V IjEALEU IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, Frlagazines, and atest Publications. Prc-criptions carefully compounded by unex perienced Druggist. Remember the place, three doors west of the Jlr.ruiJ office; I'lu.tt.-uiouth, Nebraska. THE F1JVE YOU.YG SHORT no n xed d ur ham b ul l E OF ORLEANS ! ! I " ILL fland.at my farin in Cn?s county at lO tor grade cow.-, ilO fur thorik V end cow.-. Thel"kel deep red. Mateon months ld. end weighs t'.vcik- hundred and tiorty pounds, oud b without ery iiion,tha finest animal f the kind in the S. J'pdh: RKK :' SirfT by Iluka of Paris (par O'A'i A. 11. 1JJ he bytlfake Airdieaip. LT-fl A. 11. B.) out tit Lm.t the X I V'lh. Lon-i out of impoued ' ft ley ' 1 -'J K. II. 1!.) Tim Luk is out of .Mary liaen.'Jd by Etiekeyn (2Si A. II. II (; Mary Laeu. y Criwdcr:tS!l A. II. H,). For full pedigree ef Trowdcr, refer to $Mh volume of American Herd Uuok. t will give one hundred ahd lifty dol lars for tho poorest calf, trim any thoroush bre 1 ciw that iu:iy ha bred, and can show recorded pedigree, ii. .SAHji. may 1-Ictwtf. F U RJ ITU R E rh?. WTSIiryock, ' CABINET EVIAKE And dealer in all kinds of lurniture Ch:?irH. ;k stefft, (third door west ef P 0 Piattsmouth Nefa Repairing and Varnishing Bcntly dene. CJ'EuticraU ttcn led at the shortest notice. $5 TO $10 PER DAY.feiS who rr.irrtge in our new business make itom so to 510 per day in theirown looalities. Full-par 'i.-ulars and ir.tructious Font iree by mail. 'I in ned of permanent, profitable work. -Iu! l ad Irs.- GEO. STlNr-dX A CO. ::pr.'J7w lm Portland Maine. A f fTi r 3.3 A r 3 1'Oli A GOOD BARGAIN ! 1 f i vi ic com p!f 'rd !he i t!n;r ad recordir.j of i iy ( I'vsn'iv Addition t the City of i'UtU--triyu:, 1 m ri-w proj'irt;d tn m-II 401) LOTS inrthe Adlition nt ren'onable rrte. Term' ro riM half ea!i down; the other hiilf ra7 'ilcjj' one year, ut ten t er cent, io'ere.-t i r :..i!tun 'roin date of pur. ii:ue until paid. To be secured by in"r!g-e on the property. S. DUK Donation to Churches. I will stive to the following religious denont r.at inn?, viz : To the Baptist Church, lot 12 in block 27 : To tho Congregational Church, bit 'l in block CS; To the Methodi.-t Church. l"t 1 in block IZ; To the Catholic Church, l"t t in bl-k To the Kpi.-copal Church, lot 11 iu block 10; 'n the 1'resbyterian Church, lot 1 in block 21 To he Christian Church lot 1- in Mok "' : To the Lutheran Church lot 1 in block 2'S; A my Addition to the City of i'lattsuiouth, upon the following conditions, viz.: That they shall erect on 3ai l lot.;, as above donated, a suit'iV I'UiMir'K for public worship, within five year, from this date ; and. in c;u-e of failure on the part of said Church or Churches to comply with above condition, then aud in that case the lot or lots shall revert to uie. . S. DUKE Do-ation to Public Schecis, crehy donate fir the t'.sc (f PuMiu DNtria oo!. Lotl'J in Llock , on the north side ot run str ct, and Lot lo iu Ulnck 22, i n the south f id- of Main street, in uiy addition to the fity f Plattstuouth. JjL'KE. 5,000 Acres cf Land for Sa!o in this county. Also, IIoure and Lots in this city, at biw prii cs. Particular attention (riven to t'le buyine ann Fellmi of real estate, examining titles, and pay ing taxes for non-residents. il'KE. Real Estate Agent, Lot for Ten Dollars. I will ?r!l to parties desirous of btiildim and Improving, any of the lots in the subjoined list in tny addition to Piattsmouth, nt ton dollars per lot, under tho following conditions, viz: The person purchasyp will be required to nuild on the lot purchased a dwcliin- house of the followimr dimensions, to-nit: Ihe house to be not l-ss than 1 IxJl feet, with story not lower than S feet. Th frar,iMin,st be cood and fiubstant ial: housa well shir.b'd: foundation cither of bri' k or stone. There mti-t be a kitch en, of not less than 10x11. l'uildinir mu.