. h . f . ... . 4 PLATISEGUTH NcBRAK.SA., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1S71. Ve have vnon several ocvion, thought"" that the: Omaha Herald had reached the rery deeot depth of nrsws pajier vilkhiy, and each time we Lavs ueeu di3'ioiriteJ hy fiuding it go a lit-tl-j deeper each timo an opportunity is offered. In its i.sue of this momins it gets deeper than ever into the filth, Ly doing a thing which t'houltl meet the scorn of every mm tL belongs to the I rofestion, ai well cs every iuJiriJuttl who believe that r.awspnpersLould haro EOtrso rcpsrd for truth. The matter w refer to h this. The Tehsaka City Chronkh puWislieJ a coniiiiunication liurseiqujiig Governor U siller's recent Tisit to Pawnee county, in which very many ridiculous sayina and doings are uttriLutod, purely in a. hai!cr;ue style. The Oinahti Herald rn-ikcs extracts fYni this communication anl treats it as a genuine report of facts as bavins oc curred. When the hatred of a news papers against any individual teeouiei fo intense as to allow it in indulge ia thi fytteru of warfare it ia time the people people bcan to examine it carefully be fore they ,ive credence to- any state ment it may nuke. ' 1UBICHEKS." What a "howl" the so-called democrats are getting up lately over the legislation of Congress, for the protection of the citizen, of the United States, in the late rebellious States. They call it "force hi'.!," "monarchy," "arbitrary power of the sword." '"It quarters upon the people an army cf foMIcm to strike down their, rights." How fonsitive to "coustilutijnul law," the rights of the people of a State- What emphasis on "popular government," the "tupremacy of the constitution." How WeUterian all this reads! It looks big in print counds large in words but it's all Demo cratic bosh thunder without lightning. Who is hurt? "Killers are not a terror to good work, but to the evil." How can tin laws of the United States "work evil" to the good citizens of tie States where flagrant ci 'munal-s o by the bundled unpuuihed ! What does Con re.;,s propose '! Simply to use the power of tiis United States U overnnictit, to do ?a'.w'i jljjw.j, j,' jl mmmm.m-M.jj-m!rJLm iSiix:. to th if (ViKiits. " I 4l) lmthc!s shelled; oats CO; bailey, GO We f-tatcd sous t.uie emca that Mr. to T'J ; potatoes, -'.'0 L u be1..-; j-er acre. Hani?, Lind Commissioners of the U. i Throughout the entire feouthern part & M. in Nebraska was faking Heps to or j f iU State there are comparative y but , . ! l.jw acres whict! are not fcusceptiLie d gsnizc colonics to pot'lo tho lannj adja- c?xtivntion. cent to their rnd vvet from this city. j 'j'hs soil is of such a character that it We huve ths pleamirc of herewit'i pre- d;es not cake after :i l :ii'i, and ha.i the ncstii.s the ei:iciut report of two of U''r fa.-ilty of re;i, tins both -unu-u- i hi wet ami fits'iuu'a urnuui, iv.ujius there orani;:atio!is : COI.I.EHE CITT COLfrST. Cih.lk'.k Cm' Cor.osv, Allvcdo.v III., April S. 1S7I. j We have chosen u -he tor our Colony in Nebratka. Having explored tbi creator part of this State, Loth north aud south of (lie Platte Kiver, and after much careful luve.stiiratiori, we have fixed upon Fillmore county as the most eligible its crps sal'fly through the great c-t ex tremes. In cosie'-pieiK-c, Aebra;a lias never known a failure of crops since the (settlement of tie country? Stock i;row ir forma one of the principal features in the bu-dnc.-s of this State. .Millions of acres of luxurieut and nutritious jras-es iriTite free pn-turne. while hay can be Inid in any quantities for the mora cuttincr snl cniiiii'. When it i niirj i',.r ! .-..I. r, ;ir n.nt -nr.i underhtod that .- ti-ck "O otit to crazo as that our growth will bo there healthful j early r. March, and are not broucht up as well as mot rapid. I untd December or .Jantiary, it wid be The land in the adioimu counties. Sa- seen with what profit it can be handled, line, Seward and Voik. can hard.',- be We have rreuved rates of transport a- objected to in any ret-r.rJ, bt when wo rE allied Fillmore, we n.-ro (iibrd witli f 1- t.i! ration of its matchless pra:nc:S. ' e H-il in love with it at Ci.t skht. Wliie tUi urface is sufFrciejittv undulatin'.' fr ! lbs. drainair, thure ar very ftw acres which ! fr class f.oin Detroit to ti .n as VjV.o- Fare Fir--t L'i'CKin. fI.OO : children l-etveen the sees of --ix and J'-.urtern. half f ire ; P of i :ht. cannot b easily tilled 'J no soil, which, we cr.rc fully examined evi:ii on upland?', lias a depth of two or thiec feet, and ccusiots of the black '-t loam we ever saw, mixed with a lit Me white sand. The clay su'r.