v. JMllll'Alilr WWH'Clt.WC.WHW i. 11 ft She UbrajjiUa gtrraltl. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, SLIT. 2, 18G9. COl'XTY HF.PrHJ.MAW IO.WE.V. TIO.V. The member of the Cas county Renublleau Committee nrc requsted to meet at the Court Hou'e iu this ritv at 2 o'clock p. lu. on Saturday the 11th dav of September. 19. for the trims eth.n of business of importance to the party. The following i- it li"' of the members: Plattsmoaui II. D. Hathaway, Sam. M. Chap man. OreapoVi!" Tho. Thomnn. Rock bluflS Win. L. Houbs. Liberty L. D. barker. Mt. Plea-nt S. .M. kirkpatnek- Aroen ). Teft. Weepine Water W. C. Jenk. Kizht filcrove Samuel KiuliurJuon. Louisville John Inhelk-r. South Iiend-J. II. lltn-lslcy. Snll Creek Lauirhlin. Klinwood Wm. JIH'niir. Ktove Creek John McCain. It is hoped every member of the Corutnittee will be present, either in person or by projy. II. I. lliimit'iT, Cb'u. Si. M. CHArMAN. Se-. Tlin IAII.Y II Eft A LD. After a mi -pen non of about two years, we again re -unie tlie publication" of the Dailv Herald. To our old friends wo neeJ only say that we commence again with Letter asjuixmces of success than . formerly ; and to our now friends we I give assurance that we will i-ive them a j paper every way worthy of their tj- porL IIci;iy I'raj-tun or more properly nesckiah Braughtou had his trial last Thursday, and was sentenced to thn- j years in the Pcnitentiery. He btole j f 11,000 only one year to alxut $4,(X 0. j -J -" - ........ i110 Vil JWlJV. TIIK l it K All NIOSE. The papers of the State ai pear to be considerably exorcised over the Frear Stone question, some praising and others condemning it. The J&'tis and Omaha JI' i'il'l are both endeavoring to make capital against the Public Building Com missioners, asserting that they intend usL'ig this t tone for the public buildings, that the stone is worthies, auJ that the Commissioners have a financial interest iu the manufacture of it. We know nothing in regard to the durability of the stone, but find very good evidence that it is durable. The Commissioners give positive assurance that they have no interest whatever in the manufacture of the article ; and finally, we were assured by Secretary Kennard, in ierson, that they only contemplated using this stone in limited quantities, for finishing work, where it could be replaced without dam age to the buildings if it t-hould prove to be a bad article. Secretary Kennard also inferas us that he has s-uScient confidence in the durability of tlie stone to use it exclusively iu a residence f,r himself. Let the thing have a fair show gentlemen, regardless of the political capital you de-ire to make against the State officers. If the Frear stone L a good thing we waat it; if it is a poor thing let us know it. It is neither bet ter nor worse for being introduced by the State officers, neither does it matter whether or not they areiutc rested in its manufacture. If any one knows aught again-t it, let us have it. If not, le t us have no insinuations, thrown out for ef fect. Wc are often a.-ked by our farmer readers why we do not publish a market report. Wc have invariably given as a reason that it was impossible for us to give a report that would be satisfactory, owing to several reasons. It is difficult to get dealers to quote at just what they arc willing to pay, as they have aji itch ing to influence either the markets or the supply by incorrect quotations. Then, again, the prie-M are very fluctuating, and the price that ruled when tlie paper was printed is often not the ruling price when the farmer gets to town witii his load. We shall hereafter Live the actual prieewhieh is p:i;d for graiu and other lead ing articles,as near as we can learn them. Whenever we Cnd wo are deceived in re gard to the ruling price, we shall en deavor to rectify the matter by changing oar source of insinuation. We quote, to-day, Wheat at 70 to 80 cents for new, and 00 cents f r old ; Oats L10 cents ; Cjra 70 to 75 cents ; Potatoes 20 ceuts. ' THE f OAZ. QL'EK'I IO V. Ed. Herald: Sir. In jour iss-ue of yesterday we noticed an item from the Mebra-ka City i'r.v, as follows: "A correspondent of the Omaha Ifrnhl writes in regard to the discovery of coal in Cass County: Ou the 15th inst. I dropped you a letter on the subject of the above, tiasvd on information obtained from Mr. Wood have, an English Col'ier On the same day, in company with some gentlemen of Omaha, and our experienced Collier, a thorough examination was made, tlie result of which proved that the Omurl Coal was pure four to sis feet in thick ness. Ji 'lu in it) "Hit Corf, Jiiil Xil and Iron Ore, ia inexhaustible quantities, weie fjtiud. On Saturday morning, vrnrk was commenced in getting out Can cel CeaL and in two days large quantities wiil be ready for market. I'las.1' Now, Sir, I aci an oil resident of Cass county, and no one feels a livelier interest in the siuves of the county and State generally than the subscriber; but believing that all this "blowing" bodes no good and my otfaotories being seriously o.Tended by the large defunct mice cover ed by this CuunJ Coal, Rd Kil and Iran, On, I humbly suggest that the plain u?varuished truth be told and no buncombe. Evidently there is setme stock speculation involved in this matter, ac4 if the correspondent of the Omaha Utmlihatl innocently informed us about his finavjg 4 to C feet of hra.st in this wonderful mine we old settlers here would have thought him honest. - These published "puffs," taken East by a Mtiart "blower," might help to organize a oouipjiYiy, and no doubt the originators would let a fellow take just a little stock as a great fitvor. Perhaps the typos may have the J.Jaiae thrown on them and the 4 to C feet of pure Cannel Coal may have been only 4 to 6 inches in the copy. Thisveia is nothing more nor le. than the ime stratum of bitumi ncf shale described by Prof. Haytlen. and run be r-cen up the Platte ?n.l on 1j .v.-! C--V. AH we wi-h in the way tf j !."ii' -z.t is that, the partios v' o rail t,h ctrd n:iy j:-.t n winter her "wit!'. nothing but tlie products of their mine to warm themselves with. We all want ico th hut with "blowirg" a.s this will do us more damage than if we Lad none, and it is wrong in any press to lend it.-elf to such transactions. MlNF.lt. DXMI'ERATi: I KilIT A. VS. 