Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 03, 1870, Image 2

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TniTiisDAY, not
Our lYidid llayj'. of the IVcusf nt '
. .. , .i ti i i-
7jf77C, ny.s tlie reason uic i.cpuiajt;in
. . . , ,. . . . .
ticket in Ca-s munty was fleL-'arci at Mie
recent 1 c:; ii w.i-i "liecauve the test f
l'epnhlifani-iu wa-a -upiort r.f J. M.
Thayer." Wc anv,- the ah-five slur
';.on the men who ted the .-trai.dit
Iloj-uhiiean ticket at the recent election
in this county l.y sinly veniikin? that
the Tn'iin- states that which it
knows to he false, el.-e it i completely
ignorant f the faet. We cannot think
that IIV.-s would deiiherately fal.-ify the of the many cor.d Iepiih!i:.-Hus-iii
Cass co::i:ty, therefore we conlude he
laust 1 e entirely ignorant of the facts in
repaid to the defeat of the I'epuhliean
tickit in Ca". We shall tift attempt at
this time to pve a history of the caiws,
1 ut will siinj.'y state that the very hit
rimons them if it couhl he eal'eJ one of
the cau.'-os at ii.II was not in consequence
ff any h'clir.ef iiher f ir or acrainst Senator
T haver's tc electi- n. In order to prove
thi-we l ave l ut to state a single faet,
A hih has l ecnlefore stated through
tiie-e cohinis ard which the editor of
the Tit'Unr shoiod he aware of if he
knows nucljt of the polities of Cass
on -ty. It is sir.i)'ly this: thatrirrc
-lit of the five candidates fr the Legis
lature t.n the regular llejiuoliean ticket
in ('as? county were filictnl liij (h?
fiitiiil tf (lor. ,S t mulcts, and were
pamed to the writer, hy them, as suita
1 de persons to he elected. In no manner
v.a-- the election of (Jen. Thayer made
an i-sue either for or again-t the llepuh
lienn ticket in Cass county, and we hope
the Tn'bitttr will do justice to the tint-wen
intr Ih -publicans of this count" hy
letractinz i-.s statement The Tiitn:,ic
lias a perfect rLd.t to oppose Gen.
Thayer's re-election hy any and all fair
means, hut it has no right to assert a
falsehood detrimental to the interests
ii nd the pirnl name of tho cirrlit hun
dred Tlepuolieans of Ca-s who voted the
stra'rht ticket simply it seeks to
do (Jen. Thayer an injury thereby.
Tho Urownviik' A-hcil'itcr in an article
under the title of '"Onward and Up
ward, speaks ' by the hook" in rela
tion to the de?ipns of the bolting and
fu-ion rep'th'iciiifs relative to tho dec
lion of the V . Senator. After stat
ing that it tie' dcsiirn of the disoritan
iers to 'Vary the war into Africa," he
The calculation is, that the Peinoerats,
and Ik t'tii'lie-iiH elected on independent
ticket-, will ni.-t together, making in all
eklitei'n meuiKersraud t"hat"nine",f t'he
legularly e'eefel Kepnblicans cm Le
f fit'i,i, anu r:m- secure a compiuiation
elect a Puiiio:-rat, or a bolting repub
lican tft the U. S. Senate.
This sounds very much like the 1 m
i uage of a man w ho knows, what he is
talking about, and if in truth the Cel.
d.ies know anything of such designs, he
owes it to the party which he works
with to tell ail about it, Let us know
who the movers the prime-movers of
this masquerade are. Is it Saunders or
Hitchcock who are playing the singular
ly interesting part of.political Judas in
this elegant game of now you tee it and
now you don't Is it Taylor "or Frost
or Ikdick or Ih.gcrs? Who is it Col?
Pon t lay back away down there in your
snug sanctum and peimit true rcpupli-i-aus
to be hoodwinked by any treason
in the party. Let.' hear the whole.
Pou't hesitate to u;o for them whoever
J M l.l - 1"
they are. c 11 1 aek you brother I Job
and see that fa rplay is maintained. !
Ihe name. we want the names. Mr-
publicans have a right to Know
hive traitors among them.
The following is tho census of the ciui
ties named, as thown by tho returns:
Douglas 'outside of llmnhnl.
in-lii liiiR Omaha'...
.'mah:i, 1-t Wnrd
" ad "
" 4th "
" 0th
Port '.
Mi li.-on
Matte ..
Hull .".
' One ( i ielud-.n - Neli. City. .
Nel. Citv, I -t Ward
. " -1 "
" 'Id
Nemaha county
Joliiioii :
I.Vau qui court
l'oik ;";;
L'l OH)
H. e07
I. l::o
7: is
J Ooo
1 .Si".
Rnriinstoii t .Missouri itlver Rail- !
rontl .
ill r.LiM.ToN, October i.":h. IsTll. I
PK.VB Slit: The Indianapolis, Ploom
ington antl Western JIai'.road. ruimin"
from J'coria through Pek
n 1 coria through Pekin, Ploomin-'
. Champai.-n, Danville and C.'raw-
l.-ville to Indianapolis, was compk-
ted about six weeks since,
Two daily pas-cnger trains have now
beeu placed on this road, running to and
from Peoria, in close connection with the
trains of Chicago, Purlington & ( Juincy
railroad, and connecting at l'urlimrton
with the trains of the Burlington A: Mis
touri Ilivcr Ilailroad.
Arrantrcments are bcinir made to rut
on. within the present month, a through
car to rim hetween J'urlington and Ciii- i
cintmi without change, tipen the Ta -iSe
and Atlanue hxpn-sw Inm. (corrcs- !
jioicling wuh li. M. -No. I an:l o. 1'.) J
'I his route now const i l utes the Short Vr t "
Line, hoth in distance and time, Le- ! to our jrrouiise,
i ween all points i:i Southern Iowa an 1 ! wc onished our glasses, and sweeping
Nchraska. and all points dependent upon ; the celestial arc, had the pleasure to
liidianajiolis, Cincinnati, and Loukvilk, ! aan ?oc onr j:tij0 ".tar " short!v after
as well cities themselves, ,,, . . .
A brief glance at the map, and exam- fl last. Cvc,1'1'1- lu position was in
itiation of time talks, will demonstrate ! dei-"i a singular one, for it was snmdy
the advantages of thk route, to par tie;.- j e sconced iinniodiatery undr the" fail of
goinb' to Central Illinois, fo Ohio, In- j the Great Hoar, close to where that ck
ihana and'i Wylvania, and even to . auJ f , j 0 eaves
joints its lar east as Uaitiniore, iVc. I, , ' e .
Agents will instruct inquiring passen- j bo ' Aitr carefully observing our ht
p'crs as to the ui'irit.s of this route, and a j tic friend, we concluded that it was either tft representation of it will Lc an asteroid or an cstray of the nebulous
found in t,? ticket offices of this com- orJ anJ jjUt rwnt, EC1,aratej from
Tt3ty. l cure tru'v, . .. ... ,, . ...
Jj ToczLIN. f the -unity way. Ihe cranium of the
0tj'1 I'a. Ag at. -rfD'Trabk urshe under whose caudal ex
Mr. Editor : In your Issue of last
evening, foiijc person, over a 4star"'wg
mture, takes exception to fome very
proper remarks of yours, in a previous
article, under t he caption 'Interesting,'
i and state? that you seem to convey the
j Men tlie people have Jcelare-l for .
.TLn M Thayer for Uni'i'd States Se:a
. . i i i . ,iv t i .. i..
U: ''Now I do iiot ' under-:
:..)!. r.;io a'.;.i.-: i j.u imh umei-
. tii.
Mai:fi in.-.i tiie peop:c pave uiuia
Micji. tlitn.;, nor mat a ma;)!iTy vi eaeii
11,... ..I'.nr ..r.Tt Tfl' uill i!e-
l r- 1 1 tv '
dar;' i:i iavcr I ion. ihaV'-r.
