3l r i i . " i : "i :- I ii i PLATT3 MOUTH. NE3RA3KA. HiunDAV..3 iuxe'S? i-to BIU,MB miii w nTTmri I Kelt ft Out. Jaiacs Tl.orn, J'r. J. W. Cooper. M j R. Csitsi-K!', .- W. (W.l, John Ileth and T. i. I f ..ir'.and, of Otoe I countv, htt uii-I-Mtn's'-n the work of iradiiiz J. Moitcn cmt of the Demo cratic p.iiiy tf that county. I-t the n::uiOs of these men le re cotited, and let us hear fjomftthinof their iiifiitorioTn torvk'e.? in L half of the Dcmocii'tic j atty in this Statu before their rr.vh ootiuirt u forgotten. Who arc these inijttuf.n.s nsen, and how much more worthy r.re they than Hro. Morton to wear the role of the Democ racy? let us hear s-orntthiac: of them troni their home papers. Lido Leijh-t-r. That's right. Who is James Thorn, Dr. Copper, M. S. Cam pi ell. Ceo. W. Covcll, John Heth and T. V,. Iloairlai.d ? We all Lno.v they constitute the Otoe county Demnrraii-r Committee, and ajicak for the pfrty in that .ounty, hut th. :. "who r.re th"y:" find wlmt do they a'.'-'-mt to '..':.:;! : p"'( i'1 tl"? Krcnt "I as." h'f.iit.,;. Viil the Times r. rjfi tiit Kfirs la'-li tive lr. I'rook a his to-y of these insigi.iiUitiit cr eat u;-es who ;;arc to epporso the cr?:s.t power. io i. an c i- c i i x i 1 1. a r v x i i . We observe that .-cveial papers take ground against the strong and cmpha'ic support of H- nbli -aii iri:ieip'e by some of our Senators in Cov.grer We ! n-t presume to deny to every American iti ten the rigHt of voting jtia-t a his con science dictates. We believe that the ijreat safeguard of oi:r liberties is to be found in this univer-a!iy conceded Amer ican right. Wejn further than some of Our cotttapijraries in this matter. We believe that universal manhood suffrage should le untramelle 1 and free fiom all the machinations faf indirect coercion, such as id too often used at the polls and h as id too oltcn used at the poll an:l vioustoourelec-tions. We believe in .T:n? pure and spotless the great lib- ; fT.rur:p- lub irk of f:ecdom-the - . , prcviou. keep erty ballet. But we ht-ir to remind our l'iietids that p; ittoiples r.re uudvih, and that a weakening cf the p oiiticai backbone on the part oi" representatives in Congress when 'ii';!cq.lf.s are at stake, is no evi dence of puitly censcicu'ious motive?. Have the huti Ire I.i and t!iou?:iud- who yielded up their lives cn the battletklds of the South, died in vain? Have they, whose graves a nation delights in honorjj ing with mementoes of love and admira. tion, died for principle or not? Which of the." factions in Cougre-n is riht ? Is it they who, remembering what these dead fought and diet for, say they have hot died in va'n ; or is it tho.;e who, sid ing with our old uncompromising ene mics, tay those are th d issues ? The luasre.-of the loyal people of these Uni ted States, appreciate the great boon of a national life pre -erred, and we do not hesitate in saying that, when their ver dict is demanded, the trimmers and weak backed, qu.iti-friends of Republican prin- cipies will oe rebuked even as the traitor j Andrew John-on was. Conscience for- j footn : Aye, coneiCiiee, wounue'i uy a fal.-ifying rote, fpeak;; uneasily in a weak defeu.-c, uaid the true men who hear and read these self a"eu-atit)us will easily dis cern the foreh-.olovred eoa'i'ion of tiie weak back-bosic.s of ISepublicaniiin, with their ancler.t enemies tho l)em-.crats. Auothci ; .uy : Trat'. tho meaning dug cut i'i t': 1 ; ive exhibitions of betray: 'i , --i-'iru u.- ies. Thank od ho a ever, the pood m'O of the I't-ool will nit fbrgei -ueh violations of faith and honor. We predict a o-w political phase. Vi'e blievc th..-e coDrreSMonal exhibition-. of f.y, -..king tVinds and ivin ciplcs legitiamate'y l;a.l to a new j o'it ical organixitian; and we predict for ev ery so-c:ii!d it.-rnbli.-an; who violatt.'s his conseieti-e. his tiishrcl faith and honor hyjohihvTuch a hcriuapliro lite po- Iitieu! u . i-f: -ity, a pc.iitiea! grave and a dishonored name. Al.l in Knit rot.. The Supreme Court of the State of Michigan has recently rendered a decis ion I--t.!.i ring all bonds issued by coun ties an 1 municipal corporations in aid of the c.r. arnct'ton of railroads null and void. lccause wlmi'y unwarranted by the ConsiiUitioij. I'm" Court holds that the State it.rcif cannot levy a tax for such a purpose, and cannot, then frr, author ize a pirt of the State o do to; that railways are private, not public corpora tion:-, r.r 1 th t the minciple of taxation in their aid c.'miot he justly invoked. Under vriods spcial a"ts of the Leg islature, hoad-i to the Amount of M,fj.v.', '.i."a.) lr.ve been i-st.ed to sevcal railway corporations. Tiie Supreme Court now comes in, and decide: that they are not worth one ccnf. The ground.- of thede cifiou are siu:!ar to those taken by the Supreme Court of Iowa a year or so ago, when it overturned .mi ivt of the Legis lature audi jiizing townships to subscribe ptoek to railways by a vote of the major ity of the people authorising, a tax for the purpo-e. The Constitution of Michigan is silent on the question of county and municipal aid ri'ilroids, but forbids the issue of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness iy the State in aid of f private corpora lGrmative vote of tions. except upon au a tne poo, le. The CcnstituMoaof Nebraska contains a .similar provi.-ion, and it therefore be come;; a serious que.-tion whether the bonds issued by our counties and towns J-fculcltl- arc n-'t in concict with our "Constitution. If fo the Constitution t-clf should be amended at cuce, r.nd these bends re ext.resalv lei-alize.b The people of Mictiigrtn propose to cure the (defect jn their bonds bv the same process. Having been is.jued in go j i faith and for unui.c cu Mcrntion, no honest man. f anywnere wnl ic.