Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 26, 1870, Image 1

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    Tilt. f.fctfl.AbKA tiit ALU
FLATT ;'0Ur5? v-?Sr.
n n. hatha w a-
m;h i.m rtt i'nn:v.
i -rsi-r Mx-ir nd Hecc-p.-l Mr - - '
3 .'-- .
Z l M S VTr eklx, SlOO j.orr.r..Tin .f rsid Ui
$2.60 if not paid in advanca.
m x v r tn i Ki;.
V hare along the line of the B. &
M. It. It. any amount of kaolin clay.
There i oni "f the purest deposits of
!iito kaolin in this "eountythat can be
f Kiii.l in the Union ; e.lual to the best
now used, and capable of being u-ed in
the manufacture of the finest varieties
of q-teensware. The red kaolin is al.-o
in cireat abundance, and is the same ar
ticle u. cd in the manufacture of fireproof
paint. Besides these, there is a yellow
variety also in abundance, which would
t n'er irito all varieties of shaded, and
cul l be u-ed by potters. Thisla-t va
riety eri.std ,i;!y in one other locality in
the United Suites, and !ien we take in
to consideration that all theMJ deposits
are in 'xhautible and rijrht- along the
line of our railroad and that there is
abundance of water power c'o--e to theai
which could be made available in their
manufacture, we feel warranted in pre
dialing a princely fortune to the lucky
ihiu who inaugurate factories for render
in them merchantable. It cannot be
Li.S before some lucky person will see it
it we do.
After porusinii the Diily Glohe
tLrniglnut the present session of Con
tfr-s, we have become surfeited with
lon HpeccheB on ''TaritT," "Ilecontruc
tion." etc., but we have jet to finda
powerful voice raied against the atroci
ties cf the bedouins of the plains. It
cc:as, and from the testimony we are
Ud to beliete, that the tongues and
h.ind3 of thi.-i government Lave been
itie-nj by '"Red Cloud," "I'awnee
Killer" tc Co. One agent among the
Indiana Ly the name of "Poole," at
the Whetstone Agency, even confesses
his trepidation and fears the Indians
wi .1 go ofTin email war parties, if the in
vestigation of the massacre of .Buck's
party of .surveyors is pursued. . What is
the reason of this old Womani.-h con
duct on the part of those in authority to
whom the people look for protection?
li th-y not realise that ignorant as the
I.idians art, they cannot help feeling that
u c fear to punish them f The result
of our conduct is to inspire theua
to new atroeieies, for they are
learning that their crimes are tolcra.ed
and the Hcrcest and most bloodthirsty
murderers among them are .ure to go
u..whipt of justice. As western men who
frel the injustice done this portion of
the country by our government, we tell
ojr Washington Solons that their delay
an! temporizing conduct on Indian mat
ters is breeding disgust in the hearts of
li 1. ai."ti xm the frontier.
th.Tj cease talking buncombe over stale
in i-, and take hold of actual facts as
iir-y oii-t ail ovr the plains. We ask not
fr the b'.vjj of thse miserable mis
lidrJ Indian murderers, but we do ask.
; : W-ru -!, and that it Bhould be dea't
i ti; r.' n!gar'!y hand. In ourown
u-.iiitary department we have a compe
tent and able military commander in the
persosi of Gen. C. C. Aueur, who has
a rMi.;pliihcd wonders with the handfu
f troops placed at his di.-posel, but he
should have ten times the fores he has
to rr..ib!c h:m to afford tolerab'e protec
tion tii our hettlers. Is it not enough
thai our roaicn are ravished and mur
dcred trt'O in their own homestead cabin
or m;:st we send a party of painted
breech-clouted devils to scalp a congress
man or w in Wa-hinghton before the
Mpiency of the nation will awaken to the
U re; t atei call of the oppressed fron
tier for protection. Will not some west
ern voice be raided in Congress again-t
the mi.-eral'ic temporising that has pre-
t ailed so long over Indian matters.
Kven the half-breed quaker press that
fousht for the Indians has been shamed
out t ' its wanton treatment of whites,
ar-.d row joins the general cry of the
Weht for prompt action. Whatever is to
be di.c should lcdone at once, or an
other Minnesota uiaacre will -lay upon
ths ! h;i Is of those whose duty it is to
that v: are amply and fully protected
Commodore Vanderbilt will soon pass
through Builingt' n en route to Califor
wia. It is reported that the commodore
has I oueht a oatroli!ng interest in the
"liurlln-ilen, Kingston and li:adiey Lake
It.v1: id" an 1 will at o::ce build it and
invert it into a feeder of the New York
Central. If tbis i. true, the original in
oorporatort oncht to instanter, for
thc'.r i'lpiijiness in permitting this noble
road with its prospective land giant to
!hs the;r c nr'ol. Where a the
Joard ? Buriitinton Ilaick-Kijc.
Tile a-bove simple paragraph tells of
another move on the railroad chess
board, made on the ride of Vaisderbiit
Joy and Brock", and ' which is to event
uate in establishing the. great through
route fioru oe--n to ocean, under one
consolidated int. rest, cro-.-ir.g the Mis
souri rier at rUttsmoutli, the only
ps;. ),,.( the river can be suece-af u'iy
bri-lsd with s low bridge.
Trie Frecleus Hal foun'I In I'aylngr
iai:lie T"J roiie from
L nrm th Lis vir. Journnl. M y 2Ctbd
"About twu years a,:o, Morris Thonip
iiiii, I sn ol-.l California gold digger), dis
vt red gold in tbe Biue river, at I'ar
kf r's mill, ar.d it not panning out more
thati '0 to 7"; c t per day. the discov
ery vtss not prc.-rf-cmed. A few days
since. Mr. Ch-. Ellison an 1 othersdis
... - i t . mi i
covere.t t.;n !iVi ! lui-iai siiuhu pw rou.
btbjvr Mr. i'hompson's digging, and im
mediately piticurcd some pan and
washed out s . f the dirt which pan
t:c;l out from three to five cents per pan.
Mr. K. sctit to'r. tbr to
give it a more t horough trial. He thinks
that by putting in sluice holes the dig
.'in? will pay fYoin to S4 perdav.
This g d i pr?ifunTd by .Messrs. Elli
son, Gust'-rci, Hammel and other old mi-i.L?r-
to be at lea t 22 carat.- fine. Both
T:--j-!t and ti.Ic old L JyUud."'
VOL. 0.
I SI.LI.ttS (L'Alt tti:L,.
The Omaha and Council Bluffs papers
ore berating one another after the most
approved fashion, each claiming the
point of departure of the U. V. It, It.
as its share of the honors conferred by
the construction of that great national
highway Formerly these behicoe
sheets used to stand on their respective
.sides of the old niViddy and throw dirt
atone another c'on amore; but as the
right deepens they have met on the
"transfer" bc-tw-en Iowa and Nebraska,
and the cry is now "d d be he who
cries enough 1" Whole boards of rail
road directors, presidents, treasurers,
ticket and freight agents, runners, brake
men and even government directors are
lugged into the fracas, and the wrath of
all parties waxes warmer. Go it. gen
tlemen, jour little tempest in a teapot
will collapse as soon as the It. & M.
reaches Kearney, and about that time
we'll show you where the terminu, if
it isn't the "intial" one, as Miller calls
it really is.
