A MAGKtaE imi WAYIvlAN & CURTIS PlaUsiKouth, Nefe., Repairers f team Engines. EoHers, Saw and GaVVnd Steam Fitting. Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Tilt Punips, Steam Gauges, l ice Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, tircu-hod e .wart notice. FARMING MACHINERY . Repaired short notice. aug&tf .- Sheriff's Sale ;j,jrge M. Hull I vs. -Order of Sale. J-.hn E. Kin. ) . , Notice is hereby given that I mil offer Tor sale st'i.uUic auction, at the south front door of the i ..urt House, in Plattmouth. Cass county, on the .ith i;iy of July. A. 1). 1S70. at two o clock ,. m. of s iid day, the following- real estate, to T'fh wc-t half of the southeast quarter and theca-'t half of the southwest quarter of section No thirty-four, township Ho. twelve, range No eleven ea.-t of the sixth principal meridian, .-9c-.iuniy.Nebra.-ka. oid hv virtue and authority of an Order of '- .le i-ued in tho above entitled cause, by the I ierk of the District Court of Cass county, and t.. me directed, as Sheriff of said county. Given under tny hand this 22d day of Jone, I in il J. n.jnussuj.-urini Willett I'otten-rer, Atiy. for I'lff. Cass county, Neb. ATTENTION FARMERS ! ! If yon trant to buy an A Su 1. REAPER and MOWER Call On n. scmnasse & co. AltheXL'TT YORK STORE and examine their Much Improved rjavusa Chief Reaper & Mower For 1870! ti.eir Ursa stock of BREAKING AND (TUBULE Blows. may36wtf. fiOJ. E. T'X'TI.E T. K. HANS. J. B. CLASS B Tootle, Hanna & Clark, DKALERS IK 4k old :inl Silver Coin, EXCHANGE, U.fw. and other Stocks. Diafw drawn cn all partsof the United Sta :id Europe. Deposits received, and special at tention given to collections. Plattsmouth, Neb. je24tf V2 - CO ct 3 0 u 0 .s H z A -5 El 0 1 M s - 73 O S -4 22 ca cc tu a. cu a c P Pi -s O O a: PQ o CD 0 fen o O O to c5 03 A MERICAN SUNDAY SCU00L UNION. T. F. WHEELER. TUN DAY SCHOOL MISSIONARY fr", l.- ..lr. r.l 5Sonthwcstern low. Attend i.. ... .;' 'v,,n a.i.J siinnlvioar Sunday nchool. rartii . MiC-rinT Fupplies can pend money ins drJfii or 1-0,1 0!See Orders a-. ft- Nebracka CityNebraf ka. COR.ICK'S ADVANCE ill. COMBINED REAPER & MOWER Ahead in 1 he Field. T TV. TRIALS HAVE THOROUGHLY 1a E- Wished the fact tht McCorinick f AU Vance Machine t'otubined Reaper and ilowei i the c:.!y Combined ilacniue icaius a Perfect Success. Call at CLARK A PLUMMER'3 and exam ine Met" i. Muchin j befne purthadinz elsewhere. They WiU Do Yen Good, jedfwlmo RIPPLE'S BEER GARDEN. AT HIS NEW BREWERY. Open Every Say. Kusic andDance every Sunday Henry Slert &.Co mlpt4f Bar Keepers. A. A SARGENT & CO. ciaSi iasfcag 2aar :jp 31amifacfurcrs. WS -Tuld invite Dealers and the Public Bfuurdi y to cull and examine our tock of SOAPS bef., "'"r5 .urchat-ini elsewhere, tw. "' E:;rseDt having had the experience I "e:4rs in tnu nnfunf nrt ni7 Jill KinMH OI 3: to an" 'e are coi.fident of civinif entire sati.fac- ! who may favor us wiLh their patron ned for grease, and delivered in i for rendered tallow and clear Kearney 'Ward, rear Ferry St. '.raesa City. EUSSELL SELL THE CELEBRATED Dodge and JYeic York The only Reliable Self-Raker Also the Birdsall Thrasher, and EYEEYBODY of a first-class Reaper and flower had bette rn need Call on smssstt Cor. Main a; d Sixth nu$$Ett Nebraska City, JnneKM&wtf. W.Ki DEALER IX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO LIANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Roofing, Guttering, Sjwniting anl Rerwirinir done. J am Selling First-Class Gnodx and Guaranty Not to ht Undersold as 1 am Buying of Fir.t JJ inds. A No. 1 Plows and Cultivators, closing out at Cost. Remember the plaei JIain .V.rf to Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! The Undersigned VVant lTll JLUsI SSB.Si-aiT To Take Lumber from iheir Common Lumber Sh'm:ies " Aai other Lumber, Doors, uneltlwtf GARDEN CITY AGRICULTURAL HOUSE, . CHALLENGE THE WORLD. t. TEN EICK. Sells THE C H A M P I O 1ST (Wheteiv's Patent) Reapere and Mowers. Self Rakers, Hand Rakers, Prop- raanTHBUkEWN'DREKLar' combined to-other, 11 the Heads actimr a ratheriaparuisor rakes. Kitber hes-J nmy 1 made to act as a r&Vevhen desired. The rake ivler Vrrft control r,f the tlnrrr. ai-d largo or j.a 1 praveN can be raked, as desired, or the rako mav be sot, to rake automstii-ally, delivennr a gravel at every revolution of the reH. The Chau.p.on is the Linh' Dravght, best made most convenient and durable Machine ot the Reaper and Mower tnl.