Henry Boock, joi:i'ii sin z,a i ;rt WATCliMAKKK and jnwr.i.cii. K. A. VTIGGENUORNE D. SCHXASSE. She gttelta guraW. THE. 1 MI II I?ICIXSKEYr, GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! EyeryboUy. uj more tdo. are going to B. A. WIGGENHO 5X S Co., To buy their JSriiag: ti3.cl Bum rri er C3rOcc3.s AT THE N"EW YOEK TO.EE: TLe largest and most complete H OCK OF ORES GOODS WALLI LOCAL HSriHJWS. and dealer in watches, clocks; silver and plated wake, COLD PENS, SPECTACLES, VrOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. FURNITU R K from Fridrxy'Z Daily. The Eastern mail by hiorning express arrives at 10 o'clock a. ni. 3L I IF1 IE Lounges, Tables, Safe:-, 7i IT! 1ST T T TT,rP Will beat Dr. Livinfrston's office during the 1 i ... L- in each month. All orders left at --o N BEDSTEADS, I Tost ii'..cqwill bo promptly attended to INSURANCE FT 71" M Y" X M IT .VI r AIM Y . nKMV.MBI.Tt c r.ld ihd, Jlan Slrerr. ( Citv Jl -tnt. ll"V. 10 w tf. Of all descriptions and at all prk. COI j r. it i IS 13 Ck. 'JO n c o 3 g" n. V. 5 B $ p.) - r CGI m to mm o J- H o o o s I 2 H Q U H 0 Q 0 0 2 Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at irreatly reduced prices. V attention to our new style of e call particular J, a. UAN & oo (Suc-cssors to J. M. Hinebman.) Druggists & Apothecaries. DRESS-GOODS, PIUNTS, DELAINS, lilNGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, 1 . BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES ef all kind and price to suit our numerous customer. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a laree stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLIPPER. PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kinds ,f CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES, &.C Plattsmomh April 22d. 1869. E- A. WIGl.ENHORN & CO. One door west of the HkraLD Office. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA, STORE' HAS AT DEAl.KRS IK Iruj ami lledieincs, PAINTS. OILS. DYES. NOTIONS. Toilet Goods rEKFUMERY. FANCY SOArS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS l or Mechanical and Medicinal purpose?. Keep cou.-tuntly on hand a. full and veil aborted itooii of PATENT MEDICINES. WHOIiSSMiS MB &3STML A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. Wc are informed that one of our com positors has added to the Styles of the day, but ref uses to take out a patent. Rev. Geo. Charles Betts, of St. Barna bas Church, Omaha, is in town visiting his many friends at this place. The ico bridge is not yet safe for heavy loads. We hear of several teams breaking through; but all without loss. The cold snap does not seem to in fluence the work on our railroad. Trains nih out daily and work is being pushed vigorously. The statists have been enjoying them selves hugely on the ice if we may judge from the grand and lofty tumbling we see them perform. We saw a sled load of honey driven down Main street to-day. We did not learn whether it was for this market or for Chicago. A larceny was committed at the Farm ers Homo last night to the tune of over $100, but the thief has not been found. We understand Mr. Herman New man, the neat and gentlemanly proprie tor of the "Bloom & Co. Clothing Em porium," saw the elephant last night, notwithstanding it was "a little cloudy." Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! This will be the cry next spring. Who is going into this lucretive business? Nowhere in Nebraska is there so good an open ing for a few brick yards. -:o: OAPITAIi, - - - - $500,000.00 :o:- GhElSmURIL. OFFICF : No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENYSORTHKANSAS :o:- St. BHAjNTCH: offices Louis, Mo., Chicago, lil., Memphis, Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. -:o: ALL POLICIES . NON-FORFEITING. -:o:- Sheriff Johnson arrived at home to day by the Morning Express train, from Mt. Pleasant, where he has been with Godfrey Fickler. He speaks in the highest terms of praise of the Asylum at ML Plca.ant, and says Mr. Fickler Eeenied well satisfied to remain there. I'lattimouth, Nebraska, August 5th, 1859. eJolm JFitzgeraltl. P'. v.iiMjiti nreserirdions carefully coin pound - purtft mclii:iii'!" used. All goods warrautid ks represented. Call and nee. Main Street, South Side. T : 11 MS CASH. . J. BUM). C. M". RO.SAX, J. H- B. ROSAS. COiV.MISSiO?! PERCKAKTS, AM) WHOLESALE IEALE11S IX Flcin-, Graiu Provisions, and Canned Goods, HIDES, VOOIi, etc., Corner Pearl and Court Streets, Council Bluff-Iowa AM Cor 3Iain nntl !Si-conI Sis, PLd T TSMO UTIl jV2? V. FKKfscf..-Firt Xatior.al E;ink. Cct'n?i! I.iirN : iih.-or I'uscy. Hunkers. Cju:i :i liiu: tjr-t Nati-intil r,:init. Jniahu : Oiu.'ihu iNntional ri;.'. "niell i: Hi-Kt-riiif Co., C'l.t-j -choc; linush tn.l liriUi Ivw, I'.ryan: JilL rl Or t it-Id. Chi lJ:.r;uolow, Lt;wia ii Cu.. St. Louis, Mo. ju;y;.tt". , janTdlwtf L0K-& -BHO ADES,- - Russell 45 Doom's Old Stand, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. 3 "Ve arc in receipt of a new paper called the l'latte Valley Independent, published at North Platte, Nebraska, by Eberhart & Mobley. It is a neat six column paper. In the number before us No. 3 we find nothing to indicate the politics of the paper. The voters of Wyoming Precinct, Otoe county seen! to ctfriclude that paying taxes to furnish interest oil bonds given to corporations in other States is em phatically a class of business at which the more you put down the less you pick up At a late meeting in that precinct resolutions stroncrly condemnatory of this little financial scheme were unani mously passed. Morton, of the News, can probably explain. There are over one hundred children between the ages of 5 and 2 years resi: dent south of Bock Street (fir-i strec south "of Main) within the city Iuuits. Cannot something be dane to secure the openingof a school in that part of the city? It is certa'nly needed. Who will open their heart and give a lot for a school iouse site. IMvitlemls on llie Coxairiksilion lnia9 Securing the Greatest Pecuaiary Advantage to the Policy Holders- -:o:- HOS. K T. K. HANS . J. B. CLABVg E. mrrt'l.K. 1 Teoite, Hanna a. Clark, MCALKRll IN Ciolil aiul fiilvcr Coin, EXCHANGE, tLT.K. and other Stocks. Dmfts drawn on all part of the United States nr. 1 Ivirojn;. UopiiMis received, and special at tiiitiuu given to collectioui. S. BLOOM '&; CO PLATTSm0VTH, NEB. je:itf Plattsmonth, Neb. von sAk.t: on iiext The undivided half or tUe Thole if desired XnCK I! LUFFS CURT ASP SAW 3IlLLt 2i horse power cneiue and boi!er.2 pair of 3 foot lmn-v v. iuch cir-ular saw. two story mill house, MixVi itet; evcrj thing in cood running order. Also ;t GOOD DWFLLIXG HOUSE, of fnr roonianJ cellar. For particulars en sure of. C. SCHLUMZ. prJltf.3 Rock Bluffs. Casa county. cb PIANOS. Q IMS A1S. 1TIEI-I EOIS I Ira :ira Acrnt for th? best Musical Intru-raent ! IVrions riiiinif to l.-jy li;iw-s. Cabinet. 51ern.pol!t.in or l'orl.iiiw Oiur.s, or ilc-li'leons c:,n i.nr,-h;w throuch mv Accni v ou ajs hbi-ml t- nc as they can from the uiauiavturers tbeni- -lrrs. Al Instruments lully warrant".!, aprltf. J- N- WISH. FAIRLTK&MONELL !.Suoce?jrs to Kiter, Fairlie Jc Monell.) JOBBING STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, Engravers & Lithographers, AND GENERAL Booksellers and Publishers, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Krflmir Omaha Mineral Water for sale :..t the Citv Hotel, gg. loc By J. E. HoLLAxn, Agent I?0U sSLAE Lot in P7rttTuoutli : IMPKOVLU. Liii-T riud 8 in block 37. W( t half lot i in block 34- L. til iii l.lock :i3. ' Li,t t in W.-k H. L-ts an I 4 in Idoek 29. Lett". n 1,1 ock J. It4 ia block -C'LOC t T'rpT 4.V 5- B.OCM & CO., DEAIEBS is CLOTIIIIVG. GEXTS' FUFWISHING GOODS, ic, Ac, ic. BOYS' AND CHSLDREIM'S CLOTHING, Hats 8l Caps, Boots 8l Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Mam Street, Second Door Bust oj (Jourl House, Plattsmouth, EMeb. BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Bluffs, Icvva e have an extensive general stocJc einntifi t licit ire arc constantly as sorting tu9 tcliif we offer to tJie jnifr- lie at prices tliat ce fcnoic must give entire satisfaction. We purchase the very best Goods at the head uf Mar ket and stricthj for cash, and are prepared to compile tcith the trade at any point on the Missouri river. AVe were ohown plans of a very fine building, prepared by an architect in Chicago, which Messrs. Jos. Buttery and Henry lioeck propose erecting next spring. We suggest that all the pro prietors on the block on which this build ing is to stand join in and put up a whole block. Let them meet and make the ar rangements. . . From Thurtdttt' Daily. Rev. Geo. C. Uetts will preach at St. Lukes Church next Sabbath, morning and evening. REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : lit This is a 'Western Company, tnunuged by We.-tern men, wlm.e known fiii:in;inoial charac ter Ability and position, afford ample puaninty lur its carelul una succcslul management. 2u Its rolices are mi - 3d. Premium all cash. It receives no notes and give3 none. Tolicy holders have no interest to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. Dividends an losses are paid in ca.h. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. 6th. Its risks are in the West, where the rate of mortality is lower and the rate of intercut higher than in the East; hence the accumulation of dividends to the policy holder is greater than in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8tb; Its dividends are made upon the contribution rl.tr. 9th. Itsbusinefs is exclusively life insurance. :o: Are the accumulations of interest upon rromiums paid, bencc the Company that loans lis assets at the highest rate of interest enn give you the largest diviJciu'.s. E.-..:icrn companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cei.t. or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder nppears in the following startling figures: The amount of S1.O00, invested for fifty years at 6 per cent, compound interest, is $ 1ft, 120.14 8 " " " 4t',M.C-l " nr.nao.s.-." 12 " " " 31S.0CS.0(J OFFICERS : H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseiey, vics-msiaent, Geo. A. floors, Secretary, E. W. Eaves, Treasurer, D. M. Svan, General Agent. L. Vever, U. D., Consulting Physician. The Printers Jubilee, at Nebraska City on the evening of the 17th, was a fine affair. Head the excellent article on Saunders county, in to-day a Herald. Let our eastern readers get Colton's Sectional Maps of Nebraska and examine it as they read this article. Simpson Mickelwait & Co. have the contract of transfering construction material for the Railroad during the winter. They will givo constant em ployment to a large number of teams. F. M. Lonsdale and family returned from the east 3'csterday, where they have been visiting for tho past month. Mr. Lonsdale resumed duty this morn ing on the police force. Buttery St Lazenby advertise the Con ner Stable f j-day. The3T have the finest Stable west of the Missouri river, and have it well filled with the very best of stock and fine new carriages. Go to the Bonner Stable for an "A No 1" rig The Chicago Kepuhlican speaks of the B. & M. Road being completed to Omaha. The Republican ought to bo better posted. It ought to know that the B. & M. Road does not run nearer than twenty miles of Omaha, but that it crosses the Missouri river atPJattsrnouth and is being rapidly pushed towards Ft Kearney from thus city. We had the pleasure of a enll to-day from Alph. R. Barnes, Esq.. U. S. Mai agent on the B. & M. R. Railroad be tween this city and Burlington. He is an agreeable gentleman, and what caused us to take an especial "liking" in his direction is the fact that he is an ex perienced typo and quill driver. We hope to meet Mr. Barnes often in our city. A graTel train is now kept constantly running between the sand bank, out about nine miles, and the city, bringing in ballast for the road and yards. Every thing is being finished tip in the very best style by the B.& M. Co. in Neb We venture the assertion that they arc making the best road west of the Miss- '?rippl rir?r. Mctalic Burial Cases, Of all nues. WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap forenfh. With many thanks for past tatronnse. 1 invite all to call and examine my large tock ot 1 r"- nrennd Cottms. i "-"" BOOTS &SH0ESI Havii.sr rcumvinl my Shop two nud a half uiiii-s suuili f rintt-Muouth.uii llie road le.ntuii' to Hock j Un lis. where I am prepared to uo i 1 1 Vinds of work in my line en the niiurtcst notioo. If you want a pair of Xo. 1 BOOTS, :sHOES OR BLIPrERS give me n call. Ail kinds t' produce taken in TliaiiKUtl lr pnt patronage, I the continuance ot the f-art pnyment. ioic to merit novi'm. U. V". FEK1EK. O.ZA. PKUBV. OTTl.'ilWA 51F O CO. 0. A. DERBY & CO.; MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN URNITUR BEDDING, CHAIRS. LOUNGES, TABLES, Our motto is quick salon and fmall profit. North Side ITIain street, (Between Seeond and Third) Flattnioath9 Nebraska. octilwtf F U R EM ITU R CABINET MAKER, And dealer iu nil kind of Furniture arid Chairs. Ihibd stket, (near Main) Platts mouth - - - ' Neb. Repairing and Varnishing neatly doue. -Funcrali attended at the hortcst notice. Ino.ll. ATG to q TER5 h a jlm c e FOR A GOOD BARGAIN! Having completed the platting "ml recording of my (1I KK H) AUilitiou to the City ol I'latU liiouth, I am uow prepared to eull in the Addition at reafonnhle rnle-. Term are one lii'l'di-'li down; the other half payable in onevear.at.cn per cent, intercs-t per annuiu from dale of pureliuee until paid. To beiecuroI by mortgage ou the property. Dt'KE PLATTSMOUTH Donation to Churchss. I will give to the following religious denomi nation:, viz : ... To the Raptist Church, lot 12 in Mo. k '1 i To the Congregational Church, lot in block i To the Methodist Churtrh. lot 1 in block 12; To the Catholic Church, lot 6 i.i '-rk .Xt: To the Episcopal Cluf-ch. lot U in block 13: To the l'resbvtoriaii Church, lot 1 in biockl; To the Christian Church lot 12 in block ft; To the Lutheran Church lot 1 in block tn my Addition to tlio Cityof l'lati-mouth.upon the following couditinm". viz: That they shall erect on caid lot., as above donated, . fuitable building foi public wo .-hip. williin live year from this dnto; nod- in coe of failure on th part of .taid Church or Churches to comply with above condition, then ami in that ease th. lot or lots shall revert to me. 6. DUKE. Donation to Public Schools.' I hereby donate for the c?e of Public District School. Lot 10 in Rlockii. mi t-i north aide of Main .street, and Lot 10 tn Ulnck 'iJ. on the noiith side of Main street, in my addition to i'X f l'Uttsinouth. S. DLKL. J. H. BXEGUTI'VB COMMITTEE : D. Mackay, Gsorge R. Hines, E. Henseiey. H. Edgerton, D. AY. Eaves. -:o: This Company Saisni'es at lower vnics ihasi any Eastern Company. :o:- KXmV ALL MEN BY these 1'Jtr.ot. Kansas, do hereby certity that tho AUDITOR OF STATE OFFICE.) "nptKA, Kansas. Februnry 2'i;h. 1 Sj.. That i, A. Thomax, Auditor of tho Stitte of Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized and doing businc? rrrtder the laws of tne Mate of krm-a? and Missouri, has furnished the undersighed satUfaotory evidence that it lin.-t invotc! tio lltindred nut' Fifty Thouxniid Dol lars of its capital in United States Government iloutl.t.ot the ucnon-.i nation o ' Five-Twenties io-Jw! o.,.i uncji.ul i.ftlio siiiiic. And I do ftii'ttier certity t'.tiil said C'oiiinanv jajt ct o:irt (in., li.i.i. drcd Thousand Dollars of said Cnitod states Jjontts lor tiie bcnc.u ot ai,i. rtn.icv iiii,cKk- ;i aid Comnanv : and that I hold iu trust and on deposit for the ocu.ttu of .