. J: .-. . . . - a--. ... .-' iv,jsif gi. i 1 "V v;7 -71 if 4 1 nf r-. 1 Lamar Insurance Company, OF CII ICAGO. Statement, January 1, 1871. Capital Stock Subscribed SI.Vd.f'Vi.G Capital Slock Paid up ASSETS Tir-t Mortirr.-rt s on Real Es.a'.e, f"7. ?'"".. "12 C;.t t.I .--i .ics i jl'-i-i-t f i' .i. li!.. ' r-er n ut Beg. . s.o" I :) S "ii ;i O' .town. Ill n -iuls lo pe: :'. Reg. 7.' ." ' ' 1 s-ni. ill 1 1 k A in band Ag'S. 2,'i.l.KKi.i-i lliiM ;., v. j - !tn Ca-h Premiums on i'.i-M Bi.-ks S7.17T.2 X n : "i ;. 1 A-crucd K.l",. Htnury Lti piT At -' unta l'.77.7:t J. '1:1:1- l,n ( i,li;,t(.r.li5 l. i 1 s .ii Aii oilier property ... jota'tno ... I ;.s--,.i7 .. U.il'J.il LIABILITIES. T.os-t tij a: J OFFICERS. . 11.532. I.rnyini S .vi tt. President. 1-a li. 11 no. is, 'i.-r.-1'n si lent.. W. 11. W. I 1 Mi.M.t. 1 reasurer. Wy. (iimiiK.i.i.. S-ecrctary. 1. M. Aluln, Assistant ci-'Jittury. STATE OF NEBRASKA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. I T IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That there ha? !. :i in ! i. i- otri.-e a .vv. Hi Ha.temcl.1 v ing 1 in; crjij.i 4i i,; 1 he. LAIIAH IKSTJSAKCE COMPANY. J.,rit-.1 n? Chicago, in tlic .Mate of Illinois on tin- lir-t .a .t January A. D. i.l, in ac.-oi'd.inca widi the pr i -: . 1 ; -i of :i .v. t 01 1 lit Oc 'T,i! Av.'ti.b.y. of li:-J .-:.!! t. Xchra-ba. in regi! I n I 'I-111 :ui. f oiiii.aiiics. appro', cd I ebru.i ry lth l-v.: t.'int f.ii-l I ''.in pii i'V h'tvii.ir lik-l iht l:-al)- i:l-is ulni a r:it'lill!t rhow iju that .- 1.1 "in I ..li 1- iiimv.'ii1 ul li;e rt .jlli-i!c iilili .uijt i't i.aj.i ::!, aii l:::v -it: J a? icijiiiri'ii l.y law. Aut! orily is Therefore Given T' t'io sif.-.vf t:.n?ioi Con:n iv to tt iT 'i't thrir a-'i-.'.i 1 i i.h ii.i- "t Hi(K IX.-I IMN'.'i;, i 1. T !. : :i : r. in a. - "r : i;i-i? witU I he I a s tLtrir t' r. 'i ; ii ! in- , i t -la ! J .111 -a 1 v . I - 7 J. I l- i :. nil 1: i ' 1 1 : v. '1 iia! l"!u !': ;:i J , I' 11:- r -,ji..if : iti'y -ii (,;.. i-; ;i!i;hiriji-il id ! ' " - '! ill: . : 11 s .!' .f .n !ir 1 1- !a V . r ";.- i'i i-'iT'l - ji:.' .-:'i.r t a a 1 ; : .111 -y . l.y li ; t !iis 1 tii:i"'itv l-. i.tc.iiil t!,.- cl.ik i Cas f'-l .I'V. Is ifi'i' nv Wiifrfof. I havf 1;orc:nt' ?t 1. y h.i'i I awl atii' I my mm! ! jI".k jit I.in-iil-i. i :u- i. 1 li.y (! i'l i'i i:a; y, 1 1. 1 rt,L; A t .V.V.I 3 ,i l T r. St. io3cr!i & Council Bluffs iA I Lfl CAD COMPANY 1 -3 Uj:': .i I'.ii.l: !'.ai".r j.ii:3, atd :ha 5ath;. ess I i:aM..ru TunouG u li n j:s. C-.iv.l A:r.-r.!.!ii:cl.i.r:' r. -.a C:i:iCj:ion. Ciotl l ?pte4. ;.:r-:::r.:-ri..m r..u.c:'. CIu t. JC-m'n? City, and u.i r .iiv iiiaiiiiiciLnt !iu.i ii"iii:c avrosH tliu :.::.-jri IUvvr-X- dans? ofCr! "MILils TilL MIor.TKSI ROUft OMAHA &ST. LOUIS conm:cti. AT K AN-S CirVivith th" N-.rh .Viu-i :.; I :i:i I 'a i 1 ; ..'1-t.r S:. Lou:? anJ :.'. J :.: i:a-t a-.. I ..;iih. Vi 1 'i K - aii-1 5 . 1- i s : U:t;:ri:il for Lawr !. . ! .!. l.a. .-in'i i'l I 'll, l'rrncr :.!:1 a'! I 1 M - i ;i u:!jt-i !i liaii.-a.-. Coloiadu anu ' :o. V. 1 In.- Mi ..art !ivir. K.rt -it I H:1 1 ..ii".i'l l-'f I . .rt .-.-"it. r.ixur i rlii j a:iu It-1 :: T-rri" 1 v. ATI.;: i: W.UTU v;:h K.:v- Vn-C- Itat 1 '. .': . I. ::v: ..::!. '1 1 !.. n"- . . .. A ' 1 1 ! i ! '. I w ii h if : i:: i I'i.i::-'! Kailiornl i- r !.'.:. 1 .'ii ; : .i I i 1. j: i iir. V. ;:ur :: ! 1 ' - !! '.'! 1 ;r tl '...i-:. AT 1 ': v I A Kan 1: !, ii an '. J....,- a i: .' : i !' r iia:.;. i.;.:!. y i.!.. y. I !:i:-.:-,-., ami " I .. - 1: -r. ;-ti -I..I...-. j i A- I,-::vcr l'.a '.n-.11 f .r Tr ' . : i l 'i. !:! ;:: i.ri 11 lia'.- K. AT !. i-i-S v.:!i I i.iuii p.-.i-itio 1 i !! ."s-'U-i; v'i:y, Iiciai r, ..iit Luko ' : 1 1 . i -i. . .'.i !." .' r.fi.i.' I'. -lilr.-i : I f-r Sioux i" 1 v a i. . 1 '.if til 1 !; t r . : S i ' : !ir 1. 1 A N'.i'f!nvi--ri'rti ITf-ilroad-: I ! 1 . l-;:i:.. an." l'.i.-:;;.' 1 r o : : r-.:. .1 : ii::.i l:a,'li.ir-.t! a .Ml-.'iiri Hi, or Hailrnau t'T iiU af.i I'oint.-i i;,.-t. Ti'-Vi.-- a- LOW a- l.y ai'y (IliiT I'.oute. Vi ' : i'i'- !' :!. " -i. i-n a'.l r.:u'ut trail:". X.. ::,. .:.; . T.i-'-f:- '..r.-al.' 11 1 .-TAil. rLi:vi -.L. iiui'Ki.Ns ;. n'i -fpt . .t. Jo- Mo. FOUNDED 1784. Garden seeds, Field seeds, Flower seeas z Jk GRKKNWOOiys Siin'or tn M.Tn Ki.-k.l (.'orai.r Main and Sixth Mrc t. ri.itt.-:uou;h, Xtbra;ka. '1'!" ' '"? ' 0'- or:i:K "l a" ' wprrentcd I'rc.-li JL-andreth's Bloorusdale ' Sv I Fur::!, near riiiidc'i!iw Ta. H Itulk r in P.n-Uacrs:. I would rail t'.e '. ai'l att nti .ii .l the l.:i.ii- to our 1 irirv it .r in." t I'i !