-ire to avoid their pay- IU'"nt tV'',,igh a mere legal technicality. os :- :-. :.-M js si -cry important one, itna thj pre--: n.-cessity for its speedy pettier.c:it w.: ; oi'Vltss hTtrely au-ment t ie vole ,n fa t r .f a Conventioo to r--Ttse the C-.:w ;.,;;,, which is to be-ub-mitte.I to the vcars of this St:te at tl Oetor.r e::. OMh.i 2:,uUic. ' j . OU 1; ' ji"' J oil with ar Ur hok if. tip. A person has often been sui:.e ! ;r- m a piut d:ea:a ot set u.-...::eu ' y Mc woruj- i an angry man, who may .vii !.is w..,rds tm.aid tiie next hour, i u they are pa.-.t re-cad. 1 be wisest com-so is to tave home t'nia les.-on with n- 5 t.j oor soUis. It was saying of i . i..f.-. that every Loan had time in pit I shoothig. Ik-ing destitute I trade in cotogno and sicii." What a need of a :;u.l.:'i,l fVie:: i mil a Li Iter en- of a Republican edit '..; for a target, he j ruin would stare daiggisU in the face if rn-y: he i ttc to ;;d . -c, an "1 tho other to I has to pnteliec "at ;.n o.ilhiary ring and i women should begin to hi created al 'ihow him Lis iliit'ti. ' LuTa t". c " j nadv ienuaicd. 1 . 1 I'mm the Oindia IIcraM.) the jiri:i:;jt o. i-liii ceclu. Slnrtlin: Kcporfo far 'nr'.Hitin antl V.e vfl:ition rrniii Ilie Wlunfba. ,-f .j. i There ha.s been, and isstih lem . .. ....i. i said here concerning the murder com mitted by the Wiunebagoes near e.-t J'oint. The Indians have a-.-kn nv'.edged j .1 i i r t .i-.... ! .-.,., (w 1 1, i ! or to hear a string ot juendid nonsen. doing the deed, and even den i. Ik. lit - , , , , , ,i, ,- l.art each one took in the munier tit' one that shot him, the one that struc him on the hea l, the one that cut hU head off, scalped him. &., tVe., and hi justification, say that tli-i leading men in their great Medic!?.; Society have been lor a long time t l.ing them they vyM have human blood to appea-e the spirits of their departed relatives. Tim e giv ing tb'rs information say they do it know ing the penalty is death if loiui'l out by the tribe. Tln'y al.-o state ttiat tins is nut the Jirst victliii. I derive tins mtoj liiatioii Iroin a gen t cman and a sei solar, who was placed hero by the Friends to instruct the Wiu nebagoes in the arts and sciences. But the point is, are we, the tietual settlers, to nur.-e this fester in our midst Arc wc to sit carele-sy by and allow a society to exist in our neighborhood that exacts blood and murder to ap-pea.-e their ruju-r stitiou ? Is it not a duty we owe our f-.milies ami ourselves to act at once, and i-ii 1 ; ' t : . in a ilee.i.'.i manner, oDiij-m.nj m.s bloo lthirsty Ht.-iety to abandon tin ir re ligion or leave this State as they did Minnesota ? It is a fact that the chivf- in thisttibe belong to this Me ticiii ; So.-icty, an i that several of tlic-ai earn forward and swore that these mr.rdcri.r were here at their feast and Medicine dance on Thursday, th." )'Mh. and Tbut:d .y uiaht. When on:; .f their number ( Wliite 15rea-t's son) stayed in my camp, nine mile. west of here, that ii'L'ht, claiming to have been on a hunt with four others, and was tired out; aiso a man at my camp m-t tne party, five in number, ocr on t he Toyan that same day, and, as wo fully believe, they then had the murdered man's head in a blanket with them. It seems to be the impression here that on return of ."'ui etintendeut Jamiey the-e l.'l.'cs wno swore iaii . w m i-e at 1. a.t -reuiiced to ti e rs i.n.1, iiCr";V J,UU' ri. T. I.kamino. these Chiefs, who swore false! v. will be INC.. WiNNKiiAoo At.KNCY. May 31, 1870. To th? Editor of th -- Herald. There has been a written statement made this day, signed by upwards of forty leading Viunel a'.'oos, aeknow'edg iugthe muider coiiii::it!i 1 ii.v livcoftheir numL r near We.-t Point, on tho ls:h inst. One of their chi-.ds (Wlut-hrcas;) is propsiiiitg a lull statement relative to his son, one of the mm dcrcrs a cpy of which I will endeavor to scud you to morrow. S. T. Lkajunu. i'rojaort ion f tli" Scxm. The excess of males over females in the dii'Terent countries of the world has recently been the subject of investiga tion. In the 1'iiited States, in isV.t. in a total white population of '.,. .".';, 06., there was an excess of 4'.''.',7;, ; n a to- the momy and buy a new head ior the tal free colored popu'atiou of 4'J 1,44'.', j editor. " there was an excess of lT.iilo females i toine. grocers show the'r grit by sand over males ; and in a total slave popula- iuj their sugar. turn ot .i,Jv4...i. mere was an oxcoss oi TTo males. In Im, ii a total white of 77rKf44 Vl.,. ir, a f:-e0 (.0. ored population of 4'7,0-S, there was an Doimiation oi .'..(m;,.;i-j, mere was an eiee.-s of -'.. O-.'i', femal -s Tlsf Al!:n;i-. Duma', tho j'ouiiger, was jrpetually being worried by applications for his a u tograph and epigram.-'. One day a fash ionable "physician at some watering place brought Pumas his album, an 1 insisted upon a trifle from the Lion, who found himself fairly caught in the toils. Du mas wrote, and the smiling physician nodding to his admiring frkn looked over the author's shoulder. Following Pumas' pen. he read : "So great. ;s M. T. (the phyician's name)'s skill, so marvellous his s'l.-i e -s. that since he bus pmotlccd in this place, throe out of five hospitals have been pulled down as u.-c!es-, " The phv.-ician. ddidi:cd with the f;at- tery, intcirupted him. orote-tiog that the co:i.;,,ime:;t ;n to-) irrcat, wa u:i le- ! served, jili so forth. Puma beir -d to i allowed to finish the sect -nee. and the ,.-,,, ;sv",, 1,..;., , ,... pv- ..ivon lo i-.m- tiiotd! 'and in their stead it his been found p. ces.