J t J. II. 1JUTTEUY. LS1I.H AND KKTAIL DTUGQ-IST I now reei-'ninn and has on hand 'at th old etuni of White & liiittcryu) Sta ide Mia Street. FlaUsinoutb, Neb., THE LARGEST Ar4D MOST COMPLETE S'ock of Drugs. Medicine. Iinf:. Chmi.-nls Lead. Viirni-h. Cord '' I. Fish oil. Mioi'i:'! Oil. ;.!r-l:ns "il. .".i-'r Oil. ' cat-foot Oi!. Wh..'e Oil. Linseed Oil, Lard Oil. Ist-c ntial Oil. Co 1 Liver oil, and a large- vnriotv of No tions. lV't'mrirry. Fancy un l Toilet :'r:i' I". IN-.- n. c s. H i voiing cxlni' ts end Such t s .Taync's i-oe's Ayer-. vil i -'s Ti.-H's (. hii-tie's , - i ;-L-iiu's. Mi:ri-'s i ik.v's V i.-tarV. v right's, V.'ake f.cld. ':iv-..tt V. Perry Davis P--'' :. k"-. l'i i 'l Mr.-. Uinsi..wV Pr. Wiivheli's Ho.-telter '. Drakes Wallace. U t -i's :itid o! t!ie mo-t Popular Palemilt-ji-i:i-J in t the prc-tiu. d.-y. Erap.r'iss Wines and Whiskie Of the U?yt 'irades a-d u;j.iilit.2. strictly for Mtdicai no i -vs. f T "! 1 iT Red or Ro-. Crcen. Riue. Jlltiek. An i!i;i. 1 1: i:--j. M I'i'iiT, l.str i'. i R'.".vt"d. L'ry , Wu.. t s. , In bet t-vi rv ll.it'i t ti.it is r. i in I'n' ii us or Mi'ii.td line. 'PvI'"1"-' t- r c !! "i 5-V- "J C.irc-e'ly com; - : i n i 1 r.nd put up at all hnar?. AH Drug- v..;to ::!. I Ire di tori pare. Call be i r !; in-. :!i I .- v. iiat I have to sell. l'laU.-uiou it. i to. tli.ijAV.-tf. IOof-J Civ--; fjio"" Ir i - f ! : r ) ! - n . 71 iZ MC3T S-JCC3Cr-L. I POPULAR AND PERFECT J Cooking Machines 02P 12SES PES-mCSE .r.i; w i.ll k xo v. x 7- y OA EC MS !ir:s - f t'." in.; U-t "t.-trsi.-'.i-n, are fa.-lly ttiar.2i.-ot er-i itiij .:it d I" fcive ! . ! S A nt r.r:;. ": in h-.n'h.ld h:,B ffrc-.ittr j r.i; .:(!!. -e in ir'.nt'.ir :h- 1.-. ; i:Vt. -oiiii. r: :-sid j h-Tpiiif t ;'; t : 1 1 1 : r" '''' .'f" '-'"! i : St..vr- i: i i , -in,' v !! a- I : i.'V '.'):' '' I : Vi.KV l:i: i': :t ! mi ..:ivi! : ;.. CiiAItTI-.Il ! OAK. i i! f.tn r. i n ; ( . !':' the lii.-.-t s-i vr--;ul. popular t.l j trit-c-t lofking JStove ever ; nsa.le. t ?'i.: i:y i Exceisic-r Kariufaclurlng Co., C.2 ?nd Cit Nc-ttH Man Sirctt, I i.o; tis. mo -AND AIL LIVE STOCK DEALERS HUE E. T. DUKE & CO-, j' plaits Morn i, Ni:;n.SKA. Hzz nib::! cc Zzint Joseph K. K. ni.;.. ; ( CVct tr.v.-.ry PiL. lt. a !.;vv. ",; 1 PayTTsp. .I.:"y -s.-.- p Sntid l.v 7:rr t in " .' I'i i'.i - . .p. cvi-'-pi iii'.r.'iay '' a lu " 5 ':;.! - ;. ;:.!!-. -x-- pt 1.101. !.!- 7- .' a in " 7 'I in-.'-.:.- i i'i. ! 'i'v s-.-i t i" '. lay ! '. n in " '.' Tiirnu.-'i ir: -r: .f ii"M: lay '.' ti a in s " il V.'iiy i.t !..:; . t .!:! i-ty... p lu " &.-.u tVi uaiiy . x--it .--un.Ji.y... iltv'Jaia j bi:i-r.T. j5.2 I-y f ; datiy rtti . ; t ; ur. "r y 0:."l a m j ; Pi. '-.: ' r. ..t.:y . x ' ' i .t . ". ti v i'.:4"a :u j s 1.. : ! i.t ily i tt'-vpt -"irtity i in 4 "li '';: ! .'. :!y ' t lav 7:'-' n :o ,'1- i;i..i!.:i lit .:..:iy M-4-pr -1:1 lay 1:.' p m ".11 i f)p"i .-'1 t il" . pi f. y 7 P 1:1 No. t ;i n it t ' i .: t .i.x!' ;i. ' 'ft arti. 1C i'l i.--, t rr, .M .-,i iiit-, i'l U-it, VVItc.l.Ii or Juc-a i- X".0 wi'l r. t ?n' ;-ast r:..-V.n. C.-'-urn. koa;i.'.-i-. .'i-n.i;-. V Iicttii..' or ili-a-i- T- 15. I'.'"nNKi i'. :?n A --'lit. j o ! Farir.rrs. r I cro you can get the best Flour ,i tbe uiot of it. i ;35 PSUMD3 GF XXX FLOUR ) AMU i in ci-r.n.rc fir p-ood wheat. . Vearea!.-o i' iu? erU work wi with fu" ;TJta-e d l'.n -:ii;h :s. u c ! .".-urfd that W Con giT VJ9 "ftit uud iiioil r iour '..f tiij- in lae itale. EATISPACTION lUAKAI.-TrnD. PrcUuco Doufiiit and Sold Hicar.sT KiPici pajo. , . , , S C'Siufon march idiwtf. In Hiinning Grdor. i d??:rc to - m i -uroinc , i..:c.r v, J:t- in P.-!'. 0p-.-i ti.,u. J!.lv St '-'v "11 through;1 1 owr-c- .1 il ID th .!!.: s I A I ATT 1 SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE II E E A L D ! THE BEST HM1F IMn fill IJjt'lfj i ill Lit III 7- sis j. -si- ec: kl raii csxs, DAI I A" : One. Ycttr - -Tlirtc J To nt 75 One Month - - $10,00 1,00 WEEKLY One IVvr -Six Jiontis - - .$2 00 $1 00 THE HERALD Knlarckd axd I.MPncrr.D lv 7v; o-vlv OA; Gin:;c compllti: x i:vs MOM tiii: grejit jv est r.E i n'Eiix S'LAT i Xl OU ill AND FORT IvKAilNLY. THE HERALD t?::;-' .iDvr.n tklyg medium Vrc-t of the MiGSClR! PJVER It 5- roa 1 y Etirnier?, ?'Inr-iiniili Mc-clitiTiic--, (Viitrti! tors, Stut-k I .::!. rs, ii;r!ro:i'l .Mi n, Ivi-inf -s Men, 1 a i: u f act u rcrs, Cdij-u ai cr.s, AND 37' 13?? T sr's FLORAL GUIDE FOIS 1S72. Tl;c firt edif'"Ti of fine linniirc.l nnd fifty thou-wiid i:oii-3 nt Vivks Iltutratt-ii Catstli-sue t'f r;i i'js arid 1'lor ! (tiidc. i- -!io I atnl r',",Jy to s:-rid on: J'Kt pucr?. arid j-1!'