ilhr iklj:r.slia itcrriU. i Srt,n Xv,'"l 1'. i- Tl.os. M.I.augl.ry hc e-l:i4 f ihe e Democratic lfj cr at N 1 iaAi City. Hou. D. McCain in tills evening on the Ii- k M. r tu' r;i l W. We learn that the storm in the coun try vn4 equally a di'a.trons as in town. Fence and out htdises suffered severe 'y. j V. V. Leonard, artis, prc-outed u- . w'uh a small cake of genuine maple ; mr, jiut from the "sugar cai.ip" down east, j The r Sorts of the Hkrai.d have fi- 1 . I . c .1 t. T., (.,..,,.,l tf.t the Railroad ofti.-e to the car platform, j The sit.cere thanks of tho family and i relatives of James II Tutt are tcnilercd i to thuise whos.c many a'-t.i of l.:ii.lne.-s and hearty fyiupat lies were withiln-ui in thi tb -ir groat wrrow and affliction. A chap in St. Jo.-eiih pot into a houfc taror.h the window one liitht when thu lady' kuhband was. from home. He took j a ride in the hoarse the nc-it d-y. Slie was a f-i'Iendid thot. i The City Council of Kan-a.- City j opptopriatcu ii aiu iv. ue.ujis . the expenees ot the IvLtors Coaventioa which meets in that city on the lSth iu-t. Tlie new time eariisuiakel .liieajro on y , thi. ty hour, distance from New oik, , j iiurmigton only U.irty cnt nour, aua FititUiuouth only fifty two hours. Mr. Greeley says that the solution of the fpiesiioii whether woman is e.jual to nirtn depends uitou who the woman is and who the man i.-i. Mo.-es Dodge has leased hi lot nd joiniugFox io. on the west, to parties who will pioeeed at on.-e to erect a f eod lnisincss house thereon ; and when it is completed thy will fill it withjfoods. Died, in thi city, at lh.'.O o'clock 1. M., Sunday, .May 8th 170, 1'f.TKR A. Uuffnkr, a.ed 57 year. We were shown, to- lay, a fine a job of painting ab we have .eun for many it day. It was painted ly our townsuian, John Leach, Jl"., nnd consisted of an advertising sign for Iiutfry it I-izenhy' CL!:er Stables, with a beautiful centre piece iu the shape of a pair of hortes and buggy. The work is a credit to Mr. Leach as au artist. It is to decorate the o.Tiee room? of the TJrooks IIoue. Mr. I each is alo one iif the finest giaiiier iu the west, as specimens of his work will evidence. The first train through to Ashland, which left at HI a. in. to-day, consisted of tif;ecn cars of freight, one passenger and one luggage ear. That looks a though business was to b done from l'lattsinouth west. Chas. II. Woleott, Esq., informs hi that his fruit trees, grape yiues, etc., have emerged from the storm without apparent danger. We hear some cui plaint of injury done, but uot so general as we had supposed. Mr. pur!ock in- us that his fVuit crop was almost j entirely destroyed. Wolf &. Carpenter, who had the con tract fir grading the D. & M. II. It. frotu Chariton to this City, have now taken a contract for building a roadf.oin Hannibal to Weutzville, on the North Mo. road. They are to build and e.piip the eatire Una, leaking it re-idy for the rolling stock. The contract involves tbout $1,,X.H),IMJ). Th-3 77v!., th democratic paper in .Ncbra.-ka City, finds fault because Mor ton got up a tLkct cotnpo'cl of part IKTmocrata and part KeptiLlicaus, snd claims thut this move def-ated a part of the regular Democrat iu nominees and elected a portion of the li pu'eiean nominees. Of course, if no Republican ticket was.ont, and no one voted for Re publicans, th J doni'ierjcy would be tri umphant. We expet the addition of Morton and his follower-to the Republi can strength in Uloe will hereafter insure us thecoUHty nr. 1 city. Wc admit we do pot altogether fancy S:crlii:g's kind, but then his feiiniit. a mm li for the Re publican ticket a that of any other man, and we doubt not the Rcvib'icans if Otoe will hllow l.iiu to take aback scat and vote thf ticket. 5Ir. G!cacn, Gen. Act. of the Mer . cliar.ts Iusuranec Co., of St. Jo.-ephis in he city on buiiie;-.. J. IL Frown, Eur;., is erecting a neat dwelling house one door east of Fred.' residence, on Granite Street. Mr. Merrimr.n, formerly agent cf the D. M. "at this place, and at present agent of the U. I. R. R. at Cheycime is in ihe city. lie has been quite ill re ce'itly, and is out on a trip for his health. Waterman A Son have removed their 'umber office to a line with the street, and net it up to thj gra le. We are in receipt of a new paper from Burlington, called the 7.c.c. It is a monthly, ncat'y printsd, cn a large sheet. A Height car c,n the Einlir.gtcii and Missouri River Railroad on ht.-t Fiiday inori.itu:, at Facilic Junction, uiien by the wind, ran into an express train, doing some damage to the locomotive, but no !.SS tO lifrf 01 illL.!'. The Omaha Kvtddiain adiscs the : Ilr publicans of that city to see to it: that they a.e not again sold out In their city cl-vtu.n by men claiming to be Re pubiicuiis. The w:stwa: I bound train this morn ing had twea'y-one loaJ. i fiedght ears, and yard master Reed isifoin.s us that he l:3. two more trains wailing t i go west, already loi le I. "Hu-ine-s in a ruinate" is the vord. 