Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 23, 1871, Image 3

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1 1
' h't'A Abr.Culvprwf il.s CelcbrrtR-'l.r.riy
.1 l
oil in : r'j'tii.r rare v w 1 1 iimu . i'
cine! uf Seiieriiiatorrinr- or .Semi
nal Vcaknf. lavol-inrary Seminal Losses, 1m
,..tciicy. .Mental and l'hysical Incapacity. Iin-Tr-,liuint.
to Marriage, etc. : also. Consumption,
Epilepsy, and h Us. induced uyclf-iuuulgenca.
or sexual extravagance.
A'n-l'ri'1"'. in a soiicd envelope, only $ cents'.
'j lie celebrated author, in thin admiral essay,
clearly de.con-:trates. i'ro'-i a thirty years' fiic-cc-.dnl
j.r4i : ii t iiat the alirmtn couseo, unices
ef salf-ulm-'e may he radically cured without the
dangerous u.-e ot internal medicine or the appli
cation ot ti:e knite ; pointing out n mode ol cure
at onco fin: pie. certain, airi cllectuul. by meap
ef wbich every matter what his cc:
citii'in may he. may euro himself cheaply, p -va!e.
mil rr- iically.
-'i'his lecture should be in tho hands of
every youth an i every man in the laud.
Sent, nndcr rani, in a plain envelope, to any
ad !rss. postpaid, on receipt of six cents or t"
pOUtage stamps.
AI.--. Lr. CulverwtH's ".liurrijjre Guide."
price Z, con's.
Addres 'lie Publishers.
CIIaS. j.c KIKE & CO-
Til 7 I'. iwery, New York. 4x
Dtir W wiy.
Legal notice.
In the 2d Judicial restrict Con-t sitting with
in and lor Cass county, Sute of Nebraska.
John S. Uarloy. 1'laintiff.
Sammd JIi'Mahon.
II. 1".. McL'unc, Defendants.
Samuel McMahon and II. li. MeCune. non-rc-idcats.
defendants of the State of Nebraska
will Like noti :o that John S. Llarlcy, of litoo
eountv. State of Nebraska, did on tho eighth
.l.:y .f M r h A. It. 171. file hi pctitim in the
" I Ju'liet il District Court fifing wiMiinnn 1 lor
Ca.-s county. State of Nebra-ka. nsninst the
fiid SamiK-l McM.ihori and 11. 15. .McCiiup. le
lcndant. setting lorth that one John S. Darl.-y,
plaintij'. is the owner in fee simple of the north
east quarter of pennon number eleven '11 .in
rati?e number twcl ve 12 1. eat of the i'th I'rinci
pal Meridian situated in Ca.-s couMy, ?tate of
N'enrark-i. and priiyin that the title to said
m l be derreed by said court to he in pluintiif
end that ill claims of Fai l defendants to faid
ha 1 of whatsoever kind or nature in i v bo set
tide nriil decreed nuil and voi 1. and fir uch
uther an 1 lurtlicr relief at in equity and
c mscii-u e pl.iintitt inay be entitled to. and the
iuid i;iiuuel .Mi ll .hon and 11. II. MeCune are
nutiticl that thev are r'ff;uired to nppear am!
answer said pet ii ion on or before tho tenth day
of April A- 1. 1T1.
Uated. March i'th, A. I. 1ST1.
Stevens .'c iJAYwRD.nndC. W.Sevmocr.
Attorney's for I'laintiU
' It is h'-rcoy ordered that the above notice be
I t;l iishv i in the Putts Morn; lif.KAt.ti frfo-ir
cjiideiutive week.-, dated March ','th, A. ). 171
I'.y J. "if. Ui:AKi:!.k.Y, Jjei'Ul Clerk.
A Jin aavrtisii); ii!K i..inoNFii
11 ';ii.ds without a:j cijual in the country. It."
IxMiiuiul print and fine eiiKravincrs prohibit it?
wan! n i -tract imi. like m"st other paper, am.
if is kept lor binding at the end of tho year.
I; :ii.?ti n is throush out the United Stale
nr. I i Mia-i.i, and is increa.-i'is beyond all prc-c
dent in rue :iiiii:iis of jounalism. showing that
the pub'ii.-ap it iate its worth. It "iibscribcr
ii ii. I regular l en.icis arc lare land holders, real
estate nsouts. hankers, capitalists und pcrons
.i kins: land investments, tor money. It there-
, ire I nines t'.i"oti!y me'tium through whi. li
! -r-oii.- haviu la :d to sell c in reach purchasers.
As I and men ar.: " f tan tly im proving t heir lan 1
lv t.'ie ere H.-n flare and c .-tly ed liccs. win -ii
we eon t mt'y iMn-: rite, it is therefore the most
m r.l ii lc iri dium i r advertisim; ail kin Is "f
I'uildin; m it"ii::l-'. th? ear is cf architect?. etc.
Siibli-jription i.l la) per annuui.
nir bi.i' l'e'.il Kslae A'-nts inf-rted
in the ! state Asrents lirectory. el is-iiicd
i.y el; : a u I to-,v ns. n"t exceedir. 1 oir lines of
f ' lid iiotiparicl type, f 1) per year, which i'.-
iaclud'j u ri.j.y of the paper. Tliis is the tno.-t
i i i 1 on mi fivt'ire of ihe journal, ns this direc
ti ry i:ow eiiili.ic's a majority ot the leaoinj
firm-of the country, and is convenient lor re-lerer.--,
A iv rM-cTv.f'f l'-s t'i:;i 'juartT ed'Hiin -JO
cent - j ' r line s did nonpariel type, Kdi ori.i!
m Mtci ". ' en's per line leaded brevier lyp-.
m Mil i- r atvci i ;-!ir on i::r.e con;rrae;s
41 Pava' It ouarteriy in advance. ud-
r:-',-T.ien mu-t h neeompnied bv th; ta.-h
insure insertion in the -iiccoe.tmK i-.-ue.
Term-' for i '1 pieces, prices of Cartoon."
en?ra v inc-of buildinss, etc., i-etit on applica
tion I y ii. si it.
A miutss.
j. m. v;i.a & co..
