i i it ! i' PLAT1 SMOUTH NEERAKSA.. Tilt' US HAY, JUNK 1 1 1. Jrliitiler la I'JVt II. NoulJHKlfrn TI. .':..,, Clu Ts.,.-r,.J cintos tl.'. innnv k'.T;n !! have hepn ticrrif-Srafed in the i.rot.trtv thev foutvi to be i-ehooi land, and ttill in the po.-c.-io!i ef the county. A more reiuaikable iiisf jnee came to light f-'iine time a'o. A pentleiuari of New Yoik had lon tlio ilit h'nu-eif 1iosesaed f a heautii'ul tract of lar.d in Jnt-r.'a Viti co'tnty, and one day he oame to Iowa to !' at his is-?y,r,-:. Judge of hi surjirise when )a loan 1 that M.'er. 'i l sheet of v;a'er known as torui L ., covert-l the loeat e-i.-it". I f I ',1 0 A' hi EUpJMj.-.td 1' Yn!!n:iciIcl:aiuK 'AdTftnw."' 'I'll.. Omaha ',.'..;,((!:-: at-r-roviiiz- 1 ly 'a:!and:eh ;:i.i', platfoiin for t be i.euie.-ratie part v. ai:d clr'r:;eteriz'- the j i.i-vi.iu4-r,t M-L mi loot i v ii-ai, oeiiia- .ijiw as "a tr.iii 1 aivari'-e ah a'-rr the j I . . ' 1 J .1 ... T .... .: ' . . . .-. -. r-. r ! f-L'iiiii :iiee it i.itiy be well to Juke a 1-j.ik at it. 'al'jii !lh t::i i-c;-, ; ts the i: -w A;.:' !i 1 i:ient! to thi ('.J:-titutioii m "irrcversi .ble," i nl h:n ...luces "the uiauu.T of their a Io;,ti..n." . He reccii. Hi: i.o. iple of uuivc: K.1 iwTue : r wi nr. 1 ae He d.claie.s in iuvor of 'Trie Trade, j a:: i tun uit:nta"i mij-j 'rt ( i nn ewem- m. ot by "direct tax-.ti .ii," without ai tarilT- j He believes iu ae-iuh-ition and annexa- ! t:o;i but is ae:::st the sehenie '"upon the score of an loi;. in.ro ,;s not eious corruption nn-1 jotiocry. lb- trraiens Grant's admim-tration for ! its "corruption and favoriti-ni." and de- iiounceH Coneic. s fr its "Ku klux Iegi- iation." This is the hu.-tc i "alrr.nce," and what does it amount to ? If the Demo cratic party adopts such a platform, what i--ue is presented on which it should he advanced U tower? If the amendments, and r.-csrro suffrage, are all I lizht, what is to be pained by a change ol administration? Practically on.y two points are hit: no tariff that i-, the Mij'port of the government hydiret ta na tion and oru o-ition to corruition. The 1 emoerafv would make a outer fizht on J Kueh a fa-is. For years tl.ey have been j juaiTcling with the "odious" direct tax- f s juiiosed ly the llepublieaii party to i meet the demand- of the national debt, j Thev have talked about the "sides" who were meddling with every man's hu-i- j ss to asec-rtani his tu'-otLC, and the ! "armv of tax collectors" who were "eat ing out the substance of the pc-plc."- til, we have iu-t got ri 1 i f all this, thanks to an houe-t and C' -t' oin'ca! hund- lirr' of our lii:aL"-ial of our tiuaiiei.il o 'fairs, the debt ; ( havini' been so re lu.-d that "direct tax- j ation" is ahr.o-t et.!in?y dispensed with. Woul 1 it h - wi-e to abo'i-h the tarilf ii. order to gel ao .ther Intcinal llevenuj law ? And so as to "corruption," which Yal- i lanl'gham is so avtr.-e t ). When did the ! Democracy ever t-ive us a specimen of : their economy? I by ran J'hr.son's j Administration, but the "whi-ky ring" j troubled v.v half lh' revenue. Is it in i New York city and .State? Is it pro- j i.i ..I uiif.rl 'Pit-.. .n ! c i"in.r to W niiO:rr. ton to illustrate the beauties of economy ! and iiurity? We are incline 1 to think this 'ad vance along the lirii" will fail to tlioitthe conG hmee of the p;:o; !e. "Free 'J'rade'' and Democratic "Iv-'oisoiny" are not wanted by the country. And if the Amendment.! and Negro Suffrage are to be maintained, who will do it best, the friends o t the enemies of those measures and principles? Why tiu.-t a copper head, or a rebel, to do what you know is distasteful to him, ou his pn mi.-e to do it, when you have the tri-d and true men whof iueht for the l.'ni'.n. who be lieve i.. c.iual lights, who have r.-dueod tl he debt nd -aved the i.uUie credit ? 1 These are ip.i :ons bi h hone-t ati k lhrt-u -elves, an -Kiiii' ' i.. Jrti"-" ' 1 illandighi.m .v C . sen-role men wm -hen t!o I I.i-o'. .ro" under the lead of V; th"v will be On'fJ-,1 J.'-,, the side. Haw .tlTPrlI-,i(; oi.-.;vcM A I ln 1 1 in. A writer in AH r!f. I'm Rounder : The truth is, in this worl 1 sliOir 1 ib'.-ir and in lu-,trv ah.vavs ruake tie. m-.dve- ie-lt. This is a theory that would be d ir , t .-Ir. t arrv le as representing siunet !;:n real an I ger,oie. . ork, lie would ted ! us, is never thrown away. Men who I spend sums of money, ar.l sums of trouble an 1 toil, together with much in- I geuious i olyeliromat i r device in flourish- t nig titer names an i ware, ;tre pretty certain to Iin 1 .