-. M. TEN EICK SELLS . M. TEPJ EICK SELLS FTTH MISSIX.OZsr THBBSHT t: With three Hitch Goarinsr. Two Fans, Revolving aud Vij,t - x Adjustable Concave Self Oilin and ol.scle:v shaker rods, h:.ic-i (.ouplms aim Pivot Cylender. , . , , ., , These improvements bolon- exclusively to the Midori ThreshiTH. Also Furst & Rrad'-ev's Su.ky Hay Rake, and the I lfhn Uevolvin.jr Hay Lake. farmers look to your interests, examine and buy the best machinery. SOLD AND WAR? ANTED BV Junel4dwtf JIain St, 3d Door West of the Brooks House. C3LiOTI-312r-ri, outh Side Main Street, - - Number 9. I PLATTSMOUTH, CASS ODGE"SR57rNT . nco uu .ru 1 VXy TWYKTOCl DOOM Reapers and Mortens offered in tho Buffalo any Market. Pitt Thrasher. & DM Sts.. Plattsmouth Neb DOOM. Nebraska. City Mold, Yard at the following Price v. from $28 to $30 per thonsanj ft. from 3 to ?;. Su h, &c , iu proportion. -5a. TTt 3EL COUNTY NEBRASKA t&sr$ -f& ill Si pit 6li n Mrmlfl LOCAL 1STJ1 Vv fc3. Fitzgerald is relaying the stone pave- :ij-ur. in front of tne Brooks louse. Five hundred more Chinese left FaM Franci-tOv yfistorday, destined Xor the Chattanooga railroad. We learn that a stable was struck by lightning at Ashland on the 3d, killing several horses and destroying the build ing. The work of grading the B. & M. R. R. west from Lincoln is progressing rap idly. A large consignment of gradii g tools went west to-day. We understand that speeches were made at Eght Mile Grove on the Fourth by Rev. Smith, Rev. Burch, Mr. Mason and Mr. Wni. Orr. Mr. John Muttz commenced cutting wheat yesterday the first we have heard of. Several pieces of barley have been harvested in tho vicinity of Eight Mile, but Mr. Mutts is ahead on the wheat. We are in receipt of the prospectus of a new evening daily toon to tnak'i its ap pearance in Omaha, It is to be Repub lican in politics. We fdiall speak of the paper when it makes its appearance. Gen. Garfield was re-nominated by ac clamation by the Republican Corit'ie--ional Convention of the Sixteenth Ohio district, held at Greenville, 3-esterday. A prospect well is being sunk bv the It. R. Com pany on the depot grounds. Large quantities of rock are bo.imr 'imped ovory day along the river front of i he ciry. The R. R. Co. will soon be ready to defy the old muddy. The B. & M. R R. Co. are erecting '"ve n w online stalls to their round Vmi e at Ottumwa, Iowa. It is reported that the Pullman train were to be discontinued over the Central Pacific road after yesterday, July 7. Au ordinance will probably be passed - the next meeting of the City Council requiring the removal of all projecting -igns on Main street, and the taking away of all posts and obstructions of any kind along the street line. We understand the matter of opening the south-western avenue was referred f0 a special committee at the last meet ing of the Council. It is hoped the committee will act promptly and wisely in the matter. We look upon the open ing of this avenue as one of ih. most im portant moves that can be made for the cr-neral good. Hy reference to our advertising e 1 umns it will be seen that T. H. Goodwin has purchased a tonsorial establishment of John Jennings. Mr. Goodwin has the reputation of being the best hair dresser in the State. Give him a trial Ve had the pleasure to-day of meet ing Mr. J. B. Strade. of Abingdon, 111. He has been in the city several days, and expresses himself well enough pleased with the place to return and take up a permanent abode with us as soon as he can make the necessary arrangements. He is a brother-in-law of our fri.nd G. S. Smith, Esq., and gives evidence of the same spirit