Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 22, 1871, Image 2

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A Lincoln forrfsjifjiidoat of the Oniu-
.. . T . i
lUJfc) 4'4 4,11 V; VI V. -i-yi
and las sak orks :
"The case reguHins the seizure of the
sa!t works wan tried before Judge Iike week, and was submitted to hiui on
Saturday morning, the counst-l on both
sides waiving their right for a jury. The
Judste decided that, under the Statutes
of Nebraska, a warrant, on the presumed
charge of larceny, was not a pro per
course to pursue to eject a person in pos
session of property, and rendered a ver
dict for $ll0 and costs in favor of Mor
ton. This decision seemed to be re
ceived verv f vorahly. and ;rcat credit is
awarded Mr. Ilardcnburghfor the ability
displayed by him in the prosecution of
the case against Mr. Morton."
We clip the folIowiDS relative to the
exhibition now in progress ai.Ou;aha
iVoiu the Tribune dr Republican of this
morning :
The annual exhibition of the Society
commenced yesterday at their hall in
Central Block, on Farnhani street. I5e
siLs the articles -ent in the day before,
a larec tiuin.ier of line greenhouse plants
were brought in, which tilled the fi out of"
the room full, making a fine display from
the street, and attracting a crowd, which
continued throughout the day. In front
was a l;irge spruce, brought from the
Hooky Mountains by the committee of
the Sojiety, who have recently visited
that region. On the riht of the main
entrance was a large century plant from
the green house of V. J. Ilesscr, of
l'lattsmouth, which attracts ?reat atten
tion. On the left was a large oleander
fii 11 the same place, and at its base a
collection of rocks fioui the mountains,
and cactus in bloom from the we-tt-ni
part of the State. The hall had been
well arranged for showing the plants dis
played, and the rich bac--ground of
green produced a fine effect.
Oil the right of the entrance, Mr.
Ryan made a line display of plants,
among which a large number of fuschias
in full bloom were worthy of notice, and
attracted great attention. In the center
Mr. Areiuotk, proprietor of the green
house on the Florence road, made an ex
cellent show, of which some lare
lowering maples, geraniums and foliage
ph'iits were very attractive and much ad
mired. On the left Mr. I lesser, who has
ths reputation of being one of the most
successful horticulturists in the State,
Las a large lot of green house plants and
vegetables from his gardens in Cass
county. Taking the floral exhibition as
a whole we have never teen as many
choice plants at one time in the Vet,
and it spenks well for the exhibition.
W'a had hoped to see a better collection
of early fruits, but with the exception of
some Jucundas an 1 other vaiietiesof
strawberries there is not enough to boast
of, although the fruit cron is abundant
ir. the southern part of the State. The
question has Leon ake J why it is not
Coil yen (ion Ii r"Clory.
The following are the names of the
members, county and district whk-h they
represent :
0. A Abbott, Hall county, "Jth senato
rial district r.
31. Uallard, Washington county, 17th
rt p re se a t a : i v e u is t ri . t r.
J. II. IJoyd, Douglas county, 5th ien i-tori-i.
district d.
I. C. Campbell, Otoe county, 3d sena
torial district d
J. N. Cusscil. Lanca?ter county, 8th
representative oistiict r.
V. 11. CurlH. l'awnee county, 14th
representative di-trtct r.
J W. f'aton, Otoe county, '.id repre
s iitative district d.
K. Ktabrook, Douglas count-, 5th
senatorial district r.
l S. (5ibbs, Uuvt county, l'Jth repre
sentative district r.
! ranker. Dikota county, '2t rep
resentative district r.
Yj. N. fJreuell, Sarpy county, lothiep
resentative district d.
Fi. F. :a IoJjre county, 19iU rep-rj-eut.itive
district r.
N. K. (Jriggs, Uage countj, 12th sena
torial district r.
1. '. lln-call, Houghs county, ICth
representative district r.
15. I. Hiimi.m, Lincoln county, iOth
representative district d.
J. A. Kenaston, 1 ass county, 4th rep
sentative distiict r.
J as. Kilburn, Saunders county, 8th
senatorial district r.
S. M. Kirkpatriek, Cass county, 4th
representative district r.
(J. I J. Lake, Douglas county, lGth
representative district r.
Lewis Ley, Stanton ciunty, 2.. i repre
sentative district d.
Waldo Lyon, Burt county, Cth senato
rial district r.
D. J. MeCann, Otoe county, 3d sena
torial district r.
S. I. Major., Nemaha caunty, 2d
re pre sfn ta t i v c d is 1 1 i c t -r.
O. l Mason, Otoe county, Sd reprc
Fentatire district r.
C. F. 31anderson, Douglas CMinty,
2'jth representative district r.
Saiuicl Maxwell, Cass, county, 4th
ropresentire district r.
1. T. Moore, Yoik county, 13th rep
resentative district r.
J. C. Meyers, Douglas county, 10th
representative district r.
J. D. Neleigh, Cuming county, 2'Jth
senatorial district r.
II S. Xewsom, Otoe county, 3-1 rep
resentative district d.
W, I'arehin. IlieharJ-ton county, 1st
representative distiiet d.
II. W. Darker, Seward county, 10th
representative district r.
J. K. l'hilpott, Iincaster county, 11th
senatorial district r.
15. Price, Jefferson county, 12th rep
resentative district r.
II. M. Reynold', (rage county, 7th
representative district r.
Scth Robinson, Lancaster county, Sih
representative district r.
J. B. ScoSold, Otoe county, ?A rep
resentative district- 1.
Jacob Shaff, Saunders county, I'th
iirreT.tative district d.
A. L. Sprague, Saunders county, 0th
representative district r.
R. F. Stevenson, Cuming county, 7ti
senatorial district d.
C. A. Spiece, Platte county, 22 J rep
resentative district d.
A. S. Stewart, Pawnee county, 5th
representative district r.
S. A. Strickland, Douglas county, 10th
representative district r.
Geo. II. Thummel, Hall and Merrick
counties, 24th representative district r.
J-J W. Thomas, Nemaha county, 4th
senatorial district d.
F. A. Tisdal, Nemaha county, 2d rep
resentative district r.
L S. Towle, Richardson county, '1st
senatorial district d.
Victor .Vifquain. Saline county, 11th
representative district d,
li Wakely, Douglas county, ICth rep
resentative district r.
A. J. Weaver, Richardson county, 1st
fp'prt'Vcjfarivc distr? -r,
.John ilsutj, county, Ctli '
rc:e:-ent:itive ifij-triet- r. t
J. M. Wooiwoiih. I'ou&las county, !
10u representative district tl.
.J fur Democrats, and r for Ilcpubli- I
iitiiii. No. Ik. puhiicutis, ,0 ; Dciuoi-raU,
sta m i t . v. mtsi n 1 1 1 i.t:s.
: n .j. c f
niittees n ptoist ;d.
