THE CITY. From Tkurtdav'i Dailul Mr. and Mrs. Fox gave a nice Social party at their residence last evening. Mr. Woodman arrived at home last evening, and left for Council Blufis again this morning. Mr. Doane, Chief Eagineer of the B. &M. It. R. in Nebraska,left for Ashland and Lincoln yesterday. .The It. R. Transfer boat, 'President,' brought up a quantity of ties last even ing. CoL Peck, R. R. engineer in charge of ths third division west from Plattsmouth was in town this morning. lie reports work progressing finely on his devision. Gen. Prank P. Blair has been appoint ed General Agent of the Life Association of America, for the Territory of Colo rado. Deputy U. S. 3Iarshal, Jesse Turner, passed through town this morning on his way to the Southern part of the State. The case of the U. S. vs. McCoy, for illicit distilling, was called in the U. S. Court at Omaha last evening, and was probably on trial to-day. The time of meeting of St. Luke's Vestry has been changed to tho first Fri day evening of the month. The regular meeting will be held to-morrow even ing. One of the principals in the recent priie fight opposite this eity, feels ag grieved at the report of eaid fight as pub lished ia the Omaha Republican, and publishes a card. W. Mickelwait, Esq., showed us a specimen of grains yesterday from his vineyard south of town, raised from a wild vino dug up in the woods and culti vated, which were as large as most of the tamo grapes, and far pleasanter to the taste than tho most of them. It is an evidence of the superiority of Ne braska soil, and of the adaptability of this olimate to the cultivation of the grapo. Mr. R. N. ITodskin, proprietor of the Brunswick Billiard Hall, second story Masonic Block, will open his place to the public this evening. He has completely refitted the room, and put up three new tables, of superior manufacture. We understand a match game is to be play ed this evening between Fred. O. Brit ton, of Omaha, and an amateur player of this cityr 500'points up, carom. Lunch at 10:30. From Friday' Daily Col Tfchenor arrived from Omaha this evening. m DSSOURi VALLEY Hi I IE"1 IE INSURANCE COMPANY. -:o:- CAPITAL, ---- $500,000.00 :o:- GOEIIIEIElXj OFFICE : No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. -:o:- BHAUCH OFFICES: St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, Tenn., Indianapolis, Intl., San Francisco, Cal. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING. We need sido walks on Main Street as for up ad Sixth. Tho regular meeting of the City Coun. cil takes place uext tuesday evening. The Southern NcbraxTcian appears displeased with Mr. Scott, one of the Trunk Railroad men. Our St Louis and Chicago Market reports are worth to every fanner ten times the price of the daily paper. Tootle, Ilanna & Clark are having a fine job of graining dono on their Bank counter. A desperate fight occured in the city last evening. Particulars given hereaf ter. What has become of the Plattsmouth Sporting Club? The Chickens are suff ering to be killed. Mr. J. W. French, of Three Rivers, Michigan, Manufacturing Company,is in town on business. Hon. D. McCaig was in the City to-day lie reports damage to grain in his locali ty not so heavy as in other localities. Henry Boeck, Esq., arrived at home a day or two since, from the east, where he has been making arrangements for a reg ular supply of fine furniture. See card of Brosnan & Thomson. They have a nice, new room, and are well supplied with choice wines and liquors. ' " A paper will be in circulation in a few days asking donations to purchase a fire engine. We hope the citizens will be liberal in their donations, that we may have a first class "mcrf-heen." We are authorized to state, for the benefit of Capt. Marshall and others in terested, that the "Lincoln Mail has ar rived." We hope no more questions will be asked on this subject We understand Mr. Woodman con templates sending the steamer President to Council Bluffs to load with iron for the road west from here. The steamer and barge, together, can bring down a arge quantity of iron at a load. More real estate changed hands in and about Plattsmouth during the past month than during the twelve months previous. There is a healthy increase in the price of property, just as every per son desires to see it A good pine bouse, containing three rooms, can be built for $400. The lot upon which to erect it can be had for $10 of Esquire Duke. 