a-.-4. i i ' IB I I 1 u I t I1I1IUII- UiX'JM 'WilJIgH LOCAL ZbTZETWS.I A T-j::t number of iminigiant wujyri') : .' !.. r 1 c arrive lit unr cut umir ihui mc ovi-, ! Tlx? '.mknowii horse Mi;el who was sht in this c:y ktt I'rid iv wh Snr;-J in the 1 'otter'-) f.eld Saturday evening. Leonard's rew Pi;; ure Rooms are ro Frc.'.-h.g r.tpidly. Thry will be ready for at 'on soon. In the meantinio he J h i.iak.n nr-t rata i ictares at the old failery. Hi: Honor Jude Crouns arrived in the esty thw utoruing to hold court lor Juds Lake, whoe wife is yet lying sc- I riyusly ill. Judge Cioun.se has the repu- ration of hein an excellent Judge Gov. Butler arrived in town thi morn ing, direct f:om Wa.-hinton, where he has heen looking after affairs connected j with the State. II 13 Excellency is :00k in.T remarkably well, as though life at the Nat'oaal Capital agreed with him. He leuvesfor Lineo'p to-morrow morning. K. C. Eifiiiig, the great Pop iuannfac urcr of Otnahc, has removed his estab lidiment to this cify, and is n w sup ly ing our people wi;h that delicious bever age, lie will deliver it 1 y the eve in any part of the city. Ileer hai supplied the Hehai.d whh h. heuuliiul Louquct. He cau heat the vrorid (that i.:. the western woild) on Cowers lini Cowering plantj. W e con- j versed with a gentleman recently who j believes they will be successfid in thri; was well pcted in floral matters, and he j tu.-iness enterpri.-e. They are evidently assures us that Mr. I leaser ha i the finest j i.:,mi of business qualifications, and just green house and the l.Cit assortment of j the kind of men the Herald delights in C-jworfog plant to be found west of Chi- I ca z-i. Yt'o ccnvcr. ed with a gentleman a fw d c ;:.r.i?2 whj has been in Nebraska ahi.ui y :ars. When be arrived in t:.-r Stat.1: ho says he was disappointed He f :" 1 but little timber, the towns were all Miiail, ?nd lie had aiumst deter mhied upon turning back to his former home. lis finally took a homestead ami Went to work. To day he thinks Ne braska is the finest country in the world, and wonders why he was so blind to its fceiiu::es and ad vantage- when he firt ar-ived. lie is w !! off with this world's j r-.rnJ.. unl Ii:is twice nluod z'2.)) lor i hi homestead claim. All any man wants to insure a fortune in Nebra-ka is the "nerTe" to take hold in earnest. See Card of L. II. Wheeler, Attorney at Law. Hon. J. C. Cowin, District Attorney, is in the city attending court. Cowin alwavs finds some business in Cass, and I the rascals always feel un.-.easy when they sec hiia around. Among the many improvements in the city we notice that F. I. Lenhoff, Ksq., has mads valuable additions to his resi dence property on the south hill. Col. II. W. Peek and Mr. Binds, of i the B. c 51. Engineer corp orps, arrived in ! the city yesterday from the east. We heard a gentle uian from Omaha rcm;ki not long si ace, that the Brooks House of this place was far ahead of any hotel in the new Chicago, and we know Le to'd the truth. The sale of land of the B. & M. R. II. Company during the month of May were over $300,000. This does not look like their prices were too high. These lands are all sold to actual settlers, which is worth thousands of dollars to the State. The Omaha Jlrruhl ys : "Dr. Miller don continue to 4 t ind very near" to Mr. Morton, and there U not power enough this sida of perdition to diive him from that position." The Dr. hai evidently made a mi-take in the above. Ileuses the word "drive" when the word "resurrect ' would be more appropriate. "The steamer Kate Kinney arrived Inst evening, unloaded a large amount of freight for our merchants and reloaded 17 A) bushels of corn fur the up river She wi1! return tomorrow morning on her wjy to St. Louis. Xeh. City Times, Loth. Si;e brought the 17,000 bushels of orn to Plittsmo'ith, the great Grain, Lumber and Stock market of the west, where it was bhippcJ to Chicago by the Burlington & Missouri River liail Koad. lion. Win. Bowe, of Lincoln, pa-ed through our city this morning, on his way home. Hu has been to Wisconsin, and brought back with him. asn part of himself, one of the fair daughters ef that land. Many little heaits in and about Lincoln will flutter upon the re e-'ipt of tho3 news, as Win. was emin ently a "la lies men." We publish dewhere to-day an arti cle from the Tpeka i 'untmnntrmh h snv ing tlu p-irticuhrs of th killing of Mr. G-ro and hh companions on Solomon river by the Indians. We are sorry to learn that Judge Crounse cn only hold coa-t at this place during tin present wttrk. 'i iooe i a very largf ibxli-t . :ade up, wivt h would eonsuuie at lea t three weeks. Mr. D. II. Mason is canvassing the city and county in the interest of the Ameri can Bible Society, preser-.'ir-crT-taments to such famihjs as are destitute and un able to purchase, and selling to such fHrnili".' as are able to buy. iiis mission is one of a charitable natur and his princ'i'il reward is in knowing that he is doing good to hi- fellow mau. Bibles and Testaments are also on deposit at the store of Clark k Plumnier. eat bead Mar. hai II dims, the "eentre' of the detective force of the west (oh! dear) was in our city la-t Saturday. lie w.u probably elcwu here to see if some of 1 is oil accquahitanee-s were nt likely to suffer at the present term of ourt. Married, in th'n city on tho evening of the 30di inst., by the Rev. Daniel W. Cameron, Capt. Edward B. Murphy, Deputy IT. S. Marshal, an I Mi-s Lizzie lir-is's. It is not good for man t oe alone We wi-h the hajpy eoup'e all the joys i t whi-h thywe enti.'avl. j i i is in the city. as been MieK'- e-.l in.it .'lur dial 1 HoUins' r-i.f:tr vi-it to our city did w' have anvtLiii7 to do with the iir.ui led clearing of th m-.i.do.er Pool. We hern: Mr. ,i sen 1 Po .1 to i .1 - . . i ; i ? tin. - c ty i' ft' it l,e clftt.'s hii I Col. Funis--, of Prv.vnv!"