of energy and persever ance, which never fails to attain success, and especially in this new and progress ive wett. John C. Halliger, Esq., has opened an agencv in this city for the Travelers' In surance Company, of Hartford, Conn. Ho issues either accident or life policies. We understand that the amateur bil liardist of this city made a run of 347 last Wednesday evening. Mr. Muttz has shown us a sample of Rio G:anle wl.cat jriown by him which 1 oks like a very superior article. He informs us that it is some days earlier than other wheat, and produces a much fin :r article cif flour. No little curio-ity was manifested by our cit Zi 11s this morning n witnessing the approach of wuat appeared to be a plank with a smoke stack protruding upward. Upon close examination and "interviewing" the captain of the craft, we discovered that it was a flat !at pro pelled by an engine of ancient appear ance, and belonging to some parties liv ing in Nebra ka City. It made good time up to the railroad landing, where -be anchored for the purpose of taking aboard the old cylinder taken off the Magee. She is used in transporting lum ber and wood at Nebraska City. She carries about thirty cords of wood at a load. J. A. B-Klcnliamer, of the Sidney Union, has been in the city since yes- terdav. He reports business liveiy at Sidney, and railroad pro-pects flattering. lion. S. M. Rich, cf Brownville, gave us a call to-day. He is jiut returning from the re union at Lincoln. The Council Bluffs Tlmea says "Whenever we want to convey, in a sin gle monosyllable, all that our feelings are capjtb'e of in the way of contempt and disgust, we say Grant.' There, now, we hope nolx ly will be so rifeelin a to tend a copy of that paper to the President it would undoubtedly cause him to resign at once in favor of the niishtv iiiind th.it swav- the destinies of the world through the columns of the 7YIC.S. Im-ignificant Giant; mighty Titiu. The Omaha Republican says: "W. B. Strong is no longer the General West ern Agent of the Chicago & Northwest ern Railroad, he having left that posi tion to accept the General Freight Acency of the Burlington & Missouri River R It." That's the way it goes. The B. & M. folks always manage toge hold of all the be.-t men in the country . v - to "ransac-t tneir business. ao sooner oes it become generally known that any railroad man excels in his particular line than we hear that the B. & M. folks have employed Liui. He who pokes his nose everywhere wid sometimes poke it between a thumb and lore-lxDger, The .r-on who found an umbrella on the Fourth, on Main street, will confer a favor by returning it to J. W. Strong. SeldenErwin, of the Omaha Academy of Music, passed through the city to-day on his way to Lincoln to make prepara tions for his troupe there. He will be in Plattsmouth in the course of a couple of weeks. Mr. Geo. Henderson, Chief Clerk of thJ B. Jt M. It. R. R. Co's. Land office in this city, has our thanks for late files of English papers. In looking over them we discovered that the Com missioner, Mr. Geo. S. Harris, is adver tising Nebraska pretty extensively throughout the old country. Mr. Hen derson informsus that they are about con tracting for a page each of several of the leading papers of the old country in which to advertise their Nebraska lands. PARAGRAPHS OF ALL SORTS. A new well at Reno, 71 4 feet deep, is producing 124 barrels of oil daily. The large rent, paid in Portsmouth, N. II., is $?yoo, and that is for a bar room. An "Equine Festival" is to be held ;n Dayton, Ohio. An excessive drought prevails in near ly all Vermont. The grass is almost as lifeless as in September, and grsin is at j a stund-biul. Fogs of unprecedented density and extent are encountered by vessels ap proaching the Atlantic coast this season. They extend from Halifax to Cape Hat- j teras. A gold-headed cane was voted to the "w.f jHiniiliir bailor dealer" at a Catho lic Church lair in Dubuque, last week. There are two periods in the life of man when he is too wise to tell woman the exact truth ; when he is in love, and when lie isri t. IL-nry WarJ Beecher. with the bold audacity of his race, calls Partialist cluivehes "mutual insurance companies against i'uture tire." "Whenever," said Madame de Stael, k I see Mr. S., I feel the same pleasure 'hat I receive from looking at a fond couple ; he and his self love so happily together." One of the gentler sex says that the heaven of the ftrong-minded women is "where buttons grow in their proper planes, and where men cea.