'When completed, the house will rent for $12 or $15 per month, and will sell, at any time, for a large advance upon investment The Omaha Herald begins to squirm under the pressure ofthe Chines Labor Question, as tiicr time for its solution comes nearer and nearer. It would like to be neither fish nor flesh, but shirk the responsibility until it sees way the "cat is going to jump. ' ' Mr. Duke has donated one lot in his addition to each Church Organization provided they will ereet a church build ing thereon within the next five years. He also offers lots to persons who wish to build, at tho nominal price of $10 per lot. -:o:- IMviilemls on tlac Contribution jPlan, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders. -:o:- REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This ia a Western Company, managed by Western men, whose known Bnanancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for iti careful and euccesful management. 2d. IU Polices are all non-forfeltins. 3d. Premium all cash. It receives no notes and gives nono. Policy hoi J erg have no interest to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. Dividends ant losses are paid in cash. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. 6th. Its risks are in the West, whore the rate of mortality is lower and the rate of interest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation of dividends to the policy holder is greater than in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 6th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 9th. Its business is exclusively life insurance. -:o:- Are the accumulations of Interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest divid jnds. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investment at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figures: The amount of 1.000, invested for fifty years at 6 per cent, compound interest, is 20 " " JJ .4 4. 44 44 $ 18.420.11 4G.901.61 117,390.85 31S.0G3.0G -:o:- OFFICERS : H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Gee. A. Moore. Secretary, E. VY. Eaves, Treasurer, D. M. Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wever, M. D., Consulting Physician. IHLEZEIOTJTIVTB .COMMITTBB : H. D. Mackay, 1 George R. Hinss, E. Henseley, H. Edgerton, D. W. Eaves. -:o:- TIils Company Insures at lower rales tka any Eastern Company. -:o:- AUDITOR OF STATE OFFICE, 1 Topkka. Kansas. February 26th, 1S69. j That I, A. TaoKA.v, Auditor of the State of KNOW ALL MEN BY TITESE PRESENCE Kansas, do hereby certify that the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized and doing business under the laws of the State of Kansas and Missouri, has furnished the undersighed satisfactory evidence that it has invented One Hundred and Fiftv Thousand lol lars of its capital in United States Government Bonds, of the denomination of Kive-Twenties(5-'J0s) and are possessed ofthe same. And I do further certify that said Company has get apart One Hun dred Thousand Dollars of said Cnited States Bonds for the benefit of all pouoy holders of said Company; and that I hob! intrust and on deposit for tho benefit of said policy holders the security above mentioned, an ) I am satisfied that surh securiticsare worth One Hundred Thousand Dollars lawful money of the United States of AmerJ.-a. In witness wbere I have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the seal of my office to be t eal of And- I am zed, the day and year above written. litor of State. ; A. T1IOMAX, Auditor of State of Kansas. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO DO BUSINESS. OFTICK OF SrPKRISTF.SDENT OP TUB ISSfRASCg Dl!P ARTMFXT OF MISSOURI. IT IS TJEREBY CERTIFIED, That the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, a Life As surauce Company, omnnir.