--r..ii id a!.-o i-!ihl!y mixed with sand. This Airma ti'js sceounts f.r wliat we hear wherever we travel that "mud never lasts in Ne braska." The porous earth in a v.vt time, absorbs surface water, ani ho!d it in reserve f r a time of drouth. Hence, farmers of fifteen year3 experience-, 6ay they have never lofit a drop, bceauIe they cannot Le fither drowned cut, or diicd up. 'est D!uo Kiver waters the northern i part of the county, and Turkey Creek. IS.winr from v. e-t to cast, passes through its center. IJoth these streams are swift ::nd clear, full of fi.-h and water privi lege. Their banks ar? line-l with as" T..-r ":r, i' wcjj with each ticket: '; f iw Ik-ti-eit. and WOOL VATSD Po inds of Wool Wanted at the ST. JOSEPH . WOOLEN MILLS. FO'n WHICH THE S7 in quantities lo-stban cir li;ad, at $1.5 per cwt. A rats ot two cents per nr.ie fin passas'.1 I'iotu i!iti-ru!Ciii;.!e points on L. S. M. S. K. P.. and a proportion ate reduction en 'iei;ht. A'l i iformation de-irel will be fur-rd.-Lsv! l,v A. II. Pov.tv, Detroit Midi., or S. L. Ppa.---. S!i : 1 1.-villi M.icli. inucli timber as we thall need a bti- 1 Fuel Vo:tr.". Dr. Dio Lewis is .-r,i-.ii to publish a book. The sL-J jea is 'Our Girls.' Dy a l.ire wom tri, the do -tor f tates that he means one v.ci-;hine J !0 to li'.O ponnd-" ; by a small wemrarr, one w!io-e weight is fiom 'JO to 1 10 pounds. Kcfi rrinj to tho fact that mo.-t men prefer tho "dar hS, sweet, prtl'e" he savs : '1 he reason for this preference for little women, anion; men, is simply this. 1-Vrmcr'v women-ncro slaves to the pas- !c-3r t uicii pi"s us nine ce.nce! ue! is i sions j men In niodern times have, aia?i)j our belter c!a-- IN GOODS OR MONKY. Our ?:. will l.c foon-1 well worth n tr Ti ; to b" ii: ever;" P'j'i'ct ii" we rM'oi-nt o. iv o i. (:i--t ciicrs, FUi-orier !iuih, ani a. I Ley :n ' nil !! 1. ar,i no i-h.xMy, waste :r ti.vii:? .! in t :r laainii'a'- 1110. r e KUiuanteu sati.-l'actioii as t':. ir '1 i:-:i!.iliy iVirHos onleriiitf pen-l1-. in pxchnn-re for woil arr n.-'.ir-l ot (jiMtirn; (horn at the very lowest pri Tlio? ' ilc-ii inu- t!icir wo.l ui.nul':tctnrHi iiitx iv'ils or ?-in;-'!u yarn will have it rc-iiuue'l iuiimuiau b' wi:!iout cbarfts for myagu to und l'roBi tlie depot. i'l ii c tor caiali!8'-Jc ; carJiu, sj:ni: i;itr and ruiinK, l'rc r'erponnil. Sai i.-l.tt-lioii jriven in all rpspect". Hanir ir-s of t n iils s, nt a lid n k'es tricti w!ien rr quested Wo ma :iulai !'jr and keep constaiulj- on h-iud i lie lar'i st stoi-k uf woolens to be found in the west. -uu.-irtiii ( f t- Jsiiceres, tweeds, ti l 1', -II,., 1 cloiin-j. ai iinytts. Jeans, plain and idai 1 (i.inti.'ls. trey snd white blank'-ti, itckiu yarn, finale or dulde, in .ill eolors. S'-. We v ould invile tlie at'eution of Icrniirs to tilts ndvei i!-e;ncnt would pel 1'er wocl lor our ponds to money, a;;d will Kive you belter Uar gaiiis than you kci elsewhere. : e i: : c ill. or send your wool. Factory, Xortli Third Street. GEO. BUELL & CO. Ai'rii 1 ! woru- Legal TiOtice. To ) Fanford IN'ttenircr, V X B. liranner A U. 1. Hills J You nr hereby notified that on the 17th day of A prd 1S-. 1. Kl.7.1 K. King by her uext friend C. II, Kinp. file I her petition in the nttiee f the elerk of the di-triet court of the :M Judicial district in find for Cass county. Xeora-ka. on her own lichalfand on t.ehaif ot the other heir; of the estate of Cieorjre Maylield. dc'-easid elaiiii ir.g that they a re 'the owners and in possession of the north hall o? t-outh west fiuarter .f the south half of t'ie iKnih-west quarter of action twenty-four in township twelve north of ranso eleven en.t and prayius th-it all tha riuht tit e and interest of said defendants in and to i-'aid tracts of land may be decreed to be conveyed to the heirs of sid estate anil the title to sai l tracts of la IK1 free from all floods and iuer.mber anet ? may be quieted and confirmed in the heirs of said e.-tate. You are required t. n.-wer;ud petitiou on jr before t eothday of June, la.l. FLI.A E.KINU Uy her next friend C, II. Ein;r. MArwiLi.it Cn trvfAV, Atty's. for PlaiutilT. April 20th, ISTI w5t Sheriff's Sale. R. 15. Wifdham, vs. hiiicnt. E. T. DCKB. D. II. A riE I.Eli. thev n The railroad, slrad? ct-nstmctcd within a little above tint, and have leeotu? the M m ... t 1 i r tirirty nines ot our location, will, in a J ets asi-.i to; s c t men. io'.v. a pt or a J short time, Lj pushed through to Ft. 