-e bothering and needles are at rest." Reporters are often unconsciously sa tirical. A morning paper says in an obituary : "Mr. was an estimable citizen He lived uprightly. He died with perfect resignation. He was recent ly married." Boston, according to the Transcript, never lays aside overcoats or takes down stoves until after the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill I approve of youth that has some thing of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man who has sou ething of the j-outh in him. Cicero. The Goo4 Templars of Austin, Minn., have resolved to publish in the city newspapers the names of all members of the Lodge excelled the object being to relieve the Lodge of the odium attached to it by having it suonost d that such .persons are Good Templars. Lawyer How do you identify this handkerchief ? Witness By its general appearance and tho fact that I have ct tiers like it. Counsel I bat s no proof, for I have got one just like it in my pocket. Witness I don t doubt that, as I had more than one of the same sort stolen. George M. Pullman, President of the V.lman Palace Car Company, returns for last year a uet income of $97,500. The educating agency of character, al though the subtlest, is still the mightiest of all instrumentalities. The teacher accomplishes more by what he is, than bv what he does. 1 1 is greatest power is lis own personality its measure is the measure of the virtue that is in him. A little girl in a western town, after tudving for some time a picture f the Magdalen reclining on her face and weep- 11. 1.1 .1 1 ing, suddenly turned to ner niotner ana exclaimed, "Mamma, I know why Mrs. Magdalen is crvmg. it is because Mr. Magdalen does not buy her clothes enough." ' The London Times thinks Wilkie Col lins the man to complete "Edwin Drood. Collins and Dickens jointly wrote "No Thoroughfare," and it was exceedingly difficult to detect which chapters were written by Dickens. Certain manner isms of styles which Dickens seems to lave adopted from Carlyle a.oue made Jeretion pos-iWe. Prof. Mather, of Amherst College preached at South Hadley, Ma., last Sunday, to a congregation so sleepv that he stopped short in bis sermon, and had them stand up and sing two verses of the hvir.n "31 v faith looks up to thee," after which he resumed. The editors of the Lancaster (Ohio) paiMMs are amusing themselves with foot- races probably getting in trim t go for delinquent subscribers, or run away from the Hie riff. Two centuries ago not one in a hun e wore stockings, ritty years agi not one boy in a thousand wa allowed to run at large at night Fifty years ago not a g'rl in a thousand was allowed to make a waifng maid of her mother. Wonderful improvements in this age The Mormons at Piano, claiming to represent tne true cnurcn, oonot; no- vcamv. anl assert tnat tne doctrine 01 tilmalitv of wives was rejected by Jo seph Smith and Hiram Smith, and that tne revelation on tne suojeei was not known until 1852, and then was an nounced in Utah. Snotted Tail offered to marry the best looking woman in Washington, and take her to the plains, and furnidi her all the rked buttalo she wanted. smimi- enough, the woman didn t even refer him to pa At the Episcopal Council of the Dio- . if . . t.11 t:i 1 cec OI lsconsin, neui at .uiiau.i-t: on Thursday, the following new canon was reported by the committee and adopted: "Every communicant of the church marrying outside of our com lumiion. or marrying by any other than a flergviuan of our church, shall stand pro fttcio