, . -
Advantajra Settling- In Xebraskn;
One of the great inducements of Fet
tling in any locality is the facilities for
receiving supplies ami shipping the
products of the country. All other things
being equal, cheap freights become a
matter of reat importance. South-east
Nebraska i favored in this respect, as
cheap eastern through freights
are guaranteed to this locality
over the three parallell and great
rival railroad lines, viz : the B. & M. ri
ll., C. & II I. It- It. and N. W. II. It.,
now completed and in full operation ;
and these facilities will be increased by
other proposed and promising Railroads,
viz : the State Line It. R. and thi Uur
iington & South Western It. It. Cheaper
freight can be had from. I'lattsmouth and
Omaha to Chicago than can be obtained
from Iowa City to Chicago, and it al
ways s-o. This fact will be re
alized by the farmers of South-east Ne
braska in the sale of their next grain
and hay crop, as well as in the commod
ities brought here fur consumption.
In a short time thi day will have
come and passed, and .-hall the s-oldiers
of the Union who are in Nebra.-ka fail
to observe it? Why not is.-ue a call and
decorate the graves of the departed
heroes who sleep their la.-t sleep on the
green praiies of Nebraska? General
Strickland, of Omaha, has charge of
this matter, properly speaking, but we I - 1 1 -
in the State istue a call and meet at their
re.-pective county scats, and on the day
appointed, do as their comrades through
out the Union are about to do. Let us
yield honors to the brave.
Jfl'KIIEIt M I I.I- Ol'T.
A Trent f Jlm null. f l.lvlii .Man
It mavbe ren.em'oered by our readers
that on the 25ih of, la-t August, Mrs.
Hannah -M. Bull, a' well kn wn and
highly respectable lady of Livingston
county wa drowned while attempt
ins: to" cross Mound cietk, about seven
miles iHjuih of .'iiiiiieoihe. It was un
derstood and 'generally believed then
that the lady ha 1 started with her hu
band in a biu gy to visit her brother, who
resides m Carroll county ; and that tn
cro-sing 'Mound Week which had sud
denlv swob ii, the -eat of the vehicle
floated off and that -he was drowned ac
cidentally. This, we iM-heve, was the
.-...r.,. ' tho (11-oiiur's irxiue-t. there
were at the time, some whisperings ot
snispicioiiH of f-u! play, but nothing suf
tiei -nt to base legal action upon wa de
ve'ojed until within the last week or
tW'nt lonir after the death af his wife
Jdin Hull moved to l'ulmyra and took
with him hi- sep-dautfhter, Mi-s Mary
Urace, aged ab nit sixteen. He has re
dded there eer since, the girl being his
hou-e-kecper. Ia-t week, says the
Chilliioihe J.tnntaL she left him, re
turned here and Hated to her friends
that Mr. liull had confessed to her that
he had imrprfsely drowned ln-r mother,
and that hi was sorry he had not don
so long fK:fore he did. Upon an atfidavit
to thi-effect officer V right went down to
Talmyra and arretsred lJuilaii'I to..k hini
to Chi'ilicothe, where he was lodged in
On Wednedav the preliminary ex-
animation was stmiuiencco oeioie -j u-iic
Gordon. It appear- ahoi-cther prohaMe
that i nouiih wi.l he pioved of this tiesi !
ish act to cau-e him to la coiiiii'ittcd iv
trial before the Circuit Court. ."sV. J:
t re St.
The Bmwnvi'.le Imocrnt, and other
journal of like ci suasion, not having
..11 1.-, . . ..,- ,i.t M-if.-tt. r tit-r
clih w.;.U-.r
: ' , i i .i. l.
Wits in trv:ng to leain wno me i;c-i
chance of" being the recipient of sucl
favors as the Uepubiican party may hve
to dispose of at the nest- State Conven
tion. It does not tike a prophet to
know that a Ivepubiiean immuiatioti is
equivalent to an election; and leiieveiig
our democratic friends to be good citi
zens, the supposition naturaliy follow
that they are only actuated by the laud
able desire to have good men nominated
at the Convention which is to assemble
at Ijoncolr, August 10.
For once, Mr. Democrat, you have
your nose on the wrong scent, and our
gratutious advice is. that you quit worry
ing over these matters and stick to th
sphere you !o properly and ably assumed
of representing the material interests of
Southern Nebraska. Xemnlxz VuWy
Bichard Batter said: "I mu-t con
fess a- the experience of my own sou!,
that the. ex!ecafion of loring my
friends in heaven principally kindles my
lovo to them on eaith. If 1 thought
that I should never know, and eon-e-quently
never love them after this life, I
should nuu!.er th m ri.h temporal
thing", ifn 1 love theui as such ; but I
now delightfully converse with my pious
friends, n a firm ier-ua-ion that I shall
"converse with t hem forever: I take com
fort in those that are dead or absent, te-
Winir th it T shall hortly meet thsm in
! h-aren and Iwt th ui wi.h a heavsnly
kmgM by (hr Slvrm.
ft Knit Work h'nnuractnre to be
Movement of tfie Executive.
IndiMn Affair, Etc.
From our own Correponilent.
Lincoln. Neb. May 21, 1870.
Ed. Herald : The storm that visited
us about a week ago, and concerning
which I have seen two or three para
graphs in the Herald, was the most
complete success, in iti way, that I
ever witnesse 1. The "Oldest settler"
frankly acknowledged that his experi
ence, in that respect, had taught him of
nothing like it ; . tin roofs, building
fronts, and even small buildings were
blown down in every part of the town ;
all the tin was blown from the east nide
of the Senate Chamber, and a rumor
for some time gained credence that the
capital'well had blown over. It was af
terward ascertained, however, that only
the curb had suffered that injury, the
well itself remaining in its original posi
tion, although considerably shaken.
The injury done to the derrick and
machinery at Cahn & Evans' salt wot ks
has been repaired, and the parties are
only waiting to their pumps and
tubing which are expected in a few days,
to recommence active operations. A
large number of vats are being con
ducted at the salt works now in opera
tion, and as soon as the B. & M. sha41
have reached this place, the business of
manufacture f r shipping will be largely
engaged in. The process Imth of boil
ing and solar evaporation will be put in
Since the letting of the contract there
for, the work upou the temporary Peni
tentiary has been commenced and pushed
rapidly forward. The State Prison In
spectors arc in town giving their persona
supervision to the work.
Gov. Butler, rho has been in Wash
ington for some time pa-t, on official busi
ness, left that place f.r Lincoln on Tues
day, of this week, and his arrival here is
now da?y expected.
A large number tf arrivals take place
every ilay of capitalists and others from.1
every part of the Union, most of whom
coaie here for the purpose of investment
and residence, either in towti or its im
mediate icinity. The B. & M. Lund
Agent at this plaue is doing a large busi
ness, and has already. sold a large amount
of land near the town.
Notwithstanding the bad weather, far
mers have succeeded m planting ana
sowing their crops in good season, and
the early sown grains look promising for
a rich harvest.