'H aTIf , IMil. A Party or nrveyon murroiimlo:! by 173 JimIImiim '4 tigtit nil ia ini.l ew-ajc ut ttlnUt'tbe entire oullit Through the kindness of A. L. I5rown, Chief Clerk of the Surveyor General's oftice for Iowa and Nebraska, we are per mitted to publish the following letter giving the details of the recent fight Lc tweeu a party of gnverment surveyors and a body ot 10 Indians NOHTU l'LATTK, Nk. ) Aug. 24:h, isr.o. J A. L. Brown. Ciukk Clkrk Scuvfy 011 General's )ffice .! ir Sir .- On tlie 21st, atamt 6 o'clock in the morning, a small party of Indians made i da-h int-i camn and shot one of our horc-s and" succccJe i in nujiimi oti the balai.ct 5 hea l but we succeeded in retaking the stock and wounding two Indians. We then compared nutes and con cluded, as there were evident signs of a large body of Indians in the icinky, that we would go to the nearest post on the river and get more arms and aniunitkni. as we wen; .slurt of both, and one of our guni h iv ing exp! leJ and wounced the man who was holding it. We hitched up. and when we had proceeded alout two miles wc were tuJdenly surrounded by about 75 Ljdiaiis. who .ee-mcd to co.ne from the south. Knowing them to be hosli'e, and Lu jiiing that it, would be useless to try to keep out of their way. v. eetotcljd cd to -..toi) and make the be,t hht wj could. We unhitched the stin k and let them co. When the Indians saw this the whole force made for the stock ; and as they went by we gave them a volley, without any effect except disabling a horse. While they were catching our tock we were diguing rifle pits anl throwing up intrem hinents cs good as we could during the time we had, which was short. As soon as they caught the stock they surrounded us and fought us in Indian stylo all day. Fortunately none of us were seriously hurt, although oiie of the men was slightly wounded in the fore head by a gl.iccin-r shot, and my brother was disabled for duty by the explo-ion of a cartridge in Ins face, which blind. vl him so he could not see for nearly the whole day. Wedi-ablcd several of their horses, and know that we shot twelve Indians, three of whom we know veto killed two of the-m lay in our sight r.ll day, they not venturing to take them away till dark. Although their bullets rained around us all day like hail, riot a man flinched, nor do I think one felt the leat de.-pondent. About dark they ceased tiring, and seemed by their actions to be stationing -sentinels in squads at diiTeivnt points, sounding as though the main body were stationed tit a poir.t about 15l yard -: Sous h-west of us. in a ravine. About dark we commenced dig ging with great energy to make them believe we intended to stay there; but at half past 9 o'clock we left our little fort by crawling on our beiiies about a mile, which we thought exceedingly dan gerous, as the inoonshone and it was almost as light as day, and we expected to crawl upon the Indians every mirute. But we did not, and tts soon as we h;i 1 left a ridge of land between us and the Indians we skedadled the best we could, and arrived safe at the river the nest d.iy. I lost the entire outfit, not except ing anything. My brother and two other men are now out with a party of Cavalry, Lupins: to rescue a pait if our outfit. Yours truly. W. E. ibit .JllERTV. EOID KOIiUr.iIV tr A DWEtI.IX. Si2'2.0 in Money anS n nevrhpr TuKcn Tlif I'liirf .4rroitei antl Xoiie- i:c-ovfrcI. A young man, apparently almut 21 years old. giving his name as Wm. Benson, a p died for work at the residence of Mr. vmith, on Platte Bottom, last Friday, find was employed by Christian Berts. K-q., who lives on the place. He woiked Frilayand Saturday, and stayed about the place all d:iy Sunday. A linl.; alter aarK. .rum lay evening no was i mis. d, and Mrs. Smith stion after dis covered that .t?2J2.:i' was gone, :dst.i that a revolver belonging to Mr. Belts ha.! 1 ecu taken'. Mr. Bet is came to t wu in sivarih of Benson, and after hur.tlng a Cuiisi-'erut ie time got .Slterill' Jidiust.'n to search for him. Between one and t wo o'clock in the morning Sheriff John-on found him cn the steamer Wm. J. Lewis, which was lying 2t the foot of Main street, just in the act of purchasing a ticket for Omaha. All the money ex cept about was found on his person, al.--o the revolver, lie was brought be fore Justice O'Nei'l. plead guilty, and in default of bail will board withtho Sheriff until Court. AoTrEitit i:.phi:k KonEKKV. The Ac-rnt of h V. S. rxprcM nt KroHiiville slopfi With siti.ooo. Capt. Ililiiard, of the steamer Lewi, brings the news of another heavy Im press robbery, at Brownville, in this State, last Thursday night. It appears the Agent of the company at that place dotauied during the ntght of Thursday, taking with him the sum of $ll',0-Kof money in his hands. II? left a letter di rected to his wife, tedling her he had gone, and that she wa too good for him to live with, etc. He left- another di rected to the editor of one of the papers (we qii not learn which cue) in which he said he knew the chances were largely against him, that he probably only bed one chance of escape to niuety-ntrje of bo ing caught, tut that he should try the One chance,.and wound up by telling the editor he could make a first-class item out of it. Capt. Ililiiard says many of the Brownville people think heis slightly deranged. If he is there is "method in his madness." Later Agent Simpson Juts received a dispatch confirming the above, and stating that they think taey have track of the robber. His name is Bear, and is the same man who wa.s knocked down (?) and robbed last winrer. A private letter from Ashland says i busioe&s of the town is good and on the increase Creeks are running lower farmers are threshing, and fin 1 their ! grain turning out fully as good as they j expected. The writer anticipates lively ; times this fall in a business v-.ty, sci J i.y.- ihe IIrr.Ai.i is in prtst deivj" d r.nt ' TIIK I-R22E FIGHT OX S.ITI RD.IY IlaiiIIaII.Rliai "J iklil.tmi on tlif a h it omul ul. jf The prize fight which took place op posite this city on Saturday is said to have been quite an interesting spectacle to those whose tastes have liecon.e so vitiated as to render such brutality a sub ject of interest. The principals in the affair were Pan. Hall, alius " California Joe" and Harry Young, alt' is the ''Watchman." They are both " plugs" of the commonest or der. The sum fought for is supposed to have been $2.30 a side, but tu all proba bility there was no stake up the affair being merely a dodge for money. At the close of the gsth round, Young refused to fight any more, whereupon his second gave him a brutal kick in the side while he was down. A considerable crowd came down from Omaha to witness the t: mill," and a large number of our own citizens went over. The steamer Lady Grace waschartred for the occasion. Neither of the combattants showed signs of severe punishment, although they are said to have been considerably bruised about, the ribs. We understand another fight is made up. to come off one week from next Saturday. liitE tOHl'VJiV. Initiatory &Ui for Oru'iihiznliOB Pursuant to previous notice sundry citizens of the city of Pla.t -mouth, met at, the Court Louse on Friday e vening la.