'I he train foEi tl. J we-r was about one n :u- late thi morning In cou-rrju. n.-e ,T?0U-U la-t i.igtt. TlcTro:t rra bound ttaln last to-ht hud a troubie- eiie er v bich was .Ict.M n iocl en j-i.up . ...i.i hi.' MV ..-.''Tt- i. WZ "tfVH ti, - t HwfCgncaU xt y ,"t-,n in tii track . .. ,, " . . J '1 hi 0;i..'sh: . -f.,itj'rm '; ire ' .ur arto'o healed "Nd ru-ka,' t u'o- j el ?;tt w.-k. I K.I!. I. K. La-, j f r. '-'.rir f,r the vi...! i: l'i :r ki. at 'il-ulct f .'- vn. hi !.: vil ' it.--.v.-. .r.,.r r ! .... . ' ., - . U '. i . " o ' ! at. J a il! le here several days, j S'.reet Commissioner Murphy bri a , laice numl r-r of teams at wuk grading i IwW places and tcarmr hlch at. I hi Iil! otics. He lrli.f. in a'l thif.y, -ui:.iiiu' i o t .-c:i.'ii,m lvc' . I Ca t Llwarl I'oiiovati, of tic IIccu l;ir ?ir:nv. kTii) h:i l'pri nn !t vUIl lit hw ' fWyi.1 tl.U city for iwntc tiuia r.u,t.t : lerivfs to-ilay Curli le, IV, mrirr or.lcia to r-pi it at j to take cliartt of a lirge ; of r.viuita il.o of '"" fl ''.-'i' '' J. St i-; i utt'iig a ii".v front to his cnt.fei tionery. The train wet this nioruinar look r.Kout hi.ity p:tii,en;er!'. Not a 1 id loJ, ci.ii: lei: tig there are'twa triti!: a day. A tiuinl er of the "?rcthicn" from l thi- city wvtit to A'hlan l lo-.Jy to ;i tute a lodof d I Fellow.. J. Q. F.rowiike, V. it , of the Suit rn! a. : ,i ie city last uijht, oa j.u,jm,. We are in receipt of a copy of that excellent real estate puMiestioti, the (hrttir. Tt is a amuthiv r.uhiit a- ,:OH itj nime ; j;,.atl.s ;t4 Wine-.-, jf tf,5 j, ,., ;., ,Le har.J-of every "n , , , , AJ.iren J. M. Wing & Co. Chicago, IU. Lost A large r-d and white . potted j cow, with a leather strap aro-.n 1 her ; boms. .Information relatiro to h-r whereabouts, left at this ofHea, will be j paid for liberally. df John Jenmnrs hns rmr.oved his to:uo- rial establishment to the firt door east of Stu'leluian e c.o'litng hoiie, where Le has just put up three new chairs. From the las? number of tiie Nemaha Valley Journal we learn that Hon. II. I'l Ciiiiii'.iigham has become connected with that paper, and will hereafter assist in i' editorial n:atingou;eiit. We Ioik'iiion Mr Cunningham as one of our rising men of the State, and must congratulate the readers of the Jnuraril upon their i;ood fortune in securing his services as edi tor of that paper. We publish, to-day, an article on the apportionment to the State Convention, from the Chronicle It takes the ground that the apportionment should be u:ade on the present population, instead ef on the Republican vot for Fiesidct.t. The Grafton was got back on the track about 4 o'clock this morning. She sutained no injury except the staving up of her pilot. She wa.4 put to woik again to-day. We are informed by the ferryn en that the cause of passengers being Iti't nt East Fiattsinouih for two nights was that the trains were behind time and no ope rator could Le f .mud at the station, con scpjeiitly no information could le ob tained as to whether or not the train would arrive at all. Oar desire is not to Cud fault with any one, but sLu'iiy to correct the evil for the fu'erc. I.ocauitl e I put. The locomotive Grafton upset just above the brewery just as we go to press. N particulars. nix ritAxt jki o to Pi. imnni Tii. Wc notice, standing ou the U. & M. side track at this city, a car loa 1? 1 at San Francisco, and belotifiog to the San i and L'latt.-mou.h f'at freight line. TIIROl';l IX ao IJOtT.V We had the pleasure rr.estir. Mr. Haizard to-day, who has just anived from the east. He inform us he cstre from Cincinnati toFlatt-niou'h in tl.irty sii hours, even. cn axs i.!hi:b. Ibf li .o( of til VS rnt. Flattimouth isbecoiiiingkn own abroad a the great grain and lumber city of the we.-t, srcl she justly i.iciifs thv title. I Tliere is more of thee a-tich-s I an dli-d iu this city t'.iun in any other city west of the Mississippi river. Th? . grain from the great grain growing region of .South l'latte, and the lumber to supply the same region, is all, or nearly ad, bought and yold at this place. tl.1IX. From all parts of the country we hear of jKropIe coming to the Brocks IKms Opeoii g. Count II R'.urt's, Ouiaha, Nehru-La City, Rurilnctot:, Ottnmwa, Chi cago, each will f.'.-ni.-h a goodly number. A large attendance and a fine time will be the orJcr. tiKermH 7t0 Tenia Drom. While Contractor Fitzgeirdd'n (in? team, for which he paid J.7'M, wcrel'eirg driven on Second ivtreet, between .Main and the transfer landing, ta: aftcrfctvr.i. they became frightened at a parsing lo coaictive and ran over the hank into cL? river. They had on a fi-.e harness, and were attached to a lumber Wagon. They struck out into the ehain.ei, bet sct.a te entangled iu the barnets and were drovned. They were seen an hour later lioaliug down stream, pa-1 Main ttreet, horse, harness and wagon. Tl I.Minbcr Trade. We take pride i:i citing our rei.ler? to the advertisement of C. V". Lyajao & Co.; or' the Chicaco Ltin.l cr yard, iu to da.