Ho-" h i.-tiiy this individual attempts
j to io!n the choir whirh now chants the j
i rc;kju oft ho ''holtirij: Clique" in pro .
to ioin the chfiir which now chants the
fact of his liiar airairi.-t
Thayer, as all of that tkujcr.t has here-
toloro. ana docs now proclaim, i s in
the hurden r.f hi comii.'mi-. a'ioti. "i
".-tnr" may he one of ihe lo.-t Pk-ia-l-'S
ofth;: Ik j u oilcan party in Ca-s. ju.-t
cmerm? fnnu Lc hi:id the cloud which,
rendered him invisihle in -oar strules
fur the party nt tlie J.-:?e election, and it
is not at a!! unlikely that he, too. like
the infatuated '"ho'ii-iV of Omaha, still
fails to see the ' handwriting on the
wali"' a you express if, and in his own
larmuaro "does not uu-k-r.-taud that the
pcmt'c have done any sueh Xuvv.''
j H, ir.Uitor. i our froou
j citizens are too much eeeupk.?. .ith
j their own hu-ioess to jsay attention to
f what is pav-mr, and no dotiht stria r.t-
tention in that direction has left your
'star" correspondent considerably be
hind his working 1. llow-liepuhlicans.
But, if he will take the time to neglect
hisbiidncss for twenty minutes, he can
read the result of thy late eleciiun in the
triumph oft len. Thayer's friend-:, in suf
fk-ient numbers thnuiLdiout the .State, to
in.-urc beyond, the possibility of a doubt,
his re-election to tho Senate of the
United Ftates.
In hinting at federal patronage, your
"star" forgets that a large majority of
tie; federal ap; "intments of this Stale
are from the South Platte countiv, an 1
he has entirely too little faith in the
people when he thinks they can be
"-titled'' by a few federal officers. No
sir, there is infinitely more dancer of the
"s-tifiiny" of the people byju-tsuch po
litical rebellions as we have lately passed
through, led on by gentlemen who h ire
too much bu-iness of their own to attend
to, but who can find time to take um
brace at a kind word spoken in favor of
(len. Thayer, v.hoe services to his
country in the fedd, and in its national
council.-, present a record of which any
one may justly feel proud, but which
your wonderou-ly cautious '"star" ccr-
re.-pondent ignores in the campaign ju-t
jms-cd. Put T forirot, ir, it may b
that this 'j,-tar," suddenly bursting into
view in the political firmament of Cass
County, would like to secure our de'e-
i P:,tio,i to tliC 'ac Pi-lature for hi.m-
self as the person "fiom some other part
of our rapidly growing State." Oh ! I
beg pardon, Mr. Editor; we will rub
the glasses of our political telescope arid
take a further look at this new ".-tar"
there might pos-il-Iy be some wonder
fully potent influences cf the planetary
kind (always excluding Luna) which
might consolidate the wekht and iidbi-
cnee of our delegation in favor of
this new condition of thin?-. Wc might
have a candidate for the United States
Senate. How funny we never thought
opthat before.
Jk. IIkrai.K: In last evening's i-Mie
of your j ajicr we notice a billions at
tack upon pur short coinmunicaiion
signed in that couiuiunicuti'eii we
only expressed doubts, by saying we did
,lut ul!-'t-n'-l that the p'de of e
braska had declared in favor of General
Thayer. You, Mr. Editor, in a manner,
.seem to be guilty of tlie same crime,
j when you say you do not know it to be.
sei by any means. Put here we have not
a ''lost Pleiades" appearing but per
haps one of those '"falling exhalations"
who doe.s hnoic and who k ready to
sjiill his "vials of wrath" upon any un
fortunate who ever doubts and cries out.
"bolter" and such unptetty epithets.
Is not "Hepublkan cue of Genoa!
Thayer's zealous supporters, who makes
his man a test of Hepublkan proceeds
with more zeal than brains,, to read men
out of the party who fail to support the
General, or who foolishly express a
preil'erence for another man; and is not
Gen. Thayer's su. -e-s in Cass attributa
ble in a great extent to just this blind
spirit of intolerance i In our cotmuuui
cation we exercised what we suppo-ed to
be a right in entering our protest against
any attempt to forestall our coming Leg
klature in flavor of any one member of
l our party to the exclusion of all others.
and perhaps our best home interests.
! In this we believe we are correct. Win. u
I our next st.ion meets if a majority of
the Hepublkan members declare in favor
of' the Genera", we say amen. Vi'e are
frank .to say we would be pleased to see
a Senator from Cass, a Republican, elec
ted by Republicans. Woukl Piepubii-
. "i ;, t, t-
I.ject to '
'Kepubhcan m ms
to wince under
our remarks in reference to the danger
of the lkdortd patrumige lodged in a
j,"w hands, in a certain locality, Lecoui
ng a dangerous weapon in this State !
John Qniney Adams sieeuis to have
civen utterance to this same foolish idea
, :. . . ... i
-oi.. u,nma i.u.c, .Kai .-pcv 01 out j !U(ki,,- la-s of p. opk, v ho aieac H e
whole country. A hat a pity 'TieptiMi- j mercy of tl; "lit t -uiio.iu i-
'.n'' coul 1 not have risen at that time
and with. one fell swoop cru.-hed tiie
, It, , ,
treaiity it liailsou'rhr. shelter, seemed to j
have leen recently andronicv?hat rouuhly
shatiipooneil. and looked tire ; hut we
trust that roaladj' may not prove chronic,
if for no other reason than that of -its
ii lor ii t outer reason uiun mui inn-i
, ,
prntrrr. It Iookc 1 very much a, t notiU
ilmilit exclaim withJo.-li Billing, '"I've
j !.?n lliar."' hut Ini not Thaj er no-.v .
vi. r i -. - r -t . . .. : i r ...
n; immiiu.u tin-. a-u-..ia i-i
H . t . , . . l ,,i
e.Mta.acion way uc n-a;iny a. '.-hijiu
j ir u Jin ius picasnur, cio.-t: t':uic
n.:. it i.-(f. in t)i. j..'i.' !i? .ai i .f !i ved
'-'l.l- i . I .-! ... i; , ..
; air ; Lut Ins oi f it hcau .-! in iawwi.-
j ' ' . .
! crcd,-we are at this vimmr. to
j say woe; her he will extend hn trawl-
toward tne upj.i r or c.d oi the
... 'i i...':.. :. c......i-.
j nnnent uanp.-r cd" hi.-, eiiinc di-appe :r
anoe, alter the manner oi tuat s:ii.-:uia:
tiic "'ia:i-r
fa i OO,
as is well ku..wn. A
in this ca o
there miuht le a pardona .le prcfc:cuce
( i . . .1
ut luvor oi select ana ccuve aceouiiuo-
dations during the hyhtrnatiu sea -on of;
!,.. l.,.., w Ci i. !
Vi'e l-.ave read no one out of the party,
that is an lynis f ttutts haunting and mis
.if i. r l m-: wt'ivii' ummi Mtur i .1 1 l: : I
i- i mi i
of work was not neeeary for those who I ; ''V'r 'V'1'' 7.:,er.u.Wu hrif iv';,'li0'1 n
,, i, . " , i I tliere is o:iiv a I !.:n n !iiure oi tail cot?., n-
woul i not stay and laoor wi;h pat ty j W(M, fV(,s; ,;vt.r i,,.,ks like a child
in its effort fr vii-tory. The i'.r ,' id Muddy."' into w!;leli its water
exprcs.-ion of pi'L'ien u.-e k in a con
tn-n, and not by bu;;..n hc.'.oin . 1
cuo.s o::;-'.lc oi' r , mt I c:
HUl.' '.! ii- ; :: ' 1
e h.i no o! : ; ' t ' ".-
showing lr liioi-i. :. . or. .e
all attempts to foies:.!.: t; r .1,
Legi.datUl'e ; but l it
icrote the frti,frr in the lt Fremont
Tnhinief It smelk migliti!" of the Ixttx
- t ... i .
