WHAT in nil vjn- V :. ' i : I I 1 4 ;1 i . t ' i i J t ; V H.. .-f '. i I I: H ill iji i in in i Jtl .V Ion.-.'. If.in. tn:i!it V:iiikee tntoro-l n 'iii-.- stoi-j.unl r.-k.l: ''lit.1 jou the drtii.'- "Well, ye., I .uii)o;v so, I sell. the drucs." "Wal hev yon got any of this here seentin' KtufT rn the gals j.ut on their haii-ikcrchers?" "Oh, Ye." "Wal, our f-;il is going to be married, and she gin uie a iiinopence aiil told nie to invc;-t the whole amount in seentin stuff, so's to make her sweet, if I could find some to suit: so if you're a mind I'll just smell round." The Yankee smelled around without being suited, until the druggist got tired of him, and taking dov.n a bottle of hartshorn, said: "I've got a scenting stuff that will suit you. A single droo cu your handker chief will last for weeks, and you can't wash it out: but to get the strength of it you must take a big smell." "Is that so .Mister Wal just hold on a minnit, till I get my breath, and when I siy neow, just put it under my smaller." The directions were, of course, follow ed r.nd the Yankee was nearly knocked off hi pins, but, recovering himself, he exclaimed: '"Chain Litening, Mr. Drugirer! is the top, of my litad on? Sal don't want noth'm like that; it would break un a camp meeting in ten minutes. You hain't got the right kind of scenting stuff." ALE ISSOURI WALLEY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. :o:- CAPITAL, - - $500,000.00 Dodging The Old Folks. A j-oung man in this city had been paying hi.s addresses to a prepossessing little creature, whose parents were stout ly opposed to her receiving attentions of this sort, believing her too young to mar ry. The suitor, however, like most suit ors under the spur of parental opposi tioncontinued to buzz around the dom icile of his love, and in due time secured the consent of the old folks who that it was a dead sure thing, any way 10 go on witn ttie marriage. Arrange ments were made accordingly, and, on a given day, the wedding, which was to be a private affair, was to come off. When the time arrived the family had in a few near relatives, the clergyman made his appearance, and all was ready for tying the nuptial knot. Just a.s the ceremony was about to begin, the young man re marked that he had something to say, and calling the company alwut him made this h'ttle .speech: "We are much oblig ed for this gathering on our account, but l''t iiic surest th:ithere is no necessity for any further business, as we were married three weeks ago!" The minis ter iiniiK diat. 'y took his hat and left, while the father of the girl, gazing upoii liis wife, ventured to reproduce" these touching lines: "This world in nil a fleeting-show. For man's illusion -riven." Iltrtfonl O'liriMit. 3Tr. Hich.inlson fells nf a California woman - whom he showed a twenty-five cent note of our postal currency, spec i mens of whLh ;.re rare in that hard money region. Fh,; tuniul it over and over with keen ntrioMtv. "It seems very strange to me that "this should be money," si,,, said; "it don't look like !' V1M7, "V,-:if 'l'1;'s it Iok: like?-' "Weil,' Ik sirati'irv and with the xit i;ist smcority, ' ir !;.,ks like a lal-c-1 lor an oy.-ter cm!" -:o:- G-E2STE:R,.A-3Lj OFFICE: No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. :o:- braistch: offices St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. OF STATE LOTS and LANDS AT MCOIiX, The Capital of Nebraska, ox- Thursday, Sept. 23d, 1889, AT lO O'CLOCK, A. SI. The nnder"icrned Commissioner nnnnininil k- nn Art of the Legislature of the s-tato of Ne braska, entitled An Act "To Prm-itl.. r.