1 1 ) I t i : ! i i ! -LAT1.VCU7H KEEJIAKSA.. TFK'r.SDAY, I'KC. J i to 1.2:. ! an , 1 lf As wc have bercwf.rc stated, te ( Omaha ,,,oo: t.-.rtoJ !-.; .-1 .-ir-.- j k:o 1 icii, .Mid it a-iinres to hwiMi won- nerfal tcnaeitv. It l, been a cntiuc', .. 4. 1 " iii.TK'Ciii'jnt. ar; 1 it . now driven to the neee.ity, iov t!.e i nv. o-e o! iryin- to . ,. . , . , Mi.-tain ii j.o-itio'.j, '. tatu!r poitae ; .,, , , .. , , , , r , , , iV . .1 1 hue wi.i be surveyed iroiii J-.ir.COin to and Tia:puble 1.1 .cho -ds. We : i'ite trie : . . ,. . , -o ! 1 1 Reward. Suivcvs 1151 tl;e i aitoo wil. fj.iowiii!? as one : , ,, , , , . , . " , . , (probably be started m about a week -in Casseonr.ty theyuera.,.iar.!y j . . k j.., , maJu .Mr. linyrr. atiilivIicivJlr.; ",'. ri " ' ntU- r.-:c ivpm o ore th.Ti tv--.i loio. re-i settled as to ai.ow of the surveyors 01s- majority i'.r Coni-rc.-v. a full antt 1 haver j tieket was elected 1 y a I.eavy p:e;on.l- ; Wc simj v reiierate that v.hi.h we i have be f.T. stat. d, that there v.a; n . , - , - - . is?ne u:adi: in the c'ection :u this county . . ' : c:thT for or yaiii' I .!. 1 iiaver, and' . " . ." . 1 toe ...in rho pn i t..e a.,oL . ... : !:!,': ir "f Icnntv fl.-if tiro fitif of t!.i! : rtc.intv arc won tiic in-line in ir en- derivois to .I.di-at h-.i. Thtyer, for tney j are ikmoc-uU of the sira:'hte.-;t s ct. ! Tbi man or the paper that wid ?li bo at.dv make sMteh ast.iiemoi.tii.-i lha above j .. , I roi.i tf;e Jnrinf, Known:' ! Utter! ahity a tlic wiiter mi. t Ji.nc- kt:wn, , ra t ir i m v-.irtliv if-T.:-lf;t" .iT rnv nri'i " ' ! who Ii:;- the I'.;i:-t rejari ior trulh ; anJ ! when a paper i driven to thr.t expedient ! in its cfiorts to dehat a man foromee, it is the bc.-t cvidenco hi tho v.TiM that the man it oi-.po.--e.-; U worthv the snp- r . ,i i i i.?rt of an lovers ol truth an-J tleeciuv. 1 " IO' san cert unrestraiiio'J moil tnc co.ouc-J 01 tne saia 1 rr-ijtient -i-o-pi'-vl i;v . -,!"'fifIr:!Il-cVj )Vll "trooov-l ro r.mi 1:1 tne way lie had ni.rnduc.-d hmi-.h .h.uo snocap-j tioned. but the colon,;: held his peace, j and :dl.e.,,.l the t dk to proceed. At f.how hu.i'foi- a i.rivvo chat lie took i lonovi ii . 1.1 ,1 inni.i. tn.it. ih. lootv him into a by t:v!-t. drew a pi.-r.., and I nun into a by stive . orewapi,roi, ana ; ,ot ' K ' in 1,VK5lia5 v:x" n ! 1 ru-".an sry. 1 . . . ., , , night-wati h. - i:ee Is n.-t and quiet, and a!i the innli.turb-j-! rep l.e can get. If one er moi-o j. arsons are in the room rca-ting. talkimr r whispering, as is often t lie case, tlii.s is iinj-o-ible. There oou,a .n no i.-'m i-srnmg m .inc room unless it be a very ,.mi rni.o placed as to be out ; :an-.ct tr.:; patt.-nt. , K;ro- "oneo:lp; .::;'7!:"r,M,',lrKik roo.:: Inc atteti lin. idren.! qniet.y sit or le in tne same rooui, or, wliat is Mioula l.e no i-.-zat t--.rmn'r in ti-.o room u-ua!.y l.etti-.-, in an a-! i. .: mn jt room, so :i to ..e v.itijifi cad ir an thing is wante.o. i i. i-.-k..". i,.c.C.. l.il . III! Mill l.i 1. II q lently .-tel. quietly io the bed-ide to see if the itient i- doinc; ve;l, but all noise an J Ji.-H .-houM !.-e earefiiiy cx j eluded. I'- i- a common practice to j awyujn I'at.cnti oeeasioiia.lv for fear ! cji..-iil slcejv to, soundly. This should J tlvv.lt n-ver b.:t io:i-. .Shvp is one of ; tiic greatest iiccIn of the sick, an I there ! is no dan-.;: of th. iv gtlin too mueli j oi it. . n. f f i uh. . 'i:!? s;:;r;. nirfc! a;u! Pr-i '."(Mite. ! The 'J'urlir.gton Ih uf'" as it is ?;ow I being popularly calk:.!, is rapidly 1 ecun ing the favorite hue to the c.tcrn ; jiornts to which it leads. ' 1 i eori-;-!s ! I jie ( 'h'eaeo. iJurllncton ; and (uiirey llvilrond fiom Chicago, ami IVoui I'eori.i to Rnrlingfo-.i : and of the ' V T ,-i ... ... i aei.ic itai.roaa t.-r l'o.ver. i hevei::-.e a ni all points on the Pae-lic roads Sn-i IVi!;.? ' coat; an.t at llaml u:v it- trr.tn.s n.ake J clo-e conneetaeis wit h t !. ot tho Kan i sas sty St. .j.,sep!i and (vuneii JlhilTs ; jiadroad I'lrM-. Joepn, Atel.:.-oo, h.-av- en worth, Kansas City, liwn-nc. F-rt .-eott, and all K:m,as pohit--. Tti tlii- ...i . ..iioec.oo, ,i may oe a t.u-i li.at ; passcegcrs tamg this route, have an ; Mow m,v h rr,tl. 1 V-!VC;: wn'J Pve l:rru".7 'l f i u,e . ,os of eoap.i tendc-n?. that th- hM I . . , . , aava'it.iLre of our acquaintance, are here- . ;,,. i ir. I., I 1,-1 I . .-trad,jur- story snys that wh.l,t ev ,,.;... t,nf tj,; ....es tf1-d ,v never ' ?Clit I,ry PrVu.uced- Her habar.J 1' , ..e l-icsieh oncers were at table in a ' J 1 It iV wi- . Ic5 Tw l,ewi J-?i nd at len-th. on the gfe. SL e they w.-re i.in.-d bv a v5rovcr who I? l' ene v. el. It is wuh i i 7 l'y ! cleriynian of the church luakin- op- of j !. nay 1 ' . ''' f' . ,UM tliat not tho suoialrilalions wni.rh 1 1 - v-i.. c. 1 i.:... .).,.. 