JUL 1 JL , I -I if I A, n vC-leui.'WtJ Board sold for thirty dollars per ihoti&md at lb a CHICAGO LUMBERYARD, : ! And overt-thing else In proportion, Cora3 end see Lumber sold Cheap C W. LYKAN s CO. 430S 4S 8 f 5 t v w ' fel ' ft., fe. fc. fc, , TO THE WORKINO CLAS.S.-r-We are now prepared to furnish nil ellipses with constant employment ai home, the whole of the time or f.r the spare moment''. Utisincss new, Iizhtan-1 profitable. Persons of either ?ex easily earn ti.in Cur. to o per e renin;.', and a proportional tun. by ietoiinx their whole time to the bu.-i-ncss. l!-y an.t sirisearn neark-yas much men. '1 hat all who see tiii- notice may send their ad dress, ami t-st tlie business, we make this unparalleled offer: To mi-!i as are not well atis i-' i. we will send 51 to pay for the trouble of writii:it. Full particulars, a valuable sample, whi' W wi 1 do to commence work on. and a copy of Hi I'roiifr'm l.iititirii Votujutnion. one of the bTjrest and best family new-papers pub-li.-hetl--.ilJ sent free by mail. Rouder. if you r ant permanent. Profitable work, address K- C. ALLLN i L'Om iolsta, M.mv. apjowiin Attention FARMERS 3. NURSERYMEN -voir.v the tim i: to nETYouitMoyny MCA. We have a l it of Fresh O.-ajre Scc. purchased in Tcxa- at the mill where they were ground (Kit, aoti JiHuie.l all the way throusrh in wagfons. i t- itiiii.LHiin.iu ij r cine, irtroauj jrennine Apply to K. i. IovcyClark .v l'luiumer. V, ,rr-.v Hu'lncr, M, Ten Kick, Leehivc ttotc. ul- J ihn Jackson or NEEDHAM A WARE. -Ilraltli, C omfort and economy Three reasons f r boarding with 'GEOlUJrl i W- COLVIN. OAK SJTRKKT, PLATTSlIOUTn, XF.B. Two blocks northwest of brick School House. lie bs a H TH IlOl'SK. free to patrons: hi ro.-.nus ire well ventilated, and Lis prices arena t julyJ.'i FURNITURE TIi os. W. fihryoek, CABINET SV3AKER, And dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. m its rp.Fi:T, ''third tloor we-t of P 0 PiaUsmoutfi - - :- Neb. K'tpairins end Varni-hins nently dune. S 6 F'inrral attended at the shortest notice. ino.H Bead the following letter from jne cf the oldest and mos reliable grocery merchants in the city of Davenport. Friend Walton: Acrccablv to my promise to 3 011 when here, 1 write you, for publication if you see j proper, a true state ment of the good ef fects of Roback's Stomach Bitters upon myself. I hail beer, troubled with indi gestion for a Ioii time, attended with severe headache,par tieularly aftereating. when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the store and recommended me to use Roback's Bit ters. I did so bv talv hia small wine-glass full just before each meal, andtomy grca joy I was relieved n once, and am now well by their use. 1 would not be without them at any price. 1 have not taken an other medicine since I commenced usinp the Bitters. And 1 can say with a cleai conscience, try Ro hack's Bitters they will do all they are recommended to dc if taken according to directions. Yours trul.v Fkaxk II. ImL,Littu. Off he firm of Deideback & Miller Wholesale Grocers, Davenport Tq-a-ii. riMTl.YG PLATTSMOUTH TVILLFIXD CCOnSTBLIXG ACCOMMODA TION AT THE Farmer's Feed Stable . Comer of Sixth and Vine Stre ?. One Eioe orth of th e Presbyterian Church. Plattsm Nebraska. BATES k DeGARMO, Pr ; ' "'' . ' 3 rl V V u i 2 C.4 c vi.-t cf PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA, If A3 AT wm&mB&m m eet mil A LAIKJE STOCK OF Dry oc&s , Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODs, HATS, 0AJPS, BOOTS, and Provisions- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOU ALL Blinds of Country Produce. Plattsmouth, Nohrakn, August 5tls, Ef You Call IF 7 ere I7 fV I2000lbs Sboulders, LLOOIbs Sug; Which he will S SCLL at Reasonable figure?. Also on hsnd a Fulland Well Selected Stock of DRV (iOODS, aid GilO C LORIES, Which he oilers to the public A (f ZP Those knowing themselves indebted to me will please Call and Settle the ame. JOHPII SIIKII A April ( thdawlim- Rock Blulfs S. BLOOM &c OO. UF.ALEKS Clothing. G en' s' Furnishing Goods, BOYS' Af-ZD CHILDREN'S CLOTHSiyQ, Hats 8l Gaps, Boots Ik. Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Main Street, Second Do tr JCusl of iJoiirt House Plattsmouth, feb. BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Blulfs, Iowa. TO (Successors to VSiite Uluttcry) WHOLESALE and RETAIL ID :RL7 C3- C3-I ST S, Arc now rccoiving v.nd liave on hand (at the oM stand of White & Iiuttery) South side Main St., Plattsmouth. The Largest and fdost Gomolete Stock of Prutrs. Mo-lieiues. P;iint, Cliemieal? .Lend. V;irnihes Coal nil. Fi-h('i!. Miehine Oil. J:irsrliiiiT oil. C:itor oil. N.-iiS-owt Oil. Wh tie Oil, llin.-eed Oil. Lur l Oil. Oil. Ks.-ential Cod Liver Oil. :iml l:ire THrie'y f Nolions. I'erl'uuiery. t nm-y itnd Toilet ArtK-les, K.enees, Flavoring Kxtraet.". Also, all the lVpulur Sueh ns JaynvV. Aj-ers". Hulls. Peoville'sCoc". Christie's. Mope's. MeLain.. I!;iker"s. Wi.otarV., Wright's, Wakefield's. Juv S-ott'a, Perry Davis', llolcii'k's I'etitt f. Mrs. WinsioVf ir. Wiiichell's, Iloiletter'?, lnke. Wallace's, Wft', all others in genera use. Brandies, Wines and Whiskies, Of the best grades and qunlitics, strictly for Medieal purpose?. DOMESTIC DYES, Red or Rose. Oreen. Blue and Clack. Analine. Indigo. Madder. Extract Logwood, Pye Woods, Ac. In fact everything that is needed in the l'rug or Medicine Lice. i hysicians' Prescript ons careful y compounded and put up at all hou s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call before buying, nd see what we have to seil. Plattsmouth, March 24, 1 STO. wtf cXjOTHiinri. iouth Side Main Street, - - Number 9. P i TTSMOXJTH, CASS BOUNTY NEBRASKA 5 fJ the 1!; i..-.i.n OSiec, SHOES lbQ9. Want On S fleet From Cured Hams, ISOCOibs Sides ifi T IN 0 T She iUbvaohix LOCAL TT H iWp nffT-r'.' Tlic f-tearucr ''Silver IJow" passed down at 12:30 tin p. in. The mountain transport, Ida Stock dale, passed up this afternoon with Gov ernment supplies for I't. IJenton. The H. & 31. 11. It. is taking more grain from .Plattsmouth than is shipped from any other two towns in Nebraska. Farmers are very busy now putting in corn, and only come to town when compelled to lay ia supplies. A couple of goats arrive! at the rail road depot this morning consigned to some one in this locality. There is money in raising the Cashmere goat. Our local has mot too many familiar faces to-day to admit of hunting up in teresting local matter. The Lincoln Statesman comes to us this week enlarged and improved, Kith a new heading and neT dress. It is one of ourbet Democratic exchanges, giving great attention to local matters. Among the Nebra.-ka City delegation to the I'rooks House on the morning train were Hon. C. W. Seymour and wife; Geo. W. Sroat and wife ; J. Ian Lauer, wife, and Mrs. W. II. II. Waters. A large party is e xpected upon the even- in r train. i About one hundred and fifty persons arrived on the morning train from Ot tumwa, Pcu Oak and Nebraska City to attendthe opening of the Brooks House. J. Streiaht, K-j., has just completed a neat picket fence in front of his resi dence on Sixth street. Others should follow his example. Capt. E. 15. Murphy, has received his commission from Marshal Hoile, to act ms Deputy Mar.-hal for this county for the purpo-c of taking the U. S. Census. Murphy will make a good officer, one that will fully comprehend the duties and responsibilities of his position. . Corn is now worth sixty five cents a bu.