t. i II i . t h f t CO v ) H.AT1SM0UTH NEBRAKSA.. THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1 870. Gen. Frank 1. Blair has teen elected to the Missouri Ia "ij-Iature. Still the c 1! for laborers an 1 mechan ics i i urKLmmiibeJ.-- Large quantities of lumber are going to the country every day. rir.Uf Brown is elected Governor of Ml -.s.,'.ui Ly about 40,000. We learn from the Ilev. II. P. Mann that the rafters of the new church at Uuijnj fell in during the high wind a few days since, doing some injury to building material. "' ';" In the advertisement of Prof. D'Alle tursnd's school an ugly error occurred by w hich it appeared his term were much hi.ther than they should be. It read "terms per month," when it should have read ,;terms per three month.3." Christian Singer, charged with an assault. with a deadly weapon, with intent to commit great bodily injury, up- X SAIL CAR. Mr. Egbert, Iload Master on the B. & M. in Nebraska, has a very ingenious hand car for running up and. down the road, .made, to bit comfortably and turn a crank' in calm weather, and provided with a mast and sail for favorable winds. With a lair wind it will go almost at the same speed as an express train. erning such cases, yet it seems strange to' one not versed iu all the quibbles and technicalities, , of th;.5 profession .how these points should be of sufficient mag nitude to overbalance the rights of the people of the Seventh Senatorial Dis trict. 'Especially docs the ruling of the Till: TI!IAL OF GALL.tM UAHTS. drop the corn to go and get his revolver The Prisoner Senleuccd tu (he I'cni tentiary for Life. VAI.VAISJ.E WISCOVKIIY. ' Very fine specimens of iron ore have recently been found in the banks of the I'iatte this side of Ashland. A vein of i himscJf had issued. We do not pretend about six feet in thickness has been mi- to say covered, and i: is thought by good judges Pt Levi Hakes'. The next day he. ha Evidence in the Case . , his revolve in the field. with him. Crosby Young Keside in the south I art of Cass county ; I know defendant ; was employed at llakes last spring in corn planting time; I heard defendant The case of the State of Nebraska is j f ir Mr lwer came to the corntielJ T 1 1 1 1 u . T. l l 1 vi .i i "Willi I'niw nei oraillsl OUl. .Judge seem strange v.hen we consider ( Oallant hakes, charged with the murder ; i)r Schildknec'it I 1W d dlii-l int the fact that .the point upon which he j of Mr.". Sarah J. Towers, was called on j some time in June : he wanted mo to go laid the greatest stress, that of the-de-! Thursday at 1 o'clock p. m The cn-I and fee. widow Powers; said she was feet in the 'venue was a simple clerical j tire afternoon was consumed in cmpan j shot I asked him who had shot her ; ho i- j .1 r-.uii iurv ir.il ll.il, luuiW" Ul I ei , L nehtiff a jury, and the case was not ,i, i f f, ' i , . . J . . ! thought he seemed somewhat excited. opened until the evening teuton. Ihe .Jesse Irwin Know Mr. Powers; when Court liouee was crowded during the en erry in. the warrant irhkh the. Jud'c M. ndler & Whceland are selling fresh buckwheat flour. Scr ator Tip'on has been lecturing in Brownvillc. There is to be" a sale of household P'.ious it White &. Spires next Saturday. Ihe excavation for a new business !.r i: e bring made, one door south of Ten Eick5, on Sixth street. l ire winter npplcs are s'dling in this city l':r 54 :') per barren Who would b without them. The third story of Fitzgerald's block i to be twenty feet iu bight. This will ;akc one of the finest halls in the State. The pa'mters are at work on the 11. B. rr.s, er;ger depot. It will be ready for rccupation soon. We saw something in the Brownville Aden titer recently about Gov. Butler, if -,ve nro not very much mistaken. What has become of the committee r.p pointed at the railroad meeting held at Weeping Water this fall? It is time thov were at work. The BLir Times suggests the holding hi" tha Constitutional Convention early in the summer, ami the election of ;:!;;o-.bT3 at the April elections. In ;he case of Beihart is the 15. & M. It Ii. Co. in Nebraska appeal from the award made by the appraisers the plaintiff wns awarded $500. Money, it is said, makes the mare go. So:.- ? of us would like to know when the M:,ro -.vill get there. She has been going this tjme lime. The law governing the times of hold ing court in this district needs revising J us to give us more than one week at a time in this county. 31. L. White, Esq. is erecting another f;;s. residence on his addi.iou 'x hat $art of the city is being improved wry rapidly. We learn that several Peers have been killed on the Platte Bottom near Ashland recently. Tliis quality of game is becom ing very scarce in this region. Between three and five hundred new houses have been erected in l'lattsmouth dnring the present season, and three times as many will be cree'ed next sea son. The conundrum of the Omaha Trib une. "whither are we drifting" is an wercd by the Tecumseh Chieftain, when It ays that institution is "drifting to the devil as fast as possible." Our statement of the shipment of ..vain from this city has been copied ex tensively, and it is generally conceded that PLittsmouthis the great grain mar ket of the Missouri Valley. The demand for bricks has been so rraat ii l'lattsmouth this fall that par ies have been hauling them from Bock fluffs a distance of eight miles, for the oast few days. Tlie Omaha Herald says Capt. Mur ;.y of this city, has leased and opened the Hotel du Nord, of Omaha. . We assure the people of Omaha that hoy have secured a first clas3 landlord. '-"he proposition of the O. & S. W. ;u!road company to the committee from )toe county is that they will bridge the PI itte and construct the road through ;Lf:s county and Otoe for the sum of I'.!,0U0. on the person of John CTyser, was tried j that it will bo found in great abundance, to-day before Judge lake's court, found j and will justify the erection of furnaces guilt', and sentenced. We have not j for smelting. We will give the pu ticu lurs in regard to this discover' as soon k- thi-i defect, even though Jiruiiv iiiit;iiiJi 'i iii'j j ir i.ui; u -.1 n in i ing, is not suilioient grouuds f jr refusing the peremptory lu.inJamu-:, but we say learned the terms of the sentence. it looks like strange proceedings to one tire trial, which lasted until 2 o'clock SUM!