Tin: i n.i THE KEtfRASKA HERALD H. D HATHAWAY' A ' . WW- 1 PLATTS MOUTH HER ALt; u rctiLisuro bt n. b.. 11 at 11 a 'i At. rriiTna rRopatATo. .r. 4 U ' 3 - v V 5 k ;l t A aoiroa ixa rEorajrrok. Office cvrner Main and SccciiJ ttrcc. ? i rtorr. TERMS.- Wek.y, !! per ananu lfpaul in advnnco. tL50 At net paid In advance. MAUCU. . Marc'a, tha most drcadod month, per haps, of all the months of the year for cLaugeaUenesj aud f cvcrity of weather, lias come and gone. The old eayicg that if March "cornea in lika a lion it will go out like a lamb," or vice versa, has net held good this year at Icaat it has not in Nebraska ; for a more even stage of weather mild and genial has not been 1 experienced, even by the "oldest inhabi tant." March is generally conceded to ba a stormy month, and i so sun by bard and written up by those who do - not profess to posses this trU5y faculty ""of composition, and our own experience confirms the fact, in our own mind, that . there "u much truth in this saying. The " whole winter, just past, in fact, has been one of unusual tnildnesi and healthful Bess, and we would be justified in saying that it has been more so in Nebraska than in any other State in the Union, as Eastern journals hare been full of cbron: cliats of heavy storms aud nnpropitious weather the pat winter. We do pot claim to have such beautiful weather very winter as we have had the pat, but we do claim tohave a climate mild, healthful and salubrious not to be ex celled by any other State in the Union ; notwithstanding the erroceou inipres Mons of many of our good eastern friendi that the west la so cold a id in tolerable that her inhabitants must "fill their pock;t3 with stones to Luc-p from blowing away," to the contrary. An Anrrdte of Jb I-nte Admiral Farrneut. A prominent gentlomin of New York, "who was familiar with the late Admiral Farraput, and who was thought to be urith him in bis last moments. te'.U the following characteristic story of the great sailors : "A few hour before Farrssut died he c;ille 1 his wife to his side and sid he would like to see a clergyman. Before Mrs. Fairagut had time to send for or.e, an Irish servant girl who was in the room, and who heard the Admiral's ro quet, started cut and ecured the at tendance of a Roman Catholic priest who happened to be in the neighborhood. The Admiral was drawing near the cloae of hisjunrney, and the jrit?st enteteJby not being recognized by nim. The good father was xn engaged in performing the services of the Catholic Church pe culiar to the occasion at the bedside of - tLz dying man. AH of a sudden Far ragut opened his eyes and seemed to comprehend not only what was going on, but the character of the clergyman. Waving his hand toward the priest, he said in a clear, distinct voice, ' Go away sir ; you rre nor my pilot'." whereupon the priest withdrew, and the Admiral died as he had lived, a believer iu the Protestant faith. The fashion or Funerals lu . T. The present innovati n is to lay the body upon a couch, dressed in it accus tomed clothiag, with a pillow unier the head. - The " pooi;ion is Uiually that of the right or left eide, and the hands are arranged in fou? natural and easy position. If the dead is a lady, a handsome shawl is thrown over the fig ure, and if a una, an afghan or silken quilt serves for a covering. : Ttrs are in the room ; but Hot in sucn oetru'ire abundance as to mike the odor of these beautiful thinea haunt you forever after ward. The funeral is announced, and the fi iends and acquaintances are invite 1 through the public prints to be present and take leave of the departed. No hearse and no coma affront the sight ani chill the blood with thoe traditional sen timents which afirighted our childish years. As many days aucawaru as inc condition of the remains will permit, a few of the nearest an-i dearest are invit ed to ai.t in the sal ceremony of buri al Loving hands lift and lower the ea ket, and tenicr ones strew the earth softly above it with flowers, and perhapi some favored wrappings of the dead are aided fo lie between the dut which usu ally falls so heavily and han-hly upon that other dot that is so dear. No strange eyes witness this last sacred at tention to the departed, and no memory of a thoughtless jar or heavy tread comes back to embitter tha rjuiembrance of the sorrowful evei;L " w Wl b in for Money. I wish I had his naoney," said a oune, bearty-leokin' man. as a miiiion- aVe parsed him in the street. And so naswisnea iBanyavoriTn percrs mm, who'evotea so much time to wishing, but toX little is M't to working. But never dees one of these draw a compari son between their several fortune. 1 he rich nian'sVmoney loora ip like a bal loon before the 33. hidira- cuteounted cares and ar.xietie, from which they are free; keeping out of fiht those bodily ills that luxury breeds. And all the men tal horrors of ennui and satiety, and fear of death that wealth fosters, the jeal ousy of lift aul love from which it is in severable - Let none wi.-h for unearned go!d. The sweat by which it is gather!, is the only sweat by which i; Is preserved for enjoyment. Wish for no man's money. The health, strength, freshness, end sweet sleep of youth are yours. - Young love, by day and night, encircles rou. Hearts unsoiled ty the deep sin cf eov etousness beat fondly with your own. "None, ghoul-like listen for the death tni in your chamber : your t!.ae hire value in men's eyes oaty when you tr-ai in thew.