Lake, Mason, Maxwell,' Thomas, S co
field, Mailderson, Towle, l'hilpott, Ab
bott, Griggs, Stevenson.
Wool worth, Ballard, Spiece, Robinson
Kirkjatrick, Newsoui, Weaver.
Myers, McC'ann, Majors, Neleigh,
Moore, Griggs, Maxwell.
Electoral and lieprectititiie R'furm.
Wakely, Newstuu. Ilascall, Maxwell,
Reynolds, Lyon, Wilson.
Rithts f Suffrage.
Max wall. Lake, Nevv.-oiu, Fstabrook,
Price Siragu , Curtis.
Eii 'licit tin ii, School funds and Liud.i.
Kstabrook, Campbell. Majors, Shaft",
Yiiouain, Gray, Gibbs, Moore, Philpott.
Municipal C'orjtur'atiuns.
Thotuis, Manderson, Paichen, Grencll
h'cofie.d, Badard, Kilburn.
Railroad I 'vrporatimix.
Boyd. Mason, Kirknatriek, Philpott,
Ley, Yif juain, Tis.lel.
MUieUanconH Corporations.
Mooio, Maxwell, Iiiuman, Eaton,
Price, 1 hummel, (Jranger.
RcvenH and finance.
MeCann, Major-, Parker, Neleigh,
Boyd, Abbott,-Towle.
Jtauks and Vutrency.
Neleigh, MwCaim, Boyd, Grigg, Kil
burn, Casseil. Gray.
State, County and Municipal ludcbted
II cs.
Kirkpatriek, Reynolds, Wakely, Shaff,
Parker. Seofiel J, Nelei.ali.
1'ulAic Accounts and Expenditures.
Thummel, Stewart, Weaver. Thomas,
Lyoi:, Myers, Kenaston.
Military A'iiis.
Yifquain, Manderson. Casseil, Hin
nian, Gray, Stevenson, Parchcn,
Retrenchment an I Reform.
Manderson, Tisdell, Curtis, Ley,
Spiece, Sprague.
Weaver, Kenaston, Neleish, Rey
nolds, Le-, Robinson, Ncvsom.
Township mid Eiccimt Organization.
GriggJ, Gibbs, Granger, Grenell, Gray
Eaton, Stewart.
State Ijinids, oth-T than School Lands.
Seofiell, Boyd, Ley.
( 'ungrexvional Apportionment.
Philpott, iliiUiian, Woolworth, Sprn
gue, t;a!l.
Legislative Apportionment.
Towle, Ilaseall. Sieveti-on, Wilson.
Reynold-; Abbott, Kcsia-ton.
Mtiivfuctures and Agriculture
Ley, Eaton, Kirkpatriek, Vi!.-on, Shaff
Lyon, Granger.
State Institutions and Riddle Juildlng.
CasJ, Lake, Ballard, Cuilis, Par
ker Gibbs, Campbell.
Renitentiary and Reforwiiijii Institu-
Stewsrtj Kilburn, Myers, Parch?n,
Spiece, Tiimoicl, Tisdal.
Rills of Rights
Mason. Woohv.M th, Wakcky, MeCann
Thoma', Lyon, Kilburn.
Eidiral Rtl-itions
Abbott. Robinson. Spieee, Price, Gibbs
Kstabrook. Curtis.
En t ure Amend men's.
B ii' ird, Iviton. Majors, Moore, Car
se'i, Myers, Yispiain.
Riiitling and Eluding.
Campbell, ILuuian, Kenaston, Wil.ou,
Spraguc. '
Parker, Parchcn, Thun.niC1, Tisdal,
Granger, (irem.1!, Price.
Lit'.i nal Improvements.
Shaff, Gjii'-jcM, Stewart,- Gray, Boyd,
Majors, Lyon.
Revision and Adjustment.
Woolworth, Ma-on, Like, MeCanrj,
R.-yui.Us, Tliomas, Weaver.
S hedule.
Ilapcall. Towle, Wakeiey, SeofielJ, Ste
venson, E-tabrook, Robinsou.
Miscell n n o its.
Steven-on, H-eall, Weaver, Thilpott
Price, Gr'u'LS New.-on.
Ah Aitxiott l'scnjT.
A stranger recently took a train west
on the New York Central at. Albany.
When the train arrived at West Albany
he bailed the conductor, and in a stut
tering voice inquired : ' Is th thi
Pal Pa!a I'.Jatiuo ?" "No," replied
the gjatleiiianly conductor. '"I'll in
form you when we arrive there." At
Sclitn-ctaily ihe stranger ma le ihesame
inquiry eni received a like answer. At
Amsterdam and Fonda he repeated liU
inquiry, much to the discomfort of mind
of the conductor, who thought the man
ought to remea'ber that he would be in
formed ot the fact when the train dot
arrive at that station which the stranger
was so anxious to reach. At lat the
train stopped and the conductor d 'siring
to accommodate the stuttering passenger
took the pains to find hiiu and inf Mined
him that "this is Palatine, sir." to
which the stranger, stuttering, replied :
''Th th thank you, sir. The doc
doc doctor to to told me to ta u
take a pi pi pill when I got he he
here." And he did so. The passer,
gers-(who had ridden during the trip nd
had ob-crved the stransT's anxiety)
broke out in a ro;-r of l umhter, and the
conductor, though somewhat staggered,
"slid out on his ear "
Papers have b en di-eovcrc J in Paris
which show, conclusively, ihat the oper
ations of the late Commune were con
tro'lJ and directed, from London and
Berlin, by the chiefs of the workinuMoens
International Society, a branch of which
exist in the United States. Several
Ennli-hmen were among tltc in-urgent
leaders in Pa: is during the period of the
trtint n i;r:ioornlio I'-iper IliinkH of
lle Tweed lXsplay.
From the New York Fre Trcj.".
The marriase of 3Ir, Ambroe Mc
(.Jinnis to .Mi-s Amelia Tweed, on Wed
nesday evenine, was made the occa-ion
for a bold and indecent exposition in the
newspapers of Thursday, of the extent
to whi"h the people of this city nrc rob
bed by their ruler-. Kvery pauper office
holder, who contributes riotbioif to th
city other than i.-sjitimate and illei;iti
mate olF-princs to f e 1 in future upon
the people, felt, obligated to make a
present, and the beorar- of a few years
ao succeeded in impo-ing upon the
newly married couple, sold and silver and
diamonds to the extent of over a half
million dollars.
One hundred and thirty-two thousand
head of Texas cattle are now within ra
dius of twenty-five miles frcni Abilene,
'I lie Itt-ril I.miv.
SrCTION 1. Jie it enacted ' by the Legis
lature i f the S ate of Xebraxka, That
I the owners of cattle, horses,' mules,
eivirie, ar.'J slice p in tins Mate snail Here
after be liable for all damages done by
such stock ujmmi the cultivated lands in
this State a herein provided by this act.