-e!i'rt a :n:i! 1 1, i if im ia 1 aii.l f rr ini.ii ii v. . r i-, ,!-. li.ivc a!?o M. l-i i t v A -. ".!: l.i.; -..fil IV. s. .l. V t- r 1 1 i'i.; s.-i .1. (.'ail i-nrlv m 1 ril' r t ! 1 ; ;'!. ;..;i -. (ii-vnun Ki-n If l.y ll'ii i.r - ' tl." i "!:: i or Jjti.-l;- I. liiarii..Jiift A !'.' ''f i'!i'. : .;;u''d r 'r-. l.it-:' "t"'.- ''"; a in a I:-- ;1 l.iu o.-.-t Atinur aii A 1 . a".: ;!ir ! .ii'ims I5h tug thi- tiaim .-. circula-ti-': 7 i.u:l !: f ::-a ;.-ii - c'li-.Tinnj- l!n it a.l 1:,,' I'.ily a:: 1 V' 1 i-i;iy 1'oH.: -al aal F.'i'nily ii "v - l- i 1 I";i'.!i( r ivi'li ,-rl I ii'i.-o i: .I'. ii..' I : r r n-ii : : . n 1 i.r. I l i..i-!:i'il in tim !!i i m"1 , lU'li. p op. A u: nil I i ii!'.'. Liter, ituriv .'.i'.. ,! .. K rry . ir: 1 : -1' r. :ai'i ivry .i'.:n n iio i'i ii. r a. f ; b.'. ..I.il;-- Mfh, will I.ii I ll.i i.ook tl (.11 .11 v.iii". M i,.t'-i lr.tr to ai'y ail ir.--" in rt'i'ipt 1 i l' 1 ' t. '. f. -: t.s. i. v F-i'-liri- . X-. ' Vifk Ii.1T. Nc.v ..rh. I !-. i:-? ;!.!. .-".'-,-. i;-iv i."..l.rMav f lr- '. .- ..; " I it' ii ft i.i'tn'... 1'. limvcli .V t' i.. v.fi.ii i -u' - ihi-i:i:i',:t-;j.i-; :',i ;iiu '.!: 1 ' "!;. i- I'i.; ! .r.- -t a:;.i l.ts! .fivo-ii-iag A- a.'v in ; if t ui'o.i .-'.i'i -, nr. I t'.iri t-hirvr t '' r. :i.l if : ;,, tho.o t 'in .!i-irt' : a . ;-!:- tarir Lit it :. ." is '; an t .'. ...(,',. in .t:. h a way: that i. n ! s :n ihc 1-ir.if. t ana.uiU of jiubl:t-i:y lor Ii-: K":-" e'''c-Tvlirnn' ol money." jj.j.jj Vrtii7TiT;ir r. ' 1 .. 1 1 .ST.r.r.:.-HFi is lc.,:i. i silvku Ar i'i. ti:: vr vnr O'M.H !'i,'N.? .-: "lACLLS. ' lOLIN STMNiiSAND FAXCV ii"Ii. v;" ''.","" F!..( l:.-iad Jewtiry repaired nest!; in I w:tb Ji-; a(i'h. . .'.'t i.' .vid ti- -i jiwiie l'lattc Vs Hey Ilru.-e "" r.iiT. I'mt ti. Plows! Plows! Flows. Ta'-.r l-ta.-nrc in ar::iouncii) to the juiiilic r lint tliey have s.i.curr.,1 the scrvi t cs oi" tl.at riunn.!- 1'Iovr Matjulliotarcr. C. E. FORGY, V, ho l- now rn'ist d in their i-hop ma'-.ufactnr-511 s a Letter ar;ich at lower prices, than can be U t.l trom any ea.-tern xii.inuf..eiury. ne preat ft.ivantaK-e paim-d by patronizi::' this firm th it you not only set a better irtic-V at home roil-. I'Ut you are iatron'Z!HF IUMK MAVL' KACTL UK, where every ''olJyr of th moner tBMi.' ia lb? State. iv-'i'-hll'l.-.w; FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1870. 1870. D. ECUS A 331. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, stil more too. are going to J D. SCHNASSE & CO, To buy their JJIjexUlZMlcL "wiia-tear Goods At TBS IS! in W YORK STOBE- The bet and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Store, at icreatly reduced prices. We eall particular attention to our new styles ot DRESS-GOODS. riUNTS, LELA1NS. UINUUAMS, I3ROW.N SHEETING, IJLEACIIED COTTONS, IiALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA S. HOOTS AND SHOE of nil kinds and priee to suit our numerous customers. larsc etoek of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Qb EENS WARE WOODEN-WARE, (;LSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. Wo Fell at W Now tli? fV'c-l.rate.l GARDEN CITY CLIPPER FLOW, STUBBLE ami BREAKING PLOWS, and all kmN i CULTIVATORS. REAPEKS. SLEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C I'iattiuimith September ld.h. 1S7U. tf. I. SCIIXASSE &. CO. S, BLOOM rr- t 1 I X. . " r. e ' I ;03sr yi.VZ CHILDRESS CLOTULXG Hats and Caps, o IioBoS'ecs sin a, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, EIC. nin Street- Sfoml Door East of the Court IIou.'o KAXCU IIOUSE-Lroadway.CtuBcil EIuCi Io-a. F AHME K S LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS AND BUY 1 31 Is JL. E3IEXTS V.'HICII YOU WILT. ALWAYS FIND AT RUSSI'LL & DOOM'S, We.-t End Main street, - riattjmoutli. Neb. All Implements WAERAMTSD 2 ! THEY SELL THE CELEBRATED Weir Corn TIow. 1X1, and humpion Corn Fiow. Uran.l lleTour lireakin I'low. Frim eion lion lie.nn Stubble Flow, A. 1'. Dit key Kan Mill.. Eureka A- Vi ir eultivatorsccder 1 X I, Stalk Cullers. Threa.hin,r Maehines. Keaper and Mow r.t , ,. , . rrJ' Seeders it the best kind and qualifies. Call on or ad-Jre-. KUSSEI.L f- DOOM. Je!att:niouth. X'cb. mareh tdl w wtf. BAUNES & POX.LOCK. ElAL ESTAT TaND ,'lXSCRAJ.CB ACF.ST's Hare COMPLETE ABSTRACT OF TITLE To nil Lots and Landf in Cass oounty Xcb- .OfTiee with Maxwell Chapman. Attor neys at Law, Flattsmouth, Nebraska J. W. Barnes. Th aIi9 A"e. .r.'jrtt THE BiESST 11 (V UJr y ' ' i, 1870. F. O. LE5H0FF. CO., . 'I flf Plattsmouth, Xebra Phelps Paine. G EN L INSURANCE ACT ! PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. Represents some of t!