'oy, say a black und-tnn is valuable in1 J: ICearucy, puti::,sf us in communication i proportion to iti d'm'riufiveness. A t: with one of the best coal rv'ions In she i mau in s 'lec'inir a wife that b j intend- ; f world, and we can thus git sujieiior fuel ; t-j dress in sdlis an l laces, w iih trh.Lets t rcai-ynable rate. " j hung in her ars. ririqs on her fnreis an 1 Tiic purest waier can be obtained little ornaments st'ick all over her. who E. T. DUKE & CO., ro7TonARE biuvw , abundantly, in wells', from 2. to r'O feet Htd it ut lu. parlor whilw ho is absent : sji'Li'E;, sfjf v yX liw deep. Tho ledees of liiue.rtonu and red '" buMiiess, to dress and redress hcreii'; TNf $i Find stone, wc judee inxhau..tible quar- several docs a day, to be ready to re-! yf! jj '' E?J hz jff 'p h ries uf buildiugmatoiial. Beds of biicL- c-civo him, all cor.-cted, besiiked, be- ' Jjr!' . r1 UrJ T$ I'1' clav are common. jeweled aa l bcscenud when li shall Wh?Z-PJr-ilTJ!Si& 1 I ne climate is r:easat;t and healthful, i eouie lroni his otuce, a man who selects h tyi-ix-"iiy--i.-v-,-ii -,i - i; lite win.-i.s i.iuy, rut net so seven Iy i a wue as a pet, a toy, is very l.seiy to i;t- -ft -j-. Ji:''.rr::-i-A we had been tau-ht to exnect. Tlie at- ! have the same sort of pref'cien.-e for a Wb H 1C 1ctt ad Latest Imp mo.jihure U wondrouslv free from a-ue- P'l'c wife, that he has f,r aiWt.vblack- f ml(mmU, E stylo ot ish dampness; both winter and summer and tan. This i the source of the pr,f- Ii. ;.!r;J;f $ ii H 'M are milJer titan in central Illinois. i'-..t- ! erence fbr little wcim-n. U..rn f th- HW&tli I N m-SV-M Fflfm minlfIr)Arfs! th pet their own living on the praiiio ' same j-arents, fed at the same table, ed- bfeiiiJljlllt- ' j a!nif-t all the year round ; for thouuh j neafed at the same school, why, in b:;:;:'2fe the celebrated Cham fed but little in winter, thev are fat in ; Anmiea. d-), a man weigh fifty pound- t)rJ?;-'4w-,;vi: '21 y He:, per and Mower. Ku.--s.dlo Reaper All kmus t i J;;i:!o;s ci!s, sn more tn in a wo'iaii 11ns utlile six.-- g-ife-ag ?-ua;sJb'-F-.'i& ,. ,,,,,.,! u,ri, i'-.r,,.t,.'t- .,',i m;i' ..,,' -! I en i.e iceot.nteI for. iSothuu, to mv r?..t-;iif1!' Ii. J-Keener tV A. H. JiiiCit.) Xotieo is here'o' piven, that by virtue of a 1 . fitjni .'.'7i'ift ox in toe a i Hive en i 1 1.- 1 c:i ue issued "id of iind under the sea! of the clerk of the J'i.-tiiet Court of the l.d Judicial .District, Tvit'iin nnd tor Ca.-s county, N ehivka, and to lao directed. J r. ill oiler !or sale at puliiie Hin tioii to the highest bidder, at the front d.mr ol the court house, in tho city of I'iaUsmouih, county and .State afores iid. on Saturday t iie Htuh day of .May. Ii71, at lo o'clock a. ni. of said .Jay. all the ri-!it title and interest of tlie above named 1. J- Kcer.ey in and to the foHo-.rinsr des eribed real estate, to-wit : The undivided ono halft'ji of lit bone in Uioek ' i ) four, in tbo city of I'lattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, (liven under uiy hand this ISi.li .lay of A;.ril, A. U.laTl. J . W. JOHXSOX. Sh'tT. Cass county, Nebraska. Maxwell A- Oiai-han, Atty's. for TIlT. Ai ril - "th. 1S71 w f.t. ESTABLISH Y.D IN ISsl. UEALKIt TNT SVATC OSS, C Z0 C Zi S . 6ILVKH AND PLATKI WARE, GUl.M 1M-;XS SI'CT ACI.KS. V 1 OT. I X ST KIXCS A X i FANCY tll'oijs. Wutehe. OufksanJ Jewtlry rcpairnd neatly vnd w ith dispatch. tt5i-Kemovfd lo opposite Platto Valley Ifoas U.' ; i Street. nov. 10 w tr". J. D SIMPSON & CO., Forwarding and Commission: Merchants .Agents for tho Omaha and St. Louis "CP Line Packets. FJattsmouth, Keb. XV aro now erenpyias t'ao first Cocr of the Herald Block. Corner Main A Second ft. re do;n Forwarding and Commission Business, TTare ITou.-e attached, we din furnith nil the rtcras-e w-KnteJ. All toed sent ia nr,r enra . ill recc:v PROMPT ATTENTION, anJecods Jistined for Lincoln, Ashland and the E'uc lliver, w ill ba forwarded without! delay. mm m 54 01 crSLtwtf. 17 rhi to insure domestic tranqt-iUty. Is that eunstitutioni'r' Tliey sLriek the writ of lmlieas corpus ia suspcniol ! That is just what (.'jnrcss proposes Jo do. Yhcn? Whea "'the pylilie afcty requires it." Who i to juJge in tlii inttter? We suppose Congress. Vi"hs.t's tho use to aruesGoh a tjuestioa. J'verj school by Inowii those principles. The animu.i i.f l!iCi-e kliritkers is too 1-lain. It 1aer.11. hatred" t ) tlie con.titu tiou aini lawj of the I'nUed ytates disappoint ment in failing to secure their OTertlirow the fn:strati.'n of personal eiula. () Damocrut ! '"w';!t tliou then Lo afrai-1 of the poivsr? do that which is pao-l an J thou (-halt have praifla of tho surae. ISut if thou doelh tliat tjSTcTi i- nil. he nffi'd.' X tiik -A23.: or isi.rrr. Wc defy the Omaha llmud to cite tho (i ldaice oil v, liicli it claims that Got. L'utler is cinvictcd of n fiiifle charge, THE CHEAPEST kUD F . J . 