i f 1 1 ! 7 ill OVA ) , 1 , ..11 PAW.NEE COL-Xri". I C uVtPl II ll '-L CI ll l (L eomp.riny has heen organized .it ILL A1LLUL IMliugr it o: loo Stc-2. rrr rT.',?"! The Railroad Oiaters of our Jay need a hinke applied to the rnj.nl'.v roi.'ine- I 1 . 1 t , X . 1 .... ...... -11,..',...,. i i nrnr.'iiiv ivifn t riv.rr'f ir i ,n . i.r :x ' xx lix."..'! en xux.ii miiir in,. ie.:. j hhi i i . . t .ATI SMOUTH NEBRAXSA., ! i resident, wit'.i the olj. ct of Fcarch.iiff j ceptivo organs an; to., greatly li.-ton led. j IJJ J . -:r- ; i'.jr coal in this li.-trict. They had in- I They sec too much ami -n.i.rehen.J mere t'. ::'i'"l td con; i: 1 1.' ;:.-;(: Porin:,' Past i-jirii:, j t !j ;t n me or. unary ni'otui can uimi. ; '. ... C.-r i- :.rf t(.-i.?vi.i!,'.!!i ' Kverv i.:v.-i .-etive ia.it na 1 is tj he a! i (.f ll:.- 1 -t ! aiitv to !c :iu ( i L-ratioi)-. j t.iaud Trutdi Line. This i.s c.-pectaliy j ! I ;-.ve then the ! -t ii,2onuuti..u in my true ia the U e-t wl.ero raiiroa-l ce,,- F.lAXViLL & CHAF&AH. tiii;ksi.y, :ov. im, i.to. AT THE OFFICE OF 4 OA I.. As thf.v scv in-- to he con-iderahle ex- j eitement fn ihe MiLjttt of Stifc. i ti.-1 at the rro?ci K.i ,..,..., r...... ,i. li,.. ! .don. or ;:::y v.;i!.a!.le lad in the cral J-aml O flirt; f..r l''-7. It will 1 t'i'.'c are At hers airain-t it. fain in- their r!.whi:r dot-cnjdh.n ? of the fntic- j seen that the Prof Inn two strir;- to : rat.ci .;; t-c-nvl mat u.o c.ai - ... u-h,...., ... .--.. . . . . . , , .... '. . ; Mi-.'- i I .r'.;-:i-!;i i ji ii a i- -rt-oti or the i ent'Tt.rj-.'ii. : his ow : in sotnr; Maces i.e tiiit:K tint .. , ......i i, ff. rci.-.Tvcs to F:i at a '.-iven !.-ftf '.vorkat.ie i.ea.i win i-c . j ....r.j SUi. t!:.:t i;ooe l.nt Miui::;r ti-.-n ; rai;u.a.i to jy.jiortti ..uy, i;i a I't-uMioor- , fjunl anl in general lie l"f-f-:!.'ls r:: 1 1 .-or-m.- f. il:o e i.ow croj.j'ii::? out al..r-g j In? county. Forthwith articles oftneor- j wlifscqr : will tv, ;!.. l-.r-.'.-A. Jlut the exa-t truth -eif"-ie! nu I the I'o'lank ;'- an- ,r sl-Vr .'r.iaip roved Oji E2.iy Tersits, $31 Que STcsss .n-iue.ayie ex- ; ( ().iV, i,l)t not ri,!: i-y rej.uta- j struct ion has hccoino a laama anl the j ",r - f con I hi this tj,,a u..(,., ;aiy j-.itive .-tatehSv.-i:l in favor i chief cn.l of man, to ex ten. I the .-tei:i it tiine we re- of the cxi-t- nee .-f coal at nil in th: 5 r of r-:j.t-l iuter-co:i:uiuiij--atien. ihe am- ' a Larse List of Ui ..Lti' ! or wuil.ahle l.-fl in the Siafe i l-iti:n r- a c.niu.en'hiMe one, lut to an ; P1 . , .'. , ' ih re arc i-otne rr'af.ns tit iav...roJ the o..-er.a:.t j.ei-o.1 the ..t,-tion a.t.-ts , -c , i port of lVof. I-. . Ilayuen, winen rc . t xj .tt....... t.r, of i .cl,r:i-k, at whether llic a-ivoeates r.f this sy-tem ju j aSsCI? aSJ - VOlI taken from the rej-ort of the I'. ( !. n- i n-icrale le;.:!i hcn.et! h the surface, ! rot"..vcr-:l- -'he tiling" o. c i-;. naliy i:i J tSJziC ZvJoulIa 1.00 a : Tii-r.i.'TTT.-ri IV P ( t:T K TTiT t nr.- XJ V... V . . ' . . i . . . -- ' - - - - ..i-.1i,l. v-i. .-.ri. tin. vi'rTt. -1 r i (,t 1 tie .'11 the coal 1;; in. Ih.wever. at the ti.-k of hein sueii leave our readers ami ex. lor ti.einscives. ; '..,,.. ,i . , tXTJtA. Ts n?;.M t::.T. ilAHi's : IW. Wi-'i'e. of the I--wa r.;o:--';.-a5 ' aboJ Hidvcr at.lrescs t'h-- pcoi.le. lau i- ! WtW i m m ... '.. ..i ' ' : , . , ! . . n..i .... :.. t i. ; ,. ' .. ie coa! :u. IMwever, at toe: oi j ,. j. t(lj ,.,;..,! t:.(..lt .y hr- ueu::ees that "a corps of en.neer will ; .'' rt,r ing coiisiilercil t'-'lious. we give he low ' ;;l , t li,. Moiucs, -hi l'.va. al'.:t ! he -.ut upon the now vouti imiue.liate j qr ur ,,.1. ......,... r.-t.h fin (Jif ti.? ",.ff !...) ! 1 ,i, .!:., I j.r.,1 tevei.tv !i .; miles ea-t i Iv." A ( iianl Ma Meeting is t'lacar.l- I n-v or r.c t '.rr-e t m.I-e I f -Nchra-ka Citv, a h'- i rt coal ".ret ; e i in h u.-im- Mils an. 1 1 no goo; I I'coj.'c ot " i in t!iiek'.;e-.- v.as i.etietraleJ at a iko-th ol : I o-Juhk meet nn-i I'ass h:h-tonca rco- , MV c,r i hiiions hivonni' the ir..iect. II en. fell- I htsc ar geol gi.ai ahoJ fli-Jycr a.lrescs th- .co,.le. lau 1- ! hw V i.'i;i(.At. l'-i: tie N.-i.ra-:. i survcv, traecJ the rock in t.-nas.ft wel l e the crowning gh..ry f I ef (o;(! is Ioe.te.1 JVom It will make a n.ail:er far the j 5 w qr He have ii;a.'e carnr.-tsrai'.Ii h.r coal. . trh:.-l. tfJ; ! This ,ue-ti.n seems to he one whieh now I j,, ..ere- the .Vtate of Iowa, to J produce of IV. !.:n!c f.iru!-, i.rin--'i?tliith- I excites the attention of the people mo;e : : ;.r:1.-ka 'iiv. 'J hey la-ef.-au osiin.at". j or g'gantie v. uitilie- of Ka-teru capital J sVnw .,r than any other, an-l tncy are -arne.-M.. ; J.-.- taku.-g tnto account th; general i;p oi , lor Icea! invcsttuent, l-uil-l up nianulae- ; m t a-kine f.r a solution of the pro! 'em. n-.-.t .r n-'nthve.-i, that this : t-rio.-. an 1 scil! evervlhing kitinsr. " It- ; f' ' : M .. ' n. '- , r.1 i i ill i i ......: I ...... 1 . 1. ..... 1 ......'...!. 1. . t ,'t l iy my i.iin in-n -' .mh j..-.. r-;t in s - !fl v. . .u , i no lccaie l at irom sour . ,io iieiM. i ouu::k inereie-e m i .-us- : t ..r nrioss the St:t!e of h.w.i to N. bra-ka l I .,, t1Uo l-.