-.e mo-t reliable Conipai,- ies in ihe United States. I OQi-o with Earnei ,t Pollock in Fit7ceral l' Block . ' jaii7dAtf Tut? bfpt Boys axb CIikls' Macv rys. Demorest':: Yonng Anfrxa ln-ntbly wiih splendid Supplements, mid nlwa; sfaikling with entertaining Stories!. Poem.. Puis len, .Mu sic, Travels, (allied, and other enterta inins features, profusely ilht-trrted. and ealciiatcd to amuse, and instruct Voiins America. Single copies. 1J etiti's- Yearly. SI .".!). with a ehoiee of the tuilowiiij- beautiful and vi-IuaMe piriniuins to e:n h siib-t i ili r: A line parlor eromo. v.- .i ;!i V. i.e llixlJ, and equal to a fine oil Paint inR; or a tine muri eo Kiit-eiijjt; n i:et liilije; or a line pearl-han lie tw, blade po-'l.t t-Kir.b-. and a pallet of lu st paint.--: or. a f nperior spy-c'.a.s.-: or. the Brisrht Side ' Wt ckly i lor o:.e year: or. Si hool'biy Visitor tor one year: orvw.o.i's II in-i liolil Maj:azii:e for oneytar: cr. 1 he Book of Adver.tnrt s. pra-e l II.;; or a ehoiee ti oui the list of snlendid t-reiniiiii'S otiere l t i siiiL-ln inh- seribers to (ii.i'.(' M,if!,!u J.i.'iiiik, and numerous oilier valuable and splendid preuiiuir.s tor eluiis. Thiry -seven subsenliers nt si ."; eaeli. sei'ines a s.")j tCXIrover .V Baker Sewinjr machine, or twenty subseri '.ers and i extra in money, wilh tlie single premium to eaeii sulseriiier Soceimen copies, with circular, mailed post-lVee on reeeipt .l I'i cents. Address V. Jkxmncs Dkhoukst. KtS Broadway .N. Y. Do not tail to send lor a spec imen. J. W. SIIAMOlYS FEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, I la ft m o nth, N bra skn . 1 am prrpnred to .leeonimod'.ite (he public with Horses. Carriages, Busies and a Xo. 1 Hearse or. short notice and reasonable It rms. A llai k will run to tliesto'imboat lundine. and to all part ot ibe city when doired. January 1. is. 1 .IA n t f. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Until further notiee trains will leave and ar rive at Omaha as lollows : Leave Arrive. xprcss l:.ifl p. m. I Express 2-10 p. m reicht 7:i)0 a. m. Freifriit o:l". a in Mi Ted ii:OOp. m I Mixed ;li.i p. m! . Direct eonnectioii made at Omaha witn Cbiea ro .t N. W. Railroad: I hicasro. H. I. At Pa- itie-Chica-fo, Burlm-rton A Mo. R. R R.. Ilnj lias City. Joe. A: C- uneil liiufis R ; ilroads. Eree inont with staires f..r Lincoln an 1 West point. Att'heyene with D nver Pacitie K. R. for Den -cr. Central City. Santa IV and points in Colora. do and Xew Mexico. At Bryan, with stares for the great Sweetwater niiniin; Dis-rii'ls. At ts tlen. wiih Utah Centra! R. R. tor Suit Lake and Southern I tab. and C. P. R. R. for Corrinne, irptnta City. Helena. White Pine. Sacramento .an I raneis.-o. and principal cities in California eya In. Idaho. Ore-ton and Wa.-hinytan. Iicketslorsaleat the company 'k otiiee corner rarubam and t'lh s.'s. and at Depot ti!lic V r t, r -i t T- Ki fi;"k"1 ;iu'1 SuIt r. Col ton. Gen 1 Pass. Aent. LTJ Ti) R ! 100,000 FEET ! o TbVundersigncd has on hand a large qantlty of COTTONWOOD LUMBER, CniCII KEOFFKR3 AT REASONABLE FIGCRES. ORDERS FiLLED on short noiice.1 and for any size or length of lumber. Ratters, Sluddings. Joists toTlMlnita brrt ni?i ! l ift v-elirlit Urs;rm belon r Zero. Daring the past winter a party of persons have been upon the summit of Mount Washington taking notes or the temperature. They had a small house erected which was lined upon the ceilinsr. sides and floor with two thkknes5ei of heavy felting. When the weather was sufficiently warm they ventured out of doors. On Friday night, February Cd, thy enjoyed a lively gale. They say: ' It was one of those gales that keep us wide awake when it might be more agreeable to sleep. On Saturday morn ing it was quite tool, 20 bilow zero, and after a day of iutense cold, the thermometer at 7 p. m., settled to 45 below zero, the wind blowing hard all the time. In such an atmosphere it would not take many minutes for a person to be numbered among the things that were. When the record was 4J below zero, we thought the bottom had been touched, but the mercurv continued to fall until 3 o'clock, Sunday mrrning, when it was fifty-eight degrees below zero.'' mmmmmmm ol I.ivcr Oil. In every country on the earth there are to be found sufferers whoe chief re liance against the ravages of damp ami cold air i is found in the oil from the codfish liver jrciis iselli). It is not, therefore, surprising that the single port of St John, Newfoundland, exported last year nearly 3"0 tons of this invalua