Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 13, 1871, Image 4

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They have a variety of Grapes at Bur
lington which ripen in June. They are
vailed the Ivea grapo. -
There are, according to the Beatrice
J.xjrress, nine paloons, and no school
houi-e or church in Crete. If such is
the fact, we fully agree -with the "An
-ient" that it is a fine field for some zeal
ous missionary.
Senator Tipton was in Omaha, yester
day, and the editor of the Ti iburie claims
that he Has authority for Faying that the
Senator is opposed to the re-election of
President Grant.
Married, on the evening of July the
rir.,t, I7 EMer G. B. Muliis, Mr B. F.
Brtan to Miss S. E. Siiafkr. all of
A letter was received this inernirrg
from Wm. Stadelmann, Esq., in which
he says he expected to leave Gcrm-ruy
on the 1st of July and arrive at home in
this tity about the 20th inst.
The Saline county Post learns from
Bev. I. E. Jones, of the organizat on
of riymouth colony, in Jefferson county,
that over 5,000 acres have already been
taken in parcels of 16U each, and that
breaking has already been done on many
of the tracts. Plymouth colony is al
reody a success.
The murcury at 00 inalcc3 ice cream
a pleasant refreshment, Wiley can
"cook you up" a dish of it that will
make you "feed like a morning star."
The July number of Wood's House
hold Magazine, is on our table. This
work is pre-eminently what its title indi
cates, a magazine for the household : to
be read and studied by every member of
the household. It is one you can rec
ommend to your friends, and so cheap
110 family can afford to do without it
only $1.00 per year. Address S. S.
Wood & Co., Newburg, N. Y.
The Saline county Post says that sta
ges leave Crete daily for Pleasant II 111
on the arrival of the 4 o'clock, p. in.
train, and tri-weekly for Swan City and
Beatrice, Thursday and Saturday morn
insrs. It is reported that the line to Be
atrice will be changed to a daily the first
of July, and that soon a line will be put
on from this place up the Blue.
Wc understand that Capt II. E. Pal
mer aided the St. Joseph (Mo.) Fire
and Marina Insurance Co., and the
People's Insurance Co. of San Francisco
to his list of Companies. This gives
the Capt. a No. 1 list, where all can suit
themselves. He informs us that all
risks in the defunct Lamar Co., can be re
insured in the Peoples without extra
Street Commissioner White is busy re
pairing bridges, "ulverts, etc.. where they
were injured by the high waters.
Farmers are coming to the conclusion
that their crops were not all destroyed by
the hail. Our original estimate of a
half crop v. ill not miss the mark far.
The "De Witt" is the name of an
other one of tho; e splendid -Manchester
locomotives which arrived in th city
this afternoon, direct from the shops.
Some time since we urged the Omaha
jopers to publish the weather predictions
sr. as to enable the people in this country
to avoid losses. Had we been in posses
sion of such predictions relative to
weather as are published in Chicago,
many thousands of dollars would have
been saved by timely provision against
the late storms. We again urge our en
terprising neighbors to attend to this
matter. It will secure them a much
larger circulation than they have, and be
au incalculable benefit to Nebraska farm
ers. If the observer at Omaha is indis
posed to work up the results of his ob
servation so as to give approximate indi
rat'ens of the weather for the next
twenty four hours, perhaps arrange
ments could be made with the Chicago
observer. We are glad to see that live
paper, the Omaha Herald, admit the
importance of our suggestions; and we
hope Dr. Miller will give us the predic
tions, as they will prove invaluable to
our farmers.
Since our old ftiend T. J. Majors
ceased to visit Cass county, and since he
has become an officer of the Goverumeut,
we are glad to note an important refor
niatlon iu hini. Instead of wearing tin
kempt locks and "punching" billiards,
we are pleased to find his name as pastor
of the First Baptist Church of Brown-
ville, as it appears in the following card,
which we copy from the Brownville AJ-
rrttsrr of the 6th inst :
Battist Corner Fourth
and Atlantic streets. Services every
Sabbath except th3 third in each month,
st 10 o'clock, A. M.' and 7 P-. M. Sun
day school at 10 A. M. Prayer meeting
Wednesday cveninc.
T. J. Majors, Pastor.
Almost every r.ewspnper you pick up
outains a story about some woman who
t-wullowed a needle and pulled it out of
her toe- 75 or SO years afterward. We
know of- a stranger case. A'- pnuter
in out" employ accidentally swahowed a
few- typo a!d a piece of paper same
months ago. Well he heard rotting
Pro in thenl for all those long months un
til a.fdw davs since, when he frit a se
vere pain in b.13 shoulder, proceeding
from a swelling, lie had a doctor to
lance the tumar when it actually dis
charged a- neatly printed newspaper,
looking very- much like an enlarged
cop of the Ashland Times. The printer
is now doing well. With what wonder
ful accuracy does nature accommodate
herself to circumstances. Ashland
Times. .
Over which shoulder, brother Stock
ion? We incline to the belief it shonilJ
he the left.
Li the Island of Goa, near Bombay,
there is a singular vegetable called "the
torrowful tree,'' because it only flourish
es ia the night. At sunset no flowers
are seen, and yet half an hour after that
it is quite full of them. They yield a
sweet smell, but the ean no sooner begins
m shine on them, than some of them
fall off, and others close up v and thus
it continues to flower ia the night during
ail the year.
iitAr cpszni or welcome.