-i !'i t hen.-ath the ' si.-sii'in 'aileo a.il the Gran I Mecca of: " hI.'e 1r l r ux q r nr uc qr Citv with Dr. C. A. White, St a.e 2t::l.o -1.1 l-i e ;tt Nehl: ;a l l'v. L i i i uw I ... '...... . .i ivT. i..if.i..: 1 1 i i . u. i lie . ui i sw.r gist, ana tney surcecjeu i: iia".ntr me , A in- t a sceiioii gn-en hy .nuj'.r prospenty. J he 1 . II. ,v .) . L . Joa..! is ; u tit sc qr coal I'.iea-o.re ro. ks l'r..tu Ih-s Moii r to ( Hawn of the Mi-souri coal liel.fs, theie j pr jeet.-.l upua a magniiieent scale. It ' ir Nchra-ka City, :ml the rei..-!u:.n thiy ; !,.. :i -ix-fuot he i at a ilepth r f , L eome-a part of the (treat Union Pa ! no qr arrivcl at v.as, that the workable l e.l ; of : ,,.,. l;,jr.,.r,.,l (r :ix h.m.he.l feet! ; ! eitb Iloa.l. anil it is an ca-tei n cutht of j -e ir real in lu wa orrur in the Jover coal ' ..atj, t,e f-.i:facei;t Ilu'-v for the rocks j the Northern 1'aeitie. Tl- is ak-o the j "fl,rr mea.Mi'rs, anl that tho-e U(I v.cukl be ' ,j.e j'p,,., J oi'ut h quite rapMiy in de- chitf eormoeti'n of (cn. Frenionl's 1 m? fo f'ouu-l by boring from VM) to .r,o ) feet !.o j .n.linir the Mis-omi. The rea.-ons I Great .Memphis Klapso Trans Uoutinent- I low the watr level of the Mi.-ouri at j tjnt cau..c. U1C t, hc-hafe to give positive 1 al Pa.-i.'le Ihiilway, a fl a Jrn ! j o k Nebraska City. All the facts th-U we j oneo-traeiner.t - are, the entire want of j Trunk fetwet-n the (iret-t Iike- f '"' have fo fin serure.l in ou;r suh'coo.ent j .gjes c-s in the boiife; ma le at hnaha ' . f the North an-1 the (Julf ofj ,tVSw ir examinations sccai to eon.irm that con- : .,. c,r:l!;.i Citv : th" hi'iure, or t.n'v ! ! xi-o. Over the I. II. & ). ;r.-r elusion. It iiiuy m happen that the , ..j.. f :,t" St Joseph, MNvirf, k will fh;.v the vast honks of; ZcVr limestones ai: i cnj meiea-e in uu-.-k : ;,t j,.-nv en worth City, an-l r.ii over the j r.nrope.in r.m'gratioii, uu.I the great ; w .u m .(r ness in their we.-twaru wsten-ioii, ana in j n,)r!li; ,,, lKU( vj- Kansa-. where tne ! cinein.thi-r li.iai waveot tral.ie l.ctwce:i i ,w ' Nebraska it may let nc.-cssary to bore!..,..,,,.; a t ,--.!.. gir..l o-ttion s-v. ral l-huopc an-l t!ie I'a-iile l.-lcs A.-ia a?:-l j ll'i, ;oo or bO'-t lilt before rca'-hins a weik- :;i;i.;ir; j; , t !.. ; t!;-::i at cither of the : the u .-.viy .1'cove.e.l ifci;;r;;i I regions in I iir able I.e. 1 oi coal. I.veii at l.iat fiei-t'i a he nr v Or lie i.v- qr i . . 1 1 i- . . . 1 . 111 i 11C l.Vf o , ....... . . . - ....... , , T ... T . ' I 111 T -..T II-.-. I ..l..,i'ii: , .!... I.I, l.'l I . . j-ll.li-, i .' . 1 1 . . I , u. - ,ii.'ti..l-..i iiik i l-i !.,, u. - I." I..IV.I.I; ii.i.-,; 'lit,tjf ffooi! hol of coal wouM Ie j roll table. ' ,,f .... .-.,,! ir; tie-ir a cor! s ofem ieeers on a fea-ib!c route to I sw ,r In Ihiglan-J coal has be..- nin-l i -e:-twar.l xten.-ion f-om M-.ii.es: buibi a branch to the latter fie!. Is of I VH',H,',rr feet beneath the suifaee, ami there ere ... '..i:ti a t)!;.t ;.fr. 11... i ;!;;. . !. a , v.. ah!;, an l i? isexp. elcl iiiat the trans- ! e In no qr nunieious j its from Mm) to 1 .UOD h -ct m . o. t Mel civil in-ii-.e v. i ' Ii t lie -Mi--o.;:i M:. vcy. has j u! :-!: ! ; iei-.:: -r, t-nonch to Ii . i. .1' Ti! ll. J. ItO .-'. U.-i i ""I ' .v.. " o ' -- :. " " ;. (, I r ,1 i i -( ! - a ( .! 1 li ' I . e - ( of the Piatt.' weie that t!ie hmosoiirs of; . seuri. (.'...o-if Nebr:'..- t lie upper coal mea.-iire - pa -s n-oui s;:.it , i,t ;s (Ji.t t '.-.. j beneath the waf. r level ot the is.-oun ,...y, .,. j.,. i . coma im.'ii'ls aii.ne will a:rr.l i M-tr 'lio '.te r-ntii l.it- r- r,. p our. a:ri an 1 riaeij-al of the l.-ou-lel in-h.-bte.i- j no qr :.e-s i;i nve ears, or even ie.-s time. - ' , ' ' l i' ! . .... 1 .. . i 1 . . . .1 l 'i :i i n et i u,.cer . .-vnoiner oraunt wi.i ra; ren io toe seal : se se qr 1 'Si s u J.I 4 a.) .Tl t'i 4 4 ii 'J 17 17 S is I L'l '1 .-'..) St 3 3 3 4 9 9 10 10 19 19 in jo til 2H -CI 1 U l-'i 14 is 11 ii it ij n i 1 1 1 ii v 4X "W ii 12 14 14 12 11 11 11 U i 11 I 11 1 2 1 2 1 -' 1 i y 1 l.OO EMLiHGED IMPROVED S j Is the Best Local Paper in Nebraska, I i 12 1 12 12 i 12 12 1 jirro the &rjii7 oius j Giving Complete News from the Great Wc.c BETWEEN PLATTSMOUTH AND FORT KEARNEY 1: P. 12 ; 12 ' !2i U 11 12 12 lilisstllantous. Veeping Water Nebraska. IlKALEKS IN Iiry Gno.l?, liroioripf, llanlwrirc, Quociiswuro, Hoots, and Shoes, Hats, an l Car?, " vi.vi:tiiio..!:i,Y r.-u: i ; r TM.;n wojih oi n-i: kim, THE i, .." - ' Harper's tJlz&az'm : -:; : i i .. Notnorch-linlur,.! .r....P.!r.- t, lanrh-ti linii-.i :.(.'.. tli:i!i .r . . . , 11 U.I'H;'s .M UiiXlNK. i i.i v ' ,'. -U..l llit.T.' t :ei.i -.i i-r.t. fi-..,' i.j .. ,- . ,", ' nr.i I.' Ir..m eii-!,:... u (.. . v i '. . ,. -Ui,,-,.. ,,.y .,,.( ; , , the ;itt.-i.ti..u ,.t t i(. .,,-, , v,.. :ie-l ;. n... ... !:. 1 1: . : ir ..ii.-! i .'. U it w.i- il. ii.-iaiir. .-ui I ' rr. ...!'. ra. , 1' ' .- . i y a- . - ! Ii,. Acricalturnl Tmi'Iimcnf" ..fall kin. 1.-, W.'ir an1' ; '" 1 "- " I - .o ..!.;..." ; -1 X h" l'ultiv.it..is. Piiion C.i-H I'l.-oio-r-. i Ul 11 V' 'r" "' '; - 1 V'.V K .v f. t Jru.lotur a:il Pi ini i-t.m Plow. A c c o.ii.iK ','1. '' ' ' i'1 ;'" ' '1 jirt.'