L471S;i3'Jr.'1 NLBFASKA THUr.SDAY...SKITEMIiKil 1, 1870. i'riulM und Klin. The chaplain nf th New Haniiii-iiire jenitci.tiary fays: "I Lave the Juj'jji-r-s 1o !iu:iiLer amon luy frieu-ls iintny printers, Lut though it u.ay k-:ui to idi I ly ciil.f r a lack al ility on the jart of the mini ten or the want of the quali ties, I n-ver tuceeie-1 well with that tor the nine Ion? year oi my roi,nectiu with the penitentiary, with all the inducements offciod, not one of that trade Iia conuectci hnueelf with ! Pm rou eo.yi.ieroie aan my er.npreeatiun, and I do not think a j gr.&w (. t'y Journal. man coal J he Ivund, of all who ever 1 - , te:.iu-d our pri-on, who couM -t up Y, " ---". , r-o imin oi tvre. I leave the reader to mrile Lis cniiinic-ct. nn'v rc marking that : f li.4 eannot I e aeeiJciita L nor can the ex- I eciJeutaJ, nor can the ex- T.lanuti.m le that the em l lovment Leei s them itinerant of the prevailing vices and immoralities, nor yet that ycuni printers are removed from the laiye masses where corruption engender aul fpread. In a!' these rest ects this cla-s if expensed. It is evident that the em ployment has cn elevating tendency, and is favorahle to intellectual and moral im provement." To Nrr Dwii HIi. The New Hampshire Jurnd r,f Ag riculture jojirne.-ts an excrlietit plan for exploring tlie hottom of a wc!l : "Lt is not generally known how ea?v a matter it is to explore the bottom of a well, cistern orjiond of water ty theu-e of a common mirror. When the un i ehiiiiiis biiht'y hold a mirror so that the rejected r ivs of li.ht will fail into the water. A l.r'i'h't t.iot wiii 1 seen at the hottom. fo liirht as to see the smallest oh- j jjct very plainly. lSy tins means we have examined the bottoms of wells 50 feet deep, when half full or more of wa ter. Th-i smallest straw or otlur small objects can he seen from the surface. Iu this way oru can examine bottoms of ponds and rivers, if tlie water be some what clear anl not agitated by winds or rapid motion. If a well or ci-tern be uader cover or shaded at all. so that the fuulight will not fall near the opening, it is only necessary to employ two mirrors, usinjr one to reflect the light to the open ing, and the other to M-nd it down per- Iteudicu'arly into the water- Linht may ie thrown fifty or a hundred yard to the j reeise spot d. sired, and then downward. Ve hive Used the mirror with mj.-cc-s. to reflect the light round the field to a shaded field, and ab-o to carry it from a pouth window through two rooms and then into a eisU-rn on the north side of the house. Half a dozen reflections of the lipht may be ma?le. though each mirror diminishes the brilliancy of the Jieht. Let auy one not familiar with this method try it ; he will not cn!y find it uef il. but a r!ea-ant experiment. It will perhaps reveal a ma-s of sediment at tha bottom ot the well, that has heen little thought of, but whicli may have j been a ource ot disease, ny its uecay in the water. A Beautiful tutoui. In the mountains of the Tyrol, it is the custom of the women and children to come out, wheu it is bedtime, and sing their national pom-, until they hear their husbands, father and brothers an swer them from tho Li Is on their return home. Ou the shores of the Adriatic such a custom prevails. There the wives of the fi-hermeii come down about sun set and sing a melody. After singing the firt tan::i, they li-ten awhile for the answering' strain from o2T the water, and continue to sing and listen, till the well known voices come borne on the tide, telling that the loved one are almost hot-. How sweet to the weary li-her-man as the shadow gather round him, mu--t be the gongs of the loved ones at home, who sing to cheer him, and how they strength'. ii and tighten the bonds that hind together these humble dwellers Ly the fcv Truly it is among the lowly of this world that we find some ef the most beautiful customs in practice. nr.ilif!- fa Hnttlr. The sights and sounls of a battle are well nigh indcsc-ibable. Noise, tumult, danzer and excitement all blended to gether make a -eene which I think can have no parallel m either side of the tn fenial regions. I uiin? his fir.-t batt'e. perhaps the novelty of the thing may fill the recruit with penuine enthusiasm, an put fear in the bud-ground ; but, after that, he will find the poetry of the bat tle field somewhat overdone in "Hohoii lii. len,,: and fiehting itself rather a pro taic and dangerous butchery. There is nothinp less like a pageant, I verily be lieve, than a battle field. The arms are not polishel and shining, now, for the dew of the night's bivouac iu the gra-s has tarnished them ; very plain b!ou-es have taken the places of straight-bodied eorsety jackets; b-!ts are loo-ened, or, in the fury of fieht are thrown away al together; shoulder straps and epauletts ire di-carded, out of wholesome regard for the enemy's sharp-shooters, and after the fight ha progressed an hour, you will find those who are still fighting dirty, grimmy. laboring to kill the enemy, with about as hard manual labor as your wood-sawyer employs on your woodpile:' "Ami lik ytBith" at their forses Labored the rru St. tieo'ee cannonen." Debt. Debt is a perfect bore. How it haunts a man from pillow to post ; lurking in Lis breakfast cup, poisoning his dinner, embittering his tea I How it stalks from him like a living, moving skeleton, seeming to announce his presence by re counting your liabilities, llowitjtoi ous his domestic joys, by iutrod paring its infernal "balance" in the calculation of madam respecting the price of a new carpet or a new dres ! How it hinders dreamy plans for sicculations, andciip j.les re.-oIutions too good to lie fu'.alle 1. At bed and board, by night or by day, inoy oriu gref. in health or in sickness, at home or abroad, debt grim, gaunt and shadowy, lalb an incumbrance. As no presence is too sacred, no gro ind too holy to deter jhe memory of "bills and notes payable" from taking immediate posse.vsioii, so no record is enlivening, no reminiscence more than the debt has fallen like a January morning, twenty tine degrees below zero. From Surj rise N'alley comes the fol lowing story of an old fellow who got very jealous because his young wife went to a ball with a good looking leliow, and btai.l out until broad daylight. The old chap went to a ju-tiee of the peace aud tcld his story, wiu ding it up with, "I want yer to help rue for that ar thing hai leen eoing on 'Inut long enuf." "Well," -said the justice, "you can write down to Yreka atid fcee if some of the lawyers can't jret you a divorce." "Divorce!" roared the angry man, "who the d 1 wautd a divorce?" The justice began Ut get wrathy. "If you don't want a divorce what the deuce trought you here ?"' "Why I 'want an injunction to stop further proceedings !" Providence helps those who help th m clvcs. A coal-heaver in Providence, R. PC 1 b.lrwd himself to a mouthful of a frivjuds proboscis, and Providence helped rim to a position ia the comity jail for six months. I new i The TreuehcroH 3Ziourl. It is .said the etrip of lan i dividing the Missouri and the 11 g Sioux rivers, about one njile a Love tlie mouth of the h.tfer, ha- Lc;-n constantly wearing away lor the pa t lew v-ir.