':. i I t r ' ' PLAT1S?.:CUTH KEBRAK5A.. We art? glad to note that the Omaha Hrplitiican ami Tribune are Loth in clined to le a little more reasonable on the liutlfrr Tmpoarlnncnt question. They may yet learn that there is two siJcs to every story. The Statesman of Tliurg Jny says : "At the examination of Calavan yes terJay, one of the L-pal lights for the prosecution, f.wa couple cf 'ye locals' liarpen;n:j their -eneils, preparatory to getting up a local, moved that said locals ihould la expelled from tlv room, as he Oil not wish to have the testimony jr-uh hlishcd. The Di?eiple of Hlackstcne rras pomewhat taken hack when the court in fonued him that in his opinion he. the court, had not power to suppress the prcs?. That "lopil light" should I c elected to the .-;i.-latiire and placed in the rest inv't'tigatiiigco!i!':i:.:'jrt. axtisi: fiiioar ti kx. Tbe Investigation (?) Committee which Las been hunting up testimony to try to convict Gov. Lutler of 'high crimes and misdemeanors" only tool; one-sided evi dence, and now it begins to he whimpered about that the, uiana?er.s will endeavor to pet this onesided arrangement called evidence before the Impeachment Court without giving Gov. Uutlor the oppor tunity to cross examine the v.itnes.-es even there. V.'e are prepared to lo Hove th;it there nre men who will do al-i.:n-t anything to injure a political enc my, but to s-eek to prostitute the high court of Itr.pcaeLmen to such base pur poses as this move would indicate is he ncatli the dignity of an hono.-t man, and 3 reserved solely for certain Nebraska politicians whom v.e nny ?e; prop.T to name on soma future or-carion. As we liave said before, a JU'jve cf this magni tude requires at least the nyqwiraiice of fairness-, even if it is not intended. There is a future, and the Herald will be found posted on the various moves now being made 0:1 the the-s-boar 1 at Lincoln. Our neighbor of the Omaha Titpuldi c in is in a very bad puk!c on the im peachment business. 1 brother Tia'eombe is exceedingly hostile toward Gov. But ler, and seems rather inclined to manu facture as much public opinion against him as possible, while the editor, Mr Potter, undoubtedly wisb.es to be impar tial and do the fair thing. This makes it Fomewhat awkward, and may serve to explain the apparent absurdity in saying : " Wc l iro 0 Jonhl t't'tt D-tvid list 7 r 1ms crmitii'ed c'j'.nct jt teltuh icill Justify hi.i conviction." An 1 them in the very same article, saying : "To try bi.n en piper, and in print to declare Li fj'uiit ar:d paint his offense in short, to fit:-ij:rfe the evidence, ar.d pa.s sentence beibre he has even been arraigned, is not cs icth t:ic thi.17, what ever our private views may be as to his deserts. Ts it right, is it wise, is it creditable, to clamorously pro claim his guib. and to gloat over his fall, pen 'ling the trial where these issues are to be traversed V Wc think it is not exactly "right," or "wise," or "creditable," to proclaim him guilty "without a doubt" until the evidence is beard on both sides. A VERY ME AX The enemies of Governor Uatlcr who have hound -d him for the past two years, and many of them since his op pointment as commissioner for the re-location of the capital, on its removal from Omah, are ju :t now encaged in do ing a little the meanest thing yet. They have advertised him to the world as a scoundrel on erpurte testimony much of it could hardly be called testimony zt all and then knowing that, with ail the evidence they could possibly bring and ail the bitterness that could be en gendered by gro-s mis-representations, they had not enough to convict Governor Duller or even make him appear one tenth part as lal as ho htd been represented, they now commence in advance, tc cry out that he h is bribed the witnesses who testif.ed against him before the committee, to lleo the country and not be present at the trial. Upon the very face of this asser tion is seen the impress of its fal-ity. If they were the kind of witnesses that could be bought and bribed so ea.