ble medicine. The declared value of this quantity is about SI 10,000. The oil is dissolved from the livers by gentle heat, in a tin vessel placed in boiling water, and filtered twice. "The last fil tration is made through heavy woolen cloth, and takes from ihe oil nearly ail it's odor and color, leaving in it all the iodine to which, in combination with its carbon, its alternative, fattening, and heat-creating properties are due. It is not only in consumption, but in scrofu lous affections and diseases wasting the tissues, that its value is felt. The sickly infants i.f poor mothers, whose atrophy, from bad and insufficient food, commences even before their birth, can be nursed into health and plumpness by its aid. Frum its tir-t introduction to the world in the year 1S32, the use of it lias been steadily on the increase; and the recent anuual report of one of the latgf.-t of" the London hospitals shows that 70 por cent, of the patients of all c'as-es are largely ben fitted by it use. It was lir.-t introduced into medicine by Dr. Pcrcival. Living I'.pistle. Christians tiro living epi.stles to be read. The world reads them every dav. How important that this living gospel, which waits a:id trades, and stirs about in public tdaer-s, should ha correctly printed ! let bow many of these living einstiCs liave he mi printed fiom battered iy I'L', lll'ill ll!l-l-'l UHllN t;il f'VllLC-ll ILL per, and in dim itik. But, after all, or thodoxy is safer in the con-cei ated heart, thnn in the theological library. Evan irelisin is an upright., open-eyed warm handed, advancing thing, not the flat fiiin-iness of a acre programme, to be written and put away on the shelf fir safe keeping; it is always alive, alert and growing ; it is not dead Latin, but vital mother tongue in this country ; is not stcepled to church, eadeuced in ritu al, or ro'-od ct the altar, so much as hearted in living people, and radiated in work day duties. Our Vt'i'iicKM of Immortality. Dr. Hall .says : ''The popular impres sion is that ordinary men live whol'y or mainly in the present. If the present, as distinguished from the eternal, be meant, it is true. But it i.s not true that most men live in the present as con trasted with the nearer future. On the contrary, the peron is little in most minds, but as a stfp to the future. The child longs for boyhood, and the boy for manhood. Manhood loners for the time of establishment, and when it i.s reached if it be the time of it and relief from rare. So the human spirit, 1 y its projecting of itself into thu future, ap pears in some vague way to own its pres ent unsatisfactory condition, and to 'feci after, if happily it may find' something better in advance. It would be strange if this life long habit of count ng on the future were to be broken abruptly off af ter death, and end in nothing. It is the witness without ourselves of our immor tality." In fcioiis for Display. The world is crazy for show. There is not one person in a thousand who dares fall back on nothing but his real, simple self fir power to pet through the world, and ex'raet enjoyment as he goes along. There is too much living in the eyes of other people. There is no end to the aping, the mimicry, th? false airs, and t!ie superficial arts. It requires rare courage, we admit, to live up to one's enlightened convict i ns in thes times, I'n'ess you con-ent to join in general cheat, you are jostled nut of reach. There is no room for you among the m at mob of pretenders. If a man to live within his means, and is resolute in his purpose not to appear mote than he really is, let him be ap plauded. There 's something fresh and rare in such an example. A T!itilit for Parents Never fur one day forget that tho first book children read. nay. that which they continue to road, and by far the mod in fluential, is that of their parents' exam ple and daily deportment. If this should be disregarded by you, or even forgotten, then be ii"t surprised when you find another way to your sorrow ami vexation, and the interruption of your business, if not the loss of ad your domestic happiness and peace that your children only ' know the right path, but stili follow the wrong. " " j A Moilirr'n Influence. A man finds he cannot make bis wnv in tho wo-.ld without honesty and indus j t.v. so that, although bis p, ii,pr'K ov:. pie may do much, he has to depend upon his 0Wn exertions ; he must work, he must must be honest, or he cannot attain t any envial h; rank. But the tender southings of a mother, her sympathy, her ilcvotedness, her