-d under the laws of the State of Kansas, and its principal office lo cated at the city of Leavenworth, ha complied with the requirements of the thirtieth, thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty -third and thirty-fourth sections of an Act ofthe General Assembly of the State of Missouri, entitled "An act for the incorporation and regulation of Life Assurance Compa nies," approved March 10th, a. d. 1809, so far as the said requirement are applicable thereto. And pursuant to the thirty-sixth section of said Act, the said Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company is hereby authorized to do business as a Life Assurance Company within the said Swteof Missouri, subject to the several provisio is and requirement of the Act aforesaid, until the first day of Feb ruary, in the year of our Lord eighteen nuncred and seventy. In testimony whereof. 1. v ti lys Kino, undersigned, huperintcndcnt of the Insurance Derart- j Seal ot Insurance De- I ment of sai J state of Missouri, have hereto set my hand and n nixed partinent of State of - my seal of office, at the city of !t. Louis, Missouri, this 2oth day of I Missouri. J July, a. D.1S69. Signed, WVLLYS KIXG, bnperintendent of the insurance Department of the btate of .Missouri. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. (To expire on tho 31st day of January, 1370.) ISSCRA5CR DRPABTMRlfT. OFFICE OF STATE ArPTTOB, 1 Liwcols. Nebraska, April 1, ISt'.O. i Whirkab. AbraaiB. Coralt. Stale Agent for the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, lo cated at Leavenworth, Kansas', has filed in this office n exipy ofthe Act of I incorporation of said Company, and a statement under oath, showing its condition, a required by the fifth section of a law of the State of Nebraska, entitled "An Act in Relation to Insurance Companies." approved February 15th. IStU: approved February 12th. lSoo: and whereas, said Company has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evidence that it is rosseed of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual capital, invested in the stocks cf at leart par value, or in bonds or mortarapes on real estate worth double the atnouat fur which the same is rnortgnged ; and whereas, siid Company has filed in this office a written instrument, under the seal ofthe Company, siirned by the President and Secretary thereof, authorixing the said Abram B. Covalt to acknowledge service of process for and in behalf of said Company, consenting that service of process upon him shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the Company, according to the laws of this State or any other State, and waiving all claims of error by reiion of such service; and whereas, Abram B. Covalt has furnished satisfactory evidence that he it the authorized Agent of said Company. Therefore be it known by these presents, that in pursuance of the aforesaid Act. I, John Gilles pie, Auditor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that Abram B. Covalt, Esq., has full im thority to act as State Agent for the said MissourO'iil ley Life Insurance Company, in the State of Ne braska, and to do and perform all acts for and in behalf 6f said Company authorised by his ap pointment as such agent, and by the laws of this State, until the 31st day of January, a. n. 1S70. In witness whereof, I have subscribed my tiaine, and caused the Seal of the Aaditor's office to be i s. affixed this 1st day of April, a. o. 1S). JOHN GILLESPIE, State Auditor. :o; GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. Stale Agent for Nebraska and Xortlieru Kati3a. J-W. MARSHALL. Ajfent, n r arrrrvArrirrrrrr R. . LIVINGSTON, Md. Examiner, f 1 1 A&.UUV All. OF STATE LOTS and LANDS AT LOTCOM, The Capital of Nebraska, ON- i Thursday, Sept. 23d, 1869, AT lO O'CLOCK, A. 31. The undersigned Commissioners appointed by an Act of the Legislature of tho State of Ne braska, entitled An Act "To Provide for the Sale ofthe Unsold Lots and Blocks, on the Town bite ol Lincoln, and tor the Location and Erec tion of a State University, Agricultural College and