..'. ha r- ceive l a letter fro:u Ben. I'.ankin, who ! onej lived in thi .Stale, and will he re- i uiember d hy all the old settler-!. He ; turn? tip in San Jo.-c. Califonii., where ! ,e .. pr:K.flcins la..v suece.fiihy A th iiiepfinc- of the IV.-hvterv of .Missouri Iliver, held at (,'Iarin d.i, j , j T,iw.. ,.-,'1 - i.va,.r,f. 1 J.v t!,P Vro. i l,ycrj;Ul (.'onres iti n of Plaltniutii ' t tju; iev i)att.j Cameron to he- ' (.,li0 ,,5,. pHstor. Thiseall having been j aceeptfd. a coiumitte of Prehytcry, con- listing of llevs. Me.-srs. Elliott, of Ne- 1 1 . -., t . 1 , r ij,...,:i: . 1 braska City, and liana. 01 irov. nvihe. 1 . , . : was appointed to msta!l h:m 1 aor on j the second Sabbath in June. R v Mr ri'a; We arc pleased to learn that Mes.-rs. the opening were more diligent in s?arch Casc Jt Thomas, the two young men of hig out that portion of our inhabitants whom we recently made mention as hav- than any other, consequently we accept ing come from Fall Iliver, Mass., have their statement as authority. It takes a decided to remain with u-, and have i"-r:cm we'l posted in ptieh malfers lo opened up in the grain business. They , make such accurate calculation in .'-o have leased a lot on the avenue approach- j .short a time. iug the city from the south-wsst, an! j A frhnd at our elbow suggests that will immediately erect a commodious the above item is not attributable so warehouse thereon for the purpo e of - ".eh to the rt p.ot of the delegation stoiinL' sraio. They come to oar citv ! Irom Chariton as it is to the natural in- through recommendations found in t! Herai - P, and the Hkhald hopes and bringing to Nebra.-ka. There scs more lumber and more gram nan iie i in iaus mouui e. an anv other town o:i tho Missouri river. J,tttxmonfh ll'.niht. ! Mistaken, neighbor. The firms of j Monroe Dillon and Baliuntir.e it Co., j of this city, have handled and sold more lumber in one month than yon have had in your village in six The Brownviile papers aro trinity ai.-o ot sav oir jutt such ; 1. t'.-n -1 V.. V I';,,?. ; 1 11 1 n ... - 1 Yes; you handle lumber down thcie the s.anis way "oti do trnin, probably. (live us vonr figure-;, and if we liiive not 1'mr yards that any one of them handle .. j,,..,!..-. . v- v ' t-.. r:..- ii,.... . . . . , , , j for 01 the J,i)t(.i toe urst lime vv are invited. aterman .V on. . . v . Jiy man & Lo. o i. v . jjcwts v t.o., can ' cirhfjr one supply all the Nebraska City j yards and nt;t mis- the lumber from toeir stock. Try .something c!-e, neighbor. i 1 Commissioner J. B. Moore while com- j ing to town ye.-tcrday, killel a hue tim- j ber rattlesnake, from whe-e Lnusieal ex tremity he took e-ight rattles. T!ie-e timber snakes arc seldom Sieen in tbi pait of the world. Mr. Chimes Brown, of this city, has :b":iks for a copy of the Trans-Co,,- 1 e litt.e t?ai!y sheet pu cisue-i j on tne 1:0.-ion taiu 1 acm; j.cui:,a-i 7 ...I tJ - : Train, which passed through on its way to the Pacific a few days since. It is a very neat little sheet, giving the news aboard tho train. Gran 1 Lodge, T. O. . T., will hold its fourth annual session in the city of Lincoln, on the 15th cf June, or the third Wednesday of the same month. It is desirous that all the subordinate bribes cf the State be fully represented. G. Steven soy, G. W. C. T. The apportionment hill, as it ha finally passed the II usc cf Representative.-., increases the number of Congress men to three hundred, This will give Nebia.ka tome show for a second mem ber. Our fioral friend Hesser visited Ash land to-day for the first time. Hc-sser attends strictly to burincss. He his lived seven years in Nebraska, and has never before ma le as long a trip astogo to Ashland. Mr. J. B. Clark informs us that we were in error in regard to extra trains running to the Ashland Sales, lhcro wil! be no extra trains, but the regular trains will have ample accommodations for all who desire to go. The I lattsmouth Herahl. has enlarged to a seven column paper, and is other wise improved. If we could get it rcg ular we v-oiild like it much better.- Put t'o in your pipe and smoke it. Coun cil Smtpartil. We ar:! sorry you cannot get it regular, as it is maihd t i you every day. Mr. J. B. Bice, cf Or.ia.ha, has Leon t akdii ; a look at the formation of white Kas.in f un l near L ouisviilc, and ca;ae down to-d iy with a quant.ty of the a ai de which Ii-j firoposes t ting to :;sc-r- tain its valu-. lie l as coisscMted to ac- quain the readers of the He:iai.Ij wi;h the rc ult of the experiment. A'.'e an - t'.cipato much from this cxpv-:i-,iiCT.:, but shaii patiently await ihe ie.uh. The B. & M. R. B. C. mpanj is now fuelling what we predicted l.'.st winter a. id spring. It i.- dulng more to r.Jver- ti -e Nebraska and bring in tcUh r iban all the other eutci prise put t a ther. The company is advertising over the civilized world. iam Ad t . Li.-e- niert-" have been sent to neaily ev-ry civilized nation beyond the sea-, and are now prin'ed in nearly every tongue. The -immigrants are coming be ready for them. Specimens of a new silver currency, of the denominations of ten, twenty-five and fifty cent pieces, have been issued at the United States mint and presented to I the'Trca-u.y Department for approval, They lire u a lecf the relative value of ie,l.b:icks. and are intended to Le bro'u.bt into use immediate!;. By reference to our advertising col- uu.iis it will be.