.i. all of u-hii'h hc otter to the-public at tbe I !''" in:.-- .r a.' i :: i,,,,. . ow.-( ret nil pri.-e. , I tel.v.;..t Ai.,.-i,.v,i i !--.,. :,-!, (i All Goods Warranted As Represented, ffe,-r)Tr eon':mt aim witt l.p to sell so low'' it will In- to the po-itive u.lvuntairc f every m. merinthe w ftern iiinl epntr:il portion" ':.- 1 a i.i"i p..p :P: r county to luaKe tais tiicar iea .-i.i-rter-' . ! ;aa- ....... .. irr- Ki-.i-.li. kku.s. i ing Water, -. rt.lsTe. " c are also aent.J lor Mower, 1'eaper, and i rasbins Maehiuc.-.. sip'wtf WE wouM iij-ite. Dealer? and the Puhli generally to cl. and examine our stock of S O J 1- s , before purohnvinp elsewhere. Mr. Sargent liavius had the ex prrieneo f twenty year in inanutarturuic u!i kini if iSoap, we are confident otViviie entire :it.. tion to all who may I'm or us w ith their patron ape. Soap exehanscd for grea?e, and delivered in ar.y part of the city. Citfh paid for rendered tallow and clear grease. Niap 'Works, Kearney Ward, near Ferry St. Dridce. Nehrask City. June ladA wtf. FURNITURE jiiN -.'li.'.C.V ! Lceeatn tl;e war.r level ct me j, .s.-oun ; eo;, j , a. 1;;c. !-,,p;. v,-jtl, osi'v the t!::n ' iiiiers o'. A!a-ka, tht:- ctnbsian the co:n- i ALSO, at Ie t-'oto, an,! are then e( ch-.M y ; ,,p :..-0;,;l,. i.e-teio':.:-! ; a! ! pane to lav u; the c lei.ra'el '-ji-h ! ?an-lstones of a crefre eo'is a.-e ; t.iat : (j1:.t iM tl-- e : e : r c..al n.e . -nes, ! joint'" for the tr.icl;, while a third Iran.-h ! these coal l M-iliv- iina (:.--i:py I j:. . p,.,:. '; 'ii.r. -'ei u bv lit ' te China -RiM enable thj '.eai.ar.v to abuut two third of Poeas en-.y : ..... j ..,, . ; ,,..., :; , t!) , , nertatk-U of" the I JrwrnVO . ? f-,c pn thitnoc.a! beds of wo:la:! liai..et. r , , ,, (... ,,; v i f-,T,;. "T" Kail ILarOyoJ I 1, l:lo U vJt4Co tU., ro1 0PFPP.S TIIK depth than from s -op. p.'.ofeti neath the water !.-. .1 of the 31i-.-eu i. i.A:-.f..-"r::i . . r:iv. Much hi-" ael j.-eeev b-u a!.-.-:-. been sj.'-rt pro- ccfinir and i;;.i;:r: f.-r ; coal in liii- reai.'ii, and ti e ahiio.-t entire ab.-ciiee of tiiiihcr would read r the e . . . . 1 1 . . i- i , juesen'-e oi c-ai oere a ::. :..: i m ;.ai j.. importance I would be - lad to lind a j j workable he-lof '-oal fbr the -.o 1 pe.-p!e, ; j .. . . but it cannot I '. The fa; ;;iors tnn-t ?'.' '5' plant tree-, an-i in a few ye :;.- th ie- ' ,;',., maud for fuel will be supplied. : ;.'''.'. t::::i-, v. cv. n bv a .-;.-.? i t.-d re , li ti,.: . t;:e n-tairt ! .-..1 at!.'!), Ihit s-'paee forblls a further ynop.-:s La'" !,nl S!aa""7 f coal h v in' ex- i,f :ho u.a eniio. . uc nt f.rc.-Iiado.vim of! th; M- V-.i! Tviih I hen I. -D'. ! h p:e.;,j. -ted ?; -.'. rea 1. lVrhans j-onic i v.iiv I l.".-:ia'j t : ei-.e apo.-; ! ... cerr. !!Foir.e verv ile-ir.-.lo ones l.u-1 i "rv r rr ; n n are a ;iio.--t i.i::u ;ar with : opinion, and why I a;:i ir: -Hip'-l .-t'.il 1 the .-ryi. ; .-tdlie.' it to s.ty it is -uiot I rtFrm-" imr-- --rr-.-r :in :- ex pre.--: the . -Jv, ), M-.n.e 1 with-eit a naiallel even in lewa. where ; ii. -at-fcui 32 , ar- ai-a. that she Sf.e e! NebraAa s-.:.ie p.. "pie are io c !i 1 5 no n the prnctieal : ;! ( o ti: -;e.t v. ;o:ri coal la-hn i a:a-i s-'ldoin nr. hrta!;e that vvbie'i they 1 have -tare ! t-.ihe : ml er- of the ' do not :,e..--:n:.l:-h. It i- bar iv o.i-.-i- nv that a hie th :t '-t:.' of our s.-liartes i-t aiueni- Cad ' he ei.-rh.t httn-hv;! let 1 !e to thi- c: i:i. when itavs: "The .. . i i e i-.. : i.;..', -. i .... . i.i .p., ; a. WlST CT THE MISSCI.TU RSVER. i.f-ir.-.Iiam have a chance to j 2 -.ir, I ;-!K ban :..-!.-, wn-eu ...ii -.ie sue ou-.s ;e. en. v. :iene-r or not tnev wane a I'.r depth, for ihe vv ho'ec-tn.ry ! .ta.;! thr-ei- : hue to t!:e ea t. and to is";.:" foc.i'.e. It w-u!d ha !. v . ! !,e S . ed e Lt, c e:.n-et i:;ir tbe tiulf of! fci.i i.'! :.: wtf i.MPr.ov.'-:i ap i xiMi-povrn. Pt.-a.-i- e .-!! or; u- , j:nd leara pai;ieu!ars r.3 to priee, terms. ! It is read by Farmer?, Merchants. Mechanics, Contractors it:. ;ia ::i-' N caf.Nir. T : 1 y t o any .! : i er, and th Me: e . f. ii !i the Atlaniieoe. an at New! In mv la -t e.i,)i.ri:;e nti-ei I .-b.'Se . t the coal :va::i at A-pia-ea:!, Nt ntaha county; that ab.-'O If, feet above:!,-.: water hve ..f the 3!i-sourt a bed of e...d 1:1! to I'd inches in tinekuess was oh-erved crej-pii; cut froui tie; bb.ift', aii.l a low '.:l v.'-.o'd ,- t it would 1 e r to j:a-ti u t i , : k I 1 v tie." St. Lt.v ran v nver. i l.l.:;.i:J o: I.e. :...ii ..1 f ..-i s :-.-l '-' ..f (Ijah-tm" will probably ; al 01;,- as laTp-li through trafie 1 ! ho:.; lov;a or oti.er iaiale..-r:t::' KaP.-s. ' tra el i:.ia tin; Ju'f of Mexico to ti e St ' J. o!S.'!X i i'TN l V. t above t!ii j in th or. 1 .'-earn MX i aches m , r-r.i f. . oal -, c i-.e, i-.r ',.o:-iv:K':e ; i.awrane,' iivera; the Arabs a',,:.- th. j P ( H 7 4 '1 4 TAT , l.a.dy ?,-';.; , : the Si:,Z .ami. UUuiJ ii.IllT l in lobe :i eo-uity r than in the ra. COUil-.i--:- ';":;: r c ;:.;,- j.: -t ircvn;z.'l in d.iee hi th i wc.-tcra part of Jowa l!nv::: rr-ratd.