j. I - i t :if It ! i; sua id. T ! V i2AV 7'. T' T-0-I:u:-' tV , '--r -:iyk ill lr .,.' k'.vi Lave tL.-Ir wheat ?r. 'v:r v of then; tire d'":ie fOTvIns' 'ai-, !.-..- nrM-rtira of tliit fiei'l'W- ; - ; The work i- aheal i.f the ' -.--v'. . ' ''.j .c:i."-n WTj-i Lite. The j r. -'i: j-i,;T i it the Le?t hort--: cuUu.L: t th:it vk-!nity sny that .the J n-! !"-! fro.-i diJit lnrm the fitntoFj thr.t ?.:: Ion nt all. V'c Iearri also froui Northern Iowa that tin farmers in that f crtlon are r utting in a very large c rop of f uln at thLs rprhig. ' i OCK RAILUOIU Eisixrss. j The sinovtnt of shipping done at I'latts- i KOUtli is fur rreat or than many of our j citizen; are await; of. l?e-Hes th j amount. J-nc hy boat which is nearly ! or i-j-iife as great as ever before we have an art-rape of about seventy-five cars a day. During the niutithS of March the transfer bu.-ine-'.s done by the PrcbMent shovel an average of ovr fifty tins a lay, anl ttc know since that time the boat ha transferred as many a eighty j tars a day, and has probably averaged J at le;iH fevmty-five a d-i This would j uake i.-ir Lund. o l and fifty ears a week, I equivalent to vAvutJiccthoutHtl 1 CVA . nfjVvbhl nch Ktd: This, be it re mf.iib'Tod, is in exeess of the business uon-J by -river. Is there any oilier town in Nebri.4.a that can .show a better recur J of freights than this? THE COIXTUV 1'KF.SS. The Chicago RrpuhUcan discourses on the tubject of the country press as fol lows : "What tells ud so nearly the standard of a town o.- city as ihc appearance of it? paper? and its youth or age can be a.s weil derin.-d by the observing a.s by a IH.'1-soi.al notice. The enterprise of citi zens is ckpkled'by its advertisement.-:, their liberality by the looks of the paper. Take your home paper; it stands up for your rights ; you always have a champion in your home paper ; and those who stand up for you should be well sustained. Your interests are kindred and equal, and you must vise and fall together. Therefore it U your interest to support ycur home paper, not grudgingly, but in a liberal spirit; not as a disagreeable duty, but as ait inve.stru-.nt that amply repays the expenditure." I. S. ZiMr;t" Court; The Omaha R-pullicon of yesterday c"!ta?n.3 the following synopsis of the !.-;. -:,s o-" fh United States District C' -Mit l'oi ,!aj" previous: rt nu t v-te1da3 morning at nine -o"'-. :, pur.-au o ij virnruent. I resent It on. Elmer S. Dundy, -Jude. James MNelies vs. Steamboat lady (race. Suit dinnisscd oa motiom cf lilM-lIant at his cost. deorsre 15. ltidgeway vs. Steamboat Elkhorn. Suit di-mia.-ed at cost of li bellant, on motion of proctor f or libellaut. The order heretofore made ap pointing W. V. Irwin, of Plattsuiouth, a United states Commissioner, has been rescinded by the Court. United S;at-s vs. Abel IJailey. De fendant arraigned, and pleads not guilty. Trial by jury. Defendant being without conn- !. G.W. Ambrose, Esq. and Wm. C. Fabcri.s, E.-'t., were directed by the "0uit to make defense. Verdict ren dered. Guilty on both counts of the in dictment.' - United States vs. Tom. Robeson. Trial by jury commenced. Continued till to-day. Horrilile Mnrtlprofn 'w Brn Bubo. its I'nuntnral I'nreiits Itnry lt in n lost-I(ole, ilrnil Downwards. Frcui the C. B. XonparicL We learn from a gentleman who ar rived in the city last evening, that a nor libie murder had been brought to light at Matiti, in Fremont county. The crime was commit tted by a man named II. l'iainer and his wife, who for some vears have been living in that town. The circumstances, as near as we could gather thorn are as follows : It appears to be a well established fact among the d -liizens. of that village, that Mis. J'lat ucr iiad been for some time eneiente, at leat to a!! appearances Time - passed and rn little one graced their humble home. A honible suspicion seized upon them then that all was 111 1 as it should be, and an investigation was determined upon by the neighbors. The fact that a similar freak of nature had b.en observed Home eighteen months previous, made suspicion doubly s-ure, and en nvixsr they waited on the couple, ami demanded of them what had been done with the child that was supposed to ha ve been born. At tir-t thej- utterly den ed that any such thing had oecurred, but a rope K-ine p'aeed aro-md the neck of the man, with one cud over a tree that was handy by, brouiht them to a sense of their diWy, an ! they confessed that a child had leen Lorn, and showed thetn where they had put it. It. little body was found in a p si hole near the hou.