J THE NEBRASKA. HERALD I -. . ... i H r. HATHAWAY, ir li-fi-.u corner M-tiu iLnl second streeU, ec- l4 ''.'Ii. T?ft3 Daily tld.00 per auaum, gr J1.00 tier uion'h. - ' eekly. ti per una a in if jje;J iz advance.- if not paid in uivsao-. P iiT:ic i:Ta Lotius No. 6 A. F. ,i A. M. l.'f J'r mtoling-i t, t.'u.ir halt-on tbn !i:t aa 1 Mond.iy eeniiiir of .uh muu'.li. Tmna- at bretho.ru invite 1 to vi-ir. JOHN W. aUAXNON'. W. il. J. V. Wuk. Sato. i.-iT Loooc L'. D. A. F. ii A. M nF.i!u 2& 1fi,i.-S te tflf WfSTkfcsriVK Si, t N'nE.i(.'ytrrii Xu. 3 R. A. M. Itesuli.r iV..cauoL.i lecon I ann in arm lUH.slay evc KifiiCf of t-a-b month at 7K o'clock p. in. ' K. T. DfKE. II. P. Ki"iBtSTAH lKir.l Lofcil. I-yiil.irrae-t-iiiuit of the Family are held on Wednesday h d ui.u. "t or In-fore the lull moon of each mouth. Mater Alanons, their wives, listers and d-uxhiera are invito tn attetal. L'nm.trried la-J;e- aimit bo over eighteen year of iiro. D. II. WJIKELEK. PatroQ. Uli. C. A. Ul il. I'.itrono.-. J. Si. Wise. Itecorder. I. O. U. F. f.'ga'.ar myelin? of Plat'e Lo'lg. K. 7. I. 0. 9. fc". ery Satur.luy sveninif. Uro'hfM wfotu V l."Js'M ror Jinlly invitcj to v'it. F. M. !OKKIN(iT0X, . J. J. W. CiaiTHK-i. Sec. I. O. . T. O-.rTKP.RiScn.No.S V. V. Leonard. W.:.T.; .t V. Lewi. Vi. S.: W. Ialla lrrr. l.odgn Jinputy. Mi-pta at Court Houi Hall evrry Tn-'lny evening. Traveling Trmplari respect ful !v invit'i'i. . Sxoki.-ii'ir Ir.f;REK I.oniii. K". 1. E. B. h'rw'tf. It. T : F. K. White. U. S. MeetoalCourt Lfq HaJI on the fiidl an third Saturday even itjf1 of ea'h month. rirjiop li(ir Lodux No. 8. 0. J. Davis, W. '.. 7 . Audr-w Coleinua. W. S. Aleuts at ill. VtM.-tr.ot evfrv riaturd.iy evening. KnaviKir Luwik, No. 14. .1. J. Chaiidlor, W.;. T-: vV.-n. J. Hes-er. W. .S. Y. Calkin, l.'pnty. Meets every H'eiineclay even tf. Travel. nit Teinplari" rt-peetl"uily invite.). Tvrr. l.rwf.K. No. 24. Arum Jriftith. W.C. T.; J.u. Aliisun. W. S.: C. ji. Winslow, 5dr r.puty. Mce'jt every ifatiir-iay evenine. mv',;utf I:iii'lun r repectfiiliy invited to pt with U-. M Luke's IHrisii Mu'iiiy nn tlnjs "of the Vestry 1st Friday f iru'-if of e h month, at the Ilwclory: Quai tely nl"--t.ns "f Ve-try l-t Monday ol May, August, r"n.hcr and Kehruarv. 11. .St. UKO. YOUNvJ. Rector. Wm. L. Wrt.L3. Clerk. T. SI. .4KQVCTT, ATTORN KY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chan rrr. l'lKituiontlk. Nebraska. a. liiiXZLI.. SAK. II. CHirifi.v IXWKLI. K C IIAPM.4JV, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW and Solicitors in iJ'iancery. i'lattxrnonth, Nehraaka. Ofliee over '.ite A Bultery'a Drug Store. aprl. II. 8. JKNnOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and General Land Aj-eut. l.in-olD. Nebraska. Will practice in any .ft the Toarta f the State, and will buy and hell i',Ml K'tute on eoiamiriion, pay Tax .-, examine law. Ac. LnoviStf. Mr- J W. THOMAS, TJavin permanently located at Weping Wa r Kuiii. tenders bis profewiona! service? to tha 'tiicn of Ca county. Nebru.--ki. janT'6'.tf. r. ii. scini-iEk:taiT, t. i., H.i ins tifirtnaiiently located hire, tcinl is !.is Vrott-- louil t'Tvifes to the ,enplr ot" t'ae cily md i'irr'un I i n r country, "0Uoc at hi re;i ieaoe, no inilo aoulh ut totvn. aepvSriwtf. . ii i.ivirvfiSTO.v, st. PHTrlCIAN AND PCK'JEOV tender hi jir3f-ir.iial cri ices to the c:tieti of I'aMMun -Mr. J'..iil nceroutl)c;ist coirt rof Oat ana sixth office on Main street. opj'OKita Conri Plttwuiou'h. Nebr.x-ka. J. W tJAWI.ns, M l. ?7i7.-iriA:; AND Sl'RijEON. late a Sar-rt-:u i:.-lhicl of iha Army cf the Potomac. yi-fv.x.-ith. N.-br:--k:i. OSSee with Ir. K. il. Li v-jj.if " on. oa M ii-i rirei-t. upjo:;i' i!-e 'our. l'ri r.it r- i. i cj:::r of Hnck aii'i J'i ivH. .i .? i- i-th of J'. 1. din'. itr. NTi:iII. UOHtlilT, P:iYiCIAN A Y V.-iY. 'S IIvir. lo-Hti J Jt 'Plug V aier r'A. w.ll it?r..l ;ron:r'J -1 i fo:c"ionl ca'.i, b'ith iy tn i t:a it. antLj":.n".. K. t. THFBLSS. I- D. ZNS."f. i. ii. vrnKKU.K &, co, H-"! Mto and Tax Payirg Arent. N''irie 1 nt.l. -. t ire an i luar-no Aj:;M, i'it,- snath. Neora-'ka. j-2Uf ii I" I Proprietor, (a fins recently Hfa yptii-e I ard pi.-.-d in ibon.uh lunnins order. i.!i:n -ri-r k ii jii- on short r.'.tice. l-A'.t) i!:ii-h- i- nf V h- it v:iiit-d iuuricdiat-lr,for which the aht-.-' uij- rk : price w i!i be piJ. aojclti. j. yTrist:, Wjcral Life. A iJent. Fire. Inland aadTrans laiiurance A?!it. Will tak rick at rea-oD- t. ra:t 13 toe rot rrliabl tmnac:ts in lh United lati ati. O'hee opposite the Court Jue, J'tl temouth, iieb. tuiyilW. CITY HOTfcl. 3. E. riollun 1. Proprietor, eoruer of laaio and "hiiird treeu. Platmouth, Nebraska, Having ! a rcftited and newly furnished oflf.-r.s fir.-t '-i.-.tt at--emmoJation. lionrd by the week or iy. aug'Hldwtt HIIJJTT l-OTTCftiCH. ATTOKN'KY AT LAW. Piotumonth. Neb. . F. co:uer rr-' RNEY AT LAW. Plattsmouth. Neb. Wi:; bur mn-1 k-:! Heal Estate, and pay taxes tor n - R-r. i lcni.f. Ituprovel and unimproved land a i lor sale. ljune25'tS. I..1T-Ltl4.i:il, CK1'EXTER AND JOINER, will do all w-,L a :u his lino on iih jrt notice and in the beet :ie. Contract for building made on reasoca- Kif.,?,ii jnly'iitf MITC'lir.I.I. &WOLI E, CAR:"-KTKi:.- AND JOINER? Will do all wyrk ia t::i-ir line on short notice. Will take ?c:.ir j ; l.irue and .Small, and lurui-h material wii'-n (te?ireil. tt Shop on Main atreet, oppo M. i". 'iinrch. Ml(i. J. F. DOl'D, nTnir jii -t received a new supply of floods, s-vt r H:ir. at a trifle above cost, and lion ,ae:i t,t i snorted Mlks aud laces, also ctdored erp"" ii latest stles at from to $4.0('. ;"f . i- '..