TEMPERANCE HATTERS. LOlXiiK 1MKKCTOKV. Oi.ive Ebamh, No. 2 J. W. Barnes. W. C. T.; K. B. Lewis, V. .; K. B. Windham, Lodge Jeptity. Meets at Court House Hail every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars respect fully invited. Kxrr.LHioR PtoRFF Lonnii, n. 1. . D. FYrree. I. T.; F. E. White. I.S. Meet at Court iiou.e Hull on the first and third Saturday even in?" of each month. (tab ok 11. .pk Loiigk Xo. 8. O. J. Davi.a, W. C. T.: Andrew Coleman, W. S. Meet at Ml l'o;i.-:int every Saturday eveDing. Faibview Ijoiiok, X. 14. Mathias Cmnbell, W. C. T.: F. M. Young, jr.. W. K; Wm.J.llewer, Lodge Deputy. Meet every edne.lay even ing. Traveling Templar respectfully invited. Thrkk ttnovB Lodgk. XJ. 24. J. 'I. Lloyd. W. C. T.; C. H. Window, W. rf.: Win. A. Poll, Lo.lge 1'eputy. Meets every .Saturday evening. Trav eling Templars iire respectfully invittd to meet with us. Tlie Myterioui Woman. At a certain town meeting the question came up whether anv jierson shoulJ he licensed to sell rum. 'ilie clergymen, the dencon ami the jiJiyxt'a'fin, st range as it seem, all fuvoreu it. One man spoke against it because of tlie mist hief it did. Tlie question was about to be put, when suddenly there arose from one corner of the room a miserable female. She was thinly clad, and her appearance indicated the utmost wretchedness and that her mortal career was ahno.st closed. Alter a moment of sil.-m e, and all 03-9 being fixed upon 1k') -Jjo Ktrek-hcd her attenu ated body to its utmost height, and then her long anus to their greatest length, and raising hf r voice to a shrill pitch, she called upon all to look upon her, '"Yes, she said. ''look upon me, and the hear me. All that the last speaker has said relative to temperate drinking as being the father of drunkenness is true. All practice, all experience declare its truth. All drinking alcoholic ioison as a bever age, in health, is exew. Look upon nie. Vou all know me, or once did. You all know 1 was once the mistress of the best farm in town. You all know, too. I hod one of the best, most devoted hus bands. You all know I had fine, noble hearted, industrious txiys. t here are they now? You all know! You all know they all he in a row, side bv side, in yonder churchyard; all, everyone of them lining me urunkam s grave. Ihey were all taught to believe that temperate drinking was safe, excess alone ongnt to re avoided, and thev never ac knowledged excess. J hev quoted vou, and you. and you" pointing with her shred ot a linger to the priest, deacon and doc tor "as authoritv. They tho't themselves safe under such tender teach crs. 15ut I saw the gradual change com ing over my family and pro's ectd with dismay and horror. I felt we were all to be overwhelmed in one common ruin. I tried to ward off the blow. I tried to break the si-ell. the delusive spell in whieh the idea of the benefits of temperate drinking had involved my husband an 1 sons. 1 tagged? prayed, nut tne odds were greatly against me and the priest said that the poison that was destroying my husband and bovswas a good creature of (Jod; the deacon (who sits Under the pulpit there anil took our farm to pay Ins rum bills) sold them the . ..: . ii. . . 1 1 ,. . . 1 poison, uie pinsieian said a little was good and excess ought to ta avoided. -My poor husband and mv dear bovs fell into the snare and could not escape (there were no ashingtonians then and one after another they were conveyed t the dishonored grave of the drunkard -Now look at me again. You probably see me for the ht time. My sand has alin i-t run. I have dragged my exhaust ed frame from my present abode, your poor-house, to warn you all, to warn you deacon, to warn you false teacher of iol sword and with her arms high U . 