-cen that the firm of Prole & Ytaies has been dissolved ly mutual coiisenij ;.;r. A. . lTose remaining in the husines. .Mr. Pio'.e is a thoreug!: druggist, and is oue of the mo t j!es- ant gentlemen to deal with we hive ever met. ' , vv iv.,',. ....... o, :.. , ;.. The lov.a ecnte-t ovtr Congtessiu-'r. Ins been s ttlod in favor of Pa et w , J'v';-v!.i-il- is -;!.;'.' to iheA-li'a:. ! L -t -ales r.cxt. Fii l.iy and iSar-ml ty. TI will he j hnty rf rwi-.v made th-re by the pu'"1-'-'- ('rs i- 'v-: c'-1-' itr than sp'iuin.: mi!.-. Mr. I'.tvid Osbr.nve, the man who '.ror.eht the famous team waon to Nebr i l a in 1:00, hi-been i:i town sew- ral ua; s. lie cms to A-hlar.., shortly, ; where lie wil open an Aipicul. und Ii:jjdo- zufnt .Shop. O-honie is a firt c!a.s tno- chan'e, and will Jo well at Addarid. ! Tiie old .-team wagon .-taiids out near the -1 or ton tjrni, wc.-t of obra:-ka t ity. and in many respects U not unlike the proT.rietor of the farm they were loth j niuoh notic?'.i m their day, t-ut boiliare w numbered aruiong the things that weio. Platt.-mouth has a "ciih" to everv 50 of its population, according to tliestate- merits of tho --c who attended tlie orcn- . 110 .1 - .1 . and bail recently given there ti'tr- -(rll ;linni.,t. Vobablv the Chariton dc-Ieration" to tarnation of the editor of the I irio:ril to publi-h tbat character of news in preference to any other. (lev. Butler left for the Capital by the 10 a. m. train tn-dav. The Mile of lots bv the Ilai'roa I Corn- nnv' which wis to li.-ivo .-il-f.n 1 n. - ' - 1 " day wa3 ;,o,troI10,l xlut , a. M. to ' 1 , , , "lorrow. I here are bargains to be had in the purchase of these lots. K. JtEi'i'nLifAX office jursej). On the evening of the 2dlh a fire br,,ko out ;n the 0ui!,ling of the St. T . ... , . , h-2'ul.ioni office, which soon ! spread ti the entire building, con-uming the e-rtahlishment in a few minutes. The lo- is e-timated at Jir.O.OoO. In surar.ee $ I ,' i it .. hCKIMM, XOTHT. I w;!I b! 1 a Pr.biie-oxamhiatinn a: the School hoti.;e in 1 latt-m.-uili, 011 thefir.-t Saturday in June, 1870, to commence at K) j chek a. m. '. A. IATrKi:s:)x, Co. Si:: t. Public Instrujtiom STO.OOO V.!!H OF HVS'VrM. We a.e relial.ly informed tha; the in waid 1 u.-ino.-s of the B. i M. P.. 11. at this place, for the month of May, wiJ not fall .-hort of $33. mm, 'flu outward i tmsmess will t rooal.-v be 1 an as much, it : not more, making the business done at this o-Hce during the month, reach the I ncai ligure 01 :riU,u;M. ihis, it wi; be remembered, is the bu-incs to and fron the c.it, and does net include the bu-i R(..s lJiv. 1;0 WC;.t n.t):n tias t,tv. T10 JSttSIE I.O .!ZOf E VES !)f nia:i!ii jlorf Itollin- binee the openinar of the B. ec M. R. R. in Nebra -ka to A-hlarid the bu-iness has increased so rapidly that the five lo comotives in use were unab'e to d j the necessary amount cf work, and two more of those superb .Manchester engines ar rived here ye.-tcrday. They will be crossed over the rivcv this evening or to morrow morning, and. will at once be put to work. Tiits mr.ke- seven locomotives for the B. o: M. in Neb.-a la. and others will be added 13 the road cxtetids west-! I ward. ,-,! I5Aii.no..! VOfJtE. Pen oils l.iivmg gC'itds to ro v.c t slioiq l J.rmg a report of their mercb un to U:e locai statioii agent two hours before the starting time of the tiain. order to insure its 1 jcuig properly ray- bi;ied. Bv obsei hi1: this, shi-ners will be sure to get their sir.iF off and save trouble to agents ; besides there will not be so great a liabiiity to have go Is mis carried. Just immediately before trains leave, the agent has to sell tickets and cannot stop to Write out way-bills and his books. THitortiii in mmoix. Tolc; sre;li Ci!mii:iniMlin M ilU ttic .12'. l;il. The B. k M. R. R. Tehgr ph line is o Lincoln ing pu-hi-d rapi liy thiough diea 1 oi the t rac Th? holes are be tribute ', ait-d the ing oar : wire Wen Ti.e iin. z.oles we.-t tioiu tnu citv to-day. 'j j 5 . , I j ! j j ; ' c will be i-mpcctod to Lineu.'n h'ts week, to ,:s to bv in IV. 1! operation ie.: ing tie: i:.mi sate-'. moke r.vi::r;.M i:. CiH(:.::toi:tli VJ:2:;ut n IUvnl. A Grain E!ovtir Xrtlf.I. As w; have told oar ::' pic fom tho ' co:::i::C!!""::.ci,t. 2.! that Piatt, mouth ' ever Po ked to make her ihe great com mercial t-nire of the w e t wu pr!p-er lh- cilities for .-liipplir I.-, .... I ll it.ji C.M.- venhed. d-day mir t. ten's are beim city ;.:ic-ai any p.ace ec-t oi L hi- cfg ivs a shipping point. product o: our own locality are s hipjicv from here, but tho accumulations of'i neighboring towns are brought here for shipment. Seventeen thousand biu-hol of grain have arrived at this citv from j the firm of Frailly & Robertson of Ne- bra.-La v.i(y, durmg the past week j Nebraska (.'ity, wish all its so-called rail ! road fuciiiti-es. $ compelled to scud its I Hr'dn trt rhm.-niou'h f ,r shipment east of ollr commissi .n merchants are to take cl arge of and handle nil tho grain south ; ot toe oamei knui as im; i iaie river j th-y should h:-ve more ware house room, j Piattsmouth ihouIJ, and must, have a j grain elevator, since it has become th 1' grrtln magazine of Southern Ncbia. ka. I . IS . I. I . I !... !io a: (O: g our - o t J CliiOa.A .11 t.. nerve" a:jJ j pn.-iitahltr utei j v t i TIl"J!l'. i fit'- :. I'! i'.(ii:!!i t'iv tirvixt t'rntrnl 3far Uft. vYe have repeatedly told cur Omaha mi l .cij.aa .n i.iiii-i-i uut i ..in - .... i x" -.7 .... ' .... l . .1 . !:... . - oi : ' f to. t.ivi 1.. vC j j:rca'.e.-t ; ii. ii. in " v.:;!;i-k;i, w.