-'pt at Dovey's and Wigg-cnhorn .t Co. f.jioe. ruaritf. IIITO UKO., CA?.?r:TERS A JOINERS. Are prepared v -...k in good style, on short notice, and if -as the cheapest. i?hop. corner of ii .i . n.l Fourth streets. jaug.'Udtf. Mt-Uh,t'omfort and.Ecouoiay Three reayoB' fr l-eardicf wiilx GKORGE W- COLVIN, t, eit itiiht. rtitrjui.rts. sm. V't? i iek northwest of hriek Jcbool House. TT has a BATH HOUSE, fife to patrons; hi T A. r well ventilated, ami his prices .ire rea- jaiy'TJtf- rapr.D. LISOO &, CO , " bole? ale and retail dealers ia INEy AND LIQUORS Also very choice selection cf , ?f-!-.n street, ai-eond door east f the Seymour il-yj.-e, ebrai-ka City, Neh. Arc i jt receiving a new Stock of (ienuine Old i.o,tr : a direct from liurbon county, Kj.-. Bit- 7- 'er?, ee mylSw. 2NE ART GALLERY. A J 0'B DOOR EAST 01 COURT HOUSE.) Whe-e I am permanently located, ni prepared n us all kinds of ' SUN PICTURES, rrieh a Photographa. Amkrrvtypes, Gems, Opei. Pome'.a-.n. Watch Dial, Mloeltea. ft. . "Acrk done neatly and promptly, and WARRANTED TO GIYB SATISFACTION. Aler keep a well eeleetH stock of Oval onii Kqn.tre Frnmrn. All are respectfully irrited to eall and examine -i- i-M V. V. LKONARI). A nit Tlu 1J "P A aF A JB JLM, - VOL. 5. F. S. WHITE, itorsTrS SPIHES. WHITE- & SPIRES, Main St, PlaUsmouth, Neb., Uua Juur eaat uf tbo C'Qrt Ilousa, Dealers in Produce, Wines, AND LIQUORS. Our Stock consists of the bet brand of .' ' f TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPICES, FLOUR, TOBA CCO, WASH-TUBS. Buckets, Soap, Salt; BACON, HAMS, LARD, and everything kept in a Grocery Store. Every article warranted ot the best quulity. Thahitfh et price paid in cush for Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, BAG0fJt HAMS, IfRO, and all kinds of Farmers Produce. Cash paid for Hides. noufte u.oved. and goods aold by Anctir.n en th shortest notice, by F. S. WIIITB. PlaiUmoutu. July 29. 1S69. O. F. JOHNSON, DRUGS. I3EDICINES, BOOKS, Perfumeries, Hair Oils, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, 1)1 111 TMK Latest Publications. rrt-erirv"n cfril!y pria"' Druggist. y aa ex- SODA FOUNTAIN in gM4 ra'Jtg arr. RinetiiV.r tb pi. opj?;-.e dark A Pt'iui ncr'p, Fiattxmo-na. NaKrasiki. ios'clS. police To B. F. AJanif, C. Gwj-er. .Te'-ie Cock. W Cowln. J. Hayes. L. li. Wood. F. A. White. Child.-. J l'l'oitlir. K.-ulicii Lovejoy, John ll Dean. Walter C J'.aldwi!, Oeo l.nnssdort. J V Kat. Wni Kneppcr, Win li isiiiiih. i; e Keuth W P itraiidn. J II lirown. R Wris'.it, D Miller, jr.. It W Zeiglcr. l.aora A ilkinson. K C An derson, J St;iiior. W T 'l'lioiiiiuii. L I: lCinney, Heirs of .1 ulia A Hamilton. Joseph I.-etou, Heirs ' Agu.-ta llnll. noii-resident owners or the unknown owners of each or nny ol the fol lowing dAcribed loU or parcels of land: You will take notice that the liellcvue, Ashland and Lincoln Kail K'-ad Company has located its road through and upon the following described real estate, bein loLsand parvtls ot lands owned by you or any ofy.u. and lying and being situated in Sarpy county, .Nebraska, and in Iicllevue City and additions thereto ins.-.id County, to wit: LOT 3 7 8 p) w 5-' N K of S E N W ol S W N K of N K S W oftf w SKO. TOWN RANGE 6 13 14 31 14 11 31 14 14 1 13 13 1 13 13 11 J3 13 12 1.2 13 14 13 . 13 S-i 14 14 KEI. LEVI'S CITY LOTS. "LOT t 15 I5 KJ LOT J B K. I LOT B K 2 4T.fi - 9 " 12345" ! 61 S U 12 U-" 6 7 M 9 I " 4 20 7 9 3fi 9 101 J 1 52 5 10 12 " 12378 112 fi 1478 a 37 9101112 8 5b s'l all of 113 00 4 5 114 2 X 11? 119 12 13' 12 378 lss 1 3458 ls3 123910 lt7 17. 7 9 11 1011 12 TS 9 10 10 K 12 1011 12 5 7 8 3 4. Mil 10 11 Z 1112 SARPY RESERVE EELLEVUE CITY. 114456 ! 1 I 56 J 2 123456 I 3 3456 I ' 4 . ANDERSON S ADDITION BELLEVUECITY Lot 1112 123t'.6 7 yio 123 456 Lot IBLot "l 12 5 10 789 74910 11 12 6 1123456 S I 11 12 5 112 3 1 3 7 Lot 3 South Divisioc An lersocs Arldittun, Lots 23 North Division Anderson's Addition. ; to raid Bcllevue Ci'y. no'tiSeJ mat said Kail Road Company desirca to j tuVe hold an. I ai propriatc said real etate or j portions of s.ii 1 real est-tte tor I he use ot its rou 1 tor niaiutract, muc track, and depot grounds, j aul it" lliesaid uon-rcsiiicnt parties or unknown I owuers as above sieciticd snail not within i thirty days alter the -rt-nipielHin of this publi cation, to-wit : t:ie i4tniy ot u-tooor. isi1, ap- i plv to the l'ro'.i.Ke J udit of said eounty-ol Sarpy I to iiave the damages acsscu ly six disinlercste-i 1 freckoluers of said county, selected ly kaid I'ro- hate .1 udc. as pro i ifd in clit:p:er tweiily-five of the Kevi.-cd Statu!"- ot i:ie siaic oi Ne braska, au 1 ainctiduiecta thereto. said Company will proceed to i.ave tlie damages asctted as therein provided by law. Dated thU loth day c: s,.rtcral-er. . .1Mt'. HEN KY T. CLARKE. .crtlbv4. Pros t it., A. L. R. R. Co ELECTION iOTICf-:. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 12;b d.iv of October next, at the usual pi.ice of holding elections ia the several l;-ccints (or aa near as practicable . in Casn County, Nebraska, :i Klevtiuu will be held lor. . One County Commie-,wner for the luird Dis trict; One rrohn Ju'!ge; One Sheri3: One Coroner: One County Treasurer: One County Clerk; Ot: County Surveyor: '. One County Superintendent ofPubnoInetrue- tion; One Senator for Casa. Sarpy, Saunders. Seward and Butler Conmies. - FUR EACH PREC1KCT. Two Jnstices of the Peace; Two Constables; On Assessor: . Three Judges of Election; Tw Clerks of Elections; Oue ICoad Supervisor for each Road District, -which election will be opened at eight (8; o'clock in the morning, and will continue open nntil six 6o'clock in the afternoon of the fame day. By order of THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. This 8ih dejr of September. A. D. 1369, U tOTi-D ""T, ri.n-r fVirV. PL A TTSMO PIC MIC GARDENS ! ! jETIX StOclS. FOR BAl.E AT REDUCED PRICES! 