ft. f 1 . i i 5 i i r 1 J i ?! ! r 4 1 ! : ill' I! - ' i; TnUilSDAY, AUG. 17. 1S71. TllL AXCIKST" LHTTEItS. CilETE, August 7, li'Tl. "That "when admitted to that erjiil jr. Uia iai'.hlnl dog stuuld bear biui coiuj any Perhaps merchant a?:J artisan thought, when ' Vsre wood a'eep, 'all is safe, for Frank u out lo-n's'it. Perhaps, tea, thy Ancient was think ing cf old Jay?, toy Limes, tehoota and 'If young men come to the iri.tii u ticn having some dissimilarity of char acter, I want t! etn to tc allowed to re tain their individuality. I pympathisc with all my heart in the remarks con cerning resthetic culture. But if a M .11 a 1 . t " .... ... years ; perhaps he, too, thought of the . QJ. wnQ or (amc trembling wretch lie fined and lmrii-cn- j , . ... , . , . , - , . i , i , , c , . , , ' his spirit; but lot Lis dawn grow, let bus el, anJ woii-iered if the only iljul-reiicc . , ,, . .i: i,( ' , . ... 1 teeth k-rihc'n, 1st fci3iuanetljica.cn, let between them was purtivofiie;ul. i say, . . ,'. , . , ,, 1 , J v :i, ... jnrliijs uM you evc&play it ' I i:;r.M iIathway;: I ought to orol cve!" '5r ievcr1"3 were cut iiiort, as t.2 ngre fr u-t Fending you a letter last j "wwa lit her lamp with a Mar and mod week, but I don't think I will. If these j estly retired behind a cloud to give the i-iters are a trill- erratic, asl not par-!'! a chance to sXjl." Wc and the tie ilariy punctual, yon will have to opal- w'n."! shifted. ,.,.. i.r'ze to your reader?, for 7 cannot tdl a ,-,,, , , T, ,r , ,. T. T . i . .k Oov.v bauisde-d and .Jauie?, II. I. L.aiiC I.e. I told you I would p.-t you on tc' , ' , ' . , ,, -i r an I others, aniong whom we miIit nicn- l-rofOCJirig? of tho oh! City Councd of . ir " T , TI T , lU ', , . , . , tioii ot llonoiaLI v- J.uin Hayes, J. i'iiftsmouth, had at this place the arr.c : , , J ' ,. , . , I .IcLnw.n, an i i. Lnrran. Iany i-.::j an a Ijjurnej vm die) inc-eti;:.L', . , , ., , , . , . . . .. jtrHrn'crs are coming to (..rete, an,I dany tun le so hv the taUJlinf.d nnh fr;i:;tJ of , , , " . .' - , . , , j , twe (iemanj lor i-r.s ; incrca.-in?. .ew ov.r uioael c;ty who voted oarly but , . . ,. t t t buildings- projvct-.'o. Une cc-ntleman, not oiccn cuourh. I hepe tliey have . . ' P i Mr. .J. liicklc, is ju.-t commencincffix teen the error of their ways and ar3 i , ... , i-CTiiiiag for the wayward who paid the 'Special fund" thrtt ye ''protectors of ihe pence" liiiht live and thrive by the lMiiti nT t?K'tr I:i1rv;'. 'lhc meeting ran sotactLi in Ills j bc hu'1 ysonah!e rates-your humble dwellings for n nt and others are uoiog the sani-2. Crete is hound to bo one of the (ir.c. t iuland tOA'ns in th? State, and aVo there is plenty of room and lots can v. i f, the Ancient being ordered to have fU: fauie printed ia the I laUsuio ith Jinthl, as it was a paper of known in tegrity, and ?oi!ie Democratic principle: "Jlctirii'l! & tVlLLUMS' CosrKfUftN-KnY," At Crf.te, July 171. Cuuucil met pursuant to some "darned Jd"' adjouruiucnt of la;t year, or by ac cident the U'lird way. It'jl! called l'reseiif, tho Mayor, i 'o'lijjilimn Vi'hite,. Recorder, an I Dep't 3Iar.-hal that b-.-ing all that was re- stjle ome oil servant being a gout for many Tho IJ. Jt M- going rapidly ahead ; its ofricers and employees being well liLed al?ng the line of tho road. The bridge over the I5!ue and one of the Cr.e?t in the h'tate is completed. Water tank and depot bo Hi completed and in woikiii order. Col. Done has commenced his residence on his farm adjoining town; the academy will Mon bc completed. I will give you its iHmen-i ns cost, and other ti.u-. The O. it S. W. R. R. we expect, vu!I soon commence operations at this point; business lively; crops are good, and "everything lovely ' and the gosc elevated. Send some one here to sta:t a Rank : this is one of the Lest points i'i the State. The place for deporting funds lies between Lincoln and "teat-tail pockets," the pot-Lets h ive the most. A Baidt is sadly needed her-;' also a good Root and Shoemaker with capital. woikt:in and stock. The R. it 31. have agents here to at tend to ti.cir lands ; they can ho bought cheap, with or without money ; it is a sound inve.-tment for rich or poor. RiJs were opened for the grading of' S'nee .-eeing you, I have mot Hay, of all the streets to a "dead level" the ! the S'itn:nni ; he Land!e3 a pen with highest bidder to have it. One rhiht clearness. Ihownlee, cf the Journal, 1 oin led citizen, who had a clerk who was ' met, and mid him. as he ojght to bo7 "lightning at figures," gat the c-ni!in.t. ' '"t'g in years, but old in the head. I ipihed to do the municipal bu?incs. lougiug commenced. l'etition of II. S. to fell hi;-ky as l.ng and where he saw fit, read, bon 1 hunted for, and the whole approved, upou liis piying the sum of 10 a Con-j-i Jemble and animated discus.