Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 05, 1869, Image 2

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    mmmmmmmmmmmmainm . iim ii ii i, -mi wiii t -- '-in i i -"T-T'i -- '- tf m Tin r -i 1 ' r i.-. B . "'i ai Vrmlmammi,mmmmm mmimi
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'Ilil'IiSDAY, AlVr.
;iiai.v IXEV.UOIW.
We converse 1 with a tousle of L'eiitle
f.rn in our city this v. c( k, who are looking
uja point to civet prim elevators. They
aj-peareJ to eoii.sMer thi.-i as a desirable
oint, and we expect to tee them at
week soon.
Vv'c lrn from aent .Siruphou
IlcnrylJiayton who "done" the IT. S. Ex
press Co. out of at tliij point
rf''ent!y,w;ts picked tip in Miiwaukie, Wis
consin, last Saturday. Mr. Simpson .was
unible to i-ive us any particulars, but
wo will ho able to jneve them uxt week.
A part of the stolen funds are- recovered,
but we cannot say how much.
We leam that Oen. Ilarxiworid, Pres
ident of the above named road, will
foon be in this part of the country again,
tinned with the necessary implements to
Iu.-li his road through. Ho will probt
lIy get it completed to Platt.-;mo;ith
during the' nest twelve or fifteen
OSLT l,7U ki:t.
The surveys of the Missouri river at
this city i-how that only ,l,7u0 feet of
bridging is required to span tin; Missou
ri, and that, too, whore there is a good
rock Inundation, and a never chancing
channel two very essential things for a
low bridge. It has always been consid
ered a, heavy undertaking to bridge the
Missouri river, audit is at almost any
other point on the stream; but here at
I'iattMiiouth it will 1' but a slight job.
We shall yet have hall" a dozen roads
running in here tj get a?rvsihe Missou
ri river.
rrti: mttiv .uakket
Ibis been unusua'iy dull f r the past two
v.veks. Th tc i. sale for com at 70 to SO
cents, an 1 .small iu:.ntit!cs of oats can be
.sold, iir retail trade, at alout 4.) cents.
There is really u market f;r wheat yet.
iM. rvfri-es to iurehae at any price,
j ii--w, waithig ibr the now crops. The
Lf iiu dealers of 1 '.'att.-nsout'i are prepared
to buy jii-t as soon a- th-i m-ii-ket assumes
J:t !-' iri e;-h ,v 'hi.Mgo or t Louis, which
ii i v r.rvti; t o.
" e st.-t'ed lu-t week an organiza
t!"uc!'the above nam; was bi ng formed.
Jy Ordinance published to-day it will be
se.-n th-.? ar.thority has boon uranted f.r
Mayor Wh-!-,, R S. White and R H.
M:n h or, an tin, of i.rt, to Ieae ail
the !"vco groan Is -of the city, etc. We
may pay our respects to this matter in
lot urc. and in the mcan.ime we again
advise citizens to look carefully into the
object of an organization that proposes
io ei.iuroi iuo commercial aj proaehe.s to
(ur city. It may lay in the hands of a
few men to ruin the commerce of the
p.aee. Oar po-itl u on this question i:
that id such power should be placed in
the hands of three individual-tcorrtfm.-i.
fur the purpose of building aroad from
Plattsnionth-jLA the Initial jxtnt. Now,
if ''Nebraska City was mentioned be
cause it was the initial point of the M. P.
Itailway,"' is that any reason why
riatt.-mouth should not be mentioned
'because it was the initial point" of the
Ii. & M. 11- Ilailv.ay ii, Nebra.-ka. The
author of the above says : '-if that line
had commenced," etc.. "its point of
crossing would doubtless not Iiave
been named." Wo acknowledge that
we are unable to i-ee the force of audi
hair-splitting theories, especially when
they are l.-uod on a "'doubtless" only.
If the commissioners can afford to let
the above go as their rca-nns for getting
the advtrtismcnt in the shape it is the
UkraI-U can certainly afford to. It is
all xcry fine, probably to talk aliut
"way stations'' and "initial points," etc.,
but there is such a thing as f ilrness, al
though it may not be generally known.
Good .c lor Xebriisl:.
Heretofore the tariff of rates from Ne
braska to Chicago has been so exborbit
ant that Nebraska fanners virtually had
no market for their surplus products.
We now have the pleasure of stating
that the I irectory of the Northwestern
Kailway Company have, in conjunction
with the Sioux City& Pacific Company,
so materially lowered their rates tis to
give Nebraska fanners an outlet for
their surplus wheat, vhile at the same
time the Chicago merchants pay them in
cash a handsome price. Farmers of
Platte, l"odare, Cuming, Washington.
Burt, I 'oughts, Sarpy, etc., will now
have oceaio!i to rejoice in the possession
of" a market at their doors. Orders have
been received this week for the purchase
of 250. UM bushels of wheat, which rates
in the Chicago market as No. , and
was worth yesterday $1.20 per bush .l.
Oiwilirt llcr'dd.
That is all first rate for the "farmers
of Platte, Dodge, Cumming, Washing
ton, Burt, Douglas, Sarpy, etc.," but
the farmers of -Cass, Otoe, Saunders,
Lancaster, Seward. Butler, Saline,
York, Hamilton, and the fertile coun
try along the Blue and Ilepublican the
Sne t agricultural country in the world
will bo equally well pleaded to learn that
the B. k M. Baihoad -will be finished
to PJ-itt.-mouth in time to take th:; crop
of the j ;resent season, thus giving them
equal if not better facilities than their
neighbors above cited.
unci; of poverty, ignorance and privation.
The consequence of such competition
here will be the same. The color of the
competitor makes no diU'erence ; it is the
starvation price of his labor that curses
the man who works against him. Nor
does it make any difference on ticjount
of the southern negro having l-een a
slave by law, for the Chinese who are to
compete with our northern labor, accord
Knwvnji i!j
ktokji iss.vv.-vntas ciiy.
Pfttlrurlion 6f Irojerty
We are indebted to M.
for the following extract
letter from Saunders county:
Eldiied City, Saunders Co., Neb. )
July 28th, lSO'J. )
We had a very heavy
rain yesterday, about half past 3 p. til.
ing to the account of the advocates of! T1e Vfy ha,1'd' 2,1,1 h rahieJ
this class of laborers, are slaves without ! ani1 hilc cutt!"-. th cro a!1 t0
the compulsion of law. Servile, cringing ! f10' , "TV " OV'lxth
wreteh,-bom slaves, the offspring of, v uwn' ana n,a re 1Clini
a race in whom even-spark of manlv in-i4!10 Wa ks :,re near'-v o11"" About
dcpendciiee has been extin-ib-hcd liv thrt'e-fourths of the wheat and one-third
thousands of rears of tinrc-istinir wrv- I of thc -lU lH tor d :wn- 1 our Iloue
or c.yii
Ilieulca seems to have obtained, in
some manner, that an effort would be
ma- ie to change the grade of Main street
1 Iiis idea has undoubtedly caused delay
in improvements, and the agitation of
the subject should be entirely abandoned.
e can convince any man h, five min
utc- time, that the present grade of 3Iain
street will nnrr ch.niffj. Don't de
1 l
j.-iy..ou-.- r.uiMiFig one moment on that ac-
ce-uit, lor there is not a ghost of a chance
for toe grade to be changed. We sneak
advisedly on this subj:e, regardless of
v. liat our own or any other persons wish
es jmght ,o on the sul ject of than,
the irrade.
tl,.- T 11
-" ---- juiu omnnsioners
.oou ncre uie l.urimgton & .Missouri
Kiver I.a l Load crosses the .Missouri
Jiiver. It they do, -,.uId thev do less.