-: pistanci:. The nmnlx-r f ( r ! made and sold I ist v.-.n- 1 . ...." A Card. I Having been rci?cated!y akcd what ' would be my course in igard to sehoo , books when I came into oJlice, 1 would j Manufacf.irini Ciopai: say that I consider a change, at ire.nt, vrrv unvri;f nml I Jmllnnt ilicwifirn i,5 ' vise one. And, further, that I consider y. n llli" Cic.-e tOf.'tlif r. Won! I a Oi-tamo ot twelv e in lie the books recommended a good selection, ! though not altogether have selected what I would ni:vj:kmmm; C.;n tlie Co;u'm' eilffv f,w ,! . 1 I . ' ".' ' '1 iiOi;i-,;o-frnvin - ,1 and t her daughter would encourage her she said that she might recover; deceased this'Saturday) morning. The following ! " " V Trn ' 1 ,,ViTV V ' - I a Jilaet! (in t!1( . 1 !, i,i v id jiajiers throughout tlie State ! h please copy? J. M.'McKenzik. Go fa Y;t!!,'rv l?i.'r :ranr an 1 las -urpa -e l t!., 1 f- I.I M - 1 '' i-r.-.iti . m a!!. We understand that the Pipe Organ ket. of St. Luke's Church in this city, that j arc the names of the jurymen Samuel May, 3Jiles 3Iorgan The last literary sensation is a novel by Louis Napoleon. It u a mere sketch, but it tells all the blessings of the Em pire. Wc confess that as much as we di.dike the idea of an Emperor, our re spect for the modern C;csar grows as we see, more and mote clear! v proplc he has controlled for nearly a quarter of a century. as wc can ascertain all the facts. The census returns, as published in the IIliOALr, only gave Saunders county -J.773, when it should have been 5.337. Wo make this correction in justice to Saunders, one of the best counties in Lo State, and one that is increasing as rapidly as any other county in the State. WiI!ston' combined Sea Island six cord spool cotton is all the rage now-a-da.vs. It is having a much larger run than did Coats' cotton. Field, Loiter & Co., of Chicago, arc sole manufactur ers Agents for the West, to whom all or ders should bo addressed. Clark and Plummcr can supply the retail and job bing trade of this section of country. We learn from Government Surveyors who have been in the field during the summer that in many places on the Bepublican river the settlers traveled along with the surveying party and set tled on their homesteads as soon as the lines were established. This looks as though the Great American Pescrt had no terrors for the hardy pioneer. The Glenwood Opinion has enlarged and donned a '"bran new" head. The Opinion is one of the best local papers in the west, an I its energetic proprietors are deserving the success they are meet ing with. They have labored for Glen wood and Mills count- when it was au uphill business, and now that there is some pay iu the business the people manifest their good sense by rewarding the Opinion for its efforts in their be half. The people along the Weeping Water Valley should be up and doing, and pro ceed at once to confer with the officers of the Omaha Si Southwestern Bail road. The building of this road through our county will enhame the value of real estate not less than one third, and it will give our county the double advantage of a direct connection ... with St. Louis but it will give our far mers the advantage of connection with the competing lines from Omaha. Let there be no delay in this matter, for the decision as to the location of the line will soon be made. This road will either run tTrAshland or down the river, and much depends upon the action 4of the people. "Any way to make a living without work" seems to be the motto of part ofthe human family. A couple of men are in the city to-day with a concern for taking in the dimes that is entirely novel in this region. It consists of a broad board with a revolving target in the centre, at which tho player throws a common ball. lie pays. ten cents for the privilege of thcc throws, and if he turns the target once in the three throw8 he gets an extra three balls, if twice he gets 25cts. and if three times in I succession he gets a dollar. The pro prietors of the target arc making money The Journal of Education for No vember, conies to us enlarged to nearly the size of Jlaipcrs TlVf.y. We rejoice with all others interested in the cause of education, in these sub stantial evidences of interest and pro gress. It is ably edited, and elegantly printed. Its circulation is now o'-er six thousand copies per month, and aids materially every Teacher and School Officer in the West and South in their work. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is offered as a premium for twelve sub scribers. The most liberal premium ever offered. Address: J. B. MKivwix, Editor and Publisher, 70S & 710 Chestnut St. St. Louis, Mo. t:ii: o. a- k. w. k. ir. Hon. Clinton Brijurgs and lion. A. S. Paddock, of the Omaha and South western B. B. Co., were in the city Sa turday to confer with the citizens of this the kind of! larfc f 1'1C country relative to tho build ing of their road. After a brief talk with a few of the citizens, it wa decided to adjourn the meeting until Monday the Hist hist, in order to make more com plete surveys in the vicinity of the city. We hope there will be a general attend ance of the people of the county who are interested in the building of this road, at the meeting of the 21st. Ol'R CJItAIX TRAllK. We have often ftated that l'latts mouth was t..e great grain market of the Missouri valley, and we believe the fig ures will bear us out. The following figures of the amounts shipped during the months of September and October, by only two dealers, shows well for the county and city. The figures arc from the books of the railroad freight office, and consequently are reliable. Joseph Alexander Connor shipped 92 cars of wheat, 89 cars of corn and 24 car3 of oats. Iulholland & Thatcher shipped 75 cars of wheat, 38 cars of barley, and 2o cars cf oats ; making 177 cars of wheat, of corn, 49 of oats and 38 of barley, or a total of 3o3 cars of gram shipped from this city by only two dealers, in two months. 