-ioa took plate as to who that SiOOshou'd be paid t , which was finally cut short Lv the IteeorJer iiif irming the Council that it had Leen paid to him, and he had dis hurscd it equally among other giii. mills, hat they might come and do likewise, t btd::g highly important, it was rc fened to the finance committee. Sid clerk h-i 1 inl;rmed his Honor that he was entitled to it, Locaii; Le had cx- vi-itcd Lincoln ug .in ; I also visited the Asylum (on ba.-ines-. ) I don't know limited the muit mnl; iplica'i. n tal?. i what to -ay about it but will say that, t:.' CV'iu- I coo; ing tho.e poor wretches up in the Tl; mitLCce on Highways ai. l Riidges re- ! -M tinder box they are now :n, is a - iig .-h.tme and di -grace. If that get-in fire, fjod helj) tl.em, I smj". Still nt ore Can be blamed, they havu d sue the be-t T!i..t whereas, Four ?di'e they can. ' tialuiei" was there, and tl let his spirit wax till by his roaring he thai! send tenor to all the hauuts of wickedness and di.-may to ail the dens of li!pU!ty. J. I.,or,l-KiT. Cor. of tbo Tribuae and Republican. Tt'is place U tsow the t. mpora: v termi nus cf the R. it 31. R. R. in Neiua-ka, s-ituated tihr miles we t of Crete. It promi-es to be a fiit-c!a-.s town, sur rounded as it is ly one ( f the fn-'-t ag rieuitural l:tricts iij Neinarka. 'I tie lame of the LI 10 Valley has already gone out to the world. We will not pa rade her greatness at this time, but ton fine ourselves strictly to the caption f t' thN aitide. The town site, in the fir.-t place, is a benntifiil one. Soutiiwo.-t from this point is a projected railway, which will ne:e--a;:!v make Dorcho-ttr just such a t.c.vu a Ficiamt, which i wtd! known a one of the mo-t thriving in the State. In common with many ethos we have recently made our irif visit, but not our la-t by any means. While there we met a gentleman from Corning, low i. who pureha.-cd six lots for himself and friends. Col- Patterson of the town com puny, inform 'd us that he wi- m ikiiii.' ready sales at $10;) a lot We learned of a number ofenterpii-es to be iuaugiii a'e 1 this fa!!. Amonir them a large warehouse frgra:n and aiicultu ral iaiplements. Reing about half way between l'latt.-mouth ard Ft. Kearney, it more than probable that it will be the division station of the li it 31. Dor chester is destined to have a rapid and prosperous growth. Immigration isllow ing in rapidly ; present crops are abund ant, and trade excellent. It is now the be.-t point, in our opinion, alonr the IJ. iV Jor proiiraoie investment.. iuri piop'-rty will double in value in less than t.-n years; yea more, quadruple. A year niro the property in Crete could be bought for a few dollars an acres. Last week two lots 2-' feet front, sold for $1, 0;0 each. This is a fart, as we wore there at the time whereof we aiTi'in. It suri ris-e,! us. but di i not the good people of the town Thev took it :ia matter ol'conr-e. .'lay we not rea-onaMv expect as mueli from Dorchester '! We wiii give it two years to advance its lets (Vum a hundred to a tlion.-M.d dollars. Wo think t lie in crease would be entirely satisfactory to any ordinary bu-i;ie-s roan. Level!, the terminus of the 15. it 31. II. R. in Nebraska, is growing finely and ir i expected lb it th- road will be fin ished to that plaint within seventy days. IVooerly was doubled in value fheie since la-t -''jT.. A Ouiil! Juke. . II P.U'ITKKY WHOLESALE A Ni ESTAIL D IRUGQ 1ST' Is rrrrivirf? an! bn.on han.l (at the oMi'tanii f Vi'Lite ilutttrji, fca'.i side Jfain Street, riattiniouth. Xeh. THE LARGEST AND Bloat Complete StifU of Pri9-f. ?' 'Te'Tip . Tr'nf. nnfliyi's Lcit.l. Var-i-'i. C' al Oil. Fih il. u-'i n Oil. flaretiiijr oil. :,T Oil. 'V.,.tfm.t Oil. ,1 hate Oil. Lirn. p l Oil. LupI Oil, i:sontiaKil. Cn.i Liv-ir ll. cr'l a large vnri tion. P.'ipry iin 1 " ' Hot Arti'le. E-srnop?. rin vorinjt cstrawtn " arid a!! SUB FOR TIIF. UNITED STATES. INTERNAL -REVENUIv nnvotullnir nnrl C. n in ill i s i n II M f ITilmil t S ! orijcj: or thi:. '.fo-txTji ci Jt. U I M (.11 Ulli: .V v " lhl.AJi liL t.Ll., J. D SIMPSON & CO., 13)23 A2iSIS ES" Agents for t!ie OmaJ.a anil St. Louis "O" Line PacLets I T K 11 J X, O I I'i-iru t of l.'.r .-!. . '-'. - '.i f N'(.-br.iskn City, Juue , Aiiii.il Tni: I.! If.irlsJI. OTICn i.s hor-Iy u' vi-n 1 1? jit l'uc ir.ru !, . 