PLAT! SMOUTH NEBRAKSA.. THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 171. fSOLJMKBS' A5D BAILORS1 UUL'X I OX. We copy the following card from Capt. Jaiass Neville, of Omaha Chairman of the State Executive Committee of the Federal Soldiers' and Sailors' Ee-union to be held at Omaha on the 4th of July nest : Whereas, At the last meeting of the Sold iers' and Sailors' He-union at Lin colu, Nebraska, it was decided that the Executive Committee should designate the time for holdirjg the next annual re-union ; therefore, It is hereby ordered that the next raeeting and "reunion of Nebraska sold iers and sailors rrill be held on the 4th day of July, 1871, at Omaha, as pro vided by the last meeting. .Tames Neville, Chairman State Ex. Com. The chairman of the State Ext entire Committee takes this opportunity ti say that at thu last re-union at the State Capital, the soldiers and sailors were warmly and hospitably received by the citizens, and in view that Omaha may extend a like reception to the members of the association abroad, would earnest ly invite all the soldiers and sailors of Omaha to meet at tho IJoard cf Trade rooms to-ni:ht at 8 o'clock, and organize local committees and confer with each other as to the Lest mode of providing for the reception and celebration. J. Neville. Chairman. For lbs better information of those who were not present at the last tnnual meeting, the following is published ; Col. Robert V.'. Furnas, of Brownville, was chosen 1 'resident fur the ensuing voir. Colonel Chase, Colonel DtirJ. Ser geant Woodward and P. Wone.t for Secretaries. The Committee for Cass county con FMts of Jos. W. Johnson, Win. Wood ruff and R. R. Livingston. It is the desire of the Executive Committee that all the county committees in the State agitate the matter of attendance at Omaha, and ascertain and wiite to Capt. Neville how many will go from each County. All Federal soldiers and sailors in the State, without regard to the State they served fur, are requested to join in tha re-nnion. STArt: .Ufcuii-AictociETY. e find the following proceedings of the meeting of the State Medical Society in the Omaha Herald, written by (Jen. Kick : , Linco-.v, June 7. l ne State Medical Association iter at half past 3 o'clock lids fiei-noou, at I niversitv Hall, with Dr. W.h in the chair. The convention op-ned with prayer by Rev. II. R Peck. Dr. S. 1. Morner, the permanent secretary, beina: absent, they proceeded to elect Lr. V. H. Coffuian temporary secretary. Those present then registered their names, addresses, and the" capacities in which they attrJed, mid filed their cre dentials with I)r. F. . Fuller, the Chairman of tha Committee on creden- , tiiils. ! The committee then repoited the fob ! towing gentlemen as permanent mem bcrs : J)r. N. B. Lnr.-h. Nebraska City. Pr. John Ulack, Plattsmouth. Pr. I j. II. Robbins, Lincoln. Ir. F. Renner, Nebraska Citv. I h H. H. Hess.', Nebraska City. Dr. A. lirown, Nebraska City. Dr. E. Van!arute, Fremont. Dr. R. R. Livingbton, Plattsmouth. Dr. J. II. Peabody, Omaha. r. J. W. Hersbey, Nebraska Citv. Dr. F. r. Fuller, Lincoln. Dr. C. (J. Radniore. Lincoln. Di. J. W. Tine ley, Lincoln. Dr. V. II. Coffuian, Omaha. Dr. (leorc Tilden, Omaha. As delegate members : Dr. II. P. Gilbert. Lincoln. Dr. S. W. Whitton, Otoe County So ciety. Dr. George Tilden, Omaha Medical Society. Dr. J. W. Northrop, Lancaster Coun ty Society. Dr. John Black, Plattsmouth. Dr. R. R. Livingston Plattsmouth. Pr. J. W. Strickland, Lincoln. Members by invitation : Pr. Robinson, Lincoln. Pr. Ilaughc, Lincoln. Calling of the roll was next in order, after which the Committee on Ways and Means was aken for their report. Pr Bobbins, the chairman, stated they had no report to make. Dr. Livingston, in absence of the chairman of Foreign Correspondence, asked further time to report. The Publication Committee was not ready to report, and asked further time, which wa' granted. Dr. Hershy, chairman of the Com mittee on Grievances, asked further time, which was allowed. Pr. Hershy, chairman of the Commit tee on Surgery, asked further time, which was granted. At this point a discission arose ou a report just received from Pr. Mercer, of the Committee on Publication, in which he stated that there was not mon ey enough in the treasury to pay for the printing of the last anual report, but if the amount that was outstanding and due the society could be collected there would be a balance on hand, and a-ked that the society take some action in re gard to the manner of collecting it. The further considerat on of the matter was postponed until to-morrow. The medical bill of Rosewatcr tiifti ! came up for dicusiji). and was con-j demned in the severest terms by Pr. Bowen. He sa d that the physicians i should all get a copy of it and post it i j i their offices and treat it with scorn an J coutempt, and shov: the legislature that this society did uot recognise their au thority to make laws to govern their practice. Prs. Livingston and Tilden also spoke in stro lg terms agiinst it. A motion prevailed that a committee of two be appointed to procure a fopy of the Rosewater bill and bring it to the meeting thi3 evening. Prs. Tilden and Livingston were appointed on the com mittee. ' Pr. Black, the delegate appointed to goto the oieetiug of the Aiaericau Medi cal Association, held at San Francisco, Cab, last month, made a very