She gUbraofta gientM. Mills County Fair commenoca of tins week. n thcr la nr. l t of hamls arrivel to . to work on tlie Kail ltoad. r (Jvrus Woolman, of the I '. v , i R. m ebraska, arriv s he city tlii.3 evening. ,t 11 ! Murphy is erecting a fine .Ifuce near the purveyor (reneral's a ! he work? on lottery & Lazcnhy's ,1 Livery .Stable is progn-ing rapid- ,V'f occupy almost all our entire space lay with the. awards of the frtate ml of Agriculture. vlIVs!., ia erecting another 11- - . , ti,a In the south L rt of town. Morgan is doing His part tarns lnij'ru ni - p i rich reward in rents, Ilios. Doane, Cinct Engineer oi tne A M. II. 11. in Nebraska, leaves to rrow for the Pacific coast, to bo al t 4)inc fifteen or twenty days. The National convention to take into isidcration the removal of the capital he United States will be held in St. uh on tne nn mm. km. Melone, Ks.p, is one of the heav- t rock workmen on the road between e and Lincoln. He i.t working a tivv iorce.oi iiaiiut, uiiii ts at a lively rate. flic election passed off very quietly, persons apiearing to be particularly rested. The vote in this city was y lirht. probably little more than half ote! being ol!ctl. Mr. Williams informs us that aeteam driver will be in operation on this the river to-morrow, driving pilings the 11. H. landing. The hammers of ? huge machines weigh twenty-two udred and fifty pounds. H.e "President came down this eve- g with another load of iron. She brought down a lot of forty foot j.s for the railroad landing. Workmen have commenced laying the nlation for the new M. E. Chtireh, ner lam auu ciaiu ?um. .i-j builJ'm? on the south, eivl of the;r loavhot the Main street front for ir brick edifice at some future day. ne of Mallorv's pile-drivers coin- n'ed driving sticks into the ground i afternoon Kouth of Main street. v are driven I feet S inehfs apart, Itlv? Fpans 1 ") feet apart. ri-.e larpe two-sN.ry building of Capt. 15. Murphy gomj up very last, i . -n it isonpl. tod it will be occupied i new dry pious and clothing- estab .uK'ut. Tl'.e ..-entlemen are in the v now. and wil; open in the meantime tJolding's oil staml. Ix)ok out for ram m a lev. uajs. Y) i.laytt.g with hi- httie M-n th- rnuw. Mr. .Icrk: awiionraiiy snot in. - - . i 11 j A il't't j , - , n . . nr i iic i iv uoiM I" --" v.... s i anntlior warning Rain-t !'; v. or trrlin a-' of lirt'-ann. ' iur.ateiy, lit mis ccc, mum i.m . oivci m in- . ; cal!ol to dress tins woumt. ; 11 l.vim from lion. JiivuicstoB Miat , filiation has been received nt Lis of- i ,.f il,e Lillinir of a .Sersreaut at J't. . nr.;. hr a hait bree l inauta s liveil imoiic the whites for many i -j. 1 1(5 H!lUie0.iaieij 11J1 lJ lUu inui 1 rhrrnfeniiiL' to n'tum soon witu a 1 lUient force of Iuduns to "clean out"" j h? i- a hip fam y man. and likely to do tlie whites in that re'uni. He is a I erodit to it. I leave to Parson Chevas 1 1 i . .. l. : ,;..; . 1.:.. ,..,.(ri.,.. t r ... It.d. 1 -- pratitttdsto him tor taking my sister ,n iw"j'i' D'v. j Magpie, whom no maa of taste would pvm' fnt'h.W iiiU m'ii the i'c- have taken. I leave to John Cad dell a Lai the P. O. o, of!';:tca-rotto the end that he may We have on hand a large .quantity of i tyjK', jmitable tor uc as Babbitt al. 3Iachinists take notice. larce quantity of bridge timbers is !d up on the Hail lload grounAs south Main Street. lion. T. M. Marriuettc, Attorney for 0 B. A. 31. R. R. Co. in Nebraska, Cjr Burlington to-day on business for e Comjiany. McBride, who had a surveying contract ar Mr. Buck's, and who, it was feared, id al.v been cobbled by the Indians, income in, having completed his work. T. K. Hanna left for Kansas City tcnlay evening with his sick child. ic was gaining a little, and if the fatigue " the journey does not injure her she U probably recover. lieul-out, who shot and killed a man 1 the Nebraska City Ferry boat list rir.c. has ha 1 his trial and been i'onnd - lilty of murder in the first degree, and j nteiicvd to the peniteutiary tor lite. irui.s.ju,s vote at the po!L yesterday -s not as large as the reputed vote at J Platte Valley House Convention. robably tliose individuals who said they pild "not support the nominees of the ceping Water convention'' did not te for Simpson. More drunken men are permitted to p- t around loose" in tlas city thau in "J" place we ever saw. Cannot souie iing be done to prevent it? We are Id the officers are allowed nothing for "i citing thi.s class of men unless they can t it from the parties arrested. How is The IWs. of Nebraska relates ting, cruelty, etc., which occurred in '-e County. Th'1 unfortunate victim. ! 