.nmi,eja:t, than te give the nanm of
. j.ia -e in uicir oflicial advertisuiicnt,
;:i :i;i,th:r column of" the Hkr.m.uI'
i uui orijeet tiov. Untie
r, Secretary
Kennard and Auditor (Jiliesjo can hav
HI lllW'ii'i't.ii- ir., -.11 , i
- ...... ,n,Jt. to (jterm-
ine; tmt that somebody has an object in
it wj eanaot doubt. - Y0 hope they will
to us justice in tins circulars they are
aoout. to issuo. ll.rahl.
' Birlington tV" Missomi River
Kanroa i erosse., the Mi.uri Hirer at
1 lattsmoiitii.
In writiuer tip an ad iortiscment of lot
.i ineoui tJu "Jommissitm-'r? did
nocessarv to ii:ini; omn-
Stti;r thro,,?h route
v'-:i :iy ' mentioned Wause
' Is UV;. n,iUl;i1 J",!llf of the M. P. I?ad-"V"-
it Ime had cormmmced at n.i ;jo:,lt of crosinsr the Mis
pun, whether at J,wnvi!le. Otoe. Ne-i-r.i-Ka
l ity or S yomin- would doubt-
, . "av" named,
than Plattsmouth. as a p.i
otlier route. Xt-ihsnm,.
authorized expl,
any more
:t on the
no-v not whether the above is a
lanation oft he advertisini-
matter, but pre.-ume it is from the fat t
that Mr. Harvey, editor cf the
vian, has acted in the cajaeity of clerk
for the eommi.iomrs. surveyor ofLIn--o!n
under their authority, etc. -in fact
he has to a certain extjnt been spokes
mn on th..; "Lincola lusincss." If the
ab-avt'ontains the only explanation of
the matterTthat is desired to be made by
the commissioners, we must 1; allowed
the privilege of saying ta it, in our opin
ion, it was simply ridiculous to attempt
to mike an explanation. We give the
commissioners credit for being intelli
gent men, and the tb'tategnuin should
give the people credit for sufficient in
telligence to know that the above as
signed reason is no reason at all. Any
five year old boy in the State could de-vi.-e
a Letter excuse for doing a thing he
was ashamed of having been caught at.
It is Lnovrit to the commissioners for
papers are on f?!e in the office of thc
Secretary of State that the B. &31. 11.
11. in Nebraska has ks initial point at
I'latfsmouth, and thxt its being built
west from l'Jattsraouth by an entire new
company, organlz? 1 un-lor tlie laws of our
own State, ao 1 tlia articles of incorpora
tion c'-jC-iiily state the organization i"
T!ir. ni:ii:si: i.amhsii ksti.v.
The subjeet of emi-l.,ylng laborers
from China is in agitation in many parts
of the country, and is likely to create
considerable sen.-ation and probably j-o-litical
action at no distant time.
At a Cliinese Lal.-or Convention held
a short time since at the south, it was
stated that laborers on farms in Chii.a
work f ir from to .-?( per year, it: d
that those imported into Cuba are Woil;
ing at k- per m-ntn. Ana m aaaitim
to the low wngT"the convention spoke
of them as easily inannged, industrious,
jiatienf, docile, tractable and obedient.
and moreover that they were in part
qnaunea for southern labor, inasmuch
as the products of their native countiy
arc in many respects similar to those of
our southern Suites.
The convention organized an emigra
tion eonipany, and subscribed forty thou
sand douars there. The capital sto.-k of
the company is to be one million.
jne convention was aadressctl ;v a
Chinaman, resident in Louisiana by the
name of Tyekem-on (we think his name
should be Tyek.em-off) who stated, in ad
dition to the facts above in relation to
wages, that there were now 70.000 Chi
nese laborers in the West India:. In
the same paper, the N. Y. Tri'iivc, a
correspondent says that on the l'.u.-iHe
11. II., the California end, we suppose is
meant, there are now employed 4,X)
Chinese, and further that the Union Pa
cific, or thc eastern part of the road, is
about to employ .siu-h laborers on its en
tire line, lie says thev work for S35
(gold) per mouth and board themselves.
while our citizens have been receivinc for
similar services $2 (currency) per day.
And that thi Chinese save from $2iJ to
$23 per month of their wages.
I has we see they are coming, and
now as it is a blessing, or a curse, that
will be of overwhelming magnitude, for
China can furnish them by millions, it
uehoves the people to consider the sub
ject well, and act before they come upon
us in multitudes, if it is desirable to pre
vent it.
In the firming districts ofNebniska,
and oi such districts generally in the
west, where land is cheap and there are
but few who earn their bread bv farm la
or for others, it would not operate so
injuriously, or rather would injure com
paratively few; but in towns and citie -,
en railroads and wharves, ia factories
and shops, in short wherever a service is
performed by a citizen that a Chine e
can do, they come immediately in com
petition, and the citizen will be the suf
ferer by it. The advocate of Chinese Ia.-
or will say, "let the citizen work as
cheap as the Chinese." .Why. such a
thins is utterly impossible. Take a la-
loringman in Omaha, and his wages are
not one cent too much to enable him to
upport his family. True there is not
much diiference between $Z per month
itude. They may yield us cheap labor,
and may also satisfy the ex-slave owner,
and some arrogant capitalists by their
docility, and humble submission, but
they will come as an unmittigated curse
on the productive laborers of ourcountry.
They will drag these down to their own
level, or drive them from the field en
tirely. They may build up the wealth of
one class into permanent, princely pos
sessions:, but they will reduce the other
class to suffering.
The tendency of the system is to divide
the people into two widely separate
classes the one the poor, ignorant, sc rv
ile, toiling multitude, the other the rich,
and arrogant few to feoil, fatten and
flourish on the unrequited toil of the
suffering millions.
Such being the tendency of the system,
we may expect the jiower of the entire
ouee-pro-slavery clement of the country,
together with much of the rail road in
terest of the North, and a large portion of
other incorporated capital, working in fa
vor of the scheme ; and we can reason
ably expect that every working man will
raise his voice against the ruinous inno
vation, -j-
"In one year from to-dav." sars the
H.UAl.D. "Piatt-mouth will have twenty
thousanl inhabitants." We presume
this means inhabitants of all kin-Is such
as M akes, lizards, bed buss, ileas and
ail these classes of small inhabitants.
( ItlOlttL'C.
No. sir: we ha ve made no calculation
on an emigration from the classic pre- j
cincts cf the "Midland." . Wo shall i
hereafter be able to tell what the Chrtm- j
He, means whoti it gives the population i
of the "MidkM.d'd.ur-r. !
were blown dwn, and sonic Sof the boards
was carried across the breaking to the
east end o the third land a distance of
about forty rods, the boards are split
and broken. It also tore down Win. 11.
Lee's bouse, west of (J. Miller's, and
took the roof off M. J. "Watson's house,
and blew some of the logs down, hurting
Mrs. W. some, but bow badly I cannot
say. It also move I the new house on
section 4 about seven feet. The wind
twisted, tore or broke limbs off the trees
and blew some of them down.
The rain has beaten George Miller's
wheat flat to the ground; I don't think
it can be reaped. The grain is flatter
than I have ever seen it. The corn looks
as though the grasshoppers had stopped
in it for a few days.
Wm. S. Stocking.-
Tlje Wealth or ebruskn.
In the following table we exhibit the
general features of' the State Assessment
rolls f or each year from 1X39 to in
clusive. It wid be observed that the
grand valuation hiirher in 1859. lf!60
and IS'31. than in 1SC2. This is chiefly
due to the fictitious valuations placed
upon town lots, and partly to the assess
ment of the great freighting establish
ments which were maintained in Ne
braska City tlurins those rears :
i- i-- t- 2 5 ? 2 ' :r-l-,
v. . - -fc. ii
Indians on tlie Platte A Race for "Life!
Col. 31. T. Patrick has kindly permit
ted us to make the following extract
1 fVim n letter ri'f-iveif hv him nn vaster-
Stocking, Esq., j juy from Jlr. Biadbume, Esq., dated
from a private I'm Springs, July 23, 69.