forgetting temper all this sinks deep in a child's heart; and let him wan ler ever so wide, let him err, or let him lead a life of virtue, the remembrance of all this come like a holy calm over his heart, and he then weeps that be lias ofhiuded her, or h? rejoices that he has li-tcr.ed to her d:s intercsten an I gentle admonition. A gent'eman living in the Fourth Dis trict, renowned for charity, says no beg jrar can go away from his gates unsatis tied ; they can always "get a bite.'' He keeps a dog tied loose. A clergyman in New York, a few days since, explained that "science must stop, or religion cannot go on." The New York A 1 licit iter suggests that he step, and allow some wiser teacher to occupy the pulpit. Mr. Bergh has done great good in stopping much of the cruelty that hu n;an brutes inflict on their dumb name sakes; but isn't he going toe far in tak ing rats under his protection? How about mosquitoes? The worst fooled thief cn record is ie woisl i.o.eu iniei cn recora IS a -pnEnn4er!.iSncdUprci..ieIfo trifcc-ontract. -Mississippi chap, Who, the Other dav, ' A for building Cisterns an Ifurnishing all ne stoio the heaviest carpet-bag he could i tPt17 "P'"''11- also to do any and all kinds ot find in the depot, and, after carrying it 117 CUtract' auJ ,urnitb aIi mater five miles, opened it and found the eor- 1 MT0 ,w acres of c?:oieci . nd f rresi 'ccce? tsntf to be a bn!f hn'iri cf bibles. ' ,alg47rs1 ' for ?7M Texas celebrated her -iivcr wedding" Febr .ry 10. She had then been twenty five years admitted into the Union. About six thousand women have so far signed the memorials to Congress, asking that suffrage should not bo ex tended to their sex. A tough old widower in respoti-e to a neighbor who addressed word.- of com fort to him, replied : 4 Wall, yes, I shall miss her she was a very cspoiv-ivt wo man." In New Haven the police arrest every boy between the ages of six and sixN-cn who is found in the streets dt:rii; . hool hours, and cannot "rise to explain." The veneraSlc wife of a oelebrated physician in Boston one day observed lier hti-band in the funeral procession of one of bis patients, at which he ex claimed ; 4T do wi-h my husband woul 1 keep away from such proex's-ions; it ap- pears too much like a tailor carrviuti home his own work." '"Re solemn," said Mr. Corwin. ' if jou want to succeed. The world looks up at the ringmaster and down on the clown- It despises the 1:1.111 who enrer- tains it. ie as solemn, t in re'nre, as an i ass All the intinuments have been built j to solemn asses." A German in Richmond, Tnd., spoke in his native tongue to a French lady, who. not untler.tandin.ir, thought his re marks insulting and went for him with a club. He buys his ari.ie i by tlm barrel. A correspondent of the New Yosk Sf'Jnf(iriI, who says he is a middlo-a-ed married man, and not uiven to ';iish,'' is quite positive (hat American women are becoming more and more beau iful evey year. This is not :iii tuiiiatural conclusion. They certainly dross more becomingly than formcilv, and now at length the absurd idea th.it a ripe-stem waist is beautiful is beini: given u;. and gentility no longer demands di.-li.irure ment. We may expect, (liereforo. more health, as well as more beaut v. in the other sex, which is, of cour.-e, in'iuitely j more important. j Down in Pennsylvania thero is a Pres bytrian clergyman who-e n iiniiij! s:dary is lour hundred and fifty dollars a year. IJut as it was six months in an cars, the congregation determined to Live him a donation party to help It came off the party did. The entire if -1 k was on Hand, tmt ot the presents tl.t re were j only six rolling pins, a pen wip r. an.! a quarter of a jieck of diied nj.ii'es. cop j of JSijf. The minister, of conr-2, had I j to furnish refreshments; and the com 1 1 1 1.., thrJe anJ a 'half poiimls "of ixlv c.-nt j i.,IP1. .,, tl,i, ;,.,. hv.vos of li.