Will Dr. Miller; the gentleman who is
euch a great stickler for having newspa
per men make speeches, please tell u3
who made t Tie welcoming address to the
Indiana editors upon their arrival in
Omaha ? Was it Dr. Miller, or was it
Mr. Bulconibe, or was "the press of the
neighboring city so bankrupt in talent as
to Le compelled to go outside the edito
rial corps for an organ" or to do without
a reception speech entirely ? The O ma
ha Ilcrahl will please "explain without
arising. ' '
It is an old time remark among stock
m:n that "a change of pasture makes
fat cattle, and wj doubt not that the
same rule will often hold good with man
kind. The B. & M. Co. have changed
their eating Station from Malvern to
Pacific Junction, and we are fully satisfi
ed that the eating and traveling public
will Ioc nothing by the change. The
Nye House cannot be beat in the west
for a "square meal."
tvr.vrs WASTED.
Wc noticed, a fev days since, that O.-
P. Austin, Esq., was agent for the sael
cf Prof. Trumbull" s Family Becord.
Since writing that notice we learn that
Mr. Austin has been appointed general
agent for the sale of that beautiful work,
and that he will probably appoint sub-
;cnts in different parts of the State.
Persons desiring a copy cf the work, or
an appointment as sub agent?, will ad
dress Mr. Austin at this city.
Such is the involuntary ejeeulation
of nearly every one who sees Trumbull's
Family Becord, the orlg'iial of which
was executed by Frof. Trumbull, of
Chicago, with a pen. It is a beautiful
design, 20x24 inches, and wou'd be au
ornament ia any house in Nebraska.
The diffcren sc?nu djpiet-i I by the pen
of the author are indeed evidences of
skill. O. P. Austin, Esq., is agent for
the sale of this beautiful engraving, and
will call upon the citizens of the city and
county during the next few days. He
is attending college, and is endeavouring
to make a portion of his tuition money
in this manner during vacation. They
are sold only by subscription, at $2,50
per copy.
Marble nnrrl" Four Miles
from I'lnttsnionth.
Mr. Thos. Thomas has just opened a
marble quarry on his place four miles
from Plattsmouth, on the line of the
B. & M. 11. B., which bids fair to be
come one of the mo-t valuable quarries
in the United States. We had the
pleasure of examining a piece of the
pol.shed marble this morning, which is
superior in quality to the finest Italian
marble. Mr. Thomas has had it tested
by experienced workers in Marble, and
they assure him that it is not only sus
ceptible of a much better polish than
any marble they have ever seen, but
that it can be engraved upon with all
ease. It is of a . grayish color, and is
found on Mr. Thomas place in unlimited
quantities. Specimens of the rough
stone cau be seen at the Herald office.
A lad of only Ten Imin nttomnt to
Stent a Home.
A boy only about ten years old came
to the residence of Mr. John A hi,
twelve miles west of this city, last Satur
day, having in his possesion a bridle
and whip. Mr. Ahl gave him his din
ner, and the boy started away. In the
evening he was again seen in the vicinit3
of the pasture, where there were several j
loose horses. Later in the evening Mr.
Craii discovered him apparently endeav
oring to untie a horse from the hind end
of his wagon. He took the lad into his
wagon, and took him to Mr. Ahl's
house, when he was accused of trying to
take a horse from the pasture. The lit
tle fellow admitted that he had been
trying most of the afternoon to catch
one of the horses, and that he had sto
len the bridle and whip from "The Bock
House on the creek" (the farm of
Mayor White, where Mr. McCracken
lives). Mr. McCracken identified the
bridle and whip as having been taken
fiom his stable. The boy gave his name
asMutz; said he livel in a little house
near Ileisei's mill, in Plattsmouth, and
that his step-father, whose name was
McGehee, was in jail somewhere in
Iowa. Mr. Ahl kept the boy until
Monday morning, when he told him to
go about hi3 business and not attempt,
to steal any more horses.
There should be some legal method of
curing a boy of this kind, for he could
certainly be reclaimed from the course
he seems to be following.
The people of ('ass county have formed
an Agricultural Society. L. II. Wheeler
President and II. D. Hathaway Secre
tary. Hathaway will imitate Greeley and
tell Nebra-kians what he. knows about
f a r m i n g . Chronicle.
Our success as a farmist was not of
the most brilliant character, consequently
we shal leave Greeley master of the
situation on that subject.
A princess wa3 born to King Ahasue
rus at an early hour this morning. The
King can probably appreciate, to day,
the extremely young song of the Bakers
list evening. "Long live our noble
Kk'g," and the baby.
The Chroricte seconds our call upon
the Attorney General to commence suit
for the recovery of the money which B.
J. Silvtr testifel they had defrauded
the State cf. Will Mr. A' torn y Gene
ral proceed ia the case, and that before
it is too late,'
The Vestry. of St. Luke's Parish are
requested to meet at Dr. Livingston's
office, on Friday. evening next, at 7:30
P. M-
Another attempt at Suicide in Omaha
yesterday resulted 4 in" a complete failure.
A stomach ptmip -eocipletely upset the
phu of the would le suicide.
A Splendid Triumph!