-e, into which it had been ,-i-tced with its head downward, & il i!ie::- covered up wiih loo-e dirt. An "e.'i.K.t'oa of the ho ly showed plainly .hat it it-.i I '-e n stranjiod shortly after ir-i. . 'h Sevcnd Iifl' rcnt storic3 were t -M ! t!ii.ii i'lrt-tard to' the death of tr e tmlu, rut as none were satisfactory tiie" wtie both p'aeed utidcr arrest, and vesteruay a preliminary examination was being made in which all the facts in the ae will probably be adduced. That there has been a foul unnatural murder committed, there can be no doubt, and we tiut that a proper puuk-hment may be meted out to the guilty parties. Kmploj-rd. The committee appoiuted by the dele gate and ma -s convention of the people, to procure counsel to re.-jst the payment of bonds, is-u -d in the aid of the B. & M. B. ii., met to-day and selected the fo'I-v.vhi-f named gentlemen a? attorneys, lion. James A. Sweet, George II. Koberis, E-q., of Nebraska City, and Hon. J. J. Yorhec., f St. Joe, The committee consUts of Dr. Ilinner, Asa Strain and John McCarthy. This means business, and from the reputation of the gentleman engaged, we imy look for lively times. UiKie the bnll will open and tvheiiier the State or United States Cotirt we arc not advised. Ae6m.t Ptte ink has been recommended lately as le o'her kind s? liable to erasure uian any Ir nntv fjiid that a 1 . 1 .:i, u-ator will alone re- Sov eTiry rtiffe of it from paper. f 1,1 ?-'r.-tTrT-o-? ii.V?!rr f f th"Sol 1 C-of Nt-.ja-k:f. !.' 1 i at tin :::. klari l A: W r..tcr on tff rv ii;tt:' o: the -J-J I c.t'd:.:iui:y, liT'). a lor Ui;f prc.M-nt. Or i;!-..i-ni 1 !' Cnli,n 1 Coin 20 Arm n.!:,r. r.,i J. Majors was 1 .f-trll t- !:.; iKint John- I. S . 1 t .atou se.-i'i v .... h.; cin-.ir, u.-t i o a I'-w 3 i t.iNin ! ni.nrtM iut; and coount iriijat 1- 1 ocnti!i2 t'.e f t!.e C'!"oi '. iii!'Mi tn." .'ui;raMi . - . .i x 1 i FO.u:-rs lor 1 pcrp::tiiii ors;;iu:Z"ti'."i i"r n re-union of tin-o wlio Iiave Ijecn comrads in an 11, on mch-; future apiiro pria'u tiuu: aud-pLuv On i-iotion'of J. W. Tadd'n-U it was re-olved that as 2v"ebra.-ki o!diers we wiil pfl'cct a pcinj nei.t organization by selecting a jTesideiit," vice pr-ideut, a ferret ary, and orator, and a tiuw and jilfl'-e ofnxt lnecting for a, re union, said next othcers to hold their places till said rc-uaion. On motion of Lieutenant John Gilles pie a committee of three was rai-e'd t nominate pern anent . oflioor.s. Ibe Chair appointed L'out jiinnt John Gilles pie, Major J. W. 1'i.d lock and David J Jot'huUi. as null lommitte. .... . .i.i 1 ho con.mittee reported u;e f lowm: which was adopted. I're.-idcnt, Doctor Enos Lowe. "c? Pie.-ideiit, Colonel Tlioma, Major-. Secretnrj-, . Lieutenant Jc-ln: S. S: a:on Orator, (Jen. 11. II. Livingston. On motion of Lieut. Jci.ii ti"---p!o, it was re.-olvcd that the time an l place of meeting for a r? union be on the 4th of Ju'y, A. D. J.sTO. at Lincoln. On motion the following .irentlemen were appointed a committee of arrange ments for the re-iiiiii.ii. Lincoln Lieut. Jo! n Gillespie. Omaha Maj. J W. J'ollock. Gen. S. A. Stri-k!an'd,-Dr. V,r. McCle!;Lnd. Dakota Col. lLrrlan Daird. Decatur Capt. C. F. l'orter. l'lattsmouth Capt. Joe. Jdmson. ' Krownville- Lt. W. A. Pollock. Fort Calhoun Capt. K. II. Cia:k. John-oii Co. Vuyt. J. . F.'.r Y rot her. Nebraska City Dr. N. li. L irsh KihardM.n Co.-C.i;t. II K. Cmi ninghum. On motion it wa? re o!ved that the chairman of the committee of ariangc ment.s lc authorized t appoint a corres-j-.'Hi ling secretary re.-idiug at Lineo'11. - On motion of'Dr. Win. D. McClel land, the meeting adjourned to meet ai Lincolon on the 4th day of July A. D. TIIOS. J. MAJOHS, Ci.'n J(;ix S. Skatov, st-n'y. In accordance with the foreiroiug call of the soldiers of Nebraska who .-erved in the recinients an 1 l.;tttalio!i- i'om thi State. I have (as Chairman of Commit tee of At raiigo'iiontsj. appointei Ja-ues O. West, of Lincoln. Ctrre.-j -ond ng Secretary, and now call upon ail soldi', i s who served in any of the regiments, bat talions or dctaehmeut.s of Xehra.-ka troops to immediately address tlic secre tary, civing name in full, the company, regiment and battalion in which he served, his post 'lice address, and whether he can be present at the re union on the 4th of July next. The committee of arrangements will endeavor to provide 7 055c over the railroads to and from place of meeting. AH Union Soldiers i ow residing in Nebraska or temporarily sojourning in the State no matter from what Stat or Territory they entered the service in defense of the old il.iz are tiio-t cordially invited to 1 prc.