interest ing report, which was received and or dered placed on the records of tho so ciety. The following resolution was presented for the action of the society by Pr. 1 ea body and was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That this Society deem the action of the Hon. Commissioner or Pen sions, in expunging from the rod ot United States Pension Examiners all homeopathy and other irregular practi tioners, as highly commendable an J in t ie best interest of the publio service ; for the nromotion of the best interests - mr , re- i- 1 of the bureau, and anoraing ire peu-, sieim the benefit cf the wot skilled ad- j vice. And it is earnestly hoped that the Government will not disregard the de liberate and expressed conviction cf the whole legitimate medical profession of this country by appointing to medical position or office a class of men whose practice is not based on experience and observation, the only true groundwork of medical pi ogress, but upon arbitrary di.ta, uot verified alter nearly a century of trial, and which are wholly opposed to the ordinary exposition of the natural laws of physical science. Resolved, That our Senators and Rep resentatives be requested to oppose the passage of any bill that may be brought before them, rendering homeopaths eli gible as surgeons. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Society be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Pen sions, and to our Senators and Representatives- The meeting then adjourned, to meet at the Cipitol, in the Senate chamber, at 8 o'clock p. in. The evening session of the meeting was called to order by tho President. The committee on the Ro-ewater bill produced the original, and it was read by the Secretary. Pr. Livingston condemned the bill as being one of the grossest outrages ever perpetrated on the medical profession cited the bare idea of a physician who was a graduate of a medical college hav ing to go before a set or couuty commis sioners and ask for a license to practice, ari l to be examined by them to tee whether they were tit to practice. Pr. Tilden said that this bill was a humbug and a disgrace to the legisla ture ; that it was not at all like the original bill; that the original was a meritorious one, and should have passed. Pr. Black said the bill was a perfect farce, and he did not believe in discuss ing it at all. Pr. Fuller said that the bill now had uot a meritorious section in it. Pr Peabody made a 11 sorts of fun of the bill, said that ic had only pa-sed so as to satisfy "Roscy ;" thattione of the mem bers had any idea that it would ever amount to anything. He then offered the following resolution: Revived, That this Society earnestly request the repeal of the bill regulating the practice of medicine and surgery in Nebraska, which was pa-st at the last session of the Legislature, which we con sider an insult to ihe profession of medi cine. 'I here was u good deal of objection made to this resolution, but the Doctor supported it very strongly, and wound up ty teiling a 6tory about Well, Poc tor, we won't say. anything about that story this time. Pr. Coffman, Chairman of the Com mittee on Obstetric, said he had no re port to make. (If hi could have found Rose water he could have furnished him one). Pr. Peabody, Chairman of the Cotu mitte ou Materia Medica, read a verv interesting rp . t. which was received and pbced on the records. Pr. Livingston, from the Special Com mittee on the Plea of I.i au.ty, then read a re:.rt on this subject, which was iccived and ordered pl .ced on the re cords. Pr. Tilden offered the following reso lution which was adopted : Resolved, 'that a committee of three bj appointed by the chair to prepare and present to the next Legislature a bill embracing the doctrines set forth in the article of Pr. Livingston, and recom mended that they do cause the same to become a law of the State. The meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock until to-morrow morning at y a. ui., June 7th The morn ing sc.-sion opened in the Senate Cham ber, with Pr Lar.-h iti the chair. After roll call Pr. Hershey, chairman of the Committee on Surgery, read a very in teresting report, which was received and entered on the records of the society. Pr. Coffiuan then read a communica tion on obstetrics, from Pr. Miller, of Bellevue, which was a very interesting case, but was not full enough to satisfy tho meeting, and was referred back to Pr. Miller for a more extended report, to be furnished to this society at their next meeting. The subject of the Ro.-ewater bill was again trough t up. Pr. Black said that the original bill introduced by Pr. Rose water was not like this. The following resolution was offered bv Pr. Tilden : Resolved, That Senator Hascall be re quested to make an effort to secure the repeal of an act to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery in the State of Nebra-ka, approved during the present session, which was adopted. On motion, the society proceeded to the election cf officers for the ensuing yea r. Doctors Tilden and Fuller were ap pointed tellers. The following gentlemen were then elected : President Dr. R. R. Livingston, of Plattsmouth. First Vice President Pr. of Nebraska Citv. A Bowen, Second Vice President Pr, V. II. Coffman, of Nebraska City. Corresponding Secrotaiy Pr. George Tilden, of Omaha. Treasurer Pr. J. W. Hershy, of Ne braska City. On motion they proceeded to the elec tion of four delegates to the American Medical Convention, to be held at Phil adelphia, in the month of May, 1872. The following gentlemen were elected : Pr. T. H. Bobbin-, of Lincoln; Pr. K. Van Buren, of Fremont; Pr. W, 11. Hess, of Nebraska City, and Pr. J. W. Strickland, of Lincoln. The following gei'ilemeu were admit ted as permanent members: Pr II. P. Benjamin, of Omaha ; Pis. J. W. Rawl ins fcnd V. E. Pooclan, of Plattsmouth, and Pr. Alex Barr, of West Point. Pr. Livingston m-de a motion that the next meeting of this Society be hel l at Plattsmouth on the first Tuesday in June 1872. Adopted. Dr. Liviiig.