On Saturday evening last, the spacious
Fitzgerald's Hall was filled with a highly
delighted audience, at the rendition of
Ihc Cantata of Esther, "The beautiful
Queen." As we have before predicted,
wo now affirtn that a Plattsmouth audi
ence was never more delighted never
had an occasion to be more proud than
while seeing and hearing our singers per
form in this splendid Oratorio, com
mencing as it does with a grand, swell
ing chorus "Ilaman, Ilaaian, long live
Hainan," while each singer was arrayed
in a becoming costume, many of which
were extremely brilliant and beautiful
the stage presenting a splendid appear
ance, such as cannot be witnessed out
ride the largest cities. It was truly
maguiScent ; every ey riveted, and
every car delighted. It is wonderful
how, that in a space of time, less than
two weeks, that which took two hours to
perform, could be so thoroughly com
mitted to memory not a perceptible
mistake occurring, not a book of "any de
scription visible to the audience.
Before the curtain rose, the Bev. R.
Foster gave a short, but decidedly iute
resting review of the prominent charac
ters contained in the Cantata, in a very
happy manner.
Miss Ella Crocker, ever plea-ant and
popular as a lady and musician, lias won
fresh laurels as "Esther, the beautiful
Queen.'" Bight regally did she sustain
her difficult part ; whether arrayed in
habiliments of mourning for her people,
or clad in the gay robes of the court ;
whether in representing a youug and
lovely woman, jeopardizing her life for
her people, or in the daring and dashing
act of pointing out snd exposing the
guilty Hainan all was well done.
Mr. J. N. Wise, one of cur best sing
ers, performed the part of the great
Ahasucru, King of all Media and Per
sia, lie seemed to fully comprehend
and enter into the spirit of tho character
he was representing. The Kingly cos
tume and glittering Crown he were ap
peared to fit our friend Wise, as well as
though ho had been the old monarch
himself. His singing was in good taste,
and no doubt correct. "Long live our
noble King."
Mrs. L. Vinton, as Zeresh, though
not a "Queen," certainly is a "winning
card." Dressed in beautiful and glitter
ing court costume, she brought down the
house, and took us up out of our
chair as sh pointed .-kyward to show
her lord how high he should build that
terrible gallows ; had she actually sus
pended us half way to the ceiling, our
fall would have been fearful at the time
she sting and acted, "Thereon let this
Hebrew die." It was admirably done,
and the large auiience persisted iu a
repetition of the -whole scene. Mrs.
Vinton has a very sweet and powerful
Mr. Fred- M. Dorrington represented
that mighty Prince, Human, as far as we
could judge, 1 rue to life, in voice, looks,
gestures and figure. Indeed, lie was so
intensely Haman we wonder if he did
not really imagine at last he was choked
to death, a thing we would not liked to
have done to one of our best singers and a
prince of good fellows. It seems to us
that no other person we know could se
successful!' sing and act Haman, as did
our friend "Fred."
Mr. I. F. Johnson was assigned the
role of Mordecai. Prof. J. C. Baker
certainty has good discernment as to the
peculiar capabilities of his singers ; for
who but Mr. L. F. Johnson, could so
well sutain that most powerful charac.
ter ? His waling notes ; ''Wo is me, for
the devices of the wicked prosper," was
truly solemn, and tho passage pleading
with the Queen, "Go thou unto the
King," seemed to be both persuasive
and commanding. Mr. Johnson did
great credit to himself. We were glad
to see that dusty looking sr.ckcloth ex
changed for a beautiful robe, on his be
ing elevated to the dignity of the chief
Prince of the realm. Just here wc will
sa' that we are a little curious to know
how much that ring ("Seal of State")
weighs ?
Mrs. J. S. O'Brien was Prophetess.
She has a fiae voice, sung sweetly, and
acted well her pait. Her sombre dress
was in keeping with her warning voice
to the reckless King and wicked Haman.
She is a welcome accession to the noble
baud of Plattaaiouth singers.
Miss Anna Crocker, as Priestess Not
one in the audience failed to appreciate
that beautiful character, ' clad in pure
white, emblem of innocence. Who was
not moved as she stepped forward, and
kneeli-g, with uplifted hands, sung in a
sweet, plaintive voice that prayer?
High Priest, Capt. J. W. Marshall,
has other good qualities besides being
"High." He did sing, and sung well
no new thing for him we admit; but
that he could so well fill that sacerdotal
robe, and look so ancient under that tur
ban, was a little new to us, we coufoss.
Well done, friend .Marshall!
Hegai, Ilarbonah and other important
parts, were filled by Mr. T. W. Evans,
who appeared to be capable of taking
any character (including the King)
which is within tlie scope of his clear,
ringing, basi voice. The court could'ut
be run without Mr. Evans.
Mr. Frank. Kershaw was the King's
Scribe, and read in a full, clear voice
No doubt he is a friend to Mordecai,
as well as a good fellow on "general priu
Mrs. E. M. Wintcriteen, as Queen's
First Maid of Honor, and as leader of
the Grand Chorus, was beautifully
dressed, and filled her part with uiguity
and good taste. Her solos were sung
correctly, and her voice melodious aud
commanding in chorus.
Miss Cynthia Mitchell was Quecu's
Second Maid of Honor, and though her
part was not arduous, it was creditably
Miss Frank. C. Myers and Zelpha
Clayton were Zeresh's First and Second
Maid's of Honor, both were dressed ex
tremely gorgeou?, glittering with spang
les, sung and acted well, and received
merited applause.
Oue of .tho many pleasing features was
the male quartette, by Messrs. B B.
Windham, Henry Thomas, T. W. Ev
ans & V. V. Leonard. Their uniform
was neat, singing good, and marching
tru'3' military.
Kings Guards, Messrs. J. W. K.
Marshall and Wm. Montgomery, took
care of the King, looked finely, and
cbe3-ed orders.
