Weeping Water lElills Fanner, go where you ean ft, the beet Flour, aii 1 the mott of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR A.UO l l FOODS OF Oil ATT fin in exchage for good wheat. We are Uo doing grist work; and, wkh oar increased facilities, feel assured that we can glare the kec t and most Floor of any in the Stat. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. renasT MA It KIT PRICI PALO. timed Cllntan nu-Ctf.'CS. IIealtli,Comforc and tconomr Three reasonf for bv Aiding wfth GEORGE W- COLVIN. AK btbiit, r LA TTa MOUTH, aie. Two blocks northwest of brick School House. He ha a BATH HOUSE, free to patrons; his rooms are well ventilated, and his prices are rea sonable july28tf. FAIR LIE & IMONELL ! Successors to Kiter, Fairlie Jr. Monell.) JOBBING STATIONERS, Blank. Book Manufacturers, Engravers & Lithographers, AND GENERAL Boolcsellers and Publishers, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Krflinf Omaha Mineral Water for sale at the City Hotel, e. 10 Br J. E. Holland, Ajent ron or rent- The undivided half or the whole if desired VKOCK BLUFFS GRIST AH D SAW MILL.-Ht-horse power eaicine and boiler.2 pair of 3 foot burr. "5 inch circular saw, two story mill house, :jox"u feet ; everything in good running order. Alao a UOOD DWELLING HOUSE, of four rooms and cellar. For rtVJ.r -dare of. C SC11 W Ii- . apMitf. Rock Bluffs. Casa county, r Commissioners' Order Notice is hereby given that all claims for dam age, for the right of way, against the Burling' t -ii & Missouri Kiver Hail Koad Company in Nebraska, through Cass county, must be filed with the County Clerk, to bo audited by the 4'ountY Commissioners, upon whose order the iunty Treasurer will issue the required bonds of the precinct. By crderof the County Commissioners. I. POLLARD. Clerk. I!y J, M. Bkardslst. Deputy. Platumonth. N eb., Deo. 2i. lSott. dec2Sd Jtw4 w REAL ESTATE ! ! 7 OOO Acres OF CHOICE LANDS, Improved and Unimproved, For sale on reasonable terms; also. City proper ty. C'jniting of Residences and Unimproved Low. 'i hone desiriug te invest capital will find it tj their mterct to call ana examine our nsr bft .re purchasing elsewhere. LOOK HERE ! All Iienl Estate placed in our hands for sale will be thoroughly sdvertt-cd without extra ost to the owner. We guaranty to advertise every pie. e of property placed on our sale books, giv ii, lull ir.-criitioii ot' same when desired. This ,ivi njTiif .ii-Hirina- to .ell the full advantace cf advertising their property for sale, without having a dollar ot the expense to raT- . aaguf.j S5PUKLUCK II WINDHAM. Improved Farm and Timber 5 U'.r ulc. The farm is situated 2'$ miles west i,f l';-.r'ki.K.:i:li acres umlcr cultivation. and 1j acres of timber : also, a story and a half kcutc. For lerui see aus if.J .SPL RLOCK WINDHAM. Improved- Farm for Sale. r-.niiuii'.nK 80 acres, six miles west of PUtU- mo'.ii i. Apply to ucoifj SPURLOCK i WINDHAM. A Great Barnain. We h we for s:ile an ) acre tr.ct of land lying ten milcrf t, ntJivrpt from Plattsmoatb. which an be had at a bnrirnin if application is made . lit - ii t ml mil i tx eun. Bl'Lr.lu.a a.- nuviiAia aug.jtf IEW STORE! Weeping Water, Neb. OEALKB3 IK General Merchandise, BCCB AS I.RY GOODS. GKOCKIKS, HARDWARE. QUEENS WARB HATS. CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. VINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER. SHINGLES AND LATH We are Agents for Wilicox &. Gibbs Sewing Machine, which is undoubtedly the beet Machine now ia ute. ssarlS btr. DR. TO II. ITICIstTSKE Y, 3D TC jST r I FT Will be at Dr. Livingston's office during th !nt week in ri h isoiiin. All oruers leu si me Pot-t OSce will bo promptly attended to jaly$ CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! William adelmonn, DCALES IX Ready-Made Clotixins GENTS FURXISHIEd GOODS. Hats, Cars, Boots, Shoes. Trura, Valise and isroTiojsrs. South Side Main Street, riattsmoutb, Neb. Jyl'W EMPIRE B SiKERY! Third Street, South of Main, PiaUAisioiitii, Neb., CONFEOTIONERIB5, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. ItrcFRESHTIErVTS kept on hand at all timet. HUMASON & Russell JDoom98 Old Stand, jan7dwtf riattsmoutlii We Have an extensive general stocls of Gootls tliat ice are constantly as sorting icltif tee offer to tlte pub lic at prices that tee Icnoiv must give entire satisfaction We purchase the very best Goods at the head f Mar- ket and strictly fur casht and are prepared to compttt xcith the trade at any point tn the 3Iissouri river. PLATrSM0VTH, NEB. S. B.00H & CO., DEALEK3 I1C GENTS FURNISHING 600DS, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH1MC, Eats (k Caps, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Main Street, Second Door BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, E. A. WIUGENUORXE GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, atid more E. A. WIGG-EKHO MT 8c Co., To buy Sprlns 33Ld mttm rei-osr Goods AT KEW YORK STORE- The largest and most complete 3T OCK OF Ire now en exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular - attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELA1NS, UINUIIAMS. BROWN SHEETING, JJLEACIIED COTTONS. BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, f all kinds and arises te soit eur aamorous sustomors. A large stocx f GROCERIES, HARDWARE,- QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASS WARH, YANKEE NOTIONS, tuTC a fvir n a t We have a lare stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLIPPER PLOW STUBBLE and BREAKING KLUYV, an k.mus , CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS HAY RAKES. &C Plattsrnouth April 22d. 1S69. E. A. WlGuENHORW & CO. m Oce door west ef PLATTSMOUTH, HAS WaOLSSA&'B MM RETMSs A LARGE STOCK Of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HA7g, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES pnd Provisions. JIIGHEST ' MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL, Kinds of Country Produce. sJolm Fitzgerald. EHOADES, m grain. PL ATTSMO UTH, NEB. . 1 Boots & Shoes, Vast oj uoun House, Plattcmouth, Neb. Council Bluffs, Iowa. tci2diw D. SCHNASSE. to, are going to their TH1 DRE3 GOODS COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES the Hbbald OfSce, - NEBRASKA, AT LOOAT. JM JzLi W S. From Thurtday'a Daily. Mcsf-rs. SnelLs, of Ashland, have the roof on their new buildinsr. J ude Lake is holding Court at Ne braska City for J udge Mason, The Republican reports the rails laid for two miles on the road leading North west from Omaha. m - We understand a stranger who came in from the West had his pockets turrred wrong sido out last night. ' " Senator John M- Thayer has secured the disbursement of another $200,000 by Gen. Meyera. J tThU will bo a good thiDg for Omaha. A fine-Howe Truss bridge is to be erec ted over Salt Creek, at Ashland. The bridge Is to cross the stream on Main street. Many of the farmers iu the extreme southern portion of this county,, who have heretofore made Nebraska City their trading pointf are now coming here with their produce and for their goods. High prices for produce and low prices for dry goods and groceries will draw the prowls. The stationary engine in the Railroad Machine Shops has been in operation for several days, and the machinery in operation. Everything is now in readir ness to do all kinds of work. The com pany do not expect to do much in the manufacturing line at present, bet are ready for all repairs needed. . Win. J. Ford, who formerly resided in this city, but who has been in Baltimore for some time past, arrived in the city a few days since, and left for Omaha yes- rday. While here Billy seemed to be the most popular man in the city. Dur ing his entire stay a large number of people were constaatly looking for him, and all of them had little pieces of pa per in their hands and seemed particu larly interested in his pecuniary welfare. Since he has gone they all look sad, and they all retain their little pieces of paper. The Herald n retains its little piece of paper. We were present a fJw day ago when a man stepped up to Mr. John Maney, tracklayer on the B. & M., and asked for work. Manley took a square look at the man, and then remarked that he wanted hands to work, but did not want hvs hind At first his reply seemed a little strange to u.-, as the man appeared to be a perfect ttranger; but Mr. Manley further remarked to the applicant for work that he drank too much, "whisky, and that his experience was that the ha bitual whi.ky drinker could not stand if to work, even if he had the inclination therefore he did not wish to employ any man who was addicted to excessive use of intoxicating liquors. We believe Manley is equal to an entire lodge of Good Templars in the reformation of drunkards. If more men wauld adopt his views upon this question it would be a ble.sin2 to the inebriate and those de pending on him. It n;:,'ht look severe to refuse a man work because he was an excessive drinker, but if all were to Jo it a great reformation would soon be the result From Friday'Z Ijniiy. The B. & M. R. II. in Nebraska is now supplied with over one hundred cars wast of the Missouri. - Regular passenger trains will com mence running west from this city as soon as the track is completed to Lincoln, which will be early in the pi ing. A lively time was had and pistols drawn in a room on Main street last night. Such things should not be. Publie sen timent is opposed! toit. A. C. McMakcn, Esq., leaves for Burlington on the train this evening, to visit his friends. He will ba absent three or four weeks. Capt. Donovan, of the regular army, arrived at his home in this city la-t eve ning, after an absence of about three years. He has a four months leave of absence. The ''Crib" was fuvorcJ witli another general overhauling last WedtvjsJay nitiht, about twelve or one o'clock. Re pairs were needed on the building Thurs day morning. An additional pair of burrs left the city this ruorniiig for Reed &, Clinton's Mill, on Weeping Water. This is an ener getic firm, and they propose keeping fully up to the demands of the country. Stores in New York that have rented for $18,000 a year, are now offered at $8,000. riattsmouth has advanced ia about the same ratio that New York Las gone backward. Sheriff Johnson received the necessary papers last erening for taking Godfrey Fickler to the Insane Asylum at Mt. Pleasant, and he will probably tart with him on the Sunday evening train. We are again in receipt of th,t spicy little sheet, published at Jenkins Mill, called the Little Blue. We hope . the publisher will not again cut us off his exchange list. Send alongyour prospec tus, if nothing else will do. The widow of McMurtie, who was mur dered by the Pawnees, asks the Indian Department damages in the amount of $25,000, and suggests that the sum re quested be assessed upon the tribe of the murderers and deducted from - their appropriations. The time of running the Express train between this city and Burlington has been reduced to twelve hours, to take effect to-morrow. This gives nearly two hours quicker time over the B. & M. and O, J. & Q., from the Missouri river to Chicago than is made by ay other line. ''KosdwillteU.' ILL I INSURANCE -:o: CAPITAL, - - :o:- GhEISrJL Ho. 70 DELAWARE STREET, BHyAITCH St Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, -:o:- ALL POLICIES' :o: XMvideiiclri oit the Securing the Grsatest Pecuniary :o:- REASONS FOR IFiSURIfiG IN THIS COMPANY : l.f This is a 'Western Company. iuan:itH by Western men. whose known fin.innin-inl r.,r,. tcr, ability and position, all'ont ample guaranty for 2'1. Its l'oliees are all uon-irltiujt. 3J. Premium all cu;n. it roevives no notes to pay, and no out-ftamliug notos as lions upon their 4th. Dividends am' losses are pai.l iu ca.sh. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. 6th. Its risks are in the West, whera the rate of mortality is lower and the rate of interest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 9th. Its business is exclusively life insurance. -:o:- Arc the accumulations of interest upon premiums attho highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 0 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the figures: The amount of 1.000, invested forCfty 6 per cent, compound 8 " ia " " -:o:- OFPICEBS : H. D. Hackay, President, E. Henscley, Yice-Presic'ent, Geo. A. floors, Secretary, E. VV. Eaves, Treasurer, D. n. Swan, General Agent J. L. Wevcr, M. D., Consulting Physician. . EXEGTJTIYE COMMITTEE : H. D. (liackay, Gcorgs M. tagerccn, This Company Insures any Eastern KNOW ALL MENT BY THESE PRESENCE: Kansas, do hereby ccrtily that the Missouri Valley Life organized and dointt lu.-iincfs under thq laws of the undersighwl satisfactory evidence t.'iat it ha lUr OX 113 uaiULiU til u mini inair.' 'rivninin i!i and are p:s. -ed of the same. And I turther i-vrn.'y th;U said Company has s-t a.rwjne linn dred 'lbou-iiii 1 1) )U.its ot sai I Uni: 1 Btute Hoid- for the benelit of all policy ihmvhs ot sii' Company ; and that 1 hold i:i trust mid on d -p isit for the benefit of -ai l poli.y h.. lrs the Sff-uViti above luvntioue 1. and I am atisiie 1 lb u su'.-ti seotiriiiesare worth One Hundred Tliou-ni.l I.,11 ir lawful ni.ftev of the L'uited t.ite-i of Ann rioa. In Aituess where I have ucri-unt o'sui.si ribed my name, nn 1 caucd the seal of my oSic to be t Seal of Aud- ) aui xed. the day un.l j ear aoove written. " itor of State. A. XilOMAX, Auditor of State of Kansas CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO DO BUSINESS. (HKire V SrPK.HIXTKNII-NT OK THK InSITUXCE LKfAKTUKNT OP MmwH IT 13 HEREBY CE1U IF1E1), That tue Mis4.,ri Valley Life Insuratiee tympany. Li, -U-X suraueo Company, irKanized uii'icr the i.iw ol the state ni" Kans.is. and in principal otlire lo cated at the city ol Leavenwoi tli. ha. rem) lied witli the riuir.iuents of the thirtieth, thinv-ii-st thirtv-eenid. thirty-third and thiry-.iur' ii .-tvtious of a;i A-t of the (lonrr-il t i.i.-'.. li. State of Misoun. entitled Au a-t tor the i!i -or,.oraii.;i and regulation of Lif" Assnranee Ci.iim.u nies, appro veil .vi.irca 101 :i, . u. n so larwiw - i... inii.i.tri.ii f i . . ifi tiiioiio ;i i '.i: u faucet to tlio several provramn and reiiurtineiU.- ruary, in Ui In testimony whereof, I. Wyllva Iviso. un ier ( Seal of Insurance Oe-) uient of sai l Mate partiuentof SUteof - mr seal of office, at C ilissouri. J , July. a. D.K-.'J. Superintendent ..f thalnurauce Htparlment of the State' of M ::- CERTIFICATE CEo expire on the 31st Insusasce V hekhas, Abram U. lxvnlt, rtare Aent tor cated at Leavenworth, i. iiisn?, b.iA fi i in this Lampaiiy. nnil a sine!.atnt ua;;cr ..n. r,i'iwinx its coauiiion. as required I'y the hlth section ot a Irtw of the State of Nebras'ick. entitled "An A'-t in K-dation to Insur.iTiee Comi anie-." fcppr ved Fehsuaxy loih. lU: approved Feb'aary !rh. 1: and whereas, taid Couipacy has furnished the undersigued s iti-f.v'tory evidence that it is poss-'ed of s it!-t.v'tory cviiienee tfias it is poss-'eil ot Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual c.