1 . it r -. . imng ana ner i.-wi loan stretched to its utmost, and her voice raised to an un earthly pitch, she exclaimed, ''I shall soon stand before the judgement seat of io.l. i shall meet you there, you false &V 1 r'e :' w"ltn against you alL I he miserable ti-male vanished. A dead silence ervaled the assemblv. The priest, deacon and physician hung their heads; the president of the meeting put K .a. : ..'i or mo tjuesuon nan we have any more h'-eiise to sell ulcohulic poisons to be sold as a beverage.' lho unanimous ".No." response was Tlie Iruiikartl'MKerriii. 1 he following solemn words are from the Christian Srcntant: t acts show that of tlie vast army of me intempenitc the five hundred thous and in our own land who are wending 1 .... - nr.... J 1 1 1 . 3 "'V. ov.;u'i a urunKard s doom- cnmparatively tew are reformed, only nere ana there one is saved. The i ceptive power of appetite and habit, hm; mmiii: on spine !nndToids its can- fives, leading them speedily on to utter rum. i ompanion in dissipation encour age and embolden one another, and pre sent a united front against saving influ ences, iogether they drown the voices oi admonition m the cup, together thev cheer the way of death with songs of ifeirv, ami iorriry their hearts against iiojiand salvatiou bv ridicule of true and serioin tilings. Thus they are hold ix-t under bonds of iniquity, Ilie moth er sees her son in the path of the de stroyer, and go.s after him in prayers and pleading tears, but alas, thn u of sin have already grown too stroii" for the ties of filial affection. The son' rev els on. though he knows he is minfliii" lor her a cup ot unuterable anguish. ine sister s gentle and tender entreaties are added, but only to be spumed for u.e cup ot intoxication. With all her messed, ministries she cannot lead him iacK to hie. Exrltement nnl Short l.lfe. Tl. J" 11 . l iuu luiiHMiiig i.y an unknown writer n.-t-oms with our observation: ''The i ;illiest foe to a uian's lotisrevitv is an uinuuunu and unreasoiialde excitement. J-very man is Ikihi with a certain stock ot vitaJitj- which cannot lo increased, but w iikij UUI3- be hul.an.Jed or expended i.ijiuiy. as ne ueeins tst. Within cer- i.un iiuui ne n.i.s ins choice, to live last or mow, to live abstemiously or intenselv. i.. .1 i.: , !:..! . n i-.. ' r-uicoi ins unit; amount oi mo over a .arge space or condense it into a narrow one; i.ut when bis stock is exhausted he has no more. He who lives abstemious ly, who avoids all stimulants, takes liirht i-xeieise, never overtasks himself, indul- sr.s no exhausting pasi..ns, feeds his mind and heart on no excitinj material, has no dcbilitatuur pleasures lets nothing ruffle, his temper, keeps hi temper. Keeps his accounts with (rod and man duly squared up, is sure, bar- nnir accidents, to spin out lus life to the lontrest limit whvh it is possible to attain: while he who lives intensely, who feeds ! on high-seasoned tood whether material or mental, tetigues his IxhIv or brain by hard labor, exposes himself to inflamma tory disease, seeks continual excitement, ;:ivos loose reign to his passions frets at every trouble and enjoys little repose, is burning the candle at both ends, and is sure to shorten the number of his davs.'' .Mark Him. We want no better evidence of the uuvvorthiness of man. than to hear him speak in a disrepectful manner of woman. It is an evidence that his associations have been evil, and that the Kiseness of his own heart persuades him that puri ' fi thought is not attainable by others. H beiiever you hear a voung man de preciate the worth of woman, or decry her honor, mark lam. If great tempta