-.ary to build lirn uric r- nu tt r'.s. " Pumas the younger wasn't a -kc-.l to write in thin album a;io. Iii answer to this ipiesiion. the ?Ietii cal Recorder holds the following lan- Rtiage : "Th e reason wiiv c diilb di is because they are n "-t t:;kc:i c ire of 1-Votn the day of birth the are s'.nffcd with food, choked wi:h physic, .-pla-hed with water, sufi'ocaleii in hot. rooms and steamed in bed cloihes. S mu. h for iiad'Kr. When peimitt-'d to bicithe a breath of pure air. onee a w.ck in .sum mer, and once or twice during the colder months, only the nc-e. is peimitt.! to peer iu'.o daylight. A little later th -y are sent out with no clothe : at a ! on the parts of the body which most need pro tection. 1'are ltrs, bare an is ba.c necks, tried middles, with an inverted umbrcli.i to collect t!i j air as; 1 chill the other parts of the body. A .-tout, strong man out in a co! I day wih cloves andoverco.it. wooh-n sioekin g - and thick, double soled boots, with a coik I etivcen ami rubbers over. The sime d-iy. a child of three years old.au inhuit of fle-h and blood, an 1 bone and e ei-titu- tion, toes out with hose as thin as paper cotton ocks, legs uncovered to the knees, neck bare, an exposure which would dis able th.3 nurse, kill the mother outright, and make the father an invalid for weeks. And why? To harden them to a mo.Jo of dress they are never expected to prae- ti(e. lo accustom tliem to exposure , - . , , . iii' lo accustom shlered downright foolcty. To icar children thus for the slaughter pen, pud then lay it to die Lortl, is too bad We J don't think the Alinii: ht-- hai anv b in.', i an U ' " I i. .i .i . A Hungarian Roman (.'aiholi.; clergy man, at j.rescnt in J!ome, Wiites to tiie I'rtsLurj Git-Me a curious account cf a visit hepuid to the church of St . Au- gustin j in that city : "" When I u.iere d an old hart fooled saeristan appeared and offered to let me .-ee the relics. Having eonduetcd mc into the s:!iri-!y, he .s.e;we.l me, on a ncn vi-ivet cushion, ra in a .-mid ibi.-s tar the ord I ... 11 - - " -fi , i ! " b" "'-"-.-" i pen. jvnotiier i 1--eU. ( c-.ui,:iii: ;i .ng i r;n i r a m m has sC!J ! (.t- t,C An-hamrvH LibriJ. I beamed or. 10 T 1 - wLo '" tl,3-ae-jy. If be has ; n u:ry ,j,.t; v ";IV,.,rv "11. had ob A country journal fays: W hen you ytfcoig. '-(.m Soul ,- - i .'.....I ,ru-, ' .ih, ..nr..-! !.- h: ' see a Loy sitting on the earth. picKins: puuxrs. ' i was next shotvn the comb - . thetoc!; that crowed when Peter deal- J 1 l Ma ter, then the staff with which i Mo- s ilivi-hd tho waters of the lied i Sea, and aitt t wards tiie bear 1 of Noah. Mw.-..J.r.- a PriiKre I'oo.n.: r!- si en. Is ii:uh of .!. NUe trks lor Living."' We don't know who wrote the follow nz line.;, nor how often they have been published or republished, but they con tain so iti.itiy good points that they are 'worthy to be started anew on the .cca of literature onee or twh-e a year : d . .1 r . i . sneeriiic v said, .-hi works torn living; 111 i..:i '.iu u .i.w.ias- r-u: i'-f uii- iv nienta ot a true woman a rear iau . t True, we are not prepa-ed ior a inineiog tep. a haujiltfy lip, a iastuonanltf urcss, at... ut the 1 al s and voting men, the nov els and tho next party no, no; but we are prepared to hear the sound of words of good seu-e, language becoming women, a neat dress, a miid bow, and to witne. s moemct;ts that would not di.-graee an angel. rou are looking for wive and com panions, turn iiom the fashionable, lazy and haughty girls and select o;ic from tho-e who work tor a living, and never our word fur it wiil you repent your choice. Vou want a sub.-tantial friend, and not a doll ; a helpmate an l not a help eat; a counselor, and not a simple tun. Vou may not bo able to earn' a piano into your house, but you can buy a spinning wheel or a set of knitting nes dies. If you car;;, .t purchase a new novel, you may be able to take some val uable paper ; if ou cannot buy a ticket for a ball, you can vhit some aQlietcd ue'glibor. le careful, then, when you look for companions, an 1 when vou choose. We know manv a foolish man who. instead of man lor a wile, took one ot the ta-nion-ai.le stock, and is now lamenting his folly in im-t and ashes, lie ran into the iire with his eyes wide open, and who but himself i-- to blame? The time was when ladies went visit ing and took their work with th'm. Tliio is' the reason why we had such ex cellent mothers. How singular would a gay woman look in a fa-hionablj circle darning her father's stockings or carding wool to spin. Would not her comj an ions lauji at her? And yet su h a wo man would bo a prize to somebody. lale-.sed is the loan who choores for his wile among ue-pi.-ed chls ''who work for yt o s : v r. J ,llwrin tells a storv that exquisitely j. . a mother's' love:-ln some M-ring lre.hct, a river widely wa.hed iu kl10? 'v? T"' , -'V 3 bird had built a cot t a ire fir her summer hope; down the white and winning stream drifted the green branch, its wicker cup of unHe lged song, and fluttering be-ide it as it went, the mother bird. Unheed ing, the roaring river, on she went, her cries of agony and fear piercing the par. es in the storm. How iike the love of an old fashioned mother, who fi al lowed the dove she ha 1 plucked fiom her heart all over the world. .Swept away by pas.-h.n that child might U, it mat tered not, though he was bearing away with him the fragrance of the shattered roof tree, yet that mother was with him. a Ruth through all his life, and a liachel at his death. A western publisher lately gave notice that he intended to spend fifty dollars for the purpose of getting up '"a new head" for his paper. The next daj one of his subscribers dropped him the following note: "1'im't you iio it. Better keep K , , t,i,,ascr. ... :t i..v , g t es- peeial.y the. lu ll. When is a u :v-;vipei- the When it i-. hied. iiarpesi : Was that p.".