-s paper. Mr. Lyman is associated j witli the Ri.Iow Bros. , c.f Chicago, one of the heaviest lumber firms of tha city, t :. i. . n:. I.!. .. u .... . l "..,. ;ns in -m .aa.-u.uu i. auvar.tag- of tue very iowe.-t pntes. F.yiiian & Co. a.e prepared to do an ex teusire jobbing business, anl are already d.vug ...jsi icra.e in mat une. Lhey j thell. Multitude ot parents say "ao," set:.! several ear hmd. east every -week, ' but after a food deal of tes-iig it be 1 f ,.i tn welkin .l..a!r lor ! .ve. IOre aad kindnos' are es- It.. -!1 . -1 ; st.n., a. r-.t.-ii.i.: i in iii'j- -i.aiT.j..i u:.i;i- :l,iHt,tW,;1 lot,r: f (-: "r t-WIIt,f iien. but firmn..-, dc- .lhcluu:bertrdei.fastbecomii:g!,1.i.n, i.erihiltfy fod tt-mit-d 0 cfbw fetiit f tU C. '---w(b' arc no !ess tB.r.osrf. I A li:.-! 'dice has l.i-.n esta't Ii . ll 1 1 3t Loi.l-vi'Ie tVrt. en tl.n. A M. 1'.. R., ! aid Cap. ' T. A. II.r,i'r r"i-i re.--"v. 1 i ...:ui-io!i n- the .Ma-ter. Thi. 11.1 n; a Kieut jt.-.s.... ? . i ... men to v; 0;ir di.;atrhea cf !at liiht ron'.ain tl:e ri!.wit,jr: 'T1' l'r.i !nt nr?ii:Ka'eJ Wtn. Mr- ,f""Jn " 1 ,::f'J Attor.vy f.r Nl.arka. Tin. ninr. koim; ip. 1 lit ti). iT;iih rijiit:iii't I. n f.irt'f co-n tu-c-d t!,i. aftvni-H.n to put u'r the on tlse llr.e le'wcon thicityanl Avlilan.l. It will fake four or Rto dnys to eoupit tc the work. on nir wn riM. Hervolire t lie linob! r:;d iu;m" has h:id it !)!:! his own way in regard to the '"war path ;'' lut we anricio-ite a change in n'Tairs bow. 1'hii. th' K.vsed through Otual.a la-t Thurdy, poiiif; ro.t, and we mher th?r.k he wi'l I he "on the Tvar j aiii" in a .hort time. i I'l.r.As.t.vTuerittiio'f. i It must !e a pleasant reflitsoa for ! Surveyor General Livingston an i his ; eptploycs to know that their Crt sra- soiu work is Jon too lust item fcr.t in to the -eocrt! land ofneeand iit approial received here and to know that out of the entire v n's work not a Miigle item hss Ireen f und defectira or returned to the office for correction. This is rather au unusual thing, and Genera! Livingston and his cieik-s can all fee! a just pride in it. The employees in the office are A. L. Brown, Chiff Clerk ; John R. L'vingston, Draftsman; Geo. L Seybolt, K. A Kirk pa! rick, and Smith, tran? e'erks. ii. t n. r. k. LAirnv oi.t. We are advised ihst the II. A M. R. II. ( V made 117 sides iu April, of 11,12'! aeres, at an average cash valuation of t'rrn dollars tnuf ce:itx p,r tr,e, an i that this low average of price occurs notwilhsianding iniiuornus Rules of their highest priced lands in the vicinity of Lincoln. One hundred ai.d sevcuUeu snh-i in one month, ar.d that the heyin nit:g ui-iili fir the land sales of this Aimpnr?y, don't look as though immi jration w turning away from Nebraska. T Men Nil a Whk Ii and fall it n JUUf.. Complaint was entered this afternoon by Martin KohnJl against two wn for stealing a watch. Marshal Murphy ar rested them, found the watch in their, r-.ud took them before Re corder Cooper. Mr. Kohrell got his watch and refused (o appear again-t then. The facts are about as Ibl'.ows : Mr. Koh.-cll ws in at Morri-on V"' market, when the two men (we did not learn their name?) stole the watch, one of them taking it from his; pocket and passing it to the other, who ' lit uui." with it. When they were arrested a search was n-,ade and the watch found nicely stowed aw:iy in a trunk. They said they took it firaj.jke. Kohrell may f-;u-y that kind of joke;, but most pf..pL' would not. We adv i.-rf people to keep iheir bands on their pockets when that class of "jokers" are about. IIIKli rlHTt.US. A Rni; and ii-ly m l ifl. A farmer named Lewis Young was trading at or.e of the stores en Main St. this afternoon, and like many other peo ple he left bis team a p.-drof fine horses standing iu front ol the store, without hitching. The locomotive Grafton pas-ed the foot of the street and frightened the it-Am. Mr. Young rushed out and en deavored to catch them. Ilecaucht the line, but was unable to check thorn, lie was thrown violently to the ground, the wheel striking the !de of l is head, and one wheel pa-sipg over his left hand and arm, giving kim .serere bruises, and leaving him aluiO.-t seiiselce-. for a time, lie was carried to a drug store and rec torution applied. An esainii.atioD proved that no injuries of a serious nature were sustained, but the chance lor a funeral are always good under similar circum stances. Fascier should never leare their tenuis loose on the street, as loco motives are constantly passing and re passing. TIIK P.mSE.Mittt THt.N"FFR. We dislike to find fault wiihanyof our home affairs as long as it can be avoided, for we fuliy appreciate the many eli-ad-vantages iccu have to contend vri;h whiie thmes ;:re in an unsettled rondifion, acd specially are we disincline 1 to find fault with men who fail to do b't.