-ily, how much weight should their testimony before the committee be given in the scale of justice? Is it net fair to pre sume that, if any witnesses have left to keep from testifying before the court, J where tliry tcould undergo n rtiid cross culmination, that it is because they dared hot testify before the court to what they had testiEsd before the com mittee, knowing full well that they had swora falsely, or to make it as mild as possible, that they had gireu evidence only on one side, with a view to injuring Gov- But ler's character a3 an oificer and a man. Is net this the more probable solution of the cause of this disappearance, if any have disappeared? Ir. Miller, i:i his paper of March 'Jth, says: "We knew of the enu;t that tc-i.t fo l,e made to gc-l rid of Mr. Mcliird." Is not that ralh;r j a dauiagtn? a..tiit..noa, Vtf It you "Lncv of it," and knew that it "was to be made,1' why ia the name of justice did you not take steps to prevent it Lain done, if you decked his evidence of im portance in the fjithcomin- trid? Wliy dM you not say scaictLias iu your paper tint itva.? t-a be dor.e, and tL-s put r, stop to it, lather than to wait ur.til he was gone, as you inlicate he was, and cry out il We knew it. We knew But ler's incuh wo! 2 soing to get him to leiva " Is 5t not H-r more prj!jil!e, if vou "Know it" in cdvntico, that it was G07. V.aihrs enf.mits, instead of hi frien33, whs indacoJ him to leave, and Hho ajc no.v cryins "ftop th-ef.' E.AYM SI STHM5!i:iTJ!;;:. In ivpV to our pointed and emphatic call on Dr. Miller to know where he ob tained his information (or reputed infor mation) relative to the Butler evidence before the coinmitte, he fays : "We never mad? a statTnor,t about Gov. llutler, nor about the evi doneo taken by the intiguling committees wh.icli we could not prove in any court of justice in fifteen minutes." In making this Li;:d of reply to our article, in which we stated emphatically that he must either state a falsehood; or that some member cf t lie committee must have funmhed him with the infor mation, be it correct or not, lr. Miller in.itautly admits that soaie member of ! the committee did furnish him with the evidence, especially that cf McUird. Who is the man, Dr.? The people would be gratified to know who that committeeman i. Ol'R -rli:rili OF Should be chanced in some manner to give more uniformity ami more justice, stid we boj o the present Legislature be fore they adjourn will do o;iiethiug to relieve the people from the burthens of tbe present system. As it no.v is we have an assessor for each precinct, and they all meet and agree upcu the rates at which lands and other property shall be assessed in the various precincts. In this manner, the assessor of every pre cinct in the county of Cass has a voice in sajitig wh it the leal estate of Piatts ruouth shell be valued at, and the as-ses-or of I'latt-moutli has but one voice (out cf fourteen) in saying what the bind of each of the other precincts shali be valued at. Wc do not btlivc, of course, that any assessor is legally l.cund by the taction of this informal kind of proceeding, yet the assessors G.-.uuUy cause their figures to approximate to tho-e ag'.eed upon by the meeting. The result is that a combination of interests cv:i, and often Coes, work a very great injustice to some particular locality. It may Le said that the assessor of the pre cinct where the valuation is placed pro portionately too high should not rssess the land at the Ggtire ordered, but j should bring it down to a comparatively j correct valuation. We acrce, to some j ..... . , extent, with this v:ew or the case, hut then a feeling is goon engendered which causes each and every assessor to watch his neighbor assessor and cut down the prices in his own precinct, in order that his locality may not bo r.;se.-scd too high, until tbe property of the county i prob ably returned by the different a-scsors at one halli or perhaps one-third, of its real worth. In this way we are advcili-el to the world as ha ving very little wealth and having and an enormous tax to pay 011 what we have, for the per cent of tax must be raised jn.it in proportion as the valuation of property is redueoJ. As ad illustration of our meaning, we will cite the fact-that the real estate of our County Clerk, who is one of tbe hoavi c-t bind owners in the county, was 1 tst year a-.sesscd at 3- (we believe that is the correct figure),- per acre, wh-le pro bal ly i;s real valuation that which he would ask for it if it was for tale, or that which it would bring if offered for sale would not fill short of $20 or per acre, including the improvements thnvou. This kind of valuation works an injustice t3 l'lattsuiouth, where prop erty is valac-d at much nearer its true value as it always is in a town, where much of tbe value is in improvements the cost of which is known, and not es timated. This causes i'lattsmonth to pay much more tban her proportion of the tax; and then, again if our precinct Assessor attempts to reduce the a--.iss-m mt here to corrc-sj ond with that of Mount Pleasant and nthers do like wise, our cov.nty is shown to be worth much l."