Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 01, 1869, Image 3

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    Nebraska gcrald.
Appointed to make arrangements for the
breaking of ground on Saturday are re
quested to meet at the office of D. II.
Whttler at 8 o'clock to-morrow (Friday)
ruorning. The following arc the names
of the members of the committee as han
ded to us:
D- II. Wheeler, T. M. Marquatte, II.
Aii"' II- Ulack, Jacob Vallery,
W. Mickelwait, James O'Xeil, John (1.
Jhys, 11 Tr Doom, M L White, B Spur
lock, W W Krwin, S F Conrer, John R
Clavk.JjWm E Donelan, Joseph Schla
tor. W m Eikenbary, E Butter', V I'ot
tongcr, II J Rowhcr, S M Chapman, 11
R Livingston, II D Hathaway.
The ceremony of breaking ground on
the Burlington & Missouri River Rail
road in Nebraska will fake place in this
city on Monday next, at 3 o'clock p. ni.
Turn out. and see the work inaugurated.
See card of I). II. Wheeler & Co.
Picks, Shovels, etc., for the railroad
work, are arriving every day now.
The. town is beginning to fill up with
railroadih looking individuals.
Aj;ix says decency is a j'Wel, and that
lr. Miller lacks jewelry.
The river has lecn raising fur a few
days past.
Iro. J. ('. Betrs was the Orator at
the Masonic Celebration in Omaha.
The Sheridan House will be opened
f the public in a few days.
The It. R. engineers have Ir-ch very
hu.-y about the city, during the past
Several loads of lumber for railroad
hanties came aecross the river this luoru
in?. Ilev. C. A. 3Iiller will preach at the
Court House in this city next Sabbath
Julv 4th.
The high waters List week carried away
a culvert or two on die lit & St. Joe 11.
R. near St. Joseph.
The C. B. Sc St. Joe road was injured
by the recent rains m as to prevent the
running of cars for several davs.
Fiekler's Moat Market, comer Main
and Second streets, was leased last Sat
urday for ninety dollars per month.
The IlfjmttUrnn devotes over three
columns to a description of the Masonic
Celebration in that city. It was a fine
Rro. Cr. C. Ret ts called at the IIkuat.d
Miictum this morning. His genial
countenance is ever welcome in this local-
A large amount of blasting powder will
arrive in a few days to be used in tearing
up nx-k alonir the line of the B. & M. It."
11. west of l'lattsmouth.
An icning was made through the
tiinlxT opposite the city List Friday, atid
hands are throwing up dirt at a lively
See advertisement of ''Kind for Sale"
by D. H. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate
Agents. Now is the time to secure bar
gains in real estate.
The Ulair lieginter has taken alout
one story off its head, and looks much
bu tter. Ton large a head isn't good.even
n a newspaier.
What's the reason Morton didn't "go
for" the Republican on the Salt Laud
libel? We are anxiously awaiting the
A petition is in circulation asking the
City Council to put a bridge across the
stream on Fourth street, south of the
l'latte Valley House"
The editor of the Statesman has ex
amined a very interesting '"cave" near
Lincoln, but fails to tell who is the pro
prietor thereof. Prcttj"wcll done, Ajax.
Nearly every trip of our ferry brings
from ten to twenty new settlers into Ne
braska. The great human tide is turned
this way. lx)ok out for them.
The different blacksmith shops of the
city have been kept in full blast for the
past week or ten days repairing tools to
lc used on the Railroad west.
We had feared the heavy rains last
week had lodged the wheat so as to in
jure it. but are pleased to learn that such
is not the fact. Wheat never looked
Work would have been commenced on
the R. R. here last week only for the
rains, which delayed the work on the op
posite side and kept all hands busy re
pairing breaks and wastes.
The Omaha Herald is asking the peo
ple of Omaha to build a Hotel, and tells
them how to build it. The Herald man
ought to know. If we are not mistake
he lias had some experience in the bus
iness of hotel building.
The Press boasts that a few words from
it caused the Herald much labor to ex
plain that little. 4 "if." The Herald
'"acknowledges the corn," and submits
that small animals often annoy a whole
S. Duke, Esq., iss ending one dozen
extra copies of the Herald to friends
jn the castT and has been for the
past two years .If more of our citizens
would follow his example it would be
well for the city and county.
The local of the iVcifci informs us that
'F. A. White, Esq.," has got home
from the east Thank you, Daniel; we
doubt not the people, will be pleased to
hear it, as we are,- Bnt, then, you need
not be so fcnannish about it: we presume
White didn't intend any harm by coming
home so often. We are' acquainted with
him. an-1 think him a verr fine gentle-cas.
Capt. Hoover informs us that the
wheat crop in his locality looks all right.
A portion of the goods for Fitzgerald'a
new store arrived to-daj The balance
are on the way from St Louis.
H. N. Orr, Esq., "of the U. P. R I.,
was in the city Tuesday. He returned
to Omaha yesterday.
Contractor Fitzgerald informed us
yesterday that he would bring men and
tools over the river every day now until
he got a full working force. He crm
mencp the erection of houses for his
men to-day.
Ileswer has favored the Herald office
with some more of the " first fruits" in
the shape of a couple of fine heads of
Early York, with which he is now ready
to supply the market.
The Blair Register says J. I. Blair,
Oakcs Ames, and a number of other
Railroad notables passed through that
city last Wednesday on their way to
Mr. John It. Cox and Miss 31. Byrd
Baker were joined in wedlock at St.
Luke's Parish Church in this city, at 8 a
m., to-day, and immediately took the
cars for Kansas City, the residence of the
Parties just down from the mountains
report the snow all melted, and that we
probably have the highest water in the
river now that we will have this season.
The fall of snow in the mountains last
winter was very light.
The Xetcs says the contractors on the
B. & 31: R. R. from l'lattsmouth west
have apiointed an agent in Nebraska
City to purchase supplies. That looks
like business on the B. & 31. line, and
indicates that the road will draw heavily
from the country surrounding Nebraska
City from its very commencement.
Cramer's Circus exhibited here Tues
day afternoon and evening, according to
advertisement. Those who were present
ami there were a large number of them
report the performance far better than
they anticipated from the appearance of
the "outfit." This company was the
first to visit Ashland and Lincoln.
From the Cheyenne Argun of the 2"Jd
we learn that II. 31. Hook, an old plains
man and former 3Iayor of Cheyenne,
was drowned in (Jreen River a few days
before. He was going down the river
on a prospecting tour, along with a party
of men. when their loat was upset.