News of the Niobrara Indian
outrage reached the State Executive
Depaitment on the 19th, and measures
were being immediately taken to secure
that locality more effective protection'
when it was ascertained that Gen. Auger,
incompliance with a previou-reque-t.had
alicady ordered forward a detachment
lor that purpose.
One would think that two and a-half
centime experience -hould have taught
ihe American people that the only way
to be secured fiout the atrocities of thei-e
savages is to ovr-awe them with a miii
t uy force, where colonization in the
l. ost of a thickly settled community is
impossible. I talieve there is no in-tance
in the hi.-tory of their intercourse with
the white, where any other ban one of
these two method- has proved sucessful,
even on the reservations in the ea-teiii
States, where the Italians have been
held in subjection for a long scries of
years, the same fiendish spirit which
prompted the Niobrara massacre, occa
sionally manife-ts itself in jetty deedsof
violence and rapine.
The fertile prairies of the west are now
needed for cultivation and the purposes
of civilized life. The Indians have been
pettevl and preached to, without effecting
anything towards inducing them either
to develop the country themselves oral
low any one else to do so peaceably--fed
by government rations, clad in govern
ment clothing, and armed with govern
ment weapons, they deliberately and in
cool blood massacre an innocent and, to
them, ino.Tcn-ive family. To the State
and to the nation that family was worth
more than a'! the In I i. wis within th. ir
boundaries are ; or judging by the pa.-t,
ever by any possibility can 1-e. It is cer
tain-y to be h-.jx-d tint they will I e dealt
with, an 1 that, too, -loit'v, in such a
severe n easnre i hat these outrages will
.It , i r .1. . .i- . :i i .
; jj lenueiea ior me n.iuic i.i;j.m.-si!. ie
t hi is not my opinitin H'"ti but the
opinion of .all with whom I have recently
conversed on the subject. It is only to
tho.-.e in the east thes aul prop
erty are weave from hisinrouds, that the
Indiau ;s an o' ject of sentimental com-pa-sion
; to tbotki who have to deal. with
him, he is a cold-blooded, inhuman as
sas.-m, by the side of whom the "Old
Man of the .Mountains"' was a personifi
cation of mercy.
A treaty by Col. Baker under the di
rection of Gen. Sheridan, will be more
advantageous and acceptable to our brave
pioneers than any other that is likely to
be made. More anon.
To Kr Kxitimnl.
Yesterday the Circuit Court ordered
the body of Jo-eph A f en. who died re
cently aV the Huxity Hou-e, under su
picious cirnistances, to be exhumed.
The apicaranoes of foul play aie con
sidered strong enough to warrant a care
ful investigation. St. Joe Vniun.
An Tndian woman in California, one
huiidied years old, has declared in a
rrance that San Eranci-eo is to be de
stmyed by an earthquake in 1ST3.
A letter from Rome iy n rriet Hos-
nier ha? become neb by htr animc ca
A.NWllltK l.4l.. ll rU iUE.
Five l"rm'tl Men Attacked on
KoIunkii'ii Fork.
Three of tbe Party Kilted.
A Brother of Hon. C. CI. tier le one
of the Victims.
They attempt to E-enjie, are Overta
ken aal hltot.
From Our Own Correrpon'teat.
Lincoln, May 22, 1ST0.
Ed. Herald : I have a few moments
let.-ure just now and wdl employ them iu
acquainting you of another terrible out
rage which has recently been perpetra
ted by the oppressed and down-trodden
I have not learned the particulars, but
it seems that five peaceable citizens in
the vicinity of Solomon s Fork, in Kan
sas among whom was a brother of C.
H. Gere, Esq., editor of the Journal of
this place, were quietly working in the
field at planting corn, when they were
attacked by a party of savages. Being
unarmed and defense'ess they thought to
escape by means of the riv?r, and reach
ing the middle of the stream where Mr.
Gere and two of his companions were
shot and killed by the Indians who pur
sued them to its banks. Mr. C. II.
Gere received the painful intelligence
this morning, and immediately set out
to look after his brother's remaias and
take care cf his family and effects.
I suppose that if the subjects of any
other nation in the woild should commit
one-fourth the crimes against our citizens
that are committed almost daily by the
Indians, and no effort was made to ap
prebend and bring the offenders to jus
tice, that the National Government
would think that its honor, as well as a
regard for thi! safety of the people, re
quired that war should be immediately
declared for the purpose of vindicating 1
the supremacy of the American Hag and
1 . J , - .
laws within our own dominions.
The severity that has been used and
countenanced for the purpose of sup
pressing Gner iila band-, both during
and at the close of the late war, found a
sufficient justification in the face that the
safety of the peaceable citizens demanded
it. Lynch and martial law is justified
for the purpose of bpprchcudiug and
punishiug horse thieves, burglars an,
murdeieis: but bands of Indians who
wander about committing, without the
ica-t provocation or inducement, crimes
of tLe mo.t horrible nature, of which
the most hardened white would not,
without the strongest motives be guilty,
are, forsooth, an oppressed and much iu-
IsjcU people, Iie Lu-- ' ""-" " .
must be miniiJereu iu vy RinJ worus
nd sympathy, and who mu.-t, at the ex
pense of the very people whom tiiej
murder and destroy, be fed und clothed
and furni.-hed with arms with Thich to
continue their hellish woik. Perhaps
this policj' is just, but I confess that 1
au. unable to so understand it. It look.-
to me as though every murder that is
committed which the United State.- Gov
ernment has the jiower to prevent is a
murder by that Government ot one oi
its own citizens.
The Indiaps on our border are nut
those who "see God in the clouds and
hear Him in the winds," or auywher-el.-e
or fear either God or man so lorn;
as they are permitted to perpetrate tin i;
crimes unmolested. They are not edit
ing for their wigwams, their hunting
grounds, or their liberty and sustenance.
All these are guaranteed to them by the
general governuien? and if they are not,
their ow.i industry would jjecure them.
Let them once become peaceable and in
dustrious and the nation is ready to pro
tect them by its ai ms and its laws a -though
they were ciliecns. 'fh-y aie as
fully aware'of this as any one. i hey ii
not commit their atrocities merely from
Mie impulses of a savage and untaught
nature, but with cold, deliberate malice,
knowing them in all their enormity, as
crimes against the laws of Heaven and
earth. Yours,
Oue Child Killed Another ll lly In
J ii r -!!!
From tbe Xtbraska City Chmnivlc
At about two o'clock this evening, the
construction train upon the Midland Pacific-
Kaiiroad, as it was leaving tbe city.
and while near the city lumt.-, at Hi
Weond bridge, nm over and in-taut !v
killed a t.eioi!iu.g to a named
Meyer, and at the same time bioiiy, and
it is feared. Litany cnpi!ii)g aii iiltei
child. As soon a-d. sewered, tli; whe tie
was hlowti. a:i-.i the irake- anin'ied : but
too late, a.- the locomotive wa- under tH
gieat headway, and the ehdlren ap
oeared too voung to rea.ize the feaifu
po-ition iu which they weie placed. The
sympathies of the entire community will
le with the afHtcted parents who-e home
toe di-ath angel lia- so suddenly entered.