8 !dy cf about 25 years, is now an in mate of the Otoe County Jail, on charge of &n attempt to take the life of her Ur ge lord. Her name is Mrs. Lydia Ann stron?. Capt. Bennet, of this city, was at Omaha yesterday to get (Jen. Auger to send out a party to ascertain if any furth er traces could he found of deputy sur veyor Nelson Ruck nmi nartv (ln - i j Aueer has agreed to wnd out a party of rvju ai n ll. asuui;uu J CI uril-" from th expedition he u now engaged in N-tin I or Tlinjcr of .Vbmokn. The able Senator in Congress from Nebraska has just finished a short and brilliant campaign in favor of the Ke publicau party of Pennsylvania, and will htatt for Omaha on Thursday. His speech from the rostrum of the Union League last evening was a fine sumtnary of the political situation, and made a profound iinjres,sion upon the vast au dience. General Thayer is one of our positive public men. As colonel of the 1st .Nebraska ohinteers, he enteral the Lnion army in jmi, Fervea with tyrant p , , , - , n .1 . .Ill IllLlll tj tin. Vl'4 ui lii tiai apointed a brigadier general, and was subsequently brevettcd major general, "For diMingui&lieu sen-ices. In lHo( ho was elected one of the two Senators in Congress from the new State of Nc bnihka for the term ending March 4, 1S71. He has made an enviable record in the Senate as a positive and steady Republican. There has never been any doubt as to hi course. Friend and foe always knew where to find him. Be lieving in the great principles of his par ty, he opposed the pcrfiidy of A. John son, voted for impeachment, and sus tained the Union men of the South. His high position in his own State and in the country is not the result so much of his marked ability as of his fixed ad herence to his convictions and to his par ty. He has lived to see those who fal tered in the dark hour counted out of the confidence of their constituents, while men like Sumner, Wade, Butler, Stevens, Boutwcll, Kelley, and Scotield, have grown in the affection of their friends and the respect of their adversa ries.' General Tha3er was among the first to advocate Grant as the Republi can candidate for President, and has al ways been a steady supporter of his Ad ministration. The Republicans of l'enn sylvania will never forget his valuable services in their behalf in their strnegle with the S'jcesssion Democracy. Phila ilelphia Yf.. A PtMt Mortem Nlander. The London (Canada) Telegraph says: Before us is the copy of a will made by a man in full possession of his senses, yet with that cool appreciation of character which would ficevi peculiar to the last moments of life : "In the name of God, Amen, I William Dunlop, of Gairbread, in the township of Colborne. county of Huron, being in sound health of body nrjd mind, which my friends who do not flatter me say is no great shakes at the best of time.-; do make mv last will and testament as follows, revoking, of course, all mv former wills : I leave the property of Gairbread and all other projerty I anav be possessed of to my sisters Hel en lioyle Story and Elizabeth Boyle Ihin'op. the former because she is mar ried to a minister who (may God bless him) she henpecks: the latter beea use ehe is married to nobody, nor is sholike lyf to , for she is an old maid and not uuirket rife, and I also leave to them and their heir my share of tb.2 Ftoek and implements n the farm; providing nl wavs that tii'3 enclosure round mv broth er's crave be re-crved ; and if either of j them should die without isvac. the o;hcr j is to inherit the whole. 1 leave to my j sister-in-law, Ijoui-a Dunlop, alj my j share of the household furniture and ' such traps, with the exceptions herein- I ! after ii'eiiti-'TiL'd. I leave mv !-i!ver ! t..ltlkr.r(1 to rhe llU!.st ol(1 j;,Iin. as tlu. ... . ....... - i (tnt jvrr-'M-Jitatuc nt xWe lainily. 1 j unuM liavo K ft i: to o!J -John himCit'. i irivc meitoil if down to Mar.. - t.MMicrai:- uiwlaLs tt'ilal.s, tiii'I that ; r.vniU Imve lioon a sacrileitc. However, i J J ::;Vo liini tny li?r l-.orn Miiff-boi he I cm o'.iy make teniiprai)co horn yxns j - .7 " " ... " ! vtif - atmHinotlicr, Iiet-v Hamilton, of Woo-lhal! ; wlion ?hn knows as much of , rlif spirit a j-!ic iloos of the lotter she will ho a much better Christian than she I 1mvc my late brother's watch to mv hrotlier Samlv. exhorting him at the winotinio to irivc up ingpery ana Ka licali-m, suid all other sins that do uiii, ifv.". . iii.ii. M. it t: iu hri t her-in-lii w Allen, my lmnrh howl, as rttncoi militia, as a f-iuall token ot my der the affliction of a slatternly wife. I leave my bonks to my brother Andrew, because he ha.- been jingling wallv, that be may learn to read with them. I leave ruy silver cup, with the sovereign in the bottom of it, to my sister Janet Graham Ihjnlop. liccause she is an old maid and iou3, and therefore necessarily given to torning; and also my grandmother's snuti box, as it looks decent to see an old maid taking suuff." The testator was a eertain Ir. Dunlop, at one time a member of the Legislature for Upper Canada. Washington, Oct. 12. All the disposable white recruits at Carlisle Barracks are to be forwarded to Nebraska for assignment to the Fifth Cavalry, and at Fort Columbia New York and Newport, Kentucky, to Omaha for assignment to the Thirteenth Infaw- ry- NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in debted to u. either by Note or Account will please Vail and settle imediately. Vw & Uci'vnkr. Valli-vs h RufTner are now receiving ; tho largest assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to this market Call and examine thorn. Nothing charged for showing oods. Vallerj-s & Rnffner arc ju-t iu receipt j of a large tock of Pry Goods. Vallerys & Ruffner have just received a few more Kirby Reapers on which they will give good time. WANTED. Bacon and Iard for which we will give the highest market price. Vallerys k Ruffner. Vallerys A; Ruffnur are agents for the Schuttler Wagons which they are selling at reduced prices. Vallerys & Ruffner are.'agents for the G rover Sc Baker sewing machines, the best in market. Call an 1 see rlicm. SPECIAL NOTICES. COFFEE! COFFEEI There will be a "CoBc Social" at the Coart HrJtiM Hsll IViday ercnihg. Oct. 15, under he direction of the ladle fit the MJ E. Church Aid Society. All ire rpupoctfully invited to ttmil. oetl2d&wtl 1 If tou want cheap clothing, or anything in that line, call at ; W. STAlEt.XAc'a oct4dltw3t Just Received, The largest Hock of the latent style of Clothing, Furnishing Uood. Hats. Caps, Loots, Shoos, etc., that m cvor brought west of the Mifvh,?- ipi river. The prires are lower than before the war. Call and cxatn'ne before purchasing c!-iwhere. U'M. 5TADELMANN. Oct. 7tu wa $1200 and all Expeniei Paid? Sec advertisement of A umricaii Shuttle 5e wing Machine in our adrertiiiin? eoluiniu.: ly Pay Up. ' All persons knowing themselves indebted to uie will please call and par up immediately. A word o the wie. etc. Btlutf C. E. Fouov. ESTAY'S ORGAN AND ft-ELODEAN AGENCY. Mr. Kate Simp.on La. the agency of the atioro celebrated instruments. Any person dexiroas of obtaining a first clat Orgau or Melodeon with all the latent improvements rach as vox jnbi lanti, Ac., are requested to call at her residence and get circular. 1'latt.tmoutii Aug. ilotf. NOTICE."" AH persons indebted t" the undersigned are requested to call at her residence, eighteen mile west of I'latUmouth, and nettle the fame imme diately. aug.Hf. ROSE ANN IiECKEK. If All Parlies Indebted to L't Will call and etUe the same, they will cave themselves both extra trouble ami espen-e, for we must have all accounu and nnic due us paid, and that immediatdy. as we are going East and mu.-t have the cioney. doom & co. September 2d. 139. WANTED A purchaser for six acres of land Ailjoinmg' l'liittHinouth. Apply to tSl'UKLOCK Jfc WINDHAM. r ANTED A purchrtser for fifteen acres of land ailjoininir r iaitsmoutli. Apply 61'LRLOCK Jt WINDHAM. rANTEI A Purcbn-ser for a Residence 1 1 with two acre? of land ami improvements. Apply to SPCRLOCK i WINDHAM. rANTED W.OOi) Bushels Wheat. 10.000 T Bushels Oat. For which the highest mar ket price will be paid in cash. augJCtf. RUSSEL i IO0M. fOJ AIJE. IOR SALE. ievonly-five Lots in the City of riiiit-niouth. Apply to Oct. 7 Utf. SPURLOCK ic WINDHAM. 170 R SALE. Two lots in Glcnwood. Cheap. V septa S. DUKE. 1X)R SALE A half se-ition of Land, lying in . six miles of Plattsmouth. Two years time given on half the purchase money. Apply to augl2tf SPURL0CK & WINDHAM. F0R SALE. acres of land adjoining Plattxniouth. Enquire of sept P. DUKE. FOR SALE. The southwest quart crof section 11. township 12 nnnh. range 1U cnt. En quire of septSj- 'S. DUKE. 10R SALE OH K EXT The property be longing to D. Marqnett will l.e Fold or rented on rensotiable t?iuis. The house con tains 6 rooms. There is ulso a largecistern with filter, a cellar, a stable, and othero nvcuicnccs. A pply to T. M. M AKQl KTT. sepUtf TOR SALE. A Farm nittinfcd a milennd a JL half soutk of Light Mile Grove, fenced and it) ncr-s broke. aug2'itf For particulars applv to S-PLHLOCK Jfc WINDHAM. 1 ."OR SALE. A Farm contnininir XZ) acres. situated lour miles from Platismouth, nil fenced, and a'.Tfs under cultiv.-ition. auglJtf Sl't HLOt'K A- WINDHAM. IjViR SALE. A r.nni of hundred :n r..s. well watered, and si;uutcl ' Miles from Ashland. Biii.-1-tf Si'URL'H K A WINDHAM. IDil .S-AI.K.- An imp;o cd Vtiiiu. situated )'.' miles tr. en tin- city of linitsiiMUih. 1I piirtivuiiirs npplv to uugl-tf sri'RLOCK .t WINDHAM. 14TlK SALK. A l-'ii rut -onl:iiniir- liili im-ics, j . tiiiuutoi j mill" fr:iii I'l:l7-lii..iitli. :t!i 1 1'M at ffr- !i.i.kt.a. lt-iifc.l. tn.l h try-itr.'l-a-h.t!f ! pinr lioii-i.-. aufc-Itf ril'CKl.OCK &. WINDHAM. k ACUi- of LAND totra loforTOM N l.iIS. At-tilv to .lL-t. T.itf. Sl'l HLoi K & WINDHAM. 1,VR !LAK Lt in Pli'fi-moutli : l.Mi'i;oi;j. L t-7 nu''. S in !n !: ::7. We t hnlt'lot S in tlot k Zi. Lotl2 in i!iik -.i. Xot S in Um-k is. Lots :i aii'l 4 in likx'l; 29. Lut t iu hlock L"S. Lot i iu U.x'k IS. au S31'L' BLOCK A W1X1HIAM. Notice to Tax-Payers. A tlie munition of iuy term of oflice U nr:ir at lmri'1, when it will be neeeyMfiry lor 1110 to innke a.fiiuM Kfttlrinen of tbe aliairs of my ie partinent in the eounty; Notice in hereby siviii that nil peront) knowinif themselves to In-in arr.-ar. for Uizes will call lit my office ami settle within ten ly trora this date. r I Khali be compelled to send a eolb.H-tor to collei-t the sair.c. By peltline this matter immediately you will save trouble and coftM. S. DI KE. Go. Treas. CasCo., N eb. PUttsnionrh. Neb.. Oct. 2.--dlOtwlt Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice is hereby iriren that theeo-partneiliip heretofore existiuK between D.inl. J. Hrosnan and John Thomson has this day bern li.-olvel by uiutiiHl eonscnt. All debts due or owimr ruid firm will be puid orrecrived by J. 1 bomson. JOHN THOMSON. IiAVL J. HROSNAN. ThuDkinf; tlie public for the liberal patronnfrc eztended to the firm. I will further ask them to call and see me at the old stand of Krosnan & Thomson, where I am now prepared to do the fair thiDK in the wny of dispensing? rfood liquors and cigars to the thirsty and sraokinir public. JOHN THOMSON. Suceeasor to Brosnan 1 Thomson, riattsmouth. Oct. 7. Si:l. octlldlt SUNNYSIDESAMPLEROO!Vi. TH E BEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars CAN ALW.US BE HAD AT John Thomson's, MAIN STREET, NEAR SECOND. Piatt motill?, - Nebraska ?e kkltf. ORGANS ! MELODEONS! J. MUELLER, Councti Ttlufr, Iua, Dealer in the celcbrntcd Steck - MfC;mmoii l'iiiuo and other MuMcal insiruinents. All iastrumcnu warranted five years. TolHj 1 WOOUVORTH & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STAT I?0 M H , Binders and Paper Dealers, ST. JOSEPH. - , - - .MISSOURI. OCt J. & H. J. Streight DKALEKS ts Fruits, Confectioneries, Toys, NOTIONS, BOOKS. STATIONERY &C. Plattsmouth. An??t. TIL.L,IT'i' rOTTESHEB. ATTORNEY A"T I. A v.