-s than it really is, and our rate of taxation is made vc-iy high. We hope some change may be made in the mode of assessing, and that it may be done soon. A County Assessor would be much better than the present method. Tbe Omaha press seems united on one thing that they will force the fen ate to convict Governor Butler whether it will or no. The Herald first cried out that any man who dared to vote against the impeachment should be consigned to political infamy; then comes the lirpitb lie-ia ?aing it "t.vs tin d m'-t' that lie will be-CDnvictcd, and then comes lh j Tiibunc with an insinuation that if any mau in the Senate ha the impertinence to oppose. the conviction of David Duller he will be denounced as having been bribed. Knowingundoubted'y that there is no evidence to convict Governor. But'cr, these papers seem til the more anxious to create a pressure of public oplnioa that will force the Senators to vote for conviction. Hear what the 1 Vi ant of 1 1st Tuesday says : "We wi-h to say a word to the mem bers of the Senate, who w 11, in a few d ivs, be called on to decide the polui -al fate of David Butler. Wc are led to suspect that certain vei. strong infiu enccs. wholly illegitimate, ami, under the circumstances, utterly unworthy in them selves, have been brought to bear upon them." If there is anythinz mean and despi cable in journalism it is an insinuations like the above. If you know of any thing wrong, why don't you say so ; and if yo.i do not, why do you say you are "led to suspect" there is? Dr. Miller sounded the key note for the othc-r two jiapcrs afcer ho returne.; from Liuc-o?n, i rliero lis ascortaif.eJ that ihc-re rvese srravo tloidds about there le?!i any ori dtiace acainst Gov. Uutlor. He iiiiino diutuijr tfgan an attack upon the li'otii tors, telllnr them that they vrou: i Le eorisigiied to political oliivioti if they darc-d to vote a?a!nst Datlor's conviction. If (Jeor-e L- Miller knew that Mclihd was to leave tho country to prevent be ic a witness on the impeachment trial, and hi did nothing to stop hiu:, and said nothing until after Le had pene, i-11't it fair to presume that lie knew that Mcciri's evidence would Le cfl benfit to Gov. Cutler, instead cf an in- 1 jury Tbe Outtih II raid ear s if Senator Ten ant U intending to introduce a bill for the removal of the Capital he cannot do so too soon, in order tint the Omaha delegation may have an cpi orttmity of placing themselves on the record as agaim-t any such measure. rrlniln-j; of Ilia t.ims. It rectus likely that the Legislature, after havirg cut and s'a.-l.cd the civil code, tjiaJe nuiubctlcss ubacrulmcnts to the nic-chanle's lien and revenue laws, imposed nc.7 du'vs upon onuty ofiicials. entirely revolutionized the system of paying warrants upon State, count' and municipal treasurers, and mcn.led or marred nearly everything withtn reach of !e;ri.dative enactment, v.i'l go home leaving t!ie j eople of the fc'fatc in la mentable darkness as to what is law end what i not. A bill was introduced by Senator Hil ton, at the coinmencemojit of the se.-sion, provi ling f n- tl.o publication of the gene ral and ccrt-in local laws its every c oiv.ty when? a newspaper is pul.!iii a, :md ui.-o for the reporting of the TCvodin2s of county eomm;:oners, t! b:vi mai:v excellent feature? about it, and it pa-.-ed the benate. it was, justly pcrJups, rgreo J that it was too expensive, o;t ac count of the great number of piper-; in which tke.-e laws shom.l i i; puiiiMie;i, j thouth the low p-ris-e of fifty c nts p 'iiou--snd cms Lately paying tor nntlmg up the type and iinposiuj the furm.s n;ake it the cheapest possible priming. Tbe lbmsc indefinitely nostpooed this bill, and unless some M.?ps are immedi ately take.", we shali be at sea for mouths, as nobody can toil how many people may commit impeachable offences against the majesty of the laws of thceuner.t legis lative bodv. A l;U v.: t!i the oVhtdre title. ' An act to provide for tbe pu'-v-'tiou r f tbe laws without expense to ti- b-tuSe," h:is paed, but it amounts to nothing, as it simply provide; that the public piiu.'cr J may stnse cli extra cop:s ot ine laws and seli them :f the satt-t pi ice to the r I pcopie that it (-'urges t;;e :: l.;:e. i ;ie puoiiC y i r.i'e.r ol cou: e. nc ! no law to enable him to do thi-;. an 1 t!:-; pries he may a k tbe pen-'.