-, un'i! now tLe dis tance ha diminished to le than ten rod-;. It is the opinion of tho-e who have j. a e-J the 'w rec ntly, tint the next f-pjiri ri.-je mill wa.di ut the re iiiHininL' earth auJ let the waters of the Misnuii r.a.- through t:.e mouth of the liig .Simux. Iu this cn c, the current of the river in front of our city would r ch uui 1. The current now strikes o'ir shore j;j-t ahove the city, Lut in the event of the ?li-.-nri hrcakinjr into the 'v 0"X, Wim., J a IVIitn ,1,e Nchrx k s-hore .ju-t ahove C-.vinjrton, J he Democracy have k-ui j.Jeared to tii.-ile uijrry over the fiet-i that our J re.-zdeut ta.k-s Lut little, MmAes a i r.--p.1eut ta.k-s hut little- fni jkes a r.-tit We rniher like hi- .-iu:A:rg he lus smoked sway a i.tiinLvi uJ tt-i.ty mil-li-n.i of the war ck-l.t. ho !ns Misrked thieve.- out of K. vtH'mcnt oi -e, h? ha snok-d until he ha.-. q-iV ted the nerves of the entire rut: m, and tc hear not hint of re-i-tM-j e in the South he has smoked us ai; i'o A cry (juict frame of uiind. -.id ha-' not kt Lis uiouth go off out of j iap may be he u-e a cigar to keep it Mint and. above all, we have net been troubled about a drunken ruler, trying t erifitiee Li- policy rt gardlet of the wli! of I he p-.'p!e. A'.i pschafiie g.-ts off :he l-.-'Iowincr. It j i iinly ?h'Ws that there i one thiug needed about hi- invention: "The editor sat in his rffie-' one day, though? b.e t-i h::u.--eif ::i a furiou--way; he threw d'twn hi- x's, and iub!'I: d his prri. and appeuri'd ijuiie as liiai a- miy i: hen. N he invent a ma.ddtte that turned with u crunk it aliuoa ttied iii-; bids at the b.iiik. It wrote mu-ie a-. feTvet as the Ut I not it could n " -it vm:.1 j siot write l-ieals." From tbe Kulo Ki.-gi.-'t-.T. August 25. uve IrritMiiftl. On Thursday the atu niioii of a large number of our citizens wasdiicctod to a scene of great peril on the mud Jcued b". ;n oi the river, oeca-ioi.v d by ;he ove: turning of a f.aii boat. Five nieii. thi'ee of k1iui could not twiui, were precijuiated into deep water, with elotlie on, thue to sti Jgg!e btit a moment J e tweea time and eternity. Owing to the coolness, eouraire and almost suO'-'i'Luman efforts of 11. 31. t'.ii t'.-r, the owner of the boat, two v.'. re -aved. AuotLer wa.s o fortunate as to SemnJer on a taud bai and .stiil another saved himself. The ca poized boat an 1 strugglin? men v.eie in pj;n view lor ni.iv twtutv liiin- f ut).,. -tdie:i a lar.-e lit e-toit manned bv a erew from the -Mary McDonald res cued one ani ail. I;- the meantime, Mr. Carter had taken u trunk t . one man, and provided for another by fastening an oar to his bo-;t to which the drowning man clung, an lthiugh under water, diJ not sink, but floated with the swift current. The man on ths bar was juite safe but a'mo t wholly immersed. The whole party were picked up and uken to a sand bar about forty f et fa m ihe other siJe of the river. They get out and the sail 5oat w.s pur.Mied and brought in. The rc -cttcd wire exchanging congrat ulation that a new 1- a-e oi liie ha i i.-een granted theai, when J nues Arnold -aw hi vali.-e, coat, etc., floating d in be- twee l the bar an 1 the baiik. Witlpd.t i a uouitiit s he-itatiou he sj.iat:- in alter I theui anl was seen no uioie. 31 r. Carter ai d others uiaIo nob'c ! effoits fct diving afar hitu at variou ! oiats iiloii,? the ch j'nu l, but witho; t j any sa;:cess, as they were v.ry much ; wearied T;;e titjies of the party were IT. 31. Carter, Jat;ir- Art.ol'i, .Stiu'jfl Meiri Uian, Jo-ojih Wukel. a id Joim 3Ia!one. Mr. Carter was takittL' them to the 3Ii--oiiii Mde to cut ilaioou 1 tics. The river was ntiu-iuiiy rougli and rendered noire diiitjcr tus bytheh-a'.y waves froiii the Miry McDoi-ald, vhiiii cau.e ui-oii titciii t suddenly that es-i! e was bojieiess. 'Ihe la.at wa ; situjoy fiiicd bv ii IniL'o wave atnl did not ovt-rtmn. The Ui.-in whostnick t in bar j jinjel 0 it when tha wave s'riiik the:n, an 1 coti eiu b-d he would do v. i v wcii iiT.c conid iiiar..:..2:s a i rrjH-ndi-'.iiantv The drowned man, we believe, wa- im iiiari :ei aod hud no relatives in tlii: art of the country. 'I'inet boats were sf.ut out the follow inir day atid the channel dra'-e- , but his remains could not bo f'i;n'l. ilradiu b 1 tel. I t y. Peter F. Carr, of Cauii-f.o.v.!, Pa., says he l.as in cut:-1 a up ih td o(' re t 1 ine books by machinery, which lie avers w.li be one of the marvel- f science, calealated to a-totin l the world. Ve are riot informed as to the partte ular form or advantages of the inventi :i but we jiresinne it is intended, like soo.e other labor savimr inai.-bitH.-, to do the work of at least one hundred tr.en. It m, one may ivad a 'mndred 1-ooks at once, or jK i lotui the literary labor of an entire week in half an hour. For i-d -tors lawyers, and otb;r tcriblers, wlr t a boon will this invention rove ! A'ith two or three of the.-e luaehines a inun might mke hiiiisclf injtiicn- Iy learii-.tl, for he would Le a"de, in one year, to read up all the principal books in the world. Mr. Carr wi-hes the assistance of in ventors, artisans, capitalists, and men of nitins and education in order to develop his grand discovery- Knw t tCelv (tie t liiiiose irj!-iii Here is the Colunibu.i .Journal's plan f r t-olviajj the Cot 'ie problem : " the dojrs eat up all the rat-, then let the Coolies eat up all the does, then let the Democracy swallow the Coolies. What the deuce to do with the Democracy stump-us. but that is not our conun drum. The Coolies are di-j.oed of." We paid a Svini.' visit to Ashland, on the fi & M. lb It. iu Nebra-ka, yester day a small town, wiidi i-even hundred inhabitants, pleasantly htcatcd on Salt Creek. Although it is hut three years old, it lja-ts ot luany fine brii-k and B;one business hues, a larsre and sub stantial 1 rick hotel; a urst-eiass weekly i.espdtKT: lour or ave ciiurciifts ; two , . - i or tbiee school houses, witli a full com- j p.eiuetit of lawyers and phy.siciin-. 