Col. M. t. Patiuck :
Dear Sir As I stated in this morn
ing's letter, I went in search of the mule
an-! saw him between O' Fallon's and
Alkali, I walked back and tried to catch
him but could not. I then attempted to
drive him to Alkali," but was unsuccess
ful, the mule was determined to go to
North Platte via O'Fallon's. Two miles
and a half west of O'Fallon's I met a
set of section men, and they tried to
stop The mule but could not. I had not
proceeded more than a mile before I saw
what I at first took to lc some stray cat
tle picketed around O'Fallon's, but I
found to nry sorrow when they were
about one huudred an I fifty yards dis
tant that they were Sioux Indians. I
only had a small Sharp's revolver with
two charges in it. I gave leg ball and
three condescended to follow me, sec
onded by six others near by I ran for
my life, and as the foremost Sioux had
reached within twenty yards of me, I
threw the lariat roue down. As I hoped.
he stopped and picked it up. I put on all
steam and got a good lift ahead of.him,
but the cuss soon came along side of me,
t taking my revolver from mycoat pockt)
dropped mv coat, he stopnea and
picked it up. He soon came along side
of me; and as I had nothing handy but
my hr.t 1 slims that on; that he cobbled.
then he came for me and as I did not
care to be shot in the back, I turned,
took aim, fired and hit him in the right
shoulder. He fired a shot from a Spen
cer carbine, and drew away ; about five
3'ards. behind him, a young one took aim
and sent an arrow whizzing past my ear.
I pulled tho trigger, it snapped and
missed fire; then another came riding
up to me and fired a shot at me. I made
pretense of firing my revolver. The sec
tion boss opened a fire on them for me
to retreat under. We got the hand-car
under way when over titty Indians ap
peared on the bluffs, then we had a race
for life, but got in all safe in O'Fallon's.
It was impossible for me to save the
mule, being without arms and the sec
tion men were short of ammunition.
This little scare has caused a great ex-
lears. before laushed at the idea of n?i Mttnclc
by Indians are very ouiet now for the
past two weeks. I have heard of Indian
No of-icros tracks being seen within a mile of our
- 1 1 , . tt
camp. 1 am sir yours respectfully,
Wm. BitArmritNE.
P. S. I have not heard anythins of
IJtirch and Warner's party. (?) W. IJ.
nn y
Were sold in the Year 1SGS
Per cent, of
annual increase.
er cent, of
We find the. following railroad items
in the Lincoln Sf-ttcumrn : "'If 11113'
doubts the progress of tho work on the
I. ec M. line done during thop:it three
weeks only lot him take a bugrv and 1
dt Civek YaU
We rather :
:: 1: 1: 10
J-v 1 '' t 'Jl '
J- - ' 's '. 1 "; : i -,
i- i v
A v. value per
Total value of
think Ions lines of embankment will con
vince him that he has had a wrong ini-pros-ion.
The location of the line west
from Lincoln will only be delayed until
Mr. Poane, the Chief Engineer, can or
ganize a new party to go upon the work."
The track of the 15. & M." II. II. was
1 dd through the town of Corning on last
Wednesday, and the construction train
is running a little west id' that place.
Weather of late has been particularly :
bard on railroads, but if the rain will
only h-,1-1 off for a few" weeks, wo shall ;
certainly have the cars into this count v ;
by the middle of next month. Rul Ot';
iiit 1
y- i- t 1 ? '.s- ' 1
' 'y. : V. -" 'r. '-S-'s. "o ! No. of horses.
ic -x - -1 I
t "
1 1 V i : I
x . 1 - 1 .
S V-al. of horses
1; . -x V. X
-1 t i - ! -.i n x c-iu
? ?- .- y- 7- V- T-r ' !-
j ''- J j Zj ' '
j "
"Ij 1 1 i i ' . j- 1 1.: 1: it t i
ii ii ;-i:: r-ir. -
Imjioitaiit liijiiuctioii (use.
A complicated case, resulting in an in
junction, has arisen in our Courts. The
Missouri Transfer Company claim by
virtue of a charter fVom tho "Territory of
Nobra-ka and from a license from "the
city of Council IJIuffs, the exclusive right
of ferriage of" freights and passengers
between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Tho Itoek Island Itailroad Company
chartered a boat and brought it to tlie
ground for the purpose of ferry in ir thiir
1 r 1
- - 1 - 1 c: -x
"' -1 -d
No. of cattl
Val. of cattle.
Total valuation.
I C T. 1 4- 1 1
-s. J i I s yz T r I
I i - l i-t Ii- It V.
.:. across n.-c
.ansfl-r Comp-mv .-tie
The Mis-
ont an in-
souri 'i
juii'- .:-: to re-tr.-i n tlie use of this boat.
and for other purpose-:. The :o-"uiu nt
tool. p':: -j bi fore '.Ju !-,. I Viuidass of the
Circuit Court 01 S.inirdfv. Decision re-
sejVd until Monday. (V.ninl WhJTs
o see a notice since tho date of the
Per cent, of
an'l incr'so
from siij,
Per cent, of
total incr'so
from 1 Siii
E!n-!tt ional "tlco.
The Annual Meeting of the Nebraska
State Teacher's Association will be held
at Omaha, commencing on Tuesday
evening, August tilth, and will continue
through the following Wednesday and
Thursday. The programme will be
published in duo time.
The exercises will be public, and all
are invited to participate.
Nebraska papers please copy.
Per order of Executive committee.
O. Ii. IIkw::tt. Ch'n.
Some intere-tiiu' ficts may be gleaned
from an m.-pecEion of tho above table.
Ih us, the ainount of assesseiljands is j
nearly five times thc amout of f1v)9; and
the aver.ure value lor taxing purposes, is
now ovor tvieellii :i vr;i (-. v:i I,i. in 1 S'.-
TP.I i 11- 1 1 1 l
ii mis raxamc raute ruses nere as e lse
where at about one-half the cash prices.
tho average selling price of entered land
in .Nebraska is over 89. ("0 oer acre
We own now over nine times as many
I,,,...,.. .....i ! 4.: ..r
.1 n- ,i i, r. . ' 'isi:- iiii't n -.ii:v n units as iii.ioy cut-
above publication that the boat referred j tie as in 1o9. Tho number of horses
to is running; so it would appear the has steadily increased for eleven years.
injunction was not sustained. -inecaitie return snows a similar con-
3,000 Acres
Improved and Unimproved,
For sale on re:i."n:iblc? term; nU, Citv proppr
ty, cicisistniff -fl' Kivi.lcrn.-cs ami ri.i":iinroveil
Lots. Thosu .u-siriiitf to invtst i-:ifil!tl will iin-1
li. to tin ir interest t ) c.ill and ci:iiii!iiL' our list
bet. ire lmrchasinir eN. where.
But'Stf.J is I' L: It I .UcL Jfc 'VI N I) HAM.
All Estate pl.ioi-.l in our lian.Is for sale
will 1 u- l norouehjy ailvertised witiiout extr:ieot
totuooivm r. H j iru.'iranty t- a lvrr-.i.-e every
pi- cr of pioj-orty pi.u-o;t on our s.'le Looks, (.-iv-
iu ii.ii i-eriiio:i oi same wnen tiesire l. 1 hi
pive- purtie.- desirin? to sell the fu.'i aflvant:i?e
oi advrrtisui-r tli.-ir proiei ty for sale, without
liavuir dolla- of the expense to pav.
auK"uf.J spt'jtLOC'K A WINDHAM.
18 DEClUsE
Charter Oak Stove
They Stand Unrivalled
For Simplicity of Management,
And for Cleanliness in Cooking,
I'hey are. Hume Institution?,
Manufactured in the West, and adapted to
the wants of
Western and oouthern
Surely no good housekeeper can afford to be
without one.
Excelsior Manufacturing
G12 it- 614 X. Mtiu St., St. Louis, Mo.