3Ir. Con nor appears to take the lead, which is owing, no doub to the superior facili ties be has for handling grain. A de scription of his "elevator" appeared in the IIkrai.d some months since. TIIK ft. A S. W R. K. As we have before ftated, the officers of the above road were in this city last Saturday for the p rpose of conferring wi.h our people rclatire to the building of their road through this county, and thp.t the meeting was adjourned until Monday, the 21st. We hope there will be a full attendance at that meeting, not only of the people of this city, but of the county generally. Come and see what .these men have to say about their road, and do not treat them with con tempt. Thev have several routes in view, and it stands the people in hand to encourage tho building of the road upon sonic of them. The fact that you come to the meeting does not necessarily com- not verged in law. Thi. leaves the case j James W aters, where it stood at the common jcnicnt to S."C. Bethel, be settled only bv means of a contest. - J)- -Andrews, While we have inij'licit confidence in the ultimate result, yet vhen we see apparent ly upright, honet men conniving at a dis franchisenicnt of a whole county, wc are led to a-k if there, is any justice to be had where politics are in the balance against it. Mr. Potteheer'sfriends have Pli el ps Paine, W. II. Boyal, C. F. Bronco. I t i a- .t r!., r i.:.. J. N. Baker Philip Beihart. The attorneys in the case were J. C. Cowin, District Attorney, and Geo. S. Smith of this city for the State, and Hon. T. 31. JIarciuett and 3laxwell & f Chapman for the defence. The case boldly asserted, and offered to back their j assertion with money, that he would hold his seat long enough to deprive 3Ir. Kennedy of his right to vote for U. S. Senator. Such may be the fact, yet we hardly think that seven men can be found among the senators elect who are wihing o place themselves on record as in favor uf disfranchising the people of the Seventh District even to that extent where the facts of the fraud so glaring as in this case calling forth such strong language of condemnation as was in dulged in by Judge Luke this morning, i Had the cheek of the man who holds j the certificate of election been of more : delicate material than brass it must have reddened several times during the time the Judge was talking. was handled to the very best advantage on both sides, and eloquent appeals were msdo to the jury at the close of the trial. The following is as full synopsis of the evidence as we have been able to obtain, and docs not materially differ fron: that published in the IIeiiald on the preliminary examination, except that it was much better arranged by council on both sides: M. J. Powers I think I remember the 28th day of June last. Loft my mother at the house, vhen I went to work, about sun up; it was near a half mile; I don't remember of seeing any one at Bakes' but B;own, Gallant and the old fo'ks; Brown worked in the closest to the road ; she had been to tlie cabbage patch and was coming to the house ; was shot in the road-right where the Lushes come closest to the fence be tween 9 and 10 o'clock ; we found tracks in the by-path ; saw three distinct tracks in tho path; saw bushes knocked down about a rod from the road. iVe.-li bro ken that day : the by-path was clo-cr to the house titan the bushes; saw tracks in the garden; I measured them, they corresponded with the tracks in the path ail of them corresponded' with the boots taken off the prisoner when he was ar rested The boots and measure weiebere presented in court and identified. Defen dant said he heard a pistol fire, and,' di rectly the old lady came along ; I mea sured the tracks in the garden, the ground was dcw ; the tracks in the gar den were a little too Jong for the boots. (leo. llardick Iresi de'.in Cass county Neb.; have known defendant ever since he was born ; deceased was my mother-in-law; I saw the deceased on the 2s.th uayof Juno; was going to Pr. Latta's and saw defendant about four o'clock in the evening on the 2Sth; He was coming west, came up to me and asked ine if 1 could tell him whore ho could find Pr. Lat la, I told him I could find Pr. Lattn: I first found out deceased was wounded about noon; I live near the south east corner of 31r. Hake's land between and 'i of a mile from Bakes. - r. Kendall Beside in "Cass countv. field just beyond me; about 10 or 1 1 ! Liberty Precinct : know defendant ; and o cock da.laut Kaiies came riding out j into the field and told me mother was kitw decca.