-t, for the purpose of taking the ini tiatory :teps towards orgauizing a Fire Company. On motion, Mayor D. II. "Wheeler was elected Chairman and Peter 1. Bates Secretary. A list of some thhty-two persons who had agreed to Iwcome mem bers of a Fire Organizations was pres ented. After some di-eus-ion as to the proper manner of proceeding, upon mo- tion, a committee of three, consisting of, Frank Stadter, Sam. M. Chapman i.nd Peter P. Bates was appoiatci to corres pond with Fire Organizations in other cities and secure M.fovmation ia reference ! to Fire Engines, &e., and same commit- j than before this season. A ferry was tee was in'truc-ted to call upon the clti- : established at Ashland to accommodate zens. Property Holders, Merchant and j travel Wtween that place and Pla'ts all interested, "to secure sub.-crlpiions to ! mouth, but as the water has fallen the a Fire Famine Fund shid committee to j f"ul is a-'m ue- report -at a subsequent meeting On The Dooms having purchased th; s'.ore motion, a!.ourueu to meet at the oince ; of Mayor dHeler on Friday evening, j 1 .'.,' I PL4TTiMlVl H AND ULES1V0O3. I The fallowing are the first telegraph dispatches over the wires bctweea thi-s city and ( J k nwood : Mayors OiT'irK, pLATTsMorrn, Nf.w. 1 Aug. uth, isr.'.i. j IIox. Wm. Kf.mi'tox, Mayor of Glfxwood, Iowa.- The city of Plattsmouth greets her sister city Glenwood, and heartily cou-- gratulatesher upon the completion of tin; j cham which unites them by the "Light- ning bonds." May the Iron Steed .-non gladden us with his '"neigh" of welcome. 1). II. WiiKi;i.EU, Mayor. Mayors Office, G i.f.nvo i, I a. ) Aug. 3 1st, 1S(V.. J Hon. T. II. Wiif.ei.kr, Mayor. Glenwood heartily reciprocates the friendly greeting of the Valley city.-r The sister cities have slumbered lone-, hut have bee n awakened by the flash of li'i-ritniiinr '( urn- lii-i-.T kiitif t.i Lo nwake to otir niiiti-a! interest-; for i ...... t ..... . .. .....j ( - the future hv tho snort and roar of the ! steed el iron in whose L-osom tno un- ; pressive Genii of steam becomes the ! hanli-scrvant of skih and enterprise. Wm. Kf.mvtox, Mayor. KrvvtJivc C'r Wcatlif r- I.a;at. iio!!. Win. ii. D.-.-.s sen-Is us ti.e to.- iowia ani-i't-, lc?:-r of cneril inlorma- i th.n ' ff - uses but f..wwor-N bu thev i t. a. ..uy ..j i.imj . express a.i that would oriim.triiy ;e -on- ! Uiined in a half column letter. Let Us ' in: as 20 than O ats good, acre. Com looks well; Potatoes mas niS u re. I oni looks weil; l iitatoes maanin- cut po',er si.rnkle of rain last week i , n 1 " i i .vhich put all the streams on a bender. I The country settling fast; Kvcrybody j cent want laud. A few more homesteads left. The Blue Valley is O. K. More anon 1AVIS. snv Hoi'sr. By reference te our advertising col umns it will be seen that J. B. Doom has withdrawn from the lry tUoods and Gro cery business, and associated with him John B. Itusfjcl, Esq., for the purno-e of doing an exclusive Farm Implement and Grain business?. This is as it should be. When tlie house of Doom, Bro. &. Co. w is started, considering the trade of this pl ace, it was proper that Dry Goods, Groceries, and Farm Implements, etc., should Le sold together; but tho busi ness of that House has grown to an ex tent which rendered it exceedingly nec essary to divide the business. B. G. and Kvc-rton Doom continue the Dry Goods and Grocery business at the old stand, while J. K. Dcoai has taken ex clusive charge of the Implement busi ncss.and associated with him Mr. Itussel. Of J. K. Doom it is unnecessary for us to say a word, as a residence of ten years in this eounty has resulted in giving him a business second to none in the State. Mr. Doom's past life will be sulfieieut guarantee for the manner in which the business will be conducted. Mr. Busse!l is comparatively a new eomer,bnt comes among ns well recommended, while here his deMirtment has been such as to make him highly respected. Mr. Bussed is no tisll is no purchased I ; .. .... l i "Carpet Bnggcr," having considerable property, K.th in city and e..o.u., o ,ff rHrmaneiit piace of rciidenee and .ui- o Tlie 2;. w say; business hns lon dull ar from vou often: v.-'r sS"' ,;1' ,:" A '-i-'Jins ate L do r LI i bv I v;;: - ' :? ,;,!; , r-': ! r'.iv.i -it l'i-' st.'h'l it.tt ; .Wit 1 t I' tiUil . i , . II 'l' 1, e.' it i- 1 iii : i .-t.i!. . a ,,,r inns l-n me -,i.e o. kak. .vur i..n, i o. ,,iaUls .-tretching oil to each at ot the (;iuvh, connn.-n.-ini ,!n Wedm-d.,.. ciALAMCrf .M-CARTV. Ll. llERALli.-ilarvestng. and stack- compass, .Nature s liower garden and ! ,.v, :., ls,r, cru-.mra.iing sneews- i LvV i'" 'v c T N-X'' iL gare over. Wheat crop not so good the --(entie gates, ?ann.ug Uie-ir od.:ii-; ,.V01,.! h-.ve unite i wii h tb--' chc.rch, ! 'AVVTei...i.'r la! iw i-.-j ' '" was exoeeted; crops wiil average about or..us wm-s, di-peme ..aave pciv.imes, j ,, u im;:dH.r of olhers have d-.- j "" " ' . .. . . tin 1 1,1'isi ivh'l'il: thev stole t leir Oil- t, 1 . 1. . e.i. .i i n ' '.'J.. iilllHV bushels to the acre. onethird lets I . ' ft 1 i, , , ,i; C,'-1 111 - I Taken up f-.,7.ser;.,..-r in Li.-uwoo.l Pre- , , , , . . . . lli-.-ettnir U IK! Oiioitto,! tl.ts CVi It Vi c i eme;. CV.- C .i.r.itv. a i.rovvn Inley. two e :is oi-t. was exjiectca, nut goou eiiougu. the Leatuitulji home as Measuiu as ,un at th(J (.i,uri.h a,,i durn- tl... o,,,,.:,,.; ; -c- in imehva I. ! from 25 to 50 budiels to the ! I f.mnd in .Sehft-ka. . e wmiia rc'tjr , v....... - - t u , , .... "" ' '' V ASH LAM D LETTER. Frorertive Ylew-AsJilaiKlin I ho In- --ri.t.t.ra, "Rn ITeraI.I. Thin-rs are movinrr. - - 'I out here, and the iii-o:-iH?ct of a rich and i ' . populous puious county on short notice, grows ghter and brighter. fhe work on the Kailroad is progre-.- bri Th ing Cnely, and Ashland U looking for- ward to a proud future. Do you "know that this little valley in the wilderness begins to hear the rumbling of the cars from the Pacific, and witli specks of but slight magnifying power, can see in the future long blocks of three story bricks, and all the accompaniments of a rich and populous town. The .short and easy route is here and travel will take it.' Capital ami influence may start over hills sun! :ifii'.iiiil hv town riro:ertv to increase - , , . h ,jf;rsof ramd.ai..! cheap transportation wiil drive it to the direct, easy and cheapest channel. The The Union Pacific is at be.-t a long road, and with the present and prospective competition down near the Isthmus, it will have no opportunity to climb hlll-i. and tie double bow-knots in tlie route, but will Ik? driven to the most expedi tious and the best line. Our Government land is being rapid ly disposed of, and one great advantage to us is, thai when the Government land is gone, we will. have settlers actual oc cupants of the land men to enrich the country; to plant orchard -,raisc produce, build roads and bridges and .su.-'.ai;i schools, and we will not be cursed as ouie of the older counties are, by having their land, to a great extent, lathe hand-; of speculators. Our wheat in .-tack has been injured, but not seriously; and as the we-uher improved and as threshing is going on it is probable there will be no further s in that way. Lorn is good, aiu. two weeks exemption from fro-t will sceurj a i:ne crop. Salt Creek is asrain down, but during tlie pa-t week the waters have been high- iormeriy owned uy tue nen iros., 1UAV doing business, and judging from the appearance are making it pay Well On Saturday a meeting of fanners was held at A.-hl iiid to oi't'Miiie an .Agricul tural Society, J. r. Slilrleywa.s called to tie c!uiir A- IO o appointed .Sccrc- tarv. Messrs. Bissel, Walker an 1 Deyo were chosen to draft a Con-Tituricn an 1 Bv- laws, asul Mc.s.-rs. Bnisii, Ad.ir, Forbe-s and Stanley a Committee for the .stde tion ofi'Sicers for permanent orgauia- tion. !Moet aaruin next Saturday at 2 oVcbic-L 1 Country generally healthy and thou auds of homesteaders in good sj irifs. ILLFOHD LETTEfi. , Terapfrant'C--':"ij ?IPlliir- Hn-1-nosr. It. Iv. Rontl :ivclton- MlLLFO'.U Nf.r. -A tig. --1 1. b"'V. As Summer f-es awav onNortlurn .breezes to Southern clinics,- Autumn dayscme filing in to fill the vacancy.- ( t As liuie Oi'tiws u cianui on, n.-ietire ;n- ; , tr..k, to n,j.,aiu an in I -Jil l print, of ia;-t-iime, all of our private a nublie acts, "ne.d or oa l. lettve tb.e!r rei- i press on our hearts, ami on tne. cotri'iiu- i it itou t stp tiv ra:n it wnl cert itu.y nti nify at !ai Lre. The j.eop'e of this p'.-t.-e . p-ove the looks of the town, have succeeded in kecptna nj a he.dfhy j v)m ,JV, r;, .,., lennv?ian-e Iceltng to tlie cxeiUMon oi ; i:itoxie,t iiig drinks, thus we lcpe to j . attract the better class ot set tiers ty en- courygmsr tiie go..et anl con'lciiiiim- tee , ,;V,L Milltord boasts ofr.omm shop to ; r:l,iy arVun' '' ,We.,o:,cl' n'Mh' 1 - Ui.lltJ. h,T mheiita-Lv ano natural cn- . downients nesth-u on tlie west bam; of ; the B!:m Kiver where azure w:-.t.-r riopie - the manuf.tcturer to toe two e.ie-e.-i nt . - - - . WfUr V?" FS "-'n ,,;,'i U u' .h,;r au'J vry ot:ir';;S' rAV''M j;v :.y to the mercli-nrs thai tho farm- i -rs .f Reward a-vrea-ly to compare notes with am' countv in the State. The Milhbrd Grove is sin !terins a suc cessful camp meeting nn l -r the .super vision of l'lc.-idiiig Eider Davis of Lin col n. In mvlast letter sjetikinu the name ri veil above, but still retains I theKime proclivity to act with his Ibr- mer name, nraymg incessant; v. t I hote certain in lividuals will not : 1 T . have at la-t called an election to be !; -id . i . . ..... . on tiie "Jin 01 o..'T.iem.;r iu-ai, oi ..- i on issuing $5').hM bonds to die M. I' ll. B. The bond m-.-n say th y arc ahead, they consider that by i-um. these bon Is they wiil ee::-e this Bab road, and thus early have connection with the outer world. The incrca.-e of the population of the county, and the pn wan present the ten f the bonds, the' people will show by their generosity that they can appreciate a good thine. Lkzail cosgbeatioai.oiu;amzitios l"UrKCi:i. A Council of Congregational Churches m m lula.clY 'r' V V an1 "" l tu V' Joli" ! Tinld of Tabor, Iowa, as moderator and j met in this citv on Saturday, Aug. 14th, Bev. Fred. Alley scribe. The churches ! aad Glenwood, ' J . , . 1. i Iowa, were represented ; ami al o ot , Nt-brti-ka City ami Weeping Water, j Neb. After a careful review of the sur- , ' . . i rund"iys cf il; ntv and Cxan- ostfes 1 lieiecte-l to mention the Ml. j- , ,.dil,-m',!-t'l- r'r,,,:' w', '"oe -..,1 A. IS. Sharp, ot I-.r.c.u County, in the State-oldie Creek curiosin- known a ; the "J i. k ! l" V 1 " i V w,, ." ,;. .: .: k - a nivethu. J ,uih.-n x.'-ve. Babbit" This homo specimen of vi,,n-iOIVt.1,I',,,1:lJ'Il!-!,t nu' 0 ,,ni- y'ry ; jac cv, ., ,.; C. Suae' ,.t Xehraska. i i l ' ; . ',., if,,, ., i and silver co: ab-lracted frotu a bureau J " --' " -v1"1 - der lias litul ins Jcone ciian.'c-'l rinm a ; ; ,w t-e-.M- a m i.ie i. an-; .rart t! on,; comblnraion of the first letter of the al- j m-V,.,' r , . . Jwi.a l -t.: c of the s ate of Xe! ly.-!.:-. ju i i . .!. r ...... v ... ! I liree tamteesL-oip. ApT.-inna--e cotiiov-. i ,ti).i ., i -s- co-.ei.y. ii'.-.of.-t h-; - in A. h. thahct With two ot the nineteen. a a T. , iT , . ,-::,,, .i. ti;h r h e o. nn i i t i i e .1. .. .r i.. 1- t ii'- ia i iiii. i s 'i iii - s i iiiiii: v iiti . e 1 a;-i I : nita : it r oi iae in : i.i- e-i 'l u.'i i i "i -' o -i '. i nereaiter ieei jtra.us oi a ".'."; "un-Hiimous" r.o'-hi cr tt, -n l th- tiventy-tv.-. . in i.iMii.-iup No. ten io . lio.ci rus2: havin? mention.:-.! that he carried uio j . , UJ' . n JZ1 - V " t-. X.,. t.ix . ot. ti.w x.t. prin.-u .1 i - t . 1 : l, .,..,1 i o o. a mi: i , is i my , i i i ii.- ui i .:,;. ;i n, i,j in i..-. n i-i-.ir li,: in. - '.', re -ri.i of ,is weight near he-he id '-un-.ni.uous" Wrn crotv. j Ai.o Ml 1, -, lo.ii ... .he ih-we-i rpi.ii.uti.ua i ft T m 1 he County (.orimi-ioncrs m.-t on i , 0.,..l j...-m T,.,r lir, ' the . v.m :,.n t.-r-t tt- M.u.-a-v,-. -t .;.:.:r- t lliJU lull the Hill m-t at .Hc Ai.ii,.., cv i .m . ; ovhv.it.oti at the ofaee of J'attcr-on cv : (,lar:W, i t-m.u X. twi-i.iy-.1vc . ami 0XE LOOK EAST 0 othce at this nbc : atl 1 atti.'r CT -i I er v - ; . i .-. . i i ., ........ ..i..r;,- of .-e-iioii No. ti, r,v-I .. .- . .