Publishers of the L.'.vn Owsrr;.
hieat-o. 11
1870 S370
Philadelphia & i:rie Hallway.
Winter Time Tabic,
fn and after Monday. May :'th 170. the trains
i n th l hi!:i l Ipl.ja up d Ki ii: i - aiiroad will run
is f..i .ws L i n I'cusy I vania Kailroad llcpot
Wt.-i Cuiiadtiihiu: -
wr.- rwAii'i.
Mail Train leaves l'ni'.idc'.phb", lit C p m
W illiamspurt. Mini a in
" rri at Uric. 7 4 ' p in
Eti ; r.y.K leaves i'hilad: Ipl'.i. 1 ) : a m
William -port, x 1". p in
" " arr at Krie. 7 L'" a m
t'tnira nail. Ic-i vw 1'l.i! idelidiia. 7 Tit a m
V illiaia-port, 0 (:! p m Ii.-k Haven. 7 L'l p in
t il l I' i.-I.- me. il lc.:vcs William-port. 1 ."'i la
arr at Lock Haven, - 4 p in
Mail Train b.ivcs f. ':. S " i a in
WiUiamport. i S a in
" " arr at l'hiladclidna, ri ::i a m
Krie Express leaves Erie. ! '" p in
iili it.isport, S 1 a in
" arr at !" i i I cleiphij. r;lpui
Ei mini ma il lca es y iliiaiiisp.rt, ! 4"ain
arr ;H l'iiil.i idi'lii i. TrO p m
IJe.i! ! eipre.-s leaves William-port. 12 !;" a m
Ilarrisiiuri.-, ." JI m
" arr at J'h iiadeldii'i, S a m
lie' I E.iffle mail leaves Lock Haven. 11 a m
arr at il!iain-i( rt, 1 '." j nj
H il 1 ii.t-'le cx'iess leaves ,. lla ea. St ;V p in
"' arrat Vilii.inis;oit, 10 ;"-') p in
Express, mail and Aceouimo lation c.i.-t and
cui-ieci at Corry, and nil f:t bound
ir tin- and mail end ae-'oinTio. l.ith.n east a
lr:net-.i.n v.ith 0:1 Creek uud Ailcyiicuy Kiv
cr KidlWu 1.
, Wm.tmm A. llAi.nwiy.
Oenerul feuperiiitendent.
Advert s.siiajj,
A Boo); of 1" closely priutcd pases, lately
isii"d. coin. i : ns a li.-t if the bi - t A merican .VI-
t in
uir Me.ii j:u.'. (iivin
xw tl
le names, eireula-
lf. ll p irtieulars e.en ernin ' t lie lea l-
Uaity and I'oliiie.;! and l'amiiv lou-et :ier with ad tnose ha-, iuff lare
eir -in .itinr.s. iu;'li-iu d in the interest ei'
eion. Agriculture. Literature, Ac., t e. liv ry
A-lvei.isi.r, and every person who contemplates
1 e , oiiii:i- s u h. will liml this book of Kreat
i Milne. Mailed free to unv nddrcs on receipt
' f " ci.t. il i. i. it . C.I.I. V (
l'i: h.-rs. X... Park Ibuv. New York.
The Ppt-d-unr tTa.'t L-nUr, new is.-ue of May
7 l-';". - ivs : "lhe firm of tieo. . Koweil
x l.'o.. wlii Ii i-.-ues th i-inierre-: i.' n i valu
le bo k, is t he lav.-rst and best adve-ti.-ii;s
Arei.ey in t1 e I'.iite i Mates, an i we c .ui c'.icer
l nvnau'i: i.d it tr tin: attei.tion of th"se
ho de-ire to advertise their hit ine.-s cife"e-
',vaiid .-ciiofie'i'.y in mu'i : way: that i.
o to si--:n' l!io!:'r'i-l amount of publicity for
he le.i.-t expenditure ul luonry."
1. J. Terreberric, In the Trt Court 2.1 Ju.ii
vs. - ei ii I'l.-triet within und fur
ii. E. lliils J Cass County, ci.ra-ka.
N U'i l''!; is hereby civen to tho said II. K.
1! II . tint a petition has Keen iiicd in the
f ove entitled e:ni-e lv llies.iM pl.iintiM. in the
i'i-tri- Court. Jd Judicial li.-;rict. within
; 1 for t'a- County, Xeln a-i. a, pr'yimr
tri.if a ectain I'ced of Al.irttfiie or T"ri!-l
n the 1. Ilowin- It-nl Estate siluafed in .ir.'.
' en.;.- of tics, to wit : the N E iU irter of sec.
X 11 11 11 East li p m.,dalv executed and dc
! vcre-l bv I!, li. Jl.ivis to II. E. lliils. July 11.
A. I. l-".-. and tiled for record in ihe Clerks'
li'te-i of Cass County. Nebraska. July . ih i
l--ei. and rcor ied i.i book "i;'' t ao and
hieh mil remains of re or 1 , be delivered u;
'il th? seme caneellcd ef record, lind the raid
U.K. !!;ll is reinired to atisw-r r demur to
i I pf tii ion on or before the :'1 ilav of Anril A.
JMl. VOX Sc W 11 EEL Kit.
laar.h Zn l. , Alls, lor i'.aiutiiT.
Eoci Eluffs, Keb
Spring Term Commences
Elarch 21st, 1S71.
Tupils of eUher?-x will reeeire thoroush anJ
fystema'.e instruction here, l'articuiar attea
fail to 1'i-icia.ry scholars.
Sehocl books furnb-hej free of cost ta 4 ;i!.
For terni3 an Z particular n 1 lre
Klow'-f J. li. FATTERSOX.
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore existing be-r"e.1nt-
i u"'Ier.-i"rn?J-"nl?r the firm nam. of
i ,7"V. l' " u" '.-solve.l by mutual
.rnnt A. II. Lu.dc to con-inue tho business.
,.'",,,' --Jiieci an oaUtandin
March 8ih. 1871.
a. h. Brcc.
I would respectfully announce to tho citiicn
Piattsmouth h Vicinity
ibat I have opened a first class
Grocery & Provision Store,
on Cth Street, south of
Ihipo by fair dealing to merit my shore of
Goods Jtliveredto any part oft he eitv free of
chse A. II. LUCK.