-, i; nolv-. ;d:r:'cd ingthis ;et, entirely at his i.'.vii opM"i:n I iv-r it wo.iM t;i v.-ho.:y u:ie.-':i-tttut;.-,u:n to attcii.pt to iix t!fo prices oi' books kept for .sab; to th puMic. In auy ca-e, it does v,r u:. rt any r. 'i' t of ti.opc u le What is nc-ede 1 i ir,i o ti!-it we i.i'tv 1 tlio ';o,-k. u-il ! : ii-.'i-e uc p;c :-;y m o.v:i l'o-.-1 pious ur. the pa'-: s:r:l! stn-1 tbi-m t i the cc:-c.,:ry . rate y t'-l-- IIC'-I I.MS U!Ii : '!. tc. At;.:r tl! it time 1 tie iii.ccssii.de and the : r : i. lc ; n. . 1 -n uj) i:cul:i v..s i th.it tiie n u-ub r i.f p:...-r I) ; cut d. ;; to one in -a !i t- v.:it i ;i district, and that th-i p.ovi-i.ui-i to p:int prot.-ccding-? of Cot;n:v Con.ii.i--i--r.crs be retaiiie I. This will it .'c-e tl pen-"' to a lrld- an 1 b-ri:v; tl. a 1:: r x- iliC'J . ize:;-- w'tnin tbe re.:tii of tl' x .". c: -JlylC'iKl A ludicrous ineilcnt laic'y centre 1 on a Missi-s'ppi yteamcr, which wo 1 elate as a vsi r.ir.g to tho.-.e who ai;ct:i t It; change the fcrsonal adornments w I.icli nature has given them. A v. d'o whs jo".rr;"'vii-g to Texas villi hi W:i'e lb ':-!:: ii-? ;.)';!! ei'j-) v, inie th! purpri.-e ! hair evebi '.fas goi: j 0:1 he e o lud,:d to is vtib, and at his rc-uet. ws and whi-kern were eli::?:.'-vl fnm si fircry re i to raven fi tckrec-s. lie Kilt "--: 1 !'.-) at tic? uor i,y h:s spouse, ovwI.iy tho inlru.-ion of :. stranger as she sun j:i !-.-!. rsr.d .ilinitancc n-fured. He himself her h-.d.-and; i'.'.c s;i-l be was an imj-.e-j-f.-r. Ile-at'e-nptcd to ex pliin. It v; as usel.s. A "erov J e:u:v eifed round, the bin j li I. cii.h- g.-n -ral At Irt, in hit pii-k-xity, tl.-c !:---- .-r exci.iinie J, ii!.e, i:uk ; t : ;cct : Jl-.-S :;s- One g'anee at t!;e pc it ajo-en Mired her. "Ves. d.!,n," she said " I know t hem fe.-t. They can come in, but k-'t-p that I: -.-'id out of si.eiit." olutiiuiiS c iUiu ill, Harness, Gaelics, Whips jj 1 :i oi ctJLLAi is. &c. Tarti-.-ctar attcn! c i fiven to the msmifVctcre of B:o h:irr. ..-. ALL KINDS 0" r.KPAir.ING DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE. PialtsUiouth, - - Nbraska N. JJ. The CV'iobrute:! Vacuum Oil T)!:!enJ;iDg eiui-iuatly oa baud ilcrlwlf - s- I""-'- ' - r.5-TAi:Li-nr3 is 1SS1. DI-: 11:1: int If t n r EILVKlt .NT l-L.'TICt) Y..r.S. t;y!,!i i-i- : si- r. i.'.i. loT,i: INos.vMj 1 ANC1" (iv'ol.'.S. r.Ccl't-, r: :i r.ii Jew. try ic:'fti)td i.ejel? -.-5 .vi: h 'l-.-.-u v .;...., vet to '..r5:'!:ite YUU? V.iJ? - II- TJAitJilZS cz FQIiTLGCH. RKAL Kj t AT a AND IlXSCKAXCC AOf.M's Have a co m i 'id: nz ab err li act .or title To n! Lots ?.,! lie!.' hi Ca?s county 2i"cb r.ti;.i. ".Or. -e Tf.-'T'Vf'l uTi rnnn, Attor no: ;- :it i. -u-. ; :;:t':i:i, Noui-...-k.i J. Y'. r.ir.ic--, 'iho vX-'.a ice. CvAwif -or to It. V.'at-.iicr) is-. s:.J i!o:i'-.t in A UN Ls ? A L J LI : j. C L LA lt- . 1 1 A LT L U V.:::.s. r.ru.-Iie?. A.-.. I c. E'p.ilrins - M i l-'lV!! t-'.c 1 dur.c -el :.. ;ly nn-1 with rdi- "d'CllbT1!! - r t Tj5-.'I13J.i;.Lt ! 100,000 FI Hi 1 The undersigned has ou ui-ud a larc riani'ty ot OOTTCNVCOD LUVDZFl. WHICtt nF.OFFFES XT USASOVAFUR riSCRCS. Jt. rrl i sM3 LLZX is on r'iort uwilce.'. aatl fr any 1 jiuttr. 1.1 cr Icstii of pofirrr C'l1Iinr7 Tr-?-?C; i ItCUlolO; i-rtliUUliJ-' VUiOiJ all tzcf on shot t notice. culVdtf IIETrETi. THE HERALD XOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT la now turi'Iiel with Good Kew Presses A !CD THE LATEST STYLES -OF JOS T Yl3 K. jni: i.vi'ited to call AND s: a ine steci :i ens. I Tt-rjimrftp p ii.Ui;i iiUliilji Spring Term Commences Tor i's r.f e'thrr.'cx will receive th.nroub and f:1!-.!':1'!-: irir-lriic ii'in here. F'arsi'-ular attr-n. 1 ai l to iviiiiary echoiars. ?--'.-.ovl b.ioki furnished free of cot to al Iunt.!. GOOD LOAKDIXi CAN" EE CUTAINED AT 1 i A S CN AC L E R AT E 5 For tcrm-i and particular? a idre sUt? J. D. rATTEH-JOX. luOvlUUkii huiiiA., The firni company of E. L. Herd and 5. Cl'n t":i. hir-tof-re oinsr t.usire.-s st We-pinT V. i.t cr. N ci;rask;-.. under the iirm u.iriu or" Kcv t ,V biit .n. is this day di-c d-. r d by mutual eon -c :i'. ibe business to eoi.tn.ae in the n. i.:e ot Clinton. . li persons iu-le vted to ? i i tirui n'-e in r. oy notiQel to pay their accounts, or tbcyw.il bo Kit witn the proper authorities fur Coliccth'U. March 1st, 1S71. E. L. RFEI. diwtf S.tt.I.iN. Chicago 't No kt n w kst ?. r x It. U. l.tavca Ouiuha. H,r:!?,a;! '"'Pt Simday frPa.ra. icuohip. - tiiJy, except Saturday 3.00 p. al Arrive. Mail Daily, exeer t Suaday C:00 p. m l'cri Eip. Daily, except !ndy. J. T. SIMPSON, m JL LA ZENCY J. D SIMPSON & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants Agents of the Omaha & St. Louis "0" Line Packets Flettsmouth, !eb. VTo nre now ocauryiS the first flocr of the arc iK-iii Por.warding and Commission Business, TTare House attached, ro can furci.h all tho tstorase wanted. All caodj scot ia cur care wi'.l receira PROMPT ATTENTION, and sooda distined for Lincoln, Ashland end the Blue River, will bo forwarded wirhtut ctly. OAtt Mid 81 erSJiwtf. 