SKC 2. That all damages to priqierty
so committed by such stock running at
large, shall he paid by the owners of sal -stock,
and the person whose property is
damaged thereby niny have a lien upon
said tiespas.-ing animals lor the full
amount of damage and co.ts, and may
enforce the collection of the same by the
proper civil action
She. 3. That when any such stock
shall bo found upon the cultivated lao ls
of another, it shall bj lawful tor the
owner or person in possession of said
latils t) impound ,-aid stock, and if the
owner of said stock can be found, and is
know to the taker up, it shaii be the du
ty of .-.aid taker-up to notiiy said owner
by leaving a written notice, at his usual
place of residence, with some m.mber of
his family over fouiteen years of age ;
or in the ab-ence of such, by
posting a copy ot sucli notice n t!e uoor
of said residence, of the taking up of
sail stock, describing it, and statins the
amount of damages claimed ; also the
name of his arbitrator, and requiring him
within twenty four hours uf;cr receiving
said uotico to take the said property
avay, after tiist making full payment o'
ail damages and costs to the satisfaction
of said taker-up of trespassing animals.
Said notice may tain the following form:
"'Mr. , you are hereby untitled
that on this day of , 17
your stock, of which 1 now have in my
possession (here describe the animal or
animals), did trespass upon my land and
J damage mo same to me amount oi .
lou are required to pay the above
charges within fortv-eight hours of the
delivery of this notice, or the aforesaid
stock will be sold as provided by law. I
have appointed Mr. to act as my
arbitrator should you not feel satisfied
with the' amount of damage claimed in
tiie withiu notice.
Provided, That no damage shall be
maintained bv the taker-up without the
notice cotcmplated in this section shall
have been given, when the owner is
known by the taker-up of sai l stock.
Sec. 4. If the owner of the said stock
shall refuse, within foity-eight hours af
ter having been notified in writing, to
pay said damages claimed, or appoint
an arbitrator to represent his interest,
aid animal or animals shall be sold upon
execution as required by law, when said
amount of damage and costs have been
tiled with any Justice of the Peace in
the county within which said damages
may have been sustained.
StC. 5 In case the parties interested
canuot airree as to the amount of dam
ages and costs sustained, each party
may choose a man, and in case the two
men cannot auree, they shall choose a
third man, who, alter having been duly
sworn for the purpose herein named,
ill.; three shall proceed toasse-s the dam
ages. p')-ses.-i:iir ibr that purpose tiie
fiiti'-ra! power cd" aibitrators.
SKC. i. The said arbitrators shall
make an award in writing, which if not
paid within five days after the award has
been ma le, may be filed with any .) u-t ee
of the Peace in said county, and shall
operate as a judgment, which judgment.
shall be a lien upon the stock so taken
up, and execution inay issue upon said
stock for the collection of said daneitres
and costs, as in other ex-cs, provided ci
ther party may have an appeal from said
judgment, as in cases before Justices of
the Peace ; said arbitrators shall be al
lowed two dollars each for their services.
SfcC 7 In case the owner of .-aid stock
is nor. known or found in said county, as
herein et forth, the taker-up of sail stock
so trespa-simi upon cultivated lands shad
be held liable for all damages and co-ts
SlC. S. T.iat cultivated lands within
the meaning of this act, shall include ail
forest trees or hedge row.-, planted ly
tbe owners of said lands.
Sec y. It , will be unlawful for any
stock to run at large upon the hind-? as
designated in sections seven and eiyht of
this act at any season of the vear, oxc q
as ex-mpted by section eleven of this
net, Provided, the operations of this act
shall not extend to the counties of Da
kota, Dixon, Cedar, L'Eau-qui-Court or
Ri bland
Sec 10. The operation of this lnv
may lie extended in any Co. in this State
iu the manner as hereinafter provided,
wherein th qualified voters of any coun
ty in this State desire to have the opera
tion of this law su-p.ndod within said
county and a majority of said voters
hall apply by petition to the County
Commissioners of said county, praying
fr an election to be called for such pur
pose, it shall be the duty of said County
Commissioners to submit at the m-xt
em ral or special election to the quahficd
voters of said county a proposition for
the su-pension of the operation of' said
law within said county, which proposi
tion shall be in form as follows: "For
Susp'-n-ion of Herd Law ; "Again-t Sus
pension of Herd Law." Said proposi
tion shail be written or printed on the
ballots of those voted at said election,
and if at such election it shall appear
that a majority of the votes ca-t shall be
for such pioposition, then the operation of
such iaw shall be suspended within the
lim ts of such county at the expiration
of twenty days from the official canvass
of thfc vote of said county
Skc. 11. Nothing herein contained
s.hail be so construed as to prevent any
owner of cultivated land-, or fruit and
finest trees, from maintaining an action
for ail damages caused by stock which
has escaped or h-.s lieen driven away
from the premises of the pmv thu
dannged acaSnsr the owner of the stock
causing such d image.
Skc 12. All acts and parts of acts !n-con-isteut
and in conflict with this act,
shall be and arc hereby repe: led.
This act to take effect and be. in force
from and after the 1-t of April, 1871
A California paper tells how the jury,
in thi' ease of Mis Fair, made up its ver
dict, the statement is made, it is claimed,
i:i t !i. word" of 0' of too jury ; I ir
thu pn".riss of ihe trial, not on"
juror spoke to hi- fellow-jurors id' ihe
case, when we retired to make up a ver
dict no one knew anythint; of tbi opin
ion of his fellows. Uii 'iiterinsi the jury
room, the Gist thino done was to cut a
t.iece of paper into twelve piece, and to
j number them from one up to twelve.
i These were put in a hat and drawn, and
! tho slip drawn was the iiumler of the
i juror. On the.-e slips each juror wrote
his finding in thecas, and when Ins iiuna
bfr was called put ir into the hat.
When I wrote niv findimr. murder in the
! fir.-t degree, I hardly thought there
would Lc another sueh find i tig on any ot
th slips ; but when the slips were all de
po-ited, and taken out and read, to my
rreat astoni-hment it was found that
each juror, on the fust an 1 only bail . t,
had voted just as I had murder in the
first degree."
A delicate and sensitive younjr lady at
Knoxvi le, Tenn., enloped with her
lover ; and when her father attempted
to detain ber, she knocked him down
with n shovel ; but after she was mar
ried, when her husband and father had
shot e e h other, she discharge i herie
volvcr at her husband, completely li--ablinghini,
and then returned hou-e with
her father. She evidently believes in
woman's rights, ' regardless cf men s
To Hie itcpubiiraii ttiv -.
tr w. d. riLiics.
Ko woru tfcy 'utt-ouu wnO'is flow.
o u.ore lacy iiatlv priiuru uml plow,
Wht-ro Wiir-wiiuuiin of tiia baud,
Kcs untie t'i r lay lerli o l-t;l.
ii more thi- wiii.e tu.iu besiiut-'i1,
liat t thy shores h- mig.
