j -J. J 5 .'t 3 I i ft See cs.rd oi Ir. Robert;; t "Weeping Watt'r' Simrtsmon of the city report chickens quite plentiful. The Kate Kinney and McG ill each Vrou'ht up 50 R. 11. ties on their last trip. Three teams are kept constantly at work hauling R. R ties from the t-tcam bont lamlinc to the Depot grounds. We understand that Joseph Schlater. E., has contracted to erect a large 1,um!h.s house on the present site of his jewelry establishment . See c:ird of Fairlie & Monell, Station ers, liinders and - booksellers, Council Bluffs. Th'-y are first class men to deal with. Johnson and Straight each furnish an nn -ilcnt article of Soda Water, which U "aid to le a first class substitute for "sun stroke"' this hot weather. ( Mir old friend, T. li. Glenn, Esq., ar rived in the city last Saturday. He thinks of locating in this city again, if he can "strike"' anything, that suits him. Messrs'. Uarr and Leasle have just cnjiii 'ctcd a stone wall around two tides of the Court H tuse, to protect it from the wa-h and debris of the bank. L. P. Il.iz.n. Ksq., has the contract f jr the stone work on ('apt. Murphy's liO.v bui'dincr. also fjr a stone pavement c. ;. ii l.u-incss bun (b;':icy. who --.I--." :! l:as rented his brick e to a gentleman from v. n put in a large stock of A strin? of railroad tonus over a quar ter of a mile in lutiirtli jassed through th-city l-ri. lav evcr.in? last, going on the wu:k west, and another lot went "nt Saturd.iv a'ternoon. K. (i. I'ovey, Esq., arrived at home Tti. sil:iv from St. Louis, where he has been .-H'ndiiv a fow wc.'ks for his health We are r';vl to hear that he is feeling Letter than when be left here. C;ipt. 1'. I?. Murphy has cotniuenced the erect-on of a lartre business house on Main street, adioiiiincr the M. E. Church on the west, which is to lw 44 X fr'l feet, three stories. The Platte Valley House has been leaded to Mr. , John Ross, of JeT;ron, Iowa, who takes possession to-day. Mr. Vivian will engage in other business in the city. There will be service at the First Pres byterian Church next Sabbath, morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Cameron is ex pected to arrive to-day. U. S. Marshal, J. T. Hoile, and lady, passed through the city yesterday on their way to Omaha, where he has es tablished his headquarters. Wc presume the man who stole the Herd law through last winter, and got it enrolled and Bigned , notwithstanding its indefinite postponement by the House, will hereafter contend that he was only "correcting the grammar" of the Legis lature. If the Recorder of Deedsjshould see fit to change a document brought to him for record, and should insert the description of another piece of land in addition to the one already described in said deed, would it be held that he was only "cor rectine the grammar" of the maker of the deed. Messrs. Lonsbary, . General Superin tendent, and Acklin, Route Agent of the Western Stage Company, were in the city yesterday morning. Their line to this city is becoming one of grent im portance,aud,they fully realize the neces sity of looking after interior connections from this city. ( )ne oft lie long eared animals used on the Railroad work got contrary and went ovr the river bank Monday.' It found a soft place in the mud and sand, from which it was extricated with some diEfi cuity. We rod ; around the R. R. line with lion. S. Ma vwcll lust Saturday evening, from the ( i:y to the Platte bottom. We f .mill the road nearly all graded, ready fitr the iron, wijh the exception of about a eir.rti-r of a mile just aVve. Ripple's !'-vi-rv. The Chronicle, says we are opposed to any road being built through Cass county that does not pass in the vicinity of Ilattsniwuth. That is all a mistake. We only objected to the Chronicle asking pay for its road, when it had it already built and the car running, and could just as well set it down in Cass county as not. Under the circumstances, we think the Chronicle should make the people of Cass a present of at least one road out of the many it has on its hands. Mr. Harry Brown of the California Dra matic Company, was in the city yesterday looking for a hall in' which he could per form with his troupe. We are sorry to say ' that he was compelled to leave town without making any arrangements, for the very good reason that we have no suitable Hill. Will somebody or some several bodies build a Hall suita ble for a theatrical lieiformance. The time has arrived when we need such building, and it will pay. Gilfoil, the belligerent "John Bull" who was sent to jail last week, made an attempt to "go through" the Exchange Saloon last Monday, while out under charge of Street Commissioner Hohl- schuh, working out his fine. Sheriff Johnson and Marshal Murphy were close at hand, and soon "corralled" him insicie tlie prison walls. He wiu soon learn that it is a difficult matter for one man to "run the town." There ba-s been over 2,000 barrels of s:il: !;:nded on our levee within the past three v.-ei !