1 tayc" a r-.( 1 i i i laji-e v. ,t. i tin- j: vision? oi tt -t t r.irt-r.--'. ;o ju. ;: j, re ct; :ip to sv."' rt t ', u verni'i' i.t. ; ,. iotTeitoi fbra'.;lo it- V trr ! i- ' . JJ- Mi)rovt ii .lion-.' iii, ! -,;n:,l (he u::1(' ; : .Ae-'V "! liijl'r.--i: I iii-u - :J ii , nro !. -I i!'a:i I l ! :.i";.t t'jtreu! is l:;;i . Jem iiiofrl; :Jk t.;;.-t J will ill ;-erori "r l-v .:, pat.V .i'!'!)'iM Pl.if'sir.ie::!i on th l-'.fli i f A.; E'jyf V-71 t'.rji.-e j.ur; o o .;i ': i.-.-:rjng: s uUi is-; I All rcr.--;i.ri v. hn t;i t::i- a."...., I of tin ir Oi !,f-r.-l y !' :r. v.i - I, i :i ;- I, ,, t!ip-!a.v Il-t I'lin-.- I. v i ) i i (.i.l fi j..v j iiii'.i;::- ti i'i ri ' ii p--t Key i : . . lii in.ai 1 ."f.-l I'nsi-i'.t.'si ' In-;- . !...- r-.--.i: j Ul-.IO ir:. 1. :i IT I-i --. lli-TI!.! ; i;.J ltcil-v , .. , t:;ivi t'l I'i in.il.r Ok .-i vi.-i- I'.erui.il'. i jfa ii.s'jr.? iV'-n 'J a n to .'; m. 8orwarunijr mid Commission ; usiness, ; h22 Piattsmcuth, eh. 3 Ve, re now occui'vipg th! first fioor of the IlrriALn lilo; are rtoii:r Corner Main A i-'eoonJ St. Vi'o Ware ii j?a :i:tae;ieJwc can furnish all the storage wanrc l. TIIH BKST All g )o ls cnt in our cr.re wii're.seive .-i T'l r t. I in I roan;;.-.. P II i m P T A T T N Ti O , n ia Roods diftintl fur Lincoln. A.lil.inJ and the tiue P.fver. will ho forwardcJ without ilclay PATENT MED CIHES FALL 187 T KD WINTER GOODS. 1871. 1871 ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! i Lg3.l Kotice, ! s b nri. vs. ) in it,,- r:-!i- i ;. 11 ickr- y v i A 1 i.inci l't!I. I 'I'd tlwiri'i; II lfkroy n:i I I"r;tTi - '. '.. ' r'.-i' e:it l-f- lid.i'it-. uili t.i!; nr ') ct;.! ; riark I'lMinioi'Uii en th i.'li il.i;. i i .1 '; j file hl i eiiiii-n i:i 'hi- liirti e t C-sirt - I J . j Pistiict rn ati.l 1' r l'n-s l' 'j- N, ; ; I .!.je,-l .-.ni i r. yiTcinhnb is n p.i-! i t.-i i:i t ru ( 1. c I m.nle !. tn .face b '' i f"tHt--.:;! s I i i".. il V h my .-!j 1 rrir i !:. !i j tin" Ii i'-(rri'iiv : ion t: e . ' u i. I oc.c;i 1 1 ' 1- .! i i. r;:;.L-" n t.'.O-'.i i '! 1 " ' Ois.s cii!nv Ni1 r. -k i To l.i; le.!!y pii l i r j it!si ivl of ri-i-.i-. ui.'l ( r''!ii'n-i t Ii ! i iur !.!. n j 1M nti :1 . JJ. t i k-. ) ti"' . t . j rr.: ! s t a i- 0y rivtMHi i I s:) j j i;,.,,, i:n-t 1 -rnii.-jj Jii-ll. failing :i n-l ffii ".: rt ii.l Iriisfi.uiy rc-! .-c t .-tnl catn l-l ! 10"ll t hi- 1 a 1 1 paVTiteiO aji.t f : 1 1 1 .-1 J I-.:; umo, toi'l i !i i t i d.i iii rill'-1 '.; ii- o sr,;. r.. . in iv 'i- oni'-ietl a mi ri.iii'n ;ui-.l ia J,;.i ! ;-.- r-";i;in I'i nn-v.or .-- u..l 1 1 i :i ; t'cl'O tin- s, li of Act'Ol l'-71. I s i;. i : : I I y M vn: t. C't s r ir . v. Ar' i j uly l.i ti- .'.t C!.-;.;,rrv o! Evi-ryliody. an 1 iuit-o ton. ere C'"in;r fo A Sioux Cityfrieni forwards us the following joke regarding an c tcrpri-ing clothinj meicbaut of that p'aci . "A gentleman in imx City a year an 1 a bait a jo, made mhi.u j iaui ocs i I a clothing s'uro m that ei v, at'er wi.ieli 1. , . . ., . I i 1.111 uui. . -."n. iii m:i ,.1 , ui li ii:iii M 1,:WJ ,;w h0,ri ,s a caution. j lc lua lu au txt-n Ie-1 ttip lli.ough Ka.i A free light rx-currcd between two oi ! sis Returning to ihe city the other ported rcc. ran tyuihwe.-t from oM man 5?tu!i- lettviiig Don.lan'sj farm on the south, thereby compelling e it fish to laku a reef in (heir tails in order to make the mouth cf said creek, ceu.-e- quently doing great damage to the Lver ' them, (there are eighteen in one room !, j day, and having p'.iicli.i--es to m.ikc a: the foot of Main street. 2i miles be- 1 as to nhkdi shoull bo hea 1 center of the hs.-ll w-he, ,lV.h;!'1 , , t , , , . . " . i .. , - , , , , been so lau;v ilea.t with in. biro. aik l ev, hvi ha-1 dammed it 12,000 times, j outbt ; the duett and the means which j ,,, T a!.-nir t!o street he was -co-ted 1. - r .... - . f c . i .1 i ...!... :. : t . . . r i I ....Ti i ; - - ' '-" at inu iuiw oi ioriy cents I er ii ey u-eu io c-oia.u ii, suo ea con-i .era- i .vuu, iia a t:ii-; r ! vous; VOU .-top a cumc daai, woull not be worth a 2s'o. I Lie' me;l. .. dam to him, therefore, he wanted seven- cc:tes painful and sad omot:"i;? ri'-five, and he g it it, all in Continen al i i"te tiiL,li- the brut.- T.iyiip'- Cee'ti Avi-rs', ; e ivilli-'s HaU'fUilistu-'s M Luin's. Mufi'V, t;.ikora Wi-tar., Wright's. Wake field. ( On soli's, i'. rry 1'r.vis' K.iliai-kV. IVliltV. Mr. U insion-'i Pr. V iin-Lcdl'j Jlotetu-r's. P.-akc's V.'al'arp's, H t-t's ar.d ot the ue -t p r n'.-ir P:.tci.l -Mcdk-iue ia uso at the present day. EraiRiiesWi-ies and Vhlskio Of the P. -t 'rr.dcs aad uuaiitie?, striefly for Medical purposes. COHESTIC DYES. Pel or K'i.