BAST. The Iliiiliiiffton&IUsourl Kivcr RailKoad, In connection with th Chicayj, Burlington Jc Quincy R. It. Offer to t!it- people of Plattsmouth, and all tba south of tiii: platte, the mnt direct, anil the best Route to th Eas tern. South Eastern, and Northern S'tate. Passengers desiring to travel luxuriously should tak il -narif ir hxiirniK, whi.-h runs through tn Chicago without cuange of Cars", euuiobed wit h elegant Day Cum-hcs, Pullman's Palac Day unU Meeting Loaches, ana Pullman's Dining Cars. Tn alliii'.n to ihef act that this is the direct ruute iy w hi' ii time may be saved in reaching: any point in the Extern or .Miliiie States, it w tr.itiitiilly In; .-ai i that it possesses the best true kii'i the lim.-t e.ui ment of any Western Line, ec.-uri'i i'j me pas.-enger Speed, Safety and Comfort. Rate... alw;.y as LOW as the LOWEST. Ba;-- iiifceiietkett turougti to nr point East. (I. K. PERKINS. Gen. SuH. A. L'.TOUZALIN, !en. Passenger Agent. ianlSdAwtf. p.niAKI) TIVIAV. H. E. TALMKR VIVIAN & PALMER. DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour, Feed AND PROVISIONS. Canned Goods, &c. &c &c S llij.'lif-t c a.-li irice jai-l for all kinds ofiiraui. and I ii.ii'-t', JJuttcr, J'jggs, iliili s, l urs an. I Wf ml. N'nrtli Ivist coniLT Main and Fifth Streets l'Litt-muuth, Illlo'liVWtf. Dissolution of Partnership. I'.ntr. .--ii'.p heretofore existing under tie linn Mum son. .Mlckelwait A Co.. is I iv ii ! - -1 by mum. :1 consent, J. D. .-.mi. .j..;.i. pin -n i"nl r.i wipe trom the e meern. All tue ' t: rm will he .td to .Mickelwait A -. :i ii i debt- due by sai'l tirni will he i y tii. r... .1. D SI MI'SON. W.Mlt K El, WAIT. E. S. SHARP, .tt-m-.tith. .Tuly loth. Is7u. augG-d3t Legal Notice. In the l'it i i.t Court of the -d Judicial Iist r i.V iim-k.i w 1 1 ii i ii ami for Cuss county. Neb. (ni'-e Meteulf, Plaintiff.) Wa-lrmrs-.n M. Dickens. Washington .M. Dickens, non-resident, de fn lnnt, are herein- notified that Horace M.-ti-all'.on the 1st day of Augii-t, A. I.. 170, til.-. I hi- .-' i ion in the office of the Clerk of the l'--tri-t Curt of the I'd Judicial District o !! r.i.-k.i within and forCa-s County. The oV it T and pray.-r of sai l petition is to obtain 1 r-e ot . . !o. lire of a certain mortgage on tie r..nth 1: lit i 2i of thesouth-west quarter'!) "! -.. lion No. is eiirht in township No. 1J' 'wclv.' n.-Mri ..f r:in;re No, ilj twelve east c? t i -;!i 1'. M . in Cas county. Nebraska, and .''fx n: ;o ying note (riven by you to Julian M-t -alt a trustee for Horace Mctealf. calling 1 r;he sum of 14.". one year after date, and iit. i July ir.:h. IS-Vi. with interest after ma ' r; -a: : I..: i : :e it 4" I er cent, per annum, and 'M'tiirth'-r -iiai ot 'i hirty Dollar as an Attorneys J"' 111 thi.-. -an e. There i now due the plain tiff va said imtc and mortgage the sum f :')".. wi'ii in'i re-ton the same at 40 percent. I : a nt'M'ii Ir-iu the l,;th day of July. Hot), and t ' further sum of Thi. ty Dollars Attorney fee. :i petition praying tliat sai.l defendant be ' to pay said sum, with interest and v ' - iv a day to he named l.y the court, or that f; I i4i.. I may be sold to satisfy the same. Von mi : -1 lire 1 to answer said petition on or be-.--i. lehday of September. A. D.. 1H70. IK RACK M KTCALF. T. M. Mu- jrKTT. ,Attys for Plaintiff ' '! : I that the nbove notice Ve published r.f.-.' i-!h:ak 1 Hk3ai.i for four consecutiT 'it. ... cording to law, Isaac Pollard. iiai:t Clerk Ladies Bazaar. ." 'i. Ii. t 'r a ker .V Co. wish to announce to ' ;.r L. r .- 1 1' I'latt-nioiith and vicinity that l . V ar. 'n-t opening a -elect stock ot Millinery ar. 1 I-j-.-y i;..o i-ot the newe-t pattern, which t:e ' rr ' 1 :. i i-ry low. Dre.-res cut and made 11.1 r e-r and most approved styles and on ta'-Hvrte-t notice. Kor the present we will be 1 ! 1 1 it 1 r-,. in n(joinititt Mess s. Fox's Gro " ". M.un str et. Call upon us before pur jJ'" ." c!-ewhcre. Mrs. L. B. CROCKER Jt CO. f.-;'::airK. R. EAXTIR WI.NHAM Notary Puldic." I -SPURLOCK & WINDHAM ESTATE AGENTS ' r-t build. ns east of Court House, up atairs. o-ATTSMOCTU, ... - NEBRASKA Un 1' and Sold. TiMes Examined and 1 - Made. Taxes Paid and Receipts 1 ir 1. .1 Promptly. -Ail Ii i-iiiess entrusted to our care will rK. ve j ruuipt attention. mar'-VdA wtf. Dissolution. V,'TIi'K is h T'-' y tfiveo. tint the co-partner-h C h. r t.dore existini: between u. under th.n-i-i . .., 1 -tyle of .Morrison L'M-khart. is ta.