STATE NEWS. From the Fremont Tribune. Mr. Emory Brisrgs has taken charge of the West Point Hotel, and has made a thorough renovation of the house Bnggs Is a live man. accommodating in business and will win honor as a landlord. Preparations are on foot for the or ganization of a large party here in the course of a few weeks for a grand buffalo hunt A number of gentlemen from the east are expected to join the party, and . a good time is anticipated. !fr Alienist Konnclkoni, residing on Maple creek, received a very severe injury in the abdomen, Wednesday evening; he was just in the act of mounting his horse when the animal kicked him. Br. Crabbs rendered medical assistance promptly. His horse, hitched to a wag on near" by, run around the ttrccts but finally stopicd without doing any dam age. A party of hunters, filled with high hopes of chickens, quails, etc.. left town last Monday afternoon, to return, alas! in a few hours with a broken wagon all tired and muddled up so badly their own mothers would hardly knowjtheui. It is unnecessary to add that the choicest "music" consoled theiu on their Jeturn trip. From the RepuLlicjin. On Thursday evening, during the prevalence of a violent storm, the res idence of Mr. Iirson, who resides on Nineteenth street, between Cass and Cal ifornia, in this city2 was struck' by light ning. The electricity penetrated the roof near the chinine3 tearing off the shingles and descending to the first story, shat tered the pla.-tcring. Mr. Larson was in the kitchen at the time, and was so se verely stunned that he was unable, for a time, to speak. Mrs. Ktrson was in the main building, almost directly under that point of the roof where the electricity en tered. She was Iyin on a lcd at the moment of the concussion, and received no further injury than a temporary pa- 1 IT T 1 1 ,L. raivsis. .Mr. Jjarson is cmpioyeu mine office of Wells, Fargo k Co,, and is well known to many of our citizens. From the Chroniclr. The machinery purchased by Dr.Evans k Co., in Chicago, for sinking a Salt well at Lincoln,! passed through our city on yesterday. Much is due this company for their zeal and energy in this great en terprise. The surface water on the bason has been tested, and found to be the purest of any discovered on this continent; and the Doctor is confident of reaching a vein of pure brine, at no great depth. We have no doubt but this enterprise will prove a decided success, and be a source of untold wealth to this justly deserving company. The indications of salt are ampic to insure tins, and in quantities eulhcent to supply the whole Western trade. We have tasted the salt made both bv boilins and solar evaporation Its yield is far above an average of our best works int he East, anil of a superior quality. e say, success to all enterpri ses, "which are for the developing of this young and thriving tate. AlrtalHou A br:is;ta K. IS. A despatch from Atchison, of thc.lOth, says "The Directors of the Atchison k Nebraska Railroad were in session nearly all day Tuesday, and held another meet ing yesterday. The grading of the road can be completed in less than two months, and the construction of bridges is already commenced. We understand that the special purpose of the late meetings of Directors was to complete arrangements for iron and roll's n? stock of the road. Over two miles of iron have been already laid on the Atchison k Leavenworth Road, at this end, and the laying down of the track is progressing very fast. Connections have been made by this road with the Central Branch of the Union Pacific Cars run from one road to the other without change or delay. Ten car loads of lumber and seven of other freight went west this morning, on tho Cental Branch road." TiirRSi F!rs. The Nebraska State Fair will be held nt Nebraska City, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September "8th 2;lh, SOch, and Oct. 1st. JSol) , Compe tition open to all States in the world, The Nemaha County Agricultural and Mechanical Assocatioti; holds its Fourth AnualFairat Biownville, Tuesday, Wed nesday andThursday, September the 21st. 22d. and 23d, Competition open to all comities. The llicharusnn County Agricultural, will be held in Salem, Neb., on the 15th, IGth. and 17th of September. The Johnson County Agricultural and Mechanical Association holds its First Annnal Fair at Tecumseh, on the loth, 17th. and 18th of October. m - An English Prelate has given some very sound evangelical views respecting "Ritualism and the Holy Communion" and says, in conclusion: One binning and shining light in the pulpit one loving, dilisrcnt, faithful pas tor in the parish, with sound common sense will le of immeasurably more worth than all the music, and incense, and dress, and candles in Christendom; and one soiitny truth of the Gospel, brought home and driven home to the head and heart, will be infinitely more precious, immeasurably more good than all the opinions of men, the traditions of the church, or tha ritualism of the earth. It is definitely arranged that a new bridge will he built across the Ohio river to connect New Albany with Portland and Louisville. Tho Company is com pany is composed of wealthy New York capitalists and two or three citizens of in diana. The bridge will have three tracks one for railroad trains, one for a street railroad, and one for wagons. Its estimated cost, we are told, is $1, 700,100. The Areora Goat is bred by Col. Fur nas, at Brownville, Nebraska, in the greatest perfection. The Col. has as large and thorough-bred a -flock, of the An?ora Goats as anv sjcntlenian in the United States. lie is offering a few of these beautiful and valuable animals for Nile at exceedingly alluring prices. Xtb. City 2eic. A woman's rights woman at Chicago has "put her font down" she says she has that she will vote at the next elec tion. On looking at her foot the one phe put down an old politician says if th?t thing goes into the ballot-box, the polls might as well be closed. There will be no room for any more ballots. The father-in-law of Fred. Douglas, Jr. , A. M. Hewlett, is not a white man, nor a professor in Harvard University, as has been stated. He is a mulatto, who was formerly a prize fierhtor of con siderable notoriety in England, and is now cn instructor in Gymnastics in Har vard. So rays the New York Sun. Miss. Susan Ii. Anthony says she doesn't want to be called Sue nor Susan, but w?r.ts to be called by her right name. Some rascally editor says "all right" since the men have all concluded to let . B. Anthony. The fpMnn3j t'tW fTiA 1 1 1 r j I .1-tq' lTrrw rr. (rifl. Ohiii wpn for merly presented to the Board of Control, nppc'rtcd by the Grand Army of the Iicpublic, in the presence of 10,000 spec tators. mmt The llichardson County Agricultural Fair will be held in Salem, Neb., on the 15th. lf, ".nd iTtli of September. LIFE NSURANCE -:o:- CAPITAL, - - :o:- GE1TEBAL OFFICE : No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. . BKAITCH: St. Louis, Ho., Chicago, III., Memphis, -:o:- ALL POLICIES -:o:- l&iviclcsuli on tSac Securing the Greatest Pecuniary :o:- REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men. whose known finanancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for its careful and succesful management. 2d. ltd Polices are nil non-fotTeiUiiqr. 3d. Premium all nKli. It receives no notes ami gives none. Policy holders have no interest to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. Dividends am' losses are paid in cash. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. Cth. Its risks are in the West, where the rate of mortality is lower and the rate of interest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation of dividends to the policy holder is greater than in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. m 8th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 9th. Its business is exclusively life insurance. -:o: Are the accumulations of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more, The advantage of AVcstern investments to the figures: The amount of $1,000. invested for fifty 6 per cent, compound g 10 " " -:o:- OPZEOEES : H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. V. Eaves, Treasurer, D. M. Swan, Gsnsra! Agent J. L. Wever, F3. D., Consulting Physician. EXEGUTIYE COMMITTEE : H. D. ftiackay, George H. Edgerton, -:o: This Comply SiiMurrs any Eastern : o: TTOW ALL MEX BY TflESE PRESENCE: A V. nansas, do liereDy certily tbat the Missouri Valley Life organized and loing business under the laws of the State of Kansas and Missouri, has furnished the undersighed saiif:ictory evidence that it hii. invested One Hundred and Fifty! Thousand dol lars of its capital in Lnited States Government Bond. f t.he denomination of Five-Twenties (5-3 M) anil are possessed ot toe anie. Ana 1 ilo lurtner dred Thousand Dollar f said United State Bonds Company : and that 1 held in trust mid on deposit tor the benefit of said policy hollers the reeurity above mentioned, and I am salaried that such securities are worth One Hundred Thousand Dollars lawful money oi the t nteu Mates or America. In witness where I have hereunto subscribed my i reai oi aui- t am ua, tne uay ana year above titorot Mate. J . itor of State :o:- CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO DO BUSINESS. OKFirr rp SrpFtnsTKXDEXT dp thk IvsritAsrE Departmhst op MiPsnrRi. TT IS HEREBY C'EUTIFIED. That the Mismiuri Valley Life Insurance Comnanv. a Life As L surauee Company. orKnnized under the laws of the State of Kanas. and its principal office lo cated at the city of Leavenworth, has complied- it li the requirement of the thirtieth, thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third and thirty-fourth section of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, entitled "An act lor the incorporation and regulation of Life Assurance Compa nies, approved March lmh, A. I. iSi'.i. so tar as the fanl requirement are applicable thereto. And pursuant to the thirty-sixth section of said Act. the said Missouri Valley Lite Insurance Company is hereby authorized to do business as n Life Assurance Company within the said Stateof Missouri, subject to the several provisions and requirement of the Act aforesaid, until the first day ot Feb ruary, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy. In testimony whereof. I. Wvi.lys Kim:. underMirned. Superintendent of the Insurance Depart ( Seal of Insurance De- ) ment of said State oi Missouri, have hereto et my hand and auixed - partment of Stateof r my seal of office, at the I M;.-.....: I 1..l . la;:n upeinteIldent of the Insurance Department of the State of Missouri. :o:- CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY". (To exp'ire on the 31st day of January, 1S70.) ISSUBAXCB DXPABTMUXT, OkPICK OF STAT ArDITOR,. . .it,- LixroLX. Nebraska, April 1, 1;!). Whkskas, AbramB. Covalt, Stite Apent for the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, lo cated at Leavenworth, Kansas, has filed in this oHice a copy of the Act of Incorporation of said Company, and a statement under oath, showing its condi-.ion, as required by the fifth section ot a law of the State of Nebraska, entitled "An Act in i: elation to Insurance Companies." approved February l.Sth. 1S4: approved February Uth. 1SU; and whereas, said Company has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evidence tbat it is pose--ed of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual capital, invested ip the stocks of nt lean par value, or in bonds or mortpnees on real estate worth louble the amount for which the r.ime is nions ised : and whereas, said Company has filed in this office a written instrument, under the seal of ihu Company, signed by the President and Secretary thereof, authorizing the said Abnnn B. Covalt to acknowledge service of process for and in behalf of said Company, consenting that service of proccs upon him shall be taken nnd held to be a valid a if served upon the Company, nccordimr to the laws of this State or any other State, and waiving nil claims of error by reason oi' such service: and whereas, Abrani li. Covalt has furnished satisfactory evidence that he is the authorized Aeent of said Company. Therefore be it known by these presents, that in pursuance of the aforesaid Act. 1, John Gilles pie. Auditor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certiiv that Abram 15. Covalt. Esq., has full au thority to act as State A jrent for the said Missouri. Valley Life Insurance Company, in the Stateof Ne braska, and to do and perform ail act for and i i behalf of said Company authorized by hi ap- ointment a such ajrent. and by tho laws of this State, until the 31st day of January. A. n. 1870. n witness whereof, I have subscribed my r.nnie. and caused the Seal of the Andifor's oflice to be i s. affixed this 1st day of April, a. 0. lSJ-X JOHN GILLESPIE, State Auditor. -:o: GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. :o:- .1. IS. COJl2.T9- State Agent for If ebraskaand Northern Kausas. R. R. LIVINGSTON, lied- Examiner. URI VALLEY COMPANY - - $500,000.00 OFFICES: Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. NON - FORFEITING. (Contribution