3 n-SWgoTiT-p . .- - i WUn-ilSS "c- BOYS AJVD CIIILDREJY'S CLOTlll.XG Hats and Caps, Boots ami Shoes, BLAKKET3, RUBOEH 6G0D3, TnUfJKG, VALISES, E C. ain Street- Second Door East of the Court House- RANCH HOUSE Broadway, Council Iufla FALL AND 1870. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! Evcrybod;.-, nn3 more To buy their 2?X3.s 23. cl winter c?-oo5.s AT sTmY YORK The best ar.d moft complete S T O C K OF D Ii ESS G O ( D 3 Are now on eihibition at the 7cw York Store, nt proatl.r reduced price3. V,re call particular attcntioa to our ne-.v btj ieii of OliESS-tJCODS. PiJlfc'TS, . UELAINS. UINUHAMS. UilOWN SHEETINti, JiLEAt IIED COTTONS, UA LMO U A LS. C A R PETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA ,S liOOTS AND SHOE cf all kis''. and price to a:t our auuieioua customer. larsa slock of (;rocries, hardware, QIjEENSHARE WOO DEN-WARE, r.LVS'.VARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CATS, V.V Sell nt (-t Now the CuleVrated GARDEN' CITY CLirPErw PLOW, STUCBLF- SeKri PLOWS. ai,.i a!! k.i.d CULTtVAlCRti. K F. A PZti 3. Sfc E 0 E R HAY RAk'ES. aC riiitUmoath Scjiteiuber lCi.b, 1570. tf. IX SCilXAcSE & CO. r.in.,f7 in M DEALEli JX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Itoofiuff, Outtcria?. spouting and Repairins done. J avi Selling First-Cffrss G,i,:ts tnul Gunrantij ISol to Le Undersold, as I am Batjin of First Hands. A. No. 1 Koi ari l 3jltiraton. Iorias oat at Cot. Keaienibtr vfexz to PACIFIC HAIL WAT OF MI.OrRI' P.iscnrcrs leaving St. Joe. via. riiss.Ui i Val ley Ilaiiii a 1 a;l oVIock p in. nick-- eba ard sureeminec-iona at K.i.t.:? 'ity wirh thi- r.pu. lar road, .irrivii.ir at St. bonis nevt m.,, . i o tinea . i ins is covt a t.rst-clas.a road respect. .:w iron has bt.-n lui-1; new eiu-ineV iin-i uiairnifioent Icc-nir.!r nml MM..T.r ' iiiive uvrn a. i ini to i:s e'ui;iineiiti. i'n ................ .. , , ,i:vuiii.'Pr (an rciy on it in-.k:.i- its a-.lvein .-e.-l time This ' t: .t route (rm ct.Jc?cpU tot.LouLst2ic t-o-.'h -u.d Soi-.tucast. ! ,.f hrouHi ti- kets fr sale at th oEctsof He I Missouri ail. y Railrocd. t. C. ifftOrn. f.cnT Supt Thoa. Dorwia. G. V.". A. W. Ji. ILdo. G. T. A. I Herald Block, Corner Main A Second St. We is?- MODS, c. Ac. Plittsinouth, Nebra- Iowa. WINTER 1870. GOODS. 1S70. too, aro soJnjr to Z til CO. TEE STORE- p13 nr Vity Hazel aSoiy.ii'd Kan3fni-v Aid AZZ c:jii :he T.fli.f ui-A i.-.n,. of the Errinsr and r lortunate.on l,-ir. i,.b ?of thri.fiaa 1 j ii.n.ainrunv-. Are. j r..i.,.,n ., t . "V' ne i-ol!e ,t - i. ..:-. vail ,r.h!i:i:e-i. Sen, '. o Vt-ii..c.. Aiturci- i u nV .i i.-1 . '. CTATI.. ' x Pb i , 1 w r :V lU A:- TVr. .... r i:.Jjma.?. may! wl, Js u' 'll'I' Uik i.Ji.M. , . T.be Property be.ojmin? t? D. Mnrntrctt will 1, SO'", "r rci:-w 1 "n r&i.m.bi,-. terir.s. 1'h" hu ZffW' " '"V Til"r".i ' la 1 Knees. Apply t i . . u- Legal Notice. J. F. Terreberrie. ) In tho Di?t Cmrt 2d Jiidi , ) In the Di?t Ciurt : ril District within Cu.-s Couiiiy, Nebi , ts. rml Distru-t within anil lor 11. ii. mils. luss touiiiy, Neunu-k.r. "VJOTICE if hereby given to tho Fai l II. IJ A. 11 li , wiiii H prniiMii u:ip uira in tii iiliove rutitle.l c.Jie by thosuid t litintiii", in tdo District Court, - l Jii'u-:;il Dir-'iric, within mid for I'jiss County, Nebraska, r:irinir that a certain lpei( t.f .Aiort!;:ic:e or Xi-uhI on tho tiillowiiiK Ucal J-..tate ."itaatoil in snid county of (V.rfs to wit : tne N 1Z hum tor oi'cr. X 11 III.? Kast 6 l in.. duly cxo. uted and d. livered by JJ. K. Davis to II. K. Hills. July I'l, A. I. lsC.s nn I tiled for record in the Clerk"' Office of Csiss County, Nebraska. July yitli A. 1) "s. and recorded in book "JJ'' r litre SiO. and which sti'l remains of rword , be delivered nn and tlie Fame cancclb.'d of record, and tho aid U.K. Hills is rerjnired to onsivr c r tlcnuir tn paid petition on or before the davof April A D. 1.1. FOX A II I EI. Kit. march 2wl. Att.s. lor l'luintiflT. Attachment f4'cti Slarsr.rct Sampson by) In I he District Court 2d her nest friend I J iidici.il District in in J vf- f f'.