- i iy ive.t. Alt a icounts of the firm to r- , ; , v vy Ji,,rri,,ii. wiin will continue V .-in- s. F. MOKRISON. t F. LOCK II ART. Getting Married. !.'' V 1 11: Vol NNt; MEN. on the de l J 1 -ii -. ; llou.e. and the pronriety or imnro-rre-v .t iMim,. Married, with sanitary help t"r th .e ie. feel iintitfed for matrimonial hap J;:r -. a; free in sealed envelopes. Address Hon lL A0'JIAT10N, Box I'a. Henry Boeck FURNITURE, Lounges, Tables, Safes. BEDSTEADF, ''f all dc-criptions and at all prioef. Metalie Burial Cases, Of all siie.. . WOODEN COFFINS made, and sold cheap for cash. in my thanks for past patronage.! tnviU ' to (.-ail an-i examine my large stock of Furni ami roifi ns. i ian28tf. v BOOTS & SHOES. R. H. Van Arman. SuuthSide Main, Bet. Second and Third sfr.' c''ie ' est French Stock, and warrants a n ,'ei'r'nK 'rork done in this line will give ".U.and get the best auahtr cf work. ALL, OltOR PROMPTLY FILLED B.&fUiLR. One door west of PLATTSMOUTH, HAS WH0LESM.E A LARGE Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODs, IE3LATS, CkJFS, and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL EZinds of Country Produce. To 1 1 11 DFitzgeriild. PhttamtutL, Nebraska, August 5th, 13f9. HARDWARE AND im:lements AT MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. Would respectfully inform the people of CASS and adjoining counties that tha have just opened a LA11GE Hardware and Agricultural Establishment Where we are always to be found FOURTH STREET. BETWEEN rl R fitock confist.f in part of the following : The Buck-eye Reaper and Mowcreombined. The 1 Miwli'l Sweenstake I'hrashpr- Xtnrntiil KpVMtiiiie Corn l'l:miir Munmriiith Ktullr Putter and Cultivator, (tncidii nd Monmouth Cultivators. Lixon Iron Rack Cast Steel Plows, old ground, and breakers. I'eoria Model Extra hard l'low.s. Princeton ;uliiistiilili' Imn Ufa in Plows. r n nil the celebrated Newton agon, which for esi. Hardware. Cutlery. Wagon Stock. Glass. Putty. White Lead. Oil. Fence Wire. Harden, Field and i'lower Seed. ALSO 400tbs CHOICE 11ED0E SEEDS and complete and to sell at bottom prices. GIVE US our Stock, that you may (D. amiaE We Call The Attention of the Public to Uur Stock oj Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes, That we are just receiving. We buy our goods as and will aim by low prices, fair dealing and good Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! The Undersigned Want To Take Lumber fronftheir Common Lumber Shingles Ana other jjumoer, Loors, nne!4dwtf STOVE AND ZEL T. IDTTIKIIK & CO., Wholesale andlRetail dealers inl Hardware and Agricultural Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STFEL PLOWS Of all kinda and sizes, which we warrant the best in the market. 0 Are exclusive Ageats in this county for the sale ef Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coa or Wood Cook Stove Qire us a call w will not be undersold Main street, next door east of the Masenie Block PJiATTHVIOUTH. NEBRASKA R STORE. the IIebald Office, - NEBRASKA, AT AMB RSTAH. STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AGRICULTURE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! to accommodate customers. MAIN AND VINE. PLATTSMOUTH NEB durability cannot be cxceled anywhere East or Nails. Iron Our aim" shall be to keep ur stock full A CALL go away satisfied if not HAPPY. MATHEWS. DONNELLY CO. IP. Queensware, Notions Hats and Caps. low as they can be had in the market for CASH goods, to please all who will favor us with a call. Claris Flummeri Yard at the following Prices: from $2S to $30 per thousand ft. from $3 to $5J., vc., in proportion. TIN" ST ORB OR INSURANCE ASSETS OVER No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS BHAIsTOHI St. Louis, Mo., Chicago,' HI., Memphis, ALL POLICIES -:o:- IHviclciidK on the Securing the Greatest Pecuniary :o: REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men. whose known finananciul eharae ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty 3d. Premium all fasli. It receives no notes Atl. Its I'olifes are all iiii-irn.iiin. to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon 4tn. liivntcnus am losses are pain 111 cnn. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern 6th. Its risks are in the West, where the rate higher than in the Last; hence tiie accumulation in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 9th. Iubusint'ss is excluseivly lite insurance. :o:- Are the accumulations of interest unon premiums naid. hence the Pnmn.nnv thnt lnn it nsser. at the highest rate of interest can give you the moneys at to percent. .while this makes its in vestments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantaee of Western investments to the iMiliev liol.ler arme irs-in the following ctnrii;,.. figures: The amount of SI. omt, invested lorfitty b per cent, compound " 12 " " -:o:- OPPICERS : H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, H. L. Newman, Treasurer, D. M. Swan, General Agent J. L. Wever, M. D., Consulting Physician. -:o: This Company Xsisurcs anv Eaic -:o: KXOW ALL MEN" BY TIIE.-E PRESENCE: Kansas, do hereby certify that the Missouri Valley Life r t,.nized and doing business under the laws of the State of Kansas and Missouri, has furnished the undersighed satisfactory evidence that it has invested ine Hundrei) and Fifty Thousand Dol lars of its capital in United States tioveniment Bonds, of the denomination of Fiv'e-Twent ie.n"-a) p uaere possessed ot the same. And I do tun her certify that said Ci iiinany lias set apart Due Ilun housand Dollars of said United States Bon is for the benefit of ai i. piii.h v iihi.iieks of saiil Company ; and that I hold in trust and on deposit abovamenti loned. and I am satisfied that such securitiesare worth Une Hundred Thousand Dollars lawful money of the United States of America. In witness where 1 have hereunto subscribed my t fcat ot Ami- t aUi ied, tiie day and year above litor ot fctate. -:o:- Insurance Department- IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That there bus been filed in this office a sworn statement, showing the condition ot tiie Missouri Vallev Life Insurance Coin ran v. located at Leavenworth in the State of Kansas, on the 3 st day of December. A. D.. lsii'.t, in accordance with the provisions of an act of the tJeneral lNscinhly ot the State of Nchraska, to Kejtulate Insurance Companies, approved Feb. 12th. lSoti. that said Couii:i:i v. having tiled ttie necessary n.iter. anil a statement showing that said Company is possessed of the required by law. Authority is Therefore Given to the above Company to transact their appropriate btsincss of Life Insurance in this State, in accordance with the laws thereof. I further certify that A. B. CovaR. Esq.. is authorize 1 to transact bnsines? according to law for said Company, as their tJeneral A ire tit and attorney in env county where thev have in upni'T established, upon filing this Certificate for record with the county clerk of county. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand au l attixed my seal of office at Lincoln, this, second dpy ol June. A. D., 1S70. 1 -:o;- GOOD3TRAVELING SOLICITORSZWAN7 ED. :o:- . IS. CJ1Z,T9 Gen. Agent for Nebraska unci Aortliern sa: J. W. MA"RSHALL. Agent, i r in7'wirir"'ii B. E- LIVINGSTON. Med. Fxaminer, J L-' 1 ' A.UUIT I 11 BUY YOUR OF D. W. I Wholesale and PINE LUMBER, LATH, ard opposite the Bonner (-tables, and directly in the rear of the Court House. V'c respectfuly invite all parties proposing to build or consume iuinber, to call and examine our stock. Platumouth. So ilay IS, 1S70. a.aylSdt J GALLEY COMPANY. -:o: 80000,000,00. -:o:- OFFICES : Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. :o:- KON-FORFEITIKG. CoiitriCjiition JPlaia, Advantage to the Policy Holders lor its curcful and fucceslul luanagcuicnt. and gives none. Policy holders have no interest tneir policies. company. of mortality is lower and the rate of interest ot dividends to tae policy holder is greater than largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their years nt interest, is $ 1S.4J0.14 " " 4i;.Xil.i;i 11 7.. KN )..