---. Oreon. I!!ti. El o-k. An- 'iri". Tn dip". M id ier. Kx tract l.Oirnrniid, I'ry Wou I. Ao. In fact everything t :iat is ncde 1 in the drus or Medical lir.c. I ;- s-jj sa." ,jt ,U. Xo buy tlicir -Pill 53! 113' ?3'3 CripliDilS Carefully , oinprititide I 1 put up nt n'l Iiour; All Dru?3 uaireu'i d fre-li at; 1 p:iie. Call be f Tc litiyii:?. an i see what I have to si ll. ri.itt-a:(iu:b. Tcli. 2.";li (IAvr;f. DAILY Our Yrttr Vitro Movlh One Month - WLKKLY Our Year Six Mnnti. - - y 1 0,00 81,01) 90,00 $t no AT THE dams. It was then -rderc d that he dam i 1Jt- Whst noiics, and h :.w stranger the city, v.hieh he then and there did. , t!ljn u" -t!uil wnhl be a true l.I-tory cl Tho Recorder being ordered to " go j t!ie:r 11Vos : '. ho would want to diag through " his (the Reed's) " harness," I their frailties from their dread abode ?'' md see if there was sufiielent "old or-' 1 intend soon to canvas the county ai.d ders Ling in tho capacious I v'' sen ' l'ou 'r'ttings by the way." pockets thereof to pay said White. j R'-Hcve me as still h iving t,,o !cnx ut turp-'.-re s mo. 'J'lIE A Nt i F.N r. ' ' In-.Ii i liltial t"!:lii!vin in .'ifticcli. c arc sai l to live in an nsre of indi vidual sovereignty. Every individual is a sovereign- ivery one, wnatever rmtv The Recorder'said he would be dammed (by While) if he did. It was then rc ferred to the Finance The Finance then reported on the fob lowing account, and reporte 1 thusly : Account of F. I). Williams, fhr sor- -r r . . ouli.ii Ajvij V l . . til JIL CI Hill vices as. Deputy ylar-hal, '.ID days and i , i : V- - - - - . . x ' J , . . ' be his cali r.i', is in competition Willi mghts, at .2 per day and tidit.fcaj ... i. r'.i n i i , x- n . , . ' hunuieils ot oilers cquallv as in let-end !iecn carefully cxammod, with a tele- i i i u i- ,. , . . ' . . . cnt and ambitious as himself. Lverv --3ipe, big fill to the eye, weighed on 'T-airbanks' Flatibrm Scales," the whole thoroughly sifted, through a pat ent fanning mill, and their conclusion, (based on the fact that one part alcohol and ten part3 water did not make a genuine article of Rhine Wine), was that said account should be decently in terred. (The Deputy -aid it had been ever finee it was referred). It was thru rijKrrcd to the Fiumcr. The account of the RccorJer, for money he had received and paid over, and not paid over, and never could pay over and for services rendered, not ren dered, and never would be rendered, it was concluded, (said conclusion being based on the hypothesis that tin whi.-tles ara not made from pigs tails, nor can you extract blood from a turnip), that any one having the opportunities ho had and did not improve them and make more leeitle : Uu;., sai l tlie stian.-er 'what do you want?' 'lit re is do piaee to get your closing,' re-ponied th lit tle man. "Lull am looking jr a jaiticular place." Ah, this i- 3'ou-t de blaee you lonks for!"' '"Rat this is net a la-g-,- fin brick store, with iine windows." Ah, loin-: fri.-nd, you see we cot one (in; Muue time agii.aud got niim; building all buillt Up Hidings left but do c'O'l" ing. Come iu come in ! " Iut you're not the man. lie was tall and .-!;m.' "Lxcuse tuo mine fiend, if :i tear drop Ii iii mine eves. ();i ! dat. wa in. tie. biuider Si'z. who died wi.o ded yotist twn weeks ngo next 'i liu;. d-iy, and the la-t word- he said wa- : " i.a man conies back from Kansas sell biui do.-e goots Vu.i-t so cheap a- at y u c m !" Ex. 'i tic t:xin:jiioti of .t licet tm. We sometime. meet with null who stem to tliin'i. t bat any in hilgeuee i.i a:i , alb eti ui ru feeling is weakness. Th' y w;ll return from a j nun y, and greet J tbeir families wills a distant dignity, arid I move .'mrng tdr-ir elm !n-n wnti tin cold an 1 loity .-t 1 ndor of an iceberg-. A father had better extmcui-h bis boy's eyes, than take awav Ids heart. W ho l!itt h is exoei ier.ced ilo-iovs of friend i oi.e mu-t, trom necessitv, use everv avaii ib'e power in order to insure, suc cess. And in this might' whidpool of competition no power is more u-efui to the possessor than the power cf think ing and judging for one's self. On the other hand, nothing is surer to biir:g failure than dependence on other nn n's judgment. In view of this who can es timate the responsibilities that rest upon j ship, and values sympathy and afi'.-etion, the teachers of our common schools. ! would not rather lo.