1 ti.. ' I lie wis 1 In' 1 ieii I ol a e 1 1 'f a 01 in a ' - 1 1 i- 1 n i!.;isoai: isiis. iuuiu 110:1 ucii. tout 1 oe .s int, i.un i 1.1 .1 1.11 1 11 ,l , luoim-e so nioi-li. bnr we ieel impeded 1 1: ,:i4 - im V.i'ii'K Ii I Vf r-.-'tlotl Wi lit Oil 1 1 1 r . 1 c . i ni:-u."u:aiu muo.r, mi;i!u .10 .n. . " . 1 . i. 1 .1111 1. o.i( n. t ..1 .11 wtui. 01 j ,lu.iVt;, 1 ,y th,. (lt-.t law of nature. Our r K.. c. " . Alff. 1 1.:,,, Ik . i Ti 1 :'-.;iI.II; lr. ..ii moil Wii'y p-ivwu.o i ur,.n;.:t.ei and .'i i.v-onn i..v i.ailroad. p ... ',. ... .?,..., .,i ..,,r Ou:ck-?:iu 1 w. lis -,. citraone enrh wen. tin ! troui Jjillutili. -i direct to (iln:uwa, .. n J tie casjuy naam to '- ton rued r.hne doir.j Omnhn, Couneil ledl's, riatt.-mouih ' 'C'.-V-'i. ..,,...,,., -:.i T-.-L- nf,li C3' w-k-, s- t ' Line.!;. Ih-i- he- :.nd - -i k- CI'- - , 11 ' 2 , V,scr- tW-,-, (T2cctT-7a I -V - ,V i, ' - - V ' ,-' ', u-i: os woo , 'prettv ennscleraUe ir an i ' -i-ia It connects w.ai the Ies . lo.ne- al- ' i . .;. i t ;t m I t . . . n , , , oei iiie.i), i 'jii.'ss , a:..i i conceit m:e.i ... ...... . r lev Ii.'l lroao at .tupiwa. fop (l-kao-.-a. t .1 t i ' rnn-olc parties uesinr.ir :l .1 nflt for' IVl'l Pes Mnir ..,-,1 l-Vt !:, I .,; t!!l- 1 (--- 'i:,r rjnr0 a.ay in oese V11,..n.-.!f will l.e taken f.r part payment, at fix i .. " ' V,,",- .!' - '; i hr-ar short (lavs than the sprvc-t niua taoiiUis, with iiitcruatat .li fcrccnu ti-i.sa Uats. ; .. .. .. .......j ...... iii, i i..t.v s .i. ...ill i r ... t xccent opportunity of seeing Souih. -.n i ti,e ero-s? What is thr use of employ Iowa on their way to Kan-as. and with U-c. M,,Ai KK,k., tones, idioms in religious l-o ..fcmaiuotiaiioiH and as ..,oa t.mc another route-. ! w Watt PrlMiiutr. The State printing wa k-t r.n la t Mondav to several parties, who anr. eared ' as ma.icrs. i. nder a con-titutiotja! j-ro vision the Roanl is lefj-yred to let tiic work to the lowest responsible bidder, and it iscoiiseipient'y thrown op.n to the whole United Statce. One c'ns of tho work was let to a mm in Lin 'ol:!, on-5 class to a resident of Omaha, two classes to Mills & Co. of Ies .Moines Iowa. and three classes to parties in Nebrask i Oity. Ail the classes were h t at low price ices, Lut to responsible r?irti"s which nil hinds if w-o.l- ,-.roorit....l l.i- tl. l,w. insures good an 1 cheap work to the Mate. ' only trusting " Jtr rftr j tn titer on. Rut there should be such a change made ; ". . "T,-3"' ""T"!v. n i in the law a.i,iavbem ces?a- v tt.cxelude , miie.- ;. u s: . -o- e. m.u... . I,; l l 4 .u. C...... . i an ir.env.se. in their sa.a-y r.axt year. i. ..in i.u. Mue. ji i lie; . i:i-,e, or a , .,, , . , .- , k,.t,.,.. .i i -e i c. for th?v wiil have to preach Rtry-threc islature and a l'ublie printer elected the ' When yu, see. ' a Cock ov ge se all same a other State o.acer. Tins matter I ft in iing on one leg. except the old gan should be looked alter when a eontitu- ' uer' and lie chawing biz cud, iokr tit tional convention is ca'.led to-ether at ' l:r a southwest- wind tew morrow, or the any future time. Chronicle. next day, or the day af.er, cr at. sum v , fewtcr time. Whenever dogs are seen ... .-..U r i...-n.l x-h ? i vinn irk ..r,.! T, , ,. . , ; old mai ls reluse ttuir tea, aiH. hop I beseech o i you my young fi tend-. ; ,ii!;.s ont Uiiuls aiiJ c:u, .tones wool .eheve in virtue ; hj'.ievo in truth ; be- L,rin , ,if;) innv ex 00t a i;,tL. cro heve in honesty and fidelity; br-iieye in ;)V o lts ,ir,tl h..AU. vout s ror harvest honor; behove m jod ; Leheve m '-' s r. .1. ?..;,.-. law and in Ood s providence. . ut your -.- -.i .1 1. i"! u- a r,v. r' ' c no the liuht that thiJ throws upon tlu.r timet in Irno find in" I-oJI, .it l..v' nn. 1 UO W ... .'......'a ......... ....... ,. ,1, .1 . 1 not in the seeming oi deceit! ui an-1 ap- ; '- " : - .. . " " jiarently prosperous men Let no tn.,n I !,ot u- juea.-ant tnmgs; it is ,,t tho ; tritch your soul from yo. ; let no maa calm c-spenenecs ol h.e; it is .if s rug-, dazzle your understanding from von; I d W":.". uuj,et., its .rials , let no man bv anv sinuous 'courses draw ! !,he di-cip.o.e ol lie is here good and j you aside fro'm that straight and narrow c' -Ci - ami there joy, wav where there is ..afciy. And dot- : " ndeness and these Muon-aness, one ; ever else yon get.- have- pWe, oro.v day, ! forking with the oilier . and ihe al en. a- , withv.m- own eousei nee. : Whoever ouo frud th c.tuer. h;e! ; 3'e yJnoilenl,vonr;o.J. Keep Him 'sifxte aoaptmns e-msl.tute r. part j m jw M.ic. Do. what is riak and -1 taut t-auearion which ma.,es a man a-, then fear no man.' Do " what is riizht, nian in d.st.o. t on Jroai :in animal, 1 TH,tt J, :,vf .m.,1 all the world can- education. , , oe success- liath. And for all impcrle.tions, trust A j.Min"qu?r, .wuo im .