Ve,-,,T,:v, wi.ere our P'laueiu lec-cope
ob-ei vedour vounr a-teioid ia-t evem'c;
Tiiat article points straight to the j
method of defeat which Th iver's ne-
mies are- trying to wort up, a.:-i we ae
euse the waiter of double dealimr and
downright hypocrisy n crying '"welt"'
here, and sen line: such a plain 'fore
stalling' ' document as that for publica
tion in Podge county.
Our "star," it is true, has one strong
position, lie can crawl up that ursine
tail and disappear in comparative safety.
lut if he slops over iiiueli uioe, hi
whiloui reputation for hoip stv will avail
,.ii,;., ..-I,,,,. i. i.n,t-r.i .,.,,1 nv,.......i
liJUilll IL ! Illl-lWti ItP' V..1J ' !.
Tn OAlll.''! -11 11 W ?..ttV WO !fllM' til" !
italici.-ed awn which is promised us by
your heavenly correspondent, and we Peir I
to assure. him that , icW have it to . I
r ... ,, , ,' i
Aiorthe Ad.-ms latnny ouotedby
the '".-tar," we saw s m;ehy few of;
them on ("le.-tion day. that' we did not 1
happen t co-piiit with them as to what
we should sriv. Pi oItiI hey we e too
1 .11 ,. t.i.-v :o.i.-n I il - 1 1 .... r it ... n'rn tit
attend to. Very likely th-v we! e thresh-
nit;'. ii::rt ui.icax
I"Jf licti of Jir. i?sl. I
From il'e "'ualia K -i iioii".-!!: i
It sei nis contrary to .: i:-;;ors- i
sii.iiis. .'ir. N( ! gh is elected .'klo'toi ?i ;
t!e. Tenth di-l. let. ie had con .. '
the election of Mr. TenuiM, on the i
slrenglitli of a r- pi'Meii ma.'oi-ity .!' iif ;
nine lor hi. .1 in Pukota. II-' rc. ei'.c l a
m-ijo rilv ,f v-uine
county; thusgiing the di-tiier to
Itejul.HciMicompoiPor by a m-.j i,
twetrfy foil i vote-.
The iv
at" i
.fe'-i idol
' -r. 'I ennau' 1 : iii-fiai: 1- at
I eeau-eot tin fact ih.l on ihe r.i:h III - r .
I'-e iL-rn.n- of tloee coippies .;,lv !j i;
heeu rec. ivid: P .-'ice. Cclfr im I
Pierce. The Infomakv of a laiime to
net the ri Mini -by the lib Ii iri-t.. ( i li-
lime specified ; y law.) will not l ea-io.r,- 1
to defeat the c. pre cd v. iii of the oi'--
tnt. We
not siiouer
;ne -ire thdf if the c ;'!' i-
tiie e
i '.r i
I t p
.o' li-f!' 1. ih"
will make .-ho" wmk of it.
Sineeth'; oii'i -i i! n.-'n! ni
i aveduK- renortrd. and .Mr. Prutrii. ti el" ,!;'; '' , ::'-1 ":v' ;U:I" "
clerk of P .die conn v. ha- civ. n . t.:;e ! uiiotbe ie.t.o i;.-'iiv t iiere : re n,:i-:,-;
in nt to Mr. Aeiicls. fiom v iiieii tin:
ofir'eiii:in h'l- pTUiitted US :o ::.k .'
fol'.ivvn.'g :
t ouioiea
ii. -
llakot i
J. D. N. liclj.
- l-!
x cniic-f .
OH j ,
: I
-1 !
pc j
J ,
I.e nu Q'li Cou t....
?diidison com v f' ;-' i
sent her retiun io '! ei.-oan: .
as it is not in the J -i nii t.
oriraniz'-d by !:.vr. tin- vme eat-not
an 1
J Sn.r
i c t
COUIlfed. It stood .,. 'job SS,T..,..,;,.o- J.J,
v.ountoig .i.i.j.- ii in. i.n.
have a m ij"i'i:y ef 2. In ia:
of Madi O!) 'i ' i . ! !n; ii-p:i:.
I !
i- 1 1
.. .... !
, ,, '... i
peinet! :isti -;ii-!..-. I '.vioii to.. I ::o '.fi-y
had voted for" iemiant, havi:. i een
deceive 1 by the eii eulatiou of Jiepub'i
cau tickets into wioeh the name oi fhar
gciitkm in had k i :i interpolated. A--the
vote o!'th" lto'y cannot e count
ed, thei-e Jiepu'ii ccois will be avenged
for the fiaud pot upon them.
W'o clij) the following truthful re
marks from the Nebraska City Curoni
icle. Nine men out of ten that you facet
wiii agree wi'h you in saying that it is
an act ofjustice -to patronize your towns
people, or in other words, to patronize
homo institution.-. The merchant growls
if a pei-on sends, elsewhere fnany article
of merchandise that lie vends and say
"some persons are getting fiirie haired."
If a citizen becomes dangerou-ly ill and
send-abroad. for a physician the doctors
all grumble and think they are very bad
ly treated.
The mechanic who is ttrugrlinir as
t,i' " , x I
could better do, ts (g:ieved to know that
hl,n?Xf!oort!e.ghU.r ha-, astt.esaym j
s sent olf ho inm.-e.l
eVU ,,i'k:e- ,.. , ,
L-c.-f lie can, ami it Letter patronized
In. addition to the occupations already I
tiKiitioned, it onht to he ivieito-e ed
that stich a c!a-.- txkts as ',.,'.. A-
a u u.d thing jn mfe. -a; e i.'jf ;"o e;a:i 1. -,i '
t:"'V a:
a s.ii!., s.
ihem. If J'i rt : : .loms li.tteiis a laiv..
hoir. ihelii.-t time he com - to roivn i:..;
would like to have ii men ''!.;' I in t.'ie
paper. A.-k him to suh.-ciiie tor the
' c.'k'y," no ite lakes an i:i-!ern pa
per. Ifa m-.-P.huiit receives a 'kay ioa 1
ofcoik he wants it chron'e'e iiiiiut-.h
atelv if he wants a bill head p:mtci he i
si ti-ls -'a -t fork. An mehiii ii i-vv.
A leavped (1 i-'P-r d"-e-him. -.t P:u-t it '
locai.x-.d wend-, t iV.i ct:ie. I'.'' if k- I a i.-ii I to :ulvt-;ri-e lu- pu-'l-s i h I
hi .-ends K i-t '.-r it. 'i li-i L'.'.-t mu-t lr 1
a fa.-cioatipg t oei.'.ry. Again wc rtittr- I
ate, ii' I ctte p:itp,niz d all eoi!d r !
do. lireihu n, "hold your grip " If ',
you have a ceut on ear h do:: t Pr hea; !
ens n.-;Lc scn-.l ir L'"xt. It vou cune fo-i
grub clip out tht! market iepo-:- an,; i-t
iiit u!, nil ! it you: .j;(.'ai''; ioo.:oe i--. i.
'wcttin; duw:-. ifi to the rive; ae ;
siune ju'ii inns.. .vuitt iivis.jj uvuu i
at this See. !
si the Rri!lil:rn.
fFrom the Beatrice Express.
Tn accordance with your request I f
send vou n short nccouni if the inline.-- j
-inns made upon- my mml hy what I suvr
. . ' . 1 . .1 , r . ,.1
on issy war to and ticiu tne lit
; (jr!j: .t;,, ;e.i JVom JJocttriee on the
i 4;h ' O-toher. and pioeerd.'d l.y way
! O! f V
1 ii-
ami Jin
d Vai!ev.