-r Ca-s county, State of )ren . iiiompsot ) . cbr.i.-kn d ren S, Xliointison of tiie S ine uf Illinois will V take notice that JLire.irct Sa'"i son, by her next lriend Cictn-!it. did on tbJlL"tli l::y ot l-'elinnry A. T. 71 ii!o her petition in tho Di-'trict Court of the d Judicial District oi tho Stato ot Aebrask.1 within and for Cas county, utrain.-t In-ii . Thorapsen defend Hit. prayiiii; ju -isrcnient lor tho sum of one hundred and twenty-live dolla s ith interest from the loth il y ni Mny A. I). lid. as daniares tor breach of covenant iri deed dated tictober 7th A. D IV.K, h-aid deed executed arid delivered to i;luinliil'. Xhst l'l.-.intiil'.ii-lon the 2-"th day of IV b. 1ST1 cause an Hf.-ichment to bo issued against lefeii l.int. and di 1 cause tho li.l'owin reirl est;itc of defendant 'h to lo? nttuched "to vt it': Nineaci-iS in tiie North West corner of bit no. ID in section eis'itecn 1 towiii-hip wolveUJ) r.inse four' cen (It aocordintr to Oovcriimcnt purvey in Cass county, .t ite of Nebraska, and the s-iid Oren S. Xiiompson is ntificil that he is required to appear a n biiisuer s.:id ieliliou on or beforcthe the 10 il iy of April A I. 171. MrtlKiA Kl.X SAJil'oOX. Uy her next friend Clement. By Maeqcf.tt tnire:iJwi. Legal Notice. Ilorton A Jcnksl In District. Court 21 Judicial y J-District within and fur Cam i''orre i'lemins J County Nebraska. TJ OTICK is hereby Rivrn to (Icorso FIcniinp, il non-re.-i lciit detru iutit. that Ilorton .V Jcnks jd liuti'.i's in theaborc entttlcdcausc, did on tlie sth day of February A, D. 1S71. lilctlieir petition in said Court nsain-t tiie paid defen dant in which they el iini Judgement for the sum of C"1 lifly-onc dollars on an account for merchandise sold and delivered, and labor mid services rifdercd to said de'cridant. from f.hiy the tir.-t 1S7D to June H 1 .- t ls;o. no part of which has been paid, that on the IXth ay of 1'cbruary A. D. Is71 plaintii;'.' caused an order of ult.-icli-inent to be i-suo-l out of tlw Office of the Cb ik of the District Court in and for l':i;s count' Ne braska and caused sai I tJcorae l b mine's inter est in the folb winjr real estate to be rtt.i .-hid to wit : '1 be 8 c ir ot the s or of section lairtv six ('!( township elcvea (11) ratifre eleven (11) eastO p in- fai t non-resident dc:nd.i:it is h. reiiy notified ti nppcar i:nd answer s.ii 1 in-ti-tion on or before the od dav of A fi'il A. D. 171 lioKTUN A- JENKS ByO. S. Smith, their Afv. niarchwt. L. . Harm-it, 1 Rstiiist Eiccufion. GEOr.(;t J r.sxivos. ) Notice is hereby piven. f':nt I will ofTcr f.tr Faleat tmblb; uui-tion, at t!i t'ront door of the Court House i.i I'l i:t. villi. Cass County, Nob., on Monday, .March i'i f). A. D. 1 .1 7 1 . attwo o'clock p. in. of sail day, the following real estate, situated in C.:-s County, Nebra? ka. to wit: The undivided one-fouri'i (: i ot tho wot half of the norlh-west oo.arr i'i) section No. twenty seven iJ7) ia Town hi t No. ten (lot north. rnr:'e No. thirteen ii ea-t of the sixth prim-ijal n;er!.lian. except about twenty-tive acres ;1' ol the M)i:i ii end, il cs -ri itc.l as lr.il lows, tii-wit: CKinencin at the souih-wi-st corner of the tiorth-HC-t q-iartcr i'iot' sail si-.-tion No. .7, thence north l:ty-onc ri t -T and -itccn links, tliente rnst c;j-;ty rods, t lienee s-oit ii fifiy-ono ro.ls and .sixteen links, thence west cisdity rods tj the place of bc;rin r.insr. Also the nort'i-wcst fiiartcr i'Pd tho nortii-rast quarter (' ) of Fcction No. LO, in Township No ten (i(n, ranse thirteen (breast of tho sixtb principal meridian. All taken as. the property of t!-o: e. Jcimiii'.'.J, on nn Execu tion in favor of K. V. llarinim, i.-tKiind by tho Clerk of tho District Tonrt of t!ie (bunty of t'as.t, and to mc (Hi ected a? .Sheritf of nui.l county. iiivm iirdcr my hand this leth dav of l'ebrn ary, A. D. Ib71. J. JoiiNSoN. Shei ifi" Oisa County, Nebraska. T. JI. ilAKQUKTr., Att'y for I'iaiotlu'. fcb1o?r5t Patrick Maxwell 1 T-ef rc A. L. Child rr..ba'e i v?, . -'ud.Te in and f. r Ciis.i county J. K. IVrKini Mate of Ncbia.:ka. ON the L-th day of February A. I. lc,71 the sai l l'ioite Jii.i'ro i-sned n ot icr of at tach tucut in tl;e above nction tor the suln of eleven dollars ;ind (:!' crn'-'. I'latlsmoaih Neb. Feb. ;w.ih A. D. 1 '.77 . PA ri r,-K M V WJT.r,. Uy r.t atov ktt & Srkosr., his Altys. ir arch 2wJ V It W ariu i- ji i'ne rc::uuy hi:. n; cr t.