JaATI.R. Jhe boy by the name ot
Christian, was about two years old, ant
the gnl, by name .Matilda, about four
years old. 1 he Lov was m.-tantlv killed
and the lower limbs of the tirl are now
about to le amputated. lrs. Jjarsh x
llershey, to be asst-ted by Dr. ad.tce,
will perform the operation. A coroner's
jury is being empanneled to examine the
ca-e, but public opinion seems to exon
erate the railroad employees irotu al
blame in too premises.
Still Later. Tr. Inr.-h, Coroner of
Otoe county, has summoned a jurv eon
si-ting of W. E. Dillon, Itobeit Hawke.
W. 11. Kortl, E. licysch ag, K. L.irtn
and J. J. Imitoif, and will commence au
inve-tigatioii at y o'clek a. m. to-day,
which will probably show on whom the
blame re-ts. .
The leg was amputated, as stated
above, and up to our latest report the
child was doing as well as could be ex
pected. Santa Anna is the Judas Tscariot of
the 3Iexicans iu California. They burn
his eifizy annually, oq the day preceding
jrool Fritlay.
lrr-el ; 1 1 Iim otiitly
l.e m eratic Central t'oiimt itte.
The Democratic Central Committee of
Otoe county, met in the parlor cf ths
Seymour House, on to-day, (Saturday),
May 21st, 1S70, pursuant to call.
Present James Thorn of Nebraska
City ; Dr. J. AV. Conger, of MeWilliams
precinct ; M. S. Campbell, of Deiawaie
preeinet; Geo. . W. Covell and John
lleth, of Nebraska City.
Abso:,t lY'tt Hoagland and J. Ster
ling Morton.
The meeting was called to order, and
proceeded to organize by electing M. S.
Cample!l as Chairman, pro tvm, and O.
W. Covell Secretary, pro-tcm.
On motion of Dr: J. W. Conger. Jas.
Thorn wa" then elected permanent Chair
man of the Commit tcs, and G. W. Co
veil permanent Secretary.
The following preamble and resolution
was offered by Jams Thorn, and on mo
tion of M. S. Campbell, it was unani
mously adopted and ordered to lie opread
at length on the record of the Demo
cratic County Central Committee :
Whereas, -The Nebraska City A.-.,
long the recognized organ of the Otoe
county Democracy, failed and refu-ed
to support the regular Demoeratic
ticket at the late municipal election in
Nebraska City and
Whereas, Said ticket was regularly
placed in nomination by delegates duly
elected at primary conventions, called
for that purp-e by the Chairman of
the City Central Committee, and regu
iarlv held iu several wards of the city.
Whereas, A portion of the said Demo
crat iu ticket was defeated, in conse
quence of the encouragement given to
its enemies by the sai l Xncs, thereby
weakening the st-ength of the mo-t
fowerful strong-bold of Democracy in
t he count' and State. And
Whereas. It. was owing to the estab
lishment of the Nebra-ka City Tiiitrx,
and the efforts put forth by that truly
Democratic .-heet, that a portixi of
saiil Democratic city ticket was elec
ted. Therefoic,
A'wotW, That we, the Democratic
Central Committee of Otoe county, Ne
bras a, believing it to be our duty to
give "Honor to whom Honor is due,'" do
hereby recognize and endorse the Ne-
ft" Clt' as Uf or"" the
Democracy or Otoe county, an-l clicer-
fully and confidently recommend it to the
Democracy of the JMate, ai a sound and
reliable exponent of the principles of the
Democratic party.
On motion of M. S. Campbell the
Secretary was instructed to keep a record
of all calls for Deuiociatic County Con
ventions, and the proceeding.; of said
conventions, and a summary of the re
turns of the votes cat at the elections
held in the county.
On motion of James Thorn, the Scc
rcarv and Chairman were instructed
to obtain the numl'rof registed voters
in e u h peeincc and Ward iu the county
and city, in order to make the appoint-
ient of clegates to the several pre
cincts and Wards in the county and city
at the next meeting of the com
On j'j' Dr, .Conger, the pro-"Vabli-hrd
ii the" Nebraska City
Daily and Weekly Tinir.
A vote cf thanks was then tendered to
r. 1. M. Bvinkcr, the gentlemanly
ot of the Seymour House, for the use
f his parlor for the meeting of the com
On motion of James Thorn, the com
mittee then adionmr-d to meet again on
Sat;rdav, June ISth, 1S70, at 2 o ciot-s
m a the Court Ibm-e in Nebia.-ka
City. Neb. M. S. CAMPBELL,
G. W . Covell, Chairman.
1 Woman Kliot nsul Hortnlly Woniu
letl tj-
Ft. Haxdall, D. T., May 14.
To the EJitor of tho IIcraM.
L;t-t night, Marv Kellev, a young wo
man iourneving up the country, whil-"
sieepitig iti a tent in camp at the mail
-tation; opposite this post, was shot in
the Lack while a deep, and mortally
wound: d.
Two Em houses, standing in the stable.
were also shot dea l with arrows, andono
mule stolen. I e tinging to the agency
trader at Whets one. All the woik of
Sioux Indians. Have some interesting
nd sfartiing Indian news to sen 1 you
from Cheyenne Agency.
1.' .,1 "
IV. hut."
OitKth't llrrnhl.
Over tlte Yt'ltwl4iie I'nlt to In.
Mmf Ii-tli.
Helena, M. T., Ma- IS. .V mrtv of
t"hite men, wliilc on a pleasure) trip t i
hi' rails oi the l e'lowstono. t fhoir
tack st'tilcn one nitrht hv :i li.itii tit' In-
liitn- ktKiwn as Shi-ori Kat.-r. Thy
pui-suttJ tin Iiflians. At ity', nk thu
'atter h.t-tiiy ion-ti m-ft'd a ta!'t :m l :tt-
fruntfil tocii"ith(-' 1 fi!t.wtrirtc. Ato;t
nii'lwuv across. th( tiirn-iit to.iJv t!.c raft
Itiwn thrt trt-m. ttiitl it itti-1 its ii?liteeii
"Kiriip.tnf wore swept over the falU to
iiir taut tkatli.
The IiHtHnt.
Vashin;t'v. .Vi- 2?..
It is rfMrte 1 that tll IVe-i-h-Ilt vill
ljipnint ticri. .l.-a--t.-,!. o! ,i-w
II tni'.h're. (i jvc-inor o" Iif.cho, viw !
"avol. r-'-ii'ti 'il.
Te'e-'rai.h'c ct-re-n-"1!! n?e hetweon
'l-Mitrral.- i'iM- an l Shorman. relative in
th re v'ltln Inn r i f on lh Kana- r,t-
eific r atl, s Oif that the !attr onlt-rtd
tho mo.-;t ctiersret'e itia-nre-s tii ths-trr.y
th-r pirtv that uia'!" the att:.;. Sh'T
ttian is al-o int'onucJ tliac Gt-n. She: Man
vo'tinte. r-, anJ tijar -n--aei in jturMii',
but sha'l not pa- nnro than one nianh
north of the Union Pacific ilailroait, mi
'ess in clove pursuit of the actual ma
rauders. RKl C'lwiieJ ntd llst ( hlrfw.
ClIKYF.XNK, May 22.