-s. e never expect to soe tliar a;no::nt br.mght to this city from Si. Louis again, as Col. Tichnor can sup ply it much ein "iper as soon as the I.. & M. lb 11. is done to Lincoln. DOOM, BRO. & CO. have a large Stock of Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Piece Goods, Piece Goods, Piece GooLs, White Goods, White Goods, White Goods, White Goods, . Brown Muslins, Brown Muslins, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins, Deimns, blue & brown Bleached Muslins, Demins, blue & brown Bleached Muslins, Demins, blue & brown Shirting, check and stripe, Shirting, check and stripe, Shirting, check and stripe, Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar, Choice Rio Coffee, ... A Coffee Su,?ar Choice Rio Coffee, Brown Sugar, Syrup, Brown Sugar, Doom, Bra & Co have just received anothtr large lot of Glass and Queens-ware. Syrup, ' ' 1 "Salt T!sh, Salt Fish, Queensware, Qneensware, Queensware, Syrup, Dried Fruit, Dried Fruit, 1 Dried Fruit, Glas3 Ware, Glass Ware, Glass Ware, And a general stock, to which . they call the attention, of the Farmers and Public generally. Have the best selected stock aud make the lowest prices., , Remember the place, the west corner in the Big Brick, Main street, Plattsmouth Neb., Doom, Bro. Sc Co. All parties indebted to us by open ac count or notes now due or past due, must pay the same by the 20th of ibis month, (August.) Ail all notes due 'us from the 20th of August to the 1st of Septem ber must be paid promptly for wc shall be obliged to protest if not paid at maturity. Doom, Bro. & Cp. ' DOOM, BRO. & CO., Agents for Birds-all's Threshing Ma chines,Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines, Xdw Yorker Self Raker Reaper, "Buck eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's TOR One door west of the IIkrald Office. ilflSSOURB vjy,L PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA, LIFE HAS AT WHOLESALE j&HB EITML INSURANCE COMPANY. A LAROE STOCK OP Notice- " Martin Fiurara non-resident of the State of No- ?wuik. notice that the Eurlinston & Mis souri Kiver Railroad Company m Nebraska- Inu located it road throutrti ana uiou . .............. real estate owned by him. situate in ! county. State of Nebraska, and eity l'latlsn.oiitb. Io wa: Lot one in block one hundred seventy-one. as is dcs.iirr.ated upon the recorded and pnbhsii ed plat of the city of VlattsiuoiiUi : : and they'd Martin Farrar is further nntibed that Mid Kail- ... . t ki.l.l ml anttrt road t'omi'any aofires to ibki-, priate said real .statefor the use of ita i road : and if the ail Martin Farrarshall not within thirty days after the publication ot inw noiiew iur lour wceKf, lo-wu : on or .-i.m j--" . -, Oc tober. A. 1. apply to the Probate Jule of sai 1 county b have the damofres oix dir.inte routed freeholder)'. wted by miH Pn.bate Jujlire. as provided in ehapter twenty five of the lleviwd Statutes of the tatet bra.ka. and amendment thereto, naid Company will proceod to have the damages afswed an therein provided by law. '. Jateil ttnilay oi Aupusi. v. "' Burlinpton r Mif.oun Kiver llailrimd J ,J"R?n in Nebraska. By T. M. MARyt; h.tl. augiwt. Its Attorney. Dry Goods, .Groceries, Clothing, CAPITAL, FURNISHING. GOODS, HATS, OJPS, BOOTS, SHOES. and Provisions. MARKET PRICE PAID - - $500,000.00 -:o: G-ZE32ZEIEAiIli OFFICE : No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. HIGHEST -:o: FOR ALL V. Kinds of Country Produce. John Fitzgerald. riatfeiuoutb, Nebraska, August 5th, I8G9. BKA3STCE: OFFICES : Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, Tennv Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. Notice. Abijah HarrU. a non-resident of tha Stata of Nebraska: ,. . ... Will take notice that the Burhntrton 4 3!n ouri Kiver Kailroad Oompauy in Nebraska ha. located iU road throwrli and upon the lollowing real estate owned by hi ai. situate in Cat county. State of Nebraska, and city of riattsmouth. to wit: Lot nine in block ninety-one and lot nino in block ninety-two as in decinnatcd up on the recorded and published plat.s oT the citv of 1'lattMinonth: and the ynid Abuah Harris' i. further nolitied that faid Itmlroad Company uesires to take, hold nnd appropriate mid real estate for the ue of its road; and if the said Abijah Harris shall not within thirty dav alter the publication of tb is" notice for tour weeks, to-it: on or before the "iTth day of Sep tember, a. n.lsiii". apply to thell'robate Ju.ic..r said oout.ty to havo damages assessed by six dis interested freeholders, selected by the said pru- bnte Jndfre. as provuleU in cnapier iwriuj nn of the Revised Statutes of the State ot NebraJJ ku. and amendment theroto, said company will proceed to have the damages usessed ;ui therein provided by law. Katetl this 2th day of July. A. n. if. Tt,ir1..,.rtr,n A- Missouri Kiver Kailroiiii I. 1 ' HIT By l. Jl. lUnnw' in Nebraska. julyyivi Its Attorney. Ar ARRANTY. Mortgage. Quit (Haim Deeds, T t t'hattle Mortgage. Bonds. Summons. Sub poenas, Execution