-'r:' '; of i:iiuuit every tJi'-ii-aule r lu ,-. 'T atiti a- lu'.Ip. It is ( "vainly printed r-n tino tii.'el paprr, i.PiftrateiJ with ttiree han.ircU fine Wo oil Uu ..ivinsfl tnd two bcauiiiui COLORED PLATES. The tiMi't beautif il and tho tno;t instrnrtive l irir'l Cuide pu!'Ii.-hed. A liertnan edii i .a puiti.-hcd. in ail other respects tiijilar to the Ki li. ti-rit fee to nil rry en-iton-.ers of 1S70, ns raj i lly ro.--i't,ie. without r.pplieation. cent tr nil .ili - rJ wh' order them lur '1 KN Cesis, w ti i -i' U not half tbe co.-t. Addnsi JAMES VICK. Juuu.-iry 10th ditvtf. Kochestcr X. Y I'fi.lt'TSMOLTSI C. TdFI'--EL. Proprietor. Il.ivin? rcrr.Uy oec T repaired cad placed in th-iroueh runiiin' order, ion,'"'' Ltu-hcls of Wheat wnnto-I immediately for which the highest tG.irket price wii I be rai,! Ja-iir'JS'vr'.f. in .SIS LJt; K S LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS AXP nUI -; ;'--:-: '-';i'"rr.H; it.r '.it! r. 'id ! i! . ' i 1 1 jI 3IPiL I'I 1ZL S 18 H WHICH YOU WILL ALWAYS rIXl AT RUSSELL & DOOM'S, Wcat End Main street. - Piatt.-tm .uth. Xtb. THE x- SELL THE CELEBRATED Weir fern Piovr. IX I. an 1 t ii.iinpi Corn Plow. Cira'i.l JicToitr Lre-iKiiis 1 1'". l'.-iii' t.''ii fp'ii ! 'iti ". ii.i'.i.- Plow, A. r. 1: i.ey i'.::. MiiU. Lure!. a .V Weir ctLii aiorredcr I li Mtr ; ';;. it-. Tlirr-a.-i'in M:rh:nf. iieapi rs atid Jioiv- l -. ItC.td'.l Or the Wst kind ar.d fin.-li'-c. fall on -r a l- .irr . , ias:-:t.L h jy.. I'l.ittMi!'.!!!'!, X'eb. ia..'i'i ji 'J iiw Wif. TELiTcrr Fj.r;.EKS 1 1 If iou irm:t In hi'y vn A .V 1. REAPER and MOWEI Call On At tbo A'iJ'.r. YOV.K ST') HI? nul c;:iain tl.cir i'.'.-Tli l..ii:,-:tj C;'V'.'.a Ch'vf JI. el T-'o.t 'ir l;'rc s. -i v. .'iOo. lOl of i:ai:ixg ax J I "I " FuFilQG CsOilG ck, Co I'liCUMilrl'JOPvH. iJO.OGO "LZllV: 2Ti'CCt ! - nrri'.v ii Xi -l X pntiri wit .1-1 :r. ; 'I ..-ibiT'i biT'l lt.l l-t M'..i.i.:y (.,r - 't. '.-: i: ;..-. l' i'. i. !u'rry, Piuiu, Itiiiai.rr I'l"-. crii f'-ii, iilj -, i- 1'i-r Cat3lj?ac and I'lirtScaJtirs. address run ham r-.oiis ft co., X'.unov.y villi:. Fob. 2d di-w:. r. Xi'.jiisi, JTW: KtilM0jX'8 FEED, SALE AND ? 1 - I li MAIN STREET, PUi 11. m o?fi IVc brt : s ha . t ,-im rrp.ri1 1 to n---'i ::.'. Ki.r-r-.. Ciivi i-c'.. on sin.rt m.'iii".' Mti.i rt!.!.-"1 v. run I'i.i i r : i. -i .i .'.-. : i (!'t lie i-ity -':!! ij. ir'. 1. Jitiui.iry 1. 71 .iAntf. c'.I.i!.' t:,.- rnl.li''" TT?th Jnr.'l.'i S. 1 l'r-ir" i;i n't: X i i'11'.i. I .a i; ilag.aud t'ull i.u.-t j j TWO HOLES Till: QUICKEST j AND 21 Tho Shortest Lins. ! rr-0! i CLU-fiw t.- Xrw YrrT?. via Pit trluir-K Fort ayno r- cup :-i-. iv-iiic-yivania. Cin- trat L T!:isi thi cn'.v Itoutf o CO r ( 1 r m thr cn'.r pi.utf i-'inrir:,? turr Piil'y j ri!1J i i d rt'-i 1 1 sitis. Some belated I e .Wt., t,,,,,,,;,.',.,,:--..,.. ,j,v;ii.iri wiSI rt irp,re(l nnii t, (.;;v- Linvs cl t i roin CLi'-t'ci W I 'I'l! o li J C II A s' r; i-: Vi:!. :t! .r.c A:i-;e t Pall 'ire. ir-rtf.-.rd. i N .'V- liiivi-n. 1 tun It'll, o, t i'i in hcld, . orCLS ttr ;iu 1 liu.-ioii I Tirnopon ticklts For .sale nt t;i- .t',-t.- r - ti I r jc Iti.es in ttie M'ttt aii'l lit n'l .:iit - i f t'.e I' ! t V,':iyne uwd Pi Urj iv alilii Cci:!' t.i K nti- iti '-i,':ff(i." 1 l!'s. L. KIM HALL. Crn. V.( ?tcrn rsyenser Apcnt, I'tnn's Central 11. I. Chic Jg:. C. CI.FLAXD. 1' t. v.". a C. U. R. u::ro:s pacific kailiioad. I"ii.:i rui t':vr li' iicc tr.ii:i;j wl.l leave and tr riv! at ' '...'. t.n us i.J!owa: I.'uvi' Arrive. ITrpre-? )t" "i p. w. Fv iiriit T:'"l a. Pi. ! .Tprr,' 'Jtc p. m. 1' !".. J.Ii t. r. :l- f;i. 2Jiii.il i:ir p. in. I .Mif 1 ":U-1 V. La. Ji're.-i i'lin-'v ini ir.'i'ie ;tt I'tu-iif! witti ':.i;i P & S. V.'. l::iilnir..l: I iac-:.--... K. I. A IV itic: I"hi.-:i2, Pui-iit'eti-.n V ;. !. U It.. ;ind Km. City. tt. d.ie. A C um il liintls it iilr.-"ls. Free M..nt witii .-i:i:-js fi.r l.i:i-,'..l:i m;-! West 1'nint, A t Chyittii' r i ll tivi'r l'i!d!e II. It. inr Pc-r.-vr. tVii'.inl City, fatit.t !'' and p'-in!? iu Cuor i. 