excommumcated. Gath, of the Chicago Times, says: The greatest friend to a journalist is an encru . The meaner the attack the more inscrutably it comes to benefit ru. Colibett once said, "Every mean enemy l.nngs me a new thought, two new friends and five new subscribers. Alfred Tennvson will sail for the In ilian Ocean ifi December, to witness the total eclipse of the sun. No doubt that many a benison will follow Mr. Tennyson in his voyage wnere mere isu 1 any tun. Lo, the poor Indian ! He only want, according to Red Cloud, that the pale faces should turnish hiu with aiuniu nition to kill game with;" but if o;nt of fat be wants us not only to furnish his ammunition but be his game. vntayo 1UL A qnad-rangle A party of compoai tors quarrelling tor fat copy. A Western girl likes to make hreai because it (Jeans her hands no beautifully . uaS' yuu a Las' U HOI.BSALE DEALERS IX MOOT .W SHOES 9 YANKEE NOTIONS, QUEENSWA RE &C, Main street. P at ts mouth, 3D3cb., Where Everything in Their Line Can be Found. &IriI5d4Wtf sum We Call The Attention of the 'Public Our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes, That we are just receiving. We buy our goods as and will aim by low prices, fair dealing and good STOVE AM IE. T. HDTTIKIIE & CO. Wholesale and Hardware and Agricultural STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, S T TP J2 Of all kinds and sizes, which we warrant the JOS Are exclusive Age its in Stewart's Celebrated 0 or Wood Cook Stove Give us a call we will not be undersold Main street, next door east of tho Masonic Block, PLATTSMOUTH. NK lilt ASK A HAMBURGER SIGH OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Carpets, Under ths Brooks House, Mmii arThe Highest apl4wtf. 7- I'rice Paid for Country Produce, Hides, Wool &c."a As W (Successor to Wliitc & iRuttery) WHOLES ALB and RETAIL u Is now receiving and has on hand (at the old stand of White & Buttery) South side Main St., Plattsmouth The Largest and IVlost Comolete Stock of Druys, 5Iedicine3, PainU, Chemical. Lead, Varniohes. Coal Oil. Fish Oil, Machine Oil Oarglin? Oil, Castor Oil. Neatsfoot Oil, Whale Oil, llinseed Oil. Lard Oil. Oil. Essential Cod Liver Oil, and a large variety f Notiona. Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Essence. Flavoring Extracts. Also, all the Popular Such as Jayne's. Ayers Halls, Scoville'sCoe's. Christie's. Morse '. McLain. BfiVer'n. Wistar', Wright's, Wakefield's. Gny Scott's. Perry Davis', Roback's Potiu's. Mrs. WiwloVa. l)r. WincheU's. IlostettcrV, Drake's. Wallace's, Wesi's. all others in general use. Brandies, Wines and Whiskies, Of the best grades and qualities, strictly for Medical purposes. DOMESTIC DYJES, Red or Rose. Green. Blue and Black. Analine, Indtpo. Madder, Extract Log wooJ. Dye Woods, ic. In fact everything that is needed in the Drug or Medicine Line. 1 hysicians' Prescript ons carefully compounded and put up at all hou: s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call before buying, ..nd sec vhat I have to sell. Platfemotttli, Mai-ch 24, 1T0. wtf o Vmhm vai a j rw V3 i- r. AND R E T A 1L to Queensware, Notions Hats and Caps. low as they can be had in the market for CASH, goods, to please all who will favor us with a call. is. Claris & Pill US 211 GST- Til? STOSL Retail deulej-3 in Ju O V S best in the tearket. j rOSZES. ! thig county for tho sale ot Combination Coal BERLINER. THE BEEHIVE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Street, Plattsmouth, INebraska Liza A. W. PROLE. Probate Notice. XJOTICE IS HEREBY (UVI N Tint i.-J x planus airaiiist the MnK" ol .-T ill 'r r late of Cas county, tuut hl iu i' ,". ' Court of said county, t, or hi-tore I' 1?) it m ; of Dcctiuber, A. P., 1ST0. or they wiii oo io.;.r barrel. A. L. CHILD. rrc: .ite Ji- i . Junc2jrh. 1S70; jun.a.'w 't- Guirdian's iiaie. -V-OTICE IS llEKEBY lil Vi:.T. Th;it ir. nor i. suaiK-e of a lit crt tal onler ol sale of iluu. lieorfc.- 1;. Lake. .IuJkv ri I lie Itlrii.t Court ol the Id Ju-li- ial District. 