-itit s. on lima when they have the Missouri river to contend with. But upon two or three ocea-ions recently the passeiicers lor this city, from the east, to the number of from forty to sevctvty-Svc, have been compelled to stay over night at Kast Flails mouth. Lcci!-e the ferry boat did not wait for the evening train. We doubt not the trains were U'hind time, but something should be done to secure the iiusucdiate tfH-vf r rf pv.-er.gers w henever they arrive, let it be "oil thiie-' or at any time. We haL! not attcmj t to locate the blame, but, fir the present, shall rest- ; en' cut by calling attntiou eto the fact, and expressing ;h.i hope that a remedy will be an-died. If this class of vexations are allowed to continue our city will suffer in ceji-cu. n-:e. It does not leave t:ie inos; p;eav;r.t inip.ressioiiK on the uiind cf the visitor to FlaUs- I mouth to be com pelted to pass a uisht in the ears or in the best place J.e tan End at J'la.-t I'lal'-Piouih. We hope we shall not have neearion to speak cf thisincon- vcn'.Cnce Ogaill. Navluif X,, 'Vtori T- , 11 1 . 1 ' Vl t- c.-c rt 1 . ..t ' j r r vesiait. ' Hsre l a sermon in a nut-i I ., .. ; .i. . r.. I .. Kfli-ral Kw laJorrt. T!:a I i l vi:u-invi'.! t" i ! w e iIli i;ir ' t t:"iht, l his n it'l :t 1 to I '.i.w u j.i.u.,.r lurj fvt j::k';. .soru! h-u.-.:i w:? lis !'. tov'kvl. ai:tt a.-" a three or f;u ctjf. vt i j o3 the t,r.V!i.J, wro t.!on f.iiir:lv fT their L. T. hite, in the part-t.f th c;t, w. twisted out rf - haj.a. A. C. AV- of the wT r..Mr;.!. acj one sMckrrsl ! i'"of thirty n-t ; t fw dlm? one d v r of Conue'hn.H Ciceenl's hon was carried fn,ri i, fvii-Jaticas ; tlo oil fiaae at tho lo-t of th hi'l near Mr. Gass' residence was blown down and ct'inpletely demoii.-hf i ; aad thers were itvtral o:hir smaller etalli-hiiiewts terr.j.ftiary dwoiiins blown down and tumbled around proadscueusV. The wind w ttiil blowing, but not with the force of last ui;:ht. The storm Ir.-t uijrht appsars to hare damaged things up the line of the Rail real a we'd as in town. At L-juisvIile th station hoose liauie i.loTa u Trn, aai the wind tnii! used f ir eleTilir.g wa ter into the tank w.-u lorn to pieces. The damsge will be repaired in a few diys. The damages by the s.'orui last Thurs day night are aorc extensive than we had uppo.ed. We hear of the fjllowinj in addition to those already note.d: The large frame bam telnngin? to Ir. Bill irgs, in twn, wa blown down ; The Hardware nnd Agricultural Implement Bouse of Mathews, Dour.o'.ly k Co., was racked s-ioio, tiiouvh not seriously injured A farm house near South Bend, beiur.g. iu? to.Jolu R. Clark, backer f this ciy, w.. blown down, and ieverrd hou.-es in Ashland ver hlo'.Tu down, but we have ttut learned the particula' a. Qhi has proved the hardest storm f.r many years akhcugh very f-.v buiidiugtiwere injured except those set u; en bbx-ks or very aged and dilapidated onei. I'eople wil; learn, directly, that "Castles Lui'.t iu th air" are not proof against Nebraska realities. The following was received Saturday evening, after the paper had lcti put to press : A!it.ANT, May 5, ls.70. Fbik.n'd Hathaway: The storm of la.-t nicht and to-day, for jcvcrify of wind, is the heaviest we have had in a lor.g time. Posie tirue during the night the building put up by Millci A Griffin f"r a store, and partij- completed, was rdown down, and another put up by 15i;nr.e!, foradttii! store, shared the same fate. Neither building was completed, and not bt-it; occupied, no one was injured. The storm is retarding the work on the railro;?, mii I it is not ev.-rtain when the passenger and freicht trains wid resch this place. It may not be before next ?Ion'lay. I.ATV.U. The house of Rau-om Mor gan has blown down since v. rising the above. No one injured. During tha night sevcial o.-cupyir.g frame moved out to more aecure building-. The wind coutinues to blow about as strong as during the ni:ht. Yours. The Journal eays : "The longest, strongest and rcost dangerous winds that we have ever known ia Nebraska, dar ing the Cvcyeats we have been a ' resident, prevailed on Thur.sday and Fri;lay. Thur.-dav tdiht. the tin roof of part of the Stone block blew off and lies row in the street in front of the J'yurnul office. The north-east corner of the Capitol i als stripped of tin. Staples, sheds, outhcu-cs generally are prostrate all over town. The At wood House is minus a chimney ; two or three new frames are lying on the ground ; Matthew-sou' a new building ou I lib street, is oflfits fbunda" tion ; Beckham's cud of the Stone block has lost Its cornice for the aeootid time. Signs aie prostrate and north fronts leak ta-i'y. We do not want to kc aoothcr such a atoriu. As yet we have hfcard of no one beiag hu:t, but it U net prcbable that Mich a blow can pre vail without serious aad e.ea fatal ac cidents." TUBOI liU TO AV1II At. Two Dlty TmbiH fur l'eijters nnd Tha track of the