-t bo completed on or bet'ore January 1st. IsTo. Win aive a bond lor a deed to the party who buy, as on as purchase is made.and upon complying with the aliove comiitior.s, wdl give a good ana ut'icitnt A arranty I)eed". i-elections may be xuada from the accompany ing list: Lou b and 8 in block 3 ; Lot S in block 4 : Lot kit in block 1': Lot H in blocklS; Lot 12 iD Iblock Lot-s 2. l and 1 in block 1 : Lit S in b!ock 22: Lms 2 nod h in block Lots o ar. l 11 in block 2: Lot r. iu block 2- Lots J nnd 17 n d lo.-k i-; Lou 4 and7 iu block 2; Lot 2 ia IWtk .i0. r t . s. dvkk r.Usrnouth, Aug.Cfltf. ia Coart House JOSEPH SCSI LATE 81 K8TABLISHED 1.1 1501. UEALEli IN ivATcns s, c r.ocK JEWELR Y SILVER AND PLATED WAKE. tt'.U.IJ l'tS M'i ' l ACT. IS VIOLIN' STKINwS AND i ANC1" OtUD. Vat. -he. Clocks a r,d Jewelry repaired neatly md w-th iii-'pat h. tt',Kcinoved to opporite Piatts Vafley Hou-a M--itr t. nov. Iu w tt. K2marl Sanifary A6tlAs ioeialion the Kcli .f and Cure of tho Erring and I'd fortunate, on Principles of Christian Philant !i rop v. Essaysonthc- Errors of Vouth. an I the Follies f Azc. m relation to Marriage and Social Evils, tt sauitary aid tor the a tii it-ted. Sent free, iu fea leu envelope.-. A.niresn HOWARD ASSO CIAITOX. iiox P. l'hiladelphia. l"a. maylwly -JRKHilir TRANrFEP.. The underrigned is prepared to tr.ir.-fcre freights between Piattninouth and F.ist I'ltttJ mouth cn short cotic. ad renf)iiahlet . uiay2-d'.. Vi". J. V;?.B IT Jerri 1111 llli Eock Bluffs, Neb. Spring Term Commences March 21st, 1871. Pupils of cithersex 'will receive thorough and systematic iuxtru.tion here. Particular atten paid to Primary scholars. School Looks furnished free of cost to al pupils. GOOD BOARDING CAN DE OBTAINED AT REASONABLE RATES For ter.fii an 1 particular? ad lre? ltiwtf J. I). PATTERSON. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND UVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, Plallsmouth, Neb rttshn . I am prepared to accommodate the public with Horses,, Carriages, liugcies and a No. 1 Hearse on fhort notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will runltolthesteamboatlanditig, and to all part of the city when desired. January 1, ls71 -diwtt S T .1 12 L E 8 .' BtJTTEKY L LAZEXET, prop?. LIVERY SALE & EXCHANGE . t "The tft of Horses and Buggies on hand."v Corner Vine and Fourth ttreeta. ai.il 1 Awtf. Piattsmouth Nebraska. WAFER'S ill mi iii i nil 'ill mi i i ii i ' mm M i i ! I'm arner's 1'iJe remedy has never failed tuot ?vrn in one case) to cure the very worst cases ot Bl ind Itching or Pleading piles. Those who are iCiicted should immediate! rail on their drugg gists and get War. er'a Pile Remedy. It is m "ressly for tho Pile?, and is not reccommended , j cure any olhr disease. It has cured many i-ac-s of over thirty years standing. Price One Hollar. For sale by druggists eveoywhero. Warner's Oyrpep.-iu. Tonic is prepared ex drey for Hysjieptics and thoso suflering with .r.ibitual Costiveness. It is a slight stimulating mic and ii splendid appetizer; it strengthens ije stomach ami restores the digestive organs co tnetr nealtny state. eak. nervous ami Uys- pr-pl 1 on tio per.-siir.s should use Warner's Dyspepsia. onic. For sale by druggists, j rice Cce Dollar. Cong Si o vtlore Jma:wm-i.- i in - m mi f ,i L-..yiy,j-l-a AVarncr's Cough Ealirn ishealinc, Fofteninc md fcpcetoraiint. 't he extraordinary power it posses.-! . s in in-.i-iediatcly rclciving, and eventu ally curiw, the n:o t obstinate ca-es of Coughs, Jobls, Sore litroat, Uroiichitis, ltitluenza, Ca irrh, hoarsem A-thma and Consumption is limo.