-is nu .it u.u.het in the .S:-.te tliat mo:-; fit j rati nl hett.T :. ik-es revived liere ll.nn at eiiher of tha two j o:nt- i named above. " In proof of this fact we will give an iu-tanee : Mr. Ilvnry u- Boise, a stock dra!er an 1 farnicr living in the southern part of oar county, pir- chased irom a outcher in Nebraska Lily, a beef cow. for which be p.ii I $ 17. After driving her from that phee to this city, and paying all expen-c he sold her to 1 one of our butchers at a clear profit ofi $12 6.1. Will somebody proceed to howh I an-i say tniu 1 latcsmoiun is not ti.e j "bulla head" of Nebra ka. Aoril Ell ltl.Vi,iV. A team belonging to Mr. Breed be came frightened while standing on Main street to day andstnted to lun. They ran up Main to Third street, turned south on Third street and ran as far as the bridge, where oue of the horses leaped the railing of the hiidge fractur ing one leg in two places. He was taken without the limits of the city and shot. Teams should always be hilehed, no mat ter how gentle they may be. tsii: i;.! ii ;:s."iaTf. The case of the tax-payers vs. the County Commissioners and the B. & M. ii. II. Co. came up on demurer filed by defendant in the District Court to-day, and it was held by Judge Crounse that a few individuals could not thwart the will of the people ; if a few individuals could do this, then one individual could; and it' one individual could maintain a suit, then any number could maintain in dividual suits, and there would be no end to the litigation engendered. The demurer was drawn by Hon. T. M. Marquett in behalf of the County Com missioners, and was argued for the Com missioners by Mr. Maxwell, an I for the U. II. Company, by Mr. Woohvorth cf Omaha, and for the plaintiffs by Mes rs. (l.tntnnd Sbumbaugh, of Nebraska City. Thedemurerwas sustained by the .Judge, thus virtually en linx the much talke 1-oi" bond suit. We did not hearflhe argu ments by council, but understand it was masterly on all sides. The Judge pre- seat 1 e splendid i leas in ren lei ing h . ueeis.on, which we woti Id bo plea-ed j to give to oar reai.rj com! we pie-ei.t thvm with the saiu force and clearness as did l.'s liquor. Ili.s deei-ion was based largely u; ,,n the fact thai no one or no few individuals of a couutv ore on 1 1 o.,,,,,, Jn ,..,', t:,,- t!m ....1. . .1 ... 1 .. 1 ... . 1 ri-dits in the matter J that in the j pending case tlu plaitrilt's had unsp.ci.u rights until tin y were called on to pay a tax. Tills is not the language of the Judge, but covers tho grouud of his de cision, as we uiider-foo I it. sru iws siinw. A very large sire 1 strav time fl latiug j up the riojr yesterday in the .-lupe of i the steamer Jviie ICimiey. She e one up ; loaded with eight thousand sacks of corn, ! taken on at Nebra-La Citv d other points below this city, and irau-Krred her loading onto the ears' ct this city for shipment to Chicago via the B. .v M. R. 'lh Tho Silver Bow left Nebraska City at 11 a. 1:1. to-dr.y, with five thous and nek's cd' corn, to K Piatt-mof.fh to Chiccgo j sbipj.-cl fjosi 1 vllio B. Jv M. R. R. It j ays better to ship- by bout to ibis city, and le-hip here by ri.1 ioh 1 lu Kl"-'s' " Tiisike :iM the iicces-nrv chsntros to cet to Chiogo bv rail from Nebraska City. I lattsmouth is the great g-;ii:i market of the we.-t. and there is no use trying to dodge or cover up the fact. (J' her points along the river will alway-drain the coun try name.liately surrounding them, but the towns them -clvc:', become tributary to the creat irrain depot ef the west PLATTSMOUTH. HOUK IJOK.SEsi KTOLIiV. XoTivmc of TJiScf. A pair of four year old horses, bay color, manes and tails black, were sti len from the farm of Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick, in Mt. Pica-ant precinct, in this county, on Sunday night, May 2lJth. Saddles and bridles were also stolen from the .remises. Mr. Kirkpatrick offers $P0 reward for the recovery cf the hor ses. There is little doubt t! at a regular j organized band of horse thieves infest ! tins reffii.n of country, as a large nuui- ! 1 1 Oo 1,.,. ,-. been stolen within a i her of horse: j very sb u t t'i ie. i many i.s e;gh; We have heard oi' as d;lh:rcnt hoi'-es stolen j last Thursday night. lc th.uk one, at 1 lea-t. of the b in I now th earth in tho P.attmouth Potter's field. and we .''ear that others inav iieee-sanly 0 there Lci'irc liie woi 1- i. i, I sto; pe l Will hor-e thieve never learn ! that Cass county is almost certain death to them? There is no clue-, a-yet, 10 the Siors-:. stole !i fioio Mr. K'u k ( atriek, although the officers are on the hunt. St. Joi!iIj itiit! ti-iivpr niillroiict. MM. . r .-.. rJ f U ...Inn 1 lie Jjinir i;.is nr. i- w "ii i v..- ,.r 1 tra.-t from t!ie rop-.a ot dr. on .essei.v cn the St. J s.ph & Denver Rail oa.i: "Fici.i Marysvl'le, the line follows a r.o: tliv.estern d'iiccu'oii to the Big Bh:e river and Hor-c.-ho ere. k t Ki-.-e- the riib'c of the Ilor.-e hoe creek, an 1 eniers thevallcv .f the Little Blue 'three milts north of Hanover, in W;i-1 lti:: ton v o. A 1 I'fij.DvrniL' thi" valltv it passes oeni-sm s c Mi 1, which is two miles north of the boundary of the State of Kan-a?, in Jefferson county, Nihra-ka, and US miles from Hiawatha, and after passing R ck creek, hisky run .and Little S.iii ly Cree k, and the town of Fab bury, runs into the valley of the Big Sandy crerk, touching the iust townon the line, Meridian, which is 1: dies from Hi watha. Then the lin. follows the Big J Sandy c.eek t its head in Clay county ; passes trie ranges o: the lig r.urt an.l , Little Blue; meets the h cbland on Platte river iti township 8, range ll. west, Adams county, and turns f'ioni the west side of the river in wt tern direc tiem to le'oi t Kearney. Fmui Fort Ker r.?y notth. the line will env-s tim Pune I Uicon i'ucillc Railroad at Kearney sta river, iiic.l niiKO coiillCettOtl Vlfii rtii tion; A 'a3i I'.ixy lor tJic r.iltle J'o'!..!. A f v l.ivs since tlvj teachers of th-3 Public lliidi School, in this city, concha 1 j j ded to have a j-ic-iuc soon, tut did not then dotcnuinc nhero they would have ;t. Thov s.