'In oi:d i-w .M. xt: I.. A t Lry.:ii. v.M. fi;v.' f. r tr.o tre:it iv. c f.v:t..T ti'.itiiiK- Di-'-i icts. Af. I.' j- I den. with Cn:h C iit-tl it. t-.r S.itt Lr.kc and S.:uin; rii 1 l:i;i. nn.i C. 1'. !t. It. Pir C'lrrinm;. Vir-.'iiiia ;:-. Kttii'ii.i. White I'iiv. ,S:sT."mciiio S in 1 riiiK iy ii. nr. 1 j rincijiiil i-itic in a nia ivii.tn. Idaho. Orer;'it t u t Wushixiitan. Tii-kkts fur s.- !e r t i'.io tcitip ir.y'y oMce corner Faruhsia and t'th p.s n-i-l nt L'cpot ,!;icia. , T. E. t-iol: I , G.n l Snpt. J . '.'!t..c. Ctnl l..A;j-nt. LOCAL InTEWS ! Ritliard Newell, En., is erecting a neat rebiilenco in the north-west part of the city. Ifon. L. G. To-M, of 31 1. Pleasant, was in the citv to-day with a wacon Inad dl pork. ToJ'J U one of C'as county's hcnvivst titimcr?, Knl Las uiucn more f.iith in railroads than he had some3-ears ago. We hn. l tT.e pleatfure of mcetinir to day .Mr. O. M. NirhoU and s-in, of Hud son, Ohio. They have been uiakinq; in vestments in Nebraska lands, and are now on their way home for more money t invest in the sjuie manner. Nebraska wants just such men as the Messrs Nieh- Oi3. The business men of 'Iat!?mouth will be I'loase l to loam that theEa-t L'latts tnonth station has b.cn abolished, and that hereafter all freights will be dolivcr at the depot in this city. No freights will be either received or delivered oh tho ea.-t bank of the liver. A veiy Cue Chester White lio? arrived bv esj)vB-this inoinin.; for Mr. Bur rows, of Weeping Water. Tb.o farmers cf Cas are not behind those of any part of the State in th i matter of Cne hog, horses, cattL etc. Our ftiend IL Newman, of the Ele pliant Clot hin? House, was thrown from :i hors-?. while in the act of mounting, a few days since, and was drap.'ud several He K.'c-eived no fcrious injury, yt but was iancd so as to cause much sore- r.o.s through the chest. Wo r.p.dcr.itatid that a very cxcr-llont school exhibition was held at Three (Ji-ove- sch.o! h u-e Iit Saturday even in -r. We have be -n patiently waiting for some friend to "write it up" for us. Niehob ci, Jenkins liave opened a One stock of confectionery, fruits, fancy gro r: rios, etc., one door west of tbe llrooks Hou-'C, where they are prepared to do the fair thing by all their friends and the balance of mankind. Call and see what they look like. A. T- Stewart pives five thousand ban e's of Flour to the suffering French, and charters a vessel at his own expense to crrry it to th m. We learn, as we co to press that there was some commotion in the Recorder's Court, late last evening. We beard the words caught 'Vi Jlnrriiite JtUcto." The policeman said something about ten dollars and LWts. The high respetabiii ty of the parties, prevents our giving names. Th Lino ii Kt't'csman declares that hereafter it will do no "free blowing" except fur liberal advrittscrs and mat te: s of public ben"flt. Tliat is "bu$in"ss" and every paper hhouid Jadopt the same p!..:,. W. W. Dexter, Trcssmcr of the Gra?:-.l Et:c:itnpnient of the State of Wis-con.-in was in our city yesterday. Mr. D- ste? i- t!;e a.rc-tit of the "National Watch Co." at Chicago. Wc were p'e.wed to see him and hope he will come cgain. Wo tire again requested tr give notice to partie who have friends or relatives bin ie 1 in the old burying rround, to Live them removed forthwith, h'ufti cieut notice has been piven, and a de con resficet for the dead, it teems to us. would lequire some action. Eu-":!fss has greatly improved uuring tho j ust two weeks, and long faces have a.'iiio-t entirely dir-appearcd. Money is 1. i:..-.r.?rig plenty (a man came into the II:-:i.ALP cfu-i; rev.tly and paid . us tiiirty-sevon r-.J a Lilf cent.-) thv in li" :!:"! - mo that the cty of hard ti:u5 v.-i'l be unheard in this Inutility in a i::oi;th h-.i.ce. TIpo II"" '.T.P is nnd-T lasting obliga ti :i to c-i bi'Jtors rarklnr-t and Shop pt.rd, of tha lb ct M. in Neb:a-ka fbr i'uvor? ren kred. Two m.--e acommodat ietr p en'Jert'cn cannot l e f...:r;d any- Wii-?re, nor tii.-e van arc tnore wi.urc to r.'-.-d.: i:r :n: -re-tcd -A The lb & 21. C. 1; ivc I r"0:! vsrv 1'iiturute ;n se- i tilling th'Jr services. Thn r. v: :rf i -anient of Ibi .-e" & Doom, in to-ibvf's pii.rr. Th'-y are heavy u n 'rn in nil ki !!.' of ft-rni nri'-hinciy. 