-tnn o!f..rcd the following resolution, which was adopted: eutcrd, That the Corresponding Secretary of thU Society be instructed to correspond with physicians in the counties wiieie no medical society exist, urging them to organize and elect dele gates to the next annual meeting cf this Society. Pr, Larsh, the retiring President de livered a very fine address, which was received by the Society and ordered printed. Pr. R. R. Livingston, the newly elect ed President, was then introduced, and made a few very appropriate reu-arks. Pr. A. Bowen, First ice President, was then introduced. Pr . H. Coffman, Second Vice President, was then introduced. Pr. Geoige Tilden, Corresponding Secretary, was introduced and took bis seat. Pr. P. W. Hershey, Treasurer, was also introduced. Pr. R. R. Livingston offered the fol lowing resolutions which were adopted: hekeas, God, in His provi dence, has removed from our midst Pr. George II. Goodrich, one of our mo-'t caruest members; therefore, be it Resolved, That this Society, with heartfelt sympathy, tender their condo lence to the relations of the deceased. Reso'yd, That a notice of his death be published in our next annual report. Resolved, That in the death of Pr. Geo. II. Goodrich this Society has lost en? cf is roTrng:t and ciist ardent members, and one who, in bis early life, gave promise of much usefulness in his profession. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the Insane Asylum at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The attendance on the convention is very small, not more than one-half of members being present; but those who are here are all line looking aud intelli gent gentlemen. They take hold of whatever conies up flr con-i.leration in a manner which shows that they are mas ters cf their profession. There are many of the best physicians in the State pres ent, and they appear to t-ke great inte rest in the meeting. Manv of them ex press regret at the absence of Pr. Geo. L. Miller. The Society will adjourn th;s evening. This afternoon they are to be taken in carriages around the city and will be feasted to-niirht. Influence of Temper on t5f Vlce. The influence of temper upon tone deserves much consideration Habits of querulousness, or iil-tiature, will commu nicate a cat-like quality to the singing, as infallibly as they give a quality to the speaking voice. That there really exit amiable tones is not an unfounded opinion. In the voice there is no de ception ; it is, to many, the index to the ; may be remarked, that thj low, soft luinu, ueiioiing moral qualities ; and it tunes oi jreni:e ana amiaoie beinvs, whatever their musical endowments may be, seldom fail to please ; besides which, the singing of ladies indicates the culti vation of their taste generally, and the embellishment of the mind. The Tiling Hint Uakc Men. It is not the best things that is, the things we call best that make men; it is not the plcasantest things; it is not the calm experiences of life; it is life's rugged experience, its tempests, its trials. The discipline of life is here good and there evil, he-re trouble and there joy, here rudeness and there smoothness, one working witn the other, and the alternations of the one and the other, which necessitate adaptations, constitutea part of that education which make a man a man, in distinction from an animal, which has no education- The successful man invariably bears on his brow the marks of the struggles which he has had to undergo A Word to Ulrl. The woman who is indifferant to her looks is no true woman. God meant woman to bo attractive, to look well, to please, and it is one of her duties to carry out this intention of her Maker. But that dress is to do it all, and to suf fice, is more than I can be brought to believe. N. P. Willis wrote once a paragraph on the power of education to produce beauty. That it absolutely chiseled the features; that he had seeii minyaclum-y noso and thich pair of lips so modified by thonyht awakened and active sentiment as lo be unrecogni zable. And he put it on tln-t ground that we so often see people, homely an i unattractive in youth, bloom in middle life into a softened Indian summer of good looks and mellow tones. .A .1 t '11 it it' he. The more experience we have of the wo Id, tho more that experience; should show us how little is in the power of riches; for what indeed truly desirable can they bestow upon us? Can they give beauty to the deformed, strength to the weat.. or health to the infirm? Surely, if they could we should not -cc so many ill-favored faces haunting the aseuib!ies of the great, nor would such number of feeble wretches languish in their coaches and palaces- Can they prolong their own possession, or