Stats Lu natic Asylum," Approved February 15th, 1869, will on that day oner lor sale at auction TWELVE HUNDRED LOTS in the Town Site of Lincoln, said Lots being the odd numbered Blocks (the even numbered hav ing previously been sold) ofthe Town, and com nrisine the most eligible lots in the clace. Thi said lots will be appraised by the Commissioners and sold to tlie nigacst bidder over the appraise Terms Cash. There will also bo offered for sale at the same time about THIRTY THOUSAND ACRES -OF- TATE LANDS, known ns Saline Lands, situated within nn area often miles ofthe Capital, said lands being the most valuable larmintr lands ol Lue btate. Terms Caslu The object in offering the above named State property at that time is to enable the Commis sioners to complete the State University. Agri cultural College ami Lunutic Asylum at Lin coln, the Capitol Building having been built trom toe proceeds ot the previous sale of lots. This sale of State property offers to the Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers, a chance for a cheap homo at the 'Capital, situated in the richest Ag ricultural district ol tne btate, and at the GREAT SALT BASINS, where salt is being manufactured from the sur face water. Lincoln being the Capital of the State, and the objective point of some five different railroads, reaching ol iiito the interior, and tapping the Salt Deposits at this place, will soon make it the interior town ot the btate. The Capital was located at Lincoln in Sep tember, 17. by an act of the Legislature, and contains sixteen hundred inhabitants, with good Hotels. Stores, Churches and Schools. The Leg islature held its first Session in tho .Xew Capitol idc past winter. . The Burlington and Missnnri River Rnilronri ia being rapidly pushed forward to Lincoln, and will by contract be completed early next season. This line will give direet communication with Chiengo, and will be pushed out to Ft. Kearney, uniting with and becomingabranch of the Union Pacific R. R. Tho Midland Pacific Railroad has also tho whole of its line under contract from Nebraska City to Lincoln, and will be, according to the term' of its emitmeta. fully equipped nd in running order by the 13th of May next. This line :s one ot tho links by which the Pennsylva nia Central R. R. will reach across the conti nent, completing as it will in a short time, its connection with Nebraska City, and from Lin coln west to the Union Pacific. Thus Lincoln will be for a time the terminal point of two great thonmgtiturcs, and eventually occupying a central position upon two trans-continental routes, shorter, by from one to two hundred miles, than any other yet constructed. The work upon the State University. Arricul tural College and Lunatic Asylum is now being rapidly pushed torwnrd. DAVID BUTLER, Governor. TIIOS. P.KEXKARD. Sec. of State. JOHN GILLESPIE. july22w9 Auditor. J Commissioners. NEW TOBACCO STORE! on Main street, opposite Court Ilonse, PL. ATTS M OUT II, ME ,, AV have on hand a large assortment of CIGARS & TOBACCO, Consisting of the best quali ties of CIGARS, FINE-CUT, PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO. As we deal exclusively in Tobacco we can sell as cheap, if not cheaper than other store in the cit-. Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, as we know you will go away satisfied. It liRmi & CO February 11, 1So9, tf. WOOLWORTH &, CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATEOS'ERS, Binders and Paper Dealers, ST. JOSEPH, oct20 MISSOURI. EftlPiRE BAKERY! SECOND STREET, OPPOSITE NEW YORK STORE, Plattsmouth, lVeb. CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. REFREHHEIYTS kept on hand at all times. nlStf IT. HUBERTY. NEW RflEAT &1ARECET! GEO. FICKEER, Corner Main and Second Streets, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, keeps constantly on hand the best of all kinds of MEATS, which he will furnish to customers at the bot of rates for cash. ju2 6m3 WHAT CUYLER SCHOLFAX Says of Veeping Water. Extract from Letter to Mrs. Grundy. "As I was tell in? you. my dear Mrs. Grundy, I came on my mule to Wcepingr Water