-ent witn us at J;:i uroachin 4th of July. . . 1 .oln 0:1 tl ie ap John Gii.i.ksi'ik, Ch'n Com. of Arrangem juts. All State papers please copy. 'tii! In 'lr.sli.ii. Those wh 1 have stu tied tha gemra appearntK-e of the country in this part of the State an I compared the position of Nebra.-ha with the coal producing, .ections of the country, are confident that coal can bi found in large quantities throughout the State, an 1 especially in the region of the south l'latte and in a westerly direction towards the Blue rivers. The general formation and tip pcaranees of the earth in this locality corresponds with that of the rich coal sections; while the location, renders it more than probable. that th; wim of coal wI.L-h have been found in the same latitude at the different j oints to the east and wis: which have been examined for this purpose, also exist here. This has heretofore been the case almost without exception, as those who will obseive the location of the different CoaK'elds of the country will readily perceive. The coal producing sections of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Iowa to the eat of us, and of Wyomimr and Colorado to the we.-t, are nearly all in a belt of country in the same latitu le, and the 111. t extensive coal fbdds in the United States are found witbin that belt This is governed by certain natural laws, and there is 110 plau.-ible rea.-on why they should not hold good in this in stance. Several parties, experienced and intcl ligt nt cou'-mii.ers, a:e now pro.-ccting in this part of the State fir indications of coal, and report the pro-pe ts as of the most favorable character. We be lieve the indication- leave 110 room for doubt that coal exist here in large quan tities, and we hopo poon to sec the de vv !opnu:.t of this groat rc.-ource tui iud to account. It will do moie than anvthimr ! ef.-e to 1. ice Nebraska on the high road to prosperity, and give her the leading po-iiion among the States of the West. Staff .-mtan. lixfii rsioii. Two coach loads of excur-ioui-ta, from the swashing beach of old Pacific, from the land of gold nuggets, dust and quarts; from the land of golden sunshine, Chiiu; men and rats; fraai the home of Mrs. Preble, the Jthj-r heroine ; from S.-n Franeioo. went through our city, on the B. & M. II. Ji., last evening, ,011 a trip east, clothed in their proper min?fs, proper garments, panniers, gold specta cles, gold-headed canes box-toed boots, illusion bonnets, and all the paraphrena lia of modern times; looking happy, talking merrily, and peering out serenely upon the crowd of gazers who surrounded the coaches, with as much cariosity de picted in their countenance as though it were a menagerie on wheels.--Ot-tumtra Courier. Vwilr!. An exchange wants an almanae that tells when "next month" expires. The cause of this "want," the editor say, is because he has a number of accounts, the payment of which were promised next month, and as the promises were made in January last, lie want", the al manac to ascertain when he may expect the fulfillment of said promises. J. W. Tclrsrrsipli. The (treat Western Telegiaih Com pany have completed their line fioni Chicago to Oiuah. We have recent a 1 vices' from Mr. D. II. Wlieeler and Col. H. M. Van Aruian that the line will be extended to this j oint, and perhaps some distance Loj ond it, some time early in the summer. Their subscription books are still con to any one desiring to invest in their stock. We trust that the business men of Southern Nebraska will lend a mb stantial encou ageiuent tothiscnterprhjo. liulo Register. luHnUt lt ii. i'nrr. l'rviu t'..f (luiab; l:i ulli.an. - I 1 1'.' s i'.i a:-l n V ru-ka I. ! ttur. at its I::t .. p-.sci a cf ;-.' .; i....U-;j a ..!ia!i:ulO itiiitf the important K. A. ('arr and '.is ti-ini' the Indians on t il l, l!!'.. ill C 1 o-T w-.-ti 1 it. ff. '.tier, an i ten-U. r;n the i tlianks ;t t1 Ku5.1o,.f thcStak-to the' ; tjtti.rai ;.m i hi- f!iicers ' important services ioJ. ma men oi" d. Sometime alter the ses.-i'.u ci vd, the Secretary cf S;.te prej.ired a c rtifi; I corv of the re-olntioii-'. for trau-mi-i"!! fto (;cn. Carr. and not knowing his ad dress, fo: wardu.l them toc x-tJov. Saun ders (wh-.j is well acquainted with the (icmral), with a request that he frward the re-olutions, in accordance with the wishes of the Legt.daiure. (iov. Saunders complied with this re-que-t, and received from Gen. Carr, a few days since, the following handsome acknowledgment of the compliment: Fokt Mcl'nntsox, Neb. May 7. Hon. Alvin S.vindkks, Omaha, Neb.:. r.'r ,V'V . 