E. T. Duke & Co.
Plattwiuoiitli, ii'S
May 27thic7.
Benj. V. Elbert, a non-resident of the State
of Nebraska:
"Will take notice thnt the Burlinjrton A Mis
souri K-Vt-r llnilroad O'tiipauy in .Nebraska has
loeated itf road through ami upon the following
real estate owned by him, .-itumeiii (.'as? eounty.
State oi Nebraska, ana city oi i iaitsmouin, to
wit : East half t'2 block four i) Thompson's
,l,iii,,in to 1'lattiinouth. aj is designated upon
the recorded aul publiihed plats of the city of
IMattiiiiouth : ami tlie said JSetij. r. tioert is
further notitied that said iiailroad Company de
sires to take, hold and appropriate !-aid real
estate for the use of its road: and if the said
lienj. V. Elbert chall not within thirty days
after tl.e publication of this notice for four
u ... L j tn-tvit: on or before tho 4th day of Octo
ber, A. 1). I'!, apply to tlie Probate Judge of
said county to nave me uamaires era vy mx
disinterested freeholder!", selected by said i'ro
bateJudee, as provided in chapter twenty-five
rS) of the Revised Statutes of the tate of Ne
braska, nnd amendments thereto, said Company
will proceed to have tho damages assessed as
therein provided by law.
l:ited 4th day of August, A. r. ls9.
Hurlincton j Missouri Kiver Railroad Compa
ny in Nebraska. By T. M. -MARyl EI'l.
auiron4. Its Attorney.
Improved Farm and Timber
Forsiilr-. The firm is sifoMtoJ milf.a u-t
of Pl.-irtsmouMi : acres undorcuirivation.und
1( acres of timber; also, a story and a half
house. I-or terms see
Improved Farm for Sale.
ConlainicK 80 ncres. fix miloa
ruouth. Apply to
aug-Otf. tfPURLOCK d- WINDHAM.
ftant iimvase for tlie anu; time ; the ap
parent t'allinir off in IS(i7, being lue to
Acoidont oil tlieU'ernlnir lVulvr
rrom .Mr. Slu-klon. nf F:i(-t.-rvv;il tfae onns-iou oi a cattle return for
, . . . .
learn trie n.-iriicula.-s or a sa.l .-u-ci. r
ing.ilJ, an-1 $ 2 penlay in currcni-y, yet,
that little, vrhei-e wages Larely fumish a
living, is fo much taken from the urrc
s trit j of hfe anil of course c-ntails priva
tion, ami suffering. But ih. .3d (gnU)
per month is uot end of the fill.
Tlie Chinese who are Moi-kini for that,
are the pioneers in the stampede to this
country an-1 aro gathering thc
fruits. When the millions ia (hir.n
working for $20 a year ani the millions
that cannot pet labor even at that price,
rush this way as maDy certainly will as
the news spreads uoc; them, we will
?ee Chinese ia this country workirg for
half the pay their countrymen are now
receiving here. And we will aI.- see the
free laborers of the country native and
adopted citizens day by iky and little by
little injured by the competition. To-day
conielled by stern necessity to re'in-;ui.-i
a t-uiall portion of the necessaries
of life and to-morrow another portion,
until in a few years they sink to a level
with the poor whites of the South.
There a cheap and servile labor has con
demned tlie working white to an inherit -
ur of
Foldi'lTs Mill Oil the Weenins- W:irr
On Thursday morning la t while the mill
was in operation Mr. Folden's two little
j-'hls went up stairs to t'et corn cobs.
Coming too near a shaft which at the
time was in rapid motion their clothes
were causrht and they whirled around
thcsh:;ft tor sometime, strikinir them
against a post at every revolution. A
screan from out; of them alarmed Mr.
Folden's brother who nm to tlie mill and
the water. One of the little l
ibout thirteen vears of aiv. is so !
return ier two
ihe total valuation is nearly six times
tlie amount returned m ISO-,
Ofthe $ 12. 00. COD returne-lMbr 1869,
the sum of S.MHI,(V1; h assessed
upen the L nion I'aeifle Railroad compa
ilitl avrr;i'-t vaoie nP lopstrs m l sr,'
(at twice theassossinent) wa about ?S4;
in 12s ; ia sot,, 140 ; in 1803,
1 04. rt(it-iiui .
A Great Bargain.
We have for sale an 80 acre tract of Inl lvin
ten miles ftouthwest from Plattsiuouth. which
can be had at a bargain if nnpli.-ition is made
soon. fcPcULUCK a.- WIXDlf AM
aiiFf ,
iMattsiuouth, IVcb.,
Kenairrrs CI Stc.-itn .nnnm R,.;t..r-j i:..
o.:... h:h. . T '
vri 1st Willis.
William J. Ford, of the Stute of Maryland,
will take notice that John Black, of the county
of Cass, in the tHato of Nebraska, did on the
--d day of July. a. u. 1!!. tile hi petition in the
District Court of the 2-1 Judicial District of the
Sitate of Nebraska, in and for Cass county,
ns.iinst the taid William J. Ford, di-fcn laut,
setting forth that on the nth day of May, a. i.
IsoS. defendant was indebted to him in the sum
of One Hundred and Nineteen Dollars for
ieal service, and attendance, uml medicine fur
nished to and bestowed at request of defendant,
and iirayiiiR judgment forsaid amount ; and the
said idaintitf did on the 22d day of July, a. i.
ISij'.t, cause an order of attachment to be issued
from the odice of the Clerk of said Court, and
did cause the the following real csooe of de
fendant's to be attached, to-wit : Lot No. seven
("I in block cijrhty-si'ven, as de-itrnatcd upon
the recorded plat ofthe city of Plattsiuouth,
Ca.-s eounty. Jn't-hrnskii.
And the said William J. Ford is notified that
he is reijuired to appear and answer said peti
tion on or before the third Monday after the 2d
day of September. A. i. IsOi.'.
Dated August ild, lSii'.i.
By T. M. Marijcttk. his Attorney, lanjrowl.
William J. F'i-d. ofthe State of Marvland.
will take notice that Bobcrt K. Livingston ,.f
the county of Ca-s, ia the .State of Nebraska
did on the -J.l day of July. a. d. 1SO,i, lile h-'s pe
tition in the District ofthe I'd Judicial
District of the State of Nebraska, in and for
ass coumy. apain-t the said William J. Ford,
defendant, settm- forth that oa the I4t!i uav of
llcccmben 17, defendant was indebted to him
in the sum of One Hundred and Thir:v-si and
oO-lcNl Dollars for medicines and for medical ser
vice and attendance furnished and bestowed bv for defendant at his request: and nrav-
itiff judgment fors.n.l amount with interest fro'm
VV. , f is.i, . ; ana ueienuant is turthe
notiue.i ttiat plaintitl dul on theLl'd dav of Julv
A. P. 1 SO'., cause an order ril' !itr ...k:,..:f l'
issued from the office of" the Clerk of said Court
ami Hid cause tlie following real . state bclon
lnir to "leteiet.tiit to be ntt ho,l ..--o - I .....
seven uj aiKj eij.-iit . in block ciirhtv-sfei-en'sT
as the same is liesiiiated im.m t!w r,.,...r.i...i ,.i..
i.i i.u-t.ijiu cati.-moutu, tn Cass countv. Slate
( .if'iriiK.(.
Anil the sam IV illi.-iin .T 1'or.l ; r...t;;.; .1 ..
i:e is rmuirpi id appear ntnl answer i.r.t
., ! "1,,".r ''Clore the third Monday rftt rthe
-i oa oi ieietner. a. p. l-i
Dated Atun M ISiiii.
v -r , t, If'JKRT n. LIVIXUSTON.
1-y I. -I. M.vtiii-KrT, his Att'y. auif."w.l
The unknown owner CstMiposcI to be T J .To
seplii, n non-resideu.! ofthe State of Xcbra-ka
M ill take notice that the Burlington A- Mi.
souri Ilivcr Comnanv in N'ebrask-.i h;i
located its ro.i 1 through ;nnd upon thc followitiR
. . . . i.(ien ov nmi, smia: in Sauiub.'rs
i-oumy, ciiiie ot .eiiraskn. to-vit : Southwest
quarter "-jl ot section eleven (ID, township
twelve rinse nine 'V': and the said owrcr
(whoo name is unknown isfurthcr nolitie-t that
inn Km ,,..,.( ('. .1.. . , ..
,.,,..;,ui,. ,i, ne.-ires in iaKe. tiokl ana
ji-ppropnate so much of said real estate as mny
be ueeessary ti.r th' cyn-:ructi(.n and eon vc-tic nt
. r-iau: and it tlie said owner (whose
name is unknown! shall not within thirty days
after the publication of this notice for four
weeks, to-wit : .on or before th 4th Hnv r.r i..i
ber. a. u. 13;9. sipply to the Probate Judj-'e of
s-.iivi eouiuj- ii nave tlie aauiatrcs assessed by
ii i i irecnopicrs. seiectcU bv said
1 robate Ju-lce. as provided in chapter twenty-
iivc oi me xievisea Matutes ot the State of Ne
braska, and amendments tberetn u .i.l l'.. ,,
will iirwYid to have the damages assessed as
Lui-i uiii provided oy law.
Dated 4th day of Auifiist. a. t. 159.
"V""ltlu" 'x -nissouri iiiver nauroait.1 nnipnny
. .,,uta. jjy x .u. 41 A uy L 1-. 1 T,
auCuw- Its Attorney.
To the unknown heirs of Kmeliuo Uosslcc, a
non-residents of the State of Nebraska:
Will take notice that the Burlington fc Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska lias
located its road throuKh and upon tho following
real esUite owned by them, situate in Cass county,
State of Nebraska, und town of (.ireapolis, to
wit: Lot sixteen in block nineteen of section A
of the said town of Oreapolis: ami the said un
known heirs of Kmeline tio-slee is further no
tified that suid Railroad Company desires to
take, hold and appropriate so much of said
real estate as may be necessary for the con
struction und i-ouveuicntusu of its road; and
if the said unknown heirs of Kmeline
Uosslee shall not within thirty days after the
publication of this notice for four weeks,
to-wit on or before the 4th day of October.
A. D. lM3y. apply to the Probate Judno
of said county to have damages nssessed by six
disinterested freeholders. Selected by said Pro
bate J u-lge, us provided in chapter twenty-tivo
ot the Revised statutes ot UieMateol Nebraska,
and amendments Hereto, said Company will
proceed to have the damages assessed as therein
provided by law.
Dated 4th day of August. A. D. lSC.'.l.
Burlington Missouri River Railroad Company
iry I . M. JlAKULtl I,
in Nebraska.
Its Attorney
Martin B. Cutler, a non-resident of the State of
Will take notice that the Burlington & Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska lias
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him, situate in Cass county.
State of N ebraska, and city of Plattsiuouth, to
wit: Lot seven in Block sixty-five, as is designat
ed upon tlie recorded and published plats of tho
city of Plattsiuouth; and thc said Martin B. Cut
ler is fiii-thernotified that said Railroad Company
desire s to take, bold, and appropriate said real es
tate for the use of its road, and it the said Martin
B. Cutler shall not within thirty days after the
publication of this notice for four weeks, to-wit:
on or before the 4th day of October, A. I. 18oyt
apply to the Probate Judge of said county to
have the damage assessed by six disinterested
frcoholi'ei-s. selected by said Probate J udge, as
provitel in chapter twenty-live ofthe Hevised
Statutes of the State of Nebraska, and amend
ments thereto, said Company will proceed to
have the damaged assessed as therein provided
by law.
Dated 4th day of August. A. I). ISO".
Burlington ,v. Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MARQUKTT.
augjw4. its Attorney.
Charles Prime well, a non-resident of the Stat o of
Nebraska :
Will take notice that the Burlington t Mis
souri R.ver Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located it? road through und upon the following
real esTat f owned by linn, situate in Cass county.
State ot Xebra.-ka, and city of Platt.-mouth. to
wit: Lot one 1 1 ) in block one il ) as is designated
upon the recorded and published plats of the
city of Plat tsinont h ; and the said Charles Penne
well is tu ther notified that said Railroad Compa
ny desires to take, hold and appropriutesaid real
c state for the use of its road; and if the saidChurles
Penneweil shall not within thirty days after the
pu I'lica; ior.of this notice for tour weks. to-wit:
onor before the 4th day of October. A. I. Hfj'J. ap
ply to the Probate! udge of raid county to have tho
damages :i;,-c.-sed by six disinterested freehold
ers, selected by said Probate Judge, as provided
in chapter twe.:t -live of the Revised Statutes
of the State of Nebraska, and amen. Itu cuts there
to, said Cjmpaiiy will proceed to have the dam
ages ussi'.-sed as therein pro ided by law.
Dated 4 th dav of August, a. i. Im.1i.
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Cmpany
in Ncl.iaska. By X. M. M ARC I' FIT,
augjii4. lt Attorney.
IV. I,. TttKLH,
work in his line on short not ., e a'el hi 'ti,!i ''
style. Contracts lor building made on r. .7 '
ble terms. j,,,'.'
riVl.' Tn II llf V 1 ST I if f. n l-l-M,
-. " . B .- . A V'V II1.,,.' J
Where I am permaneril'y Kkmu I. l it, -, , ,
to make UaI kuidd of ' " ' '
Pueh as Photographs. A inbrotx pes, ti. t . .
Porcelain, Watch Dial, .Minetu-.-. o .-.
' Work done neatly und promptly, and
Also, keep a well selected s'.. ,!; , r
Oval hiiiI Square l"iac:ies.
All are respectfu'.lv invite.) to ea l ,
specimens. V. V. LEONARD. A r
july2--tt; 1'lat Imi.oii'i . '
To the Stockhubh is of ; ,'o?-,;,,(,
cf' Missouri Hirer llulrouJ (.'i,,j, ,,, ,
in Xtiratka :
Notice is hereby given thai on Vein.;,
the first day t September, A. D. lv',;i, u,,.,,'. w ;
bo held a Stockholders' Meeting of the ;,1;i
ton ,Y Missouri Rivrr Knilroad Conn an-, oi N
braskii. at the office of the Burlington ,v M .',
ri Railroad Company in the city of l(u,:u ct
and St ite of Iowa, for the purpose ot , .., ... ;
seven Directors of sai l Company, and p,r
transaction of other busine-.
HA S Tin l.i.M,V
, , r C. E. PERKINS '
Three of the Incorporators of B. ,V M. R. R t ,
in Nebraska.
PlHttsmoutji. July 21th, D(-o. j,,-.,
A(!iiiEiiistra()i' m Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pnrsuauep (,f
decretal or-ler m.ide by his Honor tie. r (. It
Lake. Judge of the Second .1 ,i, 1 1 ii ... .
Court, within and for Cu?s Cutptj, State ot Ne
braska, at his Chambers in Omaha Citv, on
the 7th. A. D. Isoy. I will, on the 21st day . f .
gust, A. D. ISi.y, ut the front door of U. r,,,,-.
House in the city of BelleMi.-, Sarpy Conn-,
Nebraska, offer tor sale at public auction, at ti ,'
hour ot one 111 o'clock p. in. of said day, to tl ,
highest and best bidder, all the right, title i 1
interest ot Ephraim Colow, deceased, in an, I i ,
thc following described real estate, utiuite h,
Sarpy County, Nebraska, to wit: Ci-minen. ,, ,.
at J. F. Swain's southeast corner, them e in,"
ning north it chains and l'J links to thc l-ai.k ,
Platte river, running thence east :l chains a-,.j v
links down tle bank of suid Plane river. south 11 chains and 4i link- to ti,. i.
of said river, thence meandering the l u.k '.f
said Platte river to the place of beginning. ,
taining 2 nnd 3-100 acres, in section No. -..., , , .
ship No. l't, range No. 12 east, t th P. M. s,.,.
will remain open for bids for tlie spa-c ' (,,lt
hour. T erms cash.