-t- 1 ! a p ad to the Mhro ii river ie; !vf:-;;:!i:.r:. j he c ideic' ;i::-iin-t . --fai s .e;l v it h the pretentious tit! :v niii o. Poit. l-cd or coal beii: t -on..! ; :eea-i. .--lUt I) we -terti an I N( i of i- y ' P' plat: l.ir nr. 1 iit iuit to iiit. .'i!y of i'la-l.;- Uiuuth, j. am now ;i . j ;n e.l to .-eil T 1 1 n wi:..i tea- r pprot ria.e a- c :n tiitUr: of and TiuaI'v ns j in t!.f A.i.H'ir-.n at rep-.-.tiaPP: r-'tr Term? arc in f.e continual!. I have alicady pre j r e-1 1 1 i a t . .rii-.:! cf l-:e cvi ie! , .- Pi Pir- I i: r re- rr--. The be-: thai al! .-f-bifs in I a t ai.ie with t ra. tiea! c cei.e,:. yen- ' "n"' !!"itVa': ,i"'wn: llls l".;'"r !l:'!f ry ,le s. arehlii" fa- er.al ir. e !;., -jr..' i1'.-- pit,:.!". As it is. if u-c le.l to vtstl-c i r CO f r.m ih.te of pTi-.vli;..sc to.t :! pa i 1. To bo ?ceuid ; Pti.-tS li.ive resulted in failure.-. IVild.'lS our r.'je.tation ur.on SUJV of this t!a-S ! !'-v morigase on the pre-crty. prosp.ct ve.-y d-eibw'tii. All tbe ; of railroa-N, vc bet our s. r.pic DanciLlon to CirjrCiics. hills wrsas t!;iekne-s. Tiie-e herbs do imt appear for eou-i'I- rable .ii-tance down 1 1 - - rive;-, until we c to K,.! , o : cp at o-jo er two l.'"-::litie.s near St. St ph.n's. Ar Arairo I .-aw no i uier..p-.i::rrs of od at all and cvul 1 not hear that, any had been oVeiv! d. bur there are some rroal p-,ar-rico of liuie.-toae. beds ol' clay, sai: 'm. &e. The -ext narked exhibition i! coal is at Ibt'.o and its iiekhborh ...,h al out'two tndes a! ove Hul.i, cu 'and be 1 onein- to Mr. S. R Nuchol!-, f N- bra-ka City. At this leeali y Mr. N. has ('.lifted into the Lank !' t or more, a.i i t..l..-n tl;en.-e over ll ' i b'eh d of ca', which ha, I. can u-e I l-v blae!:- v.i.t.l.j v t.l. . Tl, i . ..e l. i.b.a.t five ;,, -li,. ;" tl.i. ,- p' ;': bed d" very m.i.ure coal t hive f et ihiek batik to II n.i-Pe-. f... 1 r e.".. s,. !.:.-r.!- ' '1'iSte ,-t .Pn, ! ., .. . :....i . i' ... . I ....... i t." - ii- . ... - : !c 1 tei !!' we. tern rim tl ie v. e-t .;-n o' " : - id- e -I T.' V !1'!!U ' V ha- ... an-l that workable bed will ;; " cahedn, at a oi nn.ipi. e.i.-.I. a- t he i ner ca. :ei i . , . . ... . . . . roir stoiv oti i elix itreet cvi nit." ho- The c,d which has been . M, far taken t!ie ai ;i j f ,fJ , .t, 1ft ot.Piv a r.VreVh drhik irom tins inine sells readilv a. IV, or -ft 1 1 ' I li.ie tie- Arctic fW.m'ah. tl.e.,;,i If.,v- cents per bu.-h.eh The abru' t P riaina- : CASS crit'MV. , p.,, ... . .,, :r. !.., ! ,.).;.,' ! :on ot t lie eoal scam, or ""Paulf. is un Aear tiie mouth ol Stove creek, fcc ! Milcr. what uo roua.-k lor Mda water?" ! nnn o r5'!U Qnl,,..,. ..ue-i- o in.-, iii .1-. i n-'Hi'irv ine aii -. l. o lan-fer : Stock Dealers, Railroad Men. and all classes of Business men, 3!anufacturcrs and Consumers B O 3J3 JB"1 PS J.-fiW .SPPPI.IPD WITH TZiom. W. MlsrjocU, CABINET EAEIE, And dealer in nil kind of Furniture & Chairs main srancT, (third door -est of P 0 Plattsmcuth - - Neb, F.epairinp and Varni.-hinr neatly done. Puuerald i.ttendo.l at the shorte t notice. an. I highly -w.-P ..m- e-,. ,. Ti,,.,,. ,.',' ,' ' .11 .1.1 111.- .'ill tiariil .-t:' 1 i ;.tl . ) ,. l.r.ol l ., . v. .O.i.lM. ..P..!, ., '.. l-UTMu!;:tel. II a l: ,- . I -.P.- J. 1 !, , ' , a M.iirai.ie s'l.tt is ii..'. i -i, intelliKept pai:. i ex i u : I c '...' ine-Iia:, i.-ul i --uli .n. i .,, ;,. ,,,,, ., , !. i"' ia t rj ; It is one . T ;!n- n .m '..r, editori.J iii:o:.in-i ae-u; ., ' ,;M.,'t ' . A itttuu, A. ) . sr:.wfr.- :i. HxKl'Kiis M w:7le. :-. v.--r "i ... An fxua .--! ,., , , !.-, .', M or l.a.e.r i I I. .-.,.;.:.- , .,-,. ,v. ,., , of live M.Ps-i-i. .-; at A .... ; .. , , ,.. tan.-o ; or. .-ex e..pn-i ,;!,. ,.Un i-.ii., . Mih-n-ripl imis I i II ii c M.i ''.'.-.-1,1-. .a.ar. .iihii.' ;..-in,. i..r . u.-u-.i-, -! ,,. two ot Harper's Pi i i i.ii. ap. t., ,.n,'. a I in .', t ,'. one year. ;7 '). It.ieic ti.i:nl)er e in suppl.-.l a .en- i A .(illlpl.-l .' Set .f 111. I j..-r' M. : ; . i..,,. c.iipri.-ins -II t n!:::...:--, in p. :. . -i . t , I -u.t will he sent liy expr. Ii.-irlil a' .-s;,. .., the pii.-i-haser, f.r sj !" per v...e:i -. .-.- voliinies.hyi.i-.il i'0-.t'i ii I. -.1 '., (ie,,, , for liiiniiiiir. ."'S Iiyin.i I. i.- -ti The post oi 1 1 -ti pel .- .Mat' . .'inr . . ; , . j , year. wl i.-h must l.e paul al i:..- -,. i 1; , post olliee. Addresi II Mti'l'P. Pie 'I I! PI; . N : . Tccllo, Hanna & Clark. CEAi.i:i:.3 is .t r.'iMi'i.xTS riiT::!.L nisi ..;) or tiii: iiM ." " Tin: itrsr. u km i.st .sn v i S'JiYKSsri'L FAMILY PA I'm 7; r.vo.v. Harper's Weekly. yPPKM'iPI.V H.Pl STK l i l. N.. 1 1- v.s ei i a . r;e.:.-.. The too 'c! "o-iv-ji.ipi-r i.i' ..nr r.eii.. i v. ' pie!.- in all li'e ..-p:-n n'-...-' .1 a:: n. ,. r'amiiy Pap. 1 . 1 1 .: i ! r's '. . '. -I. i y Ii . , i. i it-.-ll'i. li'.-lit ! ie I- I.-." A .1- i,:i..l ..! tin n."- A' r )'...-' ..-. ,..'-.. '.. The In-t pa Li .'-a i ll i'i iiJ .-!:. : in A. ii anl -o far aln-a 1 ol' ailiea-i ... l.'y .. nof i.i p-.niit i.fa:.v ceir .-r.. . n 1. I u . . , a n 'I .-' ny ol' 1 lo ir :et .. 'm r. 1 1 - ."! -m. i, - i the lilK-st -ol. ,-i ;..:i .. i 1 : p.alur it. -it : prill i -l . ' I T ' i i I . i " ; 1 1 i . i r - a . . - n n :i. . ; a . Iie.iulif.il. I.eil.i' I:.n.;. tied ' V I tie ' ! icl ..: ! - tin' i-iiuii'i v. .''