- " " sis.iws.oa sit lower rates tlsas? Comimiiy. AUDITOR OF STATE OFFICE, 1 That 1. A. Thomax. Auditor of the State Insurance Company, for the benefit of said policy hoi lers the security name, and caused th seal of my office to be written. . THOMAX, Auditor of State of Kansas. .rej. uisite amount of Capital, and invested as -Jolisi Gillespie, Auditor of State. "SWT TT tri & CO Retail Dealers in SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, &C. LlverySale andExcliange STi BLE OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, MAIN STREET PLATTSHOU T NEli THOS. PALMER. - Proprietor, "The Best of Stock and Carriages on hand uive us a call. aj l.Hitt. GRAHAM & McCLELLAN, (Late Geo. 0. Williams.) WHOLESALE AND KETA1L BOOKSELiLERS STATIONERS, -AND NEWS DEALERS, &c. Their stock comprises the most complete stock of LETTER PAPER, FOOLS CAP, NOTE PAPER, LEGAL CAP, ENVELOPES, INITIAL PAPER, MEMORANDUM B00KT, SCHOOL BOOKS, A complete assortment of S T A Til ONERYi FANCY GOOD , AND FOREIGN7 CIIKOOS. The newest Books and Periodicals always on uad. All hooks at publishers' prices. Send ra catalogue. 512 Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Neb. sept 1 1 dly E. C.ER FLI N G. Manufacturer of Mineral g Soda Waters riatt.mouth, Nebraska. fl'sty-Manufactorv in the basement of the Post Office Building. nil3dtf II. ROBERTSON, AVholesale Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Brandies, DOUBLE ANCU03 WHISKIES, dC. Best quality of Cigars on hand. All orders promptly attended to. MAIX STREEE, Nearly orposite Platte Valley House, Plattsmocth Nebraska. oct25dtf Notice for Proposals. SEALED Proposals will be received at the otliee of S. F. Cooper, City Recorder, up to 3 o'clock p. in Augus' 3d. 1S70, for the build ing of two school houses, one in the north and one in the south part of the citv. of Plattsmouth .SPECIFICATIONS. Said houses to be built of brick, 21xW feet, 12 inch wall, V2 feet story (one story). Propo sals will also be received for the building of one Central School house 24x1, feet 2 story: 12 feet story: first story rock, second story brick, 12 inel' wall, or 24x-lS. one story. 12 inch wall, ono story, brick. ror full plans and specifications, parties are requested to call at the office ol James O'Neill, School Director. By ORDER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION. School District No. 1 City of I'lattsuivuth Attest S. K. COOPF.R. Clerk nfltnnrJ July2itdlt. EMPIRE B KERY! Third Street, South of Main, Plattsmouth, leb., CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and weet Crackers REFRESHMENTS kept on hand at all times. nlotf GUTIIMAN A IIUBERTY SEST FREE ! ! ! ! To Any Part of The City. WHITE SPIRES, Having removed to ti "ir New Stnrn Cnrnor Main and Gth streets, will DELIVE GO WS FREE That arc purchsed at theirtorere. iVill ;f floods as cheap as ever, and will not bo under sold by anyone. Our Stock consists of the best brands of TEAS, COFFEE, SUGARS OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPiCES, FLOUR TOBA CCO, WASH- TUBS, Buckets, Soap, Salt, BACON HAMS, LARD, and everything kept in a Grocery Store. Every article warranted ot the best quality. The high est price paid in cash for Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, BACON, HAMS, LfiRO, and all kinds of Farmers Produce. Cash paid for Hides. Millinery Dress and Cloak MAKING BY MISS A, M. DESPAIN. I would respectfully announce to the public that I am nowprepared to accommodate all ofmy old customers and as many new ones as will favor me with their patronage. All kindsof plain and fancy sewins for ladies and children dune neatly, as ordered. Perfect satisfaction given or no charges. Comer fourth nml 'ine Streets, op posite Platte Valley House, Plattsmouth ebra.-ka declldtf. BARGAIN. Household Furniture. MMIE undersigned being about to remove from I the ei y. otlcrs tor sale his household furni ture t low figures. It will be offered at private sale until Tuesday 23 inst.. at which titue nil that remains unsold will be disposed of to the highest bidder. Parties taking a number of snicies at private sale, can get them at about ric ha! I their real value. The furniture can bo teen at my residence, corner Third and Oak r.reet. nt which place the auction will be held. sosuglTdtf. C. Ji. "VENTZ. Notice. TS liPrcb given that I wish to caption all par ties against trusting my daughter Margrae!, as I will not be responsible for anv debt" eon racte l by her. .M ARTIN" K0HRELL. Platumouth, August. H, H70. d3 fx A .A (f pLATl SMO'JTH NEBRASKA. TIU'HSDAY. AIT( JUST 25, 1ST0. BY TELEGRAPH. Paris, Auiruxt 17. The Journal OfiiViiale publishes the official notitication of the blix-kade of the coast of the (Jorman and Prussian States, sitrttod ly Fourchon, vice ailtii ral, and cominaiidvr in