Ami j ij-iul o'er tiie Ixmu li-'s touna,
c a icnly a -utif rs tidiK "rouii".
Of ltrt;iiit.i -io:.!. t.iat rti-re a'lOuui.
'owr tewt-r bi.-uid r- aia thy -i. Is.
r lurk witboi l;iy vaih-ys tiiir ;
K" in "re ihy ii!urin'rue. n rk:ii:K rilld,
A ti in i i, wild- ikfa.-pe'.-uvear
Thy i.irl; have learned iu ewtsrter siug.
llirk 1 heir ibem make tbu welkois rniif,
I lve to near O.f strain, ilmt ireiil
Across the plains, and fmlu away.
For it bi'tokeris joyous wi al.
For these whose heart- are b'ithc and eay.
For tin re who dwreil wiihin ihy laud,
A told, a true, fie-ermiutd baud.
0 may the tide s ill db and tl w.
The tide of emisration. yea,
'Ti I all ill- wide. H? wo-bl inny know.
What r c-huts in thy valleys l.iy.
1 wonbl fay n ore 'tis all I can.
Adieu! tliiu t'uir ltci'ubli' uu.'Utt inu; i:i .Mciiraskn.
A writer in the West l'oint Republican
ha- sotuc very sensible suggestions
v!ii-h we quote :
Owing to the scarcity of wood, coal,
and timber, Nebraska cannot d" course
engage in the manufacture of inn from
the raw matetia!, nor in an extended
manufacture of wooden wares, yet tin-re
are many manufactures that can be
successfully established and profitably
opeiated in certain loca'ities in Nebra-ka
which are very much needed for the ac
commodation id" the people, and for the
prosperity ol' the State. Amoi'g these
we will mention the following :
Woolen Mols;
Paper Mills :
Numerous Flouring Mills;
Flax Mills;
Oil Mills;
Manufacturing Agricultural Machine
ry ;
Uroom Factories;
15eet Sugar Factories ;
Chee-e Factories ;
Kieweries and Di.-tiileries ;
Starch V'actories ;
Tannei ios ;
There are many branches of industry
that would pay if established at West
Feint, but we know of nothing that
would pay a larger per cent, on the capi
tal invested than an establishment for
putting up creen vegetatles in hemic ti
cai'y sealed cans, such as sweet corn,
green beans green pea--, tomatoes, and
the like. (J into any of our western
stores, both wholesale and retail, and
you will find a large variety these canned
vegetables for sale, having been put up
in the New Jviglan 1 States, which goes
to show that a la rare amount is bought
and consumed. If it wid pay m'u in the
Ivist, where land is in such high demand-
to put jip i g. tables and send
them WV-t for sale, why will it not pay
men where land is plenty, to enirage in
thisame business, and where everything
iu the same line can be raised at least
50 percent, cheaper? Reason and com
mon . en-e teaches every man that it will
pay. Hy putting up an e-fabli.-bmenf
of this kind hcie, the proprietor could
.tffotd to sc.! bis canned vegetables at a
much lover rate than tho.-e .-hipped fiotu
the Fa.-t, not alone on account of hi.--aving
i:i tran-poitati ?i but beeau-e he
could r.i i -'- tlnoii much ciicip'-r, and
i-oiild ea-i-y tontr.d li-e trade, which i-imm.-n-e.
We are not po-ted a- to the
modi! operandi, or the cost of e.-fab!i-h-1
1) ir an enteipiise of th.s kiml, but we
believe iT would imt c H for a very treat
outlay of capilai if started on a mode
rate basis. 'I 'll-is a subject upon which
some of our farmers or town people
would do well to p nder.
Iilllril l.y l.ililniu.
Doriiiii the tertible storm that passed
over the onntry a we. k a:ro a younr
man by the name of 'i'as Davenport,
aired i'.i yars. anil son ot John I'aveu
port, residing near I'artlett in tliis coun
ty, was struck by HehMiino- ntid iu-tantiv
killed It is very remaikable that thi.
s id iii. - i I-. rit ceui red on the sain? simt
where, a ft w year apo. threi or f'otr
hi nd of cattle were kided by libtninp.
Vounpr Ibivetipot iv.ii a wot thy you;i:
man. hly esteemed by all wh o ko w
tiim. He was a member of church :;t
j the time of his death, having uni-d
with the Idiri-fian ( hurch durmi: the
past winter. Itpinbm.
Sheriff 's Sale
Annanin lle.T.'ey rraifft .Tantf Foldtn
Sarah .1. Ko' b-n J din Nlei.'.irthy. Henry I'u
bois, au-i 10. V. D.iriiu ii Ur ler of ri.ile.
' O 1 1CK is hereby given that I wiil oTi:r for
. I ?. lie at u'-lie auction on the 17th day td
July A l 1S71. by virtue mid au'hoiit. of i.n
t di-r ol S i 1-to toe dire, ted and i-sue-l by the
Cterkot tiie li?irief eitrtot the seoond .ln-!i-ciai
l:.-'.rict wilhi i an I f r Ca-s e unty Nebras
ka, lit the front door of the court house in tin?
city of l'lattsuiuiith in said county at two
o'clock . in. of s:i"t day 'he following' di-iTi'iC i
rtai esia e suuated in eaid Ciss county Nebras
ka, "o wit :
The north h.ilM'ofthf? north east quar'er
(' ti and the north haltj)of the north wtst qunr
ter t,' 1 o' sc-tion no twenty-six ejoi ia lotvuship
mi. 'IU north rinse no. thirteen i.13; e st ot the
i o:n i in
ineen uuiicr my nana this lotli day ot June A
V. 1S71.
J. W. .T-IHN.-'OX Pheriffof
Cass Comity Ne ra.-k.
PuiVRUMH Richaepsos l'i'lls Attyj.
Sheriff's Sale.
Thomas lPdlowell )
v. Order of Sale.
K 1$. Murrhy. )
Notice is h reby siven. that I will offer for
?ale. at public auctiou on th-; 1 it h day ot July.
A. L).is;i, i,y virtiieand aut hority o! an Order of
Sale, to tiie directed and issued by the clerk of
the District Court of the si-eon 1 Judicial lis
triet. wti bin and for Cass county, Nebraska, at
the fr uit door o the Court in the city ot
Pbittfiiiouth in said eoanty nt one o'clock. I'. M. day the lnlb wmb described real estate,
to-wil j-
A certain Bi i 'k buildinK on which Thoma
ll.ilb.wcil tias a Mceh.inics letn, and l ho lot; or
tract of land on whi.-li the same is situ ted. to
wit: Lot number e -eu 7i an I u part of lot
number eiuht (Si in Mock number two (J) in the
coy ot ri.otsni.uilh, Caff county. N'draska.
ion under my han-l this l.ilh cay of June, A.
h. 1ST1.