-a : uu.s . P sttSIHCUUl .. - - . " ViZVl. . KM . 1 1 I S S R 5 llf. J -I USCJ ! BHIDJ.KJ- t. Hi-e-nr-ions an H'oT" v n" ove. , i perpetual motion ever rmce i.w, got , ..' .;r.' , " " a-wwj x-jvj uw-. - tO ill, ,r.K10Us .111 IK., -mm, . , . ' ' -j M 1:l,,.?n!ro. n,l on .utUrdaV I V . .' - - rr,!e.ular attention gii Two widower.i were ones iwii.., . --".- ; .,Y"n ';v,;.;.n fifiiiil.iiT AiiFAs. kju' ' ' ,. .i. Vi..,i-t-pi.snt ol i nmji ".nee. r.uu .10;:: ..4i. jiii....'u.i1.w.uii.ni4 - . . ..... r tegetner on tl:e leect.. ti.iiateu.'.ni 11 , j , . 4.4 , . o.o in ' 1 . . . ALL KINDS OF their wives: .no of tlievy.eauneJ witli ; tma nc .u.u ;. - v; ,.3 ; 7.7 r n'.i'Ps rilftH'v nf r.W.rr. 2nd TCSaCCO a WaVO Oil tlZlYJ. I SHORT sigh: "Well may-1 bewail my W Ibr I a ong, ai.a " w ... i 1 'muclV; 3 . ! IhadsoA.W diees fey?(,l!,sl;K.arHl,r Al! orders r-r.'r.t ?.!: attcr.dc-l tc. - - - V:,Ml - U-thet? -iSe I man to his Vif, and ,aid ' W ! AIN STREET. ,NE D.OR W.,T OF ir.E RAILROAD TICK FT OFFICC N. 11. The Celebrat-d ..tgC Vasas 11.1)!,:.. a . ' .... ..,,.., '-Ti.. r : is ni her month, li. S b-.r A.Pl.-esS !lOlCl'.U Ass"- I . . . n - or..-.t-.-' :!y n h;;.-d ' surpass yon, mi: a ineio. : l'- . , ' , CAT V. Phthidclr aia.lv.. i-...ylwiy : s-i. s.i'r. i-tm --.... 1 .a. . ... . - ;ii ::i,! .(j io. a- .nr-isoi ill k. k. c is M:ns,tstA. i I.JkTTSiiOl TTH, F.n., i'CC. J.J, l-i J. II. I. HiTEifAY, Hi-i.. K 1 1 1 1 i- Pl.tttsmouth Hff.ai.ij: I'l A'.t Slit: The above road propo-os :;ia!ce survcvs this winter and the coui- 1 . . , f MM'. . I in- sj din-, to ascertain mc ieas:.niu 1 I -x;eiiM of a i.';i!r.:a 1 from Ashland, -v . .i?1- Ji i.iiui-a 4 ..j:ii .1-1.1.... i, .. .. Wahoo creek to a ; SI4,It.v. j.. .;.:'tll t,e i;. .. IL at j . 1 1 1 8,? '" ,u "P- j A!. o surveys from Crete, on the Log , !,.. h i:nv h iit! tni hi tli v.". - ' lev of river, aiatinsconiwction willi i pMimr witli tho unil camp outfit an 1 j Cj,:i!.',; theni to Jnake their reconnc.is- ! :.!. :i .wth en:i:ip.ii-:iiivi-lv little ui(0':i- 1 r . ' ... '" ,- ". .. ,. . ... . - - , -or. i. II. Ainwurth wid be in charge ,. , . , i i ol th'j party niaknijr tiiese surveys, and ,. . i- mane tl tooe v. bo aeeo!!i;.a;ii-.;d . him liiis ..;;U!J.,r ;n SUvvcvs V. e.-.t will b rive here Saturday mo niii.?. They wiii tJ i;,,Hyl!i IIyU?c " for the pres. i ent . i ours i ru.y, F. W. j). Ik ' . 0 ( f r . ?. At. .not iMjj r, tV-;. r ' ' to iii " - fai ii'.si ui; Zillor.1! 1 iiror.tll j.j-.y j-ricutt. i Ivnoiionalii --sanity having neon so often ! pleaded . - :eessfn!!y by husband in ! U'a!;':!1''1 in 'Y iV,r , ':';V' :" i Lmiimr u-peeted sra.Iants, the ."-an Iran- ' : , - ' , . . . , mi ,,, .. . ' A;h Uihr wv.,. Ad . .l ie. s ..,,1 . .i n k.,,-.. ,t, ,;a,n tn be'manied .0 other anl inferior 1111 , ,e.,sy tK..k Uke u c0(.h t0 tiK.:r l0,al ,iut reeo-ni.se us- on t he :-;reet. ''e have taken eou.-iderable V". X" . X-X i ll'x ;' V v'. , A ''V..' v, i '. t tli!u 1 N 1 J t-u,,u " ,k;,';1 be p.,,., ;nltcd to jo 011. We triut that our i 1 t. ;:,. : , u.M,iv wh:c, js puro cowardice. tti not be uilsonstrncd. Son.ebodv peri.-hes i,,,,!,,,;,. 1,. .1. .. c. ,. h;,' .,-.L-- j ing terms with niarvied vom?n, and we it - iu.'i v.i.v v.'... v...i ...... ii.. '.... IVej.'y gra'oful for the past forbearane. of a"rieve l hu-i au-ls, WC rmike our bow j 1 .m.v. 1 l,-,-rn!' i-r o;ir vvi ! Fn:i!e.s will be lavi.-hed upon girl.s and widows exclusively: no others need ap- p;y. . v b'.-' ever .-hail attempt to mtro ,n,.f! n, Lis own wiie, or that of anv oi e, v;i;1 ; r...rilI.;iCM :1, a cono.i- ! ni.(T h t(.lr Vil aitl u!). . !p?cj lrt ' i'r ti ; (, ...,,., v:iture i-, strong in u, aral wc j-,JoI10t wj tl, tlj Whenever wc feel a , , ,i ,,7., f ,.i,.'e .;c. ,r;.i , .1 ... .,',..1 I go o'.U'.t'-.- t- f.'ir r 'waro. T.il-.ii to r.tranr.'jsr. Hememher. that oar great Lu.--incs in thw wo-.Id b i prepare to "get well out 0f ,t " ;J;ne;ilber, that uhhone.-ty never m-ikes a frien-I, bur that a di.-ho:iet man wiil no more trust one td his kind. than an l.i,e.-t man wiil tru-t him. . It'Mncniber that throuds have no n .icmrcr, that you can say more r.ir i-o-t your ii',:vhbor l-y a shrug of the .-li-mMers. er a signiiicaut look, than yeu c-.u: say i.t y(r:H . 4IS Vt iit'l Jll,'. raid a wntkunan to an c.Itl n.-gro, who was rather ia-Hy engaged in no ;n I..C longest sum- i:c:;T;.:t!s Vr.n Verulan. lW t a: tempt to preach, onlv talk, anl Vou wiii tind religious conversation a c:.,cv nu ,.,r., sueee-ful cmiter than i-:.:t folks roako it. Wliy .i.,l-l'o:,-f v,.:i -i.t.-.k iusf. ns Mm,'v nn.d t!a;ur.