. i '. .; '.- p.i pi-r'.- We. l- lv i-- lie- Ii t and in ii I ll -1 rat el ln-n -p- per. N.r .1 . n.-p.-ml on it il In-: ra r i ii i.l.iine I:- t. . , in. uter is of ; nv .-r ol 1 0 - i a x-arie'l. in.-f I'll'- i '. e. ' i.t - J ! . i i: i UK. a -el i . - tinnahlo. -V. )'. e:a. i r? i i jj;ld and halves EXCHANGll, U.K. si!2l oihea Kfceks. (;' .; yvo a ..- i-ti. !,,-,: liarp.-i 's Weekly, ot.o ' .r A p x tra eopv o ; i ; ii.-r I h" M a a.-: ,. . f- Pee.'.ar. wilMie i.e!i-.l : . t i J i . i ' for !i e sit' ? .a ii.. r - a t -1 ' ' . ' -Ii, i a . tarn " ; or, i-i eopi.--! I'.r i- 1 . nilta.n i tt i .ns to I '.. n ..-I ' i M ..a.' or I i .7 a r. to one : I Ii - I'..- ..a-- x. nr. !-..., t' ll.-.l . r'.: Peri.. -Ii. ..1-. In - f. r lle-y. ar. . it o k mm: - .in he -o pii.-I .it The a" n 'i a 1 voln.r" of I la: l . - i el. all l.ini in:--, xx ill he s.-nt l.y t-x.r '. eM i-.i.-,-. lor r7 o i i j -. -1 1 A eo.iu ' : I I -; : JT I'l'irO-en v lte:ir.-. ---nt "ii ' e:i.-a a r the rate ol . 'J po- Vol . Ir. i!,' ..t i-i - pi".i-e of ia. .-. 1 i.i i . 1 it in e . I . I . a P a . LunfM drnwn on all parts of the I'nited St a j ' p.r; rt'- '.- 1 '-. and Europe. Dv.siri reeeived, aud jcrial at- year. x. hi. It inii-l he pai l al a' a 1 tcntion fiven to collect ious. pn- 1 jl:n: eo;.l beii ! :.ri.I ; - 'ieeao. :,u:h ;ve,tern en 1 e:ra,ka ; 7 ,7-?. r-N IT trTTTZ ZiU 'W .J t-JT l' 7; 1, V2 IQCjS ?h l.r. a ilh.'.i.ii. he, I raiiwae :;;;y.-' A little n.ode-ty in S i3 & , SJw WW- tkJl-23Ea JOB TYPE. I ATfTQT QTVI T7Q O.J7 PlattsniOiith, Neb. 1 MACHi. E SHOP ! .! Ires.-: H.i;pi:;i pi: rn;i: . t 1:1 os 1 toi:y or ' 1 -( v . 1 ;::. am .vv.T7'.'".v." El'jlNT-lSs MEN" AKE.IXVITF.D TO r.'.:-:s at f:t. Jo-cidi, ?li.-( !tri. L.'-.iven- i h.-.ts.-ui .'...liar .,11 the Podn.uk IIol! v & ! worth an 1 Aiehi-on. ia::-a-: h o! a lew ; Jtdilorth City road .n.-i the t.io. t praeti ' or po' iti1 n '.-.:. aica!!v : vet l.orin x have ' a'-:.', bec.t ' -e it ha ; at least, the one I will Kve to the Mlowicji rcTi;.-ios dcaot I ice, ninde .ibi.nt T. ti ihet at Atchi,..;. i terit of cnlinuina its jevuntions to To'ihedtajeU Ch.ireh. he tc in hIoe't L-r . i at!" I ? .J ;.-..., aUU :l lia.l has becil Its Own JoeatitV Without Sinking a.l lis I To the V aerei-.uir.ru.l X ' le.ir.-.'i. ! L -' in ieoekCS: ' a- the eaei" .'.-t;th at h.avtn- ; eapttol in its name. Jim Umjfuii If.itrL i !,"c f.1'''.'".'-."-;..' liX!V,' 't 1 k- . ' -,- . ' 1 o the ( at h a ie aeri ). I-.i o in hpa-k 111 i.e; .u-taner 01 a '1 tiie 'i; .e.i.::l Phnr h, P.t 1-!i M-.-k 19; CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS vo'iii. r. r that, .as I have before su"'- ".-?ed. Nebra-ka is unforttuuitt !x ea-a- N. bre. La ("ify pnxcrs'plen-e copy. Hearer ;t:.-i:i I'sjird. A pair of n:;al lovers, as ru.-tie in 1 , To the l'ri .-t.yteri:-.. Cteir h. lot I ir i'o the hi iitii ; ii lot 1- io lil... k . : 27 I lo ii:e l.'i"i. r; Tl (. nureii lot I ii' Mo. ic 1' .; ; a ley Addition to the t 'ii x- oi' Plat I - thou ;i, n jnn ! ' 1:.., ...o..:.... aaa.n.- va ,1..,. 1 ' en . t on .-ai t I; ;:s aio e cionTf:'. a suitaV j laiii.li-.er ior pu'ili.- xx;. u.-'.: ip. xvi:i,i:i Sx c yc.ii. 1 trom 1 0 is ..a. : an I, in ea.-e o: lailuro on t'-.n pai t oi"s;;:(l '!!ttr'-'a or . tiur.-hes to e.'.-npiy xvilh :ihx-o eoiid'.i i-.'i. then a a 1 ia th. t easo the lot or lots shall revert to me. S. Lil'Ki: DEALER IX d.iubtediy due P tli; .-'il'!! d.o.vu to- : t'ou -, ranae 10 towu-hio It X, ..v, I O.n , .. 1. ....... .T 1 ..... 1 C ..I 1 I XT- . - . ... . - , , i, . j iin- iitu .lie r-i.i : ; iv u ...a.-:. l .1 i-l ei.il x-.i.v- ....).-.. x ci. .ur, y,. ; ix-Tiie.i. Jell CCIllS a L'la-S Sir- I drawn, rr, 1 tin T hereby donate for fie use of PuPPV li.-;rirt iioiils. Lot 11 in l.Io-k ... on tiir. i,,i, ;! (i i, a ty Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO this coal seam is every 'here apparent. ' the creek, Pifct. vinratitiff between and 0 inches, tioi- beds, a phe.ioi.ec prei which is very coin- - L. Kec h le-idin.s at Weeping Wafer. I "'".Veil," repded the vounsf man, ''that's I jdaia sth-.'-t. and' I...; Ie in'liln.-k 22, ';i the .-oe.i'i: mou evi-t-vv. here a!..:i- the Mi -cm I. ' sunk a ;-!;af- tlireti.-h the following feds : ! kind o' dear, ar'nt it? we u-cd to ",-t it yi f'p-"C M:li" :",trcct' ,:'y :"t'll'n ' '!'r f3 Htill t'e.c irreeuiatity iu the thickness of : V. San Unties v. hieli form the fed of I lhr live cents a .class." The iiuid was b' .irawn, pn 1 tee v.. unc man, after h tvin- t n ()M APPPe r ? ! niH fnr Qnn ! drank about half of it, passed the I tTc,S wl LaHtl lOr iaiO , to ti,.; eirh Miiackiu- his lips a d ,c- j 1.' Uouv 8,1,1 LoU sa thU , niarkinC as he did ho, '".)i-t try that, 1 Parleti'ar i-.t-eroion given to the buyina- ana ' alternating, cxahine; and dej-res ie' lb. hopes and j-i-.-pei ts 01 ti e luiur. b the firm I e!o::eei'' to Mr. St Ioo.:-. about U tailo beb-w Ilr.' i. the same bed ct coal has 1 ecu worked v. it h s.oao so -cess by diiitin-r, anl :. cei-i d.-rdb'e paaniity 01 coal ta.-xOn reu. Mr s. r-'ar: and clav. 0 feet. 7. Coal, f in.