'i'he h-kding busiipss house in the place is Doom, tJlcim & Co., at whose hand- we received many favor-. AYo. City Tiinf-s. Two San Franoisc-o barbers engaged to fight a d sol, iicret-ing to part and walk around a Mo-ek, and. h-n they got in t-ight f each other to blaze away. When tliry turned the corner out of Mtiht Itoth Matted on a run in Jiff-rent directions, arid one ha sent from Alaska for his winter clothes, and the other has written to his wife from the City of Mexico, a-kir.g her to send his linen hat a id paitu leaf coat. " Prussia, it is reported, will exact no surn nicr of French soil, but will in-ist on the exclusion of the Bonaparte family from the throno. il l i i wn i 3Brswutta3aa( r- r y ' co-vili c;;t be removed, have been pur iLLlLUf ArH- ipoVnlamed. . , '. The eoautry rxiople are destroying the Y Vtf 4Tw. I'Ai'.i.S. AllJ'Ift -24. The mom:ng journsis !ere pubii-h di -:fc!if anviiii.:in titat the l'ru-iaa ha 1 a red u; o;t and killed soeu UeL-iuui it dier? on the frontiers. h i Pres.-e uys ambu.-sa brs fni:i Iius sia, Italy t,nd Au.-tria, in reply to their odeiv to negotiate for pea .'e. ha ve been ooUciaily inhtrme.l that jeaee is imp o-si-bie. so long as a I'ru.-iaii M J:er trcai on French soil. A dis,r-ttch from Mefierea?, dated 23 1 itist., altcMioon, s.-iys th resi-tcme of llaz tine, tv ri with the sitia'i force under hi- e eouian 1, prevenred an a-ivi;ice of the Prussian tiii the fo-fiu7. anon an 1 preparation of Maciii ihou's large army wa- entirely completed. Maenrih on and Ha.rt ue are ready to as-ume the o!b n -ive, arid a inurement is expect-1 imme diately. They wiii attack the PiUv iam toother. Ti.e Jiborte fays the army of the Prine-' lloya!, which readied .t. Dizier some days ago, h.s not pa ed that pbice. but n tlie conrrtry ha- t ilivn ba k. It flirt that it learn- irom u reiia' le .-.ource that the lo.-s ol th - unee Prussian ar- uiies has been killed, iio.U'o-J ; wounded, 85.UM). cf.va'ry and infantry, were continually L'ONWON u"u,-t 2i. i coming in'o (Jhalort-. The combat com Tiie followin- di--p'.,tch Vr-m Palis I m need this morning at 3 o'clock and contains the very iat.,t from the seat of j few r;':uiu:d Chalons and hpernay ,ro . I aoout t;:ree this alternooa. othini t,t -;, -;;r..lv1!1! -.r, l hn Prn-; !i'ins are stmn. on tlie We-t. iu that vi Cillity. r en. Faiily, who was in co::tm::ud at (.'haioiis is .-tiii ht-re, iut by a no.vdi--p''-icio;i is-ijj t-ri- ie 1. (ien. Maemahon is stropjlv po-vd on me plains bt-to deta .-i.iii'-af - at Liialons w:tii ic.:avy lt. Medii ed. rdnn and jlLeiiiis. ijjen uitd. r hi Macii.aliou has i T - - coiiiinand, well mi .': -d wiiliarm-Too.l an i ammuiiii ion. Aiiiilny tharji sliiHJters are h i-tening toOhabtiu. Vi-v.- Vr.nt- t I A correspondent ue-e; of (he battle of th .-ixricn-.h as one! scl 1 m: eudlc-d. Thirty tile.so!'w"out.d j were covered with the dead and wo'.iitdcd ! of hot h sM-.;s. The canu-itiading i "r- : i i i lii-- Joint in si l and the i.t'.tie of the 1 needle j.isi;- v. ei e tcivilic. The lee. jt -l "' the J-'i-.iub wa.- total. Their l-.i:g col- j u.ei't- cotM e --ea iMi:ring toward- the t north in tlie elfort :o evade pursuit, by j way oi iii-iey. ihe ios-jon both si.iei.s im nor.-.e. und tinny French p:i. ooers v.vre taken.' The Kinr. himself, is per somd y attentive to the Frineh wounded. A l'r-. :;eii pea-ant, taken while ki.'ling a H'ou!:d 'd German, was hanged at (Jor-s.-e. t.J.it i t' one thou-atid inhabitanr.sof t CllICAfiO, Aug. 21. The Times' Stvr York special ty.r pri vate dispatch s .-late t:.e;e is gn at .nouruitig in Uerliit at the terrible lo-ies o:' the Pru-siau arm". tuo-r annihilate ce the Pnis-iau youth, tamed the liowcrof nd tli-o-e i- hardV Iv in J5e:!;u that has no 1- t a luember .luring the batt'e last wee i-V:s-i.iu .J:-,,.,t.-h-s sav there will be ! J '"'-'i -nny under the Crown Prince no n-rhrinsr f..r two w.-ks; but I'.etich hf,l,,;V'n t-l !;j,tt-J L the fr'h under di,i a;ci..- Mate thut Hazaine an i Mac- j -V :!al,nn- J !."; rucior: although occa luauon, hiuin f...mt,d a junetion, an at Motiing the wildest excitement, can be tack on the i'lus-iau iiue.i will be uja:ie within futy cii.t hours. The Trtt. utieV -; -eial gives su'.-t:-tial y the .-aiu n p rt tlie al-c-ve of t'jiwian i )-.-e-, aii i say.s it i- .i.l tli.tt the la Jies of aii to,' best laiuiue- in Uer lin are in i:;iu;rii'ir. Therepoi te i letter con ;iti"n of the FiMieh anute.- is cau-i'i an uj-wura l'ioveiui-nt in f.ol.1 an-1 hn-.i i.-tuf"-. i'h,' t t i . i' f 1 1 - - !?ii. S-.iii.Jay, is Ie- serilmd a.- b!n.iier tiitiu that at tado.i In the luornii: n j-arry of (lo-iiian-ha-1 ? u h d ibrward upon tip! j;o-iti'i of the I'Vctivii, who retiie i as they advaia.-vd. I5;;VsK!.s, Atitr. 1 I did not succeed in reaehing Uazaine. The i'ni-siiiii-are cveryw h re, ami z ' ni iiiir every pas.:. At Mclvange, (Iran-dt-very and Itie'iiuond, the railroad is cot, and the way from Montmedy to fhionvliie is ci'iai'.v out of (.ndir. JJ. -zaine is not at Verdun, lie is shot up in a Piu -. "un net between the J:a;iie very. th". river O.ne an.i the road from Metz to K'am. M.iC'oah.iu left Cinlnis-, buiniri'.' the camp, for lih- iios. There he lelt tie Kuii'ernr and - part of he tr o;,s. ;ir:d went in a noiih.- i-', dip -ft pin. but I can not yet :is'-e:t.:iii if it is a movement or rev-iiti'ti--ant" A-' fir ;i- I can see. (he spirit of the troops is cxeeiicnt, but I n.-ver saw befoie so suu-di iiteo;?? potency aud ili-o:d. r iu maneuvei itit. 1 feel perfectly .-ire (he leader- do not say any thing ic '. au-.e that they do not know bet ter, (bai. Lebrun a-uine.s coiuiuan.'. of the Utli coros viee Ti'vhu. 'i'he ib-i-i;i:i as rep-orted. boundary i.s not violated Lo.M'.on, A-.-.g'it 2 i. let tin-, dttd Moiidi'V. ni'.'i A. R ROUP ..Iacitiahoii s army was pa.s.-mg turoUL'.i tirau ipre, hard j-re.-.-ed by the Piusd,,! I'Ai'.ls, Augu-t 2o. The Paris Committee of Defence ha- giio-n an uivi-r lor tne tie-true! ion o: crops jtii'l food iu the departments of the 3'. a, ip UpOlojJl. s ai:i Seine, as the Pru-sian- P.r.is. Aug. 24. 3Ii dnight. It is reported that the 1'ru.ssiuiis aie at Sf-satie to-day. The Prir-ce 1 loyal of Prussia Ls re jiorr.eil at Nancy. Xo'ltiii.' has i ceri receive. 1 from 3Ittz fiom the ariiiies. of 3lacmahon 'ind ia zaine to-day. Loion. Aug. 2.o noon. Tfie entire, coiumand of 3Ia-:-ruah;i left llheims on Mondaj-, hoping to pro te-.-t f'aris. l'ru-sinn .s"ot;timr parlies are near Chalons an 1 Trois. 