The other members of the party got out
3Ir. Richard Vivian, of Portage City,
Wisconsin, has leased the Platte Valley
House of Capt. 3Iurphy, and will take
charge of the premises in a short time.
3Ir. Vivian is an old hand at the busi
ness, ami the reputation which the Platte
Valley has sustained since Capt. Murphy
has kept it will suffer no damage under
3Ir. Vivian's management.
Contractor Fitzgerald was in the city
yc.-?torJuy rcttintr tLmtto in rcil!iie:9 to
commence oerations with a ""vim."
He has over a hundred sulcontractors
ready to take hold, and we confidently
expect to see the grading completed six
ty miles west from l'lattsmouth liefore
winter, and to see a iortioii of that dis
tance ironed.
Jones, Junkin & Co., of Chicago.have
just issued a work of great value to Farm
ers, Professional an I Business 3Ien, en
titled Iav.s of Business for all the States
of the Union, by Prof. Parsons, of Har
vard University. The writer is acknowl
edged authority on I'iw, and is the au
thor of several Standard Law Books.
Sec advertisement in another column.
The work of grading the strip of road
!etween this city and the C. B. Sc St.
Joe track is progressing rapidly, and will
be completed in a very short time. The
job is divided up into "00 yard contracts.
and a set of hands is engaged on each
;"(M) yards. The object is to get the iron
on as soon as Mssible so as to run cars
off the C. B. & St. Joe Road to this city,
which will be accomplished inside of six
We are in receipt of the June number
of The Evergreen, a monthly publication
devoted to the interests of the 3Iasonie
Fraternity, and one which would benefit
all mankind if they would read it. It is
edited and published by E. A. (Juilbert,
at Dubuque, Iowa, and should be in the
hands of every Mason. It numbers
among its corps of regular contributors
some of the brightest 3Iasonic minds of
the age.
3Ir. J. J. Russel, of Richmond, Ind.,
has purchased the Wachter house on
Fifth street, north of 31am, for the con
sideration of $1,700. Mr. 'Russel came
here some five or six weeks ago, and has
since traveled through the greater por
tion of Nebraska and Northern Kansas,
as well as a portion of Iowa, and has fail
ed to find any place that suited him as
well as Plattsmouth. He has purchased
the above property to occupy, and will
immediately complete the building.
We passed through Billings' Fruit
Hardens a few days since, and must say
that it has been many years since our
eyes were regaled with such a sight
Everything was loaded to its full capaci
ty Apples, Cherries, Plums, Currants,
Blackberries, Raspberries Strawberries,
Grapes, Gooseberries, etc., meet the view
on every side,until one almost forgets he
is in Nebraska, where people say fruit
cannot be raised successfullv.
The " Western Warblers" arrived in
the city yesterday, and gave one of their
unrivalled concerts at the Court House
last night. The turn out was reasonably
good, and every one present left with a
feeling that the evening had been well
spent The troupe is one of merit, and
deserves the patronage of the people. Miss
Georgia Hart has as fine a voice as one of
ten hears in tile west a voice which stirs
the soul of the listener. The " Warb
lers" are on their waylo the Pacific
coast, where we predict they will meet
with great euccess. They give another
; concert at the Court -Heire this evening.
This part of the footstool was visited,
last Friday, by one of the heaviest storms
we have witnessed for years. The rain
came down in torrents, raising all the
streams to their full height. We have
not learned of any particular damage
sustained in consequence of the water.
Fitzgerald has shipped a large number
of plows, scrapers, shovels, etc., which
will arrive in a few days for operation on
the Railroad work. We learn from the
Nebraska City papers that he has been
purchasing there probably the ones
heretofore used on the Midland Pacific
The Railroad Transfer, N. D. Muiisou,
passed here last Saturday, on her way to-
Omaha, where she will ojK'rate. She
comes from Quiney, Illinois, where they
have no further use fir transfers, as they
have an excellent bridge. We did not
learn what road employed her, but sup
pose it to be the Rock Island. She will
carry two cars at a time, or a locomotive
and tender. ""
It has lcen a well-established fact for
some years that Nebraska is one of the
finest stock countries in the world, but
it has been generally lelieved fliat hog
raising would not pay a very large profit.
In opposition to this belief, we would
place the fact that J. II. Allison, of this
county, brought as fine a drove of hogs
into the city yesterday morning as we
have seen in many years. There was
about 50 in the lot, and there were fif
teen of them under one year old that av
eraged over 3M) pounds each.
3Ir. Jacob 3Iahin left yesterday for a
trip through Iowa and 3Iissouri, and
probably east of the Mississippi. He
proposes delivering an occasional lecture
on "The West," in order to satisfy the
desire that is everywhere manifested to
obtain reliable information concerning
Nebraska. 3Ir. 3Iahin has seen a large
portion of our State, and will bo able to
speak of it from actual observation; and
those contemplating a journey westward
will find that he is not only thoroughly
acquainted with the State, but that his
representations are entirely reliable.
The Statrxmnn' of the "2oth says:
The flood in the Middle and Salt Creek
valleys is excessive. The waters got
over the banks of the streams on Tues
day and now are higher by four feet
than has leen known in ten years. Op
posite the lower (norch) end of Lincoln
the width of water is two miles. Thous
ands of acres of grain on the bottoms be
low are submerged. The rain has been
falling steadily for forty-eight hours, and
the clouds indicate no present cessation.
There is a rumor of the drowning on
Thursdav of some man in 3Iiddle Creek.
We have a sjeciinen of Beet Sugar,
obtained through the kindness of John
F. Buck, Esq., of this county. The su
gar was manufactured at Chatsworth,
Livingston county. Illinois, where, we
understand, there is quite an extensive
manufactory. The specimen we have, is
taste as the finest clarified sugar in this
market, and nearly or quite equal to it
in appearance. We know nothing of the
process of manufacture, but suppose
particulars could be obtained by sending
to Illinois. The specimen. cati be seen
at the Herald ofnee by anyone who has
a curiosity in that direction.