January 2.1. 187'. dlf.
FOB 1871.
Cheapest of Ladies Magazines,
It h.i. tiln-nys been the rare of the publishers
to coiiibino in its pajtes whatever is. useful,,
whatever is elevating, whatever is pure, ilini
tied, and cirtnous in svntiineiit. with n hateve-i
may Hiford rational and innocent amusement,
l'or iU Ijitcrary JJepartincnt, in past years.
In the litterary world hive contributed, an
will continue to furnish articles for the yea
171. Such names ns Marion linrland. lno
rhnrchil, Iouis .S. Iorr. Metn Victoria Victor
S. Annie i'orest, ilrs. lleunison. Airs. C. J"
Hopkins, und others, cannot be found on the
Prospectus of any other magazine.
Ono copy, one year $. IX
Two copies, one year 5 H)
Three copies. on year 7 no
I our ciiies. one year 1(J 00
i'ivo copies, one year, and an extra
eojiyiothe person j'etur.g up tho
eliih, making six eopie.s II CO
Eiht eo - ;es, one year, and an extr
copy t he person ire' tin" up the
club. kinjr nine eopie.s 2103
Elevi n pits one year, and an extra,
c-ipyl t person ettiiiit up the club
liiaki twelve coj'ien. 00
HOW REKIT. In retnittins bv Mail a
Pos,T p i i i..RiF.iton hihideli hi.i. or":. Ui:akt
cn l'hil clpl.ia cr Xew York. j.i-rni,fc to th'
i,n!rr l j. (;!': is J eiierabie to bank
notes. 1 1 n draft or a l'o.-t-f.tii -e 1 'rder cannot
hp iocurcd, eerd United States or .Nationa.'
Batik notes.
Addre-s A. L. GODF-V.
rnrrixtk awl Ct'it.iut ,-t. i'liiutdel-
Harper's Weekly,
NoTirrsi ok TftK pi:r.,5,5.
The model nenspa; er of our country. Com
plete in all the licpari p ent j of an American
1 amity IV per. Harper's Wcehiy has famed tor
it -i if a ri-ht to it? ti le. " A Journal ol civila
tion." A-c Yurk h'rt iinin ritxt.
The let ptiMs-ation of its cia.-i in Amerlea.
am so far ahead of niloilur weekly jo jrmiN
as not to permit of any coii!ari:ion between it
and any of their tiumbir. Its c dtuuns contain
the linmt collection ,.f re iilinjr matter that are
printed. Its ! lus' rat ions are nuuiTous and
beaiiiitul. beint- fuinir'ud by tue chief uni.-t of
the eouiitry. lln-',.n 'J'rn r- rr
Wvrvo;' Weekly is the bc-f and mo:-t;
illustrated nevr.-iaper. does iti value
oepend on i;s iilutrau.Jll- ai :::. It.i rc.idiu
matter is of a hich eider ol literary merit
V'iriv I, ii;-t' t:j:ivc. "'. " ' .t. ;..
i.uuuoic. 1 . A . .'mil.
5 un a: ip tioxs. m.
Jrrtn .
Harper's Weekly, one y-ar "I C,t)
An extra c py o l" cithi r tiie Maraziric, Ai'cikly
or l.'arar, t ti iti be up.'if 1 ciatis t'er very -nl
lor five Fu'.s'-rihers at jl n ic.K-h, in tme reiuit
tauce ; or, ix cuiie lor i.J 00, witaaut cxtia
Subscriptions to Harper's Mazarine, Weekly
or ll.izar. to one addi ess f.,r one year. SiO 00 ;
or. tn-of Harper's-l'criouii nls, to one address
lor theyear. t-7 if".
Hack niimhers can bo supplied at any time.
The annual volmn.s oMiarpors eekly. in ilea;
cloth bind inir. n-iil be sent by cxprc-s tree .i
expense, for 7 M inch. A complete, set, eom-Iiri-inj
fourteen lunicj. eut on receipt of
cah a tho rate of so Ji p5' vol., fr.uht at the
exi.en t of prirehaser. Voiunie XIV. ici ly Jan
uary ,;t. Is, 1.
Th i osJnse on Harper's Week!- is 2fi eenU a
yenr. which must be paid at the subscriber's
post jn:cc.
i ddrcs
New York.
3 A3 1
Put down in Otoe county in the past IS month',
lnd from Til KEii to FIVE a week making at
urcsl nt
IXTY-X INK of them were in the worst kind
af Quick-eand,
rillUTY'-OXE of t;em were made in places
where the old s'yle. ''lluir Wells" had drie.l up
Mvod in i.iilcd to furnish a supply, or uatu
?;'y. 'played out."
'1 heirown rciuirati' . and the unanimous ver
dict of the people I Otoe County
Attests ilieir 32crlts.
At. Outf.t i now in operation for the accommo
dation of Cass Couuty, iu charge of
vVells guaranteed to furnish nn cmple supply
i water, or the uioney reiuuded.
Prices nizd Tctj.,.
Wells bore;!, tubed find fitted np for throwin;
water ail coaipleteand guaranteed.
Que DoSIar per Toot.
Ouick-F.ind wells fj. extra one each well. (In
tho country hau ls to bo boarded while doii:g
"pon-lde parties desiring it a note for
waie-nnlt will tie taken for part payment, otnix
months, with iiitererlat 1"J percent. Iroiu date.
Pnrtie- wishinir wells will plene aeenmnio Ii t
by leaving their orders nt tiie Hardware r-tor
of C. W. iUEllK. or iiddrc-cins uie a line to.
Very "c? ectfully
13. F. DifTenbacher
July lSTO.d.Cwtf
On Main Stret, riatfsmoufh. -here they pro
pose to keep on haul the very
i Cill xrA m. u.
1 febl-Miwtf.
Is now receiving-and has on band fat the old
Ktaud oi Wliiic Butterya;
Sulh lidd Mala Slreet, riatUmouth, Xeb.,
Stock of Trii!rs. Medicine.. Paints, Chemicals
Lead. Varnish. Coal Oil. Fish "il, Mach ne
Oil. (Jar-lin Oil. C-tstor Oil. Xeatfoot
Oil. halo Oil. Linseed Oil. Lnrd
Oil, Essential Oil. Cod LiverOil.
and larse variety of Xo
tions. I'ei-fnmery. i nney
and Toilet Arti-le.