Admr. of estate of Ephraim Colow. d. (-'!
By Maxwell A Chapman, his attorneys.
M. M. Jackman, a non-resident of tlie St m if
Will take notice that the Burlington
souri River Railroad Company in Xebrii-I.i: ! .
located its road through und upon the foil,
real estate owned by him, situate in Oa's ,-,n:i,'
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsiuouth !
wit: Lot twelve in block one. us is d.
nated upon the recorded and published p! i - !
thc city of Pluttsmouth; and the suid M. M..I:,. i
man ia further notified that said Raili o ,. i
pany desires to take, hold and appropriate .
real estate tor the use d its road : an-lilli:. ,,
M. M. Jackman shall not within thirty d.i...
the publication of this notice b r four w ei i. .
wit : on or before the27ih day of September a.
Ihb'.l. lipply to the Pio'oatc .In br - of raid cot,',!,
to iiave the damages assessed b i x di-im i ; ,
cd freehol lers, seli?ctei by said Prohae .'n !.- ,
as provided in chapter twenty-fix e of tli" it m--ed
Statutes of theState of Nebraska, und aim i, ;
menu thereto, said Company will pio. 1 1..
have the damages assessed us therein pit-ii, j
by law.
Dated 2-sth day of July, a. p. l-vi-.i.
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Co,.- . t
in Nebraska.
By 1
lis A
M :
,Oasan- ?tearti Finings. Wronght Iron Pipe.
A suit was comiiaMicod in this citv on
! . i . . -r ' . ' i,...i t : .i. : -i i : ts. ,
ini'iiy injurea tlitit lier iitc is (lestiiureil ! , 11 il (" -i uiriror amouni rorce ana tut rumps, steam Uaugcs, Balance
or. , r i-.r nni ran. linn woro rtt.0 "ia:i uv.y sin-'io suti-f-ver enr.;roa m tnis "- v. Wu an uuiu oi
l!..i nn.i s, . II,. 1, . StatO. viz.. t-t'.ii 1. 1 VS; -.; Tbu raritM
necessary. The odit-r 0:1 still vouner ! are ':,l"I:'s U- I'avis :ui.l aseoeiates t.r- Kr2.:R KTIFIIIP FlttinfTG
wt not so .brtJly hxirL-MrcJiil Kiv(r Au' T- lrant, John XiUgim, rilllilgS,
1,tk .fury .'Jl,f. j i'uu and others, o'u.-ialiy cuiinecteu with
I aim iyjrescnfn)i; tut; l won l'acinluul-
way. Ihe claim 1-. for laoor done ami
..... : . r : 1. 1 i .
iiiitiei mi liiriitstieo. etc.. in ana unout,
A. .V- X. Kailront!.
TTw. TV...-.-.-r 1 . 1 i ! iiititenals iiirnishoiL etc.. in and a h
J tie lo,inn Court oi JVoniolnn countv ; . i, x , (. . . , .. ,
viil. ot. Monday next, issue the IotpIs j J .T' l . 0 1 alW1
ftl.r.t county to the Atchison & No- J"u,un, .My 2,th.
1 T 1 -1 11 no
onisKa ii-'iro.-t-i ir. iii-i au.o'itit
we lo!i vo is two hr.n ir-.-'l fh iu.-,i::-l i-A-lars.
The h.iitds .-fAfi Jii. -in (-.unity to
the sauie ooiiij.any will ho n 1 ly for" de
livery hi ahou: two weeks. Work (u the
mi ! is jirorein.r ruii l!y, nu.l v-. l'l soon
1. -e rea ly Ibr tlie ties and ioii. .L'c.'u'w.'i
Put riot.
furnished on short notice.
Repaired on short notice. auirotf
Notwithstanding the nnfavoraole re
rortsi i'rom other section- ofthe State,
ujjoii tne prospects lor tiie tanner, we
have very little cau-e for complaint in
Jjirn-xster county, 'j'hs rains have Sitter
ill done us no material iniurv. and a
ln'ivy crop ofwlieat and small trniiii is
.-eniiT gathered into the tranier. Ihis is
r.o lancy Meet, h, 1 or we have conversed
with :i of onr olde.-t farnieis.and
thrs is thf lr unanimous testimony. The
scab or Liicht has affected the wheat hut
slightly about here, so far as tlie avcnitre
yield is concerned, though some tields
upon the bottom have leeu considerably
injured. Corn is lookinp well at the
present writing. Lincoln Common-
Durinsr the f-torm ofthe 2oth inst.,
.Mrs. Litf. residing- 12 miles from Lin
coln on Dak Creek, was struck by li,5ht
uing, and remained insensible ibr several
liours. Tlie liuid came down the flue
:md fctovcTpiiM?, and the ladv was near
A Man I Omul rt-atl cr;rni'.i! Island.
IdlAMl INLAND, Jll'v L''.
i osterday mornin ' a man was found
dead on the track, aout six miles eat of
this laee. He had hetn run over bvone
or two trams, and tW- bo lv .was badlv
mutilated. IVtr -rs were tbuud on his
person sh -win,' that liis name was James
rarieH. He had but recently come
rrom Lnc'and. as the papers were dated
IH3S, and state ! that he ha 1 a-netl
seven years in the British navy; that he
had been faithful, and was" honorably
discharired. The body was broucrht here
! by the roadma.-ter, Mr. Chapman, and
interred. No inquest. llrpuLlican.
Tlie following model salutatory is from
the Boise City (Idaho) Chronicle:
We have started a paper.
J 'i me L api tal (.. hronieie.
J'riticijjlrs Democratic, to the hilt.
Ol-kct To make a livinsr.
Griics On Main street, about three
hundred yards below the Overland Ho
tel, opposite an old oyster can in the
And we'll ran it or "bust."
Hare cpened a shop on Sixth street, fouth of
..tain, wticre iricv nre Tren:irii.i in . ... i -..i. ;
ijit uui.MiiiiiuiiB mic ou snort notice an-t in
the hot stylo. Shocinjr, Kepairiiijr, snd all
KIIl'lSl'l CUSIOIU Wom I1UUU lrOHll.l C nn.r",,l.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
Situated on Four Mile Creek. 4i miles north
est (if 1'lattsmouth. 1 milffrm fli t'l.,,,..
er.iinii three-fourths of a iniie from the line of the
I. v Ai. IL, und known as the Stocking farm.
containing -J teres of choice land, loj acres of
nuivu ui oonoiu iiina.aoout ten acre are ti-ubcr
an 1 about ninety acres in i-ras. il o, ,. ;..
train, all under fence. I't,.,n il,- ;
double cabin, frame barn ZUxZi) feet with stone
basement, stables and other out huillintrs, an
orchard, pleuty of stock-w-utcr. a never lailinir
well, a good school house; also 0 acres of timber
land ia i-arny county, near the month f 1,
Platte riven also lota two and tix (2 and (Ji in
Iilock fiur '.ii and lots seven nml iT an. I ui
in Block one hunired and sixtr-eieht n,.s, in
the cityof l'lattsmoutb. Terms easy. at the premises or of the subscriber
in s-aunders Co. Xeb. AI. fcTGCKIXii.
l lattsmvuth. Ang. 5.-tf.
Probate Notice
Pmattsjiouth, 31st Julv, lsiio.
In the matter of the estate of Edward J. Keugar.
otr comes S. R. Smith, and deposits what U
thcjlast will and testament of Edward J.Keusrar,
decease 1. late ol V eeninir V.'an-r nr-..;n,-r i1,.