-t incredible. !So promiit is tho relief and eriain it? crli-ets in all the above cases, or any JTcction of the throat aud lungs, that thousands Jf physicians are duily prescribing it, and oue md all say that it is the most healing and -icctorating medicine known. One dose nlway xti'ords relief, and in most raiies one bottle af reets a cure. Sold by druggists, in large bottles. Price Une Dollar. It is your own tacit if you till couih'uad uCcr. The Pulsaiu will cure. T 1; c gn at Llood Purilior and Delicious Irink' 0 rrner's Vir.uia Vine, or Wine of Life, is free rum any poisonous drugs or impurities, being ir-p-iied i'r til- s v. ii r.;iire a stimulant. It is 1 splendid cppctior and tonie, ami the Crest .hiutt iu t!;? vorl I f-r purii yitig the I ! iod. It is the most p'ea.-.iiit aod delicious article evcrof 'Vre 1 t j tiio put lie, ixt t'upc-rior to brandy. .vn;l' y. vine, bitt- rs. or any other article. It is "nore l:c:;I i hy, .in 1 cheaper. L th male nnd (V nalo, young or obi, tan take tho Wine of Life, 'tis, in fact, a life pr.-.-cn cr, i'he-e who wish to enjoy sood health and a free ! .w of lircly M.irii.-. wiil do wdl to t;.ko the Wine of Life. It is ili:Terent from a:;.jli;!i;t ever before in use. It is fold by diai y.-ts ; a!.- i at ail respectable sa loons. Price Uuo Dollar, iu quart bottles. tel 1 F,y J. IS. IIINC'IIMAN, A CO. PlaHsmouth cor Estray fictlcs. T.iken un by the subscriber in Avoca -re-einct. on or iho-it the 20th of April A. 1). Wl. oue sorrel marc, supposed to be three years old ono sorrel hor.-e supposed to he three years old l-jlt hind foot white and white strips in face' No other brands pcreptabl e. tJitt-iiiouth. April 2aih. 171, r.pr2yw.M. WM. ALTAFFEP.. if. s Sold Since thsir Introduction The Most Successful POPULAR AND PERFECT Wi.' AHE OUR VELL KNOWN ' ""yifjiUWX Being of the simplest Construction, arc easily managed and guaranteed to givo Entire Satisfaction. As no article in the household ha? a greater influence in promoting the health, comfort and happiness of the family circle than the Cook Stove, it is rconomvas well as policy to pet tho VERY LEST; and in btningthe CHAKTFR OAK, you can rely on getting the most success ful, popular and perfect Cooking iitovc ever made. SOLD BY Excelsior Irlanufacturing Co., C12 and til 1 North Main Street, ST- rxtJis. MO- -AND ALL LIVE STOCK DEALERS LIKE E. T. DTJIE & CO., FLATTS 3! OUTII, 2s EUR AS KA Attachment Notice. William F. Morrison, -To Emery Wilsin. Emery Wilson. ) Y'ou are hereby notified that an attachment was issued by n.e i.i fjv r of the uboTe tiaiaed plaintiff, and og.siost the uhovc iiaine l de'en dant for the m:u of thirty-one dollars and lift-.-certs and tki::l set for .Monday Jane 2 ;th. A. 1. 1-.71. at ! o'chu k a. m. ol sa'.d day at wtiich time Judgement wiil be rendered agiinst you if ycu ! i:oi appear and show cause to the con trary. Uivcu under :nv hand this 17th day of May. 1S7I. JAM F O'NEILL, luaylSwit J Isti. e of the Peace. fiOTIQi. TWILL furni.-h parties with stone forbuihling purposes at reasonable ra.'es, t ly .marry or delivereu on the cars at Louisville station- Th folluwi g kin i-can be had on short notice, sills, caps, perch rock, line orn-d sand stone such as was useU by the 15. A M R. R.in thi eonstntc-t- -Klit their stone work. All responsible orders promptly tilled" Address. J. X. A. 1HMJVEF.' ad&wtf Louisville t-tfttiom IOR SALE. Three acres of land adjoining the city on the jotith. can be had cheap for 1 dcc.2'ldtf. M Anill iircmimiTr imUiSll 111 01 11 Ul SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE JrT E K A L D ! THE BKST il j l iU Ml 11 DAILY One War - - Three Months -One 31 o nth - - $10,00 - $2,50 - $1,00 WEEKLY One Year - - Six Jlonths - - $-2,00 $1,00 THE HERALD IS THi: ONLY OXE GIVING COMPLETE jXE WS FROM THE GREAT WEST BETWEEX PL ATTSM OUTII AND FORT KEAUNEY. THE HERALD Now OfTcrs the B ES T ADVER T1SLYG MED1 UM Wc.