(Yeek. to th
I hal heard so
i i'io: u iu.-im
! ,.,..,., I'etow re'-orf ( r--"i nor'
i -
. (.ll,11( V t,..t j was extremely !i:
i ion.? to reaeti H. a:m in sec my inino as;
! i e-t as t i) it liicri : . On the 'i!i of (."
looer we 1 : :l i iijr iir-! view "'l tiiO jaUie i
" 1 ... , , , .
j valif-v. v i! !e.t-leil it ni-nr ti:e innet:on
nJ. yvh-tc Iio;-k with the lleimh-'i-an-
j Wo were thoroughly ui.-ute
wit h our
j iirt vt-.:v. Our tiii
i t!i:-ou-ii imiii-ii.-e ma
an i. which
t I . r. ir r-. . I r ;1 - 1 1 -r . i : i ' - - t.'. , I . -i li n'i':. I
; .,)',,,, ,t j j;.,.,!a iie .-;l:ij!(..v;.
i L,it-,; ;um mottn-i- tho whole su-
; lace ci tin' i-o-.iom vm-n;
k-i'O v,(. entered.
We here suir l'--r the ji;--t l:n:e wh-tt ih
?dexli an- c sli a ' - i.
TI. 1 ! .( .. . .
...... .
l L'n ' ft I l v ft .i i i !.(..-1 .1 - i- o - . I
i -i-utiv, as the liiii". an-, cov
ered v.-itii eo:.r-c
tho initio Jiiu-.
.'ravel and sand, hke
i;aniiel, and wiih-
out a iirep or ivater was a siirni toiany
unextiected in this country
A IT' I I'll-
iii-MV our surprt-e was very
re-it upon
it l .1' i ,1 1 V t
: it ; 1 1 ! ; ! m t si w n : nnr,' U Tin1 Ii' d 'i -
i ! flow at Kamas City. 1 he same .-iid'ung.
y j ro.-t'es-', rolliir. hv.iiin,-' water and sand
i ail mixed t;, iher; the same uncertsiin,
! t-::e
L'ltS i ::.!.(!
..e! !-.;';:. :
i il : e.
'.' W.'l'e'. : "
v. 1 ,:
it :id P.
tUl'hld i.-OroUl
a p;. car- no! qu:
. MissOUl i Wipe
u I
P oi-.r el ti
pu: ica:i i ive. , tnere are no in. oration-
t ever us hanks. Jn
ihere appears no neees-ity lor tiii,
deed there apj.ears no neees-ity lor tins,
! baeau-eit i ea-v Lieut the channel wider
u4p ii in. t .-.-iti i luaii u lf.'iu'i 't. ioiim i
i viii'Mi neee-sa! v. man u woum oe
j ,.()VV ,;,,, ..,.,,. j. Tlis j
vhat it
dt-s. ami the bed of the lleiiublican re-
minds on..' eo;,ii;i;iaiIy ol ihe 1'lalte river
t-y lis width, its .-and bar.-, its oi-1 white
lo.-s ivi'i ' hi' o :iii.j il:v :n the i-haniiei.
.; . ; . . ,p.s.
I i;e--:ie -.-i,,..-; u i 4 i ; - j it or.-eiit
lie.t pCi iiMp: 1 am e.o-u-1 to tois my
te'.iou river. .V 'ei'-on living as I do
upon the banks of the log Id le ih'p
Mohawk o' tln; We.- t--and one who loves
ihat stream as I do, can scarcely do jus
tice to Mich a .-tiv;;ni as the IJepuh't-ain.
Alter traveling a con-i era .le ili-iaii'-e
Up the valley we found the "eie-r i ! a-ou-ct
of the conntiy much improvt-ti. rs ack-.i
i county has some excelenr land Mid a ! o. 1
j supply of iliure the road
pa es linoi.uii lange mx sinu seven
- - j f -
t - , I t J t II t Hit. 1 1 ' 1 1 til 11 t, IfUlM I.IM'J
1 is (iivMf-l ii-to two kiujs :
..'.tit.. l.l
tint low i.ottom near tne liver, and the
keneh or tabk- lands
near (!.; I'
Th-i apiear..t.e,M.f the soil and
of grus of the hw bottoiii is a- near as
po. -iMe like t he i-cv h-.-u-mi of Jit; Mis
souri river, and is 1. vend oue.-tion ttie
.e-t corn lano.
ie PUii oottom
nod as the Lotroms ; Ijiii: the li.g and
ii. i i t- .1-
'. r-
! 1, m'' :'" J "'. f U:l;'il rnu:y is
almost two mia-s v. we. i eiicia.iv. ine
I i
!aim a; p
as wo a-c
lo me to improve in (juaoty
! ! tip;' and the ex-.oit-o.'i
sei i:i - iO ioeiease.
e. e;.,!v ve lor. rid t W'o
n il-
In W
tile p
I li :l
-t rw.
. J c 1
i! Oil-
a-ie loirs. j'U't
ivimr a-siraiae la'.h
as ir i - not c';-. e,
.viii occur with t he i
j (u
j ''''
In 1 -v bo: t.-iii an 1 bemdi lands c.v
! i n a- v1 e irii'.o 1.-1. and 1 coul
;-. '. :,! t CX'-Cpi tioif :ll.y ;:pp--.i':e.
. ; -i rt .,r ii i c-p .n r -a-- ive
o i i : i .'.; a -e " .
V V the i'lVl.S' til-.'i'i" i - a : '.PI iMC.V
1 .':.-eJ""t lhe.ili,'y !.!: e,' -i as cotton
w l '
i. ill uiilort nafe-v oS' ti.-c mtert sts
I "! xU" r-1
Ill re.-pec I t o!
to the en
s J as a ii'-.
! c. ee-.-.t ed settl-.-mei,
! ''r ,i
j o '''-
I purpo-e-
(".lo' ; n, 'lie ' 'onimi ''Mut
t.-d : -.rail the lim'- -f -r S-T-.-t
1 1 vv ,ll -oon ;.' ti Uaii'. n i l j
; c"..; .-h-. un- jea.'-n-r i
o-it ot 111- I
Wfii receive i
''.;, p ii! .. i - Pl!t tli!
!P: t,.i. ., r. , -tl S;-ii.i i- i ; .
8 !' . r- lit 1 i o r to a. I the t in er
i-.e (I'lantitiCs o! i pi..- ! i our-. xe.
e. . II. AS11BV.
1 1; e D,-;vtr!-il Son
Heavens I what a mom.-nf that lu'.pt
o when the ia-t. flutter exoires'en our
i i'.'is ! What a chaaoe ! Teh me, ve who
are deepest road in na'ure and in God,
t i what new wo.M tire we borne?
Vhirher has tha-t spark that unseen.
Pi -ooipiepen-pile niielii ne'e. tied
ii-i.'k upon that cod. livid, gha.-tly
coi'p-e that lies In-fore von ! That was a
a gross (-,!'
tli'y ci-virir.g, whk.h
iold 0,
.immortal essence wlueli has
now kit h ft
to ratine, p 'i haps,
through iliiurt able -pace to receive new
to deii.