- u ?ate oi ino i nsoM l,ots ami mocks, on tho 1 own rue oi Lincoln, una lor the .Locution uud Ere turn of a State University, Agricultural College and State Lu natic Asylum," Approved February l-"th. lSti'l. will nn tli.it ilnv uutr iur suits ui auction TWELVE HUNDRED LOTS in the Town Site of Lincoln, said T.it holnir the odd numbered tilocks (the even numbered Lav- mjr f.reviously been sdd( of the lown. and eom prisine the most eligible lots in tlin nhiee Tho faid lot? will be appraised by the Commissioners anu coia to too inquest bidder over the appraise ill cut. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING. :o:- Divirieiuls on the Coiitriliutioii Plan, Terms Casli. The to will ttl?o tjo oflVreJ. ir s.il nt fh Bfim nine aooui THIRTY THOUSAND ACRES OF STATE LANDS, v.v4i& w w v ".uuiij auvoiiiagB iu fcUC policy a.0IQerS. known as Saline Londs. situated within an area oi ten mile? ot the Capital, said lands being the o: An a-c l 1:1,1 m I'liihulclpliia, wliosc , o'-' lv'"'i,:''I nwvs-arv a pravor lKok of Preat Azo, rw.tW pallet I -n jior inonls ,,n lu-r way t. cimrch, an-1 irHa ftartini a-ain. nnwlttniirlv iuccl up a music 1m,x iiit-- i.I of a prayer 1 k. Jiirui- tiit sacred tvivuioiiv, the oM Lulv sitfoinptPil t.. f.p.. I; .r pn,,vr baok.wlu-ii to her surpri au.l tho atiiriuiiu'iit of tue oti-ivir .'M.iii. tlio M.ifhiiK! struck mi aili'l ion;:'. '.v:ta great cleanio-.- I'atoa, ,;.-.:!..r:y f!ui,Viv to !va::i .pcoiuici!.- of real ino.s.-, but which re Siinpiy silir-ious i' irina'inns i)onctrat- 3In. coafa .in i-imjtij s-iii.-iuii- luriiia'inns j)onctr M with iron solution takirrr tlio fVn .f musses, vines, trees.etc. are futPi ! ;tvj tin- hue of the lrniin i'aeirie at puints lur two Imiiilred ui:les i'rom CIi"v eiiTr; westward. The hi no ani c-rcaiu aerates are the mn--t highly jrizeJ. REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : l.-t. This is a Western Company, managed Ly Western men, whose known finanaucial charac ter, ability and si;iun, afford ample guaranty fur it careful und suecesful uianasement. 2d. Its Polices are all non-forfeiting:. h1. Frcmium all vault. It receives no notes and gives none. Policy holders have no interest to pay, and no outstanding notci as liens upon their policies, 1th. UiviJends am' losses arc paid in c.vh. oth. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. 11- T. ll !! . 1 Aisrifusaro in iuo m est, wnere tnc mtc ol mortality is lower and the ra.e of Interest hiifhtr tb:ln in tlin "Pust bnnio Mm 4ifMttiwi1if ,. .1:..: 1 1 . .1 i- i. . " - u"iiuj ie policy aoiuer is greater taaa in any Ej.-tern Company. Tth. It has no restriction upon travel. Nth. Its dividends t.re made upon the contribution plan. 1'ih. Its Ltisintsj is exclusively lift; insurance. -:o:- A for.' Iay.? .-in-v. a WatorJ.un (C't.) la'vyer returned tu tl;e railroad aVent at that place oao dollar overpaid liiia in ma.ii'j: change. Fur a moment the a.'ci.t st'Mul speeclile-ss-:; then, as the tears poured down Ids checks, he :ra.-p-h' lt hand and escliiiiued: '"I'l 'ttse .-t;ind btii! one moinent, sir, and let me look at yoa and a lawyer, too." The Century Plant in liochester is rio.v nearly sixteen feet hiidi, has fifteen arms or flower st.ms, the larret of which is one foot. There are over one hun dred huds already formed, and mam more will pi ohaMy appear soon. All these will in time hecome Hossom. Anna Dickiasoi "is described hv a Sac ramento correspondent a?? havin? "won derful eye.s like the ox-eyed Juno." She rod. a coaMderahh; di'stanee, durinir iK-r overland journey, on the engine. Ili'imr ox-eyed, we presume she rode on the cow earcher. SUiult r. Lttok on slan-ieicrs as direct cnetnie.s to civil society; as persons withoat honor, honesty or hum:inify. Whoever enter tains you with th faults of others, de- sien.s to serve yon m iu r. Are ;h accumulations of interest r pon prenaums paid, hence the Company that loans its assc l.T.:..l. ...