-ed. deceased and rarati ,). l'owers. raw defendant on the 28ih Iu our remarks last evening on the mandating case we indicated that Judge Lake was responsible for the mistake in the vcr.t e of the writ, inasmuch as the document was issued by him. The Judge informs us that the writ was not drawn by him, and that he only endorsed his "approval'' on the back, without exam ining the contents only to know that the character of the paper was correct. We desire to do Juage Lake complete justice in this matter, for we believe he fully comprehends the wrong that has been committed against the people and hon estly desires it to be rectified. Wc have on exhibition at the IIkr ;LI office a specimen of what we should call petrified wood. I got there mother was badly wounded ; 3Irs. Bakes and Mrs. Jacobs was there when I got then; I remained in the house fifteen or twenty minutes; the next time I saw defendant he came to the house ; I got him to go after the doctor and my sister. Pr. Latta Am a physic's n; I was called upon to attend Sarah J. Powers; I got there about 9 o'clock at night ; she was lying on a bed or quilt on the floor ; she had been shot through the body by a pistol or rifle ball; the said the injury was occasioned between ten and eleven o'clock ; fhe died about nn hour after I got there; I think she died about j ten o'clock ; I remained rome time after she died ; the ball went through or very j near the right kidney and passed out I i . . . . . . " I dav ot June !ut. IlardicV mi l somn aoout to uic-that she was shot ; when j ot,l(lrs an, f), M1V Jmnc i.cw,. i and three o'clock ; we got to Bakes about lour o'cloek : I went out with Irwin. ' examined the path, saw tracks corres ponding with hoots taken oil defendant. B. S. Clinkenbeard Was up to 31r. Hakes trie day she was shot ; got there about three o'clock with Mr. Irwin and several others ; saw tracks iu tlie garden loading out of the southeast coiner of the garden ; was about two rods from the garden, we tracked from the out side; the track that was to the south east was south cf where ho was hot ing"; those that Rent out and came back cor responded ; there was peas and beans where he should have been b?cing west of the onion bed; he crossed the bed when he went ca..t to the by-path and when he came back he said when he heard the pistol the old lady was coming down the road toward the h:use from Sheriff Johnson arrived from Lincoln i vcry near the umbilical or navel to day, where be has been with prison- j ers Bakes and Barry, sentenced to the Penitentiary at the recent term of Court. -Saw prisoner on th are almost giving Look out for their 3 Irs. Pr. Latta 28th day of Juno last, about 4 o'cloek ; he came to my front door ; he asked if Dr. Latta wa? at home, he said he wanted the Dr. to go to 31 r. ftakes to see 3Irs Powers who had been shot; I asked him ? had shot her nd he said a ma: wiynwas hunting rabbits had shot chased the blacksmith shop heretofore herypAm the busues as she was going owned by C. E. Forgy, .and Mr. Don j tdonj tho roa 1 ; I tel l him where tho neliv will carry on the businer's. Thev i Dr. was; he sail ho hal to go to B'H'k was b oicen S. Bloom & Co. away their goods large poster. 3Iathew.s, Donnelly & Co. have pur- the place where c he bruli down. Jesse Irwin, re-called I got there be tween two and three o'cloek, there was i no o:io there but. Bakes family; Geo. ! llardick was with us; noneofjthe parties i had been in the garden when we got t there; where defendant was hoeing I would be even with the cast end of the ! 1 . . ! . 1 , 111 iMLisc. ea.-i oi me- u-'or. aii'i wou:a tie about To yards from the lioit-e. I'F.rKNSK. A. J. Shrader I was present when the revolver was taken from defendant. pel you to give-any substantial aidtoja.e driving men, and we look for in- James Barry, charged with the crime if burglar and robbery, in the breaking the road, but it will show that you have some appreciation of the efforts of those who "contemplate the construction of this great work through our county. The construction of the road through the county will be of vast benefit to our people, let it be upon whatever route they see fit to locete it. The route cjio sen, should they decide to build through our county at. all, cannot give entire sat isfaction, yet it must necessarily be of great benefit to the community at large, and hence should be encouraged. But our object, at this time is not to argue for or against the building of the road, but to get the people not a few indi viduals to turn out to the meeting on the 21st. 'provemcnts in their facilities. Bluffs on tin errand, and if be did nt sec him ho would come Lack. Elizabeth llardick Have kmwn the If you want cheap Iloutthold Goods, j defendant about four years; Sarah J. don't fail to be on hand at White it j Powers was my mother; saw her the Spires next Saturday, at the auction sale. ! 2Stli day of June ; saw defondant about I 9 o'cloek; I live -about. ha!f or three Lambing & Frazler, blacksmiths of '. quarters of a mile from my mother's: this city, have purchased the shop here- defendant said mother was dying; I tofore owned by 3Ir. Gary, at Weeping j asked "what in the name of Go'l is the ii' . j. .... . i t . . ... . i , . . , . ..... aier, hum nae gone mere 10 wors. matter, and defendant said L don t The people of Weeping Water will find know ; Tasked how long she had been them first class workmen and sreutlemcii. I :;:w tin- was one ires! es.'i ioaa; could it to Trwin in every particular. see it from a di-tanee; mentioned the others an 1 tiny saw it iJso ; asked mm when he put the froh load in, he said '"this morning'"; Irwin then asked him what, he had shot the other load at, he replied "no, I loaded it ves- i terdav no, I don't know when I loaded j it it is no diJlerence when I loaded it ; I load my revolver as I damned please." j I noticed when we went into the gar ' den defendant held up his head as thou-.di ho wouid make somebody believe be was mad. 1 never saw him hold up his head before. 