Oi "A- j-oivors ol eon
oi h'.a!i tnde. 'i'en
centum, in
thou-and fitiete- ru-!t ic-nji the 'iiioJ a-
if e
l.l ,
liP i'tplate- i!,. ;p.v!ui moment he
U :' :::i i d ."th. h is a mop:e:;t
with im-.i-r'T-atiou. :ind fe:trj :
ii is t lie coii-nm i loo i hat ckars up ;dl
mysfeiv. solves ail doubts remov..-s y!l
c.ntraii.etions and destroys a!; mrors. (jod ! W'iiat a liood of rapture
may at om e
k:r-t upoti.tiie de;a:tr,i
sonl ! 'i'iie nin-ion h-u brightness of the
celestial legion the so'emu secrets of
nature may he divnked, the immediate
iiiiiry (..f t he p o t, forms of impel i. hah!.;
heauty mav tiien .-.ii l-ieniy di-c!ose ilieiii-se!ve-,
hiir.-timr upon the delighted
ssn-e, and ha; hing them in iuimeastir t i: j.;. S)") fion.
We clip the following sensible item
from a recent number of tho Omaha
I?cpnLlicn n :
"1'ersonal considerations and feelings
have had far too much to do will: the
-po-'tiea: contf.-t in .NePra.-k-.i. Jvt us
have done with them now an I lorever.-
i-'t regard for the .au-e l.o hei.eeiorth
;i0 t.0.).;.,.ra; ;m . ovt.,v el-
i:,;t c to tho nMou;ti,;I1 cf ,Kl.,
1I1,.fiV j ; j " , j.L.llub:ic:il,
W i I i is;; C-!j'(.
A li''!o boy, a-kin a compariion who
k-.a.i i'ii iay was, lcoi-ivcd toe withering
eply, -,:, you en home and read
. u' " Hub: ii "it 1'i'i-oe.' "'
A NiM'uItiiiv ' Jlai-fsiiip.
r's -pi;-ki':g luaehine isattraetin:
a.t.-u'.oi.i in I .. rmaiiy. It iirou-etnccs
caeii I'-it'.r ii s: ine'Jv , and t-vcu lau-jh
and -;Lir. I'iirin a pci fot nia:;.-.-at le;-
j li.l. asi:;i of p:ip.-r .):it;iitt!;iir t ! .' Word-.
I . ... 2 "l."" ..... i.'t1' o t .. . : . i -
1.1 11 1! 1: 1 i:'. l.i i ' .!i,i ,
! 'oi- is :'! to ic. late;-, and .-o reet v
p' oi.oei f.'d hy tie; tisaehti: . reUpOP.
t: e.'. y. i-. :: o.i at djal of app';:'i-c.
Xi'S3-t(3 for tIt?iiti;it:i?ti.
A wl'o who had "a .severe ' atta. k o1
rl::-uuV:ii:-ni. -v hi.-h finally set tied iti h'
foot, lie I athed it. lit?" rubbed it. an
-wathe 1 i. I.ut ad to- no r.urpn-e.
Ki:!::!!v. tea: : --iv the 1 a-i-laje. J.
s. ia-.. U "il
:tn ;i sli.-.e
x -'.iit:;.-,! :
i; : over It, 'x - :
aw iv. den, o; r. :-'.: aw-:v : I .
m:.:u . u j iiiium u-u:l- ;..': .v i r , tula cun
can stan it as lon a;j you ken.'
Lena! Notice.
2i.-t riot Court. 21 JtuIk-UI Ii.siriot. wltlila aal
i p,,- Oa- county, Nebraska..
-. i. -.
ii. M. V. mdnaai. 1
j j ,.,. ,.v V
I Ai'nim 'l!'l'uVk. I
. .. i i i j..,.; -
fi r.f- h rAi.v ii:iitiol. tl::itlIuiTe natL. I
-"til il-:y "1 ('.-ti.tH-r. I). Ivl, lilei ij:y f-ctition i
m in'.- l;?tn-; (...urt. a .iu ;i."i:ti u:-rricr,
wii l.iii iin-i 1. -r ( "a-s r. ninty. Xi bniskn. an l com
ir.pii' .il ::i u'.tiii-t .n in 'niI court,
whiTfin. I -l.ii:n tho sum of j i''.Mi. with inte
rest '-n limt sum iit the rut" of 1J Jht c-t nf. rr
nnn'uio.. frrins Maturity, iiton a certain juwri-i.--
ry it-it i ti.-i: i- Ariil l'.tih. 1.0. -uMii s lor
si hi. '. :!!! fine in -ixiy .i.-iys from date, pivt'ii
hy yo';r- If ;:n l AotMin 1J. llu- k : and 1
Ijuvp i ;i t ,vi:;! -iinvnt to !- i--u'd in siii.i
c-ii'.ir!, nm I vinir i; -ieiiy t- tvit: tl; und'. of
! lot oii" lj in l.-lurk No. four 1 1 1 in riatt.-mionth
-ily. t.';is coiiiiiy, N i,u.i uskl!. hus l.ccn altuchod
. !... ......I r'. it i.ii!... -..ti i.lo-.'l
t .. j .... . . w . I . . v.. t I . j. 1 .1 . i . X
! x--tiii.p-. A 1. judirment will l.e fendored
: . . M,id -,tiiVt. -in with
i;. i;. W indham.
By Jjaxu ki.i, A- t'lupjiit.
o t0v-4t
i'laintiu'g Attorney.
Lerjal No ice. j
'i'O i?rriii!)iil 1. J-jir.-Hi'ic. non-resident ie
X fen J:: nt : Vou are here oy noolicd, that on
ihTih d .y !' i ietolier. l7c. tvunuel liarker. !
p! -:i'iti.T. lilfd hi? p.'tuion in the olliecvfthn !
t'lci k of t!ie Di-ti i. l Court of Cass eounty. Ne- !
lira:"!;:!, setting forth ihat he is the owner of the f
S. W. 1 , of se.-tion No. S, in T- 12 N. of K. iZ
n itn ' VI !in.l in ntfin:.i..n id thit enno '
V V. ' '" f '.'V
that mid defiMiduiit on or nhout ihc 12th day of
ei 'i-niijer. l"-")7, said detendant nt that time be-ir-f.-t!ie
o'.vner of said land, sold tho Vaino t"
John Tcwksliury ),)r ;t valuul'le consideration,
ai'd eeeuted n:".l delivered to sai i Tewksljur.T
an in.-triimeni in writing intending thereliy to
eonveyto ,aid Tc-wkshrry said Pact of land in
tee simple; Put. l.y mi-lake, ll;c lecal title to
'a;! Paft of land-. lid not pastosaid Tewkg
l.u y. l.y Miid i.istrumei.t : that plaintiff ha
I -V,', L,,,,,.v '.,.,,1 ,1 ; i,.., ,'i.
I fen M.t I e ii-.j o i ; t to execute and deliver a
soi an.l Miliu i. in di ed lor said tract of land to
sai plaintiff or rlie decree of said court
optf He j-s sio !i coin eyanee. Vou are rciiuired
l i i s'.vi-r sa id pe. ilioii on or before the:iltday
ot jVillilcr 1-TU. t-A Ml Kl. 1! IKkFB,
l.y Mjxwi.i.s if- Chai-vas.
oi U!vt Attr 's. for 1"' lintiff,
Legal Notice.
TN t!ie :u i!ier of ihe cst.i'c of Win. Ford, dc
J ceased. Pile of Cn-s eouniy, Nebraska To
i he next of kin of S.-niiiiel Sea-irs. and Alice
SN-aiis m in .r lii'irs of .aid e-late. and all poi
sons iiue; i .-ted in the estate of "m. 1'otd. do
ei a-ed : Vou arc lictei y nolitied that Panicl 11.
Wheeler, guardian of Samuel Si aK-- and Alien
?r:i.-. iniii.-r heirs of said estate, on t lie first
of tk-u.lM.-r, is. a. li'ed Ii is j.etitiou in the llis
irief t o;.' t of ('.is- county. Nel.raska, prayins
lor an order of raid e -urt to sell all tii ri.-iit,
telp and irecre.-t of said minor- in and !o lot S.
in I.! ck S7-. in toe city of l'latlsmouth, Cus?