-hol. One beauty of selling your corn in Plattsmouth is that no satksare required, thus making the grain worth the price of the .sack more than at points where sreks are used. Ilcrohl Bros, are progressing rnpid'y with their new building corner Main and Fifth streets. It is :J2x .0 feet, and three stories. W. C. Jenks, of Weeping Water, (not the Captain) was in the city this a. in. He reports no excitement in that lo cality since the storm abated. F. M. Donington, Esq., has been making valuable improvements to his property in the south part of the city. Among other things, he ha put out a large number cf shade trees. The thanks of the citizens of Platts mouth are due the officers of the B. & M. and C. B. & St. Joe -Railroads for their generosity in giving free transporta tion to guests to and from the Brooks House Reception. Mr. Wilson, one of the Penitentiary Inspectors for the Stnte, was in the city ye-itcr lty morning, on hi way from Lin coln to his home in B'.iir. We were much pleased with Mr. Wilson's appearance, and judge his selection as one of the In spectors to be a good one. The several political contests in Otoe county within the past two years, have revolutionized their local polities. Some of the leading politicians of both parties have :pa-?ed that bourne whence no traveler return"," and new men as lead ers are taking their places. from Friday' JDnify. The transfer 'buses brought across fifty passengers this morning. A part of j them went weat on the l'J o'clock train. The Nebraska City Timcs says it has information to thi effect that Hon. Wm. McLennan has been defeated for the po sition of U. S. District Attorney for Nebraska. Several citizens of this eitj' were 3'es terday summoned before the U. S. court at 0;uaha to testify in the ca.-c of ihc J. S. vs. the fellow who passed counter feit money in Vallery & RulTner's stoie some time since. Ex-Gov. Alvin Saunders and lady were among the guests in attendance at the Brooks House Reception last even ing. We are always pleased to meet Gov. Saunders. We look upon him as one of Nebraska's best citizens. We learn that a contract has been let for the grading of the second ten miles of the Omaha & Southwestern Railroad. This will bring it well down to a connec tion with this city. The Central .Stnr speaks of the death of Gen. Thomas as a "promotion'' That is a new name for death. The St. Joseph Union says: "S. P. Wheeler returned from Washington j es terday, completely loaded down with mail contracts for Kansas and Nebraska. He was awarded about thirty different routes." From the Hamburg Times we learn that as Mr. Riggle, with his wife and children, was driving on the road to Plum Hollow, about five miles from Hamburg the horses became frightened, and tipped the wagon, threw Mrs. Riggle and the children to the ground. As they fell the child tipped forward so that the wheel of the wagon passed over its head, crushing it, and causing almost immediate death. The proprietors of the Burlington Ilmck-L'be have our thanks for a daily ex change. The llaick Eye is a wide-awake paper, and advocates the interests of the locality where it is published, as any good paper should. A proruiaent citizen of the State re marked yesterday, within the hearing of a friend of ours, that the Plattsniouth Herald had done more to induce immi gration to Nebraska, by giving fair, hon est statements in relation to the country, than any other paper in the State. The Herald modestly accepts the compli ment, and "takes stock" in that man. J". B. Got. -on Ks.., ol i.Vt!ui( le U iO t't'' vii I u-ii.t--s. i A farmer living we.-t of Nebraska City i write.-, a lotttt-r to. the Chron!