-uch bread as th"y have cast upon the waters returning to them. The wis.e who travel in the underground railways and see "Kitto's Starch" star ing at i hem from over the hads of their ris-a-vis in the carriages, or the ' (iias hoi.per Sewing Machine," no doubt sa lute those titles with a "pi-di ! ' aula "pshaw !" Hut later, as their eyes wan- der over the newspai.er or dead-wall or omnibus knifa-boaru, or liv-Ieaf of a magazine, and aces everywhere, as a murderer does blood, "Kitto's Starch," ".j'rasshopper Sewing Machine," a kind of dull, insensible impression is pro duced. Jiy-and-by, when cither of these important necessaries are in de mand in the reader's family, and when there is an impression of doubt or igno rance, the poor ai i-de-camp of conceit, or conscious superiority, steps in, and aids the advertiser Where ail an-groping in the dark, it is hard to rcusi the conscious senseof superiority. "Starch ! Why, there is a fellow called Kitto, who pectus to be iu great demand ; ut least his name is everywhere. S?wing ma chine! Oct the Orassboppor only four guinea. ' It will thus be . een that advertising owes a good deal to the par donable litt.'e infirmities cf our nature. Tlie Tent of Vitality in Secrf. While in conversation a short time ago with a most excellent, lifelong, success ful farmer, L. D- Yotaw, he assured us that by placing almost any of the larger seeds and grains on a hot pan or griddle, where the vitality was perfect, the grain would pop or crack open with more or less noise. Where tlie vitality is defec tive or lost, it lies immovable in the vessel. This is a very simple te-t and will be of much value, if authenticated Ly extensive experiments. We have used the hot water and the acid tests for germination, hut never "the trial." Let us all try it. Rural HW.V. Kinder is the looking gla-s than the wine Iass; for the former reveals our defect to ourselves only the latter to our friends. While settling a woman' estate at Worcester the other day, an item of six dollars was allowed her daughter fcr at- j tending her funeral. connection wit!, property Iocatcl in '""-' ' ." r'""'V ' Pieties have heen etub'i-hed in a'o-t ?J ""V"' . e t-nc-ji ra-e one ar.ou.tr p?! T? JaK .Norlhwetein Iowa. Mot of then., it 1 1,'1. our journal tu a.k huaU - j f giJ t'&", ! iQ 1 atu way, lonuir to .v3 Ul B? f th:L.S, have been corifcetJ, hut it a.lvi- 1' JiPy to travel without ; Jh'10 ""n " j nh iul-i. more exeellent than myseX v.; M M fe-J pi e 8uiiSt cIomo. bargains fur lar,l lht W,:hout a guide, and w.tnout a , uic"?n-to'the t- a-J r.ient: ,i N K1 H1 N N 1 without i,;e,ti,atio,. Two recent iu- fti-e hVAS d 'tVn men 1 ln The fellow who called ti,U hoots con,- - mAihkMd Ww d.?; a- JeMLn.n arrived tcn the j'lurne There is a eve- i ereat power politically. j fortallc, d-fended hi? , option by saying ftm . t gentitLifn arnci )In lt.,,. jn ,j4,. uttKal v,oru It, ra - - - - they made a man lort a hw other ZM&i&-'frtv- lierclroui InW, nJ alter tod j ; J - J ;! j. ! Ior3Ce Greeley has gone to Texas, miieri, , c: Jfl Kr 1 m i ! h'thi .raS'tor ar i, in a -ooJ hop i of heaven, i -parted on Li, journey, winch we Cud tioual instructors I, hi, colIc?e f-r pre- 14 Sil, ,.r..rl,.l l,fl.:,.t th Or..- M-ti.,'1 o Il"J' ' J:' 1 v.-.c-a ; e.. , .. , ; V-- your-g meuior i::e mn.i-iry. v- . , : - r r ;;.vyij---; r-r - - i : - - -- ii-.i..... i, -v . f i lit i ill a i f 1 1 i , ii'iii.i (...... ... l i r - - r ; ... - -j - v; . r--r .. - . ilio PVLin? oft-vers- itans lite is ! (.!i.n,.r r,f! iir.jif... 'H,o ,P... ,.f 1;V .'! i I 1 tt'i t , i K301I L.; spent. i ti,- tun trci?.'.:i if inn.- Le up in u;id-hcavcn, will pass twifdy tl, ii.m a-v f,n.l ,li,-,r.Mr ! What shall iiU up man's" path when j .... . r :;- i...o .... ,i,.,.,. it... t j inu-t travc-1 on the rest wor! J, i shall ii! -u-hiate his f cNU-is I nf v .it i r''' : !. : ,.r ,l,.a.l. mi.M t.A !.L-r,v, r,fi J uri1' ' VhatUf?tion more iin- ; il 'trill t'r o-U'Il i biiud.t isys liiht up the ewninir of life, ; and throw tbdrrs J:arjf-e ucro.-.s thedaik- i n- 01 the trve in'o lium'iv.el Kurt. It h i- i'!iji!i:!3.'-d t!i footsteps of loiny a tr.ivtler hito n- rnity. It is of price less rli -V thousand wo.I Is r-.-nnot purcl:u.-'i it. vet it is filere-.i w ithout iHOKtv a?;d without f.ii;e to L:ia who will patieu'.lv and thsukfui!? receive it. ... niKaiiHiiiUncuHi!!,. Fiom the wi:l of Gen.l lilaekt-tr, vet it is rdiered without r of 1 u:h. prv-J 17-::: 1 Us-:-.rfe !. l : k - j . t to i-.n r ! oi.rc-:!.T:ve ; and tht o;.- t-rs l e cut o'J to f-ecure : heirij o'en J. I further ! a it jj. r? v not of r:-;- ; or li.: a c-i.::.!y o! l: ( i- t tnat. e ha-. b-f.i tioab-!.. r - t T I i. ' i . i W -.L i f.''" ( i !li i t i i nm rt ; a seeoud." a io- ; i; p'oi y, ; f u-av: il-j:i?.(-l '"'.!; f tl.-i ilev. I)r Ap r. J hide's i :,vcd 17-:; n:y i ' j y to In ore.- c- I i:i a tv.-ctt, a:i ( i 1 .-nrt.iut ciat j s v.i-.hoiit ii?ii:!L' and pocket.