3ionrmedy advices to the 2M. fu-'sday, mention nothing whatever of BazairK-'s jui!--tioi) with Al.temnh'-n. ainl Uazaine'.- report finds no credeitca here, l'rti-sian de taehmeuts arc reported at Chaumont and iJiieiiue. London, Aug. 2V Prej'.a-atioii-'- for the sei.ee of 3Ietz seem I'ormidiiole. Kntrenchmenta pro ceed with great activity. Pari paoors are persuading them selves that Uazaine i.s realizing his deep iu'd strategy. 'J'he ibli-.twiiig official dispatch from IJerlin ha.-ju-t been received: "The (joverii:u:iit has received a dis- .... 1 I . . , pjteu, a..tej iar le l'ue. ui evct.ir.j. to the effect that Chalons has h-en evacuate-;! ly t! e i renrh, an i mat the PiU-.-i-.n column is west of Chalons, ad vancing rapidly. Paius. August 25. A di-patch from ltheima of the 2od iast. : ays : It was ,-upvs..d the arn.ies of 3Iac mahoii ;n i i-azaopj h;;d effected a junc tion, and, sup:oitcd ly a tjuadriilate.-al o.iiipo-ed of tin' fortresses ot Montmedy, 1 hiouville and 3Iotz, would await the at tack, lt was not t xiH-cted any import ant engagement Wounl occur wiihiu two days. fA J he Eiuporor quitted Courcciles hit night ar. 1 goes to iibcims. xcsirda the imperial quarters were at Chalons. The milks in the valleys of the Ferue and 3Iarne, aud ail their content? that road- and doitisr all they can to impede the march ot the i rusau aruiy I hey will burn or destroy such provisions as the- are unable to remove, or btore out of reach of the Prussiaus. tvouts of the Prussians have made their appearance at Chalou-, ijuruiane, an l at 3it-nhed. It lia- been decided by the committee of ieler.ee that, upon th-3 approach of the enemy, all crops in the departments of the ."'ier.e and 3Iarne, and in the en viro'is ef i'ans must be destroyed, so greater haste is urged on the farmers to tore their produce iu the government waiehouses iu tha city before the enemy C2ii seize them. AM the animals in the Zoological Gar den hrive been removed, though part of them IiH'.e been retained in the city and I uvt .-ei!t to IJelgium. V. tisdaii sj.ies were arretted yesterday, in takic ians of the works along the river L:iir' Others were also arrested here, an i .-mie weie even detected with the teoops o Macmahon. l'ARis, August 25 9 p. m. The Fitaro has just issued an extra, with the foJ.jwiruT news : A person who anived iu I'aris at 8 to-night, coining from K'ernaj', reports that he heard in that eitv that the Prussians were de- ; jt.i to day, between Verdun and Cha ; ;,-.eios of Pru.-.-ian itrafrfer! d e.iuite is state-i a- to the number of cogajei. but awowuig to rumor, me entire armv ot ITince Ltiarles was in the fight. An order had been given to eva. ua'e J. rnay to-morrow, lrams i'oing ea-t on tlie railway from Paris to Hporuriy .are stopped at Chateau Thierry, which is now the terminus of the line. Paris, Aug. 25. The Journal OiSciale says the sum o' : II the news received at the Ministry of th" Interior is that the Prussians have pushed their reconnoisanees into the d partment of the Marne. and even into tlie town of Chalons. The prelect of the depamcnt of the Upper Marne an n "unices tiiat a portion of the northern AionJis.sHj.rit of Va.-say has been occu pied by the Prussian.. Orders have been given that the march of the Fru-.-ians be opposed by every ob--tae'io the pa'riotism of the ieop!e can sugge-t, in addition to the systematic measure hioh will be executed under the direction of the engineer officers sent out by tho government. London, August 25. In the absence of ofSeial nws from the armies, it is believed the Prussians will not hurry an attack upon Paris, but turn their attention to the reduction of Metz, and the destruction of Hazaine's army, leaving the Crown Prince to cut the Fren-h communication with Paris and with McMahon, ami to check, any forward movement on his part for the relief of Metz. It is further believed that the Pru-sians are strong enough to disregard MeMahon .s reinforcement, i eompo-ea, us t:e-y are, oi raw troops, 1 heir i a great deal ot excitement, this .n'eniooii. over the rumor in the Stock Kit-haiv'.', to the effect that the traced to no reliable source, Paris, Aug. 26. The environs of 3Iotz have been inun dated, by. order of the French authori ties. At a council of ministers, yester day, favorable news was communicated lioui ooMi or tne j-rencn armies, it is !!- certain that there was no serious lighting, ye-terday, as reported iu the Figaro, last c i tiing. IJerlin, Aug. 26. One corp.-of the First and Second ar-mie- .-tiii confront liazaine, while the remainder of t he i 'j us-jaiis. have marched r.n to Pa ii--. French stories that the Pi uss'.,!!-. were ch eked yesterday, be tween Chalon and YerCun are false. CARLSitriiE Aug. 26. A severe anill-ey battle took place at Keii! jtiid St:a-! ourg, on Wednesday riiirt.t. la-i:nr til; 1 hur-dav uioruini?. A !a:ve Part of ihe eit idel and arsenal of Siva-boiirg. wer:j destroyed, and the 1 rctich lattery at 31arvin, captured withoiit Ios- to' the Prussian-. The I 'ien -ii lire- de-Uow-d 20 houses in Kehl. L'.t.NlM.iN, August 26. The Times, this morning, has the fol i o.imr re-ume ct the situation: "King v't ii.iioi iiiin.r sufficient force before Metz, wli'-re siege works rise like cxha i itiot:-. joitte I the Cnwn Prince, who vv-'s pu-hm on for Pans. ihe movements ,f Marshal 3Iacma h n I egiii now to be intelligible. A f u gitive iVom Worth, avoiding 31ctz, h; pa -sod thi-oUirh the Yosges mouii-t-.in-s to the 31osclle, thence to Nancy ani Chalon--, wheie he was reinforced ly :hc tiarde Mobile and voluntetrs. ilis obviiUs ai u has ,een to bar the passage and p-revent the advance of the t'lown Prin.-e on Paris. Affecting to oi-reiMrd him, the Crown Prince moved on his lb-ink, pat a camp at Chalons, offering Ma.-inah .n battle, which the l.it tt l ie. iii.e-1, r treating on to Kheim-, aud leaving the Chalons, camp to the Prussian-. Since that time llheims it-elf has been abandoned The obvi ous motive thro jnhout on the par, of the French, lias b -cn to avoid a fight. The Pru.-.s.aus are now within a short march oi Pari--, where, perhaps some iight additional te-i-tanee may be met. Nkw York, Aug. 26. A special London dispatch to' the Tribune, says the arrival of the King at liar le Due. is the l;st comment on the French :orie assiduously spread in Pa ris that the Piu.-sians were caught in a trap at .Metz. Maemahon's movements are known to the Prussians, and they do riot think them of enough consequence to del iv the advan-.