-:h- of that pliice in which he siivsmmy of i ho home steaders, (himself ntaong the others) ' worked last season on the 3Iid!and rail-! road with the assurance that their pay would he forthcoming on the 15th of each month, but that they have never recived a cent yet. He thinks it sounds a little edd to hear the papers talk about the prosperous condition of the company, and their ba'ance sheet, etc., while they are unable to pay the me;i w ho graded the roadbed at least all that is graded. The Plattsmouth JltralJ publishes a card in regard to to the Brooks House opening with a request for us to publish it. As no tickets of invitation have been sent to this city we cannot see the neces sity of doing so. C'. H. 2u:Hi-lieil. We learn from those who had the matter in charge that tickets were sent to Council Bluffs, as they certainly were intended to be. A large number of Council Bluffs jtcopie were here, and we would have delighted in seeing the gen tlemen from the Xoiquncil office. If any failed to receive invitations, at Council Biuffs or elsewhere, it was through mistake of some kind, as nearly 2,Q0i) invitations were sent out n Stiturd'iy's Ihiily Superintendent Mailory, of the B. & ; M., informs us that the trade with this city is much greater than they hud antic ipated. We find a recent article of ours con cerning Nebraska has been copied ex tensively b- eastern papers. Two or three locomotives for use on the B. & M. in Nebraska are expected to arrive in the course of a few days. M. Heed, of the firm of Reed Bros., Nebraska City, was in the city this morn ing. He thinks Plattsmouth has gone ahead wonderfully since he was here lust. Maps are the order of the day. The Fremont Tribune has a map of Fremont ! and her railroads that is the railroads she has and ought to have. Fremont is favorably located, and is already supplied : wilh two of the best roads in the State except the B. & M and will soon have one or two more. A gentleman who u.akes stated visits to this part of the country, and whose business calls him through the rural dis tricts, informed us this morning that he was wonderfully and agreeably surprised at the improvements in both city and country. lie says that he counted Iwenty livf new houses at one view yesterday, and that at least fifteen of the number had Iteen erected since his last visit to that locality, within the last ix months. Lucas & Co., is the firm name of the gentlemen who are putting up the new building one door west of Vivian & Pal mer's. We are informed they will open up a large stock of Glass and Queen: -ware as soon as the building i3 com pleted. Mr. Ilallowell, contractor for the erec tion of th: temporary penitentiary build ing at Lincoln informs us that his work men commence laying rock to-day. A Kan-as editor was robbed in Chicago recently. The robbers cvidcntely did not know who the fellow was. Perhaps he was making believe he was engaged n some kind of paying business. A correspondejit of the Omaha lltr nbl, writing from North Platte says that at the recent term of court held there, Judge Cronnsc disposed of two weeks bu-incss in three days, and adds : "Every person in this portion of the Judge's district speaks in the high.-st praise of the dispatch, gnod judgement and fairness in his official capacity, and his courteous deportment, to all who ap proach him'. May he long live to dis pense just ice. Conrad Heisel shipped TOO sacks of flour to-day. We learn that the fellow who passed the counterfeit money at Vallery & RulT ner's store has been found guilty, and sentenced to the penitentiary. IIescr brought in some fine rhubarb this 'morning, the stocks measuring nearly two feet without the leaf, lie has a fine article of lettuce. The Omaha llnahl claims to be democratic but justifies Morton in "bolt ing'' a regular nominated ticket. Ne braska democracy is defined then as "Miller and Morton " This is well, they are a party not at all difficult to de feat among the intelligent people of our State. Cli roit iclr. The Rrownviile h morrtit calls for ''a division" of the Republican party. No you don't Mr. Democrat democracy tried that same game once before for the result consult history. Fiemont Tribune. Ohio has oil portraits of its "sixteen Governors. ere they all sardines that they should be put up in oil? They say that a member of one of the j Eastern Legislatures recently wroe home to his wife to know what his religion was. and that she wrote back that he had