-t of the MISSOUni RIVER It is read by Faruicr., Merchants Me chanic., Contractors, Stock Dealers, Railroad Men, Business Men, Manufacturers, Consumers, AND 'Luxuries of Modern Travel.' Iti these days the taste of the Traveling Pub lic has become exceedingly fastidious. In order to obtain their ptrnare, a Railroad line mut be able t insure t-alcty. Speed and conifortablo transportation, by possessiug the neeessary qualr ficat ions of a Urst-cla-i '.!:. meet of coaches antt locomotives, a solid road-bed and heavy iron Pulltaan's Pal luce Sleeping cars. Pullman's dining ears, a direct route, good connections, and ca'ehil management. The l' ji lington route is making everv effort to pii'-is-. all these tialiiications to a high dossree, and offers a route to ail points eat, w c-t. north south, by means ot its connections as follows : 1. At f'maha with the Paciiie roa-il. 2. At Piattsmouth with the li. A M. R. Ii in N ebaaska. 3. At llatnlurg. withtheSf Joseph Railroad for .ill point? ia Kansas. Ac. 4. Atotfnrnwa.. with the Des Moines Valley and north .Missouri raiiroads. 5. At Kariington wjtii the B.. C. P.. A M, E. E , for Davenport. Muscatine, &c. o'. A t Monmouth, w ith the R. R. I. A .Sf. L. and Westi-rn L nion Raiiroai'.s. iorSt. Paul, and points in the north, and for St- Louis and points in the south. 7. At Peoria, with the short line Blooming ton route to Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville and all points south nnd east. 3. At Peoria, with theT.. P. A W. E. E.. for Logan-port, Columbus. Ac. f. At Men;1ot, with ail the Illinois Central. 10. At CHICAOO, with all Trunk lines for the East. No better advice can he given then, than to Ta1 ib Burlinstoa Route." d'f. LOCAL HEWS Frank Morrison left for the west this morning with a large drove of beef cattle for the boys that are making the railroad Hon. David Drown, Postmaster at Ne braska City, still retains his seat as State Senator. Hon. T. B. Sk vciiscn, cf Nebraska City, La3 been ia the city for a couples of days attending court. The peorle of Nebraska City had a "gay old timo" Tuesday. The Lincolon folks can:e in and they all took a drink of lemonade "wid a sehtiek in it," if we may judire from the account given in the Chronicle. J. D. Steven?, painter, formerly of this city, was arrested in Omaha, yesterday, on charge of desertion from the -U- S. service. Tho arrest was made by Frank Williams, recently deputy Marshal of this city. The Omaha papers claim that Gov. Butler has paid, or is about to pay, back into the State Treasury the $17,000 over which there has been S3 much talk. We saw several gentlemen this morn ing on their way to Araphoe city, on the Republican, if they can only learn the exact location of the place. Mr. Robert, of the firm of Atkinson & Robert, attorneys, of Ashland, is in the city attending the session of court. The M. E. Church have changed their timo of holding Sabbath school from the hour of 2:30 p. in., to 9:30 a. in. Mr. Kellom has been removed from the office of postmtstcr in Omaha, and JoelT. Griffin appointed and confirmed in his stead. Chaa. E. Perkins, superintendent of the B. & M. R. R., and a director in the B. & M. iu Nebraska, and Mr. Adams, son of Charles Francis Adams, of Mas sachusetts, was in our city yesterday and last night. They went west over the road, and left for the east this morning in a special car. They visited the city on business connected with the road. We had the pleasure of a call this morning from Mr. J. C. Stockton son of Judge Stockton, of Burlington, who has purchased the office of the Ashland Times, and was on his way to take charge of the paper. Mr. Stockton is a young man of ability, is a practical prin ter, has had some experience in editorial life, and is in every way calculated to make the Times one of the best papers in the State. A Mr. Mathews has done much to make Ahbnd known as a point of importance, and we have every rea son to believe his successor will continue the goyd work he ha3 begun. A Washington dispatch of yesterday says: "Vice President Colfax is strong er, but suffered la.