1 ennit mo to cxpro.-.s my thanks to yen lr forwarding engrossed copy of resolutions of thanks to myself and command, passed bv the Legislature of the State. ' We appreciate highly this testimonial, and will strive to deserve the confidence and approbation of the people in future. 1 wiil forward your letter to my brother. With renewed thanks for your kind ness and courtesy, I remain yours. Vcrv truly, E. A. Carr, Maj. .1th. Caw, "BM G., U. S. A. A YV.'irnliij; tu II usiiandH. A lady in tbe Hecoltitt'ou (Sister An thony's paper), writes .as follows: The great want of women at present, j is policy money for their personal "A anis and money to. carry out their plans. I j propose that tbey sh illoarn it, that thej' j shad con.dder it is honorable to work for j boaid, and demand fbr them equal pay J fir equal work. I demand that bearing ; and 11 a; in- of children, the mo.-t cxact j ing of iiiip'oynicrits. mi-I involving the i most teirihle ri.-ks. shall 1 e tbe best jaid v.ork in t tie world, ana that hn-bainis shall treat their wives with at loa-t as much con-ideratioii, and acknowledge them entitled to as much money as wet nur-es. The meaning of this is, that wives are about to Miikc for greenbacks ; to much for every baby born. No greenbacks, no more sons and daughters. No green backs, no more population : no more boys to carry forward the great enter prises of the age. The scale of prices lor maternal duties are as follows: Girl lahies $ 100 P. v.- do 2)0 Twin do 300 T.vlns (both lev.-).. 400 Triplets 000 Triplets fall boy.-) .- 1,000 Terms: C. O. D. No credit leyoiid first child, the motto being '"Pay up or drv up." Husband- uhode.-ire t trans mit their names to posterity will please notice and take a new departure. E.iti.!t. An editor who has been married about a year, speaking of babies, says: ''The d. -light of days, the torment of nights : elegant in f ull dress, but horrible in dis habiib ; beautiful on the smile, but maddening on the yell ; exquisitely in place ia the nursery, but awfid'y out of place in the parlor or railway car riage ; the. weil-sprincs of delight, and the recipient of unlimited spankings : the glory of 'pa,' the happinesscf 'ma,' who wouldn't have 'em." Work upon the Temporary Peniten tiary has commenced by the contractors, Mes.-rs. Pai kins and ' HalWell. The building will be con-trueted of dressed stone; main walls two Ret in thickness, with foundation walls three feet, and at the angles four feet in thickness. Will be one story. 85x4" feet, 12 feet coiling ; roof tin ; windows grated, i inch round iron ; there arc to be 4 iron floors ; the floor to be I', inch yellow pine. The front part is to be linished vp for the Warden's family and officers, fhe rear 01 x4:2 feet will be divided into cage cells. The building is so arranged that when the penitentiary proper is completed it can be turned info a work-hop and form part of tiiat building, ami so no loss wiil occur to the State. It is to be finished by July It is located four hundred feet f.oni the M. P. 11. B. track, on the northeast corner of the forty acres be longing to the penitentiary grounds. Some one has been thrcatcninir the lo cal of the Lawrence TrU.unr, and he re plies in the following fashion : '"We will state tor t ha benefit of all concerned, that all threats of personal violence shall signally fail in preventing ns from put ting facts into our piper. We are sen orally in our office, when n it 0:1 the street hunting an item. We have at hand an iron poker, a load paper weight, erne hun dred and eighty pounds of ile-h. and a sable attendant who weighs a ton. We are prepared fur each and every one. ecan stand a storm of words to these we will merely giro a smiling replv but if any one means business, we advertise that we are on hand, and 'd d be he that cries enough." A good story was told us recently, wherein a resident of this county, a j s-eiido preacher and ex-editor of a pa per i;i the regions of the setting Snn was tne hero. After covering four patres of fo!s-oap with inspirations from eupid to his dulciena, he added (no misinterpre tation if you please) to the lower right hand corner of the fourth page the fol Iowing a mbguoussentenee, '"'Turn over." Onr informant was unable to state whe.h-r the tceipient tur.icd over or not. Little J.lir. Dr. JafTe, the first Jew cverappointed Professor at the University of Berlin, Jia recently -hot bim -iclf at Wertem't ur.Lr, Twoycarsaso he had become a Christian, and the persecutions which he had to suffer in consequence from his Jewish acquaintances grieved him so deeply that he resolved to commit suicide. A little negro boy of the south had just been equipped with a nw suit of clothes, the first he ever had in his life, you may be sure. Next morning he ap peared with one leg of the trowsers, ripped up from the shoe to the waist band. On being a.