better call it Protestant and let it go at that. A well known citizen of Topoka Kan sas, has at his business office two large slabs of red sandstone, containing, it is said, three well-defined impressions from the feet of a human being. One hundred and forty women, in a remonstrance arainst women suffrage to the Ohio Legislature, express their willingness to allow the mule members of the sK-iety to "represent them' in the corn-field, the ballot-field and at the bal lot-box." ' The man who made his mark is going into the ch,ilk and pencil business, Judea has less Jews than New York city. A Liverpool youth of 1 1 earns-an lion est livinsr by delivering curbstone phre nological lectures. Josh Rilling says : "Eefore I would pi each the Go-pel as some- ministers hev to, for 4."0 dollars a year, I would get a living as Xebudkednezcr did, and let the congregashun go to grass too. "Should Gen Rutlcr be hung?" in quires the Christian Union. Answers to the conundrum may be sent to Greeley. Rose Madder is lecturing against the fomalesuifrasristsin Michigan. - and de dares she will never say 'dye' although the is a Madder. RQER SIGN OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Under the Brooks House, Mkin Street, PJattsmouth, Aebraska. -2rThe Highest rrice Paid for Country Produce, Hides, Wool &c."fcS apMwtf. '3 W HOI.EiSAL i: AN ) RE T A 1L, DEALERS W V 11 i. YANKEE NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE &C, Main street. Plattsmouth, 2Teb., Where Everything in Their Line Can be Found. april:!5dfcwtf We Call The Attention of the Puhlic to Our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, Notions Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. That we are just receiving. We bay our Goods as low as they can be had in t market for CASH, and will aim by low prices, fair dealing and good goods to pha all who will favor us with a call. CLARK & PLUM 31 ER. HARD WARE AND ira. LEKENTS AT MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. Would respectfully inform the people of CASS and adjoining cou ties that th Rave just opened a LARGE hardware and Agricultural E&tablishment Where we are always to be found to accommodate customers. FOURTH STItliKT.BETWKEN MAIN AND VINE. PLATTSMOUTH NKH f VR stick eonsists in pnrt of the following : ;lo.te! Sweeistake lhraslier. S(i.r:unl Keystone Corn 1 iauter. weeivstnke I hriuFipr So.r.inil K and Cultivator. Uueidu nd .Morniotith Cultivators. Dixon Iron IJaek Cist iitcel Plows, old urotind nd hretikers. Peoria Model Kxtr:t hard Plow. Prineeton adjustable Iron Ream Plow. With the celebrated Newton Wagon, which for durability eaniiot bo exeeled anywhere East or West. . . . Hardware, Cutlery. Nails. Iron Wag-on Stock. tilass. Putty. White Lead, Oil, Feneo Wire. Garden, Field and k lower Pctd. ALSO tiKjSs CHOICE HEDGE SEEDS The above eomprisesa few of the article? and complete and to sell ut bottom prices. G1VK US And Kxnmine our Stock, that you may go marld.twtf. STOVE AID 1E3. T. Sc CO., Wholesale and Retail dealers in ' . Ilardivarc autl Agricultural Emplemeiiltt, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL 3? L O "W" S Of all kind? and sizes, which we warrant the lcst in the market, 3"O33:w0:F.:E. ! Tin Roofing, Gutters and Sponting Done on Sliort Notice Are exclusive As etts in this county for the ?ale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Goal or Wood Cook Stove Give us a call we will not be undersold Main etrect,' nest door east of the Masonic Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NKliltASK A MD BERLINER. THE BEEHIVE B Vuzi A ti. Xto7 ta m M. Si. . AGRICULTUiUJ .WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL! The Huk-eyc Tteuper and Mowerconihined. The r-vstooo I .orn lM:mtr . Aloitniontll Sttuik Cutter on hand, Our aim shall be to keep our stock full A CALL awav sat;fied if not HAPPY", MATHKWS, DONNELLY & CO. TIH STOEE IP