- ... Kiotiii. iiiea-ures twelve liicnes iiiru- iVi - ,- c, , r V.ir. I n-r.n.i.t.Mv .li..n..i..i, -mi. I Oviotvli-i lnei'toi -s rto't- .. ilin .- .... in towti.-hiP - o. ele i :i II , ,.- . i. aero l oi f. r.n.Uieiiiii dueo raised this sea-on is sumeienc to .,, , i -.t . ' i , ruii.-ci im: s.ni.u n;. ; n. ..u. t i ,i. , r. t. i i . . v,l ! ie.i-h it alone Without a ruontn S .le- ... l.inv.!.) . hi the Cey ot Ptnttsm.mth. rant tue success ci one uainoao , , .. . .,;,,.. til .,..., tl. , .,,...: ,h- is asi:'e.i m-. n the p.ioii.-',. a it thev are ol. heed to make this n .,, , , ... , . j.;at ot s..i.; e-tty. naJ als. itio i.uth-c-iisj i..ri ..,1 tP in I,, f.vnr nln? toBrOWnlhe b ti'C; 4.h ot . I. , , ,l!t:iHL N. .hteeu , ti,wnh, Xo. sev uiiiut. uii'i lALi.t. wv.vi-, ....... . . ...... ,i-l. r. .i - i . . . i f ... i t , .:.. . ...... i.. ,f,un..,.i,i,, anon ui iiiu le-e-euu-. ui m-- v...n.vii ..v. v., it was unanimously voted to aj 'prove tne coarse taken to organize a church iu , 5,f TVLX i tongrezationai ciiurtn o: t uiisawuu j was made public en the following Sab i .1. oaiit. i,. .i... in d Itioiw it is : jit tii'. itt. ............ ... , t- ...... c.XjKVt0(l ti:lt -,VOik on a Cllurch build- jng wiil :-or.tt be com:ne::red. About liny .r c0I.t ()f ti0 biiii.iiiig fund isexpected J 1Voui aroat. That we n.ay have a large portion of th, gentle, . lovi.nr, ving ami sea-sac. u'.eing spirit ot the "at Master, is our hmhcvt aiv-.f.on. itli this spirit and aim we hope to deserve the resjieet and friendship of our fellow citizens. A. Platt.-mouth, Aug. 25th. STATE SWS. From the Itepnblican. A large pair of elk horns have just :tr rived from the West, an I Ix-en fitted ,io for Frank Bamage. Thvyr.re the hirge-t set ever brought to Omaha, one antler alone measuring five feet in length. Frank ii. tends them as an ornament for his front window. From the Ctirouiclc. House breaking is becoming too fre quent Ibr convenience and proper peace of mind which should be enjoyed by our good citizens. The resit lance of J'r. A. I. Smith was entered on Thursday after noon, an I furniture turrci 'top -y tin vey"' indicating that & rigid search of the prem ises had been made for money. Noth ing valuable lias leei missed from the louse. A family residing in the xtme building, heard the noise but supno-ed .-onieot the family were at home, 'i'ii '-e h.ui.-e breakers are becoming to familiar. Let the police be on the watch. The Pot taw itamie 15ase IJull Club, from Ctii!ieil Blutls, arrived in this city on J-,riday la.-t, and took rooms at the Barnum lloii.-e. Tn the afternoon ;i game between them and the Otoe-! was commenced, but was interf rc 1 with i'.v the lie.'.vy rai!i storm. On Samfday miruiug a g.-iiuo w.ts playe-L resu'toiir in favor or the (lieies. of this city, by 4.' to J5 for the Council Bluffs' cuib. From the St-itrxmtm. In rejly to a corre-pondv"nt we state ; 1st. Ncl.iaska is not in Omaa. V'1 Omalia does not own the Union l'acitic ruilroiid it is rather fie vrrxn. The Count' Commissioners have 1 t to Mess. Watson A Goss, of Bellevtte, Neb. a contract for the erection of three bridges on the Post patent a combina tion of woof and iron. The eo-t to th c eiiity will be .7;!' in Bridge B nd. The Postmaster-General e-taMisLed I in .July the following new po-,t .luces in ! Nebrii-ka : i!a. r ):tk. Otoe county ; Walioo. Su!T! b-rs county; SSlion,'' m coimtv. has been discontinued. Ii.-:,lC'!i. .IfTt.-rson COt;!UV. Tlie C-.uintv Commiv.ioners have ip- nvoi'i ittre 1 ! for the Bridge Fun I for the purpose ct' itiiikimr r--; ;iirs to th !:-.. i.''js over :even Cr. th telopt'. But there is -to money now i;i tlie treasury to the credit of the Lrid re Fund. It will lie iieees-ary therefore fir the citizens here to c;i -h the warrants. s.tv 51. or S-lii etc h. !iev will be waiite.l in a tew weeks to pay t-.zo with. A c ii rreg.ifion of tiie regsibir Bapti-t Ch;:;ch w;ts organized in Llnco'n on Sv.n- l:i"let, un tier the au.-p'c.'s of Bcv. B. I'l. Iftiliman. d' 3Ia:engo, Illinois. IV, Tit v-one members of the church took part in 'ho oru'aniati.in, aid tho ii.t'.i-i'.- f auon iva" recciveu tn.ir inert' are proo- j ablv mtiiiv othera.- j . 'Timricv was clio-en deacon, an-1 L in the vieinitv. !! If. Porter, cl"ik. A genend tlispoitio;i si-'tui'd meiiifes'ed to call Bev. Mr. Il.utn.an to the pastorate. Arrantre- .,, , . 1 ,. . , n:e:its wul Le immediately tu: !e to se- cure, sooti alter tl;a on-n:n;' of ranwav enmmuiiieaf.ion, the ttrecrion of a meeting-house tipon the church lots on block 7. donated !v the State. The trustees cb'cVd ;,:-e II." II. Ting'c;-, !?. F. Cozad. Mr. f-'Oi't. -J. P. L.mtz ati 1 L. Lavender. From the Fivmont Tr!:'i;n We h i ve he-trd it said thai ;he e'tliva- tion ;.f trees atbls matcria'iy to i amount in r;t:ii-:ti.i. e a-ivie our iiiwn oti ts u 'oi thev want to stop the ercees. iv. fail ! wa ter in Mrs vieinitv to have the -un flowers and weci'. j ai.ont town lit down It .... . ... it, i i, I IIC s-ir ot '.. s,t A-lib'tl-l whvh - rs on ! !n; 27l ll ''ft!er It. o'.t 1-, o.-j; ,j. Iv t M-1, ,.tt, .:.. f-. on -!i ttc-!-t:- in torn c m1 -.f.t.j., 4 '.. t, ,..., ;r rj, .. 1;. & M. j;. i;. wi.h a st.'en.ll I w.-- ter power, one of the !,-t ofth" S - aU! ttl. (0,i(itv svUt f ,vy fir.tv. j.r ..,,,!.,..' e,I1..ot c,-, (l( ;,. , f'.x " ' ' " eir. n. i cckihtu. v. i.i.eat wo; Km he addition of Lei-hton it i;rovvt,'s p-eeioitated from the s,u.im. ,,rv to t10 ,..',,,, j.v tli tal-rt" ,.f the-sctCioId. on Wednesday morn'lntr" -vr.?rffcii i He wis taken up insensible an 1 cani.-d info the i ccknam Brothers sJpi. e are lititiov to stato tl.it bo !,., okhIh.iiI no scrimis injuries from the accident. Xi-om the Nebraska Citv A'r.i . ' , V',. ' ,. - ' " ' V, ! ,:i. . u" ' ' ii.i-i iviiii inrta u i.ni;e: nuiiioe. oi i.i.i'.n f...,v '"... - . . . . I I lie farmer? of tics countv have ra:-cd ' iit.'r nl ifti.i p-i.H.'fs e:tr.tii-i'.l lti tb;' .-.--:" - t . " U K-.iy el eitpains were ot.-..re'l :or .-:.. on our CC't - t.'lts nj'ir'i'llg. ll'Ii-C'S..'. ; The 1 r;atiU iiiiiid. We have the lest authority for savin.-: , . . . .i ... i - t . th.lt the coturactors. on the M. IoUi-aii' j Nebraska Trunk roa 1 will not cca n.j. u v i it Ht 1 i t : 1 'i 1 ...i t .. t i . .1. . "'-''- 'in... ti .... .j-' i i . .i -" - i iuii.'.-i t-iiv. i (,i rii!i2?.N.. eleven 1 1 -. fust ot ll'.p M.; 1 e l" make nil Kili'ii ot m.til the cmnlelion of tee thn mile-, but ' ."""Mi'V-' 'r l' r.-:'1:: " i. ur.: isi.ii i rift iiiiisiiii .V tttiiiiiSKri ii.