King's Pages, Masters Dannie Wheel
er and Frank. Pottenger, waited on th
Court in beautiful style. Their march
inn, so exactly alike, was the admiration
of ail.
Miss Lillie Simpson presided at the
organ. Of this important part we hard
ly know how to express ourseif. On her
re.-ted as much r.sponibi!it? as on any
other one, and no part was more taste
fully performed or skilfully rendered.
To quote Prof. Bakers own language,
"She is a wonderful performer on the
Piano and Organ not only for one so
young, but for any age, or any where."
We are all proud of Miss Lillie.
The deep toned voice of Mr. Geo. E.
Baker, the great Hasso, came rolling
through the entire hall, materially as
sisting the graud chorus, and delighting
all present.
And last, though not least, among
those deserving credit for the excellent
rendering of the Oratorio, we desire to
mention Prof. J. C. Baker and his esti
mable lady. Prof. Baker has exhibited
a tact and talent which is. rarely met
with. Ho came to our city only two
weeks since, and began to cast about for
singers to take the eifferent parts in this
musical drama, a stranger to all and a
stranger to any little feelings of jealousy
that might exist (as th.3' often do in
every eommur-ity). The success of last
Saturday evening's entertainment is a
better commentary upon bis ability as a
teacher, and his tact in assigning the
different character's, than all the words
we could write in a column. On!y two
weeks in which to teach a class this en
tire Cantata and have it rendered a-
faultless as it was Saturday evening?
It seems almost incredible. In our
judgment Prof. Baker has few equals as
a teacher, and no sup?riors.
As Director of the Stage, Mrs. J. C.
Baker did herself great credit. Not a
mistake throughout the entire two hours'
performance ; and that too with a
troupe none of whom had ever bef re
appeared before an audience in a similar
role, and frw of them in any capacity.
Second Xislit.
The second and last night of the
Grand Oratorio of Esther, the Beautiful
Queen, was but a continuation of the
success of Saturday evening. The Hal!
was filled at an eariy hour, and tl.c first
bell sounded promptly at the time adver
tised. The performance was a' repeti
tion of Saturday night, except that
many of the performers seemed to
have a little more confidence in their
own abilities, and their singing was bet
ter in proportion to their increased con
fidence. Each part was rendered with
that apparent faultlessness which char
acterized the first night's performance,
and the allotted two hours had passed
ere the audience was aware of it. In
accordance with their previous promise,
the Bakers delighted the audience with
a few pieces at the close of tho regular
entertainment. The appearance of these
noted singers upon the stage was the
signal for a perfect storm of applause,
which was resumed at the close of each
pi'Ce. The deep, thundering base cf
Geo. E. Baker, as he sang "We have
Dr:.nk from the same Canteen" was suf
ficient to caue one to thii.k he was on
the battlefield, where the artillery 1 oared
and was actual! drinking "from the
same canteen." This wa- the first time
in twenty six years that the Baker
family have appeared before
an audience without the full number
only three bein? present here ; but tho-e
three are a "whole team" in singing.
They go to Brownville, where they will
teach a class for the Oratorio, and we
can most cordially and heaitilj recom
mend them to the good people cf our
neighboring city.
At the close of the performance lat
evening. Prof. J. C. Baker made a d:oi t
speech to the people and the c!as, sa
ing that the two weeks spent in our
midst had been p'easandy passed, a d
that the friendships here formed would
long be remembered. J.N Wise, E-q.,
replied on behalf of the people and the
class, expressing the warmest gratitude
to Prof. Baker, his estimable lady, and
Geo. E Baker, Esq., for the pleasure
they had given us all during this short
sojourn auiong us. At the suggestion of
Prof. Baker, a committee of three, con
sisting of King Ahasuerus, (J'N. Wise),
Mordecai, the Jew, (Prof. L. F. John
son), and Ilaman, (F.-M. Dorrington),
was appointed to call a meetiiig of the
singers of Plastsmouth with a view to
perfecting a permanent organization,
after which the audience dispersed, feel
ing that the time had been agreeably
spent. Long live the Baker family, and
may we again see thei1 pleasant faces in
Plattsmouth, at 110 distant da3
The Office-, Directors and Vice
Presidents of the Cass ceuntj Agricul
tural and Mechanical A;sociation are re
quested to meet at the Court House in
Plattsmouth, at 1 p. in., Tuesdav, July
18th, for the transaction of important
business. H. D. Hathaway,
jylldlwl Seeretar3
Mr J S. Hunt, who lives 12 miles
be'ow this, on the Big Blue, has pea
nut" in full bloom, tobacco 2 feet high al
read' topped, cabbages 8 inches and to
matoes 4 inches in diameter, and corn
stalk" 7 inches in circumference- lie
set this season 1,000 grape vines, every
one of which is living.
Mr. H. informs us that Cotton wa
raised in this county $ years since fiom
which cloth was made. Suline County
It is now thought that Solomon's
great wisdom was due to the fact that be
had 700 wives, whom ho doubtltsd con
ceited oa all occasions.
tsie mrsrn at eicmt s.11.1:.
Speeches, Dinner, ."-Inslc, etc.
Dear," Herald : The "Glorious
Fourth" has, as you are doubtless aware,
come aad gone ; bringing with it its
usual amount of powd;r burning, ice
cream and lemonaic destroying, pic-nic-ing,
and orating.
The people of Eight Mile Grove and
vicinity thought to celebrate the Fourth
in the good old fashioned way ; and while
doing so, to combiue with it a S. S. pic
nic. The Bev. Mr, Presson, of Platts
mouth, was engaged as speaker for the
occasion, v. bile the singers of the school
ami communiti, assisted by Miss An
drews as organist, vcru to furnish music
for the .occasion.