lengthen his daj's who enjoj-s them ? So far other wbe, that the sloth, the luxury, the care which attend thorn, t horten the lives of millions and bring them with pain and misery to an untimely grave. Where then is their value, if they can neither embellish nor strengthen our forms, sweeten nor prolong our lives! Again, can they adorn the mind more than the body? o they not rather swell the heart with vanity, puff up the cheeks with pride, shut our ears to every call of virtue, and our bowels to every motive of compassion ? Fielding. Keml Wisely. Look well to your spending. No mat ter what come in, if-more rocs out vou will always be poor. The art is not in making money, but in keeping it; little expenses like mice in a barn, when they are many, make great wa-te. Hair by hair heads get bald ; straw by straw the thatch goes off the cottage ; and drop by drop the rain comes into the chamber. A barrel is soon empty, if the tap leaks but a droi a minute. When you mean to save, begin with your mouth; there are many thieves down the red lane. The ale jug is a g'reat wa.-te. In all others things keep within compass Never stretch your logs further than the blankets will reach, or you will soon be cold. In clothes, choo-e suitable and lasting stuff, and not tawdry fineries. To be warm is the main thing ; never mind the looks. A fool may make money, but it needs a wise man to spend it. Re member, it is easier to build two chim neys, than to keep one going. If you give all to back and board, there is noth ing left for the savings bank. Fare hard end work hard while you are young and you have a chauce of rest when you are old. Mornl Influence. The influence of a good example is far-reaching; for our experience and conflicts with the world lead us at times to indulge misanthropic sentiments, and charge all men with selfish and impure motives. The play of pride, prejudice, arid paoion, and the eagerness mani fested by the great majority of men to advance their own interests, often at the expense of others, and in violation of the golden rule, cause us to look with suspicion on tho be.-t intent of others. Arrogance, hypoeri.-y, treachery and vio lence, every day outrage justice, till we are almost disposed to distrust human nature, and become discouraged. But amid ail that is sad ami disheartening in this busy, noisy world, now and then there is presented to us a life of such uniform virtu?, that we recognize in it a character that brings hope for the per fect development and ultimate regenera tion of our race Such characters are precious, and such examples should be Sield up to the world for its admiration and imitation; they should bu snatched from oblivion and treasured in the hearts and thoughts of all who are in proces of forming habits and maturing charac ter. Tho man who "an cheat in business, the man who can lie, the man who is an unkind husband, a bad father, m unholy man, he may believe what he likes or disbelieve what he likes, but he will be swept away from the presence of God and the glory of his power, when He whose fan is in His hand shall purge His floor and gather the wheat into His gar ner, and burn up the chaff with un quenchable firp. It is reported that not less than seven women have appeared in different parts of Great Britain, each of them claiming to be the lawful wife of the eccentric Earl of Aberdeen. As the earl was al ways presumed to be a bachelor, the wives are supposed to be of the supposi- I tious eort. A prudent man is like a pia. His j head prevents him going too far. A young Missouri lady advertbes for a husband, she is so lonely nights since her father "dide, and "afrade of goasts. ' Pr. Pio Lewis warns young girls who desire to retain a beautiful and fresh complexion to beware of tee, advising the free use of Adam's ale instead. A isconsin editor was called out of bed one night to receive a subscription. After that he set up nights for a week, but the offence was not repeated. Several millions of gold will be sold by tho Treasury Department during the month cf June, and four millions of bonds purchased. The sum and rubstancs of the prepa ration needed for a coming eternity i.s, that youbeliive w hat tho Bible tells you and do what thj IJible bids you. A Western editor, who doesn't much about farming any way, suggests that for garden-making, a cast iron b:ick. with a hinge in it, would be an improve ment on the spinal column now in use. Politccess is the poetry of conduct, and like poetry it has many qualities. Let not your politeness be too fh rid, but of that gentle kind which indicates a re fined nature. The Jefferson (Iowa) Bee says the wife of Stephen Small, of Eldora. pre sented him with twenty-one pounds of boy babies last week. There were three of 'em, and all are doing well. The fa ther is 62 years old and happy. l is a wrong way to proportion other men's pleasures to ourselves ; 'tis like a child using a little bird. "Oh. poor bird, thou shalt sleep with me." So lays it in his bosom, and stifles it with his hot breath ; the bird had rather be in the cold air: and yet, too, 'tis the mo.