-e ail that is beautiful :f r , t..,... e... I in Nature's scenery, th;:n be robbed ol' eirj iiiiv eii-e: i'i iiii..; j'luees) 1CII a moment where "knowledge is spread;" where the "stillness" is .such that you can hear a "pin fall;" where scholars are -o "thorough" that the' can npeat whole pages in the exact words of the author and not "miss." Then so to the play-ground where e-ery scholar is free I everything that is lovely. Teach your !. 1:,.,.TC .... i r...... children to love, to love the lose, th.- .11I2XRY EOECK F U ll K I T U 11 E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, nr a l.i. nr.-f Kii-Tioys a::d at ali. p::ice9. f:Tcta!ic Burial Cases. THE I-IERALD ;v tut: oxly oav; gitlxg c o. vpl i: ti: a i: jvs fr om thi: an:. it west PL TTS O U V II AND! ! FORT KKA!.XKY I 7 K YORK S rr O 11 JU The best ar.J iaot complete STOCEC OF DRESS GOODS- Arc now ca exhibition nt the New York Slore, at greatly reduced rriccs. We call particular aitciitiou la our iiuw Mie- oi DRESS-?; (: ODj. PR I NTS, L'ELAINS. (ilNliliAMS; iiiiow; siiEHTiKc;, bhEACHiiU CtJTTONS, 13 A L.MO Ji A Ls, CAR PETS, CLARK'S -NLW THREAD, COTTON Y A -S BOOTS AND SHOE of all kind? and i rices to suit oar nuaicrous ri;sto:ner?. large stoek of GROCERIES, TTAR DWARR, QL'EENSW ARK WOODEN-WA UK, (jlssware, yankee notions, hats a::d caps. '' Vn ;!( Kx'.tii ' ;.e Xi-ti'ja is h re .' ?t i ta-0 I will i si.lc nt ;Mil)Iie n net : Ml on tin- l.ih War jriisi A. U. i-.l ii'. t:n li-or.t 0'.r ot ! i- ., hmi" in tho t-ify el Pl.-iM rie-i.-tli f':e- c.-.i-NiOjriiska, nt l iu o'l l.n k j. l.i ol r;ii 1 d:i' I l'.!i.i-. ins di-erit.-i-l i-ni i-i t v, i -m :t : Tli" und i v idi'.l o n.. hiilt !' i!i lmil ted ii-'iin tiit ti-st Ii st 1 1 "t' let .No il in I : :. thirty in s:0d city oi'piatfsni .i :!i. !- . : I ... -i t.iilow?, on-- i wot o y Irani" i iii. iii..: tr.-.:., t iv, t'i i t n i lo nud I .t ty ti-U l 'ik. ::i ' y . .M-ik utolNii-k l.'ii(--ii- nti.! row 1.-, .Vlcrk s II so I v a St ro. fi n.l ' n -i... I I l..ur:fr'ii loot lie an 1 1 l.ir v fjitl'ii i: i . in tl.e r ;ir of t!i" iil irei.ii l inn toi- 1 and on the pf in -aid iiii ! 1 lot . n nd l-.i tie- drvi li-d i i : 1 1 1 inti rc-t of tin- it i -o t'i I , . j lot. wl.ie'i. t'X. ires ,J:i::iiriry (lie 1st A l -",' ... ; ' Ipi 1)1. fill .'1-1 iflf Ir: I . I" ! V ( . I I 1 1 1 1 ' I KucIp t s-n i - y :i :t i-m" loi' ii in fnvi-r "! -aid V .Met k is-iK-d l.y I le ei' i k oft 'u- P. t'om l itliin nn I f ir (i-'n inty . -'i. ': - and to mo ii irri-i i-il Ms ? hi-ritl' 'l s-i i d e'.u of I ii vi-n undi r in; lei : -I !i V.'-h day"! .i . A 1 1S71, J. W. .H'll.N.-i) v si,,.. ; , of e .uii'v No--, rd a r or rTTF if- sr; v;f;. Pi 'tis. j i :t . Sheriff'c Sale. Tlioians Il.iiloifell, n S"5! L r of ,-'u. E. P. Mundiy. . ii tie is hi-ri-'iy civ n. tleit I Will ul r ' rule, at i io.i ie ,'iu'-! i in. on M o', lay, ttii- li' Sc.tonil.cr. A. 1. 171, at tin; limit d' or ! i t'o'irt H"iis; in tlioiity o; I lait-mo ' . i"iin:y, Ni I r.isi;a. nt ons o'i ! n II . m., i. ; day. til'- loll" no-' iO f '-ri i' I i 1 1 r-t'ij . i , , A ert iin brick t.'iO! 1 in s; n !, li TLoic.-is i. I'UVdl has a nn ' lianie s Mi l tin- 1 -. ia: rel oi pr'nmd, ui'i a In-!i tii-s-iilli : i- sil-jiiti-d, to-wit : Jot 7o. pven '.7i Bitd i,-. fiirht f'-et oil .f Iiif wi'.-t side i. 1' t No . i S . nil in l.l'.ck No. tn - in tin; city rl'J'I lniaith. CiisH lour.ty. i l i u-li. and : - i nHti-d upon til" rce ird'"l -!.-it of '-inl i-ity t . pro.( rty sold iiy vii-.uo mid :i a I 0 v "i drrofsi'c i-.-md hy tiif ( ! rk ot ibi-p. ' t'oiirt of the s'oeot.d .loiiiil lii-triet, v. i i and f"r fii-s omint j- N I i k.i . aid t" e : r?c-t:W. tiivi-n Tiiea r en h m I. t !: I ! 1 I . . . .Vntru-r. A. 1. 1-71. .1 V . .P i I N s ' . . Maxu-f.I.L .V CllAl'VtS. Si; i .'. aug ini J'iU '.s Atty's. faOTICE. the hidden treasiie of his h -a. t? Who would not, rather liiilow his oiiild to the grave, than entomb parental affect. on ' Cheti-h. then, your h'-art's be-t cJi'ec tion. li not tear to indulge iu the warm emotion of filial, parental, Mid fraternal iove. Think it not a weak nc-ss. Jed i- love. Love od. and CP AIiTj sizes. Y : KN Ci )VVIS Heady Viidc, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With i.'.aiiv thanks for p-i.-t p itr inae, I in vite r.ll to call and examine my 1-ircro stock of niture and Coifms j.inist THE IlEIvALD Now O'Ters the ,' BEST JlI'VEIl Tl KXG Mi.DHW I I We-t of the G E AT SALE OF f u IP 2 r tI a s o r?4 1 I? Iioro' y ;ivrn tli.-it rr.'c-l ;:r;, - 1 1 j reccivi'd l.y n-r t tin.- IVi -e J 1 VS . S Liie-ln i-'n-a-V.r. uulii 'l:i.- -t:: ..!:; ol .- -t 1-. 1 nt JJ o k i i. I t t;" -.- : '..