J . 1 1 : 1 THE NEBRASKA HERALD 13 PCBLISnED TTEEKLT BY H. D. HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One hi it a re 'spare ten lines) one insertion. i loo . h.i 1 1 : oO I'M'" mi. oil .'v'..!"! ''' I I I 1"0.:..I liil.'MI : '.n'l no tor i.acii sui"ci(ueii'. iiisi'iiion, Profo-sjona! eanis not exceed! nt- six lines Une-nuai ter column vr U.-s, per annum, fix month:'. " three iiioin hi", One-h ilf column twelve month. " . ' mx month'. " three uiont lis. One column twelve inontli.8 " six moiiihs. " three month'. All transient advert. .-eiuenta inuift be dj in ad an. e. '. 1 k. VOL. 5. PJA1TSM0UTH,. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER "2, 3SG9. i! jriOfTn.'e corner Main and Soeoud street", sec n 1 story. TEHM3 : S2.00 per annnin if paid in advance, SIS) if not puid in advance. MASOXSC. PtiTTMiirTH LM)f;E Xn. 6 A. F. 1 A. M. Hi puiar iii-i-tins t their hall on the first and t'i pi I I " cvetiinzs of each month. Trans ient brtthrrn invited to visir. ,u JilN W. SHANNON, Y. M. .T V. WiSE. S"C m'uht Loom: i;. I. A. F. k A. M. K,-ul:ir ' l l ,u L : i !. Tnit'iltl-- i 'iii i .'-in ivuii j I M'l.H" in .'in 11 mmitti at .Masonic n.io. .1. N. l 15fc., V . M. W. Win rKR-TiNK. So. rn? i-"S A On utmi No. 3 It. A. M. Rreular 'n-nrritinif rx-rond mid fourth Tii'vLiy evc- ... i!, .. 71 ' PillC? "I - -' " i . ' ' ; " -v I'. Ji. 1.. I . in Iv ... II. r. EfTHKN S r.en I)i::r:e l,nm;s. I i"iriiln r meet- in::'' of tlie I i t ( V arc fi I I oti Wcii ti;-l:i eve- ni-nr. "r Injure 1'ia lill t:iioii oi e:t''h month. Ill 'li-f'-r .'la-nj. their wive:. si-ters and .i i i-'litt r- arc in il;d to attend, r unturned ia- J.i:.- inu.-t In: over .-c-'iiir-tn year- t ;c. u. ii. w ii ivr.Ltn, i'airon. Mas. C. A. Iuikr. J'ntron.-ss. J. N. V.'i-iK. Hecordcr. r. . :. t. 0:.tvf Iln writ. No. 2 V. V. T.i ..nrird. W. C.T.: I. V. L"i-. W. S.: V'. iil'ms frrree. l.od'e' If.!ty. M'-t :!, -till Hot:,-. Hail every n,-.-.: iv i Mi:,', 1 ravel. n ienil.ai:. rc.-pget- I'.vi T'.-i"K H i.P'E l.or.i.f:. .No. I . I ;. Ii. I .'!.: K. I-:. While. 1. J r r - ;:t i.'oort H hi tl i . I .! urst a" i atui !:; ;.' . en- j I ' I- !' il I". Hi- 11. Sripni'llMi'i i.o';i: .No. rs. ii. .1. l avH. . C. T.: Ind-ew I'-iii.tn. V.'. S. MccM ;.t Mt. 'l-a-.ii t every Oiirhiy rviim r. I ai ivn "V Ijo.h.k. No. II. .M.ilhia (.innbcll. V.. :. i .: F. M. 1 ..mi- jr.. V. S .: V.M..I. Ilsc:-. l.':'ii-. M"i-r rviTV V'i.ilri"-.lay pvi ii- ,):. ; ra v.-i i fir' I .-m i.Iar r.-.'.i-r:lnll.y ni'iri'.. Tepvk lii:n I l.i.i ( K. No. lii. A'ii.i-" iil!itli. '.". I'. T.rJii.-- A' I! V.'. S.: C. II. V.'in-I., , 1. Mil'.''. ii-'. riy m.l.iy fvi-iii-nr. j Jrav i iii li'Ui;n n. aro ri -j f -i:ully invitcl to H:IM-I Wllil St :B.uke Parisli. Motii'dv li e .r:; 2- . 1 il e Ve-ir.- 1-t Tuesday CVeni::-' "t '" l" 'i! . !l 1 'ie J-' et'-ry: la i ti ly tneel ii. .--i'-''V I-t , o!vl:'j. ol .t ay, .U'.'U.-t, Nov-amer i-nd ! I-M'. i . . . I t.'J. 1 IL.Mi, I. elor. Wn. L. i i i s. ( l -ik. ATT!.-It NT: V AT I.AVv", Plattsino.i' !.. Neb." ATT'UtNKV AT I. AW i-n.l Sc!ii ilor in Chan cery. I". i;t. in.ii'.'Ji. Ni br.i-t.a. s. :.. c; o FEU. ATT. 'UNKY T I. W . i'latr-mnuth. Neb. Wilt l.nv I s I. i'.eal l.J Iv, a..d piy taxes for rioi-r- -i b n! '. ! eii ruvcd in..' u . . i in i i - I lands and b :s ..rs;ile. ijunei'i'M. X-;.I,I. SAM. M. rilAl'MAV TTi'N i'.'i AT LAW mid S..!i.-itor. in i hatieery. I'i;. ' : -'noa; h. .Veora-ka. ni:i -e over 'lii!eiV tbit: ! s !' ;ii, St- re. iapil. TTi:!lNTV T ,' mid Ci-ne,:.! T.nnd Azeiit. I.iu -m1 .. N.'I'M-K... Wiil i.raetiee iii any 1. 1' the 'oiir'-- "I ll.e State, and n ill buy alitt seil Ileal l.-t.ite on r.iniiiiission, pnv iaes. examine Tub-. : .. i i.ov;f. ilJr. J.. r. TS3031.4S, Uavirs .i r:-.: i : ' ly ." rite l nt Wv pii!? Wa mr K.i 1 1 -. I . "r!i - !i i s - i mat s r ! to t lie , :' ::- .. t':t-s oeipy, N'ebr i-k:i. ijani'Oatf. ci. ii ir;s i: ex, 51. 12., Iir'.-Ti TW .-.NI SI Til.KoN tenders liij I ii.11. 1 -. 1 . ir. - t 1 be 1 it i-'i:s of Cass eoin 1 ; . 1 e.-i'l. ii -i- - .11 . ii. ii-1 rot li'. r ol I 'ak a nd Si xt h st 1 . 1 -: ..Ii'.. 1 ! M tin stri i t, o;i.o.-ite Court II l.-e. I'I-;. 1 -1:10111:1, Nebr.lska. j. v. ::ATj-5.s:.fi- 32. i. I ilVSK IAN AMI SI IKi !'. N late a Sir 2". ii -i ii- 'l.ief f t!i- Arirv nl' till I'l.tmaae. I'latt-atoiitli. .Ni i r.i-ka. li'u . w i.ii )'r. 1'. .. I iv in-t.m. r ti M.iiti street, upposit..' the Court Ii.. i-i-. I'i at. I'' i ! II coiner of Keek Hll'l 1 1 r Ii sireets. iw o il ims -miih id 1. i'. tiass. I'llYSIlT AN A .-! l'Cl.'K.V Ilavir.tr loea'cd rt W i-.-l-iiiT 1'-' 'i r I' if-. ! ill Ml.. 'lid ?.vi.!ii;-tl-" to nil j.to.t-.sionai i :;-, 1,-th day alii niu'ht. .nfju-t".ir' li.H.VIIirl.F!. 1.. !. h: mtt. i t;te2s:5:?..i v. to, i Ke.it -i Ti ravin A'.-..!it, Nolane: r Piii I ik i I. lie 1 ii-oian -e Agents, I'l ots- I.iaalf , :).::-K.l. j'altt !i;.iLhT':-n vaihky BioL'si;. II!. ''. M i' 1 1 I' !' ie:..r. eo.-iier of Main and i: tt -tr I !:iti'in.o-t!i. Ne' ra-ka. il.i.u - been i ;:' and new Iv l'ttnil-hed oibrs Ui'-lel'-s iu-i nr.im-.i.iat i'.ns. l;-iaril by :ie day i r n k. i'iiiic'-''. C. II ill - V.X.. I'r .irie.. r. IT ivins rei erily lre-i rep:i:r '.I .um ! la e i ia thor..iitfh riittnin? order. Ii-:..; uori. i..i'ie mi -loir; m.ti--... pio.oi-l luli d - - I V iic": i '. -.i.i-l i in t .(''. i.it .-i , (or w !i i.-li t be hl:'i.--I ir..' . i.t i ir u i: ! ! i -aid. ,air:'J-it. :.-l-'-! 17. f - A . i ! i-t. Fire. Ti dan 1 ard Tra , isle- ii r": :e -V-:t. :d.:Ie vi-i.s:tl rea-ml-abl. rat--i::i ir ,: t rcirole I ' r.e pai. i.-- in t ae i'liite I :: -. I 'air-o.p-.i.-iie tic.' Court Itrn'-e, I'lair-ta . ti'.. Neb. in.:t;.'U'l:'. :--ir:s. .3. a- uv-vit, li.ivin rere-ve 1 a new Mtpi.Iy i-f (i.oiis, n.nv nt'i'. s M ;s;'t:t rife ab.ivo .:-(, and Hum lie's (.ra--.i:.-i . .I' s al: 1 Irii . i'i-o ei.!..r.'d i-r.i;. in i a l -1 -i b at ti -.'. . to - t -'. li'i.o-ls k i't . t . .' and " -.-i:i"i i: ''...'s st, ires. l:i..r'J"tf. , C Mll'MNTUKS A N 1 1 J r N V. Win ,U all t v.. rk in tli' ir line ti short 1 "t:i ... Will take i t o..n;r oi-. !;- nr.. Sum I!. ; I i :rn i.-h in a ten il f; wbi ti d.-iri I. i o ,! o:i .':iin street, op ..- . .V.K. C!iur.h. s c::ri.Nii.K am .);. m.:.. in " ..i v i i k in li :s 1 1 no mi -ii.i. f vol 'it .I tlie iir .t 1 ' ie. i.tr.ivti f.T I'u.Mii.K .cade Cll fK a- tetMs. ; . rt. 'Jon pon ';f-N rr P"n"-f" FOIl SAI.K- ,i Oonsi-tav .if firni-."' ."eh tltr.KrT i" Ir:c-.lr f, " . .i-monih. properiv in 1 lati . uth Oit. , i I s. e:iTt'e. va'-o-is. etc. il i or further i-artieular t rei;ire of', r rdd;-. -s ! Ol-h'. W. I. I h s iiUf'.I t.'tn ir.l.T :'i. I'laiisniouth. eb. F. P. TCDD. AGENT, PL. 1 TTS.V.O UTII. .XHBRSKjI A ;ro.i 1 a -- rtir.ent i f Macliipes en hand. I a!- keep '1 iir.-.i t. nil. Ni i-dl 'S. ,Vc. i: .- h iK to rcnl l.y the :ii"'itu. C.lihee Soiilii sid'.' Main.-treet. del"i'tf lUHCli & ''La M BIX Or Il.ive pened :i .-'hop on fi.xth street. n;ith of .M li :i. . in : e t hcv :. re rei .1 i e 1 to do all i;mi: in t:ie iii ..ck-mit'ii.i--line "il .-bo;: notice and in the best .