2 030 I.ineaw Khiittirl, The bat vari ety in cultivation : very lare anc tenier. Good roots S1.;"0 per do.ea ; f.AK per hundred. A fine collection of'lMlj ttullih, n sorted varietien. I.artrt) liuhs 50 ctdU per dozvu ; 1J.0U per hundred ; nuill Bulbs ' cent per dozen; per hundred. I'foult Ten varietio; 23 centa each: $2.00 per dozen. A large sttck of HANGlNCr BASKETS, (JKllAMCM. TELKiONIHMS. LANTANAS. FUSIIIAS, etc., end a general assortment of EtddiijR and ireenuou,-- Plant. All persons in want of anything in my line will do well to call or Mnd in their order. Platit. boxed and delivered iu I'lattsinoutb free of chat Send order to W. J. flESaER. , K-pt. I'lult -mouth. Neb. FURNITURE! TIios. W. Isryoek, CABINET MAKER, And dealer in ull kinds of Furniture and Chairs. THIRD STRKKT, uear Main) Plattsmouth, - - - Neb. .Repairing and Varnishing neatly done. Funerals attended at the hortcst notice. ino.lj. r - . -'is- T) K 2- T 1S T t Will " rt Dr. Livinu-stouV office dmimr the l:i.-t wei-k in eacb month. All order I' ft ut the lV-t "ifiice will be promptly attended to i juiy9 $20;000 Vorth of Property ron b-;Ar,E- C in.si.'tir.? of 'hrni.with tiaier mljoi j'nt'.n.-Kr PltL-.moii!h, property in Platts-iiioutii .Ciiy. hor'e. eaitle, whkoiis. .f. For further partictilsir onouire of ir fiMrpfs (iiiO. W. COLYIN.. rto-IitotaarlT0 - J'latttnioui h.Nt- X. J. IO!tO, c. w. no: !. J. rf. X). RlMAK. IS", til. ISOI CO., C0rBni1SSSi0N KERCKATS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flonr,; Grain Provisions, and Canned Goods, HIDES, WOOL, etc., Carncr Fearl and Court Strerts, Council Bluffs. Iowa, AND Cor .Tlaln mid Necosul Stw , pui rrsMOuru. -vjet? RErrprvcxs. First National Bank. Oun vl TMiitis : I H'rei if Piisej-. Hankers. .'ouni-il I'.lntis: Fir-t Natiunul Bank. Omaha : .u.nlia National Bstik. Omaha: Rogers rf-Co., Cheyenne; Boiis'i ton .f- Barlholnw, Bryan: Gilbert C Field, HJicaiio. liartbolow, Lewis A Co., St. Louis, -Mo. iulylMf. WAYMAN & CURTIS Plattsmouth, 1'cb., Repairers f Steam Engines, Eoilere, Saw and Ur.st Millc. Gas and Steam Fittings. Wrottrht Iron Tipe. Force and Tilt i'uuips. Steam Gauxvs. Balance Valve Governors, end ull kiedti of Bra s Engine Fittings, fvrniahed on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired on abort notice. moyStf ALEXANDEU'S I!EAT JV2ARICET, Cor. Main and Second Sts., -r '. imirr, 1 '.' i o.VCf.'i . .VEBRASK.1. We an batebcring nothini: l ut the very beet of n-.e&i, vrLicb cun alw&ys be bad jF1 3EL' IE 3E3C ae we kir from three tofirohead of beef e.tttle a day. Market open r-nciiays until 8 a. m. Highest price paid for fat cattle. july2m3 J. W. SHARlFJOiTS FEED. SAI.i: AND LIVERY TAI5t.E, HJlla-BTREFT. PLA7T8MOCTB, Kra, I am prepared toaccemmoxlatethepnblicwitb Hartf, Carrion; Bgflrie find A .Vo. 1 Heart, on short-notice an-J reasonable terms. A Hack will ruDto thesteamboatiandiup.andto all parts of the city when desired. mrJ9. IT'OR BALE. A Farm eontaininv IfiO acree. . tituated h4 miles from Pliitumouih. and 130 acres broken, fenced, and a itory-nd-a-ha)f pine hois. U T J F, NKMiASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ?A Bl'KT (Ol'STT. The HcTiuhlicJUii of H'irt county have nomin:iteJ, hy acclamation, thffjfol'.ow ing ticket. It will be elected by a large majority. Burt id sound to tlWcore on the political goose : ' ' Commimtionei Adam dinger. Prolate Judge J. F. Masoa. Hurveycor Sylvanm Hall. Sheriff TZ. Crowcll. ' Treasurer Wm. G. Olinger. Clerk VS. E. Di-cwry. Supt. Schools J. M. l'ceWes. , Cuoner Doe. Williams. I OK C OtHTY. Tlie Kcpulilicaua of Otoe count-, (Ncliraska City) met in convention on Saturday last, and placed in nomination the following ticket : Probate Judgt Royal Buck. Coroner Dr. N. B. Lavsh. Trrasurci George Dunn. Sheriff Asa Strain. Commissioner Cyrus Ueed. County Supt. II. K. Raymond. A better ticket ttould hardly have been fmlected in Otoa county, and ever' man on it will be elected by a handsome ma jority. ' A XEST or THEM. On behalf of the respectable citizens in the vicinity of Sixth .street, we ask if something cannot be done to break up the disgraceful nest that is located in and about the old chanties) south of Main street. Not only disgraceful, but dan gerous. We have hesrd of three or f lur men being stopped in that vicinity re cently, aud last night a citizen of the city who happened to be pains there at a late hour was knocked down and beaten fearfully. Sheriff Johnson wa$ called out in the middle of the night to ouiet I the crowd of roughs that infest that re gion almost nightly. We hope the nui sance will be abated by removing the ''magnet" that attracts thoe roughs and robbers, without further attention being called to the Mtljcct. This locality is becoming to notorious; that decent, un armed people dread to pass it, especially after dark. AS AllEtllT TO KKEAU J.VII- The Attempt :-tecet lv fiherlU Jnr.n u Tin- l'ri n ;; 4 ';initn.U s tlie 'levir. SherifiT.John.son returned fom the coun tiy j'Ul niter dark last night, and ac cording to his distent, the first thin. ha did was to cautiously peer about the jail to see if everything was in proper order. O'dc t'y apprxteh'rjv the door of the jail he i lainly heard the pri-oir-rs at woik upon the wall, endeavoring to niaie a bole thromdi it. He v,-i;iit up stairs to await ueveiop'iitnts in onler to aiat then- l ieaoi the most vulnerable t.ai-t oi a the jail. lie remained up r.n 1 on the wa.tclit.1! night, but heard nothing more. The p; i.-om i s heard hi'..-. v. !i":i he entered the room above them, where he live . and su.swndo! tb.eir o; -orations. This f 1. 1 .1 M 1 1 I uuiiin:ft i.,ireo n.e ana ! tuiiu jcitch of new plastering, on t he north wall, made from the lime kept in the jii' as a disinfectant. He took his knife and picked away the plaster, r.nd exposed to view the commencement of a hole large enough to ad -nit the body of a r.nn to . .... A. 1 1 I T 111 .1 pass inrougn. ue ca.iea on tlie prison er for tooli used in this work, and they turned him over the jaws of r.n old pair of shears. He searched but was unable to find anything more. There are five prisoners in ihe j.ul .John Ueaty, Lhas. alker an i Wia. Bensen and Jus. Riley confine 1 for grand larceny, aud Chas. Kilmor confined for burglary. The three fiist named are the ones that had entered into the agreement to break jail. They all three have chains rivited on tbe r ankles, but they had concluded they could get to a blacksmith s-hop and cut the chains off. Sheriff Johnson took tie further precaution this morning to chain these three fellows to a ring iu the floor of the jail, where he will keep thevu until some other and better arrangements are made for their t-afe keeping. Our jail is insufficient for the safe keeping of such chatactersas these three probably as tough customers as can be found in the State. Walker was one of the lea.l ers t fa Land of horns thieves, Win. Bin sen is an accomplished thief, and John Beaty is as villainous ami cold blooded a ooking rascal as wo ever looked at. They will find it somewhat dimY-uk to ret away from Sheriff Jt hn-on. even if his facilities for keeping them are i;ot the best. . TIIE ialllTsTtVAK. Isttrel!rsK Let-or froii Je. 9frrow. General Henry A. Monow write- a highly iiitcre ting letter to Gen. Alvord, dated at Fort Buford, Augu.-t 17th, iu which he ft arts out by sayintr : "The Indians have virtually Moekacnd try fort. They show thctn.-.eives in gi eat numbers every day. i am so weak that 1 cannot as 1 wish give them chase." He then confirms the statement of ;ho late massacre of four men near the fb;t, the particulars of whi"h we copied a few daj-s since from the Sioux City Ti.nu.., and concludes as follows : "I am exp siting a battle with the In dians every day ; ruy nu in hers are well known, and think they feel strong enough to take us. In this they are mis taken ; but 1 have no doubt tllat I shall have to give them tight, if it is only to please them. The men sleep on their anus, and 1 keep my canon loaded and in position, so that in an instant I can give battle. I have only about seventy five men lit for dut3 From iheir ac tions I thought Jat uight that the Indi ans intended to attack, me at daylight this morning, and I had the garrison up at dawn. During the night scouts re ported that large parties had gone into a point of woods near the post. . This ' ii i - . , would have teen a convenient point from which to. have attacked, and I at once shelled it. Ine night was dark, ai-ci tho shelLs bursting over the woods, casting a nionientary glare over the river, and lighting up the surrounding scenery, pre- scnted a grand spectacle, and one seldom seen bv the Indians. In all m-nbahiiitv thev were driven out from their hid in? rlacc. and their contemnlatcd attack thtwutj'-i-f?? the iircfwijt.' . " :.:. -r s y.-r 7m " -'3 t PHS jsH, l!.. aamnan THE "STASH ET JLETTtH.- A.s there has been much fail and much more insinuated iu regard to cor ruption in the election of text books for use in the public whv!s of the State, iiud as a large share of the.-e accusations nd insinuations, have their foundation in what ha. been termed by the Oit.ahu Ilenrll the ''Scarlet Letter," we give that document in full, without comment, and let each of our rc:i ier.-t jud.e for themselves how much of truth there is in the Recusations afloat after taking into roniider&tpjn all the fict, the s;ani''r.. objects, etc, of the different parties: A. S. Bahsv.3 A Co..- Nw York and Chi cago, OvvifK Nationau Sruiks Stvsdard Bciiool Books, 111 Statk Strkkt. CmrAoo, Illinois, Aug. 13. l.j. A. L. Stsarnfs DrSir: Are glad you are in Nebraska. Scribner stoppe i at Lincoln to see Heal and Governor Butler. It poems he "pufc the fol lowing, and I waut you tr look closely into the matter, and report fully to me. Scribner found that Heals was not ap proachable on the money matter, but that Governor Butler was disposed to get, or hure rWds make up a list, and he. Butler, would take jy forthe pain-?, and after the matter was closed up, he would quietly hand the pry to Heals. My pri vate opinion i.s, that Scribner means to have the money we pay, go toward se curing P. D. t. Co., and Cambridge 1'hysic-s as much as to secure our booka. for 1 don't understand that he, or his house are to pay anything, though they expect to hav; the above books recorn- mended. Butler places the figures as follows: For Readers and Gooes. ..... ... $ 1.200 " without Go."s.' ...1,000 " Gcogs. anl Mathematics l,OoO ' ,l only .() " 3Iathcmatics, only 500 Now, yo-.i ha J Letter be careful with Deals, and do th-3 work through But'er. Of course if you can gt him to coiue down in the above fiirurer. it will be well. Scrib. snyd Beals feels a little sore over some remarks made by some of your friends, to tho eliect that the National Series were all right, ete. You had bet ter smooth any routh edges all over with Beals, and have a good sju nc npen talk with Butler, then write me fully. This is quite important, and we oiihtto have the Readers au l Gcogs. Have you or Bval- seen the IuduH:i:duat Cth Iw&der? If you eouKl get hi:u to take thj in 1. 31, -1th and 5th, in connection with our L'rimer uvA A, it would be well. lluo'ii-T to hear from you son. I'ki yours, (.'. J. Banj:s. s vi.r f norsEs, Thc-.:i!ii of builuvncs behuiging t the B. k M. R. R. Co. in Nobra-ka. between Main :m 1 Granite troet and bctwetMi Second street an. 1 the river, were told ye-terday Recording to advfcrli.svmeiit. The iMlowing is a record of the s tie ; T ue Aii.It ivi warehouse w:i John R. Clark, f r i'isic). Mrs. Jackson's residence was Piiul Hill, for :;70. i ! w ' FiekLr's re.si.'.enw was so 1 to C. H. j Parmeleo f.,r SI 05. ! Ficki'u-s rtaole was sold to .-vug. I Spires for ! The Bakety Buildiuu'. v.ith ra rocic or ux iek work, sod to H. llnb-rty for $2 rock and hnck work to m. Si'aUjl- man for $o0. Pick!-, r's Meat Market sold to Wm. Stadeiman Pr $1S5 tn-l rock w vk un der sai::e to Sia ieluian, for ciS. The f-ncing, loo-e lumber, t te. , sol 1 for 20 75, making the entire proceeds of the tale 81.SGS 75 ; which amount, as we understand it, is credited to the pre cinct, which paid for the property upon which these buildings stand. . OAl, AUA1X. We understand that some of the V. S. surveyors, who have lately returned from the Republican Valley, report the discovery of a five foot vein of bitumin ous shale among the slates of that coun try. We hope that what appears to be bituminous shale may prove to be the "coal blossom" so well known to old miners, and that a more thorough exam ination may demonstrate that there is real coal in that neighborhood. Five feet of coal would be better than as much gold iu Nebraska. Tke Text Books. It occurs to us that if School Dictriet oftietrs:. or County Superintendents ar ray themselves again -t the plain letter oft lw School law, in the matter of the Text Books to be u.ed hi the rchools, they may wish they lu 1 done otherwise when they come to be deprived of their .-hare of the achool funds, .as a penalty lb r d i so bed i e n ce. .SMfrw. We would like to ak the Si tt;:,min for its authority for speaking thus, or docs it onlv seek to scare scm-w od We have constantly argued th.U it !."? not les-cri thn value of the book; scleete 1 to have some one make uionev out oi to ;,r e .i. i selcc"on --provide-! such a thin ; wis el. ne ; and (hit people would do well t.")c !i sidcr the quality of the books, rcgar-l'e-s c-f trie rhitrg.? of corr-i;.tion ; but, when the .S'-cr--.'?--t.. or "am other man" a.- . .1 !.,.. 1. , .v W3 desire , , , , to know by what aut aunty tney uo it. Does the Sfatesh-ia. speak "by the eird" in the above? If only people cou'd stop lying! J educate more mini than by aliyoor pv.l e:re people truthful we shoii'd l.now pit work. And ne-t k-syt, vac f of you. W our frier ds. as we C;n never know them now. Women would not VUi ot!. r wo- j fur a newspaper raid take ib ku't-S-men with lips through whirlr lan ler rough and tumble of i". Will fir.d t . have but dropped. M;:i would not vo.v j vanta.eous to your r tyi.'of tnoi..;h an to "love forever," when they only nv an, j writing. Yon wi'I get ri-i of eir w.rd: I will amuse mvself for a little while. 1 anl La senieiws", inv-Ve:tlon- J'-t :rv. 1 eopie wouia not, utter e-entiment-s iiu-v i 1 It . .. .- - . 1 do not feel, nor repeat sectarian or partv cant beeau.se it sounds well and is ap- ' plan Jel. IK.-hoiiesty would be a: an en"). Keverything would go smoothly, j Not that it will ever lie done, i'laeh oue ! wi 1 wait for the other to stop fymg first ' fr'l "v.n ; ; 1 -t;: i : tiorjw : liccause a truthtVd person msoius .-r "Can you iii-j h'w.I?ni 'saliitcr or defenceless in a world of lies. And S:i-' offi c-r who h: bv ; l.v.vl -A in the tan will have it bis own way. a he litis ' Motb rnre be war? -V- yy zm: u,u ever s"nce that :)ple was piucke 1 ii: 1 he ' to ... t..i -, t.ti ; - tLecyvni) r-yi.ti-r-arden of Eden. , edi mr :t !..' -tf -1. r ' ---wry N- t.'.-' I wmmmmmmmm ii.ii.h. . ejjr-- It ts Paid bv an oid ira.uier in the ltockj- Mountains that the wnnis a. - 1 milder and damper than formerly. It 1 KAPttia. too. that, rh -lall of rain i. :n.,iv ! fri!ojfit- and eoniuus in Utah ami other ! narts of the far west thin foruier.v. and th rftvr fcv vjcri!aal ia vtjlnink - . . . .. I fllitCtiOR. : The following vt ol tiie .a wine it Jeered, Lave ratiSed, those which have and th e in which no action ha- c t loon t;:ken on the Fifteenth Amendment, i..' piven by the New Yv.k Tbi'et ; !' Alabama No fu't'tor. -t taken. A.kati a lUtii.t iar-h 15, Z?. ('a!"ton:ii N actlcn y i token. Vuwvticnt Ratiiivj'May 13, liC'J. .1 e'bcf i; e Rejected March IS, lSo'J. Iiorida Rained -Tune 15, lSG'J. G-oivIa ii 'Vot-Hi Ma-ch 17, 169. lilinos Ratifi -d Mirct: 5, ltW. Indian t Ratified May 14. 100.. . Iowa No action yt-t taken. . . . Kansas Ilatiried February 27, ISt'.O, Kentucky--No act;on yet tak -n. '" Loui-iana Ratified Ma: eh 1. 1'')?.' Maine Ratified March 11, lSti'.l. - M.trviand No action yet taken. Massachusetts Ratified March 12. 1 SCO. Michigan RitiQcd March 5, 1SW. Minnesota No action yet taken. ; ' Mi.isiMppi No actim vet taken. - : ! Mis-oun Ratified -March 2, 169. . Nebra-ka No action vet taken. Nevada Ratified March 1, lSt'.'i. New Hampshire Ratified July 1. '&'). New .Jersey No action yet taken. New York Ratified April 15, 186'J. North Carolina Ratified March 5, ISTi'A )hio Rejected by Senate April 30, IHCjO. Oregon No action yet taken. Pennsylvania Ratified March 25, Y.9. Rhode Island Senate ratified May 27, South Carolina Ratified March 13, ISf.o. Tennessee No action yet taken. Texas No action yet taken. Vermont No action j'et taken. V irginia No action vet taken. West Virginia Ratified March 3. '69. Wisconsin Ratified March 5, 18ti9. The Constitution provides that "any proposed amendment must be ratided by the LogiJature.s of three-fourths of the States before it can become apart of tlie Constitution. In the above list there are thirty-seven States. The ratifica tion of twenty-eight is necessary to con stitute the amendment a part of the Con stitution. Nineteen States have already ratified it. Sine more are therefore nec- rssary to render the ratification complete. . By the requirements of Congress, Mis- j si-sippi, Texas and Virginia inii-t ratify j th? amendment before their ieconstrue- j tion can be completed. -Those three States a::do: to the inne'in which have ahv-idy ratified it, ' n:ik. twenty-two Siatcs, leaving is yet rej!iivd to render the action complete. .' And the- States from which thew six iin.