Aecordingby, at the appointed hour
the people met in the grove, with ban
ners floating in the morning breeze : and
seeming, as they waved, to speak a joy
ous ami loving welcome to all friends, 3-et
to bid defiance to all national foes.
The exercises of the d.13' r,-ere opened
by prayer by "Father" Young, an aged
an beloved member of the community.
The Declaration of Independence, that
glorious old document which has brought
03- to so many heat ts, and litcrt3 to so
manj millions of people, (and alongside
f f which we think ought to stand the
Emancipation Proclamation), was road
hy .Mr. Hall. After this, the assembled
multitude listened to u stirring and ap
propriate address by Bev. Presson, which
did credit to himself and proved conclu
sively that his people do but justly honor
and esteem him.
After this, innumerable baskets seem
ed to spring forth from innumerable hid
ing places, arid the people proceeded to
dispose of their contents in the u-ual
At 2 o'clock they were again call, d to
gether by the presiding uilieer, Mr llus-st-1,
and listened to a lengthy address by
Mr. Beed, of Omaha Junction, in which
the British Lion was badly "clt'iiced ?(;.'
He was fallowed by O. P- Au-tin in a
fifteen minutes address, when Mr. Pres
son was again called forward and made a
lew remarks; after which, with a vote of
thanks to the speakers, the exercises
Credit is due to those having charge
of the music, b3- which the exercises
were varied and made much more enter
taining. Praise is also due to the President.
Mr. Basse!, for the manner ia which th
exercises wero conducted.
The Sabbath School (Methodist) has
a fine nw librae, and with Mrs Shelton
as Superintendent sccui.s iu a flourishing
We noticed present Prof. Smith and
others, cf Omaha Junction, also that
Plattsmouth, Louisville, and other pa its
of the country were represented. Alto
gether, the day passed off pleasantly,
doing credit to the Sabbath School and
leaving everybody, although tired, yet
pleaded with the day's operation.
The crops in .the immediate vicinity
were had'y damaged by the recent storm.
SdjuII grain is badly torn down, and corn
is stripped of its leaves and in some
places entirely ruined. Nevertheless,
the farmers appear cheerful, thus prov
ing that they have the backing which en
ables them to sustr-in the loss of one
crop without feeling that they :ro ruin
ed. Yours, &: , John'.
tsik Jir-n
Oil Saturday, bad by Mr. Austin's school
(1st Ward) proved a perfect success; so
far as enjoyment was concerned, at lea-t.
Between 10 aud 11 o'clock, as per previ
ous announcement, Mr. Austin's schol
ars assembled at the 21 ward school house
where they were joined by a number of
Mr. Daley's pupils, an 1 al-o a few from
Prof. d'AlIamand's and Miss Sherman's
schools, respectively. As soon as ali
were assembled, they proceeded to the
grove in the north west part id' the city.
accompanied ly teams, hauling tlms in
dispensable a-'companymcnts, f all pic
nics, swings, barrel and ice. for ico water,
some of the smaller children, and. innu
merable baskets, buckets, &e., crammed
wi'h those good things which the ladies
of Plattsmouth know so well how to
Arrived at the grounds, a short time
sufficed to erect swings, and give the li--tle
ones an opportunity to enjoy them
selves to their heart's content.
Soon began to arrive recruits, of a
large growth, among whom were Mr
Hobbs and lady, Mrs. Sage, Mr. Dilley,
Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Ilinton, and Bev. Mr.
Bement, and all seemed bent upon en
joying themselves to the fullest extent,
while "ye local," who had concluded to
" Steal a white away
From evufv cuuiljriug care."
sat round with one eye cast about for stray
items, and the other immoveably fixed
upon the table ! after the manner of Lo
cals, aud almost wished he were a "boy
again." The ladies announced dinner,
and the sight was well worth seeing
the happy faces gathered around that
bountifully spread board, in all the beau
ty of youth and innocence. After all had
eaten to satiety, the sports were resum
ed. We saw some feats performed on
the cross-bar, by some of the boys, that
would have done honor to a trained
gymnast. But as, through the watchful
care of Mr. Au-tin, assisted by Mr.
Dilley, and the general good conduct of
all, there were no accidents for us to
chronicle, we will only aJd in conclusion
that those who failed to attend the pic
nic Saturday, missed a good thing.
As we have previously remarked, in
speaking of some former pie-nics, it is a
sure indication, in our opinion, of a good
teacher, to see them anxious for the
plea-urc and happiness of their pupils ;
and Mr Austin and his estimable lady
certainly labored assiduously for that
purpose as also did Mr. Dilley who
seemed brimming over with mirth ar. 1
sweat. In fact, we 1 elieve this city is
blessed with good teachers, who are la
boring ze iiou-'y for the welfare of the
pupils under tlfcir charge.
words or ciiF.r.rt.
A g.n'leman who resides in Ohio, and
who has been a subscriber to the Her
ald for the past Gve years, writes to say
that he will bo unsettled for a time, and
desires the paper discontinued for the
present, and alls: "In parting with
the Hi iiAi.D permit ma to say that the
enterprising spirit so manifest in the peo
ple of Plattsmouth, and the develop
ments of your noble State, are undoubt
cu'y due especially to the vigorous, frank
and manly editorials of the Herald,
under your superintendence."
COVSfll. I'lK IXblACS.