- The' smiles do wealth can pur chase gTeet you living: and tears rarely drep oa rosewood coSa, will fdl from pitymg eyes upon vou dying. You have to eat, to drink, to wear enough; then you have all the rich man hath. What though he fares more sumptuously? lie shorten life increas es pains and aehes, impairs bis health thereby. What if his raiment be more costly ? God loves him none the more, and man's respect, in such regard comes ever mingled with his envy. Nature is yours in ail her glory ; her ever-varying, and forever beautiful face smiles pence upon you. Iler hilis and valleys, fields trid flowers, tfeksand stream, ani hory places, know co desecration in the tt-p of poverty, but welcome ever to their wealth of beauty, rich and poor alike. About ten year ago Alice Carey wrote to a friend in the West : I aia aha:sed of my work. The great balk of what I have wriitsn is pocr stnif. Seme of it, may be, indicate ability to do better- that is about aiL I think bun zoorc simple and direct less diffme and ec mabcred with ornament than in former re?- all protaM.r,b-eas f harp JiTd tjer and though xzofc - J i VOL. 7. lOXATITt'TIO.tAL COXVF..iriO.V. The following from the Gm&ha lie puhUcan comes so near expressing our ownTiew3ron the Consutotiraal Coeren tien brinks .that we copy it!, i J "The act providing for the State Con tituticnal Convention will be found in oar columns this morning. Its perusal will suggest important co moderations to many thinking citizeu. The elction of delegates will occur ea the 1st Tuesday of Slay only four weeks from this time and the Convention Is to assemble on the 2d Tuesday of June, or six weeks thereafter. T : i ' ' 0 'L'd J If to important an election is to take place within four weeks, something must be done about it without delay. The policy to be pursued in conducting this contest if contest there is to be or bow a political conflict is to bo avoided and a proper division of power secured, if that is thought desirable are ques tions tha decision of which cannot be long postponed, and which press for an immediate answer. Wc hear of movements already to se cure no party nominations; but it strikes us that indicilual efforts in this direc tion are nor desirable. What light has A. or B. to speak either for the Republi can or Democratic party? If a few in dividual get together, dub themselves a Te.Qple'a Convention.' v and nominate a mixed tickct, who is bound by it'ex'cept those who personally engineer it ? Is that a good way to ignore party? j Each party has its Di-triet and County j Committee". According to our view ' these have no right to abdicate their da ties, nor to refuse to issue calls for a par- j ty convention when an election is ap- proaehing. Nor are these committees J empowered to agree with their oppo- j nents on a joint call for a convention to nominate delegates. This is not the pur purpose for which they were appointed, and they have uo more power in that di rertion than any other members of their respective parties. The way, it strikes us, if there is any demand for a union ticket, is for the committees of each party to agree to ca'l their respective conventions at the sscii time and place, and b-ave the convention as the au thorized exponents of the party will, to say what, if any, ccr.-vssicns -chal! be made to political opponents. This is as far as we are willing to see commiitees go toward the nomination of union tickets. Iy this method the in tegrity of party organization is preserved, though partizan action may be avoided, if such is the expressed voice of the con stituency. All other attempts to get up Uuion tickets, by individual or interested action, ought, in our judgment, t be resolutely frowned down. The effect is, toAccp up any ducords which may now exi5i to diipate party strength ami" to prepare the way for ultimate and crushing defea. The Republicans of Nebraska cannot afford to tamper any longer with such disorganizing tenden cies In conntic3 tnd districts where only single delegates are cufen, we enn ree no safety in auything short of straight party action. Certainly whatever is done should be the expressed voice of the regular party organization. The com mittees, wo suggest, should issue their call immediately. Many of the districts, Senatorial and Representative, have been tl urged by the New Apportionment Law. But difncuiib.'S growing out of this fict can be obviated by the joint action of county committees, in districts composed cf more than ooe county." Conlitalion. Among the causes which contribute to longevity, the most important is the inatc bodily cx'n-titution. In this re spect, savaes have an advantage over civilized nation. Tha health of the former is more durable, and they do not experience a number of hodi'y and nien ta! disorders with which the latter are molested. ' Darronin; Trcablr. Hor many thousand are there, whose energies are paralysed by borrowing trou ble. If they arc veiy unfortunate to day, they are certain they will Ik? o to-morrow They spend so much of their time groan ing that they hava but little I, ft for the Ieiformai.ce of" the duty .f iit'e. Such are not the men to whom the world La:a mits important trusts, anl whom it is ready to assist. If you tell the world that you aro going to fail in any under taking, it will be sure to take you at your wuri. And men are most ready to bclu ; those who appear to need it the least. It you arc weak, do your test to be cheerful. Treublo. I compare the troubles which we have to underco. in the course of a year, to a bundle cf faggots, far too large for us to carry. Bat God does not require us to carry the whole at once, lie wciiuiiy unties the bundle, and rives us nt first one nick. TLii we might easily do, if w could onlv take tl.e burden at pointed j fr us each day, ; bat we cLris to m : crea-e our troub e by carrvitig ye-ter-! dsy's stick over again to-daj , an 1 z J I ding to-morrow's burden to our load be fore ws are required to bear it. The Qaeen'a unpopularity bodes evil to the Prince of Wals. If the peop'.e are restive unler the Model Victoria, in whom center ail marronly virtues, h.w will they brock the rule cf a raoji so vile and stupid as her heir apparent ? Not long ago the auJieuce at one of the Lon don theatres greeted wilh a bow of rev erence tha appearsnee of Alexandria in the rcycl lex. but liiv-ed Hke infuriated demons when her beastly basband joine-d her.