i '-3--JSLV- f. , f f i : t f V di n,v v V ,i j ( fcH 1 h Vil Id it Itynill VUU.-MH 3? VU1UV LATlr'3JTH NEERAXSA.. Thursday. October i3i.7Q. C. a M. R. KEPnAtKA. T T Ellect Sept. 1370. . J vr'-T-rt'-".' TK.UN NOl. Lc. 40 A. M. l . io.v v y. Le. V) .vi A. M. L 1 1 . T A M. Ar.11 2" A M. A . - i ' .'" A'. liM-'" P m a-.V2.lt ; Ar. I.4 j ' TRAIN X0.3. Lo. 5.15 P.M. 1,, . I A P. M-. I. ..'. P. M. Le. :r P. M. Ar.S.l P.M. A -. . 5 " Ar y.:o " Ar. !'. -'ii " 77 STATIONS. l'lnttMiioutti. Oo h.' ."-inc. Lou:villc. S, ,.!. i5. lid. A.'and ii.csr.voud W.,ve;-ly N' n-.on Lii-coiu EASTW.-rtt TRAIN NO 2. Ar. 4.3 P. M Ar- 3. lit P. M Ar. 3.K1 I. M Ar.C'3 P. M Ar. 2.-J" P. M Ar.;." " Ar 1,17 ; Ar. l:n Le. 1.13 " TRAIN NO. 4. Ar. s r, A. M. Ar. 7.-" A. M. Ar. 7 .- A. M. Ar. A.M. Le. :'.-" A. M. Ar. ') :; Ar. 4.il Ar. 4.SO Le. i eO rittN:nouth. On aha June. Li.u'sviSe. S. .oh Lend. A-lilaml. Oi enwood Waverly Ne.vla.ii Lincau B. &. H R. R. To tike effect. Sue lay. Mhj- 1'-! ARUIVr.. nKPART. Pacifia Expix? :(-. a. in. 4: i p n. 7:0! ;. in. :" ilii (-a -.1:!: p. m. t4."JJ a. in. fTh above i- thet-me ihe Oir.npius arrive and dipiirt to iaid noiu Vic dopot in this city. J . C. B. & ST. JOE R. R. T patific JUNCTION IOWA, I fiOINO MIRTH. gri1 Fprcrs 4:'!! p. m. j"iKht Lxvrcf? a- GOINC. SOUTH. 1-:1 p. 111. ii:"J i. ni. Tl i r;'-e rc"r-"ep;" from P!uttmr.utli cl- te cor.no tion ,i inC S,..ilh l.y U-avinn hero on the wj. m. frain. ai.d close onucct ion w ilh tnLin eoii g ?Ccrth 1 h av.iiR hfci e on the 'IU- tr:lin or niz 'e.-TT:iouTii 3f AILS. j-OTTF. CLOSES. AT.RIVES C B A St. .I'" K. K. Ponth C P.. .V Sf. J' u K. U. North, h. v i; i;. F-.t. P. & M. K. K. Wc.-t, (.'iiiahn b S1 i?'-. pKrifVa Ciy. 1'V Stape, Opm. 7 (1 p m 4 i. in. 7:JJi p m tip in. 'Sipin Vii in. -I r 11 a in 1 p in 1 in. 1 pin 1 i if i i if i ' r 7 am. "I'm !.'! arts. Tin-- lavs, Thursday?, and Smur i.ih from amtnSpm. IB 1 1 1 1 1 I " 1i TTSM-rTH Lo k:e Xo. 6 A. T. Sc A. ,M. Pv-s.'r in.- tii:ps at t'.cir LhiI on the first nnd ion, bi ev.cru 'ALLUY w. N f li ,,.;V PVPIIltlfs in r.lUIl 1UOULU. lirtiw a"ph. S..i. 2 A. F. .V A. M. Rr?"':vr moetints ititomi' liaii. urj-i imi-i T. Crvttiif T KuaskaChait.p. Xo. ? R. A. M. Itfttnlar ,v, .vitior s !""M.nd and fourth I ucsday eve ut ta3 ,no,lth ij.7! Willi Li'u, II. P. M'. T. O - . Fo? u ln.T.!Fi:Lonr.E. iiosrr.'aruieet s. . ' .i';. l'.ilv aw lwid on Wrduc-lay eve ,., l.ftv.rJ kn full moon of ea'di moiitii a .'i M.. -i..r M.i-.i:. their w iv-. i-i.-lers and ,'i ... .!.i.n :,rF invited to att.-nd. I nn arried la i,eu-t be over !iTi:KLLK; Patron M.Va?. C. A. IH ki:. Paironess. 1 J. N. Wish. Pecorder. B. O. O. F r. .nf,r,-a t.f TMnOp I.nlce. Xo. 7. I. O, r. F. every 'l'hursd.iy eveninir, at O.ld Fellow Hail Traneient lirother? are eord-.auy inueu to visit. JOHN VV.CAUIiOTUEIti, N. G. liiil). I'ilOVCtlt, ics. iTxYIlTS r I'HHIAS. Platte Vali.kv Li't.r.E Xo. 5. Prarular mn-ijTS every Th ir'.ay evening. lsitmg broil er, aluayeKn Q k. iiki?i:l. p. a- c. s. v. v. llonakd. v. p. I. O. i. T. r,. .rr- To . r-r-n -:r o IVA TCirliPntrickAy-. C T h ii I.'rwlsi.'w. S. i. P. Vinilham. Lodne I ,. v. Meets at Court Ilou.-e llall every "j 'l iv e-.er.ir.s. lravtliiig iempiars rc.-peci .-;....i rirr.srr Lor-fiK. Xo. 1. K. E Lp: 1 T.: F. K. . hite. P. S. MeelsatCourt li. use llii'l cr. the !irst and third Saturduy even ir.ci of ea.-ti moi.'b. . . II, .i.c 1 ..t.rr c. ? O. J. Ilavi.i. t' r- "Andrew t'oiei'ian. W. S. Meets at Mt, V-AiRViKir LotH::. Nd.lt. J. J. ChondW, ?V i t . i l.'pspr. W. W. Calkin loae I.Vruty. Me-tf t rery Wednesday even ly Tri vi livc I .-iin I::rs re? eciiuny im m-.i ihFF Uiiovf. Loh'jk. Xo. Ul. Atiioj linihih ..J. l".;J.is. VU!on. W. .S.: C. 11. A tnslow, t r..1 T..',..,tv P.tj pverv Sat.ir lav evenine Ti ji .-iini Teiupla -cnnectfuily invited to n net iih us. All A'.fie t'n thin Culaiim mill Le charted ESTY-FIYK CKSTS a line fur each, i'i- r i'y. Goodw in and Youn?areour authorized agent: t receive substriptioas fur the IIkrald atli lA'id. The Herald office is now well sup lied with nearly all kinds of legal blanks, printed from the mrst approved forms --yl in good L.ecliaiiical ttyle. Auion;. thf. list are Warant- Peed?, Qnit Claim Peeds, Peal Estate Mortgages, Clint tie Mortgages, Jjeases, onds, ;'istructiens for taking Pepoitions. tVarnuits, Saiatuons, etc., etc. dJcwtf. irild geese, ducks, and other niigratory iowls have commenced their journey southward, indicating tho approach of winter. Pr private note from Weeping Water, we learn that grain and hay have sus tained serious damage in that locality in consequence of the late rains. We had the pleasure of a call, yester day, from Mr. Fox, of Illinois, who visits the W e-d: for the purpose of hunting a location for a newspaper. We have a sample of corn raised by Mr. II. M. Miller, of this county, which is good for sore eyes. The ears, a fu!j foot in length,arc well filled, and we are as. tured the field will average 100 bushels to the acre. More business houses are wanted in Plattsmouth. Wc have heardenquiries made fore a great many dusincss rooms, reoentli-. Who has the means and the will to erect more business houies ? The great evils of life are said to be