1" 1 E T T E E R roTed inni-.i, is p!a:uer. Jxerci.-e is the grca nri!; ijt a3 rne i ru .u-urasKa, Mo.riLL' v,ci I lis ,-ro:iect f -r fVuit-irro"iiitr is : wiM fruits aio a sirro crop. 1 aw of dove!o; '.iient. Our g!i!.s Iiare no On tho whole, wo arc fati.2el that i a-lciuat-! csoicia. Iie--iics, tho organs the 01. ! reason we found Fillmore; nnoe- I on which lovrth dc!.eir.l.s, viz, tho luirs? e:ipir.l, is that it.-? attra'.-tion. .st-.unscn, un-i Jiver are re.iu.-e-J. l v the 1 known. An .; I;;;iv, we ! corset, to 2iaU the natural ui an l sict- sc'ecit'l town-Jiips f-eveu (7) and cihi ! ivify. 'i'ii.ve two cau.-es with living ia ), an l ran-res two (2) and three (.".;,' a.i i the j-La.le, explain ihe alarming decicaso the !-K'atioii il.r our .settle Jireut. I in the .size of avera-e Amcr can wouiau. We ha a pledge from the railroad an- luritics mac inoy w.ji etatiis:i icr us a j ttji a - "A ? t rr station in one of these towu.-hips. Our 1 IJ JL- fc Hi JL'U 'JJ colony will he near the center of tho couuty, and heate, notioi.i t, its capital, 1 p-O' 7i vrin t' ttpp wIkmi it shall be organized. ' ; LUUA 4 0 YuUH vi I cliEb I g llie ranr ia.l laics and frci-ht?, n.r which we have arranped, are ;Tt largely reduced rales, as follows: Frui:! IJur linston to Lineoin, first class fare, $1 !.."; to go and return, $ir..0; freight per car, on tho C. IJ. &., foiu lluda, or any point wot of it, or north of Ma corah, to IJuilin-tori, $.'J per car. ror lurtin r nnoi n:aLion u'li'iesss AND DL'Y . 5.-- 1 i'- v:7i rr-t jtx r'. 31 Sl-i;i.. ,t.it, A'.in-.lrii, Til ! and it an;. vers by easing that wo inake a "brr.zen ta'. "merit.' Which i; the most '"brazen," for us to declare that there is no proof ot ;uilt, and to call en those who say there is to produce it, or for the Omaha llciold to proclaim that Gov. Uut'or is guilty of ' high crimes and mis lemeaucrs" end then try the came cf '"blufF"' when wo call on it for the evidence of guilt? That little game "bluff" which yen have played so jucv.efully on politicians and weak ypinci individuals for the.e rears pat will not do in this ca.e. Dr., you will find the IIkram means exactly what it hays when it defies you to the proof of your assertions, and the people will find your "proof jut a. it was when you averted your ability to convict llut ler in "fifteen minute.":." Wc rather aim ire your iuipudenoa, Dr., but it re quires something more substantial in thia instar.ee. Tho people hava alieady direovcrel that jour assertions ncd verifying, and thejbegm to "smile audi bly" at your blusters when you rcfujo to show the proof. nrni.i,. Tha Omaha Herald, Omaha Repuh Hean and Sergt. W. 1). Ferrce aro having a fight over Don Carlos Btxell. The contest originated in an eulogy on IJucll by the Herald, which was replied to bySergt. Ferrce through the Rejiub Itcan. The Republican put some per tinent questions to the Herald in its yesterdays isiie, referring it to an over whelming array f f facts produced j-ume two months since I ' Sergent Fcrree in relation to the natter which the Herald certainly fails to refute. We will bet -n the RrjinLlt'cni an l l'yrrcs, anl th Jit raid need not attempt its game of Hi Major J. W. fcXKWAltr, J.i::coln, Xcb. I ij MifUKiAN Nr..:n.-KA Cor.nxy, Drrnoir, 31an-h 4jj 1. -. $ Grsri.rMi'.s : We would reMieeffVlv submit to you the location wc have made for our fu'ure homes in Ne'na--ka. We will not v.( ary you with the :'!, ' in. M.-.iiri- ic in .say, mat cm reaching Lincoln, the present tervduus r,f the ituiliiiL'ton and Missouri Kiver Ibaiiroa J, we were furnished with an excellent S'tide and a comfortable carriage, and pir.i-f.'ded overland towards tha pro posed we.-teni terminus of a:d road. We parsed through the counties of Sa line and Fi'liunre. both of which an; tirie counties, but pretty well filled with . t i tiers, p.-ii tien'a.ly along 'tho 'line cf the j road. I ';'SinT trofn l-'i'?m.r-' ('..- I Lounty, we tin;! a county with hut tew r rettlers, and what there are, confined j ci.'i fly to the n utheast comer town-hip. ; AS'e were well p!ea-ed with this conn ty, with but the single excei tion of a i i scarcity of timber. Passing from t hi into Adams County, we couM l.