-.h-coaontlv concluded to co 0 ) an exenr.-ion to A; hland, tSat thriv- in: cai;al of Saunders county, on the u. Jt M. h lh One of the Cne.-t p;us- sengcr coaches on the line was chartered for the oeea.-ion, and all things heing.in readiness, the teachers and pupils marched down to the railroad, last- Sat- urday a. m.' On arriving at the foot of: Main street, in hont of the IIkkald of- I fi,.-e, they came to a halt until the nicely fresco -d and amj.ly ventilated coach which t;,.,y Jia J obtained was ready to receive t!K.ni. 'j'he departments of the School represented in the excursion Were the Higher headed by W. A. Patterson, principal of the school ; and the Prep .1 atory Miss Alt ie M. Sayles, in charge. It was a pleasing sight to see, as the pu pils all stood with restless anxiety in front of the IlKitAi.i) ofiicc. dres-ed in white, thiniy-clad apparel, which well accorded with the season, while an occasional May flower tucked in their hair, or placed carelessly about their apparel, only tended to make their smiles the sweeter and the occasion the more plausible. They were not long in arriving at Ash land, when they got off the train and proceeded up the Salt Creek a ways and .spent a fear hours as pleasantly as could be expected. They had a good supply of 'eatables" along with them, and it is to be supposed that not a few of the party spent a portion of the time in par taking of the many "good, things." All in all, we learn that it was a ploa-ant af fair, from the time the party left Platts mouth until its return. May we see such demonstrations often; they not only gladden the hearts of the children, but frees them from the doubtless too close confinement of the school room. THE fIiIMIX.il. noCIJKT. Prisoners Peter Kiine, Adolph Con-c, Z -bulan iM.a-1! ice, John Ilog in an d Henry Miller were brought before His Honor Judge Crounse, to-day, and ar raigned. Henry Miller, after hearing the in lieiment, plead euilty a - charged. .Mr. Jaxwell, from whom the property was stolen, aske the clemency of the court for the prisoner, ss also, did the Prosecuting Attorney, who believed, with the Grand Jc . that it was his first oficn-e. His ll'i'i'ir gave the boy good advice, and warned s.ime won him of the consequences if be should be again brought btlb-.e him. He sen tenced hi;a to 'pay ad eots of the action and discharged him. The other prison- -w u ..'... 1 .. .,n... n-u.. :m 1 .. tn-.-ei to-morrow. Thev are indicted f.ilows: Peter Kline for the larcenvof a watch fioui W. E. Bonelan; Adoipdi Conse fur the larceny of a watch from Jauiee Fitzgerald, a foreman on the II. R. work; Zebulm J.mnee f.,r the lar ceny of a watch from Mr. Ihncigan ; and 'dm iIog.-.n l'-.r ajar -eoy committed on th ? person of John Fitzgerald, laborer The d on J- Bieed's boardii liuu-e usthv mar' an t c iniC' i ol c.oLiiiiig, was no: indicted, as; the wit nesses were all gicie. May 2o. Fight drunks no moTr all committed. A large force of wo rk- i..oi on the streets to morrow. May 27 A XVth Amen.hu.-nt Hon. Iowa was arre.-ted by policeman Williams for using obscene language, and for gen eral disorderly conduct. Upon loaning the city $3 without, interest he was dis. e barged. i.i:ns:u list. List of Lettcrsremainingin the Piatti," mouiti l ost uuice. .June isi, j c .- Abbott W Lauibertsoii W 2 Annan J C P.ulloek W E Borrin iti It Ikirrcli L M Baiiv A V R-beock C C3 P.evins P II 15 irthoif Andrew Burrows J us. 1 loose A Bennett II Cook Jacob Cook W i ' oper A B Casey John Coivin Julin Charest Fn.ett 'arten Lucinda Can .-not 11 A Lo ticks D i' Lanywoi thy S B Mason J II McDonald W J MeCoruiie Morris G W Murphv Jas Mielivi A V Millard C C Mascngtil S Morrow Maggie Manshaw J A Mara Thus N efi C L Newton C C O'Brien .Mike Parker T H Pefier II Peear J Pea bodv Geo Ryan 1 C 2 Iteima Fred 2 Ru.-.-ei! Ed Reichart W II Ro! erf s Jo.-eph Staniy Saiuh Shiher Jacob Ssevvaid ihos Stoueking Jacob Sites 8 1' i t uit n Miss li E Dougherty Jas 1'ave Mr- D i'ov.'.rs i'cter Eaton J Edwards C 2 1 Viincr Fieiiz A C Fuwler M leu; I'luai Ci oi ' ion ) t lanes J 15 t i.il Vl.'l J no Garvin P 11 Guiett J Gasket t Jos Gartlan Jas Hut chins T A Il.h Sifah Hamilton Maggie I liel.cy 'm niirh A Sloven J M Saunders P J fctanibi tli Fanny Showman B W 3 S wall ord Mrs L J Saniord M E Stanley arab. Turner A 1 hompson W J Harrington Oitinlin'l bailor h ,. - 7 -. Harrigton Inn Talor C G j iiuyill:m c J J Ho'pkm-- Tht-s i Johnson S C ; J'ti:is.ri U H i Jauie.s Mr '1 houip-.o!l II C Vaiivss Geo 2 Yau Deiiu Wm Vogie and Woudel John William? T Waters J II Wil. oa John 2 I Ja.vman B Isaac, K..nrv Henry Khir.hans Michael Wuo llridge Chas Kellogg J i Kanciiagh John Keil J G Ke-ilv iMirtin Kelfay Mary Lvnch James Webtor JViss Miirv Wegint W Wcirtck Joseph Wolfe Sam'l II Warfieid J L Yc.ung JaUieS Y oung Eiien Lvou E D Persons calling for the above wili ploa.-e say advertised. J. W. Marshall, P. .M. Bad thoughts are wor-e enemies than lions and tiger.--; for we can keep out ot the way uf wild beasts, but bad thoughts win their. way everj'where. The cup that is full w ill hold no more ; keep your heart full of good thoughts, that Lad thoughts uuiy have no room to enter. eh ich an wi.'e in it, a clean cupboard, a rai uutiy -lii j a oivo evu.