kept constantly on hand, and nil other Blanks done on short notice at the HBKALD Office. - ' ' - ' NOTICE. J. T. Berber will take notice that W. II. Sliaf er of the county of Cass, in the State of Nebras ka, did on the 0th day of July, a. i. 1WJ, tile his petition in the JMstriet Court of the 2d Judicial J)istrict of the State of Nebraska, within and for Cass county, against the said J. T. Berger. defendant, setting forth that on the 2d day of December, A, D. 118, the said defendant made his certain promissory note in writing of that date, and then and there delivered the same to the said plaintill. ana tucreuy pronnsen io pay to the said plaintiff the sum of Twenty-live Hun dred and Forty-nine and o0-lH) Dollars. Also IleaDCr aud Mower, W KT 8 alklllff that one T. M. Marquctt. at the request of de- ,F i c i o i i fendant. rendered services as Attorney at Law Cultivator; Broad Cast beed i0Wer, Jioa for him amounting in all to One Hundred and , -f , i ti t t . 1 crl,H Twenty Dollars said claim was assigned to and Mould lOitVU lreakerS, OUIODIC i:,:n,iiT nravina- iudmiient HL'Binstsaidde- plow.s of all kindsi IJctry Lt'jJanent Wan-anted. Ju.st receive! 100 barrels of Salt,' Doom, Bro. & Co. fondant for the sum of Two Thousand 1 wo Hun dred and Sixty-one 75-lUO Dollars, with interest from April 14, lHttt; that the said plaintiff did on the 6th day of July. a. n. lSi, cause to be is sued by the Clerk of said Court an order of at tachment, and diil cause the the following prop erty of tho defendant to be attached, to-wit : Southeast quarter and soufhwest quarter oftec- . X" . . I'lili ,n ruirnliin i"l llOn -0. l CUlJf-lIlllC w".,.iu4K 'v tui.lvc (V north, in riinee No. eleven (11). for the purpose of havi ns t he i am - sol d to pav said , i . , i .i : i I T l :.. .... IVotice. Ilenry P. Coolodgo, a non-resident of tho State of ehnuska: Will take notice that the Burlinston & Mis- j souri River Kiiilroad Company in Nebraska has located its road through ami upon the following real estate owneil by him. situate in Cass county. State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to- wit: Loteieht in block ninev-twoas is desieneted upon the recorded and published plats of the cityot l'lattsmoutn: ami tncsanl Henry l". Cooi- edge is further notified that said Railroad Com pany desires to take, hold and appropriate sa ill real csiateforthe use of its road ; and if thusaid Ilcurd P. Coolcdgeshall not within thirty days af ter the publication ot this notice tor lour weeks, to-wit: on or before the Li tti itay ot sept ember, a. d.10!, apply to the Probate Judgetf said county to have the ilamaees assessed by six disinterest ed freeholder, selected by said Probate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty-five of the Revis ed Statutes of thef-tate of N ehrask-- .and amend ments thereto, said Company will proceed to ave the damages assessed as therein proviucd law. Dated 2-Sth day of July. a. t. ISoil. Burlington it Missouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska. By 1. Jl. MARUl KI T. julyl.Uw4. Its Attorney. :o:- ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING. wit: Lot twelve in block one. as m icsij nated upon the recorded and publishod Plats i the city of Piatt in.. nth: and the said M. M..l;icl man i-lurthcr imiitiel that said Railroad Coi :o:- IivsIoids oh the Coiilribiitfioii IPlaii, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders- -:o:- DOOM, BUG. &CO. . , r, . 1T, t i 1 or ine purposeoi nnvmi; lucwur-tuni i i... Dealers 111 Staple and raucylryuOOU., indebtedness. Ami the said J. T. Bcrger is no- T . .l.. Pl. .u itul OiifurK. titled that he is required to appear and answer racers, JJooL, hhoes, OIa.8 ami lueen-v suii, tition on or t,tfore the tnirfi Monday af- Grocers. ware. 1000 seaailess bags for sale by Doom, Bro. & Co. ter the 2d day of September, A. u. lSti'J, or judg ment will be rendered against nim. Dated July V. H. SHAFER. By T. M. Makqcett, his Attorney. f aug5w4. r : i, !: A: D.ui :ii-i. l's... i cli!n a larj mini iM . lili'.ion to t liv fitv. ;..- 1 id' fiiu-en .i t Tuesday to in v.I'i imnr-iliati'ly build on Aiiiuii the jiuivhaeivi are II. i. I '-.. and .J. W. Btirnei, LtiiMii!'-'. The Coniiir' ( A lams county) Gazette i"tlu' 2'.'tli u!t., says: ''Siiu-e the return of filiMsant weather, trak-laj'ing oa the B. ii M. Ilailniad ha been the orler of tiiiiiL-s t.rj the railroad at thi ji!aoe. A c hair' a mi!.' nf tr.iek w i at this place y .-t.-r !:'- afievn -n, an 5 the con; traction I T::ri ti-nv in t.wn."- We learn that the prisoners who have been working on the streets undercharge of Commission r Hohlsehuh have be come intoxicated on one or two occasion?, while out of the jail VThiskey sellers should lear in mind that a heavy jenalry is attached to the wiling of intoxicating diinks to prisoners, and it is the duty of the Sheriff or other officer to see that it i. inflicted. W- give these words of wirnin; that dealers in the ardent may govern themselves accordingly. ' Some fellow that is either ashamed ot afraid to 6ign ihis name to either his private or (what he intends as Ids) pub lic letters, sends us another one of his productions in which lie assumes that former articles of his have not ap'peared because the IIkralj was opposed to publishing anything on the subject. Now, we do not believe he is hone.