-t uitvht with a severe headache, which prevented his sleeping well, as upon the previous niehr. Ills circulation is goo l, nnd symptoms fayora ble, but his pLvMciuns insist on absolute quiet. :' There were no gr.ind jurymen fnr.i moned x -v the pre-ont term, as it was thtviLilit there would be no need of them. This looks healthy for the moruk of Cas county. The N. Y. Triirunc says the next Presidential campaign will be the hottest and fiercest if not the closest within the memory of this roneration, and warns Republicans nguinst wrangles "and dis sentions, which mut insure the defeat of the party. The Chronicle says there i a project on foot for "Nebraska City nnd Otoe county" to visit ' Lincoln and Lancaster county" in a week or two. We would ask, for information, where aie the peo ple going to stay while the "cities and counties arc having this grand visit? The Asylum is burned, you know. Money is cheap in New York now. Call loans arc made at2 percent., while 3 and 4 per cent, are current rates on bonds and 1 and 5 on mixed collaterals. We find the following in the Nebraska City Chronicle. It is the first intima tion we had that the Chronicle man had been in Piattsmouth lately. Give us a call next time, Waters : The following touching note, picked up in Piattsmouth the other day, is pub lished for the benefit of whom it may concm " "Dearest: Your boots are inside of the garden fence, at the southeast corner, covered with an old piece of carpet. Don't come any more for Heaven's sake. he A blow the whole top of your head off if ever he catches you around the house. Your affectionate ." The North Mo. Railroad company have adopted a new rule with reference to stock hereafter killed on their road- Each engineer of a train is to be held responsible fir all stock killed by his train, and the value of the same is to be charged to him and deducted from his wages, unless he can show that the kil ling was absolutely unavoidable. The United States Senate ratified the Alabama treaty by a much larger majori ty than was anticipated. Since its rati fication the instrument has been carefully deposited in the State Department, from which it will ba immediately forwarded by a special messenger, to the English Government. An exchange says : "They have spir itual seances at Omaha, where the lights are put out, and all manner of strange things happen. They sprung a match on 'em the other night, and the medium was found sitting on the lap of one man and placing her lips c.i rn j'rt with nn other. Poor eirl, she was so full of spir its!" General Spinnrr, during the ten years he hrts been tho Trca.-arer of the United States, has handled the Lrgc tutu of $jv,uoo,oco,Cv:. The richest people in the world are the CInrokee Indians. Tho number 16,000; own in fee simple four million acres of the best land on this continent, and have ia the hands of the United States Gov ernment, on which th-y annually receive the interest, four million dollars. Wyoming must be servant sirl's para dise, for they get there $7 a week wages and the privilege of voting. The appointment of Joel T. Griffin as Post Master at Omaha was received and confirmed at a tingle sitting of the Senate. ASOTIIEK AI'POISTJIEXT The papers of yesterday contained the resignation of Gen. S. A. Strickland as U. S" District Attorney for Nebraska, and the dispatches of last right bring news of the appointment of Hon. Le nnder Gerarrd, of Columbus, to the po sition. NAD At'C'im XT. A Roy Drowned YlTille E.