-ctcQc?. Tit.vt.ic r.:i v. At ieiiio lo l:fj)e J KItot ii mil. The riittiiw- of tltr Bx!jr ilio In- li;p..t. ViiIict, -to. Fiiday evening our city was some what excited hy the circulation of the report that a hore thief had heen t-hot and killed by Sheriff Johnson. Upon hearing the report, we hastend to the Court Hou:;e where a large crowd was gathered, and soon learned that an un known man was lying in the city Record- er's ctliee, dead, and that he had been thot and killed while endeavoring to es cape from the custody of the Sheriff. Upon further enquiry, we ascertained that the decca-ed had stolen a hor-.c from near G'enwood and had been ar rested while en the hqrse, going towards Nebraska City. When near Dr. Schild knet th's residence, coming to town, he endeavored to escape from the Sheriff, and was shot at some three times, one . hot taking effect in the shoulder and coming out at th'j front of the neck, can ii:g death in a short time. The fol lowing are the particulars, as near as they can be arrived at : THE SEARCH AND ARREST. Yesterday forenoon Sheriff J. W. Johnson, of this cit', received a telegram from Glcr.wood notifying him that a dark iron gray horse had been stolen 'i hursday night from a farmer named John Dcitchier, living about five miles north ca.-t of Glenwooh A minute description was given of the horse, and the Sheriff immediately commenced search. It was soon ascertained that the horse had been brought across the river at this place early Friday morning, and had f 1 at the feed stable of Bates & DtGarxoo, where the rider endeavored to sell the horse. Not meeting with an oppertunity to soil, he expressed an in tention of crossing the ri ver to Pacific City. He left the siable about 2 p. m. with the avowed iutention of going to Pacific City. He rode down near the Bonner Stables, turned ncrth onto the ridge, rode nearly west some two miles, and when near A, G. Barnes' farm turned south, came around and struck the road leading to Nebra.-ka City about two miles south of this city. Sheriff Johnson soon discov ered the tack taken by the thief, and started on the road towards Nebraska City, taking with him Mr. Henry MeMaketi. They overhauled him r;car Mr Spaagler's farm, about three uiile. from this city. Sheriff John.-on took him into cu.-to ly, and took from him kis arms, cond-ting of a four barreled pistol, Sharps patent. The Sheriff started foa town with the prisoner, accompanied by Mr. McMaken. The prisoner rode the .. Mineii ne :sc, wn:cn wasieo ijv .uc.'iiuin I 1 1 . . 1 1 1 11 lir a short distance, when Sheriff John son concluded that the hoie was not Meet en .uvdi to escape, and the lead strap was given over to the prisoner. EIIE SHOOTING. The prl-oner ro le along quietly until near Dr. Sehildkneeiit's resilience, w here . 1 the road enters the timber. The east s-de ol toe road here is bordered by a vor-v derse grows h cf timber an 1 bru :h, whtth is eiiclo.-ed by a wire fence. Hert the prisoner sudden'y scire 1 Slu-ril! Jo!i:i--!r. and endeavored to unhorse him. whether with a view to securing the more ficet bor.-e which the Sheriff rod.: and thus making his escape, or with a view of creating a general hulmh a. id escaping into the hru.-h, will never be known; probably tho latter theory is the mere con-ect one. The eui.dauh: was sudtlen and determined, and Would have succeeded, probably, in moating most lilers. Sheriff John-on main tained his scat, however, and drew his revolver from his pants pocket. In the seufile which ensued one barred of tie pistol was discharged and the ball pas.-od through the hA'i hand of Siieiiil' John son, causing an ugly wound. Upon th:. discharge, the prisoner threw himself from his horse on the opposite fieuu tho Sheriff and on the side next the brush, and immediately dodged under the wire fence and into the brush. The Sherifi called after him three or four times, quick and sharp, to halt, but as he gave no indication of stopping Mr. Johnson fired at him, and at about the same in stant Mr. McMaken fired at him. lie staggered forward as though he ha i stumbled, straightened up, and again rushed forward, when McMaken fired a second shot. As the second shot was fired the priioner passed out of sight into the brush Mr. Jolim-on dismounted and started o follow after him, but decided to guard the brush as the surest means of prevent ing his escape therefrom. He rode down the road a few rods to the road leading up to A. B. Smith's residence, and Mr. McMaken rode Lack to guard the other si .Li. Several couTitrymen carso along about this time, and the Sheriff set them as a guard around the brush while he came to town for a po .se of men. FINDING OF THE BODY. The Sheriff soon summoned a posse of six or eight men, and returned with them to the scene of operations. Tiicy wer; properly placed to as to pre vent the escape of the prisoior (the supposition being that he was alive and well, as it was riot known whether any of the sdiots had taken effect), and the search commenced through the bru-h. Mr. J. W. Shannon soon dis covered him, an 1 called to his comrades, lie went a few steps nearer, and saw that lie was dead. He was found about 150 steps from where lie crossed the f;nee, and was lying on his back, his coat, vest and shirt collar torn oj.ch, his haml bloody and thrown up alongside his face. He had e identiy torn his cloth i open during his la.