-nl l.,,i ! i pany nor o?iy ufurs.i lour Hams, , tll0V at0 up nvo ,,ol!;i; 0f SU;rar a!)li all j ,ie ,.cst winter's supj.lv of preCrves. I nv, ,.o,rn ,, r.mr t,,ra',-,0 ,.,., The cleriivman savs ha wants to have i just oue more arty, and then he will I close up business and beirin b'e over as champion pauper at the aluis Imusc. He is particularly down on one sister who crammed her-elf full of ham and preserves, and enough succulent diet to keep the whole family lor a week, and then laid up again-r, the wall pretend ing to fed religious, and singing, "There's rest for the weary." Buckle, in his History of Civilization, says great men are riot born, but made. In connection with which the Louisville Courier says: "All the men we have now at the head of alf ius were born And it is a great pity they were, too." A colony of ex-soldiers isfoimingat Davis, Stevenson county, HI., for the purpose of locating in oneof the Western Territories, and securing lands according to the laws relating to soldiers' home steads." A few weeks ago a d?ntist arrived in Warrenton, Ya., and advertised that he would ''remove all of a person's teeth for 2, and insert a new set for ."10, besides giving six months' credit '' He was inisy lor two weeks pulling teeth, an-1 at 1 the end of that time half the people in the town hail empty gums. But while the people wcpj wa ting for the dentist to fit them with new se.s, the abandoned, scoundrel eloped with the hotel keeper" wife; and now there aio two or three thousand people in Warrenton who can not cat anything tjughcr toan soup and farine. A near-sighted Indianapolitan wen! to see his girl and fell on his knees to pro pose in due foim. A No. D boot awakened him to consciousness that it was the old man, who had his wife's apron on and was pealing potatoes, be fore whom ha knelt. A money-hunter being about to marry a fortune, a friend a-ked him how long the honeymoon would la-t. ' Don't u ii ! nic of the honeymoon," he replied: "It is the harvest moon with me. The first iron vessel built in E:i!.ir.u was a canal barge, seventy five i'ei-t long, six feet three and a hair' iaehes v.ide, built of five-sixteenth imh plates, at Biriuinham, in 17S7. Tie iifi iron ship that went to sea was the Aaron Manly, built near Birmingham, and put together in London in lSii'.'. One of the last iihi:-tia'ions in the Daris Cltaricart, signod, "Cham," rep resents a crowd of I'ru--ians canying away in their hands on their ba' ks,';:i:d in their baskets all the clocks in IVance : an I Cham remarks : "'ilfy may carry off all the clocks, but they w ill not pre vent the hour of vengeauie iVuiu strik ing." CITY BAKERY MID CONFECTIONARY 1 rE hav't '-pencd to-dav Bakery and Con- fectioni ,-v on sixth Street, one door north r.f Eifprerabl s Block, where we a:e prepared to furnish any amount of Frpch Bppari PlPQ ftl !f Ap rru oreaa, riss, uaiao ac. Fancy Baking done for Tartiea whenever de sired. t DANY Jc BRO. March l.ldJtwlxn. GREAT CENTRAL ROUT'-: Via Niagara Falls. Speed. Comfort Je Safety PUi LMAN'S MACNINCENT CARj Fr.ni Chicago to New York, via Michigan Cen tral and Great Weste.n Railroads, Four. Express Trains leave Chicago dailv via this line for New York B isom. and all intermediate points ia the East. FAST ATLANTIC EXPRESS Leaves Chieapo every afternoon, having attach ed the celebrated Hotel Car irom Chicago to Rochester, and a magnificent Pullman Palace Drawing Room Car lrom Chicago to Xew York without change. W, 0. Mi m.Genl Sup't Gt. Western P.. R. Hamilton. Ont. 11. E. Sargent. Gen. Sup't M. C. R. R. Chicago Henry C. eniworth. Gend P.issuuger Agt- Chicago. Howard Sanitary Ait! As sociali'MtT the Reli-rf and Cure of the Errinr and Un foitunate. on Principl.-s of Cbristiaai Philanthropy. Es?ny on t'ae Errors of Y outh, and tho Follies tf Age. in relation to Marriaee and Social Evils. it sanitary aid for he "ttiii'.'ted. Sent free, in sealed er.veiopes. Auure.- liuWARD ASSO CIATION'. Box P. Philadelphia. Pa. maylivly iT-tertT-Tbaiit and RtjeSTWork Done. SUBSCKIBH NOW FOR THE TI E E A L D ! THE REST LOCAL PAPER DAILY Onr. War - -Three lio nt Its One Month - ,91.00 WEEKLY One Six Year Months 62,00 $1 00 THE HERALD IS Tim ONLY O.YE GIVING COMPLETE AEfVH FROM THE GP.EAT VEST P.ETIVEE.V rL.YTT.SM OUT II AND FORT KEAKNHY. THE HERALD Now Offers the PEST AD VER T1SLYG MEDIUM West of the MISSOURI RIVER It is 10 1 by Farmer-', Merchants Me chatiies. Contract s, Slock Dealers, B-iiiroad Men, Business Men, Manufacturers, Consumers, AND keeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods. CJroccrie", . Hani ware. iueMisware. Boots, an I Shoes. Hats, and Caps, Agricultural Impliments of all kin:is. Weir ar "I X L" Culiiva'ois. Union Coin Planter irandetour and Princeton Plows. Ac Ac mtm'. tnt u if. all of whiuli weofler to the public at the owest rct'iii prices. All Goods Warranted As Represented, 5Our eon--'T:' aim will be to sell so low it will be to the po- i: ice advantage of every in mer in the w slerr: an I trai portion o Cass county to make this their headiunrter for trad- REED. RROS. tv!xata.ov7 Visiting !lattsmouth, WILL FIND GOODSTBT.TN ACCOmm VA TIOX AT Til Farmer's Feed Stable- Cortter of sixtb and ywe strerb One Block IK. .yQTia hi itc lTcswtcric.i; tnuren, I'l Nebraska. ttsinvutU J. IL BUTTERY WROLfSALK A3B IKTAlt. DRUG rlST. Is now recei vine and has on hand 'at stand of WliiteA Butteryi-, tan! d South side Main Street, Platt-smouih, Neb., THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ' Stock of DriiiTS. Medicine, Paints. Cii'-micals ! Lea l. Varnish. Om! O'd. Fish "it, Mach nc ' oil. li.iTviiiiK t '.stor 'l. Xentsl'oot I Or. Mi t!c dil. 1. inset. 