-he's. ti. Whithh tine chty: ?. f ot. .. Crv-taline ouart, i:,.:l.. 1 V. uish cl.-:v,4leet. Vfhili-h fin- clav, o (ex t. J. Ked clav ;..(!. -11. i, white nine st. in Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Yare rtooSn. tlutterins, Fpouting and Itepairing done. im Selling Firzt-Class Goods and Guaranty Not lo be L'ntlt rsofrf, as I am Haying of First Hands. WAYMAN & CURTIS I'JattsKioislia, Reb., Rpnirer? of Steam Ihiities, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. tia.s and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron l'lpe, Foree and Tilt l'uinps, S'.-am (lanses, alanco Vralx'0 tiuvernois, and nil kin of Bra:s Engine Fittings, Harper's Bazar, A s'ti pl'I.-lit.-l.t e r 1 ' ; 1 j r 1 1 1 ' " - :;..ln --'hi - f ... patt.-i as ol' .--el'.-.l ..iii li - ar -. i:. .: e -pao.-T very f. r! 11 i ' . t . Hat t"-rV ll -::ir eo.ita ii.s i ' fot i'i p. s;" ol Ha c r's V. i-i klx. 1 .at. I .-a - .: ealendered 1 :'l er, 11:1 I is punii -'o- i -,th k... noi 1. v. i or Tin: v. - . Ilaip.'x-'s Baar eioi.tiii:. lo- i - J (' ' e ; M'til. ii s ih'.ria d nice, you I ct !' , .-..mi.' in ii.:. .-.-..ni-. i-x.-iiiiiiiLiK line-. :t'ii pay- i A. Xo. 1 I'ioxv sand -ultix ator?, clusin out at f"o?t. Rer.'.emher the place A fJoo.l Uorrun cr. If." cxelaiinc.l a hide urchin taxei icr nou-resi.Pjiits. S. Jil'K K. Ileal IP tiite Aenc. Lot for aenOGiIars. ! eXZaiM zvt to CZy Motel KBifztl$m otitis, Lm ;s unwhei .-rid- i I -i'i hi-Vr ' Ti- c d "'-ove '.'irne-'h -.. rldr. . " rur.isin.j into ii hear iiemhhor s house, . I il!.?dl to partes d.-.s,r.!.: of l.t.il.hr.cr aa I ".' -u'''"-v O ;l .-'' :-L '' "'-'V r il- "--'x , .1.. Ho ...a tlittl .. . .. .1. .. j f - . nr.l.rovi.u'. any ... tha lots 1.1 tt-ojuhjoineu li.it point on the hili, tb;;;ki:i to e -.f the seam as to render it unt-r ahtai.'e !.r ,"' "' ;'"hi 11.x. to .is.x. vio.n.t je ! in ,y .u::i .11 p. flai'-.a-.-.u!.. tea .l..!iar coal st:,..,, .,t :. ,,;-.;;; fivorabl- p-int. tbe workiec. ;.-of coed onahtv. and is u.-cful I 1:'VrV Aryi'r t'ttn.he-iii..u!ds I per lot. under the f. .M..xvi;:K eo-i-iita.:. . viz: 1- 1 , 1 ..iii ' 1 , " - . 1 1 ii.; 1 xi-.-v.' r-ix-e.i .-ii -in.1 Pn i J no pTsoa p'tre'ir. i x xv ill be reon ! : el ta expense at'tnleir it cxlee;-; ic his 1 P. I h- bhi.-k.-tn.i !.s m ihe viemoy. i l"; u - -C1U ". ' n,i Le ; I.:tli,' o,, the lot ru.-.-hase 1 a dweiiin - house J.t means at 4:.. I!e s-i:k a driih lev. ever. ' Vf- mu-t thiicf x-o-iciu-Pj that r. -I- : r::!l 'V;n' Jl1 :i ,,';v e re- ; the l'..ll..v.-i..ir .Utaen-ions. io-v.-it: . 'i he !,.,.- 3 Laj -mB Vholrfr.lv lK-alersin into the bed of e.' il ari l f nr, 1 i: '2 f-cf ther in L ;:r -:t-i. r ::- f i-.s c e.!;;ii I re.-, w : 1 1 ' w . ,-,..-x- -.a : i ' " '!-' -. j I'I .IV li.ll. I . iii.! I HX.I ! l-fi , X- ! ill t.'.IJi i:-U W -y- Q tt a below the poMtioniiMiouteiop: f l- thee Vwr" be f.un i a-iv'th: -k' , '"S"1 , g 3? A injranextxidve hie'h.ath.n of the bed, . eod. but in tbe v;d'T of al! the s:re:.,., i !"'--;L tftf Ilij ibdiU Cli 3 tre.ni the river cr t..w.,rd the we-r. ; and m si'f.'i'eiM oth-.-r locaiiiics there! h" ' , . ' ' . , ,'V '. ' 'l!l 1 I ;.!! on 1.. ,.,:e .Ji.mn.y ie. 0.7... v.'iii I -3- 13 brandies furnished on short uoti.-e, FARMING MACHINERY Errairedon short notice. ATTENTION FARMERS ! ! " If you icant tt htj an A Ao 1. REAPER and MOWER Call On . & CO. pal . ei l)-. et.v. a v.-ri'-ty ol t.:.- rt-r --. ' I . and interest to the 'aoo v ; in : I' I' s ;. ' ' . ir''"--. and tl ' n --k I j r ? t- in all i - I .. ; .' cl i tori.. 1 1. fit it is .--p.'.-ia i ly a 'a :e ! ...'! u ' it is iiCcn l.."l to ia'i-.-'-.-t .-..i 1 tr-'ii.. : : .e- 1 . has. he-i.'-. n nd ct'.ries it I'd I i i ; a i x i...e i ' merit. Itisn'.t fin risinu th'l ! 1 1 . i - . XT it !i .-'a.-h feat n lei" ai-h i , i i-l inn hi: 'e ; an iii'tnen-i. m : fir i'.t I; in : '.t 1 1 - V n ' xxrii - d.e : r.i i n 1 i - .i - 1 1'! o ' 1" i ir 1 i- ea i. i i' J ' ' I 1 i- hers fiax-i' .:: led t h" d.-ni .. .el. The "O . 1 . I j r.'hn lnix.ei -iii'l" i.iiiiile-r ol llaia r' ')' ' is ina.le a suVeriher for life. A. r '..r. . ttuz'.t' I "Z. ' '.' . ., , . ,. , lUel.trar I' ev-i ion. i.. : " an t nr P' i e als whi.-ii the Harpers p ilili-ii. it i- lit -. i len'ly xv.-ll i iiit'-. I. ill. I t !; .-i lass of ; ' P - ! xx-lion, it is int..-ii'.-. I he Tiea h'-rs noil ilan. 'e in !.vcr.iTj faiiiili.-- fan ii"f 1 nt pi.et ' (.'(mil i.'li( iitl'l (.'H.rl f i'r-( xxllii-fl, xv i.a .i I .loiOxt. i.relo 'lay makinr x . ry ..i.iny 1:-.; -hapi'T than they may hnxc ! en l. h r' ' xT.iiiian h.'i'an t.ihioiz P- uiis in per-i.toil a:-I honsehoiil jin'l o.-l;-l inaiil.e. Ir.Mit i ... this (re'j.Pnaliir" I men or. TU. .ation. A", i svitsuiar Tioy$.-. At tho XL'W YOIIK STOKE and cxamin their Murk ImjiruvrJ T' ' nt ? : Hai prr's n.i.ar. oneye.ir c ' '. An extra eopy of eitl-er tiio .M-ipain... W.-. l I rr Haxar w ill he supple-d e-rati-I'.r every e'.t i of fi ve s'l hseii-K-rs .-. t s t (it., it. or.'' t'T.,,- , ..-. tan. ; or, six i-..i.;es 1 ir f.'U tft. iihont -.to Cayuga Lhiel iicaper Jc. .'lowerlor I.'i. eoi -. r-.oi.-eripo ins to n.irp'-r s .x,rii-..iiin. x. . . , Ms-o. their lanrc ftock of BUKAKIXfJ AND STUlifll.t; l'loxvs. I .