-. r:-. . . i lUu uijiiri Lucre.-!, can j-'o e you tae largest dividends, tastcrn companies inv-.-,t their moneys t ti percent., while this makes its investmenu at twelve per cent, or more. Tl, .. .i. . . e : . ..... ..... 1.,.n.am.lrTll u.-i em iim c?; meats to t no po! i .-y niuer appe.irs m tho following startlin" (isures: The amount of $.(), invested for fifty years at ; per cent, conii'ound interest, is S 1S.-120.11 s " " " " 4i5:.tl.f.l I'l " " " 117 .'.O S5 " " " " i :o: H. D. Mackay, Presidsnt, E. Kenscley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. W. Eaves, Treasurer, D. m. Swan, Genera! Acsnt. J. L. Wever, M. D., Consulting Physician. most valuable farmin.,' lands of the State. Terms Cash. The object in oftVrine tho hIiovp niniArl Sfo. property at that time is to enable the Commis sioner!' to complete the State University, Agri cultural Collejro and Lunatic Asvlum at Lin coln, the Capitol Luildiair having been built from the proceeds of the previous sale of lots. 1 his sale of St.-it- property o.Teis to the Farmers, -Mechanics and Laborer, a chance for a cheap home at the Capita!, situated in tho richest Ag ricultural district of the State, and at the GREAT SALT BASINS, where salt is being manufactured from the sur- iace water. Lincoln beins the Cat)it:il of the 5it-t nn.l v, ! objective point ot s-uno tivc ditlcrcnt railroads, reaching out into the interior, an-1 tapping the Salt cposi;s at this place, will soon make it the i lienor towu oi me ctate. i he Caci'.-il was loi'ioc.l it T. In ;n c.. temocr. ism. bv an act ot th 1 --. -islnturn ....a contains sixteen hundred inhibits-nts, with good Hotels. Ston s. Churches and Schools. The Leg- iiaiurc iieiu irs nr. x-s-inn in i i Vt.it- f1..,;..! the ias winter. The IlurHnsrtnn ami Missouri River Kailroad is Ix-insr rapidly t.usiie.i i'nriv:ir.l t.i l.in,.,,ln .....l in contract oe complete 1 early next season. I his liiie will jrive iin-ct communi -;,ti(.n with Chicago, rnd will he pushed out to Ft. Kearney V.'"v! "itl! and beouiuinsabraiich of the Union 1 acihe (!. K. Tlie Midland Paoifiu Kailroad h::s nUo the n rune oi its utie uii'l?r enntract in.ni Xohraska City to Lincoln, and will be. :ccrdin(f to tiie terms of its e.nitriH'ts. ftillv eiaiiimed !m,l in running order by the 1'5'h of .May next. This line is one f tho links by which tlie lVnr.sylv;. nia Central 11. 11. will roach across the c iiiti uent, compli-iina as it will in n short timo if connection witn .Ncoraska l itv, ai'd from L:;i coln wet to tho I nion Pacii.c. Thus Lincoln will I. e tor a tunc the. terminal point of two sreat thoroughfares, and eveiitualK- iconm-m ' a ifinrin posu'.on upon to frans-contiiicnial rots t cs, shorter, l y from one to two hundred nines, man any ottierytt constructed. The w,.rk upon the St.:te University, Apricul- iu.;n oiicL'e an.i uunatio .syiu:n is now heinir i j.iiict, ii i ru.i i .1 . DAVID UUTLKIt. , , liov. riHir. TilOS.P. KKXXAllD. .TOM v (ULLKs'l-'i'r'111' julylws Auditor. CUYLER SCHOLFAX Says of Weeping Water. IIattsmoti1h J9eb. Extract from JLetter to Mrs. Grimclj. to tO- 8 As I wastellinjryon. my dear Mrs. Grundr. I came on my mule to Weeping Water in asadiy dilapidated condition oi bat. n boots coat stockings in short, destitute of all those con venient appurtenances which ornament a well dressed man havinic been denriroil nf all hv the merciless savajres, who even took my cisur case. Thinkinjr that I misht in that flourishing town oouua h. seeonu-nana manKct, 1 roie up to MEED MR OSS store, mid hitthins my mule bv tho cars to a liiree freight wapon loaded with iroods for the riuttsiaoutli retail trade. I entered. Judjrc of ui surpri.