-ila. siii.e!!i'. ltapairii! ;, an 1 all kin-Is ol eu-e :u w ork d ine proaij tiy. laiiff".;! PIANOS, ORGANS. ISLOS EONS! 1 11 iu Azant for the best Musical Instruments inn ie. I'i rsons wi-hinT tirlmy i'ianos. C:i!ir.et. Al -tr.ipolitaii . or Portable Orsrans. or Me'odeons e. in purchase throu-U lay Agency on as liberal terms as they can ti.iei the luuufaetnrcrs them selves. Ail Instrument fully warranted. aprltf. JN. WIsE Capf. li. L11IOO CO., Wh ilesale and retail dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS A 1st a verv choice selection of v TOBACCO CIARS. laiii s;ro,.t. second door cast of the Seymour li i l-e. Nrbra-ka C'itv. Xe'i. -'.ii; jit-t r-ecivinj a new Stwlc of Genuine Old Loiirhon uirect froui Ijourbou county, Ky.. Ilit tere. etc. niylSw. HeaSili, Comfort and Lcoiioni)' Three reasons for boarding with GEORGE W- COLVIN. OAK STBrF.T, PLATT3VOUTH, XEB. Two blocks northwest of lirick School House. He h:,--a II TII HOCSK. free to patrons: his T'.oa:- are eU rcai!:le l aud his pr-ccsare rea " 'M-.yjMi. NOTICE. John C. Ilammona, a non-resident of the fitate of Ni-hra-ka : Will take iiotic" that the nurlinston .t M;-soii-i lliv-r Kail road Company in Nchri'k.i located if road ttiroii?!l ami upon Ihe following roai ttat oivnod hy h ml. .-iuiau1 in Ca"-oiinty, Stall- of N' l.ra.-ka, and city of JMatt-inoiith. to wit: . t lour it;, in block ninety-two !'Ji, it-. f d.'r i: na tod n j.on I ho rucorded and pnbl i.-iie-l plaM tf the eiiy of I'lat tMiiou .li : and the j-aid Jolin '. llamtnor.il lunhcr tmtilied that y.iid Raili'Oiid Company deyires f take, iml l i.nd ap!i opri.1 1 " .-aid ia e-iate f ir t lie ii.--.- of in road: ai.d ii '! '- f.'id .lulin C. Ilaiimioiid :-!i all not Tviaiin tliiriy tl-iyc after the puliiie.r.ioii oi i hi j not ire ("r four Y"ek.. to-".vit : on or lie f';;e i lie 1 o.iy of u. io'jer. a. !. Iv apply to t:te 1'r.ibjite .Iii I .'; oi' ; :iid eoitnty to have tile ilaiua a.--'--ed !v ix di-intere?ted freehold ei.-, elected by said 1'iohate .1 itdcro. u.J p-ovided in ehi.pter Hv nty live (I'd of the I'.'.vi-ed H:at uf es of file Si iie of Nebraska, ami aiMemlinei:;. I hereto, said i "o:u .aii V H'ill proeei'd to ha ve iho ilatiiares :i--e--i-.i ii- therein provided by law. Il:f. 1 1 1 1 1 d iv oi" An.-'Ut. .. I). '.. IJiii linioii A Mi.-.-ou) Hirer Kailr.. I'-i'tinnriy in N. br i-ka. liy X. M. .M A l' f K 1 T, A'.ii'lJw 1. it' Al oiiny. II. C. A'len. a non-resident of the Sl:i' e of Ne-:-r. : "ill 1:. '.' ni l ien i'nit toe IJir 1 li.i'.M.ri k soori it lver K 1 1 ! 11 : I ( "otii 0:1 uv i ,1 ,e ; -Ua li::s loi-.i:e. I its road r i n . 1 1 i i ao 1 10.011 l he ioli iwin ; re:ii -!..' 'iivir 1 1 bv t Jein. sii iii'ie ill Co" emuiiy, S'liieoi N"iiri!!. i. a ml eii.v ol J'la I . -iiioin !i. I" v.it: Lot lour in block -i.ty-live (ij-i1. as is iic-inared ui'on lb" re.-'.r.led and puidiIied I In of I lie in v m" I "lati sinuii! h : and ibe said II. C. A'len is iiirth'T noli'ie ! that -aid Hadroad ( oii..i. uy disii i- I o take, hold aiid uppropriale said real e-tate for i lie ti-e oi iN load: and ii'ihe .-aid II. C. Alien .-hall not, i bin lliiii.v luys alter liie pnblii a. ion f ihis notii-o lor i'Hir e"ks, 10 wt: on or ln-iine the 11 lb dav ol' Ueleber. A. . Is.'.i, loiply to l hi: 1'iobale Jiid'.eiii sai-l i-oiitiiy to I'uve the d.nii..'res n.--sis-id bv mV ill-i'i i i e-i e 1 1 1 ee!n il! ei -. s'lee, ed by sai I I'i'ii'i.' e .iod e. a- proviib"! in on p. i r t wen: y - ii ve i .' m l',ie ltevi-'d Sl.iluies of I'm: Sla.e oi N'. i .e' a. ii'al i : 1 1 1 1. 1 1 il r. ; - (hereto, said Coi,iii.i! will looi-eed to have .lie damages j .-si ed as ibcuMi proviiled by bin. O.ued llili .lav f Aiitriis.. a. i. !:.. IJir-1 ;n- ; on A" -1 1.-.-enri Iti ver itai! - o..i! C'.in oriiv in Nebraska. !; X. M. M. !t l i: I T. u il i IJ v I 1 1 s A t . oi n ey. Thotvas K. To!lle, a non-i c.-ideat of the State of Nebraska : v iil ia!:e rel'iee that the liiislinton .t -'1-'-souri Jllver Kailioad Compaii.v in N. bi.i-ka has I I icat '-.I i i s i oad i h ii in ,ii a u.t il .o:i I be follow ii:' l r:il i - .; ov in-'1 li.v it br.. -i i ua . ! ii t 'a- -eui u:..", Smte ol Nebra.-k.i. and eiiy of riaii.-iiioiitli. t wil : Lt'-l -iT:; iii block .-ii.v-lie --..i'. :.s i-(le-.u.i.ed noon ibe leeoi'iled imd pn' li-lo-.l plats oi' i ho i iiy ol' lM.ili-nioUlli : and ..e ;.id Th -una- K. Tool ie iJ hir.lier iiolified li'iit raid Kaiii'i'.i I Coiep.iiiv ill ires lo lake, hob! and rp pi oj.ri.i' e :'iii I ea I i ( a lor I be use id ii - mad: and ii lie sain '1 limn. is II. fooi Ie -li:i 1 1 mil wii bin I bit I v days ai er llie publiea -imi oi' ibis l.i.tii-e for tour w eel,-. 10 w;i : mi or b"lm e the 1 1 . h ii; y oi' . t..b' r. A. 1). V V.'l. : ti,l v to the l'rob;:l . I -e oi'.-.i;d e..iinl lo b.i e i ae iiiiia:.:'! ::--i---e.l Oy six i ii-i nl I're.-it'd li'eehol.iers, seieeteu by said l'tobale .h'.d'.e, iu p,iviile. i l chapter twenlv live(j"ioi i! e Itevised S'aiuies of tlie Siale ol' Nel-iad;ii. mid a iiicm: men! s (nereio. smd Company will yrocceil lobavellse ilaiiui,res a---i-d i bei-ain pro i'led by law, I...e i l!:!i .l.i v of AiiL.n-1. A. I. liO. llili 1 1 : i : 1 1 1 1 ,v Mi M.iini River l!.ii' mad Comi.any in Ni :..:-!:... Ry T. .M. MAK'M KIT. au.Uwl lis Attorney. l'liilip Nodrrft, a non-ie-ideiit of tiie State of Nebraska: Will l ike notice i'lat the Riirlint'toti ; Mis souri river ILiiiioad i oniiaiiy in Nebraska has located its road tni u"-h and upon '.he loltowiiijc re'il i I. 'He owned by I iieiii.siluai . in Ca-s eon lit y, S;..te of Ne!ira-i:a. and eiiy of l'lattsnioulli, I ) wit: Iot threa iii) in block fi.ly-live urn. as is ib sijiiated upon the recorded and publi-hcd plats of the eiiy of i'latt-iiionth : and the said Philip N'odiiilt is further notified that .-aid Railroad Company desires to tal e, hold and appropriate -aid real e.-late for ihe u-e. of ila' ro.id: and if Ibe .-aid l'liilip Nodii.it shall 11 it williin thiit.v days niter the publication of this noi'. e tor lour v.ocks. to-wi : .11 or before the 1 ! t!l day of tie I iin r. A. I. 1 !!', apply ii. .ho l'roiiiiit- .liat'.'e if s..:.t eo:.u y i,i tmv j tlie ilatii: i:rs i. --sed by six ii i-. n. : i -i imI lice-l'ldd'-i -'. -i Ie. ed i'V s.ii.l l':ol.a.e .1 inle. ::s pi . vide.l in id' ip: i r t '..'eti.y-liye i..id fi.e i'.evi-ed Statnti of liie S.'aieof ?eiira-k:i. leiii inii.'ti.i tilrnts ;liei'c;o. said ( om.otV will pjoccvd to li-ive t lie d.r.ia n:i a-.-c -ed as therein ir. ii'.ed i.v l.'l-T. Iii.'ed ll:'i .' of A-v.e-t. . p. 1.-o). Ritr) ; i''t..ii A il i-soiiii liiver l"a ii ' : I l'i"i.in;y ill Nei. aska. 1J .' T. il . il A 1 i . ! T . iii':,ll l.-1 Atiie my. S i iii it 1 '.' :-. i f i be -' ' . . e of ! 'I I no! . not ice that A1"! ;. I hi I U--. ni Santpi.-i in tlie S: e .1 :'i a - ka . did on ibe Ai. :n-f. A. I:. 1 -''. file l.i- pi i, om i i vlll ii'Ue coil 'i i y. I liav iif :.c i i i oi'i be .-lioder- ti lri I mo t lo i he .second .! ,!'. .... I ! i Chr lis ITend' a-s 1 : W- :..i.:' -.. t : :i 1 i it i ve ! : b : i.s ma. A ro:.-residerit of the Slate of - ft ti.e Iti;-! '.-io'.l .V Mis- I I ue in "' .'"i-a-ka has ! he io! lo.v iti'; rid';: ...eoiiuly. " I .-'ali.M. h. lo .e. il ( 1-e. and lot ad : 1 . i -1 vi 11 '. y- I y t . ) d . he ' 1 OI'I -ii Ml il'-'.l I: : ' ' . 11 ; a let "oier iioil' ad -'.t ' t t.' ;.. . .a." for rie -i'id I .a les - ; ft"r 11 e - - I' ' S s. ,, n,.. r ia : e .1 a e i.i' : -a. -i d Ijv 1 y sai.l !'io- " 1 '. 1 tny-i've : S, a 1 :' i'e- ::;' I ' 'o.a ;:ny s a.-.-i.-.-ed as sahi I ! s.i'd !il Mel : 1 o-e i.i lictid h-i 1 ilh ca.I lo-v ' L : o a. n. J' be l',l- il , 1 1 i' ' - - hi ,e 1 1" linn it.e I lev -e. .- a hi;--!::i. im' 1 a nic'idnie'i s , . ill 1 rocci d ii iia t e . ay therein fo-oviilod bv !..... 1 lieu 1 1 1 !l il; y o. Ac . i" TDa iLi'- oii ,v ilis-ouii i.i N.'oreska. liy a 11 'Ivi 1 . , A. l.