-ked how it hap pened, hit answered, "Please, ma'am, I wanted to hear it flop!" J N. Grant of Brookiine. Me., has a last year's lamb whose head is put on exactly un-side down. It ran turn it about half way round. When it feeds it travels backwards. It anpears in pe -fect health, and lias a tine fleece of wool. A Nevada editor returns thanks to his friends for two Christmas presents a BiWle and a bottle of whisky. He says he hits perused the latter with the ut most satisfaction, and feels better. An Illinois grave-digger, who buried a man nanird Button, sent a bill to his widow as follows: "To making one Button-hole, $2. 50." A verdict for $15,000 has lieen ren elered in New York against the Adam? Exp-ess Company, the value of a large number of peaehe3 intended for New York, left at Fortress Mr.r-e hi lr7. I O. A. 1'K-tHV. oTi-L-wa mk a 00... 0. A. DERBY & CO., AT A.X TJFAC i D i( AND Wholes ala- a ml lietai L'EALERS IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, CHAIRS, LOUNGES, TADLES, ie., Oar motto is quirk sales ami fimtll rrots. IVorth' Side 7Ini. Street, (Between Second and Third) Plat 8moti1Efl,' Nebraska. . ! i L JJf.i r1 - . ! Terms octilwtf . sri'PT.ocK. Notary Public. B. S.VXTER WINDHAM. SPURLGCK & WINDHAM. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. One Door West of Brooks House, up Stairs. FLATTSMOUTII, - - - - NEBRASKA Lands Brjklit and ?ol l. Titles KxamincJ and Conveyances Made, Tuxes Paid and Keewpts Forwarded Promptly. CA-Ail Business entrusted to oar care will receive prompt attention. maruMA-wtf. on 3 CO o cz O ,C2 Q in SI w 0 tJ H o & 0' 0 o - o O a I I ! O o -a -o m a CO P 3 B c c pa re cr -t V. CO C2 PLOWS! PLOWS! :o:- c. J. POBG-Y Manufacturer of all kiuJs of Farming; Sin plemciilM. Such ns the celebrated Bod Breaking TIows, MnuM Hoard Breakers. Stirrinir I'iows, Single mid Double shovels. Cultivators and Harrows. Bepairing done on short notice. All work war ranted. . .... Ilnviitjr had much experience in the business, I feel assured that I can (civc ucneral jatisfae tion. Please givn mc a eail bcTor purchasing elsewhere. C. K. 1'OkUY. Platfmouth. Neb.. May fi. J.7. ""machine Thop ! WAYMAN & CURTIS l'lattsmouth, IVcl., Bepairer of Steam Kns'iues, Boilers, Saw and Urist Mills. (jis and Steam Fitlinirs, Wrotisrht Iron Pipe. Force and Tilt Pumps. Steam Gauges 'ee Valve Governors, and all kinds of . " Bra s Engine Fittings, furni-hed on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired on short notice. auc"tf Public Sals cf School Lands. I. Isaac Pollard. Clerk of Cass county, in pur suance of an act of the Legislature of Nebraska, approved June ii-Uli, lNoT, will oiler at public sale, at the door of my oilice, iu l'lattsmouth, on Tuesday the L'lit d;iy of J:nc pext. at 10 o'clock a. in., all the remaining School Lands in this eonuty. No bids received lor less than jeven dollars per acre. Sale will continue from day to day till ail the School Lands are offered. Jiven under my hand and seal this 4th Jay of May.lsVO. Isaac Poi.i.ard. Clerk Ca-s comity, Nebraska. By J. M. Beardslcy. Deputy. M :iywt Prairie Breaking. Pny.ler t Orr nre ready to tuke orders for l'reiikine Prnirie. For terms, apply to John Snyder, on the farm on Finht Milu cr.ek : or, to li. N. Urr, l'lalt-mouth. 'i'hey nre prepared to t.-ike contracts fur any uuuiber ot iwres. l'arties desirinp breaking done, will do well to inuke contract tearly. aprilldiw3in. HERDING. R. Chilson. four miles north-east of AVeepinp Vater, on the head ot Cedarereek. will herd cat tle during the eomiiig season at thirty nit' e. head per month for the season, and furnish salt. All cattle must be distinctly branded or he Hill not be responsible for losses. april7iu3 Sheriff's Sale. T- M. ilarrjuett, ) ' ts Order ofSale- David Fenree ) N'otiee U hereby given that, by virtue ol a decree of the L'istriet Court of the Second Judiciary District, within nnd for Cass county, Nebraska, rendered at the November term. A. I). l?v'.'.. and on the 0th day of November A. D. ISt'.'