-t in saying o, Vet Jur the reason that he might - possibly ,lie, we again fay to him thar. we have t-arefully preserved his letters and will publish them whenever he dare to fitter them and let us know who lie i.. y:. .1. ((Solon, of Lexington, Mo., wi-int!i: city !a--t week. He is ready t furni.-h all the 'ties needed by the B. iS: M. V.. !.. provid."! transportation i;;n Ik' -t'-,'.-,rr. . The company will prob acy set a boat of their own at work un less suitable rates can be obtained from oilier boats. The gentleman who sujjerintends the coal prospecting at this place is the same on who discovered coal at Boone, Iowa, at Quincey, and in fact nearly all the mines of any innortance on the western slope. He discovered the coal in Pawnee, and is the only man who has Mtcee -fully prospected for coal in this State. S. IT. MaHory, Hj., Bridge Contract or on the B. & M. Ii. 11. through Iowa, and joint contractor with Fitzgerald on the work in Nebraska, arrived iu the city ia-d Monday. We learn from him that the bridge work on the Iowa side is about completed, and that work will be commenced on this side iu a short time. His pile drivers- are now at work this .side of the C. B. & St. Joe track. The eclipse in this city, like the city itself, was a "perfect feuvees.." It coru tii. tiecd last Saturday according to pul-IL-ln'-d programme, and continued thro out the entire performance, to rivet the gaze of the large and appreciative audi ence. ', It was not quite total at this pia.v. but there was only visible a very Finn! strip of old Sol. Smoked g'ass can now be had of the small boys at reduced Prices. 1 : . Col. Tichnor arrived from Lincoln Motplav. nrtnared to commence" orera- ' - - x - Uons in the coal business. He has se cured the services of one of the ' most suc-ees.-ful coal miners and pros)ectors in the United S'at -, who'- is perfectly san guine of finding a paying veia.' They vr.W coitii.icn.at opoiations alniti't a half mile south of of the city," near thi river. We will watch the progress of this work with interest, and report their development'. W e learn that some parties went out to Four Mile Creek to make ob servations of the eclipse. They were amply supplied with glasses, and from tne manner in winch tney are re ported to have used them it is thought by some that a new science has been re vcaled, whereby these gentlemen could see the eclipse just as well with the mouth as with the eyes. They looked often (always applying the small end of the telescope to their mouth) and direct ly it became ko dark that they were una ble to distinguish things plainly in fact, coul 1 hardly tell where fences, etc. , were located. They are said to have discov ered and disturbed some of thel'satelites' of some "fixed planets" of Four Mile: and ttined np thimrs irenerallv. There is no telling what they might have dis covered had not their glasses lost all power. Yallcrys & Ruffncr are just in receipt of a large stock of Dry Goods. Yallerys & Rnffner have just received a few more Kirby Reapers oa which they will give good time. - THRESHING MACHINES. If j'ou want a good Threshing Machine you can procure ono at Vallerys Sc Itnff ner's who are now receiving the J. I. Cox & Co.'s 3Iichine,the most complete. Machine ever put Hp. ' ' Also agents for the Woodbury Climax and Pittt's Horse Power. ( We would advise all parties wanting a good article of Tea go to Dooms' and get it, they have the liest Tea that we have ever seen in this city. If you want to get some A No. 1 Su gar Cured Hams, go to Doom, Bro. &. Co., . , , j . i WANTED, ' 1000 dozen eggs. . . , J - L'OOi) lbs fresh butter. , . ' ; ... by Doom, Brio. fc Co. j. m. mm (Succe?!ors to J. M. HincUman.) Drugoisis & Apothecaries. DKALKBS IS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the unilcrviirnud are I requested to call at Uer residence, eighteen milos west of Plattsmouth, and settle the same imme diately. augjtt.J kumi A.