-e wtun 1 was promptly met and ottered a complete outfit, from a pair of stub toed boots toa jroose-quill toothpick, for the pal try sum of nine dollars and sixty-two nnd one half cents, thoj); cents beinfr the profits on the poods. If you want anything in the miscellaneous lino, call on them, and if vou don't see what you want ask for it. I would" remark here that they are cenerons. liberal, good look mz and truthful to a fault." REMEMBER THE PLACE Weeping Water. Jf9 have an extensive general sloch or Goods that Ave arc constantlflas sorting njp, which ivc oirer to the jmh lie fit jirices that wc hnoiv must give entire satisfaction. We purchase the very best Goods at the head,, Mar ket and strictly for cash, and are prepared to compete icith the trade at any point on the Missouri river. Henry Boeck, K. .4. WltHiENIIOHN. GREAT I. SCIIXASSK. DEALER IX FURNITURE, cnairs, Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS, Of all descriptions and at all prices. Metalie Burial Cases, Sprln RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and more too, arc goina to WIGGENHOSBT & Co., To buy t'ueir 3 H w 1 wo a S3 5 P CI w ' - ' c CD m r a H S J" o I- CO s I" 2 s m 1 CO a m 0 H Q z -: (3 Q 0 3 3 0 SI PEALKK IN Hardware, Cutlery, Iron. Steel AND NAILS, Itock Island 11 own. CORN-PLANTERS, CULTIVATORS SULKY AND WALKING. A large vuricty on hau l". AT THE Of ail sizes. WOODEN COFFINS, Keady made, and sold cheap forcKth. AVith many thanks for ri.ist iiitrnnm T 5 'II to call an 1 examine my larjje ttock of Furni- iuic tun i onin. Ljunlisti. jST IU "W YORK STORE- The largest and most complete ?2IUCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now on exhibits at the Xew c ca particular DRESS-GOODS. THINTS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS, BIIOWN SHEETING. Ji LEACHED COTTONS. BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YARNS BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds und prices to suit our numeroas customers. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GUSSWARE. YANKEE NOTIONS, 11A1S AJND CAPS. pmw"esTiia m'' f. ?rT .f?A5PEN CITY GLIPPER Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes. Ac., Ac, .Vc, Ac. Ac. A large stock now on hand at sui :i 1 1 a.lvi:. r t Ka.-'ter-u jiriec-. lOG Main Mreet, IVebrasku ( it) (opposite the Seymour IIou.-".) SIGN OF THE TAbLOCK. JT'XjOEJjTOE PlatTMi SRSr-,MEft?c?-fS- SEEDR'S- HAY RAKES, &.C WXLl tIattmoaih April 22d, 1S61). E. A. WIG(,ENHORN & CO. C'oramifpioner.'. Lock Glitch Reversible Feed Sewing Machine WHITE & BUTTERY, i'i poumus or nn.n given in cxi-hace for (rood win irt. We arc also doinif itri-t work: .mi. h;i!, lncn.'HKed faeiliticM. tt-el ll.-lur(l ;b il v i ,m, the be.-l and iiiort l'loiir of any in !h . S.VTI.-FACTIOX (ilARANTi:;:!). Produce Bought and Sold. !MC.1IKT MAIIk-KT I-Kit :-: PAMi. Reed A CI in to:: niiirJt'.TS. DR. 1. iTI'CLIJSKfJY, 0 awarded tlie 1 J. V 4-U EXEOTJTIYB COMMITu H. D. Mackay, George R. Kines, E. Frenseley, , H. Edgerton, D. V. Eaves. -:o:- Tlais Conipany Insures at lower raies lliiiii any ISastcni Conapaisy. a siuiil.ir man- W licnover i lin.l a roi han-lsum vrn mnii cri-':itrt.l in tiio 4-wifninin' rights ii:;iiess," tlion i am roin? to take my hnt nrvlor mv arm and joia the pniees- . Tlu- I.ii'i.