'i i-ev wiii b a much heavier business this s'V-en t'ia:i her'-trnre, as they are now C'i!iy af.;ti.iinte.l with thft wants of the i'.tnucrs, and have prepared them se vestouicet those wants. Many parties who have been scn iir-c c-t; i.;s if tbe IlKit.M.P to fiienus in the cmt teil us that it is having th: e.Teet of staiting the readers thereof 'or the free nvi itiijriiiiis we-:t ; and a:inot every u:;y we are i-ancd upon to change the ad Ircss of n.une paper from an eastern b -canty to :-:i:o pcint in this region of etiuntrv th v never "tro back" on the II: ".H.I) ;:.'':( r they get hnre, but gener vv.V'r a few esti;. topics sent to other ;: Is ut the ea-t. An attempt was made to burn the building in wbi h tbrt A'hland 7Vsis printed, otic night last week. Sortie paper W.T fi:rd and placed in e'osc prox imity to a coal nil limp, and the wel ropo v.-aseut t'nd th" bucket deposited in fi:e biittfun of the well. The side of the lamp was blackened, but tbe (ire was not quite hot, enough to break it, hence no serious damage. The man who would do such a thing should be summarily dealt with if found out. About one hundred pas-enger arrived on the-train from the cat this inntning. As thr-y pnived at tho depot hi this city and heard the shout of the 1 o el run ,..., cr;.,rT m;t "fiee 'Lais to the ISrouks Hutt-c eniv first class liru-e in the (i:y." and "ri.'ht, this v.-ay fbr the Flatte a!ley, be-t accommodations of any hou: in the city," etc., etc., each of tip atoi-esui'l .tundred pa?cr.j:or.s stud IioI I on, u:. til v;e sei? wfiat tho 1'la'tsmourh ate'y en--- I.tt-i Led copies uf the Fi itts- j iiina.ii nt. ii.ii oviu i.i.iii.1 v..i'. in siu.iv fioui the pockets of tho one hundred passengers, and they all went . T! , i lie;-.: :u s''.iic ". : : cn." ill nur itn w'ii em to ib'iisht in l'l iving pranks in .t!l'J """tf M!V' h-iurs." ' sueil a putting r.r. barrel-!, grindsf one an t oilier oil stru ions on the side walks-, removing wili nvik- an itpju-rv. "A word to the ! Wise H rie(et;t. Ye -i or Jay morning a woman of "ipie- tion.ri'e ment.i und.'itnuk to e iieet 10 e.T her "m-in." and adopted rather a povi I met !p d of dting si. She scre trd his clothes while he was a.-leep, ieaviti-r hbn c.iily a shirt and pants, lie promi-ed to vacate the city if his '"dsi Is ' wrre returned to hiui, and oSIeer Wiiliiui-" pr v ai'e ton the woman to .ret them t !;; had bon deposited ut tbe bftte.ni of an old well. La.-t evening the wtiaian was arre.-tcl for Iwing di o:de:Iy, and it is thought tho city will S'l.-u be c.itepjll.'d to get along without her presence. Aug. Spire, of the firm of White Jt Spires, is stepping about town to-day like a steer in tail grass, feeiimr like he was chief sto.-k holder in the universe V.'c fjar it will have s bad elL-ct on Spires he is the dai of a new pair of twit;S. "Jack irnderson," cf thn Kansas notoriety, turns up in San Domingo, whither lie lied to escape arrest by the corernnicnt nme years ago. FROIil THE CAPITAL. stsopsis of Anncirs apopt- t;iS FOK CIIIIMMLS 131. lT.Ai U Jlt.M. Jill. JIAJOnS KESIOXH A 0?IE OF T11C JJA.NAtiiKKX. n3o!iitiii latrmlnfed for trie Re' hioihI of Hif Heiil mid I nra b lustitutc nnil l lie Aariunl SeUot. Frctu Our Otrn Correspondent. Lincoln, March 9, 1871. Editor Herald : Yesterday after noon the Hoard of Managers on the im peachment trial of Auditor Gillespie submitted the Articles of Impeachment to the House for adoption- lhere are specifications accompanying each arti cle, giving the particulars wherein the misdemeanor was committed. I give briedv a svncpMsoi the Articles present ed. Art. 1. Says that he was guilty of i-suing numerous btate warrants on t lie Treasury without having the proper vouchers. ART. 2. Sets forth that he un;awfu;iy issued Joseph Ward Contractor on the Luntiti; Asylum, a large amount of war rants in excess of the appropriation therefor. Art. ?. That he violated the iaw in not notifying the Legislature of the dis- ixjsition made of the l0.tbl ,.0b collect ed l v Governor Hutler. Alt. 4. 