-t bev obtained are: Alabama, Calilornijr. ' Delaware, Georgia, bwu, Kentn-ky, Matytand, i 1 1 ii- oLa. Ne!ra-k-. New.jericv: Oi'.io, ! Oregon, Rhode ' ! -Tand-Tentiessee and P cimont. - .' ' . ' il. i Jt. X. ii. I Hi;V'AIS CO. Some one writing, to the Onu.lia. JZ--.-:. Li: '7 'i fi-oin Soward counrv srtvs: j The Raih-oa 1 cxciteim nt h up in this n.v.nty. Tho Buvbnu'ton an'. Aliseouri liiver Couit-anv have determined to make the south line of tow si eleven thro Seward ani York t'otuuies, their base from which they -'will not deviate very inuch. Tlie company have acquired tho ugh otli r j'H ties a tide to section tv.e've, in town ten," range two ea-t as t!i"'r town rite in Seward countv. ftt n-.OJc. We hope there wi-i be a u:iinrtnify in the. Seh- Books u -e l ;n , of Ileal . voiaska. ii t will be Kvcn !ie a l -p'i on t-'-t And as Be:u ; him-cif is entirely 'c::c a tod froe: bl.thie wc are not -live i'.l that hit list of bo..l; w;il do for the pro.viit, bet ter than -i b.a-1 njixtu.e, of. ail sorts of book'. Whatever the Ni;vs ha. said about the School j H,k Lu.shre-rs has t en nor agninsi or for any ,p trt.eitlar book or book-, named by the N".:ws. We made no war upon Bea' , but upon the cupidity of Butler and Keti .ard we have remarked quite freely and unanswerably. Xeics. The al.ove comes nearer a fair thing than we ever remember to have sc-n from Morion before. Wedl not object to the unmasking of any aud ail corrup tion and rascality, but we do object to the effort the Xetim has heretofore made to make it appear that the books were bad in consequenee of alleged corrupt :o:i iu their selections, and that all Republi cans were parties to the alleged fraud. 3Iystrrions Disapiiearunce. A man named Johnson, who had an arm broken a couple of months ago. by the falling of a bridge in the Western part of the county, mysteriously dis. ap peared from the Douglas House in this city about ten days since. When-Ui.it seen he was in the company of a -danger walking toward South Table Creek. He had with him at that time about $3, 200 in greenbacks. His friend. in the city j are of the opinion that he has been foully dealt, w- th. We understand tlie Grand ntiers "0j. thjH Tes.-a, in ihe meicantile Jury have the matter in . han.L ibis,. - , ,;ive bunt up a iarge and f h-ws the l.-io ot canyiac liioriey al.f.ur i you: a lolly which no printer w.ju! 1 be g-.iil.-y of. for the best of rea-on?. t R, Thoit" a,- K. Be. ebcr, who for j. r.'ii ye;;r- i a ha ! hi-- own ray and j I own way in ac-"i of eo'.ut'in; ol tlie yj:,. 4.;. writes thu " : I ' -fo pi-ii a.i and -iiru:ar. Ilvij. in ! c'uie ? nC lirgv: iban ourowrt oved 7- 1 nir:-i we ta': . Go vourcitv s n-rvVs- paper, cotton in wi hlhc htor -nd 'pro- 'j.,, 5,u ilU juvitation to edit u .1- , uuiuiu his l ape:;, and pifl 'mto the .pre pa- ratiou 01 that column that col more .'aoor t nan vou do into a sennon. For by.thT on coluuiM vou sen-iblv j-raelrand ntottld a;- 1 my brotliren, ;f you w::! eo.:?--Ti' t -!rr ;ti .i.i . ii- v.uo v.un- ;o u i:...i.-. r- u-. ;uu- :o i :.t:n ii -too.', 'v'-.'v pti pot attlcir w o writing i'd-v.. T.I' -e-p-i'r -." ro- thc 1 Mem, his (T, 1111.I o.cf .L.-ie . .-Ti ..n . :.jt IT' .If o .1 - em ..iHii :, ? -"--t ' V: -.ygc.v.o-f. ? wirfC-iiiiuu.r k.yt ,t:a 'tjx- ; er.i r.-.s. ?.n i f ;u tk. ai ruii ; v.. . .tts.ii- we not ex;e--t to' lurw-et a t-u .- iUkh u -:.: -v : a" ti:at oi -t.e uwi4 aau. f Unmtth? Va eV ruivauv?" NO. t2(3. i SEVVAnD LETTER. VE.VTK1:R i ilOPS KAIL i'.O kii.S, ! s: i c. Seward, Nib., Sept. 22d, 1809. j Mr, EdiTcu: Permit me through I the Hfsai d to vy a word for t'uis "dry 'sandy" cy;rr:y. The .weritb.T is sti'l j "eui'-hy," an 1 R goal ilea! of hay has ! had rather more dew than ia good for it; but, there is plenty of grass to make more, and wo have hal no frost. yet to hurt anything. This county is settling very fast, and will hoou bo onu of the thickest Fettled counties in the State. The soil and climate is as good as can be found in this latitude. ' We can raise small grain here better than in the east ern part of tlie State, and I can see no good reason whv corn will not do as well as anvwhere iu the State. There are ! rcacit.n-the spot they t.m ud three Pun .. , , . . t. , . , dreil Pawnees eiieaced in a running f.ghv a few good chums here yet to be taken, j whh aUml tw ' iultl(i1Vli st;4iux ; uli( but they will not remain vacant Ion; and i l'aynee had been killed with an now, auydody wanting one had better huny which was the ninetial weapon used. ', up." " J The Sioux, immcdiatel' upon the nr- Now, Mr. Editor, you need give your- ! rival of the Cnit.,1 States cavalry, bruko 7 I .! H.i,l Lif riifin.r .kt lii i I'ltn. in all self no uneasiness on iccount ol our l ioa-A pi o-pv ,c oic noi. .-i- ing bonds for a "road bad." Our Coun ty Commissioners probably did not hive as much "legal advice" as the Commis sioners of Cass did when they submitted their proposition ; at aoyrate our Com missioners got theirs up so that the peo ple knew what they were voting for, and that they are not going to be swindled. We i-suo no bonds until the road is com pleted to the west bank of the Blue river and regular trains running theron ; th-n one half will be issued; the other half ($25,000) when th? road is completed and regular train i running to the weat line of tho county. Bonds to be' male payable at or before the expiration of twenty years. Anl the road is to be built ami regular trains running to the Bine river, by the first day of October. 1S70. Now, if this is getting ourselves in a "bad ;h ipc," then I expect we will have to ea'.l ou Platt.-niouUi, to help us ou . Ye--, "it is a railroad the people of Reward county want," aud we are going to h.ve i' ; TheekcUou fir bonis here la'.-t Mon day resulted iu favor of the bonds by about two to one. Fkrg. m..-i i . .. n ..f ....... ! Frvin liic t.'iuaha llciiablican. iiii-ien Cuuuty -ir--i 'OiiUuncf. As u LAND, Sept. loth U'tiO. ftince tte Uio ot my ia.st, suiiie cnu.ie,- i es have been made iu the allaiis of this niLened thviv teuU iu our midst, thereby saying that with their individual energies, aa t their money, they will a.scht m j:ac mg -Aiiiiaua on the It.gU road to pros perity, 'lucre i stili much room lot na proveiuetu, aud vaiiou branches ot oni ness are waiting for the ri&ht kind of men to invest, and make them pay large divi dends. It is perhaps generally known that this town ha an exce.Uenl, unfailing water power, and iu also too weii known iu this- vicinity' and the surrounding coutiay, that up to the present time, it has rxxn but poorly developed. We are gieatly in need of a first class flouring mill. Ihe motive power is. here in abuuJan.ee, and the ferule soil produ ces va.-,t quantities of grain to keep the "burrs" constantly running. There is no doubt of the business being highly re munerative at this point, if engaged in by home energetic, waie awake man. The community and traveling public also need a liret-cia-a country- hotel. Those who "know hew to keep a hotel, will know that Li the kind of business that pays, and a commodious, wok kept hotel would be well patronized here. There are numerous, other needs and wants, such as church edifices, school houses, &e. which a rapidly inoroawng population will soon supply. TLt only place of worship iu town now. is the great temple of Nature, covered by the blue dome of Heaven, and carpeted with the rich, green verdure of nature's handi work. This will not do. We imiat have housoa of worship, and school houses, where the moral and intellectual educa tion of the pioneers of this young and thrifty State can be carried forward with out lot or hindiance. Tho Sneil Brothers k Co., have re cently soiU their entire fctock of goods to Doom, Gienn & Co., of i iattstnouth, and are already preparing to erect a build ing on a much ia;ger scale. They will build of brick, 51x70, two stories high, 31x70, to be(fuini. hed f r a hotel, the . t. ..... '.M,. 1 1 ..... . Tln.ir mil t ll nm- I ,- tv.,,: ,,,i V,, l ..., n. 'J'iu-y have .ieli'y eirr.ed their .sneers J. Me-r-. Vollentine V, II aim more recently engaged in the mercantile trade, axe lo- ! intr a nourishing busia e.- b; ive a stb- i :ai si.'iie t ,u i weii fumi bed with otaces for rvitt, and with facilities I for a b "avy bosine ;s. i Mr. 'oilentine tivjceeds Mr, Palmer ton oi the hhu of fe. B. & Co., as Po-t 1 ma. u:. lLe omee changed h?.nds on - Moleinv, the 1:1 ' 1 in;, , toe l...h in . ' Me- : -. D. G. k Co.. are having a j very ext. nsive tntde, for be 1: known. 1 ir."re are a great many propiu n.:nu i lad.us of fifteen miles liyni "town, ami a:i "nut gooos iroiu ine store, ano .;;..tv u--mt.:v roid- the town full and .0 '.vitr.r." uierehan". d in town last. week .M-,., ii'ttmiiiiH .1 -A tie r.r.ii iri-hn.an, c-iiiployed in r -.x tho rail; oad. was discovered Jil i r;:i.'t Creek, whcie he lay a- ffa" s"tpp ve.i n a rt on ftrther (Ta-;".i:) i- ,l li, rv' r ? 1 id to 'or f-er:'ea-!y ii:. He r:l;"-.l ml ra-ei for !y .. ..; oth-r, bntdie i .f;cr ",v-re -uffcritie, a sirat'-'-r "Jv-.s k-n-v' ; i' h. 11.. "... - a :-';vc a. e'.te- ; in a strange :t-id, a. , a- be set:.!, w;rl 1 nut one reia:ve in liii" country ! "The second, aa Irishman, from ti e raiho.t 1 aLo. rear. Lreui. lit in niy two or t" re 1 h ur ;.of e-f; h-- f.r-t 1m 1 U 3 a'..n ' a-cay for, int?.injut et e I foe !-y tiic- :..e i Uyi i i ;v.: no n i l-' -t w.:d b i-'-f .i" -birr- fr ' h-' n'bituuav m -n. but it wa- too la'e bf-fore Mo.ain:1 he wa, -. .. l. ee.-e, eoitgstio!) of the lungs. ; I taken to rour ri.'y to 1m; put '"-o lite "W3-ng process. ; - !: it, i forgot yeittr injunction to be :or: Yours lurlv. J G. T. t.: ; -i . .. ,.c v;ir. th. ii ph in a school Ue-i-neJ lor. tlie CJiac ratac-uui; at the pro.-xnt time, tho re- .ya 4he art. and my.tcries of the auit of too much uct, has given a -fight , Heak . thief and pickpocket. Acting impeius to ousme-s, matters, and Ash- !'.' informtU.on received Irotn a s virce la.ia to leaiiv atu acting a guod deal id which i-ould hardly ad.ti.tol .L,ubt, Con- aicctu.on. A la:ge amount of money stab.e John Orchard yesterday monmig , - , : .,., ,, -,,-,0-tv Pv i made -complaint . Let ore .Jusuiec .Morris, i.iij lictil itVv--lcU n lon p.Ojic.ij i.j. ) i.i . e.r-p T ! , t... i.... i,.. h .v.. i and urooured the arre:.t o! Rj v .Mat: .111, I. Sl. lli-.l 1 i.-l. L."5 LtKT k.- .1 - l . - . .. . . ., RATES OF ADVERTISING" rm n !! nnt tnaertiou,- , - .Ul. Pi.iiV- ioiu-J crnli not fj.wl.frir ldir. 1.U; 0u aiiaiior l olauu or lew, .n bui.uiii. jixuiomt ', iii.iv thrciii';'hi, 1 . Ouo-ha'.I" oulumn teU( nr.inUs. J' , iii BlOllll.J. .).( Ouc iTgiiun twelve .nn ith.i 'l?!?!!!. s.xuiontM. '. -'J,' - " tiii'ti; luoutliJ. . K' transiont aJvr!i"ie' iwt h IrlIor 111 aJvuL-ti. ' TSIK isntN rxiiiT !. lol r tOftiU. Piarlrier Particular cl'tlsp AOilr. 