-tile i n ot 3veii in ( r.e ciisc- lo ci:-a the very -oit oa-i . of I'.iind Itchiiiir :r iik-iidii;? U . 'I bo? (!- :;re Jl:!:; tcl j-!:oii!d ::. m o-f i n T I c :'l on the ir .ini,--i'i.-n and pet V';t n's I'i! llcinedy. Itiscx-rri---'y in.- (lie i'lic--. i:nd is not ri ccomnicii b- 1 t cure sny o:!::t liintise. It !.: cur d mnuy M-i i f m i r th:;: v ye.ir stun-iii.c. J'ricc On loilbir. 1'i.r : .If by .li-'i -r-i.-t-- ev.-,vwb.T H4incrs 1'3i.c -i t lome in iT' i- irol i-.-urc"--!y for I.y ( i . : : c -? :t,1 rlio-e fniii'orins with l.lbiililll .'o.-Ti i i iic.v-js a cii-i yl i:;1n!;,t jpo .oriii-smd n sj dendid niijicfier: it m i'iiKtl.eri.1 .be ffi.iniicii ::r..l r .-ii.-n -s the diic.--tive .r'.-:ins to tlioir hc:iitl,y state. eiiU. nervous nml rifptic l iTM.n.-- s-houl I u: e 'aruer's !.- rr'-ia ii iiio. 1'orsnl'! !vdrpcit. ri ''i-e l..)!nr. ii.iinrrMi.l-.il ! villi HllCll.iriK, !-oltci,ll.J ir.d exrc'tor.i;;iip. "i heextMnrdiiuirv rower il i'';i-'r-'--1 in iir.ii.clintrly n li-i injr, nnd eventu lIiy ctirin.r, the inost ob-iin ite ciisen of Coup-!:?, wold.-i. ore 'liiro.-.t. l,i o;. hi-is. Iniiueiur:!. ( a Jirr!i. li..-ir;or:r-s, A-ihina Mid Conyitrc i.t i"n i iliiK-st incredible, i pfnipt h the r.db f and :er';:in its etlects in :i!i the above c;ie. or any L'c-tion of the ibrn.it UD. lunpn. that thou?::nd' l physiciiiic nre daily rrisr-i ibitur it. ond on Hid nil s iy tl-iit it is the most h";ilinc and ex icctor.itinj.' iiieiiieine Known tie liu'e nl:iv fiords rim f, in:d in nio- t ps?m one bottle ef fects anno. SoM I v dn:rri-t. in lcrse bottle. I'rice UTie l',.li ir. It is yr.nr own built it' you ti'J 'ouvh a ad suf:;.-. Tbe i;.i!.-:un will cuib. !-VC.. tf" IT j ) The rre.it Illi.oii 1 iii itii r m l I c! i ;-v,n i.rm K' iirnei-V Viimin ito-. or ine of 1,-lc, is r'e loin any )iois.iii.ius droi or iiuourif ic?. bcin ir-J ;i r.-.I l.r t ic-e vi ii.i i (-(ire ii siii.i i-ir,t. Jt is ls !erriid tij.tictir.er :ir; ! tonic, nnd tin f.or-'t .hint-' in the v. oil ior j.o i ii yiii; I be bb.od. It ii Hie ni. -t !c.i-.int :n i i..';i-:iu4 iii-tii-lcrvcn.t-'crf 1 ti the r;::,!i. -. .-,r snj -rior to bra i ly. Aoi-ky, wiro, bin. is. or ury o-iier article. It aiore ii-:,u:,y. a-,) I i-;,c:ij - r. Loth tnalo and f Ki'lc. y t:i -or oi l, cm t;:kc th-Wine of I. if". It is, in luci, a Hi j.ve-rrver, Thoc vl. v, i -h to enjoy r--od i.cr.iiii Mid a free ilovr r,i livi !y -l .rit-. y. ili do wi-'i to j.i're :lio Wi-ie of I.ii. It i- di-Vcrent lr.-i-i tmyliii:. rvr before in iic. It i !! by .ii v.:;': tc, .,1. i. atiill rt s -rtab!ei'ii-looii.-. I-nca On .' Jjcb'.ir, ill n art bottle. Sold Cy J. X. HIXC;iMAN. & CO. r!ltsriio;i:ii. Ncbni-ka. TUB LAUD OWSEB, ITblt 1371 A? an : Ivrti -in ine iiiini. Tt!?. La.vi OwNf R stands Tv:ho;it an r'ii:il in the country. It bcnutiiul pri::t r.n 1 ',);;,; i-n-ra vioir-- protiibit i:n w;:nron e-truci o.n. like ta'-st ot her pa 'n r nu It, is k r j. t b-r b;:i.li:i at the end r f tin? ve ir. It ircnintion is tiir- iU'!ioi:t tbe fritied S'taics end H!'.:oi;i, nnd is ir'rca-inx l.cyon.l ail prcco !.-it in an-.i :!s cf jounaii-in, hov.intr that tl..-; I ut.uc a;-i.ir,-i::f.' i;s w.rth. Its .'iii---i ii-r and n cub.r rc:..i-rs arc I:: nre i.uid bobl-r- r "1 estaio apetiW. btuikcrs. '.-a pit diets and p,,r..n:i Fciki!!;; lunu invL-xtiiii nts p.r iin.ncv. It ti.ci lore b.-ou.-s the only inc.iiuni through. vi,i h" rc-!on-b..v,ti i i ii t-i.'i ;! can n-a-5,j. ,,,.!,.. . A laud u.e.1 f.rc stactly it.iprovitiq their iaiidi '' the erection ffl.iro and r-o'tly cd slices, which we constantly iliuitrate. it is therefore tbe i-t avai.aolc nichum p.r advertising nil kinds of buibhn? niateiials the c.r.Ls of architects r-tc sot.'b.s .-rifitioii fj-5 Ik) r-r annum. .utn'" e:,r"s "' '" it.-it Aitnu inserted in tbe J.eil h utato Acntw Iirectory. clasiSed bv etiiesan.l toi-.ns. n,.t exceed in.? four line of ?oh l nmiparicl lype. $1'J per year, which al- i:.clii,i, M.ac,.pyof the paper. Thisii. the ,,;.,-t impori.atitfcaf.trc of the jo-irmd, thi-directory now riol-raocs- a Jiii.ioiityei- the .'-,din- tirtu.sot the couiitry, end is convenient for re- cents per I, i,e f-.,,. nonp-ari. I t pe, iMiioriul miiV' 1".''-'r(''rt:i ;"'r I' ' 1 lo'cv.cr ivp... Ali toils (cr i! Ivmisiiisr on time .