.l. I will offer for sale at public auction at the frontdoor of the Court House in Plattsmouth on Monday the 13th day of April A. D. IsTU. at lt o'clock a. in., ol" said d.iy, the following real estate, to-wit : The undivided one half iJ il of the west half of lot no. 12l twelve in Mock no. twenty deven (117; in theCiiy of Plattsmfu:h. Cas county Nebraska, heretofore attached a the property of the said defendant. David l'earce. (liven under my hand this 1 Vh d;vy of March, 1ST.!. IJ. W. JOUNsO.V.l Sheriff. ianrlTwft of Cass county. Nebeaska. SEWING MACHINES. F. P. TODD AGENT. PLA TTSMO U I II. -V E BRA SKA A good n'-ortuicnt of Machines oa han.L ls keep Thread. Oil. Needles. .Ve. Machines to rent bv the month. CoOflice North ide Maintftreet, with Hamburger HO?. K. T00TLK. T. k.IIANSA. J. K. CLAIIV S Tcctlc, Hanna a Liar::, --l I 1 t BAUICEISir T r-r-i DKALF.H3 IN - l&oltl ntl Silver CsnsJ, EXCHANGE, PinTt? drawn on a'! r-urU .'f the L'nite:! Stutes j ntni t.urui'C 1 c-p!Mts rcccivt-J, su:a si"eei:ii ni trillion giwn to colloctions. Plattsmoutli, Neb. jc2ttf WARNERS Warner's l'ile remedy has never l'.iilod (not pvcu in !no easci to cure- the very worst cases of Uiind Iti-iiine or l!!oa.Jir.i; riles. . Thr5ewho are afilktod flmuld iiuiacdiatol. call tn thtir drucj pict uu.l itet ':ir t.r's l'ile Keinedy. . It U ex lirfssly for the l'iles. and is not reeenuuiien led to cure any othr difeae. It hs rured many raes cf over thirty years fctundinff. l'riee One Dollar. For salo by druggists everywhere. Wnmpr's lvs,.eisia Toni is iroraret ex- lre-.-ly lor Dyspepiicd mid thwe su'lering with luibitu:il Cos:iveneS!. It is a slieht lilimulatinsr tonic and splendid appoti.er; it KtrciiKtlien the .-t )ioucli tiiid re.torcs the ditrcslive oreaua to their heuhliy state. Weak, nervous and uys peptir per-ons should -u-e Warner's Dyspepsia Tonie. Ir'i.rnale bydrupKifts. rice Une Dollar. Warner's ComkU. Balsam i.4 healing, softcniuR and expectorating. The extraordinary power it possesses in immediately releiviuir, and eventu ally curing, ihu most obstinate ca.-es of Coughs. C'cdds. Soi-e Throat. Bronchitis, Influenza. Ca tarrh, ho'.ir-eness. A'thinii and Consuinption is almost incre.liiile. ."-o prompt is the relict una ccr ain its elfeets in all th.- above cases, or any allcrtion of the throat and lunes. that thousands ot phvsiciaDs are daily pre.-cril.iiiK it. undone and all say that it is tne ir.oi iicuiihk an i ex pectorating medicine known, tine dose always affords relief, and in most eases one bottle ef fects a cure, ."-uld by drupsists, in larpe bottles. Price One Dollar. It is your own lault if you still cough and suffer. Tne Balsam will cure. Wine of lAtfe. The great Blood Purifier and Delicious Drink, Warner's Viuiuu Vita-, or Wine of Life., is free from any poisonous drugs or impurities, being prepared lor those who reqire a stimulant. It is u splendid Hppetiz.er and tonic, and the finest thing in t!ie world for purirying the blood. It is the in oft pleasant and delicious article ever of ferei to the public, far superior to brandy, whisky, wine, bitters, or any other article. It is more healthy, and cheaper. Both male and fe male, y uug or old. can take the Wine of Life. It b. iniiu't. a life preserver. Those who wish to enj'.-y good health and a free How ol lively . ; '.. its. will do well to take the Wine" of Lite, lt is diti'erent from anything ever before in use. It is ts.dJ by dru.i.-l? : also ut ull re-K.s table sa-1-x.ns. Pii"-" lb;.- 1 '"Ib iji ft ".'j'.t,i';,Mm- Warner's Eminennstogue is the only article known to cure the Whites, (it will cure in eveny ense.) Where is the family in which this im portant medicine- is not wanted ? Mothers, this i- the greatest Lle-fing ever offered you and you should immediately procure it. It is also a sure cure for Ft male Irregularities, and lnny be de pended upon in every case where tiie lnofcthly flow has been obstructed through cold or disease. Sold by druggists. Price One Dollar. Or sent I y mail on receipt or' One Dollar and a Quarter. OSice OI'J State Street. Chicago, His. J. M. UlNciiMAN, Agent. pr22wlvA2atndly l'lattsiuouth. Neb. J. W. SHANNON'S FKLID. SALE AND LIVEKY 4TAI5I-E MAIS STREET, PL ATTSMOCTH, KF.B. I am prepared to accommodate the public with -. - m .j;-c, Currinso, Iugeie an-1 A A'o. 1 Ilttine, on short notice and reasonable teiHis. A' Hack will run l- steamboat latiding.andto allpar f ihecitywneu '."irtd. J,:d 1'TOdAw. BUTTKKV. C. LAZES UV. OUST JSTJER JLZ BtTTtdiv i.A.KNirv, prop. LIVERY SALE & EXCH lGE . ?"The 'i 'P of IIor--cs an ! Bullies en lia!id."o3 Corner Vine and Fourth streets. jiiu21diwtf. Fbiltsuiouth Nel'iaska. PLAT T S iirl G U T H r -A- a ITALIAN Afil AFdERiCAN MONUMENTS, 1 r 'M IIS TO ks.; I HE A P . 