-.;ly to your friend about his rda- t,(,:.s to the treat Ail I athcr :n I the J.aviii-Saviour, as about the weather and -.'.i.ver-atiori. that it is a positive relief to vou when the disazreeable task is. id.r.c. an I you can ' L-c yourself once 'more? ! - IZuiie't Song. We hear it sin gin cr, sinking svroetlv, softly in an undertime, ringing as if (jod had t-aught it-'It i better, further on!' Ni'ht and day it s.ngs the same song, m; nr. it while we sit forlorn, sings it so the heart can licnr' "It is better further on!'. Sits no. in the E"ave and pours i sings it when the t-hadows darken 'It ! is fetter fiuthcr on. i'-iither on? IIow i mtieh further on? Ount th; mile st ones oi e by one. ' .NoI.' S? counting. 1 SUU'.aVS 11! .V.-j UnVS. , , . .... ... :0 ,,. : XL IS ll'lh.lllU l-CL llliliJ lil .1 Mi. of the mu which he i.a,haa w ! 1 in o:-- cuv c eo i 10 man mvariaoiv Dears 01: 111.1 mo.-, uie "... 1 :'' - ukU! itiia the Krenm-j Tib-- -- T3rT.TTTTr"r.T7 r4 'T' ETrTff&T TTivJ?i? itsZf of lino 1 T!ie largest raft ever floated on the Mississippi w:h landed at Mascatine. on ! j Friday. Jt covered the tspaee of four aeres." and contained j umber to the 1 amount of $i2Ai). Jo.-h Dilliri!'.-; iris this ad dee for those j female? who co atound tec . lUIHT. -ranjnin netted a mistake, a .ood deal bitter ; !i:;iu"i a HUM a it.', ;i i.ij.ji.1 uv.il : than tho me which you are anxiotrs. tew ' eo:n.:t, but there i a reinesiniilaritv m toe tni-takcs. .he wanfeu to knonnJ ' !.,v a i, ml in t-vrrvthir, that tfoing i p:!, and tT;, ,cvt oTeied to ten'di her, t .111 vu h.v h n ? rr 'V fin t the lvTIiL V:lS. Mi ad vie to yn is to stay vid.t where yu ; are ; yn hav a p .v.er now tlut nr-vcr can ; be kv .t yu hj.J on to it, but it n j-pit ou rata Imnls t-.t a better holt, yu 1 . 1 . 1 may lo-e yuro ii; entirely. I 1 .1 . 1 : 1 1 Tl. jo tins day the puljet m wl:;eh .John C;,i. ,ho cn.ioent relisrioa;. reformer, prcfielied, and 1 ho i-hair in v. uk b he tat. i ' 1 ,....1.,. ..i p;,.rl,.t jri Geneva. Calvin diet in the vear l.".f,4. anl was buried ieii in tno ecme- teiy o. 1 .:i;n !;;!::;, (f.'if:iM. The I ni onun:ent over his urave is t!i'c only cr.e ot this exo.ni ordinary man It is u e,..,v,. tu ei-ht inches wide bv twelve I ' i i r . r'11,1-- incite-; hirit. bearm- the e-imf le inci:p- i ,,., I t' 1 ii'-n, .i.e. A papr-r -ivos s:atit;er, of t:io tro,pj ; of the Afrk-an army w?;;c!i f.-ive cornc to i.iuoj c t tu.s.e j.;rt i:j the i m.-y are said to enmpri-e T, J Zouaves, A.i: ) i ureo-s 'J.O ) C.'i-'.-.-t ms d Atr o-v, and :-omo :ihi-; in aid, iroai :2J,W to ;:i-t i r&l.res. It has been e.Mimitiah after giving a I '0 - 1 deal ot attent.on t.i th, tvUkc' t nt the who e amount of I-rUi cation ; ,, . . ... . , ij build ono 20 feet Ijiali and H. l.-et thick i cri'il'i" rcnnJ t!u j'"bi', and vouM r?- j quiro ;,ti(wi men to work steadily for! 2.000 years to ac -omp.'ish the work. ! The wails of Pekin are won-lr.ms .frue tur'.'-, a:: 1 theiv are manv otlier like : tliem. to ssv nothing of the ere at wall t'ti'tho frontier. " n.ll ;t:.,r, Plo w-a -n .ii Jaa . JMJ..1S n l oi.a . was rerb.ips onPof the Inoj,t brilliant exam- her i-n-jr. dear old man kept groaning . and 'roanins but ccu'ild not die ; at last," j sail she, 'T i e collected 1 had got a piece j of new carpet bindi::;: in toe drawer, so : 1 l0'k ol ' r.k. r.mi then T Pt.-n h dear, he went off like a lamb, ct,,,,..., .un : 1 took some o! that ,nJ tied it round his his no.c- with 1 ani. poor HEALTli'S PATENT 3CARD WELLS. Put down in Otoe county in the i;a?t 15 mor.ih", ia l Ir..ai lilUiliJ to FlVii a ivctk ixsi.Uwb at I l'','-"ut ijjoVE THBIIl SUPERIOBITT. ?TXTV-yTNF cf th,:a were iu tho wor.r til ! of Qaick-.aui. ! -and- TllIRTY-OXR of fhcra irrre rn.vl- in i.!ac:s ' hcra pV ol-l styl "HasW -H.--' had dried up- ; c-. r I in t.iile 1 to furabh a supply, or nato-,- liy "j-l iyoit .ut.'' T'.r;.-1 -.v-i rept;'i!i' . nml :hr uii:iai'r:cu- vcr ili .t of ti.e pccjSo f Oluc Cuu::ty Attests their .":ciits. Ar. Oiilft i. now in npen'ii.'U for ihe acroia:no datiuiiol C;i-- C' jiie.'y, In charge of i'e!i pnaranfee 1 to f jrnit-li :n aaiyle supply of water, or the taotiey rtfuiiOed. WrI's IvreJ. tuh'-.l aid Stt.-d on fir thlowics : water ull comrleteaaa iuunntc td. I 5C S5cS3ay pes k:oat T'artic wislns welts wtil ple.i-.-e ncommfld! t hv leaving t'e-ir .r .h-v t tho Hardware Soi . of C. W. .MhRK. or ai l.-c.-sia tue line to ; i ... XEBRAirKA CITY- Vjry Re-) eutrui'y j B i' Dhlenhaclicr . j juir i;ro.d.t-tf 1 7 I XTO" T-J" Tp T S !.wL. iN AIj . jpzsa 1 can C52S Hi 1 l tk fesf LJ &a V ! j V Pfc!SS? &3 JSSS H j BCTIZRV I.XZSNI1V, props. LIVERY SALE & EXCHANGE. J J . . . ! -Thebstof Hor-esanirursiesouhaud. Corner mo and lu:".l itr jcU. 5nn21diwtf. Platttnouth Nehraiika. i ATTFfJTIOM f I If you iron? to buy an A .V I. REAPER and MOWER Call On At iho XL"iT V0;X ST0!:S aud cia their Muck J.