-, ria-iout'i. -. Builders, Attention ! LARGEST STOCK OF 3I U 25S 33 3ES 3& EVER IN PLATTSMOUTH 1 KERSHAW & W AUG IX Are now prepared to furnish all sort of building material at reduced prices. Call and see them. aug-IOdif TUOS. K. TOOTLE. T. -.BAKM. 1. R. CL4B Tootle, Hanna & Clark, b isr KZ H3 v:ai.krs i.n mo1c1 and Silver Coin, KKCHANGE, U.S. ami other Slocks. Diafts drawn on mil parts of tbe United States and Europe. Deposits received, and spueial at tention given to collection. Plattsmouth, Neb. jc24tf NEW MEAT MARKET! GEO. FICKLEK, Corner Main and Second Streets, PLA TTS M0CT1 1, NEBRASKA, keeps constantly on hand the best of all kinds of MEATS, which he will furnUh to customers at tho best of rates for cash. ju; wmJ B. SPCHLOCK, n. it. WINPITM. Dept. O'k & Rec'r. Co. Clerk x Uccorder. Spurlock & Windham, PLATTSMOUTH - - XKItRA SKA . Front Rooms of Court House Clerk and Treasurer's Office, LASDS BOUGHT ASD SOLD. Titles Examined, ASD Conveyances Made, Taxn Paid and Receipts loricnrded Promptly. 9 Plattsmouth. June IS. lStjS nil. REAL ESTATE ! ! 7,000 Acres OF CHOICE LANDS, Improved and Unimproved, For sale on reasonable terms; also. City proper ty, consisting of Residences and I uimproved Lots. Those desiring to invest capital will find it to their interest to call and exuiuino our list beloro purchasing e.ser. & LOOK HERE ! All Real Estate placed in our h:inds for salo will be thoroughly advertised without extra cost to the owner. Wo iruarauty to advertise every piece cf property placed on our sale books, piv !iC full description of same when desired. This gives parties dusiring to sell the full advantage of advertising their property for sale, wit hout having n dollar ot the expense to pay nu pit t. M'L'ttLOCK A WINDHAM. Improved Farm and Timber For sale. The farm i situatetl inilrs west of riatlr-moulh : aeres underenltivntinn.nid 10 ai res of timber: a'.. o. a story un i a half house. For terms M-e .,... niiiSJti.j sri KLfK lC WINDHA.M- Improved Farm for Sale. C -iitiiiiiiiiv 4l acres. A miles t of l'latts ,",;::?J?.;r.iAl",,J' MTRLHCK A- WINDHAM. A Great Bargain. We hive for sab- an S acre tract of lard Ijins ten miles soulbet from i'lriltsiiioiitli. nhich can bo had Ml a bargain if nj. plication is made s.n. l'l'BLiK'K . WINDHAM. aus'.tf FINE ART GALLERY. : 0NE DOOR KAST OF COURT HOUSE.) Where I 11m permanently located, and prepared to make all kintid of SUN PICTURES, Such as Photographs. Atnbrotypes, (ieius. Opal, Porcelain. Watch Dial. Minettes, rf-c. Work done neatly and promptly, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also, keep a well selected ytock of Oval aud Square Frames. All are respectfully invited to call and exaruino specimens. V. V. LEONARD. Arti-t. julviitf I'lattsinuuth. Neb S25 ! 325 ! THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Is retailed at ft price withia the reach of all. This machine uses a straight needle, makes the LOCK STITCH (alike on both sidesi, has a eelf-adjustinir tension, und can do every variety ofsewinir. It will hem. fell, bind. cord, braid, team, quilt, tuck, ruffle and (father; will work equally well ou pilk. linen, woolen or cotton Koods. with linen or cotton thread. Tha American Shuttle Sewing Machine ia Warranted for Five Years Our Agents will be supplied with duplicate parts of the machine in care of accident. It makes precisely the same Ftitch made by the Singer, Wheeltfr i Wilson, Howe and Florence machines;. It hu the under-feed. like the best of high priced machines, and is the only Low Priced Shuttle Machine in the market that has this feed. We are ena bled to sell a hrst class Shuttle Machine at a very low price, 0:1 account of its simplicity, and consequent low coct of inaimtacturinif, iu com purisou with complicated machined. a;e.T! We wish tOMrranBC with agents, male or fe mule. to represent the American Shuttle Sewing Machine in each State. County and Towu in the Uuited States and Ontario. Estra inducements to experienced agent?. For full particulars, m to salary and commis sion, address . . V. N. ANDREWS, ticneral Agrnt. letroit, Mich. N. B. For the Kenotit of our Agents, we have aiTaugcd with parties who have goods suitable f r Scwinjc -Machine Agents t" sell. We will s nd book of samples and full particulars on re ceipt ot one red stamp. Adilross O. V. X. ANDREWS. General Apent. u:JUyl Detroit. Mich. Woticc. In District Coir-t 2d. .Indicia! Di-trict within and fir Cass County Nebraska. Dauiel EikenWriy I ajaint ' Ila id L'hedestcr and A. Uuiu I To DaviJ Chcdc-tcrand A. Dain non resi dent defendant, you are hereby notified that Daniel Eikenbciry will take the testimony of various witnesee. belore A. II. Stutsman. No tary' Public, at Chariton. Lucas county, Iow:i, at 10 o'clock a. 111.. of Thursday, the 21t dy of October. lVif, ami contiriuc until it o'clock p. m. of sid day. and V adjourn from day to day until all the deiMi.itiuit.