-in- - o nurin i.i t-e.ii'jt o. i i-.i. it-t-n o -. it.i-i oi " - . . 1 ,. -, V S Ne-i....-ki'.. an.l it.i-o I ane l iii;.. in es.e.i inooey State IUIC. Which Will give US all rati to I j.. tn :ilVr, p,r delen.er.t: that on the :rrui St. I .UIS Without chanec of Cars or tTOss- ' ''' of April. lr. j lainlili entereel ir.to Pirt-PT-i v : -tpt. w c.i u.-lemlent tor me purpose of takmir ing tlie Ail ssourt riVtr. ; t-:lre 0f rj,i t-.-lliujr i-iil.t real e-tate ami iiumZ. Our faith has been and Still is deeply j inn sabl hive" ments. Ami the objeet an t pir.y- roote-1 in the certain and speedy cm, pie- SVL'V tion ot tins roaa. tor tne simjue a?M t-i iei i rca.-O'! that it will pay, anl also ibr the reaoa that it treed take on'y a few months till if is in runn-ng era r. Lk ont for a rousing -4rh tf -I try co'e- t.onan uxeurs.onoa ,;: unok hext tutumer. L!niin: !Tc L'.-.nnci' id Andrew 3IcMakeu can find a letter ad- ! dressc.1 to him.and Pmnd on Main street, , ... . ' T 1 bv ortr nt h- l-!t mj nfF v. t a rrmr 1 p-itvct ! ScT A a S VI UrCtt j 1 H ) )U K A Uli A i A J J J juc iiJlLVi iJta.it t t I IlaxhtseonipletoJ the i.Sati.i.tr nnU rt-eor.Una j .l ! ii k K s-id i"n ! t!i tisy ot Claitii- i moail.. I ai ncv i.rcparo-1 tv evil r j 4 j i iVh-h'o j Vee tillli, 1 W be j bj niortt-a-e ou the property. u"; Ultl ACXVi.. Donation to Churches. T r ., . , . . , . I wii! ptve to the f .llow inx ftl.io-tr? Jt-nouii- iiiitii!is. vi : To l lie I'aif 1st rimreh. l it 12 in uloek -T : To tlie e'o!iirre--aiinM,i! t tiurcb. lot in bloek 2; To (lie .Metiio-list t'bureh. lot 1 in Muck li; . To the Catholic Cli.ireli. lot ti in 01 n 't .HI; To t!io J-'piseoivil I'bnreh. lot : in Mo"k li': . To tlie" l'i i -I'V t li ot (.'Siurili. lot 1 in bioi-k 'i; To the 'hristiati t':ui:-. !i hit 1J i:i l li -k To the Lutberaa Cmicli lot 1 in liln. k in iny'A'i'l.i ii.n to the C i;y ( I'lii't.-tuoatli, upon Hie' l'oilow eer ii'ii lit 5 -i. vu: Ji it cny rv.il t-reet on s nii lois. a aOave Mnnale I, a so t. .-: Coc iu? I1 .ti? lor i.nij.r v .--i.iii. iriHiai live year ii. ,in i,iisi,i.'. hi 'i, i .iiin "u p-ii-j il.-ai.l liitrea or cnureiies to eomp, wi.ii ft... . I .O ,1 mill lltllin l.t.iTl .'lil 11 til-lt J' lrt f!i .. ... . ... i . . S. LILKb. Donation to Public Schools, I hereby ilunati.' f.r :be n-e m' 1'ublii- Iiislrirt Si-iionls. Lot 1 i in ill1" k on the norm i-iil.) ot" M-iin .-ireet. i.n i Lot !'.' ill lib" k on the south ri b' of Main sti-te:, in my iiJaUion to tlie f.'.ty ol'l'l.utsinoaili. DL'ivii. 5,000 Ac-33 of Land fosr Sale in this r. iinty. Also, lluii-es ami I.jts in ihis i-ii v. :lt low l,:-:i-' I'i'.n i'-nlar at u ntion ri; ;o the l i'yie.'J anil ! .-lliiii; ot real estate. aiainins titles. :i;i ! pay iuit taxes lor nvn-r-M U-iits. .S. Dl'K K. Ri al Ksttite Ajfei:t, Lot for Ten Dollar 1 u :M si'il i.i :i:ivti .i ili'iron" of iwihlin all.l liuinoviirj. ai: oi -'ie 'ot - in t lie ?u jjonn.d list in my a-i ii'.i'.o t- I'lr tt.-te nith. at ten lotlari per lot. uii'le:' the h,liiKii:j t otcil ions, viz: Thi ctr.-.iri in"-.-l.:i-im v. 'e be reu'iireJ t" b,.;!.;.,,! the ! .: per. !ia- ! a tiv hou-o of ti.e !.ui mi.:: -i it:: . n - i 'ii-i. to-WK: Lt.e h iu-; to be tiot less than li- L et. with .-tcy i.oi I .v. er t n.i n teet. 1 he tr.iiiie iiu.-i oe vo.-i :. n 1 1 i.-taiit lal: a:.e-e weil M.;i!,l'ii; louu latioii eiiiieroi orte; or stone. I la-ii' iiiu.-t una Kin n en, of not U-.- ih-ia i : ) x 1 1 . liui; iica must bo eotnpleteJ on r be!i re January l !. is7 i. Wi.l iti e u bor.a for a -i.cl e the ..i ty wh.i bti s w j .- . j 1 1 ;..s ,,'C.ri-h N iicute.iiii'l upon eniiiplyiiii; : o li I t;e :i' . vo eei'.i c :..ns. v. i it give a i;oo.i utiu sieii'-iciit Vi'arr:.:;ty Uf.'.t. .Seleeiions may he ina-le from the aeeoiaiiaity in li.-t; L us -j ie.pl K i t bhn-k ": I. ,1 S in liloek 4: Lot It in b.,.-k U: Lot ia bioekls-. Lot 12 in t'lo.-k u': i."t- J. : at' i 11 in blm-k -1: Lot : in i-l ...-k l.ot.- U iiiiu S in bloek -: L"is .'at: I il in liloei: lo: Lot "i ia h!o -k.7: Lois I't :i:.I 17 in blo.-kLS; Lois -1 toi'i 7 iu block '.'; Lot g in biiu-k '-'. ih ki:. PiaUsat'-uth. Aii'.i'i f. Oihee in t .mrt lb. Use In I:s!rivt Court, .vcoi'.l .It,;i -i:'.l I:.-triet, .v.ta.u an 1 ior C'a.-s count; , Xcbra -k. Levi Kii-;ei!i i:iz, an.m:st Xotiic. I a:ie II. A aex imler. ) To I :ae il. Ale.wi. kT, imii-ievi-Jcat, del" nj- Yoit are hereby poiiiieil ltit Levi Rti.-torimli ?. il;,-. o-i i lie J-; il ;y ol eptetnoc r. IS'-'.', lii'.il his ; i'iii i;ni in i oe i.'i tri.-t t'otetol ,ii.' M-e-u. if. Ju dicial li.-liiel wi.hin .'ini f'.r L.isyotoey, Xe 0. u.-U.i. t li.' o'.ji :i ii i pri. n i'l v.iiirh is t re ii.i id ; 'ie".i - .:- to !'.,. -.- i hv true" tin 1 lull amoiint of i "!': !'i'.': i ; oi i i i i i'-.i I ," i ; 1 by !t. .1. l;ai!it!r. ;! ch-i m s.!0. on i!;e : . 1 1 d .y it I l.i ll.li-- . t.-M. lor !h.; ..t ol .s. . of '.'('- tio: L ', i.i T. li. X.o, ):; i-.. oi ti.h 1. .L. -o!.l ns "it r i.rotni-.y. on a .i i -or in en 1 1 emtereil afr;1. iost yon in t on t on l ie l.'tii iay of Iec-i moer. lsi.i, vhi.-'i ;;aet ot hurl i now On'lie-.l a;i 1 in the p"-.-!-?-n:i of pia-n.T;; arnl :o remove a eioiol ltoni i'.i'.i,:s t: ie ! sal I '. ract o. la n 1 ny rc:i-s-ii oi -.o-i oi::.-;C.t '.-ia ;M"e reuiu'-l to ;-.!-. ' r s.i pi pi!.i'"i; oti or hi t' re the r ta lt.y ol loner. Iv.i. LKY1 i;L". rKRIiiiLTZ, I'.y .Maxwkll iV C'llAIVM AN, se iiv,T. ilis AtioMie-ys. 3:ikkiis45r;tiri',:4 :ale. N'oii -e i- hereby riven !a it in pur.-iieiH-e of ;i ilrernai nr-.iiT ol .-ale nitnie oy liis llmor iii.'ii-;-i. 11. L me, Jii'b'e of the r-eeoml .Iu''iei.il 1) . .;,,.( wt.hiti .iti'l n:r Cass eounty, Xeoraskti. at iiis v'ii i.a'e'is in ' nuaiia C'i'y, i'ii tiie 7iii i!ay ol May. Jvi-i. 1 wi.l. on th Citk iltty of Septrm ber, isjih. at the froni loorot the I'mirt House in I the ci.y of Foet.-niouth. c.i eo-.inty Xe-bru.-ki i ar the li'iur ot Z o iloi k p. in. ot s..i I oa.-. otn : l0r u- ;o the ii:-ae.t i.t.'i be: ; hi . l-.-r ali i: .1 I'ia tt.- nioiit h, C.is eo-.mty. ehr;-..-ka. T iu llitu. litle aii'i ice rest ol .sanuiel J. - ini! i:,rtle-e-uasetL in an l to the west h.-!t t' j of the norih- i - t oiia.-tei- of -eet'on No. t'l een. io i;.-nip X. twelve no .h. rane Xo. tilveK.htu P.M., sinmte in C'.i.-s i-ouniy, Xe'.niska. st.iii' wiil i. in liji open fr bias for the ypnee of one hour. Tortus ea.-h. iiARY .1. .SMITH. A lt. it:':.-tr ttrix e !:ite oi ;,ani.j J. nimh. Ly Ma.wi t.hL ,V bii M M v.. fonljvv.1 llcr Aiioriieis. AdSlliUSrator' $ iie i o-t.