-; i j ai.d bre. v ! I no tialli.' , ;ai-i a :,,, ! worsted wir, if one an be t, ia ord- 1 that I i::ay re-t coiofort.iU-.'r" h-om ti.e will ot the M.mrier ot ln to ;!' liv prcv. i i . "My i X...;;itors li.'V- coi.ei-le !, I rt 'r - 0! e ; hii-ir: to pay, out of ti e first to my beloved wife, it r, vhi h I - ive a a to- KCU ol I .v :-y;; nut-, as" 1 k a: s..e hia fuv hazie ow .-he is ! .-tier plea d wnii era L.i::r l.o ui tlinn .'-he l me;ri;U the holes iu her shocking' I.o ;-'il ci llie l(ion l'Inr. I ii .-aid that certain Jews, bewailing in Jfctus-i'em the death of Christ, paw. for the iir.-t time, this flower, bv some I said to have rpiuug wherever drops oft hi-blood had fallen, and with the scene i of his won hous passion and death still fresh in their memory, gav tifu! blossom a syiubolic n. e to t his beau canincr indiea- live of his fcuCeiinsrs and the manners of his deuu. - The anthers are supposed to represent the three nails used at the ctuiliction. The rays repre.-ent the glory of our Lo.J. d'he puq-h fringe, sometimes f un I witli iel f pots Um.h it, is a type of the cro.vn of thorn. The petals, fen in nun a:.o ter, aie the i pre.-entanves ol tlioso ties who W'-re f-iii.fil "to their Heavenly Master. The three sepals, t-rui:ug tr.c Calyx, are ctuUtuiatic cl the i i inity. This poetical coneepti ju has caused the pa--ion fb-wer to U held in est! en, veneration, in -!iu o.-t rjuriMrig to :t!ioii.. countrie-i ; and the l.i.rso:u is found entwined, in many cases, with eol b'az jned inscriptions ai d borders of old maniici i;.ts of the -ncrcd writings. Tilt IiriiOiier. An ii.tire. tiiig object is the chrono pher, or in-truiuent f.-oiii which all Jdng ia:i 1 ;s .uppii'" 1 with tl;.; c .nect time. Sixteen of the no-t impt.rtant cities in the kingdom are in dlr'-ct communica tion with t lie ii stru::!'-nt, v.iii' h is in itself in direct communication with the Ob-.ervatory at Oreenwich. At 'J..y c.o.-t eveiy all! .0 !h rr woi k is i i-u.-penucij, in b'r that there may be- no lutcriorcnc with woat i cahe'l the "li'ii" curreet." ubich pieci-'-ly ht the fetriLit.i' of the deck, fli.-he.- the i.ittdli- - . ! . .: : .. i - i gcn; e o ine M.i' e.i .-i;;i ! ns wiia v ne ii i; i isj'i eoruinuni'-atiou. And not merely at the;" large towns, but at every postoHhv j throngb. .sit the kingdom; ths tl-uks at j '... o iloek are on tha lookout for the ! signal whi'-h is b-inu' pa-sol iiloiig their an 1 the o are api-icl accoro- iogly. 'de.-r D.-nt. i'v-n on. and a tlie prmctpa receive the i watch makers in Loodo; lime cverv hour fre.m thi '-hi'Oiiop!a-r. 1 :u : ! aNo filed -t 1 p. in. :d with the e'.-ruio- i,V J'Utt Uv er the ii - ! i'-r ;dicr. r.-irmV itt-r .'! lO i. O .) t h- t UVT I : oi a s- i-e ii lrj- Tun Piris iu :.-b"s now a fact of history is a ein-um-t nee over who-e con.-um-n.atiu. th" whole civ llzed woi!dmu.-t in-.urn with bitter tear-;. And tie sor row i- '!' . I'.i when we remember thjf t!- h:..i, N of the Frenchmen th.-o-elves i iv-: applied the torch that has em- -;ri,e tlie n:o. t opuL-nt spier, lor cf t! w ! (. IO Yen:: plntie mor-t th ... ... I,..-. ..... :p. .o.i-h to ex..rcsa the .;i?:i.h- 1 f he-odd oei cv. i .r. ,-;,v.,.,.. ., - soltC! so:, h ' ."i" o,.t ' , ill! ,?,.:,., i 1 ..-,....., .1.-. l ,),. i wretches who cold 1 thus do ...., Vl- LOV.O..- libeia'i ly de.-tr.y the aceamulatcd gloiy o: cntur Thi world mo.-t magnificent pal tec in the tnumt The palace was commence 1 in l.'ol, as a residence for Catherine de Medi-is, but on account of the prediction of one of the astrologers that the thoul l die there, she cau-ed the process of the erection to be stopped. Henry the Fourth added to it, but Louis the Thir teenth was the first monnrch who took up his regular residence there. About thi superb .-trueture, long the residence of kings, cla.-'er the grandest, as well as the: bioohe.-t. memories of France mighty recollections mingled of its transcendent glory and its deepest shame. Tin Louvre, in truth a part of this regal residence was the cry.-ta'izatiori of the riehe-t architectural thought of the world. Louis XIY a) pealed to ai: the architect- and Free Masons cd' Jdurope to sen. I in plans, ami the one se.cctcJ wa furni-hed by an eminent brother cd' the Mvsticordi Its :t.. ei ies contained tha iine.-t collection of paintings iu the woi Id, and some of the richest jewel gathered on the earth. J here colors the works of i in f.dele Paphai l and Tiiiun. (Jui-Io and C-rre-gio, I-Ieuhcns sud Yandyke, Leonardo da 'irici and ller.ibrant, Claud.1 Lor raine and Savator llosa. David and Ycr net, and many other of that rare genius, whose touch is a divine inspiration, and whose works are among the ripest glo ries and achievements of the human race. Ad thi has gone out iu dirkness and is novv but a handful of blackened a-hes. To the vandal hands that have thus despoiled her of her splendid robes wrought of the golden deeds of genius, ' inwrought with the richest gem of art. i I 'ranee owes it t.i her-elt to deal out ' the swif'iett retribution, if she has any- j thing that can be called a government, j or any men that respect intellectual ! i power or Tribune. venerate genu 0. f:onn (he Hill. burned to the ground. The ro!,-idid u; -V : ' " btf 1'"""' !'