Has our Lincoln neighbor yet learned
that l'lattsmouth is the headquarters of
the B. k 31. R. It. Co. in Nebraska,and
that all Depots, Muchine Shops etc., are
located here? They appear to be ignor
ant of the fact, but are not so ignorant
as to where the 31. P. leaves the Mis
souri river. Come, neighlor, you must
keep up appeprance of fairness towards
this point, even if your hearts are joined
to other idols. It looks bad in you to
endeavor to ignore the point from which
you are soon to be thrown in such close
Judge Kinney has just concluded a con
tract with Moses U. Payne, of Iowa, by
which he has liought all of his lands in
Cass count jr, in this State. The pur
chase amounted to fifteen thousand six
hundred and eighty dollars. This in
cludes some of the very best lands in
Cass county. They wore selected at an
early day by a personal examination of
the county by 3Ir. Payne. A deed was
executed on yesterday to Judge Kinney
for these valuable lands, and we under
stand from the Judge that they will be
put in market at once, in small tracts
only, and only to be sold to actual set
tlers, on time payments, a small payment
in advance. Nttcs.
We find the following in regard to the
"Western Warblers" in the Hamburg
Time. The troupe is sjoken of in the
highest terms of praise by the press
wherever they have been. Here is
what the Times says:
"We attended, last evening, the fir
concert given by the above Company. ana
were highly delighted with their per
formances. We think it decidedly the
best entertainment we have ever heard
in Hamburg. The singing of some of
the troupe is remarkably fine, and 3Ir.
Cook is one of the best violinists in the
couutry. Our town is visited by so many
traveling companies that have no merit
that it is necessary for our people to be
cautious as to whom they patronize.
We wi.-h to assure them that they will
run no risk in attendinur the concert of
the Western Wa'blers this evening and
we advise them to give the troupe a
hearing. Thev perform at Sidney on
Friday and Saturday evenings, and at
Nebraska City on 3londay."
We stated some weeks since that par
ties were here negotiating for property
upon which to erect 3Iachine Shops and
Foundry. The names of the parties re
ferred to were Messrs. Curtis & Way
man, and we are; happy to announce that
they have perfected arrangement, and
will commence operations immediately.
They would have been at work before
this, only they were disappointed in get
ting the lots they desired, owing to the
fact that their fii-st selection was required
by the RailroaoL Thev have secured
grounds near Heisel's Mill, and one of
the am is now down the river ovlenra
' Machinery.
We learn from the News that a young
man named August Rethemeyer, lately
from Cburtville, 111. , was drowned in the
Weeping Water, near the farm of Mr.
Weston on Thursday last. At the time
he was endeavoring to cross the ttreani
with some horses. Search has been
made for the body, but without success.
We understand a couple of low mind
ed villains were invited to unceremonious
ly take their departure from the region
of Four 3Iile Creek a few days ago.
They immediately complied with the re
quest, notwithstanding the waters of
the Creek were dangerously high to
A wash tub full of queens-ware was
found in the weeds on the river bank,
just above the steamboat landing, last
Tveek, which is supposed to have been
taken from a crate belonging to Vallerys
& Ruffuer. The owner of the tub found
with the dishes can get the same by call
ing at the store and proving property.
We presume they would be glad to see
the owner.
Should any of our Omaha friends see
projKT to differ from our views upon
their departing glory question, we simply
refer them to the Herald of their ourn
city as an advocate of the same views we
entertain on .the subject. That journal
calls upon the people of Omaha to look
at "the handwriting upon the railroad
wall," and we think we are able to see
it at this distance.
Cuban Itevolut ions iu WaKliingtou.
Washington. June 28.
Several prominent Cubans, holding
official relations to the Cuban Revolu
tionary government, have lieen in Wash
ington, and had an interview with the
President and several members of the
Cabinet, and prominent Senators.
The assurances given them of sympa
thy with the Cubans in their struggle,
and the political aid of their cause, give
their representatives in this city much
satisfaction. They state that a govern
ment agent will be sent to ascertain the
strength and prospects of the revolution
ists. If favorable, it is their opinion
that the belligerent rights of the Cubans
will be recognized by the government.
Railroads In XcbrnsUa.
Our South Platte friends are wide
awake to their true interests on the
Railroad question. Richadson county is
moving in favor of the Nebraska Trunk
and the Nemaha Valley. Nemaha coun
ty is looking to thu eastern connection
via Quiney and Nebraska Railroad. Ne
braska City is pushing the 3Iidland Pa
cific, and has an eye to the Iowa State
Line Road, and the Nebraska Trunk for
her eastern and north and south connec
tions, l'lattsmouth has already secured
the Burlington for her eastern connec
tion, and the same line for her western
outlet while she has a common interest
with all tljp river towns in the Trunk
Line. Pawnee City, Tecumseh and Falls
City will all be accommodated by the
Nemaha Valley, and Lincoln will be the
railroad center of the South l'latte coun
try, as the Midland Pacific, Burlington
and 3Iissonri River and Nemaha Valley
Railroads all converge at that point.
A correspondent of the Chicago Times
says ol eora?Ka, inusiy.
"From Omaha south to the Kansas line,
and west from the river for a distance of
2K) miles, there can be found the choic
est fanninsr lands, equal to the very lest
prairie in Illinois. Timber is scarce, but
good spring and running water in abund
ance. The soil is a deep, black loam, and
very productive. The climate is the
same as in Illinois, having its sudden
changes, yet not unhealthy. Home
steads may be entered at any time and
tlie best farming lands are lying idle,
waiting for industrious occupants.
Fruit-growing is a success, and all that
is now wanted is the immigration of good
farmers to make Nebraska one among
the lest airricultural States in the west.
Coal, lime, salt, and good building rock
iu abundance. That is all I can now
honestly say alout Nebraska farming
lands, and that is enough.
The Chicago agent of the Wisconsin
Immigration Bureau reports that be
tween the Oth and 13th of June, there
arrived at that port 3.8'Jl immigrants, of
which 980 were Norwegians, 1,;j00
Swdes, 1,150 German, loo Danes, and
100 Irishmen, altogether 3,890. Of this
number 730 Scandinavians went to Wis
consin to settle there. 350 to Iowa, 800
to 3Iinncsota, 40 to Illinois, and the rest
to Kansas ami Nebraska, and some tew
families to Dakota. Of the Germans,
about 430 went to Wisconsin, and the
greater part of the rest to 3Iinnesota.
This would leave 884 Scandinavians to nd Kansas, for the week
occuring between the Oth and the 13th
of June. We arc not informed u. to the
proiortion of Scandinavian immigrants
going to those two States, but suppose
they are alout emial. A little attention
to this matter iu New York and Chicago
would largely increase the influx of Ger
mans and Scandinavians into Nebraska.
All we iret at nresent is through the in
tervention of strangers. Is it not high
time that we avail ourselves of the ser
vices of an active and intelligent immi
grant agent, at least in New York city?
Indian JInrder In Kainuii More
Troop askrtl lor.
Washinoton, June 20.