Essences. Fla
voring extracts
and ull
Pueh ns
Jayne's One's
Ayers. Hcovillo's
Hull's Christie'n Mc
Lain's. Morse's, Lekor'3
WistitrV. Wrisht's. Wake
field, Ouysoit's. l'trry I)avis'
Bobaek's. I'etitt's. Mrs. Winslow's
Pr. Vinei,ell's llostetttr's, .brake's
Wallace's. West's and oi the most popular
Patent Medicines in uso at the present day.
Branriies Wines and Whiskie
Of the Best Grades and qualities, strictly for
Medical purposes.
Bed or P.ose. Green. Blue, Black. Analine. In
dio. Madder. Extract Logwood, Lry
Woods, Ac. In l i -t everything
that is nenlc I in the drujj
or Mclical line.
f hyciclans' frcscrJpiions
Ciirerui:.v compounded nrd put up at all bcurs
All Iinurs wa; rt uti 1 I're-h and pure. Call be
for" bin inir. imi-I see what I have to sell.
I'latU'iunuth, Feb. i"th.diwtf.
Lcrja! Notice.
Hortoa .'- Jcnks ) In Di-drief Tourt 21 Jndieiul
v 'r District wiil'in und for Cass
G'"or2 Heniins J County Xcbra.-ka.
NO ril'E is berel y civn to G. ore Flitnirp.
m.ii rc.-i lci-.t de'en l;:nt. that 1'crt iii A
JeuiiS plaiiltili's in t J.e ;; imvc cm iricl c ;us '. did
on the U-ill day of I e iruary A. D. 171. file their
petition in said Court. ::aitt tho ra.d (Uleii
(l.iut in whfti 'h'-y el iim .Iu 1 ; -tiijat for the
sum ol j d tM; li'.iy-one d illars on mi recount for
inert Iiuiniii-e sold and lielivi ri d arei labor and
irviccs rwi'.t r- d to s.ii 1 det'erdaur Irotu May
the lust ls7oto.)unel.-i ls,;i. n,, p.irt - f which
has iii i'ii pat l. ihat on the-Sf'j ay Februnry
A. I l.v. I p!.:::;r:li' e.-.u d an ir.ltr ofat'in ii-in-nt
to he i-ti 1 out of'h I luce of the CI -rk
ol ihe District Court in and lor t"a.-sis.uiity Xe-br.i-k-i
mid c;:a-r. said George : b minsr's inter
est i.i the fidl. v.-itis real estate fn be attaeln d to
wit : 'J be r e ir ot tiie s - o,r of section Ihirti
s:x '"'i1 town-hin eleven (Hi range eleven ill)
east 0 p. in- Sai l nou-resi'leiit de cii iaut. is
hereby iiotifie.l to und answer said peti
tion on or before the od i!nv of A pril A. D 1S",1
By G. S, SMtTit. tneir At'y.
Tiik rr?T Pots a.vb Ginm aUrtAZ.-si;.
Demure-: s o.i;; Amrr rn iu .nthlv, v ita
spl'-nnid Suppl'-ineriis. and alwms S'nik!inr
with eiitertainini Mories. I'oeriis. l'u:'.!cs. .'u'I
sic. Travels, iniines. and other cnter'aininr
leatures, profusely ii'.u-trrted. and eaicflateii
toainu-'o. and instruct Youni? Ani'-riea in-V
"f'''..',1- cents- Yearly. SI UK with a ehoieeof
the Sollowins henunful and valuaole pr. iaiunts
to e.i. h subscriii-r: Aline parlor eromo w.rth
to . Sue l ;xl2. and eii:d P. a line oil Paint
inrr; or a fine innroeo v'iS:-e:!:e po'-ket riil tc
or h line rcarl-hindle two blade pocket-knite!
and a pallet of I.. -t paints: or. a supi i ior spv
class; or. the ih-u-ht i-i.l l VVetkly i tor one vea'.
er, eiiool..y isitor tor one year; or uii Us
lionsrtio.d Matrnziiie for one yi ar: or. i he Book
ot Ad vol: tu re-. irice f 1 V; or a choice from the
Ii?t ol spleudi l i.reuiiums ofred to single inb
scribers to ' ri.i-rcf M-.Hth'u Moituzi:.-,
and ounierous other valuable und spl. i 'id
premiums lor clubs. '1 hiry-seven subs. -riber
at l . .ti each, secures a 1st Graver A liel"-r
.re-.-, inir niacnme, or iweuty Ku!icr:h
and if;
extra in money, witu i
smulo preii.'.iiiu
' . , K": " s-u-j.-cri i-r apeiiiien copies.
wil,i cireiioirs. mailed pusi-fUe on receipt ol
PI cents. , Uress V. Jknmnos Dkmokkst. S;
Lroaoway, X. Y . Do not lad to scud lor a f pee-
Attach niGnt notice.
Marcaret S,i:npon by) Iu the Dlstrb t Court 21
her next f iend f Ju lici.d n'striet 'n and
c .' r Ca.-se-. unty, State of
Oren t. 7 liompso t J . el.-::ska.