-l-'If. l';''.!i'o:i l romnrirv . ii. ii.x in.'; .a f, 1 is Attorney. noTicE. T" llif Sfo. niKiIJa is nf tlir nliiiftnil 0 JA'.-.-o;. Hirer l!ri!roml ("oinj"nii it ' '-nts'sir : Notice i-1 hereby piven il::it 0:1 Wednesday. ;lie Mr-t day cf Si p'cui ber, A. L. ISo'l. (here v, il ie in i.' a Sl'nd.ho ers' M "c, inrr of 1 lie Ititrli 11 lon A. iii.-' 111 i Iti ver Kailioad Coin pa ay i;i Ne-Iini-k;!. at t'ne o.Uceot the liu ilieaou 4V iii.--li Kailroad Company in .'lie itv of Jbti lin-.toii and State of Iowa, ior . he pi rpo t? m ebeiin seven Ji-reeiois tif said Co'ie'anv, pnti ior lti transiiclion of o. her bu-i'ie-s. Ilil.V r.Y STHONC. II AX.- i 111 I l.U.. c. r.iiiKi.Ns Three of ihe IWornoi.; e." t. i il. It. It. Co. in Xi'I't i-!::i. IMallsuioii.b. Jutv "Ml. I'V.'.). jul.v-t'w ornci: of rr.oDA i T-: cornx.i Pl.AI I -M'll TH. N Kr... Atf,i; I 17 Il.lNi'l. ) Noiieeis hereby iiven Iu . he 111:0 .vi of . he estale of AlexanuPr Lb 'ir,-i'iii, lale of Cass eoiuiiV. il -ee.iseil. ihai A. 1.. Chibls. adiniri.-t ra toroi said esoiie. lii.s ni.n'e apidica'ion io liie Probate Con: : .0 make Ms liii.il svoletnen, of naid esiii'e. It isoi'lced. bv he I'nuo lieu ihis notice be iiitbli-be-l i.u .'nice veeks in the Nk iiRaska ilKHAi.ii; :'ii.l 1 hat on '1 ue.-d. v, l lie 7i h iliiy oi' SeiKeoiiie-. 1 .i iu lj o'clock in. ot ihat day, the Court bear said -e. ileiueni ; a II pei.-ons i iieie-li d .'.il ap'.Ci:: a. hi- oiiice ;a the city ol" I altsijovi,'.i. tovea under lay hand 17. h .hivnt Aie.-ust, 1S..I. W1L1.1A.M I. HACK, jiuglawd'5. Probate Judije. TVoSi.itc Police. office of pr.ouATK corr.T.i Pl.AITSMOl' I II. ' AtlltUal ililll. lSii'.l. On 1 bis da v ejines A. Caituiehael and makes ai'plieaiinn for an Ai!ii'"iii-. ie ior to be appoint ed on ihe esiaie oi" Saui'-iel .1. lto.-s. deceased, hue of Weeri':- Water precinct. Cass county, Nebraska : me Com t owlets ilia: on he 50th day Sepiemiier. l-.i'. at iiio'clo'k. i;i. of that nay. in the eiiy of riatlsuiouth. al his office, he will hear and t'.cici aiine the same, an-' :1! pe:sons i-.-terested inav uppenr and tile then obieetioiis if any : am! a i.-ii;i iiier order lliiit tills notice be puMi-Iie-1 i luce weeks in the NEr.n.tsK.t li Ki'At.n. In t. .-I inianv wlitrpof I have set tnv hand ili'u loin Aniti-t. ls.'1'.i. WILLIAM 1. tiA!K. au-I'.'n t, l'rol 'ite Jud?c I i ..iit! : v. a '.-a ii.: : r!:e -:: ri S. "m: el !' ., i ' ! j i Hi. s.'i I ilr' I'oi', b I ' I a oil . he -"' Il ea v . .'' .'. el. A . 1 1. ISt.;1. I he s;.i.! i'li '. l. -oil lo ..!,ii,t.i, ( tbi foil. e.viti i'i .'-d l.'.'i c-.a.c. sboaie I Sa un-b,"-- n.i'iii . , S.a.i' ii. N ' i . .-k.i. .ii -.ve: i I Lots ten il .. cicM .: .1!' a..-1, C..eive I-'-. in I i.lork No. ; v ;:"iv-:'-' hi 'i'-'. a.; -hiialei' raon I til.' rcciirdi d 'dai '! .be i ovn of .-s!i!.im: ' li.l - ' ! mi l ly i- i'O i V 1 1 '- '. : .1 i ;.a i j i pit: -e oire o ! -a id i t coll. r.'lc! ct s '- iic"rl,d;. i. .' i. on ibe 1 . ii day j of April. 1 '''". ' :. -.d ildnr ; '..'n;..t j ycc, an-i .-a '..'" : il : .r .- " ' f'a' ' i.'ie: that si U ei v. ".i .'. .' '. i'e.-i bi- I j I r i:i .-ii io ilro odanl . nu i ' ba ! di I'm d o . ,' r b i i.l.'i'ii 'i' jl:r .1' ! -ii li .'''. I 'M. '', i i oil ver -oil j deed !o phe'lO'.'. aii.l i'.'V. coi-i .1 ': .; -aiai'i i 1 en ill 1.1 : ill i Yl .. "d 01 i"" i h:-1 t'lc . ' a a i :!'..' I Ki -'.'-' may In ! led ihe ti ... e.-.a- u'e , j nti.'. deliver io plain 1 i"'.' : vo..d .'"id . u.l'clrut j ilrc.i in ih e si mole 10 -a ' c; I es.e.o. i . lid liie ah! . a . 1 -id ' i '. - i- noi - .ii"l Ih. i be i - 1 'i ii i i v -1 i - i :. ; 1 ; 'a : r 1 1 : . .; -.' p:-:'.i:".i 0.1 ..r bc'i'i e . hi il da. .. : cm cm her. A. '. ' 1 - '". or the s; 1 " , I! h.- 1- ..e'l . .- i rue. a . id a ileal i'i- reJidei e I accord e . v. Tt. J-T'.l.r't. It;.-T. M. M net'F.TT, '.'-ai'i.' .:c'. . ti , ; 'Iu t r a. ..-- TA:iV .VKAK FORT lilTUIR. A IesnTate TliiefSliot Ikontl. Frotn the Pre?.-. rniin Ciipt. "Wilson, wliolias a ranch on tlie jn.niicr, no:tr Fort liutler, and who avus in t!ie city &ititnltiy cvfiiiiiv, we o-et t!ie jiarticulnrs oi' tin? killin.r of a desj:rate tliici'iiear Jjitt'e lilne ttitiun. Tl:c name of this man was Yroui.m. He luid stolen a horse, two t;;ivs find two calves from the vicinity of Horn Creek. A nunihcr of men went to his j iac-t! on Saturday niidit, the Ttli int., to arrest liim but he drove them on" with his rifle. In the leiiinin:r of the no.vt ve c-k an other arty, coiiios.'d of.). Tlinrhs, Ceo. K. Cadwel!, HohertC'n.'nklew, Win. Hii2,hes5ind Jictinwr, ofllock Creek, wi.-nt !r 'roin:in. They found hi:-late ha! ital ien doM rted. 'out ;rot en his track and followed h'mi ii.rty-five miics. On W'et.ne.-diiy cvenir.";, 11th inst., h-unnis-ii..tr where he would jirol ao'y lialt ft ir the ni;.ht, the li.irty went int ) am-m.-l!. Sure eipiiipilt lie f icl at the jioint .111 tit ioa'.ed arid hefore lie h;'.d time to diy- cover the presence or an i-nemv, liie t.ar- tv ro.-e uii iiopi their hid i;r place :inr: 1 (Icnianiieo. his sun-civter. Jii-reai.l ot snrreiideii'! he seized his rifle and was ah-mt to fire when Jict.sinircr, seeiiijr that one or more of the pursuers would he sacrificed if an t-.Toi t to take h'nn alive was made, rai-ed his own lille, and firing shut rontan tltrouuh the body, kiiiini' him instai tly. His luily was taken up and l.urieu at Hebron, deilerson County, near Kort liutler, where the State troops weep -tatioiii d. Vroman's wife and six children were with him at tin; time lie w;is killed, and were brought back to tlie settlements by the narty of j ur-ucrs. The wile declared that if they bad fjiven her husband a chance 1;3 would have cleaned out the whole party. He was extcn-ivcly armcl. having two heavy r feaiin rifles besides a ptiir of larze re volvers. He was known to be a asper ate haraeter and the citizens of tin? IJItie alicy do not mourn much over his tak imr off. 4ioot.v 5:r.l Tom." The f il'owin'r pood story is told on Senator Murphy. While he was on the beach at Lou;: JJrauch, in tins costume of Cathcrs, he was a-ked by a lady of disiiition to assist her fin the surf. A hat followed is thus related: "The Senator .lumped at the opportu nity, and taking the fair lady by the hand, led her out into the watte.', pro tectm.'1; her fiom tha under currents and somoi iup's tlati-erfiits w;:ves. at the.-aine time li.-tenliivr to the.io;,viiis exclamations, .such as ''.Oi. how delightful !"' It is m dee l delicious !" ele., eic. After sett -n.tr thioi!.:li with bathing ar.d payiier the Senator the fifty cents, whi.di is the retr- u!ar price charaei d bv tl, (yit.'iina Kit'it , one. ot whom she supposed the cuator was. she said to him: "Well, sir, I wish you to barhe me every day at eleven o'clock ; what name shall I call you when I want you ?"' "Tom, madam; I will wait on veu with pleasure." Soon nf- teiwards the tadv met the t-enator in th i pa; lor. Site saw nor mi.-taKe. an-i. i!u-di- i rdy kit th,3 room. Jio'.vevcr, met Iter at tip 'JoL'l Inriiby, breakfast table. a:i.i leti'tiveu her r'Tnhat ;i s-ment IT in hi--m. Ma i mmt i't!!. a ip vh-iy, J in nobody l ilt ! d hope you v. iii c;td for me at eleven Ij'ee.t. Watven. at Jerusalem, reports tin ialeresting d.iscovery near tlie pool (cisje; 111 of l;otli.--da. In an acjoiirog ca-iUn be fo-.eid three cist ai us. wirit sipad npenings at t he sit -.fare ofi ii: earth. Two of tbe.-o. 