01 tbc4ih duy-t nltx lsTl), I will, nil Saturday, the loth J;i ol . . at the hour of cut o'clock, 1'. M ot mi id :... tho front door of the Cocrt House, iu i'i.-... month, Cass i iiitr.ty, N'ciinkn. of.i-r for i:I.-, lI public vendue, to the hiili'.t hidner, nil l'io riKht. title, and intrrnt of 1 rc leruk Wchi.tN, Henry Webnes and Margaret Weliiies, minors, heirs uf i i.derick Wehuex. iliH-fi.-cd, in ami the follow my de'rileit reai e.i!e, lo-wit; Tho south half of the north e.t quurttr of section and 1101th east quarter of tho north westquari.-r and .-"ho uovih v:- iiu.;r;tr i, the south c.isr quarter ot section No. ten in lonn.!..j tweivt, north of riinae ten e.tst of i"th 1. M. S'tlcnili n mainol'cu t' r bid.' from one o'clock. P. M., to two o'clock. P. M of sk;i1 day. Term.' one lour h c--!i n ban 1. one f'lunri in one vest, one tourlh 111 to years. Mint onec i:rtli in three years, with intere-nt ou deterred pnyuients u. it! lf:etit. per annum. Ehhabd Hckbnkk. ftuardian of minor tier, of Frederick Wehne. decefled, bv MAXWELL Jc CH APM AN. jnne2T!w4t Attorney. Cntiardiii Male. Notice in hereby given that, in ptirmiiiiice of an order of caln, made by lkn. lieorse 11. Lake, Jiidt-e of the Dixlriet Court of the "Jud Judicial District, on tho 13'th day of I:ty, l7t'. I willvn Saturday, the 10th day of July, ISTo. r.t'J o'clock f. m. of sai l d:iy, at the trout tioor of the Court louse, in I'lattmoulh, Ca-ss county, Nebrm-ka. offer for sale at public vendue, to tho highest bidder, all I In- ritfht. title and interest of lt wrd O. Harbison, Gallic C. lUrb.-oii, Jennin II. Harbi-on. Walter D. Harbison, W ill inui II . Harbison, mi l Msr' ii- Harbison, minor iii-iin of the estate ol James D. Iiailii.011. cicc-usoil, iu and to tho liirthwct quarter of the souih west quarter of section iiine. in twn-lup twelve ortb of raiitfetrn eas and the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter ofscctiou No. four teen, and the soiitliwci-t fju i.c; of the routh west quarter ot section (ltn, iu hmr V11 twelve, north of ru litre t biitticu, cnsl ot ii Iirincijile meridian, ail iu C.iss county, Ne iraska. (Sale will remain open for Lid from two o'clock p. m. to three o'cloi k p. m. of nuid iIhv. lerius one third eash on day .f k.iIo, one third in one year and one third in two years, with in tercct on defere 1 pnyuiet.ts, at ti n per cent. Makiiakkt A. 11 ahhiso.v. Guardian of minor heirs ol James D. Harbi.-on, Ueccased. Ly Maxwell A Chapman, Attorneys. j 11 n e'JMw4 I.cjTal iSolicei (looiye Jenniiifc-s. and Anna Maria Jeuninirs, by bur next friend lieu. Jen 11 hit's, l'luiutili's, vs. Willium K. Sheldon. Charles E. Eaylcy, John 11. Bay ley. and District Court of th 8ee'd Judicial District ol Ncbrikit MituiiK n uud tor Ca cuaiily. Edward tiooUcnough. ) 'lhe above nauieil Charles E. Bayler. John H. Bayley ami Eaward (Joodenouh are hereby re lilied thaltheubove named ptaintitls aid. on ino 3p;U day of June, A. D.. 1870, file with the clrik ot the above uaiued court, their petition ntl-lig-loith that a partnership was hen-totore cm rcu into by and between sui 1 .leimtiics nnd Win. E. Sheldon A Chas. E. Layiey, to curry ou miilina and tarnimic. und thai, us a pint of the saia.. trausuution, rani plain 1 1 11.- conveyed to cum Uay ley and said heldou the undivided 0110 lu.i of the nonhi-.'ist q;iirt jr-of hccOoh s ,,it i the un divided one half of I tie wc.-t Half of ur: !iw:f. ot section 27, all in township lit r,in.o ii east iu said Cus county, mid that tlity i-ii-mnd tlio puymeiit aj a part of the purchu-e money thcicof of a ortain n. te heie.olre ;nin iu one V m. Dill lor tat-nm of ien iLousand do-iers v.i,h tvr.lve per ci ut. nue.e-t. und due 011 n.