- Thare aro breakers ahead for British royalty. , The - scepter 'authority is in thi grasp of the pcor!e,and whtn it caa uo Josser serve a poiieeian's elub to held the nominal so v ereir-n in ordsr, it wiui us-zd tol brain T3Mnajchy, to crack lis empty pate. A number of sociable belles in ?Tcw York announce - tbeir iutentioa f- being 'fat -home" to anybody alter ten i young men who never ktjw when to afpjistjiesth or . e. to.vria- The M. E. Conference closed their session on Saturday. We are unable to give the proceedings for want of space, but give below the appointments for the eosuicg year: NEBRASKA DISTRICT M. P RICHARD P E. Nebras ka City T. B. Lemon and J. Burns. - Peru Q-, S. Alexander. Loudon R. C. Johnson. Brownville J. W. Martin. Ne.naha City J. W. Taylor. Fails City DvMay. . J Salem It, Burgs. South Fork W. S. Blackburn. Table Rock D J Ward, ' ' I'awnce City Yh Brit L ; Tecum -eh D W Lai e. Grant I W Bradt. . - ' ; ;. I UEATRICB UlSTXICT J. B. MAXFIZLD, , Beatrice W. A. l'rcsson. .- Blue Springs G. W. I'Uwood. - Plum Cr:ek To be supplied. Crab Orchard tl . " . Fail bury C. n. Wells. . Crete To be supplied. York " " West Blue " " Saline W. G. Granthim. Republican C. V.r. Comstock Meridian To be supplied. LINCOLN DISTRICT II. T. DAYI3, P. E. Lincelu J. J. Ilolerts. Ashland J. G. Miller. Piattsmouth J. II. Presson. Mt. Plcastnt A. L. Foldan. Wyoming To be supplied. R.jck Bluffs II. .Mann. Oak Creek A. Black weiL South Bend To bo supplied. Palmyra J. L. Fort. Upper Neauha To be supplied. Seward " " MilforJ OMAUA DISTRICT A. G. WHITE Omaha, 1st church G. De La Mar tyr. Omaha, 21 church To ba suppli-.d. Be'l-jvne V.' B. Slaughter. Plattford T) be ?upp!i;d. LT.khorn J. Adriance. Fremont C. MoEivey. Gregory's To be supplied. Nonli Bcnd-(J. W. Do La Martyr. Fehay'cr IX M.trquett. Columbus T. F. Whitehead. Graui Island - To Le supplied. West Point F. M. Estabiook. Calhoun W. II. AVoons. B-'air To be supplied. S. A. Westergreen, Missionary to tLa Scandinavians ia Nebraska. COV;yOTt.V ZIFTP.JCT K. P. VAXDUZEU, rp.Esiir:fj et.der. T akota J. Dc Ii Martjr. i'onca To be suplied. St. James To be supplied. Norfolk To supplied. Arizona J. M. Adair. Madisou C II. Wehn. Decatur W. Peck. Logan YuL'v To be supplied. Niobrara To be supplied. E. S. McChesny transferred, to the Yv'isconsin Conference. L. 3Ianson transferred to the Biaek River Conrence. New York. The maeting then adjourned by singing the long meter ioxology, and the bene" diction by Bishop Ames. Tl:3 habit of jndalging in ardent sj.ir its by men in ofirj-j has occasiined more injury to the rub'ie than all other causes. Acd were I to commence uy adminis tration acain with the experience I now have, the first question I would a.k respecting a candidate wolJ be, l4Io you use ardent spirits ?' J'Jjfcrson. Pin is the name of a Chinaman who has been to Europe, and on his return, has written an account of his travels and adventures for the instruction of his countrymen. Particularly struck was this estimalle celestial with the relations of the sexes, and he wa puzzied to larn why, on the deck of a vrs-el, the hus band and wife should walk up and down one hundred times nntil they git tired, The will hilarity of the men, however, over the curious manner m which the watriniorial couples exhibited their lar barcu affection, reaches the very heiiht of ii.errimeut. The peo: !o Lctually kiss each other, an ' so John Chinaman kicks u his heels in bis mirth, and thanks bearen that he is not such a barbarian. Fllrltns: Xnr Const rard Into S2arrl&se asjrnri:l. Ycurrg ladies, btwsre ! Youn? gen tlemen pause! There is dancer ahesd, for the courts have recently decided that ' SirtiDg may be construed into an n gsgemcnt of marri:'2C. lhu Clief Justice Parker, cf Massachusetts an nouiKjes the o;iiioa of the Supreme Court cf that S'are, that an engage ment "may be proved by those circum stance which usually avompauy uch a onnectiou ;" and the Kentucky Court of Appeals hx"3eeided that the "'mutu ality of su cpgacer ient u?ay be roved against a ycung lady, by showing that id. demeanc! herself as if she concur red in or apnrovt th yoting man's promise cr efcer." It is not neces-ary that there should be an express promise en cither siJc ; for th ;-. rued, volu minous Mr. Chitty, in his woik on con tract8, says an "crgisemer.t may ie evinced by tin ur.tquivccal couiu'c of the parties, and by a general yet drfinite reciprocal urvier&undmg between them, their friend and relations -ringed and corroborated by their actions." Young men and maidens are, therefore, hereby captioned a- to their understandings and actions if they would keep free fiom a rigid ap . tiiou of evidence tor such cases cu1V"l provided. An editor of a Minnesota cewypaoer inserts tht following locil : Wanted, at this oSca, s?medapliooi with Bjoney uc.g!i to buy thi estab Iihixent. aa-i who will let the present edhor do choret? fr LU board natii f irm htoda are needed ia the foriojr. We 3 - lots of iueo who woii'ri CU ins bill xatrtly if tbey only had the money. Gatnbetu is eald a Corsica ; hat La ia oct. lie U a dendant of a Gencee faaiily, as hia name implies, but wa born at CV40r?. ia tie aoath of Frtoc PLATTSMOUTU, NEBRASKA, OUR WYOMING LETTER. Trota Our Own Cun-wpondect- l'ORT D. A. Russell, W. T., . .April 3, 1S71. ,f ' Deati JJerald : The court has been ia session lately at Cheyenne, and several crimiual cases were'd'spo-cd rf. I be lieve there were four ladies on the jary. t The