in a sadly dilapidated condition an hat, mini boots coat stockings in short, destitute of all those con venient appurtenances which ornament a well dressed man having been deprived of all by the merciless savages, who even took my cigar case. Thinking that I might in that flourishing town obtain a second-hand blanket, I rode up to store, and hitching my ronlo by the ears to a large freight wagon loaded with goods for the Plattsmouth retail trade, I entered. Judge of my surprise when 1 was promptly met and offered a complete outfit, from a pair of stub- , toed boots to a goose-quill toothpick, lor tne pal trv sum of nine dollars and sixt v-two and one- half cents, the 3; eents being the profits on the goods. . If you want anything in the miscellaneous line, call on them, and if you don't see what you want ask lor it. 1 would remark here that they are generous, liberal, good look ing and trutniui to a lauiu REIMBER THE PLACE IfcEEl BROS., Weeping Water. STOVE AND TUT STO H3. T. IDTTIKIIE 5c CO., Wholesale andTRetail dealers inl Hardware and Agricultural Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL PL O "W S Of all kinds atd sizes, which we warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive Agenta in this count? for tho sale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Give us a call we will not be undersold Main street, next door east of the Masonic Block, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Henry Boeclr, DEALER IU FURNITURE, gIatt$mcum9 Lounges, Tables, Safes, -o- BEDSTEADS. Of all descriptions and at all prices. le Iiave an extensive' general stock Metalic Burial Cases Jo" Goods that we are constantly as to CD O CO D 7 CO PI r rt H s X CO w OiP - t ft, S3 ? P 2 CP o a SB lt- O g. jr. m S3 Ui o 0 (ft o I w 5 H Q 5! 1 v i i o N 0 0 w V Weeping Water 31 Farmers, so whoro you cud ret the bo" x;' and the mot-t of it. , '. 35 POUNDS OF XXX Fi-0 I AMD 14 POUNDS OF IIKA'i given in exchiure for (rood wheat. : ! v o are al-o doing frnol work; ana, c-, increased lacilitioo. feel axsurej that -t:i-i the best and nu?t i lour of any in the t 'jo. SATISFACTION UUAUANIEt? Produce Bought and S HIGHEST MABKKT PMCI FaIP. mar26.'C8. Reed fc Cllntns,. sorting 'np9 tvHicU we offer to the jp?f&- Of all sizes. WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past pntronasre. T invite all to call ami examine my large stock of f urni ture and lothus. tjansu. lie at prices that we know must give entire satisfaction DRAI.KR IN Hardware, Cutlery, iron, Stec AND NAIL.H, fock Island 3.lovs CORN-PLAlsTTEllS, CULTIVATORS SULKY AND WALKING, COOKITO STOVHN, A large variety on hond. We purchase the very best Goods at thehead vf Mar ket and strictly for casht and are prepared to compete j Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rak:; ttith the trade at any point on the 31issouri river. Lock Stitch Reversible Feed Sewing Machine awarded the Highest Premium rherever exhibited. E. A. WIGOKXHORN. D. SCriNASSK. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and more too, are going to B. A. . WIGGBHEORST 8c Co., t To buy their imto? &U3L13L B"UL-m m er ,C-Oog5lg3 AT THE lc Ac, &C, iiC, Ac. A large stock now on hand at Kinail alvione Knstcrn priccx. IOC Ufain direct, Kebraftltaf t"; (opposite the Foyuiour Houfc.) SIGN OF T1IK PADLOCK. mi. ira. is. Ta'CLUstiXY. --i . -4J - -- DENT 1ST, Will bo at Dr. Livingston' offios duriiiii tV- liut week in ewh month. All ordora left at -Po.t Office will bo promptly utU nded to ljt-sr- THE ONLY ONE capable of scwinir in more than one direction and fastening all its own seiuus without stopping iu hi no or turning me ciotn. It uses and wastes less thread than any other, and will commence a s&un without holding the enas 01 tne tnrcaa. The largest and most complete )K - OF DRESS GO Warranted to sew heavy or fine roods ennallv wen. Over 50,000 Machines Sold Since 1S61. Send for Report and Circulars. VVM. E. PLANT. GenT Ag't. 612 North Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. DR. G. H. BLACK. Agent. n26"3yl Plattsmouth, Neb. NEW klY OEK S TOES mattqs ! Piisosi ORGANS! MELODEONS: Council BhiffM, S25 I 825 ! THE AMEBICATJ" SHUTTLE SEWING fflACHIWEi i Isretailed at a price within the reach of aM. Tlif machine nses a dtrairht. nepH'p m n L-oa the LOCK STITCH (alike on both sides), has a sclitaujusung tension, and can do every variety of "living. It will hem, fell, bind, cord, braid. scan, quilt, tuck, rume ana gather; will work equillywell on silk, linen, woolen or cotton gos, witb linen or cotton thread. The American Shuttle Sewing Machine is Tarranted for Five Years ur Agents will be sunnlied with duplicate part of the machine in case of accident. It mJies precisely the fame stitch made by the Silger, Wheeler 4 Wilson, Howe and Florence ui hines. it has the nnrler-feed. like th ht olnign pricea machines, and is the only Low Priced Shuttle Machine inthe market that has this feed. We are ena- i bal to sell a first class Shuttle Machine at a vry low price, on account of its simnliciiy. and cinequeni low cost of manufacturing, in coin- prison wan complicated macnines. AGEMS IVewish to arrange with agents, male or fo ri tic, to represent the American Shuttle Sewing achine in each State. County and Town in the laitetl States and Ontario. Lxtra inducements t. experienced agents. For full narticulars. as to salary and commis- sini, addruss t U. V . N. AMJUEMS, General Agent, i . . Detroit. Mich. 5. Ti. For the benefit of our Asrents. we have aftinged with parties who have goods suitable fi4 Sewing Machine Azents to sell. We will sck! book of samples and full particulars on re- pt ot one re stamp. Aldrcw I rt. X. N. ANDREWS, General Agent. fc0j-l Dctrcit, Mich. Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly ridnccd pricea. We call partiautar attention to our new tyles of ; ' DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES . t. of all kinds and prices to sail our numerous customers. A larfo stock of . ; ' ' GROCERIES, i HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWAREL tr wTrnp vnTtnvc 1 i HATS AND CAPS. We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, add all kiods of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEE.DE.ft, MAY KAKtoi CtU Plattsmouth. April 22d. 1869.1 Ji. A.: VVlCiUJN HUKW & UU. WHITE & BTJTTEK;Y, i DBAliKRa IJt Drugs, Medicines, Ohemicas,! Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, and Jbancy I oilet Articles, loys, lrusses, oupporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, i UICIS WOES jAOT MQ"eTOI2&, For medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varni$hes and Dye Stuffo, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and j Putty., also, CHOICE FAMIllY GROCERIES, s GREEN AND CANNED FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, &c. &c. Ilarinir heen ensured in selling Druirs and Groceries in this City for the nnst'scren'year. we know the want of the people in our line of trade, and are prepared with a large stuck of Goods of the , nest quality lo supply inone wants ai very low prices. 1'oifn Dealer in the ncleTirnted Ffcck A- MiC.i' finnis and other Muicn! inMUumcnl". . A1 inKtrmaouts warrtinlou hvo cars. - B. sprRi.orit, R, 3. WI,'IKA, Co. Clerk A, Recorden Hept. Cl'k .' ;' Spiiriock & Vindharii, PLATTS.VOUm KEFiTt S.;'.r.' A Front Iloomti of Court Hoi?? Clerk, and Treasurers. 0Lti:e LAxnx liouani and soll Til les Exam in ah Conveyance' Mn;ii Tiixcs Paid and .Receipts Forwa Promptly. . Plattemouti, Juno 18, nil. - r '-r - ; - - I, - - . .-.t.. r -". f A .r J ' - t ;,?.' s i 1 WHITE & BUTTERY. Plattamouth, Xehraska, April 21, 163. Jiurlinffton Bridge Finisha Burlington & Missouri River In connection with Chicago Burlington & Quinc' RAILROADS Presents to the Puhlio the mo?t direct, sure an Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Jw Tori ana iSew r.nglann. Paeneerslave the choice of tho various route centering in Chicago. Bayrjitrje Checked through to Ottumtoa- Kate invariaMy as low a by other routes. -i!uy your Coupcn iicitets at Ottumwa via Burlingtor C. K. PKK KIN'S. Sup't Gen. lickct Pas'r Ae't. G. C. ilORTOX. scplT Genl l ieight A1! Pullman's elegant Eley 'Tie ;Car on all nigh A. E. TOT-ZAUN