J. W JulIXSON". Sheriff
C;uis county. Neb.
Maxwkll .t Chapman. Atiy's for Piff.
June 1 ill. w ot
Sheriff's Sale
Mellvoy v so ri'-'on, against Jcsce H. C'cm
ents Order of cle
"V ' O'MCK i3 hereby piven th it I will off for
L Miic at pulilie. nu- tion on the 17 h day of
July A. U. lsil by virtttH and ruthorby ot au
order o s de. i-sue i b the Cl-ik ot ih- listr ct
court of thesiecon 1 Judiei .1 llistriei wHunn'id
for c'.i-" on o N eb: :iska. aa l to use directed.
At the fr nt eoor of rue I'otirt ho ie in Pints
mouth i i s id couu y r.t two o'clock P. M of
tt ii I any. the iolio vitii le -ibed t.reu:ie . -itu-ntcd
insail e unt of Cass Nebraska, to-n it :
theuortu ball kVi-oi li'C r-o n i we-t fimrte.
t'. ' of section m twenty eifcht i.-S. in toe n-hip
ii'.ten li'i north, raiue no. li i east of the b:M
m And aeertam ir ti.e buildinjr situate.l on
said iraclo: 1 ind of the t'oliowing douri-tiD
Chie and one half stories bieh about twnty
t.vo feet Ion-' by fit' ecu f. ft wide.
i veil uuder uiy hand tbis l.tih day of June
A V. JOIINSON. She-ia" of
Ca-s county Nebra-ka.
SH.OfRAl'illi k UtCHAHDSOS, Pills Atty".
j u ue Ki w." t
Sheriffs- Sale.
fa rsret Carter. Mary E. Krale nd X. J
l'etteaer, by their i.ext friend Joha Mutz.
Win. P. irlow and. Tame? W. 15: r!ow.
N. H e i. hereby jrivea tht I will rffer for
Milt? at l id i-' auci u ou tiie loth day of July.
A. I) iS.71. t.y virtue and iiutlioruy ot an order
of sael to me directed an-J Israe l by the cb ik
ol the I istrict Court ot t he second j 'die al dis
tr et wiihoi and br Cisit county Nebn.s.a nt
the fr nt door of the Court lo i einPlatt-m m h
i i sai I county, at one o'clock p m of saio -lay
the following ips-ribe l real es:at- siti.ioed in
sai I I a.-s county Neb. o-it: 'I Ue (iu h half
; I . ot the ! utti west quart ir of aec.ion no.
twenty seven -"7 in township no. te ve 1.1
north, r.fpe no iwelvt.east f the tth p. m
heretofore ntrache-1 in thi" must! u-s th pro er
tv of Win. It irlow. Also the soutn eat reiaiter
i'.i) of sc ction no. tiiiny-live (3 ) in township no.
twelve (Ui noith. m: ec no tvr IveU"-' e;v.-t ol
Hth pin- heretofore attaclifd in t hit above enti
tled cause the property of J.iui-s VV il.riow.
liireu ua ler inv tiaul thU Sth day ot June A.
la. 1571.
J. W. JOUN X. Sheriff.
Cass county. Neb
?f tTrt t. Cn trty, Aty' for Plff. j?-
Sheriff's Sale,
V. T. Leon.-: rd")
vs. " Eiecutija.
Horace Tav'or. )
Notie" i- bereby j-lven that T will o!Ter for
at p'lblie m:v t ;ou on thn luili day ot July.
A. I), icll, a' ihe fp-nf. d )or of tliw Court House
in l':a:t -mouth C eusii.ty Nebraska. t one
ii'. lock k ui ofsui : ilay the f jliow iH( (itsci i'je l
re I e.-eate. to w i; :
The undivid -d one-b 'f Z of tb.a n--ith-w
Ht qn.irier (' t s--et i- n r. u.n ber i'oai tv n 1 1 1
iu touuship u timber twelve . n rth rat-ce
iiuiuber ni- e'.i. ea-t of the tea l. .''.. situate!
iii 'a?-i eouu:y. Ne- ras'.oi t::koii as tin- jn-pr'y (
"i tiora-e 1 a tor ot an lmtuiiuh io ia"i 01
V V. L-onard. is-ue l by the e'trk of tli lu
triet Court within nn-t lor ssiund-'-s eouuty,
Nebra?k:i. nu 1 to rue direct' d t Shu o:' l':i.s
eoiin'v, Nebrnska. liiven uuder uiy baud this
Sthday ol'Juue. A. 1 1S71.
J V. .IO1IV.-0N. sheriff-
('as.-- couu-y. Neor:u?'a
. 15. Wli.sos.Atty. tor l'laintilf.
J une Sih wo
's Sale
Tootle, llatina A Clark
vs. Order of .Salo.
A. C MaylielJ. )
Xotit-o is bt-re'i-y pr vtn that I will oSVr for
cale at i-u'.li miction oi the lTih tl.iyut J'ly.
A lb IsjTI . by virtue and author 'y of an i. r
o: .-ale to me ir He I a i i i-saed byl!i- i-lerk of
the Joi.-t n.-t Court it the second Jnairi il J i -
triet wi h:n and for Ca.-s eo.inty Nebiuk.i at
the front b or of the Court House in I'l.ill--niouth
i' s -id county nt ne tV'toeK o. ni. oi Miid
il.iy ih f-iibnvinjj leeri.,ed reai ct.ite situated
in ".lid Cass county. N :.vst(ii, t- Vi ;
The snub bait ) of th south-east quarter
('.) an I the east l-:f '. j of the soulli east
quarter 1 i of the south wi si qua: ter (' i of
number thirty .:j0-' in lowtliip number
twel v.- : IJ, north, raine i.umber thirtt-en of
thet-th r I". Uiven under uiy hand this 15ih
day oi J uue A. I).
J. W". JOIIN'SOX. Sheriff
C.'.ss county. Nebraska.
SIaxwell & Chapman, Atl ' for P1F.
J une 10th, w o
Legal Notice.
-J.cwi.n S. Kceler. vs. Iavid V. Fisher,
DtvidW. Fisher non-reident "lel't w ill take,
notice th-it Lewis s. Kceler. on he t'th of June
A. U IsiTl . bled his lutitb.n iu theotboe of the
Clerk o the U strict Court, Second Judiebi!