ftari'im? collars, stove-pipe hats, tight tools, Lad whisky a ad cross women. The rlection is over, and the Herald will again resume, its accustomed work of furnishing its ren ierswlth" a, complete history of the doings tf town, "county and State, and advertising trio great benefits of the country to the world. Jaruc3 McBride, Esq., returned last evening from his surveying expedition on the North Platte. He came off without a scratch, although John Livingston, who had the contract adjoing him on the oast, hnd one or two bnahea with the "noble rod men.' Jonn jiuiKcr, dr., nepi.e.v oi uisi.op Chi, rcrl.rng on the Weeping Water, Lear aj-! .r's school ho .se, necldcr.t;d.y cut his foot so severely that amputation of two of Lis toes was found necessary The youn - tuan U doin- as well as cou.d r,rm.t...I,1n,!,.rt!., .-Irp-.itnstan 2Cr. . . W ' I I.,. I ..t.. V,. ii . , , , ro say mat lie is u . iuu.oi ma-, hu- therS. F. Cooper nor A. . Pattcr.-on wrote the letter to the, Oniiha Ilnahi which lift rep.ied to a few days since. II j abo desires us to say that he wa mi-taken in regard to Cooper being in toxi?aod or b bavins ungentlemanly. .7. i. k:5i'kjx - a. Have reuioved to the oi l .'tan i r-f K. T. Duk'-.tCo., one door ca.-t of Vallerys & HuShcr. Tl.eyare prepared t.i do a hef.vy cotami.-eion Lu.-ri'uess, and parties shipping good jrom the cast for Ash!a::d, L:nco!n, :n i other western towns, will find -I. P. ?inip-o:i & Co. ju:-t the nun to consign their goods to, iVr re-ship t'.icnt. xoru n-sT.uE J AIK. Tlioe to whom were awarded premi ums at the ?tate Fair are lierel.y info m ed that Ca-h, Plate, nd Pi. ionia arc on .1.,..; I'riMii.vilin'tn t-'U-m!! til wllOUl Ml III ..1W...1..1..-, - i , they I e'oi-u'. If not ca.n d ior l.y .Janu ary l, ls-71, hy the Laws of th.; Hoard they will be declared forfeited. K. W. riJUNAS, Pres. P. II. WlIEI.LKP., Sec. Tlir. fOlSTV L!.EtTtO.. The election in this county has been a mixed affair, and the indications at th-? present writing are that the reuh is a mixed affair, Yc have not yet nc- ived full return, bet enou-h have been re ceived to .-.how at lea-t a portion, it not all, the so-called people's ticket is elect ed. There has been much said d::r':ig the boat of the campaign that should have rem lined un.-aLi many personau t: indulged in thitt nover should tr.t r into political contests. We believe those why have brought about the pneseut re sult in this county many if theia, at leait have dene so because they bc lio' e l thoy were d oiug for the lct, and those who have opposed them have act ed from the same motives. THF. KTATK EMU TSOV. Uov. Huth-rr.nl the entire itejmhli can frtate ticket is elected, not withstand ing the Gov. was dropped by many Ile publicans and Croxton v tt d for in his sfcad. Nemaha, Cass, Poug!ass and Poihre v.-. - n id ore J t!i ie o:i!v count ie. where much scratching would be done on the Gov., ami in the.-e fc-;r countie he lias not l.'st to exceed a thou-anJ votes. This leaves his election a certain? ty by a very large majority. We wi.l give the figures a; fast as they are re ceived. GOV. Hl'-ir ICR ASD ur.S. ROItF.ItTK. Tlie-e two gentlemen addressed the pcopb of our city last Monday iiiuht, with good effect. Tlie straight-f rward manner of the Governor in telling the people just what he has done and what ho will do and what lie will not do, goes house to the hearts of honest men, and convinces them of his sincerity and hon esty of iurpve. He made v-.tos in this locality M-m-lay evening. It was late when the Gov. closed, and (Jen. Roberts was necessarily compelled to make his remarks exceedingly short, much shorter, in ft ct than his audience d-2.-ircd. Tli s was the Gen.'s first visit tothiscitj-, and we had hopeJ to hear a full and com pk to speech from him. lie is a young man, but we must say that wo condder him cne of th ; finest speakers in the Str.te. Could we have had a few route such men nsGcn. UoLerts on the stump during the campaign there would not have been so much scratching cn election day. We hope to hear him many more times in that same eloquent fctrain. Experience shows that brown sand stone cannot profitably be employed for the fiontsof buildings in New England towns. Its j urous nature makes it ab sorb a large quantity of water, which Inezes and splitt off layers of the stone. Mine. Uhich, the wife of the Govern or of Strasbourg, is quite the talk nov. Her boy, Alnort, went to north, and was rcportca among the shun. he ui fectionate mother walked to the battle field, found the young-ter asleep in a barn, kis.-ml hint, and stola away, so as not to distuib his slumbers. '"You will tell Albert I cure and kisred h:m." she said to a man our-i do. Mine. I'lrich was once the famons diinson-e T;iglioni, but she never appeared in o pretty a pose lefore in all her life. The following pafairaph has a point that every editor can appreciate : It is strange liow sensitive some men are. They will pet drunk, rave about the streets, yoiunsr like savages, go home ui'l beat their wives and turn their children out of doors, being so proud of the achievement as to make the neiuh- bors coiicious of the ftct, pay a tine with great complacency bet ore a magistrate, and having made themselves as notori ous as poss'ljle will slide round to the edh'.r an 1 bo;r him, with tears in their Co. not to bring disgrace to their fami ies bv menrioiiim: the little affair in the paper.'' O. Tiihune. "Treat Inc." The popular fa-hn.ii of "treatinsr" is responsible far a large share of drunken ness that devastates so many families in America. There would be as little need of temperance societies and as little work for the Good Templars as there is in Germany, Fia'iee or It-ally, if this per nicious and in idious habit was abolished. It is. take it all in all, the mo.