-it'ruvc'd" ' '"' Cayura Chief Reaper & Mower fur ISTO! riTso. heir lnr.-P ftock orCUEAICIXvT AND i VTL'CIiLE I'iows. ! .Vs-rfi -Vi f?'Ci-r- wt;ti vMUi. 1 cMiir-t4i4 ,.t . And dealer in all kin 1 of Furniture & Chairs xxir. srpKLi. (third dcorwoft of P 0 1 vi ie.i rj'v'u.-i, r iti-L uvukiu j ivm ijj.i m m ii & W 1 . - c a b. mM .. . M . n . , : p. jn. jmm V V ItTi 7VI X C1 X) siMPSON. A- LAZEyBr T T Gf!Pni A- CO t , , KJ i llJk t .7 """"iForwardinq and Commission Merchants Agents of he Omaha & Si. fi-'f ailSrHGllin, . , , Ti , , , fft nra no-v ocauryiatt tlie rnoai foruiorly occupied by -.T. 1'iiite i lo., ana are . . , . . 37' v ., , A , r , Cr 111 ?1 1 3 : I f) M iillSltlPSS. V ill Well IjlllLi clllll lt III ii lr 1 I i IJUnnu - Ware lluc attaacJ. All coodifwm in our eare will recoive 1 3 1? f ft A f fP A JL iVVlTiS. -rk ...-,, f T ' ., i ... .. i,orSdLwtf fci Wholesale 3 DOOM. I. RO. A CO. arc :iias f.n caI: r.c:t CcTtc "A" ujrar "c" do j Frown do licet Peaches Apples '- fcymp. V Rsl do d' " ,ti! Oil, " j . n jr iJri! GOUS (it UOOIU, lit'O. Cf t O. J Mnnf f Iff? ft h fit l"5l"IO!ll,S 2-UUlS ;(3.ii.?e Cli, lUW.i. FALIli AND 1870. d. sen": irsc. GREAT RUSH! L-. crj 'ni cy, (ir.i To !y AT TC YOE K S T O XI JH The best and ir.ost cone, lete S T () C K O F D II E S S GOODS. Ara now on exhibition ct the New York Store, at mativrcvjtj.. pr.c. , c:ui i-arric-.ar ;utentii;Ji to our i.ew tlj Ici ot ' Oili:SS-(-CODS. PRINTS, j - L'LhAlNS, (ilNGIIAMS. BROWN SiiEiyriNG, ! J. LEACHED COTTONS, ii- . f ill kinau atJ r-riee. to sU our numerous i QLEENSWARE t - WOODEN-WARE, GLXSSWARE, . j ' YANKEE NOTIONS, , , . -. , . ,, . . . ll.Vi.O .liMJ U.l v 9,,u -t Cn.t. Now the Celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER FLOW, STUBBLE BREAKING PLOWS, ami rh kmis r.f CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SLEDEflS, FiAY RAKES, &.C lllattonouth ScpteaibcrlOdi, 1370. tD D- SO-A.-r. 4v CO. "5" "S" lA T PrT j f j - Al 0 i At Lvman's Coal Tha best kind always on han-1. The C:-5tli:inl coal ever in the market at COAL MID LUMBER YARD. Ordcrj left -t the YARD or at VroWi DRUG STORE, promptly attended to. - , O. W. I-yrna . & Co. N?r. ;.lSTC..l.twtf 4 Yholeralc ' i " Vk-r "7 Louis f'0" Line Packets wc can furnish a'-t the storage irantol. ' 3 itt. l A i i.ji t?:Vp- r-;n nors. ill Lc.'nrwr.rdcu wiihout dalay. and Hetail fa 7 'izn "st-.-h n.s f..r if-r " " l.OJ " " i.w 7 " " l.e) 7 " " 1.03 3 " " 1-" -v1 l.tU 1.-5 C Kit t lc 11 'it U O C Hi ?S WINTER 1870. GOODS. 1870. F. T. I.ENS.IFi-. LARGE CROWDS ! ! l:.u:e i-c. ara zn'i-S t' I GO, their TB. BALMORALS. cAiinrrs. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA .S ROOTS AND SHOK customers. ' la-t-a etock cf ,.r T t.J llK) J t ll 4 luc , HARDWARE, jlf8 K'i"' ' IL S Oil .'I ' UliLi & 'Lumber Yard. Dealers in Wi-Bjtcr-jlVlyiJJj MILLS! Farmer?, pro where ycu can ot the best Flour ' mi the most ot it. 35 FOUNDS OF XXX FLOUR j AMD a 2 FOVXDS of BllAv Sc arc a !.- tUixvg srw antl, with on- iaezc-t'etl liiciliiio;.. Icil n??urol tan: wo can sive the beit and most Flour of any ia tho State, ja SATISFACTION '5 UA R A NTEED. Frcduca Bought and Sold. H1GHT5ST MARKET FATD. Ueetl & C'liiitoa :. y now i.s it O'Mciii's Trade is Increasing! Rccause ht Cut :.nl Make? tip the lict suit of C'lethes in the W est. lie has J ft.--1 received a r.cn- stock of i iY i: ii aoon s Which consists of Ren vers, Chinchelhis, Tricots, Milteii.s. and Fancy Ca??ii.iw.-., AM f.f which Lo wiil make up cheap for cash r.ov;aif ? a-:cesor to R. Waltlicr) If Harnessmaker, r.nd d .-u'er in ARNES.-, SADDLRS. COLLARS, HALTER AVhips. Eruohes, Ac. Ac. Repairine done substautiiilly and with uia pateli. t.ive r.ie a call l.efure pnreha.sinT cl.-cwhorn. l'onrth si'-pet, north of l'hote aliev House, ad.ioiuiuj; iiatthtns A Donnelly's Hardware Store. Septlowtf Sargent & Co Hfitii Ma Jiisiiicl urcrs, V.'R would iirrite Dealer? nud tho Tuhli generally to c it. and examine, our itoek of S O JS. s , br.f-ire pnrehnsins elsewhere. r. iiurtnt having had the experience t twenty years in tnanutaeturinf; nil kind of Soaps, we are cuaii.U r.t ol riving cnliru sutisfac ti.m to all who may favor us with their patron afl- .ap e'cchansf 1 for prca.se, an l delivered in aay l-art of the -Oy. Cash paid for rendered tallow nnd clear gr-ase. Soap Works. Kearney Vt'urd, near Ferry St. Rri tge, Nchrask City. Juue Lhiiiwli'. MM'. WcDpinrj Water N3brasS;a. DL'ALEUS IN Dry G.'o.li, Oroeeric, lIar!T.-.re. Ce.censv.sre, r.e'.ts, anl Shoes, H.-its. and Caps. Arr'euO-.ir;.; I ta iHm fa t s of ill 1 k i nds, V..