-.pitl. triVP;ted in th stocVs of at let par value, or in horvls or mortris on real estate worm double the amount for which the same is nmrtirakJ ; and whereas, said Company has filed in this office a written instruineii, n:vi-r the s-il of the Company, signed by tht 1'resident and Secretary thereof, authoriiias thesnit Aljr.iro H. Covalt to acknowle-ie sendee of process lor an 1 in behalf of sail Company, eon.tentins that srrvite of pr:icept upon tiitn shall be taken and held to be as valid a if served upon the Coiapiny. acoordirix to the laws of this Statu or any otivr State, and waiving all claims of error by re.is, .ii of sui-h service ; .md whereas, Abram li. Covalt ha furnished satif:u-tory evidence that he is the uutaoiized Apent of said Company. Therefore be it known oy tlicrse presonts. that in pursuance of the aforesaid Act. X. John (wiles pie. Auditor of the State of Xebra-'k-u d hereby certify that Abrani B. Covalt. En.. has fuil au thority to set as Slate Asent lortheai l AlissourilVailcy Life Insurance Company, in theStateof Ne braska, and to do and perforut all acts for and in behalf of said Company authorized by his ap pointment a such nucnt. and by the law of this State, until the .'Ust day of January, a. i. lTJ. In witness whereof, I have subscriol my name, aud caused th Sc;?l of th As. litor's ofiiro ro bo l. 8. affixed this 1st day of Mril. a. u. JOHN UILX.ESPIE, State Auditor. -:o;- GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o:- 2. IS. . CO T9 State tgeiU for Nebraska ami Sorffteru Iiaiisa. J. W. MAHSTfALL, Agent. 1 t r ,? i iri rr VALLEY IF1 IE COMPANY. - - $500,000.00 OFFICE ; LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS OFFICES : Term., Indianapolis, !nd., San Francisco, Cal. NON - FORFEITING. Contribution 11 an. Adrantaga to the Policy Holders- its careful ami succeslul management. ana gives none, i'ohcy holders hare no interest policies. of dividends to the policy holder is greater than paid, hence the Company that louns its aeiota pQlicy holder appears in the following startling years at intero. - t, i? 3 13,129.11 ' " " 4C.mi.Cl .. .. u-390.85 " M 311.0CS.05 R. Hsnes, E. Henseley, u. w. Laves. at lover rates than Co:jraajy- ArpiTOR, OF STATE OFFICE, J OPEC . K.lVSm. Kflini in- K.:f f That I. A. Tuomi.v. Auditor of the State of Insurance Company, the State of Knni5 and ML.uri. hns fnrni-h"d invented Oaf Unit ire I :in l Fifty Yiiuand liol- isur.i, ut I J VIo:n I Il.'ll loll OI i i ve- 1 well I IPS t :- 'I u I -aia rs(iJir-!ii.-jr are a t'i'lif a'de thereto. And ri I .'4 I jkim. mi. anf I. .... : . ..... ot tue Act atore.iatd. until tho first day ot Feb. - irn'1. Superintendenf of the Insurance Der of Miiiiri. have hereto -et my hand and a- the city of St. Louis, Jdis',-i-i. ti,jj -i-h d-7 ISiirucd. V.1LLYS KINfi ' part iy ot ussoun. OF AUTHORITY. day of January, 1370.) IJephtmrxt, Cfkick of State ArniTOB.l jji.-n'.tiii.s, .xcDrsKa. j rril l. I'.i. I ti;e r.li.jso:rt v .-Jicy Lite Insurance Couii'iinv. ! o;Hcc a cory of the Art of ITi' orporHiion of said Henry Boeck, FTJRNI T U R E Lounges, Tables, Saicj, BEDSTEADS. Of all descriptions and at all pricos. -:o:- Metalic Burial Cases, Of all siiet. WOODEN COFFINS, Ready mads, and told ehoap for euh. Wtm mnT ihinta for iist Dutronsie. 1 invite all to call and cxamkiM u larse stock of Furni ture and Coiuns. I landau. O.A. DERBY. OTTUMWA MF O CO. . 0: A. DERBY h CO., MAN U F ACT U REUS ANI Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN URNITURE, BEDDIXC, CHAIRS, LOUNES, TABLES, &C, -OTg Our motto is quick sales and small profits. North Side jJlniu Street, CBetween Second and Third) PlattsmoutBi, rVebraska. octlwtf PLATTSMOUTH FA in ITALIAF3 AND AMERICAN MABBLE MONUMENTS, tomi:stom:, nt: a nsioxFS. tai:le-toi'S,&c. Furnished promptly nnd neatly at tho very lowest prices possible. Wo Warrant Satisfaction. MERGES BEO., Main street near Cth st., Plattsinoulli Neb. F. S. WUIT1 aCOUSTUS SPIBK9 WHITE k SPIRES, Main St., Plattsmoiitli, Nob., One door cast ef the Court Moure, Dealers in Produce, Wines, AND LIQUORS. Our Stock consists cf the beet brands of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, Canned and Driad Fruits, oysters, sardim:s, SPICtS, FLClin TOBACCO, WJ1SH-TUBS, Buckets, Soap, Salt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, aad everything kept in a Grocery Stor. Every article warranted of the bont