-t moments, to get air. The body was brought to the city and placed in the office of the City Recorder, where it wa guarded until the arrival of the Coroner, this motning. THE INQUEST. Coroner J. W. Thomas, who resides at Weeping Water, was sent for as soon inew)) wa wougr.t in, ana ne ar- T rirea tLts morning ami Euoiuiontyl the following Jiuyu.t ii : C. F- Forgy, Jon- ari in Adam. J. W. Barnes, R. Vivian, Yv'. L. Wolis and Peter Bates, who proceeded to examine the body. Dr. John Black was 'summoned to make n post mvi trm examination of the body, which showed that the deceased was e t.ly struck by one ball, and that it j enterel about the middle of the left j sbou'ucr blade, had ranged upward and ' forward, coming out at the left ride of the neck in front, (showing conclusively that he was leaning forward when tiie shot was fired). The Dr. thought he could not have lived to exceed ! five minutes after the shot was fired. Upon examination there was found upon the body $d5 3 J in money, a large nuui ber of metalie cartridges, a small pocket knife, a plain silver finger ring, a copocr or composition medal about the size of a $2.50 gold coin; two cnvcloi es ad dressed to John K. Cooper, Mo. Valley Station, Harrison County, Iowa. Oue, of the envelopes contained three-fourths of a sheet of note paper, blank, and the other envelope contained a half sheet of blank note paper, gilt edged ; there was a!-o found a small passbook, containing the following memorandums: "Refer ence F. Freeman, Muscatine, Iowa," and the following : "See. 1, township 23, Range 4." The deceased was about 22 or 23 years old, five feet nine inches high, was dressed in a brown mixed suit of Harri .son Cassimerc, black felt hat, square toed calf boots, and had on a very good quality of under garments. He had black hair, black eyes, a nose of the Ro man order, narrow forehead and thin face, with a very slight scar on each cheek, and one on the bridge of the nose. There w;as nothing on the body to indicate win the mau wa-, or where he com.! from. The facts, as above set firth, were elicited upon the examination of the body, and the testi mony of witnesses. The horse upon which he was found was identified to-day by Mr. Charles Gove and Mr. Frederick T'eitehler as the 0113 belonging to Jiihn Deitchler (fatherof Frederick), and they also gave a fair description of the de ceased as having called at the house of Mr. Deitchler the morning before the horse was stolen, anl having been seen in the vicinity of' the place towards eveu ing. THE VKIIDICT. The State of Nebraska, ) ( ass County, j At an inquest holden at Plattsniouth, in Ca-s county, on the 2Mb day of May, A. D. Io70, before me, J. W. Thomas, Coroner f s-ai 1 county, upon the body of (an unknown) lying dead, by the ju rors who-c names are hereby subscribed. The said jurors upon their oaths do say that, on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1S70, by internal hemorrhage by pistol ball from a pistol in tho hands of J. W. Johnson, Sheriff of Ca-s county, anl Henry C. McMaken (his assistant) while in tlie discha-ge of their duiie-i as o;Ti -ers, in attempting to prevent, the escape of said unknown, said pt -to! ball entering the left shoulder Ida le and passing for waid thiough the subclavian vein, the-eby producing death by internal hemorrhage. ; In testimony whereof (he said persons hereunto set their hands the day and year af . re-aid. J. W. TifOMAS, Attest: Coron-r. Wm. L. Wku.s. J. Wesley Barnes. Ri'-iiahd Vivian. C. E. Foueiv. Jonathan Adams. Pete it I). Bates. INCIDKNTS. When arre-fed by the Sheriff the j'ti soner as asked his name, where he . cme f;Oin, etc; to all of which question be refused to give answers, and said to the sheriff that he wished he would not a-k i m itiy pi istioo asit would do no good. A hunting easel silver watch, belonging to deceased was foun 1 to-day near whole I12 ha I ran through the bra-h, suppose 1 to have heen caught in the brush ami pulled from his pocket as he was running. The watch was a leaver, had a silver fib chain, to the end of which was attached a miniature com pass set in a gold case. As is usual in such case--, there are probably twenty men who think they knew the deceased, but no two of them know him as the ame person, neither are any of them certain. It is believed by those be.-t capable of judging that he came from Omaha to this place last week, bringing :i stolen shot gun with him, which lc of f.re.1 lor sale. Let him come from where he will or let his name be what it m:iy, it is deplorable that one so young, who mfyht have had a long life of Use fulness before him, should depart from the pith of re;titule which had proba li:y bcn pointed out to him by a find mother in bis younger days, an 1 his tragic end should stand a a beacon light to warn others against following in his foot -top. Grover & Raker's S 'win Machine is ihe best in men ki t. Valh-ry .s e; Ru fi ner are ag--its. Those in want i f a good Machine wili lind it Ui their ad van. 'age t j mvo t hem a cad. Valicrys A; Ru liner have ju-t received a new supply of Rts and Shoes, which hey are selling very low. If you want a nent calico dress, go to Vallerys & Runner's. They are now lulling the best Mr 12V ct.s per yard. aplodiwtf Go to Vallerys & RufTner and buy your Groceries. They buy for cash and wili not be undersold. If you are in want of a good aeon go to Vallerys & Ru finer. They are agents for the Star and .Sehutthr Wag ongs, the best in market. Tlie ljnt C'nII. AH per.xms kuowing themselves in debted to us I y note or account are re quested to call and settle immediately. Vallerys & Rlffnlr. Go to Vallerys & RufTner' s and buy your Boots r.nd Shoe, the bet in mar ket, apl'd.w-f Go to Valh-ry L Raff.e r'. t i t a- Pry(ooii. 1 hey a..