-ir :ir "I X 1." Culto a;.. is. Li.ioll Corn PlaiiU-'r ii imdo.etir -iel Prim-etori i'h.ws, ... c ,Ve mlinf. ttiiv.it, ail i.f which wcotior to the public at the Ail ' Geo cis Varran ted As Bepresented, r O;ir eorstant aim will l.e to rc!l ?o low'' it will l.e to the positive ad vantapc of every iki inrr in Ih'.- v.- sf :n and central p--rle".i es; county to make this their 'icail'ti-n-i'Ts for trad i jr. KKED, K11US. .. ciin? Water. . t.T-7t'. . c arc.ilJi ff.'p.Ts lur .Mower., Ilcapero, rashins Machines. n p7 w I f li Hit fj9tdl iUf&lmhU Hr.vo hou?ht t. e er.tirs ?tock!of Ilamhurccr A l.'trlii.c-. One Door ICist ' &e Brooks House, nnd wiil sell the-rs'oek of DEY GOODS, HU8,G;p3t BC0T3,SH0E? CARPETS & NOTION, j AT I2ASTEZ5' PKfCES,. t FORTiinNKXT THIRTY DAYS. i ! to make room f- r their Fall Stock. We have .i.-.st roceivc 1 a l::rge and Wtil selected stock of j Fancy iOid ctaptu oooccries. BACON, HAMS, L.RD. The highest price paid, iu caah or trade fjr Farmers' Produco, Corn and 0al. All goods purchased at this estahlishmcnt To Ami Part of The f''t;. White, Spires &. Drsw O. F- JOKNSON, DRUBS, HIEDICIHES, EOCKS, rdT Jk riT IO E K 1l' Perfun-.eries, Hair Oils, NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINES. 1 atest Publications. Prrscriptionp carefully compounded by an ex pirienceu Drucsist. . , . . T, Rc-r.en;ber the pkicc. oppite Clark x k tiiro mcr s. l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. aucnlii "STREiGHT & MURPHY, OClLtHS IS . Harness, Sadies, Whips, i.COI.bAJvSiitC. .-en to the manufacttir rartt-ss. REPAIRING D0:IE ON NOTICE. x- , iMibrastv ;-,i:n i! libuiikri rtfcsixwttac ON THE $0UTH EEPI'C WATEH. XXXXAt$2.50persacL !tX ri.Ot'Sl 2,00 per S.UK Rran fc Shurts 7ocU. per luO.lhs. ran AS ahorts. Rxtra 6oo'd Ot per Corn rncal SI llo per hundred j.ounds. XiOUR Exchanged for Wheat as usual. Wheat and Corn ground on Toil tcie! icint ic.7 be fa.ven to latiufy all xrlto eat1 10,000 Bushels of Wheat and 20 000 Bushels Corn W. E. S1IELD0 . Agent. FehR'dAwtf. EVENING STAR; CHALLENGE -AND- The demand f..r CT1ARTRR OAK, CIIAL LKN'tiKand EVKNTNll STAR Stores hnijrown o rapidly of lato that we have not filled orders s promptly as desirable : l.ut hiivinjr now secured the assisfnr.ee of .mother Stove Foundry, we shall hereafter confine nearly the entire forco (.fi.urown cstithlichmt nt to the produ. j.roiluc te.n U the Stoves al.ove n fill all orders without delay. hope to We would call tho attention of those nl.nnt purehas'ins. to th Sl i'CKSS nnd rol'T I.AIUTY of all of TIJKSE STOVES. Xol.etter evidence of their intrinsie merit can l.o ..tiered than a statement of the fact, that uFter IS years n"p tind I., inssuhieet to severe tests in nil hinds of f.ealit ies. and to t he most hitler mid deter mined opposition that could he invented, that they aieto-.lr.y, the MOST POPUL All STOVES in the mat ket. an l have piven such univeisal satisOvHion HUT THE DEtuAND IS (iltKATLH THAN EVEIt. It you want THE I'.KST rOOKIN'i J ST0VK FOit WOOD, buy the CHARTER OAK. If you want THE PET CnORlXG STOVE FOR COAL, buy the CHALLENGE. If von wan THE NEATEST AND LEST .SHEET IRON PARLOR SioVEcvtr made, bay the EVENING STAR. SOLD RY Excelsior Manufaturing Co., CI2 and CI4 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, 3VH0.7 on E.'T. DUKE &, CO., ATTS X I OUTII. NF, J i STAR MA RKET. THF. L'XDKR.-KJXED HAVE OPENED A MEAT MARKET, On Jl.-.in Slreet, riat!?!nouth, whoro they rro Ijo.sc to kceo on hiind the very BEST OF MEATS IX TAE1R SEASON o HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FAT CATTLE Cid! nr.d see us. nujr-'J.l.Vwif. HALL HAltriinAX. PROFESSOR D'ALLEPi!AND. Afsisc 1 hy other Tcuc-hcrs, has opened ST. L.UKiL'- in wiiiiih Will t.e faurhtnll t!i br.inclie. prctr.iniuj to a Libtral or Riisincfs K.lu. afoD, vij;: Spellinir. Rcadinc, Ira 1:1111 nr. Gcogrnphy, 11 iatory.Wri tine, A rit hmet!'". II ighcr AlH'heniiitic", p. , .1; KenpiiiK, ISuturai I'liil .soldo. Cucmcsliy. i The aVovc will be t;.u,;t:t ia tUroe Lanjuasei. English, German & French. licsi'lcs tiic day school he will instruct Private Classes- every d;y frori 4 t'i7 o'clock p ni.. Ptid Biul :;n Evening.-? !).d fn.in 7 t I'l o cluck fo: those cnjrnjTcd in luisines.. .ii:rii,ethc lnv. A Cliiss .11 Drawing every i?,Miurday, from X. R. Evening Scho.d will rpen on Monday next. novltltf. MACiilfi E i HOP ! WAYMAN & CURTIS IMaJiiiT20t:!t!j, rVel)., Repntrer. of Steam Engines, Eoilers. Saw and Grist Mills. G:is and Steam Fitfinjrs. Wroiisht Iron Vtpe, Force and Ti.t l'unip", SteJim Oaaes, alance i Valve Governors, aitd ail kind of j Brass Emails Fittings, furnished c-n short notice. FARM IMG MACHINERY Repairedon kort not;e. u5t! R. H. Van Arman. South f-ide Main, Bet. Second and Third Keeps tho best French Stock, fciid warrants a sent fit- Those desirinjr work done in this line willgiv us a cull. cud s'-t the best nunlity ot work. ATTj ordr nnHilDTT V ITT T T 17" I 1 l 11V.U II 1 ijA XM.jJ.JlJ' Estray Notice. ' Taken up V the Kulw.