business . proc-ceded with great dis patch. Aiaorig'lthe crimuitls trd was one Boyer, a hulf blood Incian who mur dered a balf-brocd by the .name . of McCIoskey, and awhUeman by the nuie of Myers, some few weeks ago, near Fort Laramie. I bad known all' the parties for years.' McCIoskey :md Coyer hare been 1 employed for years, occa sionally as guides for scouting .parties of soldiers in pursuit of hostile Indians. Boyer, for this double murder, Was sen-' terced to be bung on the 21st :;ist, and as there was do jail at Cheyenne, he was brought to this garrison for safe keeping. On Wednesday last, toward night dur ing a fearful snow storm he asked per mission to go to the vrater closet. The guard not suspecting any design to es cape, accompanied him. As soon as he was out of the 'guard hou;e he slipped bis fetters off, "and Indian like he leaped over the stockade, and iu a moment was out of sight ; zs the storm was so terrific a man could sco bat n few yards before him. Several shots were fired at him as ho leaped over the stockade, but nona of them took effect A reward of three hundred dollars was offered by bhcriff Carr for hi3 apprehension, and several have been in pursuit. Yesterday, (3un dav" the coach was slowly movine .vot-n Fort Laramie r.nd this , .V, cr.a of the p3sseneers, Capt. Wil son, of the ot'u Cavalry, saw a man ouie few hundred yards away from tha road, near Horse Creek, only 2o miles from this garrison. Capt. Wilson ordered the coach to halt, took a gun from the cjach and went towaid Lim. Boyer secreted himself as well as he could, but the gallant Capt. soon found him, and after questioning him satisfied himself .. t Boyer was the escaped couviet, aud -k him into custody. The poor wretch hal eaten nothing, and was very weak ; his feet were blistered, bis limbs fozca, and on the whole was a most pitiable object. The Capt. after bis arrival was the hero of the hour, and will claim bis reward. The por Indian has bc:a se cured in time fbr his cx:ui j:i on the day namod by the Judge. Tl.e proba bilities are that he wiJ make another atteupt to escape, and wiii be shot by the gu-rd, for Indians have such a hor ror cf death by hanging, that !a cheat the execut" ,r possible. I visit ed hiui iu LI; c-ii, some time since. He claims that he sboi the meu in self de fense as they intended to kill him and ! would have done so, had he not been too quick for them. I believe whisky j and a E-uaw were at tha bottom o too quarrel. I supposed wheu I learned that such a portion cf tbe jury were re ma'es that confinement in tbe peuiten tiary for a term of years wou'd have been the extent of the punishment, a their hearts are supposed to be more tender thsn those of the sterner sex. But doubtless they acted upon their so ber convictions and weighed the testi mony conscientiously. The other crimi nals were sentenced to so'iiaiy confine ment in tbe penitentiary, cr.e for ten years and others for a shorter time Yours truly, A. Wright, Po-t Chaplain U. S. A. A country village affords no retreat -There everybody knows everybody's business. You cennot rsi-e half a uoz- u poriinzs without having them stoned for picking off 3-our neighbor's gooseberries Gossip wants no better bcavm than a small village. Evervbodv knows wbeth- ! er this morning out of the butcher's j cart you bought mutton or calf's liver ; I and the mason's wife, at the ri k of breaking her neck, rit'hes down sta:rs to crclaira : vJn-t thirik of it! Mrs. Stuckup has bought a tirloin steak, and she is no beUer than o'her ieopii! ' Tney always ask you what you five for a thing, and say you were cheated ; had something cf a better qnality they could let iou have for half the money. We have at difieren times lived in a small viilup ani many of. cur let friend, dwell there ; Lut e pive a- cur rpni!o; that there arc otjier vIaees mtre lurcra- Me for tusn s pctnnir to heaven. Dr. j T. DeicUi TalmaJge. The Adl Gnzettc rrukes tneotion lLat an o!J la ly in that ior.ty ceired a rurup ped Jlor to i'tirnMi her a i ump. aviJ that fh-3 t-cu!J o:er notl.irff for j i pay except her hand, or tr Iiand of one i oi her daughters, in uiarriac. Tl:o i iedoii"r uevred the cmtf orouzht out. j He selecte 1 on; that ho r.rsu'i exchange lth?i n:np for. The puu.p was put in j an l ih-3 next dar tLe couple were nar j ried. Af.er a tiny or two he stole the i lump out of the ell ar.i decamped. leavini his bride and unpuaiped Weil on tae old inuy s ftandj j How to Get Work done on ai Farm. i Every farmer i at tiiuzs rppressed with l t. 1 ft . ! !i Sn?e 01 tee OVtlWt.tilliig nUUibtr Of thine that rroairu to Le' done. Vi'e . i . . . i j nave ecn a rervou-- men ia sucn t C".rxitane' co'iirr-frie one job. anl be- fore he li.td pot f:tii!y started abaudou it i for soiUtHciiig that etued inofe prtss j in, a.vrei;. to Jt-ave this in t lie arue un- Uid ttate . rn J v,ht-n iiitht cauie he had t.v--omplLi.fd little cr bothing. and i passed nrurs toeing a bo at or. !ecr-'e.- red. thin'iinjr what h? 1 ao on the i morrow. A young friuer c-juid uot ! adopt a better ruL' than to repeat to himself every tiioriiinj, "Whatsoever j thy hand tin lelh to d-, do it with tby might,' and act upon it. When a,, job la comrueije?J, nni.-n it eeic-re beitini2g another; but at the aiuo tir atteud to tr-e iiltle thinr?. JJut if ou hapten to pet behind, trike a JiveK- gait, d- one thic at a tlrM:, and trhcnit L-d'Kif, take a Iitt.e rct y itnnieALate.y com::ienci:iz another, and in this way joa wi!J rl Jii'iZ " taruuu ia jrou uane. ' - ' ; , jaKtiitau. A man at Sioux Fal hs agTeed to I -r RF u; h t tp a v a" fVm I delkertiKatybieniaW aaekrat tkiuj F "IEAJuFLK. . . , . aS SiOUX Cify hhia a ruefcth. lie ts1 The i. prerared t trattfer. ; wits. - i f: i THURSDAY? -APRIL (5, 1371 R. R 1 EBUA.SKA. tSTATIOirS. 