-ail pol icy holder. ttie nccuritv above mentioned, antl I am fatisticd that much securities are worlu One lluudred Thousand Dollars lawful monev of tho United States of America, In witness where I have.hcreunto subscribed my name, and caused the cal of niy ofiice to be Seal of And- I alii xea, tne uay ana c:ir aoovc wrnu;n . Stor of State, j o: A. TilOMAX, Au litor of State of Kansas CERTIFICATE OF ATJTIIOITV TO DO BUSINESS. OKKICK OF ffCFFKITK.MIKT t)i' JON MHKtMK UHl'AKIMLV f Of JL'SSllfHT. Ut,Ulltil.u, mai mo Jiiui"i uu' v icsiimncc w t Ta updt:iiv A surauce Company, orsanizea unaer ttie laws ol iuefUi.eoi ivatisa-. lnruinv. h I. iff A. I i:s iirin.-ii,!il ,tti..u I cnted at tbo city of Leavenworth, ha emu plied '.villi the 'ejuiremenl. o ' t lie thirtieth, thirty-'firf thirty-econd, thirty-third and thirty-fourth miction? oT an Act of the ' 'cncral Assembly of the tnate el jiiPKOun. eunticti att i'n i nu .iuiuliuu huii - i-ui:tii:i Liit-.-i-.-'uranct! tmiiia nies," aoproved March lilth, A. o. IH 'f: .o "r s tfie said requirements are applicable thereto. And puiuant to the thirty-sixth section o.' sanl Act. the .an' I) i.otii i V'ylJsy Lite Insurance " 'ompany is hereby aiithoriiod to do business as a Life Assuran.-c com -tuny within he sai.l Stare o" Missouri "' t;:e -aci aiorcKUM, uniu tne urst day ot Feb ruary. & tne year OI our joru cmnircii nanureu ana vcvr-niy. In testimony wnereoi, i, nnLii ivisti, uuuit-i.-uci,, wpcrimnncnt oi tue insurance Depart ( Seal of Insurance De-) went of cil !tate of Misouj i. h:ve t.trei tot my hand and atlited nartment of Stateof my seal of oihee, ct the ciiy of St, Louis, Mi-ojri. rhis L.rtH fj .v- nf Missouri. 3, July. .I.1S.;! iSignedj. WYLLYS K !X;, bupenntendent of the Insurance Department of the State of Missouri. certificatj: of authokity. (To espire, on the Zln day of January, 1ST0.) IssuitASCE Dkpaptmkvt. Oi-tick or State Al t'lTort. Ll.Vf'OI.S. Nebr:iikn A mil 1 IS,:?! WhkRKS, Abram B. Covalt, State Agent for the Mi.-souri Valley Life Insurance Company, lo cated at Leavenworth, Kansas, has tiled in this i.tii -u a copy of the Act o" Im-ornrati ii of said Corntiany. and a rtatement under oath, si owin? Us condition, at required by the tilth section d a Ian of the State of Nebraska, entitled "An Act in Relation to Insurance Companies." at.nroved February loth, 14; approved February lUth, iS-i6; nud whjrc.is, said Couipauy has lurnisued the untlerwgneasnttsiactory eviuencem.ii it is jnyseu oi Five Hundrea Thousand Dollars of actual capital, invested in the stocks of at least par value, or in bond? or ciortgt?s unreal estate worth double the amount for which the .-atrio is uiorts-isrd ; and whereas. . id Coiarany has filed in this omee a written instrument, ur.ner ine s'iu oi ine (.ouipuny, f:gnet oy .be J rc.-Kirnt and Secretary thereot. aullhiminj tne saiil Oram L-ovalt to acnowiciee service o- process tor ami in behalf of said Company, consenting that service of prtc st upon hini he tiikcn and held to be as valid as if served upon the C iinp iny, .'wccor L.tu- to tho laws of i.t' St. te ot- r ny o.hcr State, and waiving all claims of error oy re.i.-tii i t sti-li crvi.'o; uzvl whe-ct.-. .".br.ua- L. Cov alt has furnished satistactory evidence t.tat lie ts ttie aut tortzed -Atrcitt o va.d Company. Therefore be it kno-wn by these presents, that ia pursuance oi the ciii -;! i Act. i. John Gilles pie. Auditor of tbe St.te ot eorasKa thority to actasatateAgeni i Kpttulf . And tn do and Derft oo.Rtment as such agent, and by the la.ws of this tute, until the .':1st day of January. . n. 1 ,7f'. In witness whereof, I have subscribed my name, aud causctJ th Seal o ;i Aadifor s oa;o; to be l. 8.J affixed this 1st day of April, x. d. ljy. JOiIJi CILLE.SFIE, titate Au-iitor. wiS!kS2la. (TALIAM AMD AMERICAN MONUMENTS, Furnished promptly and neatly ut the. very lowe-t prices pos-mic. We Warrant Satisfaction. MERGES &. BRO.. Main street near fith st.. Platt-month Neb. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Tllliaisa f4tadelsstann, DKAI.F.R IS Ready-Made Clothing, CENTS' FURXISIIIEG GOODS. Hats, Caps, Ecu is. Shoes, Trur .is. Valises and jStotiojsts. South Side Main Street, PSattsmonth, Kch. jyl'tiii MACHINE aiOP! WAYMAN & CURTIS Plniftssnoiitft, ?ieh.. Repairer of Fteain Eugitcs, Boiler?, Saw and (rit M ills. Gas mid Steam Fittiiigs. Wroticht Iron Pipe, Force and Tift Puiniis. Steam Gauges, Balance Valve Governors, and till kind, cf Bra: s Engine Fitting furnished on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired on Fhrt notice. aug.'tf Carpenters, Joiners AND CABINET MAKERS. r-.f.jat the brick building formerly occupied by Geo. li'jcr-.k a j. b'f.ckstnith fbop- j.tr.'Td'i 5,000 Acres of Land for Sale in this county. Also, Houses and Lots in tun citv, tit lotv prices. Particular attention given to Ihe liiyuig nun soiling of fi'l estate, examining title", and pal ing taxes for non-rc.-idcuts. S. Dl KL. Lot for Ten Dollars. I will sell to parlies desirous of htitldiu? and improving, nr.y of Hie lots in the su tjoincd list in my addition to Plattsinout h, at ten dollars p"- lot, under tlie following condil ions, viz: The person pun hrising will be rciiuircd to buiitl on tiic l"t purchased a dwelling house of the following dimensions, to-wit: 1 he house to be not less ih.ni llrfjt fVct, with story not lower than 8 feet. The Lame ittnrt l-e good and st'bst!iu,;.al: hou-o well siiinsic!: fouiKlaiiou either brick or .'tone There must be .i U it i li en, of not less than 1!1I. U '.tildinp mu-t .bo completed on or bi l'-i- Janu.iry 1st, 17i. Will give a bond fur fi deed to the party v.ho buys us soon ns purcha.-e i fii1 le.and upon complying with tlie above tMnd'riont, will ive a goo J ami ful'.it'icnt Vi'ari.uitv Let t. Selections uiuy be iiv.'.dii from the tcfoinpany ins li. tr ...... Lots " mid S i n block 3 ; Lot 8 in block A : Lot M in block 1.': Lot "in block T: Lot V in block "Jd: Lots 1. 9 and 1 1 ii block -.l : Lot 8 in block IZ; Lots 2 and 8 in block t: Lots . and 11 in block 2o: Lot ." i:i block Ti- Lots l.l and 17 iu block i:",; Lots 4 and 7 ia block k.'J; Lot Z iu S.DVKK. Plattsmouth. Aiu'.'Jotf. Office in Court ilouo E. BI T TERV. B KERYI ' tliese presents, ttiat ia pursuarife oi t:ie : ni t-! i Act. 1. John Gilles f Nebraska, do hereby certify th-M Abras.i fi. Covalt, K.. Iiis titll ;,n ; lor the said JlissouruVaiicy Lite lasuraiice Company. j the S a e of .N e form all acts for and in behalf of s.it 1 Cui.ip.niy anthoi-i.eil " y hit ap- GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o: State leul fr Meraska.iiiil uri)iei 11 Kansas Third Street, South of mam, ISaJtaioiitJ., Fcb., CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. R EFKE SS"! E1VJ3 BONNER STABLES. IiriTKftV; I.AZEXliV, rrops. LIVERY SALE &. EXCHANGE. i-The b?3lof Ilorsts and Buggicsen hand. Corner Vico and Fourth street'. jan2Miwtf. Platttnionth Vcbraskw. ITBW STOKE! Weeping Vater, Neb. . General r5erclianaise, nt'ca as DRY GOOP?. G ROCKIES. IIARDV.'ARI:. QUEEXSWARE. HATS. CAPS. BOOT?. SHOES. NOTIONS, Ao.. PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, J511INGLKS AND LATH. We are Agents for V.'blcox &, Cibbs Sewing Machine, which, is unJojiitedly the beet llchir" now in use. wr.r1ft"9tf. OTF. JOHNSON, IF.AI.itR IS DRUGS, HEDICIHES. BOOKS, STATIO Ti IS IS Y Perfumeries, Kair Oils, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, ri ALL THS Latent: Publications. j Pt-ci ipti'ir.' .;are;u!!;- coa.f ui.dei by an ?. J.W. MATISTTLL. Ardent, E. S. LIVINGSTON, iled- Exaa::er, ) PL.rrrsjro&TJj k-nyl on btci it all -:orr -.to : . tt- 'L.i. c:. Pit; a 'VJTIIMAN A 2iVLHTF.