'i hat he openly violated the law in the loaning of the School Fund, upon insufficient security. Art. 5. Eelates to the opening of the printing bids, iVr the bcuelit of the Proprietor of the Omaha Republican. Art. 0. Says ho was influenced by Iiecuuiary motives in the location of the junatic Asylum. Art. 7. "Refers to the Fcarraan Claim for trees etc., furnished the State, and shows that the sum of $10.10 reported by him to have been paid for such trees was not so used, but that he raid his own and other State oilicers' private accounts with the money. The managers reserve the right to present other articles. After the reading of the articles be fore the House, the gentleu.au from Douglas, Mr. Ahmanson who repre sents the Danish element of Omaha, un dertook to make a hugs joke of the mat ter by intioducing a ridiculous amend ment." He received the scorch in; he justly deserved at the hands of Mr. Dil lon and others, and soon learned his juke was not practicable. On the adoption of the Articles of Im peachment, Messrs. Ahmauson, lie-all, Hall and Kipp voted in the negative. Mr Majors, one of the managers who has been the acknowledged friend of the Auditor, resigned his position. The va cancy will be tilled ,to-day, and the trial will be pushed forward without delay. A resolution lbr the rexuoval of the Deaf and Dumb Institute lYoui Omaha to this city was introduced in the Senate also a resolution aboli-hing the Norma! School, at I'ctu, and the erection of buildings lor that Institution at this place. No action has been taken on ei ther. Mr. Fiosewater's bill regulating the praclice of medicine and surgery, aLcr haing been referred to nearly every committee in both houses, was reported back from the Committee cn Interna! Improvements I j djy, with amend liivius, and it i.5 now in a shaj e that it yives the physician performing the ser vice a MecinuicV Lien on the 0tu!cs and a ( battle Mortgage on adults. Governor Dialer fix-; his an-wer to day villi the Senate. And as till parties are desirous of a i-pecdy trial, wmc progress will be made. Luck. Lincoln, March 04 p. m. Special Dit patch to tho I!;: -ald Tiie counsel fur Goveninr Duller filed their answer to-day with the Senate It i-; a fi:;l icply to every article, an i the spccilicaiititis accoiupatiyii.-g each. In many tn-tatiets the alleg atinns srt forth in tho attic'.es are deniu.l in tnto. O. hers are explained in a manner that, gives the impeachment a very dilfei enl apjicaranee. The managers are ordered by the Sen ate to liie their replication tu morrow mot niiiir the counsel for the defense wante d ill j trial to t en ptcceed, tnc managers v.'a.nt ti;ue to prepare lor irial. " The question was called by the Senate setting the time at Tuesday nest at t o'clock p. m. Some of Gov. Rut'cr's enemies iti the IIoii--o made an unsueecs.-i'e.l attempt to in lefinitc!' jv.-t:MU-- the tied of Gi'le pie to-day. The an teles were presented to the Senate this afternoon. U. Lincoln, Mareh 10. EuiTO't irr.RAI.Li: Impeachment tri als and masters pertaining thereto, ate occupying the grcver portion of the time of i o'h branches of the Legisla ture. Some of the member. who have been foremost iti impeaching somebody seem ingly are losing interest in this important feu I 'jeer. The managers in the Governor's trial were before the Senate yesterday, to hear the answer to the ch ugt-s set forth in the articles of impeachment. The counsel were on hand with their answer, which wad read and ilx-d with the Sjnate. The managers are disposed to put this trial on" as long as possible, and yester day when Mr- Eedick, one of the coun .el for the Governor reached out tor the Chairman of the managers, he was heartily applauded in gallery and lobby. The trial of the State Audit r, which has I con checked ly certain members at every ftep, is now fairly started, and v.iil lie pu-heJ forward without delay. And the Senate have ordered that "hon est" Jjliii do appear before that body anJ file his answer at 10 a. ni- Monday. Leok." T!ie JiiscJiit-r-tiirrJer. There is no more tidious ciiarnefcr in the world than the per-on who carries to tlse cars of one friend every injurious ob servati n that happens to drop f;om an other. Su -ii a one is tlu slanderer' ti herald, sad is altogether more odious than the slanderer himself. Iy hi- vile oihciotisTiess be makes t hut poison ctTeit ive which else were inert for three fourths of the slanders in the world weuld never injure their object, except by the malbe of carrier?, who. under the mask of double friendship, act the part