poiisibln orders promptly tilled' A d-i. -., J. r. A. i!nii pp.' inltn tf l.oiil- vil'c Stut'or-. Probate fioticc In the in;.!'cr of ('ic t -tnte of Oa-por M-!n !' J . censed. Appti'itb!i bus tSt-t ..iv Lccii t:i (... f'r the ai'point iik'ii ol'.l.i -i I, Y.tii.-vy. (-i, Admitiis'riirtor on s-ti I c-t.itc, r i -. i r I p i interi'Sfoil in s 1 l.-'.-uc. mc hi-r-l-v no!i:ic-l' that the S:h .! iy i s( tciiiln r. at 1'P a. -n ls71. is hereliy s. t 1 T li' .ii i' nt'd deoi liio- on said Mpilic! A. L. I ii ! !.!. nir,-!s l.vw.Iiv 1 roli.ite (liid-c. 1 f : AdjournCu'. "70TICK is hereby p-'vi u that in pi'r-!ia"crtf il 11 t'-lcrram rccci i-Mr.'i-i l.:s Jlnuor ( e . 1!. Lake, ,!'! lk'ciiti'l I '.: li.-ial Disi rii-t ot ' .Vebran ka '1 lie .s..j,riinl,i.r i-i ni 1 1 1' - a 1 I'oirl, in an I lor Ca-s co';i.;y is hcrc'iv ao'joi'i ii" l uot-l lit.. - '1 h day of Si (ten Lor i Tl . t ivh ieh time nil Jurors I'oiet'iri re si(tnn,( in .1 ttt .f rv t s.iid term ill nppinr w i lioat lnrtb.-r i'"ti'-c. IS I A" I ' 1 1.1. A LI', Clerk. By J. M. LV j:ii.h v, I'cp't. a.;::nis wanted for 'c,,r'T, 4 NEW honk hv .Lime--Pari n. .". h' ; t' j tlie sn.'i c.--:ii men i. Atii'-nci, I'o-". v.oioltTliil inv nt iot.s, il i-iovcrii and ml o-v-ments, sli . n;- how miiiiir i" Ic ar-' i. n 1, iiol.lo cb'iracler. i :- u 1: i ! y. ;ucl p".l.!ic spi.it, !i;iv. eontribiitcil to the a I vancf-ficnt of t'10 worbi Finely iliii-iratcd . intensely int'-i and very instructive A rare l aam c f ir agents, "rend lor eii ivilars, i rd note onr -r 1 t-irm , M. A. I'AUKKH A- CO., I'i.I li -hi 1-. hn Madisun St., Chica-o. Ill ',. !s. Lady Acn Is wiinieij to se'I th rr;a: cst miik on th-j the sui ject ever ublished. WOMAN AS A WIFi: AND MOTHER. By Pye It. Ch iv ...... 31. D. A work whiclj i I'laeed in every f 1 mi iy, will s-ive th'i li ve n thoijs-mdy t -Motliers :in l ei: it -; yciriy. I you wa.it to Iili'ke money, an 1 (!o irood. s ml .- once f,,r our eii .-uiriri aii'l t- rin -. i.ix i led li ce. Ail; 2'.) w".t 107O 5 070 Thiladclphia z rrrlo Hailvray. '.'inter Tima Table, On and nflcr Motolay, T:iy '.V'l'n IsT ). the train .n the rhil.-idclphia J 1 1 I hri's L'ulroad will run n follows Iroai fen -j 1 van il Kail road Depot Wi.vt l'bila 1. tphia: VT.-TTAEIl. Mail Train l" ive" Philadelphia, 'illiau. sport. irra' I'.ric Eti- Exp. loaves I'hi'a.'.elpbi, w, port. " ' r rr at l.i m-. Elmira mail, i'-h-.-i- 1 'ii ' -V 1 ia. W I! I port. V) 2' r n S 00 :i 11 7 4 pm 1 ) : a M S I '. p ,., 7 - a m 7 "'I a m ii p in .it- KocC l!-u en. 1 1" p i t VfUl I-.i!j?lo nun: I. :ivh iiii-.t.-..p.,rt. 1 :m p n. " " " ai r at Lo -I: Haven, 2 I p 111 K si w v;;f. :.I.-il T'r'.n leave? I'.';'. R a n ' illiam ; ort, . a 11 air at I'hi! : lolpbi.i, ii .:o a 10 Eric E::prcss leaves Lric. '.' t"i u 10 " " " iiiiaic 'port, S 1'vai-i ' " arr.:t Phil.i'b-lph.n. ,i .'.n p to Elmira mr-il leaves V il i i i m-j ort, '.' I"i a 1.1 a:-r at i 1 1 : 1 t J --li liia, !."') p in IlttHalo express leaver il! i-i fn-'p-ort, lJ L'" a in II ! 1 i-; oi'-. 10 a im " " nrrnt 1'iiila ielphi.i, !i Si a m Laid Kalc mail li avi sl.erl: Haven, 11 a m " " " arr at ill urn .-p r, 1J ' p m Laid DijIct jrp-.-.Jcav" L Haven, ! '.'' l !'i " arr at W il. ia o;-p. .r. bl.Vijiin Exirc-s, mail en 1 Ac-ommodat :on i .i t mi l west, oonneet at Corry, 1111 i all west bound trains and mail and ii' eonn.io bit ion east e Irvineto'vn v. iiii Oil Creek and All' i-ahtny Liv er K:i ilr- !-!. J f.I.I A M A. Il i.Ti-,ri-, General Supoi intcnd'jr.t. PLATTSMOUTH ACADEMY SUFilMER TERM FOR 1871. Commrnrcs June Di'.h 1S71. Chicaso Avenue, Cass county Nebraska. Prof. Adolpbc d'Alleni.md. Proprietor and i'riticipnl, Assisted by a'olo Tutors. ' J 'II IS Aca lerr.y is now i n sitocc-. ful ''ppei a 1 ti .n.iind . tiers at luo lerate terms tlie u-unl U'l vantages of u Firsi-Ciasc CcIiooJ. ' I 'he'eoure r.f sftdy embraer.' every i.-an ii A of a thoronth i;i:iish c-lii.-iiiou."toai-lhcr oreir the modern l:u. iMiasr?. m r. ic, am! dra win v. it tpiil.ctilar and rolcrciK-e addrt-stbe I'riin i wh n-.h'tt 100,000 FE ET ! The ui dcrsif-Tic l has on Land alar;,-c aar.tity r COTTONWOOD LUMBER. WHICH lIEOrFEKsi AT KEA SGNA r.I.n I-! (.CI t. . ORDERS FILLED on short notice, and f t my eua or l.n."th of lut.tnr. lUllOlo; UU'.UiilliJ'l iuiwlo an bo hvl on short nnli-?o. C. UliliCL. .7. t - j, I'ii I'.lrt; 1 n:id Tr-i Genera- Lifj. Acoi-lei.t. I Insurance A "rent, 'i i.l nob m1'" in ::ic :'. - t ri ! . I'nt!' d Suite.-- 0.:;i'-e opj l.t"Siout.';, Sk'jt.i k .:-. the I'. yt t ..: