Vffi t"! ; J itllC Z(UVlpHJl JlfrtlUI. --------- PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, TIIUltSlAY,... MAUCH l' A!SM."Ui:.T, IH7. Tlie annual a'es-ment oi the cou.-.ty will show ar increase over ast year, whic-.U viIJ demonstrate the value ot rail road.s even to their most determined enemies. V"e are toll that the vole of the A xscs.ors.at their meeting thi week, plain the valuation of land in this pre cinct at loo per cent over the valuation last year. We did not learn '.he estimate 1 value of the southern precin'.fs, but pose they w'll lJ advanced proportional ly, not so high as here, hut that they will all be advanced from '2o to 0 per cent. Add to this the incrca-e of settle ments, the in flux ofcapi'al, and the val ue of improvements!, and wo think the valuation of the entire county will come pretty closely t- $-LX).0h. We hope the Assessor will bear in mind the circu lar lately i.vmed by the Slate Auditor, and their own oaths. The real value tdiould be ascertained by all moans. X C05FTK ACT WITH A C'O.VIUTIOX ! It appears that while tho contractors on the Midland l'aeiric It. It. nr.; bound to complete the construction of that rail- t way in one yearfiom the Tlth of May, j 1SI1P-, there is a 'Ymi ''' attached whereby the contractors 'Vt-i.V not be vompdled to famish tlie iron ami equip rtfuts for slid ro'ul up til thr said niort fart' IhuhIx xcdl m il for 70 crati on the dollar." This sentence, so full of mean ing, occurs in the t oitdilion whu-h pro viocs for the issuance an 1 payment of mortgage bonds. We are sorry to as certain this fact, s it cripples the pros pects of the road, and will be injurious to the interests, not only of tlie termini of the road, but also to thoso gentlemen who undertook to secure the building of the road. To draw it mildly, ii ii ex ceedingly unfortunate. THE IN't'O.IIK TAX KO;i 1B. Under the laws .-f the I'nited State? it is the duty of (irty j-rr.ion on or before the first day of March in each ye.ir, to make a return of his income, gains and profita to the Assistant .- sor of the District wherein he reside. As all of j the Assessor's Districts in Nebraska c-omprise everal counties, it is as a mat ter of course impossible for them to trav el all over their district by the time spe cified ; but. we are informed that Dc. ltonner, the Assisstant Assessor for Otoe and Cass counties will be here on Monday next and in readiness to receive the income ret un.s during business hours until Saturday Much lth at the office D. II. Wheeler & Co. Kvery person failing to make Fuch re turns during the next week will be liable 1 be assessed by the Assistant Assessor according to the l est information which he can obtain ; and in such ease the As sessor will add fifty per cent to the amount of the tax and for the valuation and enumeration so made there can be i.o appeal. Any person re'using or i.cieei'n. t- make return or who bhall deliver to the assessor any false or fraudulent list, or statement, with intent to defeat or evade tiki valuation or enumeration required hy law, is also liable to a criminal pro secution. TUT. ESIMKRATIOS, We have a law on our statutes which empowers and rr-jiiire the Commis pioners of every county in the State to cithc the precinct assessors of their re spective counties to make a careful enu meration, but for some reason or other without reason, our commissioners, act ing under the advice of certain parties hsive refused to obey the law in this county. There is no choice f r them in this matter.- They must obey the law. If the Commissioners set the example to their fellow citizens of defying the law they 5ict unlawfully an .1 should be held to a strict accountability. We have not the time to-d y to dis cuss the question to its legitimate re sults, but wc hold that neither the Com missioners nor any of the county officers should set so flagrant an exatnp'o of dis obedience to law r.s they have in this in stance. At no time in the history of this State would the enumeration of its inhabitants prove of such incalculable. advantage as this very spring. With but little additional labor the assessors could have furnished nn exact return of all our inhabitants, but without cau-e ' and without reason Cas County has been made a stumbling block to a correct enu meration. Wo call the attention of he people of Cae.s to this uir.variantabie as sumption, on tlie part of our . ounty au thorities, to the end that if they have any reason, it may be bsvuht forth, and that they show cause why I hoy re fuse to obey the law in this in-fanee. All the blanks for the ei.uutciation are in their possession, why have they not caused the assessor to cany out the law ? Who is responsible for this conduct who were the advisers of the Commis- -.a tf W1 .Ki r I t s.,.!?,. Uart-nn rill. I the Commissioner's Court for their own purposc3? Let us inquire into this mat ter and find oat who sets the State Stat ufes at defiance. A'eiT liiastlns luvIrr. Alfred Xobel, the enuiuccr who first tracticaliy applie.l nuro-tdycerhie to blasting purposes has recently taken out a patent in England for a new explosive compound. According to the inventor, a mixture of nitrate of potash, soda, Larvta or lead, with resin, sugar, starch, nr otner ooeiiesiicri in wi wn, vhii.fc i.-v oroiuniw .. '... - . "1 I A 1 J37p,vurc 'but1 if mot&wi.h out there is stron, enough to dis a smfll quantity of nitre-glycerine, so thi' a" 1 l'evnt "W that each jrrain i-1 surrounded hy a layer 'I he Waco (Texas) Kcmiuer say P tlm. nnw will become ex t1osiv.' tin- ! that a few uiahts since a nartv of roun der ordinary circumstances. Nolel stiver I parts of nitro-giyceiinc; or 7) rarts ni trate of baryta of resin, and 20 of ni-tro-rlvcerine. An addition of 5 to 8 parts of sulphur enhances the effect, but ddminivies the safety. It U sot on fire . br ordinary i.rioirs with fulminate of I werTirT' Uy the .atclics i ulIihoJ ta-J;y it Um he wen that an attempt is l:in- j . . , ' -onirross to c-o.-cr Co! Laker with ignominy fr a simple obedieneo to . j order in .uni-hing the Piegan Ih.nl of .ui.hM traveler's .J-hter who reside, ; --y;.-- -- Indians i.. Montana. t n the -J I & I Le giu to njake approbations. ' M.iod of a v extern man UJ to utny.vs j v.,lid; hj1()WS th u thiJ Illc.Ueiuu:s ! lhe l"? dwm jl,."J otr ot ; SUL.t j,ni!aiiiuoii3 conduct. It be-ins to look a.s though tlie robberies andvias accompanied by a letter lioin a ,.,r.l.rJ r-mMinift..,! 1 ,v vr, Wd I nd'tnns J'ortugei-e traveler to the interior, who wa? hahV.ved and tanctified through Qua keri.-h letters. That the War Department of'a great government was placed at the mercy of some itinerant "CoHyer" whoso religious training is adverse to war. Wh ?re are we drifting to on the Indian question? The Quaker-Indian business is in reality resulting in inercas ed atrocities. The e-chaog;'3 from the West are teeming with increased lum bers of murders an 1 roVoerioby Indians. Iiot the genuine manhood of American Legislators assert itse'.f, and let the brave men of our army be rewarded for their efforts in l.dia!f of outraged settlers instead of being subjected to this miser able twaddle called Quaker humanity. There never will be peace with Indians until our rovcni:r.ent tu iu the! entire management and control of the Indian Lusinessover to the War Depart- ' merit. In what countrv, and when were I aibarians ever civilized except through the .-wori? We cannot refrlin from -king whv Mr. :!iyer never writes j about the shocking barbarities of these j bloodthirsty pots; of the Q taker. Shad the brave and e nterprising Americans wlu venture into the new territories of this government, with their bibles and religious training be deemed of no im portr.nee toward civilizing this degraded handful of redskins? Shall their blood spi!:t daily by India.) - excite no Coliyers to eTecry murder and j iilage vheu they suffer? Out upon this whole miik and water bu-iues. t:s Aiiiicxr.tinii f'ecliiisr in San The Dominican Ko'.uMi is ft l.lai; y i de-!:rel (or annexation to the I'nired States. The vote, which ws o;V;.i;'!iy recommended by the J ci nment, has Ixien takers, and as recorded shows an overwhelming majority fur annexation. The towns of Santiago, llaveira and Asiia lel in the lemau 1 for admission to the Cnion- Nowhere was there anv vi-ible opposition. l'ri)?;rpsx rftlic 'ulan riiturrc-ctioii. The latest dispatches from Havana state that the insurgent iieneral Napoleon Arn suye, whooriginared tin: rebellion in the interior department, ha- voluntarily surrendered to the autl optics at Ha--rnina, with seventy of his; men. He promises ro come to Havana to confer with the Captain General as to the boLt means of riidhur the in-ui re lion without furthoi bloodshed. The rebels have burned several warehouses at Inca;o. Coiivorntlon of C liom.tH Foley, ns Catiiolcr JtiIii ol' I liii it..o. Rieht Itev. Thoiiias Fol -3-, was conse ciat"l itishop of lVrgamus and 15ishop Coadjutor of Chicago. Feb. -. Tliere were present lihoj McClosky, of Lou isville, the eonsecrator, and Uishops Hosecrans, of Ohio, and Becker of Dela ware. The latter preached the sermon. The ceremonies were tmposimr. over 'J::a priests takin.7 part. f lie vAtlw,?r-:'l 1 !;e au iien: :;::cii Slorc rttrUiiiit Si!ot ' The Tribviit' Washington special .-ay.-, that the military affairs commit fee of the House have a-ecrtained that V. I wards. of tleorgia. sul 1 his naval ca let ship for !?it . The testimony in the ca. e of Mitogen is positive that, while money was paid for the appointment, Mungen was unaware of the fact, and re ceived none of the funds. Crime in Or.iniia. Saturday last was the anniversary of the establishment of the Police Court in Omaha. During the year, 1,075 cases have been docketed, and about t.GOO prisoners have beenar. aigned for offences against the State statutes and city ordi nances. Ofthese .ludiro Sahler .urimr his administration from February L'i'ito.June !, disposed of oTo, ivhiledudie Pi.-.rter, from the latter date, has dealt out justice to an even thirteen hundred. This i, in point nf iiumbers, a showing which ...f .i.K. 1, e.. i 1... .. ':. 'i :::-"v . . . " : :.; ' 1 111 L.iii.M.ii jioiiit ci iC , :.: ill ill i others, is a 'dir.-t class city:'' it.:; so .vr.. It is rumored that .Mark Twain will cease to be an editor in the spring, So far from b. im in a dying State, 1 to be improving Senator Grimes is Photographs of K h i:i Booth as JI'. v.k ht are having a groat sale in New York. S.uae one writes to a Missouri paper that he saw IL11 ebrand in Santa Fe. Gcorg-i Geis, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., shot at Jacob ''Shoo F:y." Hau, lor v listlii-.u Li.- inn Javis, o jroiina, is totr.lly blind, and performs the othecs of: thtrcliure:! Iiom memory. Mr. II nlin .'ar ie, the J? oston Ist says, caves liionioiy to be crowned only with myrtle. Frank L. Smith, of Jane. -v. lie. AVis., has been declared tiie chauipion skater j d' Wis onsin. Mis.s .Tuba A. Clark, the daughter of a 1 a h oa f eouduetor, has been presented witn a K!d medal ly loled ians who Ed- 1 mire her skating. j C'harlotte Thou p. on, the actress, now) Mrs. IUgers, h is settled down her 1 Montiroiiicry, Ala., home. Alexander K. McCiurc, it is rejxrted. is about starting a dail. paper 111 i iuia- j UC Mayor Maeauley. of Indianapolis, has been chosen Vice President of the So ciety of the Armj' of the Gulf. The Petersburg (Ya. ) Courier, on Tuesday moinins, said: "A pood old rebel named Washington was boin on this day, several years vtxo. lie is dead now. Nettie Chac, daughter of Chief Jus tice C'hrvse, is alout to publish a book on the nursery son? of several land, each one with a:i original illustration of htr own. j A fellow in Miehhron earn'; his drinks , ,, - by swallowing ten-penny nans, The pt-i)tleii:en dotoixiined to jrive "a fair rounir 1 iuy tne eotiiphment OS a sei-anat i thronch achoioe nrotrrauiuie, v(K-al and iiistruuicutai, a second stor- window wns raisied, and the face of one cf Afnc's ' dark-hncd daughters protruded. "Look j heah." saitl she. "missus ain't here, hut ont ynti pKasc p!ay the Morkin Kin! ' f. rt-e." ' i The 'i!asrow AWJ has the lowing ; Vit0r;V Ulf "J1:1 reassuring extract irc.ni , .Mr. Charles Lmn-stone, Con-ul at J-er- j ,.rother .,t- i,. Livinrt!tone. 'j'jiu iL.,tcr wa3 addressed to the distin-! j ii-ttUoV are not dead yet. It ,..;,.' m,tfvm.r lath.T wl. r, -1-IV117 IIIV 1 1 " v - - " vL-?n lie cut l the comment in l No4, thouir i it add.-? the tact, oi whs Ii your father was not awjire, that he had to d-ink the muange, and was cut to pieces by th-1! natives, a some of the poi-on .-huuil that it had taken effect on him. lVr N'redenburg has sent this letter to th.. Fort L'ti Odice. as ho thinks "itleives but littlhopcs of the s.-.fety of Dr. Liv iiiLsione." As the natives told ourl'or- tu-rese this vain in June, lsfs, it would appear that your lather managed, some how, to put all his pieces together again. I have written to Yrodenburg that the muange and cutting-to-pieccs part of this yarn came out of two calabashes of ca "colla, (drink made .f honey). " .Vith aiuch secresy," says Vredenburcr, "the native told the Portugese that Dr. Liv ingstone was a great fetish man. He talked every day with the sun t. e., ob served with the sextant, never slept in a - ... house, and no fear of wild beasts. He had an animal in a box to which lie never cave anvihimr to eat. (chronometer.) but alwavs when he was traveling he talked to it, and r-ked it tlie road which he never asked of any one From time to tio'.e he opened papers and began to talk to them. He parsed livers without a canoe, and did many other wondrous thinsrs.' A lady in Leavenworth, Kansa?, has written to town in Missouri that she is '"lectori)) on the influence and duties f.f woman," and would like to '"lector for the benefit of the church or Sabbath s hool, or any individual in that town for ! S'lii, or tor one-hall at v.) cents a icket. I She asks her coiTCspondent to "please ! rit . and let her no what can be dun about ! it.:t t j Nasby writes: 'T don't know that ; reely th re's an' more yose in livin on i this cart h. The Fifteenth Amendment : : .1 .4.1 .... 1 , , ...'-.i :. c:i'ij-tt I .III .1 .1 tie.'i-Cl :-j!l-ii'M iiu i.ittt; the seat in the Sei.it wunst okkepied by i!;at marter -Jfl'son Dsvis. It's about time forme to go hentz. 1 have no do: ire to rcmane." (renerid O'Nf il. President of the Fe nian Brotherhood, has isu?d an onler that an annual congress le held at (..'hicago. Aj,"il 11th, and 'hat the call for a meetimr of th? congress at New York, March 111, are revoked. This action is taken in consequence of an outrage on Mr. Median, whose condition is reported by his physicians as hopeless. The Burlington papers of March !2d. announce the purchase of six thousand tons of iron for the Burlington ami Southwestern railroad, half of which will be used in entending the Nebraska di biii to Pawnee City, the other half to iron that portion of the road now graded in Iowa. At the approaching trial of Daniel McFarJand. for the killing of Albert D. Richardson. John Graham, Charles S. Spencer and K. T. ( Jerry will appear f r the defence. They have made many pri vate examinations, and have now a mass of evidence before them. Comissions for taking testimony have been sent to different parts ofthc State and to Europe; Ix'sidos this, many witnesses have been summoned to appear in person. Spen cer recent !v announced that the defence w(;:ild be ready on the rccond or third j el. -inlay of tins month, it now apjtoars. however, that, they will not bo prepared j ior trial till the 21st. Legislative Proceedings Session. -6th SENATK. Monday, Fek. 2Sth, lisTO. Mr. Froat introduced a resolution re questing the Attorney General of the State to give his opinion as to the right of the Legislature to appropriate money to pay the mileage, per diem, &c., of the committee appointed to investigate the acts of the State Commissioners of Public Buildings, Mr. Hathaway moved to amend ly refeiing the matter to the Judiciary committee. Amendment lost and original ie-oui-tio?i adovtcd. S' Mr. CuiHiMisfham introduced a resohi- tion that tu. he Sene.te re-all the resolution fixing the time of the adjournment, j Mr. Frost presented petition for the ar o-.ntr.ient ot Col. u. t'chaher a Com missioner of immigration for Nebraska. Ao a petition for the appointment of .Julius ilowdowisky to the same office, licf'red to committee on immigration. Mr. Cunnin eh-un offered join; resolu tion rehithe to tlie ratification of ceitain treaties with Lowas, Foxes, Otoe and Missouri Indians. Mr. Cunningham moved to suspend rules, reud the resolution second time by its title and refer to committee of the vr. le. Lost. On untion the vote was ivcc-nsidered I ana the en the rules. stiii refused to ciispend Mr. Stonhenson introduced S. 14. to amend the act fixing the lime for hoidin li-:nct Court, bill read second time by j its tKle and passed. j Ii. li. lo, (I'eniteiitiary Jim) read first ( an.J .-ccond time t v 1 title and retcrrea i to coni:iii".tec of the II. lb l!3. joint resolution relative to mad route-1, read first and second time ai d referred to committee of the whole. -dr. Ucrc, from committee on enrolled and engrossed bills, reported that they ha I this day presented to the tdovorr.or, f(;- ,;s ignnture, the act rcL'u'atimi ju- nsdiction of Probate courts, fee. Also r.uthori.in? the Secretary of State to strike from the tiles the act makimr sec- tion linos p;i! lie ro.i-I.-. Senate loik a reee.-s till two o'clock. HOVSE. House convened at 10 o'clock. Jour nal read an I approved. Mr. McCartney, from committee on common schools and Universities, re ported back S. 4, r.n act supplemental to establish the Nebraska University and reco :11m end its passage. Mr. Church, from committee on en rolled bills, reported II. J 4 correctly eu-roll-d. M. Stewart presented a memorial rela tive to an increase of mail facilities in Southern Nel-ra.-ka. The consideration of Senate resolution re ative to adjournment on i aesda postponed until to-morrow. as 1 Amotion to indefinitcdv post;onc the con.-ido ation of the .Miikia l.-iil was lo.-t, I and was made tue sjiecial order for this afternoon at '2 o'clock. ,A motion to re-con-Idcr the vote by 01.1 a vj.-i uu oaturaay, on of the ferred to jndienrv coinuiittej wa-j re- S. 4 was taken un, and after soiiiedis- c-upsion was made the Fpeckd order for four o'clock. The hour for the special order havins arrived, the V -i-tentiary bill was taken -t; rnl r--d, I.-avin-; the !o .t:i,in v.n- settled. AFTERNOON" SESSION. SENATK. A eomiumiieati'in fiv-tn Attorney Gen eral Kol'inou was received in accord- j auce wiUi a revolution ot the bentte t the i Ibr ! the committee ot investigation, alter the close of the session. The eomnmniea tion stated the opinion of that officer to be that under the Constitution the Leg- isbture ha-J no such power, andreeiUd ,1 reasons uion which his opinion was based. A communication was read from the Secret try of State, reporting the amount of money realized by the Commissi. niers of I'ublie Buildings from the sale of lots during t!u: pa-tyuar as alout $-J'J".UUO, and that '-'M lots reU'aiu un -old. Senate went into committee of the whole on bills on second reading. After I some time spent in consideration, the i -., l ii i . . committee rose and reported back to the House II. It. a joint resolution and me morial relative to mail routes. Read third time and passed. S. 15, an act authorizing (he Governor to call out troop ; upon extraordinary oc casions. Bead third time and passed. II. 11, (Penitentiary bill) with amend ments, was referred to a special commit tee of one with instructions to conform to tha amendments. The amendment strikes out all in the bill that relates to the sale of Lincoln lots. Bill made special order for to- mor row at 1 1 o'clock. S. It. relative to the committee of in vestigation ef the official acts of the Commissioners of Public Buildings, made special order for to-morrow at 11 o'clock. Adjourned. hocse. A communication froia the Senate re quested the return ef S. 11. 2, relative to adjournment. The lion 40 then went into committee of the whole upon the Immigration Bill. After a long discussion the committee roe and reported the bill back with amendments. The amendments were adopted and he bill ordered engrossed for a third r e a li n g t o -n 1 o r ro w. Mr. Lovel.md, from committee on Ways and Means, reported S. It. 13, an act makinir further appropriations for tlie earicnt expense.--, for th year 17:), with amendment-, by way of substitute. On motion, the consideration of the special orders for the day were postponed, and the llou-n resolved itself into com mittee of the whole to consider the Ap propriation bill. Mr. Stewart in the chair. After som j dist'i-.-i.-M, the com mittee rose and reported progress, and asked leave to sit again at 7 o'clock this evening. Granted. A committed of three was appointed to wait upon the Auditor and obtain a bill of items for tlioexpenses of tlie extra session. Mr. Gardner, from committee on ju diciary, reported back II. it. Hi with amendments byway of substitute. Substitute was adopted and bill re sotimitfed. House took recess until ccven o'clock. . I.N ATE. Lincoln, Tuesday, March 1. Mr. Stevenson presented memorial to Congress, prajing for the recognition of Cuba. Utiles suspended, memorial read second third time by its title and passed. . Mr. Cunningham, from special com mittee to whom was referred II K 13, (Penitentiary Bill,) was referred to make it conform to the Senate amendments, repot 1 ted that dnv l.erf .rin -ib ;ii tovenson iuii-oduceit S , to cm rect mistakes, errors and imperfections in the statutes of Nebraska. Bead 21 time and referred to coiumittecof whole. Mr. Frost introduced S Jt I J relative to payment for the Omaha Jlrrnld. II It 24, memorial for a mail route. Itu'es suspended and memorial p.isse-1. If 11 lo. an act to amend sections 2 and o of an act to enable counties, cities, and precincts to borrow money on their bonds to aid internal improvements. Bead second time and role; red to com mittee of the whole. II It 21, to amend section one of :.n act to provide for the publication of decis ions of the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Lead second tune oy its title and re ferred to committee of the whole. Mr. Stevenson of committee of judi ciary to whom was reported joint resolu tion relative to committee of invc.-ti-a-tion. paying the per diem ece, reported progress risked tV.riher time, tiil two o'clock to-day, which was granted. Mr. Gere, from committee on en crosscd and enrolled bills, reported that they had this day presented to the Gov ernor for his tdgr.aUtre, an act correcting certain clerical errors in the school law. Mr. Gere, from committee en en grossed and enrolled bills, reported as correctly enrolled '"a preamble and joint resolution relative to removing Indian. on reservations in this State to new a i l joint reservations. Also ;;n act provid ing for the election of an additional Con-press-tuan; ;.iso an ct to amend an act to incorporate cities or me lirst. c Senate wont into committee of trie wh'eie on S 1 1 to cncouiaire ii.iuitsrratif.n. ( iiie.;nlt'(?e loe and icii.-rted tbe bill l,:.f'v :m i r.vouimemled its iinMr.rMuimrnt. till t o-morrow. Ib port laid upon tlie a I . TIT!' ...1. ... r. .. . . ..o. . .. 1 . . lao.e. in; ;aen jloim ine ia;.ie c.ure iVrred to committee of the whole. Seii:tti v.!it i:ifo c.-noiMi Tti-t' ni tlin wJl0;e on S i 1 to oneoura.ju immigration, Committee rose and reported bill back wit Ii amendnients, anil recomended it to !. ,,rrc-:: i,v i-i 'p-.(lio r Je;'ort ad .'pted and order made accordingly. Al.-o II 11 10, to amend an act to an-tiioiii-u counties, fce.. to is-ue Itond-to aid inteiiji.l iikipruveiMOnts. lieferred to delegations from Cass and Nemaha coun ties On motion of Mr. Fro-t, the vote by whhh the memoiial relative to the recog nition of Cuba, was recognized and the memoriid was referred tD committee oti federal rchit:or.s. IIOU-sr.. House as; embled at 10 o'clock. A messacre from the Senate announced that it had pe.d II It 2d and S 1."., rela-.ive to the rai.-iar of troops ou ex traordinary occasions. Mr. Church, from committee on en rolled bills, reported II 19 correctly en grossed. Mr. (laidtior, from judiciary commit tee, reported back S 14 with amendment-', v. hich were adopted and the bill passed. S. 1 5 was taken up and referred to committee on Militia. Mr. Brewster asked to be excused from servinjr on the investigation com mittee, uiledimr that he had not time to j.. ; "IV . 'JIC 4 IL. iteptes;t uemcd by a vote of 1 tj to 1 "). 3Ir. l.h'tr.ch, froia eoiiniitte on eti prrossed hills, reported hack the im:ai gration bill rurre:t iy en?ro.-?e.L JJili wa.-s road third ti'ue and passed. A rm;csa.;re from the (iovomor ftate l that he had sine-l the act to cowivt clerical errors in the bill to e. taoiish a system of public in -traction for lhe Sta'e. A communication from the Senate said that it had parsed S 9. a incuaoiial praying ior the recognition of ti c Cu bans i S li), relative to the payment of the Omahi Ilnsid f.r furnishing a daily copy to the member?, and II 11 24, a fiemorial relative to mail route. The fl-.uc thenw- nt into citirmltfcc of the whole to consider S. -1, providing j for the establishment of a Cuivcrsity. I Committee-rose and recommended the parage oft he lii!, which was done. S. j '.(taken up and pa.-sed. S 10 was also ! passed. House took recess till two o'clock. AFTFltNOON SE; SENATK. SldSxed the time f or holding court in the first and second Judicial Districts, House amendments agreed to and bill passed. S 4, supplemental to nnact establish ing the L university ot Nebraska. House amendment a u reed to and bill passed. Mr. Gere from committee on engross ed an I enrolled bills, reported S 4, Im migration bill, and joint resolution to pay the Ouiaha Jlnatd, correctly cn grossed. , S 4, (immigration t ill) was read the thin! time by its title and then passed. Mr Stevenson, from judiciary commit tee, to whom was refered S It 7, relative to the investigation JTf the acts of State Commissioners, made a report, giving it as -the opinion of the majority of the committee, that the Legislature has a right to apnropriate for the expenses of a committee of investigation during the session of the Legislature. 31. Hathaway, from special committee reported back S 10 without recommenda tion. On motion of Mr. Daily, Senate went into committee of tlie whole, on bills on second reading, with Mr. Hathaway in the chair. Committee rose ami reported their action to the House S Id, to amend the act enabling eoun ties, eVc. , to borrow money ami issue bond.-? for works of internal improvement, was read third time by its title and passed. Mr. Frost moved to take up S It 2 joint resolution for adjournment on the 1st day of March, Not agreed to. H 13 (Penitentiary bill) was postponed until to-monow morning. H21, amending act to provide for the publication of reports of decisions of the Supreme Court. Head third time and passed. S. 10, an act to correct errors and mis takes in the code of Nebraska. Indefin itely postponed. H. MS, to encourage immigration, refer red to committee on imminra'.ion. Mr. Gere, ftooi committee on enrolled and en -s-jd bills, reported as present. J to the Governor for his .-denature, an act to provide for tie election of an additional Congressman. AW an act toymeuid the act incorporating cities of the lirst class. Also a resolution relative to removal of Indians. Also a joint resolution relative to payment for Omaha Ilrrnld. Abo that the act supplemental to an act establishing the bniversity of Nebraska, correctly enrolled. Mr. Daily, on motion, was appointed a committee to ascertain from the Secretary of State the amount of saline lands re- mainining to the State, and to report to morrow. Adjourned. Iioise. Mr. Gardner, from the Judiciary Com mittee, reported back S. It. 1, an net to provide means for the support of the State Government without amendment. The bid was then passed. Mr. ltoper, bv unanimous consent, miro'iucea 11. ii. , a memorial relative to mail route, which was passed by a unanimous vote. S. 11, relative to immigration was taken up and inde.fi nately postponed. SEN ATI Wednesday March 2. Mr. Doily, from special committee, ap pointed to ascertain from the Secretary of Strde the amount of saline lands yet unsold in posses-ion of the State, "re ported that 18 sections still remained of the 4.! section appropriated to build the State Univcrdty and Agricultural Col ice .-. Mr. Daily int-.ndmed S lo, a bill to provide for the care and cu-tody of State prisoner.-. Bead second and third time by its tide and nas.-rd. ltf join Congress ri Beatrice to rosoli :d uieuioiial to to a man route from Im !i.eo;n On motion of Mr. Gere, the rules were suspended, bill iead second and third time an 1 passed. On motion of Mr. Gere, Senate went into committee of tlie whole on the Peni tentiary bill. After some-time spent in consideration, the committee rosu and reported the bill back with amendment?, and reeom- I mended that it do lie upon the table. t i Le au-endnieiit provides thai the l'eni-tenti.ii"- shall be located on the 40 a.-:es .vie-. ted by tlie Commissk.ners. about three miles from Litreoln, on such a . ite that it wi'l be accessible to side tracks from railroa Is ) It was tabled iu order that the S'-na-tejiduht have an opportu nity ofvisitii!ir Verfahi stcuie euani.-s in the vicinity of the she. Adjourned till to-morrow. HOL'SK. Uou-e conencd ar tlie nsuai hour. .V comuiu'iicutioii from tl;j Senate an nounced that it had ;.ar-si:d II il hj and II 11 lii, with a"..;en boenis. Mr. Hagoi'd, from couwiiittee on n:i!i ti.u rcporrel back il II id, an act to j.0 videf'orthe orpiniiatiou of the ina:.e militia, widi an amendment by way of a substitute. Als- S !.";. an ae to pro ide lor the raising of troops on cxtia .rd:nai"y oeeasion. wit he tit rec inimen !:: tion. Chi mo:io 1 the House vc;;t info uom- mi-tee el ti:e .!:-,.e to oo-idt.: she sub- j stitute to ii U j. Mr. i:i:i"m in tiie j chair. After a shoit discussion the coui- i mittee rose and reported progn ss. and ! asked leave ty sit again at two o'clock ! this atteriie.on. Granted. A Me -sag.; from the Semite siat.-d that it had pa-sod S. II. '., relative ti the a; pointinent of a joint committee to pre- 1'aiu u mi ivii.i. Jul tiie e::r; an.I cuaody ot'uiio i.H-unr-rs. lle.-ol;ition Kvloptod and 3Ie.?.sw. .McL'artitcy,' Fox iiid iMcC;tig vvero aj pointed from the House. A motion to adjourn at J 1 p. m. to nudit was lost. II U Ty) and II R 21 were taken tip and tin; Senate ameuJuK-Lts con'-ute-l in. 3j'Cartney intr .Jmed a Li:I to pioi e for !li3 care and ciisto ly of'St ife jinsonor. litltrrod to Special CV-ta- ni.ttee. Keces.' till two o'clock. AITK11K00N SISION. irv.-.ise t-oiivoned at two oW-ck. .Mr. Stowatt ii 'm Co-.ntalttto on F.o- rolled liiU-s, n-;.;.rtod ioint niemorial re- latiye t man routes correctly er.gm.