3Irs- Jacobs The testimony of thn witness was contradictory in every par titular, and is not deemed of any impor tance in the case. Mrs. Bakes 1 was sittine in the housoat home on the 28th of June last ; The fate of Gallaant Bakes, sentenced , . , e ., . to-day to the penitentiary for life, should nto and stealing goods from the store of ! . J . ' , . .. ' uc a, uimii vf uma ui jeekiess -iiaous, and especially should it be a lesson to parents who are in the habit of schooling their children to mischievous acts. Tt is the general opinion among those who I'apt. Hoover, at Louisville, was scn e::?ed to two years In the penitentiary, '.'illinns stand a poor show in Cass :cjnty. In the case of O. S- Thompson vs. S. i are best acquainted with the facts, that Billings and L. Billings, in the Dis trict court in and for this county, involv ing the title of about eighty acres of .'a-. l in and adjoining'the city of Platts .outh, judgement was rendered, this .oruing in favor of plaintiff. E. G. Dovey, Esq., has a new resi dence, nearly completed in tho north part ofthe city. It is a large two story build ing probably the largest residence in the city put up in fine style. Dovey believes in solid comfort, and has built him a house with a view to the enjoy ment ofthe good things of life. All great cities have duels. l'latts mouth was recently the scene of one of , these evidences of civilization and educa tion, and now IJncoln has had her duel. B. F. Cozadand S. Blasierwere the prin cipals, and each of them were left pros trate on the field of battle, pierced through the heart with car. We Iwarn from the Journal. the old lady Bakes was the principal in stigator ofthe crime, and that thej young man acted under her advice. What a terrible thing it must be forthat mother to contemplate that she has been instrumental in sending her son to the penitentiary for life- IV e don't Uelieve It. A crustv old bachelor thus writes of those angelic beings who may be seen walking our streets upon any bright sunsbinny day, looking too beautiful tor a world that contains such cabbed, sin ful creatures as he is ; " Now, isn't that a pretty looking object '! A big hump, three 'e lumps, a wilderness of crimp and frills, a hauling up of the dres-s here and there, an enormous mass of false hair or bark piled on top of her head, surmounted by a little hat, ornamented with bits of lace, birds tails, etc. The shop windows tell us all day long of the puddings, whalebones, and steel springs which eeupy niost of the space withiu the outside rig. Another Enoch Ardeu case has come off near Bangor, Maine. Only this Enoch was not op to dying for love, but stood up for his rights, and took Philip's wue ana went uacc to wauiorma, saving , A r,edd!er heng askcd )v a lInd,e. be disconsolate Philip to do the dying. thanked wag if hr had anv tin overalls. Nobody ought to be considered dead replied, "No, but I have a pair of candle ' ujifi) lie can suow nis icrtiucate. i moulds that would nut at vou "That bed is not long enough for me,' said a gruff old man, upon being usher ed into his bed room by an irbdi waiter at -one ot'our Hotels. "Faith an' you'll rind it plenty long, sir, when you get in to it," was the reply; "for then there'll be two more feet added to it." T3iK jIASDA,1US. The case of A. It. Kennedy vs. the board of canvassers, on application for peremptory Mandamus compelling the counting of the Saunders county vote and the issuance of a certificate to 31 r. Kennedy, was argued before Judge Lake last Saturday evening, and his decision was rendered Monday morning. While the Judge not only expressed his opinion that the board should have can vassed the vote, but denounced the re fusal to canvass as malfeasance in olTiee on the part of the clerk, und claimed, as heretofore claimed by the Herald, that it mattcroj not wnen tne clerk ot cviun ders county mailed his abstract it was the duty ofthe clerk to canvass it when ever it did arrive, whether within seven or more than seven days. He delivered a most scathing re buke to the clerk, also to the gentleman who would attempt to hold a seat on a technicality while he knew that a large majority of the legal voters hud decided against him. The Judge proceeded to state "that if .such things were tolerated it would render the voice of the people bone-tly expressed, a complete nullity and farce, and would place the entire franchise of the people at the mercy of a few political tricksters, who would be able to control the Legislature. WhileJ the Judge said all this, and more be even went so far as to say that his de sire was to grant the mandamus, and that he believed justice and cTuity de manded it yet he held that the shnpe of the case was such that he. could nct grant the writ, and the case wa dis missed. His reasons for , not grant ing the writ, as we v understood him. are substantially these The venue ofthe alternative writ is "the State of Nebraska" etc., where it should be "the people, of the State of Nebraska' etc.; and that the writ is L-sued against the board of canvassers and the county Clerk, whereas it should only be against the County Clerk, the Court claiming sick, and he s;iM "I don't know," and rode off; I went home and found mother King on a bed on the floor; ;he was in a Ihe editor ot the Jincoin Journal : bad condition ; I did not think she could I I heard a shot fired between 0. 7 ami heard a newly married couple quarreling, 11V2 at all: she knew where she wassl,ot 8 o'cloek, a. in. ; I wanted to kr.ow if and congratulates himself upon being an "old bach.' , - rr -- - tZZUii J has been useless for more than two years, has been repaired, tuned, and otherwise renewed by the too modest and most tal ented imirician L. F. Johnson, Esq., so as to be better than ever it has been since its being set up in St. Luke's. It is now by far the best church instru ment in this citv. and eoualled bv fow on this side of the 3Iissoini. It was tuned sometime since by an adept from the east at considerable expense, but without much improvement. JIusieal instrument venders refused to give more than $50.00 in trade for it. It is now worth to the church not less than $biX Professor" Johnson, (for such tccllcjU him), has composed for the same church chants etc., rivaling in grandeur, beauty and pathos, the productions of the most celebrated composers. We believe if our most worthy follow citizen would only come out he would soon rise to a worthy fame. But his musical genius is kept in the background by a retiring modesty rarely met with at this day. At a regular meeting of the vestry of St. Luke's Parish, the following resolu tions were adopted, to-wit : Whereas, It has pleased the all-wise Providence to remove, by sudden death, our beloved si.