Red Clouil. John Hit I nrd and ahont
twenty-five Sionx left ort Fetterman
this niorninsr, f r Wa-hinpton. It i$ ex
lfted the-y will reach Ctityonno on the
27th instant.
T. Llis, Jiy 22.
Another slatnler suit ha- U-en hmnsht
aemti t the Jepihfin'n h a siter of
the woman who i-errc-titly 't:iitic?l a rrr
dtot n.tia'n-t thttt vttjier for J.i.O-to. The
suit is ha-'! on the jnif Hrt'w'c.
A ii.-patch. w.i.s rwivf l at heaiLnar
terc t-liv. that (it-nera! FoMlncJ is iii
close pursuit of the In Jiarwwho renr.j'y j pattsmO Jth
attiiokecl the working jiarttci on t!ie Kan
sas; l'acitic Kailroai, with gool prospectst' -r m l i
of overtaking them.
A MaAs meet ini' i to be hold here on
Thursday evening noxt, to discuss t!:
queftton of remvinff tho Nilioual C'api-
. i.i l 1 1 : l
tal. Governor I'altner. Of Illinois; DUt-
. trOvrniors I altuetr, ui iimii'-is,, uuv
of Nebraska; Jud?e le!hav, of
, .it c'c"'" i .
msatj, and Other prominent men are to
be prefect.
-2(5, 1S70.
The Burlington & Md. River
R. R. Co. in Nebraska
To their T,ai,d in Itnn(res . 7. . !. li. 21,
12, IS aivl 1 1. E.i-t of ttie c,;h P;iucii);d
WcriJian, in Ifcbriuip,
On Ten Years Credit!
Only si.t prrcsitt. intrrc?t on the is
rcitiireil fur tli first Jfar: thi- :fie for tho
socoutl. ami then, nn ant uftcr the t!.irl e;ir.
only oni- inni li of the prim-inl uwl tlei-reasin
inttrcit is pit)'ulleiiiiuuu.iljr.
From our Ti-n Years Crolit price, nt t'je ortion
ot the b.iyi-r. it'bepitya in t'uil. auJ teu rtrctit.
iu: rest Mrittiin one ar irout iaie t juirehaw
amt hi. pre-cu)itioi. viuvnt will bjulljw. 1 ia
sctltciut-ii t.
On these Gensrous Terms
At low prioe, rnngini; fiotu to 3. SiS. T,
S.. , Ki Mi, mj. avcratfiiK nbrut
LUiltT HOLLA KS I'lIU ACKE. as per tiuaUy
aiiU looul uilvaiii.'Kts.
A miliar product ions will
.y lotr Nti'i'iitii
1,;ctu! AtiBplr Iciii '
isirnU .13 a ill iti iti
lic liatm Sir t ii
'fctrw I 'rod it
Facts lo be Considered.
lOf1 aoies It. U. Lanils at 87 cash, U
jS.75tn ijycai .erotli! at ii porcciii., !
HU'I will cit. in iaiy anuuai pay- I
incut.", the total sum ot. ) $1,8J2 40
An'l !') ucrvtf ol School J.;.ii.i.. al i,", j
I lie lowest price, and ti eijucntly I
solil at auction lor . io and l-t
dollar:',', on 10 years, at l'Jper cent, f
interest, coii! J S2.2-I0 f0
Making a differcnoo in favor of Kuil Liuiis ot. t
8 417 00
Uut torn fair comparison the average price at
which School Lamls have been sold, !iuuil bo
compare! wnh the uvcrago price of our J'.ail
road laii'i-t.
Take for example the average price of SI 0. S3
per ay e. nt which the Srute hi lioil have
ueen sold, tw per report ot ."Male Audit r.i- Lund
Coimnissioiier of the ."tate, tor the l".al yar
ending Nov. ;i(th, IS'i'J. and 100 acres cnts at this
price in ten years at ten per cent, interest the
total sum of. $3.i!09 bO
l'educt rout thi the total c-t of it'll
acres tf U. rf- M. K. H. Laml. at our
average Long Credit prii-e of jio.-ii
per acre, on 10 years credit ut 6 per
cent, interest viz 52,230 -10
And the difference on a quarter sec
tion iu favor of Kaiiroad Lands is... f 1.130 1!0
This coinparion i not ci.f'.c to prove ,.i to.
School Lands have be, u fold loo hih. oat t
prove that the law of this State hits Lt eti raiitie .
by actual ttnd numerous sale t au'-iioti. m n
tlm minimum price Jisrii, iz: Seven dollars r
acre: and the a Venice valuation of the B. A M.
U.K. Lamls is rat ili eti by the saute intelligent
an I practical verdict.
Kaiiroad Lands havo another advAiitae i.i
the fact, that a buyer can choose out of eiahte n
rections in a Township, instead of being coiiticcd
to only two School sections.
Our LotiR or Ten Years Credit prices ranee
jfeficr:i!j-. , i'iat.c jjuWr, -
Appli'-a'ions f ir land pan he made to :
FL'LLKR. V ! I.LS1E A HARK, at Ashland. Neb.
S. .1. lit WELL, at Weeping AVa cr, C:i Co..
X ibraskn.
V. '. I I LEY. R Nursery Hi!!. "!! ("..,:,". ;.
COVKLL. CALHOUN Jt tKOX'lON. ut - c-bra-ka
City. Neb.
Ii. . M It. K. CU.'S LAND OFFICE. M Lin
coln. Neb.
or at K. K. LAND OFFICE iu Plutl-month.
S. it AKKIS.
Land Commissioner li. Jfc .M. 11. K. Co. in Nek.
Skc I- He it ordained by the Mayor :.ud City
Council ot tho ciiy ot Plat:Muoat!i. Ca.-s
Couiity. Ne'or.iska : 'i'uat it shall i.-u utiiaw ful for
any fieison or p i-ojts, to keep cvitbiu tht incor
p..ia.c ;iii;i;- ot the iiai.1 ciiy. any hna of lll"
taine, or place or bou.-c ol .ostitutiou. or carry
oii pro.--ti.ui ion u i. hiu tbe s lid liriiils.
S;c. 2. Every person foiuid guilty of Lccpini?
n house of lillanie, or any huse or piace for
prostttiition. shxli be fined iu a su :i not to ex
.eei one iicuJrcd didjats, ncr:efs than ten tioi
lars. ,-E7. 3. Every person who is found as nn in
r:ate or inoi.iti s ol any of 'he hoaes or fdaces
liieuiioucd in the preceding sections shall, on
conviction, be f.ned in any su:t not. more than
tiny uofl.irs nir less tha:i live do!!ar.
SrX-. 4. L'poii any cum plaint and iiiforination
being made against a person it persons for any
or cutter ol the o:f nscs mentioned iu the pre
ceding section, it shall re the duty of the City
Recorder ol the sai.i cityol 1'iattsniouth. before
w hom su-'h complaint is made, to i;sne his war
rant for the atrestof the person er persons so
charged: and the said Kc-cordrr before vl.oni
such person or person? so charged tuny be
uroutni. s.'i!,!!, t:ivieu.m prxceev; to near cue
I ..(......j ,iiiil it. uton ml tiie testitii'inv. hs!ia!l
lintt tne hccuscii guilty ! .he otience so charged,
tho sai i Recorder shall pass sentence its the cir
cumst.itices may rc'iuire. wiit'ia tbe limits
herein prescribed, tiie person or per
sons so convicted lo jail uu'.il the line nnl etists
arc p.ti i.