'ii ex:ip:iia: ;on. were found to be ordinary water-tanks, but the third, ten feet lw'ow the soil, term inated in a smtci ehamVav, the floor of vhieil Wit - COVei I 'd depth of lli-ce fi'i f. lie.-iiitn wico. 1 aIt ut this chamber coipit with waler t ie ( hi 'ighting ;i map V:ii 1 t-'i found that 1 woo an 1111- i men-e li.iu. v.f'-e e;tii lovls ot an lies re- ! lidle! -1 him f ih (':;. he-i:al of (.!: lev;;. Jt was a ;.;:! m 1 ancient rr.-crvnir. si:i!ihr to tho.-e in Ci i..-:aiiitP :le an 1 lan 1' iirtiier inve.-tig.fdiin i-la'V.-il tiiat there was a direct eoniiiinn'catioti between it aiel tliii jiool of I.ol hesilti. Tlu' following i ; the p-a er one;: offered Klder Knapp iu beha'i'of S. I. Iiiittan. ihen a l'niver--aii-t.iii':ilsier tit I Jr'.d -report : ""Lord, shake the Univetvalist prearh'T over Iiell ! Ilidvlle him over the led embers! Smite him ! Scud aa awful tremor owr hiin ! Fill his soul with hor ror, tint he may frighten Ids followers buck fiom daiiinatio:i !'' Cireinn.tti bov named Calvin dorter. ! while tiip. hi'.' in the canal, a few days j siree. pot what he thought a very rroni ' i-i-g bite. He cautiou-ly drew in his i line, when h' found on t lie honk n i;i;d i tie b- i". which he opened and fovnd to ; cohtt.in SUD in silver, stfd in greenbttcks. i au.l two gold rings, worth about tr'Io A -ea weed, found abundantly on the coast of France, i- now used in that com try lor clarifying beer, as being ! nun more economical and Potter . uited tati'- purpose than gelatine. Ir is s:ii 1 that one ounce of the mucilage exti aete 1 from this sea weed by 1 oiling, will clar ify two hundred and fifty gallons of beer. It is stated that Mrs. Senator Ilamsey. who is represented to be a very leaiittful woman, and is now in i ans with her husband, recently '"drew the critical i gaze of no less than Dore himself." Xow. who in thunder is Iore? is he any better judge of a good-looking wo man than the rest of-us? The papers tell of a woman who lias married twenty-two successive husbands. Also of another woman wlo has Kett married twenty-five times. Doth the-e women insist that the women are still not as much given to 11 an cing as the men are. They point to lirighani Young, and say there he's been married oftener than both of them. A swarm of boos lit on the front of a locomotive 011 a Vermont railroad a few da ys ago. and the engineer not daring to Uisturh tliem, they got a free ride into Canada. Stetson, of Ijonir Erangh. can jtickyou ont the Eoston man l y the manner in which lie holds his knife, tin; Ealtimore an by the way he jieels Ids j otat.Hs, and the Washiugtonian from his eating the whole of the poiato. skin and all. A Ss'otcli cieryman has been lecturing his congregation on the obscivane-e of what he calls the "baleful memory" of limns. I lis sin, in the clergyman's ejes, was his fondness of whiskv. Brigham Young's last proposition is a legislative -'stunner.'' He proposes to confine himself to one woman, if every mciuber of Congress will do the same. A hymn book, a tooth bru.-li, and above nil. a mosquito-net, are the solaces 1 iwfu! in a New Jersj- camp meeting. j -The OiiihI oftli Earlh," Ifweburv a thermometer fifty feet below the surface of the earth, the mer cury will remain at the same point the year round, in winter and suncner, show ing that the intiiicnce of the sun does net reach below that depth. If we carry the thermometer fifty feet lower, the mercury will rise one degree, and will lise in the same ratio for every fifty feet we a down. It an be easily calculated at what depth all known substances will melt. This would not exceed fifty miles. It will thus be seen that the crust or solid part of the earth is execedintrly thin, in proportion to the diameter; ip.it so thick as an erjT-shell, in proportion to the size of the coir. With a crust so thin, constantly cooiin arid prodncinr a press ure upon the internal masses, it is not strati; -re that the In.-ds of oceans should be elevated and form dry land, and con tinents should sink and form the lieds of oceans:. Lav;:e mountains have been el evated in a simde day, ami whole cities have i wen sunk in tlie sat ie space of time. Hie sidj of a volcanic mountain once broke away, and tlie livid masses flowed out. fonnin.tr ti river twelve miles wide, which in its course melted down nx hills six hundred feet hi.ir'i, filling up valleys six hundred feet deep, and soread- in.tr over a .stir square miles. ace of eleven hundred How to ?io;isure ZIosc. T went into a shop the other day to buy what tlie drapers call 'V'-nts' hose." A sinilin;' younr lady was behind the counter; and when 1 had made an ap peal to her to show me some socks, I wa somewhat doubtful wn it course of action on .jlit to pursue in ovder to dem ons! rate to her the lenu th of my f tot. As I ai i it i it a burle.-fjue wiiter. it was clear that I could not lay my foot on the counter and say ''with ail my soie ;'' nor could I ii:r;" 'hrase Pibden's .Jack Tar. when he spoke to the dancer who "so iL-.ihiiiy handled her feet." Tiu little woman, however, speed iiy removed mr first perplexity, thouvh only to plun.tre ine into another. "Will you," said she, "please to double un your fi-t and lay it on the counter ?"' I replied that 1 did not want Jov, but soel "And I want Jo take your mea-ure.'" she said. '"Ibtf." I urtrcd, "it is the mea-ure of iiiv foot that vmi reouire." '"Yes," she rcput from d. "and I can pet it equally as well vour hand. Once round vour cleiH-hed fi.-t, tit ie knuckles, is the length of your f ot." And s!ie took the measure of my fist, and I took the socks on the faith of the danisid's represent ation ; ; she wa n:l. in due course. I. found that quite light, and had fitted me lo a ntcetv. MIi.-.i AiSerl tlie TcIoi.-n;!i ? Ptitinp tlie ford.'.ht which ended last S.i .'unlay nittht. tlii; teleniph l.ne be- ! twecn here and Chicapo was so myste riously into; icred v.tin so tlutt no mes- ipe couM be sent, aud disi;'.tches were sent bv wav of Racine and Sav una. At first the tumble was lai.l to hili water soieew here, but aficrthe various siretuns had sulisid.ed, the trouble coniiiuud the same as be fme. To the .lay time, how ever, (lie hue worked as veil as t ouul be desired. Al'ter a week of . carch for the c-Mi-e of the bicak, it wa d'wm eied !at r ro.av even ie ni t oe sh.-i'ie ot a long ir on roe. whieu aii;i:torar is: placed ti- tiin t the ".vires tipon (i'i;;ip: his wo k. ed. j ie1 i' i was ;.);,. wii v.'iiila-'i well eliou.: w.i: i"l v!i-it a re '! j.i.'-a! of hi-- win ki.i. in trouble himself a 1. own. ami I ue wire s. Ihe miner was ion of such ii dis ioiiis would re.-e.'t we!! to i ne te e- raidi company. I le wa- v.f te !.' amazed ; at the power of i;is 101' overtne wires, Mi I auu t;-.oi(-ut tli;r telegrapli wa-a -n ghty j ti-taie thi..p to !'" stho.iped !y the likes lo that lod." J)u;:j'4. t (Imni) (Sn I zi:t: 'Id Art. aita:'.-- K'ltir ! I-'iesj Ilr"! Ivn noigthat there is ;i misiuider.-.tirid-i:ii: and eot;-( (f.ti io di--;; i ' h t'on as to action of tin: State tloa:-! ' A g i '.'-.i'ture, as to ;n". uiltoiis f r s;n i-d. I iti.-i;c to sav t tiit wii.le tlie Jlear-'t we e I'li.-in'moi's in ilecbiiing to offer ; renliunis on I'i-' hor-es. or in oiiier words on speed, it was equally i!ii;i!iimotts iu agreeing to offer every pos-si'-le accommodation to removable liorse meii who desire to erthil-it. and ie-t ho: ses as to sjieed. I therefore announce that till sitcli will be welcomed. ;md t'i;tt all de-ired acconimodatii.ns a-id ciuive- ; tiiences will be a'finled. th or entire sat ' isi'aetiou. The track wii! f-ee when j not in u-e by the So-.:ie;y .