Cii'xciL Camber, July 10, 1871.
Council met pcrsuant to call. Pres
ent: the Mayor, Aldermen, E. T. Duke,
J. W. Shannon, J. II. Buttery, John
I'itzsrei aid, John Ei hart, Clerk and Mar
shall. The Journal of last meeting beingread
and approved ; the Mayor then stated
that the object of meeting was for the
purpose of taking into consideration the
repairing of culverts, bridges, streets
also for any and all other business that
may cme before the Council.
On motion, the Mayor, M. L. White
and John Firzirerald was added to the
Committee on Highways and Bridge.
On motion, the Committee on high
ways and bridges was instructed to re
pair culverts aud bridges that was
On motion, the Mayor and Clerk was
instructed to draw warrants to the
amount of 40,00 on Policr- fund for the
purpose of paying for labor on streets
and bridges.
Tho account of Mr. Wayhrisrht for
h niling eai ill. $100, read ar: 1 a'lowod ;
the account of D. W. Lewis !fc Co . f
$8.f4, for 'umber, road :md on motion,
w;is laid over until the exnt meeting.
After a motion to adjourn was carried.
John Fitzgerald gave a bill of f 1,701. oO
fir damag? s done by the flooding of the
Firzi-eraM Block and Brooks IIousp, on
which there was nr, action tak 11. There
bein.2 no further bu-inc-ss,' the Council
adjourned until the. next regular meeting.
M. L. WHITE, Mayor.
Attest : B. II. Yannatta,
City Clerk.
Tho Congregational sociable will be
held on Friday evening, the 1 1th. at the
residence of the Pa tor, Bev. B. Foster,
on 5tli street, east of the Patterson row.
Au invitation is extended to all.
One of our well known citizens who
is spending a few weeks in the Eastern
States in a letter to a friend here, dated
Newark, July 2 1, writes "Tell Mrs. T.
that I was in Ne.v York on Friday and
it does not beiriti to compare with Platts
mouth." How is that lor high !
John Fitzgerald has brought a bill
against the City for $ l,7u0 damages done
by the storm. About fifty other men
are awaiting the result of this move to
sec whether they shall make out bills
azaiust the City for similar damages.
We will keep our readers posted in the
progress cf this matter.
An as-aiilt and battery was committed
in the southern part of the county a few
days since which grew out of the herd
See advertisement of property for sale
in to-day'.- paper. There is a chance for
a bargain, for some one.
To Mrs. J. 1). Simpson, .a daughter,
July 1 1th, 1871. There, now; Simpson,
do you know what tho boys mean when
they say they "always tai.o lemon in
The storms of the 1st and oh dam
aged the dining room and kitcluu ar
rangements of thii Brooks Hou -e to such
an extent that but. few guests have been
admitted since, but it is now opened to
the public a :ain, and travelers Me invit
ed to call and iu-pect the table and bed
room accon;inolaiio;is. With "Pete"
to look af;er the fiee 'Ibis and the
bat'g.-igo, Holland in the ollic, and John
Fi'Z'jeraM to back t'r." c-neerri, the
Crook- Ifou-e is second to nothing in the
The Lincoln &f,itrstii'tu endeavors to
show, in a half column article, that if
ten men run for Governor and only one
is cb cted that the other nine men arc
defeated. Well, now; the JS'it-inin
astonishes us with such a display of wis
dom. A party of ICO excursionists were re
ported coining to our city this morning,
but the excursion finally resolved itself
into about 150 ordinary passengers.
There is much loving kindness (?) ex
hibited by the Democratic press of our
State. They naturally dc-irc to throw
filth at some one, and when the Repub
lican papers of the State refuse to no
tice them they Gre away at each other.
The following from the Brownville
Democrat is a sample of the way they
"The Bulo Register smears itself with
a good deal of its own Gltli about the
L'tni'icrut and the Beed Keeling case. It
was highly unnecessary. W e don't in
tend to kick it. We know a skunk by
sight, an.l have no desire to prove Lini
by the smell."
Another new locomotive, the "Crete"
arrived last evening, and was immedi
ately diced on "'the ways" to be set up.
The Dj Witt will probably be ready for
work to-morrow. The Company are
driving things, and will be in receipt of
new rolling stock at short intervals uuti
they have enough to meet the demands
of the trade they are constantly increas
ing We were fivored with a call this corn
in-j from Hon. John J. Martin, member
of the Missouri Legislature, from St
Louis distric. He is in our city locking
after the grain trad.', and asstnes u that
S . L'o: s feeld the iiiipnrtnr.e.; of having
direct r ail road conncctio.i "I'h this pat t
of the world," and that efforts are now
making to divert a portion, at least, of
the grain trade of this region from Chicago.
Ii tho day appointed by S. Duke, E.-p,
for the sale. of a large quantity of valu
able real estate in this city, to bo struck
off to the man who will pay the most
money. Now is the time to buy. Timc3
are a little dull, and money is somewhat
scarce, and the man who ha the where
with to buy a few lots at low prices is
the one who will make a speculation
that will count.
We had intended noticing to some
length the lecture of Dr. Bement, of last
evening, upon the subject of his travels
through the above named countries, but
as the lecture has been ably spoken of
by two different correspondents to-day,
both of them prominent and influential
citizens, it is probably unnecessary for us
to say moro than that every person old
enough to understaro' history should be
on hand to-night. Dr. Bement is an un
assuming man, but he is evidently a man
of deep research and a profound thinker.