-t Muartnoys of a Now York I.i.'ti.ria! i n out ro.iv-::ti!i a Kailn.a l ooii.Iuotf.r sli. kuitr his lu-ml in the oar, an. I hliMUlm-: 'IifliaiiaiKlirt nftcen miniiLi'a lor d.vnirt'.-"."' Tho n,.t.,n r.jft thinks that the ior quality ot tin' S:. Iuiis water is n ar jruJUcut ataiiist the removal of the cajv ifal there, in view i.f the small quant itv Concnmoii drink. :o: AUDITOR OF STATE OFFICE.) KN'OW AI T VfFV nv Tirr-:P ,,rirvrp T.I?J,EKV assah. February 2tith. lSol'. llSbyUulf"1 lhat X' Tu'ijias, Auditor of the State of . Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, 11 i . - ..rp.,:,!,.-., ,,., ooiiiir ouHine.-s under tn law - of the State of Kinsa and Miouri hn fumiied l.e un.ler.MKh..d ,aura.-tory evidenee that it ha invested One Hundred and I Kif"v Thi'ai i?o larj ot iw capital ill United .tate!. HtT-niru-nt Hondn. of theuenomination of Five-TwentieTV-' dr. iTn'fl ! thC V'1 ''" t"rH,,'r Vnify ,h:,t Coin . any hiVot a,rt ? n" Hum- Ireil Thou.-an- Hollars of said I nitcd Nates Bonds for the benefit of All policy n.'i.i.Kii s ol t "id nlwVi'' - , ir"1'1 ,nrurt nJ 'itPosit for the benefit of sui-1 policyholders the seeurity blwfulyUni, l nor of Mute, i A. THOMAX, Auditor of State of Kansas. CERTIFICATE OF ALTTIIOIIITV TO DO BUSINESS. r iVCW-;.r5.rTEVnr.N-T THE iN-sritAscB Departmkxt op Jlissorm. .Some of the n- Hjuipers tire making a .sroat onterv- aluut the n-Iisrious ojiinions of certain Deinx-ratie -antiidates of Ohio. Thre isn't rc-hsion cnoiish in the whole Iarty to make a fuss. alout. 'I he old original Miw Mnote a rx-k and l.rou.irlit lorth v.nter. The i.iodern Moses is Hcoincnded to jRifonu the contrary liiir.ic'ie viz: oVy up. ACGO STORE! on ?Iain street, c i-.po.-itc Court House, We have on hand a laro-e awortiucnt of CIGARS & TOBACCO. Cons-isiins of the besi qu:iliiic3 of CIGARS, PINE-CUr, PLUG AND SMOKIN'O TOBACCO, c oi-ai exclusively in Tobacco we can sell ns c ii cap, il r.ot cheaper than other store in the live ns a call before you purchiiKe elsewhere. " jou win go away satisued. Ij BIiO.71 & CO.. February 11, 1S09. tf. Drugs, Medicines, Chemical G. '. Highest Premium Toilet oaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, and B E N T I S T r..l m .1. J 9 Will it 11- T . n: t...: wherever exhibited. THE ONLY OXE tion ina WOOL, WORTH & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders andjaper Dealers, - - - MISSOURI. capable of sewing in more than one .Hrecti aii'l '11,-iTonin? all its own seam." without stoppi iimc ! iiiiiiiiiK i ne ciorn. Jt H-I-. anl WM-I, l.-SK thr..:i.l ..... .. ... .1. ami il! commence u seam without holding the cn xa oi the thread. Warranted to ?ow hen w ni fln nt.t..i .n.,..n.. well. ' u.j Over 50,000 Machines Sold Since 1S61. . . Scnl for ileport and Circulars. no v E. PLAXT. CenT Ag't. G12 orth rocrth street, t-t. l.oui-. Mo. .S. JOSEPH, oct2!) n26"6Syl DR. G. II. 12 LACK. Acent, Plattsmouth. eb. ancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters' shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, For medicinal purpose.. Paints, Oils, Ararnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, rhimneys, Glass and I'ufty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GEOCEKIES, GREEN AND CANNED FKUITS, COINFKCTIONEUY, &c. in thim ity Tor the pnst Keren year, we kn epaied with a larse8t"ck of lioo ls ot t WHITE & HUTTEKY. nil he at I Ir. itiirji..,,-- . ');,... .:. lnt week iu each month. All .rl.r I-Po.