--. !! a stormv mood v.io hititetl a !'i ieii.i.' The ILtrxi i!l'ii.c continue:- to be-seized daily with'gfcat regularity. It is obvi-e,:-, as has been a!!"ged, that ap.deoii takes Lte.-ar tor Ios model only li k Seizcr. pe:,s Thel tdies of White Pine have tidoptod tb.e fashion of fainting at balls, m l the Xrtos savs thc-v uuinage to be caimht in tho nick of time and by the right person. Cologne has been found sufficient to re store them. L'an Morgan, while -ic:ing the lady in a set. the genuine article be ing short, fainted also, and was laid on a bench. Cologne did no good in his ca-c, however, an i they he. 1 to have recourse to whisky, which fetched him at once. A woman's club in lbooklyn has been having a long debate over short dresses, the long and skoit of which seems to be that the members will wear whatever they please. A well known judge, when he first (time to the bar, was a very blundering speaker. Oh o:.e ocea.-ion, when he was trying a ea-e involving a right of prop erty to a lot of pii'-, he aid : '"Gen tlemen of the jury, there were just twenty-four pi 's i:i that droe just twenty lour rent lemon exactly twice as many there are in that jury box." Whoever owes Lis shoemaker can't say that his sen! is bis own. General Court Waiting on three or four fdils at the same time. One of tiie most singular sights grow ing out of the war is a continuous lineof peach trees of nearly fifty miles in length around Petersburg, and extending to ward Richmond. They are trowing froru the brea-tworks tlno'.vn up by the rebel army, arid are the only legacy left by the poor f. ilo-.vs who were on tho ad vance line whlmi Km 'yards of our forces. Paving eaten the fruit while on picket duty, they cast the sec 1 aside, and now tlicy appear in one continuous line of forty-live miles of beautiful trr es, which yielded an abundant rop the la-t ye.ir. The per.-ua-ive and humbuing I atrnts f r svlling buhttiiug-rods r.re cou-H to every Mema-vi. une m.l lady toi l an a.-ent she had no fear of huht- I mmr. Put the im 1 aiwavs oeen atrai'i ol tnun L-r. '"dust .so," lie ibplicd; '"we can meet your case exactly. I he square rodi are l!ghtninr-rods. and the round one ttiuicier-rois. Of course sh e is now "protected." Thov n'H'i. invito.! :i Tirnffc i.tt!i" lirtf ,. ,i " t - i i 1 r , i' ; . . t ior i he l.i-I::o:;able la!;es ot 1 aris, mavie of vood shaviiiirs. That's so apnropri ate fir t heir prcity littlo wooden heads. The mortality among brakemen who stand on top of eais and get their heads kuo ked oif, l-y passing under railroad t.;nl;-'.s, is again ou ti.e increase. f A farmer t cr.r Torre Haute, Ind., is j going to sue the Juitniof. published j there, for damages, for publishing the ; fact that the afo-vaid firmer had planted sixty acre- of waterme lons, which he had ce-.'idod to the editor as a secret. lie says lie; boys will go through that nateu. now like a dose of buchu. The Water'' ..ry (Conn.) American, u i'iV(;aiaLiuu i-ji iiivLnuui; ii'Ji tti..iiut;i, .: .. . .i i. .i i promises '"a red hot Sunday S-chuol book" of! ivers out of his beds, you may know the frost isout of the ground." Ai.na Dickinson savs : ' God did not create woman as a violet, to smell sweet," &c. That over-sidit on the part of the Creator, in not making woman to smell. like violets, is wliat has crt-ated such a The woman suffrage people, it is said will nominate Train ami ailandighatn for President and Vice President in 1572. We should say that was a strong team. A servant living in the country was di rected to get the mail. After her return Iter i.iisticvs inquire I: "I'M you get the mail".''' "Faith, ;':nn, 1 did not ; j for vou forsrot to teli me w iuther it was .i Indian mail or c ti n mat! you wanted. The territorial librarian of New Mex ico has caused con idcrable indiznatioi :: ,i i ... ...o: . their reeords of two hundred ycats and valuable titles to property, for old wrap 4,itig paper. A D.tnburj', Connecticut, wife cured her hn-band of singing ".shoo, Ply," when she was lecturing biui for being out late nights by letting her shoe fly at hi.- head with such foreo us to give him a hea Jacue. The Hiriford Pu t says : "Newton. Conn., has two sewing societies, which explains why it hasn't a newspaper." Dr. Abernefhy ued to tell his pupils that all human di.-eases sprung from two causes -tufilng and fretting. A Mr. Hegenuin, son of the father of liegeman's U.ihn of Something or Other, i.s to marry a daughter of Senator Fen ton. Frank Leslie, of hl.s own half dozen newspapers, all wetkiy, has saild for Eu rope. Also 11. (I. Sijuier, formerly United States Minister to Venezuela. fr When a fish is wounded, the other fishes fall upon and devour him There Tiie n:easlos are in Tirighatu Young's family. It is :nneecs:ary to add that there are not enou'jh to go around, and several dozen are left without a leeasle. A certain fop, w ho was arguing with a bluff clergyman o; the immortality of the sou!, a-kel him: ''New where do yon think I shall tro aHer death?" '"Wherever the tailor goes," was the calm reply. Mme. i-Iinek. a lecturer in Paris, was obliged to leave the platform because there was so much Fmokiug among the audience. The chairman fpiietly said : '"You see. gentleman, what is taking place; vou luu.-t tinoke uiore moder-at.-ly."' The three kings Jo-King, Smo-King, Drin-King. Over ir i00,0:0 has been subscribed in New York to celebrate the anniversary of Ij-'ctboven'sj birth oti ;n immense scale. A great organ is boil. ling. The orchestra is to number '.