-i 1 State l.i:.e.to- A;y!.:i.i for :ln- s i ! ... lieeordiistf Oi 1 h - jd.-in. an i .( : " -ulio,. - ' t. i at said ii:i.-- I' ). v . :i. i i:e v.rv w l-.oiii till- t; id i. a ward.' 1 v. ,i : 1 : i i ii ! r. , iit-Iii I mi. d with siu":l'-i -ri ;"r"-i" to ' Stat o of i ljr;i. V.;i ia i ii" : a :.s i I - : t .!" !;ii t .i In 1 j.i 1 1' irni.it.. ; i f i: hi. Is will I ip e.-n-idiTl d '.I.,','.'- ' Mlfi-.-iiTlt puafatlfi-i'.- Il:;l . the t er into t ': e . . i 1 i.-n t ior- n r; u ir.-l-!:'!,li f.-rin - "I p-'.p .-i, :- v. il .it. i ii, alien t.i I'. "'.V.S.'.-f ::t I. The fonitiit. i-'iii :s it'.-'.i- i; ... .) ..ii i i.' ' P. W. F. on) S. K ilil.l. ' C i.:, ,cAi;fri, .M .Mi'i l i. t I.incidn. Niiia.-kii. Ai:p. ! 1-71. el'; -ij-.n'-el !. I I' V l.i ( n l.y ire . I ine-h" 1 i.' oi" n. i.i t :, i 'u ; i .- .. i,7dt ' Lensl He tics. eal bv Fur oi.'-s. ( 'oTitra iner- M-rclnnts Me f Pi? r fjF f rs. S.oek ('' 'I r Ibiilroa 1 .Ah m. I:u-in.- ,.!:. Matiuiiieturcr-, Con t;:i:er. AND ZT.i t: o p "w o s& if a I WILL OFFER FOU PALE, TO THE HIGHEST fJIDI'ETl, ON A Large quantity of desirable property, consisting in part of s r rf t? r Ti J ill ii .'iiiiiorc v YV. J ; u r o ii i i:i . At.d.-, -.v (oil.. illDEBD LOTS, In my Addition to ih? (,'ity of Piattsrii'iuth, and Several l.ds of Vii'iif -T7 tiriiiie- r -.d ?rea'l V.". I'limh.-iti: -, ro-'i-ient il'.i-ni!-i ii'H iii r i - -1 nti"" t . . t . i tin-3d day o'"J uly -7 1 the p-noii:!' i,!!i. 1 i... pet ii i in in t in- oliii-i' ol t ho tl.iii (,f (no Ji. fat Court of the Z ludiii;il Iii-irht in und 1 i f':i: coun j NflTii.-.k a th" olijc-- un,l jiravvr i . v. :.) is to obtain a dcero'. "!,-. .- inr :i ' I i l uht f itlo n nd in! ri o-r "! s-iid ndrt tr lOi .:--in and to tin; P'ir.'ii hull' of ! !io n a i h ivi t o w t'-r and I he not in wi -1 o ' o! iJ.a i v, ,t ; (,; ... , li u in b r ti in tiT.vn-hiti 1 1 loovh of lii'ifr Z t : of t he tli p. J. io ( .:. " county. Ne'.t a - lei. :, .. i .hut tho i l.iu.l r- stiiii; on t lie o! a i lit . :i I Ii':.. i ,, si. id tn"-s f 'ml l.v tho f.iotire .!'(!.,. . .' i ! S. tnui.-I V. liirr:'ir:ii' re- r I i.w dr. .1 i,, ... said An. Ire-.r d:l:!Mr; d"ii mia i: I . said trae:s ,f lard tony he i.n.'.v. i I'.nd tin; titln t i 1 t"-i" -",i f lavl to e. I . U!Ctd nnd. oorillrne-d in j'1.0 et iii. -i I"q!iired tl mi-wi-r sa.d p t,o- ii ot; . - I . ; ,, .. tiii-L'.t'i d yoi Antn-t. .inii ; i t.rrio i- iv -M a:: v-n.L .v tun ! Il i'i! ;. Att vi - rr 'V- t'i r r-ar;-? ri s-t c -b n jm . , J ulj-Oih, w t. inn t:xi)i:n.-T.xni have openkj.thk Cfd SIllCS tlisif iilt. CCiUCtiCi A D J O I N I N G THE C 1 T Y Sheriffs SrJe (" il. - rro uu u. tue.u a j axs. me report . ,aacitv, 6trength of purpose, or habits was received, and upon motion, carried, ofuan!y Reliance ? Certair.lv net in the Lccorder dissenting., i thc f)ruier- Account of City Physician for aiteud- j The common method of going through ing to small pox patients, was reported j books produces nearly as much distraet upon, an! this is ;o.-othey reported, ; ion i-s culture. The me'mory is tilled (based upon the fact that you cannot ; with fiefs ai 1 formulas, but indepeiid reach a mile with h teu f i poL. , t,.at ; out thinking is unknown. Scholars get it was iapjssib:3 to feel of a patient's , a thin co-iti, g of indigested knowledge ra'itn t L vr t lo.ii- v ') i i.i 1 1 w I of it I pie-ion to his thoughts. In which tje t'u i:4.d objeet of i heir di' inestie etd placc does he obtain thc most practical tore, to givr tin m warm hearts and ;n- Uctit a nee ill t:S Lin 1 your wh oe i'allil ly togei her by tl e-e strong f-md-: yon cm ti lie t make them to-.i strong. Ib iig'n n is h ve, love to Go I. love to man. sT : MA R K ii'W Thy Most Succcssiul P RR At ti eir riMT s'af. l On Main Street, hrtwoi n -Ith j p'O P U .- AR. A N and .".ill snu.il -olo, -t:erc lliey are ie.id w t.j -el ve :i. I ttii' i iinl (-list. micrs. ari l j a. Il.aio Ii' W (iiM? ji-i limy t;;vo i pulse when l "Iio'iuii.:; distance ' on at tli3 expense of their constitutional cn- horsc back the health of the horse be- j crgy and powers of self-help. Who is lnat account was :cg endangeied "busted." After partaking of soais confectonery, the Council adjourned never to meet again. His IIoxou, Mayor. -( L. S. J Attest, ated em'er-, dark th-ad, u-e!e-s : ttVy j j C. i:!rn-oni:ilcl,ir farnishins la neitlier give nor receive li -at, neither' ntn s oi meai love nor sre beloved. Jo what acts yie hcroi m and virtue, in every aie und nation, has not th - impetus of flection fiiven rise How ot'ieu in the bust- to blame fr such a state of things? We cannot always condemnhe teac hers, if we consider how eager most parents arc to have their children's talents "forced into bloom." It is true we mu-t have order, aral a uniform obedi crce to estil 'i-hed authority. But can i we not, at the same time, have a more llh lienor, wi;h Councilman White, i healthy activity of individual freedom? took their silent, and I thought, fad way Can we not broa len the fields of inve-ti- al - i-.i.t ti - iL- i . :...i i,.Ki, ,r i'j iae noiei. jiib aiicitiit ain uie usp- pauuii. secure inncj-ciiucm. iuuii, t.i Tt i.