-riber. i U.ult Muff I precinct, Inss couuty .!., .-u dn ol .Soy., j onw ri'l s.t c-r, . eiji "u toe ...i . .ii, ini'i ii.i-irr i bit in the rich'.; one year ol. I Itst spi ;n. A!n: , one r. :-.n b.'ii.r. with mid. riot in (tin .. II ear, no ot i.t-r tnftrk) vi ' bi Is ; en r i v .vol. ; one J ear l.x i; j!Uv VI.SITl A" G TL .7 T TS M 0j;T u WILLFIX!) ir:( D STP-I ! S 'HON Al in Farmer's Feed Stable Corner of SJaii n, -: . . 1:at::s i..;.ti;.M A LCXPLL1K f,v i ,,. Al , .., or nn: """.vr "Till: DKST. ClIEUT A V, unvr TliK L-Mux. Harper's Wooklv SPLEN-DlDi.v ll.!.L'.?TH.VTEl. ' koticfs cr t;:k rcrss. The model n-fffp,i.T ,,r , ,,, . Hctein all the a. p, m, !., Y,?TT Cr,n Family Paper. nai.c,- .-. klV 1 . A",, r," it.-elfa r.Tht to list ,1c - A h.Ju , ,a,""'1 '" ti..n --.Vr Fort- Frrru, r,,T""1 ! am so fS!r ahead ot all , , mu'V'" hi. riot to permit ofanv ,. . .,r," , t,,l'r"'u nndnny of their tnunl,, r . ''-"' n it the finest collccti..,, , ( n -i i . I""' printed. ft- .Pu' r..,i ,n. ''' l'r ll,al H" the country.-A:?;-; , Jr1''8 cl,Rf ur" t fiUBC:iPTio.s.-i:i. Term : HiirperV Weekly, ono veur . .M All eilru copy ou-nher the Mi.;.,, i.h. U , or La.ar. wil he siiPl,r. ., r tv lr 'J, fortivesiits.crioci-HutSI ui. a. h. , . c tntice ; or. nix coj.iei fr $20 un, y.c.lu.a r,, L ci.py. . S'lhscripiions to Harper's Jlaa.:i..e W, , klv or Ha.ar. t, one address f,,r one venr ill. in or. two of Harper s IVriu luals. t." t.ii a.hl-r lor the year, ii m'l. Back iiuiiilit-rscun be mpplicj at it n v time. I he n nil a a I volmns of llnrpors Hccklv. inn.itl cloth bind ir. will l,e Pur,t ,y express, free ..f exi cnsc. .,r -7 ti each. A complete set. ,.,n, prising f..ui;eu volume. .-nt on rcni.t ..f cacti a- the rate of ." S for , ..I., fr. debt " 'ht expen d ot i-.ircliascr. Volume AlV.rcri.Jy e..r. unry 1-t. 1S71. Th posiaite on Harper's Wrcklv is L'O e.-nti - year, which must b pnid at tho mbscriber i posteflice. J ddress llAKl'l .R BH0T11 ERS, ISsw York. Wiini.-r'i" Pile r.-iiie.ly h:is never fai'.e-l .not ?vci! in one case) cure ti.o very w.r.-t c (, IJIiud I tdi in tr or Plca.liiiir piles. Tlmsc h b. ai llllictcd tdiollid illiuic'liu el call on their .1: H4-K-jristw nnd Ket War cr's File ll.-mcdv. hi-.-i-prefsly for Iho i'ile. arid is not i .-.., m ni. n.l.. to cure any other disease. It cur.-l in.u.y of over thirty rears sfmi'lii . I'ri.-e o,,e Dollar. For alu h? drujrpicK . v. ..vwh-re. Vi iimer-!. llyfpi psiii Tonio is pi . j.aieij r -dressly lor Dyspeptics nrnl th. isc siitterin,' w.th nabitiial CoHtiveness. It is a slight stiunihen.t x.nic and a tplendid nppcti-er; if fttrnjfili'-in .he stoniach nnd restores the dii.'. sin e r .. i . to their healthy state. Weak, nervous n-.d ih peptic persons should !.- W'arnei 's llv.-1 rp'-ia. T"iijc. f'i r . I.y .Iriiri-isf ri'-f ..;!ir VoiSfffh Vo oXS ore v ..i nrr . ..oii ll.-. , j.i in is In a i:iu'. softefiii't ind cxpoetural inir. 'J'he cxlr....nlin.iry p ui it possesses in iiniiiediai.-Iy releivinjr. iim.1 . nt'i tl'.y curin?, tin: u.urt ob-tinnle cases of (.'..iijrl... 'Jol.js, Sore Throat, Froiicbifis, I nil neie'. 1. jtri h, hoarseness. Asthma and (.'.n-uinit en is llllio-l inert 'I ll.le. S.. J.rompf is Ihe lell.f 1.1:. I .'rtain its elfeets in nil the 11 l.nve cii-e-.. or ary flection of Ihe throat and 1 1 1 1 1 j--. that t!eiu;.:-n )f physicians are daily prescrihiiiir it. mi l 11, indnll ray th it it is Ihe iin.ht Iie.tiio inel 11 )ce! riiiinu' medicine known. One do-'1 .ilwiiv itr.irds rem and in most or;.--, u r boitle ef fects a cure. S-dd by ti 1 ucifi.ds, in l.iie l.ntt!. 1. f'riee One Dollar. It is your own fault if y till cough nnd sulTcr. Tne llalsaiii will cure. Wine or IAfe. '1 he jrrcat I!.iod Purifier urd Deliei..ro ( , r 1 r . K Warner's Vinimi Vit.i , oV W inc of I. if", i- trc e join any i-oi--.iie.us ilr.ms or jmf .irio. j, b' in; re pa re. I !'..r t hose who rc ire ii M j umlaut. It i 1 splendid n).pi-tirr and tonic, nnd the fncrt .hi ni? in the world for puriryiiiK the blood. It 1. tin: 1110-t pleas ant and deiicious article ever et' 'crel to tho public, far superior to l.nie'lv. tfhi-ky, wine, hitters, or nr:y other article. 1 1 . aiorc healihy. and eheaper. Uofh male ni.-l Jiale. y line or oi l. can t;:ke the Wine f 1 f It is, in fact, a life preserver, Tli"o who wi'li to enjoy ood bcnliii Kii'l a free l!,w of bvilj piriis. ill do well to lake the V.'in of I..: It is .1 1 8'erent from nnvt b inir ever 1 .1 fore in ur It is Fold by drti2-;t: aiso tit nil rcs.' tno.u.