-i ...ihol April, 71, nnd n-tlinj f.rin, tlim.fr, thin said Jiavley xnd Sheld hi u.ok pj;Sc(sion of tne propei ty. and have kept the same troui faid piHtiit js and havr worked the same aod that san uaj icy mis abandoned tne business und further, that said Bayley and said Mien .11 have conveyed their respective interests to suid J no. H. ls:ilcy nd saul Edward lioodenouith, and praying that said transfer mav uv set i,s. I, -u lruuduk-ct, and for the appoint-.. oul of a r Cfir t:i and reali.ini; a fund tu mei t the a bov rooi tniiied payment and for genc-jl relief tgainst suid delendants. And the said defendants are hereby further noutied to be and appear at said court ou t h; lore the day of August. A. 1 . li.'o, -ir.ititu aud there plead arsvrcr or dei-iur to sa:tl t eti tion, or thesiiine wi!! be taken pr r-je: . a. d decree rendered accord nipty. Ordered tiiat the above notice he published in tae l'latt.-mouth Hkkald tor four consecutive weeks, accord in if to law. ISAAC I'OLLAKD, Clerk, perJ. M.Beaeds- LEY, D.pt. CALHOUN A CROXTON. , nu I. N. SHAMBAClill. July, wit Attorneys for BlainMifs. sthcri JTs Sale. Alvin B. Dcnic'.s ) ti . v"'w-. Onlcrof Sale. Jheodoin Williams.) Nolicb is hereby given that I will offor for sale, ut putilie au-'tion, at the south front d or id theCoui t House, in 1'iuitsuiouih, Cass coun,y, on the 'Miih day of July A. D. Wo. ut iwo o'clock p. m. of said day, the following real es tate, to wit : 'i'ho -ou ih west quarter of section No. nine teen (19 in to in-Up No, twelve, rmute No. twelv east of the sixth principal meridian, Cass county. Neb. . Sold by virtue bne authority of an Order of Sale, issued in the above entitled cause by the Clerk of Se District Court ot Cass county, and to me directed, us Sheriff of said county. (Jiven under my hand this2d day of June, A. D. 1X70. J. W. Johnson. Sheriff W illett l'ottenger. Cass county, Neb. Atty. for Tiff. janc23w:" Sheriff's Sale. David Sampson,"! ys. Order of Sale. A. 11. Barker. ) V'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thnt I will X oiler lor sale, hi public auction, lit the .-oatli front door of the Court House in l'hittsmouth, Cass county. N'ebni-ka, on Tuesday, the tfiih day of July. A. D.. 170, at two o'clock. I'. M.. of said day, all the right, title and intei est, of tl'"' above defendant, to the tolloniug real estate, to-wit : Lot No. sine (9) in block Xo. sixty Are fli5) nnd lot No. nine iV; in block No. two hundred nnd twenty -one cil as designated upon the recorded and published plat of the City of Plattsmouth Cu-ss County, Nebrask 1. heretofore ettai hcd as the property of the -aid defendant, A. H. Burker. on an Order of Attachment, issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cass County, in favor oi the said plaintiff. David .Simpson, and to me directed, as Sheriff of said county. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff of Cass Couuty Neb. T' M. MAT!,1 KTT. Attorney for l'la inti3". jnne23wot DEALEBS IN Harness Saddles Whips BRIDLES, COLLARS. AC. Particular attention given to the manu facture of line burners. ALL KIXD CF REPAIR ING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. TLATTSMOUTII. - - NEBRASKA. K. B. The Celebrated Vacuum Oil Blacking constant-y od hand. FOR 8Ai.a5 OR RKNT The undivided half or the whole if desirH of the ROCK HL UFFS OR 1ST A .VJ SA VT MIL L t 24-horse power cajioe and lot!er. pair of i foot burrs. 66 inch circular saw, two story mill house, 3)xti feet : everything in good running order. A!o a GOOD DWELLlXf! HOUSE. of four rooms and cellar. For particuTsm en q ure of. C. SC'iiLL'NTZ. Uck Buffs. Ca.-s count. v. . Neb ut 22 Weeping Water lS.il N Farmers, go where you can get the bvt Flour, ind the most of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR 1M3 1-2 I'OUSDS nt DHAV fiven in exchage for good w We are also doing gris , and. with u Increased facilities, feel assured that we can give the best and most Flour of &uy in the State, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. HIGHEST If A RK KT PAIB, Reed A Clinton ma.-6.6. IN RUNNING ORDER. I DESIRE to r.nnounee to the public that I now have my Great American Ten Inch Double Turbine Water Wheel iu lull operation. Having re i tied my mill throue-bi'tl I -. ,: i , prepared 10 do bettor b iu, on, . .i.- i , . mill in the Mate, J. A, L A'f TA mayij4iwt". iIIHW 1 -' ' i. iii " I T" "' '