-e of the Crown Prince, or prevent the detachment of parts ol Stein metz s and of rnnce Frederick Charles' foiees to strengthen the column moving on to Paris. The Prussian Iront now stretches 30 or 40 mile . The main column is apparently marching by Parle Due and Vittray, while the left wing has enveloped Char uiont and Prienue, some 25 or 40 miles Southward of the line of the main col umn. The Frcwh war office persistently as s. rts, nevertheless, that Maeiuahon and liazaine are :n full communication, aud pur.-uinr the Pru--i:m.-, which anybody may behove who likes. Pams, August 26. IjC P.iLUc says important information is received to-day by the government concerning the positions, number and movements of the enemy. A corps of Prince Frederick Charles' and a portion of the Kintr' army is undoubtedly marching on Paris, while Steinmctz is left to bol l Ia7i'ne- The enemy may r-acli Paris within "is day, should there be no change in their plans. The Senate arid Corp-, Ix-L'i-latif wee to be notified o? these facts to day. The Corps Ix-iris-latif went into a Committee of the Whol" l-t nieht. :tud held a secret ses sion, dnrinsr uhlch ample exftlanatioris were made by the frovfrauient in regard to the state of the def.nees of the capi tal. Loxnox, Aug. 2G 10 p. m. I'ru siltn cavalry is reported at Dante vant, St. Picuip. IJit nne Landre and and Chateau Thierry, vhich Lj thirty, miles from Paritf. 1 The Steele, in contemplating the prob ability of the bombardment of Paris, urgently recommends the removal ot pic tures from the galleries of the Louvre, and books fiom the Imperial library. London, August 2G. A Paris dispatch says there are some rumors of tit: htiug, but nothing authen tic. MeMahon will bo in battle to-day, and there sue fears that he will be de Jeated. Oin ial circles are very silent, more so than at any time this week. Ihe enemy is marching idowly, but surely ou the is reported a sharp engagement occurred on Thursday night at$tera, near Montmedy. The Piusians were successful, and many of the French wounded are now at Montmedy. M IS: ekes. Aug. 26. Details coming in here show that the Prussians have received a serious chock, and suflered enormous losses in the bat tles of last week. After the la-t battle the wounded of both armies were bro't here. There were over 12,000 Prussians, who were treated as well as our own wounded. The battle of the 1 8th was a real suc cess for our armies, and the result was to render it impossible for all of King William's army to join the Crown Prince. Only a small portion of the King's troops went from Point a Mous-on to Bar Le Due to take part iu the move ment on Pari. CAiti.snniE, Aug. 26. Heavy fighting commenced last night, at the town of Spenach, ten miles from Montmedy, in the direction of lbx r.iers. The Prussians have cut the rail road be tween Chanvarges and Lamouilly. and the wounded are brought to Montmedy. The gates of the city have Iteen closed, aud an assault is momentarily expected. JSaden, France, Aug. 25. Maemahon is trying to reach liazainc by way of Messiers, Montmedy aud'flii onville, but the Prussians have cut thro' Varrenns and I 'un. There is fighting toingonlietwe.cn Dun, Buzanzcy and Moiiscay. Accord ing to all probability there will be an im portant action before long, no. far from Montmedy. Florence, August 20. It is certain that Prince Napoleon's mission to this country has been a fail ure. aiti( i:i,i.AM:oi s iti:ks. The Cabinet of Perlin, it is reported. in reply to a communication from the Pope, declines to guarantee the inviola bility of the Poutim-al States. A western paper savs that a farmer cut his throat on account of the severe and protracted drouth, and they buried him in a pelting ram storm which la-ted twety-four hours. The difference between th French army and an apple is said to be that an apple has the core in-ide, and that the army has a corps or two on the Khine. A housewife on a prairie farm illustra ted tlie condition of farmers' wives when she said: "It's mighty ea-y for the men and horses, but its death on uotun ami 1 1 A Califorriian says he raised beets last year, so large that one of his pigs ate tunnels through the centre of .some of the largest specimens, without disturb ing the outside. Two ra-cals, representing them-elves as census officials, obtained lately from a farmer in Wisconsin, a description of hi farm, filled up a blank mortgage, and in duced him to sign it. A Military man in his la-t moments opening his eyes, behold three doctors in consultation over him. Said he, "gentleman, I surrender if you propo-e to fire in platoons;" and extending his limbs breathed his last. A New Havener bids defiance to the heat by spending the day in his well, having fitted up a lartr wa-htub with a cushioned seat, in which lie is lowered about twenty-eight feet, where he enjoys his j apers and cigars. A clergyman aldro-sed his female au ditors as follows: "Ue not proud that oir blessed Lord paid your sex the dis tinguished honor of appearing fit to a female after the rr urrecrion, for it was only that theglai tidings might be spread the sooner." A gentlenn.n, who was rather impa tient at a table, declared he wi-lu-d he could manage without servants, as they were a greater plague than profit. "Why not have a dumb waiter?" suggested a friend. "Oh, no!" returned he, "they don't answer." A large business in human bones is carried on between Kgypt and England, ami a - correspondent of the Loudon Times, in the former country, recently saw a train of nine camels, each carrying a load of about 400 pounds, which hail been taken from mummv pits at Mem- Suns, fjjrypt. anu were to t.e s-hippo-l to Ingland and converted into fertilizers. A man named Nelson, at Samaria. I rid., came h cood joke on his now bride by shooting himself through the head. The brains flew all over her. and .spoiled her dress, so she said it would be imno--sible to wear it at her second weddine. Why can't men tro into retirement win n they want to kill themselves, and not make so much trouble? At an infant Sunday School tb tench or cave the storv of the "I'mdiiral Son." "When he carne to tlie place where the poor rnj-ired son reached his former home. and his father saw him "a srreat way nrf." he inquired what his father probably did. One of the smallest boy, with his fist clinched, said : "I dunno ; I dess-iy he sot the dog on him. Persons entitled to draw IVn-ions will take notice thnt a ehantre has been made in the law. They now draw 4 times a voar, on the 4th of March, 4th of .June, 5th of .September and 4th of Deeemlter. The Pension airent. will pen 1 vouchers filled up each Pensioner, and return the money to them on receipt of the vouch er. Attorneys have nothing more to do in drawing Pension money. A few evenings since, a widow, who was known to the conurciratiori to be greatly in want of a husband, was praying with ereat fervency : "O, Thou knowest the desire of my heart!" .