-(. b. art of Fans, cciHre of its eloiv. is in iT1 1 y.R,u "ear y tW teaspooi.tuls of o:l. ashes. There ,reiega:hercd some of the Senal use ainoi.g the colonists world's riche-t trophies of art, some of ottfcM",h. IlUs;a a' nieans of curing the noblest tiiumnhs of its - ..in. cut? Lru,t3 all,i scralchcs. .iii. 1 o;.. nil II.. I ...i i.f-i .j . :.... i .. l e -" l - ;i.y -'" -New lork vnthin the past two month?. Vi n iiTKtaiirQ -il' ..-T-....1, ti-ic ...l.r l....e-i-.fl t'-11 i..--. ....j ..i . a v.-.. out Bcciueniany. it. is caiiej j ne Kan, anl ttie meetings are tithl with j dosed d-.ors. ltd member?, who already ! irdiiti.fiT ciose en id .r '..w, are cjji..-.:v . i'-e uruzuii au-i 'ai.tjuui cia.-.-cs. JtS Ou- ! tne ttorkzng clasps, ana, it pohil:o, ot nouiinatm- i nicui!A-r lor iiiu.iieira , Z ilUU SCltaiUI iW IHIH.I . UiiiU.U speetaeie. iroiu his no-e, j.-at a wide- tritiiSin-d hat on his head back side fee- most. s.ip.pea !iis in a brow n overcoat, leaving the -o!l:.r turned r.nd- r, 1 vised a small leather loir, and sloped for tlie couiMitiir room i icuam, :-a;'i i:e to oi 1 Mr. jenny. ; j "nt to take any lottery adverti?einetit. ! j while I'm .qoue, and to watch the ijuafk judi 1':,:,,.. ! J is; ia.it w.rds rtaehe J oM Mr. - j s -Mr- v;u approacliiiur tt;e carnage. Mr. Ire .!' .-topped as if he badf-.ti'- f ;i r.uetbio. Old Mr. Jeimvs-iw hi.:;. ru.-hed to iiis tide. And ttll Whitela-.-. aid Mr. tiree- V i-- '-is eye -j b auie 1 on old .Mr- '-' . .IKU I.C IlliU 'rlltl1 W51f l. If j sar.i s Jotters iroui bo-t.u, ibr he is a ; Cat h .'.lie, aud he n:ii;ht say oaifhiu 1 ihat our e-i-uitry r -i l-.n wou!iu'f like. l'Vr I'ui p:iii.' to Texs. And t.-'.I W.'-lte- bf.v," otitinued Mr. Otteiev. as o! J.Mr. Jenny w.i-. a'f.out to ru.-h into the o iliat 1 want liini to watch tie j.a a?-J Vnt the oiiicia! election n-turii? from Alaska, because our pet.j.le expect to see I ll.eui. leu fiiiii to rut them in nom-a rc:l lia!i mea-ure. J:ie tbi -.ei tion re- f'.rns from Conio-ctieut. Fcr I'm truim: to 'J'exaa. And. Mp!:rai:n. tell Vvddie li'.r," continued Mr. Jrce!ey, ;;so!d Mr. Jcniij- undo another attorn; t to dj-'a in to theof'ice, "net to print any more stuff about abducted jdrls or panel b-ju-es. ( )ur people have got enough of that sort of thin?. For I'm iroing to Here old 3Ir. Jennr sneceeded in cct- ting into the eHiee, and Mr. (Jroeleygot 'r'to his carnage. Old Clove, his broth er-m-Iaw. took a seat at hi side. Two fi lends of the Poor IJoy of the Mohawk o.-eiipied the seat oppo-iie. The carria-.'e was rapidly driven to the New Jersey railroad depot, at the foot of (.'orilandt s?;ce. The four pa-sen:rcr, i he rus-et leather trunk, the wide-brim med hat. and Mr. Greeley were safely deposited in the ticket office. Old Clcve paid the hack driver. Mr- Iivo!ey stared vacantly for a moment at the tick et ai'cnt. Suddenly c.JIectintr himself, he felt in four pocket- consecutively, and then seemed to again lose him.-eif in thought. Af.er another mental rally, he fished up a through ticket on the Fan Handle line' for Cincinnati, and approach ed Pick Shield-, the basrgage clerk. "I want that check trur.ked to to to Cincinnati," said Mr. (jrocby, he.-i-.a'innly. "f r I'm coiner to Texas." The friends of the Poor Poy of the Mohawk here bade the philosopher good bye, and Oi l Cleve and Mr. (Jreeley wont on board the fl-m boat Jersey City. Floating- sea weed is the poetic name for the untidy, crimped hair iu whidi very young ladies indulge. Tight laeins.' is said to have one advan tage, thouch it shortens life it suffuses the face v. 1 1 Li a charming love tint. Some enterprising young man ha in veme I a pocket in the sleeves of g' n!e man's overcoats, so that a lady can slip her hau l in when she takes a gentle man's arm. in case her hand should hap pen to be cold. The Comanche Inllsns rre disgusted witli tlie eoiployi:;erit of colored troo,... on the frontiers, they are so luud to scalp. Some of the Frenchmen who were ex- iieu i'V ijouis Aapo-eon in i o I , na aie Prick PonicToy, whose wife had the good se n-'' to (juit him, some years jigo. is now required to pay Anna A. I'.m, -my $2-,0; ;. in lieu of dower, rod the sai l Anna given custody of one daueht- j t, .Mary A. Ponu-roy. The de-Tee o j court was yesterday entered at Miiwau- kcc. i j The wldfe of a:, ci-g has prov d of l.it. j the i..ot efrieaeious ieme ly for bum -.. Seven or cijiht miccos- ive aj plie.it i ns cf this Mihs.tatieo sootli pain, and t-ifectii die esco.i-ie i!ic i-urn irom me sir. J ir.:- simple reme !y seems preferable to colo- !:. n. or cvtii cotton, j.xtrio liiiary ;j en-i-made pPjrl0.4' are to..l.l tl neaoni p; nesei a i.