-e.;: a to ; t j ! a: , I I t I ' ; - M i,-i."; ,u .'I I" i-iii: .iij)i.-ii L-aoi ixeparo-.l, litit lie scon ap;.i a:ea ( .-i-.i- Sl r.ii I for a -i.-. i to the p. .I. J . : ii. s r.T) l.iav n ::!: v :;i--.;intul r art: j ' ptie.r to the .h-po-itien of tbe ' veho- l-w lott.-n.-: ,'.f the i'.aft... ' " ' . 'ioder would he so thaiikpilif you marl dri.'V ...xJt,. tr!.t,-h .i.-... Ti... Pai- toe!; xv!,!-', ti-, P.rti - th,. ' 'ttu a 111 i .e taker ye d be so kind as to lias .-- ;i i-i e to manv ici it'exinT ; va! .--r.Pxeoi mo eieiie;- portpei -,.t ;-.!.,.- ir- x- xx-J: lillX'.s i... i--e!i :!ie :.'x-.. ;.:. x,ia Li,-. a --oo i ai.-i S'tiiieiet.t Warranty lie.-i. I te!eci;o.!S u.ay he inude f.-om tLo nec Jirr-anv- 1 lii ! 'it''" ! l"" l'--t: I '-V, , ,. , , , ; Lots and R in M.-x-s 3: I.ot S in I.P.rk 4 : Lot inehll.-lM.-.TVs- olC'n 'I'Poso P.-.i ,i:,.s an i I .,.i'-l is c,.ii,i?i.'S is carP.ir.!i;.:...w i - -V : :'- ?iln,l lia,UiV.!,y prOUUiVl .lie 14 m l-teek P; Ln !i ill h. ...':!-; l.-.t 1 J in j ...-til ..... :.--.. .. . ! . .:. .. . -r: . u "... ue.-lie.j alia . and as the b..v stai ted for i ''h'eii li I u 2. 'J an I J 1 in I . ..-'c si ; l,..t. o in j i,i ii- n. i n ll-i iei ' v u il L:;e li: I'.i mi h a . i-iiii-.-mi:1.-. i ue. i : -. oi s it.e c. 1- i . . ' . . - s pereha.-e is o;-, rj nn e: further in the interior of the counpv- d'.-utV of the of tin :r c 'et. toe dour, shj .--aid : PI aek SI: l.ots l! ami s. ,n ol. .!- Ll; Lots o :;iot I . ; i.i oieeiv o: i. .i . in i in. lis. - l.ots ii art li rt.- i : a . .i . . . t i ...." i ' - . .. :.. t oa. .;i ; vfittr nirJ.-icr i.: t eive ; in l.i.iek S: Lou 4 and . m hi.i-k l'Jt Lot -. 5.x i ii',- iiii-.-MU'.-s ci uccoai l eu as mis i)- i.;'.:imiio, a.-j in-.:; lo-su re.naiiis in li- i - , V. Vi i IiIh-'c o ...IT...:. In . , .1 ..... ' 111.! T.lii( livt'i tlll.l . ...ll. li. I'ltxilii T.i" ; c.iiity is !! to 1 J in. !;cs. ui. reasiULf it: c':;. one instaree to IT inch". On il e iowa 033t quaiiiy of Clears and Tobacco always on hand. All r-.lcrs promptly alUnde 1 to. 4P MAIN STItrF.T, ONE BOOR Vv'EST OF THE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE The. "lrNV iSlPE" has rtmox ed to rear of tho Wholesale Room. HEW TOBE Weeping Water, fi'eb. res-rve, alon? the pre;-'. Xer. aha river. Per? f. : : J'?; rn.aed the hoy, I r-el i4. .... .-..i. . j ui ui - .-rue, i on sue .I n:;e it tu-t rate, cos she set she i i s. i.i- .s. ! 1'P.ttsinouth. Atij.C.tf. Oslee in C'.esrt Ii3 ! ,.;.,oc l... ?;..t., .;.ri.: . ; inetntere-t iti tne at. every of werkalle ! xlid.ft r.nder.-tan 1 it vcrv well : hut he ? f t."i 1 been wrought wuh'sxiue sin'-'-e -.'vel '. SU oi V" .thLs ';; vc:' -"V- ' 'V"'1 1 tr.ubli.f her nuburs, so hundred hu-he'.s of the coal b."-.i::- b -en '.rll .i.:!!,lc . "' ' !l'n -c 1 , '' ' "iU1 v,'oaAI ' L ;l"k -Vt-'- ' TIlC Slltiincloll &,lINUl'i ' . I . t- , let-. Ml. lie C''pS out, (HV.I-h!i:i V JWe VC I m . .jum " "tl 4xii (.Th. tl T UU i . rmV'tl,"!';;-'-, t. ei,ht.v.t 'in. lies' in thi.-knesi axl w Avi'is.r. - I.vin- cr cap rock of the ;-..al bed, wh!-h : I!!'1 , :;" , V'.'i 'r ."Sv" !lt a i ,r" : I r.nJ ( n,;,. r 1 prevents the waP-riV.oii ibriala.r eil,. It. t I'"'H Mc :'::v' "A -el aeeid, nt hnrPcne 1 here on C"'1 L'ah":l A- ! sb.pes, as in the c. e of the u.ere yield- e.'' ';r f; V fj: ' .h ,d' 5.a,!t' th-h '' "-ajor 0aer to the people of Piiut.inouth. and alUPa i uiT clavs or Te.-ir! beds. Tin-; Pe,J ci coal "i ,i i ' i- 1, ' -. 1 1,1 i "t pe-.;e w.eed ca'l caixdesaess. A i.ruxn of Xebra.-ka lyius is probaPiv the e .tiivalen? ol' tbe two V'-' ' .,.'::-' that k was a ceo- : yoil,.. ,,.,, I;.,u,cj Hcnrj Muchmx.re was . footled seen at A-pinwulh while the , M'";'y h-r a wo;ka, ie bed ;n-ta!ltiv kill, d bv his f.ot slit ber lioiu I iOUTHII OF THE l'LATTt, ; iiPI-er Hx-inclt bed i not expr.cl at all. : IV 4" v 4,..U' ,,-,:'?'jth:n the ir.nits o i t(H.k :H d)nUe-Lam'l "McU-umi, ! tA. . , ,. , . . ! rr i - . . - i i ' til-' lerriterv i .xebr.l-k:. 1-til i.f ..;.. I , I l i most d:re?;. and tn? 1. t Ttnuteto tho Ea- i 1 lie rocks in et.ula. t wit i il... r oa ! arc ns . . . , - ., ,.."..' . I wi.n-t 1: 2 wa- Plowue' in the leuzt e in . , -. ,. ,n, v . -..-- .,.i .-,.-:,, ! 3 BLOOM as OO. f'v EAJ.KR.S I.v V-' ' '-"-.w-.-iCl! OT17T Jin V follOWS : i i: J- j order to .-oC il It Was loaded. lie hud I fassensers .iosiiinirCjtravotluxuri.usty should Kl I '...P..'. I.,.- 1 ,( '.'' i'-l'.M.s.-.-: sliotui I ;c a t !e;t. t t hit e .. !- . f)r , . . .... , , i-r o pi .Priiiirlit- .1,-;, I t..K' the .Vliare.to Ijjipri.'ss, xx Ui.h runs through .... v .... ....... .... ..... .. ..x.... "' i p o ,., t PlevP. j....- i. ,. "'t.ill::.-::;.i xx ; 'ion: !i; i.::c oi Car.-. ..cupped lisrht grav Lre ebtv, lull of tr." nieiits of : . ... , ' v ' j-' i. i u nuo el the pet-cusMou renia'p.i'd on th i with ei.-jaiu lay Ca -lii.-s. - l-ullwan' Puia.-r l.lants. as fc.n leaves, stems of rushes, ! ' . ,. ,,1K'U Vu"llr- i;UW ! n!j.,'e, cnou-h to disch:;rre it into his Vii anJ lo-'i"' Coshes, and i-alauuties., tht- same a ..t-ur in tho I Xl" WCle 't"''1 1 uiouih. the whole chac takinir eiT.-.-t ,, . n. . 