chief. The proc lamation declares the blockade from and after the fifteenth of August, ami al lows neutral vessels ten days in which to finish loading and tjuit blockaded ports. Paris. August 17 The following official dispatch is made public: Met, Aujrust 17 3 p. m. We had a serious entrasrement yester day near Jraulleotte. We gained t ho advantage but lost heavily. Notk (irauileotte is a small village six miles southwest of Metz and two miles west of the Moselle. London, August 17. The Paris journals confess their ina lility to explain the course ot the lecent military events, in consequence of the confusion of dates and lack of authentic advices. Three nephews of licneditti hav joined the French army. Lount L Iiamnerord. Lountess .Mont- albert and other French legitimists, have left their estates to the military authon tics, for hospital uses. Pans gossip has it that he Hoiif s wife is a Prussian, and that the (Jew-nil is confined in the prison of Vinccnucs Correspondents of various London pa- tiers corihrm the renorts recent v nub lishcd that the French army entered the last conflict in a starving condition. Ihe limes savs the irench army re ceived the finis-hintr stroke at Metz. A decisive battle will be fought at Chalons, after which there will undoubtedly be .bnglish intervention. Dispatches received to day at the Prussian Ambassy, in London, confirm the Prussian success on Sunday, already- reported, but do not throw much litrht on subsequent events. JNo telegram re ceived in London up to midnight of Wednesday explains clearly the move ments of the last three days. French accounts are extremely vauge, hut indi cate that divided counsels and changing plans have constantly embarrassed and endangered the rreucli retreat. Our di.-patch from Chalons, already telegraphed, proves that troops were pushed l'orward from Chalons towards Metz, down to Saturday night, when the trains were stopped at Ponta Mmion. On Sunday the Prussians found the. French still in great force under the walls of Metz. New York, Aug. 17. A siiecial to the Herald, from London says the French army of the JUiine has received a coup tie grace near -letz, and is now in a disastrous retreat to wards Yerdan, in a shattered condition, the soldiers individually desperate at the incompetency ot their generals. I lie Lmperor is believed yet to be the actual commander of the army. J he following is published hercto-dav: Six hundred thousand German soldiers are now in France carrying needle guns ; after them come the reserves, the entire male population, able-bodied, of Jcr many. These masses are distributed in 1 portions of the army of the Saar, of the bine, and army of the South. Frede rick Charles commands the army of the Ilhinc, as leader of the centre : on his right, advancing southeast of Luxem (Ourg, is the urst army, or that ot the Snar. under (Jon. Steinmitz. On the 'rince's left, is is the third or Southern arni3-, lea by l nnce J? reucrick William, leir to the crovn. Coder the latter are JoO.U'n) men; under rrederuk Charles, 250,000; and under Oen. Stein mctz, 70,000 ; total, .070,000. Stein metz has nearly 2o'J guns; the Crown rince Cos, and Frederick Charles 060, making a total of over l,.r00guns; in other words Steinmetz has in addition to lis infantry, 40 squadrens of horse and 32 battalions of artillery. 1 'rince Charles las 197 baatalions of infantry and 52 squadrons of horse. Berlin, Aug. 18. The following official news has been made public here this uinming : 'ont de iMonson, w ednesday P,v g. General Alversteben advanced yester day, with the 3d Corps towards the east ide or Metz, on t lie line of the enemy s retreat, toward erdun. lie encoun tered severe fighting with the divisions of (Jen. jhjcame l'Atmirault, Frossard, Canrobert. and the Imperial Guard. Jen. Alversteben was sustained succes- fully by the loth army corns and by de tachments of the Kth and Oth, com manded by Prince Frederick Charles. The enemy was driven in upon Metz. in pite ot his great superiority ot forces, after a severe combat of twelve hours, with very heavy losses on both sides. he Prussian denerals L'oenng and Widel were killed, and Generals Pauseh and Gruscher were wounded. King William to-day saluted the troops on the field of battle, which is gloroiusly maintained. Berlin, August 18. Details of the conflict