Oreri S. '1 hmnpson of the S ate of Illinot will
t:.';e-notice th;:t Margaret Sa-i son. b.- .er
next li ierd Cietn- lit. did on the iith
day oi I brmry A. I). I7i tile h-r petition i;)
tho District 'onrt of the L'.i Judicial Id.-iri t of
the Mate oj jve'.r. ska within and f r Ca.-s
county, acainst Iron .s. Thmps.u .Ic cn l nt
pmy.iiR. juosremeM tor the sum of one hundred
and twen-y-!ive dol!., i. wii'i interest Trum tho
1 ita d-.y o, Miy A. I. Is d. H, , ,Tn ,es tor
breacii ot covenant i"i deed d it- d Ocr. otr 7th
A.D l v.'.i, s;, id lie I execute i and d' livcre I to
PUinti'i, I'l.ijnti:; did on the iVli t.iv of
r eb. 1 -., I e ii'so r.n art. c'unetit to be i
arrainst dciendai-.t. and did en-so the fobow.i.
real estate of Uefeiid-iut's to he at ..neh-i! to wit7
Xiiie ncr.s in the Nor'h West corner of lot n
ID in Kectiou ei- :fcc:i -IS; towii.-ij. welve:l"
r inse tour-en It ac.-fird'i;fT to Goreriime-.t
survey in C;es coonty. State of Xebra.-k.i. and
the said Orci; s. Thompson is noti';-...! that he is
reintred to npnenr nndai:-wer said pi lition on
or beforeth" the 1 il iv ..; April D l
II' t il ielel Cicui'.iit,
By ..I no'ETT A fcTtioxc, Altys.
"Lcxuriss cf r.lD'Jern Travel.'
In the- e i.iyslhc t.t'e of the Ti avel'r Tub
lie has otue cxeeeiiinxly ;nsii lion. In order
to o tain ttieir patron: ire a It a ii road line most
t.e a le to insure f-atety. Speed eicl eomtortah'.e
tra:porta:n:n.liy posses.-iitf.-thu necessary
fiitionsof a tin-t-c!a-.s etiuirtncM ot cj.lctj.- allj
loeoiuuf ves.. a soli, I road-bed and heavy iron
l'lill-iiiii's PaVnc Sleepi r,ff's
dining cars, a direct route, good councetions and
ca?t lul u: nasi inert.
The ISui iiniUon iout is making cerv effort to
posses ail these qaiiacatiou.s to a hish UcBree.
and oJ"e;s a ro"?e to ::!l ; o?iirs ens', wef. riortti
Kuiiiu. Ly means o! i!s e-nncctious us t-.diuws:
1. At 'maha with t'l" P.-u i'i-roa .
At I'iaiUujou.h with the ii. A M. K. Ii., in
Xebaask l.
3. At Hambnrr. w'uhrhcSt" Joseph Bailroad
for all point.- in Kansas. Ac.
4. AtOtt;tu;wa. with th e Dcs Moines Valley
and north Jiisoari mi roa-.s.
5. At Bur inirton with ihe B.. C. K. A M, R.
K . for Davenport, Muscatine. c.
0. A t Monmoiith. with the li. R. I. ,t St. L.
an I W- s-t ni L'ni m Bailro nls. tor St. Paul, and
points in the north, aud for St- Louis aud pointa
in the south.
7. At Peoria, with th? short line Bloomirj
ton mete to Indianapolis. Cincinnati, Louisville
an 1 ull point" south and oust.
. 3. At. Pee i .. ith the T.. P. Jt W. H. R.. for
Lncan-pc-t. (. luuibus. Ac
!. At Men. iot.. with a. 1 the Illinois Central.
10. At CillCAGO, with all Trunk lines lor the
Xo better advice can be eiren then, than to
Tak the EurPnjfton Koute." dtf.
LOCAJj' asTErws I
Mrs. Wm. C. Brown arrived by the
niomirt": train.
Hon. J. S. Church went Lincolnward
this inornin?:.
We learn ly private source that the
name of J. J. Ilochstetlcrhas besn aain
sent into the Sunate as postmaster at
NebrasLa City.
A stunning question at the I'latta
mouth l'ost ofucc upon the arrival of the
10a. tn. mail: "YYiiioh fide of the
iajr'Cachrnent trial do the Omaha papers
take to-day ?"'
Judge Wakcly has resigned his posi
tion as attorney in the Butler Impeachment-
The Ju dge evidently fails to "see
it" in the same light as soue of the im
pcachers. The Star Bakery can furnish the hun
gry fanner with a first-class lunch at
reasonable prices.
It is expected that Ilev. Roswell Fo.c
ter will be called as pastor of the Con
gregational church of this cii3'.
Ilesser is on liarnl with hh "garden
fas" every day. lie informs us that he
is now furnishing neighboring towns with
lettuce, e:c, ami that the trade iu flower
ing plants has become quite brisk.
At the council meeting, last evening,
the "second class" question was taken
up and continued until Monday next, in
order that they, (the council), might re
ceive more Vylil.
B. S. Ramsey arrived at home this
morning from a winter's visit among his
friends in the cast.
D. L. C'app, E?q., of Stove Creek,
arrived in the city this morning from a
trip south. He comes home perfectly
contented with Nebraska.
Hon. J. W. Patterson, Representa
tive from this count, arrived on the
evening train.
The rip rap work is moving along
bravely. It is nearly up to high water
mark, and will be out of danger long
before high water
Representative I'attcrson informs us
that the examination of witnesses on the
Butler impeachment began ti-da3 Y.z
Treasures Sweet was tho first witness
St. Patrick's Day passed off ver3 qui
etly. There were no unusual demonstra
tions during the day, and none that we
have heard of d'T-ing the night. The
Grand Ball is said to have passed off to
the satisfaction of tho participants, and
the dancing was kept up until the "we
sma' hours."
TI13 April number of Demorest's
Young America is full of entertaining
nnd very instructive reading for tho
young, and certainly no better present
ovoid be mile !i;in a JC.i". t ub?;:f 1 () ; ioil
to this the best of all juvenile magazines ,
besides each subscriber gets a premium
wo"th everal times th? cost of tubscrip
t on Address W. Jennings, 833
Broadway, New York.
Pr. McC rei performed another deli
cate dental operation two weeks ago to
day. It con.-iste.l of the cxtntelum of a
very troublesome tumor between the i-u-perior
inol irs in the mouth of Mrs.
demon?, who lives near Rii k Bluffs.
Tiis tumor had troubled Iter for nearly a
year, and caiwd her many sleepless
nishts. She had advised with several
doctor?, but they had been unable to af
f.rd relief exoept by extracting the two
adjacent teeth. She now has a sound
mouth, without the loss of a tooth. Al
ways go to a dentist to doctoryour teeth.