- n eurion- faet in-trMtin- tho nn thinking, and ciakc recitations so excit-j c0:ry 0f cleanline s, and of keeping I ir.g that all the intellectual energy and j the pores of the skin open, that if a J enthtis-a-'M f thft scholars u il! bo ex- Kf,;' rl vartiis'i or oile r Miextance in The "Axcxem,"' Ci'y Recorder. S.-ierlal A (11 ir t ion. Society hiis be -ii aptly compared to n heap of t-Jiiber.-, which when separated, oo:i l tn:ui h?i, daik'-n. aui exfiir-s but it place I toget i. r, g!.w tv.th a in-biy and intense he-it ; a ju-t eiiil.le.n of tho strengih.haj.piness- and security derived f'.Otii irankliid. 'I h sav-iTe w ho never knew the blessings of combination. ;mj be- who quits s.ieietV i'l-oin ;i;.u;bv or : . i i 11 i misaiiinroi'i ' spieen. ate like too sefx-r tiieui a tail. We keep on tuixul nothir.g hut tho very I Thcso Lot are well Situated, ss regards '!IMh!l 1 TI.1CI ALITY. (.V nu. and-some oi t he most LEA UTI I I'L Y I tVS ( Tlii . 1 s LL1 ll i I I!, and ;ir (U t nit nt f..r Dwellings oi if tores. Thc ' . '1 I i-'t: i. i i; I s lie:-.-1 o ii to be i ru id' i he oi inc.-pal it it s of the central part -I- C"..:i.-'iit !-i:-id on lie 1 1 autihil Mosouii Liver, at the mouth id' di- l'!.t!e Kite:, wi b th oi-atid of mi'es of navigation above and below, it t."l-:. NA'i I RK S N C.A'I bU'AY TO THE ROCKY 3101'NTAINS; ot i r 1 1 i - out" the I In 1 1 iiyten A: Mi-.-ouri liner 11.11. Co. have already coin P eted ,-"ii;e i in i ie- of the In .-t ridlroad, with thc most level route in the west, .and the l ad v. di I e fini-In d and mnnitig to a junction with the Union I'aellk K. 11. at I 'M t Kearn y by ni st Not ember. It. is the ultimate design of this road to reach tho r.o iiic eo-i-t bv a NLAil ROL I L over better era des than any vet e i i.e.. onVTiioi 'nn.' th i tv eat Ttvrvri i mi i n.i ' , ' , I io'iii'i. ini'i iiiascu.t i in;ii i iiii i naac-VAM j i.i..t i.va lliAl l ie, V. Jiien wiil in consequence pour all its advantages at this point. J hr. Q ilnn, " a'-rair-t, .-Ol'itr of .'iile. Henry Mclirinj:. J Xotiro i tiorohy given ta.it T niil ,,;;'... sal" at p 'ih lie a net ion. on I !n-. -1 !i i! n- (,; . ... A. P. isTl.' l.y virtu" i f an ir l. r id .-ai... i-- i . ly the i"rk i;t the lo.-ti iet Ci.p: (. (,f: -e.-oi d J ud.c-hil lifri't in Mi l tor ( i. emji.ty. ..., State of r-hra-ka. and to me I'ii'.i:. i nt the Iror.t d:.,.r of tb" court In n-e in I'lOi' moil h. in Paid eoiinty at li 'cl'i.-k p in. of I d ir. the foiiowipfr lit.-, rioi-d rea: e la-, t., wi' Th" i'ii.-t half ('.! ( t!.c see-a-.-a-l men: Oi of "ecfinn nuinhrr t hirly-t h'tu 1 . in township jmnilier eleven (1 1 1. liortii r:ui;'.- '.. ( 2, cart of Ihe Oi ii P. M., suaat.-l in r.nlCi county Nrhraska. ctivi-n urid'T uiy hand thi- '?; d.iv if J , , J. A'. .I'jilX.-iJX, ifheij:! ' C . V- '.r.. k.i V. II.I.ITT PoTTrNCER, Ait'y. Ivr I 'PC. .3 u!y, i.7 w.rt. i IT THE O U V ) 1 L Iii LJ Li I P ARE 0Ur WELL KXOWX hp;: T r pp.:cL paid ruu CATTLE haunts of men, are nil our noblest nod gentlest virtues ;!'ed both? An i h nv in the bo.-ota ot'tl.o reeiu-c, do ai! the soft inunctions laoL-ni-h and grow faint. l.'.iM and see Us. lei -li'lA tt. SK 4U.m F. J. IIAK3HT uty seated themselves on th3 ' bung en 1' oi soxc old rceepiacle-3 of "departed hpirit" under the bright soft light of a Harvest .Moon, while the stars did their aceustome J twinkling. What the Pep ufv was thinking of we do not know, but ,i .i . " o tt ' i ' '-o nu to u ii ire lie aiijei.-a to ine pended upon thsir sfuuies l I nucr such , ',.-. ,. ., , , , .i'1-,, 1 : rvffrinr ol too lm.lo it. ...Mi io irt.nAin i r URfj 3 T U R . - (V VI Shsriff's Sa!3 Cliarln? .-. Aehrs-r.n, ) i.li; r ffK 1 B .ij -rf-t-'.-. ''''.': lV'.