(A) pieces, the chorus :'.."!;) voice;. The Handel and iia l.cn Soeiety of Uoston and (lihnore's l'an i are expeetc 1 to jiartieipate. The American Institute Ihii: ling, on Third Avenue, is to be enlarged to accommo date 2.,( f H peojile. The IJrer.d of Jicpentatsce we cat is in many instances, made of the wild oats we sow in our youth. The Yale sfud"iits who recently en gaged in disgraceful midnight depredation-; have been expelled. The sculptor Mo.ier has s".!d his TrodL-a! Son" to the Institute of Phil adelphia for f ot),00:). lee thirty-tliree inehes thick and so clear that a newspaper can be rad through it i.; a product of 3!iii:.:;C)Li. I'ari-: iub.try in the shape ofadveiti s- in: i.,., i id.. s, is r n tie liicrcas;;. is tbr.t. contained in an ad vertisement which runs as follows: Ma.':ii;e XX permit- herself to i-::ry (idiom) that she has the skin white to pearls, lull health, the cheek of roses, face of sweet expression, bbio eyes and black hail, and a xp;et'.o figure there fore Is full of bedth ; she wi'.i be vac cinated next Tuesday, and in as short a thin as possible the lytoj.h of her arm will i-e ready for tho vaccination of any one de: irons to posse's a purely healthy aeeh.aiiou. ir terms, appiy," etc. Pr. Nug'-nt, of Adams counry, Iowa, was -iied for ma'prnctiee, i. e , setting a leg wrong. Tiie ease excited mm-h in- teit.-st involving, a it did, many point: of medical as well as legal jurisprudence. It was Mibiuitted to the jury r-t p. m. Saturday, and altera short absent c limy returned a verdict of two thousand dol lars damages for the plaintiff. The dc fvndant move.', for a new trial. Ti:i: IiTi.r. ok Woman. A girl of fifteen di-pbiy courage amounting to raslu:ess in h.-r fiivt et:g--iren:en', tut is u ;i;:!!y dcfi'ieient in .'-tcadiiicss. A L uiversa'ist preacher, having occtt pied a sell, loiboii-c i:i t!;e cuintry on the Sabbath ior the purpose of promulgating his vie. vs. gave notice at theclo.-o of the service, that two wedcsfiom that d :y he would preach ae;:iu in the same place in the afterno ei, by leave of j'rovidenee anil the ti ;.' f. i:l'ii.:ii 1, if what thee Las this day told us is true, w . h;dl not ,( thee two week- from this day, and if what thee h i tol l us i.s no! true, we do not tr..t thee at any time It is with health iis with our property we rarely trouble ourselves in looking seriou-ly after it until there is veiy iittle of it left to look after. N'o one loves to tei! a tale of scandal hut to him who loves to hear it. Larn, then, to rebuke and siience tho detract ing tongue, by refusing to hear. Never make your car the grave of another's good name. If there arc quacks who seem to stand up high, if is simply on ::ceo;!ut of the liumeron; flats around tLciu. Love, the toothache, smoke, a cough, ?n 1 a tight boor, are things which eun not be kept secret very long. M my persons take advice as thej do phy.-ie i- fung it aside tho moaieui the Poe or'.s 1 ack l- turuod. Tin: SKritir ok I'ort i.atmty. Com into a f. tune, ; i: 1 tli ui your friends w il discover in you rpialities of the most su perlative brilliancy, the existence of which, in your moments of most intoxi cating vanity, yiu never su-pected be fore. A .Ters-'vmaii.- in r;plv to the cnaree that women can do no his llgliting in time of war, sa"s wale, doos nothing ebe. '"Ihiggage sma-hiiig" by those who han lie arti'les ci' that character, has b.en leodered a costly luxury in Iowa, by an act of the Legislature. An Internal Revenue Collector in Ohi is supposed to be insmte, as he dee'art'3 he is determined to do his duty without fear or favor. John Thomas, a Miovrri barber, re cently grew weary of life, but alas! the suicide bv.'.-ct i'a'.tOiied .agaliict his rebel lious head. The wife of an llngli.-h b tiglar, visit ing him in prison, left- him a su-e! spring from her hoop skirt, from which he formed a saw. freed himself from his irons, and made good his escape. Medi..':.l student;! at Louisville, who have a t'.isr ccling room on I he fu':h floor of a building, hare fan in inviting coun trymen up stairs, and making believe thev are iroing to cut them up. They ' made a mistake the other day, their vie- j a leking up a nun's log that had just been cut oil, and cleaning out the ranch. j They are not rd-ymg the game as much u.-i ioruiei-iy A California f.apor t-harply suc-josts that the toeti wln. goahoat fhofitlnjr jieo ile tin 1 then ih'aJ iu?ati.ty, should be tried by a cryz jury iumie eauuyh to h.tii thorn. . . .. Hotica. The fiHowinsr nnmpil itjobs fuiipoel to be the owners of, or claimants of, or intcrrsteil in the respective lots in tho City af i'ljit'.siuontli. rStute of Nebraska, fet opposite tlu'ir uaiuoM. or the unknown owners af ull Fa'nl are ht-reby iioritieJ tht the riurtint'ton nicl Miss'-uri HiviT K.olroail Ci'iiiiiMiiy in Nebraska, has locaic-l its t ad liiroiiKii. i:nl up'in. un i a-l:m lor 'tt'I 't ami lir purposes th loUoiojr real esl ite Mt-u-o.-.l i:i a.-s eounty, t?:ateof N'-liiask i. to w;t : l'inhia NoJurlt l.oi : iiioek Co Tliouia? ii. Palmer " 4 jo iii Kiehard. IS. 1 ownsen'l, or the Heirs of U' m. M. - ' ,M.ir-h:ill ) Wiaeliesier il.ill an 1 t J oel Solomon j J. II. Ilaininoiiil aid I I'an'l 11. :oloiiion J Charles 1 tendril' Kobert llrown. or Wi'i.T 5. tirall, or 1). M. Wicjrins j 1G r i o 4 C 3 4 8 la Vl.t itemiek. Ileirs of J.,!m C. 11 nn- inond or Msnna ti.i ard.M.n Henry I'. CWlid.ro V i-.l.iiL- -T t-'.