It was the talk some weeks ago that
John Fitzgerald, 11q would go to-Kcn
tucky and take a heavy railroad contract
during the pre-ent season ; but he has
abandoned that idjtt, and is expected
home with his fair bride in the course of
a few days. It is expected that lie will
remain in this city during the season,
and if he dors we may expect another
magnificent building as the ra result ;
for "our Fitz." (we shall continue to
term him ours until his wife objects) can
not be idle he is a thoroughly live man,
and wants everything about hiia to show
signs of lifj.
1 ou ouL'ht to see wh .t a good humor
our "het'er ha'f " puts us :n when sho
places before us one of those deliciou-di-hos
she? n;a!.es from Godey's re-c-ipts;
and we often think it would tc
pleasant to be si('k awhile, if the nurse
would follow Go ley's advice Cor the siik
room. Godey t.-lls you how to drcs
well, look well, lie we'!, get well, eat well,
drink well, iive well, and die well we've
not tried the latter yot.Time., S. C.
It is said that Hon. T. M. Mar
quctt made a potserful speech bef re tl;
court of impeachment cn the point that
Gov. Butler could not bo tiied foraeis
of a former term, nor held responsible as
Governor fur his acts as commissioner.
The Journal speaks of his speech in
terms of' greet prai-e, and says that
every point was brought out with great
"IF tiif.v he rrn.-'
3Ii!Ier sat?, tinier oath, that he ean
prove he ta.vs oF Duller, in nny conrt,
in 'Cfteen minutes," jirovidtd "the
witr.essc enn le found"' to ?;vear to w hat
he has charged.' That's it, exactly.
You enn prove that the Ouiuha Ilernhl
is a truthful and hono.ablc newspaper if
the "witiiegscs can Le found" to ewenr
to it! liut, xrhrrc cm y9 find tttem?
"That's what's the matter!"
Mr. Iji'ura, the c.'nihir.nnTy man.-irr
of the Brooks House, informs us that
the vLits of ?trancer3 arc increasing,
and the spring is opening bright for the
growth of Plutismouth. And Lynch,
the pleasant and accommodating clerk of
the Piatie Valley House, is joyous and
happy at the present reality of Lu.sines.s
at this earlv srnrnn of th rer.
I'l.ilt inoulu fcclioul
The winter term of tins abtre school,
Prof. d'AUamsnd Principal will close
on Friday, Slst inst., at which time an
examination and exhibition will take
placf The Prof, has recently purchased
the James property, on Chicago Avenue
where he will open the Spring term on
the 1st of April, lit has also purchased
that elegant Steinway piano of Capt.
Murphy, which has been the pride of al
Plattsmouth musician', arid hereafur he
will have a lady teacher who will look
after the instrumental and vocal music
departments. He has also secured the
sendees of an able assistant in the Knglish
branches, and the Prof, will continue to
teach the languages, and have a general
supervision of the whole college. Here
is an excellent oportunity for parents to
secure a thorough education for their
children without changing from one
teacher to another and from one style of
teaching to another the great bane of
our school svstera.
We learn that our German friends
of the Turnvcrcin Society, met last night
and after discharging their regular rou
tine of business, proceeded to elect some
very Jteal ly members to their society,
among whom we wi1! mention Conrad
lleisel, JL. Golding and Frank Nicman.
We are glad to see this Society progress
ing, and understand that hey intend to
erect a substantial building, with a fine
hall, to be called the "Turners' Hall,"
as soon a3 they have members enough
to warrant tho undertaking ; and judg
ing from the accession to their numbers,
the day is not far distant when they will
be able to carry out their design. We
wish them success, and have not a
doubt brt that they will succeed as long
as they continue (as they have always
been) an honorable society to the city as
well as a Gymnasium for health and
pleasure for themselves. After the So
ciety adjourned, the Deitchers and their
friends all met at the lajcr rooms of
our friends, 1). S. & Co- (which means
Fred L. as well as "S.") ami there
found "G us." and "Gotiieb,1" two gen
tlemanly, jovial fellows "good boys
too," who served them to the best in the
house, in 0. A", style.
We are informed that Mr. W. II Pa
vis, an old citizen of Maryvillc, and
father of Maj. B. K Pavis, Circuit At
torney, met with a misfortune in Kan
sas City on Friday last, whither he had
gone for the purpose of making a
payment on some land. As he was
about to take tl train, several roughs
crowded around him and got into n mock
quarrel as to whether that particular
traiu was the one they wished to take,
every few moments appealing to him.
As soon as he could extricate himself he
did so, and found that he had been re
licved of a pocket book containing $C30.
St. Joe Union.
The Sbttcsmin speaks of business in
the land Office frr this district as fob
lows: ''Business at thclandoineon Sat
urday was rushing.. There were twentv
thrce homesteads and pre emptions, and
all these were soldiers who were entitled
tn K'.rt acres of land. This amount mul
tiplied by 23 gives a total of 3.0S0 acres
of land disposed of in one day. How is
this for business? It ebvjs oni good to
drop in at the land office and see the
anxious crowd, each one in a hurry to
got his or her chum registered."
Politic are (if report is true) badly
mixed. We want to see somebody's
ot'zt rAJir.RA.
xr in.
An idea generally prevails throughout
the Jvi.-tern States, that the only build
ings many of our far western cities boat,
are built i f logs instead of being the com
modious structures manv of them are.
We shall, therefore, present, from time
to time, views of bull -lings in the differ
ent western cities, in order to correct
this very erroneous and harmful impress
E. T. LiCC; i L'O.'.S ilA.-.DIVAItS STORE,
The above illustration, which forms
No. III. of our C.-iujora Series, is that of!
the li'.;;!.!it;4 in t'latt.-inotrtl), rscb.,
ortiitd and occupied by Messrs. I). T.
Tuko & ('o., enteiiirising and go-ahead
mrreliants city.
Th;? fliw eon-i-t.s of K. T. Duke and
M.-'j. D. If. Wheeler. They commence
business in ha :r s.7, tt.idtr the
tfitii'.: of (.'oo!it!rfo, het:ler & Co. , with
11 T. Duke as general manager. Mr
Duke became a partner with Maj.