-he exclaimed "A-ma-n!" respond brother in very broad accent. It wa- wicked, but we are sure that several grave members smiled on the occasion. Two fa.-hionable youn-r ladies of Hart ford have been lai 1 up for repair-, for wearing hi jh-heeled shoes, and the doc tor thinks he has pot a job that will last him a year, to straighten out their little toes. One of the girls was to have been married soon, but the ceremony will have to be performed sitting down, if at all. as she can't stand on her feet. You ought to hear her intended swear. "We pity him?" Mr. Pickens was a rather low and a rather broad churchman, holding similar views of Canon Kingsley, and believing most firmly in the final triumph of the Almighty power and goodness o,-er all evil He wrote his books a-i he once told an American whom he met on the Ohio river, to fchow that there was no one beyond the reach of infinite nierey that, to use his own cspres-ion, "God never made anything too bad to he saved." If he had ever introduced the devil as one of his characters in a novel he would have made him penitent and hap- j py in the: last chapter. Sheriffs Sate. C. VT. Lymau 1 Co., a-:ai .-!. "VJOTICK i.-shertrbv iriren tha I wiM offer fVr jJN t-oie at ullicuu'.'iittn, at the lr..nt uo.tr ot the Ceurt JinL.-e in Platt.-nniuth. Ca?? cui-ty. Nebiak.-. en the "Jiitii day et Sej.t ember. A. lSTn. at one o'ljek j. m. nt'-.iij d.iy. All the right titlf Kti'l ".riti'r!t of Hatus Ci.irlc. l!Vn d:int ill ami to l't No. f ur (4) in id'H-k o. tlorty-livf vo ud the tuil iinsr sit i:ilo Ihenon in i'ur.-u:ince f.t dt'erttMl order ot the lti.-tri'-t Court ot the J I .fu iii i.il l'i-tri'-t within and ti Ca-eour.1 y. Neb! H-ka. render. Ted al the jonrni'd April trrm. A. IsTe, anion tne-.ih d.iy et July A. I)., Is. it, aiei to uie .Dr tf i as Sheriff ot sail County. J. W. JOHNSON . Sherill, Cas- C'.. Neb. Maxwell Jc Chapman, Atty's. for l'la". aut;lSw.3. SheriiT's Sale. John BulJiuitine. William B.illnnline Jt eo. T. McKay. v. Elms r'rtiii'u. Ordr of Sale. NOTICKIS HEREBY GIVCN". thst I will oiler for s.lc at iuldie aue; ion. a t the front door of ;he Coa t Jloue in Pl.ttl.-mou'h. Cai county. Nebraska, ou .ionday, the - th day of .seiteml.'er. atone o'eloc r. m., of .-.lid Jjy, the foliowuiK real estate, to-wit: A certain frame house one and one-halt' s orio-bijih. pilu.itc cu the nrllr-w si quarter of ceetioi, 20. town ship No. lo, rantre No 1 1. :.nd two aercs of ground in the center of which -aid noire i" situ ated, taken as the property of Knos French, on un execution -u favor of Juhn li.iliautine, Wil liam iiaiiunt iue and lico. 1. McKay, i-sued by the Clerk of Uie District Jourt of the county of Cass, and to uie directed as sheriff of said county. iuted Au?l 21?h. A. H..1-T0. J. M'. Joll NSuN. Sh'lf. Cas Co. Xeh. SlIAMKAl'OU Jc KtCH AKtlSON. Alty's. for t'lff'. augllowo. SherifiT 's Sale. Jatne? J. Monroe, " ts : EiLecution. Samurl H. KHiert. et. al.) NO TICK is hereby -iven. that I will offer for sale a? i ut-Mc auction, nt the front door of th" Court House in l'l.ttt-tnou'h, on the i:t:h d,iy of S tem'oer. A. l. IsTO, .-t 1 o'clock. P. M.. of said day, th fallowing real estate, to-wit ; The S"uth-ea-t qnrt'T ' : 1 ot sect ion No. thirty ') in town-hip No. eleven ill twirth. ranc N't twelve Mft of the sixth I'ritu linl Meridian, situ.itc in C.i-." county. Neorafka. tnkcn tin property ot . I dines J . M inroe, on an cse-ution in favor ol Samuel il. KHhti. et. l., U-ue i by the Cierk of the District Court, within ntid f-r Ca-s county, and to me directed a h.r;t of said county. Given un ler my baud this 8th d:iy .f Auxusi A.0..1HTU. J.V.' .TO INSON, autf llwa. Sheriff of Cass Co. Neb Legal Notice. In the I)i--rit Court -d Jud i -i.il Diftrict ithin .m i for C-issooun'y. Xeliraska Charles a. AcIh-.-oii, 1'laintin", ) Xotice of v?, utittitui to John C. MoCI-'Kan I. IH-fcndcnt. J Revive. T John C. Mt-t'li-lltmd. uon-rfsi.icnt. detVn lo lit. you are hT"''.v no itit-d tteit cuiheiTiIi day of August. Wo. Ch.irU-s S Achesun, phiiutiif her-.-iti. lili-d ;i tii"tioi in -ni l 0i-jn toro ivt a ;udir incut oO'aOitvl .-tir oust you in s iid Court oil t!ir 4rh (: ot Jurm. lsiil. or the fUtn of jns.au stud siL.:i','.i.-. Vou ;irt- reijuirt-d o -how cau'e by lUe 1 -t d ly uf the novt term oi ltislrii t Court, in -md for -ai I -outity, 1. iny the l-i Mondtiv of No vciiiher. ISTo, w!i-.-:i: ljudjp-'tioiit. should not fce r-vivp.. MAXWELL .V CHAPMAN. a-jglSivj Arty's, for l'luiwtilT. Legal Notic. In ni-trict Court 2d .Tiidi.-Ial District, wilh'u and lor Cass ..ounty, Xebra-ka. Perry Walker, l'l if, vs. MinervH J. MeCorl. Id McCo.-d. M iry M-i'ord. Wiili.un h.M Cord David A. MeCord, Jr. Minorca J. M. Cord. Id;. MrCrd. M Ty MfCoi-d. Wi l-.iitiiK. .M.dWd and Dviu A. M.t-C-ird. n"n-1 PF.'O-nt. d"i, n l.in'-. ym an- le rtl-'y notified tint Perry .ilto-r filed hi.- -et:t ton on the i!itti d.iy ef Auni-t, A. 1. lsTn. in the oti'n-u -t the Clerk of . h- tJi-trict Court within un i lor C.v- county, tie o'oe' t and pryt r f wtii.-h 'S to corrc-t and re orni :i deed cii-vutti hy iViili.cii .M' (.'"ri to -.ar.Oi J. Fiiirbaul's, un or iili iuf the Uih lay of X ivt-'iiher.lsTu.in whi.di dee i ihr e id M'-Cord iuti tided to eonvey : he S. K. 1 of t lie liort h-ea-'t of seetioii Xo. inn 'li in tonn-tup No. Eleven 11' X.. Hat ire. Xo. thirteen J. , e:ist iil'thei'.Lh P. .M. in C;u-s eountv, Xel.rn-K.i. but ly nii.-t..Ke he S li '4 tfthc E i4' "f-ai-i s- etioti wa--et lorth in -aid de-i : and .ra ins that (laid deed may le n loruied st a- to expre--tiie true i te '. o! r.ii J jiarlie-, and that plai.i' iti t' title to fa :-l r? r. ' 1 o! the 1. ' 4 ot heetcn one in totvu-iii eleven 11. north, ruiure thirteen ' i in Ca eou uty, X eora-k 1. iu iy be 'juiete.l and con lira ed in idauititf and that the eloici east up .;, id .iiiiiif .- title to lid tra -t ot 1 ,1, by reaou 01 saiddcie;vive deed m v T-' tiO'vt .1 PEKKV . A I.K ER, By MAXWELL i CilAl .MAX. aug2-w4 i'ili A:t f. Legal Notics. In the I'i-triet Court 2d Judir-i?.l Di.-trict, tvitiiin and tor Cas county, Nebraska. A. L. liruwn, 1 vk. -Luke Palmer. ) Luke Piihiier. non-rc-sident, Defendant, will take Xotiee that A. L. lirown Pi.iintiil in thi.