-i are t&keu said depositions to be used in the trial of a cause in the District Court of the il Judicial District of Cass county, Nebraska, in an action wherein Daniel Eiken berry is plaintiff, and David Chedester and A. Bain are defendants. DANIEL EIKENBERRT. Hv .MaWVI.I ,t t'HAPMlIf, Attvs. . I t 'U.l " WHOLESALE & IRIETAIX. DEALERS IN JDJEIT GOOD Boots, Shoes, August 2.T, 1S'.). aug2Ctfl DOOM. 1JRO. & CO. have a large ,ytxk of Dress (ioxl.s. Dress (iixxls, Dress Gools, lress ( roxls, Piece GikmIs, Piece Gotids, Pijce Good, White ( iikhIs, White Goods, White Goods, Wliit.e Goods, Browii Muslins, lirown Muslins, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins. Dentins, bine Si hruwn Bleached Musliiis, Dentins, blue & brown Bleached Muslins, Deriiins, blue Jt brown Shirting, check and stripe, Shirtinjr. check and .stripe, hirtinr, check and stripe, Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Suirar, Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar Choice Rio Coffee, Brown Suirar, Syrup, Brown Sugar, Doom, Bro. i Co. have just received another large lot of Glass pnd Queens ware. jyrup, Salt FUh, Syrup, Salt Fisli, Dried Fruit, Queensware, Dried Fruit, Queensware, Dried Vruit, Queensware, G lass Ware, Glass Ware, Glass Ware, And a general stock, to which they call the attention of the Farmers and Public generally. Have the best selected stock and make the lowest prices. Remember the place, the west corner in the Big Brick, Main street. Plattsmouth Neb. Doom, Bro. A Co. john j. itrsstxi DEALERS 1N J2s JD G-K -A.-X N" Agents for BirdsalFs Threshers, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Geissr Threshers. New Yorker, Buckeye, John P. Manny's, Climax. IjO"W"S : Industrial, Dixon, Grand Deicur, Skin ner, Iron Beam, Rod & Mould Board Breaker. MISCELLANEOUS IMPLEMENTS: Sulky Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakes. Little Giant Fan Mills. Johnson's Corn Shellers, Wier's Walking Corn Plows. Van trjnt Sroad Cast Seeder, Buckeye Drill & Broad Cast Seeder. Union Corn Planters. Sorgo Cane Kills, Beils, &c. Every Implement Warranted. J'latt-nioutli. Auau-stti, I8G'.. S. BLOOM & RtADY-MAuE mMlmc loth in 1 -UitMSHING BOYS' AND CHILDREiVl'S CLOTH1SMC, Hats Sl Caps, Boots & Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Mam Street, Second Door East of Court llousr-, Plattsmouth, Keb. BRANCH HOUSE -.Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. m.vzd SIMPSON? ItfXIGSSXaWiLI'X1 6k CfO,? DKAI-KKS IX Lumber, Lath, Shingles, JL)OOES. SASH, &C, Have niiioved their Lumber Yard to the cornor ot MAIN AND SIXTH And have on hand and are receiving Lumber in suiTn-ient in an ties to Ifill all "orders, and r.t j.rice to suit purchasers. We have also on hand and for sale at low figures 59 Barrells of Cement, 50 " Lime, 20 Barrells of We invite all to cull and see us at our new place o riattsmouth. Nebraska. September 1, l!5G".dw American Knitting Machine The only complete Knitter in use. V anything trom a iilkmtl SOCK TO A JACKET Can be seen at Clark k Plunimer's Dry fioods; pfrc tcrti'dir ; r.. HEisri.. Af i. Queensware, All parties indebted to us by oju n ac count or notes now due or past due. must pay the smne by tiio:!'vth ofthis month. (August.) And all notes due us from the 20th of August to the 1st of Septem ber Mint be paid promptly for we shall lie obliged to protest if not paid at niaturitr. Doom, Bki. Jfe C. DOOM. BRO. & CO.. Aurents for Binlsall's Threshing Ma chines. Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines. Xew Yorker Self Raker Rettjier. '"Ruck- j eye .Mower ami Ueaper, . i . -iaiut s ReajH-r and Jower, Wier's "Walking Cultivator; Broad Cast Seed Sower. IioJ and Mould Board Breakers. Stubble plows of all kinds. Kvzry Ln tlrm nit Wrrtt;it'. m - - Just received It X barrels of Salt. J)oom, BitO. & Co. imom7b7uT& CO. Dealers in Stale and Fancy lXtytJoods, GrtK-crs, Boots, shoes, Glass and Queens ware. 0O si'amless bags for s;ile by Doom. Bito. & Co. We would advise all parties wanting a good article of Tea go to Dooms' and ge: it, they have the licst Tea that we have ever seen in this citv. If you want to get some A No. 1 Su- uar Cured Hams, go to Doom, Bro. A Co. WANTED, 1000 dozen eggs. 20K) lbs fresh butter. bv Doom, Bro. & Co. J. E. UOOM, (Late of Doom, Bro. A- Co..) Vi"r COODi 1 aabi i STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH, 250 Bushels Plastering Hair, Lti ' Co clc: Tzzlz. 1 ii-h l.Vi' iC-N. :ilt l: 1 : THE BRjQHIj MONTHLY, il CENTS A YEAH One cf the prettiest, altogether the cheapest, and many Ky t'i best ever piwli.-hed lor j younir people. Send ior it i.nd say where you saw thi advertisement. Spe.-imcn Sent fori s-ump. Lookout lor news about the IJr.icnr j SJPK, ALDEN A- TRUE. IN .!:-:! r. 0:i .iv, I!!. i 'Ot "W" IEEE I T E3 & PtAt.T.Jt 1 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, and Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, fshoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, ..'' IPITITK WOES AWI RffQlTOR, Portnr-fictna? purposes. ' Paint.s Oils, Varnislies and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, alo, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES,- i . . . t GREEN AND CANNED FtfUSTS COiSFKCTIONKKY, &c. -Vc. Uuviti? 1 ! the Ih'ouI"' in our liue of trinlt. uikI List .luiility t mii-i'ly th.e wuw.-at very lo tin irmtf j til thv iti1 Plattra uth. Nu'iraki. April 2f. ISn. THE ItliASOvY 13,347 WHY Were sold in Hie Year 1SOS II BKi'AUbE SOT O.V; HAS IlVKll VAILED TO CIVS ENTIRE S, THE PKUFKCT THE PKUFKCT P 1 ' " ltvV Charter Oak Stove Foi.r 1 ASD WHKKKVKR KJOW.1 They Stand, Unrivalled FOB ECONOMY. FOR DURABILITY, AND CONVENIENCE. ,Fo- Simplicity of ManrMTrepient, And for Cleanliness in Cookie, .... wr . i ...... i .- I hen are. wine iumuuikui.-, Manufactured in the Went, and adapted to tht w:int. i'f Western and :ou:hern PEOPLK. Snrcly no good can afford to be without one. FOB ritll E LloT, aucbks Excelsior 'Manufacturing C?o rsa-ip any ,-2 .1 ' A. M.u'i. st.. Sr. J.m's, f. -.1 II I.Y - a . dUtvo est Esa.iCt!.;;jtviil!i, c?i C apt. i. iujo & CO., Wholesale and rct:iil dealers in WINES AND I.IQUOItS Also a very choice .-lection vf TOR1GCO CIO.R Main street, second door cii't of the Seymour Ili.ue. Nebraska City. Neb. , . , . , Ar jut riceiviiiK n new btock of Ocntime '.(! Uourhon direct from liourbon county, Ky.. iit- tere, etc. 111 J XI " . LEGAL. iWntHI. Alice Tomuey. by her hufbaud :nd next friend. Henry Tooiney. vs. Mary K. Taylor. Olheli Tay lor, Kulus Taylor und Lilly Tavltir. District Court. Cai ctiiinty. Nebraska. To November Tumi. !'.. To Mary E. Taylor. Ophviia Taj lor. Kufus Tay lor aud Lilly Taylor: ' you arc hcr. bv notified that I have fiUnl a pe tition in the Di.-trict Court of Cass o -nty and St;ite of Ncbra-ka. wherein I claim to be the ir, T ! R 1.'.- K ! of 1-. v.. ec .k. x ii. SK 'i Sw- Tl-'. KU: all of said laun Ivinir and licinit in th brn'-iiili that VhV: of Ncbra-ika. nnd irav becoiiveye I to me: that unlcr- you i ll-ar and plead, answer or demur to nail bill, on ior Uf.- tore the K.thdav of November. A. D. 1. the . i . 1 1 L... . b-m i m allccationi! therein contained, will be lahcii aa true, and a decree rendered iu nai I cause in ac cordance with the praycrin said rtitif.ii. ALK'b luuJlti. T 'Jrniausu, Haxbv A McLennan, for com '.: "nnt m-ti w4 LEGAL iOTiCE. John PauUtinc. ) District Onirt.CiiK!eouiity. v V Nebraska. Ulacker AMcI'hail. j To Novcin v- on. ;,.,. To Ubi..kcr A- McPhail : . , . You are hereby iin'i'i"' '' i uienced un iu'tior. aumii ' ' ' ("oiirl in aud fur the -n'.. Nebrar-ka. wliercin I cli... . 81H. with intereM on tin . ' ; ilar nF JiiiiniirL' A 11. 1SH. 711 in . ' received 4'or uiy n.e : that I hav j eau.d an ut- t4:hment to be issued in said cause, aud your pmpei-y, to wit: the N. W. 