1 0.VA'S'. J A RLE-TOPS, ct r. ' Furnished promptly and neatly at the very lowest prices possible. We Warrant Satisfaction. MF.HGES k BItO.. Main street near 6th St.. Pl.ittsmouth Neb. XVecpisa Water JlilLs Farmers, ko where you can get the Lest Flour, and the most of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD VI POUMJS -f RA given in exehnpe for eood f We are also ib.inp pris . and. with onr inere:u-ed facilities, feel assured that we can give the best and most Flour of any in the State. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. HIGHEST UACKF.T PAID. Reed & Clinton EMPIRE B 2iKERY! Third Street, South of Maui, Flnitsmonth, I'eb. CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and weet Crackers. REFRESXIJIEXTS beit on hand st all timei. nlltf . : GUTIIMA2T & nUBERTY. zsrrv f??A r;JT3 r? sztzzi Sill . Friday and Saturday, June 3rd and 4th, 1870. Terms Half Cash and Balance " at 10 per Cent. T- the County Soaf of Sarin Tors County, is situated at tlio confluence of tiie Wahoo and tilt-crocks, and at the point of iutcrscctiou of the .Uurlingtoa and Mis.-ouri JJivcr Kailrond . in 2sTi-Ijraska, -the Orualia and Sontliwr-torn liailroud, ami the Fremont, Ashland and Nebraska City Kailroad. Tt is situate 1 in the midst oi the Finest Agricultural Region in the World, Draining the rich valhys of the Flatfe, Salt ( Vek and Wahoo; which are being rapidly settled by industrious and intelligent iarmcis. Ashland has "JTIIE MATSST WAJSI lOWEK Known in the State, both ttmn Salt and Wahoo crocks. It is at the famous Salt ('reek Ford, known to ali early settlers and to all plainsmen on the South Platte rouie. Fine mills are already in operation. THE Rja.I2aROAS5 FAGlZiITZSS ' Of Ashland are not equalled by any other inland point in the State, as a fclaneo at the maj. will how. 1'ho I'mlington it 3Jis.souri Iliver lli ilroad in N bra-ka is now finished and cars runriiinr to Ashland, and will be completed to Lincoln before the time of the sale. This i.s the great through route between the Atlantic and the Pacific, and will be completed to a connection with the main trunk of ti e Union Pacific r.ad in a very short tiine. This is the only line of railroad bet ween the ea-t and we.-t that has a through line extending wot of the Missouii river, hence it cannot fail to control a hinre f-hare of the through trade between the Atlantic and Pacific. A point with the natural advantages which surround Ashland, situated upon this line of road, cannot fail to become important. The town has not less thau one thousand inhabitants at the present time, and has se veral very fine brick and stone buildings. i The Court.IIousc ssml County Offices Are now in process of erection. Parties wishing to invest in real estate with a view to a speedy advance, will find this a rare opportunity. For further particulars address 'IMIIXflX22R CLARK, FUKST .'5.f ... :"" ..- y ' " ... , - . . -------V; --; .s RUNNER WALKING CULTIVATOR. This Machine wiih it improvements and perfections f-r the sea.son of JSTlVhnllcnpc. il.ew..ri.l , i 'I 1... i,,u- I'ri.-ent which it is sold brines it within the iiickiis of every tanner, beinti much chi-ipcr than other niachinea .ioinj.- thesanie work. It. is much lighter, more simple and du r ible and of eai"r draft than any machine known, and apreat improvement over the old way of c'tilrivVii'jr i it h -hovel plows or one hotse cultivators, lt ciiltivatas and bnishesa row at filename time, a: ,..rn I! id .vith the pat-nt reversiole snoveis. tne !v u.-i:i-' this machine there will be uoneed i.eifcollv as can lie done L'.v nami. . . As will be seen this Cultivator hn runners instead of wheels. This enables us to make the machine iinhur and with much less rising than tMachine hayiijK wheels, and huvihK no parts to fear r.irf ' Uv u-ing runners the machine can be coupled much sltwrtMr liiid LiiO drll brouitlit cli.se ui to the" end" ol the plow beams, thereby causing it to draw lighter and is also ot priat advantage in timiinsrut the end of the field. . . ' With the Pitcnt draft Hnanreuieut the we.ght is ell taken off tho boltoui of the runntTS, so it will re .dilv bJ seen that it will draw even lijrhte. than i.iachmes with wheels. It will iHorun i.iucli V.id.. ;-. and on r.unh ur nor V Jroxen promtd lt lias Rreat advantage. We a-k -ill ho -ire ititen-stcd to examine this Machine before purchasing, lccliuir c.i.li lent th it upon ex imi'iaiioii it will be found to toHtain manv advantages ovi r all other Wulkim; 'nlti-vi'tor- i'ier "..in- through him seasons succes.