- iccrvr-ii.. Notice. All persons indebted to the. undersigned are requested to call and settle immediately. aug5w2 AV. II. Sl'niLDKSKCHT. WANTED. A first eliws Miller. Ho other kind need arply. Enquire at our mill near Itoek I'-luff. julylw3. W. A, J. A. LATTA. Pay Up. All persons knowing themselves indebted to i mi will please call and pay np immediately. A word to the wise, etc. ' nelLltf J. .. toner. $1200 and all Expenses Paid. See advertiiement of American ShuctleSewing Machine in our advertising columns. .. . ly . Music. Mrs. Kate Simpson would respectfully sny to her friends and the public that she hiiH made ar rangements to enlarge her cla." in music, and would be "pleased to instruct any who may wish to take lessons on Piano Forte. ' Inquire at resi dence, corner Vine and Second streets, riatts mouth. feMstf 3rnijs :md Medicines, PAINTS. OILS. DYES. NOTIONS. "X'ollo't Goods P EltrUM E HA". FANCY SOAPS PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For Mechanical and Medicinal purposes. Keep constantly on hand a full and well assorted stock ot PATENT MEDICINES. Physicians' prescriptions carefully comDonnd ed by an experienced Drupgist. None but the purest medicines used. All goods warranted as represented. Lull and see. Main Street, South Side. PROPOSALS FOR GRAIN. llEADyCARTEKS 1KPARTMKXT OF THK PlaTTK.) LHIF.F Wl'AH TKKMAMTKIl S UKK1CK. OiiAHA. Nkb.. July lSiJO. J Sealed bids, in duplicate, with puunintee sicned by two reMionsible parties, not bidders. will bo reeeiveil at tins olhec until w o ciuck a. m. on Thursday, August li', !, tor the delivery of Tirenty thousand (20.000) Jiushels of , Twenty thousand (20,000) Ihixhek of VATX, . at Omaha, Nebraska. Delivery to commence upon the award ot con tract, and to be completed within thirty days thereafter. Dids will be rccei-.vl fur :iny quantity not less thun three thousand bu-dit'h. Fuil conditions of eoutraet made known on application at this otnee. Uy oricr ot Uv t .laj. uen l Aiisrar. M M. MYERS. july22w6 l;v't Brig. Gcn'l V. j. M. Saint Louis & Omaha Tri- Weekly The above Line of Steainers will leave Platts mouth every other duy throughout tho entira season, connecting at Plattsmouth with the 15ur- lington A: Missouri Kiver t.ailroaU tor tue cu.-t, north nnd south, and ut the following point with railroad cnnneciions. Council Blutts.Ouiaha. St. .Inscili. Leavenworth and Kansas City. For freight or passage app'y at our otnee. SI Ml TERMS CASH. ImproTed Farm mid Tim- lcr t or aie. The farm is about 3) mile west from Platts mouth. 2 miles west of Hoover's, on the Stage road. 00 acres has been in cultivation a log house upon it. and plenty of stock water; it is southwest li of section town li range 11 l'X) acres, an! connected with it is lot i and south east of southeast of section 'JU. same town: and range. timber 'JO and Ml-IDO acres, making 2o0 and b0-10O acres. Also, the northwest V ot northwest i of section 24, town. 70. range 44. in Mills county. Iowa, due east from PlattMnouth. and one mile from the river, heavy timber. For terms address D. H. SOLUMON. maylBtf. Glenwood. Iowa, WANTED. Bacon ami Lanl fjr which vre will give the highest market price. . . Vallerys & Ruffxer. r. " : j , . . Vallorj-s & Ruffner are agents for the Sdiuttlf r ygons vhich thej are selling at red need prices. If you want the lightest running Mower irr tipe go to Vallers & .Rufiiier''arid buy tho KniiEn. . VaJIerys & Rufiiipr are agents for the G rover & Baker - fwiag machines, the bot ia market. CVJ vrrl see them. . ALEXANDER'S MEAT MARKET, Cor. Main and Second Sts., PLATTSMOUTH XEBRASK.1. Vie are botcherinjt nothing but the very best of meat, which can always be bad as we kill from three to Eve Gead of beef cattle a day. , . ... . ' Market open Sundays until S a. m. II 1Kb est price paid for fat cattle. ju1y22m3 MACHINE iHOP! LIYXBY, S'VKKU. AND Sale Stable, BT WM- J- I1"XATT, Proprietor, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, First rate Stabling and Vagon Yards for the accommodation of the public. A good stock of Horses and Carriages To let on very rcasoDalc terms. Stable on Main strceL nearly opposite the hheridan House. dex-.iltl. IVotlct Wm. Thompson, a non-resident of the State of iS ebraska : Will take notice that the Burlington A' Mis souri River Railroad C'omia:iy in Nebraska ha located its road through and upon the following real estate owned by bim.suuato in Las county btate of Nebraska, ami city ot Plattsmouth. to wit: Lot six in block ninety-two. as is designat ed upon the recorded and published plats of the city of Plattsmouth; and tin; siiitl Wm. Thomp son is further notified that said KailroadCompauy desires to take, hold una appropriate said real estate lor the use ot its road: nnd it the said M in Thompson shall not wiihin thirty days alter the publication ot this notice tor lour weeks, to-wit on or before the -J7th day of fceotemncr. a. i. I860, apply to the Probate Judge of said county to have the d am aces assessed by six disintere- freeholders, selected by said Probate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty-five of the Revised statutes ot the Mate ot .Nebraska, ana amend menu thereto, said Cimpuny will proceed to have tho damages a-ssesscu. as therein provid eu by law. Dated 2Sth dav of Jnlv. a. n. 1S69. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company in .Nebraska. Ky I. M. MAKUlfcll july29w4. Its Attorner, WAYMAN & CURTIS, Plattsmouth, Neb., Repairer! of Steam Enfinej, Boilers, Saw and UriEt Alilla. ... .;) - . . , . rr . Gas an4 Steam Fittines. Wrmnrht Tron Pite. Force and Tift Pumps, Steam Uauges, Balance aire uovernors, ana im k:n ls of Brass Engine Fittings, famished, on short notice. I , r I : , ' , FARMING MACHINERY Repairri tin hrrt notire.' augjtf REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men, whose known finanancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for its careful and succesful management. 