-sod. lhe ll.-use then went into (.'otnmittee of the Win ile. to consider II I'.K provid ing for the raisin,: of trooi-s on txt.-aordi-nary occasions-. Alter half cn hoar's discusi-ion, th: co:i:m:.ttce ro e and re couiinvn.led its p;is.sr.g.". Tha bill was then ordered engro -.?ei and printed. The re.-oiiition o til-re-1 by Mr. Jlh. l-?--, asking t lie-tiovcrt.oir to i.-".-ue a supple menttarj" call fJr tho parpve of .a-it.g a geuend hurd law was then taken up aud p is.-e 1. It re vl as fallows : Jyjooii- d, That in the o.inion or the ! m-.ij...iy ia tins iiou.se, the larnnnir m tertst of a large portion of this State de mand that immediate action he taken upon the subject of retraining stock from ruunimr at larjre in this State. T'e would ihcref.. re. respectfully re quest ins Lxccllenoy the Governor", that ho convene the Legislature f.r the pur pose of taking action oji the above named subject, as soon as this sc5aioa hall ad jount sine dir. Amounted. Slenry Boeck, DEAL.il. IX F URN ITU R E Lounges, Table?, Safes, BEDSTEADS. Of all Jcforii't'ocs ami nt all prices. -:o:- Metalic Burial Cases, Of all size?. WOODEN COFFINS, Ready Biade, nnj .old cheap for cash. Vith innny thanks forr.it jiatronapo. f invito all to c.tl! iir.-l examine uiy lurjtc ttock ot" Furni ture ami Cil5iii9. J iiin.'sif. O. A. LKRHV. OTTl'jnVA JIF C? CO. 0. L DERBY k CO., MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail 1KALERS IX FURNITl IJEnDING, CHAINS, LOUXGKS, TAliLi:S, &e.. Our motto is quick sales nml small profits. rVfirlh Side rTIaiu Street, (Between Second and Third) Estt!t320ijlh, rVe?raska. OL-t VV tf PLAT T S MOOT t ,--;: -c v v f) .-ts ft ..Nr pji-t s 'ilK-rr- if, tfii.-.--y-- ITALIAN MID AMERICAN MONUMENTS, TJ.VHSTOMS.t head i'j o. :.. T. t L K- TO !'.?, f C, Furnished promptly iind neatly at the very lo've-t prices possible. We Warrant SatisfactJcn. mi::u;i:s a- r.r.o.. II. (in street near f.th st.. ri:;U.-moufu Xel. REAL ESTATE ! ! Acres OF CilOIGK LANDS, Improved and Unimproved, For sale or. rea.--nii!le terms; r.ls... "ity pn.-per-tv. eonsistiij of He.-ii-jace. ni:d U.i i;.. nrnved l ot--. Those desiiioi; o v. t 1 i,.i--1 v. iii find it to tneir litter st to tall ar. l rxtuiiue .i'.r list in-tore pur tiasinj.- i-is -wih-i -J J.'UK & V. IXDIIA.M. ? -'l Ileal Estate placed in our l.an.U forsle will I ttn r-oj.-.-ly ji.lvcrti-.o i vrl .nit extra ."st rv.ncr. e u- i::.-iiit;.- to a-! crti.-c every t- t! piet illiT full 'tl- 1 fin ..-. 'ia.--M 1.11 cur f.ii !,i;k-. nv- ii .ii t-t same w tjvi: dtircd. This ?-,vt-s p.jrties a.-T-iiv: to si 1. ttt;- :u:l a tv.-nta-e ;f a lverti:iijj their !'-., trt f.-r sale, w uUout tai inp n ;.;tur trie : r: ei s- t- J.av. lUi-.V.f.j -ri'i.l.OCK .V- U1NMIAM. Imprcvad Farm and Timbsr ; 'I'ui s.-.lc. The farm i- ? uate-l 21 .'. inilcs nest "t ria-si!i.:iii : J si a- res i.i .i- i i-i.hivi ii.iii.un I 1(1 aert-y of iimhtr: also, iv s.ory and a half house. l-r tenns cb Ub'".tf.J fci-tEEOC: ,t- V.'IXDSIAM Improved Farn for Ouic. oritaii;;i)ff SO aercs, fix milos west of Tlattf mouth. Ai'ply to aug-Stf. SPERLOCK A AVINDIfAM. A Great Barnain. AVe hive for sale an SO acre ir:.rt nf tun1 ivu .in:.-? i-uiiiwei inun i iatrsmouth un be had a tartrain if a.;!ii :ition i ... ; i .. . .1 e . . v f whir h n t.Tt K :i t l.'.n ia ...rtn : jii. tl't'ItLuCK .1; WIXDJIA " M. ur.g'tf t ABSiST MAKER, An i -U-.iTc-r in .vl k:nls of Furniture and Chairs. Mtts sct.kf.t. (thira di.-r west of V 0 Pialtsiri'ouUi - . . Huh ni-hins ne.i .y done. at t !:? shortest notice. ino.ll f rut.cr.Ji a. ten led F3 K.fc.5 on The unl vi !ej half or the whole if desired of thf I JiO( "A" .V. n rs a: 1ST A XD SA ir MIL I. . ".'l-hors.' j-orr en-in- and b..:.:rr."J j.air rf a loot 1 tirrs. ,")- iut'i eir.-niar saw. t-.rr ry mill house, .'io.ii feet; irerythirR in ff od running order. Aito a C.i 01) liWLl.LIXC, ifOCfii:. of four r,-.-msand cellar. For parMeul:ir. ca-S-tr '". 0. V.LVSTZ. UilU H XZ&T U U U W ITiX L LIFE URANCE CAPITAL, - No. ms 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS BKLlrTCK: St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, ill., Memphis, ALL POLICIES iecuriD? tha Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st ' This is a Western Comi-iiny. mana?,-! 1,y W.l.-rn rn.71. w,.e known fin.munri.-.l ,1 0.1. 1 rmmuiu 11.1 11 rece ive no notes to ii!y, itn-l 110 outstnndini? note. as lien? upon ttioir l"i!ici-f!, 4ci. ideiid.-1 liUi' losses ;ire i;iid in cash, uti. It insure? at lower rates than any La-tern company. t-4'1. Its risks are in the West, where the rnto of mortality is l.,WOr and the rate ot inut. A higher than in the East; heneu lhe iiecuun.Iat ion of dividends to the poli. y LolJer ireater tb.u in itiy Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction u;in tr.n cl. jsth. Its dividends are made upon the eontri'niti.iu plan. 9th. Its business is exclusively lifV iusurnnee. ' " ' "" " """-1 loennums pan, heneethc t'ompany thai loao, U ...(, t the highest rate of interest ean give yo.t the latest dividends. Eastern en,p;,nies inv. ,t lh,if moneys at 0 percent., while this makes its in vestments at twelve per et nt. or more. j The advanta-e of Western investments to the i-oliey holder ap,.:iry in tie? followv3 ,Urtl i.t .'futures: The amount of SLOm), invetcil for Cfty years nt A .1... o,.....,,,. 