-aliject to its i niies, and the control of its officers, j Stalls wii! be provided on the grounds j fir till stock. Judge Mason, whose farm ! is adjoining the Fair d rounds, and IIo j race Monroe. Liveiy-inan. iii the city, j two zealous hor-emcu, wii.; render partic 1 ttlar assistance and acc-otniiiodatioiis to tl:o-e Idinmg siocK troni a ili.-tttnce. 11. W. Ft UNAS, IVes't Sate IJoard -griculture. A 'oli"Oii i'l'liitfr. For the benefit of tho.-e Democrats whoce.n see no merit in amen who is black, and who mostly take ti good deal of stock i i IJrick l'omeroy.s' aper, we quote tlie following from a recent issue of that man'sjournal : "We once employed a black mr.n in our office as a printer. In our oiiice at La Crosse we have set type by a black man. have worked a hand press to his rolling, and have rolled to his working many a day; have washed our hands and f ye in the same printer's wash basin, wiped on the same towel, and drank with the same dipper time after time. And we paid him his wages ; called him a friend, and would to-day do more for litui than for many hatf-and-hflf printers we know. I lis name is Joseph Taylor. He learned the printer's art in dalena, is tlieonh- black printer we ever saw, and is a good printer, who minds Lis own business, and held a position in our office on his merits. Tlie Chicago Jom-.tui takes the fol lowing cheerful view of the situation ; "A good fall trade many declare it will be an unpreoedentedly large one waits to follow the harvest home, now near ending. There are no aspects of a panic. We shall have a good viol 1 of other e-e-reals, and of corn more than enough for speculative gambling. From till parts of tue country i dviees reach us to this ef fect, and a few weeks more will see us in the mid-i of bu-y times. Feir this our merchants are preparing, and the voices of ihe croakeis wiii be lost iu the din of active trade. The real estate men are making ready lor fre-sh activity in tlie fall, and ihe prospect is not an encourag ing one for the views of those who have suited down something wherewith to buy after the paide, for there is to be no panic. 1 iimi. m nmm mm Mr. McDonald, the well known Fculntor, to whom was given the making of the bust of the late James T. Uraddy, has also the order to furn'sh nn couestrian statue of tho late dcneral N. Lvon, of 31issouri, at a cost of s.'IO.im'm.), deneral Grant's sense Ilctieence. IilTIeu!l-s cf r.diton.. Tlie rruth is an editor cannot step with out treading on someltodies tries. Tf he expresses opinions fearlessly and frank ly, he is arropant and presumptious. If he states facts without comments, he dare not avow his sentiments. If he conscientiously refuses to advocate the claims of an individual to office, he is ac cused of personal hostility. A jacknapes who meaaures off words into ver ses as a clerk does tape, by the yard hands him a parcel of stuff that jinnies like a handful of rusty nails and a pirn let, and if the editor is not fool enouph to print the nonsense "Stop my paper; I won't patronize a man that's no better judge of poetry. ' ' As if it was patrnnape to buy a paper at about one half more than so mii'-li waste paper would cost. One murmurs because his paper is too literary another because it is not liter ry enouph. One pnuubles because the advertisements engross too much room ano-her complains that the paper is too larpe, he can't find time to read it all another complains that it is too small, even if the price be no more than the cost of a chew of lobacoo or a pinch of snuif or says a lady, it wont make a .sleeve pattern. One wants the type so small hat a microscope would be itnlis pensible in every family. another threat ens to discontinue the paper unless the letters .are half an inc h long. One old lady offered an additional price for a paper that should be printed with such types as ate used for hand-bills. Kvery stibserila r has a plan ofhisown for conducting a journal, and the labor of Sysiphus was recreation when compared with that of an editor who undertakes to please all. In a thouputful letter from llichmond to the New York Time - we find tite fol lowing political production; If one may look to ls7l! he may see a Republican parly in Virginia hcailcd by Riildwin. Stuart, Rice. Wickham l'lou;- nov. Jelmutuls, t liandier ami others. with the Richmond W,,). a i.aper whtch i or. hef.iooed to be both deaf and dumb, has proved itself the most far-sighted i :m, n t, wav :,rm.ved the vender ;f and powerful political journal in the tt10 :li0.t Memphis lepers no little. South for its organ; and a Demo,-rane or j j j.,,, !!(.ws';)llV -sed on. but the utifor Oppositiou party, with ise, 1 lu.Cer, ; tututfe ioker never spoke a-a'n. When Ould.Jtr.d otliei-s, represented by the Km- 1C iK'-a!i to reaii.e the extent of his mi- qiiuTi; the ao'est exponent ot those o.d ideas which those who wish "' irpinia well can ever de-ire to see obtain the ascend ency again. Thcro are two lessons in this election that may be studied with profit by the men of Mis-ipyii and Testis. First, 'the l khis of the white man enn- not be gained withou- those of the negro are jrr.tnted; and see-mil that the State govt rmnents and State politics of there constructed States are hereafter to be run by new men, and the old ones laid aside. Af! Ss Not Lost. The Milwaukee Si'nti,icl comments with good-humored sarcasm upon Mrs. Stanton's proposition that women shall dress like the men in all respects, and savs: i Rut we console ourselves with the ve ifecti mth.it if our t.ousers ave carried. ail w ill not be lost. Yv'e shall be mea 1 oiViv secure nnctl re'.e.'iteil ;'-".". it'ts have battered us down to the stat.io of women, wrenclied our beards, hoi-ted our bass voices into soprano, pared down our big feet and hands p.nd nose:-, eon- tract 1 our oifs's. am 1 pa '.ted our li ur ! tit I, .11 the in a iiia -hod, if we hair tit the The-e thing- accom I.ie induced to climb on ,il a. a o; a niou-e. air l a t tite unexpected ap--, the nietanio'-t.h'iis pearauce ot a s wii! he complete mercv of hi nod tide ve,. st.ot! f,. ..f le Mia 11 i;e .1 ie weniei a'.id C'i'iii elled il'l-l'- to sew ''ii outtoiis, and do other clis ttble things f ir women's wages. ' llev. Dr. Cuyl.T is quite seveie in last j week's Em ,ti H.1 upon the worn. 11 --nf-'! frago question. Ue says lhat "those who claim that elections wi's be more ! hone-d di; liiiieil ;tn t pu.0 WiK'.t :t!l sorts j of women come to (ho polls have some j tbingsyct to learn. Wfinian'spa-ticipa- ' ti in pelitVs, to a very oartiid extent, j lias never yei wrought this revolution. 1 When an el.-crioii was he'd ;u Kssex Co.. ! J. .1.. ttt whieli women vote. I. s(,iUc 01 tl e sha roost tricks weie p'iivcd. by 1 1; lair sex. For exitnr !e. ;-. certti in -da;y a few liours aftei- Jones came and voted; wards she c rds she changed her dress and oilered a second vote; when a-ked her name by the inspector, she replied, "I tun Mary Still." No Tammany "repeater" could excel that. Kmigration to Nebraska is quite rapid this year. Many Scandinavians are set tling in the region north and we.