-t o v.r.tcii is ca-t v iioi'i the y..,k of hens' eggs. The ....... 1 O 1 f 1 1 .1 are uist oei.eu naru, ana ilio voiks are t tl i fl r.Oiio-...l .rl.lir.fl ...1 .!-. -. i I i .... . .... ... in. i .in j'i. j a fire, where thev are carefully rtirr-d i . -i .1. . i i . . . . . i uuiii uie muoii! suo-iiinc-e is uist on the j point of catching fire, when the ; il seo- Cheerfulness is iust as natural to the heai t of a man in strong health as color to hi check ; and wherever there is ha bitual gloom there mu-t be either bad air, unwholesome food, improperly se vere labor, or erring habits of life. Nature has assigned to sovereign tem edies for human grief; lidiywn'burcvt, f!rmet, first and best ; strength to the weak, and to the wounded Palm; and strenuous action next. Honthnj. China is rapidly undergoing the pro cess of civilization. Peer is made at Shanghai, a whisky distilery is in opera tion at Canton, and the fir.-t hanging recently came off in that city with great edit. An Indianapolis ouan bought a nice coffin for hi sick wife, when she up and got well. Now the coffin is on his bauds, and it is too short for his own use. The nail manufacturers of the United States have determined to advance the price twenty Cve cents a keg in addition to that ordered a month ago. Detroit is overrun with organgrinder, and is trying to entice them away by hints that in Memphis they can make $10. a day. Put they don't go worth a cent. S.calin? coin from a dead person's eyes has actually been accomplished in Poston. The woman convicted of the crime was sent to the House of correction for six months. "How much did he leave?" inquired a gentleman of a wsg on learning the death of a wealthy citizen. " K very thing," responde I the wag; he didn't take a dollar with him." An economical fi How says when his stockings wear out he sews up the tops lit- -. v . .s oriil i.if t 'ioim Llki .l i fit. u i ni,o j oil' j'WiJ v'-v u uie j feet the other wav, thus making a good i T 1 Jit for Mirc-tood boots. 1 g I now livinr in Kiorland, are about to fie i . T.'."---; C-I I. Although no l.oMtive iir.!rir:ao i ran ; : - I he obtained rcgar ling Uanvr.-lt's isier -I Vl.'i iU I le ! n;ti..n as Minister to If ifn. lhe i-ei.o'.-t. i " ' " X-V-.vvV'l j is not discredited in clfi ial circles. j rj v'A I "Case" hurdci people Printers. There are in the world about H'0,000 ndk-s of railway, that have cose $R,0'X!,- 0'., 000, and give employment to ' i"-'-'"-'- You midst as well throw yourself .ir.u-i r.n m-ir i the l.Wlarati.-'ii of ii;florio.,,d,-.neo r -i tho ilcK sky with your heel as to attempt to do bume.-s uiihrnt nl v.-rtK-n.r Ft and ... wss n-ked whv it was. jj,, 1 :vu v.:t'. ,r ""j,,. c;!iJ, "Do you 'if I eni- p'y CV.iv.'rcgatioual hens to hatch out my i " Ti;- ;.te?t ErhMi travel. r who has ! 4 1 .i oiei c.-.i au-t wiua-u aoout u W' "I have never n n-any nice I'kwz old ladies as in IJoston." The rapid growth of timber in Ore.nn f0e,M he a etth-d f-et. Sinr-o t! stti:,.;!!. nt of th Wrh-iett v'aliev ten acre-: hare hem covered with thrifty r oi:e denudf-d rf its timber bv which t'.ventv years o were i rairies are now covered with a i M'titr au-t v i co rou ;rrcwtn ol tun ,cr. Pine- the v.-:n 1 h!ov tli where it lit- ftli. !:;dl.- have n rt-!d.'red the mrit t'- of ho,-.r . and ha v.? d-.-ided the. t a mii.-J ; - a ereat protection on a wind v da v A Vc k Y on: eorresi lent sa the na. wiiiiicii liiuLe their he alters In j Mary a discouraged Mother folds 1i-t ! tired harels at uieht, and. feels as if -lie had, after a!!, done nothing,, alt h r-u.-h ; she has not .-pent an idle moment since j fhe ro-e. Is it nothing that your little helpless children have had some one to come to with all their childish griefs and 'joys? Is it nothing that your husband feels ''safe" when he is away to his busi- ness, because your careful hand directs ! evervthiiiL' at home? Is it nothing, when his business is over, that he has the blessed refuge of home, which 3'ou have that day done your best to brighten and refine ? O, weary and faithful moth er, you little know your power when you say "I have dona nothing." There is a book in which a fairer record than this is written over against your name. Jjx- Dr. Pratt, the talented editor of the Corning Junrntil one of the accom plished clerk- of the House of Repre sentatives at Washington. JPJJEl ME lfc S LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS AND BUY T HE BEST! !y.t-'W. L lip.