at Pont a Mou son are jut received. Marshal llazaine, in endeavoring to fall back from Metz to Verdun, w;is at tacked at three o'clock on Tuesday morn ing, hi' the 5th division, and was forced to face about. The Prussians were admirably firm, though they sustained the attack ot four French corps, among them the Imperial Guard. After fighting gallantly 'or oyer six hours, the Prussians Fifth Division was reinforced from the Tenth Corps. These reinforcements arrived oppor tunely, and the French found that pro longation of the contest would be im possible, and retired upon Metz, with a loss of 2,0 0 prisoners, two eagles and seven f.mnon. The French utterly dis regarded the Convention of Geneva by mutilating the dead, firing on surgeons, ambulances, etc. Auotlier nntllo. Special to the X. Y, Herald. London, August 18. " A dispatch from Verdun, of date of the 17th. says a great battle has occurred at Mars la Tour, and there a large imm ber of wounded on both sides, including the French Generals Frcisard and lat taile. A large body of Prussian troops lias entered Drery- Our border line special dispatches say another attempt has been made by Kng land for negotiations for peace. A mes senger arrived with proposals from the EnglUh cabinet to that end. and the King and Dismarck were telegraphed at headquarters that the Ktnperor's con son t was given through Lord Lyons. Th' King replied that if France wanted peace she must ask an armistice in the usual way, or the arbitrament of war must decide between the two nations. London, Aug. 1?. A well-informed diplomat says Prussia will exact no surrender of French soil, but will insist on the exclusion of the Bonaparte family from the throne. Other terms of peace not reconcilable with French amour propere, including doubtless, partial reimbursement of the co-t of the war, may he added. The political restoration of the house of Or leans is eurrcntly discussed as probable. t'rrii-li I'mImpImmmI. LoNPON, August 1 Tuesday's battlleis the crowning proof of French falsehoods and conccahncutn in the recent telegrams. Paliako de clared in Coips Lcgislatiff that the Prus.sjans had been forced to abandon their attempt to interrupt the French re treat, and that Hazaine was pursuing' his road utiinolc.-ted to Verdun and Chalons. While he was speaking the Prussians were attacking the French flank and at nightfall one portion at least of H.mzaine's army had been forced to abandon the road to Verdun, and were again shut up in Met.. It is more than ever plain that no considerable part of the French army has ever succcded in tret ting far on the road from Metz to Verdun. delay to whatever caue due. gave the Prussians time to come up, and they were able on Tuesday to attack with a vanguard strong enough to .arrest the French retreat and bring four French corps into action. When Itazairm found that he could not shake off the Prus.-ian pursuit, he clearly resoved to crush their single coi js before its sup ports could arrive. For hours the 3d Prussian corp, which was supported only by cavalry divisions, which had first at tacked, was compelled to bear the burnt of 2'he vigorous otisluught from twice or thrice its own numbers. Towards the close of the day, reinforced by the loth and parts of the eighth and ninth corps, the Prussians resumed the affeusivc, ami when night fell the French armv was again divided, ami is doubtful whether either of the main roads from Mcdz to Verdun rcmins open to IJazaine. Paris, August IS. The following dispatch from Marshal Bazaine, dated Verdun, 17th, at 3o'cl'k p. m., is made public. This Wednes day morning, the army of Prince Fred crick Charles commenced a sharp attack on the right of our position. Ihe cav alry division of Gen. Fortuu, and the 2d corps, under Gcu. Froissard, made a re sistance. The divisions of another corps which were in Echelon on the right and lefl of liesonville, c;ync up successively and went into action, which lasted till night fall. The enemy deployed considerable forces and made repeated efforts to re sume the oltensive, whicli etiorts were vigorously repulsed. A fresh corps en deavored to turn our left, but were un- uccessful. We have everywhere held our posi tions and inflicted heavy losses on the enemv. uur loss is serious, itcncral Bataillc was wounded. A regiment of Uhlans charged on the staff of Marshal Bazaine, and twenty of the Marshal's escort were placed Iturs an combat. At S o'clock ihe enemy were driven back along his entire line. It is estimated that 120,000 Prussians were engaged. London, August 18. The Cabinet of Berlin, in reply to a communication from the Pope, declines to guarantee the inviolability of the Pontilicial Stales. la tlif Yiiul conic Dynnvlj' Icl ? London, Augu-t 10 Midnight. We have it on high authority, fre.