-i aetion 011 iln; 17th dayof Ana! l-'.'o. tilled in. rctitioti in trie otiiee of the Clerk of the Di-triet Cour; it f d Juoiei.il Di-triet within and lor for Cass eouaty. Xehra.-ka, the objvet and prayer of .-aid petition i- to itotain a deeiee to remove a eloud on Pl.iintitf title to tlie .'-i-fsi W 4 ol see. ol iu 1' IJ. X ol It 14 K eau-eii by a .M-rt.-iin iiiort::ipe j-'iven by Henry lt Anderson to said Luke Palmer on said traeis of land, on or about the - Id day of April ls'xi. which mirtane ha.- t.eeti paid and -:t;i.-lieil exeei tintr aijout the sum tin 1 ;T.iyiiu; that said De- fetiUaut ni;i le rejuired to reeeive .-uil .-uiu. and release said !iiortai;e, or that fcai'i money i:iay be paid into Court, .-it:d .-.lid uiortjrajje -leelared null mid voii. and the eloud on i'!a 11 ti rTs title to to said tracts of land eau-ej thereby may be removed. Vou are reiiuired to a!itr said peti tion on or oel jre the ol u.iv ot Uetolter. ls.t. A. L iiK'itt'.V. Dy Maxwjji.l & Chai-mas, Atty's. ausHn l Real Estate OiTice. iM?n scpscp.iniii I K:il list t.u ' lihee SCDsCP.IP.liK.S HAVE OPENED A iu connection with their O ii-e. an 1 h ive -..-eurei tlie .-ervi-e ol a tup. -lent ail reliable man to take eliartre of the aiiie. m.d will buy aiei feil li-nl L'ale on eomini-.-ioii. py taxe.-. exainine titles, turni-h abstracts i hereof, and trati-aet all business per tainijig to real etnte. e have al.-o a full and eoniplete ah-traet of title of lands mid lots iu Cass C.'iiul'. that has been prepared wit 11 care, ana will lie pos!el 1 Irotn reeoids of the county, daily, and we bt lieve will be found reliable in every re-pect. A;l tiusiin entrusted to our care will receive prompt aifen tion. Maxwell Jc Chapvax. June -Jtich. 1S70 ieidwtf ItSTRlVS. 'PAKEX LP nd impounded by the sub eribcr I ut tos 1 inn in l.ouisviio; 1 revinct. ( aso co. Nebra-ki. on the th l.iv oi.-iua t ls.o Oncliiy c)it. supio-'-i to li..- one ear dd. lir uid-'l "S" oa the icl; sh -ulier, b'uze in the forehead, wid e hind aul:;wit KiCHAPvD LEWIS. ft'otice. LL PERSON'S HAVING FRTEN'DS Oil A in VouutT A Ha ioPlitioito the ' iiy. are 'tere-y requested lo hut e tbeiu removed on or ber..re Nov. 1 tta. lo7n. liy order of the CIT 1 C1 NCIL. Attest: fc. y, Cooi-KK, City Recorder. JulyJlwl7w ATTENTION FARMERS ! ! If it u i-'j-nf fo buy an A Vo 1. REAPER and MOWER Call On D SCHXAMfi & CO At the XEW YORK STOIE and exatnin their iluih Jnyjrovett Cayuga Chief Reaper & Mower For 1870! Mso their lars-e ttoe k sfCLiiLE Plow... 1 I 1 J 1 It luav MACHINE vHOP! WAYMAN & CURTIS I'latl-siiioulh- ZVeb.- Repairer? of Steam Eugines, Boi!cr. Saw and liri. t Mill-. ia and Steam r ittintrs. tv rouftht Iron jVjj.e. Force and '1 lit Pumps. Steam (iaurfes, ice Valve Governors, and all kinds of 3ra s Enf ine Fittings, furnlfhed o,. -turt notice. F ARMING MACHINERY B. aired0 uTiort notic. au5U a good cha&oe: FOIl A GOOD BARGAIN! Having -oi'i ptetp !'ie !;i"in? :!inl ref ordin'! of my ',1'io.K's. A J li'.ion 1) the Cuy of i'.atu--mouth, 1 am n .v l rei .oe,i to soil lf? -fi In tao Al IS: ion ct rc.-sotsaMc rn'e-. Terr- ne one h i: down: tho other ii.iif pity:i'.;.- I'l one year, at t"'i per cent, inrcrc-t p.-r atniutn from date of jnir'-i, ;!.- u itil paid, 'i'o be scoured by uiorle.u;'- cn the projierty. S. LiL KL. Donation to Churches. I will Kivc t ) ihe foI!ovintt relixious dei:oim-nntion-. t i7 : To the liapti-t Church. I U in l!cli L'7 : 1 o the C-ouTvi' o ior:.i CluocU. !.a i in Hock "I'o the M-t!t'-ii-t Ctoo- h. lot 1 in blo.-k i; To the C .t::ol-..; t hur t., lot ; Oi l.do.-k 5": To the K(. i-.-,, r!o;r. h. b-t in l.lo. k V.l; To the IVesl. tiri. in l.'h irc'i, b t 1 in bl-.-k 21: To the t 'hnsii.it, Ctoi.- h be 1.' in b)o, k - : 1 o tlie i nr; i.it, t mi.- -m '.: . in ti T : To the L.iMi. r-.n t htirch l.,t 1 i . Idoek : in mv Add:tioi to he i'ltv t l,l.."-:,ooit h. lit n the followoi- eon ii:t,.ns. vi.: That tliey -!c.ii erect on .-:oo lot. a-a "O .l.matt t. a suitai-lv buildiiitr f.r public worhio. -;iin five yea" from tiii.-date : an i. iii ca-- o.'" laooic .; t!;e part ot s.ii 1 Chur or Churehi .- to rr.ply with above con. ii: ion. then and in that ea.-o the lot or lots shall revert to i:ie. S. DUKE Donation to Public Scheie. I hereby donate for the u-e of P;:bli' Xii-tri t School-, Lot!" in i! U ', i -i the north fide ot Main . -feet, mm I.ot 1" oi Block -J. "ii the -oj, h side of M i n -trevt 1:1 my a j-i.'.ioi; . the Cii lit ki;. f n:j't?:i:o:ilh. 5,G0D Acres of Land for Sale in this cotitity. Al.-.), Housi s and Lot. in this pity, ;,i 1 iv je j. . Pa r! I tr .-.'ti :! .i ri''":i t !h I my in'.: .it.i soltitit' of r. :t! ':-'.'. -r i :.:;t l i - i '. I ; ing taxc-for tcn-r-: idi :.!-. S. lH'K L. K-viI K.":i.tc Aiscut, Lot for i cn Dollars. I w iil i'!l to n ii'-H S d' - rous of t'liii tn.ir ;oi 1 improvu'ir. my ot t'o- P;.- in (oe -u in my a 1 l.tioti t.- !"i.itt s-n.-uth. :o t in 1 ! ii, if- per lot, nil ler t he toi iowitof ti 1 1 1 urn', v Tho person pMr. 'riiti -.v;H be r-.) ailed to huiht on t ne lot pur-h-t-el a lioa-e o: the foltoninir dim'-ri-i'm-. to-wit: ihe hou to be not le.- t'iirttiUjl t-et. with .-iory lee lower t'o-i:i " feet. The lr.t:e." must he w" I a'ld puh-trititir,!: h-m-e well .-hitu.'Se I: I'o' in la' either :' briek or -rone. 'I Hi1:-- t.,-hi1' li en, of not le--thiin lr,l !. Lu'ldin'ni'i.-t be eoi;i)leted on or beion- J.i:i'i;o 1-t. i-.o. WiH give a hotel for a b ed to the party who !.us a booii as pureha-e is to t le.mi i upon i:i,(.'yiri. wi'li the above e oi iiti..ii. will icive a tfooi and fU.'hv-ient U'arrniity l.-ed. Seleeiiong may iej m oie from the aeeo:i;patiy-int- ii-t; Lot- .Hi.d in b:.-k .,: Lot S i bloek 4; U in bl . k U: Lot :i in 1,1.-k s: I, l.b.ek -j": Lot-J. ; a it I li in bbi.-k -! : l..t s j bloek --: Loi- S aud s iii i i.., k ' ': L . .. 11 in "!o.-it !'.; Lot .". in I 1 . ;: j;: Lo!- i'l and l. in l.!.)eU.U-; L"t.- 4 and 7 iu 'j -oek Lot J ... block -;o. s. di- Platt.-m)Uth. Auy.i'-tf. r, '..,.; ii , :. . RAILROAD LARDS Th2 Burlington o: Kc. River R. R. Co. i.i fisbraska NOV." OM T.P. PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS To 'heir Land' in K-ir.cv- H. T. . t. It). 1!, 1, ml, utd li. En-f or the Iv'i I'rincipi:l Mcridi.i:!, 111 N.-ra.k.i, On Ten Years Credit! Only fix p-r ee'ir. iir.eri t-t on tho vluation i rei(uired for the tirst ie;r: the satne r the ".im 1. toi I then, oti a'ld :.! : r th-- third : 1 j . only oiie-i.iiilh ofllje pro . i; .tl and ii- rea.-.:i iniere.-t i.