-rns 4 And the said owners are lurtlier nuanfi imi the said Company desire to take hold ami ap propriate sai l real estiito for the construction and eenv enient use of its rml. And it tho said owners ,-h all not within tlii'My days utter tne ptildii'i'.tioii of this notice, to wit : on or bei.ire thedd y of July. IsTO. apply to the Protmte Judare of s:-.M eounty, lo h ive the danir.trcs ius fessed by tii disinterested free hoi I rs, sek' -tcd by said 1'ro ate Jivtpe. as provided in J.'n tpO'r twenty-tive of the revised tr.tutes ut the fstate of Nibraska, said Company ii i proceed to have the daM.ises assesse.l as therein provided bylaw' "sited .May T 1V0. Buki.incton A Missouri Kivek Rail Uoad Ce.Mr-AN v lx js'ehuask . . , Uy T. il. Marquktt. Att y niHy'fwlt tr f aid Company. n. sri'Rt.ocK, Notary Public. B. BAXTER WINDHAM. SPURLOCK a WiKDHAH. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. One Door AVest of Brooks House, up Stairs. LATTSMOUTII. - - - - NEBRASKA Lands RousV.t r.nd SolJ. Titles Examinea nnd Conveyaiu t s Made, laxes l'aid and KeeeipU Forwarded l'l-ouiplli'. r -All lit. siness entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Biai'i'.ldiwtt. Feii r y Ecec k DEAL.). IX FURN I TU R E i.ounges, Tables, Sales, BEDSTEADS, Of all tlrscrirtlonH ;nd at all prices. :o: Melaiic Diirial Cases, - '.' L Of r.U sizes. WOODEN COFFINS ItoaJy made, ar.u solil chsnp for cash. y.'ith rtnny I'tank? lor f-ast pntrcnasc. I invite n Ii to (.-.itl :ic. I esiiiuiiii' iii- lnr;e stov U el i'unii tr.rc aii.l Cotiin?. ' inn-iSJ'. K. CITTKEV. C. I.ArESBY. r.eTVKi'.V A I.A.i:.N"I;VT props. UVERY SALE l EXCHANGE . t,it TliL '-r.t nf JK-rscs an 1 P.n,T;ic?on h:iml."iS CVriicr Vino unj K.jurth tret-ls. janIUwtf. Piattsmouth Q H I Xi 8- 0 03 (-3 O 7n O O --1 o rn 33 U 1 3? P 3 1 0 s i- P 0 H & 0 '0 3 c CO " fS o- o T GO -s. Wespfng Water Hebraska. di:alers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, tiueeiiiware. Hoots, and Shoc? Ilat.s. and Ci.rf. Ai.-rii-a'f.ir.il Imi'linnnts of all kinds. Weir and "I X W Ciikivators. Union Corn I'lanters, Granietoar iiiid i'rinceton I'hiws. ie ,v nlin vnu..i, it'! of w hich ireotier to the i.uolic at the invest retail I'.-iees. All Goods Warrants? As Represented, 3 -Oar C'rtisoir.t aim wiil oe to sell so low that it will l.e t'- the po-dti rc ltd vantace of every i.ir tuer in the w sotii and central i-ortinn o Ca toukty to u::ikethis their Liad-'inrreis fortruJ msr. 1". ILij, KKOS. ' eer-inc .iter. Ait:! I t. is7d. i We ivre nlsu aaeenis lor AIower. Reapers. ni Ihra.-ULn; iLicuioes. uiTwtf FKr.D. SALE AND 1!AIS STBEKT. rLATT3MUCTU. XEB. I ain prepared toixcettiumodatethe imbiicwi h ITurtea, Otrriniir.. I'spit and A JYb. 1 ilfarve, on short naitiee and rea. na'de term. A Hack wi'drunl teimloat latidine.audto alliiar f thetMtywneu 't?txed. Jan ITcdJL w. DEALER IX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools; ALSO MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Roofing, Guttering, 5 pouting and Repairing done. 1 am Selling First-Class Gtod. antl Gtmnntttj Nat to be Undersold, as 1 am Haying of First Hands. A No. 1 Plows and Cultivators, d sciinas.se. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS!! Everybody, airl more too, arc eoinjc ti 13. SCHT.BBiD To AT NEW YORK STOEE. The PirRpft anil must eoii:i.kl.o TOOK OF ORES s COOPS 3 Are now on exhibition at tho New York Store, at rr.;:itly reduced price. V.'e cull i-a.-fcailur attention to our new styled oi DUESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DETAINS. ( ; I N ( i 1 1 A.MS, liiiow.N shei: i iNt;. h l v. a c 1 1 1 : d t : r r o n s , UALMORA LS. CA RPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA S ROOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and trices to suit our numerous customer?. Urge stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE. OIjEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, (JL SSWARH, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We l.av- a iarj- stock of the cpW rated GARDEN CITY GLiPFER PLOW. STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, nr.d all UmU of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDER-S, HAY RAKES- &C Riattsinouth February, loth, )70. tf. I. SCIINAS.SE & CO. PLATTSfclOUTK 1 cl '.! vs..';"--e ' u" "- I 0 ITALIAN A?iD AMERICAN MONUMENTS, TMiLlC-TOPS, t" 6 Furnirhel iri.ii.i tly and r..al!y at the very lowest I'rieeat io.--.-ili!u. We Warrant Satisfaction. .mi:i;i;ks a- into.. Main street near Gth ft.. riatt ;mouth Neh. it Jt.'SI.riE . Ii2.AT2.ii Cc J -Jl. KsTAl-I.ITUr.I). 11. -'2il. DIvM-KltIN W A T C 2 3 S , CLOC K ti SILVEil AND 1'LATED W'AIIE, GOLD PENS. SPECTACLES, VIOLIN ST1UXG.S AND FANCY GOODS. W.itel.e. ("he !:aml Jewelry repaired ner.tly and with ilispat. h. .-lieMuvcJ;u oi jiosite riatte Viilley IIms" Main Strict. nov. io w tf. Public Sale cf School Lando. I. Isaac Pollard. Clerk ef "ays county, in pin- suanee of an act f t he I.c-is!.. are 01 .Nil.ia.-!.r.. approved Jui;e 1:4 1 li . l-oT, wi.l tl' r at puioic sale, at the dii.i-of my oiii'.. in I'ia;:-tiiiHth. .i: Tne?dny th" ll-t. d:-y of ,J 1; na n ex t. at !) o '.;... a. tn.. all the rriuainiiifr School l.;;:elj in tiii-- eoiiiily. No hids rri-ea ol f ir l...-s than . i. i n iloilars per acre. SaP- xv ;1! eon t lime 1 10 1:1 .lav t-.i day till ad the School Lands are oilcred. Given indtr my liand and seal ; his i! h alay May.l-iTO. Isaac I'oi.i.'.iai, Clerk Ca.-s county, Nebraska. By .T. M. Eeardsley. Dtruty. .".l.ylv.Vt H & . S. M TO THE WOltKINfS CL.S-.-AVe are nov. lni parcl jo furnish all 1 . wi ii 1 "iii.-l::!;t eniido;. ii:ent at home. theii;ole of the time or for the spare moina'iits. l'usiue-s new, lirhtand prolitahls. 1'crsons of either s-. easily a-arn from "iIIb. to 55 h r ereiiirr. tnl a pio oi : i..n: l fcuin by ilcvoiir. th'-ir whole time lotlicl,ui ness. lloys and icir.s cam ln'.