tion n-icail Vim !,.. m-t,:..!. - i., L: to malign woinan, will prompt him to -"'Y i "-"M'ler. ins uie, u not marked by evil deeds, will be barren of p ,; "e wiU Jo nothing to make the world iMjtter but may do much to aceom r !ih the overthr-.v of truth, Mnrkhhn. PRICE REDUCED I Now is the Time to Subscribe FOR TIIF. NEBRASKA HERALD, which has just hecn ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, ami the price for advance subscriptions REDUCED TO TV0 DOLLARS! (Jive the Herald a liberal support, and it will continue to labor lor the development of the city Business Men and Mechanics will find the Hkralu uq invaluable a.si.-Uiit reaching the public. Farmers read it, Traders read Stock -Growers read It, it, Shippers Yead it, contractors read it, Railroad Men read it, Steamboat Men read it. EVERYBODY READS IT! and no person whose livelihood depend upon SuveeNN in ICusinoss can ii fiord to do without an advertisement in it. THE JOB DEPARTMENT of the Hkrald ha been and otherwise creatlv imnroveil. and wo can now furnUh anything, from a FANCY JOB IN COLORS TO A FULL SHEET POSTER on short notice, and in good style. PATRONIZE THE HERALD AND BUILD UP A HOME BUSINESS. THE HERALD Has Assisted the Business Man, and every business man ratronize the Hkralr. in Plattuaoiith should IVcepiiig IVntcr Mills Farmers, jto where you can get the best Flour, and the mott of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD 19 POUNDS OF KIIA. given in exthaife for pood wheat. We are also doing irrbt work ; and, with our increased facilities, feel a.-'ureil that we can give tho bet-t and most Flour of any in the ctate. SATISFACTION GUARANTEFD. Produce Bought and Sold. BICnEST MARKET PRICE TAID. Iteed & Clinton. mar20,'C.S. NEW STORE! Weeping Water, Neb. DEALERS IN" General Merchandise, SCCH A3 DRY GOODS. GUOCEIES, HARDWARE, QCEEXSWARE. HATS. CAPS, LOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. Ac, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH. We are Agcntd for Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, which Is undoubtedly tho best Machine now in use. Uiarl9't5itf. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 9S nroa(Iivay,eu York. CYRUS CURTIS. President. CASH ASSETS. - $1,000,000 Entire profits dividnl anion; the its. Policies iiuu-forfcituhle after Pisyin cuts. Policy hold two a n nu ;il Dividends on the Contribution Plan n:ibl nn nually trom (l ite of policy, and in ease the pre- ......iM-in v,- inn jpiiiu, iipjuica to Keep tlie nisiir anee in lorce. Life Policies Self-Sustaining, in trom IS to ''0 years, according to ape. This Company is.-fles po!i-iis on all tlicap proved plans of irisuriim-e, and oilers every in dueement consistent with solvencv. For particulars apply to the undersipned. ror Agciii-ics. to I'-U'LA MASON. General A cents. 1 1' La Salic street, Chk-aiio. RLND A LYMAN, Agents, Ti r. r. T r,"m,'il Jlhifl's. Iowa. Dr:. R. R. LlMEiiSHiN. .Med. Ex.. n1"' l'lattsmoiith. Neb. THOMAS? II. HYDE, Real Estate Office X V II Hoincsted Directory. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Ooverument Lands selected from Personal ri amination. rree llome.-teails Keli-i te.