4TTAE TRAIN NO 3 Ar. 3.4-S I". M Ar-:;r r-. m Ar. 2.4- P. M Ar. 2.i5 P. M t-t. iJA P. M Ar.l-SS Ar. 1.1.1 " .r. l.' Z " Le. 12.45 " TRAIN NO. 4. Ar. ! 4" A. M. Ar. 8.f5 A. !. Ar. SA A. . Ar. A. V. Lo. G.45 A. M. ir. B.lo A r. S.hA Ar. 4.30 - L. ia.45 A. M. " F!itinjinnt! L. 1 1.WI A. M. Ciph .Ii-r.c. Le. )IJ1 A. A( -.r Lcaiirille. Le. 12.07 A. M. SoS H.ni. fjp & At. I . j . n m Warfsrl -Ar. -l.'Jt " . Km"b iAr.tt.tS - ' IiMX:a TRAIN NO. S. La. L.i I P. M. -&6JUp;m. PlatUmonth. Otnaha J unc. Lpuifvi'le. Pa tjh Heui. AmslaT.d. i rtPWOOl Le. 6ii P. M Le.fif.i"P. M. Ar. 7.4-I P. Zl. 1 .r. 5.1 Ar. 0 " - -NrKn-Ar. 9"A - Liixwln Le. 5.00 Thn time piven abore la tint of Oaiaha, bo ias 33 ini lutes iowcr th Chicsgo. B. M. T.. R. .Tpok effWvt Sutidav Nov. 37.J Pacific nxprw. rxcept Monday 9:25 a. m. Mni! Eerpt Sun-lav .9:ii p. m. S'r;iiht Vo. 5 exptpt Sunday 2?4S p. to. Freight No. excepi ianday. 5:15 p. nt. siriiT. At'nntio Hxprnss except Saturday 5:15 p.m. Mail exbept Sunder ;Cr a. m. Frirbt ?o. 5 except Sntxly ..1..:: p. vn. Freight Xo. 8 except SuuJy......6.00 a. ra. Tbo Coat leaves Platttioonth at 8 a. ra. Ean- fThe Vvr! arrival nti'l dcpurtnre ! trains to pnA frod ti:r xt bank of the Missouri rirfT. The Alis'jfis Ex pre- j'TiTrs at Bur'intrlon at s-ot a. in., and liie PrciEc Exprese Uares thtre for PUttmomo at 7:00 p. m. CC. B. & ST. JfT. R. R. lT TAC1F1C JN-'rioS IOWA, I OtMVO jroBTH. 6C1VG POCTH. Til r. Fxpre 5:30 p. m. 7:40 a. m. N:rht Expre.-s S;j a. m- 5:C0 p. m. Tbii1 civts pniscr.en! Trfm ri.istsroouth close eoriD?et:e-n (,-oinv Scnth or Ncxth by leariof here on the 5.1p. tn. train. OjIALTA A i.kat. tlmaha Chil.ls Iel:rru3 La Platte Pnvntc" Cednr I'loni Omaha Ju action I.FAVFS. rVmnIia .Tur.i't-on Celar Is'.aud raj-nter." L Platte IWkrae ChiMs 0:n-iha SOUTHWESTERN. COTNO S. W. ".VI .- 13. 9 Jr, -.. m. . . 0 40 a.m. I P:.P..m. lf 25n. m. .. MIB 11.00 a. in. ( AUT.IVK.) coi.no x. a. S.m p. m. . 3."s p. m. 4.C' p. in. 4.30 p. ra. 4 Vi p. m V"5 p. ID. - 5.S3r.. VjfwzcT? and freisht will be transferrd s C'der Inland nni rannaH-liun nade t Omh .Tunetiiin Tith tH niominr train roioe MTrt from PI:isTnrnth to Lin"olnon '.he Ji. A M. U It. R. in N "braska. an 5 t' ercr ir:h train going eat from T indn So Piattniouth. Trains trill leave and arrive at the depnt or tbe Company e tb f.iof of Jonc rtreet. Until !nrthpr notice tu-Vt ts wi!l he pold on the trir.n, and r.itci of freight can be lfrnc-l t thr office olthe .-ortpr-cr. J. T.. MOUL'-'ON. Chief Engineer ard Uen'l Supt. 4.RKIVAL ANDDErARTUEE OF MAILS. KOJTK. CI.OSKH. ARRIVES f. Tt. Jt Joe R R. Sonth 9 p m. in p r ?. V: ' S! . J -ve . R. Nonh, & p. m. n -.B R. a .f . U. R. Vvt. 9pra, lO.Mpiu H. .t M . p. . H. '.Vest. 9 a ri. , p m. limaiis Iv 9pm Hi a is Wftt.ins . 12 r. ir. lJaa. t Nr bra l,r. C.ty.Ky Stfir.- 9 p ra. Jpa. TerarJi. Tuesdays. Thai-fdar. and Satur- OS'e beer, from S are to 7 CO p m. I'cnh irrttcrp, V. M.C. A. ITall over Hark A Piummer's Store Prcaehina every Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clof-k : Tinj r iue"tir c v-ry Tut?-Jt- ven inr at 7 c'clo- k : Reading Rooinopva tatii ti-y fr m a. ' )r.B- Fl?s pRcBTrT!f North si.'ef.f Main t. tM cf ixtl Krr.D. W. Cimrr n ; Se-y s -!v,-rv jith at II a.m. and f:?50 p. in. Sab- th School at 9:3C a- m.. Th" Po!l ,ch Snpenn jn nt. Prajfr roe-tii:tf every Wednesday renins at 0:ij o clock. ' MaTPoriT Er:""fPAL "Vet i-'e of Sixth street." south of Main Per. J. U. IfaTCrld. S-rriroseverv S.-.M-ith it 10 ?0 a. tn. nd 7 p. m. Pravr uieetinjf "rery Thnrlay eveninr. Ola n ee in every Monday evening and incmed:r.te-v-if:e cl?e"r.f S"lath inorninir crvi?c3 S:bbr.i.:i School at 2:00 CtSCrj Tir!S'. Comf r Lorust and E'lrlb ,t-ts Rev. P. .'1c;. rvices ere: v ?-.V;ntb at"lCu!0.Bi.end7p.ni. Sabbath S-hool at 12: p. ni. Prayer mtt-tiMS every AVeJcei-ay aveninr. , Eptsnic.'.i Cirnr Vine and Thin' rtree's Rev. I!. (icora Younj. Servioc" everr Sab ahat 10:iJ a. m. 7 p. m. Sunday Srhool at 3 p- m. (beI'TIax-?erv"e!.- in Coi't I."o"e HaM Q 15. Mnl'i. loenl preacher. Eider". I?ac Wilea and T. J. Todd. RrTi?-r Prea.-b:n!r rt the Court IIone Hall evorv fc-a:-ba'.H at 11 o'cloek by T.ev. P. M. Me Le f. rravr-r meetin? every Thursday evenicr at the re'l-ioa-'e of ill Pastor, ftabbaih bcuuol ni mediately after morning service. Catfolic Nerh side of Pub'.ic Square Heir Father Have. Firft errrj- Sa'ihnth at 8:30 . in., f econd ?.!a and miii t lS.' a. in.. Vepeia and rmrdietinn at 3:;0 p. in. .Mw at 8 a. m. every week d;y. ITcbcc SirtcJorir, 1.0. O. F. Fei-ar i-i- r ir-tr of p;tte L-idpe. No. 7.I.O. O. V. every Tuurlay ev r.irr. at Odd Fellows Hail. Trancient Lrotheii are cor dially invitkl o rUit. II. J. STREIGIIT. N. G. J.W.JoHSSox. sec. RJalN , of ech month at d 1 F.-l'ow liaii ror. M tn.l I.O. O. F. Plat'sruotrt Pncsmrmert N-. 3. Main rts. Transient Patridfth cordintly ir-viievl to vij-it. &. Ultt, L. 1. i-AM. M. Chahias. Scribe. KMRHTSOFPrTniAS PJ-it,e Vail1. lod-e No. 5. Regular meetiscs every'! hu:-suy evei.1. ViaiUreoroU.erj ainav wcl- or-e. W. 7,. WELLS. W. C. F. ELL-EL. R. i C. V. V. LLUNAKI'. V. P. ! j, vF0:rp, , J a A- 1m Hc ii TTsnorTH Lorrit N:-. 5 A. F. irciuras at tt.eir L :M on the finl ar.d tbir I ..ox.m-y e-. enincof mj zconLa. Trauaiett brevLern ini ite-l to vir-r. JACOB VALLERV. vV. 11 P. E. Ecrrya, Sc. il rrT Lor-or No. i2 A. F. A A. M. Rru;s.' mee'inpa at luonic llal. Cr-t and h;- t i ri-lay-. J. N. WISE. V. il. io. 1 5ET-OLT, See. Nkkkacka C'tiPrr.n No. 3 R. A.M. P.eitular wcTocstiou uxor.d un J farii Tiesiay eve "irt of eac mort'- at T1-. V!ocV p. m. R. r;. LIVINGSTON II. P. E. A.KusrATaics. Sec "MsTrsxTAr PacBrr L-rK;K. Reiraiar meet- lQl IB? if the ramily .-re heni on ,.velrieljiy evi ; fro.