1 Oil. Lard Oil, Essential Oil. Cod Liver 1 il. ; tind a la;i;e varie:v i .- - ; lions, i 1 . 1.1 -. !'rii"y I au.i li ilet Ar. i le, ; Ei-scln cs. l'la- j vuririf extrc.cts : a ad ail PATENT MED.GINES Sto-h p? ,la3iic's ton's Ayi'is", Scovili'S's .Ilall's'l'liristie's i Laoi's. Mtose's. Baker's Wiiar's, Wright's. Wake lit id, Ouys'.tCs. Ptrry Davis Robaek's. Petitt's. Mrs. Winslow's Dr. Win.'t.ell's Ho.-tetterV, Drake's Wallace's, We-t'sand oil be most popular Patent Alcdieiucs in use at ibe j.ie.-ent day. Brandies Winss end Whiskie Of the Best (iri-des and ti!alitic:-, ttrictiy lor Medical purposes. DOMESTIC DYES. Red or Rose. Green. Blue. Black. Airi'i:u'. In digo. Madder, Extract Logwood. Dry Woods. Ac. In fact everything that is nettled in the arcs or Me'.tical line. hysicians' erscriptions Ca: e0i!ly compounded and put up at all hour All Drills wai rented fre-h and pure. Call b tore buying, anil see what I have to sell. Plattsii'.outh, l'cb. 5th.dAwtf. 'Weeping Water, Keb. DEAI.E1IS IJf General Merchandise, SUCH A3 DRV GOODS. OKo.;;EIES. HARDWARE. UL'EhNS WARE. HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, NOTIONS. Ac, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER. SHINGLES AND LATH. We ire Acent? for W'ih'cox & CibPs Sewing Machine, fhich is undoubtedly tho oos-t Machine now in "fe. k.iirlit'Waf. Sold Since their Introduction THE MOST SUCCESSFUL POPULAR AND PERFECT Cooking Machines ARE OUR WELL EXuWX Being of tho simplest Constrtic.ri.ia, are carily managed and guaranteed to give Entire Satisfaction. s no article in l!ie hous' hold has a cre.r;t r indiieace in promoting th" lKalth. comfort and leppine-'s of tin; taiui.'y circle than the C'k S'oye. it is ccoi.omvas well as policv io t'et ibi VEKY BEST; ami in buving the CHARTER OAK. yoa can i !y on rettiiiT the met sucec.-s-!ul. popular and pei lect Cooking Stove ever made -SOLD PY Excelsior fflanufactisrintj Co., i C12 and C!4 North Main Street, ST- LOUIS. MO. AXD ALL LIVE STOCK DEALERS LIKE E. T. DUKE & C0-, I'LATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Soap 3J:iiiiir:aelisrer.s4 WE would in' ita Dealers and the Tubli generally to c ii. and examine our stock of S O J X- s , before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. .Sargent having had the experience. -1 twenty years ia manufacturing all kind ot Soaps, we are confident of giving entire satisfae tion to all who may favor us wii.li tieir patron age. Soap exchanged for grease, and delivered in aay pn of the city. Casi paid for rendered tallow and clca grens -. soi--Works. Kearney Ward, ueir Fciry St Bri I , Nc'irnrlt ciiy. Ju UidAwtf. RICHARD VIVIAN. Dealer m Groceries, Flcur, Feed and Previsions, Canned Goods &c Highest easn price paid for ell kinds of Grain Hnd Produce, Butter, Egirs. Hides, Furs tad Wool. Xor'h East -orner reahiiBj Ftfth Sts s'4. --JFllSmJS'! 1 Warner h Pile reineiy has never pi lie I Uioj ren in one easel to cure the very worst cases 11, liliml ItcbinK or BieadiiiK pilcn. 1 bosc who ai e itllicted should imiip-'vliatel call on their druse-jri.-ts and pet War er's Pile Remedy. Itisex, r"tsy for the Plies, and is not rcccoinmcinle ?, . cure any oth-.T disease. It has cured many i caes of over thirty years stun. ting. Pri"e line Dollar. For sale ov Irneeists evevwhertv MMwiuiaauC29 ; Warner's Dy.-pepsin Tonic is prepared ex-, I ilressly tor Dyspepttes and those snllerinir wilit labitual Costivencss. It is u slijtht sliuiuliiiini; oiiic. i i' l a spleuuid appetizer; it strengthen lie stomach ami restores Hie iliirestive orirans to their healthy slate. cak. iicrvous and dys-, peptic persons s'noul 1 u -e '.Vuraer's Dv-iepsia tinic. rtir -?;l' iivli'iii"ri-s nee i ire i iqi i:ir AVarner's Couch Bal"iiin ishcalinc, softenint ind expectoratins. The extraordinary power i:. ins"i-i'j i.i im.'iit diaiely releivimr. and evetitu llly euriiiir. the most obstinate t:a-es of roiich'.' I'olils. St re '1 liroat. Broncliit is, liioiicnr.a. Ca- arrli. ho-irseness. Athi.ia and oiisui!ipti"n is ilinost inerci lil.lt. So prompt is :he relief mid ertain its etl 'cts in nil the above enses. or liny tied ion of the throat and lunr-. that tiiousaiids )t physicians ara dady pi ?cribii:s i'. and one ii:!iiilsay that it is mo most heminc uii i e- lectoratimr inc. H 'inc known One .lo-e iiiwnys tl'oMls relief, and in inosi cases ct.e boll le ef fects a cure. Sold I v thar'sist.". in lurce I .t'les,' Price line Dollar. It is om- own Ian It if yon itiii . (uii !i ?i"l sii!i'T. 