-ut ex claim, "Eureka !" ibr here we found all that wf !e:iit 1, anil more than we had hoped fi r in any one location i. e. wa ter and timber in abundance and here in townsl ij, 7 and S, and ranges 10 an 1 11, we made our location." Ilunning through the south of this location is the Iii'tla 15!ueJJirer, and its chief trioufarv. Thirty-two mile Creek, both of whiih are skirted with a good b;iy of timber BUtTn-ient to la.-t the inhabitants for fual for years to come. The soil is cf a rich sandy loam, ranging in depth, as near as we could judge, of from ,s to 12 R-t. Ihe land lias gently rolling, just suilieient to drain itself and no more. Good brick material is round in abundance on Little Blue Kiver. Adams County bein as yet unorganized, we made our location as nearly in the center of the County as possible, and still bo on tlie Ka'.lioad, to as to secure ibr ail time to coins the benefits -of tho County Seat in our ixui-t, which wo propose to c.-tabli.-h at once, 'ihe Kaiiroad Company have pledged themselves to build lor us r. station wuerever y- mm J j'ftV": i.lMi -N r ' j I .li( n h. -, ..-.:nd. ': VI . ' liiiA U!ll;K)n nil 1 ic- "An i-sr-XS . --s?--S5 , O'lino torn rlnritor. i-.ntci pri.e CultiVrttcir, jaJkag--'g-"a"- - i Ki'lin an.l U'iilkiiij; vi.iui.ine.l. i.l.-otlie Kiicin w Hiking cullivat.tr, isiubblc aiul Jireakius A."'C. MayfielJ end Charles Yiail, AT FOOT OF JfALY STREET, trareling agents. J. Mt.TIT.LS. Vrhcl?ale A Rttaii Deilcra ia Harri-waro & Cutlery, Stoves, TIX IV A RE, ROPE. IRON, STEEL NA!L3 AND Clacksmiih Too!s, lo. Keep on hand a Large Slock of IL1RTER O.IK, bucks ii rnxr. CHICAGO. EMPORIA, L O YA L COOK And other first class Cookinrr I'lattsnioulh Neb. march 'Jdiwtf. wV ED II A SKA GllOVX FRUIT TREES H. ROBERTSON, Yiiok-f ale Dealer in LIQUORS AND BRAN-DIES WINES, WAKES' It S If He Ji&tlf0 umcr i'tlo rciiic Jy It .-i never laii.-U U'Ot ?Ten in 0110 cafe! to citre the very womt . h ut Blind Io luiK or LleiiJiiiK pilc. 'l ln.n; ho .iro lllic(cii shoulil iiuuictliii' cl c;ill on tlieir uriiri;- isti. nn-i ret U'ur.er'b IloiifOy. Itiscx- resitly for tlie I'ilcs. ini'l i.s mil reecuui men l. J xt uny other .lifeline. It hits rur.-d ninny re of oyer thirty years Mandiuif. Price ii, Io!li.r. Kor H;ilo ov ilr.oTi-.t.' veorwhere. a rTer H1' Xy!'r,er,',itr Toiiio in preiHrU ci drcusly for DyKieities imcI those sufTciiiitf w ith jitbitinil CoctiionesH. Iti: 11 xli'ht PtiiuuJatinir xinicaml a eplcmliil nietizcr; it Ptrcr.irtliens Jie utoniach and restores rhe ilifccMtive oriraiiri lo their healthy Ftats. Weill., nervous ni.fi dys peptic persons fh. mid nso Warner' iJy? e m.i T".iie. Kir :ile liydriigtri".'.. rice i ire I I In r. Varner'n Couir'j BaNani i healintt, ("olteninr ind expectoriitin. The extra'irdiniiry rocr it p.ifscss.N. in immediately rcleivinjr, mid eventu lly enriiitr, tho most olntinutn cimos .if t'oa.rh, Collin, t-'ora Throat, llronchitis, lnlliicitr.a, la jirrh, li.nir ness. Asthma and Consumption is llniost. in.-rc'lil le. ,i iirompt is the rrlicf iin.t jcrtain it-s cflccts in nil the above cases, or any Ccctiuu of the thront und l-jii(.-, that th.juiuids jf physicians are ti.iily ircci ihine if, an i one mil all Kay that it ii) ilia must healintt nnd n jfctoratine medicine knovru. t'na dose always ill'trds relief, and in most ca-.es cue hcttlutf fecm a en re. NM lv lritt,-fiHts, in large ImttlcH, Price One Dollar. It is your own limit if you till conch und hu P"cr. Tliu H ils.un will cure. WVnc or FA re c3:c Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand All orders promptly attended to. AIX STREET, OXK DOOR WEST OF 1 1IS RAILROAD TICKET OFFICH 3, BLOOM & CO., ihotfii-iii lliood I'urilier and Deli -ioin- I'rink Warncr'a Vitium Vine, or Wine of l.it'e, i. (ria r.iui any poisonous drujrn or inipuritien, hcinit irep.iied for those who retire iiftiniiilaiit. It is lHplcmiid appetizer und tonic, urnl the finc.-t .hintr in the world for purii viiik the hlood. It is tha most J'leii.sant arid delicitiud urticlw ever of fered to the piihlio, far superior lo brandy, hiky, wine, hitters, or any ot her article. It in more healthy, and cheaper, llolh mule mid le jiule, y.'uu or old, can t.-ika ihe V inu of Life. Iti?. in fact, a life preserver. Those who wish to enjoy (rood heulih anil a free How of lit ely spirit, will do well to take the Wine el Lite. It is dillcrent from ariythiiitf ever It. foto in use. It is sol I hy dru'i-'ts : ulm ut all r.