-u ley as 111111 h u:v!i. That ull wh.o see this notice may send their a 1 drass. and test the business, we make t!r miparaiicli d offer: To such 1:' rc not well satisfied, we v .ill send SI to pay for the tron' le of wrilinc. Full particulars, a val;ia.l!esau.ple. which will do ti eoninieiiccr w.k on. an i a copy of Th l'ftlt:' Lttcrurit i oi.'iai'an one of the larp-est and best family ni.'.papcrs p.;b lishi'd i-ll sent free by mail. Header." if vou want pel inain-nt, profitable w ork, address F." C. ALLEN fc C., AfCifsTA, JIaix. apL-o'wiim EMPIRE B Third Street, South of Main, Piatl-x-'ioiitli, iVcb. CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and vveet Crackers. n tn wi - m v k ?jd on hand rt all times, nl'.a GUT II MAN at IIUEETiTY. Prairis Breaking. Sny.lar ,t Orr are ready to take ardcr f .r llreakirw; I'ir.irie. For tprins. apply to John Sny.ler. on th farm on Ei .ht Mile i rwk ; or. to 1J. N. Orr. I'latt-iiioiith. They are prepared to take ec utratts for any cuiuha-r i f acres, l'arties (iiirin'r breaking done, will do well to inslc ajsTrtfaa't it'iirly. aprilldA wini. l'-olu!e Divorces Ieaally obtained it?. Nfw "t. Indiana. Illinois and o'.her Statn. f..r i.i-rs..ns from any SUatf or Country, legal every where: desertion, drunkeiinr-ss. n-m-rtpport, ntc. sulTudent cause: no publicity: T.O cha-ire cntil divorce obtained. Advice tree. Jju.-llic.-s estatdiaihed tilla.cn years. Address. M. HOU ' . Attorney. No.7S Nassau Street, New VorK City. iaur20 w'jiu. closing out at Cost. Remember the pl:i-.t 11 cs $ i S St i out Ii V. I). I.KIINMOI K. GO, buy tlirir TH K Of the A.-t.--t3 cf tho Of New Haven,. State of Connecticut, On the. Zst l.hiji ot Ih-eemher, Ti-TJ, made to the Auditor nf tiie State ( n'-fts7.', 'iiruait V) St' it ate. Jst. NAME AND LOCATION The inline of th- t'i.i:iiany is tin: Home Insuv-uiu-o Coiniar.y dl'Xev; llaveu, .State ol Connect icut. CAl-ITAIa. 2nd. The Amount of ils Cajiita! f:io-k is S J?,ftii),OWi'f "id. The aoioonl ot its Capital .toek. iaid Ul is 1.000,000 (i) A.'.sI;ts. trh. l'ir-t Ca dv on hand and ia hand of Acenti .:ti 1 o:!ie.v ' 2ol,7"9 12 Se lid Ilea I Estate uninciiniher- ed 7;r.,y0i) (If) Third Land.- ov.m 1 hy the (' ni l'at'.y and h.i-.v fi ured. wi:h ihc liila- of interest theri'on. IVmih Dchts of the Co:n j any se cured hy npTiirace on Ileal tate with .iotihie the aiiiount lo.inc 1 I'il'rh Ilel.t-- otherwise Mi nred i-ixih l;elM Pt pri'iiiiuin- i-cvcniii All otln-r i-.-iuirili.'s l'.ilis rci--. i aide for 1 iiian.l 1' ri mi ll ri iV.fi'.ri t i. ks and jioiids owned ly the Comi.ai.y :7S.1;" ! SE'iKieJOj I'.l 1 . EIAHir.ITIlvs. h. The iiiiiounf otTiahilitie- due or not il:ie to IirtiI.s or other creditor? by the Ccmpany. tVh. L'i.-ses a Iju-ted 11:1 1 due 7th. Eos-i s !id.iust d and not ilua ."th. Eoy.-es iin:nl.:Urta d. t'th. Losses iu u-ie:i.se waUirs 27.Jflf.-J VX.Wl 17 3 ) 3 V) j for lurthrr proof. ' l'Jtli. All otlu r tliiiiRH aijainst tlu I ( oniiia.iy. 11th. J ne re:it t ainoatit insured , in at y one rn ; illJtii. 'i he t'. eaic-t nnioiuil allowed j Ml'cvr-:ri,!I, ! No role, Ihh. '1 lie prea'i st aiino.u.t allowed j trho iu-iu'.d io any one hi' ck 1 ifjpcds upon t he si.-e and c.n- mini. iEh. A 1" Ipeorp'iraii e:, State- n. 1 ::t of Assets end I'owri of At toiii y to Ai-i'iil must fe filed in Auditors Ou.cc hel'. re a "Cei ! lliciio of Authority" wiil he issued to Ascot-. STATKOF CiNNl"f 1 11 I f t5 1 Llilt V of N w ici'in 1 '' Mherrrs D. K. S. ! t 1-a-. I'lesi den , and W S. tioo-'wrli. Seeielar', .t' the ifoui' 1 1(.. ur .iici- Coiup.in;,'. f. n.e p n.iiiy known I., .-eva r- j !.ll;. s-o:-n. d i".-e en.! say, t.ia: the iorc-ointr M'U'-iin i;' is a full, 'no.- and correct Maleiaei.t of the ail. 1.1- of said t'oa.t.auy. that ti e s:;id Company is the bona fide i.nii. r o! 11' lea-t tl.- j Om. n oollars of casii c::j ilul. inv e-ted i:i t. ,.!. ; and bun Is of :; le.isl p i r vai 111 , or in 11101 tjiajse la. on oninei: m oe:a i ir-il isi.i:.. ',.vi:i.i at lea, di 11 i le I rie anion 11! for w h. i.di the sn me is 11101 1 -K:it?e-1. That no par . of ti.e 1 1 i .'.. e;; d scribed iriva simcnts are made for the hem f.t of any in dividual esercisiiiu' author:!;.- in the manage ment of said Company, and tl:nt thev are ti.e above Uesciibcd oliiecisot s:ii 1 Ca. inp.iny. """"'iV. H. SATTF5.L?; K. I'-. sida t !. iii. r.. .1 i;ii 1 W Ll.ii. M. ra 1; 1 y. Sw rn to and siibsrnl.e l lieime ine this eighteenth lay of .latmary. I'Til. Jn testiin .iiy wha-rrof I have In rc unto sab.-.-i i ,e ! my name uiel ;.f- ;2eal.j hied my 'diieiai scat. fc"i--'nd. I.V.MAN K.rtli'N.-'.fN. Coininissiuner f..i liic s-titte of Nvbrua-ka. A true copy. JOHN (IILLESI'IE, Auditor. ST ATM OI VKHH A ?K A. -l.N-t K .CK Dl.l'T. It is hereby certi:i -l that there has t.eeri liled in thi.aoQn'ea sw.jri; sta :eiiient, ?in, il,- con dition of the Home In-nrin.ee Com' .any l-. a to I at Xew Haven, in l!ie Slate of ( onna-cticut. on thculst. alay of l)w mln r, 1 s;0. in aecordanc-e with the provisions of an act of the tJem-rn! Assembly of the State of Nebraska, to reirul ite Insurance Companies approved 1 a bruaiy 12, lsixi. that said CVn.par.y had filed the neecs-ury papers and a statement -howin? that said Com pany is, pa.-se-sed of thai rc.iii.-i:e aniounr aif eai.ital. and inve.-teii as r.j'i iiied by law. Au thoiity is hen by iviva-n to the ahove named C01: pany to transiet their appropriate bii-ii.i-. s of I ire insurance in the State, iu ccar la ni-e w'.tii Hie laws thereof, until the SUt day ol J iu uj ry A. D. I'TI. 1 farther c rtiiy that L. I). I'.EN'NFTT. of Pl.t;.t.!iiiuth City. County of Ca-, is atiihorized to transact h-isii.e-s use t !i:i;' to law for r ai 1 ! ir pany as their Atrent id Attorney in any C i.uty w-11 ere t..ey Uitve an agency e-t.i'.iise.i-.l e.:i..ii lilini tiiis a-rrUh.