-t ridicu lous, the most unreasonable, and most pestilent custom that ever laid its tyran ieal hand on civilized human beings. I'rny la Your t m:: Hy. Says Per. Xoriuan Macleod : "I shall never forget the impression male upon nie during the first year of my ministry by a mechanic whom I baj visited, and on whom I urged 4'iv'JTa'mount duty of family praj-er. Oneway he entered my study bursting into t&rirs as he said : 'Vou remember that girl, sir; she was my only child. Siie died suddenly this mormng; she has" gone I hope to God. But if so, she san tell Him what now breaks ury heart that she never heard a prayer in her father's house, or from her lather's lips ! O, that she were with nic but for one day again !' " Never go to church with a cough, tnd disturb thercs.' of the congrcgatiou. OIS1I14HY MUM fc. PrKi, at St. Lakes Rectify, Piatts- ! inou h, N'.Lrak, on Tuesday, Octo ber lith, lbTo, Rkiu.cca Ellen, be loved wife of' Rev. Henry Saint i i - . : -"'K.r. x "l 1 he djul.tor of truly rtli-io.is p.r- eats thro'-ga whose chilsti ui tia'niiur an J the hle.-sed ir.hVenees of the Holy 1 - . . - ! ! V,-1U51' L",,t imt um oi rcii.on, mat Drtior parr, wiiicii ro man taki-th away, at. las a member of the Sand Street M. M. Church, Lrooklvn, X. V., she was looked up to, whilst but a girl, as. a pattern of Godliness and gen uine christian simplicity. She graduated with the highest honors in the public school-, and in the Packer Institute, Uroc i.h n, 2s. Y., she received a Pipioma and Teacher's Certificate of the hichos.t gnu?"', and in one year during which the "taught, firt in the juni-r anil then in the Grammar Pepart rnutit of the public scb.oi i, she earned the highest recommendation of the princi pals and the supeiintendentof the Hoard of Education of that city. In her nineteenth year, with her fath er's consent and the approval of her household, she gave her heart and hand to the man of her choice, whom she truly enriched by such a gift, and who, in his now sad bereavement, only too pain fully knows and must lament in his lonely life, the irreparable loss of such, a wife. Accounting the reproaches of Christ greater treasure than tJI earthly riches, .-he accompanied her husband, a minister of the Ppisopal church, to this far West, whe:e she has Lobly supported him in the labors and ti LL of mission ary's life during the two years of her .resi Icnce here. In her the church has lost one of its most devoted daughters, its sweetest sinier, a flederof the lambs of Christ's flock, and her hu.-b;n 1 has lost in her the sunlight of his life the joy of his heart and the strength of his ban Is, for she was an help-meet indeed and in tiuth. As a thil-l and a si.-tcr, she was most dutiful and affectionate ; as a friend, warm hearted an sincere ; as a christian, Christ -like; as a teacher, she combined the highest qualities, required in that of instructor and friend ; as a wife, as one heart well knows, it may be said, "Whilst tho daughters have done excellently, she has done more excel'-erirly than they all." Porn in Ireland, A. P. I JS, she came to America in graduated in Ituo. married 1SG7 ; fel'adeep in Christ iSTu. "The Lord save, nnd the Lord hath U.V.:n, . Iic-.--c-d bs ill? 1:5X0 cf the Lord." The Ker. Mr. Young has requested us to thank, on his behalf, the members of Ids parish, and the citizens general!-, for their kindness, tenderness and care dur ing the sickness and after the death of his wife. He feels especially indebted to the ladies of the city who had more immediate charge of the last duties on this sad occasion, and favorably im plores upon them the blessing of God. On our part we assure him of the most heartfelt sympathy, in the expression uf which words can be of but little service ; but he who has so of;en pointed to the fount of pity and compassion will not need to be told by us of its inexhausti ble supply, ami its richness of love. May God sustain and comfort him. OUR WYOMING LETTER. liiH.ia Commission Visit to Fori I.nramJe Superb KniorJainment ife-J 4 loii.l acta Com pit ui Oils Daiibl.4 of SI:e X ii ('i:niw. dr., Cc. Fx. I). A. Hi'ssem,, W. T. ) October Mb. lt70. I Pkar IIf.HA LI) : At the earnest solic itation of t!i3 oCicers at Fort Laramie, I ma le a visit to that Post a few days since. The Indian Commissioners, Messrs. Campbell or Brunei, with a larg'3 escort, liaving preceded me by a few days. On the morning of the 23th ult , in a special ambulance drawn by four splendij mules, Mrs. .Wise, Mrs. Major Sumner and my self were bowling along the road v.t the rate of six miles an hour. The skies o! Italy