of double traitors. There was a deal of pith and point in the com -near of the Afiiean preacher on the text, "it is more bics?ed to give than to receive." Said he: "I have known marry a church to dio 'cause it didn't give enough, I never knowed a church to die 'cau-e it gave too much. Dey don't die uat way. Jheuert n, has any one of you knowed a church to die 'cau-e it gave too much ? If you do just let mo know, and I'll make a pil grimage to dat church, and I'll climb by the soi't bght of the moon to its moss covered roof, and I'M stand and lift my hands to Heaven and s iy, ''lilefscd am de dead (lat die in de l"rd." H. ROBERTSON, Vholesale Dealers in WINES. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES DOUBLE ATCSiTIS WIIISEIES, &c. Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand All orders promptly attended to. AIN STREET. OXE DOOR WEST OF 'J HE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE South Side Main Street, - - Number 9. PLATTS250UTH, CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA W h.we the most attraetive St."?k"of Dry (Jood.. Notions. IJootS Shoes, llats Caps nnil tlroceries ever brought to thU city. Cap anil see us. CLARK PLU.MMEP.. WHITE & SPIRE, nnre moved in their pt brick store, unci h.n e just received a large and well selec ted stock id" DRY GOODS, HA rs, CAPS, E0QT8, SHOE? n-Hon. aad a well seliftd liVk.iliilo, stock of FA.scirani Staple GROCERIES, Which wc offer to tho publis as low ai tho lowest and DEFY COMPETITION. TE would call the attention of the ladies t ?T ur new stock of " Dress Goods, Several shade? ofbeantirnl Jsitin. Lynnese. Pro cades. A P-W i attcrns leit of tht cent Poplin- Alpt'.'.-as, several sdind.-s- Woolen and ei'inmon HcLai; s. Scotch I'laid. Kotie Repps, 2 1. -ii a h'rtr't va. i''iy of I'l int.-i &c, which wa bava ju.st received an.l oil', r them Lower Than Ever. have on hand a Ta-ce stock of APPLES by the bushel or Jvnri l. We pay tho highest price in ea.-h or trade for Corn. ats, Ru'ttr. iiitffs. CIiicken.j,Tuikcy orai.y kind o i iiria i'rociuce. WAYMAN & CURTIS Repairers of .Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw ftnd t.: list Mi:N-. tas nnil Strtu Fit Linr.', Wrcn.ht Iron Pipe, Fort e and Tiit I'uuip?. S-teatn (iauge?, alance Valve Ooveinor.5, and a'l kiul of Bras Engine Flttin s, furnished on short notice. FAR.M IN O M ACHSN ER Y Rorniredon short notion. naK.M' FATHER'S KOUSeT" OR. 'Mie Unn'S'SCacn Word Ry D.inir t March. Tl. D., snthor of the popular ..Nij-iit Srctii-.'. ' 'lilts iieuNr in thought arni ItinioitiKc shows us un'.'dd riciies and hcautiea in t:ie lir'i't llouse. with its lilootaiiiit Cowers. Muriitr lirJs, waving ptiltit-i. Rolli;:? eloiids. be.'oititul how, s.ieied inotmtaiin delightful rivr.s, iniirhty oct- ins. ihtiijdcrinpr voices, blaz inc !n i . e:is ,i',d v:tst i: r.i "el se with counties.-. In m in miUiofis f worl.li". nnd ria.ls to u in each the I'nwiittcn AVor l. R.'se-tinted p iner. ornate cnirr.ivii.i;.-" nnd superb bin'lii'e. Kiel. and varic (. in l!n"ii.-ht." "Chaste." "Hasynno eraeifrl in s'yle." "t'crre -t. pure and clev!it:u(i iu its ti'ivtcm y." ""Lciniitul amt Rood." "A household treasure." Cotimieniiaf ions likn th above from Coliepe Pre ii cuts an.l 1'rol'esy.irs minister of nil denomination?, and the religii.us and rceular prisi all over t!ie country. Its liesl!!i', 'S. put itj' r.t laiii-'uae. wit h clear, open type, line steel ensrraviii?s, abst:.r::-tl bindiriK ar.d low price, ruakcitrnr l,ook for the noi.e. Aente- are .e:lini; from oO to l-'O per week. We w.mt Clergymen. School Te.icht.rs, smart j-ouni? rucn and ladies to introduce the work t.r us in t-very township, and we will pay libcr cl'y. No intelligent man or woman need be with' tit ptiyinir business. Si ail Uit circular, full description an.l terms. Atidrcts ZTEGLER A- MeCUEBT. P S. Sis'h .vtre.-t. PiiiH Vx. 1-.S ICace Street. Cincinnati. Ohio, li) Monroe Street, Chicago. 111. foi N. s-ixth Street. St. Louis, Mo.. tr, l'J Main Sircet. SprinsSclJ Ala--s. OetlMfm Estray Katie 3. Taken np by the subscriber, ttro miles xocth of I'iattsniouth. one white heifer e- If. red ears, swallow-fork in Ktt car ; an.l one red heifer calf, roraewhi'e tpotsoti, swailw-firk in riht ear ana no cn in nn.itr m.Io ot Ie:t ear. No other milks or brands peieuivable. 