IPlsiis, Advantage to the Policy Holders- policy holder appears in the following startling yearsat interest, is " 8 13,420.14 4G.901.Cl 117.300.S5 31S,0eS.0G R. Hines, E. Henseley, D. W. Eaves. at lower rates tlix Company. AUDITOR OF STATE OFFICE, Topkka. Kansas. February 2iith. IStW. 1 That I, A. Thomas, Auditor of the State of Insurance Company, ccrtilv that sanI Coin nan v ha set annrt I n Hun for tae benefit of am, policy hoi.okks of khi.I name, anil caused the scsl of my ofGce to be written A. THOMAN, Auditor of State of Kansas. citv of St. Louis. Minnri. this 2oth day of o: n i-'t T X' t-ix-.. OF STATE LOTS and LAiMDS AT MCOI, The Capital of Nebraska, ox Thursday, Sept. 23d, 1869, AT lO O'CLOCK, A. M . The nndersipned Commissioners appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Ne braska, entitled An Act "To Provide for the Sale of the Unsold Lots and Blocks, on the Town Site of Lincoln, and for the Location and Erec tion of a State University, Agricultural College and State Lu natic Asylum," Approved February loth, 18C9, will on that day offer for sale at auction TWELVE HUNDRED LOTS in the Town Site of Lincoln, said Lota beincr tho odd numbered Blocks (the even numbered hav inir previously been sobL of the Town, and com prising the most eligible lots in the place. The said lots will be appraised by the Commissioners and sold to the highest bidder over the appraise ment. Terms CasJi. There will also be offered for sale at the same time about THIRTY THOUSAND ACRES OF STATE LADS, known as Saline Lands, situated within an area of ten miles of the Capital, said lands being: the most valuable farming lands of the State. Terms C&sJi. The object in offering the above named State property at that time is to enable the Commis sioners to complete the State University, Agri cultural Collejre and Lunatic Asylum at Lin coln, the Capitol Building havinp been built from the proceeds of t he previous sale of lots. This sale of State property offers to the Farmers, Mechanics and Laborer, a chance for a ebcap home at the Capital, situated in the richest Ag ricultural district of the State, and at I lie GREAT SALT BASSES, where salt is being manufactured from the sur face water. Lincoln being the Capital of the State, nnd the objective point of some live different railroads, returning out into the interior, and tupping the Salt Deposits at this place, will soon make it the interior town ot tue State. The Capital was located at Lincoln in Sen tember. IStiT, by an act of the Legislature, and contains sixteen hundred inhabitants, with good Hotels, Stores. Churches and Schools. The Leg islature held its first Session in tha Xew Catiitol I the past winter. I he JJurlington and Missouri RiV'M- Railroad is being rapidly pushed forward to Lincoln, and will by contract be completed early next season This line will give direct communication with Chicago, and will be pushed out to Ft. Kearney, uniting with and becominga branch of the Union Pacific R. R. The Midland Pacific Railroad hag also the whole of its line under contract from Nebraska City to Lincoln, and will be. according to the terms ot its contracts, tully equipped and in running order by ihe Mtli of Mav next TKU line is one of the links by which the Pennsviva- : . . . , 1, , :n i . " ma vemrui t. i. win rcacn across ine coiiii nent. completing as it will in a short time, its connection with Nebraska City, and from Lin coln west to the Union Pacific. Thus Lincoln will be for a time the terminal point of two great thoroughfares, nnd eventually occupying a central position upon two trans-continental routes, shorter, by from one to two hundred miles, than any other yet constructed. The work upon the State University, Agricul tural college ami Lunatic Asylum is now bcin rapidly pushed torward. DAVID BUTLER, '!, (iovernor, x ). ''. Commissioners. .TOIIX GILLESPIE, jul-Jw9 Auditor. NEW TOBACCO STORE! on Main street, opposite Court House, PLATTS M O UT 21, E BJ V.'c have on hand a large assortment of CIGARS & TOBACCO, Consisting of the best qualities of CIGARS, riNE-CUT. PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO. As we deal exclusively in Tobacco we can sell ns cheap, if not cheaper than other store in tho ciiy. Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere. as we Know you will go awav satisfied. Ij BKGT1 & CO Febroary 11, 1So9, tf. WOOLWORT31 & CO., BOOKSELLERS, Binders antTPaper Dealers, ST. JOSEPH, ... MISSOURI. oct29 EMPIRE BAKIZRYI SECOND STREET, OPPOSITE NEW YORK STORE, Plattsmontli, IVeb., CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. KEFREHHEOTS kept on hand at all times. nlStf II. IIUBERTY. NEW EViARICET ! CJEO. FICKIER, Corner Main and Second Streets, PLATT5M0UTII, NEBRAPKA, keeps constantly on hand the best cf all kinds of MEATS, which he will furnish to customers at the best of rates for cash. juJ ti8m3 WIL1T CTJYLER SCHOLFAX Says of Weeping Water. Extract from Iettcr to HErs. Ctriuiity. XTJ As I was idling yon. my dear Mrs. Grundy, I came on my mule to Weeping Water in asadlv dilapidated condition nn hat, in bootcoat stockings in short, destitute of all those con venient appurtenances which ornament a well dressed man having been deprived of all by the merciless savages, who even took my cigar case. Thinking that I might in that flourishing town uuiuiu a rtrcuuu-uuuu uianKci, i roue up to IZMMJD rn.ic, nun uiicuing my mnie ov tno ears to a large freight wagon loaded with goods for thi enaiA a .1 1, 1 4 t. t y . riattsinouth retail trade. I entered. Judge of nir wnen i was promptly met and oneron it complete outht. from n pair of stub- toea ooots to a goose-quill toothpick, for the pal- ir fuukii ninenoiiars nni sixty-two and one half cents, the 2J cents bring the rrofits on the goods. If you want anything in the miscellaneous line, call on them, and if you don't sen what you want ask for it. I would remark nere ttiat tney are generous, liberal, good look- in ana truttitul to a lault. REMfcMBER THE PLACE BEES) ISIMOS., Weeping Water. Henry Be eck, DEALER IX FURNITURE, Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS Cf nil descriptions and at all prices. -:o:- !clalfc Harial Cases, Of all sizes. WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past patronage. I invite all to c.ill and examine my large stock of Furni ture and Coffins. janfctf. Lock Siitch Rsversiblo Feed awarded the Highest Premium wherever exhibited. THE ONLY ONE capable of sewing in more than one direction and fastening nil its own seams without stopping iumcuiuc or turning me ciotn. It uses and wastes less thread than anv other, and will commence a seam without holding the cuus ui me inreau. Warranted to sew heavy or fine goods equally Over 50,009 'Machines Sold Since 161. Send for Report and Circulars. no v- E-PLANT. OonT Ag't. C12 orth iourth street, St. Louis, Mo. ocv0 , DR' G H- KLACK. Agent. 1126 wyl Plattsmouth, Keb. 525 I S25 I THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Is retailed ot a price within the reach of alL the sLOCK MITCH (alike on both sides!, has a H.C I i-U illl-ttnt tuninn itn.l A..n .1.. : i ptniiiK. ii win nem, ieiif umi, conl. braid, se:im. quilt, tuck, rtifSe ami gather; will work iiiijiii t n i'i iin hi u i 1 n an w . . . . i . M n "uu iiucu ur non inreaa. The American Shuttle Sewing Machine u Warranted for Five Years Onr Ajrents will be snnnlied with rirmltoufa paru of the machine in case of accident. It tn iikcs precisely the same stitch mndc bv the Sing-cr. V heeler i Wilson. H.iwo nn.l F Wo ,,. innchines. It has the under-feed, like the best ot high priced machines, and is the only Low Priced Shuttle Machine in the markefthat has this feed. We are ena bled to sell a hn-t class thuttle Machine at a vcy low price, on account of its simplicity, and consequent low cost ot inanutiicturing, in com parison with complicated mat-hints. AGENTS We wish to arranee with asrents. male or fp- ma'e, to represent the American shuttle Sewing Machine in each State, County aud Town in the United States and Ontario. Extra inducements to experienced airents. For full particulars, as to salary and commis sion, address U. V. IS. AH DREWS. General Agent. Detroit, Mich. N. B. For the benefit of onr An-ent.a w hi arrangexl with parties who have goods suitable for Sewing Machine Atrents to sell. We will send book of sa mples and full particulars on re ceipt of one red stamp. Address 11 r "V lVl!7iT. . , f. . j xr ii t. a, uenerai Agent, n30yl Detroit. Mich. JRlattstnoulIi Wc have an extensive general stocL oT Goods tliat ive sorting? tvliicli tic at prices tliat tec Jcnow must give entire satisfaction We purchase the very best Goods at the head f Mar- ' and strictly for cash, with the .trade at any point on the Missouri E. A. WIGGEXriORN. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and S. A. WIGQ-BBI-IOHjM 81 Co., To bny NEW YOE.K STeORE The largest and STOOK OF DRESS GO Arc now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. ULEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and Trices to suit our numerous customers. .A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS. HATS AND CAPS. We have n Inro-o stnrb- of the r.ftmtoA ADRCM ITV r"5l IDDrD PLOW, STUGBLE nnd BREAK IN PLOWS, and all kindnf CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES, &.C- riausmouia tprn j. iqw. "W ITE3 & DEALERS IX Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Iancy 1 oilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, For medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stufls, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. 4 SREEN AND CANNED FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, &c. fcc. tbT. "i..n ,a-Vho , . i - , , V-. . v.. lime, iiim best quality to eunulv those want t vprv ,.w Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 2d. !Si8. :e3:a.:r,:tdwajr,:e! , STOVE AND IB. T. IDTJISZjE &g CO., I ! Wholesalo andlJletail dealers ia Hardware ami Agricultural Implements, STOYES, TIN, SHEET IRON,' BRASS, STEEL Of all kinds and sizes, which we warrant the best O- Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive Agents in Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove Give n a call we will not be undersold Main street, next door east of the Masonic Block, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA tire constantly as- ice offer to the jtnh- and are prepared to compete river. D. SCIIXASSE. more too, are going to their AT THS most complete s ; t.. A. WlubEJNHOKN & (JO. BTJTTEBY, all kinds, Perfumery, and Krlv mls,CIty ,,r l,'.f r .rscrf n ycrre. wo know uro preparea wun a large stock of Uooils of t!n " UWUI" lije WHITE & BUTTISJI'E'. TIH STOEE PLOWS in the market. this county for the sale ol Combination Coal a H 2. B o 1 T3 r- c w m :c to o r to en o 00 a o n Uf E a o Q I fed t 0 o a "cr ca a a. 8 H 3 H 0 T3 He H o . P r "1 LJ 1-3 a PF.ALER I!T Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel AND NAILS, 53ck lhnvs, CORN-PLANTERS, CULTIVATORS SULKY AND WALKING. A large vnricty on bands. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, ro., &c, ic, Jtc, Ac. A Iar;c stock now on hand nt small ndvamc on Eastern prices. 10G Itlaiu Street, ebrasUa C li j (opposite the Seymour House.) SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. VcepiiBR "Waiter 3ills Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour, and the most of iu 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD V 12 FOUNDS OF lUJf given in exchoge for good wheat. We lire nlso doing grist work: nnd, with our increased facilities, feel assured that we euncne the best nml most Flour of any in the State. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. V Produce Bought and Sold. niOHF.ST MARKET THICK PAID. Iteed & Clinton mar2G,G8. DR. to. U TTCIiVSKEY, T. "-' ' dentist; Will bo nt Dr. Livingston's oHce during tli last week in ea-h month. All orders lettnttli" I'ost Office will be promptly attended tJ I jalvii. ORGANS! MELODEONS! Coi;nci3 JlUiiV., - Cv.::. Be;:lcr in I'm celebrntcil ?teck .'fcC.iir.i.i i I'iiiiKis cnl other Musical "iistrniMenis. All instruiuentg ivun.i.jrt'd live iJll K. PiTRi.onr. ii. n. wiyi'-T w, Co. Cierk Jc Hecordcr. icpt. ti'k ,t Be.'. Spurlock & Windham, PLATTSMOUTn - - KEIWASZA Front Krro of Cc::rt IEoi:c Clerk and Treasurer's Office LAxns no uaiiT and sold, Titles 33a:&2:2izzctf ASP Coitvcyasices Iil:tde, Tans Paul and Receipt Funcrmlnl Promptly: Plattsmouth, June 18, 1S6S nil. JJurlington lirirlge Finished Burlington & Missouri River, In connection with Chicago Burlington & Qnincy RAILItOADS Presents to the Public the most direct, sure nnd safe route to Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York. cml Aew I-.iiRlnn'l. Passengers h a we the choice of the various route centering in Chicago. Hafgaye Checked tTtrovylt to Oltiunv "- Rates invariably as low as by other routes. iyBuy your Coupen Tickets at Ottumwa raBurlington Pullman's elegant Sleeping !Cr on nil night trains. C. K. PERKINS. A. K. TOUZABIN. Su.i't. Gen. Tvcket A 1'as'r An t, G. C MOBTOV. fep!7 Genl i'rtig-t Ae't F ' j m, "i ' 1 - . r" ' -....... . 1 - -f- l rfr i'CittX" fii. '! r-" A)t x(--'v Uhte