-aie for record wilh the ' Clerk o! Cass Ceir.ty. in w itue.-s wherpof I have hreu:ito j skai.. set lay band and uilixe 1 ley -a al f i "hi. e. at Limo'ti. this 7th day of March, A. 1. lCo. I JuilN UILLESPIK. I .1 ji.tor tt i;c. t EiayS.j j ""IN RUfiNiKG 0RDEF?r TDFSIKE to .snnounee to flie ptiii'ie that I Dou-de Turlaine Water W is, jn r,; l ratioti. Having refitted rev mill threnuhout I am r.ow- prepared to do bct:er aVy my custom era th-n -any luill in the State, J. A. LATTA. jnaysltw tC n now nine mv ure-.. AmiT "an ten lecn - n t 1 ti 1 i-n 1 een 1 j saw BTOBa Weeping Water, Uzb. General Kerchnii'iifi? tivii vn; tv i - DKY Gooyi-". ti ROC kits. liAuiiw ar; ut i;i..mvak::, II AT.:. CAI'J I'.tiOTS, SIloKs, X'.'i!o.s PJNF. AD COTTON V0oH I rMl;;:i: A.. 11 1 Nil LPS ; p l.AT!l. Wc are Agents f. .r Willcox ft. Gibh3 Scwiritj Machine, whicu U undoubtedly th Li?t M.i l.ii - j., ?. H!,irl .-. ;f. " Warner's l'ile riin.il..- Ium ln vir ti.l.rl even in one ea-e! to c ur.' thi- . ry v. , . Ill ind lt'-tmiK or j lie ,i.l' r.ir i!. j , -A j, nilli.-'.cl should immcl; 1 ! i..:.-,!, t i 110 fcit. and c-t V. ar er . "'il Ka-m,-!.-. itj- .v. Ires."ly for the I i I - . and is ?. ; ti ,; ,,, , ,, ; to t un' any o' !n r diM-.t-- .. I , , ,,r, j , kl v . rne ol' ov.r thirty yet-r .- :c, i -. ;:..' ,,J,, Ilnlhir. l'or.'ale hy lru, :;-'. . i,',.. . Wiirner'n Iiy.in'in Tioii dresly lor I'j.-pftn.' and tli I ' t ar. .1 , lial'ltual t ostiv elifss. It 1- a -i - ,i i m:iu...i mo toaic iind u ."idriidid hi i-i-v. r; i -i : , m.-t1 . i tin fO'tiJil-h ri ll. 1 res'loli-s It..- l; -s r , . to tin-ir lieailiiy state. IVcA, in -r i . -. liej.tie ieisaoiis should U'c ii i.it'.- o -; . t '. ; t Ionic. For sale by dniri,i. ' rin n l.,n;ir. WarrnT1? C.atich llal-ain hea! ir.ir, A.-l',lk and ex . ector.it in if . The ex t rrtordirinry .nwi-r it jMsses's in iiMint:.iiatt l.v ri la-i vi :.ir. and v. m.i. Bl ly curiiia.', he iii'j-t o Ixt i oi' e i ot ' : (.., Colds, Si. re '1 hroaf, i'i om Iii l-, I '.llui n,.., i ,. tan h, linarsene'S, A-thtnn im 1 Consul; : i .'i j Imo.-t ini-redihle. So ironi.t is the r. Inf:n,.l erriaiii its etleet" in n!! tin- a l...ve i i-i . i.i n , , !t. rti.'ii of the throrif and lo.-it'-'. that lli. u-.i,, s of j.hysiciniis are daily iTi-.Tihint' it, ai, I imd all say lh.it it is the I io-t In u;;ii- 1 , , j.iM-torat i.iaC inedi.'iue kii'ino. i ;,(. .i.,-.. j.lw.nj iMlords relief, mi. I in nn -t a.-es one ...t:!e a';, feets a eure. Sold hy dnu'ci-! -, in laive hi.it Ir 11 ice ( i ne Dollar. It is ar own 'mlt if j- still eouh an 1. siid'er. The DaNain will , urc. The frre.-t IJiood I'uriiier n -.! 1 1 1 1 - 1 r" n ': . "iVuniei's Vimiiii it:e, nr V iii ot l.ii , i-ir. nun any poi "innis alrin-'s i r t -1 r - pi i pared I it t h.ise v. h.a I cq i i a si n: n : :i ..i . J t is B splendid i.pp'-t i."T and t -. ::: tl.. f..,. .. tiling in tiie world lor jon ir. i:.- t!... i.!.,., 1 ; the no et pk asalit and dciinoii ::ri i. I i , . r . I fere 1 to the iiuhlie. tar sepi ii T t-a hrai i r, whisky, wine. PiMor . or any ao lo i a 1 1 r ii . It i moie lieailiiy. and ihrapcr. J;..'!i i , ,!.: I ! male, y 'in:,' or old. ran tal- a t!.'- V. i:..- ! 'tis, in iiiet. life preserver, II. . v , . i h to enjoy irood health and a fn i'. ..v .' Ir. . v fpirits. tviil di well to take the V. .m- i l I.;'.-. 1 1 is ditVeient from any thin i; i n i . . .r- i i i. It is sold hy iliuri-t-: al-o at a!i . - p. ! .. AVarn r's I-"i;ioifna'.'o-."ii. i-j tin- n ly a knwwti lo cure the Whiles, it wiil in . . case.) Win re is the family in whi Ii ::,'-i i i..r:ant media-itie is not wa 'it-d '.' Ai eh-r. tl . is t he una test i.l c-inx e er oil. re! . -hImh .ah.iitld im no'd i.i ii !v pi .nil re n. It: .! , r cure fir I'tniaie lrreuuiai .iit -s. and in:i '..ii pended upon in every ea-e uii. . : tl'" li. i.ili i L'ow h:i:J heen olistrm-ti d 'liroii-.,: . ..I t r l!-.-:i-Sol I hy druei!.-. I rr-r in.. I ii .:'. I r - i4 ! m.iil i.;i rc- ipt ol i 'n- l.'lir and a '.Juhh eiirc il'. .State Stre. i. ClO.-vo. ill-. .1. M. li:-.. :MM.v. pr'Jiwlyi'ianvlly I'la t iiou-ii. !. Fanners, im vljerc you can i.c t the I c: ' I'I and the n:o;'t of it. 35 PGUFiDS or . r OJ'' Kiin in exch-aee f .r jfoo-l v We are also doiny i ris . ;i 1 1 . vi: inTi-'i-cd l.icilit'n .'. 1. I as-.ir. d the het and 111011 1 r.ur ot any in t fa .1 ii... S A T 1 .7 FA CT ION I A U A N 1 1 " I 1 . Frcdacs Bcurjivt ar.i! Scld. IIIOHKBT MARKt.r PA!'). LIri il ec i aU.n V ! I 1 J a ' 1 l - f ON THE SOUTH WEEPJa'G IVTKfi XXXX At$2.50pcrsack xx ':.oi:j 2,vo per f.ir.i Ii:t;i i r) ha V"'..- '. Unui k SIi : I - IxJra (ne.l J't- i-l'f'a'. . Corn M.-al I'lT.v's t r l.-.ti. I 1 j tLoi::: i ;xci is ; i : j i i : '.v i .' i:.vi JtS tl llil!. Wheat and Corn ground on Toll '' '"' ;)x'iiih fit! ht tn!., ,1 lo unt'ufj nil irhy " 1 0,0i);j Huslils of Wheat ah,. 20.CC0 La 1 ! t ! 1.!. ic,!.i:;.-&v.-tL' t. ::. tax" !:. CT.aI.i-s Toclle, iianr.a a. Clar'c, riF.AI.KR1 IM fj?oI;l nml fiUvcr Coin EXCHAKG-E, Ufi. and otlior tUv'l- . 1 Iiffl.slr;mn (n a'l jtartsof trie tiii:: I Ihirone. liepo: 11- reca ived. and pi tention given to collections. Plattsmoutii, Keb. ju2itf W 6 " rVi iii:i:ri: sw a "-' SEED CATALOGUE And G'jido to the FLGWER AD VEGETABLE ' FuVoished in January. Kv rv lover ' f f f wi-hiiiif this new ami valuable wo:.. ' dialer, should aid.-. s iniiiieili..tt 1 M. 'h 5 1 ' i Son. .V Co., Lilwaiifci A Larry 'a Liork, 1: le - jcr. N.Y. I-w . fca.i.ea giaii