0 ua'ierlvinech.vs in Ohio and Illinois coal J Wi- u"tiU in the lai-e joint of the neck, lie was! PliHRIiUl S OiHinO CafS. OE.vrs' fields. Aleve the coal there is about ... " I the iua:l camel between Pawnee Citv! four four feet of very hard laminated or ' A aiooinia jiaj-ev tells a terrible and Otoe Agency a tine boy and much shah clay, varyimr from black to dark s,tori a-i:' a t"rl,, v'h' was frozen to I respected by ail who knew him. It was ueatu n",:r t;rovil!e. Uhon the l.o.Iy a ini mow to his parents, a; ho was an xx as rai.-eu it eraexea iikc an i -icie, t cui.'y sen broke in two in the centre and on? of the j ash color, all of which must he removed with creat labor before the bed of lime stone, or cap rock, as it is called, can af ford Miita!.!.. ri-i.'ef .t., 11 thr. minor i arms sn ipped oil' at the sh'julder ioint." he drifts iolo the bank. Thus the small I 1 '"fortunately fur the t-tory the man's amount f ., ,! is olia:::c 1 with creat " 11110 was it'!!e- lahar, and it is ou'y the ;rrcar .'carcity . . ; - ,cX fuel that will warrant anv labor bcin"' i It ?ai;l there is no church choir ia , . . i, - - .1.- ...,t 1 c - expended 11: 011 it at all j the world free from jealovvy. The new winter niufTs liave sinaii ln.dt inir glasses inserted in the under fdde. I which makes them very convenient, and m the next edition ct the style we shali have apartments for rou.ee and lilywhiPe, with an autoiuatie hair brush attached. In addition to thef net tint this is the dir-?r-t I routo ky whi.-h ti..e i :.ty he mvoi in reneiiiris i any p.-iiit in the k.astern or .Middle M-itcis, it u-' ivutnful'y he jaid thai it possesse.- the best tr:iw and the tiucst equipment of any W estern Line, ensui ins to the padscuer Speed, Safety and Comfort V 4FU!SrifvG GOODS, BOYS' AlD CHILDE'S CLOTHING Hats, 8l Gaps, Boocs Ik Shoes, CLAiJKETS, RUB3EH GOODS, THLTIKS, VALISES, E C. Jllam Street, Second Dor Fast oj Court House. Plattsmouth, PJeb. PlvAI.KIt.-i IN General Merchandise. srrn a s dry Gtor;. UKO!.'Tr.. i!AI;UWARn. iiL'p;K..-.'AnE. HAT.--, OA IV HOOTS. Pii'i?:. notio.v. TINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMUER, f' illlXCLL'.S AND VTc nrc Agents f r Willcox Sl Gibr-3 Sewing Machine, Heh Lt undouht-dlx-the het Maehine ne-t I or )': r t' one ! 'Il I'''- - I.T fin' i 1 . . I 'l ''. : . . . t x-o of o'.ii-'i't's Perio-ii. ill to one :i 1 lr- - '.. on- year. .-7 '. p-" k 'iiiimIici-- rnn In- s.i f i.l ! I :it niv I T i " Vol- I . I P. t.tid Mi. ol li r - r'.- P....1. . the yetiiv 1 is. '. a. 'To. P-ate ' y h n I ie : . nior.i.-co . inth. x. i i 1 he st,nt l.y . .pr's-, ln-.e: f pr'-p.iid. for S7 e:i.-!i. Tho ..-ee.irf on Hfr.rV lautar iC'ft eie - yr-.-ir. r. '.j. i, i;iu.-t he aid i;t lie- n; l.s.-i ;l : post Clii'-'-. Ad I:e.-s II AFl'IJIi PUOi'Iii;!'.-. N.-.X- V"rk T n u I' I ct i: I A n Phrenological Journal, A F I JUST ; I. A Se tTILY MAGAZINE. ion. ' of M .itt." :.nd f in erox -i.k i ' lI.0;V-Th; Pr.iia ni-,-1 U I'i:. K'ii'i'iii .nei !S;it:r:il I.-.i.-ii. .. Uireelio.is li.r enltinitin - n: ; i IIOIIV.'KII i: SIKH. stah mm ! (v.v-;.- . et s- - ' - d r'r: Pi! j?e. Kiiirl'JVatt I 1 Yn: nP'1 t!l;' i'"'"i a sno-. , Mcndlcr IVIiMland. Str-.;.'S.v. f I .'.Y-w the N.oe .I Ui-t..rv SCCCEjJSOES TO i V..i"' "-.3teIi"o,n-, nn.i .'.Pel. M. i.,.r eep CoiistriTi'.Iy on hand the hc.-t Lra di o ' f.l ;,t, FALL SPRING FLOUR, Corn Meal, !-TtI:f. IVOT1C K e tuV h.o xriti.t . rs p'.--iht Jlo. : lea ill..-1 are sp:n 6 ir.sti le i i JP'1-.'.iin . KSi API its .: .. I "f. steadily irii years it h;. uion- popui. TKU.M Sin-I" i.umt ;"fnd N.iriotis. '.'.,11 he trix ' ii. Tli- .rs-ii:n oi. ai. M.-.'.-ei" . :the I! uaic. I . ,-i; : t '.: I.:. ' -v Wn.-it X'.e -liouhl I.'.! 'I ;'vl l ! Cioth-d. U..-I IP..' ' Y isix e, in .;coi-..i:,.-! r e KKT("ia;.s am. j;p.;:: .'HIT Men :n i liiiiu. a i ' ' kitut, oll.l'e. arc id o -j ,' pi Ari:i;i;-; . isii !.;.;.. t'hildroll. this y. .ii..'. " poi lit s oi, f 1 1 t lie p. ' ... . 1 1 ispo.-i ion, :n:U " . . I ; i -:-1 f i e : 1 1 i ll not oi.'; ill in'"'.iiiiiiti..ii on I is ii . x on. it tei no -,.i-r' e n.oe . ntei e-t tr.-r .': tst la.teri-I i a 1 1 : . : our;... I tin r. :.. .... in is t i tiivo, it h. i darinir th 3 iiii d, and wn3 r.- r 1 1 V 1 Kates nlirays as LOW as the LOWF.ST. Ea - i gage cheeked through te ;it.y point K trt. I A.r.Toi7.AnVci'aKJc 1 BHAfiCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Bluffs Iowa iaulaiiwtf. 1 is nererjy ptven ttiat nn tne :iu aayouuly, A c .,,) 1 .1 T s-i. t w-. .. -I I.i. . .... 1 . 1 V- ..' ... l.. -.o, ,,iiu ucurfiu i-itaiiu ..-a 111 ill 4 ie 11 i' -ir" .i Sl iiit hay mare, with henvy tail ami man'', al- Iiji-Ih-l- l l i-. n-i eoost six years obi unit about It han.ls hiirh I'jVtoie I I'os.i-r: with the letter V bruiide.l on the left si.Je of tho j fast of rreniium, lieek. evidently stolen, 'ihe owner, may get 1 ... his property by eall te at tny stable in l'latt- I A.l.fa ; nMoitn. . ii.s count ' ami pi ox-ing property and 1 I payinjr eharj.-'. I 1 itilydtwtr J. W. Sua.nnos' ' lyea.-. in udvan:-'" P ot ten or more. Ibi-ral Pi'- .11 in in - -1 tuber xx i ll n-xx land 11 eonuoete 1 "uSi.bfr. -'. N'.xv Yo;k v is . . : 1