-ti.,! Knr. yeyed ami secured. Lands in second hand and improved lurtns ioustit and sold. Inks exam ined and Coveyanecs made. llKKEKKXrK: .Inlin 11 Tnrnrr n-a't n v C. V. K. K.: Lee County Natio'nal Bank."llix- on. III.: Kob t Harris. .Sii n't C. H. A- O. R. R. ?','" -er ln bitcsidc county. III.; Keirister an--! iiecuiver oi Lanu Ullice, Lincoln. nil tW. C00K,C0BURN&C0. Advertising Agents, Chicago. n-Are authorised to receive Adver tisement for thit paper, at our Utwett rata, and are Agent for all Kevospa pert in the U. 8. and Territories. DVERTISE DR. ITI. II. M CLUSKEY, DEISTTIST, "Will lie at Tr. T.irinol.n'a ..Ow. A,,-;n .1. A last week in each month. All order left t tho lost Olhce will be promptly attended to (julyti. ORGAttS! MEL ODE ON S! J. MUELLER, Council mulls, Iowa, le:ilcr in the celd rated Steele & McCair.mon 1 lanos and other Musical instruments. All liistiumcnts warranted live years. o21yl Burlington Iiriftse Finished Burlington & Missouri River, In connection with Chicago Burlington & Qnincy RAILltOADS Presents to the Public the mot direct, sure and safe route to Ohio, HlinoL, Indiana, P-nnylvani, Xcw York, IX- 17 I 1 hqii .tew .Qpiani. Piisseneers have the choice xjf the various routes centering in Chicago. linggagc Checked through to Oftitmica. Rate invariably as low a? by other routes. "Buy your Coupen Ticket? at Ottumwa via Burlington Pullman's eleirant Sleeninc Car on nil nieht trains. 1 C. E. PERKINS. A. K. TOVZALIX. Sup t. Uen. licket i Pas r Ap t. . C. .MtRT0X. sejl7 Gen'l Freight A't. NEW TOBACCO STORE! on Main street, opposite Court House, PJL, ATTS n O UT II, lH E D., We hare on hand a large assortment of CIGARS & TOBACCO; Consisting of the bcM qualities of CIGARS, IINE CTJT, PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO, As we deal exclusively in Tobacco we can sell ns cheap, if not cheaper than other store in the city. Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, as we know you will go away fatistied. ij imcm & co . February 11. lSt'-O, tf. B. SPCRI.OfK, Co. Clerk & Recorder. R. B. WIMUHM, Dept. C Tk i Rec' Spurlock &. Windham, PL A TTSMO VTII - - XKHItASKA. FrOIlt IIOOIU9 Of COlKTt Iloiic Clerk and Treasurer's Office, LASDS BO UGUT AXD SOLD, Titles JE.i'ani in c9 AND Conveyances laile, Tiwes J'uul ft u I Iiicctptx Forwarded Promptly. riattsmouth, June 18, 1S68 nil. WOO I WORTH & COr, BOOKSELLERS, T A T I O X E JZ to 9 Binders and Paper Dealers, ST. JOSEPH, octil M1SSOUUI. EMPIRE BAKERY! SECOA'D STREET, OPPOSITE NEW YORK STORE. Plattsiiiouth, icl., CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. REFREII.TIEATS . kriit on huml at ull times. lil.'.tf II. IIUUEKTY. NEW FiEAT MARKET! GEO. FICKLE R, Corner Main and Second Streets, rLATTSMOCTH, NEBRASKA. Keep? r(in.-i:iml Ul l.nu l iho ,.f u k ,.f MEATS, which he will furnish to customers at thWi-i 1 riites for ca.-li. juU'tiftin:! J. SVI. HitMCHA, (.Successor to Donelan & Hinchman,) DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY. PK ALKR IS Irnjijf and 3IcdiciiicK, PAIXTS, OILS, DYES. NOTIONS. PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS. PURE VVSNES AND LIQUORS For Mechanical and Medicinal purposes. Keep constantly on hand a full ami well assorted stack ot PATENT MEDICINES. PhysirinnH prescriptions carefally compnnri'l a iy an experienced Dminrist. Nonw hut t!m purest medicines n?ed. All crood.s u-:irriintnil .- reiire.ontea. tan and pee. Main Street, South Side. TERMS CASH. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, NW YORK, bTll tft tfnTi.fi of th Trad to tbvir nteptira nrtmnt i ft Vammath Cit, Cntrml Park, Trvuiea Fails, Orrat Wrat, nnaaatofur, Dliwar. iaataalaarVM. CaHa. Wtw OrraaCa. Y'arxurla TM Audea, Ckiam, Kitxiaad. at. Vhirts;loa( Sara "Mt prod rt ion mf Wia. Rncland, ft. W. Wila Mif4lM taa Wilaaa. Laair, a4 mimmt emiint aoUigrapara, nxanuii mt wltarrtaa4. R6.c. r?rag , ran. -. Klaa4. aktlaa4. Tr-lamt. litrminj; A asina, Itaif, raia. Tailnra. St. Cload. Tnanoa, Crraial faJaC. HrralaaeaT. FobtaiaWlca nrr pif cm, T-ntaiUej. Tfi, THE 3UAND3 OP THE BIBLE, A hw and latraaHr iatertalia aeria. Alas, f tniaaU4 and Traaarm rvai Virwa. im rrat vanity. W ire alas iif',t- Arrau ia a m r far FKRKIKIt'B OHM Virws, af wh.th i fca a til4 aMrinMat. Arit Tor rritb's rira iriMill-I I antra. raia ta i aaruacriaod. the Ba.aa, KMglmnA. Sratlaa.1, WtlM, fte. 9Trwr.nmmrTM.