-t Cicc will be promptly utt. n.it.l i., ORGANS ! MEL ODEOKS! J. MUELLER, Council ISI ii (I'm, Iiva, I)caler in the celebrated Pt-ck A Mc-,iiiiiii r I innoi and other .Musical io.-irunii-iit... All iii'truiucntii wurrantcd live Jean. WcepiiijxWalir Mills ; Farmer.-'. k where you ean iret the bi-t 11 and the moft of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR Havinir been cnunjred in selling iJrup? and tlroeeries ine wains or tlie people in our Jme of trade, and are prepaie best CllltllltV t-J fUllll V Ih.is.. wnm. ... l ....... . 1 "- . .-- in il ici'i!, OW the " "ivroved Xl ireh Pnh.XK iiil. ZtlZ7MZ& 'thereby 'cd 'V ,h 'lnl iu ic. to't I !l ."' .lc Assurance Company within the s:.,d State of is-oar . r v in t he ve ,Vof "'t LTlUJ T.1 elUirT'',U ",l ",e Al t -.u 1. until the first day ot Ftb iii.ii). in tlie earot onr Lord ciphte. n htndied an I feveniv 'evenly V i . i r'',"''",!- i. VLI.TS K-.n:. un. r-i.-'iic-l. Sup. rhitondent of ihc Inur nc-. D. n irt- Superinteiiient of th j Insuraneo ilcp-irt:n.-ut of the s-'ta-e'of jlWouri. EMPIRS BAKERY! ss0 ! SECOND STREET, OPPOSITE NEW YORK STORE, S25 I THE AMERICAN PlatLinouth, Nebraska, April 2d, lHiS. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE U, m . In rctiiilcl mi a price within tha reach of all. STORE. B. SPt M.(K R. II. WIM.FUM. Co. Clerk & Recorder. Dept. C I k A K c'r. SpurlocJc & Windham, i'l.A T TSMuVTII - - y ;;: as, i. Front Rooms of Court Iouf Clerk and Treasurer's Office. LAX OS WjUHHT AX It SO 1. 1 J. Titles Il.rmniued- AMI Conveyances ZHhicIe. Ta.Cf. Piild ami Hrrrq.fs r,-inu !- ! 1'lUI.IJjtll. Plattsmouth. Juno IS, 1SW nil. .CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. (To expire un the ZlA day of January, 1S70.) lMClXCt UKPAETMKSf. Ol KJCB ,K TATK At ;IT(.K V.'ni:i-KA. Abram B. Covalt. Ptalo A cent f. Xc crlaya :fti;:t'.!;n.-bl vk in the v.av o. a :nan win. is tijnijf to advance liim- ! f;p' 1 1- valid pell in the worn! honestly ami tinright- i . - -o- " II- ""' a Lon-Inn lliiih ( hiir.-h J up. ;-, L:is il-vlined to advertise lit li.jra I'hed or ui;i!rx-Tiit sermons for f-ale. An ill-h.v. nian'isa'id to he like h-lit-iiin.i IhH-auM? he doesn't know Low t; ooitduct hirue'K lawot the Mate ot Ncbra.ska . e-it.tlc 1 "An An in V.A,tiu M I.isnr ru- f-m-p:, , d-.l -!" Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual capital invested in the stntk of at least p.ir value, or in bond- or moitjraires on real VVrV"1 '. "Uble th-6 "'.' f- Si.-h the sac.e 'is m rt.?-1 ; and whereas, sai.i Umnv h hie 1 in th:s ollieoa wnf ten i ir.struu,-,,-, und.--the s-al of the Coicuanv. si-.-n. d bv the lr. -id t and e.-retsry thereof, author mi? I Mr..,, I! i,-,!i ... ..!.... ::. V " a'.,,t hltk -xken and t... . J -I : . . . ..t;it-...i . , ii--.ii'.iiijf; it I II ll IH HI . 'Hi :lie or IIIIV flher I "i. .". ' !' '"' claims ot errir hy reason ot sa. a service: an.l -rhcrtus. Ahmm 1 f.-..i. Th"L ".'".'''"'T evidence that be is the auth.-riied Af.-unt of -aid I i:ir.iv, pie m V,or ,ff Vh..? by,,0-,T l'cnf. that iu pursu nr-e of the aforesaid Act. 1. John Gilie Jwi.J? "J r.'fi!""J 'Se"f Ta-sKH.rlo hereby certify th it Abram II. Covnlt. Ks.; . has full au- ......... io.-iaiC.itrninirinefaia i-M!ssiiiri. a! ley I.ite insurance Comnanv. in t leStnt e ..f V... 1 1 1 . 1 ... 1 1 . V nn.l - . . .. - .... " . . " - - ... ..y huh ji.i in m i bcis i -r aip; i "-I 'lh-A hut .aakes the rKO.m yet an-rry?"' ',ICfa.c it h;w been crossed tfo often, iu3 son, " bra,k ram: in h.-h.iir..f r.i-iin-itiu .1 ". .p!...! I .. i.:. Pointment as ?u.