Ilis'i ict. in and for 1 ass county, Ntb 'Ihe ob
ject ind prayer of which that plaintiff Lewis
S Kednr a-ks juditement acainst defendant
0:irid W . Fislicr. lor Hie sum of I wita inter
tit Toin Aug loth 18"9 at the rate of -l'l percent,
per annum. tir n :i certain protni-f ry note
d ifej August lb ii 1SV, for the sum of
8s:l. wit inteicst at the rate of It) tcr cent per
annum fro.-n maturity. And also that a certain
inoris 'Be d bexri k even date with said
pronnssoiy note and given to secure the pay
ment of the same, upon the south west nuurter
Oi of section no. twelve l'.'i in TownsLip 11
north of ranjre no. twelve (12) in Ca.-s county
Nebraska, may be foreclosed and that said real
estate may be sold to f.i isfy said claim to-
B. -therwith hue est and cost of suit.
You Hre reti'ii'-ed to answer this petition on or
belore the 21th da' of July A. I. 1CI.
Maxwili. Jc Cuapmaji. Atty'a for Plff,
Legal Notice.
M. D. Abbott vs. Meri-len Kose Pearson. 1).
Matilda IVarion, Adciisika 1J. Pearson aud Host
1. Pearson.
The above non-resident defendents will take
notice that on the .id day ot Jun- 1-71. .'d. U
.J.bbjt tilled hii ie.itiou in the oface of the
CierKofthe llisirict loutt of the cc r.d .lu
ilieial liistrict in and for (.' .ss county No
brnska. llieo jte' i.nd piavei of .-aid peti iuu
is to set aside a certain riete: d ddeed vur
portiiiR o ih ve becu exeeuteit t y Stephen S.
Aiibotl. Lewis M. A bbtil t, and A bj.ih C. A bij jl t
to Stid defeiinents on orab u' the i:'.! h l.iy ,f
Jat uaiy 1-si.c for tiie s w '-.'of the n w 1 aud ihe
n w ii ol the 8 w ! . J of sec 2s t wn 12 N of rai-i.'?'
9K and ihes e ' i ol th'.' ti e '4 of 'ct 2'. in town
12 n id ran.- 9 Kd tit li P M.. all of said lands
bcinit in Ca-.t eminty Nbr tska. th.'t said pre-tt-nded
d c 1 ts lorjjc -l and IVaudu.e t aud was
not executed bv Stephen .S. .-Lbo:t, Lewis
M. A boot t and Aoijah C Alibolt. thatsiid jne
ten led deed cr'.-'s :t cload on ju.iiiit'lls tide to
said tracts ol land ivh't-h I'! diiiilN pr.iys 111 y
be set a: ide aid itu-1 loud ii piaintiits I it 1- to
-aid t ract-ot Ian 1 i-au-i d there y may e re
moved. V"ii are icq ori'd to answer fa. I pj i
ti mi Oil or before the 21t:i day o' July. Is71.
M. 1. ACoO l TIly
M nivti.i ,t Ciiapmak. Aitj.'s lor l'laintiff.
june-th v;t.
Lenal Notic
Jaiius K. Neal) In the I!?trict court of
vs - Neiiraska ill and tor Cuss
Thos Huston. J county,.
To Ihouias liuston, you ure heri' v riOtif:ed
that u th : 2" h day of May A. 1. IsTI. Jaous
Neal tiled his peti ion in the above '-onrt
a Bit list you. The ohjee t and pr:.yir of said pe
t tion is to obtain the payti.cnt ot a certain .ro-tni-i.ry
note se'-tiii-d by you. dated July Hih.
lsV.i, Pr 1 wo buinirevt a ml eighty ilollai s. due ill
o!i- year afterdate, with i. ere.-t at bitty per
i-ci:t per atiiiutn after maturing an-1 al o the
sti:n ol ore iiiindr-l ui-1 ni l ly ti -ilars i-l'.iit
taxi s p -i l . u! Iiy s ii 1 Jairns K. Neal upon the
s 10 h-w t.-t tiuarier td serlioii lbur, in toops-iip
fie . en. ran. :-j eleven ear r, iii I." s c 1 tnty. Ne-"ora-ka.
and in d- fault el Wi paynnni t the
111 -nt-yj lie nu said note, that a iat.rti:::i-'e execu
telbyyono-i he .-il.-cr:b d tract of bind
t-i -ci ii e -ai I not.-, be foti-i-lo ej m l
sold t'; pay the tououiil foutai doe. u aro
rt'iuiie l to piv-itd, aii-wer r d.-nntre 'o s.iid
petition mi or b-f re M .0 l.ij th. L'lih ay of
Ju v. 1-71. or sai l petit on w ill lie take 1 as true
aud jud.. tint. lit reirk n d . eorod
.1 IUS K XK.aL, liy
Pt-VKvstis A il.ww i:; rtttyV.
Ordered to be prAoisa-d iii the Nebraska
Urn ti.p tor loorcor-secit! ive weeks.
May 2ith. 1S71
ISA AC r;"Ll.ARD. Clerk.
J. VT- PEAUnst.EY, Deputy Clerk,
june Swat.
Estray Fiolice.
Taken up by the sub-cribcr in Louisville
precinet. Ca-s county on 1 -iii day ot May. one
lartre tHIy. s: p.o-ed to b- three years old. no
marks c r brand preccptable. Ai.-o one bay
til y sut'lofcd to be two years ibl. 110 unit ks
or broi ls. 1 bo : 011 teirlini? liht fats with
while face one toot hi?e.
may 27w 5t
Attachment Notice.
William l- Morrison.)
vs. -To Iiuiery SVilson.
Kmery Wilson. J
Y'-u are her' by notified that an attachment
w is i-sfel bv nieiiifav r of the above loiined
plaint 11' an 1 -. lint th ab ve named de cu
dant for lie stiai of thir-y-ono dolhtr-t and fifty
cents and trial set for. Monday June 2Giii, A. D.
1S71. at 10 o'clock n. m. of -aid da- at which
time J u ijremeut w ill be ren lercd again-t yo
if y u do not appear and show eaue 'o tue con
trarv. t.iven uader my hand this 1 Tf ! day of
May. 1S71. JAMES. O'NEILL,
maylSwot .Tusti-'e of the Pen?o
Sarah J. Powers' Estate.
T1!EIIE.VS. Jese rwin has made applica-
tion lor Haul stttletnent as Administrator
in the above estat-. l'ublie notice to all parlies
interested, is hereby piven ttiatsaid settieuirnt
will be ma le at ihe Probate Oliicw in Cass
county, Nebraska, on tho -L!d day of June A
0. 1S71, at 'J o'clock a. m
A. L. CHILD, Probate Judie.
June 12 1871. jelow
Lincoln Neb. J une i. . i
C Complaint havniif been rntered tit this o;!ic .
i bv Plnbinde- E. Pear lsl y auainst Marshal
M. L'rieriy tor bantioninsr h's houie.-lea I entry
no -'4. dated May tn 17th. l-. upon the s.
e '4. Feeiinii S't. township luN.ran-e 11 E. in
Cass count v. Seb,wi:( a view to tue c incelia
ion of said entry . too -aid par i .-s are tier '
summoned to appear at this oilics on the tith
day 't July, IS71 ut 1 'c nek p. in. to re-po d
ai.u farms 1 testimony eoncernin? said alleged
II. W S E M M E 11 LA D, . iVcr.
V. F. ClItPIN. Hc-tin'r.
Ordered publish d f r three consecutive
weeks io the Neb aJKtt Hksalii jiSw.'.