-.?..-.-7rf j,i n i e -4' r-v. -.--. v iric; YOU "WILT. Al.y AYS II NU AT DOOM'S, -.O-i -CJ L'l..1 Mia stit a-u a. 'ib. THEY SIJLL THE CELEBRATES Weir irn Pi ov. 1 X I. aii't Cii.nnj.i. n Corn Plow, (ir.ui.l JJ-Tour lirr.ikii.g I'luw.. i'riticc-t n Irup. lien in Stul.ble Plow. A. P. l.i. koy Fan Mills, llurcka A- Weir eiiltivat.irseeJcr 1 XL tstalk I'utfir. Thr.'.isliiii M ielines, l'.nil-crs ioi-I Mnir rs. jiecP-rs 'f the be?t kiD'l and fi'ialitiry. Call on -ir ml Ji -. ltliisKI.L prjU.M. riatriiiioutb, Xcb. uia.reh y.il w wtf. Garden seed3, Field seeds, Flower seeds at J4 GREENWOOD'S .-uccosfor to M. Ten Eick.l Corner Main anil Hixth Street, I'iattiuiouth. Xebratka. 'I'lIK Iarpcst as?nrtmont ami warrcntcj I'rcsh X lrom Landreth's Eloomsdale Seed Furm. near PliliJcii'bia Pa. Sop-Is in liu'.k or in r.n-kaccs. I v.oul.l call tlie r?j)Ctial nttrntii n ol tbe I.a ti- to our largo ss-Ttmf nt of scl'-. t annual, liiennial nr.il ver oroii il tl iwtr m .-.I. We have al.-o 1. M.I'erry i C-.'s seels. Chicapo Sncl Cos ?e d Wes ti-rn t'ee.l t'n'i' ci J.. Call cai lv in oHer t make ki.u-1 (.clpcii.-ns, (Jormin Kcntn. kyiiwA Li-a.- I.y tbe pound or bu.-bcl. iuareb--Ji! It Pholps Paine GEN'L INSURANCE ACT PLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA. Kci regents rme of th-- mo. t reliable Comrai.-h-s in ihc UuiteJ State?. OfTi.' with Laraes Si Follotk ia Fitcral l L'.oek . i).u71-Ttf -r.R sir.r -..r..5 rf laad a'ljoinig S. i)UK2. 1 i.i...'. ..r i mu.-iiiiH.iu. i.:ruwv ui er-ts . .. mm 5.1 VX f r fi 1 ' ielf :i mrm ii i i - ::-;.'2.r tfifl I D. II. AVI1E LER. E T. POKE & QO hi j-p FOOT OF MA IX STREET, "Wboles-Ie .1" T.ctall Ie iters in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINV.'AIti:, HOPE. IRON, STEEL NAILS AND i:,ith JU, ic. . Keen on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, RUCK'S FA TEXT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA, LOYAL CO OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES. All kinds of Keating Stoves. Cecil or Wood kept on haul. JOli Vi'OKK OF ALL KINDS DONE. -JIOLINE- Stiring and Breaking TIows At ITct Cose for Cash. Oar i-ricna arc as low :is any In State. use in i tie liaii-OU'. A G. "Wp ii-1; iho nO'-t. t'en of t I-.Ojii- to Hie in--. W:. l:ilve t al ii r- in t-reiit -ir-in tne --:-.M i..n .,! none lint : - ri-' K-'-'e--. ti 1 O tiiti !ii -1 Itan-t-'. v. lo.i v a-.!! : ' oc ha'l in t'ie m.-irk'-l i"or rn -h.'c.-l '. e- .--!i:tII s.ii al pri-i-- li-o.t we L-nar.-iit. will 1 ve- eu'.ii o sat i - la- I i mi tt. u'.I !io may pi vc u - il eall. c-jiae uii-1 ice mi 1 ymi ix lil I v -.iivi::.-eJ. C'LAKK i PLU-MMEIt. IS Veeping Vater Nebraska. DEALFKS IN Dry Goo-Is:. (irooerie. Hardware. Queensware. lioolis. and Shoe". Jlats. and Cap?, Aprieultoral Tmplimcnt. cf all kinds, Weirar '"1 X L"' Ciiitiviitors. I'nion Corn Plant eff jn.udetf ur and Princeton l'low, Ac A'c uiiiuf.' ;), all of which we oiler to the public at the owesf retail price. All jj2oo5s V:trraisfd CI3 Otir constant aim wi'l be to sell o low' Will bote tbe po-itive advant.ise of eviry ih. ltririthew .-tern and Hal portion o Cii.'S uv'v W make tbi their headquarters for trad- KLL'ib KLCs". e. t. jocke. TKE HERALD JOB PRINTING ESTABISLTI MEXT i now supplied with Cood PJew Presses -AN."D T7IE , A T K S T S T V L E S OF JOB T llt SINKSS Mt.- ARE J XVI TED TO CALL AND- E X A M. I EN E S P CI M E N S . hmUl iHOP! IT ujman Curtis, PlattsvEiioutii, lcb., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers', Saw and (ir-.st Alills. Has and S;team Fittinps, Wronsht Iron Pipe. Force and Tift Pump?, Steam (iauge.5, ulnute Valve (iovernors, and all kiudd of Brass Engine Fittinj s, furnished on short notice, FARMING MACHINERY Repuiredon short notice. aur5tf STREIGHT & MURPHY, DF.4t.KR3 IK Harness, Sadies, Vhips liItIL)l.i:s, COLLAItS. &c. Particular attention given to the manufacture cf line hamcs;. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Plattsiuouth, - - - Nebraska I IN. B. The Celebrated Vacuum Oil Blacnking constantly on hand declwtf ETTING HABRIED. E'say for Young Men. on grrr. social evils and itbuscs, which interfere wi-h marriape with sure means of relief for the lirrir,)? and L'n f -i-tuiiate, disease-1 and .febiliated. vut free, ia pealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, -Vu. 2 Ni'nrA .Street, rhiladdpia l'a. O-tober S.'th, 1ST ) !y. WOOL WAIMT I'ounds of Wool Want at ST. JOSEPH WOOLEN MILLS. FOR WHICH THE IN GOODS Oil MONEY. Our jroo.li will bo foun 1 w-'Il worth a tria au J to be in cverv re-of t a. e n i rt-r.l o ? xkI, fasi o.'lors. 'l. rinr Cai-b, ati'i a- tlicy are j h!1 wool, ar. l ?: .-ho'liiy. vat-le ir liyirr- u e i in lh.'rinanui'a-. n-c. g:tr;.:r.ce s.u. i'.teti .- i a.-' to tiitir t i 1 r.t I i i i ! y . j a.