-ithfu-j- In Halt Creek. Special Dispatch to the Herald. Ashland, May 2-Sth. A gloom was cast over our town yes terday by the accidental drowning of a young sou of Sheriff J. G. White-lock, lie was bathing in Salt Creet, and acci dentally got into deep water, where he was drowned before assistance could reach him. THE I-KOLiriC." We noticed yesterday that Schnasse & Co. had a few of the Mt. "Vernon Prolific' ' for sale. To-day we received a pAckage containing specimens of both "root" and "fruit" of the aforesaid "prolific." The "root" specimen can be seen at the Herald office, where it will be kept carefully preserved for in spection of agriculturists, and we only hope that each one who sees it may re member the printers with as liberal a supply of the "fruit" as did Schnasse k Co. LOOK OCT FOR II in. The Detroit Tribune warns the public generally and Good Templars and Young Men's Christian Associations in particu lar, against a fellow nearly or quite six feet tall, a Yankee in manner and ap pearance, has dark brown hair combed back over his head and ears, wears a goatee, and is apt to address a person after the familiar manner of the soldier, "Say, Cap." This person is extremely anxious to rush in haste, at other peo ple's expense, to the death bed of a father and the grave of a mother, but these very objects of pilgrimage he lo cates in different and widely separate lo calities while applying to different per son. The Atchison papers propose to fur nish their papers for all railroad trains, at the cost of the paper and press work, if the City Council or Board of Trade will meet the first expense. Editors are proverbial for generosity and a self-sacrificing spirit, but whether they get any thanks thereof, is an open question. The prospects of good crops in Noda way county, Missouri, are splendid, says the Democrat. The Mar.-hal of Paola, Missouri, has i-sucl an crdor prohibiting persons from using vulgar or profane language on the streets of that place. This is a good rulo for anv c:tv. The young ladies of a New England school, not having a very high vensra tion fur their teacher, who, by the way, was considered below the ordinary stature of manhood,, manifested their contempt for his Liliputian proportions after this wise. The big girls held him down in a snow drift while the little ones pinned a diaper around his sacred form. The citizens of Worth and Harrison counties, Mo. , have organized a society for the suppression of horse stealing, which is said to be remarkably prevalent in that section ; and civil law almost al ways fails to mitigate the evil. A friend of ours, who lives on the hill, hopes that in the future "ladies and gen tlemen" out on pleasure excursions after 12 at night will avoid his stable, as his chickens roost there ; and it is unpleas ant to be awakened by their cackling. . Our old friend E II. N. Patterson, of the Oquawka Sjcctalor, is in the city visiting his old friends, and called at the Herald sanctum this evening. We are always glad to greet such genial gentlemen, and hope he may call again. District Court, which has been in ses sion for the past three day?, adjourned to-day at noon, until next Wednesday. We are informed by parties who have been attending the court, that Judge Lake deserves much credit for the amount of business disposed of up to present time. We arc not informed of the cause of the adjournment. Grain has been coming into this