Cliane of Time. I county, Nebraska, and states that ?.i:d deceased
The U. P. Iiailroad ia.nffer train !r'" '""fc?',0.f:'n.
i y ., , j i "i". uioe saia win aa
mu.ieu 10 proniiie.
ow then, the Court orders that notice bo
'.'J. at
. bear
i Oor-
I tl,;
r. ..; .., olsl- " iijl.ia.i u. oAi,t,,
-orton Ilarden, anon-resident ofthe State of
.i ciirasKa ; ,
Will take notice that the Ilurlinjrton A Mis
souri lover Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road throuph and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Saunders,
county, .state of Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast
quarter () of section eleven (11), towi.ship
twelye lJ) ranfe nine CD; and the said Norton
Harden is further notified that said Railroad
tjinimint,.ri 1., 1...1.I .i .
, . ... ..,-. n,i nfiiropriaxe
rn much r mid real estate as mav be neces-nry
tor the ct u,lru--tion and convenient use of its
road; and if the said Norton Harden
ii. n wiiinn thirty anvs after the
publication ot this notice for four weeks to
T2l on ",r '"'O're the 4th day of October, i. i. apply to the Probate Judjrc of yaid county
to hare the dauatres a-sesse.1 by six disinterest
ed freeholders, selected by said Probate Jii ljre
a? provided in chapter twenty-five of the Re
vised Matutes of the State of Nebraska and
amendments thereto, said Company will proceed
ed hy lU dalUi'Bes a-cssed as therein prorid-
Oated 4th day of Auirnt. a. r. l;f
Uurlmirton A Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska, Ry T. M. M A RQ I" ETT,
auBw4- Iti Attorney.
The unknown owners (supposed to be the heirs
of J. lar.leo', non-residents ofthe State of
Will take notice that the Burlington Jfc Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon thc fo!
real estate owned by thetn, situate in Sautolei-s
county. Mate of Nebraska, to wit: The south
cast quarter t section two. township twelve
ranze nine: and th" said owners whose j are
unknown) are it, -it ii..:i i
Company desires to take, hold and appropriate
so much of -aid real estate as may be ucce.-s;,t y
tor the construction and convenient use of iu
.... uin ii uie saia owners (whose names are
unknown shall not within thirty days alter the
r- . mid 1'iiuT ior inur weeks, to-wit
ha VP th c1:iihiit mm,. ..j... i i.. ..- j- - ' V
freeholders, se.l.ted by.Od ' Probate T
Hrtl' 'PV: twer.ty.five of the Revis"d
...-.v. . '.. o.jie in etiraska. and amend
ments thereto, said Company will proceed to
have the damapes assessed ai therein provided
Dated 4th day of Aucust a. n. Ii9
T,. 1 ; r. ...... t:..- : i- ,-.'.
.losjuuri xxivcr ivuiroa.I l oni;.n v
in Nebraska. ttv T M wuiiii-i- t '
auB-5w4. IU Attorney
J. E. Johnson, a non-resident of the State of
N ebraska.
Will t ike notice that tho llni linion A' NI .
souri River Railroad Company in Nebra.-'ka has
located Us road throuKU und upon the following
real e.-iine ok nci oy lino, situate in ciu-s county.
State nt 'Nebra.-ka, and city of Plattsiuouth. to
yit: J.of eleven in Iilock ninety-two and lot
lour in block one hundred seventy-on.-, as is de
signated upon the recorded and puidisbed plats
of the city of Plattstnoii ih; and thesid J. E.
.lohn.-on is fiirthcr notified that said Railroad
Company desires to take, hold, and appropriate
said;lf,. tr the uso of its road, and if the
said .1. K. Johnson shall not with in ! hiriy days
niter tiic pub! it a: ion tliis nut ice t:,r four weeks,
to-v. it: t n or bclore the 4th day of October. A.
D.I "Hit, apply to the Probate. I mlj,'e of said county
to have the dainape :i"sessetl by si.v disinterested
freeholders, selected by sail Probate .! iidire, as
provided in chtipter t wenty-li vc of t lie Revi-ed
Statutes of the State of" Nebraska, and amend
ments theret . said Company will proceed to
have the damages asse--sed us therein provided
by law.
D.-rcd :Mh day of Ju!y, A. 1. 1 S-;.
Burlington ,V" Missouri ilivcr Railroad Company
in Nebraska. Ry X. M. ilARyl'E'i'T.
aug."wl. Its Attorney
. ' Ti ,
t l. ;
. I ,
To unknown owners suppose 1 to be Wm. F. Eu-
ucrs x c.o., non-residents ol tho State of Ne
braska :
Will take notice that the Rnrlinirtnn .t- Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska lius
located its road throuirh and uiion the tollowinv
real csta'eowncd by them, situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmoulh, to
wn: 1.01 o. seven 1. 1. in i.iocK io. sixty-tour
"4 I. and lot Xo. fourteen 14 in blor-k V
hundred and seventy-one 1 171 as is designated
upon the recorded and Published nl.-.i. .t tlio
city of Plattsiuouth j and the said unknown own
ers supposed to bo Wm. F. Enders & Co. are
lurthcr i.otitietl that said Railroad t
sires to take, hold and appropriate said real
estate for the use of lis rad ; and if the said un
known owners suimosed to be Wm. V a.
Co. shall not within thirty days after the publica
tion of this notice for four weeks, to-wit: on or
before the 4th day of October, a. D. lSo'J. apply to
the Probate Jtidirc of aaiI nmniv tn I, .. .... i.A
damages assessed by six disinterested frnhnli-
ers, selected by said Probate Judge, as provided
in chapter twenty-five of the Revised Stat
utes ot the State ot Nebraska, and amendments
thereto, said Company will proceed to have the
dainapcs assessed as therein provided by law.
Dated 4th dav of . i, i4i.o
Rurlinpfon k Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MARQI EiT.
uKjw. lt3 Attorney.
will leave Ouiaha from the th street de-
ana stove" i.ijh?, an-i the lady was near pot after AuL-ust t. at 9 o'clock a. m..
the Stove at th t m f.f to. :i,, ;.lort fr..-r.J t v- --a I,. - , ' lficn lurturee weeks in the - ebraska IlKt
i, t ir - 11 " 1 - ''idcmif. I aca iaa: s.atnra.iy. stb day of August, is.
Dr. U Ji. l.obliins was sent lor, and This is a change that will be gratifving 1-! o'clock of that day. at his office, he will
Mieeeeded after Ills arrival in restoriutr tn tl travolm" i.ul.hV if tv.J"tr. and de ermine the same, and ttat William
h.r tn mn,.;,vu,-;c 1 " :" .CI":. X '.T"" Li. i.i rlV" "4 "ugn iwton. wune-sses to sa d wdl
,, , V, ...-..1.-. ..v. ...t u.iia liui'ii.u on i:iii.; iiu eiuse uiJiiii'rc- I ail oiuer persons interested will then be pr
- - - - - , i - 'II.' L i lUllUIIC , i t'l . , i . iirscjuu ui a I
l.'.l .
ihirt'.-.ori-hoiir d-.-l-iv.
Martin Farrar a non-resident of theState of Ne
Will take notice tbnt tl.o I!rlmw,. t- r:.
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
locate! its road throuch and upon the following
yicuinri, vy aim. situate incass county.
Mate of Nebruka. and city of Plattsmoulh. to
wit: Lot One ltl hlnt'lrnim hnmlml,n..
as is designated nnnn thn r,.., , r.1 ... 1 ..,.! ...."i.t
ed plats ot the city of Plattsmouth: and the sai l
Martin Jrarrar is further notified that said Rail
road Company desires to take, hold and appro
priate said real estate for the use of its road : and
If tne said 31 art in Karrnr h..ll ..:..
daya after th publication of this notice for
four weeks, to-wit : on or before the 4th day of
October, A. 1). 18o9. apply to the Probate Judire
of said county to have the damages aseseJ by
six disinterested freeholders, selected hv said
Probate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty
pve of the Revised Statutes of the State of Ne
braska, and amendment thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages assessed as
therein provided by law.
Dated 4thday of August. A. D. 1809.
Burlington At Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MARQUEIT,
:ui!T-w4. ft.. Attorney.
Ax Orimsasck granting certain privileges, and
leasmg the Levee (irounds of the City to the
Plattsiuouth Dock and Levee Company.
M.CTIOX I. J.f it oTtiiunril the iJiior nnrl
'i'l (K,fi7 uf the it;t ttf I'tnttmuitnith, 'lhat the
inds and grounds of this citv known ns the
evee grounds, lying on the east side of this city
union iiio western oaiiK oi ihe tiimmin r, j
inn e.ieii-iniir a onif the loini, ol Ho. M ;,,.,.-:
river the entire length ofthe eastern tide of this
uj. logi-iner wnn ail alluvial formations, ac
rciions, sand-bars and islands which hayeheen
noxv urc. or may be hereafter formed on the Mis
souri river ami opposite the limits of said eity,
be and the same are hereby granted, leased and
quit-claimed for the term of ninety-nine years
lrom tne time hereof to the corporation known
-s i tie flattsmoiitii Dock and Levee Corn
any, which said corporation filed their articles
f incorpvrat ion in thc ( lerk V ottiw. ot 1 1.-r ......
of Cass, ii the .state of Nebraska, ut 8:15 a.m. on
the iMh day ol July. A. D. 1st;;, and appurte
nances to the said lands ; the rit'ht to protect
extend and improve the ai,l !v,.. .........ij i
nli accretions thereto: the ri.-bt to ..r,....
maintain .locks, piers, wharves, store and ware
houses, .levators, or imv tl..r :
..-1 : I .U 1.' . ."S -.v"1-' vio.-ii uuiiuus
" : i'lrectors oi tne sant corporation mav
deem necessary to do and transact a general
'lock, warehouse, elevator and levee business
and the right to charge such rates of wharfage
drayage. und dockage, landing fees, dry-doek-nge
mid rents and charges for use of elevator, as
the Directors of the said corporation mav deem
reasonable: VnnV,, alir.. That the rates
charged by the said corporation shali be reasona
ble rates, and, as far as applicable, the average
and general rates charred at the lovu. r
cities ion the Missouri river bctweea the city of
,i . V " ". ; Jinn prjr,utel
lUB a" rpration shall pay into
tlie i itv i rea.-urv iirinn ilU- h ...... .!.: a
iiiiiiR-Miii!oi tno month of August
... . . o j .-.I , . i iic u 111 i.i mi v tioi i ars
'i? r lhe '!iiyorva,n'1 f:- li- -Murphy and F.
t?. White, members ofthe City Council, or any
two of tho.-n. are hereby authorized to execute
and deliver M the Plattsiuouth Dock and Levee
Company tho franchise and lease of the aid
levee grounds, and all the alluvial formations
accretions, sand-bars nnd islands, which have
thnt"OW are'.orniy hereafter be formed on
the Missouri river opposite the city of Platts
hln.;hrtbeJl'rm "l 'nety-nine years from
',iy?.Le"'c.f' ln accordance with the provis
tVL .'h. firll- Pict",1n, f this ordinance; and
the said Iran, hise and lease shall be sealed with
the seal f th, Recorder's Court ofthe city of
l lattsinoiirh 'such eul v...: i
,P1, . r -. y . ""-i iin k uscn as tiic
corporate seal of said cityl by the Mayor, who is
authorize,i here specially to alTn the said seal to
s.ii.1 1 franchise and lease; and the Mayor and F.
lute and t. B. Murr.hv hn ,.r
City Council, or
anv two of .. ..... l :
... I , - -j . , i j t 111. n, l BiuvrUCU
t deliver the possession of the said levee
kIa J"u"il the "cretions hereinbefore speci
ned to the Plattsmouth li.i, ...,i T VtIl1
lt??- r'r,ded' majority of the Directors
of said Company shall within ten days after the
of8? tf ,,h" ordinance accept in writing
under their hsnd. ., ..;:. ,. r "."
and lease under this ordinance, and file the said
acceptance with the City Recorder.
npproveu .August 3(1, 1H;9.
tt.-fWw T "HEELER. Mayor.
Attct: W . L. Vkils. Recorder. augf.wl
Al'ijnh Harris, a non-resident of the .-'
N ebriska :
"W ill take notice that the Burlingfoa .
souri River Railroad Company in Ncit.-i-located
its road through un I upon tin- t 'l
real estate owned by him, sitiia-.' in .i-s .
State of Nebraska, and c'uy of l'l;iit-in..i
wit: Lot nine in block ninety-one and !
in block ninety-tw.i as is dc -.gnat
on the recorded and i iibli-ht I :
the city (f Pliittsninuth : ai 1 I fur r-ii-i.V ; .
Harris is further notified that said K.r.:: ;
Company desires to take, hold Mid ipi vi r
said real estate for the use of its pn.l: m p
the said Abijah Hnrris shall to, t within t
days after the im blicatioti ot' thi-- notii-c !' r '. :
weeks, to-wit : on or before thc 2, ih :; . i ,- .
t ember, A. n. ISiiii. n pply to tiic.l n.b.i :c J -.;.!.. '.
said county to have damages a.-- -.i l. -A .:
interested freeholders, si-lccl.-.l I..,- t he I
bate Judge, as provided in . hni-r- r ti:
of the Revised Statutes of thc So.:c . .N. i
ka, and amendments thereto, suid o-, . .
proceed to have the dama . :t.-.-cty! .. : .
provi led by law.
Dated this -.Sth day of .1u!; . a. jt. '.
liurli'icton ,v Missouri Rive Raili-oa li'., ; -in
Nebraska. liv 'J'. M. AIA l;,' 1 i .:
julyiw-l It- . V ; ; . :
0 FFE R EXTRA 0 R Li ! ! J A R Y !
tTarly Six IIuucli cl I'nirf, of
Ilie ticiircht ai!i tif;
for SO cents.
Iu -rdcr to give the people aa eppor'u: i-;-i
become better ii'-(uint.'d nth ih ir
magazine. "UNCI; A MNJ1I." i!. r
will send, tho first six iiiiuitu rs of this . a. i : ,
cents. Kach number of "Dure a .Monti,", n
tains double-column nates .f tl. b.-si st r -
I and entertaining an. 1 instrurii.-.- rta l:t : I
louml in any liiMgazinc in thc.-oiintry. Jio :
subscription price is ?- year, its tj ...irraj n
cal beauty is pot excelled.
Sen i OU Cents, and you will g.-t this !,.:!!. b.1
magazine from January to .June of thi-. '
Containing 670 pes of choic reading.
. Address T. S. A K fill K A Sis.
JulyS.J X m Chestnut street. Philad.-lp'-iit.
F. s. white. u ot-KTi s .;-:i:s.
Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb,
One door east of 4he Court House,
Dealers in Produce, Wines.
Our Stock consists of the best brands of
Canned and Dried Fruits,
Buckets, Soap, Salt.
and even thing kept in a Grocery Store. K.' '.'
article warranted of thu best ouality. I' ht
est price paid in cash for
Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs.
nnd all kinds of Farmers Produce.
Cash paid for Hides.
Houses noved. and good-Sold bv Am-'i-" '
the shortest notice, by I". "S Willi."
I'lattsmouth, July :), Wj.
ALEX AN i)lt irs
Cor. Main and Second St?.,
ci' in:
' j
in i
ro '
biii i
Ml !
so! !
nc i
U- 1
We are butchering nothing but tho very
of meat, which can always be had
as we kill from three to five ho-id of beef Mf-;'
a day.
Market open Sundays until a. m.
Tligheat price psid for ft cn-tl". Jub --
ur r
.fro; i
of ii
.,';. ,
.n t-
iri i ;
mi 1
wii Ii
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tleiiri '
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&H. Le t
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15th o
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