-ontrraefs piiyiU.li .inaif i iy in advance Trirtici f i-d-vr i i:.H-:n. n s must, f-e a-conipnieil by the cu-h to ii.s-iro inscititm in t tie suc-ccdinsr iue crttt? f'r ?av-.!. places, prices of Ciirto-.a.. AppKkss, J. M. wrxr, x- rn Publishers of the Lund On-cr UucaKo. li BITERT t LAZKXBY, props. MVEHY SALE & EXCi.AfiGE. ;The Wtof Horei and P.nntrlesoaUand. SI Corner ma and l ourth streets jurth street.. lArtfldfcwtt Plit'5outh r.rka. VESTER? MARKET. F. V. Morrison, L'as just opened 1. j ew Western RIarkel Corr.rrMaln and 0 St. eet, (WLito A Spin i oldttsind.) where he pipu,.,, to upp'y tha pci ido with Ail Kinds of eats, Game lit t the biwes price going Call and eco hiu:. ie -dtl' STAR MA HKE ').'," TIIE UNDLUSMNLD UAVI-: OPENED V3 E AT MARKET, Ou llrun Street, ri.itistnouth, where they j . posetu keep on bun i tho very BEST OF MEAT;' INTIIE1U SEASON ii HIGHEST l'KICES I'AIDJFOR FAT OATTLE. Call and see us. 1'obUdAwtf. IIATT A HAIOHT. HENRY BOECi-. DEALER IN PURNI T U R K LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES BEDSTEADS OK ILL DKaCRir-TIONS AM) AT ALL TBIOS8. .o- Ivlctalic Burial Case5, OF ALL SIZE3. VOCi;EN COFFINS Roady Made, and Sold Cheap for Caah. WITH tnnny thanks for pact patronar . nvitoullto call nnd emiuine my 1-rge hi o Furniture aal Codiaj. ljja2v.t ilium Weeping Vator fiobraska. IiEALF.HS IN Pry Good.'. Groci ricp, ilardware, 0r..,.-wi,r. iuots. ii ii I Sioc. , T . 1! its. mid i 'ii., .-ii. u .i-r.ii i i-uoioicn-s oi all Kind., Weir .--I A 1, ' Cultivators. I ni.oi Corn PJjii'cr r-i!idc!.t'r an-l I'liii.-cti.n i l.iws. Ac Ac '. ir, w, all ol which weolicr to tho public at owe f rc! ! 1 1 price. All Goods Warranted As Represented, . ,Cur conMnnt iiini will be to fiell ho Idw it will be to tlici ci-i.-c advantage of (-vcry mi liar in tea w Ft :i ; nd i titral prtiin o Cr--' cou.-iiy to make tr:u their ht-adimu tern for trao iti;t;i. itkas. tVI!TER TERf.1 FCR I870 MONDAY, JANUARY. 2s p. riattsmouth Collegiate School, CONPLCTKD ty ' R O F. I) ' A L L E M A X D . And nsis'cd by other teacher, in which will I tauqlu i.,1 the brani-hc I retaining lo a Liber . or iiUMiit-.s Lduciition, viz: Speilinsr. P.c-idin?, Grnomiar. Geoprnpby. Jli.-tory litin.', Ariilimi tic, Miniier ida:liciiiati...s, lPw.it Kerpibf, Natural lbiicsophy, Ctiemciitry, etc.. The above will 1 c taught in three I.ar.ruagen. c!ngli.s!i, (Jerman end French U HAWING, Vocal l Instrumental flusic. Thcj-oat5 Lft-lSw after tetool will receive in- structioiiii in I Main & Fancy IVeedle Work. rJes-i-les th llr Si ho.,1. private cla.sses wi.: be instructed lrom -1 to I'l p. ui. HKVERS MY PERMISSION TO : 'I' FY rTnrl(1- K. U. Livintrstot, John K. Clark. Ks.,.. i:..v. II. S-. George Vun. ,;!',(-,1Jl!7;!i'!' " waUBh. i.,.... l or fori her art icnl-ir npf.Tv to or n.'.lro F.'Jr. ALiULFHUJ U'ALIEMA U D. 'Luxuries cf F.lcdcrn Travgl.'' In the-e days the ta tc of the Travt l'r? Tub lie has become cxcct.ii.-ly jt,tidii.u. In on to o .tain their pafronatre. a U.iilroad lme tini tie note to insure ssafi-ty. .Speed aud comf..rtal : traiisportatiori.by pos.scssi,. the ncces.sary gim! iciiti.,iso ahrst-ta:.-t'iuipinerit of coaches ui locornotiye., a i-olid roau bed nnd heavy ir 1 ullman s I'ailace leepin? earn, l'ulltnai duunc ears-, h direct route, food connections ai can lt'l niMii.ccineiit. Tbe iiui-lin.'ton route is making ererr effort ' possess a:l I !ii sc (piliti .-at ions to a hih defrre and oiier a route to all point east. west, not"1 south, by u: "an ol i:.s -cf -ic i 'on ' follows: 1. -At O.otauu with th.' I'aciii i.i,i-:. At. riiitf.sinouih w;;b the II. A JI. II. K.. i A- a-sk.i. i. At llanihur?. with theKt" Jcs pli Ilailra i f.ral! points in Kt:i-. Ac. 4. At ' 'i'nn.wa. witli the De? Moines Valh nr. 1 north .M uri r-ii'na Is. o. At l:iir:itc.-i. n i:b the 15.. C. It. & M. I' ll. , forlbivenport. .Mc.s .-a : ire. -.. i. At .Moii'iiouth. with tbe K. K. I. A ft. i 2nd Vn stern I nion liailroiols, t..r .-'t. l'.iul. al ' pciri in the norlh, and for til- Louis and poii. in tiie R.llltll. 7. At i'ecria. with tho phcrt line Tilootnin, ton rnute to Indianapoiis, Cincilicati, Lu'.iU h. end alt p- in's south and ust. 3. At l'eoiia. with t.'ie J' I. A V. K. I?., f' Lojan-Dort. C.bm.li.is A-,-. i. At M r;b:j.. with a 1 th? Ulini Ccp'r;:! Id. At CiUCAiiO, with all Trunk lines lor tl L'at. No better advir-e enn bo jrven then, thnn t Tako th c T.utlinKion llouic." dtf. Cisterns Built and P j k Work TIII3 unilersifftic ! i. rreparcJ Inket ontrac!.' for buildinit Ci.-tf-rn. andl'r i 1 it-pa I ne ecssary ui;:fcrial. aisu in do i-n n i nil k'ti1 o llock work by coi:ti-act, aud f jis'i all niattr i il- Ic r sa:nc. . , I havts a low acres of eh ioei ndf rrf-i rn-e and sevc.il c e!)'- f-irftde on rcii.f'i:d !c 'crn aia'if J CSKVIL LS-U-Ll'i. .