Survcvor-Gcneral Babcock, of Kansas
in a letter to President Grant, dated on
the :20th, savs that Gov. Harvey had
visited in person all the settlements
where the Indian enormities had been
committed, and ascertained that more
than thirtv persons in all had been killed
Agent Iloag placed the number at
twenty at the time ot the outburst.
Four surveying parties were in the
field. All had returned. I wo ot them
renort thev saw Indians. The third
party say they were attacked by a small
hand, which fled after the surveying
nartv had hred tour or hve shots.
All the surveying parties were fright
ened and thev decliuc returning to be
fired at.
At present the Indians are not com
bined, and do not intend to bring on a
regular war. Small bands are scouring
the country, with the intention of killing
and plundering.
Settlers and trains arc in great danger
Irom roving parties.
Gen. Schotield has comparatively few
troons for so wide an extent of country.
The Governor of Kansas therefore
nsV-s the President, for additional troons.
If thev cannot le furnished, then ne
asks -anthoritv to raise a regiment of
volunteers, and Surveyor-General Bab
cock joins in the reqnest.
Pittsbug, June 29.
The Senate of the Fenian brotherhood
is in session here and it is understood that
they are preparing the programme on
the Alabama claims as far as they affect
the Irish nuestion.
Gen.' O'Nei! is expected to arrivs to
All persons indebted to us by note or
account, will save themselves time and
trouble by calling and settling immedi
ately. We mean business and must
have the money.
Doom, Bro. & Co.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware. Boots, Shoes &e. Have
the best selected stock and make the
lowest prices.
Agents for Birdsall's Threshing 31a
chines,Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines,
New Yorker Self Raker Reaper, "Buck
eye" 3Iower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's
Reaper and 3Iower, Wier's Walking
Cultivator, Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod
and 3Iould Board Breakers, Stubble
plows of all kinds.
Ecery Implement Warranted.
Vallerys' & Ruffner are just in re
ceipt of the largest stock of Dry Goods,
Groreries, Hardware, Queensware,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Doors, Sash,
Iron and Nails ever brought to the wwt
If you want to buy the best Corn
Plauter in use, go to Vallerys' & Ruff
ner's and buy Brown's Illinois, Com
It you want to save time and lalor, go
to Vallery s' & Ruffner's and get one of
John Deere's Walking Caltivators.
If you want the best wagon in use, go
to Vallerys' & Ruffner's and buy the
Schuttler Wagon.
5000 lbs Bacon.
1000 lbs Lard.
Vallerys' & Rlffner
On Sunday evening, June 27th by Judge
Gatre. at the residence of the bride's father, in
thi? city, Mr. Fraxklix Leonard aud .Miss X.
M. M'olfb.
At St. Luke's Church, by the Iter. Geo. C.
Betts. of Omaha, on Thursday, July 1st. 159,
Jons R. Cox. of Kansas City, Mo., and Mi.-s
Mart Byrd Baker, of Plattemnuth.
Dr. W. II. Russell, the well known
correspondent of the London Times, en
tertained the Prince of U ales retently at
a dinner at the Garriek Club. They
vere toeether in the Fast, and the cor
respondent is about bringing out a narra
tive of the tour. "Wales," as the la
nented Art emus used to call him, shows
his sense in hohnobing with the actual
rulers of the time, the knights of the
quill. But is Pr. Rnssell sufficiently par
ticular about the company he keeps.
430 acres of Land. 7 miles west from Platts-
motith, miles from Railroad, for sale. Terms,
one-third ca.-li, and ballance in one and two
Also many other desirable tracts of laud.
Inquire at
julyliv4. Real Estate Anency.
I. O. O. F.
This order will hold "next regular meeting on
Saturday nifrht, June 3rd, at which tho regular
election for officers for the ensuing term will be
held. All members are expected to be in attend
ance. Traveling brothers arc cordially invited.
Wm. L. Wki-ls. Sec.
I. O. O. F.
To the members of the Platte Lodge No., I.
O. 0. F,
There will be a meeting of Plattsmouth LodVe
Xo. "., at their Hall, on Friday evening July 2d.
All members are earnestly requested to be in at
tendance as business of importance will bo be
fore the order. By order of the X. G.
For Sale.
Two valuable resijence lots for sale. Inquire
of M. Mf Elwaix: apstf
For Sale.
A light spring wagon. Inquire of Sam. M.
Chapman. mhlstf
Pay Up.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
me will ploasc call and pay up immediately. A
word to the wise, etc.
KelOtf C L. r OKU V.
$1200 and all Expenses Paid.
See advertisement of American Shuttle Sewing
Machine in our advertising columns. ly
M fa T.fa fiitntiann Wmild PPSnCi'tfllll V SaV to
her friends and the public that she has, made, ar
rangements to enlarge her class in music, and
would be pleased to instruct any who may wish
to take lessons on Piano Forte. Inquire at resi
dence, corner Vino and Second streets, l'latts
mouth. feblStf
Ordinance TSo. 71.
A OntirAcit levying a special tax to pay and
liquidate the Ferry Boat Bonds authorized by
Ordinance Xo. nD.
Skc. 1. lif. it nrdniafd t'U the Mnynr and City
Council of the (hty uf i'latttmoutli, 1 hat a special
tax of two (:! per cent, be, and is here
by, levied on all the taxable property, both real
and oersonal. within the coraorate limits of said
city, in accordance with the assessment and
valuation of said property in the said city,
for County ami State taxes, to nay the sum
of seven thousand and eight hundred ilollai s.
principal and interest, due March 1st. A. Ll. 1H'.!,
ami to liecoiiie due March 1st. A. 1). 1870. upon
bonds issued by the said city for the purchase of
the terry boat 1'aul licox, terry franchise,
and right of way of the Plattsmouth Ferrv Coni
pany, said bonds having been issued by the City
Council, sicned bv the Maror and attested by
the City Recorder, on the 1st day of March, A-
u. t"40S. ami numooreu i. z. o. , ., o, i,
8. V. 10, 11. 12, 13. J4. 15. 16, 17 ami IS,
e.n-h in sums of -")00. with interest payableannu
ally at the rate often per cent, per annum from
date until paul ; wtiien said bonus were autnor
izedbv Ordinance Xo. ti'.. entitled "Au Ordi
nance to authorize Council to borrow money for
the purchase of the ferry boat l'aul lh-ox.
ferrv franchise, with riirht of wav. of the Com-
fauy," and by vote of two-thirds majority of the
egal voters of the city of l'lattsmouth, at an
election held in accordance with the provisions
of said Ordinance Xo. (;', at l'lattsmouth, on the
:20th day of February. A. l. 1VS.