-f uz.-ii'i-'l ol en ir I It.-iii at tbo very bw-L t Cri'-e. These -iricc their Wt. 1 laiinuhrtu:-- i ; inn ri lis . r .-in ate j.-.rn will have it rluiin- i i:u:iii.-'iiat.'iy w iiiioal eb ;ir;-i:.- lor wray.i l;..- t-j ; from t!i. jc'i ut. Pri e ier e-o i.rip se." ; e::r.iin j, sr.iiii.ir.sr uirl rulinir. jmt i.i'unT. .-.it':.-! iJtii n i,-iven in all rej"'c'. 5- i in'-If 1 of t-'H.il- .-rit an i j rie.'r- pivcii when re.ju.-s!.'i t.e u:iiu:.t.-turc a a-1 kc. o.si i ic .y oi I ban. 1 the larsi oi.-k "f v.- .i.li-i;-; t.i l-I- 111..1::: it-II."i elotiiiy. -aitinet'.-. .Kai.'--. j.iain m. 1 I'h.i'i t!-:r.ii- 1.-. r,-,-)-Mnl w liiti- i.laakc'-. ft -jekiti y:o-n. r i'lle or li-u ' ic, in 11 !1 C"!'ir.-. .V:-.. j We wouM invi; 0 t ii e a : ! er.t ion ot :;riiii.- to ; this iiJvo !i-e:aei:t would i.urler Wofl ! r oari C.ou i" ir.out-y, utid ill tivo you Letter bar gains 'ban yo-j a: p. ? e!-'otb.re. love 11- a .-ill. or 01 1 your ..ol. 1'aetory, Norlli Tiiir i street. GEO., P CELL & CO. AiT'.i 11 wCm- 1 II BUTTKRY ll(iI.FSlt AND KKTfL DBUGrrlST ctEiTi i and has n han l 'at t.md of Wbite i liutie-ryej tl.o South tide Main Street, rinttsuiouth. Kcb. THE LARGEST AND Moxl Complete Stook of Tlriii:.". Me.Iicino, Pair.t'. Cb.-micald Lead. Varoi-h. Coal uil. Fish 'il. Ma--boia til, ;arj.-!in Oil. Castor Uil, N.-al-foot Oil. M bale uil. l.iio.. i- l Uil, Lard Oil. i.s--.'iuial Uil. Cod Liver oil, aula l.iryo vari.lv .. . tions, 1'er. 10-.-. l ancy und i ilet Artb le, L'.-scii.-i", r'la vorinp extruetJ and iill PATENT M 1 0 , C I N E f-u b fi" T.iyr.e'." Cue's Ayer.s'. !seoville'"i! . Hail's (.bristies Je LainV. Morse's, Iiakcr's Wir-tarV, Writ-ht'n. ai:e-fii.-I l, toil - etV. i'ni v I'avi-i' K- baek's. l ttitt's. .Mrs. Win-dow'. Dr. ii:efit-H'.i l!it. !t rV. Irake' l.alla. eV. Wi-.-t's and ol tlie most r'"i n!ar l'utent Medieiues in use ut the n -.sent day. Brandies Wines and Whiskio Of tbe I!. -st UradoH and .(unlities. ptriclly for le'dieul I urji.jre'i. EOflESTIC DYES, Pel or P...--". ;.-.( ri. T:'..l. Tii.-i k. Anntir.o. I11 il:k'. . Aladd.-r. I,xtra-t Lofrwo.nl, l)ry oo-ls, A -. In lin t f vi rytliing l!rit ;.- ro-edr: 1 intbeO.'u-r or .Medical line. Physicians' Perscripiiani r. fully eonipoun lcd and in;t up at all hinr All 1rti-s wair-jtiu-d ir.-sh and mre, CaU b l'-re biiyui-r, j. n.l see wbai I bave to f"!I. l'!a!t-iaoutb, Feb. 3tb.uAw if. Tootle, fianna h Clark, BANKERS, DKALPIIS IN Gold ami Silver Coin, EJ.. anil other Stocks. D: afu drawn on all parts of the United Sta and Lurope. Deposits recnived, and special at tetition given to collection. Pldttsmouth, Nebraska. Attachment Notice Mrs. J. B. Wiseman, vs. Michael .Murphy, be fore A. L. Child, Probate Judge in and for Osss county. ON. the J4th day of April A. D. 1 S71 Faid jus tice issued nn order of attachment in the above action for the putii of $'At. AIks.J.L. Wisf.ma.v, By her Atty. AlAI.gUKTT A fcTKONO. uiajliw.. Mows! Plows! Plows! Plows! Way inn 11 ; Curtis. Takes pleasure in announcing to the public that thc3 bave secured the servi ces of that 1 'ioneer Plow Manufacturer. c9i9ioFiai9 Who is nowYmr.iged in their chop manufaetur inp a better article, at lower pricec, than can be had from any ea.-tr rn inanufacturv fi,.n urn,) a-lvautape paiii. il by patronizinp tbi? firm is that yon not only pet a Letter xnn 'e a' bome iricf-. but you are patronizinp llo.ME AIANL" :'ACTU HE. where every olJ;r of the money remains; in tne fctate. iprchl4dA wtf a.JQ3i.017S Visiting Plattsmoutli, WILL FIND GCODSTBLIN - ACCOmm DA J-iO AL XU Farmer's Feed Stable Corner of Sixth snd Vine Street' On Bloev Jionl. ol tbo Presbyteriar. Chuieh, PI tUiuJu-o BATES Jt LcGARMCi THE IrrHOVZX) H fi Co S3 3 H J. o E --s. 1.--- -u- nL-VSTIC LOC K STiTCIf rnnir- of H-uituieiT. I W.ier. i ..:. eg. l'.a. ..: .- ( . . ,ci.t.Ti!.f. S.-o e.-. C;-u.:eo;. 1'..-.-: -. I;...::. Hiuoiciiii-n:..', S.-'O 1J. -!U-4t.l .bit--'' i-'l ''' or l.i-avy vo i .. r.: Hueiene c r i.' : Ti.o n-.- Co,' t!.' frrai-ht, aii'I i 1.' ' "! 1..I its p-""!' ia 1- ro- a iutt rr--..t p?- r 4 H--r--r ' i c i'. j elyjis ti.j.i uf 1 r . . r c"T'k4 d Ir : ! .-. 'j '.'J liiwlnri f. ;..!.. .; ft t'io l.vli. ri' r . 1 '' or.K-r; no :n :r l-'r--i.-.j.-; v i.o t'.. -. i 'l ure. :!. '.:.' ; I ti... v. rv etr- 1'. -'- e -1 rrr:' n ni'OO- v..'f.ont ; t Tari;C- If r .:. n ' 'l''' t.,rv V' - t.'-r-i- ce'l. H I'f " 111. i.-.'. Tb- jtacJieio If f..r:i ft 1 !.-, v I.. '.' tr.i-r. Tl...- st C 'l'- 4 J,.o;-- r v n". i-it ! . I n'v in vi-.-en 1 I B- -1 ft f '. :n ...ar; trr ' ) :.-. I'..! 1 ..rr, . '14 I.'. ' .' '.tt rrju - '. - r CT-s:-!. :s r.-j i:.' tii.n Bii e: : -v. -. - T'.t - l.Jt nrijlif5. M-I i ,',.rr yi-tlr I-", t ia 1' " ' '' u fi" I'o!.ci- r 11 -a :.:- I -. e who, n a p;. - .. ri:l" V ! lio.Ij ' j ' ify'inl.. J...