- payable li'.aahy. TWENTY PEU CEi'JT VviLL DE DECUCTET From our Ten Year- Pre lit price, at the option ol ihe bu it, 1! tie pay- in tall. 01 1 t vi pei . -n ' . tiller- st w 1: hi n one cii' 1" 1:1 it te of por,h:i-e and his pi ;--ii:piiuu pay -e cut wiil be ad . wed in SCttliUietit. Cn tliesa Gcnercus Tern.s At low price?, p.-imritiir from I to Ti. .4'.', :V. . Jli. '. xHti. tivera-oi,- iibont El'ili f DoLL.VKs li.il ACilK. as per ipiaii'y an 1 local aivnta'.a.s. .iiriun! prd.c1 Sosj- will p:-y t'ov G..fil. Mtt'lUiusr K.at.ri I ovo- nsiitw Tlnth ivilt. i;i l lie of ilir I t 11 1 cjirx i'ri'.lst Facts to be Considered. l'fl arr-s R. R. La rid rt 7 ea-h isl Ss 7 on 1 .'year- cr .1 u t .. r .-.tit., I ttnd wll rn-t. in e,.-y Mit.ii:il pay- f Un-llts. iii.. to;al And l'-t acre- o! S--L th" lone.-t pri'-e. ) S :s. at -. I jiito.tiy I (".Id it unci ('.Id it unci cii lor ' -md t- d'.l birs, oujiii year-. i.t ten per t--lit. im rest, eo-t 1 5 M ikinita diC'-r-re'e in favor of Rail Rftad I inds "t I 5 117 Ua: l'-.ra f.ti' oo'np.i ri.-..i t;1(.- nver.tirc- pri-e at which School L::'i 1- nave '.i-.-.-i m-;.;. -i.-oii-i ie compar d with t he a 1 ::! pi icy ol oar K til oad land.-. r TaUc loreAMiiii !e the avinc-.' pri -e f :!'i."-'. per a e. at iv:ii--b t!i-.' -;.:.- -'cm.; I.:ir;I- ii; ve been "i!.i. a per -port i ,-iiO . A no it - r as Lati.l Com tois-ioiit r "i toe. state, lor the f.- "i yv.r tu iinj: Nov. :"th, iv-:'. a:,-! t;"-n-.-.-. .:! r' ;. price in ten years at r-n j r cent, li.t- r---t tin total sum ol c-'.-J 1 Deduct .Tom lb.: Ihe total e' .-: 1 f 1 .;) acre ot ii. .1 !. 11. R. L iu t-. at .-nr ai i r.tio l.otiir 're.:it prl- e o s.o.0 j-er acre, on lo j ears credit at per cent. int. -r-'-t vi. cJ.-oi !1 Ate! the difference on a n'l.i.-tcr !: t'ou in favor ot K'tilroa 1 1. in 1.- :-... "1 Jl Tins ' on. . ,r;-on i- not made to prove iii.it t::c School LlOids h n in 1 11 s l i too lii-h. iyUt lo iMt-e that th;- law ..f ri, 1- Sr.rc ,.,.- b.-.-.j rut..';-. 1 by actual and nuto'-roti-,t .: i-.;,. .,(-. Aer m. m. mi 111 jt'. '..'.', t : .-'.-t: -i.ii-.;- J" r lerc : and tin: iiverae v.'iiiia:io:i ot i'l'- s .M . K. lt. L:i!i'i.- 1- rao.-.-l ' 1 . .,( .-, i t. I,; end f.rai ti.- d v-rdi-t. h.-olroad Land hoe another id-, in flic t.ot. 1 fiat a 1 i v-r c 1 r, ';. i- .,, -:'.: 1 o tiecti'-n- 11 a fow ii-lop. in-; e id ot l;i.:t. e-:,.':i.i 1 to only two School -c-i .-ins. inr Lo;.r or Ten Year- Credit pri r.o.e from I to .1. 7. S. it. 10. ! j ,!..;iiU.s gfiii-niily. and no ni-'e "!ii ;5 -,-k. A ppi i,-:i i o - 1--r land en " be o; 1 i : Fi i.U.h. il.LSIK i-li ALU ..-.a -, atid. N'.-b. S. J. lijVLLL, at - ,,i!.- tt':i vr. C.:- Co.. Nebr:.-ka V.l'. Cf LEY. a- Nor-ery Hill. , V. :.!,. COVKLL. CALIf'L'X A CJ'.oX.oN. at Ne- l.ra-ka lie. Neb. E. X. -3 H. R. C'J.' -AND Oi l-IC E. ct Lin it rat ' R. R. L A N D OF: t(t in ?'.:t! : icfh. 't:l.', S. HARRIS . Land Coiion t-.-iontT R. X - li. ii. Auturt. 1)'h. Is. 1). A. A SARGENT k CO. "WE w.tii!i invite T-a!fr anl the Iu'j! i cucriilii to call aud exanwiiu our twrk ot' before ptirch.i-init elsewhere. Mr. it,-' ut navinif had ihe experience ! twenty years in iu.wiuf.-tiir!:.x ad Kit.l- '. ap-. we are eonti-iefit ! lvi.t! eiiiio' -a?'-fje- tion to uil who may tavor us ,i:h their palroi. ate. ia;t e'.ehantft.t lor srta-e. and delivered in toy part 01 t!it city. Ca-ti pail lor reinlerc'l tallow and clear grea-e. s,iap V. ork. Kearr.ey it i-rd. near ferry s.. i.rt ,gi', .xcr. k -liy. I It!! I..1.V A V. ENGINE AND SAW M LL FOR SALE OX ItEAfuXAELi; TERMS. 'pHE EXOIXE OR SAW MILL AV i.L i;K X Sold M-p.iri'ciy or t- v-ether. to suit pur-eh:i-er. The eiisrn:e t- Pl! j.H ineh.'.-. ut.d id in derfect order good ai new. Call and fee ut MACHINE SHOPS. rLATTirV' 'I'TIl. itJrllwjTiT isiwir-r I'UHU. S.M.I : AND V JS a jt &, JL k ; jtaSji! mai.v srurr.T. i" I ain rt i .ircj t . IInrKfi, Cirri 'ijti , 1ti.-1.M- :c iv.-b. . .1 on -T.ort ; wi;i rjti t .loi o:;ee ft, 1 r" . -t :..: , wn. . --ir.-- t I - Tin: rxDKK-TCNi:: mavi: m:;:;. . f.M rr 5 "f V " -1 T On Main i 1 -ret. !M..t to kt : v t - i ri-y . . I P I? X P (W Hf"'rV i II lb i J I f l IJ !' , J j IN TIII IN. incin -r i 'Kic O t 1 1 To!: F T C.i!I md a-jjfJi' ii '.vtl'. K. BCTTERV. l.l'I.Mlt. ttf y &ti fciijty tsj-ja -jj i;:;rn:iiv i...:;n ,-,v, j: .IV Lit bALL U LAurt . l. K-.-The h.--! ,.f!r: (. ori.-r Vi..e an I t j.u..'! !Atf. j? I TV v VW !P7i us.igc jT AT v.' II :r. : "-row'h. -hit.; J - of 1 1 !- t 11 n in .l:i.e:,i , 1 ,!u APPLE Ti'.Ki.s .".MALL 1 ill ....... A U 'e?', L. A. V. ii.hi AM . i Piitvit, - Isiwii, r-u--!.-. ..u" I.V V'1 rs l ij k it cLL C Ciiii Ti r f,,r fa'e a I :.. I'-i'i.V ill C.i-s cui:ij.y, l-.iio-.vs : li; L i's in city if P t '. Upvva; 1. t'i T,,t mouth, i ! td i.l r. V' Farm i f " r 1 '.re.- lir a ,-" - t,. : .-1 -l-.v. i;;, e- o. i half il:c I-Uiehiw-e 11,, !"ar,-i five 1 mi:.- lror-i !; Jw-.-liini: ;i:i i , .., 1. 1:. r impro'. . Fir'n in I.o:i-vi' Riolr.ot I Mat.ort. 1. t:''.-r 1 n I 1 v t i- n. ; '1 iii- tr.-n-t i- we:l on a li;ii,;. Also a $ f I'n 'n.-t. ;' - a r. - -oi ! ' - r iva-i r-- i . v.-,: 1 c i .-- K ,1:1 .1: Fa.T.l ' f 2I H' Tc--. r 'I n . i'.iprm .-10 'o.t-;. i-i'-Iii l'..- : :.; o-char 1 ! p.t Ir-ot tr - - .1 t. :. y oil : i tuber ;.i. i.t . 1 1 u 11 1 1 1:1 -i. the puici.a.-e itio.-i'-j . F-irm ef 7' icre- 0.1 :!ie I:. A- M iii,i -- ir..i,i ri..i;-iuoii li. li ,,1 11 n -. v., 1 011. T:,i tract h.I; i.-i r . -1 ito rovemcn:", and is for sale v. -r , I ' :i--re- of Prairie, f..-,- : : Ii .i.rotd S I:.-,, !' '' 1- "' a'l '.tj'oli.llrf il c, A t-iv.it l;io,-ain. acres in Sv. Iii. T. !. P i 0 nrp t in i'. .M. I'rairiu in S'-c. L -, T. 11. l'..u,.-. 1 iro lie:-' cor , of A i -y d. -(Ml tl'. Ti r ! o..j 1 a 1 1 It Im 1 U't -rr a m.io 1 . r I - cf ! ut.: ra li!:i.,- I-'unn 'c, L',j,-in -'i .f n. v.-.i i,. ilo o.-.. . , re-. - li r.. 1. 1' r. . -. W ' 1 0: v c:.o 1. 1 .y 1 l-i!-: ' i. 1 ft I u:i ill In addition to t!:n n itij lor f.i'.-, vi -v i..M Lots a 11 1 -.' i ri i.'-vo (.- have jiio. V N'-i. l"t .t H 1 ti s.n-1 ti . IM J'.H I'l i'.-.l 1 I Tcoilo, Henna L Ci J3 A XT jZ S IFo 3 r:- vli.k-4 is tj. . U.fi. and o$Iitr &tu Di afl-draw n on a'l piTt-'of the I'n and Mur-'i e. Depo-i re. ive.l, an l ttn'.iuu Kivca to c . lectin: 5. Plattsaouth. N ieliP.f 4 MEPtlCAN UN DAY c:pj'jl i n: T. F. W H h E L fc SrMAV SCHOOL .MISIONA- for Nehra-k. an i Sotith've-tern I".i. " lo eslabii. l.ito: and -t!pi!;. inn S11.1 I N - ' Parties or lerm r Mipioies e.i: ti ' i--' ' 1 " dial't or Po-t Oii-c Urder.-. .! ," - I. F. wheel: !. City . i