could not be finer than ours on that bcautifni morning. Noon found us at Horse Creek, where, under the? shade of a cottonwcod, we spread our co'lation, provided by that charming lady Mrs. Sumner. To say we did ample justice to the choice viands, would only be the truth At " o'clock, p m., we drew rein before the Kanche of Mr. Philips, a contractor and bonier at Chug Wnter. A splendid supper was provided .by Mrs. P., soon after which we improvised beds, and laid us down, thankful to the kind Provi dence that had thus far watched over us. Early the next morning we were on our way again, and at noon lunched at Chug Spring-, amid the most romantic scenery of tint iT-gitiii. Here we were mot bv ! Msjor Sumner, with an escort of twenty men, who, having been apprised by tele giaph of our visit, came out to escort us in. .Ve arrived at the Fort at 3 o'clock, p. t'.i., and received such a welcome as is but seldom accorded lo visitors of any grade. I was soon quartered with my oi l, tried fricnl, Brevet Mjor Powell who, with his most estimable lady, did everything in their'powr to make our visit pleasant. ThePramatie Association had prepared a phiy for the evening of our arrival, and most admirably was it performed. At o'clock in the evea'ng, the band gave us a sartndee. The next day Gen. Flint gave us a dinner, and a most notable affair it was. Such an entertainment as but few ladies be4d.Jes Mrs. Fiint can give. Oa Friday, Major PowtVi gave a dinner, and anyone that has ever dined at Mrs. Powell's table can judge of the character of the entertainmenL Suffice it to say it was superb. On Sabbath we held service and had a large and "appreciative audieuce. Mrs. Wise officiated at the organ, and was sustained by Lieut. Augur and the Misses Flint. On Monday we dined with Col. Bulloch, whose reputation for hospitality is very widely known. As the redoubtable Red Cloud was very d- hberale iu his movements, wc concluded ! not to Vi.it Lli aii'vid, Lav! a 2 .-et; him federal tiujoy, our cur:o:-::y was ita very frreiit. V.'c hxs Lis lroihea:;i Lrother In law "'Ihe-aiaa-arraid-of-hi-horscs," l-oi-ides several other chiefs wit?i their ".IT..1 On Tt!f'hiy n:orti"rr, having taken his exeei.ewy 5ov. CaiupLell in the j Irtue of Mrs. :iiu:ner, who concluded to wait until the council should be held, we !, started homeward, our good friends having made evcrv arrangement for our eomfjrt: on Wednesday evening we ar rive i .vaiUy home, after having enjoyed un.j'.ioyed pleasure the whole time we were absent. I fear the Lilians will not be satisfied with the resukof their meeting with the commissioners, an 1 that we shall have the same scenes enacted next year, that have been enacted iu the past. our A. WPIGHT, Post Chaplain, U. S. A. Sen at Tl ji,n '""tie Advertiser. "Senator Tipton, in his speech last night, referred to the course of the Aden ti'str as to two points : First, that it had not the "backooiK;" to do its duty in this campaign; and that it had no: satisfac torily sustained him in his course iu the campaign. We de.-ire -no controversy with the Senator ; will have none. He claims the right to he governed by t lie convictions of his own conscience. Wo accord that to him, and only claim the same for ourself. We claim and have exercised the "backbone" in discharging what we conceive to be our dut- to the patty of which the Advertiser professes to be an organ, regardless of per.-onal considerations, or the ful-omo and hypo cii.i:al iiattery of an oppo.-ition yro.-s that might, nnd always does follow an instance of desertion of post in political matters. We to, have a duty to per form, and while we desire, and often seek the advice of friends and associates, must be permitted to act finally, in accor dance with our own convictions of right. Our passions, we never permit to control us ; our sicts ami words are postponed for "the cooler moments. " A to su-t lining him in the course he is pursuing at resent, we cannot do it. Not one Kepublican paper in this State sustains him ; not a Republican paper in i ho United States sustains bitn ; but very few of his wanne.-t personal friends sus tain him. The Democmt in this city ; the Omaha JerufJ and Times Nebraska City are the only papers in the State, or elsewhere, that are sustaining him, and they only because his ''ourse benefits them. They will curso him as soundly as ever, after the election. Is it sTange that, the Atlctj-ti.--er fails tosu-t;:n him? We believe Sen. iter Tipton to be an honest, conscientious man ; desiring to be governed by pure motives in all lie does nn i says. He has, however, like ali the rest of us, his faults; and some serious one: injurious mo:e to himself than otlur-. He ishigh-tcmpercd ; quick and impulsive ; moves and acts upon the first impulses, and therefore says and does many things that in his "cooler moments" ho regrets. We have known him inti mately for manj' years, and are prepared to, and do make many allowances for him on this account. Senator Tipton and the Advertiser will not quarrel. JJroicn vlUe Advertiser. Pr. Liebriih, of Berlin, as?crts that he has discovered a substitute for chlo roform, the use of which is free from all the disagreeable sensation consequent upon the use of that drag. He caihdit ethlindeu chloride. It is a colorless fluid, of no agreeable odor, and very volatile. Sleet, sud loidy overtakes the inhaler, and he wakes quickly and involantarihy, as from a natural slumber. A Dutchman once m i an Irishman o:i a lonely highway. As they met, each smile.!, thinking be km :v the othi-rj Pat, on seeing his mistake, remarked, with a look uf disappointment : "'Faith an' I thought it was you, an' vou thought it was me, an' it's naythur "of us." The Dutchman replied : "Yaw, dat is v-hru ; I am anedcrman. und you is net yourself; we pe poth some oder pomes. 