-VV X Pieii.tr "f the simplest Construction, are easily managed and gualallldod to give A Bridge over the Missouri River will be coioiiirne"d here wisho'it del v. oormeetinsr this r-nd with if mnofiho in Iowa, givio- ih-s cty the SHORTEST AND MOST DIRF.CT ROUTE EAST. Numereus brare h ra'l't-ays are iilredy projected to drain tho business for many miles into this MAIN ARTERY ; ail which prove conclusively that no better opening for Safe and Profitable Investment cm be foun 1 than bv soeurio Real Estate and rord honic-i in tip most promi sing city. PLArTSMOITII is cimircto 1 bv rail with LINCOLN, and the in terior town-s of a rapidly sottlmz section of tho fino-t Agricultural lands in the , ,.r''::.,1I1kt - . -Order i l aoi.n i.. .Met lellar.'l. ) Xotiee is hereby civi-n tint I wi!! o;:..r f i I "ale at j-uh!ie ioieti.,1). .;i M.. -:d.' v hf I . t., of SepO l.-her. A. I. Ii71. i:L the IV" t t d " I the loci-! llou -" iu t!:e eity of I'i :; . -ti-.i, ; ' ': : ! e'llriti-. i fn-.-i L-1 nt Ir.. ', ... ... ... da v, t ii" f i! low inn des'-: io. i ri i ! ' -'at : , - vi i The si - it ii e. -st quarter 1 , ) ol --r ' j. n i. t- i.. t.. r n;'Ii coi'1-i .in tonti-'iifi r,u;i-t. r i v.U -n"rtii. ranpc numhei thirteen i . . i.i-t if t: th F. 51. in Cas euuntv. N. I'iaskH. Sai l roe e state to he nul l ly ii tile an I anthoi ii v of at. oi'ier of s-n(. i sued hv t'n- i U. t ... l.'.r.-i. curt ot tlic Seeon l .ludienil P - i i. t tt -Ini, f-.rCVs.e un-y. Xi-l.raFk:.. and f.i n.e i. o e. j .ivcn under lay hand thi- !av oi Au. -u-t. " 1 '. tl . .(jll..-'i.. M en: Cati coun'y, T. Maxwell A CiiAr -.t ts. Pl!Ti. Aity'j. :cj3, ."i w in w i. West. It has cotincc'ion with all the to ns on the rivr-r. aliove and below if and nil the main cities east and west. Chicago is on'y 22 Ho U S distant, while St. Louis is but 21- Competition in tran-.ortation between river and railway insures eheao freichts to St Ixiuis. while three roads to Cliie.u'i kein .Imtn "7; "tiete 1,771"," h.,.'i hT. V 7r"?r j horbif ant rates it; h it direction. .Million- of doll ,rs of matenal could bo manufae-intluem-e m .p niotins the h. 0h. comturt and ! turod for the rapidlv mcreastn? demands of tho itiferior portion of the State and -i'- h; in,';a ,h3 i;"ni1' 7rt-l thH the 'k I together, th ere is no more truly encourasing locality to fettle ia- than ri't here si'ivc. it w ccitnoniVH-1 wo!l as jioliev to erf the I . T,. , J n j i. uia.i ii..t. iieie VPitY UE.-sT; and in hut-in the ClIAUTKti j HI I iatti.UOU! 1. CABINET rAKE I And dealer in all kind? ot circumstances pupus would resort g'ajiy al)OUt hX Jl0urs. -j-j experiment was I to the school room, and not be content to j cr.co tried on a clvld at l'lorcnee. On 1 r-erhana Le V7asthiokiagof Plattsmouth, i leave a single subject until, as some men occasion ot l ,pe Jo lentli s aeees . . . , , -, t . r 1 t t i .i ; fr,ori t0 the pnt;jl orfair, it was desired tc t.f thc Ionelv tramp, tho midnight watch, ! his Kud, they can reach their armsj,.,,,,, b- r .... ,0, the black storm, thorough tasSel or more j around it an 1 clench their hands on the Gulden Age so a child was ciided nd ' WllVll it ll rc Si (UIlJliri. tlangcroui encounter with tome drunken other side. The f .'lowing extract from over with vatnish andpolileif. The j maix strt. (tliiridoorWC.tcfPO pcrado, with none but clrin" Bishop Janes' .peech at the opening of ch.KljJl in a JVw hours. If the far tarcf the: dark eight) to fcelnaad. thc Drew J hcoiogtcal Seminary is wor- crec vhU a 0j.ltil,n of Injia ruUu.r in pntcrr n-ifh - . . . . ia . a. . T...1: 1.,. .V.. iL j ' .1 .1 ... .... t. t . : I lUiiOll-U Jl "Cndcrs tpat, line inc inoiui.', 1 no mt mc eiiiciiiivu 01 nn i'aiti..j nim 1 napina, ma auima: ceases 10 oreaiue in i Neb I t e ctcr? a : ou:,:o ol Pf riirin? ani Vamishinc neatly dns. l . you can rely on jrclonir the ino-t sut-cess te.I. i.miu:ar acd jertvct Ootrkias Move ever mule -S0LP EY Excelsior Manufacturing Cp., W2 and G14 Xorta .Main Street, M I.O' IS, 1C). AX7 ALL LiVE TOCK DEALERS L!!(E E. T. DUKE & CO., i FI.ATTPMOrT.il. Fr.RSK Terms : Half Down, balance in six Months. All letters of inquiry, containing a postage stamp f i return, wilf bo promptly answered. Address ' " " SHEPPABD DUES, PlattLmuth, Cass Co. Neb. MUSIC! MUSIC! PIANOS. OGANS MLOD0'S In:sAent for tho be-t Musi": i I-i-i-ih - ria I'erson' wiiin? to huv Pi in..-. Ca'-i:.-. ..!etrop.itaii or 1'rolahlc 'rtran.-. or M 1 1' ! ! can jiuichiise thr-a-irii n.y Ajreiicy n'as Ii ni tori-is they can Irotn the innnnfa.-tarc:-. U.c-iiiselTc. All hirtruiiients Tvirran'o.i t"-l'' J. X. U BAR1JE3 z POLIiOCIX. r.rAL 'aT.r: Tand Jissraiscs acfst-. Have a COMPLETE 'ABSTRACT OF TITLE To all Lots and Land in CuA eounty Ni'i-ra.-ka. trUOCic-B with Maxw-tM .V Chu.rr.an, A(!"r neys at Law. Platt.-aiouth. XhrnsiiJ J. Pnrnc, Tho wh'.' J.vrf 7 1