SrEC. i This ordinance to take effect from and
after its publication according to law.
Approved Juno 17th. lsti'.l.
1. 11. WHEELER. Mayor.
Attest : "Wm. L. "Wells, Recorder. je4w4 .
Estray Sale.
Xotice is hereby given that I will offer for sale
to the highest bidder, tor cajin. at tne House oi
William Conor, in Oreopolis Precinct. Cass
Countv, Xebraska. on the 2,r)th day of July, A.
D. lstl'j. between the hours of 0 o'clock a. in. nnd
4 o'clock p. m. of said day. one estray Mule,
taken up and advertised by the said Conor, and
appraised at one hundred and twenty-five dol
lars, ami must sell for two-thirds of said ap
praisement. -
Given under my hand this 224 day of June, A.
1). lo".
je24w5 JAM ES O'XEILL. J. P.
imix i t nri i i , ii 1 1 .i i in-- i , - ' . -
eeiving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company
V i 1 :ii L 1 ... . L. a... I
in eoriUKH, will ? opciieu l me wuii-v m s.tiii
i .. : - ; ,.r iq..tra.
mouth, said State, at nine o'clock a. in. of
the 4tnaay oi juijva. i. itv.
Witness: li KXRY STROXti.
H. Till ELSOX.
Three of Incorporators.
June 20, 1S-39. je2iwo
Xotice ia hereby given to all parties having
business before the County Commissioners Court
the nature of which will require the tiling of pa
pen, that the requsite papers mutt be tiled with
the County Clerk before the first day of each scs
iinn of en i.l iVurt to obtain a hearing unon
any such matters aj they may desire to bring
HofoT-A th Pmir
The rapidly increasing business of the Court
makes this order of imperative necessity: that
a regular order of business may l previously
arranged.whereby the Board may nioresystemat
ieally and, with greater celerity dispatch the
business. brought oeiore tncra.
By order of the Board.
TstryyOi Clerk Ca; county. Xtb.
Ordinance lo. 755.
it Ordinancs to regulate the granting of all
ferry licenses within the limits of the City o
l'lattsmouth, and prescribing the rates of fer
riage. Sec. 1. Be it ordained bu the 'hfauar and Citu
Council oj the Citu of I'lattmnouth, '1 hat it shall
be unlawful for any person or persons, comoanv
or corporation, to keep, ruu, maintain oropvrate
a ferrv, with any boat or boats, skit', flat boat,
ferry boat, steamboat, or other craft or vessel,
within the corporate limits of the City of I'latts
mouth, without having first obtained a license
therefor in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance.
frEC 2. Any person or persons, corn pan v or cor
poration, that shall establish any terry within
the limits of said city, shall first present to the
City Council the petition of at least twenty free
holders, residents of said city, signed and at
tested before some X'otary Public, Justice of the
Peace, or other competent officer, setting forth
that the applicant for such license is a resident
of said city, tho number of boats and name
thereof, and description of all boats to be used
in running and maintaining a ferry iu accord
ance with the terms of license, if the sauie shall
be granted, and setting forth the precise limits
for which a license is prayed, and praying that
license may be granted such applicant.
Skc. 3. The applicant shall at the same time
file his bond, payable to the city of l'lattsmouth.
In the penal sum of not less than five thousand
dollars, with five or more good and sufficient
sureties, to be approved by the City Council,
conditioned that the person obtaining such li
cense during the continuance f the same will
keep, run, maintain and operate a safe aud relia
ble terry, chareinir the rates prescribed in this
ordinance ; that he will ruu the boat or boats
used in ODcratillir such ferrv in ncrorilunce with
the provisions and limitations contained in the
license granted hnu; aud that he will pay all
fines and forfeitures, damages and costs recov
ered against him for a non-ncrformance of the
requirements of this ordinance and the license
granted him, as also for damages recovered
against him by any persons traveling upon his
lerry by reason ot his negligence, and that the
party licensed shall nav not less than 2 annu
ally in I'uited States currency into the Treasury
of the City for the use of the Common School
und of said city, and to be used for no other
Sec. 4. VVUen a license shall be granted by the
City Council to any person or persons, company
or corporation, such license shall be signed by
the Mayor and attested by the Recorder, who
shall attach the Corporate Seal of the City of
i laiismouin ; and sucn license snail contain the
precise limits for which such license is grunti ;
the time of running of ferry boat used undersaid
license: that said boat shall run reirularlv. and
shall not (if any person, persons, or property are
in waiting or readiness to be crossed) remain on
either side of the river longer than fifteen min
utes between the time of arrival and departure,
unless unavoidably delayed: and that said boats
shall be run from the rising of the suu in each
lay (Sundays excepted) until the going down of
the same. The lenirth of time for w hich said
license shall be granted, and such other restric
tions, regulations and limitations ad the City
Council shall require or enforce.
s-KO. 5. 1 hat any person or persons, company
or corporation, to whom license may be granted
under the provisions ot this ordinance, shall be
allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage,
to wit :
For one wa;on, drawn by two horses, mules
or oxen, - - -- -- SI 00
Each additional pair of horses, mules or
oxen, ------ ;(!
Every horse, ass or mule, loose, - - 1"
Drove cattle. Dcr head. ... - 10
Sheep and hogs per head, - 5
r reight, per cwt, - hi
Lumber, per m. feet. - - - - - 1 00
l.,Kl,l...rnl - 111
ine horse and fiuggy, - - - ' ,
Two horses and buggy, - - - - 'To
And it shall be the duty of such person or per
sons, company or corporation, to nave the fore
going rates posted conspicuously on all terry
boats used according to the provisions of his or
their license.
Sec. (5. Any person or persons, company or
corporation, to whom license may be granted,
who shall charge more than the rates herein
specified, or delay crossing any person or per
sons, or property, for a longer time than is pre
scribed by the provisions of this ordinance, snail
upon proof of such delay or overcharge, made m
a complaint filed before the City Recorder, after
due notice to the party offending, be fined not
less than hve nor more than tweuty-nve dollars
for each overcharge or dilay.
Sk?. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances
conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance
be and the same are hereby repealed.
kc. 8. This ordinance to take effect from and
after its publication according to law.
Approved June li'th. 1M'..
1. 11. WHEELER, Mayor.
Attest: Vm. L. Wells. Recorder. jc24w4
Administrator's Sale.