'Germany claims that every man in her army can read and write, while of the French forces at least seventy per cent, can do neither- This fact itself deter mines the balanc" of American sympathy, and will probably decide the feeling oi' the seat of war. Bayonets think in these modem days, and thougt rales. Speaking of paper the Japanese u-e it for almost everything except food.- They do not eat it for it i not palatable oven with a sauce but they do clothe them -elves with it nlmost wholly; it is made a substitute for linen, cassimere sn 1 silk, for glass in windows, for steel in knife blades, for felt in hat, for leather in boots and harness-, for lamp-shades, fire screens at. 1 lanterns; for twine, for crockery, for handkerchief-, for table cloths, for money, and even for waiter proof suits and umbrella-. Paper among us is, so to speak, in its infancy. . Ytko Sbm:!l tin tltr lonrtlag? Mrs. Stanton thinks that women oughf to do the courting, bccai-se men are vacillating and awkward in their love making and she humbly believes that nature intended man for the rough ork of life; to dig into philosophy, politics, parallelograms and potatoes, and humbly to wait iti hiso aterial tphere undi select ed by the queens of the heart h-tom. Don't the "queens" do the selecting now ? They refuse or accept at will, ami with a good deal cf wih, often, too: i ITV 2I5i i i'.!,. J. K. Holland. Proprietor, eorner of Main and Third streets-. Pia.tsm.iuih, Nebi.iska. Il ivin? been refined zud newly tun.i.-hcd otTcre first chtes accommodations. Loard by the week.'" dny. iauffoiawt-. I5!.TO. KROS., CAV.VLXTEKS i JOIXERS Are prepared to do work in good style, on short notice, an.,1 as cheap as the cheapest. o" shop, corner o'. Main ai.d 1 ouiib streets. jauK.lldtf. Dr. J. VF. THOMAS, ITarin? permanently loeated at Weeping 'Wa ter Falls, tenders his professional srviees to the litirens of Cass eounty. Nebraslft. 'Jan"''jiX 1?VR SALE. Two lots in Glenwood. Cheap UeplS ri. ill'KK. irOR SALE. aere3 of land adjoining I Plattsiuouih l.ufiuire oi S. DUKE. eopL ir0R SALE The subscriber offers for sals n r vta-s.-de water i.ow.r. two miles below water power. Pt.iffs. "i -.i ji, tear tlie ..Iisoun river, with uliieiu . .a'.er an I fall wi;h eeonotn man Rt'etnei.t to prfniuee power equal to a i,a l:or-e-powersteuni engine. The t.re.sit.t fticr is en Rasred in other badness ani cannot ucvote h's attention to the business of milling, and will sell said water power lor a reasonable nnee. RICHARD VIVIAN. Apply to Maxwell A- Chapman, deeildiwt ENGINE AND SAW M LL FOR SALE ON REASONAELE TERMS. r-HE EXGIXE OR SAW MILL W LL 13K 1. Sold separately or together, to suit pur e'uaser. The engine is 10'ixlS inehes. and is in dcrfeet order good Is new. Call and ?ee at Wayman c& Curtis' .9 MACHINE SHOrc. PLATTSMOUTH. i23dlwAw ELECTION. CASS COUNTY. John TufTe. Si: (J. B. Lake. M J. J. E. La in as-tcr. I sJi I ! i I I 1 I i i I 1 ! ! 5 s2 David Cut ler. jd -1 i ; J. ILCrox ton. w. II. James. rartn Henry Koeuig. I V t i .Taid) Vallerj.Sr. e t: - J. M. Me J Kenzie. A.T. Conk lin. Georse H. .Roberts. it; Sis; W. II. Minuter. J. c. Co will. A. S wart 7.- Ii' lander. F. M. Wol- coit. 1 Jos. Me- - - k ir.THin J. T. Can lijf non x ,- J. M. Tat-ter-.n. I). L. Clapp ,; .1. Rouse. E. Xoyc?. '.Tneot Val- Ury. Jr. For Pale of Co. Property and SpeciM Tax. Against Isnlc of County Pr p ert and Spe cial Tax. Weeping Water is reported to have given a small majority against all Re publican candidates except Woloott, who received 84 votes nearly all that was polled. Store Creek gives 10 majority for Woleott over Clapp. It is reported that Tipton precinct has given 30 Republican majority. SARPY COUNTY. Tle'noeratic ticket probably elected by 100 majority. LINCOLN COUNTY. Croxton 84 majority. GRAND ISLAND. Butler oO majority. POPGE COUNTY. Jhe precincts herp-d from give Butler 0 majoritv, and TaiTe 110 majority. OMAHA. Returns not all in. but sufficient to show that Thayer and Taffe have carried ticket over Bolters and Pemoerats by 500 majority, and Butler has 2-30. LINCOLN. Butler, 371 Croxton H9 ASHLAND. Butler 05 Croxt tn 8" One precinct in Saunders county gives 5.S Republican and one Democratic vote. BROWNV1LLE. Croxton, 52 maj. Taffe. 227 mai. LOtLtata. NOTICES. ' -"notice: All persons are heredy notifid not to purchase a check on Tootle, Hanna & flirt- T.'