'l ac lt..'.-.i-ii irtii "I've. The preat Blood Pcri'.i- r and iK'in :oits Drink Warper' Viii'itu Vine, cr Wine of Life, is fieu Yom any poisonous .iruxs or impuri' 'es, bein; repnre.l for those who ieiirc a stimulant. It is 1 s leiidid appetizer and tonic, and thu finest .hipft in the world f r pn. ii. via;; the blood. It is the most pleasant foul delicious article everof '"rcl to :'ie public, far superior to brandy,, sbi-lty. wine, bitters, or any ot her art iele. It i.i u;. 10 ben it llj , 11 lei cheaper. Roth male and f e -tia'e. y mis t r old, can take the Wine of Lile.' ttis. in fad, a iil'u preserver, Thoso ho web 10 enjoy pood health and a free How ot livelv - pii-its. will lie vv ell In lake the Wine of Li.'e. It is diii'erein from anythimr ver I t lore i.i use It is soi l by di'iiitKists ; also at all ( I'-pectablc jfl loons. Price O110 Dollar, in 'i.iut bottles. Sold By J. M. II 1 Xril M A X. A CO. Platt.smou'.h. Nebraska. A : r iushi uii o iv.y FRUIT TREES P V 11 74 A 5$ NURSERIES ! I Furnas Sons & Co, t iROWX in Nebraska soil on hiph upland I VJI pr:- I'teiaily tor Nebraska markit. Also p. Pear. Cherry. Pluoi. Raspberry, Roses, acb. ami Eiowti'inir Shrubs, Eor Catalogue and particulars, alo'ns. FURNAS SONS &; CO.; Box :;.-. Rl'.OWNVILLj'.". l'vib. -d dAw"in. Nkiikaska HEATH'S PATENT BOARD VFLLS. ri t down in Otoe county in the past IS urolith.- ind truui lllKLli to E1VE a week makinx at ircscnt PROVE THEIR SUPERIORITY-' SIXTY-NINE of li'.ctii were in the worst kind if yuick-s.ind, AND I'lilRTT-OXE of theiii Trr mii'le in p'acfi' v.'acre t!ie old stylu "Dug Wells" had dr'ed up raved in '.tiled t"furni.-!i a supply, ot n;f." ally 'playeil out." 'I hf.iriiivii retmliiti mill Ote 1:0:11111110114 I'M' I diet of the people f Otoe County Afreets (heir .Mei'li. Au Outfit is now in operation for th? accommo dation of Cuss County, in ch.irgs of 3Zv. 4. IS. . Wells Ruarar'eed to furnish un ample suppl -f water, or the money refunded. fi.'ri !? aits! rlra..-. Wells hotel, tubed and filed up for th.'vi w.iter .id ctoiipleteand tui.rantt cd. Gm Itv.lltiv pea C'oul. Oliick-fand wells J. ex the country hands to ! -a one each well, 'le boiirdcd while di inn Terms Gsali. ':-p..Ti-ibIe parties dc-iring it a fi ite lor one r, ill will be talc 1. t. r pi rt payinent. i.tsit mouths, with intcit.-i i li per tent. I rout d.i'.c. Parties wi-hing we!ls will pleave nei e-'no !: I by lc.ix ;i:g their or i-rs iit ihe Hard v. .11 e S.tt.isj of C. W. .MERK, r uddiessin' ine a lineio . Nfc'miAfc-KA CITY- Ver;.' Rcs ee'fully I F. Dii'lenbaclier July l-iVOV'ft-wtf B B FiniTitav i.vzrxr.T, '.rof.it. 'JVERY SALE & EXCHANGE . "The b-stof Hor-es and Bugieson ban !."' Corner Vu:e and Fourth 5irtetJ, jau21diwtf. I'lattsiuouth XebrBkita. MM iVAosii jniiii;. Reck Bluffs, 2JeV pring Term Coiniiicncerf March 21st, 1871 Pupils of eithrsex will receive thorough an f systematic instruction here. Particular alten f :mi t j Priu.ary st-hobtrs. School books furnished free of coi-t to sj pupils. GOOD LOARDIXO CAN BE OBTAINED AT KEASONABLE RATE? Fir ter.n and particulars nd IreM 1 ' f J. D. PATTERSON. HUSIC! MUSIC riAXOs? ORGANS' MELODEO JS I am Agent for the bc-t Muicl In-truments Diade. l.sons wihi'ig to buy Pianos. C.ioinci, Metropolitan 01 Piofb' OrL-an-, or Melodeon . can purchase tbro'igli my Agency on ns liiieraf terms as they can irom ibe mana'aeiurei themselves. All iualiuiueuts-warranted. aprltf. J. X. WISE. PACIFIC RAILWAY OF MLsSOrRI' Passengers leaving St. Joe. via. Missouri Val -Icy Kilioiid i,tl o'ciock p. in. ii.a'ie closi? iin surecunnectionn ai Kan.-as City w,rh this p -pu-lar i.-ati. arriving at at. Louis next morning ut, 3 o'clock . This ju now r tirst-cb,"- r"ad in every re-pect. New iron has been laid: new engine.! an'i magiiiiice.nt sleeping and passeiii.-er co4 !,. have been aditcd t" us eT.iipments, Passemrvin can rely on its making its advertised lime. Thi is the best route lr' tu St. Joseph toat, Louis, rh' South r.d Southeast. 'I croup)) tickets i r sal? tits ofSccS of tk' Missouri iiliy ".a.ln rv ... i'!- t- iiOORE. Cer,'l Saptx the: Dcr-:B. . . A . V , if. 'J. tjt: w