21. Ita Polices are all lioji-rorreltiiis- 3d. Premium all -as!i. It receives no notes and gives none. Policy holders havo no Interest to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies. 1th. Dividends am' losses are paid in cash. tth. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. 6th. Its ri.-ka arc in tho West, whore the rate of mort.ility is lower and tho rato of interest highor than in the E;ist ; he;;ce the accumulation of Uivi leads to the policy holier is greater than in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8th. Its dividends arc made upon the contribution plan. 9th. IUbusiness is exclusively life insurance. :o: Arc the accumulations of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at the highost rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makos its investments at twelve per cent, or more. Tho advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figure?: The amount of 31.000, invested for hfty years at 6 per cent, compound interest, is 8 18. 420.11 8 " " " " 4t5.901.GT 10 ' " " " 117,390.85 VI " " " " 3H.OC8.0G o: marll oON, MICKELWAIT CO., Agents. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Willi;ii2i &i:aclcmaEiii, H. DKALBS 1.1 OFFICERS : D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, Ready-Made Clothing, GENTS' FUIIN'ISHIEG C00DS. Hats, Caps, Boot, Hiom, Trunks, Valisas u jSTOTIOISTS. South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth Neb. jyi oo E. W. Eaves, Treasurer, Notice- M. M. Jui limiin, a non-resident of tho SUlo of tliHt the Rurlincton & Mis souri Ri'r Railroad Company in Nebraska has located its road through and upon inc ioiioh ihk real estiite owned by liiin.situatein Cass roMiity. State of Nebraska, and eity of Pl.ittsmout i. to- IlltlS Ol olll ranv desires to take, hold and iipri'pruite mii. n al estate for the use of its roan: and it ttie.ii-l M. M.. In -kni a ii fhiill not within thirty diiysu.ti-r the publicalion of this ii.-lic- tor tour v..-eks, to vt: on it l.ifi-re thelTlIi day of September a. d. ii.'.l. api-lv to the Probate Judec ot said i-oitnty to hae the d:unaites assrssed by six disiiitercsl ed freeholders, selected by said Probate .1 mice, a- provi-lcd in chapter twenty-five ot the I. cms ed Statutes of t'u Stiite of Nebraska, nnd amend ments thereto, said Company will, proceed .to have the d.iiiiaues ;is:iessed as therein provided 'Hated -:th day of July. A. I. 1Hi,9. Burlington A" Missouri H'er Ksilroad i.ni:r.i:7 in Nebraska. By T. M. MAl.i I'. I I. julyitwl. I" AtlonuT. AiIsMinistratcr's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a deeretid order made by his Honor (ieorge It. i .. L-.. .I,l,. ..(' )ie Seeon 1 Judicial lh-ti u-l Court, within and for Cass ( ounty. State ol .Ne braska, at his Chamoers in Oiuiha I uy, on .ttay the 7th A. 1. T"'i. 1 will, on the lilst .lay of Au gust A. 1. If f. at the front door id Uieto-.irt House in the city of Bellewie, Sarpy l.oni'y. Nebra-ka. ofl'er for mle at public auction, ut tlio !iourofonelloVl'"k p. in. of said day. to tho hi-'ie-t and best bi'idcr. all the rirht. title and inrei'e:il of Epl.raiin Colo". i!cce:ised. in and to th" following desrribed real estate, situate 1:1 Sarpv Countv. Nebraska, to it : t ointiieiicin at J. P. Swain's southeast corner, 'hepce l un nitig north 0 chains and Hi links t '. laink "t I'latte ritr, running thence cart .t cbuins and - links down the bank ofsuid Platte river Ihenco running south 11 chains and Ut line t-i thr l.Mik of sai l river, thence iiieandering t!ie ol said I'latte river t- the place d' bi t-iniiiin-'. con-tainingaand;!-HN) acr'-s, in section N j.'J'Uown ship No. range No-12 e.isi. J'lb P. M. Sal will reiiiHin open for bids for the space or ono hour. Terms cash. AIjAMrs M(.rAln-Y. dmi-. of estate of Kplsr""" 'olow. dee'd. By Maxwki.l A Ciiapm in. bis attorn' s. I ioiv'J'.iw-t i "HE AD " The following from the CINCINNATI TIMES, one of the most reliable news papers in the United States. What can be more convincing? D. M. Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wever, ?A. D., Consulting Physician. Valuable Farm for Sale. Situated on Four Mile Creek. 4V miles north west of Platlsiuotith. 1 mile from the I'latte riv- cr.und three-fourths of a mile from the line of the IS. & M. R.. and known as tlie Stocking larm. containing acres of choice land. I'm acres of which is bottom land, about ten acres are timber and about ninety acres in trrnss. the balance in grain, all under fence. l'pon the premises is a double cabin, trame barn IX'x-iO teet with stone basement, stables nnd other out buildings, an orchard, plenty of stock-water, a never tail ink well, a gl school house: also ii aere of timber land in arpy county. uea.r tao mouth of the I'latte river: also lota two and six i2 and bun Block lour ii) ami lots seven and eight '7 and Hi in Block one hundred and sixty-eight tlOSi ia the city of 1 lattsmouth. Icrms easy. r.nquire at the premises or ot ti.o subscnoer inSaundcrs Co. Neb. 21. STOCKING. Piattsuioulb. Aug. o.