-t of Omaha, and lands in that direct "on have generally advance from $2 to -" nerae.e. On the 7th in-t. a large colony of Scotch f:o:n Novia Scotia, pre-empted a hun dred and seventy homesteads in one body, in Colfax county. They were Scotch Presbyterians, of the best material in the world to build tip a community, and brought with them a minister, physician and a corps of teachers. The natural wealth of the dreat West is an inex-hau-table theme. Successive inundations of scribblers have roiled over the Ii. ! 1. and yet eastern people often seem poorly ?"ibrnied upon the subject. J 5 tit a few u ys a letter was received here from a printer (?) in Michigan inquiring if "1 here was a pa per published in Omaha." llccft'i ityr. Tlie Int.v of n .'Inllier. She should be firm, geniie. kind, and always ready to attend to her child. She should never laugh at him. at what he iloes ihiit is cunning; never allow him to think of his looks, except to be neat and e'ean in all his ha its, he siiouh 1 tei icli l.i... i -. .1 .. .. I ... I.. i .. .!.... ... 1 11. 111 10 in io a i'.io., 10 iesiece muse Oil- er than himself; she should never make 1 a command without seeing that it is pe-,- i formed in the right manner. Never speak ot a child s faults or lm ,os. or re- peat his remarks t-oiore linn it is a sure way to spoil a child. Never reprove a child when cxciiod, nor let our tone of voice be raised when correcting. Strive to in-pire love not dread: lespcct not fear, lie-member you are training and educating a soul for Eteinitv. Tlie Advance says: "There is some thing wrong alx.ut the architecture of our churches, when they are so planned as to make the 'dim religious light' so dim that one has to read bv faith rather than by sight. Windows are getting ti lc but mere narrow lines K; twecn orna- j mentg 1 buttresses, ami tho light comes i through them leibbed of its cheerfulness I by having to pass throng li glass alto- j geuher too deeply stained. Wlem 1 churches have to burn gas if the day be j a little cloudy, a reform is needed, ami ' thev deserve, in that respect, at least, i the term of 'rilded and upholstered cav erns.' Why we should shut light out of them more than out of our dwellings is a mystery. '"Mamma!" said a precious little Iov. i who. against his will, was made to rook the cradle of his babv brother, "If'the I l ord has au- more babies to give away, j dtm't you take any of "em." Tl:e rrear Mono. Our couteiuporaryof the Af , of yes terday's date, asks for some informa tion coneeniinp this new patent stone, and desires to know if it has been used in any largo buildings in Cticago or else where. We are glad to be able to tell, from personal observation, that it litis been u-od iu first class buildings. While in Chicago, recently, we had an opportunity to examine it us put up by the Chica-jo Mutual Life Insurance Company in a magnificent new buiMiiur lately erected by them for a home office. Its appear ance is very handsome, being brown in color, and moulded to any shap and size desiivJ. It makes as handsome ti build ing asi'an be made of brown stone, and. we learn from gentlemen connected with this Insurance Company, it stands ail the ttsts of acids, beat and cold, and hardens with time. It promises to prove :i durable as granite or marble, and is ninth cheaiier than common lime-tone. ft it were not as good as any oilier, or a little better, the Mutual Life In surance Company of Chicago would not Use it. The insinuation that our State officers are interested in the sale of the Frear stone, or in the machinery used in its manufacture, is a piece i f purely graln icous slander on the part of of the A'.vr.s and will be so understood by the people. If the editor knows some) bin 's in this re gard to make him so jolly, let him tell it, or stand convicted again of attemp ting totraduce public officers without grounds for so doing. Pits. A 'i'.'.'i iF!" .idke. "We have been informed by a gentle man, who is beth truthful and intclli- irent. that a voitti r man h the i dpo. Kltlie of i . was ;ii; i t ii-i 1 1 v t ,! sirucK smi'iemv teal an i niuii". o-i tee le '.i mrtf to Memphis I- ii. . j i. . !th ultimo, wh from his place of residence, ltsee.es that cuit of mere sport, when the new l:iir ."iino :'iiiinl 'iiul nfrri'il him :i 11:1- fortune, lie 'got oil th train, bound for , 11 en DliH. ;it a-iusnus s ueooi, anii. lo'ii. Masons'. the first train that came along for Ik 11 s depot. ( )n the tiin he indulgv-d i'i loud lamentations and cries, as if sorely dis tressed. The affair excited intense interest among his lellow-passon.'tcrs, and on hts :irritil houie, so soon as he stent'".! oiir on the jiiatli'iti!. he .-el.-d a p ne'l r.nd a bit of paper from a citiz' n io the rowl. j'lid wrote, "struck dumb on ai 'i ;t of iny i'nVy ;'r and continued w. ep'i.,-r ni ltifist piteou j tones. It was at t!:is point our iiiformant saw him. and he states the whole community was stirred to its utmost depths by this unmistakable, vis itation; of the wrath of do b When young iloweli left that morning for Mem phis he could both hear and speak with out difficulty, and his loss of these senses, under the. circumstances. i a most as tounding bit i tcitt. A'.o"7A' 7V,cv. I.aitrns in 4'hur-!. Fiom the P. ine.-. on IIe nblh.a n. . A good story is told of a Presbyterian Church member, at Midden, t hat is too poo l io be lo t. It seems I hat the gen lioman. like many other pious individ uals we have heard of. had enni raided the nabti of propping up ior a quiet nap. during tlie time of the ministers most; earn"-! efforts to interest his bear ers io ma-tors pertaining' to the future. A lov Sundays ;io. the sleepy member aforesaid had prepared tor his usual re pose, and after the sermon commenced. showed signs of a visit, to the dreamy laud. The minister determine! to wake him up. and said in a loud voice that the brother was proverbial in nodding as sent to abuo-t every point ho made, but be feared lie ded not clearly understand the sub-o( t. The remarks occasioned a smile, but the deeper continued on bis journey, urtin; idfn! of paving event--. Ybe minister determined int to dismi-s the contest wl.h one 'gentle o Tort ; and I t' lei'eiiire -honied at the top of his voie-e, "lygzants, com-! was broken ; the fu The charm sle jumped as if t-hol, and run his dhow into a pane of pie, slam-bang! There was a moment's confusion an audible litter and ihe sei moil ).: oeecilcd wi'h a:i additional lis reuei'. The incident creates no little amusement tit .Maiden. Josh IJlllmgs. in an article on straw berries, says: "Cherrys is good, but they are too much like su king a marb.' with a handle tew it. Peaches is good, ifu don't get any of the pin feathers intu yire lips. Wiiteriinlons will suit omiy body w ho is sati -lied with half-.-weeteued drink: but th.e man wlio ken oat straw berries, besprinkled with eru-hed sugar and bespattered with kreain (at some body's else's expense), and not, lay biz hand on Iii stutiiuiuk and thank the au thor of strawberries and stumniuk, and the phellow who pays for the strawber ries is a man whe.-e mouth tastes like a hole in the ground, and don. t care what goes down it.'' The experiment which Kn gland is about to undertake iu the postal tele graph will be watched with iut'-re.-t here. The law places the telegraph lines com pletely iu the hands of the Postmaster dcneral. who is required to traii-mit dis patches on the same looting as letters, and subject to the same conditions, . i far as they are applicable. No rates of cither compen-ation or speed are iixed by the bill, being left, apparently, to the ui-i nil' 1 ine j um viiivv 1 vi discretion of the 1 n-t Oihee Department, wlncli is required, at tee end ot each 1 year, to exhibit an account ot rveeipts j and expenses belonging to the po.