-c is !:eiebv s.ivt u '.Uai in i.in- ua.ns f :i J '! ol tue Sc. I J u.ii :.'.! li-t. i' t 4'o:.:t I in.-i o.ii ni'iti iii.iae oi iu-- lioiiot ii'.-a. i. i.arvi-. a', his c'aiim ia rs i i imaha Cit v. on Ma v t Ic i . u A. l isi i,i. o.i tl : Snh i.iv oi .s-. io -tii'.i r a P j-..ii!! thi; iVon: iioi- of the Court ilo:! : in the eiiy oi itelltvae. S. rpy t oanty. .--.i a.-ka. otli-r ii'i- .ilt- ,,i I'ntiit ;:o:-' ioji. ;i ii"e li. or o' . i'iii: ' i o .'!.:. .. in. ti; : i.in i.i.. i i i.ie II-1: l.i i , a,,. I t.s; bnl.l. r. nil C.,e ruh,, ,,:ieiel j oi c,.in...u, .,, u. i a.-.-.i, i;i i n-i to the loi- ' iv... . -'ate , -i i.a e-l el .-.:py i r !ate -1 n.i e l i l i .; .Iu.u.-. W.o - i','ei:..-"-i' i V:." v'4 " fi,'..i,v-i '"' .1!V !: " ; iAJiuii;.:'': 1 i u e.,,...,s an . ,, .inks n ;- '-ve:-. taet.ee- i.,e.-ii.!i i u-.-r the '.;. : ..ti WZ.lW x!"":; I ., ::i v. . -w ii . C'ii.io.e.H-ii Pi O? i3e Xalce Titos i tk Oi i n r. Attj;. :u th. A. I. In the mati.r oi iae e-!ale of L iv.ar l I-Vveu-K'i r It is or.lere l by the Cmrt t!.t a'l havir.s ehi.Siis :. -'.I.. ih'.' s-:iT e-tate. rfii.t they wY'.l hie ! Xovt-moer uni. i '"" '"-11 ' Aoieitu.-tratr. PiatC-ii'cttih l;;- t'o'in y Xco : a.- ka. i.-ei'tiv.j in:. K-tie-- oilo-.vio' iiive.-.ic.ci.: :or oo. . ....... ..... ..... . -. ..... ::i,r' li e:i-t :it:..rt. r o: hil; I. . In e: .-t . J I'ti-rut S'lti.in Nn. Iv.e.'iiv-oiie 1 .ml '.hv lew ih -w-t niiartir of the n.-nh-wf--t ouarter of se.-ti..f, ,,,. oi mil:.' Pi ineip ;l lueii-ii m Cars eoiin.y. .vi-i.ri-iia, ii o.i I 1... l It: h. I; ot I hit llort..--.Vi: l:!!.,i..rl,l M.,.,:n N1 ,,;ir.y .,. ;u tlw.1..lil) ;. tivlv.- . u . ill ! rtnu-ii No. eleven ill, i.-i.-i i t.-ie- o i-riii' tpai ineriiiti. n. m Ci..-s j County. X.'t.ia-k.i. an.l the toui'.-W".-t .jtMrteT j o: si.-tlon X-. e-L'tit S'. rill ihe not t It ! alio! :!ie ' soiith-vesi - i ot -ee.ioii Xo. lourteeii 1 1 1 . ainl the i-.-ii.i-'.v ti 'lUi.i'ii r o: t'.-i iio.i .o. i ,-. er.i---oi:e ;,. towaai Xo. e-leve.i .11 -. north of .-attire liter en tne ' " . . . - i pro-' if til meridian, in v.oe eour.ty, t..,'.,te an l t.ti.titer-hi.-. '-ii.-ets soia. au.; in -t th : i,-.; -c il vi b-.i ,...y....;..t of ! h.t :;Svr.,r i V. Sh ..-p i - i.erct.y no.ii.e.l that he is ir.-mn-1 11 i ! I iii-iw-t ir.i.l oeotoii o-i or itlor. I .:? ti ,1'y a us 'ii'e'. IS '', or ju tiT' toci t wit! be .':.k-.'!i tt-r -ia-. cm: il. i i.i la: -e witii pray r 0'-.:l 1 I ;: P. JllATi' IV -N. V isf it.- '! . M. M Oi .1 CIT, hi . .o.-ner. fou f-AI.K A Farni.'tat.i b riitc- ...u-h L of r'iat'snioie':. t- nee 1 t .4 a-:-,.. i.r-K... n.1Er ?rrRL' K i windham.. 0 W.V.'K : No. iwe'ee 1. . ea-t 01 M.viii . o- prii.eiin.l I 1. ,-. . t".xr:.ti K..L I""-' fce t v. i 1 . Olt ?AiiK K I! i:'T Tl'.! property be- j .1. lon ii;.? to 1. .M.iiiiueU y. M !.e mi i it i rentr-1 on : eu5i!i ! ti ; m. , '1 iie luue con- k t:: ; us tj i i:r.s. '1 h'-re i." ul.o la! vee!--tTti wi.h Ai'iuyto T. M. 1 Al'.t KIT. sopiltf tx iia-ir "lyfTK"' r 1 Tiiis farii; w ita itr. one !:' a hall iiiilc 1k- low hei-'lV ?1 ill. We-i'pinir o'a'er. ami n'ii- , .i,-l i n nil..r i i iij T. :lTi'S lil l-ult lull. Veepm-r A'nt r ruii-J throorii one rortier of the rr"ee;J,vulli"s holLSM ou Ul "rt'mis- t I will also sell tlie pro wins: erop ,'h! :ktm i i,p.lt .,,,,1 .w,,., ...,-r. s .urn. t-riber with ull lav lanmiiK tttensits je-gitf R. .s. STIUIKTER. Valuable Farm for Sale. Pitiiatdl on Four Mile Creek. V.Z mill north- nest ot rhutsiinnitli. 1 noli-li-i.iii the l utie riv- j er.aT.it t hree-loiirt ti-- ol a mile inun tue imeoi uie li. X -M. Ii.. ami known ns the io-kiim lai in, eoM'.aiisi::!; lisa .u re" of choiec l.ui'l. Iim ii re of w hi eh i-. In. ;i:i l-in.l. a'n.nt teu aercsare ti;uit r lUel about ninety acres in j?r.i-. thu lialauce in r.i ,r l.-ii.'i. I i ! the nrTiil,,' 1 n - Lr.i , . . .i. ul.le e.ioin. frame barn f, et wi ll stone I . . . I . I -T 1- orein.rd. VIel.tv ol '.-tn'k- i" it. ii never liOliie well, a B"'".l si-lmu! bou.-e: ulsii ! uert.-- of timber lami in S"a"l- eouniy. near the inonih ot In i iiiuv.iJMa l':;:;:,r .VLUitV:?;!?, iii Uloek one bnn lreii aii'l i ix ty-eisht, tills; in th- city ol Tlat .MnonUi. 1 erins t a- . Eii-C.irc t the premises or ..r i lie MiWriWr in Suumlers Co. Neb. .M. .sfOeKIM;. Piatt MiK'iil li. .tth'. '.-tf. FOlt 5SALB. UXIMPltOVr.D I'RoriuRTY IX CA.s.S CO. Southwest 1 1' of S S. Town. 11, Rattle 12. li - n - s ji "ii " 1.' : "11 " 11 "11 " il 1". i I " 11 1". "11 " 11 at " " n Xort!ien.-t " L.1 '-ouibivrst j . . ol si. . tfj , noriiiwe.-t LOT.S IX l'LATTSMol iil t'lTV. l.u.s am! '1 in bioek U-iti:pr..ve.l. Ztvry .r.i;ne r---i 1 1- ii I Iilt h (Ttv Tb.tel. M un tv - t. i , ; ; . van'.- Li i . rv s-ai.ie. .Mi i'. .-':. :, -...le,,.- i... T in ! i -. : o-i ,( street. JL.lAil l.J.ii ,V tit.il'.'.l.i. itfiawg. LOTS FOK SALK IN PLATTSMOI7TII IN I'L.V'TSMOI.TII IN PLATl'SMOl "III ON TIME TO SUIT PFIU'IIASKIL ON T IMF IO SI IT Pl'KCIIAMlil. ON TIM 11 TO SUIT PniCIlASFll. lNliHUE ob' i. , .,'i 'j .. .n.s un e Jisis i lnoi: sTeiny. OtHTK I'cttri: sti: AN" L:-.i'OT l.h.,1 Omaha, .Sits., Aus-. bs, ls-iH. Sealeil I'topo-als. iiiilupiieaie, viil I reeivy. 1 bv the en ier-i ;ne-1 ant tl 1-o'eioek M.. en S e. upl.ty. ihe ls-ii il.iy ol repteiuber. Is; lor liu nislo'i.it the following .s-ih-i-te.u-e :;,.'.res, viz: .-O.I iiarreN oi .'i; s Pork ; ciO,.io'' poumis of ii 'i on. cle'itr A':': in i;:ii:.i''S ; l. M; harrels of Flour, inter uhe it, i "i.:bie extra : b. ri- lslo he full he. ob. trie I : barrels of Flour, .-i-riti w !n-at. Coit'.le exir ; h.c rels to be loll he nl-liueil : ,".(!,(o'J poiitvis of llaril lbeti'l. ill bo.teSitr: : peil, eontaininioh i' s. pet ; t.Ci'.'O ponmis of kiln-ilrie.i Corn M'-a' from tth teeorn: in hiiriei- full heml 'it . 1 ; lO.C-tii pi i. n Is of !!:' : in o ;k h - ri els i.h r-,un 1 hoops nil. I fill I hi-al In, oii ; t.Uhh poitn.ts of iloininy ..liiri"; in btirn ! full h'-ail-line-l : 4,0(r p -itti'l-'f Hoaiiny vr:!.-.1; in !.:irre!. fiti'I hea l -1 ini' l ; W . p. inn. is of t-reen Rio Coll".-.-; ia ooublo file-:;.-: 0 mm poo in!.-of roasted Rio CohVe: in in.ul.'c s:uk: lt;r,0oO i'0..ni!s of Siifrrir. eiii.il in qnaliiy to S'nari's "ft ' in barrels fu'l li i i ',- i n.' ; iVKKi ir4-llon of Wlii-ky ' ir--.'.ir. ,-- Iroin ihleiti ration-. .f ntiii'otni i u.il it i.irl sirenyth. reoii'.-'iia; .''.") s;r,:,':.- ot l i--ar-boliati; of pola s.i to I u'rali,- .me t!"i I o'wiee: in new li; ! I -!:.";" f hall bfrri-j.