-W- aaaaafartar vwrj laravlr, aatf ba a tana atava af ( ( ; at Ump Uj raCaa. rHOTOOHrHIC A!,irMS -Ow WanaratT-ar Antnna Itafll kaewa taraajaoai tac couuu aa aapariar ta nality ad baaiT afl Lferra. All we aril ar mm ia aajr an aWary. m4 r mtr19 ava 411rw aava acfara caaAia Uair parcaaa'aa. CHROMOS. . mm , , " ' rm-mmmm mm tvifwfrwiw mm m rat0 r.'. rvm aaM. u4 mmppts t t4 at Om E. &H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadwat, Impcrteis and ITaauf is of rhoto.Taphio Materiala TUB IIEASOjY UI1Y 13,347 Were sold in the Year 1SGS IS BECaUkE XOT OSE HAS EVER FAILED ENTIRE "SAtTsFACTION 1KB PESFBCT OPERATION OF IVKRY Charter Oak Stove SOLD IS FWXY Ct'AIMiVTEED, ISO WRKBEVBR KilOWJ Thev Stand Unrivalled FOR ECONOMY. FOR DURABILITY, AND CONVENIENCE. For Simplicity of Management, Ana lor (jiea'amess in JooKig, They are Home Institutions, Manufactured in tho West, and adapted to the WiCtS of Western and oouthern PEOPLE. Surely do "od hoiiackerper can alford to be witbont one. FOR PRICE LIBT, ADDRESS Excelsior Manufacturing 612 S 614 JV. Main st.t St. Louis, Jllo SOLD BT E. T. Duke & Go. Plattsmotitli, JYcb May 27thniG. CHAMPION CIRCUS IS COMING! Wait for It! IVonc Other will Give as Good at isl nclion ! The above oarnf. J Model EtjueNtruin and OimpUn Kxbibition. uniiiriir the elemtnrs of Rrillinf m.H Urareful Harsemathip, CUssic and Darirp Gvm nastic, D.izz ivft Pantbeonic Performance, and an ensemble of Parpassin exce leuce presented by a Trjupe of p eked Performers. Will exhibit at Plaltsmouihy Tuesday June 29,'ft, 18G9, Under a M immoth Water-pr-'of Pavilion, capable of CMufortrbly holding over 4(K0 pop!e. rvoTici 1 hi-rcby (riven that an election will be je!l at the usiihI place t holding elections in Pla'tsmonth precinct Cn-i county Nebraska, on SA 7 ii:l)A Y !h Sd day of Jul v. A n ieo, f r i lie purpose of snlinittinn t- the leual voters of -aid pn-cluct the proportion to Issue th" upecial bo'ids of aaid Plattsniouth precljct in nn amoantnot exce'din flrty thnnsHnJ 'lollun (t50,000), nml so much th rrofof said -iini of flfts thousai.d dollars as shun be n.co-iry lo parche for, andsitcure to, the Iturln.pti n and Missouri Kiver Ruilroad Company all such k rounds and lands within the present Corf orate limits ottberityof l'lattsmoiith a the said Com. pan.- shull designate, and upon which said Co npany hall construct all d trols. nnohin shops, round-h- u-es tnrn tables, i-ide t. at ks and Kwi'ches, and all othr b' Pdinirs and constrn.-tions which may be ncc-saary to the n-e and biuiuess) of ssid Hurling, ton & .Mis ouri Uiver Railroad tVnipany, and also to ecure to the mid Bnr!iri(fton hikI Missouri Uiver Railroad Coinpar jr the ri :ht i f way from a point l hm i'. e pr snt limits of tbe cily of Plattsniouih. and upon such Hue within Cass county as the said" llu-lnik'ton A ilisiouri Itiver Uailnad Company taid Bomla tone issued as follows, to wit: The enure amnnni oi tne said sum of any thousand dot lare ($o(l 000) to be issued in bonds of one hundred no-isirs eacu. on or before tbe first day of August, r. 1S09. and immediately delivered to the County i rvitsurer oi is coonry, to oe paia out and used by the said County Treasurer for the purposes herein set loriu. Paid bonds to nm five years from the date of their issuance, with interest, payable annually, at the rate oi ten per centum per annum. Paid bonds and the interest thereon to be payable i iue I'Mice or ine uouutv i r asurer or Cass county, Nebraska. Tbe entire amount of the said bonds. in Ihe sum of fifty 111 usand d llars (50.0001. or so much thereof of said sum of fifty thousand dollars as snail be paid out and used by the County Treasurer ior mi-purposes nerein set lortn. to be due and paya ble nvo years from the date of the issuance of said oonns. All bonds r-mainmp in the hands f the County lreisurr, alter tne purposes nereiQ get forth shall be fully and completely accomplished, to the satis- ra'tion and acceptance of the said Burlington and .Missouri River K lilrc.ad Company, to be returned to the County Commissioners of Cass cou' ty, and that the said County Commissioners be authorized ana required to cancel and destroy the same. ine proposition will also be submitu d to ih legal ..... .am emu ri&iisiuouin precinct at the said elec tion to authorize nd require the County Commission ers of said Cass county, Nebraska, to levy an annual tax on all the real and personal property within the bounds of said Plattsmotitb Drecinct to vr i - esf -t..ii kino's, and after the expiration of our years rroiu tne aate oi tne issuance of said spe cial bonds to levy such additional Cax on all the real and personal property within the bounds of said Plattsmouth precinct us shall be sofficient to pay and redeem the whole amount of said special bonds wnicn snau nave been paid out and used by the i ouniy ireasnrer as nerein provided, and to annlv . . ... .... n . ..r., u i 1-.: .... r J cujvuui in putu auuiuonni tax to ine eatire pay ment and liquidation of Paid snecial bonds. The question submitted to said voters at said e!ec- e or t-peciai Hon ls and Tax, les "For Special Bonds and Tax, No." ine pons at said election w.II h mn . a - iii.oi aIu oav. ana win enntinne nm n """i " i:"i-k me ariernoon oi said day. By order of ihe Board of Conrtv Commiuton. In WitneftA vliAninf T ..r...inln .. . 1 . r ,. . . ' " " - . . ....... 11 UJ y ukqij leiMj ami omciai seal at Plattsmouth on this 2d uJ VI June, a. D. ibosi. . . . . B. SPDELOCK. Je6w4. Clerk Cass county, Nebratka Administrator's Sale. .-.unte i, ncreov eiven that in inramnr. t . j. utiwurawmaae 171111 Honor George B. I,ke ru" 01 "e u J uncial District Court, within and I , n ." e 01 eraska at his Cham- i,T " , y on B,ay lne 7,n A- D. 169, ni, uu iuc j.nii a,y or June. A 11 -. public vendue, at the Co-irt Honu ,v. of PUttsmoiith, Cass county, Nebraska, at the hour v o o- a. ui , 10 uie nignest and best bidder, all the riKht, title and interest of Epbraim Colow, uco-r.., ,u sou 10 lUe nortnwest rraetionul nnar. ior ui section iso. o. in township So. 12. north of ' "i ana ten flUacies otf of the west side 01 me nortneast quarter o' the northwest quar. tstl. in section o. 6, in towcehlp No. 12, north of ranee No 13, situate and lying in Caaa county siaie 01 iteoraska. bald sale will remain open for oiu nom in o ciock, a. m. until 11 o clock a. m. of saiue aaj May 25, 1S69. CAHSCS McCAHTT, Admr. of the estate of Ephmim Colow, dee'd. By Maxwell A Chapman, Atty's. my27w5 BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM. Essays for Youne Men on th Inlornlinr,,.) uon or uridedroom to Bride in the institution of Marriaee. a Guide to matrimonial ri;i uLLMiie-'B. Deal dt man m ui ,ii ah.. .... ..... Trte of charge Addreav Howard A6&ociatiom. Box IWASTJERS SAliE. District Court of Leo Bid as J. Holland, ) versus Order of Sale. Charles Wilson. By virtn-mnd In pursuance of a decretal order of this Court, made in the above entitled cause, there will be sold under the direction of the subscriber, at puciic auction, for ah in hand, at the front door of .u.v.. n.JUM is risttimontn, ii the (aid county nf Cass, on Monday, the 21st day of Jnne, 1969, at r.r.t r "v. f 'V dy- " th right' ' tIe " in terest of the above defendant