--loor.s. Price One Dollar, in u art bottici. Sold Dy J. Yi. HINCilMylX. & CO. riutt.'uiou'.h, "cbrarka. 1 1 1 RF ATF IE R 'S H C U S ET " OR. Tlie Umrrittcsi Word Py Daniel March, I). 1).. author or the popul.tr "Nicht Si-encs' 'I bis master in tl.ounht and lancuapu .shows us untold riches an i bci.utio iu the lirent House, its bloomintr Uower.. cinjrin? I i 1 Is, wuvinj.- palms. J'.ollniit cloud-, beautiiitl bow, tnicred mountiiins lelij;litliil rivers, mighty oceans, fhnnd.-rinK voices, M.u iliK heavens r ret vast universe with counties beinjfs in mi'iions of worlds, and r'-uds lo ui ia encli the I'm rilten W ord. Kosc-tintvd peper, ornate enirrav imrs nnd nuperb bindimr. jHi.-h and varied in lh..uj-"ht." "Chaste." "Eusyand j:racel'i I in style." "Correct, .ure nnd clevatir.rf in its tendency." "'beautiful and koo.I." "A househ'dd treasure." Commendations like tho above from College Prefidents and 1'rolr-sor-, minister of all denominations, and ihe r.-lij;iui and secular rss nil over the countiy. Ui Ircshncs, pnrily of Innjfnapc. with cb-iir. 0;. t ri type, fine steel .-nffrnvinps, sui-stantiHi bit.d.i.if and low .ric. mak.r if tf tooh fur thr j.i';r. As-ents ure 1 1 i 11 ir from o) to per week. Wc want Clergymen. jSchool Tt44ch. r. sun." yon ir men nnd ladies to introduce the work for us in every township, and w will pay lil"-r-ally. J0 intelligent iuun or woman need l.n without rayinar luinc-'. (Send forcin-ular, lull description and frm. A t.drcse ZIEGLER A M'-Cl'ItDY, Ifi P. .Sixth Street. Ph. la.. Pa. 1 Race Street. Citi'-iiiiiati. Ohio. I'.'.J Men roe Street, e'hicafro. 111. .rsi:: .V. Siifh Street. (St. Louis. M., or, l(rj Main. StrcH. Sprini'ticld. .M.IS'. Octl.'dlm. s ZnERTFF'S SALE. j. Q. A. Owen, pi .tin I iff acairst Coin nth us Nu.-k oil-.. William Garrison und T. J. .I .nc-, J.-I'ei-defant. Notice is her. by given th;.t I will olTcr f-r gale nt public i.uetion.ut the front floor t t ' !'' Court House in I'lat tsinout h, Cass count, -bre.ska. ori the lotli day of January. A. I. at two o'clock p. 111. of sai l day. the follow .i.i; described nil e.- ta u-1'. it; 'Ihe nimi vided on. -half 1 ') of lot No. tivef ... in block No. thirty f'Mirli'. and lb" undivided one-half : '"..of 1"' No. six iii. in l.lo. k No. thirty ri ven ''') an" tiic undivided n-ie-hnlf i;..i of p N. ten ( 10 1. in bb.'-k o. nine "J ', n ud I lo, u nd led one half of lot No. three CO. in M" No. one hundred and ten 1 1 lo . and the undive e 1 one-half t'ollot No. tW'ivc ill: ill I 1' ! No.. fr!y-nvc 4V, rll in 1'la'tsmout h. - county. Nebr:i-ka. end lnkcn as the prop.-r'v of iho said Columbus Nuckolls; also, .- v n acres of laud in the northeast quarter " . ' 1 northeii.t qtinrier i i ) of section No. thirty ' '" in township N. twelve (l'J. north, rafijre .S ... fourteen (IO cast "f the sixih 1. M.. do-no; ' as follows, to-wit: Commencing nt ti nortiien.-t corner of the northeast quart, r . of KectionNo. thirty i.'M in town-hip No. tw.-''" f 12J. north, ranee No. fourteen 1 4 e-." of 0:e sixth V. M. th-nce west f.rty 40 rods, tli' -i" south twciiiy-eiKht (i rt.ls. ther.eo -' t -r:y .- rod-. It.cne north twei.ty-eitrht r - - i - " place ot' I eziiH:ir-(r. containing about ' v. ri acres, siotte in Cuss county. Nebri; i;a. t as the property of Win. Garr.son a; 1 J Jones. All of th? iil.ove described r. -.i .-' ''' taken on an e ic ution in fvor of.. U. i-sned by the Clerk of the District C-ui. ' '' ' for Ca- count v, Nebraska and to mt J.f' cherilTol said couuty. r Given uno. rsry hand this 7th day of " Lcr, A. D. 17U. J. W. JOHNS' N. PherifTof Ca-s County. N'e'o'-i-s .a. MaxweluJc Ciorviix, Attorneys for I'laiaoJ deoftwit tHEHIFF'3 SALE Jauics M. Kimball n.ifus fir-cu-r Khralieth Strecter. Order of sab'. Notice is hereby jriven that I will. ' v and authoriiy of it dt -reo rendered jt t! .c vembcr term of tho District Cuiirt 'I;'1'-' ... .1 l...l,. .,.l Ivl-iri.-t within ni.il lor r- ;e N'-'- countv, Nebrivka. A. 1 '. 1 and on the lay of November. A. D. IvO. ofler for s:.. publis auction, at the front door of tj e i House w pbittsnionth. Cass county. i'1 rt' on the '.Till dav ot December. A. D. !;.).. .ar' .' I'-' ' O Cl.'l K l . .11. "I HIIU I...), ...c ."'. , - I estate, to it : The south-west ctuart eclion ..j. six in tow nsip No. ten ; ", r.tne N.j. twelve M) east of the tj" ' situate in Cass county, NebrA-ka. , ,- iiroorrlv ul liul-.?i Mreeter and r...-- Mitrlrr, l. satisfy iv judgment n la , .lanies M. Kimball, tiivcti under my Im-y.-.d .bo of .Novrmtfr, A. IJ. 70,( . SheiitTof Cass C'.tinty. N.-i p H.ttiT r.vrT-,A:i;. A'Cyt'-r LMa-'-f 44 ' .1 .j.-t o; wine was happier. "