-ter, 3Irs. Bebeeea E. Your, (late) the- wife of our Pa-tor Henry St. George Young, who has for the past two years, (which time she has been with us), endeared herself to us all by her devotion and Christian example on all occasions, whether in the Sabbath school, where the has ever been a most prominent teacher, or in the" choir, where we have all so often listened to her sweet voice in singing and chanting the praises of God, therefore, be it Jicsohcd, By tho lull board of vestry men of St. Luke's Pari.-h, that, while we bow in humble submission to the Di vine will, we cannot refrain from giving j expression to sentiments of sincere grief ; and sorrow, and lament the sudden do- ! cease of one in the youth and prime of a life so full of promise as that of our departed friend and sister. Resohcd, That by the death of our dear sister, (31 is. Bebeeea E. Young), the Church has lest one of its most de voted members; the children of the Sabbath School one of their best friends and teachers, and society one of its brightest ornaments. Rrsoh(d, That while we feel that no words of condole nee we may offer, can alleviate the poignant sorrow over the irreparable loss su-tained by our beloved Pastor and friend, yet we desire to ex press to him our deep and heartfelt sym pathies, wifh a hope that the same n!I wisc Providence who has for his inscru table purpose seen lit to lay this heavy afiiietion upon him, mayalsj temper his sorrow and give h'm grace, to sustain him in this his great bereavement. Attest: Tf. L. Wells, Clerk. A f.-.V eiiv .. the H k : : a i . i ,, the I- is li.rsaV E. -vil per.- '1 ! I.nst , lis kimwin - ...l.i..,l ... .. . I .v. . n t io iij roie or quested to call and si tt!. iit'in- A l l.i.u ys ,v Hi If l'i': vj you Want a n. -,i alieiy K, seeing illTIll'T st for l-J s. Th-,-i ets j, i- Vallerys a J!u!V, i licr Lav a new supply ,,f ;(i;, ,., ii. ey are se Go t;, V Groceries. ling . i!!e' TV l.iV ane-vs A- luiiin. i-! Thev hm- C..- .. . i ..... 1..- . - " in'i oe ciiut :(. to ;i:i,.,-Vs- A; 1! Dry (hmds. Th. v : than the clieai est. 'SjKluldiiig'sllhie'; Is Fur,,:::,. toys, I. rockery, all orhiai. nt.il w.i.L :m I to hi;v v ... . M-:ing eiiea out. r. i. . o. P.rjrnl.ir inpftins of Pl;it ( l.' 'i-1 i li.lll. Tninricri! lirelliiT-. ;ir,. ,., ,,l visit. John w.iwujiyniu line. i'iiom;i-:ii. So.-. V...T. I "I t I . , T- - - F- 1 liittsiiinmli Eii'iir:f.n:rnt .. ( nnv.i cations th.- 1 inl :iril , ,,.. month at M IYII.mn H..,! ,.,,r Mrr.-N. Trun-i.-i.i I'.itri.u. I:-- .' MM. M. ( IIU-MAN, S, -il.. . I'. 1'. u Moll is or jv iin w. I'l. ITTE Vam.iv I..iih;k ,( r 1 niretii'iv" i-vcrv T! ., . ..I,, . j biotlii-iH alrtaj -. wc!. ...me. "" . W. I.. VV!;i,T.s. v I' I!. Ill s i:. A ,- Y- V. .'..' Pi TTSM(.I T!I ( K Nn. .-, J." 1 ,1 R;!Mli.rtii;.tiiie-Ht lt..-ir ln!i .,''.' f M- ''i (.'.lr-l .M. .n, lay -v-tM!i,-, ,.-,..., ,. .:,. Tr.;,' K'iit bii-Uiern liivite l ;,. vif r .'.Won v,U.;;i:y. w. N. I'. I-.. IlrKiM:n. s, M ei.v Lm.:k .... A. I'. ,t- M I',,..,' tJlPClim-.-l ut Ii .,. ),,.( a III i ' V d"y,- , c . ' N. 'l -i:, lV. M. KO. I,. Sl Vl el.T. S. Xcwmsk a Cm in h: .i.?, I;. . . ., . I'linvoe.if K.iiM sivi.ri.i i n l t. -ii r : i Tie - "e'v", n.iilHOl oai! iiiontii at 7' '. .',-i. , t- ,, ,,, w. p. ,;x - wiii.i-L-i-.K-. w. LastchxS n !! to y J,i.ir;r?.-- K, .,, -., , inns of t Ii w l-'aiaily ai v In 1. 1 wi 1 n ... j ,v (1. nmn. '-u or l.piv.rc tlx: full i(...n .1 II .HiiM.T .ii.-i'iM. thru .'uuif'itrrr. ;! no il.-. t . mt,.. lie? Ill list III' UV. : ' ;i;ii t, . . . , i ,. I. II. W'fl .M.I.I f UMlts. C. A. In kk. ' .1. .. Wl-K. -nr.l.T. I : .0. I. o. ;. t. Crivr Pham-h. K A. Ki.kj :eri k W. r T. I.. 15. I,rvi. V. S, 1. ',. vVin-lliafi. I. !,. Pei'i'ty. Mi-fin :,t Court lion-.. II., "arf.In.v ---nhi:f. T ravelins 'i 1 tn,!..i.- r. -; u!ly inviti'ii. I'.ncit -;;,.it I.;-ii rt: ,nri,r, v.. I T !' I. .is-, It. T.; '. i:.-Wlii!. U. S. ;.,,. :,m ,-: II. -use Hall ,r. tho .-..t an.l tl, ii 1 s , ,, . v , ir.i- r:-i-'n miiii'ti. j 'tm: nl II, I-l- I,,,,i;k V... S. - o. .1. p,,.. ;., V. I '-. I.: Aii'ln w ('..icin iii, W. S. ,i ht y... I rl.-a-ni:t i vrrv SrOiir-lav ovi rii-. Vaikvit'V f..in..t. S. 1 I-.). J. '!,.ir.-!'.' ; V. V. T.: V.'m. J. Il--( r. V.'. S.: S. W. C.,it.:!.. I 'I'lavcliiiir T. miliar'' i -) - rtf :l! ,,.,!,!. I I'm i k lir.ovi: lamuit. V. LI. -A -. ' ;-i:! v.C. T.;J.-,--. jn-...,, V. .-. C. II. Wn.-',. . I ! I)i-r'ity. l!-t. c .-. : S .n;i. v n.. .-. Travi-iiiK 'J'.-iuiIj (. c t i . i I ;.- invit.-l t in oct with us. D. . H. H. M NETHASKA.J To iidcc j;.- t ;-. i t. -i r .i i expressed several times that she would i in M?nt oi one anotner wncn not recover; I got there somewhere be- ,,lin akfl,!t o ,nMr .,,,,1 n 1,.,'r tn tlu- 4 , ' 1 , , , , , ; tweenlUand 11 ; about noon we raised Among the arrivals ty the y o clock I , , . n , , , , , . . , , . J . , , . her up ; alterwarj she could not control train this morning we noticed our e.Jd . ir . -., . , . , , -, c 1 i 1 i- leu r herself at all ; about sun down she said f i lends ui. 1 atton and Iirchue d. ol 4lT .. . , , , , , . ... . . ' : I can t stand it Jong; she made no Nebraska Citv. Ihev were on their way I -,- . .