We have heard very many lectures upon
travels in the caste 1 a world
but Dr. Bement presents the subject in
an entirely different manner from most
lecturers.. Wc can see new beauties in
the descriptions given by him, even of
tr e same scenes and the same countries.
His lectures are frcu to all who do not
feel inclined to pay, ts h i det enJs en
tirely upon the liberality of his audience.
The audience last evening was small, but
we will guarantee that every intelligent
person who was there last evening will
be there again to night unless there is
something more than the ordinary af
fairs of life to keep theru away. We
look for a full house to niaht.
kail vi;wii:n.
The Seward Atlna is confident that
they are soon to bo connected with
Piat t.-mouth and other portions of the
wo.-Id by rail. Long live Seward! The
All-in says :
"Ist week, a party of surveyors of
the Burhngton and Missouri River B.
B. , started from Lincoln to survey a
rout through to this point, an.l we are
informed by pood authority, that the
work will be commenced ou this line in a
very short time."
We learn from a private letter from
the Nemaha that during the recent heavy
storm which passed over that section,
lightiii:g struck the rods upon two dif
ferent buildings and passed off without
doing any damage either to the bouse or
rods. A. G. Barnes, of our city, put up
one of these rods Ia-t full, and the other
this season. The one erected last fall
has been struck three different times,
and in every instance has proved a pet
feet protection to the building. They are,
without doubt, the best red now sold.
IX El III) Fit.) .11.
We are in receipt of the La Porte
(Ind. ) Ifaruld, edited by Sims Major,
E-q.. one of tho editorial excursion par
ty which recently visited Nebraska. The
paper shows conclusively the pleasure
experienced by the editor during his
short sojourn west of the Missouri. He
speaks of Plattsrncuth, Lincoln and Ne
braska City as "The Three Cities of Ne
braska." We clip the following relative
to our own city :
"Platfsniouih is situated at the confla
once of the Big Platte and Missouri.
The site is broken and bluffy ; the town
lying in the dips and hoilows does not
show to advantage, but when you come
to pet a better view of it. you see many
good business bricks, and not a few ele
gant dwellings. The i!aee was laid out,
we believe, in IS.'O the population is
about 3,000. It is fed by a most fertile
country, and enjoys a heavy erain trade.
The Burlington ec Missouri Biver Road
crosses the great stream at this point,
over which a bridge is t- be. erected in a
short time. Piat tsmouth is the enpir?'!
o C;t: S county. W stopp-d here but
an hour or two but long enough to see
the eiiterpii-e, and enjoy u heaity greet
ing from its thorough-going, friendly
At Platt-iprnrh, the Liportaus cfth?
oxc.:i sion were kinJIy received by Mr.
Fiat.k Carruth, who courteously showed
us about town, and took us to on of the
h; khts ovei looking the city and sur
roundings. He pointed out to us his lot,
perched on a lofty emim nee, whereon he
cxp: cts to build soon Mr. C. has a tine
photograph gallery in 1'lattsniouth, is
doing a prosperous and increasing bu.-i
n'ss, likes the place and people, and
means to stay.
Nebra-ka State Fair will be held at
Brownville, Sept. 2G?h, 27ih, 2Sth and
2'.:h, 1S71. Liberal Premium- offered.
Open to the World. For particulars
address the President at Biownville or
the Secretary at Platt-mouth. All
papers in the State friendly to the So
ciety, will please copy. d&wtf
Bead the card of Dr. Marvin. Per
sons afflicted with Chronic diseases of
any kind will do well to consult the Dr.
Plattsmouth Bacon Market.
Canvassed Dried Beef,
Smoked Clear Sides, Prime,
Sugar Cured Hams,
Lard, Prime,
All Goods delivered free to
J2 cts-
17 "
ny part
of the city.
apr7diwtf E. G. Dovey.
Foil Sale. Two first-class Sewing
Machines. Iuquire at the Herald of
fice. rny'jditwtf
For Rent. The basement under the
Herald oGcc. Inquire at this office,
or of C. II. Parmele. je21dtf
General Ama.-a Cobb, formerly of Wis
consin, but now of Lincoln, passed
through the city this moruiiig cn his
way to the capital.
Frank Carruth, E q., the popular art
ist, corner Main and Fifth streets, is
erecting a neat residence on Sixth street,
south sido of Granite,
Iu Nevada an imuiftiaa depe-it of al
most pure oda, free from earthy mat
ters, has been discovered, in tut; midst
of au alkaline flat seventeen acres in ex
tent. Upon digging down, the solid so
da is found in a defined mass. A sb ift
his been sunk fifty fe t, from tbft bot
tom of which a drift has been made
twenty-fire feet into the deposit of uoda
without getting through it.
The total amount cf currency lost or
worn out while in circulation will exceed
15 rj-ercnt.. of the who!? issue."
lt.UUA. NAUtiVtU l)tni;iu.
Wc l.arn with pleasure that th-
Turners aro taking un active part fit tLo
German Sabbath School in iri'-trustirj
the young. List -Sunday six out of th;
eight teachers were Turners. This . diov.v
plainly that that Society not cn'y 'eel-
to improve their bodi'y streng-.h but
aKo the spiritual wclfhro cf themojlves
and fellow creatures. Ail ci nncct'd
with the above school are (driving to gci
up a good German library. Wo with
them succcs-.
the rev. K. nr.nrvT-s i.iccicni
Last evening, in the Methodist Church,
was replete with interesting an 1 valua'-lo
facts, both old and new, or iusuffiuently
known, respecting m.uters and things
that have transpired in what are sou.c
times termed the lauds of the Bio'e.