1. .1- b pereent. compound OFPICEBS : H. D. fvlackay, Prtsidsnt, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. FSoore, Secretary, E. V. Eaves, Treasurer, D. M. Swan, General Agent L. Vever; M. D., Consulting Physician. J. EXEOTJTI-V-J H. D. FSackay, George H. EujorSon, -:o:- TTXv,V AI.I, .MI JlV K.tnsas ;! ) i.eic!,ycci.i th.it tiie X" Missouri Valley L?fe -r rar.if-1 ai-d .!..!n? loi-incss un.Jtr ! i.trj oi" it., eioi'al in l i:i:.-.t : ites crt.r.;' . .... - j.-.,-,, ..1 tut- sai-te. c! 1 ,i , :r,!.r ii-co la -ii-aii.l 1 .l l.u-s cf ul nitcl .-i;;!.-- 1:..- 11 . ' . . pan ; ami mat I ro.i-i ia t r it an I d c; ai.ove n:i;n:i..iH- i. asul I :.i.i s;,i i-rlo.l Ttin ti- U !''!'"! moiuy ol" tli- I'nit - i Sm:. - of Am.-ri'- in v.n;-..--s wi! ere 1 linve fieri. timo ru:.-.-ri ) :d of Ar.d- (. n'li ieii. tin; d.iv i.., l ), t itor ol" -s:.:t... f my n '.' eve intiwitn.itiy wnereoT. I. vli.vs Kino. nmler - I ."seal of Insurai I' lrtmciit of ; (. Mi.-.ouri. V.':. I f ...iiri I .... h ........ . .. :.l w-. . ... .v. , ....ill v. i.iii r-idLC fir ate of- loyscalof otlice. atth. i July. a. i,. is,;-.,.' SaiK-rinU-aJcnt of the CKIITIFICATK CKRTinCATH OF AUTHO'nMTV TO IX) lillSl' pis mwAK&tt ,hirty-s..T.nd. thirty-third .J thirtV-loul'th i" ee t ! 'n ' 1" n 1 1 A ! t ' ' o't Vh e V; r-0 'a ''' ?: .state ol Missouri entitlc.l "An act for the i,....,rr.or.iti.,n at "l rein . .?,?, ' "! Aw"'1'1?.''' " tii'-H.'-ui.i.rovc.l March loth. a. h. Ivy. tar a- lie sacl r - - ., I . ' ' V,1' r''',-e ( -'"" :'- joir-nnnt to the thirty-sixth section of ii I Act. t i -a, 1 V Z ,i V .11 , t ,'. ' I '"' ''" ",,,Vt"- And is hereby authorized to do business as Life Antn, r C, , v , !'it' ' m h'. . ' cf7;"'''rVi,r",':" Kubjeet lo he several provisions aui rcomremcHM t 'f , , " .., " ' . ' 1 J " i" ' ' M i"';"ri runrr. in the ear of our I.or.l iK... 1 i i i ........ ' rt " ' u"t'1 'ho first tuv ot 1.1, (To expire o:i the -';2.-t day of January. Is70. Ivst Kivr,: DEPtnjJtnxT. Orvu r. Sta tk Ai i.ttcii. U ttfiii-.s ... t tt . it. . - . c.ite.t at I.eaventvorth. Kansas, ha., Ole.1 i., this o fi.-c r V-v .V 1 C A -t n,"""' ,"m,,""- 1 ", '..mpany. n.l a statement nmler oath. sho iK il, eomli,," a uu r, ' '"" " 1 law ot the Jit.if of .Nebraska, entitle.! '" n rtin H. I -.. I . . I rtulr"' by the tilth s. ilioi. I i yehruary 1-Vth. IS,. I: n,mA Feb' uU-l"th. ls! "tntXUMT, "'""'V"' "'," Vi ' undersia-ned t.-fi. -t..rv M,,.n f. ... ... . . ,i .reas, .. t urncatiy has turni-hed the iifciir.A.v .liiilUl iJ. t OVrilE. ?TLI AtTfnl ..r in T I I ' .. I ... -i . . . . , i?ive Hundred of actiinl enid'al. invested in the stock of nt lsat iwt;it worth .l-.n'.l.. ti. .,....,. r. 1 r.ic.t id tats oiiice a written instrument, un it rtho and Secret try thereof. u t r.-rixinir ti A . , . . . - - - .. ..... ...u.-u... .ii. .. ..r -i . . .- . an t in behalf ot s t i r.-.r.:.;,v ;; i. he. 1 to t.0,1 vaii.1 as ,f -e-rved upon the Com rein v. ace-Hi f o , I 11 -V. -V v , '""' ,i,k,n St.-.te. and wan ing all elaiins of error by r-:i,,. ice- V i l Mate or n.v ,t !,. r b T";'1 ".'lY'" lw that he is the .u.h riVe.1 i A ,f . 1 r A,,ri,,n ,- C" '"'!' Tie. Auditor of the .St..,u ..f Si.-i.rl k. i .'h '-rchv c'-r-'if v 1- A 'i'' '" .V.1 '" J thor tyioaetasStuteAntto ' "It. IN.,., h-,- ',:! .,: bn.-k:,. and to ,lo and ,.rrf,.rm all a.-,; ,'r : ", ",, !, , Vt 'f 'T , ,!.r :: -! .V.-PO-.nfaient as sue., aent. and by ,he laws r.t this ?u,o. , , , ! . ' ) ' i' "' thoruc-l by h:- ::(. In witness whereof. 1 have subscribed n-v u i-.c I . ... . "' J-m-iary. .1. 1.. Js.o. i it.. 8.1 SiSixcd this l.t Uayf Ai-ril, vS' 1 j ! ,'t't v'i'- i'J'i ' tM! '' ',,,r'" '"" 1 1 '''LI.csl'lL. Male Auditor. GOOD TKAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. Sfate l5a:it fr Webraskaa..,; .ri.cr, i Jnsa,. J. W. TilATfcSHALL. Aereat. R. R-LIVINGSTON MVd- Sxaaiae. MPANY. - $500,000.00 -:o: -:o:- OFFICES Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. .0: KON-FOlll-EITUVG. -:o:- Advantage to the Policy Holders. -:o:- an.I Kived none. I'oliey bcMiN have r.o niter. -I ... i it.-r.-st, is 117.;!?ii.w COMMITTEE : .?. Hines, E. Henseley. D. W. Eaves. AlIIT0K OF .TATE OVF(v ' A' '":.. Audiur of the ..-ti,te of Insurance Company, CO t halVc, IfeV l?l;M WW i . ! lie U.' I'Cli it. .. i ..... L-: .i - . T . -r'ify that it 1 . tt. . I , . . " II. .1.1. VPS Of .;,,. . ,1... l .. ... I'-.ri i .- 1 1 im - un... nn.l paused the v. it::-!-. al ( f 11:3- f,i(.,. to ,, A. TIIOMAX. Auditor .f Stat f Kiin.ii--. iL - nel. So ...-,;,.... . . f the Tn.r, - ?. .'lwo.ti.-i . - citvoi - s. f .... v "f1"1 '"' alfn.-l ...tl. I...... 1 . . . '.-!'.(..- ' fsn.'i -'"awrv" '"" Insurance ItvpUmont of the sVateVf Alari. OF AUTII01IITV. j.imoi.v. .ei,i-.i.ka. Ai.ril ! i.ar r .l.w. , : v. i !",r v''ue. or in hoiid or ui.t-rt ?. ..ot,.! .iinr,.-i .... . I ... I . . - - -..--.I .. i ' ' ' ' I nil .my I: :' ( '!';'""'ir. .ic:,e. -.-y ,!,c l'It... '". ' '"" U!i -e serv : .f proci ) i L. I T 1 SMO (fTII. . 1- - ;.-c oi iiroi-c- t'.r i u i t I V): i t..t . IT ;