Xotice is hereby iriven that in pursuance of a
decretal order made by his Honor tieorge B.
Lake, Judge of the Second Judicial District
Court, within and for Cass County, State of Xe-
hraska. at his Chambers in (iniaha City, on .May
the 7th. A. 1. ISO'J. I will, on the 17th day of
July, A. l. 18u!. at the tront door ot the Court
House in the city of Bellevue, Sarpy County,
Xebraska. offer for sale ut public auction, at the
hour of one (ll o'clock p. in. of said day. to tho
highest and best bidder, all tne rigni, line aim
interest of Enliruiin Colow. deceased, in and to
the following described real estate, situate in
Sarpy County, Xebraska, to wit: Commencing
jit ..I. V. Su-niii's southeast corner, thence run
ning north 9 chains and 10 links to the bank of
running south 11 chains and 40 links to the bank
of said river, thence meandering the bank of
said l'latte river to the place ot beginning, con
taining 2 and S-lim acres, in section Xo. 2. town
ship Xo. bi. range Xo. 12 east, bth P. M. tsalo
will remain open tor bids lor the space ol ono
hour. Terms cash.
oa lam us Mccarty,
Admr. of estate of Ephraim Colow. dee'd.
JJy Maxwell A CiiAPMAS.his attorneys.
This farm is situated one and a half miles be
low Reed's Mill, on Weeping Water, and eon
tain 100 acres, 00 jicres timber. The entire
tract is under fence, and 7." acres in cultivation.
Weeping Water runs through one corner of the
farm. Two dwelling houses ou the premises.
Price SVt).
1 will also sell the growing crop 50 acres
wheat and fifteen acres corn, together with all
my farming utensils.
je24tf R. S. STREETER.
Strayed or Stolen
From the undersigned, on Weeping Wnter.three
miles below the rails, June 10thjnne large isay
Horse. S or 9 years old, a very little white in the
forehead, very thick just below the eyes, nose
straight, mane and tail black and slightly wavy.
Any person returning said horse to me. on eep
inir Vtpr. or n Shannon 's Stable in Platts-
nimith. or trivinty reliable information of bis
whereabouts will be suitably rewarded.
jel7tf P. S. BARNES.
XI, otilrcifrnni1 hiive onriinixed a corporation
under the name of the "Burlington Ar Missouri
River Railroad Company in Xebraska," ami un
der the Railroad Incorporation Law of said
State, providing that the City of Plattsmouth
shall be the principal place of transacting its
business, and mat tue general naiureoi meuu.-i-ness
shall be the building and operating a rail
road from Plattsmouth. on the .Missouri river,
wixtu-uril to Kenrnev Station, on the L llion Pa
cific Railroad, with an authorized capital stock
of seven and a half millions dollars, to be paid
in un !lli.,l for bv the Directors, not exceeding
ten per cent, every month, and providing that
said corporation snail commence .May i, .-v. i'
lsi;i nml fontinnn fiftv voars. and be renewable,
and that the indebtedness shall not exceed two
thirds of the capital stock, and that the corpora
tion shall be conducted by a Hoar J of seven Di
rectors and such other ouicers as they shall ap
Witness our hands, this 12th day of May. A
je24w5 H. THIELSOX.
Matthew Boyd, a non-resident of the State
of Xebraska:
Will t;ike notice that the Burlinsrton & Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by hnu. situate in t ass county.
State of Xebraska, and city of Plattsmouth, to-
wit :
t.ors nine fO and eleven (111 in block one hull
dred and thirty-six Il3rt. Lot elevenilDin Hock
one hundred seventy (170) and Lot seven (7) in
block one hundred seventy-one (171),
As is designated upon the recorded and publish
ed plats ot thecity ot I'latt-mouth : and tne saia
Matthew ISovil is farther notified that said Rail
road Company desires to take, hold and appro
priate said real estate for the use of its road : and
if I he s?i ill Matthew Bovd shall not within thirty
days after the' publication of this notice for
four weeks, to-wit: on or before the 2:d day of
August, A. l. 1S09. apply to the Probate Judge
of said county to have the damages assessed by
. : ,i;D;nlApal.,l Vm i, 1 , 1 r- i'! m-f ll i h fiaid
Probate Judge, at) provided in chapter
twenty-five 25) of the Revised Statutes of the
State of Xebraska. and amendments thereto,
said Company will proceed to have the damages
assessed as therein provided by law.
Dated '2:id rinv of June. A. P. lSii9.
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Company
in .NebrasKa. uy A. M. .M.-nyi,r,ii.
je24w4 ltd Attorney
Ann Waterman, a non-resident of the State of
Will take notice that the Burlington Jr Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Xebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by her, situate in Ca-ss county.
State of Xebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lou Xo. four (4) and five (5) in block X.
forty-nine (41 undlots No. two i2i. three i t) and
thirteen d".) in block Xo. sixty-four (04). .n is
designated upon the recorded and published
plats of the city of Plattsmouth; and the said
Ann Waterman is further notified that id Rail
road Company desires to take, hold and appro
priate said real estate for the use of its road ; and
if the said Ann Watennanshall not within tbirty
days after the publication of this notice for four
weeks, to wit : on or before the 2:'xl day of Au
gust, a. D. Ii9. apply to the Probate Judge of
said county to have the damages assessed by six
disinterested freeholders selected by said Pro
bate Judge, asj provided in chapter twenty-five
(26i of the Revised Statutes of the State of Xe
, bntska, aud amendments, thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages assessed as
therein provided by law.
Dated 23d dav of June. .v. P.1S00.
Rurlingtou 4 Missouri River Railroad Company
in Xeb.-a.a. . By T. M. MA RQUF.TT,
.itClw t i'.:- AMon.rv.
A. M. Bcebe. non-resident of tho State of Ne
braska: Will take notice that tho Burlington t Mis
rouri River Railroad Company in Xebraska haa
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county.
State of Xebraska. and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot two O in block lorty-nine (4'J), lot
eleven ill) in block sixty-three i3), lot three (.3,1
in block one hundred and seventy-one (171 ), as
is designated upon the recorded and publislied
plats of the city of Plattsmouth : and the said
A. M. Beebe is further notified that said Rail
road Company desires to take hold and appro
priate said real estate for the use of its road ;
and if the said A. M. Bet-bo shall not within
thirty days alt'-r the publication of this notice for
four weeks, to-wit: on or before the 2Lid day of
August, a. I. lStiy. apply to the Probate Judge of
said county to have the damages assessed bv six
disinterested freeholders, selected by said Pro
bate Judge, as provided in chapter tweuty-fiva
(25; of the Revised Statutes of the State of Xe
braska, and amendments thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages usscssed aj
therein provided bv law.