..tsT..nntVi tfirftOllr.il rrivPIl I , T' i , t t '.by J. A. Connor, payable to li. J. Palmer or bearer (or order), as payment as been stopped on the same. Oetl2J3t L- J. Palmrr, HAIR DRESSING AND DRESS MAKING Mrs. L A. Huntley will do any work, in either of the above branches that the ladies cf Plattsmouth and vicinity may favor her with, in the latest style. Resi dence on 6th street, one door south of Gen. Livingston's. octlOdtf 2KH) pounds Plastering Hair on hand for sale cheap. J. P. Simpson & Co. oct8dfwl If you want a neat calico dress, go to Vallerys & Ruffner's. They are now' selling tho beit lor 121 cts per yard. ap.l5d.twtf . " . " '". II Uould : : ::::::rii : c : -ijC15: : : : : i--iic! Richard x : : : : : t : r : Lrown. rn ' tc: : t.': : : : ' 3 ; ocS .c: : : c: : : : - Q For. X i s i I N ! ! X Again't. o : :::::::::::::: 'X C "S 5. .U. Kiikpat- n'-j 11-.:!: rlck- L. Shel- 3 ' I :'. tz (loll. c5 i ggyrj; : 'd': : : : t A. R. re,'S : !::: Kennedy k : : : Si : : cij . ' X W. Pot- tonfc't r. , : :::::: t": C I v!$:sl : : li: : : : lic tS : ,S J- W. ! SliSS: : iy. : V.1' Johnson. - ; : I tic-i : - -1 . : A GEM. The Evening Star is the most beautiful sheet-iron cj-linder wood stove made. It is durable, economical, -and the poor man's friend. TO HOUSEWIVES. We use a Charter Oak Stove, or at least o ir better half does, and she says there is nothing in the way of cooking that cannot be done easy and quickly on that stove, and we therefore recommend it to all. LOOK AT THE RVISS I Aye, look at the ruins of what once were niagnificen sets of teeth, to be seen everywhere in society. Look at them, and ask yourself if it is not marvelous that such destruction is permitted, when, by simply using Sozodont, any teeth, however fragile, may be preserved from decay or blemish as long as life lasts? ' Spaulding's Glue," useful in every house. You can save money every time by buy ing your boots and shoes of Clark & Plummer. Sept. 2'., d(3wl. G rover & Baker's Sewing Machine is the best in market. Vallerys & Eufl ner are ag-uts. Those in want of a good Machine will find it to their advantage to give them a call. Vallerys & IIufTner have just received a new supply of Boots -and Shoes, which they- are selling very low. Dwelling house for sale cheap, in quire of D II WIIEELElt & CO junc21dtf Ladies, go to Clark & PI u miner's for your Shoes and Gaiters. They are ju-t receiving their fall stock, you will find an endless variety to select from Sept. 2'., do wl. Something new, the very latest in the way of hats and caps for men and boys at Clark it PluuiHicrs. Sept. 2'J, do wl. Ladies, Clark oi Plummer are receiv ing the finest stock of Press Goods and Trimming, ever brought to the city. Call and see. Octtiddt Go to Clark Sc Pluiiiiuers for Carpets, Oil Cloth and Matting. OctOdl O'Brien (Stadehuan's old stand) has just received some of those latest style, side lace, ladies' boots. Oct3dtf Farmers! if you want a good pair of boots, coar. e or fine, do not fail to exam ine O'Brien's stock before purchasing (Stadehuan's old stand.) OetSdtf A beautiful assortment of ladies' and gents slippers at O'Brien's, also some very fine and handsome ladies' and misses' sorgo boot-i. Before you buy be sure to cnll there. OetSdtf Paine t Windham have for sale a farm of loO acres. 100 acres under culti vation, and well watered. The pur chaser can have two years' time on half the purchase money. Apply at Office, Main street, Plattsmouth, Neb. octP.dtf The celebrated Garden City Clipper Plow, at cost, at the New York Store. sept20d;f FOR RENT. A large, new dwelling, containlns ten or twelve rooms, situated on tlie Hill near the city Park. Enquire of John F;ttsgekald.. Oct 3dtf We are are prepared to show to the public the most complete stock of familv groceries ever onercu in tnc city, inose goods are fresh, the best to be found in market and at prices that defy com pet r tion. Wo call special attention to our stock of canned goods. CLARK A PLUMMER. Sept, 20, dOwl. Go to Vallerys & Ruffner's and look at the Panier Arabs, the prettiest in the market. apl5d.twtf . Go to YaHo-ys & RufTncr and buy you Groceries. They buy for cash and wil not be undersold. VALLERYS & EUFFNER Are now receiving the largest stock o Dress Goods over brought to this mar ket, which they are selling cheap for cash. aplodiwtf Go to Vallerys & Ruffner's and buy your Boots and Shoes, the. best in mar ket, aplod.iwtf Vallerys & Ruffner have tlie larges stock of Groceries ever brought to the city, which they bought for cash and at reduced prices. Call and examine their stock. . aplSd&wrf j If you would live to "a ripe old age" and always feel that jour family is pro vided for in ease of .accidental death, go to-Card. J. W. Marshal, at the P. 6., nnd get a policy in the Missouri Valley Liile apn!2Stt. The Last Cnll. All persons knowing themselves in debted to tis by note or account are re quested to call and settle immediately. Vallerys & Ruffner. Go to Vallerys it Ruffner's to buy your Dry Goods. They are selling cheaper j than the cheapest. GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. We have for sale the following list of I valuable lands in Cass County Nebraska Sec. Tp. R. Nw qr Sw qr Se qr Sw qr Se qr Ne qr Ne qr 1 14 22 23 15 30 21 22 14 34 27 30 7 10 10 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 13 11 12 12 13 10 