Ski-, o. Thnt the Ciiy, his deputies,
an I sll poitcen.cTi t'ltit may lie nppnirted or
el ccd ttie said city, shiill have power, and
are hereby authorized to arrest nil or any per
son or persons who arc known to have commit
ted any oi trie ollences n-tuel in the fir-t nnl
se.ond an t third sc-lions of this ordinance
wiihoat warrant, mid it is hereby made the ini
p rative duty of all and any of paid ofliccrs to
a.tcst any and alt persons so finnfftiiir. and
brnig th'-m beioru the itaiii City Recorder,
wlnrcupon he shall forthwith file hi- iniorma
tioit an i ihc same proceetitng shall be had as in
section four oi this ordinance.
St-x. ii. The Rco-d-r shall have tlte same
fecstnat are :i!.owc;l Justice- of tbe Peace ia
tilts Mate tor like scrvi-en. and f-r each convie
to the fduitior.n! f e ol one dollar; and the
il.irh..l or other o'H -er sh ill be attowed the
same fees a-i oiitabies are nliow-d b-tuclaws
oi tiiis State for sa-uc services. The Marsha! or
otiicr :tti -er ttriittn the urn st sl.all oi- aljowcsi
j l in c ch e ise of e.-mvietina r he sum of
iuc a I ittni- ai t e ot ttiree doilats.
'i bcr shall
live doners, cue v. tiy Aiiorney s ice : out in no
e tc- sh.ul the cost- l.c charted or taxed lo the
laid ci'j ! I'la'tsuiooth.
"sr. 7. Ail processes shall run tho same ns the
pna-cscs o: siutiiitr ntiti're iu this State: and
all i.-rj i!.- :'o;n ie'e 1 stiall l.t.vp the ri'lit of ap
PCh! ur.d error as they mix-it have in any other
pr-.secuticii under the laws il this State: nd
said appeals or p-'tiji-ms io error shall be taken
mil proi-ei-ded : ith soy oth'-r appeal or peti
tion in error fnun a j j-tice's c-ccir;.
st'-. H This or-liuriix e shall tnke eiTert and
in for-e f.--r.'t an I alter u puVUcatioii as ro-qyi-e
1 by line.
Tassed nn l approvea xa ivt. i,:.
A I.71!'.V fnvi.F
ii. Jr. Co yy.v.. CitT Recorder. in:ty2i3wlt
And dealer in all kinds "f
furniture and Chairs.
Mis sthkrt. (third d or we-t cfT 0
r l
Varitsli'mr tie t!y d 'i.
Funerals attended at the fhortest notice.
ricned rtr lease-! f.
1 Blacksmith Mm.d'o rUxth s.reet. ami are now
, - ., slTtV,
BlacLsmiih Mu.p. on cixth s.reet. ana are now
, prepared to do all kinds of tsork in their lint.
I Horste.hoeinir and Plow remiririr done on short
I Uce laXuBRi " FjSSziKK
nq. s.
t.iy Luis va ria.Uiiiouui lur
Sale, at Auction.
TIi lot helow described, lyiti in Plntts
moutb. Nebraska, were conveyed to th lur
linnion and yinscuri Kiver Kaiiroad Coin piny,
in NVbra-iit, Mayor's dkwl, dated April 4,
iJ'K recorded liook N. p.-ofts jii, M,".
The jaid ratlioud coinpuriy wi'l srll said lots at
aucticn. at ir tijar thp door of the Court llottss,
iu PUtt.-Moatl., on We. Ires. lay, June 1. 1370.
Sale to beia at Uo'ci.H-k A. .V.. The terms will
be one-ha'f cash on the day of S'lle and the r-tnsind.-r
within t'tiiny days. Neglect to pay
within thirty clays will be treated tut freeing tho
Company from all obligation to the pur haser,
and as workinc a. t'orleiture of the tm ccy that
he may have paid.
The title lo the lots comes directly from the
Mayor, nud i;t supposed to be peiieet. Tb
com puny will sell ull its riht. title aud interest,
but aiii itive deeds cf Quitclaim, only, without
auy covenants us to title.
Lots. Itlocka Ij Lots. Blocks
2 13 I j 3 4 w
12 2.1 II 1 2 111
2 ;$ 3 4 , 1-
11 '! 1 2 4 Id 121
' 5S ;; 3 Lit
S S'J 1 1 I 161
a ll ! a , I 2 il ! loi
2 : t2 , 3 0 y 11 ltiS
S j H; L 5 6 i M7
12 ; " 4 va
j 7 9 ! 16'J
H ,M ii 1 3 4 5 8 7 I ,-n
12 SW 8 10 12 j 1,0
4 6 7 i 172
8 M I 1 2 3 4 i 7 17J
5 1 9ti . t
The above lots will each be sol I rep'irnt-ly,
but the following tractionul lots will be sold to
gether, as lacy arc placed:
Fract 1 Lots jiiuck Fract'l Lots .Blocks
12 3 84 ill 23 siT
12 3 I Kj j 4 5 tt
4.U ; " 2 3 89
12 3 HC 4 5 6
4 5 6 " 1 2 3 90
1 2 3 87 j 4
4 5 6
Gotd surfaced Boards sold for thirty dollar per
thouaaud al ill
chic mvunm. o,
Anj ererriliinc U In prportiB,
Cimo and see Iiuraber sold Cheap
Master's Sale.
I'istrift Court Cass County Nuhrnska.
T. 15. OorJon. 1'llf. vs. EdparC. Lewis, Sarah
Jane Lewis, aud It- II. Wheeler.
iy virtue aud in pui-.-.tiauce of a uecreetal or
tier of tiiis Court, made on the Mth day o
April A.!). lotl in the above entitled eausi
there will be sold under direction of the sub
scriber, at public auction nt tho front doorof the
Court House in the city ot Flattstnouth, ts
county Nebra-k a, on the lbth'av ot .lune, A. 1),
1h.ii, at the hour of V. o'clof It a. in. of said day.
the following described real etate situated in
I'li'.tts'iioTith.Ciiy Cassfounty. Nebraska, to-wiU
Lot t.iti::bi r tn Rlock numbe r lil, as desiic
natcd upon the published and recorded plot et
said city.
Dated this '.'th "lay of May. A. D. 1B70.
mayl2w't ia Chancery.
ii -
7? II L'REHY filVEN. that an election will b.
1. liclu nt ihe usual place of holding elections
i the City cf Plsttsmnuth. Cass county, Ne
bruska. on Monday the aith clay of J tine, 1X7H.
or tbe purpose of svotui'.tiiiR lo the Ickui voters
oft!;" s.,nt city the proposition to issue the
l;on 1: ot saiil city lo the amount of ten thous
and dollars, to be tied in the payment for tbe
.construction ot bribes in the said city, and tor
the paytctiT.v for the (trading ot the streets of
the said, -city; said bonds to run not less than
oi e ytJr nor inert than two years from the date
ofMiieir is-ua.tce. w ith interest, payable annu
ally it the rule of ten per cent, pit tin n unit said
ln.ii. Is and intererst to be payable at tho oJTice of
the treasurer of the said city, in one and two
year" trout tbe date of issuance-
The proposition wi;l also be submitted to toe
voters of said city, at said election, to authorize
and reouire the Citv Couucilof said city to levy
an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and
interest on said b e d-; as the same becomes due
and payable, until said bonds are paid, in uddi-
ti.m to ttie usuni L.e levied, cr to oe tc icu.