-tf. EISCEIOTJTIrEI COMMITTEE: H. D. Mackay, George R. Hmes, E. henseley, H. Edgerton, D. W. Eaves. -:o:- Tlaiw CoiHpany Insures at lower rales than any Eastern Company. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENCE Kansas, do hereby certify that the AUDITOR OF STATE OKI ICE. I Topkka, Kansas. February J';;i. 1 -io'.t. j Tha: I, A. Thomax, Auditor of tho State of A'otiCC- John Iledrk-k. a non-resident of the State of Nebraska : A V ill take notice that tho Kurlitigton A- Mis souri llivcr Kailroad Company in Nebraska has located its road through and upon the following real estate owned by him.situa'e in Cass county. State of .Nebraska, and city ot l.attsmoulh. to. wit: Lot seven in block ninety-one. as is desig nated upon the record-id aud pubii-he.! plats of the city ot flattsmoutti : and tlie said .lobn Hon- drick is further notihed that said Kailroad Com- iiaiiy desires to trike. hold and appropriate 'ai I real estate for tho use of its road: and if the said John Hendrick shall not within thirty days after tho publication i f this notice for tour weeks, to-wit: on or before the CTth day of Sep tember, a. D. J;y. arrly to tne 1 rooate -J udire ol said county to have trio damages as;-cs---i , six disinterested freeholdcrs.selecied l.ysai 1 l'robate Judirc, as provided in chapter twenty-live of the levised statute of the Siaie of Nebr.isKa. nnd amendments thereto, said Coinpauy will pro -ecd to have the damages aoss-jja.; therein provided by law. Dated 2Sth dav of Ja v. a. r. Burlington Jt Missouri Kiver Railroad Company in Nebraska. i3y I. M. .M.iKyi t.l 1. july'wf. its Atiomoy. T."N'nv IV I Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized nnd doing business under the luws of the -State of Kansas and Missouri. ha furnished the unilersigheii sati-fat-tory evidence that it has invested Une Hundred and Fifty! Thousand Dol lars of its capital in Unite.! States (invcrnmcnt Eonds, of the denomination of Fivc-'i weuties5-'J-) and are possessed of the same. And I do further certify that said Company has set apart One llur dred Thousand Dollars of said United States ltonds for tlie benefit of ALL poLirv holukk of naid ( ompanv : and that t hold in trust and on deposit lor tne Dencm oi sai'i piiney noinere ine s-euruy above mentionei. and am satistiel that such securities arc worth One Hundred Thousand Dollars lawful money of the United States of America. , , In witness w.'iero 1 have hereunto subscribed my name, an i causca uio seal oi my iuice iu uo j Seal of Aud- I ath xed, the day and year above written I iur of State. A. Til CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY" TO DO BUSIXESr A. T1I0MAN, Auditor of State of Kansas. I Notice- Samuel R. Dunning, a non-resident of the Bute ot Nebraska: Will take notice that the Burlinrton fc Mis souri Kiver Kailroad Company in Nebnk has lK-ated its road through aud upon the following real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county State of Nebraska, and citj- of Platu-mouth. to wit: Lot live in block ninety-two. as is desnr nateil upon the recorded and published pints ol thecitv ot flattsmou'.h : and the said Mmuel R. Dunning is further notified that said llailroail Company desires to take, hold and ap propriate said rual estate for the use of its road: and if the said Samuel K.IiDniiigsha':l not with in thirty days alter the publication of tt.is notice for f jur weeks, to-wit : mi or befor the 'J7th day of September. A,. D. ly, apply to the Probate Judge of said county to have the damage assessed by six disinterested freeholders, selected by said Probate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty five of the Revised Statutes of the. State of Ne braska, and amendments thereto, tuid Company will proceed to hare the damages -assessed as therein provided law. .. Dated asm day of July. a. D. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska. By I. M. MAKQUETT. julyCOwl. Its Attorney. ( FINE MT (jALLERY. (ONE DOOR EAST 07 COURT HOUSE.) Where I am permanently located, and prci-ared to make all kinds ol sun Pictures, Such as Photograph?. Atr.bro'ypes. Gems, Opal, forceiam, M aicu lia.t, Aiinette, lc. Work done neatly and promptly, and WARRANTED TO UIVE SATISFACTION. Also, keep a well selected stock of Oral and Square Frame. All are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens. . . JLhO.NAKD. Artist. july.tf l'lattsmouth, Ntb. I'OTit:c Tn the XtnrhhrJilrr t,f th tin t-l.'