1 Ji-y c.iinc 1 to uiy j'.aca aotjui me ist oi januiry last. Vnonrrr lmrch 10 w&td " ' ' w. mm SE-TH'S PATENT DOARD WFLLS. Put ivjwn in Utoe eour.r.v in the p-.i: t is iMi-rths, od !V"pi THREE to FIVE a week making at arose nt PKOVH TLTEIIl SUP.TJllSORITY. SIXTV-NIN'E of them were in the wort kind of Wuick-saud. AND rnrRTV-ONE of toon were rttadis in r!foe? where the oi l style "Iu? Wells'' I: a I dri -il up Stsvc.l i'i t.t.iici t" fiirnish .1 supply, c-i iialu ally 'played out." Their own reputiiti' j rud 'he unanicieus ver dict of the peopl6 f Otoe County Attests tlieir ?;erlts. Ar. Outf.t is now in operation for the ec:cd:2io datiuuof Cass County, in chaise of fTells pnarnrteed to furni. h nn ample rupply f water, or the money reiunded. Wdlf bore.', tube.1 and fitted up for thiowinc water all comi Icteand guaranteed. One Collar p'cv Foo. tliiick-s.md wcl's S". extra one each welt. (In the country hands to bo boar-dud while doing ob. 11, "-sspontil'Te parties .lesiiirg if a. r:ote for t.ue-ha!l will be taken for part payment, at six mouths, with iutcrc;;tiit 1- percent, lioiu date. Parties wishiw? wells will plearo r.ecorrimo.ii t bv lei'viiii- ttieir oi-.ters at the Hard-vare .Siol of C. V. .MLKK, or addressing me a line to . N KB R A b K A C IT Y- Very Rcsi ectfully B. F. Diffenbachcr July 3S"D.d. wtf 0. F. IQWUSQli, DEALIS it DRUBS, JHEBJCIHES. Eocks, Stationary, Wall Paper, Peru!.T.cri23 , Kair Gilo, Newspapers f.Tarjazines, anJ ALL the Latest Publicatlono. Prefcriptions earefL:!Iy compounded by n ex perienced JLrn.--:.st. Reiiiember the t-iaoe, threw do-.rs. . weft of the iiF.e.At-p. Oihee, i l.ui.-uiouth. v'vhriuika. IA U S ! C ! fvl U S I C ! riANO.S, ORGANS. MELCDLZONin I am Agent for the be-t ..!u?:.mI In.-triiTnenta made. Persons wi-nitig ta buy Pianos. Catoi.ct .Metropolitan or Proiaule Or.ti.s, or MeJi.'tecr t ; can purchase thiovi-n my --i i:cv .n is i : ..-. -. i terms as they can from the "wo-nufaeturcx J incmseivc. ah ins-iruarter. is warratite.i. i spvltf. J. N. RICHARD VIVIAN. Dealers in Flour, and Grocsrics Feed Provisions, Canned Goods &d Highest cash price paid lor all kinds of Orairt and Froduce. Uutter. EbSs. Hides. Furs and Wool. , North East corner juaia and Fifth St nttj inouth nou'2diwtf TEe Ksii Huston cV.TlIssurl In ecr.r.ection with the Ctiicagj, liiivlingtcn C Qulncy I. E GCor to the people of Pl.-UlMuoulh. ar.d all portion of .Nebraska lying JOl'TIIH OF Till; TLATTE. the niot iiire. t, and the Vst Roitie to thn Ea ti'in, S i,a:li Eiinteni. ami Northern Mate. I'ayseiiRcr? (iesiriiitrto travel luxuriously shr.C.. talte the Atlantic Kxprcsf, which ruuii tlirouish to t'iii' without chuiiKO of Car, etinippc with rlc-jnttt 1'ay Cuin-hs, I'nlluiiiu'a 1'alne. Day .tud ulcci'iiis Coaches, :iid Fuliman's Dining Cars. In addition to thc'ii'-t O'at this is ttie direct route by which time nicy be saved in reaching nr.y r-oirt in the Eastern or Mid, lie StMes, it li' trnt'.lully be Ftiid that it fn.-ese!' the best trnc and the tint: t eiiaipiticnt of auy Wertcrn Line, cii.:urint,' to tho passenger Speed, Safety and Comfort. Rates nlwny ns LO'o n the LOWEST. Ea -KUiC cheeked through t any point Eaut. C. E. I'KltKlN.-. Hen. Supt. A.E.T0UZAL1N. (Jeu. l-atseuitcr A cent. ianl.id.V wtf. "SHOO FLY" 'Don't Dodder MorrisCn" Fcr He is Too Busy Waiting on Customers. ?f3QERiSQifS "3H33LY MEAT MARKET One Door East of the Court'IIouse is the ple to get all kinds of He has fitted up the finc?t Market in the Stato. an'l keeps, nothing hut tno best ot Meats. Meats delivered in any Quantities on special contracts. nuhest Trices Taid for & A IT A T -2? JEi Don't Forget tho I Pie?-, Korriscn's "Shoo Fly." ISil Awt THE PICTORIAL Phrenological Journal, A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE The .Science of Mnii." and his Iiuprcvcmcnt, by nil tbe n.ciu:: indicated by Sitieucc, Lt tho O'.i'vt. I'ilKKVOLO'lY Thf Pifiin ar 1 U Func tions : ilio ioci'i ion and Nr.tural Lnnmiay-c of llrgans. with ilircctiotis t r : ' ti vn ' i:e; and rt st r.i iti ins tin in : nt:d ti'.e i'"laioti subsisting be tneen 'iiiidiind leidy d.i s 'i i ij. .1. PHY.-IOiiN t.MV i::i nil t!i " Fiirns .f Character, and How to Lead then!," is a special fe.-uu re. l-.tHNOLOliV or ho roittiral History of V".. t;i:s!....1:!. Ke!!