Pub ic Sale of Scnnol Lands,
" O IT E is h'. ifby given ' hat Mir-uant io an
.1 A ci oi th le i.-l.f u-e of Neoasta etiti
tb-daniiei "'To provide lor the lieeisiry of
,-ch 01 I .i ml- I -r toe control li-iesition
th ieot an t forloe saie iv- pi' IT of the lull. I- !-liv'-d
from tbesaie 1111 le. .-i-..; snid i.iiid- which
s.iid ;ii t was apBL-tivr I J iiie b A. D l.-v'", mi
also in nee rdanee witii 11 s. I st lUe-it into -inl
ine!. t o s ii j act ap.To - e l 1' In n ir. io.h A. L
1-s'f. I wili on -ati'iday the -ilii nay of June I
nrsl, 111 tla- i.nuro' ti ll V'n'k A. M. a' lh
ront o ndtlie ourt IIousj in I'latisti.ontn
city C is-county N't-oiaska. olle- tor sale at
I'u dteaucti wi to th- liiirh -t bi d r sill the
reuiainini? School lands in said coun y. ontin said sale fr.. m day to day util all sail
lar.ds shall have been offered
In witne-s whereof 1 have un'o set rr.y hand
ulid ti.e - ibesenl nf rai l cou vy at
, " . at Halt tuouth. This "5th day of May
f OI. , A. D. -i71.
iPEtI'; Is.sAcroM.Anr.
. - Co ii:t C!erV.
Py J, M. Bkardsley Deputy. m yllw7.
Attachment Notice
Mrs. J. U. Wi-i-man. vs. Mich iel --urfhy. be
fioe A. L. Child. Probate Judc in aud for
t'.-ss con III v.
ON the -Jul day of April A. D. 1S71 saol jus
lice i sue 1 mi order tit ttaehmcut in the
aOove action tor toe sum I".
Mrs J. H. Vv'iskmav. By her ty.
JIllilIIIAelWit. O-ajllWu'
&'eff Trff.v.
Nursen mer. and Dealers t-uplied with Ercry
limit) Huntrd in tltr
Liberal term to Eiptriewccd t'cnr'ier who
prefer seilinion commission,
ior all pa:li -ulars. address.
N'EtlLKY. K.iCK ,t BlXOntM.
Rirds' Nest Nurseries, Builmgtoa Iowa.
k. t. irKi:. i. n. whe ler.
E. T. DUSCE &, GO.,
Wi' W If?!
-m m m m m m
ivrl sti
Wholesale A Retail Dcilers in
Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves,
Blacksmith Tools, Ac.
Keep on hind a Large Slock of
And Other First-Class Cooking
All kinds of Heating Stoves.
Conl or Wood kept on hand.
Stiring and Breaking Plows
At Net Cos. for Cash.
Our prices a-e as low as any hou-e in the
Statu. Liaii20tl'.
It O R , ; D V Uh' II AM B UL L
WILL itand. at uiy farm in Cuss cou ty a"
t Mi Jor crade cows, SS tor thortUi?h
br- ad cows.
The luke is deip red. sixteen months old
and wei'ihs twcl-. c hundred mil fior.y piUtids
and is wiihoii execptioii.t he btiest anitual 01
the kiml in the rotate.'
I'm iohhk : liot bv li:ke o! Pa 'is (pace t'oS.
A. 11. 1.I h- by ! e Aii-die.i p. S. li A. 11, H.
out ol Loiia the N 1 th. Li-na out OS oepo.teo
Ot ey 1-.. II. 1J.J i tie i'uke is out ol Aiar.v
Ltaen.J.l iy JJ.i -k' -ye il!" rt. ll. ii 1: .Vary lae;i.
ly CrowJcr A. II. IJ.'. I'orfull p-diKi'-e ot
I rowder. r-l.-r 'o!' ii volonieol A tuericau Hero
l!ool(. lwil fifCM,- nuii irel jhd li!ty did
l. rs or t e p .o;-i--t c tl'. 1 1111 any t iimuIi
bred c-vv thai iii.i he bred, mi I oa -bow a
iccrdc l peiiicree. tu. r.xUL..
may i-Siuit.
Sells the 15est an.l Latest Imoroveti
ftyle ot
tG-.U'RL-INt the celebrated Champion
Keat-er and Mower. Itu.-se'lc P.eapcr and
Mower. Ma-si'lou Threshei . 1111 1 th ' world re
r owne.J la'sh Harvester, and Milbnrn U'aeon
Mol tie Corn Planter. Etu-rpi ize Cultivator.
Pidins and Walking combined, also the Kiiirle
Walking cultivator. Stubble and Breakitif.
A. C. MayfieU an-J Charles Viail,
iiaveling- agents.
R J. Mb'lTLEK.
I'latL-mouth Neb. litarcli :M-.liWtf.
fl"ayman i$ f'urtis.
VI attain out h rVeb.,
Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and
Grist Mills.
Jas ami Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron Pipe,
Force and Tift Pumps. Steam Gauge?, alance
Valvtt tiovcruore. aud all kiuds of
Bra s Engine Fittia. s,
lurnished on short notice.
Repairedon hort notice. auir't
Visiting IMattsmouth,
TiO.-, AT Til
r'aimer'i Fead Stable
Corner of Sixth and Vine Streetr One Block.
Nortli -f ihe l rcsbyteriar Church, i'l "ttsmou'ii
-' v. 1 1 '
Ana dealer in all kinds ot
Furniture c& tli:iirs.
MAIX srEKF.T. (third door we?t of P 0
Repairing and Varnishinir neatly done.
Fua-rai tccded at t be sherte-t rttiw.
7 J
i i
- - . A..- fJji k'rl Vr&st
. .... s . ----Jr-s--
f ,-.
I E K A. L D !
rtuvxisz ax Twaj rerf.
One Yrtir
Thrte Jilonths
One Month -
One Year
Six Months - -
- $1 00
Now Oilers tha
West of the
It is reai by Farmers, Merchants Me
chanics, Contra, tors, Mock Healers,
Kailroa'l Mv-n, Business Men,
Manufacturers, Consumer:,
e viz it
Harness, Sadies, Whips
Particular attention given to the manufacture
of fine harne:.