-t pleasing flattery, to like what ether men like. Of all the blessings that gladden our earthly pilgrimage, sympathy is the sweetest ; of all the gifts of God a friend is the chief. The man of science has his associate ; the man of crime his ac acomplice; the man of pleasure his com panion ; and in all these there is sympa thy, but not friendship; that compre hends an enduring affection, resting on sympathy; it can not endure, if built on the things that are passing away, orthat shall bj burned up. A f riend in Jesus is a gift, but Je-us, the Friend is the priceless friend. The late Prof Win. Gibson, while go ing ihiough the ward of a hospital with Velpeau. that surgeon brought him to the bedside of two men who were under treatment for some slight fracture "Would you believe it," said Velpeau, "these men have made a living for the last fifteen years by being knocked down and run over- When they see a light wagon driven by some wealthy person coming by, they step across the street and arc sure to be run OTer, picked up and carried to some hospital, and then thef sue for damages When their money becomes exhaus'ed they begin again. Nearly every bone m their bod iCs has been broken." Morning l.irtli. We can not imagi-.e anything more ex luisitcly charming than the four o'cloi k morning concert of the birds, out in the county. It is worth a special visit to the country, and a week's stay in some quiet cottage, to hear it. Residents of cities never have it unless they go to th rural regions ; and many a resident of the rural regions knows nothing about it ; for it is a short affair, beginning about four o'clock in the morning that drowsi est hour of the twenty-tour and con tinning; only about half "au hour. Eveiy bird that can sing, or make a noise at all, docs il then ; and the star singers of the groves do their "level best." Their strains fall chiefly on unhealing cars ; for most persons eye-lids are scaled in slumber at that hour when darkness and light are wrestling tor the mastery, with victory ten ling steadily towards the light; and it is only a few early risers and those who chance to be awake at so un usual an hour, who have the good for tune to enjoy it. We do not know w hich of the songsters is loader in this morn ing festival of the birds perchance w hichever may chance to awaken first , it begins with a faint chirp from some where amid the leaves, that steals through the dim dawn like a timid cry of i-ain ; then comes a modest twitter; then two chirps answered by two twit ters for the songsters are tuning their throats; then a thrush or a cat-bird leads boldly off, and linnet red bird, parrow, mocking bird jay bird, and all the rest of them fall in, and such a bright, sweet stream of melodv pours forth for twenty or thirty minutes from tree, shrub, woodbine, vineyard, rasp berry thicket, and bower, as no human combination can afford an equal to We heard Nilsson a short time ago, and we have heard many of the famous singers of the last fifteen years; but if they could all be brought together in what the handbills call a "grand combination programme," it would fall below the dawn song of the birds. It is a song of praise their salute to their Creator 213 uhX 3 Z" , TSie Bu rl i n -to u & Uon i i Iliver i:;ulESoal, In connection with tho CJtiatgj, Burlington Jc Quincy R. R Offer tothf pnopleof Plattainouth, and ail Dortiou ol .Nebraska lying - OUTIIU OF THE TLATTE. the rnoyt direct, nnd the host Route to the Eas tern, s?outh Kastern, and Northern Mt.-.te. I'ayyoiiKern .iesiring to travel luxuriously shi.i take the Atlantic Kxprrss. which ruin through to Chienjjo wi ln.ut ckancrn (,f C;tr- t4ui.itV :th el. :nl I);iy Coat-he. Pullman's I'al.ic. Uuy and sleoinij Coaches, and Pullman's Dining Cars. In addition to thef. lot that this i the direct route liy whic h t'me may be snved in reaching any point in the K:istem or Middle State., it W 'rutUully he sui 1 thiit it pos?es.e the hifct tra. and the finest equipment of any Western Line, ensuring to the iiastfcnger Speed, Safety and Comfort. Rates nlwy ai LOW as the LOWEST. Eh -ffagecheeked through to anv rmint . C. E. I'KKKINsj, jen. Supt, A. E.TOCZALIN. Gen. PassenRer Ajrent. ianlodJtwtf. Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. iioots. an 1 Shoes. Hats, and Caps. Agricultural Implements ,f all kinds, Weirnr I X L" Cultivators. Union Corn 1'la.nlerr "jlrandctour and Princeton Plows, ic Ac atitu'. ' I urn. all ol' which we ofier to the public at the tiwest retail prices. All Good. Warranted As JLStpres-piilecI. C3-Our constant aim will be to sell so low will be to the poitive adrantago of every erinthew stem and tra 1 portion o Cuss U7.y Vj make this their headnunrter for trad- REtP, HhO. H ROBERTSON Vholesale WINKS. Best quality LIQUORS of Cigars and Tobacco always cn All orders promptly attended to. AIN STREET. ONE DOOlt WEST OF WILLIAM SASELXVlAiaTO. South Side Maiia 8rcet - - Xiii3ibc?r O. PL A fTSPiljUTH, CaSS CO., WE3.- - J. D Ior warding Agents for the Omal.a and St. Louis "O" Line Packets. Plattsmouth, fJeb. We are now occupyiag the first tlocrofthoIlEUiLD Clock. Corner Main A- Second st. We are doing Fo r warding and Commission Business Waro House attached, we can furnL-h all the storace wanted. All goods sent in ourcaro will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and goods distined for Lincoln. Ashland and the Blue River, will be forwarded without delay CALL AND SEE US. crSJ&wtf. FALL L870. AND D. SCHNAS3E. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and B. SOHUASSE &l CO, To buy their EXlia33Lc3. '7rl.szL-tjr Ga-OOlS AT The best aud most complete STOCK GF DRESS GOODS. Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, ut greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PlilNTrf, DELAlNS. lilNGH A MS. BUOW.N SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, JJALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA .S ISOOTS ANJ SHOE of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QLEENSU'ARE WOODEN-WARE, GLSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We Fell at Cost Now the Celebrate J GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE .rl BREAK IN i PLOWS, at.-i alt kinds .,, CULTIVATORS REAPEKS. SLEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C l'lattsinouth September 10 h. 1S70. tf. D. SCHXASSE A CO. BLOOM Bl CO., "tC. -A BOYS AJVD CUiLDREJV'S CLOTIUJVG Hats and Caps, uLANi(ETS, RUBBER GOODS, aih Street- Second Door East of the Court House- ItAXCII HOUSE Eroadway.Council Bluffs Iowa. Visiting Plattsmouth, WILLFIXD GCODSTELIN ACCOmm DA XION AX TU Farmer's Feed Stable Corner of Sixth and Vine Street One Block, North of the Presbyterian Church, Plttemou'b Nebraska. BATES A DcGARMO Dealers in AND BRANDIES 5:c hand j UE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE SiMPSOIV ifc CO., and Co in tn iss ion Merchants WINTER 1870 GOOD.' 3. 1870 F. D. LK.VUOFr. more too, are going to THE T O II Ji r- LOOM &. CO., "EAI.RR8 IX JENrs' R.VJSKJ.G GOODS V:d?;e ic. A r- Js??-5' --v Boots and Shoes, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Plattsmouth, Ncbra EOISsnSTKR S T Jill L E S ! BUTTERY k LAZKXBY, props. LIVERY SALE &. EXCHANGE. --The b"st of Horses and Bupzics on hand.'i Corner Vine and Fourth streets. rii i-i'h Ner.i Legal Notice, Jairns E. Kcal In the District court of Nebraska in and lor Cass county,. T9. Thos. Huston To Thomas Huston, you aro hereby notified that on the 115 h day of .May A. Jl ImTI. J a i ru b.. Neal filed his peti ion in the above court npainst you. The object und prayer of faid pe tition is to obtain the payment ot a certain pro-nn-ory note executed by you. dated Julv ls:h. l5ou. tor two hundred und eighty dollars, due in om-year afterdate, with i.. crest at forty per cent per annum after maturing and al o the sum ol ore hundred and nin. ty dollars (1W) I taxes p ud .ut by said Jairus 12. Neul upon the s quarter of section four, in township eleven, rani:e eleven east, in Cs county. Ne- : oraska .and in default of th. taymtnt o: the oionoyl ue on said note, that a moi uage execu ted by you on ho above described tract of land to ecu e aid note, be' foreclosed oId to pay the amount found due. Von are required to plead. an-.ver or demure to said petition on or before Monday the 2ith ay of Ju'y. 1S71. or said petition will be take i as true and judgement rendered .iceord ncly. .IAIRUS E. NE.AL, By Stfve.vsoy A- IIavw r.n Atty's. Ordered to be published in the Nebraska Hfrald for fonrconscctutive weeks. May 20th, 1871 ISAAC POLLARD. Clerk. J. W. BKAEDdi.sT, Deputy Clerk, june vot. Legal Notice. ,. J?- A' bott vs. Meri len Rose Pearsu. I). Matilda lYaion, Adcli-ka B. 1'iuikou Ht.d Rose B. l'earsi n. 1 ho above non-resident defen. louts will take notice that on the 3d dav id' Jun- 171 M ! . ybn filled his petition in tho office of the ( lent of the District Court of the .-sec nd Ju- 1 iheial District in and for Css eount Ne- ! bri..-ka. the m jec' and pravei of said pcthiou ' is to set aside a certain pretended deed pur- j portintr o have been execute. i I y Stephen S Abbott. Lewis M. Abbott, and Abijah C.Abbott ' to s nd iletendents on orab ut the L'.i h dav i f ; Ja. uary lH.ttorthes w '.of the a w'i Hnd 'ho ! n w 1 , of the s 'i of si c t. wn 12 S of rartn h and the s e H of the n e ' ..f.v, j ,OH n ; 1J n of range 9 L of Oih P M.. all of sj,i llin,is I being in Cass coumy S hr iska, that aid pre- tended died is fore .1 and fiauduie t and was! not executed by sa il Stephen S. Abbott, Lewis i oi. .-loooii ami AiMjiiii v Abbott, that said prc tende 1 deed casts a cloud "n plaintiffs tilH to said tracts of land which l'laintins pravs niuy be set aside and the cloud on plaiutilis 'title to said tracts ot land caused thereby may la re moved. ou arc repaired to answer raid peti tion ou or beioi o tho 24th day of July. 1S71. M. D. ABBOTT By Maxwell A Chapman, Atty.'s for riaintifi". juneSth wot. Legal Notice. Lewis S. Kcelcr. vs. David W. Fisher. ' D ivid W Fisher non-resident lef't will take notice that Lewis S. Keeler. on the 6th of Juno A. U lil. hied his petition in the office of the ( lerko the District Court. Second Judicial District, in and lor ''ass cjuntv. Ni b. 'J he ob ject and prayer of which that plaintiff Lewis ? K.e,l'!V'.r i!.,is ju'lefuient atraiust defendant David vv . I l-her. tortile sum of jj.-j I with inter est :rotn Aug liith 18' 3 at the rate of in percent, tier annum, up 'U a certain promissory note n itea August lo h 18 culling lor tho sum of I-., wii inteiest at me rate oHO p-r cent per annum trooi maturity. And also that a certain inoriff rpe de d be-ri jr even date with said ir.juiiss 'iy noteand ni'en to secure the pay ljient ot the same, upon the south west quarter t' i of s-ction no twelve 1j) in Township 11 north ot range no. twelve (12 in Cass county rse'iraska. may be foreclosed and that said real estate may be sold to saiisfy said claim to getherwitb inte e.