1 The Nloux lrln fT WMr' Ge:i. Ruggb's has received an nffieiMl report ot tlie Indian light on lmp t '. k from Maj. Noyes, tVowu vrhkli wc leant the following : About one o'clock in the afternoon of the 21st a t-kit mish line of Pawnee Indi ans were observed from the ramp on Loup Fork, extending about two miles along the bluffs which wert? about three miles distant from the camp. Iu a short time a Pawnee Tndiau cam into camp iu company with a soldier and re ported a fight in process nmewLerfl northwest of the school house, bctweeu the Pawnees and SiouX. - A detachment, of thirty men. nmpaniej by about ono hundred l'awneo Indians, was immedi-. I ately sent to tin seem; of action. Upon ,. - ., . . , 1 TIio cavalry, not being alio to surround the Hying foe, were ordered to fire. One Indian dropped from his hor.-.e at the discharge, aud the Pawnee, filling tli air with loud veils, joined, in the pursuit. The Sioux were, well mounted, and for some, miles the race was an even thing.. The Pawnee", at the end of fifteen miles,' gave up the chase as useless; 'the eav- airy, however, continued the pursuit for twenty-five or thirty miles, the eneiuy gradually gaining until sunset, v hen they disappeared altogether." Several horses were found upon the prairie, which had been killed by the Indians, to prevent them from lkliintr into the li and of the soldiers. The .Pawnees lost onJ man aud several horses. Onlv oue of their number was wounded. Tho ko! diers of the camp suffered no loss, bnt report several killed among the Sioux.- Ihnaha Jlcnild. t;A-l erj r School for The-it - Arrvnl ol'lliO l'rlnolimt am TJnft of IlJi I'upif.. t 'On the flat?, in the vicinity of' t!i freight, depot of the Union lV-iPe road, and near 'tlie fi-rry landing, 1 tht m is a fcuiajl. dirty-looking wooden ,sti tieiuv., which is known as tlie li:a! habitation of a ma'i who h:u gained noLori'-t.v un lor the cogiiomen of "Billy Mack." Tin occupation of this man has generally been that of a saloon keeper and ; tie? vi-itr of newspaper.-;. RoMit dev.-lo;mt'!;is, however, frof nt biiu in an eutheb dif feient, and. certainly . ' unonviable light. It is now charged "that "Biily Mick" has bet ti acting tb j part of "'Fagin" in Omaha; that lie h;tv been the principal utirm ol pupils :ino lHl". "Hajipy Jack,1' another "i'lrn -iiy," and another with an equal euphonious title. The charge preferred against the keeper of the place was that of receiving stolen property, knowing it to be uh, and the boys were captured as witnesses. The examination, on account of th Dis trict Attorney, was postponed until Thurs day next, and bail was required i.i the Mini of S5U0. It is alleged that Mack has been in the habit of enticing boys into his saloon; that he pays them a regular salary of $3er week for selling papers, and pur chases from them the little articles they can "prig," or "'lift." while perambula ting with the papers ; that, iu fact, ho gives them instructions in petty thieving, and disposes of the plunder for them. Twelve or fifteen boys have nightly slept at his establishment, it is said, and all of them are supposed to have been thieves. Quite au amount of property, consisting of small articles, of no fcieat value, was found at the rendezvous of the brigade of young vagalionds. Tho urchins under arrest were put in charge of their parents, and "Billy Mack" pr. vided bail for his appearance. I!'ivh V- can' Attempted Itaiilt Kalitiery. The Quinry ILruLl says that th La Grange Saving Bank was entered by burglars on Tuesday night. Tho door of the vault was burkt open with jmwder. and efforts were xande with blacksmith tools to effect au entrance into the safe, which were unavailing. Six hundred dollars, the amount of a special deposit which had not been placed in the mfc, was all that could be found worth carry ing off. The Memphis AvduncJic long cere brated as the most bitter pro-slavery, anti-reconstruction pajier in the South, i at last borught to see the light, and takes a comprehensive view of the situ ation which it would be well for its Northern confreres to study. It My : The fiery rage, and mad fury which the civil war provoked wiil n.ver burn out asking a s Democrats pre-.cnt i-.-.iie- n.' stale and impra.-ticabla as th y are ob noxious to the people. Much as we may di -like the decision, the result, of the Pie-idcntial dcetiou i.ct'.ltd thu- jt'v'.: .vtructiou and negro suffrage . ' nir'Afesy. The Democratic party h..s r.o : nutiointl party ; and inMraJ f lovm'ng its;li' upon such if w issues an the e.ige?tt ie of I be times require, wc hear little i. u chirping like frogs in tlie meadow. u.thi,ny but Democrat, Democrat.' Mr. W. Beckett, who bs a Republi. an candidate for the Ohio State Senate, has made u. good retort to the vacillating Lewis D Campbel!, who i.-' bis Dmo. r.-.t-ic op.omnt. The laf f r invited Mr. Beckett to hold with him joins meetings for discussion. Mr. Be-ckctt eieelinxl lor the rca-ons that he had never luade any political speeches, and, -seroi'd. that, as he had lived all his life in the couu'.rv i . i ... an l hao rasen an active part iu all cam paigns. s:n:ehe Lec-nnja toier, his j.o-i-tlon was weii und. r. tood. IL added ; "'Pi i baps, however, yon ha i fx-tter nor v. "it lid raw yruir ajpoii,ttiiCTit -, as your j osi'tioii. to be nn-ii-ito id. mayiK cd e xplanatiou." : 1 A cement f ; bottle tops, that will keep tLe most volatile liquids from' evap orating, maybe made by mixing finely irctini litharge and rotietattra ted j lycci l :ie . It dries fpiickly, Ixn'.omes very ha rd , and is easily removed with a knifV. There is said to 1 a iiiaii in Lam-aster, Pa., named Jo:-eph HeiT, who has not. had lialf an hour's contii:r.oi sleep lor nearly four year. ,Vn r-lreijf. tiso for n c?ehf Mirr. ' I ,LIJI.t 11 l.l-i I n..l I 1 1 nn.i r. 1 1 , j e- . Wfirff 1 1 r.