-; with one iron hoop on e n h en 1, h". an.i i. ou hoois paiit'.e l iiii-i initio.- i-.i.-'pe l witli tin : K.oeO poioii'.s of Aibiniantine Can. lb ', fui! vveiuht ies or eii.'hts ; in ! ,.m.i '-. r.ipp-il ; Utl.oo ' pomi'is ol Soa.o. hanl aii-1 ilry. free iron inli'lu-rat ions : in boxe- tra' ; "ii; .'IC'ieO pouiuls ot Salt, line (train : in h:..r--? full hea-l-lineil: 1,b)ti I'oi il l- of irroi n. 1 Lb " k IVt-per; free j lr. in n.Si'lieriitioii-: n. lull we tthi 1 oz. pupi ls i .-.i-kv'l in l o.es strap, vo i'iui taitiinsr ! s. li I. The iihov.; .ere to bo l"iivor. 1 i! the I". S. Co'!i;ui.--!ii y -i'.reiioe.- e ill heivi.i. lit f.v.-. .1 e -.'I. h oi'Si-pti 1'ih. r ami the hi; li oi ( .-:,i:-er. 1" .: l';-"-..is:i. - u iii he i i i i'. - Lil-ii . t to I he !'.-'! .1 eoi:,!':! a iis h-ietoibre :o'.bi i-hi"l. J.i.-it.U lot ins lor prop ' an o'a -,!-i-.', a- th-.s otii.-e. J. sv. e. i'..-:!i;::!;.. i.ul'Jo! 1 livt. lb '.,-, lit ti. e . C. 1 )HOHO.;tALS FOR VL-.iKTAl Ll-i-. Or re rr;:c!iA-or; ami it-i-.T ('. 1 OvaHa. ,m., All-'. ! -.. .'.. ! ! propo- -l I. -. i-l -i !!: i'-:'e. V i . i ' e i'l' i nn i . : -i','ii".i . 1 1 -1 i ! o'i ioi-l. on Si . i'..i. l - c i..y - i' .-' ; m: '-. . I i ." ii; ,- tii" v ile-, via: ,., p . :, .' , i':..f oy t. !- 'a- The . - to ..." In! y in ;M - ! nrcl per- ! fi- 'V -OMI ! : to I .- p. it i' i '.a ." a i eorn r.- e . :i tl i to t .' . t '"iiniis-.-i ry -,o"-!i' it -. i , h oi' -:.: '-iii ':er iiiol I tr the C. . h ' I I ! O, -tabor. 1 I'r ,i i ,il- i. i,l )ui re.-eiveT-ii' p-.-t t . , i ie i i.t cer.'lition hci-etofori pii'.-li-heil. Itiankf for proposals rin In- oht.i'' I r.l th!.. om.-e. ). . - !iiti - . ans-'"'ia Rvt. lb it,'. Oen. '.. RoPC)SALS FOR CHAIN. IIit.A'.r.inr-.:-:s ;:: i :- :rT !' Tttr !':.. tti:.') Ctnt rCo At.--i ii:- r; .i .i Hi it. n. -O lAH l. Nkii.. An;-t-J -.'op. ! vi'..) Se.b'l b'-is, ia iliiplie.i'e. v.i.'i t-ii ir-t ,:t sipi.- 'l by I n. r.' j.oi;-i-i:' poi.- i:s. not iii.i e r:-. v i:l ,o reei 'Vo l at t':is e :i until ' n o'-l-iek A. M. on Mon lay. Si j.: en; i,er t et iei ti. 1 s,i .,r tb" n; 'i-, ry o.'oio iimi ireil aial sece-Tity th' il-siin-1 ITil. .; !c pr.im I s of OATS, CORN. "T! i'.ATLr'V. AT CAM:' iKJl'CLAS. I TA an I five l;i n.Ire.I tins -ai ".''.'') p.'ii-i'L f 'JTS. CO!. V. OR ; M; LEY. AT FOR i' RRIIh.LK. Vi i C'-MINth One thi" 1 of i he whole Oli.iii t tly to be lebv. -e ! e;n h month fr in the perteetion of tlu ennv.i. utttii a:i i- .;i.i "ip.l. ThT-tiin tu l.c i'i'?.io. n.eri'h.'iit-ib'e oiia. -Y. frr fi t,i 1 1 ri or ehati'. snh.a - io-p-'.-- ion ami wei-rhf. ihi'ivciith; of saeks to be .le b:.'Ie.. t o i the o.e i'lnl barley to he in l-nrhip tn-k of l'." ns'i ': :-.e : theeornto he in tetany i-:'-k- atl W'-'l ci'.i. The ri'-'h! to ri-i-' any or all ' i Is i - res ri-'-t. A ' n:' ,..i .-,.,tj.. ne-n; n. i-t be- atta . he i to i -i"!i b-:. Ili.i- will be ri '-eive-l f..r t-'-i. V snti'l l-'.i'H' poi:! Is i r ri'-re not e?e-i iiiz llo .iianti'ie tic -t stiOe'l. I-hnik l.i.is an be ot -tit i.'. i ii ..li ( iiiai t " I i:;i- r at .-'.th.T Post liaaie-L Rv oruer of Lit. .Maj. 'L-ti. .rpnr. WM. MV l- Rs. Rm. Rriu-. C-n". Cn. tr. .. r. 5ALLEHY. F COURT Il.'ir.- !:.) loe--.it. .1, ar.l r.-pare l v UM PICTURES, : h a Wioto.rrar h. .V rnbroly pes. flemt-, C-,al. j or.-i lu-.n. ii.ien ii,, l.n.-ii. s, u e Vork .lone neatly tin 1 promptly, nra! WARRANTED TO tJIVK SATIsrACTloX Also, keep a well seleete l stock of Oval and square FrnitiPi. A'l are respectfully iaviteT tn eT.l n i e:::irair. cp( -itni-n-. V. V. LLi i SARD. Arti-t. julyililf l'lattstiiouth. X" b. LIVE2JY, FEED, iva 3ale talDlo, II T WM- J- TIT A I T, Proprietor, PJaifMnnuth, cbruska. Ftrt rate ssttibliBsr 31 Wasnn Yanlsj for tho ace ourtio tttion ot the puHie. A govnl htoek of ' , . . t ta .ie ..a M.tta Shor.j -u Ii u -j-t. To let on -rery reiisoiiiile tern 1 street, l-.e:-.rly opposite the ae'ii'.!. ' and wnoL:-:.-.u.E p.: Flour, Grain Provi:,ioii:j ; Canned Goods, i j j j , p...., Coanci! DIufTg AND Cor. iVfnin and Si-cj);Ui , PLA I'TSMO ITU. .r p r,FFi:iv,:vri:.-; 1 yt Vai'mr-.l i::ii,',:, c,,.. J'.hii'-; iit-er .1 l'u-ry, 11 inker-'. Coud- :; i . . Fir-r Xiiri'iniil laink. U-i,:.lia : ii.: li,. .'.,. Hank. Oniah.i: Ko-rers .-'o., ('! n t , - ; ton a Lartholoiv. llryan; .inii:t ,1- '. !.lii-ae.i. itarllwlon', l.e-uis X Co.. :.L.ih,. jalylotr. ! Taos. k. toutlb. T. K. HAW A. Tccila, Hanna &. Clark, IB A- "IT IK! IS IR.s S ota ami HlHw Cnin, . I iXCM A 1 f XJAUilili Jj, Dr.nf's Irn-,vn on ill! j.arfs -!' the l';iiii -i .-: ... nn i F'irope. Ih'po-its r-. eivi.J. ;.n 1 ,., teCtl'HI -jii-cn to ' ili.i'lu.i).;. Plattsnoutli, Nci Builders, Attention! la!m;i-:t stuck m V. K ! LVLR IX FLATT.S.VC CTlil J Are -. pr.'par.' I to furri. h ::!! tviUul . . I l'i :i 1 1- i.i I ;.' . v.; Mv.-'l i i ia . t t.tt aiei .-: e i.'i m. 4 nPALait l BOOKS, fiTATIOi'iJ UY, Perfumeries, liair Oils. KEVvSPAFERS, KAGA2IKES f i Ai.'- r i ir. Latest Publications. I'rs'-f rlre '.ii i .---: -j' , P'.-rlenei! L'r:iT.;i.-t. .'(OU , I i a.!-1 1 ri A N.. 1 ia S'0J rur.ain.-: cpIt. It'-nifiiil-rr the I'l l . o;.;vi?' C..-t't .1 '' attr'a. r...ttstiioui 1 , Xtbralu. . au-''. " ' ,Al!!!!;, .--.V-: H tin IT. ; ii lici-n- yor U'.s j., : ri: ENTIRE "SATSSFAUTiOK T it k r R. e x er v. n i T n - - r iviliv i5tl U'H kl.fcVai K.V IV .1 Tlicy Stand TJnrivall FOR KCONOL5 5l". TOLl DURA BIl.ITV, AND COKyESIEKCa. For Simplicity of M.inntrrrn' And for Clc-a-din3?. in CqCii 'i'ltt ij ure lli iiif. Jutiiul'n Miiitafii' t nre.l in the W lilt Wl.il 1. 1 iiinl aJ.-ip.'-' ' .lUOIitJIR tUiU WUUiUU- PMOPIiE. Surely no t'o' .l lt': - k. eper can affor I ' ' i, bout on. ron rkii E LiT, apdikis Excelsior Manul;icturin-: 612 ib l14 A". Mi in St., St. Js.t'i,: ' tola BY iZ. T. Duks & Co, E'ktiitwEtluuth, ?izh i! iv 27Ll,li.-. ! . -- PLOWSI PLOW;--- Matiuf i' turer of till kin'ls of I',iiritiiiijj5!i.jleS2e!! sij.-h a? the e'-U-hratC'I Ro l Rr.-ekii .rool l lioaH breakers. Slir.in 1'h.v toi'l l"i:hle shovels. Cultivators i.ii'l K-p:..'irit .Io nc a AUort imtiev. Ail v rar.teil. Having tn 1 tiiin-h experience in the I feel ns-oire.l lht I ran give penerai t ton. Please give me, u call before p eisewln re. C K. 1 Plain- mouth. Xeb., M'a' . ISO?. OA3E MILL At Clark '& Plummf Furm'-rs i-hin? to purelniso will li their I'llvantiijjc to ti-U'l ill their oriletst Jfiliv 1. CARVKNTLRS A JOINLRS. ' , .to work io iroo.l stele, on sh' : e'leai a the ehei.pest. U i S ' . t Main aii-t f onrbi sti-ct-c. i i i "1