to the following tract or parcel of land, to wit : The aouthea.t quarter (V)" of section No. nine (9). in tow n, hip I,o ten (10). north of range No. eleven OiTen under mr hand t i tori. . t-Q ' --s ui "1 17 , A. J. u...... . a. Special Master in Chancerv. miySOwd CwtPM . Attorneys lor plaintiff. JRiattshioiteJii We Itfivc an extensive general slocU or Goods thall ivc are constantly as soriinffltfjp, irliicli tee oiler to the j ita lic at prices It hat ive isnoivmust give en t ire sat is Tact ion .j I We imrchasc the very best Goods at the head vf Mar. ket and strictly for casht and arc prepared to compete iciti the trade at any point on the Missouri river. K. A. WIOOKNHORN. GREAT RUSH! Everybody, and B. A. WIGG-EKHOR1T Be Co., To The largest and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at ttreatly reduced prieei. AVe call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING. J. LEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES of nil kinds and prices to suit our numerous: customers. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a hm stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLIPPER. PLOW. STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kinN rf CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. Plaitsmouth April 22d. 1869. WHITE &o rrAi.K:t Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, I1TRE WOES A9T1 MtXJRS, For moilicinul imrpories. Paints, Oils, "Varnishes and Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Glass and Putty, CHOICE FAMILY GliOCEltfES, " - GREM AND CANNED FllUITS, CONFECTIONERY, &c. &c. T . th JVJUH .kS"" !" !clI,.n I,r"e? n.nJ Groceries in this city fnr.the i,iut ?even year?, we know best auTilifv tn I" ,:"""V?..l1'1?' "B" " ""v 'u.uwtii ti j iuw Plattsmouth, Xebmskn, April 2.1, WH. STOVE AIT ID IE. T. AVhoh salc and srTar.. - . JAH 1 lv iiri- S11IC1 P-1IOIlIfllol IT 1 . " STOVES, TIN, SHEETIR0N, BRASS, STEEL Of all kinds aad sizes, which we warrant the best Are exclusive AgenU In this Stewart's Celebrated Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spoutinsr Done nr. SWt n; or Wood Cook Stove Give ns a call-we will not be unJersoid-Main PLATTSMOUTH. I). SCIINASSE. LARGE CROWDS! ! more too. are going to buy their AT THE YORK STORE- SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO. BTJTTEEY, - in all kinds, Perfumery, and Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, re rreParcl with a large tiovk of Go,,,! ,,t the ncer. WHITE Ae BUTTERY. TIN STORE. &c CO., Retail dealers in -..a JBlIIlldllS, OP L o w s in the market. ' "wiu a., uuiit;. county for the sale of Combination Coal street, nest door cast of the Maso nic Block. NEBRASKA Tim. The farm Is ahout2o miles westfrom Visit.,. 2 miles west of Hoover's, on the blage Pi.nj acres has been in cultivation aoKli n.r u,, " and plenty of stock water; It Is 3. wqr r ;7 i 1: R 11 160 acres; and connected with it . I t j S t qr of f K qr fee 20, same T and K u',. "A 90 and 80-100 acres, making 250 and v ion Also the Jl w qr of N w qr of Sec 24, T 70 ; ,", Millscouniy, Iowa, Due eastfrom VlattsnioDi'li ," 1 nine irom ine river, (iieavy nmiirr ) f , address, D. H. Fhi.Omon tirui, maj2Stf. Olenwoi.d, J, Wl Guardian's Nal. Notice Is hereby g vea that in pursunn rretal order of sale, rendered by l.,n l.alte, Judite of the 1'istrict Court of (he -.M Ju,l( uisirici, wiinin ana lor t iss county Nehra .w made at his Chambers in (maha City, on the ",' davcf May, ImJ'.I, I will, on the 1!Mb day of jT, 1S69, at the front door of Ihe Court Home in th. of Vl Uti mouth, Cass county, Netra-ka, st tllt h;, p. i" or am ii uay, oner for salr I klnliost lilililvr .11 .1. - . . . . . the r r'K"1, iniw anil iiiieiit Flora S. Arnold, minor h-ir of Kdn ard Arm. Id. , ceasni. m lot o. u. il M.ick ff: the recordi d pUt of tliect y r as i1i-m'K'i it.i , county, Nebraska, and raid nle will riattsmouth, l' ri iiniu , for huts from one o clork n m n,iit ... . . ,. ... ...... i . i) ,j -ciotn ii ni. of said dsr Terms cash. 1 May 22. 