I tie question to sttid voters ut said election
will be "for ouds asid tax. yes:"' "for, bonds
and tax. no:" whici election w ill be opened at
8 o'clock in tiie morning, and continue open un
til 'i o clock in the ntte'noon ot said day.
by order of the Ciiy Council this Uth day of
May, l7l).
At. est. S. Jr. COOPfcR. City Recorder.
.. x S VI ACT
The understg-ned hav completed a
Ablract eTMMe '."T.aTDS A:i LOTS in Cass
county, showing
efTw'tinz the title of real estate on'" tho records
of said cunty. Our a'is'ract shows "kind of in
strument. Date," hre mide I'nessed
Consideration. Stamp "late ct ttlinir.
Rook and Va.xe where recorded," "Liens,"
Ac . "nd will l.e posted daily.
Uthce oter i'role nnil i este i rti(t f-tore.
my 2Cdiwtf.
Jynu want to huy nn A Ao 1.
Call On '
d sen .VI S'!? & CO
At the Xt'W rof.'K STOllf; and esamire
their -L'uci JuprurtU
Cavuga Chief Reaper & Mower
For 1870 1
Aim tt eir lrpe stock of BREAK IXO AND
nTUIiULE Plows.
T WILL sell to the hichest bidder, at my fa-m.
1 VI iniir-i sou'ii-wc-t ed PiHtt-nriutb. and li
miles i.o t'l wig ot Nebri'ta City, on .don
d iv. June iif. if-7o. li he .! of tborougbred
Hons i, to ii newft. of Illinois. 1 hese
Ciiitlc will oe .-o d for cash. r its equivalent in
other cti'tle. Farmers, ibis is a fine chanceend
the I.ikI to secure one of thce fine c lve as
thev will be ik-:ii cm of the s.t.-ite it not sold en
day s..!e. 1 .':.-re will be no by biddn if, arol
e.-c n i.r.n.ii.i is'ia ". in dc reuigicea. ta e t'i
common.-e at ll o'clock, a" nt.
I I'-fR-""- .
i . . . .
l T DF-SIIII! to .initoum o to the pa')!: tV.t I
j i tin nave my j:ot American Ten lmh
T.ouhle Turbine Water Wheel in lull ope r ilion.
I li n.liilMl m- ,n:!l I Vi imiikIiiiiiI 1 I.OV
p-ep r. . do better bj u.y si gt-iiners than any
I mill in the fctate. J. A. LAUA.
I mav.rtwtf.
1 I n. ffAl.v m,l-B 111 flh l f t i' ftl-l 111
, Waier. on the head ol Ce.-ai crce-k. wi.i !:u-l .i- ai-
, i ler. tin lae nennoi w.m c-rc. a jbiu .-
! tie ourim? the .j.liiinj season at f.c rr.-ef a', e
I head pe month tor ihe soiison. and luruith salt..
1 All cattle must be dUtinoily branded .r h will
litSce evruer Main aui -'stou-J :- -t
taci story'
TtMUS : Ilatly fiO. ,--- . :
per in, ii. "r.
miwniMMMnnwwcffw .
Of tL Aa ts .-'
home wimm. r;
Of 'New Haven Statb of
On the. Zlst I)iv of Dccmhrr, h. '
made to the AuJ'itor th'.
of J'efrcfki, unu'.: (
The name of the t. oin ..any is thn lic-'-j ' i
anco Compauy of New Itxvm, i-.-it ti t : . Lie .
2nd. The Amount of its Capital
Slock is : i 2.jO,CXi .
3rd. 'Ihe amouut of its i piled
Mock paid up is l."t.'.ifii i
a m;ts.
1th. First Ca;h on aud in
hauus of Agc.nU aud otn-rs ,l... XI
rfecoii'i Real Kslale atiiu'-uuib' i -
c.l 7 :, "s")
Third Lands owned by tai- Cuti.-
piiny and taw sectTred. with tli
ra'.ei f interost ttere-n.
Fourth- Uuots of the Company se
cured by iiitirtctire on Real ICs-
tatc with Jouhte the amount
loaned .Vt.S'ii .
Filch lcots other: - occur, d &
Sixth LMns for pretuiutus ',t
Seventh All other Jcurities !l,t ;" ',
JUills receivable for lulHUJ l'rrti'i-
ums i ;.- - CI
Stocks and Bonds owned by tL
CuUi;auy oTi.iu-. il
Si. 7s- . v .,4'J
5th. The amount ol liabiiiue Juo
or not due to Kicks or othr
creilitors by the Company,
f th. Losses adju-ttml and due
7th. losscs aitjusted an i i,ut Jua
Mil. Losses unadjusted,
yth. Losses in suspcuse waiiii.c
tor turt lier pi oof ....
10:li. All other tuiiiKS against the
11th. i he icreateht amount insura I
in any one ris
12th. 1 he greatest amount anowod
by the Company to be iusuie-i in
aT J.'ji i;j
lii;.:: '.7
any one city, town sr itlug -
No rule.
loth, ihe greatest amaunt allowed
to be insured iu any uun block
depends upou the sixo and con- ;
llth. Act of Incorporation, St-i'w-
ui em of Assets ttud l'uwcr of At-
toiney to ABerts must be filed
in Auditor's Olbeo before
"Ceriiliciite of Authority" iU
bo issued to Agenu.
County of New Haven j
AVhereas. 1). R. Satterlce, President, ttltl ft.
S. tjoodwell, Jseeietary, of t!ia Hi u.e In-ur. ti
Company, to me personally known b .inn si-
ally j'orn, depose and say. ihul the f.irroicir
statement is a full, true and corr l -uuteri.tit
of the a Hairs of said Company. '1 'i tt tha sni 1
Company is the bona fide owner ci rt lea-'
is j,ls dollars f cash capital, inv c , i ,i, . '. U.c
and bonds of at least par value, cr .. .o r"r- i -on
titiiticumberud real csijice i .:, si !nut
double tbe umount for which tb nu -ie is m.ii-l-Kaged.
'i'httt no part of the fo eg tir; dcc: I
irivesttnents are made for tho ber ...t ,; ,
dividual exercising authority in Mia iuurr
mcnt of saivl ('ompany, ami ihtif ti e. .'
above described ulticersof said Co:iip..;.jr.
bitf tied,
1). R. SATTi7RLf 'K, Pre.v li td.
Wm. S. iiOOU Vy.Lu. -' cr-. tj.r.
Xworn to und subscribe I vl;r .-. "ti.i;
eighteenth day of January. 1S70.
Id testimony whereof I have t.itrf -unto
subscribed u:y nam acd f
Seal. f.ied my otlicial real.