- vie ca than tiie c'se-ipcst. Valler-yc & Kuffurh.ive the ju stock of Groceries ever 1 : ..ueht u, ; city, w hich they bought for cad: at; j' reduced prices. Call tie 1 t un.':v ' stock. apl.luvi-'r FOR SALE. A pair of good woh marcs, wai'jm,,! barnci-s, and colt. Kn-piire at the lh;'.. AI.D office, of R. R Ci.ATm.Hvs may25!f VALLERYS. REl TNLil Are now receiving the largest st,,,-' Dress Goods ever brought to (hi- ,,,.. ket, which they arc selling diet;. j;.r cash. apl.,lArttf Go to Vallerys ci Ruffncr's and 1,( at the Panier Arabs, the prttt'. -i ;a t),. market. apl.r.tiiW:f" ATTENTION FARKCR'S U liou icait lo but, an A .S'j 1. REAPER and MOWER 'n I! On sc n;A!-sfc: ro At the KEW I'OiK ST' J III: an,l naming tll'.ir M;i-h li ti l Cajmga Chiai" ileaper & Mower For 1870 ! Alsittipir larpe tock of UUl'AKIN'i; A'.'D nniv.Wlf. Pasture. H. X. Orr would sf.y to tli o fit i.oni if Phet.. moiith tlc.t lie lian I lie p:iKtaro in t'l" stair, on mile friiiu the i-ity. ('una watrr uini .-l.n.t.. 1'i.rteims upijly to tho uuUersif uvii i.r " J. V .Sli riiniii-. II. N. OKU. May iiJCm. Getting f-Tarried. T7:. AY3 FOR Yol'XN'l MI.N. on the do Ji liyti 'it ilt)in-t uml the propriety n-iiin.ri'-tirirty of Bi-ttiiiir .M.irricct. with i:ir it.. ry ln-p t'..r thi.se Iiii feel until te I 'or I!iatniuui:cO t..i -pires. Sent free in scal.-.l eiivi , jl( j. X'l In HOWARD ASSOCIATION, liox V. I'mi- h. ph:a. 1'a. , juneUtwly City Lots in Plattsmcuth for Safe, at Auction. The .tn below l'.or:sie(l, lylur ir. Tint:--IIH.Uih. Net r.-isku. wt-j tuuv. ;. ...1 to ihe llur lii.K'on iiii'l iiissouri Iliver lS:i:!rna.l C on jm u . in Nchrti-Ua. ! llflyor'i ilee.l. iUte.1 April 4, lsTo. rteonleJ lioek X. p::rtf' Oil. 'i he Biii'l railriKul coiiip my h i!! sell rai ! l..t. t nuci ien. ut or near lh- ipi..r oi the Oiurt il nir. in l'lattMin.iith. on Ve.ti:r.i.laj-, .1 1. H7n. S!tle to lii-trin ut 111 o'clock l ie ti : . ' w ill be one-half cash on I he i iy oi sale ii . I the o lniiiinler within thirty il.iy.-. Xeiflr-t paj within thirty days will be lr...:. '. ' -i ii;i th coisipitny froiii all obli .oini to the pur h.o.r, and lis workinp a forftii jre tf the umi!. y thie ' he may ha ve pai l. The title to the lots nines iUo i :ly fr.,m the.-' Mayor, anil i.H ci;ppi-i.l . be pr-rti'-t 'I".i' eoitipany ill Hi ll ull it 'i?' ' :o.. .i.el inier.-.;. but will iiive deeds c f '.iiilelaiin, . :i!y, wit Ji'ai buy eoreuantd as to title. Lots. Block !l Lou. Ii). ....! - 2 I M ;i Si 4 U I :.': il 1 2 I 111 '. 4 i ra e 34 l.'j 11 : .--7 12 4 10 l.:i 'j j r.s ; :i i i ( 3 ,vj r 1 I't 9 U 01 C 12 11 I'... 2 02 .i y n 8 ! W P 'J I''" 12 If.'.! 4 l'.S '. I f7 I il l"'."v s - - j m ; 1 .1 4 .. o 7 ,-. , 12 1 !t t til 12 ) 11 ' 4 ! i'i ! r. 7 r.: fj j ii j 12 3 15 7 ' 17 ft ! !i I The ti'jove lots will e:'.h be sntl epuri.t-!". but th" tol!wn;i; lruetiotial lotrf :ll bo I'M fi c;her. an tiiey aro pia.'eu: l'r.ietl Lots : Illoeks i'rart'l ious 1'! 'f.i 1 .1 2 .i 5 0 a : li 2 H 5 0 81 Kt5 87 1 2 1 4 ti 2 a 4 5 r, 1 2 :i 4 S No I S II i:it::UY GIVLN, tlmt im 1 l-.-tien will 1. I hci.l ,0 the it; nil r'.'fe of hohlitiK eketi 1.' in the Cny of I'latt.-n. oitli. tii.-s eonnty, e -briifkn. on Muiiilay the Ziilh 1i.1v of J unr, '. tor ttie put pii-e ot Mibtiiittinir to the esl vi e.ri of the fii-l city li.u p; oposiiio.i to i-iue tn'i noii i-oi :ii 1 1 i'y to ti n amount of ten !iou--an 1 ti.. liars, to be u.v;j in tlin payment l"f . onsirio-iion u bri lKcs in the si'l eit . nn i t th.; paymei.t lor ihe rr. l: or ol the '' the saio city: fail hoi. .Is to pin not ' t i e y.',ir nor more than two ) 'ars liotn trie ot iheir is-im.jec, with iu.ere?t, jiuyuble gitnio u'.ly the ratufil ten por cent, per iiniiun.. mi' boo is an t inlen.st to !i; ruyablo nt the olii e 't the tre.i.-uier of the c 1. I (ity. in one H ilt1 years Irom the 'late ot i uain e- Tin: pr-.po.-it.ion will a! so be fuoinittt 1 ' ') voter- of saiil city, at v.! e'ection, to an :,"nr" 101 1 r-'j:iire the ( ity Onine;' of s ;i i'l city t !' nil annual tux fit Tien nl to pay the priu'-tp-J :' inl-rost on s.tiil buiiili :.s : 1 1 same br'-eio'3 mill payable, until sai'l b( 11 N are pai'l. in' ' ' lion to ti e usual Oliis levied, or to be le l'- i- I he ((iiestiun to uid voter at faid el'-1'!'"" will b "for on.ls an ! tax. yts;" "for " II iid tax. no :' w hich election will he open. 1 S o'eloek in ihe inorpow. jnd coi.tinue ol u. n:. tii t o'elo.-k in tke nfie ii...ii of raid .lay Ly orlrr of the Ci'y Council thu 1 iin il r "t At.ctt. R. F. COOPKR. City ltee. r I. r. llft'i'.-W. ABSTRACT O J? TITLE The undersigned have corn pitted a FULL AND RELIABL Altraet nf title of LANDS AND LOTS in ' -county, f how iuk EVERY INSTRUMENT atTectinir fhe title of resl e-'ntc on the r of "aid county. Our nbir:t shows "kiln', ftrmr.' .-e ." ' :te " " " 'v-e -nude' "Wit' "(nn!-ili''-:i., ,.," ". 1. op.' "Date of. "Jiook and I'atf: where recorded," "l A., a nd wil! e posted '..i'y. OiTn-e over Prole and Yea tin' Jtr-.r St"r-. , MAXWELL &CIIAPV1 : my .:jAwtf. Master's Sale. Dii-tri-.-t Court Ci.-s County Nel'mika. T. li. tii r l .n. Pitt. v. K'lr-arC. Lewis.-: Jane Lc wij, and b. 1! Leciur. I ly virtue an 11.1 I nee ofa dec rot t It der ot this Yu;t. made oa the 3' th April A. 1. ! -o.. io the nhove cntirli"! there wi!! be sold uiidr direction of tie scril .1. at pm iic nui.tion at the front d' Court ll'.'i-e in the city r.t I'latLsmi .it ciinty "e!.r;c-k:i. on t he l'itlij.lay of J n r.' lsel. lit the h'::i.- of o'clock a. m. of s the tol'.ortrii, ni.s-ril.dreal estate gi: : . I'laii-iiiouth. Ci-y Chss county. N'chrru-I Lot nuniberij in liio k nuu.ber 1", nated upon the published and rccordei" said i.i.y. Dated thiaOth dnr ori.Inv. A. P 17 SAM. M. CHAPMAN. .' majT2w5t in Ctiunc n- $30 LUMBER i $30 LUMBER Good surfnecd P.oards ld for thirty d i' thousand at the CHICAGO LUMBER YAFuh And everything else la prufor Como and ssc Iiuoibcr fo! r1 c w. lyaiam r- ' mtyTiit."