city for several days past, at an average of about four to five thousand bushels per day. We heard one of our grain dealers say last night that he had been taking in from 1,000 to 1,500 per day for some time j ast. When we speak of the re ceipts of grain we only allude to what is brought in by our Cas county farmers, in wagons. Come on ye hungry laborers from the east, we have the grain to feed you ; and the soil to produce an abund ance more for shipment to Europe. The "old muddy" is rising rapidly, and has every appearance of being still higher. We presume our annual Jtme rise has commenced. Miss Sherman's school, (in 3d ward), crossed the river yesterday, and had a pic nic, in the grove cn the Iowa side. We have not had any report of their proceedings but judge from the happy appearance of the little folks and the several ladies who accompanied them, that they must have had a fine time. We are always glad to note in a teacher the interest ar.l care that Iiss Sherman and her assistant Iis3 O'Keeffe, seem to manifest, for the pleasure and wel fare of their pupil?, and deem it a sure indication 'of a good teacher. It is sai l that, to a noble hearted wo nian. there is hardly anything so touch ing in this life as to see a poor but vir tuous young man struggling to keep a ft;cbie moustache a'ivo. OTIZiZiXAZfi CLOTHI23R. South Side Msiisi Hiveet PLATTSaiOUTH, II ROBERTSON Vholesale Dealers in WINKS. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand All orders promptly attended to. AIJT STREET. ONE DOOR WEST OF 'HIE RAILROAD TICKET 0TFICE J. D SIMPSON & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants ACT!) ISEAMSISS IT G1UIX. A cents for the Omaha and Plattsmouth, EMeb. VTe are now Occupying the first floor of the are doin- Forwarding and Commission Business, Ware House attached, wo can furnish all tho storage wanted. All coeds sent in our care will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and goods distined for Lincoln, A'hlanl and the Blue River, will lo forwarded without delay CALL AND SEE US. erSd&wtf. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1870. 1870. D. btuSASSB. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and D. SCHNASSE 8c GO, To HT'-OLXl.rtxica. crLo.-te:r Goods AT TBI NEW YORK STORE- The best and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are new on exhibition at the New York Store, at jrrently reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new style of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QDEENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS We Sell at Cost Now the Celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kind of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SLEDERS, HAY RAKES, &.C Piattsmouth September 10th. 1870. tf. V. SCHNASSE & CO. S, BLOOM Bl CO., &m Vrif BOYS AJYD CHILDREN'S CLOTllJJVG Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E;C. j r.in Sfrtct. Second IoorEast efthe Court Housa 1 RANCH HOUsE-Broa-1 iray.C9tta.ul Pluflf I..to. OaSS St. Louis "O" Line Packets. Herald Block. Corner Main Second nt. Wo 1870. f. v. LeyiuifK. more too, are going to J buy tneir L 1 CO., vT J2 goods, riatt--:nocih, Xel.r.i ttotice. I herthv given liiit all -i.'ons w'.o hi ma e improvi oieM-son ir ."hool l.m i. : county f nice Ihe 2'.rl dt.y ot Juno A. i;. i can bavo Mieli iniprovvun.-nt apprai-f.i '. ' fving t he eoun f v eloi 1: ot t he .-:uue on oi r i. ' the loth day d' June A. l. 1'Tt. liy oiderol ih" C'o:n!y ('riHiii.-sioni i J. SI, EnAi.L.-i.'r'.v. Deo-.-y mayllwi t 'a.- county BK'l. ''STATU "aMJ llN.-XHANCfi A . ' I'.avc a 'JOMTLETE ABSTRACT tOF T To a!l Lota un 1 I-nii '-i in Cars conn'. r:u ka. T."