.V heeler iti th" rro-inr tirtuin 1800, and
as the latter, one of the leating attor
ne. s of the city, was a -tivcly engaged ia
other bii-itie-s, Mr. luke took charge
and control of the business. Uot!i are
yi ung u:i, a:id their bu-ine.-s thows
ihat they ore among the wo.-t ?ti'.'cesful
bu-ine.-s men in th.3 new State. The
build occupied by tlp.'nt, a shown
ab''.c, is of brick, two stories in bisrht,
forty feet front on Main street, by eighty
let t deep, with a fine ccl'ar, an 1 is weil
liilcd with goods, from the basement to
ho nttie.
Mai. P. IT. Wheeler is the heal of the
real estate linn of D. II. Whi-eler & Co..
puUishor of the Nebraska LtiwJ Aftitt.
liotli of tha members of this firm went
west fouia fifteen years ago, and com
menced life witln ut a dollar. Their
success showi what energy, honesty, and
attention to buiuess wi-1 accomjilish.
This is only one instance out of many
of the bui-coss of active men in the great
test. Will lhe youu;? men of the crowd
ed eat longer stay unempWed, cr at
woik on meagro salaries, when there is
suoh a field of honorable success and
competence open to them? L'tnd Otcner
iMpr hi f M r
jf tf-t WJfi 'It'.- ."5 r? i r n j -:;-?rs's?4
Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ;
Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
Hoofing. Guttering-, Spouting and Repairing done.
J am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty JSot to be
Undersold, as 1 am IJuying of First Hands.
A. Xo. 1 riows anJ ruU'iTators, eloslns oat at Cost. . Itotao mber
TJaisi ST.. Jc.vZ to
Tf hnre the most attractive 5to?k"f
Iry Woods, Notion. Boot?, f'hocs.
Hut. Caps and ijroceric ever brought
to this tity. Cn! - nnd see ns.
&1Fg3 ITzEcfilJEiS'? of the condition of the II()3I
ltSUA CE UMt'ANY, of INew York, on the 1st day
of January, A. D. 1871, mude to the Auditor of the State
of Nebraska, pursuant to the Statute of that State.
Tho ntime of thin Conip-.ny is the HOME INSURANCE COMrAXY. incorporated io 1S53.
and located in tho city ot'Xevr York.
Tho cnpitil of sai l Compnny nctua'ly p:iid up in cash, is
Tho surplus on the Cist day of January. IsTl .
Total amount of capital and surplus
Amount ofea?h in Continental Xatiotial Hank, X. V - .
" " iu Met rcpolit:m " ' "
" " ' in hands ot I'ireiits for transmission
" 17. St. registered ai-d coupon ftoeii lis.1, market value 5 l'.r.i.'iiT
l-nite-l states ii-. nds o-'-d
Xortl Ciroliua
lthode rsland
s. Carolina
i-..-'ii-rdn. War
X. Y. City At Co.
(J ieciis county
0 per rent,
. .
Urn is'- ii City
1;hh; St-c !. nia'kct value
" " Li.:in".n ll .n li tin I Mortir-itfes. bciu.- ihn iiist li'-n il
l.'iii. lliiit.Cied Ileal il lal .wiiltlint Ivast l.'i"."-.
Icri'sr 7 if. ct
" " Loans on Stock. an i Umd. p iy?
ol securities p!c lrci. nt Ic ?t
" " mcr M igtiei nnd WrerKinfr
O her pi. pcitv, .Miscclliirici'iis Itcn
" Ptie for I'rcmium- on I'u.icics :s-nc t nt
" UilU recfdvtiilc ior l'rciii'iinid on InUii
Interest due on 1st .la nil iry. Is7 1
liiivcrnn cut stamps on liuiid
Ileal listato
Amount of Looses ndjust. daennd unpaid
cf " incurtd. Mini in process of ad; ii-tmcn
" of Devi U n..s dc-land an l duoan i in p.sid
" of " -ither e.i h or scrip, d cl re 1 hut not yet luj....,
" ij all other existing claims :i;:iust tho C itupauy
Total auiount of Lo.-scs: Cl.aimsand Li.i'uilities. ..
Th trreatcs amount in. tir;d on any one rislc is SJ'I.OW. but will not na a jretierul rulo exceed
J 30 ( J ' - . .
'J'hc cinpt"' his ni ?'i?r .'. ru'. a ' ti the armnnt n!lo we 1 to be in-tired in any-citv, town,
vi!!i;i2e or ido k. Iicins rovtnicii in tilts matter, iu each cil-so, by theseiieral ehaiacter'ol building.
H idtli oi sti o facilities i'ir pji'.iu out tiros. , to
A ccrtilicd c-1 y oi'ttie Charter or .vet of lacurpurution, asaincnle', accoaipinied a previous
pTAT cr Xf.W YflKt.
C fy itrt'l ' fici'y hi i ftn tor..-. J. Mart iii. Pre-idcnt, nnd John II. AYashburn. Secretary oftbe IIomt. Issi B axck CoM"
pa:.-v lieirp-s -verally and duly worn. d p .-e and say. an I e.ich for hiru"e!f .-ays. th it the forcsoinsr
is a true, lull an I carre -t slatcmcnt of the affairs of raid Corporation, and that they are the abov e
described otti'M-i thereof.
(aisned' Chas. J. Mabtix. President.
isined; .7. II. AVASHlirRX. Secretary.
Suo.-cribed and sworn before tee, this lixh day of January, A. 1). 1S71.
statk of x:-:r.R.rKA. )
Ai'tiiTotss UFi'icr;.
Lixoolx. February th. 1S71..
1 hereby ccrti'y that tne lorT-oir: i a true
nnc Company of Xeiv Vork on tile ia my oliiaj.
H. E. ALmE.i, Agsnl, Plattsmouth, ?ieb.
Ti'!-;en np l y the scb crib' r. twi miles route
of I' atts-i.nith. i n h .lilc hciUrc It. red e-irs
?wnil;j --f.ii k in left r.-r ; nod c-n red beif. i
enlf. soiiiewhiie spots on, h 1 iw-furlt in riht
ear and ii'i cli i.i uo.'.cr rile ot kit ear. N'
ther ciirks or i-rnrds perceivable. '1 h y cainc
to my placo iU.. ut lhe lt of J a-,u iry last.
Wm. VooDtcrr.
mareh 10 w"t.