'i of the N. J . ind S. f.. of N. W. ! I. and the N. K. M of the N. W. M. all in Sec. 35. T. l. R- l i. ll m U.? county of Ou--s an 1 State of Nehrask.. ha been atUicbed thcrcn ; and, that unle. you ai...-r and plead to said :ietiu on or betura the bth day of November. A. H. 1 ju dim nt wil! . render 1 peainu' ,ri "-'id cu, "d ml i.'o'.ti-.y oiiterci to be sold ''i-ly 'hn same with eost-. .luil.V I'Al'Lr I I N K. oc'.Twt My W. M Lfnn.v.v, hif attorney. Probate police Notice U hereby (riven that on the 2Tth day of I September. . n. lv!l. iMiam Miy.u-r aepositpi a naner wiih the Hrola; Judce of Ca?s county. Statintrit t be the last Will and Tcrtr.tuent ff Frederick t-ehlunti. late ot Cr.-s county up- x- . .i f . . .....I ail persons iutere-ted will appear on luesday. j tlie l'.'tti .lav ot orloner A. u.iv.p.m i. - ci . r in. at the nfTi-e of the I'rohnte C-itirt in tne Clir of lMattsii-.onih. win-re said Will will be consid- eii-t to ailiii;'to I'robate wm. i. ; m;k. Sept i; w I'robate Juiigc. -Eimy JioTicK. Taken up by the subscriber, in f-o'ith Lend precint. Sept. .1th. one biy m ire. su)?;i ,.-e I to ba twuvcarsoll. No mr.. k or bran I jvrcirable. Tuo.s. W. fill . ST At. uvU r' ia:gas notice. District Coart 2l Judical District within and In !; t.i-s county. .cijrs-Ki, Maria Harper. I I- a'aiiit .-..itH-e j j Senate Harper. ) ! To f-ciiatc luirpur. noii-resi- ! . .i:-iii, .. ... . . 1-iit. d-fcii. hint, you arc hereby -.:: i'i ..-d that ai.. . 1 1 .. ,.ti tii- .iitv at ..iiu-riii...- lv..l. tiled a et:t ioiiT.1 the District -Couit i.f the j '.'t judicial District within and for t' eo-inty. i i lie y ci.ia-ka. tn" oije -. an 1 iiraver oi aiu petition the lion. I ot Mainuiouy exisiiiit? I;!;veeii your- i sen' and said ihiintii:'. aii-l di-'-rcc:it? that said I plainji hair b art the cusI-hIv control Jjt.a iij,r, r :u I Mai-vic M. Harper, in;, ehil.!ren ot'ai-l i.i.atiU and liei'eii. lent. I Of! ant i yoa arP require i to nnswersaid pei ion on or i.L.f,.. :he 1st day of N'ovcmbc-. W.'. i M.iilA iiAKi-EIt. Ky Max weii A uapiiiaii. Attorneys. . . '. - ! : ! :!.. . owner of the tollowniK iKti.)i h rc 11 W ii ..1 S W Vx. Sec 1:7. T lo, H 1-j.- i."f.-r jj: HI II J S i: of S W.Scr 34. T li. K V. : - N "4 ..rx- i- I -.i Till HI?.- S K l1 1 N fc '-4 ot sei.rpiw BUTTERY, jiru rt'iurf'l i.l I.lthc rtck f Oi. t the pnotv. W II ITE & BUTTERY. Lock. Stitch Reversible FfCd Sewing Machine warded the kest Premium ft Mil wh..cver ti-hiliteJ. THE ONLY ONE .-. - . . , . . x cnpiitdc of .'cwinir in more than one direction and rh.ncniiig ull itn inrn ffuu without toitiiif uinchiue or turning the cloth. It uses and wiute Icm thrd thn any oibsr, and will coinuiciice a stum without holding tha cnJ.- ot tne tnrca.i. - - - - v arrantoa to sew noavy or nne t'oons eanii'7 well. Over 50.000 -Machines Sold Sluce 1861. ;,.nd fur Rt.luri Bn.i circuiiw. 1 WM. K. PIaAN'T. tJm l Ait't. oI2 Xorlh l-'i.;irt'j street, St. l.oui. Jin.1 - Lill. 15. II. 15 LACK. Aet. I'iuttsiiKiuth. Neb. READ,; The following from the CINCINNATI TIMES, one of the most reliable news papers in the United States. What can be more convincing? HOISIE TESTIMONY. Tiik CrxciNNATi Daily Timku oy Aliircli 21. 18G1. aava: ( r w j The Scandinavian remedies to be growing m favor. with the public, i; i . . . . m m ' r . ' M m & 1 a,"J O J l tin tostimniimTs fon. j , t I MT FPf'OIVOfl llV J UllllliV llttl "Ull 1JV i v mr the proprietor. A letter from Wiscon sin, to be found in our advertising col' umns, announce that among the physi- ijcians of the locality it is becoming very popular, and what is very unusual, is be ing adopted by them in their practice, as a cure for many dis- ! eases wfiich they can inot treat cliectually ' 1 III ClllV V i" s - ; fk 1 1 1 1 1 npt-f - , ir I . V IfilllJlCl rlClSHI lllcll (he immense trade jcarricil on lor sev- w OT0 -rri in 4 Ik-, ICIcll y3cllS II lIIC"-;C i . i medicines lias dur- 'nig the present year t m f . iseany uuiioieu. Tlieir process of ' t'O t I f I k by a tiyzr&a in mil ei r l l'.lll"l I Iflll ML.' : . i 4 lTr?l ll T 1 1 k I KT m i w . M- 1 ' tion of the blood, and a consequent nr. . 1 r. 4 I tx r C ! C ft fill IL ii 1 1 OI 1 til HiV w k