-t and Cost of suit. You are required to answer this petition on or belore the4ih da of Julv A. J. H71 LKWi.S j. KF.KLER. . .Maxwkt. i CHAPiiAy, Atty's for riff. jeSwo. Sheriff's Sale V V. Leonard) vp. V-txecution. liorace laylor. ) Xotiee is hereby eiven thnf T Tril f -.r.. f. Rale at public auction on the 10ih day of July, A. D. 1S71, at the front door of the Court House in Piatt.-mouth. Cass county Nebraska, at one o .lock p. m of sail day the following described re" I estate, to -wit : The undivided ono-half (Ifr of the north west quarter i'ii of section number fourteen 14) mto-.tnship number twelve di, north rane number nie tii.', eat oftheClh I'. M eituate-i ,n was county- Nebraska, taken as the property Vr i?r?'e fa Ior ou an Kxeeution in favor of . Leonard, issued by the cicrk of tho Dis tnct Court wiihin and for .Saunders county. Nebraska, and to me i irected .-19 fhe ilf of Cass .J inn v. Nebraska, (rivpn nnilp tnv ,i.;a r.h day of June. A. D. 1S71. ' J- w.jtJtiNSON, Sheriff Cass counfy, Xebrahka. , B. Wii.sos.Atly. for l'laiutiir. J une 8th w5 Sheriff's Sale. Ma. caret Carter, Mary E. Krale and X. J rctteiife-er, by their next friend John Mutz. againn V"m. Harlow and James W. Barlow. Notice is hereby jciven that I will offer for sale at public aucii.n on the H'tii day of July, A. I) 1 S . 3 . by virtue and authority ol au ord-r ot sael to uie direi-ted and isucl bv the clerk of the l.'i-trict Court ol t he second iniicial dis tnct within ami -for Cass county Nebraska, at iuu uour oi tne Court lloj-e in I'latt-m- u h I' county, atone o'clock p tu of said day the billowing dis.-ribed real estate situ-i'ed in said Cass county Neb. -o- it : The Sou'h half -j; ot the south west quarter t ' of si;cf ion no. twenty seven i7i in tow nsliip no. tive ve il( nort i. ranne no twelve, cast of the bth p. m herctotore attached in this cause as tho pro er ty ol m. Barlow. Also the south east quarter (;)ot section no. thirty-five in towusliip no. nvclveilJi u.oih. ran ire no twelve ili eai-t of th ii in- heretofore attachfd in the above enti tled cause as the property of James V. Jiarlow, Ptvea under in .ui t,id stu j:iv OI june A J. W. JOHNS 'X. Sheriff. . Cass count v, NeV Maswell A Chapman, Alty's for i'iff, jci-jw sheriff s bale. John W. Barnes.'i vs. -Order of Sale. 1'lttc .-aunders.) Xetice is hereby civen that the undersigned will offer tor Jsile at public auction for cash down at the front door of I he court house in l'lattsinou'h. Cas eoun'y, Nebraska, on the iL'th day of June A. D. 1S71. at 2 o'clock p. m. ol said day the followinir described real csta'e, to-wit : Lot r.urflber three (ii in block number fifty-seven, situated in the city of l'lattsniouth Nebraska, and lot number six t) in block nuin bersix oil, in Thoni son's Addition to the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sold n? the property of I'latte Saunders, to satisfy a iudirviuent in favor of J. W. U..rnes, by virtue and authority of a decree rendered at the November term A. 1). 1 7n, of the District Court of the second Judicial District within and for Cass county. Nebra.-ka and on the 10th day of November lk;i. (liven under my hand this 11th day of May. A. I). 1S71. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff Cas? county, Xc brack a. MtxwFt.L Sr Chahmas, riffa, Attv's. Alay 11th, 1871. wOw Notice. Is hertbv piven that all persons who have made improvements on the School lands of this county since the lilst day of June A. D. 1S70. can have iich improvement appraised by noti f ine the county clerk oi the samij on or belore he loth day of June A. D. 171. liy orderot the county Commissioners. J. M, DtAKtisi Kv, Deputy Clerk, mayllwo Cass county Neb. notice: TWILL furnish par'ies with stone for building purposes at reasouublo rates, at my nuarrvor deliver iu on ihe cars at Louisville station- 'j be fol.owi k kinds can be had on short notice. sii:.s, caps, perch rock, line or rod sand stoi.e such as was usfcj- u tbe D. A" M K. 11. in the construe : t their st uie work. All responsible orders promptly filled' Address J. i. A. HOOVER adwtf Louisville Station. Toatle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, DEALERS IX moIcI and Silver Coin, U.H. and otlicr HlovU. Diafts drawn on all parts of the United Sta and Europe. Deposits received, and special at tention given to collections. Pldtt-mouth, Nebraska. Phelps Paine GEN'L INSURANCE ACT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Represents some of the mo.-t'reliable Compan ies in ihe United States. Office with Barne3 A Pollock in Block Fitzgerald' janTdA wtf IJr. J. W. TIIOSIAM, Having permanently located at Weeping Wa ter Falls, tenders his professional Fervieeji to the rki'e.T of Cn-." eou-ty, Nebraska. ijJtTT'Hf, TITS X3STPSOVE3 8 o e r- a o 3 I ELASTIC LOCK h'Z Tlil miperlor Mwhltn ! adiipfed to t mnpeof llemniing. F Uiiip, Br-iiil.iij; liia.. F.uibroiilering, gi Binim;. 'iir.It.Hi.-, I .n'x' IIem-titchiiiK-d (iHtin-rin . Id j udl. or heavy work, and Id ti.9 mint j.ra Machine ever Invented. The neeJIeof the .IcTCn A IToorer Btraifcht, nd la not open tithe objection and its results in Ion;; or curv.-d l ')!". t too hich. tior too low. Tho inachiao i. order; fiom two common i;.ools with.-f v Ing; wastes no tUread; cunuot t:u:ghf If i.u gnoda, nor when tlx easy i vwu-s cf ;. obatrncted. The feed la lu-v.T dull is p i- Iv .-, tu the very. stroiiKi-t feel In U". The Vm .i in : from sprinss. which tend only towok..ii uml v , onliT. The most delicate scumtre( n.