-iicctaljlsra-loons. Price Uno Dollar, in yuuit botllei.. Sold By J, M. HIXCUMJN. Jt CO. Tift ttf mouth. Tehraka.! A LECTURE TO YOUWG MEN Jwt Published, in a H'uh tl envrlite. Pi iri ('. . A Lecture on the Xalure, Treatment, and l.;i.li al cure of penuatiTilni a, or iScmiiiKl Weakness. I u vol iintiiry J'.iiiisions, Sexual I'o bility. and 1 iu pediments to Ma ri iare general :; Neryonsii.-'s, onsn in j'tion. Kfilepfy, and I it-; Mental and I'liisical I ncaj acity, resiiltinir fiotn scll'-aluis". A !. Dv RooLit .1. (ailv. iwcll. -M. Dr. nn'.lior oftl o 'til. n Di . k,' Ac. The world-rcnonncd ant h r, in this admira ble Le -ture, clearly prot es lroni liis own ex pi-r-iituo that theaulul coLsciiieiice ol fell :i i c e may be elicctnally rcmove.i without in. diciio -,, and without dangerous suitical eperat ions, b u pics, iiistruiucnts, rinu r cii dials. 'un:f:i,k' out a mo le ot euro at onco certain and . !!', ml by which every ullerer, no matter what hi con dition may b, may cure hiansclf chcaidy. pri vately, und radically. This lecture mil provu a boi n to thousand" and thoiuan Is. Sent u iidur s. nl. to nuy mblrcss, in n l.-.'a Kculed envelojie, ou tlio receipt of ix .cits, or two postiiica i-1 a nips, Al-o J)r. Cnl .1 e I 'marriage Kuide,' pi ice ) cants. Address Ihe Publishers. CHAS. J. C- KIKE CO. 6JT7 Mow try, Xew Vol k, 9?r Ixr "2 wly. J. IL BUTTERY v PUR N A S riiorniETOi;:-'. 5, -'. f0 BOYS AJYD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats and Caps, o hoCo-eJs stn a, uLAFKETSy nUBCEK GODDS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC, a in Street- Second Door East of the Court House KAXCU UOL'SE Eroadway.Couucil BlurXs Iowa. riattsmoutli, Kbra -I 'ill:!!' "M1 i p S TO V ES. cf I. eating Stcvss- to e orj'r a nuii-comu i? rone 1 ollicer. He knows wLor'.f ho arirui', a:i i muy jirov better postod in ir.iiitar- move ments than "' Lar-raincd lor. V.'0 Eiav !:if.- lli. j County oac. 'J llO C.'IitlT l)f th! WlOnn -1 i of LIulTon Ferrce Icoau'c he hanpcried i '-:, wiila fro'n tJnn.l i',i ,n.i i ;,'.. '.; L. 1'. 1 L. U- IJ., and i,7 li.lics ia ;i ya'n."j of w ln.ro our orn road is alrca-lv coiu-l!ett-d, ;.ltliu,-h lujfore this tiuio' snoth pr vfar. t!ic cirs will La rii'-irn-r i. mnt3 tlian "(i sacral" Dr. Mi!!er has cent.-r of Adauii County, y 'rid loluiiy Ijtfirtre winter. Words fail u, pcntlemsn, in cn-lc-av-oriiig to d;4cri!;o this County, and we have riily to my to j'ou, ..) and louk at it ci iti'.-.".!iy, expecting to find tho most htautifnl country you have ever soa:i, and you will riot Lo dia-poii-.ted. Wo "lind th:it the people f.cn er:l!y are l iliorin under a irroat error in regard to the t!in;ate of NeLraska, re jar.iing it as a coM, bleak t'tkte, with l?". y'"t?r ar"l hort, dry STuatuers. This is all a mistake. The v.-inters aro CO o -ti. L ii. JL 11- iL J JL WHICH YOU WILL ALWAYS I"I.D AT RUSSELL & DOOM'S, Vt TnJ Main ?trect, - riutUmouth, Neb. THEY SKLL THE CELEBRATED Y.'eir r.m Plow. 1 X 1. and Oi.i'ii; if-n C.rn Plow, (ii.'T-.d De'i'i-ur Ir iikiiiir I'lo-.v. Princeton Iron l' nm Stilil.-!o Tlow, A. V. Di-l-.cy I-an :.i:li- Coul or Woo I kept on her, I. JOB VrOKK OF ALL KINDS FONT,. JJ OL INE- Stiricg and breaking I'lcva pl'.OWN' in Ncbnv-l.n soil on his:'; upland prairie, wit o;it art ;iicially si ltnn lain s. cs J-e'-ially lor Nebra.-Kii market. Also I'cach Per. Cherry. Plum, Ita-r 'ocrry, i'oscs, ucd r un erius .-nru js. Tor Cat iloiue end p.iriiculars, a l.L-est FUI1IJA3 SOITS Cz CO., Box G5. BKOWXVILLS, Feu.CJ Jin:ra. Nckrassa. WK ov.l-.l in' itn Dealers and the Tuhl fjcner:-.llj toci:; and examine our stotk of S O A. hr S , before purohdsinp e'se-ivhere. Mr. Sarpent havinat had tho eTrcrience twenty years in mnoufaeturiiiir all kia.lj o Soai-s, v e are confident of civinr entire satisfae- tion to all who may favor us with tieir patron ' At ITct Ccsc far Cash, Our pr'.ecs are as low as any lion-o in the n.atn. iuini'tl. Ilaii n ib al & "Sain tJose pbTlITii" Taking effect January Uih, 1S70. ARI1IVR. V..- 1 T-,- IT.rr. rl .il .,.,,t Qn.l.,- T."0 . I .ICO. ' ;l I'iu-iiie cip. daily cxoci t inoud'ay 3:m a m rionn Ptehantrcl for grease, and delivered iu " r. Niriit cxp. daily except mon l-.y 7:."-) a m aiTT'i" or ttie eity. " 7 'I hrouv-h lit. daily except mond.iy .:!.") am laid lyr rendered tallow and clea .. ii , . u i.t . i. .i .. . i..,. u. i-. .. . I rrcasi- " 1 1 v. . y h-t daily gxect.t suud.iy... ;:".5 i m V orks. Kearney Ward, near l eiry St. " l.j .Macon fit daily except sundav... 11:J0 a m -"u ouy. DFPART. Ii). 2 D ie exn daily except ?mi Ipy C:10 a " -4 Ni'ht exp daily except Sunday... -I:'jn p o J .. -ine cxp uaily exept sunitay.. lz: l a m " S Ht l.onis ep daily except Sunday I?:'HI p ia "10 Way trt daily except Sunday 7:0. 