- ri r. . J UIV. 1 TH.I. IV I I 7 U"j'V. L.Vl.k , ! she died about '.) o'clock. to Lincoln. Vj. G. Povey will commence packing pork about the 1st Mr. Dovev handles the season of nexV.uionth a lar,o qnantit3' of perk tlurin We learn that ihe recent valuable dis coveries of iron ore near Ashland is on land belonging to our fellow townsman, Henry Amison. Hon. T. M. Marquott, Hon. Samuel .Maxwell, Maj. D H. Whetler, Geo. S. Smith, Ks.j., and others of our citizens who have been up to Ashland attending court, arrived at home on the evening train. Court adjourned at 1 1 a. m. to day, without trying a single case none of the parties being ready. There are some thirtv eases on the docket. Dr. Livingston I know the defend ant ; saw hiujthc -c t'i da;- of June ; he came for me to go and see a woman that was shot , I asked him how the woman was shot; he said he did not know; I asked him might it riot have been she I was .shot aecidentlv by parties shooting squirrels? lie answered yes. J. N. Baker I know defendant when I see him ; saw him on the 2StU day of June ; he said there was a lady out in the country that was shot ; I asked him how it occurred ; he said sonic boys were out shooting squirrels and accidentally shot her; I asked him if she w-as dan gerous ; he said she was; I am positive that he said these very words. Dr. Black Defendant wanted me to go down into the country to see a sick garden : am vcru certain hllen and ual- ! I.ll-.f tVtr in tli.o o-Ti-itiM .-ill ihn ti.nn KF.r.flTtNO. V. (. IjC:tuon llepntation of Mrs. Bakes is bad ; I would not believe her under oath if sin was interested. f Peter J. Becker, B. S. Clinkinbeard and Jeso Trwin -corroborated the state ments of Mr. T.cmou relative to the' ct.uracter 01 .urs. ivak'es. iennm;n Albin and Matthew Midkiff testified that her character was good so for a they knew. After the arguments wer? closed Judge Lake gave a clear, explicit, forci ble and impartial charge to tho jury, si tting forth the law by which they should be governed in the application of the evidence before them. The jury retired about ten p. m. last evening, and returned a virdict of "guilty," between one and two this morning, fixing the penalty at imprisonment for life. Rev. Dannial Lord, 1). D., Cavalr Church, Chic.iga, 111., says of "Our Father's Home" : It shows a noble aim, devout spirit, and loving study; and by its nice urragement, beautiful illustrations, and iiormlar f-tvle. will . . ' 1 ... - - 1. help all its readers to see more of; ho'.i's, v. Ar.S.l. 1' lT t.-tv. ai r. IK A IV NO I. I.e. f'.I't A. M. . .. in.-jii A. f. I.e. lo.'Ji A. M. I..-. II. 7 A. M. Ar. 11 A y. Ar. II..',". r. 1-'.! I . 1:1 . Ar. 1-.J7 " Ar. U.4'. TRAIN XO..J. I.e. S.r. P. M. 1.0. '..o'. r science in the Bible, and of God and His work. IVa! police. Tilt'. I IItK HllSMORMXt;. About 9:30 this morning the people of j womaji ; I wanted to know what wasthe the lower vart of the city were startled matter , he said she was shot ; I asked bv tl.o nrv nf "firi- " Thev kooii disr-ov- ! llOW it happened Calvin YV. Starbuck. the founder and principal proprietor of the Cincinnati Daily Times, died suddenly yesterday. To Rent One or two furnished rooms. Inquire of J. M. Voi.f, novlGdlw At White Aspires. e - Vallerys & Ru Jner are selling the ccl brated Smith Wagon. mayUTdtf G rover it Baker's Sewing Machine is the best I11 market. Vallerys Ku.T ner are agents. Those in want of a good Machine will find it to their advantage to givotheiu a call. Go to Vallerys & RufFner's and look at the l'anitr Arabs, the prettiest in the market. aplodAwtf Ar. s.l ) Ar-!t.lO A r. '.'..V) Ar. 1).1) M. M. M. M. I'lallsiiioiitli. Oi.i.-ilia .1 in,.,. Iain isv i!lu. S.01O. J ;.-11 .1 . Ar). !:.!.. I W a vi Lii:voIn I'lattf in.. utli. linaha .1 line. Lull in .! le. .South li.-iiil. A'hl.ui.l. rerun o .J Waveriy New Jim Lini'uln r. 1 t .'. 1 11 1KAIN No.'. Ar. 4.1'. I'. V Ar- I'. M Ar. :;.lo I'. M Ar. I'. V Ar. L'.U-'. I'. M Ar .'. ; A r. 1.17 " Ar. 1 .-; " I.e. I.I'. " 'J It A IN No. 4. Ar. v -r. A. M. Ar. :..' ' A. M. Ar. 7 A. -M- At. A. M. I.e. r..r. A. M. Ar. a.I'i Ar. 4. Ar. 4 VI " Le. i.'K) " B. & M R. R. ITo take effect. .cnt.!aj May V: W AIMOVK. M'l'inr. Pacific Expre?? 0.' a. in. A '" . hi. Mail 7:iI j. m. 7: '. a. in. Mixe.I l:.".(.p. in. '.i .tia. hi. 1'l lie above i the time th Oiuniliurnrrive uii i di 'iti t t oii'i Irom tlie 'lcj.ot in t!ii. ci'y.J C. B. & ST. JOE R. R. at pacific ji nctiov iova.J GO I. "rCS VfiiiTIl. CiOIl(5 'UTII. Mail ari'l Kxprt-s.- 4:' i. iu. 1J:I" p. in. N iclit Kxpress S a. in- '.' p- 'J'lii.s irtv i.ii.-j.-nser.-. fria I'lattfrnoufh .1 n 0"Tinrli..n ?'.inp Suutli by l(.;iV!ii here '.a t!." 4:'.V) p. 'ii. train, umi elLfe cniic.-i n.n it li r.,ni eoing North by leavint? lin on tiej 7 a. in. tra il Omaha nnd Southwestern Rail road Time Table-Omaha Time Vallerys & Ruffner have the lar.rres stock of Groceries ever brnucht to the city, which they b..u?ht for ca-h and at j yi reduced prices. Call and examine tlieir j stock. ajilodAwtl To Uko c fl't-ct Wi-Jact Jay, Oct. 5th: 1 I.KAVK. 'ma hil Oiil'ls I.:i I'latto. cre l the smoke and flames issuing from tho roof of W. Mickclwait s residence, on Third street, where a crowd was gath ering on the "double quick. "- The workmen from the Railroad Machine shops were on hand in a few moments, yi ith a patent fire extinguisher (a num ber of which are kept for use at the shops) and a wagon load of buckets were on hand in a -very short time. A portion of the roof was soon stripped off and water was used quite freely. The prompt action of the citizens saved the houst from destruction, although it was damaged to the extent of $15U or $1X!0. The house was emptied of its contents in a rapid mauner, causing some in;ury to furniture. The fire originated fionft defective flue, although it had been in constant use for the past eight years. Uad the fire occurred yesterday or any other windy day nothing could have aved the buildincr. destitute of lire an- tnat it Had no jurisdiction over the ; j,aratU3 ai our citv ',s. . memliers of tho board of canvassers af- j " ter thev have been discharccd from dutv ! One of our agricultural exchanges in- cnu i......A v ... I forms