B. & M. B. IJ. was coinrdeted to the Ashland depnt grounds last Saturday, and the first regular tiain for that point, run by schedule, left Main street depot at P a. m. to-day. Here after trains wi:! leave this city for Ash land at I'I a. ui. and at 5 p. in., daily. and will anive at 9 a m. awl 5:30 p. m daily. The people of Ashland and vi cinity can r.ow rejoice and make merry, for they are in fill rail communication with l'lattsmouth, Chicago and New York. fTereafter they can have goods loaded ir. New York and never disturbed until they are opened iu Ahlind. Cat tle can be shipped at Ashland direct to Chicago no more (hiving arid ferry ing but "oiiwaid" is the word. f.YA KHur.R H (orsr. May 9. John Began, exanvned this morning fir th larceny of ?213 from the per.-on of John I itzgeral, (laborer) was boaud over to answer an indictment at the coining term cf the District Court. The police have long had an eye on him, but this is the frst time they have had a chance to "cup him dead to rights." There "are some others hera who are un der the ban and they hsd better be honest, and observe the law of 'lntfum mnd tuum." May 10. Quite an exciting time among the Fi:.!rnl;y, this a. in. It seems a quiet little tame waj broken uuu a!,u ci":,, e-suu o anu cost. As it Will go to the school fund we are so much the wb-er.,!..r Tl'r. I A..!.tr...ll ,,f lla Vi-- giuia"lrcgl,.at:ire. who lost hLs life in the Cotiit ii f:j.'rnrrtf. w th vn-1 epeat man in tint body. - I Ti' !!:. -m.i ft!-' -t.-.i i l!..;t ;?!? rallrv:; ! ha-I are v:,:-: 1 y (;. j I'or.tjv.iir a frm $15 f.. p. r a,n. ; ' ' I li "ii ; r;ut a jJ i.i i-.v ,- 'i.-.n. wl-i.-h ill.' vorv j r:c. i tin ur. i . on.e sre h-l j it f 1. ! V ' ' ,'r',r,,y -'r:"; :',,r : j S"4 ,h'' av,'raS- ,ril, "f '''' 1,5 i . -I .... i ! ' ''j1 rrlces' t ; 11 V - "'" "le S;!",'1 ! la n,ls 1:1 t that t t '"" then t!a l ! t'n 'r'J t 'rs st :lB prses of PMti.s per acre. It thu Eeenis th. sa:s o; Railroad Couij.Hny for April were at a less averris? price th.m the who-.. Isnl and on niu h t.'i favorable tercas in re gard to interest. TT7T7itsTjT !iTr ttt a mm t T-rr-nTrrv TB Morm-llnRiitu Hi4-Tbi ri HfrJ Itw-riiiw H an u faflory K.'nl l'j.l;iJc, et. WtftriNu Watkr, May S. 1S70. Eij. Itk?.ALP . Wo have hardly time yet to. think of anything bat the late s'orta. Our oldest settlers a'finn that they have rever seen anything like it; rtnd if we are to judge from rer-uhsthc.-e t:erer has been such a storm in Nebra-k. The wind broke in a part of the front to Reed Broa. store and did siome damage by welting goods. A larce housj re cently erected by Mr. Shcpard a few miles west of this place was entirely de stroyed. Some other Lou-ses, partly fin ished, werw blown down, but it is too scon to hear all the particulars. Among them was a frame fer a larga house be ing erected ly Messrs. Howell, recently from Canada. Wheat and oats look well throughout this purl of the country, and most of the farmers will have their corn ground ready fir planting as soon as the weather will permit. In spite of all the threatened to the Herd Law, as the crops ad vance and need protection, the opposi tion cease their grumbling a:;d propose to tike tare of their stock, anJ remain as they have heretofore been law abid ing citizen. It seems hard si. f r.-t to those who have their farms fenced, to cithi r fence pastures or herd llmir stock ; and we do nt wonder that men who only look for present gnod, threaten to rcsbt the law. But the future results we are ss.t.i-ticd will convince the moat headstrong anti-herd law man that it was jn-t what we needed after all. The Building committee of the First Congregational Church have let the contract.- for the stone work, to be commenced the i)th of this month. The p'aus are of the latest style. When completed the Cburdi will cost two buud'ed and fifcy dollars. A gentleman from Illinois is in our town looking for a place to start a plow factory, and it is to be hnped that the town will offer euch inducement as wiil secure his location at this point. The Weeping Water affords ample power to run the machinery for mch purpo-es, and we should like very much to see this privilege improved. . The farm of J. IL Catron, fi7e miles south-weet of this place, recently gold for ten dollars per acre. The farm of a section of lnd surrounded by a hedge 42i) acres waj broken ; lliO scr-s ph'jtcd iri timl-er; 15 a -res sown in whe:.t; "i) acres in oats ; and 0 acre planted in potatoes. The buildings on the place were a two story frame Louse about ictx 30 feet, and a barn 24x."6. This proves that out.ide of the limit of the lands owned ty the B. ,k M. R. R. Company, land can yet be obtained at reasonable rates. '1 hey a-k e!ven dollars for raw prairie adjoining this firm. OUR FljORE" LETTER. Thins i.oali. lu x tio-ii Korrain lluut Jlltuorf t vnalj-Sit(lern, Kailroafto, lc- Eiiitor Heuapd : Things are "tip" in this part of the "domain." Grass i