Comtnissicner foi the ait to of Ntj..'l
It is hereby certified that hi b- rn f;li t
in thisollicea swornstatcni'-nt. slow-' tw itij . on-
litioo of the Home lusitrnme Co-c- -- ! t
te at New Haven, in ci.e htte d C .iti-vti. ui,
on tba 31st day of Lweiibrr. lc'-'J. iti dan-
with the provisions il an act ol t :e ti -utai
Assembly ot the Jit.ite ot corwsk i. rnjulat-,
Instiranco Comi anics approved .' .!- ..-.
iSbej. that said Company had file-l .c . r--arv
papers and a ttatcmc-nt sh"i h k th t -jiu 'i -i:inv
is possessed of the requisite '-tint i
capital, and invested as required bv law I ,
thority is herehv- given t' the tileove nan-.t
Company to transact their appropriate b-.-,i:ie-.s
f Fire insurance in the Stxtie. in fivrd
with Ihe laws thereof, until the -tl.-t .1 jy ot Jan
uary A. I). 1J71.
1 further certify that L. D. HKJiNTTT. of
I'lattsmouth City. County of Case. i au hoiizc i
to transact business a-c- rding to l,nr for sail
e-ompnr.y as their Agent and Attorn" 'n rv
County where they hve an agency i .tar''. d.cil
upon tiling this certificate for record witu th j
Cieik of Cuss Cou-ity.
Ill witnes whereof I have hereunto
IAL. net my hand and KIT: x d il-si ;'
oftice, at Lincoln, this 7th ja ol'
March. A, I. )l7o.
Auditor Hi titate.
nci)i vXSTck" ivo 80 .
UlU.lI Kl,A.M.l A I
CI 1'Y OF 1'LAllrsMolJTIl.
r Ri .M Kl ,N I Mi- A I iA !'. ii, I N i li K
ShCTms 1. lie it ordained t y the Mayor ar..l
City Council of the city of Piatlsiuouth. :,.
county, Nebraska, that it will t e unlawfitl l.,r
any person or persons to permit any lio r
rsinit lo rnn at larpe in the inc-.i r-orat in
of the said city of Fiatismoutli, al any tin ! .,
tween the first days of Mareh and Octir of
aeh year.
tE . 'i. T at it will lie lawful and theduty ul'
the City Marshal ol suid t-i'y to tjike iijiii, i
confine in a pen or pound any swim- i r hoes
that may be found running at larte .11 the sa I
cityof Plattsmouth, and tbercui on tnesaiu .Mar
shal shall notify the id owner or owners in
writing, if known, and if not known by p,":i,x
the notice up in three co-spicuou places 1,,
said city, that lie will proceed to m-il i':c !;:
idiaicribins th s,aie,at public mciiiMi. m' .i
hour thcici:i uat ie i, tiie tim not to bo less 'ban
three days fiom the 'itne of giving C: ai 1 nu-ti'-e,
and ueii n said sale the person oTcri gth"
biritiiil- bi 1 for the same, for c.s!i. bu i-a
il.'cuied tb" pu cha. tr. wuicu iitaii .iicc-c wl
title in and .0 said Log c.r hots iu eaid pur
chaser. sec. S. he Marshal rcive th-foil , w
ir.iC as fc es fo taking up and -eiiiiigas Ion s-i.c
For taking up each bog, fi'ty -on' : mr selling
each hog, fitly ecu's; ior fee iitg a. A ttikt g
care of each hog. fijteen cents p, r uav; ' -i.Wsuch
fees and expenses shall he paid out f
the iu' arising t.oui the prayisiumt (,1 th:
ordinance, and Isoui uu other lund.
tK-. 4. '1 lie owner or owners of ary hn:i
taken no can redeem and take: their h. .. . ...
time before ale. by paying to the City aiar-hHt
an ins lawTtu n-es anu eipenfe-s. up to, 1; t: tima
of taking them awi.y.
bEC. .-. All iiiin--y arising frotu i-ach sale, af
ter paying the cost and e-xprne-of making the
same, shall bo pad lo the City Treji.-:fi hi t
aepi oy inn ior i inon-iii, w."ieo. if by tb t
titce the owrer A the snid hog. dve rin .;, r.r
and mike satisiactory r-rooi of o i,er,;,.p.
theu it ir to be paid 10 the gi-iier.i fund ot ,;.,.
city. Rat .f iu jh c..i..i,s !r ,01 mwji.'. ,4
owner of said hng i.r hogs s!ia! ti: -,ke i-lc
tory proof thai he was the au ii'-r tb.ere.-t ki t!.-
time ot auch sale, then the said Treai'iirer sh 1 I
pay the si-l am ,ut.: to .hi, iaid ote. ..," or 1 - -s
ins. less ten per rent, which said Treat-tin-r mn
retain aa hi tees.
Skc. 6. T his Ordinance to tak" e"'er atui 1 1
ui force frcm andattet its puolication law.
Passed and ayprove-1. ?Ja :H,o.
o t- A I.AZEXUY. Mv..r.
Attest, 3. F. C"rR, City Rtc rdcr.
Sheriffs Sale.
Thomas B. CloreloL
v r nxcecuiion.
A.II.Townsenl. j
N otice is herd.y xiven t It , ffor fe,
fsale at public auction hi th.- miii h tror.t uunr
of the Court He ns 111 tbe '-ny ot ' l-l .ttsoi-sti
Cas county. 4e ra-ka: on Monday the .1.1. h
of May. A. I. IsTo at 1 o'clock p. ot s-Mti-v
all the nitbt. tit'.r and interest of tne '..
name d deleitdtml in :: d t.i the an, -4 11 ,
"ta:c. i'utitetl r T' ?i end's addiii .e to tb--City
of Pli'tsittccth, cats ;,u:i;y. Nci-ra.-.
1-diOws r
I.ots Xo Ihrcean 1 f-.ur ( :(ai.d 1, ir, block N'-s.
five. 1 itnine w. j ten .tf and Io. in i,;.-s .'... ,.
i lots No. one. ti.i a: I tit,-ee 1. 2 tt .1
block No. te n ' j ) . : n I the r.: iiril 1 , - f I .1
N-j.sey.-.7.SiM'l all ..f bit No.cirfbt H "in i ",o.-t
No. t'-.irlcon. ai! take 11 as t.'ie pi. p-..-t.T .,( j-j ,J
dcliiida if A. 11. Towi scud ..u at, cie-.-ui iou 111
la cr cf Thotnti li. tiordon. is-ue-1 1.;- ia, k
e.t the District Court ot the cnuuy ot s t-..
me -directed ua Leriil oIit'd ccoitity.
ti'u en under tuy hand ibis '.'Itti -lav Aorii
A. IK 1370. J. W. J'.jil S.-tiN. SH-, ;l
. Cb?s r .oorv
D. II. Wn?rt.rit. Atty. for Piaii.tii.
,!. Or ti u i-py C V.c rViiecs ut Piett?-
HO'lttl III li il' ll til' l.l. r eti s,(U, 0
e.; :::' f r.e tpa i-ity. ; ' i ner and f'-.ic!
n-r I i nit appi) uiu. u:i..i-i.-,tLfJiM to '. "A .
.sibinnon H. S i-Vlo
Vfv- PCjrs'