1 a in "l'J Throuvrii lit daily except Funlay 1 :'" p in "ll Through frt dailv eqcept Saturday i la Ko. 1 wtll not stop at Sax ton, Cisjburn, Kidder. Gon-er, Moorsville, L'liea, Wiiueliiigor Jilead- ii 'e. No. fi will not top at Sar.lon. Easton, Oshurn, lire. kentiJge. J.ioorsviUe, Whecliiiij ,r Jlcad vil'.e. T- P.. rURNETT. Gen A?ent- Ju lodiwlf. in p in JIM Vecping Water, fieb. DKAI.K.R3 IS CnrAT CENTUAL ROUT. Via i:i?.ir.i Falls, peed. Ccmf,.rt & Safety PUiLUAH'S MACNiFICEMT CARJ Fr.m Chica;- to Nc York, via Michigan Cen tral and tlrcat Wcslein Railroad?, tour r.rrress irnia irare . nieasjo lnly via t j is line lor eiv 1 nrk JJoston. and all intc-t'iuvdiitte poinu in the East. PAST ATLANTIC LXPItESS Leaves Cl.ii-as.-o every afternoon. iK'vir.a- attac'i- i-'ureka .'. Vcir cc.liiyii:. rsceder ,1 the cclchr.-.teil Hotel Car from Chicago to Let tho business of ercry one alone n 1 attend to your own. .Don't buy hat you dou't want. Use every hour to advar.Uige. and study to make a leis r.'.: h.ir ucfuL Look over your books ngularly. If a trok? of mUfurtuna cms upon yotir busins?, jtrench, work harder, but never fly the track. Confront diEcukissj with nnninchinj Perseverance, und you ill be honored ; but fehirk, and you v. ill be desj;ied. Seek to acquire the power of continuous application, without which yon cannot expect success. If you do thia, you will !.o ab!a to perceive the dinnrenc-e which it creates betwsen yon and those who have not such habit. You will not count yourself, nor will they count you, as one of them. JThua you will find yourself emerging iuto the higher re jjioiij of intellectual and earnest men men who are capable of making a place for thenselv;!, instead of idly gaping, desiring a place. Ks.ehanje. 1 A I. .-talk Cullers. Tlirciisliin Ma-h'nc.-. Reapi IS .-m l Mow ers, VC'lfiS ff ihe Lest kin 1 and qualifies. Call on .r a 1-drc-. RlsrLL ,1- I'H'i.M. 1 lait.- nionl!;. Xch. inr.u li i'.i 1 -,v n tf. UNION PACiriC RAILROAD. Until fur::u rnoi;-" trains will leave and iir rive at Oin.iLa as follov..?: Leave Arrive. Kxores' ll:'!l a. in. Freight ::' a. i.-i. Mixed . S : i. ui. Kv press :.".f) p. m. Fn.-U-'U Srl ia,. in. Mixed : p. m. fdiort and uiiid ; the atmosphere pv.ro I tT."'.'- .'-'.'''; -'ri l Wa-hintan. ana tlry ; Lriht, Fun.-hinr days predo:i:i- iamLui audfih sts :,nd -it De- oi ( nate, while tlie n"rhtsi are refreshingly cooh T he?:1, with the constant current of air, (not bleak winds ) and the natur al drainage of the country, conspire to make Nebraska, one of the healthiest, ii" not the meet healthy State in the Cn-cn. Of the State generally, so far as ws have fe?n, we can safely isay that it is equal in produetivtricis (a any State in the Ur.ion, t!;e arera.-e yield of wheat beinr bout 2't buihelj per acre ; corn, Direct eoiiinvtton ma-loat Oinn'ia wi.a Ch:ca Sf" .V N. W. Railroad: Chicago. It. . A Pa.-iiic: Chicago, lluriir. jtou - Mo. li. R. R., and ias. City. .-i. .Joe. .V C U!.c;l Rind's Railroads. Kiee nv.r.t with stnecs t'or Lincoln and West Point. At Cli-ycne with Ilcnver Pacific R. R. for Den ver. Central City, .inta IV and puiii' in C.dora. do and Ne-.v Mexico. At Rry.-n. with striu-cs for the preni Sweetwater mining Dissiiets. At Os Iei. wiih I tail C-ptral R. li. for Salt Lake and Southern I tah. an 1 C. P. R. R. for Corrinne. ir?ini-4 City. Helena. l hite Pin, Sa-ri.tr.ento San l ranci- o. n : I i.i in, :,. .' ..i.j ;,, -,i:c corner lpU Rochester, and a magnificent I'ulhuan I'alaca Dr-'.win Room Car lrum Chicago to i'ew York wi' hout change. V. C. Mt'ia.UenT Sup't (it. "Yestcrn P.. R. Iia-niltoii. tint. II. K. S.ir-'.nt. Cen. Pnp't M. C. R. R. Chicago Henry C. Weutworth, vien'l i'auseng-er Act- C'nicreo. T I-' w.lrnl I-....I T- L- K itu1 all On "1 IW 4pni' C.'lhoH:p-.,n. Asst PacnprrAjrent, Omaha Cisterns Uuiltand Reck Work T'lIK uctlerij:ne.l i.- ;ircr...!.-,l ;n takcvontract.i 1 for b-.iil tint Cisterr-' ..-i l.' urni-hinir all ne-e.-".-iry inaterial. aiso to d i any and ml kinds ol R.ack work hy coiuraet. and furui.-h uil B:atcr iais for sat:;e. I have a few cere-of ehoicel nd f rrsi 'ences and several c t'iU tvrs-ile ..n e t-etmble term alitX J JiLPll LLAiLKY. Feed Prcvisicr.s, hlCHARD ViViAfJ. Dealers ia Groceries, Fie ur, and Canned Goods &c ITipUest cash rrioa paid for all kinds of drain tid Prsduea, Lutter, LV?s. Hides, Furs and Wool. North Ea?t corner main and Fifth Sts atig mouth noudAw Legal Notice- To Ilanes Clausen, non-resident, Jilcfendant you are here'oy notilied 'hat, on the .'ih d.iy of April, I sTl . Luke Mi-kell.