well up, the river i v.p, wheat, oats and barley are np, and many things in our "truck patch" are up. But the best of ad is, there are about fifteen or twenty new pettier coming up the river daily, who take up new chums and put ap new houses on their claims. Farming has come to a stand still for about fen days, as everybody and his neighbors are off for buiiaUes. "Bos" is about ten miles southwest of Little Blue river and ihirty- fire miles koufh of Ft. Kearuev. M..;. Gen' Augur's mounted "boys in blue" gave the red skins their choie:-, to pass west or to the "happy hunting;;," arid as the "vermin" preferred the west, we on the Blue are in for "right smart" of, fun and recreation, be fore corn pku.ilng. Oar "Spencer" ha brought down a pair of Antelope, and lots of other "frv" since the warm weather came north, and as we believe in the old adage that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" we are off with the crowd for meat and fun. There are some very good claims yet vacant along the West Blue, with good stock and houae water which we wou'd be happy to show to some good man wishing for a home on the bnk.s of our beautiful river. Now isjust the timn to locate, as one can hive time to break and get m a good piaot;t of corn, uo i r- tatoes, vines, turnips, buckwheat, etc., for winter use. Strangers looking for claims in Fillmore county will always find our "latra string out," and aomo one at our "duj eut" to show them a good place to "set their st ke.-." Ju-R-it g from the arrivals the past month, we b Jieie Fillmore county can safely couut upon an addition of oiK) to her precnt population this season. The great want of this patt of the Sts'e is n rail road tn imrxirt Lii'ldoiff msterwl", ew. . We hrw wafccheW and k: i.i.'.: fxnu t fl-:( 'y v. : il i !- ! wt- ri'iv? I.ilh tii Mi f:."i !( t. f c! :i l::. 'lit If tl. 'V c il I: .... I I "II '!,. V 1 - ' Tll I. i, i i oi.r ji 1 ! ( j.irv of in!:!i"j! I i 1 H 114-1M, . lni'tH; with "injurs are ihj latest j ir.veu I r:. ! ' i ! i ....... i j in Sikiv,u and ounties. V:ul :)rai:l. A Chic-Msa paper admits that ti e di vorce bu :!nss is greatly on the ineroa.-e in thu cily. The ntit-ber of t.-iTr.hh real estate a-:e- ia i:- ," i.s.r.-'. The Me:h-. list-- control forty nine col leges in the L'mti-a States. 1 he Canard line is entitled to the proud distinction of never having lost a ves.-i 1 or a pa--"i! r. The women in Fran.'.' areohnort with out exception in favor of puu:-.h-n.f i.i. A ministeriil excursion to San Frau ci.;co fcy the t'aciii" R.iiiroad is talked of ; if all bi'ls are to I e paid, how many there wiil te vho will v,i-h, for once, that they had "t '.V'lv, orders " The Navy department, it i announced, has decided not to raise the wreck of the Oneida, but to sell it to a wrecking com pany. "Wei!, what is It that causes the galt- ness of the ocean? ' imtuim.t a t.-a li. r of a bright little bey. "Codfish," wastha quick reply. The New Yord Lender says: "The best Bnsfli'ih in Naw Eu$land id spoken in Connecticut." c.oi; li, KOTini. "Shoo Fly" Joe Elliot L Feabody hats at Chr.k & l'lummcr's. dlwtf. Vallcry. & Ru'Tncr have the large? stock of Groceries ever brought to the city, which they bought for cash and at reduced prices. Call- ami examine their sioek. ' aplSdiwtf 1S70. ls'Tu. ISTa Ii. S -hnnsse ,V Co., at the New York Store, have ju-t received the Lurgcot Stock of New S; ring att.l Summer Good;; ever hroucht to this Citv. Thev .-ell vou now the b 'st ;n;s r.s Jlerri macks. Cidic Ac, forl-'Kri oilier Rrnrcls X to I J ccnls, good Il. Ialns ff.r 20 cents. Gingham 15 c :it-i, all other Goo I - for i he same lo-.v prices. Choice Stock of Cu.!to::i rn.ide l'o-; La die- and Gen' new. Style Sir.ivand Fur II, i s. Large A.-sc-r iut-nt of Chlua and (i!a.- Ware. Groceries Cheaper than the Cheape.- t. a-, rl'iS'd.V. w Im. The most c,:.pVto a.sortment oi Qucciisware and ( ilassw;irc in the mar ket, will be found at C'ark A" IJ!un.mcr"s and their prices are rctuaikaUv low. . d.Vwtf. There is no u-:e in talking, Chirk ii Flummer can beat them all seliicg gro ccitcs' and provision-. T:y them and see. d&wtf. The Xnry M,nomi!d hmded a lot of giccn .apple? for Clark & Flummer, which they a;c oT; ring cheap, by the bushel or i-nrreu dA .vif. AH varieties cf plain arid fancy crack ers, irom Dake's celebrate 1 Bakery, at Clark & FIumrT cr's. Th.-y Mrw rivei'viivr tfiL'w rrc.-ti wci j..!f. Noli cc (' P. ii our list apt-V.l.iivif I.1.-..H ertrs.'ments. The M. l. Wt-'tU Loots and Shoes sold by t'loik A i'luuiuo.