-..u-.i'y. NelT.i.d;:! : that Hurt. tiro. 1. Lake,
liidic.-ol said court, on the l.-t day of October
-7". made an order in sai l cause directing a
K' i"i i'. jt to ln ha-l for suid i.etiiion before the
dudsre oi' tho Pi :ict Ci -urt. at I hi; Court House
in the city o PiatPmouth. Nebraska, at 1
o'clock p. m.. on Mo-id.-iy, the 1-1 1 It day of Xo-v-iiibei-;
p ei, at which tiine ntid place you are
r--paired t show cau.-e why a liutusc should
n-'t In-irranti'd for i!ie sala of the inlercst of
-ai i Minor.- in uid lo.
iP.Mr.f. IT. Wioa.t.rr.
Guar lian i f o oiy.ol .-'.T.irs and Alice Scare.
Uy .Maxwell Jt CiiAPMiN Atiy'e.
Lenal Notice.
In tho Pi-lticl court i f 2d Judi.-ial District of
liie sniii! of Neor;'.-l;a in and for t'ass county.
Annie .loiiuini'.- by her next 1
IrK :id lituii- J eninr.y-', j ,
William K Siield-.n, ) Xotice.
( ioi: le- 11 lia. ii v. I
John 11 Payl. y and 1
J'ldwi r 1 I be. lcii.oi?li. I
ll:e!c- 11. Kayley. .lolui K. U.iyley and Ed
va;d (Pio leiio.iLrli, di fernienl-. Y ill take noti.-e
tf;:.t the ab;o e n oi'ed pi ontitis aid, on the&Hll
iay of June. A. i. l-7o commeneo n suit
r.r'aiiist you .:. 1 one William K. Slieidon. in the
lO.ine mem i.-io-il cmrt, and can-en tue s.-ud de-f.-n
l:o. ts to be ni.ii.ied of tlie pendancy of said
-suit- H.-eordiiv' io law. V.e.i an-l each of you lire
h-rcl.i noiilied that ail tip plication will bt
nude in I'les.o.i :. u-e for t fie appointment of a
i iv.-i. cr of a' d roi-tfie pioj-i-i !y in eonlioi crsy
in -aid .-oi!. v. 1. i o i api!ii :oi'.:i ivlil be uncle
;( in- lo.ii.i.- (.e.o-je 11. hake, of the
a!,-, i P.i i !i i -;( onrt at i tiieci.urt
U .ii -e. .There tlie i i c urt in and for Pass
1 eoioey i- ii' :! en ilic i ft h day of November. A.
j P. i-e'. at iiim o do. I: a. :.. of s lid dav. The
,) I 'i! :'.! -; :. u ill i.e l.a e i upon the petition in
! i an ilc 1, :n ! upon :Oii davits to be filed
c! the i .1 p aii:i::is pri po-e as such receiver
...loe 1 .-.., and ..ii,.r as sureiies for
.: i '-i-lver P. o i l li -a-li-y. William l ullon.
! 1: oi S; .. i.-. .n. Mid licso a I -1 -1 en ii I s nrn-
P - ;-. - p.i. ir .um sc. i-i tie.-..! i hn 1-. Pealy, Jacob
lo'iic:..;oic. .'i t .l ines. John Ctpleott, of all
si which ; : - you nili take ooii'-e.
i V. .V A H'i'.' ill f, I AttorneTfor
i II. V. it hill.l.n. )' l'lHiiiuf.
I I.'u. li. Sept. US. l;u. w4t
Legal Notice.
lot';" I'i-trii-t Court. U.l Judieial District in
mi I torC.'is- c:in!y, Nebraska.
'diia.n Smith, I
": ; '-.eT.-b-rs :ii 1
w' ill iron j '.Veils,
P. I
:oI'! itt.- .- riinders non-resident defendant,
yniv. ill t ke no-ice that Milton 1!. Sme.h ha--,
"tn the liih day of Se, .i.-miu-,' S7n. filed his
aiuendo i petition m i (..lice of the clerk of
the oi-tri.-t c'.n, t oi Mil f.,r Cass county, Xe
b. i-ka. tlie obje. ; ami i rayerof which is to f..r
c' .-e a certain in or: -ai.'e j;i veil by you upon lot
I'io bl.-k Xn.'.'i in I'l '. ! tsmouth city. C:is cou My
X. l.i a-k.i. to se iure the sum of ".tMI aoc. rdins
io tiiccon lit ion of a eertaia pro:n i.-sory note of
t-vi-ii date with suiu mr-riyise ami due in lire
month from date, and to obtain a judgment
a.' for i he s-.tin sum of ?oO, ami that
iinic-.-y.u appear in .-a id court and answer cr
demur tosa d pet ii ion on or before the 7th day
i f IS.' '. tee s one will bo taken as
t.ue, anddscree i cn lered a -eor linirlv"
Dy M.uiri.i.i. A- 'nirMAV,
sepCS wot Pi.iimiir. Attorney
John I). Tutt ph.i-.t i:l'. against Jacob Yallery
.! . .dinini-liaior ol tin: estate of Peter A
.- i i y, decc.iM-d and the n heirs o
I'eicr A. farpy. decease.!, delcn lanli..
( Ihe uiiknown heirs of Peter A. Sitrpy,
deceased. ou will take notice that John i.
Tim. I'P.intia. iias filed bis petition in the
lo.-.rict .'i.iut J' Judieial District ni'.hin and
"T C : -s coi. uiy, praytnt,' that certain delects in
his chain of title t i he.undivid'd half of lj
s ot tTonnd in t he S M
corno. N W quarter
ol r-ce. 1... ut .-i riocl as to ivit : com
i-u ':i--i:ii; at . he ,S ii corn rN W'qr said section
t'liciice i mining north I'.i rods, them-.! west SO
io 1-. ih' nee south ' rod-', theaee ea.-t su rods to
place ot bcs-dtiim.' a:i"! ti:t- undi' did Va' of.") neres
ot tionu I i i tiic N 11 corner of S W r of .Sec.
1:;. described as eommen'-iiifr ;:t the N K corner
soi l W nr. taeiiee riinnini; south on east .sec
tion line lu io Is. th"i:ce west S i rods, thence
i.oi tli m rods, tin noe east SO reds to the place of
ocLiun nr. may be corre'-tod Oy decree of the
Curt uiid thu title to said land maybe
qui- led and ennui nicd ia Plaiuti.i. You arc re -ouirel
to answer sai l f.otiti"n on or before
Nov .7th. r-Tu. JOHN t. 1 L'lT. l'li'if.
llv M IXWFl.L CllAi'MAN, his Atty'o.
Pept. S.U is. e. i"w
Guardian's Sale.
VOTICK IS HMKIll'.Y t;iVEX. That in pur
4 Mi.iiin.-iil u di-crcta.1 order ot sale ol llou-H-o.
U. Pake. .Pid-o; ot the Ii.-triet Court ot the
1 Judicial Jli-'riet. on the-dth d;iy of Aripl,
1s7j. I will, on .-atvsr-liiy,- the -".all dav of Octo
ber, at the hourotoae o'cliok. P. M., of aaii
'lay. at the lioiit door of the Court llou.-c, in
I'iatl-mouih. Ca.- county. Nebraska, offer for
sale at public vendue, to the lushest bidder, all
riicht. tnle mid interest of Frederick Weunes,
Henry Wheii.-s ami Marparrt Wehnes, minors,
heirs ot Frederick Wcjines, deceased. i u aud to
the tollowini: described rent csmte. to-w,t: Ihe
tenth hall of the northwest quarter, and north
east qmirier id the northwest quarter and the
i.i.rtneast quarter of the southeast quarter of
se.-tion No. t n in township ten north ol range
twelve ea.-t ol itfi 1'. 1.
.-.sle will remain open for bids from one
o'clock, p. in. to two o'clock, p. ia., of-aid day.