-e if; Mi l. ft Hooper without injury, bt-ir.tba I '''..' t machine trer m.ide. Tho Inventor conk r ' i.-: :n. tion an improvement that dies not n in; ' -. .-n i very justly kept Id view the fact t'-i.i N .". Machines are usil chiefly by those wl . i ' :. rule, know little of pricticul uiech.:ic i. a . doKreo of simplicity In their construct...!! a'i-1 i; -. i consequently a lower ran;e Of prices were t.seii li.! order to meet a, want. Price, on Flalu "Walnnt Tall ', with Outfit, ----- if 1 r. . 1 Other styles awl finish as low uajiy o!ir Con o.n' Bend stauip foriliw riptive circular. Aji -h'i v nnt.- I i . every county In V. and Territories. S; ve Sji, I aemiuir machine vexatious, by purchaiiag thu '!';- A liooper. TltCSf AN CO , 16S South buitu bu-att, CLu-is til. of theconJitijn oft'.o FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of tho city of New York on the f.rst d:. of Jan uary, A E) 171, male to the A ..diior ol the State of Nebraska pursuant to the naiuo ol taid 3lH.0 XAMEAXD LOCATIuN. The nnme of t'e company i the COX TI V A' TAL 'A'AlViM.VW,' f.V.J , V ', nicrp.J ed in V&, and located at.No- 1MJ, in th city of New York. CAPITAL. The capital ofsaid anmpnny nc!ui-diy 'am ui in ca-u is The s-ui pliiH on the first day of Jan uary, 1S71 iooo.i.-ijn : u.i.r Total an.ourt of c-.ipital k rurplua S-,.j.'l.s.ti;T7 ASSETS. Amount of ca'h in St Na tional bank. New York Jll:',"' 1 Amount of cjh in Fulton I:a;ik, ilrooklyn iew lork ', Amount of cash in office 2 Amount ot Loans on .State Stocks, A Stocks Mid bonds ot the United St ites. and of institutions incor porated by the tateof New York Payable on demand. (Tjie mar ket value nf s eurities pledee.i exceeding fiDuoUj ,..) ixj io7li,7'.' 1 U"i Amouiit of Loans on Lonuj ,md liiorlijajres, being first lien of re cord .011 unincumbered Jn! Lstate. wort at least S2.1mhm' und on which there is less than oneyeur'e intcrcttdue andowiiur. (Interest 7 per cent.) Amount of United States lionds State stocks, and stocks A- bonds' of institution, incorporated bv the State of New York, owned by the company ; Real Kslate. Unincumbered, owned by the company Interest on Loans, due this date Fciuiuins due Keuts accrued 87. 2i:-l,fMl lit) tiH,.; ;;7 Total Assets c LIADILITIKS"' Amount of Losses adjusted, und due and unpaid Amount of Losses incurred, and in I rocess of adjustment Amount ofDividends on capi'al, de clared, and duo und unpaid Amount of uividens on scrip, de clared, unclaimed and unpaid Amount of Scrip ordered redeemed and yet unpaid Amount of all other existing claims against the company r::,t.r,, 71 . Nono b.'.'.S.jO fj C 1 .0-11 1J 47.TCk.; nj Xotl Tolal iim't df lof Fsc-B claims .V liabilities J' . The greatest nmounl insured on any ore ri-k ecdt8-j;r,'bUlWillnt K 1 The company has no general rule as to the amount allowed to be insured in any city town, viluao or block, it being the inten ion o ' the company to distribnre its ri.-ks , such a ninnnerasuottolose more than $0 (X1 by a suiKle lire. A certified copy of the charter or A.-t of In corporation, accompanied a previous statement .S TA Tf,' OF JkW YOllK, tuuvtv of JStie York. Whfbeas George T. Hope. President an 1 Cyrus Peck Secretary of the Contin,,,,;,! Insur ance company, to IIle personally known being severally sworn, dejiose and say that t be foreno- leetit ot the affairs ol said company. That ho '.t-?"i,,!i Dy '"lle ,,K""1 fi lc " n. rs of at lea-t oijo.ijiw dollar ol ea h capital, invested in Stocks and bond- of ot least par value, or in mortgages on ur incumbered eal estate worth atlou-l double the amount for which tho same is mort gaged. J bat no part of the foregoing des-rib -d investments are made fur the benefit of any'in.h vidua c-iereisingauthority in tho management ot said eonipany, and that they are the aoovc described ofheeri of said company GKO. T. IIOPU, 1'resiJent. Cvrcs Puck. Sec'j-. .lT'"".? if "."i1 subsorib-d before Uie this thirtieth day ot January S71. rc,ii lu tc-tlm"ny whereof I hare l.calj hereunto eulisiribed my namo a-Ti".".'1."1'1'-'1 '"y 'fJ'.l seal. 1I1US. i,. TliUJtNMLL. - 2otcjy Public. STATE OF N EBRXCIf INSURANCE JPAHTWENT. ehowing the condiuon of the "r" MSltme"1 CONTl NKXTAL INSURANCE CO., I'''.l.".,?crvYork- !n. lh.e le ufXew Vork dtiti.o.n., ,i. . ,i " ........ j io , c.-icu as reijuire'l l,y law. Authority is Therefore Given To the above narn-d Corcpmy to transact hi r appropriate business of FlllE INI.'KACF . "J- 't'.-i .?t','n ordance with the laws there of until the 31st day of Janoarv. 1S72. 1 I: oar ikk Ckktify. 1 hat Pheipg 1'uine E-o oil ... is. nouth county of Cass is authorised U transact business acc.rd;r.g to law for mid com- pany as their agent and attorney, bv tilin" this . certificate for Kecord ith the clerk ot'Ca-n countv. us In . Iestihot .Whfbkok. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office at T coin, this ad day of March, 1471. ' 1 Llu' sbal. J0 GILLESPIE. s y ' dow4t AfDITOB OF SlATt ' PHELPS PAINE, A-ent. In Running Order. I desire to announce to the public that I now' have my Great American Ten Inch Do ii hie 1 Water Wheel in full operation. Dav ing refitted my mill throughot I an, now crc pared to do better hT v,r Vomers than inl ii". lb tii.-. i j tJT.; Assembly of the .-tale of Nebraska. , reg u "siU.ra"hatCO"arr,r-.a''Pr',V1 "FurylJ,i neceVsH,n8,sJBnV7r...V"r v I'. flB III II a t-r ... ( ) '1 Ki I 7S S