-, ex.vl in nuality anytliiig we evtr m-x fur the price. ap2'kl.lwtf Go to Chirk & Fiumiu. r's f or Carpets and Oi! Cloth. apl'oivwtf Go to Vallerys & iluil'iier's and look at th Fanier Arabs, the pr-rtie-r in th- market. It you want a neat calico ilres. so to Vallery & Ruier'. They are lu-.v selling the best for !2 r s per yard. aplodiwif Go to Vali-ry ' & Rulfner's to btiyyou Dry (.roods. They are selling cheaper than the cheaocst. For sale A first class Seeing .oa chiue. Iiiouirc at thi: ofTjce. Something new at Tiark & Flummer' s I in ir-.e way of Dress Ih.fton-. and ir.m- miags. ap2od.tMtf Don't fail to call at Clark Fhimt.ier's so l si c their mammoth slot k of goods. They take pleasure in shovriog them. Ladies, go to Clark's for a fine Chignon or Afghan Switch. Ladi'-s, Clark ,t Flunimcr arc opening foe most c-.i-ipicle .-cock of Drc-s Goods ever offered in this market. ajcM-Uwtf YALLERV8 & iiFFFNEJt Are now receiving ike largest .stock of Dress G.Kids ever brought i this kct, which they are selling (heap for c.K-h. apl.ltdAwtf Go to YaiVrys & Ruff tier and buy your trrc'cri.M. xi.ey buy lor cash Mid wi:! , not be imder-Hi'.d. ! !r -.tin :,rt in wntit ot ;iion i .. v.. ft v- I'. iT... X! J to , tv iiuitii,-!. u:-,, ai j aire ii :s for the. Star and S:huttlcr Wag- ong-, ihe best in market. j Ttie la.Kt . 1. All pr-r-on-; l.iio'-ving themselves in-di.-hio-j to ti- by iio-te or a v-ount sre re et"vitc 1 to call and sottlo iixiincdiatcly. -l- . . . T... ! Grover i Raker's Saiwing one the bi est in market. Nailery- A. iiitii- e a'g Us. i ho e in v.aat of a good Ma.-hine !! find it to th .-ir advantage to civi"; them a call. Yaliory.- A; Ru.Tner liave ju. t received a new jupply of Boots ai.a Shoes, which hey :-ra sef'rng rery bw. - -, . er . . i n aiVrys - huffiier have jjit received atopic Iitacuiil ; of the Improve'! Koc-k- ' ford 'troole-ist Seeder and Cultiv-tor, i very much ipiotei ti,r lite year IsTu. j Call and examine them, and k-ive your Go to Vallerys & Ruffncr'a an i buy j . O .,! ,t, I,. r f ,1 i .- i!. ... t: .'l . I : . I n. v w-iii It tl ISVliJu ' tij.i . !. :.! n t o.i ! be o"d ti c ; -",.--r j ' L. 11. W. I Arc i...".v ice; iv;:.r an 1 nave en 1.: i The Largest -i-i.-k of Tlnic-. M- .f ii.!. ; . i"! III,! lor Li .1 -. ! A: ll. i .Sa.-ti .T.ivr -'.. Avr.-. t!;iC.s. Wi,nr, w nk -. i.i. lr. Vi m.-h-.i i!..--. i all Brandies, Wines and Whicki, Of t'.io Lost gmJes an A iu.i':l',c-, t'.riol'y :wr Mt"ii:ii i-td -. DOMESTIC RHarltiwclrcen. Uiue sn.l H'ii-X. An!.t!.ie. Ir In rct vcrt!iiL thut id n:c,od .u :lim Jirur r 5 hyslcians' Prescript ens carcfd! y ccnpciirdsfJ nr. at all hou s. Ail Drug3 vvarrnntcd fresh and nuio. before buying, :. nd sco what wo have ia zr'l FliUtsmou'h, March 21, IS70. wtf r.laster's Saie. 'l. h. ijur rUT Vs. l.-u'.ir 1". Lew Juno t.fxtis, !- ti. '. if"i-T. ;ri-:f Mini in, - ( n ' -t i tiitf h- ? . M lut' "i" n i : i'ii tit !Vr .-;t;.-crilitT. --. i-hM; .-:;u Ti. n m !V-r. : -! -r ht rurt llim.e iprhc : i:y m !'ir.j's:-o;r:i, : - f-tt ii y N't'tTil-r,,! 'Ti i-ir f-.ii ti;. j t: i .! mi -. A. J . J'-.t', iit !;: Lou r di" i u'rio- ii .1. ' il . '.1 4. 1 '1.1.'. . hr fi'iK; a i'.i. r i r: .1 ( - r-' ; it 'ia - t in PIi iMP'Mi-tt C";: G i' ;-, t-L 1 :i. :o- : ii"t t.;i.i.rti in iliiM-k :i jit. :s nuU-A HfM.u lav ,uvi-:;-Lci i.:i i i -r ivi i oi vi Plattl CtlV. l(it-j.i thisO'h 'Ihv of M v. A T V- t A M M . : I A . M.Mor way ivr't in . h.iii-t ry. tiun.r c baa? Nathaui.-I '- I'.oik") v. - !;.:-. ;;. i. J'.lm irw'ci ) Ni.liuo.- her-ly lcn ";.: I viil i.Jt fn flit HI ui il..- ;ll.-0..i:. ir r-;;-'l (C.-.VII. .. ' tii- f.Mii'1 rr.;i; .; -i-r .! or. l-.ur; t! .1:1 (tt I'i.:;;.- Illnich ''.-.- ( ..i-.:.. N n. . it M i;i i.iv (, .lay ..f .May A i. i7' j ;, , .; p. 0!. ..r - o. u.y. ail ri;:;it litoi .1 i ii.-r. t .0 h aii:.. tl.-I.-n i . i.t .Ii.IlTl J; .n ia to 1 w o; rc.'.i . .-I ;.i y c : Tic- ..nil .! .(;. .. i.-r o ,,f ti;i, , qu;irrr ! 1 '1, ;i ' .! .; rr m- 1 1 1 h ...ct . .v. Ii- Mil. U01 . ."i. ii-.; : 1 1 r o-.-.! i'i i0 , ; 1 rur : 11 li-! t.i-t .!' (!i- -i:.;. C. 1 .; o M i. se lect'. i:i t';--- I'-.i.iiiy m. u 1 : r, 1 n- r-r ! . ; .y ..I .!;.;: 1 . n :.n i i -. : ,!i ! . ..( 'it .t; ;;:o; ; 1 1 -ii ; I'istriel I .!.-M el' T. tii".-t.. 1 .it so. ..ii: . t Ilivo-U nn-it r .;;- li;:!. ! lsi-J. J. W, J 01 .'-,. niliit'i I . 10 h. ( . in. . tn a.u '.t.-.v ..r A r.l ir.iUi 1-. riOTiCE. 3 net; t.f fi ,i li ! .. , .. Wi.' s.O.' 'v til" r.i l!;:t.;r , y ii i.. 1 J 'i-io 1 Cj.- i.' . -! :i. r i nn- t . Ji I '-ii tin- 1-tti -!.iy hi' Aj rvit iiim:i utc i ?. rj . i:;y - yl . - - .. , ;u I ii'uiifk ii. in., .t ii ' ;'. ;t it' i . it ft' tilt? i. Hllf il Mi Ui j'i,: !-!!. I Y ('. Ni-i.r;- -kit. -t;t'i- I;.: : ;.F- i-l i u id mlti hi!,(-t i)i.l.lT, :t'. !jc rtaU'. :.iJ- . "1 nl'i r li. i W-n-!.: ::: l iJ I -in in.r ii ir 'ii ; iie I .!.;n t .- i . -,. in an I hi The t lluv. ii: .I.--t-; :'.' if i i, . v -t: i ; v ; hn.I uMi li;.-cii-t iiari(-r ii.v a tth .- f 1 1 . u -; . -r -rl Sf t-'tllt'l i. In 'V i sU ( tv il, t: tW !V. Mt t-ff'-lll I', - i . S .!v it :rt;.:u ii !"-r KM- n 1 P. M. tJ 'J, oYi'i.-L, 1'. . i ; i . liy V. w-i:m, S. CtiAi'3iN, Am-.tiii-.s. njC'w'it. City Lois in F.'atts.v.cuih fcr Sals, ai Auciim. Tt" l'Os I-! tl,-.-: riii. il. Ij- n.r in" I'iaO.s- ; , !n.utii. Nt!bi;ika. w . i-h 1 to i he I Oiltr.oij.ipO Mis-.iuri Oorr luiutt i in N t-'.ra-k,;. ! v ." .i .