-, r- :r bero., the f"!l mw.n of eai-h month, i All laer V n. their wive.', siners r.nd itfliriten are uw to alter, 1. L i.mamea la- i V. Ill r ti EELSR. Patron. i;Vi3. U A. t-irs. i atroics. J. N. '.Vise. Keoorder. I. O. 5- T. OuvitBtiitra, .2--EA. Kirk AAtrik W.C. T. E. B. Iewi.., . 5. P.. li. V. iud bam. Lodre lepury. Mct i Cerrt ii- wee Hal! every 3?tjr ffr.itc " Tz-'ttSt'S rei'i-octrully iarite.1. Kic:sio Pfo3Kk L&w;a. N. 1. E. L'.wu. D. T i. Z. White. L'. S. ileewatCocrt IIi;e Hall on the fcrst and third Satarday even itvesofeach month. Stak or Horr Lo-xj No. 8. O. J. DavL. V. iT-r AiKirww "..lr-trn. 7. . Aleeu at Jir rlcaant every iatirvla treeing. TuiTiiv Jrsc.R. No. 74. J. J. Chandler. .CT.:fE. J.Hc-ej. V. S.: S. Y. talkin ' g. 'T-art. ! -TsaiKf; Le-Cf-e 1eroty. Jleer every iVedatiJay eveia' rarciia irm flam repeetfaily invited. TsiMfirenloDSi. No "l.-lnw irHfffV 4. C T Jaa. V!l: n. V. S : C. H. Wiv!v7 ery cairuay evecinir. --lcuMiiy tavu9 to i transfers f. j-t p;-. tn, aia n Ltrr oourre aai re-n2-i- f r-v - VIC K' S FLORAL GUIDE FOR isri. The f nt "Stli7 f cr.o hucJrcd ntti Cfty thouf.in l copied n( V: :l. i!lutrjV i Cv.lcM cf tjecJi aoj Fi-ral Ciu.ao. pi;;.! ?Led n-l r--aiy to set J out luJ p-i. and as L'utr&ving of imost every dfci.-abfe ilownr ana Vcirtable. It it rlerabtly prin'.cl a fire tinted paper. il!crratei with tnice hundred f.ue AVouJ En eravics ucd twu beautiful COLORED PLATES. Tbs niost beutifji an l tbo niot instruftire Fli r! Ouii.e puMisScd. A Uirmnn editioa pa'j!i!hcd. in ait othr icspocu eii.lr to the i.:i-li.-h. tiv-iit fee to all tny ens'omera cf 1870. aa rapidly hj pc.-b!e, wii."u-t appik-atn. Sent irt all othem fho Her theia lor Tia CSKTS. which U not half the cost. Addre. JAAITSVICIv. January IC-tti ilivrtf. Kojhtsicr N, Y Weeping WaltSiTis o Farmrs, xr where you can t tbe beet Flour ind the mon of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AUD rou.ios tf oni lireu ic ezebare for rood wheat. VVe ars s.i hoiu? trr' Wi.i k and. wtt?i eo; increaeed iaciliti?". :'eel axsuteJ ihnt eia Ute btn &nd most Flor of any in the 6ial. SATISFACTION OUARANTEEI?. Prcduco Bounht and ScM aifiHKST KA8XST fAlB. S Clinton march IdAwtf. MACHlft-E iH J?! WAYMAN & CURTIS . P?rj!tsiri05iSij5 IVeb., Repairrra of Steam Enpiue. Eoilera, Saw and Grist Miil.. His aud i-team Fittings, Wrouctt Iron Pipe. Force and Tift Pump--, Steam Gn-i(0i, alaoee Valve Uovernors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittinjs, s furnished on eiiort notice. FARMING MACHINERY RcpairedoB borl nut lea. aurt STRE16HT & CHURPHY, OCALCr.3 IX Harness, Sadies, Whips liUIDLKS! COIjLAHFi tC. Particular attention rircn to the manufacture of uae harness. ALL EINL'S OF REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Piattytuoath. Ncbraeka I IN. B.-Tbe Celet-:itcI Vacunai Ci! Elrcrkjr.f :on;autiy on h&ai decl'if HEATH'S FATEMT BOARD wrLLS. Put down in Otoe evjaty in the paft 18 months, ind from IH..EE to r'lVE a wcuk Loaking at jresrnt ' PKOVE THEIH SUPERIOEITT. SIXT-N1NE et them were in :be worn kind if 4Ui.k-said. AND IHIuTY-ONE of them v-re rcRde in r!n- where the old style "Intj? Weils" buldricaup-"-cd in .niod to furccli suppiy, or nato slly 'rlaye-i o-Jt." Ibeirowu reputiiti" . and tbe ur.ao'uious ver dict cf the pc-i-ie i' Otoe County Attests their SZetlta. Ai Outf t It now in operafi-c for tbe accommo dation ot C:-J4 County, in -liJ.:e of WelU rarsnteed to furnish an ample aupply if water, or the moaey refunded. vre'.l bcr-d. tubed and fitted npfor ihrotrins water ail complete aau a-uarantced. Cns Do2!ar per Foot. t'jick-saril wel! S. extra ore e-h well, fin thcetuntry hands to h- birJed wiiiie dirt t flu. r ! - ; siion?ib!e Dartieo de?iririic it x 0"'e 0t ue-Palt wiii be taken tor part payratr.t. at ix ; iaoious, witj itert.rt at p.r eeuU from date. P;vrtieit wUhine wrHs will r'eae iwmraMi r by leaving the order at the liardware stot of C. 'W . Mtl'.K. or advL-cinj .:ie a line te. NEBRASKA CITY- Very P.eectJaHy B T. DiLTenbacher . JLt ISTO.diwtf Hasnibal la Saint Jo.-cph TL. TL Takics eject Jamary Vih. IsTu. AR;:vr. No: 1 Day Kxp. dily eierpt Puni.iy Tr!X p in " 3 P-iio txp. daily eaeef t rnondiy a tu " ?. Nihl up. dailv ivcept mon-Iay l-'-'t a in " T i hrougii irt. ds.!.:y norj : aioi. i.y 5, to a re " tfTbrouph frt ilaiir except m-nilty S-4o a in " 11 Way trt uai!y except sunauy CJ-t p m " l'j jlacnn frt daily etccpt fun lay llulua ui Dcr. cr. No. 2 Day ex p daily eicept rend py t-.40aaa " 4 Night eip daily except suu'y 4:'jC p tn x 3 Pacific eip dai:y txeept yuJav. 12:-to a ra " s I.u- e;p tii-i.y except unl; :0 t :n ! W a y trt dally e- -.yt nT.j f . . ,rv..ia " T'.r - ra frt !:. !.- I vt iKindir ":' p ra " it 1 L rouea frt uail tqc-pi n'urby T j-i p ns No. 4 wtii not JtuP'":i i'.a. Vibur.I.iI Corttf, io.i-vulo. Cdua. aet.uis cr i- vii'.e. No. 6 w"l cot etcp at axton. Eaton. Gbum. Hreekenuje, M'wrir!lie, U Leehuc or i'-tcd- viiie. T- B. CURNETI. Gen As-t.L PhslpG Paine. dCN'L INSURANC E AGT PL-VTTSMOUTH, EDRASIIA. Reprsstz.; aorce of the cort reliable Cotcpat. ics in ihe United Sutts. Ca with Rarnea Pollock iu Fi!Tee1', !' k . iaa -a. w f Dr. J. T. TH0314S, TJrinr r-emiarr t'.y locate at YTeet inr Hi ler ball, tc. ler hia pixfes'Kj-.aJ aeoiryi to U.e eitisena tf Cca eecntj-. Nebrat,r:. ijacJ-.e-tt CITY HOTEL. J. E. UcV.acd. Proprietor, rcrnar of 3l?ia acd Third street?. Pia'ttiaooib, Nebraska. liavice hen retittvd and eewiT forttehed ofTer firt aaarurdaticE. aowi by tb we aay. 3 Po NO. 1. iT 170 Tl SAXB. Threo acre of lanJ uljin.n the city n lb anr.th. cni M hs't chaplVr c-U. For partiiulbia coauire bt theilKjix I 70R SALE. Two lota in Gleawoo-I. Cheap. ' r . w : - t.i - TOR SALE. 8?; K-rss of land adjoinii. t Plattiaiouth. Enjuiroof Sept.H 3. DUKE. 170R SALE The mbariber offers Tnr j"'e a valuiblo water powr. two miles lelw Pl.ittJtcouth. nar the Missouri rirer, wilh eufticicnt water and fall whu economical .