Tlir Dr. does not take up the time of the
audience with an egotistical display i
his pe sonal experience during his thro,
vr.irn' fravi 1 5ii,l ttc. lv io ilii Pi t
he gives his hearers will at: then lie., tod
facts of history and feience, ii;i.,!r;iled
by the results of his observations an !
investigations on the very spots r.h. r
these wonderful .scones and incidents in
curred. Ilia lectures are a'-o ilhi .tra:. J
by pictures of remarkable scorn uvA
things worthy of historical notice. But
tlie lucid manner and matter o
as graphic as his painted and pi ti '.1 '
The lecture last evening ep! .-.ii.:: '.
why ho went to explore tlie lands of :!.
Bible, and why he pommenced at Ai r
nrvli-I'i n, 1 tf, 1"V !.,, 1, .
itini'; iiie ai' ccl wo :
that land of tho ancient. 1 '' -
intimately connected with tho Lb. tot y .
the Israelites, find tbn k-r-r tn !,....
' - -
.vmhollfVil find Pi t rrrnri-i1
. ........ WHH ' I J '
Scripture which were incoiuprch--,u.::
without a knowledge of their tyros i.
antitypes. This knowledge the led:
has acquired in rich abundance, ;d .
is certainly doing God's service it; -:..
about disseuiinatinxr facts and ext la:!.!
fltMll-fVS ivll'.-ll fiptc'in'l firtnrnS .... '
--0-s" ......... " t . l. i . .a uuiO I? ii
clear and illuminated by the lectur-i.,.-n,,;r,,i
u;,....t;;.. ;n.. ....
like "apples of gold in"j ictures cf ;.
ver." I have uehher time nnr sre,;-,
even do justice to an epitome of the !
ture of last evening, but I think i. ,
those who fail to hear htm will mis .
feast of reason and flow of t-oul." B
The lecture last evening of Rev. '
Bement, on Egypr, was one of great
tcrest. The lecturer told hi-tory iu
easy, familiar way, imparl iug a g;
deal of very interesting, und to the P.
reader, of very important informa1:.
It is evident that he has traveled .
observed for himself. It is rase th: t '.
scenes and incident, the hi toric fi,
the traditions, th: manner.- and cu.sf c:.;
the monuments of tho strai.gj and v.
derful Eastern land, are s' vividly j
before our thorn-lit. He give ilhisP
tions last night of ancient air, that '.
moderns, with all their Wonders of
telegraph and steam engiii". may r
envy. What modern cngiucer would v
dertaku to transport a stone cobtu'r;
feet long, lo feet at the bas., feet
the top, weighing 700 ton;-;, six hiu. '.
miles, and then Let it up on its I-?
that it should stand 3,000 yearj.
To-night the lecturer gives an ne... .
of the Pyramids, the Sph.vnx, the t:
combs, and other objects that arc
wonder of all thinking men. Tin? wc-.i
will never eease asking who bui'l f
Pyramids, how were they con. ::i.
and for what? The lecturer k.'.s !
that Egypt is the key to Pale:.ti; .
Bible student will be greatly helped
listening to these lecture.. 'J h- y
worthy the interested cttention of -people.
?ccal Uolicc
The undersigned having had hi-
destroyed by the late storm, wi.-.v
dispose of a lot of cattle, viz : 1 J
of ?j year ol 1 steers ; 8 head of 2
o'd steer ; 14 head of milch co-r ;
1 spjn of j year old mares woi.' J .
Enquire at my farm miles w
Plattsmouth. M. W. l':: i
Fou Sale on Tkade. A lb-
Piano will be sold on titnp, or trad
pood property. Address Post oilie
o3d, Plattsmouth. Jul..'"; .
Ii I M II 1 1. iS 1,1 S E.
This popular Stage Line is nor :'
operation between Plattsmouth an.
Piat te fare only fifty cents. V
gers for Omaha via O. & S. W.
road, cm rnve 2o cents by takin
llflrt tvlin-! T.nlr, j rJ
- - niu ixi rv
ail trains.
close connectior.
Pianos tuned, Organs tuned at
paired by L. F. John-on, Plattsn..
Satisfaction guaranteed. Price of
ing pianos per year, $10. j in"
Drop in at the Star Bakery, c : :
Main and Sixth streets and see
'.'icy have in tho Bakery and Red
laeut line. It niak'-s no differ-. .
wheth-T you buy anything or not- ,
and see Frank. i j.iicL'Ji:
P. Maxwell, at O'lhienVs &f,
next door to the postojjc keeps ;
best Ficnch sleek, and makes boot'
the following juices:
French calt boots, few.-d, $12.(
pegged, J.i(
" bips ' 8.1,..
All woik wirrrnfed. Repairing J
iu the neatest apr'dtr'.
Notice. All person knowing th.
selves in lebted to us tire hereby rq:
ted to cull and btttlj th.? m;i,o tnd r;
trouble. S. llhilOM .U'U.
February 4tn, ls,71 dtf.
Dwelling houre for s-de
quire of D 11 WIIFLER & C)
This is tho class of Pk'ures that Cu.r
ruth makes at his G.:iery (cruei c
Main and F.i'th streets). AH kin Is
every style from Life size-to the small-.-:
Gem. Price always as low c. airy vl'U
first class Gai ety i:i the Country. S ..
pie furnb bed free those wishing P:
tures. AU work warranted satisfactor.
Tune'-tf, F. Cuani'