Dated 2d day of Juu.?. a. r. 169.
Burlington Jc Missouri River Railroad Company
in Xebraska. By T. M. MA KQL KIT.
ju24w4. Its Attorney.
Jacob Rudy, a non-resident of the State of Xe
braska: Will take notice that the Burlington Jfc Mis
souri Hivcr Railroad Company in Xebraska has
located its road through aud upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county.
State of Xebraska, and city of Plattsmouth, to
wit : Lot four (4) in block one hundred and seventy-two
(172 as is desiguuti'd upon the record
ed and published plats of the city of Platts
mouth; aud the said Jacob Rudy is further no
tified that said Railroad Company desires to
take, hold aud appropriate said real estate for
the use of its road; and if the said Jacob Rudy
shall not within thirty days lifter the publication
of this notice for four week.-, to-wit: ou or be
fore the 2:td day of AugusfA. d. 1S09, apply to
the Probate J udge of saiiitouiity to have tho
damages assessed by six disinterested fret-holders,
selected by said Probate Judge, as provided
in chapter twenty-five i'St) of the Revised Stat
utes of the State of Nebraska, and amendments
thereto, said Company will proceed to have the
damages assessed as therein provided by law.
Dated 2'mI day of June. a. p. lSti'J.
Burlington .V Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nei raska. By T. M. MAKQl'KiT.
ju24w4. Its Attorney.
L. It. Rich, a non-resident of tho State of Xe
braska :
AV ill take notice that the Burlington A Mis
souri River Railroud Compi ny in Xebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by liiiu. situate in t'ass county,
State of Nebra.-ka. ai.d city of Plattsmouth, tu
wit Lots one (1) and nine i'J) in block one hun
dred and seventy-two (1721, a. is designated upon
me rceorueu huh puoiiMieu iiai m i nv t-n.v ui
l'lattsmouth; and the said L. B. Rich is further
nidified that said Railroad Company desires to
take, hold and appropriate said real estate for
the use of its road : and if the said L. B. Rich
shall not within thirty days after the publication
of this notice for four weeks to-wit : on or be
fore the 'Sid day ot Augu.-t, A. l. Ib9, apply to
the l'rol.ate .Indue of .-ai I county to have tho
damages assessed bv six di.-interested freehold
ers, selected by said l'robate Judge, as provided
in chapter twenty-livi; ('.)) d the itevised stat
utes of the Slate of Nebraska, and amendments
thereto, said Company will proceed to have the
damages assessed us therein provided by law.
Dated 2.5d dav ot June. a. p. IvjU.
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company
v i .i... t.. 'p m vi a wnrt-'rr
in ,corasKu. jjj a . o . .,i.ii,i, . ,
ju21w4. Its Attorney.
G. R. Henry, a non-rcsidcii of the t-tato ot Ne
Will take notice that tho Burlington & Mis-
: 1 : 1 i' ...... ; V , , I . i- o - b n 1ms
soun nier jviiiiluuii vuuiinuj i .,,-.,-,
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situatein Cass county.
. v-i .i i ..:.. ,. ii..tfrt.i..titli i.
riiliu in iit:iiiu,-Kii, uiiuiii vi ' .,
wit: Lot two (2 in block sixteen (10), ns is de
signated upon the recorded and published plats
of the city of I'lattsinont h : and the said t. R.
Henry is iurtner noituc't luai sum naurwu
M n,. ,l,..-li.d ,1, 1,,1n I. ,il, I nml a ti i.ronri :i t
VOIII'UliJ Hiring .J umv., iimh. unv. . t.. ., . . ,. .
said real estate for the use of its road; and if the
, i .... ., i i, . -.i - . i . .. i
said l. K. lienry snail not wiiuin iniru uuji
utter the publication of this notice for four
weeks, to-wit : on or befoie the 2-Td day of Au
gust, a. u. ISbi), apply to the Probate Judge of
sa IU coil 11 1 iu uu u Lii', uniii,'!,, ..-.-, , . v . .....
disinterested freeholders, selected by said Pro
bate Judge, as provided l.i cnapier iciiij-ii
(25) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Xe
braska, und amendments thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages assessed as
.i - : 1 I 1 I
inciein pro meti o.v iuw.
Dated 2:;d day of June. A. n. lrtW.
Burlington A Missouri Ri.-er Railroud Company
in Xebraska. By T. M. MARIJL'ETT,
ju24w4 Its Attorney.
Henry Douglas, a liou-reident of the State of
Will tulte notice that the Burlington i Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned bv hnu. situate in lass county,
, .' v ,. i . ...... a ,;, w iIuiumuumii,
wit :
Lot eleven (11) in block one hundred seventy
two 1172). lot one ll) in block sixteen (hi) and lot
ten (b) in block forty-nii.e 4!i. as is designated
upon the recorded nnd published plats of the
city of l'lattsmouth; and the said Henry Doug
las, is further notified thai said Railroad Compa
ny desires to take, hold and appropriate sail
real estate for the use of its road : nnd if the
said Henry Douglas shall not within thirty days
after the publication of this notice for four
weeks, to-wit : on or before the Sd day of Au
gust, a. 1. IsiKi. apply to the Probate Judtre of
said count- to have the damages assessed by six
disinterested freeholders." selected bv said Pro
bate . I udge. as provided in chapter twenty-five
(2.") of the Revised Statutes of the State of Xe
braska. and amendments thereto, said Company
will proceed to have tho damages assessed as
therein provided by law.
Dated liid dav of June. A. V. l'i"-.
Burlington A- Missouri Bivcr Railroad Compa
ny in Nebraska. By 1. M. MAKL r.l 1,
ju24w4. ..-MiiiTEy!
William S. 3raff. a non-resident of tho State of
Will take notice that the Burlington Mis
souri Hiver Railroad Comnaiiv in Xebraska has
located itsi road through and upon the following
real estase owned by hnn. situate ml asscounty
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lots three six ('V and seven (7), in block
fi fi i-imi 1 1 . 1 us is lesiirn:,tcil unon the recorded
mid published plats of the city of Plattsiiioiilh :
and the said illiam ft. ira tt is turther notuicd
that said Railroad Company desires to take
hold iind aiiiiroiii-iate said real estate for the us
of its road : and if the said William S. Until shall
not within thirty days -liter the publication of
this notice tor four weeks, to wit: on or oeiore
the 2id day of August, a. P. lSTi'.i. apply to the
Probate J udire of said county to have the dam
ages assessed by six disinterested freeholders.
selected bv said Probate J u iee. as provided
chapter twenty-five ' of tho Revised Statutes
of the State of Nebraska, and amendments
thereto, said Company will proceed to have the
damages assessed as therein provided by law.