-tal 1 telegraph -evnee. Jloro Ills' 1'riiil. From all quarters we bear of prodig ious fruit grown in Nebraska this year. The latest s;ocimen was shown u- this morning by Mr. J. H. Masters of the ! Pioneer Nursery. He left with us an ; apple of the Coopers Fa rly White spe : oies which measured twelve inches in circumference and we ighed VI ounces. It was a per:eet beauty. He info: ms us that he has raised twenty-five bushels of this variety this year, and that it is a kind which will thrive on Nebraska soil and in Nebraska climate. i Int few years "will elapse when the importation of fruit to th's State will be like earn ing eoa's to Newcastle. Press, An innocent vountr man. reading an j advertisement that ladies' hose wore eoniing down still lower, wished to know win the wearers did not endeavor to prevent such a caJauaty by wearing elas tics. " Tlie office of Governor of Pennsylvania lias existed fbr eighty years and has Ix-en filled by sixteen men. It is a notioab'e fact that every one of the occupants of the executive chair has lx-en a native, horn Pennsylvania 11. JliscrllaiK'oiiH. There was a wind storm in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday hist, which rolled a supar hogshead nearly a quarter of a mile along out; of the main streets. When friendship is to bo valued. Value the friendship of him who stands by you in the stone; swarms of. insects will surround you in the -unshine. It is reported that Rertth, the Rre yentionist will pro.-oeute the California, Silk-worm c:tltuii-ts for feeding their worms mttlberrie; A little over a without cream. ton and a third per acre is tlie average yieiu 01 nay in .oas-sachu-otts, and no State cuts as much from ihe same surface. The leader of a recent camp meeting in Ohio announced. "Tlie brother-in-law of I 'resident dtant will now lead us in 'tracer." Ex-Senator Lafayette S. Fo been tendered the Kent professi ler hits r.-hip :;t by the the J t.'e law scltool, vacated by the I death ofex-dov. Dtitton. j A 'li.vsicia.ii stopped at the doer of a j country apothecary, and inquired for a j pharm; eopo rt. "Sir, raid the apoth ecary, "I know of no ,-uc!i farmer living about thoe parts."' "Did you know,"' said a .cunning den tile to a'jew, "lhat they hang Jews and jackasses together in Portland'.'" ''In deed!'' retorted Solomon, "den it is veil datyoii and I i.-h not dore." 'o seeiets, Charles, dear, now that we are married: you know we must have no seeiets. So do. like a dove, hand 1110 that b. l tie of hair dye; you wiii find it in my dressing case. Stp-eoss in life is very apt to make us forget the time we wa-n't much. It is just so with a frog on a lump: lie can t remember when In was a tadpoie but otner ioIks can. C!p ."ries are so extremely Franco that thevare soid in Paris at four pounds for a pemioy. They an? called i "electors" bv the f'titiiitx, who. snhitend- 1 ed. is a very neat sarcasm on the cheap ness of votes. Two (lermatis. named Well pier and dios-hardt indulged in a shooTing a'liay over a woman at a ball in Lottisviile on j Tri'sday evening. Neither was injured, j though an out sider received a ball in his j baud. j Th" clergvnten of Philadelphia are on a strike. Tv.vu! -..i it o t .on have ; .. 1 re.-olvi'd not 1 a d.lV, U'ee s a phv "nl l'diier:ils 011 Sim- ' i-ian .-avs the burial on ! . t . . "i that u.r.' is unavoma 1,1,, I The belle at- Saratoga, thi. a Soani. ii '-ill. from Madrid, si':i-.o 1. 1- 1 sv'eel -IX- . J teen iill ! a br. -ii 'l of st.inip c.fn t six in- t-!l!C i'.l!gll-il and her foot is only clies iu b ooth. It takes just; both her feet to make one foot. ; Tin; cattle in some iart of Surrey, Eng. has been attacked with an epidemic. of a contagious character. The disease I is said to be of a siniular type to that which preceded the out break of rinder pest, in June. Ist'.o, and ii is spreading rapidly through tin; country. A Madri 1 paper, IV Pr.h!.; has, r, v tlie division of parties in Spam, a remark t which is not devoid o. son-': "1 he ( ;ir lisisb.ave a Eing-.tlie Ltibolli-ts :: Oueen; the Alion ists a Prince; the Cnioui-t a I'ttke (..MontjMMisier); but the progression!-Is. iiiit-l have neither duke, nor lii'iip-c, nor queen, nor king! The ston- of t'ne " ii ova! de i 'g-"' without its terrors, was enacted at tic; Wapping -locks. London, on the lid in-t. A ves.-el which had ju-t araived from Lembay was being bailed ol!" from the quay, when her cargo shifted, causing her to roal over and sink. T he few men on board managed -to escape, without serious injury. Tlie Canada Fanner sayis that the natural course ol ;etation cfoes not 'e: hatist, but rather enriches ihe soil, by el.ni cited plant fool, and ro-toriug it to tin land in decayed vegetable matter. It is the artificial method f crops anil reiinrinj them eutir the land, wit hoot any ret urn, h:ui-ts or impoverishes. '. l owing ly fro! 11' that ez- There re so well : adapted to street and lawn is the ni iple, either T 1 i . ' . .1 ... hard or soft. Tl if. il llO maiie; is ni sen, growth but when to the soft varietv rowu it is preferable- The e!u tree is also valuable to the street. Smith Abi'tglon ma nu fact ere rs cut more tacks, shoe nail- and shoe tacks, acording to its population, than any other place in the Foiled S.ate-. Two of the most modem mills to be found in the world for this bratn ii of manufactur ing aro ! oca toil there and in fttii oporar.ou. An immense oronze ca-tnig. hi-lral- ing scenes in the life of Com. a .im.l'.'i - bill, which is the largest casting in the world, a. el which wi i co-t SH. !. is gelling into place over the on! ranee of the Hudson lliver llailroad freight de pot. They have a new grain in Paradise A'alley, Cab, grown from seed taken from be crop of a wild swan. it is Ic sciilied as In big like a cro-s of wheat an I lye. with h a Is from ten to twei.e inches in K tig,':!, .-nd yielding at ibe Kite of J0' btlsbi..).- IO li-" a,-u. ; Our devil says that it seeni n- nat'iral for business men to pro-per- who adver tise as it does for young married people t.i say that they have gained eighty poi nds after they have com e bom.; lVe.ni their wedding tour. One of ihefa-bi'";: ib!? churches of Now York, which tried to draw a crowd be having handsome young ladies act as u-bcfs. lias been Loeghed out of prac tice. The church go;, to be known by the name of the church of tite holy wait er girls. i A eoun'ry girl ro b; in'o New Albany, Indiana, to do some shopping. Wh- n the e'e'k a-ked if there was anything obe he could do for her, be w.i- amazed by the reply. "Oh. n , sir; unless you will be kind enough to go out and milk the old ma re, for 1 rode her from home without the colt. A California Chinaman having Ix-on shown by his mistre-'s how to make a pudding containing three orgs, but hav ing seen her throw one bad egg away, cool initeil f.rs months after, whenever ie mane the j'ud.ling, t u-e lour eggs, regularlv locating, cxanumug. ,1,,'-. and throwing one away as he had seen her do. Di-n Marble tells a story ri bout a Yan kee tailor dunning a man for the amount of Ids ! i'i1.. Tlie m in said be "'was sorry, verv son-v indeed that be could not pay it." "We'll." said the tailor. "1 took you fir ti man tlutt would be sorry, but if you are any sorrier than I am, I'll quit. ' 1 Among the obituan notices of a coun HAJ''IIi IU. iii'lliuu.l il'.Lil-v-i ... ,1 i.''