Flatt-ntouth, - - Nebraska
J IN. R. The Celebrated Vacuum Oil Biacukinj
constantly on hand declwU
Thee mills hive been recently refitted with
ci" llitiiir ami Murniiieru, alii I am bomt pre
pared to do
Custom Vork Every Day.
iTLe verv best article of flour Vept con-o.-iiit'y
ou hatid. Xtke high"st paid lur
wtieaU A. VI)'KI, VT
t a
Co C3
- 1
h, -irv-j.rt. -sJ- r-
. ,
m i ..i -t f!..-titr.o is nil :rtf '
t '
muceof II. ruimci-. Ki lhi:;-. l'-r.i-...i. . eei.: j t v.r I
or h-nvy vorl:. and is tbo uiuft l-'acnuil
Jlacbino ever invent. .!. .
The needle Of the W.on . J.o.-.j,-.- 1:1 r.-.rt f..!
Btralftht, and is not epeii to the o'.;--i .-..i .- f
01..I its re-nlts in lomr or 4 I. It 1.' ne--.-wt
toobi-li, nor too -low. The nr - ! i; e w aiw;! .;
ord.-r; sews final two common pj-v..!- wi'.xut r-.r.l-In
- wastes no thread; cnuiiot i.niele 1! u:n v.r!. vo
r-H-U, m-r wlu-n the easy 1 l-o ot l.. r ' f
cljntt acted. Ttiffeed ii never !u'I, !-. T"-":!"-'. - - -the
verv stromr.-t feed in ue. Tbo :: b::i la
from Bj.'rim;s. wliieh t.-t.d only to wa',.n iilnl c;t t.ot -.
order. The most sewnj-tres.-"- '. ti.e 1cIa i:i
4 IPwCir it boat f-.iuty. Irii.;; lb-.- i-l'r,t rumu ...
midline n tr m.vle. 'fh inventor eo.--: 1- r" t.a n.v
tion an iteproveiiint thi't 1 Pot otn htr,! !,.
Terr justly kept in vi w the tie t tl it as n:-Ma.'-liine8
are nsl cbivliy by thos- v.b . in a ft
rule, know littlo of pmeti al tnr1h.11.1es. v-iiv r
dcreo of Bimplieitv in their 1 oiisti-m t.i.n nu d 1 e. ... 1
couscim-ntly a lower rante td' 1 ijtx- v.- -pi tiavu:!.d, ; 1
order to uiect a ti kite rail want.
Tricp, on 1'lain V.'aliuit TaU,
with Outfit,
Other stylos and flnl.-h as low r.s inr eth' r Co , .'
Fend stomp lor descriptive circular. Au' v:.t ! 1 1
every .oimty ill V. aiel ToiTit-.r . t.-e
rw iliK niacUluo vexatious, by paicliating th i ViUr
AUooper. Tm;MAN A. ,0, ,
ICS Pouth fcttto tfir.jd, t'bican, 111
H-UOt.KSALl i Ml r.Kri.
iviosr and b.u on b.Btid at tho
till of Whim A Uuuoryij
Eouta Mdo Main EUeet, riatl.w.onth. .
Wont Complete
Stock of Pni4TC Medicine. I'f ints, Clieuii.'a!-'
Lead. Vi.itii.-b. C Hi :l. i'l-b i!, .M idi lie
t'll. Gai'iiiiK "'it. C'-tur i I. N'eiit ti.M
On, hide Oil. "ii. Laid
Oil. L-t-eiitial Oil. t od Liver - i).
And n lait'e v;i: i. : .
lions. : iim'y
un 1 ilet .VI le,
11: SI .:( 1, 1 iu
v-. 1 : 1: E extrti'-ls
fi.l all
S-M.J. III.'.e's '...:'-Aver-'.
I!a!l s Chi bti-'s M. -Lain's.
M..r L-ik.r.
V.'i-t::r's. Vii-i'-ln's. 'i.I.e
fiebi, ;ti-.i'itV. I'tiiy Ii.'ivis"
Ri. back's. 1'ititts. Mis. Vin!w's
Pr. S inei.eil's i : i s 1 1- 1 : 'w. - i ir.: !:'.
Walhiee's. I'. ','; a:iJ ottlniu.esf y.i.pulur
Patent .Mtdi.iin s in Ur,t al iLe j.ieetr.t di: v.
Brar.fiies Vines and Wliiskle
Of the Re;t Grades and i i.-ilitii-s,.? rriotlr tor
riledical liuiin: -'s.
lO?.1ESTIC dyes.
Pe l or R". Green, 7'iue, PI:i k. An iline. In
digo. Madder. Kli iet I.n; iv.. I. Uiy
Woii l-i. Ac. In bu t -ver tliiiijr
that is tiwlr ! in the ilrujr
cr Medu-al line.
Fhisicians Perscripticrsr:
Aef'ully coiiipouiided and put up i:t jiH hour
f 11 limns Mjai rented fre-b an.l puro: Caii b
Ire buying, and sec what I have to fcidl.
i'lattsuiouth, i'eb. 2.jtb.dA wtf,
Weeping Waisr, Neb.
iy,AL,tKHd IS
General merchandise,
SHOES, NcliON-i, Sic,
We ure Atrcut-! f r
Willcox &. Gii.'ha Sewing Wachlr.n,
l:ich is utnloubt:dIy the nt-t Machine nmt in
e. Biiirl'J'O.'tt.
Attachmont Notice.
J. T. A. Hoover.)
v. To Etnery Wilson.
Emrcy V ilson, )
Vou hereby r.oiilic I that tin,ifbra.nt
i.-'ued by ii.e iu favor of t -e above piaintili
and uh jin-t tiie al. jve i,iii:i ij-li id int n.r tiie
funi d cihtj.-.-icbt d illan and loriy one rents
ai.'l ti i; I set 1. r A' on la y, J une li'.ti.. A . D. 1 - Tl ,
i 1 o'i lock a. m. ..1 -a i 1 day. at w l.i-h time
jud.-cnii nt .w.ll be rendered af.-; in; t ..u i' y u
do ppeur and chow cait nto I b : contrary,
li, en uiide- my bun 1 this 17th .1 v of iiay.
i'i. James o nkill
iikiv lw"t. Justice of the Pe.ii.e.
Have a
:"o all Lobs an 1 Landa iu Ca-sa county Neb
raska. t-03icc v.ith Maxwell A- rhapinar., Attor
n2)t at Law, Piatt.-inouth, Ncbra-ku
J. R-rnefi. Tho ni-lie
Burlinstoa &. Missouri II. II. Tl Co
in Nebraska-
LosTiix, Mass., May 23, IsTI.
The annual meeting of the Si oeli holders d t!..i
Bl-KLlMi rnN a- Mts-otai Kivkii J Ia i i.koa p C'.
I.x .Nkc, wi 1 be b- ld at the t.'Ji'-e ..f ibo 1'i.ui
I any in th. . ity .t l'luttfinouth. Nebraska: in
lay ;he iwenty-tbird day of Jui.e, proxit).
ft.r the electiou of Li rectors and any other busi
ness which may IcRally come before tho meetini;
By crJ.r of the Board.
T. N. Denisov, Stcre.iry