-nn-ajt merit to i-rouuco pnwer equal to a 3t) livrce powerjtoom enrine. The present nwner in en c:i(f.i iu other bu.inet-8 aud caiin'-t drvrt l-i a:trati ju te Uc tiuineM of ruiiii.tr. act wili tell eaiJ water power for a rernonnble price. RICHAI1D VIVIAN. Apply to Maxwell &.,Cmai-xax. deciM.twt Probate fiotice. GREAT CENTitAL ROUT.. Via Niapara Fa:is. Spec!. Corn iu it Jt Safety PUkLMAN'S MACriFlCET CARS Fr.ia Cni.'ia lt New York, via Mi;his:n Cen tral and Greet Werr-.u iU.:;-. .th. Four Vijjt'c Trsiris i--are Chicago Iai!r via tbi lino f- 1 New r Iiiton. iad a.i interni-!i sts r"i:it iathe Ijj-t. TAST ATL..NT1C T.T.V?A$ Leaves Chiavo rvry uSi'raorii. bavin nttvU ed tie c--.ebi au'd Hotel C.r jr-.m Ciii-ti?i to KociifrstcT. ai..i a in:.jfiu!ii.-'-nt l'ullm.-.n Ph'a'-e Drawiii Room Car lrvin CLi'.t;.j to Svm u.V withi-!:t eliarrc. W. C. Mfi.tinT Srp't (It. Yeen R- R. Kaa ilt..n, Unr. U. E. r.arr nt. Oen. Suj.'t.M.C. R. R. Cbi-ato lienij (.'. atwo't'i. ien'i Pussciijjer A it. Probate faotice. Wher?a. Ceniixan E:ikerhn this i!y made Application for Letle.- of Administration on the eitff? i f 'Ko. 1. iiker. decease 1. Notice is here'y aivtn t- nl! parties interet;d. that raid ypp'iriifion wiil otjpa i fix tli?ilh day of A:i'i A. !.. 1;71. t'Jo' look a. in. .Var-h !?th. 1?71 A. L. Chilp, Pr"v'Klo Jnd?9. fuiar h l-".i'i w ot.) HENRY liOECK CE.LE3 IN F U R N I run B, LOUNGES, SAFES, TASLES, BEDSTEADS or a Li DKscairrioxg axo ar all peicrs. .0-' Metalic Eurial Casen, OF ALL. SlZk iWOubEN COFFINS Reedy Mide, and Sold Cheap for Cih. jB "27 , i The E?uiiiiiton&!T3IiSxHirI In connection with the Cit'ojjj, Burlington J: Qvlnrj II. P OCer tothe people of Plattsmcu'h. ani ait bunion et Nebraska lying SOUTIIII OF THE PLATTE, the m't direct, aud the bet RoUte tvr jj. tern, aouth Eastern. a:i 1 Northern htate I-'eaieiT tle.-irine t-j travel luxuriously h'.f . take, the Atla::tie l.xpres.. wh-h run t':rou,-b o t'hil-l.iro hftn. h'in,A r.,r..a ...... . iibelfmit I'aw C.aei't. I'uliuiau'a' xr. Day and slcepi: Coa-.iiu. u-.X Piillman's Dlninc Cars. In additi- n t-t thef ej-t tliat thi ia the direct route by which time may be -nred in reaehirr anypoirtin thetat..-rn or Mil die State, it cv trutnfuliy be tsaid that it p M--? frit h-ct tra. ardtaeSnfcftctjjIpiiientof any V'-.-tcrn Line, t-naurina; to the paasuier Spree, SnfrS.j and Comfort Rate. n'-araTa r LO'T a- tv e I.Oir;:.7T. Ta -f a-ct:cct.ked tbroueh toanv po n" Er.t. C.E. PiKUK.ri. Oci. Supt. A. E. TOLZALI2, Jen. Patsetper st-ut, iaaijn.Vwtf. Lena! liotice. In the 2d Ja I'rii! r):?'rict Crj; -iVunr with in an l for Cass county, ititeol btacaa. Jv.hn S. barley. Plaintiff, 1 II. U. McLnae.L'fcfeC'ianf. J Samuel MeMahoa nd il. E. iI.-.-Ca.e, n"n-re--:d..nt., defer J mtc of tbe .taie .f Ne'.-rarka will take nnti th-t w'ohn S. iarley. ol H.- count:.. Btete of Netra. id tia ihe fi,h ii 'uy of Mr.rrl A. I. i-ii. ti bii petition iu :Le 2-1 Judicui i:?rr -;t Court .".uin within aod lor Ca.-3 'OTii'r. -!e of Ner.'lia. j-e.iirt tLe paid San.url Me-Ihon and 11. li ieC'Jne. de fendant, scttir.i for. h thai i,ne Ji.l:n S. lrl v. plximiif. U the -a ner in i..-e eimple t f the norrh ea?i quarter of nvmn innnbi-r eleven 01 .in ni:jre c::'r.tjer tw-.lre ti..t f tat CJu IViuei rtl Meridian s.ri.itod i.i O: er.ty, ?t.-.:vnT Ncbraek-. and r-r..yirr tj:.t tbo title to ri'd laii't b dec-ri ed by uiU court to be in r'amti aa 1 :'i.-t i'l tlaitc .f . id defwiacta to aaii land iii wlia: soever kind or nature in it Le F:t aside a-i'i aecre-d mill tn i vid. and f-.r ueh ciher ani 'nrt . l.tt av in etiuitr st i a n.d c.D:ieneeidaii-.i:i r-,ay lye rr.titie-l t ), an ith aaiJ feamuel Mcil.hon and II. U ilcCuce are rot.i.d that thev are r-uired u fcj pear aai anewer raid petion on or bufore tenth ia7 of April A U. 1S7I. Dated. March Sth. A. D. ICL StiHiji JATWA.aciC T.KaTnoca. Attorney' for PlalntiiT It :s hereby ordered tbat the a'yr.ve r.oti" be t-ubitihe 1 in the Platt ktth Hold f .r f iwr consecutive week. d.t-l Mareh Vtb. A. I. 1-.71 T RAACPOLLAP.r,acrk. Ey J. ... i3AiiLiy, Iepaty Clcra. &oup jIsiiiuracaiirors WE ,wouH sn-ite Pesler? rr.d thi pub'i f aneraiiy to c tl'. and examine or it4k of S O ir' S , befora porehayic elsewhere. WherJ' :i rocn--rrit ptirportinyto bthe Ia V. ill at: 1 '!'cj:in.ai flifre V. Mt'rea. de:il, has bern f.kd , the prot:ite Court of Cn.s O.nn ty Nebraska, lr i'n-tat'j: tbt- m to Notiiva.l prtiM interested th;it the hour t-f 9 o't-loek A. il.. on Thnday tlieinh tiayf.f April A. 1. !9T(, u Utreby appointed I -t rro ing aid W'iP. , A. L. CillI.I. Probate Ju la. mxreh IGw3. yir. ;irjri: i:av:u rjvl the ei;enacii ef twenty yeira in mancljrtaririK all kind ' ioI"- we t .- coaSdctt of ririn entire i?at:.fi" eflapetcbanirM forsreaae. acd delirered fn :P of t'.e nry. , . . ti Faii f.r rciilerti taZIr atd e;,. p"1 rk"- Kearner War, aw Teiry Bt Jo llwt'. . POR SALE OR RENT. Toe prpe-tr fcrlooefcT to D. Marrjiett w;H bw old r rented on ifw ate term a. 1 he how f -rw'V. rooIt,,V I aJeo larca cim witji ttuer. .!r. a a le, an i r.rr w,e?'y. f " T. V. VAF-CCf-'TT t-pltf "Office nornr Slain kci 3:00! ill ecf edjjtory" THMS : DailyflJ.Jj pVrl.tsnam. or $.'. per moDtl. 53rbfci6hu.t (firms', J.C.rox: D. A. aKIlLXR. I'M & frricr.i.t ATTORNEY Z AT LA W. 8:ninl .ttertii ir'ven t rrnb;ite hu-in..H :-.nd ;.tn-l title c; ml Olliee iik the- alaiot-io Lio.;!:, Ma.n ?trei, I'ln-fconth. N- t'r -t.t a. s. maxhtcli.. ttAM. u. cn riii r ATTORNEYS At LAV and Ro!ic:ior isj haacery,. 1'U.tumoutL. Natiiuka. V2rJ o. hite Jc IluUery's Ira .Sturn. uTil. General Life. Am-idei.t. Fire, Ii.Tund and 'it. ti InurnM Asm:L Mill tMke rirXt et rerron. able rates in the rclinUle O.u pw.i to United Mate 'iflice o'f'p. cite the tVurt 1' un, ,"Ut.yi:ioHt . NtibraHka. lul.ynl. . . 