-h aircht. and bv th l:w of fh! St,.. .k- i... . :., f .. . I. -J In witness whereof . I have suSs-ril,. d my nmuc. uud caused the S.-al of" the Aadi'to'r:s olhe to" he iL. h.J -isca la Ut day of April, a. j. Ia. J01IX GILLESPIE, State Auditor. :o;- GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS V ANT ED. .'.7 7T9 jTi rK "-r M Anytliin.tr t rKi.the child, as tlie imrsHsa.d when mic fct the habyvniwl j J-W. MARSHALL. Aeent, ui i iii..- ifiiio t .i-. wni. low. Stare Agent for Xibraskaand .orlberu Kausari. !r. r:5vKgsm pLittsmoutil CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. REFRE1531E2VTS kept on 'und at .i'l times. If. IIUI3ERTT. NEW SV1EAT SV3ARKET ! CEO. FICKLER, Corner Mai.; and Second Streets, FLATTSMOUTH, XEERASKA. Tllis iracbine noe i efmio-b tAi ..i, the E(K'KS'f ITCH (alike on both sidcsl has a .-.-ii-itiyusun ieisuo. u( can ,llt BVerv variet-v ots. wine; It will hem. fell. bind. euro, braid'. se.Ti.-i. ou lit. tuck. rifi(e im,l r-ni,... n ciua!!y well on silk, linen, wuolen or cotton good-, with linen or cotton thread. The American Shuttle Sewing Machine u Warranted for Five Years Our Atents will be snnnl 1 l'i I wtfti ilnnKn... part of the machine in case of accident. It maKi.-s prer-isely the same stitch made bv' the Miii.";r. V hi-ei.T A- Wiliim ,.,! vi,' machines. It h.. tn. nn.la,.ini . i. i... of hiu priced machine?, and i.s the only Low Priced Shuttle Machine in toe market that ha. thin feed. We are ena bled to soli u first ehuss t-hutt!e M lebine at a very low price, on account of its eimnlicifir ... 1 cons.;qntut low eost of manufacturing, in "oui-pari.-on with complicated machine. IE. T. IDTJiCE & CO., Vhole?aIc and Rctiiil dctlors in Mnrclwarc ami Agrieiilturnl Xiiiplcmeiits, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL I Xj O -W S Of all kind- and su-c?, which we warrant the bett in the market. . -. . . i AGENTS Wu wif h to arranire male, to rcpra-ent the Marine in each Stmi.. to n...i -r,.,.. ; keeps consiantly on hand the bc.-t ef all kinds of J ni,el .t-itcs and Ontario, hitra iuduceiueiitj A -i' 1 uceu apeiiii. . r or ra I particulars, as to salary and commis sion, a-ldreHSi . A. ANDREWS. General Apent, Detroit- ilich. N. B. For the benefit of nn. X Tint, .m.. arrtiei-i with parties who have (roods suitable tor htwinii Machine A-rent to kcII. We -fill MEATS, ish to eutomers at the best of "' b''- 'f "mples and full particulars on re" ju'-esm3 ceij.tot one re-l stamp. Address ju .inu v y ANDREWS, General Aprnt. which he will furnish rate tor ca?h. 3"OS: WORISL! Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice Are exclusive Agcnis in thi county for the sale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Tl'th 1 Ittroit. Mich. Give U3 a call-we will not be nndcrsold-SIaia street, next door east of the Maronle Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Burlington Bridge Finished Burlington & Missouri River. In connection with Chicago Burlington & Quincj RAIMlOADS Pre!cnt. to the Public the most direct, pure iii.-i .... T. . faff n.ute Vt Oluo.UIinoiit. Indiana, l'cnrisylvania, Xciv r. anu .ew r.niiiii i. Passenjrera have the choice of ihc various ru'1 ' centering in Chicaeo. Iit'!tge ChnJ;, il th roii h to Ottmuf'- Ratef. invariably nf low n by other routes. r I3uy your Couin Tickets at Ottumwa via Burlington Pullman's elegant Sleojiinir f'ar- m i-ll i.if---: t.rai.r!g ,-r, . t TXT C. E. PEltK I .NS. A. E. TOI ZALIV. wui 't. fen. Ticket Pas'r At't. i. C. MORTON. WP1' Uenl ftti -U A i't r i-i i - : III E M tlr ..tii' i. i r '23 .-Il t'-r r-M-.