-.i i -.i Is, '). r'(..rj.-.i J. h.ixr- .".:.",. T'hs ;,1 rail r.i. :;I .-.,;i .:!: w i: i -, il tail at ' I hucti, i.. to ..r lit .r ::if .(-. ir to I M i i.r! In-uo-, 1 in 1 ia: : ia,,.. . !. t t ; I . v .! .-...! ! . I " : '.''' ;-'."-: a. .m. ii.ft 1.; oi,t I..... ' .-ii .oi lt:i: ii.iv t-t -uiairu.T tvi-hin thil-y 'i::y-. uoti.i.i iiiirty 't-i;.- v,I!i inat i. .... ' .a.'!t- CT.!i!;ian7 tr-,ii! ,o! i;.' i-.'- .ti-.u ti anO uurkoij; ft t. L - .j- !....-! a iue l.Ou t- L: t I oty.r, a ii f i - m . ; f,iir..i..v w 0. i; tiu: V. .!! K.: r -l t any t-.c. t aaa;o- as e i: .itilre i.i t n: t ii-j' - '..i ' i- ." ;i.iili.ia.l, t, Lt.ts. ' i:i'. ri i; .si i"! ;i 12 :; I s7 1-4 -C- :: 1 lil 12 II 2 ;i i; y -1 i a 6 s-; j s7 9 M 1 .'! 4 r ij 7 ji s io in ; i'V 12 3 4 5 7 S i i will cui-h l.p -a 1 I ---,( -r.T. ; i ,; , 1,;;; LO in. ;.'"'"i f si 1 2 V.' I !; .'i :. r. ! 1 a S7 i 4 a l 2 4 il !1 ;i 9 Jl 9 I ; i S . ! s 'l!i r'hivp Ii.ih liu: J.-iinv.-.i. prtfii-r. a- oi. : y to "i'racl"! .ti. :; 1 -1 3 r 1 - .1 ! -4 a li 1 -2 :; i o : ' 12a j 0 li biienif s 'i a iai;..? 15. j.;r,i ;.i 1 !o. A. li.T, Vi.ii.-..- i '.i f I v. f.r i is. !..:il , .. , t.l" ll:,' l iiil.L ii ("a - niuiiiv, , nf iy. A. !. J : 1'. y it. ' 1 -.:-!..: it! tiii. -.a i ii ! ., :l .o: riiit no ua:r,."l il-rlr.s. ll , t cc. -o1(..,,.. i ,t ii -- i; i '.- '.'i-v l'latt.-uinuut. Ci- . ,aa: '"'""".., ,hrw ,.n i t..:r , ; l:n i in l.l...-k !..! N". s: ( i - Jiii.e t'i: '.- ,iri"! ' J t., !.i. Vu.nTit-, !'., ;t;i I id;--, , i'irc!v ? f t n ' l i ;j I v r. - i :,o. 4i-.-ii ,i :i:.A n 1- I ; N-i. i,r'et i;. r..k n Mj- -. J j i-Nt;-1 A. ti. I'-.v-i " , 1 i.;i ;, a 1 , rtU-'-li: liy tita i.i ok- boo: :, t C.c.ri lil .tirc-Oat '..- .-,. ., t.ivoi r':!t:riii :i:i A. Ia 1 s.ii. J 1 ' 1 :"n:..- ikihk t.. ! :!:" t ,a ,i:- at' ( 'a. ; f i ' t '. it .1! 1 i V, ai lb ' -.70i .'!:.v .,1" w. j.ii....!.'s:-..., '.toil .1. a-kii I). 11. V.'ilKK! a 1.2SW " t k. A try. far Piamo i'. I ia . o . o.iite i- hor"-.y 'v-f!i O. the lr. r:-t Cits ,',.. .i--,r. (,::. I'i,! ..:i i.u-i .-ai 2"til (iay 'f ..i, t;.,e liO.-r-t .. i l p. t r. r.f r t -,'. Mllilt-il t. a t ui,-. ii 1 ,.r .... s-,.. 1 order "t site n,5: ! i- Hilu.- l t. alt i.i.-, i.i tax..", J.itias . 1 -. pr.rj ,.,,.', -f 9JVUJ SJoTlU OX-i fCaCi ij Pi .. 1 1 rnny ia .'. r-i'y ri H'll,ttil':,'S For fuj Lhr pjiu f ii jair of or nJ4irc.s IV VI VI V t- -r r k. Li I. rr -s ' -v.- i !. V- 11 1 I .1(11 A.-'. V Mo.ti.-i;i I 5. T- M. M..r. i. i r In f N .?:;! : t '. i r. ii ''ii t:.,o. ' ri, '.' i.i t!ir (i s i: ion f. I I , i : .r N.i i' ' t A i! Mi'l u..y, tfif , ; i 1 1 : u M'l . i 0 ;!( r I :is f I -oh. I.. ulOl;.' - I I - .!.?. !..!;., it. I . . .1 :i U!i-l;r III v I;.! ;il l h i- 1 li7o. ..I. V. . .).,;: Prairie Breaking. ?.v.y- r A f'rr rv .t- to t;.,- . : :: ' I, -i ii l .. r t i . , --. iy-;.T. inr j f .1 Lif.ii j .LL- .-. N ' 1'' ' J'i'-ii; li. i iic ;ir.- ; - -I.i I r ; !;, U ;i n, r a,.. .r "it t .j k.;.. -i' n , v.iil d- v 1 1 i ; i . : "ii t ; e 'i:i I: i ; T ,.rrl; e J i n- ii lit-:,,. p.. l,;;. ?af? f f ScbDc! Ui:,h 1. 1 p. i-. r. - jr j: i'i O r l-i ll In. MllO. i- -J 29 ii. it' .-' M ho ft ll-o. a ( -eo .' ii I i. ir: :' tint ti I c . IIO- flat ' Oi ' t tO- II I ! - t ' .T ii.. 1-. i. e. .. ii. P i A: .n;ni-;:ratci: !.iT.-!.y .: : . .' I a . : ... ii. I.-Oi t Cam aii.J 1 r I . ... I .tin - A. I 'HI I t ft .tc . ! I id i . .1 r' ' ' (it- w,-ip !i - I f ID i ml .-.'.v- - I ,: "ll'ii. lai tn. If. j '. !. r i n "; :'!,. - . T l i'ioi' l i. t ........ lie ...ft i ,:. I j l.-loc :t a 1 : ., (!!. I : . . ....-r; j. ... . . . in- in:? hi. : : - ;r ' '", " o i- . ': j I'V.a:- ' V.". :. ,; ..... i. :,. ; j I a - iii i; i iy .. ! , ..... . 'I ! a, li,:- I'i-I li li, i .. ; p a j '.Vci i';..i::t, Jiri.i.. ::!i-. p , a : I a.., .;:,,m -: S,,t , , th. . f . ' j :o,,' - i i: ui ! !- . ; r j i : r t ! .. i , I . . t . , - " , I i A I ?:i .-i iy aro .it... It- -r- . ..-0 ,. fS I 1 : i : 'in- 'a . In-i ir. i.a ; a a. , , . :'-' -t . , 4 - , ( r.U r-... I". -i.f i..o:- ! " .,; ! I. .-i.i-.-. 1 '.v ). ut -,. t . a, ;. ..... ,-, . 1..7 ",.P : l.., ; i .: r. It i.,, . r j I j j. s -tui on.;.; aii-1 ta.'.-r. 'J ai- ..,i,-.i. ., -I n9"':iLdl t.. 'i. !c; cr'-a lii'a.J Pun 'it r n i. I ..' V. i,..-i. t o 't.iui.i i or. i,t V ' ,1 : . . Mm'' .r;..(.jr. (r. ... p..;...;,. .... j,.., u . , .. f I -i I -: -i I ii 1 c .. l . aia I !.'.. I. -; J I l .i J ! -: .. -i I I ! 'i. ! t t'. ' ; . r !,(. I.; ,. . I . f ' io- - i o -. i . v.- . , "nj w ! I la i.'o- i ' -. inr .".:., -i.r t I , ' l. - I L.I. . '.i.-r. I'. -1! It ..j ' j .....!.--. i;i: -rf .0. , a , i.:'..e ti.. W'r. i , jit:. It'll' .. 'A i.ln ! r MT , , '1 h-i ' ; " i t ai a ! I.- i a at. I a I.-.-.- t: j t .;rc-. tj ..t.n site W itt, M I i.a-t.'C ! t-'t.l :t i .7 -vtr 1,. I - I 1 '. - .- .1 I V. oi : :o ri- i. -it,;, utr I j ill t - af -i r I I C i J