-io:.s and .Modem of Life iu dit'. err ni Tribe mi 1 Nation, will bo given. Pi I VsP L' !(i Y T In- iri'ntii ?:tion, Structure nt' I I-unctions ( ;t!n Hii'iiati l:ody: the Law f Life and H cult h i Mac we should Iiat and 3 'i ioit , li on-v. e . hou 1 1 be Clothed, and ljow to l.er i."e. Sleep toi l Live, in uecordance with li ve ieiii" i'riuripl (. poilfR.Al i'S. r-K ETCHES A NI) RIOCRA Plill!. - of tbel ending Mennitd otiien ol tbe V.'orl.l in all ilepr.ruiieiits olli!.;. arcalso speeiul fc.itur.s. parents andti: achep.s. .u a guide in r lueiii ing i!hd traini ig Children, tliis MiigazinO has joi s u : r. r.-s it poii ts . ut all the pculij e lo itirs of Ch.ir.i r'dt r and i'i- ' osji inn, and re ders. government aril cl -siticiition rot 1 ) p i" --ibel but eiisy. Much general im 1 u.-fTi;l inforinalion .n tho lee.i ir:g t epics of t he day is g i rn. i nd no e Hurts aie .-;i.ii- i t. in;. be this t.',e mo t interes; ir:g and ier-i r:o t i ve as v. cil as the bc: t it i toriul I'auiily M:."'-ilie eier p!l J 'lis hod. l.Si A PLiS !l l:l. ; J he Journal ban r"iehcd its :'. t Yoluitio. The form is Octavo, it has ftetvltlv inc; cased i'i f iv.r during tbe many yci.rs it ba.i I een ptibi.-bed, and wji never wc re popular than at present. 'i'KRM-. Monthly at tdn. yeir. in advance. Tirt !e cumbers. '.'.') cents. Clu'.'s ei'tcn or more, tJ e i h. i:nd an extra cpy to Ai-"T;t. V. e are oU'critj? ti.e ino-t lioi ";.l Premiums. Itelnse i'i cents Pr siimr.P; iniini r wen neir ri' tori-. Poster n-.d Piosi ectus Diri n coiuideto Liit of Premiums. Address S. It. VTLI.S. Publisher. iiron.lv. ;iv. New Y'ork ffossp II:i!afacrtitrcr.Hs "WE wnubl in-iio Dealers and the PubU generally toco: und exatitine our stock of S O -A. JLr S , before T urchas'ng cl icv, h"re. Mr. Satgeut having bad ihrs eititrien'-T t twenty years in initr.iif.o t'ti ing i.ll kind of Soaps. r are conli Jftt of giving entire sutisfuc tii n to all who may favor uj with their patroi Soap ccchnn red for grea -c, and dtliveiCj i.i any parr ol tbe city. Casa j'.iid for rcudorcd tallow ar.d clear trrei'se, so .p Works, Ecgrr.rj- MTarl. rear Ferry ?t. Ln I c, Nebrask City. Ju . lodAntf. Ttift pr.sT Boys an.- C.ip.ls' Mauazinp. Demorest n ) Mf Amerf-n ni-nth'y w ith sple.'i'iid .-.nppiepienls. und nlwnv Vpaiklin" with cntert.-tiuin; Mories, Poem-, i'nrzif .Vn sie. liavels, I. allies. m,a other eniertaipi"; features, profusely iiltj-trrted. ml calenhiiel lo anu-e. and ii.siru.-t oaog Ani-i iea. iinglo copies , 1- e. n-s- Y eerly. 1 i-:,. wi,, (.1,,u.(. (,f tho loilow'.ng bf-iuniuJ and VHi'table premium, to eacli s:ib-. i p.. r: A tine parlor eromo worth ? UK Sue loxlj. and e.it.-,l p. a fine Oil Paint ing; cr a fcno in :.r..c, c.it-e,lge pocket jjible or it hue pearl-han lie (, ., b!ilt!e pockct-kuife. .. .i . r.i.:. i. ! i.e.-. I'-ur.-St or. t sUIKTIor .v- and pumero'ss oi'ier rabiu'.ie ::;id sid.-iidid prcoojitiis ior clues. J lory-seven subscribers tit il .VI each, fe; ui ts a i'O M O. ovr r A Ruber ."5--wiiig mi.cr.iue, or I wor.t v subs, ') ;er -aj-. ; extra in moiiey, with ilie. s-ngln pr'erniuni to cn"h sucrioer Sroidim-n copies, with circulars, mailed po,t-fiee on recoiid ot bceni.s. Address . Jt sMxi-.s Hkmorkst. RiS Lroadway. N. Y. Do not fail to send for a pec ltcen. GRKAT CENTRAL iiTT ' Via Nia-ar-v Falls. Speed. ComTort & Safety PULLfMrrs r-.ACKirisf'T cahj From C'higo to New York, via Michigan Cea- trul and Oreat . ef'":u Railroad.-!, Four Express Tr..-D3 !;;iro Chic:,i, dailr i this Itne for New Y oik Roston. and all mtermcdiiite po.ni imh i E.u,w FAST ATLANTIC EXPRESS Leaves Chicago every af!err.o..n. having otUeb- Richest! r. and a Tiiagni.l- ; t I'uil ei-. -i J' iIjch Irawmg Room Car lr.ia Chiea$- ti New Yok wit "lout change. ... .iL i .itijii:Ku i,nc' , r lrt.ru I ....... ...v. l.m ' '.P- Geul Suj.'t Ct. "Ve.'tern R. R. ir -j. i.ia w' : i . i .1' . " J'"- fr'.'i '' ". ecKiy jior one yea'; or, .-ei)oo,.'.-.y is-.toi- P. i- em: year; or Oood'a ( T. ' . ''faticl.r.iia-.VMr: or. 1 hell, ok of A- yeiit-tres pn-c 1 (r; .,r a choice from tb I:?, ol splenuid pretu.u-ns o'l. re 1 to yinirlo iub Mn tiers to I . u, ,,.. o . ' " ' "''."ii. J- Snt. C.-n. Tup'!. M. ( It. R. f li-ae Ch 'S. C' U 'nt sro' ' h' c Q 1 l'"ir A?-. r