-i connn.n.-ed a civil in tiort asainst you hefore A. L. Chi d. Prohatu Jude in and lor Cms county, Aetiru-ka to recover from you the sum of nOand inter st duo on a promesory note : that an Orjer of Attachment has heen issued in said action and levied Oil one Soda Water Machine and lixlur. s an 1 hottlej You are required to file any set-.ill' vlefen-e. or other an -wer you may have, on the i'lth day of May. A. D, ls7l , al ! u'eloek a. ui. LUKL" MISKELLA, PIuintiiT, By Willitt PoTTEM.r.B his Attorney. Dated Ajuil 3sth. lt-71 aprll20 wot. General Mercliandise, ECCIl A3 DRY GCODS. UKtK F.iKS. JIAPInVARE. ti L L EN a V A R K, UATS, CAPS ROOTS, SUUE.S. X(HoNS. ic. TINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMLKR. SlUNGLLo AND LATH. We are Agents for Viiicox & Citl'3 Sewing Machine, Tblch is undoubtedly tho oest Alacliino now 5n J'e- Hiarli)'vi'.'tf. Toolis, Kanna fit Clark, BIiLKS IN o2d nml Mi Ivor Coin. EXOEANGH, Dinfla drawn on nil partiiof Ihe United Sta and Lurope. Duposiin received, and fpocial at tention tiven to ndleetiom. FALL AND 1870. WINTER GOODS. IS70. 1870. r. B. LBNueyjr. WIOLMHI AIfl SITAIL DHTJG Q-IST. It! uovr receivinir and lia. on hand (ut tlie tuna of Y) hue A Ruttcryti) Soutli uido Maiu Street, Plattsuieuth. Neb., THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE Stock of Druirs. Medicine. Paints. Che:nira! J.ea.1. arni.-h. Coal (til, 1 ish Oil. Ma. hni Oil, (J-irrlin(r Oil. Ca.-tor Oil. Ncat-d'.mt Uil, Whale Oil, Linsecl Oil, Lai I Oil, Essential Oil. Cod Liver... I. aud a lar vurietv ol .'. -tions. Pi i :.;-ij-; . Fancy and Toilet Annie, Es-'enees, I-la-Toris extracts and all PATENT MEDICINE? GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Bverybody, and more too, are f oint to ; D. BOmm ASSB Si To buy their AT THE NEW YOEK STOEE- The kctt and most complete STOCK OF DRSS;GOOD3. Are cow on exbibition at the New Y'ork Ftorc, at preatly reduced prioe. 'rVe eall particalar atteution to our now stylos of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARTETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD. r ,. , , . COTTON YA S, BOOTS AND SHOE lYccnillK Wdicv SHUh GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QbEENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ITS ANI) CATS. We Soli at Cost Nuw tlia (V'.'l.rrif r,V O ATHITTT f!TTT PT.TPP-- PLOW, STUGBLE nt.J CREAKING PLOWS, and all kind f JJULllVATOilS. REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES, &.C lausiiion; n . epteiunrr luui, its.u. tr. D. tCIINAS-E A CO Kueh in Jayne'i. Cue's Aj-en', rj.-ovillo'x Jlrill's Christ ie'H .Mi Lain'.-). Morn', Dakcr'ii Wi-tarV, WriL-htV. Wake-C-ld. Cuy.otl'K. Perrv Davi-' I.hack's. Pet, It's. )r.. Vin-!o-.v's . ,Vr- . mebeU'H Host. tterV. lr.ik'i VRllnr.V ..ui ..!.. . i. . V , - - : " " ' ui inn muni popular i atcnt Aiedicuics m use at the present dav. Brandies Wines and Whiskia Of th Prf llrn.l.a .n.l .!::.. M - .,. m.. Ml. illW, at.! iCfcT lOr euical puriioscs. CCr.lESTfC DYES, Red orP.oe. (Jreen P.!.,e. Jilact . Analine. Iti- Vi- '"" "" r-xu-aci l.i.jrwooil. Jjry oods. Ac. in lacf everythiij(( that is needed in the drug r Medical lino. f hysicians' erscriptions nrefullv eoinnoandcd ami r,,i. nn n All Drui;s warrculed fresh and pure. Call b fore buying, and sec what I have to iell. i-iaiismwutu. t .ith.ilAwtf. Farmers, go where von run um Tio l, it inm.r wd the inoet of it. 35 POUHOS OF XXX FLOUR 1-2 a a a potiwns f niu M JJB w HEALER IX Visitino; I'lattsmouth, WILLi'IND COOnSTPLIN ACCOmiu DA 'HON AT Til Farmer Feed Stable- i Corner of Sixth and Vine Streeti One Eloeh, North of the i'rtshyteriac Church, PI altuioa,j Nebraska. BATES ii DeGAKJIO Sloves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Proofing, Cutterics, Fpeuting and Kcpairin; done. . am Selling Eirst-Class Goods and Guaranty Nut to be Undersold, as 1 am Buying of First Hands. A. Xo, I Tlowri ani Cultivators, do, ins out ut Cost. Hcmcmber tlain JYto&l to Citu Hotel, lBiallsmouIi jiren in excha(?e for good wheat. . V e are aUo doin pri.i work and, wll'j eu-incre-sed fuoihtief, feel assure I limt wo can i I tho bett and mott i'lour of ucy in the St;c. SATISFACTION UARASID. Produce Bought and Sold. BieUEST MARICT PAID. S Clinton; inarch ldiwtf. STAR MA RKET. o THE UXDESSIGSED IIAV OPEKED A! ! MEAT MARKET, Oa Main Street, Platt.-month, here they rr poa to keep irn hanj the very BEST OF MEATS- IX THEIR SEASON HIGHEST PRICES PAIDIKOR FAT OATTLE Ciill and nee n feh-djtwltl HATT i IIAI.illl, J