?0:"oe with Mnxwoll .t Cltnpm' . ney.i at Law, I'i.i-t--:noub, Nvteei-u J. Eirne. l!.o diwtf LI.! M SS" 3 " V:?r.' has ku a s i- A Um itii . w . GENERAL INSURANCE Am!v LIFE, FIRE Anil Marine Insurance At rpaiin.iMe ra'c- in the niot eub-'ai.r Companies iu tho Luited ;- nt1.-. Ofliee front room over IV Ollire, with M uett A: f-trorir. -laUiuoulii. Nebrio-ka, April ?lh. 1. THE CHEAPEST - AND F.J.&1ETTEER Sells the Best and Late.-t Imp!"-. ., , ttyle ot f10MrEIIN(l 'the c-Mir;:?i-I C!,:it;..;-t .) Reaper nnd Mower. Ru-.-'.-l! lie ap . . i Mwc-r. Mairdlloti Th res-her. i-nd thewoii i. iiowucd Mur.-h Harvester, and ..till .urn V .. , . Moliiic Corn Planter. I 'nt. r !'; I'nltiv : Kiilim and Walking condone 1, al-o tho I ;. Walking cultivator, StuH-le and Jhea1 llA.'U. Mayfield and Chailcs Vi.:' traveling agents. F. J. Mrri'EEiJ. riattsmouth Neb. march ''. w : !'. &:tp 3&stiiufnciE!5c?'.:;. AVE would invite Detil"is ttnd the i i .' generally to c ill and examine our eto.-V; ci S O J 1- B , before pureha-inr el."ewher.'. Mr. Suri;eiit Laving hud tho exponent ; twenty years ill nianufaetui io nil kin i r Soup.s we are confident of givin': entire ent. "'.( tion to all who miry lavor us wiJa tKcir p;i:ri.,i' a?"- fioap exchanged for greafc, and delivers i i..' any pa.-, of the city. Cal paid for rendered t.illow and t'.' i gTVM Soa) Workr, Kearney Ward, near Ferry M Eridre, Nehra.-k City. Jut lodjL wlf. 213 jfiL 3 lX"a , Tss e H is i t s u j;t o n & ;2 Us. ui r In connection wilh tho Chicoyj, J'uih',i,jii t& (.'ir- A'. -' OfTVr to the jieople of 1'lMttHmoHt;;, end hu pcrtiou of Nebraska ij:.it "t OUTII II OF THE PLATTE. the lt'o.-t direct, and the I est Route to tho h' .i tern, Eolith I'li-t'Tii, ntid Northci n Stu'e.. Ihu-.-engcr iie.-iri.i-1., travel ln.itri.,i. l ,.,i . take the Atlaittie Express, whi.-h run thr , to 'hieago w i: hou: ' iianue ol't'ar-:, cqiii ,, .. .' wish elegant H.:y C-..aehe-, l'ullti.i.i.'i 1'..;.,. . Iay auti isleepiu Coaehc.-i, and Pullman's Dining Cars. In addition to thef act that thi the dir f route by whieh time may he saved in reaehit.., any point in the Eastern or Middle States, it m truthfolly be fuid that it posse?ea the hest tr: k aiidthefine.'teiiuipment of any Western Li. v eneuriug to the pa.'?eiii;cr Speed, Safety and Comfort. Rates 8!wiy ng LOW n the LOW 1!T. E . -gagechceked through to anv foint Ea.-t. E. l'l.KKKNS, :. :i. A.E.TOUZALIX, tion. ra.ei.ger Avnt, iar.l'diw. '. XE BRA SKA GR O J FV FRUIT TREES f v it rv A Furnas CCons & Co PllOPItlKTOKH. 200,000 Ar;U Tret'- "U0WN in Nel.ra.-xa .-oil on hivh tijd.i . ' J prairie, without siriiiieially f'.imuiaut-, tc-ially l.jr ".l,ra.-ka iuark"t. AU-t lu Pear, Cherry, l'hini, Itusjibcrry, I'.o -. j, r lowering iirub. For Catalogue and particular?, a.lJ;-c-s FURNAS SONS & CO., Eox a'.RROWNVILLE, Feb. 2d dw2ui. Neiika-;. Estray Nctica. Tllken UD bv the ul.oerilier f ..en .il.-.-i a of l'lattitiiouth. one whito heiti-c i f n..l . gwallow-tork in left car ; and one red la i. . can, collie wiiitc pot- on, fwaliovtf-f .rfc iu i ear and lioli.h in under fide of l'! enr other marks or bun, is i.eieeiv.iole. They c HI.. 10 my piac.j uijoui ine m ul January la.-t. r in -. , WO'JDUf! march Id nol.j Probata Notice. " All parties h n ipt- l.i!:i;.i r.g:tin.-. the cstat Geo. V . .Metice. :.r.- h.-rel..'- notified that ur.',. paid daiuis are f,;.-d ri the i-robatrj Court oft . county. .. n t,r L.ej. tu: 3-t .? if Noretn. A. f. X-i I, ;:iid el.iiuis ill be f never ban - j..,..,-.,, h- ii U-t. Prolate JuJ.re. lnayll It. (Sueceor to II. Walthcr) Harnessmaker, and dealer ia ARXE.-'.-, SAhhL'f.:i, COLL A Iu? i.'A LT Whir ;, Eni.-hc?, .'... Ar. y rru-: wl-U di' laicu. - j .': rt e:.:; ; r- t: jr. ,.',l, fonrtii Streot r.ouhoi Platte Vuilev adjomini- Mutthev- tV i,,r.nelly'- ar