..:- y pa per. we recently noticed the lb-How-ig: "Mr. Willi.-, ji Say re, of our vib try ing lace, aged oightv-three. passed peaceful ly on last Tuesday ever." tig from single blessedness to matrimonial bliss, alter a short but sudden attack I'V Mrs. Lticre- t"n Stoke, a blooming widow of thirty five. ' : M.yslerituiH Iliijitrino T n il ixrn l il:niliii-rf! It Ih I'.JOUKllt tio wijh fauSI.T l'i.JI Uii. A citizen of Hamburg, well known iti this city; but whose name we cannot now call t mind, is missing under strange circumstances. The particulars we learn from one of his neighbors. On Monday last w hile on his way home from Council Llufl's, accompanied by h;s wife, the train stopped at the depot on the opposite side of the river; he stepped into a grog shop and partook of a glass of beer, at the same time asking two rough customers who were lounging about the room and who pretended to know him, "to take a drink." Several classes of beer were taken the train started taking his wife to Hamburg and leaving him w ith his new found a -on iint ances. At the time he entered the sa loon, he had with him sixteen twenty, and two one dollar bills, making al together three hundred and tweu'y-t"- dollars. About in hour after the t.-aoi loft the three started out for a w t 0- nothing more was the saloon keeper, night, when the seen of the party 'v until ten o'clock thai "bummers" return - I and called for in ore with a S--'0 bill. beer, paying f r it Ihe saloon-kce oe thought it strange, as tbev had been about his house for two days and n oer exhibited money to him before. Af'er drinking, the two started off, since wl-.i-U time nothing has been heard of any of them. A""" flow F:r i.'ov.ti u lliver .tiny -'o. The greatest de-dh to whii h a diver ' can de-eelid well tlie ,'Mvate-t ajip.i.e" - s ' of safety i about one hundred and - t v I fee' . and. for I Id-, a bunch of hnodid weigh' - m i-l be disposed about his o.., Miu. Tic-ave age depth tit which he can work eon, fo; i a'oly is aboni nie;v' feet, which was ri-Ti r the depth a' wh". Il the ope : 1 1 "on s upon !io I loyal d."! -,o v.eie io'pbt"t''d. Li t hi; waler, f. in sixtv to .-e'i y fee deep, the men can work for two Iruu -nl a time, coming tip for a too la'niC"--' rest, and doing a day's work of -iv, or seven hours. An Kngli-h diver, euca-e l i-i one of Sii lie s di'e.--ci --, weiil down .01 ihe M ",1'lyn a ne.iu I o a depth of one hundred and sixty-live f.-.-i, aii.l remained there fu- twcii.c-live min utes: and we have hoard I h it df en. the Aieeiic ni divec in-poeiel a wii" k i j 1 . . i.i..,- ..r- 4:... in one 01 tnu c an 10, .01 i.iues, ,n. me de'pth of on' huti lied iin 1 s -venty pact; but h:s c-iei i.-nce was e io.igh to oo'i- vi!P-e luai tint h" could not wot ic on n; Without t ail'.er ol l:le. At lilts ileotu U Ibis .. . , ine Dies-toe o. i aicriiii in.: ii ihos 1- .-.7 pre g.vai as to loice t lie iiio.ei to in" iie.ni and biing on fainting fits, while the rcq-ui-ite volume of air inside the dres-. 10 re-ist t!;e outward pre-sure of ihe While", isso preatth.it it would speedily so'io eale. .Means have been trn-d to obviate these difficulties but f r the lue-i'ii' a 1'. .'. 1 I ..... . ,.f 1,. lluo.vli.nl li. 11 liirli I 11111:1 11 ilS ticc 11 SCI 1 ' . Ill" V A IV HI. " i man may pi-net rat-.; the secrets of the i deep. An ingenious Ita'ian wo. !. ncin i ha-bro-r. h: to lingl 10 1 a so:t of .oemr s.-s which woiii'l re -i t tl In; in i! Oof i'lP-ei'S ill"!' but nm1 suI.pi ir ne cir nU 1 ii- ,1 t thi is wo uld Dot O tVlit it t he iiiiciin "es a lsing 110m ine 111110s i to human eiii'tir.iU' ae. ViuilM It l arrfi-Usl. At the requ '-t of P.rotighton aH.ts T.;: ton. we called uion loin at the ja'i this week. lie wished to make semi: corrections in regard to the statement- eon-crning him publi-hed in l.i-t week's paper. Fiist, that the amount said Id have been "cabbaged" by him when In; K:ft Wi-eo'i-in three years ago. wa : only Si,. "00 insiea I of SI. s:; M. and that it, was stolen from hitn. He d'd not run off with it, ti"r even intend to. Second, that his first wife, now living in Wi em-.-in does ; di-M-rve the sympatl.v oi'the public; that she did not treat bi.u as a wife should, and they agreed to s. j. I'a'.e. Did not apply for a divorce, on :u-fir,ie cf his children, of whom le; had li ve two married. That he did mi . 011 -id -liim i'!f bound to her a-.iy longer. ;t:i I mai'tied again. Hisseeoti 1 wife '..' t b- -f ue he m.irrie d the one in this ooitn y. lie is sorry for what he has (loir- ; we s 11 girly di-1 raeted by his funiiy f -ouble the iii g. lit be started off with l!e- iixpi.i-s money, an 1 liar 11. v ktiew what !i .'i,J d ting. Has no clear knowledge ol' wh t he did do at that time ; cannot say how ever, lhat he was aet;t:;!ly er.i;. done all ir. bis power t.i make rest fbr tin: money stolen, but IrvdV o any meiey from the law be ha- :' i l'j rctiuestel us to note the en: ; has icPlU ,!'.'( -' ' :e.(. ': iri iia v: have : le.-,. ,-'s ;t unit ter o! usiica; to lien. d m"so, but hanlly tbn.k any bea'.ing in his ea-; Ik (nti 11 ni . 111 I'riSitcnnt to O'.'ttii. We are informed by (.'.apt T. N. from a I iiomas. who Ikh his autipiri reluible man re-iding in the locality n nneil, that a Mrs. difTord, residing in the north put of Marion county, was .so frightened by t'ne great eclipse as u first 1 lose her reason and finally her lit';. At the beginning; 0 the ec1i;-e .'he w.u i.' l.oi:ie ;d ine, with the exception of a, child four weeks old. She had not he.tr 1 that th oi; was an and being natural! 'itise to take pl.c-e. ol'a ip-rvous temper- anient, was great i.v Lightened at tie event. In her i.g-r .r she seized ipt I'r -i'i.-child, i.nd wiih it fled to her near i-r. n -ighbor's, wlio-o house is at quite li tau'-e from her own. When he ar rived th'TO, her re.a-on was gone, at I her bo Iv in a convulsive fit. A phy-iei:"i wns calli-d as speedily a- i)i-.-ible. Tin; .liH'tor at onee pronounei.-l her incurable. he nnger:.. I abmg until the Uth inst.. when she 1 .1, died, without s(:cov?rirtg h -r rc-a-on. This case may seoia very singuV.r at first thought, but wh?n we eon-ider the fact of the tcrrilyiog phenomenon coip'oi upon ;i lone and nervous woman. :ii w.irue 1 of it s approach, we earmot ". in sider it very remarkable. We mil-' member that ignorance Kill jyrevaib .'! over the; land, that there tire 0. . :. I many people who do not take the o -. -paper;, arrl plenty of folks who d m-t read the jdmanaes that are given teem. A MtLi-' It '..V' r. Iowa will send more wheat to r ki t ties year th.01 ever before. Tin; n v. .:. e yield per acre throughout tho State. 1 1 a; aL has sevenths 'renter b n.s miti-h year, and the e.i-lth sic ! make the total toiai oroun.oi 111ns vear "' i oiie-lonrt;! greater than i:s anv ie'". - ; year. So s i.s the oilitor of tne r r i-" i'gister, who has taken palps to p:i'.i i jiiformati'.m in re.-jiect to the crop-' t.o u ail jiarts of the State. A lady in New Ii.-dford having oral tiri'e.s recently r. p. p.; a rod iu !. It neatly diesst d iu calico, the St-i ."' p.rinted in that jIace, .-ays it w. .:.'.! be 1 tit i rely safe to lend money to ib. fo b;md of such a woman, it so ; ; however, that tins fortunate liu-1 ' . a woniati like that is never i- ; '. ' - ! the humiliating necessity of vei'ii'.".. ' ' narrow. ii ,.'l e J 1 1 ,- V I pj i . i I 1 ::aa ntiiit i,mn imin n