Probata fi'ctlca.
T7herra. Ecr'iman D.ilterha this day ronde
applicat on for Letters of Adiuiiiistrat"n on tn
esteto cf Geo. L. Maker, d.-e-a-e 1. Notice if
h'-n-by jtiven to x!! p'trti'-s intercsfeil. that ai;i
Hpplie-i-ion will lie h"r d on the 0th day of Api i
A. l. 1S7J. t 9 o'.-ljck a. iu.
March 13th. 1S71
A. It. Child, Probata JudBO.
f march Ji'ith vr 3t.J
.1. YT. t4WLI'i, Jl. 13..
rnY.rCTAX AND SURGEON. lite a Enr-reon-in-Cbicf
of th? Army of the Potomac
ria'tsim.uth. 2cbnsk:i. Ofle at 0. F. John
on's DruirSforc M-iin street, opposite Clark A
Plnuiniarn. Private residence cornerol'Rockai;J
1th rrreoM. twe d'-orr south ot P. i. 'jaw',
City Hotel, no
H.OTS.tmS 02
$1,57S,00S 0:1
$ 5-1.710
12.i 1)
market valus
W1.S0O 00
r,',.423 OT
Hccod onl
late of in-
1.837,015 00
;i!e mi !. the market v
due I
at para'.ud -
.1 1 .
4 1
t'ti'n-e Fire an I lal
I Xavi.iti'iiiltifks.
,. .-
S1,578,ij.S (C
105,.V,S 71
3,0 00
Jl.OlS 71
eopy oflheannual statement of the ilome Insur"
uSi-noj inir v ri t r--Trf
Aulitor ot Aebrafka,
?The b--:t of Horses and Euygieson hand.?
Corner Vine and Fourth street.
riattsmonth yebrsaVa.
.IatuAent Tir the be.t Musical Instruments
made. Persons wu-hmj to buy Pianos. Cabinet,
Metropolitun or i'roiatite Orsns, orMeiodeon
can rnrchae t iiri"irti my Atrency on us liberal
terms as they run Irom th manufacturers
themselve". All tnitramoBU wurraiited.
rltf. J.N. WISE.
'Don't Ccdder fl9lTis0n,,
For He is Tco Dusy Vaiting
cn Caatomsrs.
vt rr Ti "VT A iTnrrr
Cne Poor Pnst of the Court IIou.o is the plas
to get a 11 kinds of
SJ'rosli meats
lie has fitted up tho finest Market in the State,
nnd keeps nothing but the best of
Meats. Meata delivered in any
Quantities on cpeciul
Highest Prices Paid for
Don't Forget the Flaf?,
Morrison's "Shoo Fly."
Hare moved in their new brick storw. sn
ha e just received a largB and well telee
ted stock of
Notions, rSckWVS Staplo
vThirh we offor to the public ai low tie
lowest and
T would cull the attention of the ladies t
c ur now stoek ef
Dress Goods,
Several shades of beautiful Satin. Lyonese,
eades. A lew patterns lett of that cent Poplin-
Alpacas, several shades- Woolen and
common lcLaii,s. Scutch 1'laids. Kobe Keppl.
also a largo variety of Prints Ac, which we
hure just xeccivcil and olfcr them
Lover Than Ever.
"tt'E have on hand a largo slook of APrLEs)
H by the bushel or llarrcl. We pay the
highest price in ca.-h or trade for Corn, (hit,
Ku'ter. Firns, Chickens, Turkey or any kind t
Farm I'roiluoe, .
0. FnbHNSOfl,
Bocks, Stationary,
Wall Paper,
PcrfuPiifirics ,
Hair Oils, newspapers
Magazines, and ALL tho
Latest Publications.
rrcsrriptions carefully compounded by an ex
perienced lru(?Kist.
lleniember the place, three doom .went of the
llKHAt.u. Office, I'latLfiuouth. Nebraska."
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
I nm prepared to accommodate the publin with
Ilnr-cs. Carriages, llugies and H No. 1 llearsn
oi. short noti. :e arid ridjii.iiabliMcrms. A iliu k
will run to thcstennihoat laiidiufr, and to all part
ol'ihc city when desired.
January 1, 1S71 d.vwlf. '
Plows ! Plows! Plows:
Wayman Curtis,
Tali on plaurc In armouncine to tltc
j:ub!:c ttiat they have securei trie servi
ces of that Pioneer Plow Manaf'acturor.
Vho i now enirascd in tho-rfhop mtiTnfi-tnr-liiK
a bcitir article, nt lower pric. s. I Im n ean be
bad from anv eastern matiufac'iiry. lne (rre-it
ndviiutiiice gained by piitr'nnziiitr this firm is
th it ymi not only pet bett'-r urticle at hop
prie s. I ut you ro pmn.n .mif UuML .MAM-1-
VCI U li I., vi here every -bjllar of lhe money
rttn iins in the State. marclilld.t h W
In Runninj Ord er.
I desire to announce to ',n nnl.Mn t
hi. u-y lircat incricdn Ten Inch Dnnble
lurbuie nter heel in lull operation. llar-
iik n iiuv.i my mm ior inriuiit i um now pe-y
ared in iU better by my cu turner, ttian run.
I I in the .-tate J. A. LAl'TA
Weeping Water Nebraska;
Dry Goods.
- tiueensware.
iioots. nd 8hoH.
- ,t ,. Hats, and Caps.
Aeri"Uifural Implimentsof all kinds. Weir r
1. A L. Cultivators. Ciii..n Corn 1'Iantcrr
randetour and Frincetoo I'ioWs. ice Ao ,'
oest pV;. We5tr " lhe "U Jliu at t!;"
All Goods Warranted
As Represented,
..?rinrrontantaim will be to sell an low -it
will be U. the positive advantage oi every lar
mer in the w ftorn and central portion o Cat
county to make this their headquarters for trad-
KfctD. KK08.
Dealers ta
Canned Goods (kc
Ilichest cash price paid lor oil kinds of Grain
and l roduce. Uuttcr, Egg. Hide--, Furs and
W onl. -
North Eat corner main and Fifth S's atti
rnoath noadAwif
- - - N'--