its vounar ladv readers that if they M "Wi wl'J. i.cruiii uuiautiuiinu lj .lT 11- I lenSLIl , lUeiU 13 OU1V IVU UI U5, OIIU i ! . ir.li-eniTUT . t , t , i ... . would rronounce the word chignon cor- ..f ... i minutes. V . JMicutLWAiT. argue mat jna.ee ies decision is not 'tht, hav(, f,nlv lo rpmr!nur .w will stick to yon. l'cienaant toia tne T v- l4,fT, 1ST0. i in strict conformuty with the law gov- ! it rhVmc with ''inion.'" i bov that if the old mau compelled him to i ' - t i w he said he did not knoW'Unless some boys were out squirrel hunting and accidentally shot her. Solomon Long I Lnow the defendant ; saw him on the 28th day of last June ; he asked how the folks were ; I asked him how his folks were ; he said all well but that tld woman, and t-lie got shot. My wife said "who could do that?" he said I guess some of George Ilardick's folks: he said George llardick owed her fifty dollars and killed her to get rid of paying that. Jesse Indecutt Know defendant; 1 was employed by Mr. Rakes to plant corn, and was talking with defendant about the old lady who was in the field j near us at the time. He said : "I would like to try my revolver on her and I be lieve I could hit her ; I would like to shoot the damned old bitch through the ponch." He afterwards said: "I ex pect the old man will come and make me drop corn for the old lady, and if he does I will drop one row and when I e.et through some of them will smell hell." His broiler said to him : "Go your length ; there is only two of us, and I TUT XEKK4RKA HOTEL. We met Capt. E. B. Murphy, to day, and Icari from him a confirmation of our item of yesterday in regard to his taking charge ofthe hotel in Omaha for merly known as the Hotel da ord. The Capt. has leased the house, is re fitting it, and opens it to the pub lie under the name of the Nebraska Hotel. It ia the largest hotel in Omaha now open, and will be second to none in the west so far as accommodations are concerned. The extensive acquaintance of the Captain throughout the- Stato in sures him a large run from the day it is known that he h opened the house. His experience in our city as a landlord has given him a" reputation all over the west that is the envy of many a landlord. Tho people of Plattsmouth and south ern Nebraska, when they visit Omaha, will always find the Capta ready to welcome them, and furnishthem with the very best of fare at low prices. VALLEUYS & ULFFNKU Are low receiving the largest stock o Dress Goods ever brought to this mar ket, which they are selling edict: p for cash. ajilodiwtf (1REAT BARGAINS IN ItKAL ESTATE. We have for sale the following list of Sec. Ti-. li. N'wqr 1 lo 12 Swqr 14 10 13 Seqr 22 11 11 Swqr 23 ') 12 Seqr lo 12 12 Xe qr :;0 12 13 Neqr 21 11 10 Seqr 22 12 12 Se-qr 14 12 10 Nwqr 34 12 12 Nwqr 27 11 12 Nw qr 30 0 11 Seqr 7 11 12 Seqmwqr 23 lo 12 'ELfswqr 15 11 12 Whfswqr 14 10 12 Ebfseqr 7 10 13 Ebfticqr IS 10 1.5 Ne of uwqr 23 10 12 Whfneqr 11 10 II S 3 of he qr 11 10 11 Nw of seqr 11 10 11 ii. c.oisr; s. 7.'" n. ui- 7. .'in M . in' .K.1.'..U!. ..'Va. ni. U.4". a. in. (ARklVK-l.l cm s'i n. r.. i (n p. m 4.1' p. ill I.:." p. in T.;.'i i p. ru O.'Ki p. i he trari'-lereil u mr.'le ut Oirh .Iiin.-t i..n hi'.Ii tho in'.riiinr: fain enne V-t Irom riattxiiiouth t'l Lineoin on th" li. .V. M. I'.. K. K. ill Nebraska, furl tl'e i vtr.inh train Koii .jr ea.-t from l.iii.-oln to l'lattsmouth. Trains will leave arel :i iri e at tho deput ' . the Company at. the rof of Jones street. I'ntil further notice-ti. kcts m ill bt soi l on the trK.n. iitil rates of freight can be I arne.I at tin- oilicn ofthe company. J . Ii. MoL'Il ' N. Chief Kncine. r af.i On I snpt. AltftlVAL, ASU Sl.lAlt'I a of risi: ii,vr i mioltii M.tlLS. LPIAVKS. CfJar Islanfl 1'avnterii I. a l'latm ChiM On.alia J'!nsenirer nn'l frcif ht will ( cler Island an-1 confieetion BOCTK. C. R. i .St. Joe P.. K. South CLORKH. ARItlTt. p m. ".' P "i p. in. T . 1 P in 9 pm, 7-' P ttam. 4 pm. 11am 1 I ' 12 li. ll'i. Tan,. " , and Sa:ur- A CAKI. I desire to thank the citizens of l'latts mouth for their promptness in assisting to save my dwelling from destruction by fire this morning, ai without their aid it would have boeu destroyed in a vcry few From one to fjur yenr time will be given on part the purchase money on a large proportion of the above lands. In addition to the ahovj list we have Improved l'arms which we can sell on reasonable terms. Cail at our office for particulars. Paine &. Windham, Heal Estate and Insurance Agents, Main Street l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. Sept IMA-wtf r. m C. Is, A- St. Joe It. It. North, H. x m. k. r.. l-.at. Ii. A M. it. K. Wen, Unaiia by t:.ge, Nebnika City, by fc'tage, T eepiiiir ater. t Depart-', 1 uei-lays, Thur;.jaji( ari. O.'tiee hour", from a m to 8 p m. Sun.lays, li 01 to KVj p n;r J. V M AltsIIAET. Guardian's Sale. Notice ia hereby iriven that in pnruanee i f a ilecretal or.ler ot ."ale. mmte by hi-. 11 onor in'.'n-'" I;. Lake. ju. lire of lheli-tri. t Court, Scioi' l J uditial IlOtrict. in open Court ut. the. Novem ber term thereof, nt I'lHitfinouth, N'elirn-K. on tlie fourtee.iih Jay of November. A. l at t!ie hour ftf 1 oYloek P. St., I mil on o.'' Sih day of Ijeeeinber. A. I), li." '. at tho hour cl Hi oelot-kA. M.ofaM Jay. at the frontdoor'! the Court lloune in l'lattsmouth. tas c.unt. Nebi-Hska. oiler for rale at p.iblio endue, " the IiiKhe. bidder, all the ruht. title and in terert of Alice Acntw nl Saml. teK. .'r heirs of Win. Fori. 'JeceaaeU. in and to the b.l lowing dcseribed r.v! wtato. to-wit: l)to oitrht 0i. in block. No. cirfhty-seven t : "' P . t-'niouth. Nebrai-kn. fraiU sale will reta'( open forbids from IU o'clock A. M. to 11 o c-.. A. M. of biiid day. .... Teri.M cash. . PAN L. H. W II LKI.KI.. OuarJi;iQ j( minor hoir of in. l ord. ui''"". by Maxwell A; t ;iapw.v, Atty - Novl7w.".t. I