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 12 II 11 11 -e qr Se qr Nw qr Nw qr Nw qr . Se or Se qr nw qr 23 L ht sw or lo W hf sw qr Ehfse qr E hf ne qr 14 7 18 Ne of nw qr 23 Whfneqr 11 Se of ne qr Nw of se qr 11 11 From One to four years' time will be 1 given on part the purchase money on a large proportion oi the above lands. In addition to the abovi list we have Improved Farms which we can sell on reasonable terms. Call at our office for particulars. Paine & Windham, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Main Street I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Septloditwtf Streets, 6ept20dtf. Jhe largest ami Cheapest StOCK Ot new to establishing ami supplying eun iay scnoois. IT..!! .n,l Wii.for TW hn,- it the pw Parties ordering supplies can send money ins Jail and inter JJress, l.oous at the Aew draft or l06t Qiiice orders aJ- res nil- Sta-ii-p rru-npr "lain anil Second T. F. WHEELER. Mr. T. II. Goodwin, who has fir some weeks past been in the employ of John Jennings, has now purchased the estab lishment, secured tho services of two first-ilass workmen, au 1 will hereafter carry on the barbering business in the best style of the art. Give him a call if you want a "clean shave" or your hair trimmed in the latest style. Shop one door east of Siadelmann'a Clothing tore. jy8dtf A few city orders lor sale. Enquire at the Herald office. Custom made Chicago Boots, cheap at the New York Store, corner Main and Second Streets. sept20dtf Largest stock of Blankets, at reduced prices, at the New York Store. sept20dtf For Rent A dwe'ling house, situa ted in a desirable location. Enquire of P. II. Wheeler ic Co. juiySOdtf For one of the celebrated Jackson (Michigan) wagons, the best wagon made, go to Vailery & Ruffner.s. mayj27dtf P. II. Wheeler it Co. are offering fur sale over 100 lots in the City of Platts mouth, at prices ranging from $75 to $250 each. je23tf TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Go to Lambing & Fraziers Shop to get your Smithing done cheap, and in good order. sepTdlui A fine assortment of clothintr, cents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, also a good assortment or cassimeres anil otlier piece goods can be had cheap. I have a first class Tailor in the store, who is always ready to to make up goods on short notice. Wm. Stadelman. sep2Gdtf SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. A house and five acres of land for sale vcrv low. Apply to june25dtf P. H. Wlll.ELFR & Co. o m If 3'ou want a first rate article of soda water, call for Bkeed ii Beneiux. jeOdtf . 1 '7 A NOS TU NED By L. F. Johnson, 1'lattsiuouth. Satis faction guaranteed. Also, the best of music furni.shed for all respectable occa sions, janMtf The members of Platte Lodge, No. 7, I. O.O. F. . are hereby notified that from and after the present date the regu lar meetings of the Lodge will be held on Thursday evenings of each week, in-tead of Saturday evenings, commenc ing at 8 o'clock. Next meeting on See on I Thursday of September. Geo. E. Pkongek. Plattsmouth, Si pt. 2. Js70. Sec'y. so j did tf A splendid line of ladies' and misses' fine pebbled and plain go it shoes, jt O'Brien's, next to Stadeiman's clothing store. Oct;;Jtf FREE OF COST. Mcndler it Wheeland, of the Star Mills, -rill deliver all flour, feed, etc., sold by them, to any part of the city without extra charge. octo uf. FP.E.SII OYRSTERS. E. II. Sehutt's City Restaurant is the place to get fresh oysters. They serve them up in the finest style. septUdtf If 3'Oti want to save money, go and buv vottr Groceries, Dried Fruits, and any other goods, at the New lork store. sept20dtf ciTT)xTm;sr The undersigned are running an om nibus line to and from all trains and boats. Passengers taken to eir from any part of the city. Orders may be left at "ither of the hotels or at our stable. septtidtf BUTTERY t LAZENBY. Vallerys & Ruffner are selling the cel ebrated Smith Wagon. may27dlf Wholesale and retail buyers are invi ted to call at Bloom's and examine goods and prices before purchasing el.-ewhere. sep21dtf INSTRUMENTAL AND VOCAL MUSIC. Miss Ella Crocker having permanently "agatcd in Plattsmouth offers her services to those desiring musical instructions on the pin no or organ. She believes she can give full satisfaction to her patrons. Her residence is at Mrs. L. B. Crocker & Co's Bazaar on Main street. scpt2ydtf MUSIC. 1, T- . c- 11. Mrs. Kate Simpson begs leave to an- nonnce that she will recommence instrue- : ...! Hois .uu-n, -"bu,lt Jjieptemoer I Jtli. Residence on the corner of ine and Second Streets. Plattsmouth, Sept. Dth, '70, dtf. 11 HIS It lllZWS. Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boats, and Shoes, Hats, and Caps, A rrraVn!tiiii1 Tm ral imen fs of all kinds. Weir aP "I X L" Cultivat'ini, Union Corn Planters., Grandetonr and Princeton Plows, Ac Ac aitmh ,ntnm, all of which we offer to the public at the owest retail prices. All Goods War ran ec As Represented, .TS-Oiir constant aim will be to sell so low'' it will be tf. the ioitive advantage of every im mer in th w Htern anl central portion o Casf county to make this their heaaHuartern for trad , g. REED. RHUS. ., ii ing vt ater. r -i. i.o. e are also aeents lor Mower. Reaper., and i . raahmg Machines. ap. wtt J. W- PEAKMAX. Nurseryman, Propagator, AND DEALER IN Fruit Trees, Vines & Plant EVERGREENS AXD ' Deci&ous Trees V,immt ti-vlf i milrt fsouthlCourt'IIouse. Ne- braska City, Nebraska. w2inoaugltj. ATTORNEY AT LAW and S.licifor in Chan- porc oflfiee in Masonic Block. Plattsmouth. .Nebraska. - majoiuu 4 MERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, T- r. WHttLtK, Sunday School MissioNary. for Nebraska and Southwestern Iowa. Attends City, X cbraska. ' i Osage Orzsj y.zi-2 ; AT WHOM: - A I E ;; k Cn growth, n i ! ,-,t ., ;n , so. a geui-rul asvo t :;,,,, ,, ,,' liatiiiB of ' " ' - - APTLE TRI.i; : : : t , Addrciw, l . .. j , . '.I " i eiiWooit, augiw.'ltn nicnARD vivt iv. '. Attornev nt La-v , . . on I Notary J'ij i"; . . Ail Iejral Iju-iue ;-c (eive prompt an : . the Treasurer 1 ,u. e t Miiliiiary Dress cr.;i m a k i x ; BY MISS A. V. d P I would rp-p that 1 am now i. Old eUStolll IT i:': ' arm ;i dlo.-e.-.t me with their pi.:.,,,"' All Mud of i 1 .i "; ' ,.,. nndehitdreu d. , . , . .; satisfaetion giv. i: ... . Corner '.'.', , ,. j , posit e J 'la ttc Ii r il y 1 .-'. Nebraska ff You ! GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHE Go to K ' 71 H " 1" rw ' - He has on hand the HIST ChOTiii-; Ever broiipht West ..f t'ie "Ti.s i . make you aifo .,; ;. j u.;., '"'! i Bive koimI satisia .;;.,n. ,,. VIVIAN & PALISH. Groceries, Flour, Vcl: A N 1 1 PROVISiGF-n-, Canned Gccd'3, dc. Jty"IIighe:-tcadi , : ice p;i I .' a'! of Grain, and P.-o-bt-e, H:i:: Li Hides, l HIS, ;:n 1 (ol. North Ea.-t Mai ;i ; i . I i Streets 1'Jatt-!!, t, ruKidwtf. NEWTOilAGGD STCl on Main str t, 'pp . if Co'i. t ! . .... We have on Iru.d a !a;; ,i n !. . ! CIGARS vv YOlWidK Consist ili- r-rt!.; iyt -iKi!il i'- . cioahs, fine cur, iLua a:. u 8MOKIM1 i OJJ.V.' O. As we deal exclusively ' i T .! i -hciiji, if not rh'j.i r li.au or: Jity.: (iivi-us a call bi f ir' y.-ti pur. is we know jou will t:- ).. February 11. JW.-.-.dif. Estray ai3. Jtoti'e i- hereby tri v a that I w '.': hiKhe.st bidder, al the f.inn o, I..,.-. ,,- - -' in Avoea pre, in, t. ('.-' on . v. i , : :, Saiurday, November l'- b. 1-7 i, i-n- i t white two year old cow and al' ; or p , i ear an 1 hole in b it c- r : ap'.: oetl::wt G:e .1 !-,NM NO. . .. Guardian's Sais. N OTICE IS II KliKi; V t;iVLN.'il-.t .: sua nee of a d.-creial oi l i o - n. : ! (ieo. II. Lake. Jualf.'; oi the i -1 r : a i r, ., d Jiptieial Distria-t. oi, ;!ia'i:ii ,i . . , l7't, 1 will, on Salard.iv. the .1 :v , ' In r, r.tthe liour of -tie o'i-Pm k. r. ! . : 'lay. in the fra.nt ajoa.r 1 1. ' "i 'i n . I'latl-iuoulh. Cuss i-o'.i.m y. ,.-l.ri .. : sale at ublie VM:dee, to the bli !a -t !' right, title and iatere-t of I V i i :. Henry Whetics an I "Al i rva r.-l 'Aii.r: : ' heirs of Frederi.-k Wi loo-. ,j. .!- I i : the faallowilijf ilusa 1 :bt I i a- . a- !.. . , . ... mult Ii half of the north-.' e-t M i: i ..; ; east quarter oi tics northne-t u 'i northeast iarter oi tt iitip-i.-t e ' teet ia.u No. tali ill t r, n -.'. ip tin i. ... r twelve east a.f l,t!i I'. .M. , Sale will remain op.-n fa.r bids U- . tt'a'loek. p. II-.. to t Va O I i a . i L . p. Hi.. ' . Terms: one-faittrt !i ea-!i iu h:i:d, .:.e ..:.: I 'ue 'i. one-lU.J l v u 10 ui" '. t a fourth in three vcars. ;s . r. t one year. one-Iuai ;u m yci;- iaviiu-iits t nii.rt : 1. 1 - i-.ruiiru lleeim. r. ar : a o truii'iiik i-liiii". i: Maxaki.lA (',t .i'. A'.-- oct(3w4t f i a V.tvt WAYMAN & CURTIS I'LnUs-fjiosali!, XcF;., Repairer of Steam Entrii.t s. R..;i. rs. S;, . . . I Grist MilN. UaiaiiaJ Steam Hiiir;". .'.'j u .or I,-o.-, . Force and Titt Pump--. .;-ai . . . Valve Governors, uii i i-.ii ..i.a J.- 01 I furnished cii .turt notice. .FARMING H.'NERV a,."'! Repaired short naat'c Leg;i! fhlica. In the District Coort. :- .ludeji-l D: trict Coort. county, N'. Smith. I I nd for Cos" county, Nebra.-kii. Milton M. Smith. I vs. I Platie Saunders nnd 'bote Saunders nnd William I.. M ells. Defendants. J To Platt'i S'linal.Ts , ,r- r'.-i li'r.f ,1, .f: yt u will t ke notica-tint ;). :, M. S;i:.o, I. . en tin- L'.itli alay ol s.-a., .. K.r l-.n. hi, . I omenale i petition in tlx- Hi. - ,. ti,a- ci.-; r the ilistri'-t court in and f ,r fa - i-miity, .N. braska. the object od r i .-r a t i. h . ii i- t . I ' - close a certain tnort l'O i. i -. n ititaaii t i 9 in block No. 2U in riattsua'.utli a-ity. t ';. - - mir,- Nebraska, to secure tbv' .-!irn a I s nceon - t) thceonditioii of a r rta:.i prorni ",ry rat. "t even aiate wi'h said iiiair, t -aire and due in li- '- inonth from date, ani to obtain a jiiri. J ainiinstyou tor the sai l u 1.1 . n, and t-. c uulessvaiu annear iu said camrt 1:1. 1 hi,--m t ' '. demur tosaid petition on or bclore (ha 7:'. 1 v of November. Is7n, te i ne i I l.aj t .'ei. -true, anddecreeien b ra- I io a-nrdc .! I L I ON M. s.MI i il. By Maxwii.i. a e;!ii'inv. Sep2-.)ur3t J'laiui.itf.s Af.ori.--y. Tootle, HaiPia & Chr;:. S Jk. IsT Id H3 3Z S DElLKI.-i IX Gold ami Mil ver Ooisi, EXCHANGE, U.S. and other Htovli Diafts drawn on all parts of the United s' ' ; and Europe. Depociij received, und special j teutiou given U cOilectii-s. Plattsmouth, NeK jeltf il 1 li HSU