-r. e f KTopN i:v ia tl-- r r. .ruction anl o.--. 1 t-.ri..-l;.-::t!y a I .'-r ri-- t f j r.vwweio ..-.. - dilcr t- u..ita u:.ierv.l ;.r.- rrice, ca lUaia "VValnct Tabi, With Outfit, ----- Gl'.OT O-.b' r -ty!-- an-I fir.!-h i 1- w o ny ctfcr C n t ... pn-l et:Ji. f.T!-T!l -iv- c -' i.'.ir. Ageu'st wii't- I . 1 every couMv 1.1 I . S. u:i 1 T riitorife. Siv- ii.. .. J vn'ujt mritlliao VLiti.t l-y j 'irclimoifij tu M. Uo A lluvitr. TT.T" .uUi j-t..'.' '.IAN & C O , . Mrvet, I'hl.A'iiOi, Tl ICS Sheriif John W. i:.ai.es ) vs. o'rltro! Pl.i't-; .-'.iun lcrJ. ) ' Nt-tii-1 hereby piven tiint tho nn leTsipr,i 'i wiil otier lor .-I.O: at ii-.iie auction for e.i-:i down at the front door of t he court hou i i:i Plait-mouth. Cas'! rniin'r,' Nebraska, on th-i Kih dav of June .A. J. 1-7!, at '2, o'clock p. 1.1. ot said day the i'dlowii.- ik ribed real t-'nt.', t .-wit : hot number tin-.-.. ( O in block huiiihi t" fifty-seven, f-it natcd in t be city of I'liUtsauotiih Nebr.iska, and lot number fd !s.in block tin 11. -ber si t c 1, in Thoiiu -ei '' A I 1 ition to the ;ud city of Platt-i-ir-iitli, N. br.i-ka. SolJ h th-. iri'lerty of Platte sannder-, to'sati.-t'y jii.Uei.icr.t in favor of J. W. Limes', by vntae and a-i'bori'y of a .ic-ce r ndi-red 11' ta November t.-n.i A. 1. l7:. of the Di-njclCuri of tbe second Judicial Ui.-triil witbin and lur C1--1 i-Miiiiy. Nebr.-i-k-i r I on the lm li d iy of Vovein'ocr ls"!i. I livci iind-.r my hand tin 11th day cf .May. A, 1. IsTl. rr, .C J. W. JI1..-0N, 8brr.fr Ca--s cuntr. Ncbraikn. Miir. Kt.t. k Chai-ma?:, 1'13'V, Atty'c'. May 1 Ith, lsTl. wow Public Sale of School Lands, "V'OlTCK is hereby riven t'l.-.t pursuant t mi i Act ol t!i Le;:i.-!.itnr.? ot Nebraska ciit.- 1 1 - I a 11 act 'I'll provide for the Iti-iji-try of School Ian I. f-r tbe control and ali-i.n-l; i .ti tb'-reof an-1 fi.rthe safe ktMrpini: of the lun-N d" rived froin the sale an 1 le.-.-.j o! .-aid lands ti bicli ?.iid act was apiTove I .lime Jith A. 1). l-o, an 1 al-oin accord.11.ee with a c nb-eqilfiit. 11 men i iiic.it to mi id act a.).r'.ve! 1 cl.r jary 1.1th A. I. 1 I will en Sat 'rday the ',!a day , Juici iii'M, nt ll.e li'iur ! ti-n ii'rlf.. k A. M. at tlm front door of the Court Ilou-i- in Plat t-ioontli city Ca.-s eounty Nebr.isk.i, "Hi r jT salu nl Puldiean -'iori to tbe h-phe-t bid d- r i:!l tb" reinainiu-r S'cboi'l land', ia -aid eoun'y, . ..r.oii uinp said sale fioin d.i.v to day until all said lands shail have be; n oHcre 1. In wiliii-ss wii'-reid' 1 have unto pet my ban I 11 i.d :. lb xcu tin- seal ot ;aid cuuwtv at ' . at Plat: 'uouth, 1 hi.-h day of AI 1 ...... U.H.!::i. ( ) P:s.-.C PoI.T.AItH. ' County Cirri;. Ly J, M. Lbar:si.i:v I'ci u!. nuiillvrT. "A Pcu::v Si - I s n I'. n:,:- ;, And if you Jc.-irc t . Ai well iip Puun If p Vt To IJay Yuur f hoc is. u: We have bou -bt . nut If. Jt. ,x a,,d ho-a ..... cujiy :- eld -land on. Mail - t. win rr v. .0 i ..;!sTri-!' iva-l Mi a f i.-i ci r: un i I'.-ui i- i-oi- whi.-'i Ion I ,r ca-b. 1 II kind- ol e ken ia eAch a. ,'..r ; , . . il H'l'.-ly of to- "i.li .-. il 1 cry oy 1 roiu -e tu- j'i'.X.MiTT PI'.O.s. Uf-Sdtf. iBW TOE ii Weeping vllizr, Hq'd. General iHerehanaise, Gi.ucKir.s. iiAi. i' V.'.T r lib J.LNS'.l;i;, II A I.-. CAPS :;.;:.-:. f'INE AND C'OTT.-NV.e.j , LOOTS, !TKNS. Ac. MiMll:. s'liiNUL;:.-; and lath. V.' e are Ay f..r Wil.'ccx &. Gi!;l'3 Scvl!:3 rtac.L.iro, Thieh if undoalted'y the n..-.-t .f. 1 ti" r"w in 1 iiri j'ol'i. Attachment Notice. J. T. A. Hoover,) 1- ve. -, rTo Llncry "i- tuircy ilson, ) YouarehAnby nowf.cd that in d'tacbiuent wa isfued by . , f..v.,r t,f tte .,1.,ve lff and apairi-t tbe above nuiued def, ud int lor the sum of eihti.-eicbt dollars und forty-one cci.m and trial net lor .Monday, June L' ih. A. 1) 1-71, lit 10 o lock a 111. of sail .'...y. ft uhicdl tin:, judpeirieiit will be i t ri.iercil ..:..,. you it (.u b. not appear iiti-1 sliow can-.. v t tic ci.ntiarv. (. 1 veil undei my hand ti.i- 17th d .v l JAMES 0 .NP.ILL' ' may P-w't. Ju-tieo of tlie Petcc HENRY BOKCK DEALEF. IN FUR N I T U 11 B, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLED BEDSTEADS OF A LL DESCiilPTIONS A SI AT A-.U PIUCE . .O: f;leta!ic Durial Cases. OPALL SIZES. WOODEN COFFINS Beady Made, and Soil Cheap forCa-b. V.'ith many thanks f.,r i.ni ..,).,. r :.. Titc all to call and exaiue my large Mod: o'i 1 u niture and Ceflins. ,.. MUSIC! r.i U S I C ! PIANOSt, OMGANG. r.LCD-ONS I am Agent f. r the l.t- .Mu.- l Irxtr,,.,-...,. made. Personi wi-biriL-1., bnv tJi , Me'.rapoliUm or Pro!'.; 1 !e U -.-ai : . - .i ,..'.'. !...'... in purchase lbroneti niv Avrncv ini'ns J,i t'- r:ru as thev can '..on. ih,.',,.i .. ,. UtciuMelvoH. Ail iu tmiiuoii-' iiurr ,,,i'.,i . unlf 1 t.e rr ,ttm".".' rpT