- 'rrtf. t e. i r- i. r. l i ...... .. I r-i.. s.l affiled this 1st day of April, A. D. li. t Atbraxkn: Notice is hereby riven that on Wednesday. the first day of September. A. D. lntfy. theie will be held a Stockholders' Meeting of the Burling ton X. Missouri River Railroad Company in Ne braska, at the othce of the Burliugton A Jli-'ju- j ri Kailrcad Company in the city of BurKctrton ' and State of Iowa, for the pnrposo of electing seven D-rectors of said Company, and for the transaction ol otner business. HENRY STRONG, HANS THIELS-jN. C E. PEKKINS Three of the In;o:poratcrs of B. ii il. K. Co. in .NCbra'.ii. Plattsaaooih. July 24th, 169. iu!Trw5 rii-i-wr nv SrprsTVTrvllFVT OP Tl'K fvs( RtNTK llEPARTMKNT OK MtS-WRl. T IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That the Missouri Yaliey Lite Insurance Company, u Eiio As- the laws of the Si:;te of Kansas, and its principal olhee. lo cated at the citv of Leavenworth, has complied with the ri -fuireinent- of the thirtiei.i. thirty-lirst. thirtv-seeond. thirty-third arid thirty-fourth se -lions of an Act of the (ienerul Assembly of tne St.ite of Missouri, entitled "Au not tor tip- ineorporallon nnd regulation of Lit'- Assurance Compil ings, approved .M m u io:a. A. i. n v, so ia . ;t u-; i n:n i i .ii-ii ..-Jiv - i... pursuant to the thirty-sixth section of said A-t. the sai l Mi-,.viuri alley Lite J nsiira.ii.c Company is hereby authorized to do business as a Life Assurance Company within the said tatcof Missouri, subject to Uc several provisions and rciuirements of tho Act afori-suid, until the hr; day of Eeb ruary. in the year of our Lor 1 eitrbteen hundred .;.nl seventy. t In testimony wiiereot, 1. H vllys MM., niniersiifneii. cuji rinieiejin. oi i.ie iiinr.n-e ui'i'iri ( Seal of Insuram-c De-1 mc-ut of said State of Mi.-soi.i i. h ive hereto set in." inn -i and ai.ixed partment of State of mv seal of otTi e. at the citr Eoui, M.ssoun. O.m i;ot h day of (. Missouri. J July. a. n.lSo'J. Migue l,. i LL K I iu, superintendent oi tne insurants Aepartmeiit oi me .r.aie ii .u..tuui u CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. (To expire on the 31st day of January, 1S73.) Insurance Department. Oj-eick of Stats Acditor,) m Lintolv, Nebraska. A pril 1. 1S09. u'urov.s AVM,nT! r,iv:ilt St ire Airent for the Missouri Yalit-y Life Insnranee Company, lo- catel at Leavenworth. 'Kansas, has filed in this ofiiee a -oi.y of.the At of Incorporation of said Coiniiany, and a st-itment under otitu. snowing us condition, as require i uy ine aim wuun ui law of the State of Nebraska, entitled "An Act in Relation to Insur:!Ti?e Companies.-' approved February loth, lo4; approved February 12th. 1S : and whereas, said Company has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evident that it is possessed of Jb'ive Munarea .'ruousana uoiiars of actual capital, invested in the stocks of at least pur value, or in bonds or mortgages on real estate worth double the amount for which the same i mortsage-l : and whereas, said Company has fi'cd in this oBice a writLCn instrument, under tne seal oi ine vompany, sipneu ny ine i resiueni a'ld Secretary thereof, autboriiing the said Abram .B. C'-ovalt to acknowleiljfe service of process tor and in behalf of said Compunv. consenting that service: or pro?-ss upon him shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the Company, according to the laws of this State or any other -iurc and waiving all claims of error by reason of such servp-e:an l whoras. Abram h. Covalt ha" furnished satisfactory evidence that he is the authorised Awnt of said Company. Therefore he it known bv t'lesc fire-'ents. that in piiriu:in.--e ot the afnreiid Act. I. John fiilles- pie Xn litor of the State of Nebraska. io hereby certify tu it Aoram II. Covalt. Esq.. has full au KnViv tn aet u Stjt A rent for the said MissoaruYalley Life Insnrnn-e ( onspany. in t:ietate of Ne braski and to do and perform all acts for nnd in behalf of said Company antb.orir.ed by his p- ,w.ii nt in, l.v the Uici of this Stato. until the Slst day of Jannary. x. r. l-70. In witness whereof, I have sub-eribed my nrae, and caused 'he Kent of the Auditor's office to be :o; GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o: .1. II. COV.lJLT9 State lSent for Nebraska and Xorthern Kansu. J-W. MARSHALL. Aeent. R. R'- LIVINGSTON, ULed- Examiner. , PLA TTSMO UTH. HOME TESTIMONY. The Ctxcinkati Daily Times OF March 21, 1801, nays: The Scandinavian remedies "appear to be growing in favor with the public, if we may judge by the testimonials con stantly received by the proprietor. A letter from Wiscon sin, to be found in our advertising col umns, announce that among tlie physi cians of the locality it is becoming very popular, and w hat is very unusual, is be ing adopted by them in their practice, (is a cure for many dis eases which they can not treat effectually in any other way. We understand that the immense trade carried on for sev eral years in these medicines has dur- ing the present year nearly doubled. Their process of operation is by a thorough purifica tion of the blood, and a consequent eradication of dis ease. I J' ll i V : A i 0 6 ' J"V"2 ' " i f;gi-t-:f yttf-eTf. r'jftv""' :llltilil".lJi rv