1.. Ti l SaSIK, 'CARPENTER ANl JINEK. will do t w -k in hi line i.n short iiolii.-e and in tha ' e-l '. Cntraeti for buiidint lua le on rtkis . jterb. U-p one blo-k -.u Ji of j'latle X A II aon.ve. iultid t CE'?. 8. SVIT!?. CS1.F. 5a.lft A't roer at Law. and Ueir-ra t ;w' 'eei A a M ill prauliee ;.n all courts o th- r tale m.d v -. tm Iowa. OA! - -over Clark Jt PJaiuuo r' .'. opos.to the l!io-jk iluueB. o.i.ffBti ii r.. . u n. BKNiirr r is ryii::x. u, co., Pe.-.l tatiTjl Tax P.-ri:.; Ar-nt. NohfVa' Puhlu 1-iro snd l.ile lo-arat ?j Arr.j. 1 litt inoulh. Nubia-ka. i-- 1'j Tl c il To Nc Ji i i Iu G STT? P.ATE3 RSCUCED TO 3. PER DAY. rsOAEDIXO. Iny Cjirdinj. pt r work. t -103 -- . - - . - n . I'-t -VI,, r i o4j li j., for the. ui ot the vh. -t.of the homo . n. . m LolNUt'LY i tf.'bt. i'rop'f! mireh 31 Itf j: rs i ivtxiwi'o.-v. m. i., PHYSICIAN AND HVP.'.EON-t.n iVm ai profe-xionul aervii-e.. :o tli: ci-.izui,m of t (.vf iHln ty. Resilience fna?e-ri corner r,! fa i, id.--ix'.'i !trect; oK-e cu ila n street, c;po?ite toaif Houi-e. P!af litiouih. NcLraoka. A GOOD GHANCK FOR A GOOD BARGAIN i ITarint rr?.-r.!cted the fdittinc an ! reenrllm of rur lrKK'.-t. Ad li.iou tj ti,e Ciiy of I'liUr motifh. I am r.oTr jrcj are 1 to '1 in the Addi'H n at rcaORub!e ratoa. Tern)"r sne half eafh flown; the other half pnyu'd one year, at lea por cunt, intercut per jtiu rj from da of pur-Lae until paid. To be e; jrod Ly moiteaue on the property. 5. PUIv Dcnatian to C'lurclies. I will piva to tho foiiowir.tr religious Jusoio natio'ifl. vir : To tha I: , li.-' Cr.urcl-. lot 1 in Wo.-V 17 : To tha t'i,ir,-rc'::onai C'hureh. lot in block Z l o tl.e M' '!.o iit thurr.h. lot 1 i.i biick 2 To the 'k:i..1.c l'fi :r.h. . t C in fiK-k To trie Kpi.-copa! tl.urh. lot VI in bl'x-k 3'J: . To the Prejtl'ytri-inn CLureli. lot 1 ;n rlo k 'Jl. To t!i Christian C'ilicii iwi j. u; l-'oe'i S ; To the Lr'heran Cuu.-ci: ! i in block a my Addition to tr,5 1 jry of PlAt.'r;outIi. r jmnl the lollowinr cont'itions. it: 'J'hiit tbey e S:.if erect on fain lot . u iihv iiiimi"l, a oii'xfi' huildiiitt Ir i-uhlic- worfLin, Viihin Svc yen. from thiv i!..to : and. in -a-c of (niiure a tha par t ( eaii Ch-jruh or Churchf-a to comply w:t'u. a'xjve condition, tln-n and ia that cae the lot or lots shall revert to iO. Dcnaiion t3 PubWo Schcai. I r)e-f T il- taic for the u- -A PuMii I:tri-v" .i fto .i-. J.ot JO in fcia'-k i. on i -5 r.ortN ;He 1 . :-. . ... . ....I T ... li. .. f. . .1 v: . t - ' " nil , ... . 1 ' t .Jl 1, ll IIH bo'lT a aide of Mi: 11 'ireet, in itj- ad iitioj ?n tl;e ity f ria.UuiotUii. . S. 1CKE- 1 5,0C0 Acres cf Lar.d for Sab' I in this- wnr.y. Ale's !iou3';j ad Lou iii th:a i e;ty, at 1-iw )i:i?a-. Pnrtienlur artenrion rivt t. f t?-e Lu.viif ana aelliiiit of real eaLiti. einminu a titlee. anT puy" ilb tnxej for non-rnidaa. bUKK, - Real E-tate Ageut. Lot for Ten Doilara. I wiil ;! to parti- ui-.irrojn 01 Omlaiuff and iaiproiine, any of the lots in the rnbjoined iut in my ad itioii lo Platt.-mi.uth. at ten dollart per lot. niider the f .Howiii,; -on iition. tix: Tl.e p'Tsin pure;in-.o( wilt be r u:red t bni!d on Ibe lot roin oi-ed a iil n r hrorf til the f. '.iov.ir.it ditiionii -ni, to-wit: I honr..i to l e .-.ot ie- tuiii 1 :x lct. uiih etorr not '.owl r th.tn H foet. The frame mti-t be roo-t ntj'i u!- tnr.ti.il: bo-iiie well fhinle-l; 1 mil Intiofi ei: iier of l.ri'k or etonc. There t: ot bea kitih-. en, of rot lore than lOx It. iJoii iir mu.-t I erir; l--te.i on or before January Nt. Is?''. V,'i.l ' ire a l.oa-i for t d ed to tbe party who bnr xa cm: .urr'riW(. i uiaiii-.iit.dui n eon. ply it. with the at!ve condition, will ive a g od and s-u hcicnt Warrat.ty ised. tv-lc-tinna may be raad from the aeiMitupary ir.g list; ! ' and in Mock Irt in !.!.2k 4 : L t 11 ia block i: L-.t '.' l . b'.ot 1 . Lot 12 in V."-k 2 ); It Z. J ..ii.l 1 i in bin-k : L"t in biu'-k L': L-t. 'J ami H in b'o' I.O' 5 ?t t 11 ia .l.i.-k :. in blic; Im... td aud Vt .a L-l-.-k ai SiJ7 in bick Lot 2 ii t.iock . LVMS P'a'.trutoutli. Auf'tT. 0Se i.-i Conrt HoC$9 Attachment f.'ctic3. Tan;ai-tt Scmraon by J In t(.e I;.-ri't rmrt ? I br n .-it f.'iiuj ! Ju i.' i.u I'.j-r.tt aa v. for Ca eiaritj-. State 'A Ore;i . Tnorr-r-o t ' Ncbrariia. Orcn S. 'I uoiofein r;;"the ? a?e ofl'-iuois will taice not.ee tuat ilarifaret fa'n. ion. by rtr fiexl tl irtl f em- nt. did O t! e 'y.'ji'l day ol February A. U.lk.I tri.i b--r te.t;.?ii ij tho l'itrict Court of the il Jnoicial Li-ui..t f tha c;a: ot Ae'.raelta within aLd f r Cut - .unfy. aiin't iri-n s, 'I uompu.i e:endT, ir;yin j;i ipewivf t for the iut,i of one i.uoJret bii'1 tweo-y-tive dolia if it iriteresi. frym the l.'hd.rn VilA. I. 11. ta damaan tc-r br.-aWi t cornual in deed dai-d .-r T .t A.l l'JJ. -a d de d eve-i-e 1 and d.-li ,r, 1 to plainer. That PlaintitT did on the 25:h day cf Fe'.i. Ii71 rau.-e an a't..cr:nieat to be i"ai rri.n' defi n Ian. End di 1 eauee the fol owm r-sl eatiite of ielea lai.'r be aUa.jhe I to wit : Nine a-r in the Norci Wer orn-rol iot IV ia c.ion e"ntri 'J9( I-.d-.jo wel-e;l- , raEji t-.ur'ecn 1 14 1 "-ordi -r to '.L.Utei t nr ey :n Caa cu:'y. '.ae i.f rctra-ka. aji ine 5 i-.t J7' a i u nijn t noiit.ej tt;i t? t rcjui'- d V epffwr r,.liv;fr . id r -ioj oa jt beforelfte the d .y t April A D. 1TL n.ihApl.T A.n50. Bt er Uextfju-Bd C.'tm-u'. r.r Vprm x ii..i,, Attya. auarcj'Jw4 i i t STAR MARKET.- i j THE irNDEiiSIONLii HAVE 0FNL9 A iMEATMARKSf Oa Main Street, P!atToutb. -where ttty r ; p. cte :; ia hand tie ery BEST OF MEATS IN THEIE. 5CAS01: niGIIEST PEICF-S PAID TOH FaT cattle f CaT! and c. ; fchltdAwtf. HATT a IIAirjHT. iUVERYSALEfc EXCHANGE. awTre h-Rt cf Scra-w awl 3rjjrrrea hand.'SV Cor i-r Vine ae i fjnrra ni. I r.Vi-atS ti 41 V