Term.-': one-fourth ca-ii ia hand, one fourth in
one year, oae-tourth in two years, and one-f.-iirlh
in lliri'.-)vni, with interest on deferred
payment at lo per cent, per annum.
Hi-bard ileebner. euardinn of minor heirs of
Frederick Wehnes Uecea.-'ed. Uy
Maxwi.i.l .V Chai-uax, Attorneys.
In the Ills-i-j -t C urt 21 Jn ildal District
with in ant lor 'tis county, Nebraska.
Perry Waiiver iVi. 1
vs. I
Min-rva. .1 Mcrrd,
I 1 .a .Vlc.l.oMi oiary
j .Vi-Cord. V'i.;
lv .-P i-or-o.'. I a vi 1
A. . I. Cor i. Ir. J
Mim-rvi. J. .VleCord. Ida M.Cord Mnry
Mci or.i. U'.lli -m hi. M-.Cord and UavidA. Mc
Co -I. iKin-r.-sidciit ilef.-ndants. you are hereby
notified ihat Perry Walker tiled hi.s petition on
the -l;ii day ..!' AuVu.-t. A. V. 1-7.J. in the office
ci t ie Clerk of the Pi-riict Court withinaud for
Cr.-i the ob-ci t and pnlycrot which is to
c rrect and r. : irn a deed executed by William
Mct'ord to Sarrh J. F.drb.-.riks. on ornb.:i tlie
i ...ii 'he- of "covens' cr, lNni. ii which tlwltbe
m: : i O-i -l iii:,t''i"I to envey the i E ' of the
Il - j oi sei ;i ci Ni or.eil in t'.jvr.i.-aij No,
e.everi ii N ll-n.-e No. thirtei n (l-'li. east of
i. .eii;!-. P. M. in I'll;-.-eounty, Nelira-ka. but by
i; -' . k'-the .S il '4 of S K '. 1 of .-ail section was
...rta ! s-iid .!w,l: and prayim? that said
ii ed may be r t.n' s'gi'--' to expry.-ss the true
ii. tcat of saii - mil that plaintiff s title
r.iid S iv!- of the N K ' ef section one (1) in
i own. hip eleven '11 north. KaDe thirteen .lili
iii ' - county. .i!ra ka. may be quieted and
eoi.tirmed in plaintiff, and trn.: the cloud "eat
noon idainria's tirlt- to Fail tract of land by
re -111 of said dele'-tive !e--d. may be removed.
You are requ-red '- :i.-'Wt said petition ou
r Leforv November I Ph. i-70.
1'i.HI.Y WALkFIi. Pl',
V.y f IS1I O.L i ClIAl-HAS lii; Atty's.
eptctcber ls;i. Ow.
h'5 iopl)s
We hnrc tho tnnl nttruriiTe 5to?k of
Tiry (JoodM, Notions. loot, Shoes,
lints Caps and tJroccriesi ever brought
to this city. Cal and seen.
DOOM, 11 RO. A CO. sre selling for cash:
Pe-t CoiTec
"A" Suifiir
"C" do
lirown do
Jtest Peaches
Syrup, V ?ul
do -
do "
Coal Oil. "
Urt fJoods at Cost,
Hoots and
Heaviest Stock of
! T
No Rent and no Interest on Borrowed Capital to
off Customers !
Xorth side of Main Street, between Second
that he lias the largest
Sooas, Groceries
ever bright to the city of riaU.-miouth.
He would say that he can fill order? as cheap as any house west of Cbicazo. lie buys
ZSl2?cG;i From 2Vlanuiactu2er2s;,
btt? V.fts ni i'ii'ltllrtiinn nrnffti tn nilil trtliw ft t
in hisown huiMinif, consyqut ut!y ho can trivc
investment it. the way of
It will cost you nothing to look at them", whether you buy or not. By examining the prirdt
KeliabIe"you will be able to tetl nli n other partiou endeavorto swindle you. jyiisef
Everybody, and more too. are roing to '
To buy their
Infill 33.&rwU3L't&xr' Ooods
Are now on exhibition at the Xcw York Store, at
attention to our new
of all kinds and trices to suit our numerous customer. A large itock of
3tWe ?11 at Co.t Now the Celehrated GARDES CITY CLIPPER
PLOW. STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all k.nJ, nf
lTatuvviC: September 10,!i, IS70. tf. I. SCHNAS5E & CO.
anb (Srcteiics,
and Retail
.4 frs for fcl.OO
.0 "' " 1.IM
Shoes at Cost,
Notions at Cost!
and Third, takes j :easure in announcii.?
and best selected stock of
til lit ilffs liii-in'j "rtn OWV r'.APTTAT fttu)
I2 is customers the "prii-k of rvulz ami intt r.-.t.on
L (La 0 Eos
in the West! I
be Made
1870. 1870.
f v;-,iBr.
The be?t and most complet
creatly reduced rricct. We call particular
styles of
Legal Notice.
j In Ih-trict Court, lid Judicial p;.(r;,.
nnd for Cii-h Noi-ru La
Mary M. Kmhl and j
. .i . ri'iirnjcr, :,y i
tiu-ir next lrn-nd
John Miitr.
! v.--. i
; Wm. I!.iri....v :i,i j
Jin.';" W. limLnr. !
! W :iii.iin l'.,r. lo
i take noiur t a n
, an i N. .1. lV.t.-i . r' "i.-
I C: i;,.r,
.M .i
i M utit. ol l';ii ,-. .n aii . . ", I
d:iy of . I line. ls7o, j ('. (;.,
ir ;ic f in
i .1.
.i-.-i. ilni t!,,.
I'"ti:i.n in the
; :t tiir i-h-i k t tlic
1 1 O i , , .
( :l-- Ov V.I,-.. 1. .' " ' ooi ,-u.,, , ,r
! William l:';o!..w oci ip,:''" .- "'J'. rl
' defendar.i.-. -eiii'iu-!oi:!, t'v,, ,h , .';,, V,,',.'.'. k
: i-rcu,te-l their certain proin;..,r, '. ,
' 'V'-'11' '" "i'1.'1'-- -:!!: t-r t!, -o, ,,. ;-,' ; ,
i then mud til. re dcPvere 1 ti,.. -. ., '., ' "'
! plaintill-. iiv.-i thc,.-i-j pi..;ni
i said plaintnP Pic . i . I mom of i..o
1 Irnm tli-,.lii-r Vt ! . 1 -- . at tJ... ri.(. ; '
1 cent, iw r iinniim. That sa;d plaint i'f c , ; . ' '
l-sueii iiytiie eii-i-K oi mi j ,.,,,-,,, l(. ( .
ta-hmciit and did cnu.-eli.e l.ol , u.. ,',.., " ,
William Fiiirbnv to be att i !. d. to .' ' p., , :
of the foothivost quart, r ,,t: t,7,' " '" '
township 1.1. iM.flh ol ra :e-.' I , , , . ; ", "'
property of .l;im. v. i;.,,,k-' t ;',"..,!,.'. ,i '.'
quarter section No. ' in to.,,,.; .,, '.' .,
it r.-inue 1 cast, i-ll in,iv' N. i "'
tor the .urio-eif hai itiir tile -i.i..'.'-.,'.j T" ' ,'"''
said in.U-P(.-l:i, .,,). j ( . "
and Jatiio- . l!.-irl..w ae- n..,!i,..l th ,,','.,
r ,iiir'-d to nppear ,.id .., i,,,.. ,',
or betore the IPh day . f .,,l:,l,r , '
udemciit will be rendered a..i.j,r theik ' '
Hated June J 'd. !
M.trK.-ir. t Carter. h'rahl and N". J
tenner, by John ee. ,,- ,.x, .,. i
. M.WW l.i.l. ... pmap, vx
. ept.lV..t. .t-r:..:.,r..r'i:;i,,,'::i,.