J, M. IIMMS & ; Druggists & Apcthcccrr IVU f ts I PAINTS. OILS. VYY.i. N'JTI-OK;- .; Toilet cooc ' T PERFUMERY. FA N C Y" 30 A 1 . PURE -WINE AND LIGU )i For Mechanical nn 1 MeJv f.irr'-"t Keep constantly on imnd a full n. well ui'r stock of patent irn'mcnru'. l'hy'tVmnsigiresfriptitr.y rnrefullr :r i : r ed uy an exi'Tieuci'd i'rurzai. !. - ; ruret inedicire" nt-cJ. Ail good.? rrrntcl ' : e presented. O il te.d see. Main Street, South I TEKMS GASH. RAILROAD LARDS for : The Burlington & U?,. River R. R. Co. in ftebraska . now orrr.K PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS To their Lands in Ri.nee O. T. H tf. IV 11, 12, 11 and l-i. Kjst of !, r.h PriucijV Meridian, in ' brsk.-i.. On Ten Years Credit! Only six per eent. in'rre't on the v;'.;i.i' . n :.' required for tho first y-;ir: th saiee II t'i" second, und then, oti an i after ti,c ti- !. j c.r, only one-ninth ol'th'e irif:ii.a! and deiai".Pi. interest is jvyaldcakliual!y. TWENTY PER CENT WILL BE CUCUCTEfy From our Ten Years Credit priv. .. th" or.ri s of the huyer. tl heo:y- i" f-jn. lo-.i leu per interest within j""iir Ir-mi d.'ite of pim h.. as.l his rt'-emptiotr ' v.'iunt will Ll .i1. alu it: settlement. On these ticnsroiis Ter.ris At IoV prires, rnnjriti.r f'otu I t" KH. hilO. Ai:. rv LJUHT 10LLAL t'l.it AcitK. and local advantages. .is j.. r fiuui. ly Annual HMjt:c in? vii5 p:ay for LriEifl, Covksi: it, and AsDpic ?iiprvt in -H uch '.T'!1iin Yenr Vvvtlit $; (1. Facts lo b-3 Considerc 100 neres at na avi i(f! price of on icyenr'eredX at '. pT-.etit.. v i! I ' cost, in v;a.-.v annual p.iyniert.- -!io , total sum of. J f And l'itl imtik of sc hool L:i :,U, ut 7, j the Ion est ).ri'-. . : 1 1 i ti t. 'f-n' ' j sold at auction b.r lo an ! 11 d..llarsi,on loytar:, at i 'pi r I'U.t. j interest, cost! I f Making a dlirt-reri.-c in r: cf L r- :"l l irxiit ot IV.it t- rnfor eoiop.o lsmi 'ii'-v.-h'.(-!i S- hold L.-Ol.l:. t,;i v i' iji'' !! coinloii-.d 'V?:h l!.taii't:i pi or: ii. 'j of our e p 1 bo road lands. Take t'r example ti e av'Tsce pri.-e f t which W'-.i ttcr of S' !o. i l,n,i l h-.ivr I 'l'-u sold in Cass co nty N e '.--i !. r . t.p to .!.!.: !;.(, an'l, bill aeits eo-!a T ; t! : i t '. : in t'-:i ; .r :. 1 ' iif r enu intert.-t t:ii: ti t;ii m(I:i of. .1ru,0.JC ed'ict i'rovi tl.i- th" av r.i-to pri-:! of -S for 1UI iien-s ofl!ailro...l land on ten years trodtt :o o per rent in terest, viz 1,7!! ' And the difTerence in f:iror of :-. road Land on a quarter se!:..'. (! I. u: 1 This comparison i . nt r...i! ; to j rove that the. SV hool !.m:ds ve i ' :i -"M .,. i j.i.t t- p,.i th.it tiif law ' f '!,:- .--tn'e brr, i-.:., Jiy lu-tiiul and minv r- '- -1 - .' !;!' io.m. - r the ttthl ttnt'dii trtcr .'.. H...1 t!ic vl.r'l,-'- :' tionoflhe I. A M. K. I:, t... I.-- i f ' v kj th nn:' intflliircrit :ir 1 pi-:..-i t"-il rcn l;i,.ANK PI'.L-EMl-iiMN ( l-.i-'i 11- V'i i".-' AM! CI LCI'LAUS in., fuil p.Lr''.-u';ar-. i:r-" luioi -lie-J ratir to Ml. itpliraii Apply to or nddre.-s UEO. s. li Alii? Is. T, :. l :..!-. Ph'.ti mouth "' .';t a. t... Henry V" t FURNI T U R IS Lounges, Tabic?, Sales, BEDSTKADS, Of all deseriptiors and at ail pri.. .. Metalic hvm uPr' or ..;i WOODEN COFFINS Ready made, and oM cht p f'.r"ti.'H. With many thank j fo- ; itr' Tti s-'-. ;- :t -, ail to call and iiair.in i my laritc n-j-i r.f F'J..;i ture itnd Collins. ijr..t,l. SENT j i L 3. 1 Li fi 51. K rv.w. s v SEED CATALOGUE And Puide to the FLOWER AND VEGETABLE I n..l I !- 7.. . , - i u:'isit.i in o nil i r.v.-'rv t,..--r t ; f. v: i -3 wibhing this ne,, :, t v-j'uj':'.- xr.-tk. . - charge. should a'!.;'-. in, : .:. ';. i. 'W; :i -. Sox. ,y Ci t'!:w;r,:i'.T ,V lai ty's ii'. , K, I ter, N.Y. .lo. i-.v.T. i Great Bargains. AL 4 Jfoue and L-l All the abore 1 r -obi City limits. : r a nlsonH oO ' r re-.: 'ri bolonrin? to.I.'V. it:)i Euquire of Wul l l- aIliw old f I.. -:) I.. per.'ou.:i p. :je: J. HAly 1,-