quality, liiehuh et price pad iu cash fur Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, BAGOSt HAMS, L.aRP, and all kinds of Farmers Produce. Casli paid for Hides. Ilon.r moved, and goods sold by Auction on the shortest notice, by F. 8. WHITE. Platfcsmouth. July X. 1?CJ. MACHINE SHOP ! WAYMAN & CURTIS IMattsiiaeuith, IVeb. Repnirers of Steam Engines, Boilers Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, M ronght Tron Pipe. Force an 1 Tift Pumps, ,team iia,ugcs, iialsoce Valve Governors, aui ail kinds of Brad's Engine Fittings, furnL'Le.l on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY St paired uii sliors.noti:e. auu6f Sr"f ? V5rr r" rJ? 'V 3 Hi-SSi '-i t WATCH MA K Eli tSfeii3 AND JUWE1.CK. , -4 a AND DEALER IN WATCHES,CLOCSIfl, SILVER AND rLATED VA 111", GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. RrvKvnitn eOId?Und. Main froet. two deoi s west of City Uoti. o. .u w u. BOOTS &SH0ES ! rv - 1 ... Clutn Iwn .ml A half liavinir icniuivu - , - - miles south of riattsmouth. on the road leadmir to Rock Blufls. where 1 aw prcpareu to uou kinds of work in my linn on tho shortest uotico. I r vnu d a vuir of No. 1 BOOTS, "SIIOES oa SLIPPERS Pive me a call. , . . .. All kimtsot proauce tascn iy pun .mom .. lllilUniUl f. I ' - the continuance of the same. nov25a3. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR REHEWER Is the onlr perfectcJ &nJ scientifically prepaid! preparation of its kiu' !ever offered to the pubi. RESTORES and has no competitor in merit. By its usj GRAY HAIR TO ITS GRAY IIAIIt i booh restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, which is bo niuc'.i admired by all. Persons. :g: whose hair is thin or fullui ; out will, by tho uso of oir PROMOTES Rcnewer,soon sec its goo J ma effects, as, by its tonic an I Istiraulating- properties t!n GROWTHI'hair elands will be incite I AND IS A SPLENDID and tho hair grow tine and strong again. In cases ot Baldness it will creato a new growth unless th DRESSING. follicles are destroyed. It TRY ONE BOTTLE AND is cooling, and allays a.l itching and irritation of the scalp. Itdoes notstai.i tho skin as do dyes, ba' makes the scalp white and clean. Asa DRESSING it is the best and mosW economical preparation ia THICKEN DP THE tho world, as its eflctts last so much longer. Sen I TH N I - . . for our Treatiso on tli LOCKS l.hair, free to all, by mail. Sold by all Druggists nd Dealers In Bsdlcl. COOK, COBURN & CO. GenT Agents for Ifortft-'Westera Statfli, 87 DEAHE02.H STREET, CinCiQ 0,11-1. We. the Dru?i.'fct of Plattfinouth. call h a -tcntion of our customers tothe letters p:ibli-h:d bi low of the wonderful eflicary of )T. Kol ' k Stomach Eittcrs. Dr. Kohack s .SonnJii.arU a Elood Pills. We have b.;-n selling these in-ui-eines long enough to know that they are ns'-om-lneinled to be. aud the certificates of curer pul llaUed are true. Read the following letter Jrom ,oii of the oldest and moot reliable grocery merchant frt the city of Davenport. Friend Walton: Agreeably to my promise to you when here, I write you, for publication if you see proper, a true state ment of the good e fects of Roback'.i Stomach Bi Iters u pon myself. I had beer: troubled with ind gestion for a lon time, attended witli severe headache, par ticularly after eating. when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the stoiM and recommended mt! to use Roback's Sit ters. I did so by Uih ing a small wine-glass full just before cadi meal, and to my grc;i joy I was relieved u once, and am now well by their use. 1 would not be without them at any price. J have not taken an other medicine since I commenced usixip the Bitters. And 1 can say w ith a cJeai conscience, try 12 o back's Bitters-; thev will do all they arc recommended to dc if taken according to directions. Yours truly, Frank IL'3Iill::.l Of Uio firm of Beideback L Mil'.v-r "Who!6sul9 Grocers, Ddvei.tf Iowa.