Dated 2."M dav of June. A. p. 1S4i'.t.
Burlington A: Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. liy 1. M. JlAtiyi l.i i,
je24w4 Its Attornty
Sarah Worley, a non-resident of the State of
Will take notice that the Burlinirton Jr Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska h is
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by hi r, situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth, to
wit: Lot ten 1 10) in block sixty-three t-'!. and
bd two (2) in block one hundred and titty-one
(l-'il ), as is designated upon the recorded and
published plats of the city of l'lattsmouth: and
the said Sarah Worley is further notified that
said Railroad Company desires to take. hold and
appropriate said real estate for the use of its
road: and if the said Sarah Worley shall not
within thirty days after the publication of this
notice for four weeks, to wit : on or before the
2od day of August, a. l. 1W), apply to the Pro
bate Judge of said county to have the damages
assessed by six disinterested freeholders, selected
by said Probate Judge, as provided in c-hajiter
twenty-five (') of the Revised Statutes of the
State of Xebraska, and amendments thereto,
said Company will pioi-eed to have the damages
assessed as therein provided by law.
Dated 2:M day of June. a. p. lv.ft.
Burlington Jr Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MARyl'KTT.
jeJ4w4 Its Attorney.
XeDon Lathrop, a non-resident of the State of
V ill take notiee that the Burlington k Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Xebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him. siluutein Cass county.
State id' Nebraska, and city of Plattsmoulli, to
wit: Lot one (1 iu blo k fifteen ''l.V, and lot three
('.'it in block forty-nine 4'Js as is designated upon
the recorded and published plats of the city ot
Plattsmouth. and the said Xelson Lathrop is
further notilied that said Railroad Company de
sire'.! take, hold and appropriate said real es
tate for the use of its road : and if the said Xel
son Lathrop -hall md within thirty days uf'ter
the publication of this notice for four weeks, to
wit: en or before the 2:id day of August, a. P.
lsil!!. apply to the Probate Judge of said county
to haie the damages assessed by six disinterested
freeholders, selected by said Probate Judge, as
provided in chapter twenty-five 2.r of tho Re
vised Statutes of the, State of Nebraska, und
amendments thereto. ?ail Company will proceed
to have the damages assessed as therein pro
vided bv law.
Dated 2-id lay of June. A. P. 1'!.
Burlington .v. Missouri River Railroad C-d'ipauj
in Nebraska. By T. M. MA UtJ C KTT.
;c2lw4 Its Attorney.
Probate Notice.
tF'Ccji nty. Xkkraska. f-22-1
In the matter of tho estate of Charles Merlins,
deceased, late of lass County, State of Xe
braska. :i this day of the June term of the Probate
Court comes" Henry Mertins. und makes appli
cation for the appointment of Sarah Mertins and
William Merlins as administratorsof said estate.
It i ordered by the Court that this notico be
published for three weeks in the Plattsmouth
m-iiAi ii. and that on Thursday, the" l"th day of
Julv. l.stiH. at the Prihalc Oihce in the city of
Plattsmouth. at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, the
application will be heard and determined. All
persons interested in said estate will appear on
sa,i dav and make .-ivtions if anv.
c Jio';atc Judgf.
Saint Louis & Omaha
Tri- t-vvf Weekly
imck kt isii sra:.
The above Lino of Steamers will loave Platt-.-moulh
every other day throughout the entire
season, connecting at Platusiuoulh with tho Bur
lington & Missouri River lUilroad lor the taut,
north and south, and at the following point
with railroad connection. Council Blutls.Oiuid a.
St. Joseph, Leavenworth and Kansas City, l or
freight or Passage apply a .0"r! ''''' ''; . .
marll Ageu-J.
William Sladdmanu,
Ready-Mado Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Vuliscn and
South Side Main Street,
I'lattsnuoiitii, Neb.
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Farming IiiipleiMtt.
Such ut tho celebrated Rod Breaking Plows.
Mmil.1 ll.iiinl I'.rniikei-s. StilTlllC PI" " . Sl r Kl l
and Double- Shovels. Cultivators und Harrows.
Repairing done on short notu-e. All work war
ranted. . ....
llaviiiir had much experience in tne diismh-ms,
T te,d ii ii red that 1 can irne general m refac
tion. Please give me a cull before purchs-iiii;
elsewhere. C. K. l'OROV.
l'lattsmouth, Xeb., .May o,
T. K. 11 ANN A.
J. II. CLA1.C.
Tootle, Hanna & Clark,
IB 1157 IK IE -EnM
4olcl and Silver Coles,
and otht-r &4i-Ii.
Drafts drawn on u'.l parts or Kuroi.e. Dcpo-'d.i
received, and special attention giwu to colltc-
Plattsmouth, Neh.
The undivided half or tho whole if df sired--of
24-horsc power engine and boiler. 2 pair of 3 foot
burrs, 56 inch circular saw, two story null houso,
3(1x50 feet ; ever thing in svml runuins orJcr.-
of four rooms aud cellar. For l'-''rti''"'-,r
qureof. 1 . Mil LI MA.
upr22tf.J Rock "Clue's, C.;.-s cotm' Neb.
P LA TTSMO U Til. jYPniljSK.'l
A good assortment of Machines ou Iiui.d. I
also keep Thread. Oil. Needles. Ac.
Machines to rent by the month. .
Oilice South side Main street. i )i 6. tl
TIiu following from
TIMES, one of the
most reliable news
papers in the United
States. What can
be more convincing?
The Ctxcinxati Daily Times )
of March 21, 18G1, says: J
The Scandinavian
remedies appear to
be growing in favor
with the public, if
wre may judge by
the testimonials con
stantly received by
the proprietor. A
letter from Wiscon
sin, to be found in
our advertising col
umns, announce that
among the physi
cians of the locality
it is becoming very
popular, and what is
very unusual, is be
ing adopted by them
in their practice, as
a cure for many dis
eases wiiich they can
not treat effectually
in any other way.
We understand that
the immense trade
carried on for sev
eral years in these
medicines has dur
ing the present year
nearly doubled.
Their process of
operation is by a
thorough purifica
tion of the blood,
and a consequent
eradication of disease.