Sheriff's Sale.
Uiillantiii 1'icui li
UKHiii.-t - en:;. ,n.
Kii"" I reiieh. I
vro'i'icK is linitiiiiY civiiN nir ;
il will olfi-r (or sale at ptiblie itii'-t i..n ,,t o ,
front door ot the Court llon-e in i'l.,r
Cass county. Nebraska, on .Moii. In ,-, ;
Hist, is, (i at o VI.. civ J'. J. ol - aid ,.,i . t , .
lnllowiiiK real estate, to il : A certain t.
house one and one-lialf stories hii-'i. m .
on tlie iiorth-v. e-t nuarler id sc. i i. n o. ),,, ,
town-hip No. ten po, ii. nth r.i'i.,, .
eleven ill i. ea-t of the ill h P, M.. and u, ,, ,, , , .
of ground in the center of ii li i, li . , , j,,.,,
is f iluate, taken a- the property ..t . I ., ,.. ,
on an execution in lavr ot John Pi,i.oi M
W illiuia l'.allaniin and (ieo. -e I . McK ,- j
sued by the Clerk -f the lii-tri.-t Com! .i'o,
eounti ot ('a-., and to lie- dire--ted a- i (o
aid roiin'v.
Duted October P.'tli. l-T,..
J W. .Kill .-llN". Sin rii.
ot Ca-- ci.iii.iy, Ni l i .-l ,
1-iiA v;u; ;n .1 lln ! Am'-. I t I -'
II. fore A. I, ( l.-ld. I'r-.bie.e Jti J... ir. .-, -, 1 . ....
Cas c.-unty. Nt i.ra-i.a.
John .M - i i in a I
Cburle.j 1(. Piiissr. t
Ch.-irle- I;, ,1n o ji r. .;.-:'( -ndei.t in al..,.
en I it I'd ca u.-c. iwi 1 I :i k t . . . 1 1 . - 1 1 1 ' I (: , ... .,,.
iiicnrol mi mlii'ii miiiVi , bi,,i i:, p,... .,.
Court oi' Cuss coniitv. . i-i-m- kn. J..(- tin- ..,,.
two hundred i.inl t,.i-. an I fm, i;-,
one bundredtli.- doliai -. -lu.. tiom i
11 .1uiio.t for lab i i i ; , n in,- i ,v ,.,.,.T
brother flioina P. .W.O.::n. S- . ..,' , .. ,.i
: heard on IlieTth m ,i- .1 .,-,ii:,
J at 9 o'clock ii. in.
i. A.
OotdwHt . .loll'
4 J.h Pill'.SONS KAVINii MlIIAl
Vr relation- huric iii ti.e old bun n.- c
in Vou inr A Man a-l.lil ionjo ! ! c . it i , ., . .
requeslt d to h.-M e t hem i-lioo.;! 011 it
Nov. l .tli. p;a. '
!; oi ler of the CJ f i' pnp, ;
Attest: S. I". Ci...i-ii:, 'ii !'i ,,!,-r.
Lena! K'oticc.
A i.l rK!:so.s ii.'ivinif i-iiii'.is , .
V estate ofJo-epli p.-io i.-h. ip-.-i a . i. I , .
Ca.-? cunty. Nebiii.-kn. are ben 1 n, io. i
iaid claims niiirt be nic. 1 in the l'.;.,,:. i .
of said county mi or l.i 1, r.- APu-i-h .'-ill
! IST'J. or tli-y will be f..rci.-r b.on-l.
A. P. C1III.P. Pi,.:. Jn 1 .-.
Is hereby t-i w ii t hat on t "o-: i -! .ia ..f .!.;'-. .
I. Ifj7ii, one (ifiitju. S'traioi ii It :.! i -.
fi:,dit bay mare, with i,-i,y t.ol i
most six years ohi and .d ! II p : . 1 .
wi'h 'he b-ticr I-' l.-r::c i- .1 on tl.i- . 1 - ;
n-k. evidently stolen. '1 lie ov.n- i., . .
his property by call i y; iO i,.v !,. r; I h '
uin.ith, '.isscoiiutv and j.toi n .-
paving cii.i i-.-.-s.
'""- Movii- .1. s,,
' o",i 'C i bei 1. v 'ii . ii la;.' Iv.ill
'! i.
i bihc.-t bidder, at tie 1 in. i of I .aw ..' .-;.. : i
in .', vni-ii prcciie-i. Ca.-' .-oui.t. Ni-i.r..-. .. . ;
.-'aiurdav. November I'.'.h. l-7o. r . I i
wai-e t w. cur o,,i cow a.-! I cai ! ; M',;. .i. i...
cur ml hole in Jett ea r : appr.i i-i I at
ocil liTot iil-.if. J PN N IN'..-. J. 1'.
'riiEiti: will in-: a soi.p a'i tiu. i i: i-
d.'lic.' of ,f h :lll (iapeil.oi. the . 0, '. . -,
Novembi r, IS.i). in !'i-l Plnll- pr-"ii..-'. ' -county.
.ehii!.-l-:a. one liht ri.-iu hi .or. ' .'
off the lei t ear, no ot her mar!;-or r
ccpt ible. t .Kl ears old p.i-t. T il n i
est ray and advertised aoc, i !:!:' to i.n . . . ,
upirai-cd Kt fc'J bv I', f. M.iip'i . I !' ..
Spin?.r. JuIlN II. .' I.!. --.
;ct jTw.'.t. . J o - f . o it.- J'i
'I'AI.'ilX I ' I. Scptell: In r Ih I-'-, i
J. vilic, pi "i -met, one .- rr. I IP.: ,i m,i.
l.o.-ed lo be two year- old. wild Mn i.l -:.i
! ton-head a:i l.-lit in 1, ft nr. Al-o. :, i-
r lily, with bliodt ln.jiie. P Hii l ool.
sept ."J-.i ol I. IOI Mill I.I.WI-'.
'I'AKHN ll''-l:y I he -ui.-eriber. liiii:;; ii. '."
X copolis Pr eiii.f. on the litli of i i too- r. ' -pray
hor-e. uppn-c.l to I.e l.etweeu s ,,ul
yearn ofl. has h spli in riirl.t bind f ot, on p - f
left hip lias brand of fnjur. - s.
oeti.;w.-.t . piump iiLiin;;:!.
'PAKi:.V l P--Hy the mi
I Precinct, on I, tob. r
llull, dark rtd color.
! crifer, in I.
.'h, H7'i.
Octl.'Jw .1
W.M. 11. TIP'MA-
j 'w .
Rock BlufFs, Neb
falm i'u.m I ok ii-jc.vm::nci..-:
Tuesday, Scptcmbo 13,
I'ui.i's of either ?cx ivillr -.-eivc tl.., rone', : 1
fy.-ti-iiiii'T iii-truet ion here. I'.n Ocular P.. :
paid to Frntiary set... !ar-.
f1 eh oid books uri.ohi 1 free of cost t , ul!
i'l r-nrt U nJ i r I -
(Sjccc -or to P.. Wuitlief.
C- rl
t. i
'. T and dealer in
'oDLE-s.COI.LAR.-.IIAI.: Ill
, Era-he?. Ac., lc.
1 fub:'y ai. l with d'
:ire pur-r:a-:r.? 1 l-.-w : .
Irth oi Pl.ittu ul ley II-- -
4C Io:iIlel!j s IPirl'.i-
p:, '.;
e m?
' "
Repairer" til
Gas ami Sx
Force and Tit
Valve liovera
, Eoilcrs, Saw '
i'rouKbt Iron I'iPp-
1 uiiueit, al:!-'--.,
. . A
ss 1
furnifhtd on
Epairedon Uort
k.'u '-