-lully. we have no hesitation ill warrantiiiB it to "ivepcriVct -atl-la'tion in every respect, or money relunded alter trial. " I'ri.eSaVM cash; :tM time mT-B-RT 'TT DEALER IX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools; ALSO MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Roofin.!?, Guttering, .Spouting an-1 U.vurinir ilonc. f7?n Silling First-CfiFS Goads and Guaranty Not to bf Undersold, as 1 am Buying of First Hands A lot of A No. 1 PW.s an l Cultivator?, dosing out at Cost. r. n 1 i the pla JIain St, 9e.vi to Citfj Hotel, Iat1smGUSIi n srri.vASsE. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and more too, are going to D. SCHNASSE & CO, To buy their srE:rix3LS fvxicl Bummer GrOods AT THE ISTEAV YORK STORE- The largest anl most complete . ... ... STOCK OF DRES s GOODS re now on exhibition at the New York Store, at rr atly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles ot DIIESS-GOODS. PRINTS, UELA1NS, CilNGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, PLEACHED COTTONS. BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA S, BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customer. large stock of uKUthltlbo, HARDWARE. QbEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GUSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We har a Urz stock t.f !.- c1f rratH GAR DE4 CITY GLIFPER PLOW. STUBBLE J 3REAKINJ3 PLOWS, Uinsl- -t CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C Plattamottth February, 10th, IblO. tf. 1). SCHNASSE CO. T" . r HP in Six Months; with Interest ...... rv. :l f H2s-- i'. - . -' .. --. ) rf- i - - i 'A'.r v; eiirui tiiu m imrni t-.i . -1 .ir.i nr for a hoe, and when desired it will hill m til up as . V. I.KIIXIIOKK. ' To Aia Tf Hy WHITE- i SPIRES, llavin r.'iu Jvnd to ti ir Iw (Ht Uh Main an.i oth i.treets, wi 1 DELIVE CO 6' FPKK Th.it aro pur -!ied nt tii-lr'.,i.-er-. A'd: , (Io.hU a ohonp as ever, an 1 w -.11 not La un,f sol i by .lnyone. tlur Stovk eonsi-ti of tho -! br-.r.dtif TEAS, COFFEE, SUGARS Canned and Dried Fruits. OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPiCES, FLCUR TO HA CCO. WASH- Tl'Ds. Buckets, Soap. Salt, BACON HAMS, LARD,' and everything kert in a Tr-H-cry t.,r V...n. article warranted t t the be.-t -j j il. . Tlir l.iyL est price paid in cash fi r Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, BACON, HAMS, IflRO, and all kinds of Fariueia I'r.Mlucc. Caslipaid for Hides. WATCH ?LM:K XsUr&Sj- and j k w i: i . 1: k . AND DEALER IN W A T C II s , C L.OC K ? , SILVER AND PLATED WAUL, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY' GOODS.. TtKMRMnrR e Ol 1 pt:md. MaliStr'et, t. doors wet of C':ty ll(.:l. noVf.10 w tl. NEW V1 .'I i! ii C5EO. FICKI.EK. Vrop. SOUTH OF TOWX, OX Tilt. rock uLurrs roai. I nm prnpar'p 1 to kill teef entt'.. ln.f. slicp t., ior cuslomcra, on h '.t uotr.-e an 1 ut r i::ib!c r:.tcv. GIVE ME A CALL. gv.o. im;i.i k. -...IV." -.Tl ..- DENTIS T, Will he nt Johnson V Iru? Sf.rr 'lnr , t f l.ad week in ench inonih. All order- I' ll ' "' I'..-; illice will lie p, oniplly iilteiclt .1 l. ')W-l. ON Til E SOUTH WEE?1G WATER. XXXX At$2.50pcrsack XX FlJllt a,o prr SACK Bran & Shorts T'Vt per I'HilJ -. Bran & Short.? Extra Goo.1 1 .im I per 1'" 'I' 3 Corn Meal l.'Jocts per htm-ln-1 '': '' rXOUR EXC 1 1 ANi ED FOR W 1 1 KA 'I as n-ital. Wheat and Corn ground -n Toil tclal paitu ciH he fovc i to int't'fy nil "! "-'' ' 10,000 Bushels of Wheat ar. 20.000 Bushels Corn WANTED .Vni. E. SHELDON Avenf. -fel)19Jiwtf. 3MB W STORE! Weeping Water, Neb. DKALF.U8 IS General Merchandise, SC'.'tl AS DIU' GOODS IJAHIiWARK. QL'tl-..- AUK, HATS. CAPS PiOT.-. SIIOKS. NOTIONS. Ic. PINE AND COTTONWOOD IA'MilF.ll. SHINGLES AND LATH. We are AgenU f .r Willcox &. Cibr3 Sewing Machine, which is undoubtedly th lest Machine n. 13 no9 Weep'iia Vater Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswure. Hoots, and Shoes. Hats, an 1 I'M;' Aprieult'irnl Inirlimcnt-' of nil kinds, Hwr1 VI X L" Cultivators. L'ni.-n Crn 1 (iraudutour und l'rincetou I'lows, Ac Ac , r ntui. nil of which w e ..flcr to the I'Ubii '--- Dwift retail prieeti. All Goods Warranted As Represented, iOur constant him will he to pel 1 so l it will he tc tbovM:ic adviintugeol evrj t mer in the w Hern und ceo'ral i.orti.i: ' ' c-uiity uinke this tlieir he id-iurirtc" . 'r joir H l.LU, '- WWidr Water. Afrdlst. 1T. . , , dr-Ve ire ill-"' sefifs lor Mower. j; - and TKraihin Maciiins. r. mm I X i 4