-h from Paris, that is the universal convic tion there, that Napoleonic Dynasty isj ended. The Empress, having packed up md dispatched all her valuables, mclud- picttircs of inestimable price, has left for England, via Belgium, and it is believed the Emperor is also on his way to this country. London, August 19 8:30 p. m. Part of the French armv has been forced back to Metz, and the position there is regarded as very critical. It is believed that peace negotiations are un der discussion here. The Post, on the contrary, says, semi -officially, that no peace negotiations arc afloat. J he gov ernment is satisfied t hat 1 ranee won t treat till she is done retreating. A telegram from Berlin says the French armv is separated iy victory at iars la Tour and the main body forced back on Metz, and the road is now open to Cha lons to the crown Prince, who has only General Trochu and some fragments of Macmahon's corps to encounter on his way. Decisive events are pending. London, August 19 Midnight. The following is the latest from the seat of war: There was fighting nil day on Thurs day, near Mars La Tour. 'Ihe latest French dispatches are full ot expressions of victory. I he following additional facts ot 1 hurs- day's conflict have been received: A battallion of the 73 I rench regiment lest roved a regiment of German Lancers, capturing their colors. lherc were several brilliant charge.? made by the French, in one of which Gen. LeGrande was killed. It is rcporfed that Prince Albert, com manding the Prussian army, wa killed outright, but this is not confirmed. After the close of t tie conflict the French occupied the Prussian position. It is said that the I'rcncli force engaged numbered one hundred and fifty thousand men. There was severe fighting on the th near Gravollete. The Emperor is still at Iihcimsv The ground botv ecn Metz and Verdur as been the scene of constant carnage rince Sunday last. London, An mist 19. A letter of the Pope, dated July 22, to the King of Prussia, offering his med iation between Prussia and France, is published, together with the King's re ply. Ihe latter ackowledgcs profound emotion at the touehmg words ot His Holiness, and ass-urns him of his desire for peace whenever the honor and inde pendence of his country can be assured, with guarantees against any similay at tempt against the peace and tranquility of Europe. It is certain that I'ru-sia has refused the proposition recently made looking to an armistice. She will discuss no propo sition outside of Paris. New York, Aug. 19. special telegram from Carlsruhe says the demands of the King of Prus sia are stitedtobe: First, that he be leclarcd Emperor of Germany. Second, that the Province of Alsae, together with the city of Strasbourg, be given to ran 1 duchy Uaden. lhird, that Hava na receive itui money compensation in consideration of her services in the war. Fourth, that Napoleon III. le displaced and that an Oilcans Prince be placed on the throne of France. The feeling in England and Germany is universally in favor of these conditions. A dispatch dated London 19th, at 11:3') a. m. savs : The Daily News this morning con tains a dispatch from Brussels, which says that Napoleon pullers lrom lebnle pneumonia. He cries out that he has been betraved. Nanct, August 19. The Crown Prince is reported to have reached Vitray j ester lay. There arc rumors of fighting at Cha loa to-day. Bazaine has been driven to Metz, his army invested, and there can be no escape for it from capitulation. Berlin, Aug. 20. The Queen has received the following dispatch from King William, near Be zonville, on the ISth, at 9 p. in. The French army was attacked to day west of Metz ; its opposition was very strong. My command, after a combat of nine hours duration, totally routed the F'rench forces, and interrupted theircommuniea ti .ns with Paris and threw them back upon Metz.