1SGD. MOSE- STOCK I.NYi Guardian of Flora H. Am id By Maxwell B Chihak, Atfy,. m)i'T5 GET THE BEST. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 3000 Engravings; 1840Pag-ea Quar to- Price $12. 10,000 Words and Meanings not in Dictionaries. Viewed as a whole, we are confldent thtt tin nih-, living language has a dictionary which so fu'lv iT,i fait bfully vets forth its present condition as tlii-1,. eillllon of Webster d.K-s that of our written ,., oken Knltxh tongue. Ilnrper't ifngnzl'ie. These three books are the sum f"f of pr,,f ,. hrnriet : t,s Bililo, Shijintre, and H-v I!;irtl Quarto Chioijo Evening Journal. T;n Nkw Whh-hh is gloriole it is pn!..., dixtit;;ces and dt'das comp-iilon it leaves i..;i, ,,, t hrt d-ired J U Raymond, LL .,.'.,,!. VaxHttr College:. The most useful and remarkable eomjin f, . . , . hntnnn knowledge n our ln jruiire. .V. H'. '(.,,, "resident M AgricultiirtilCvllegei. WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTO RIAL DICTIONARY. 1040 Pages Octavo. GOO Engraving Price $6. The work is really a yem of a li, t;, ,,!, , the ihioif for the milliuti. American llduci'iti ni Monthly. In many respects, this Dictionary is Ihe m..ht r venient ever published. Jioc'ienter Drmorrot As a manual 3t reference, it is eminently mtr.l us- in fainilii-s and schools. K. Y 7 ri'iune. It Is al Iogether the best treasury of word, nr it, size which the Knrliah language has ever poi-e,.. Hartford, Prein. l'ubli-hed by O C. MKItRIAM, H.rin(;r.( Massachusetts. April 2, 106. AiiG or school i, is To all whom it may concern : I V. Fiurl. ,.' , ;, in and fi r Cass county btalc of Nebraska, d ',. I , virtuo of the authotity in Ine vested by the ft ioixofan A tofllie I.egislittatH of Xtliru-i. 1 titled, A u t -t ''To provide for the llefc'i ftry i .( ,', Land", for ihe control and disposition there, 1 for th- -afe keeping or the funils ih rive.1 fi, ,M : sale nd le of said LaiKlw," which sail A-t . approved June 24, A D. lii?,Hii I also in sc.-,.r,l. 1. . with a Fuhs'qui'nt anieinlinerit to raH Art. i. ; 1 ed February li:h, Ivjm, hen by give uoWi.e t'l,,i . ., Wednesday, the 'firetUy-7 hird (28) ; of ,Vj ncit. at the hour of t'-u (10) o'clock a in.,t :'. fr lit door of Ihe Cmi t II -mi , i-, the 1 it .f I ; mouth, Ni-brnskii, I will oiler for sale at puhi ic tion to I he kiglii-ht bidder all the School 1 iuJi n, in the county of Cass aforraaid, k now n aa i-.e,.. . 10 and 6 in the Severn! Town, aud Kar ek ,A ..1 county, and lsmi e. cud In lieu thereof. Th" Mile Will Cumin -ore with ih; I.mh in sonthwec rnerof the county, !(; 1 11 u in 10 ,u. nine (9) and olterlng all the Lands in each r- 1 .-. : I Kanitc before fho e emt of It ; arid thuM h.Ivh. east, thro' Ranges within the county, vir- llj.,.-, 10,1 1. 12, 13 and U.Towns.lo. 1 1 12 and 13. ..) tinuiuir said sale from day to day, until pii w, S' hool Lull, Is within the;ouiitv are ode ed f 1 .... The prairie laid will be off -red in traits-'. I -1 1 eediiifc- forty (40) acres each 5 and the limh 1 .ml ill tracts not cxcei'ding ten (10) acres r n;-h. 1'aymeut.i for lands'aold riitiet be made f , viz: For prattle lands one ti nth nf Ihe price i.i-1. . band; and lor oth r lands, oua haif cash in 1. ,. or cash down for either, at the option of ,e ,,,.. er, with a promissory note ur iUe remainder t n. tiire ten (lo) years alter da'e, l.e-iii intereM .,. ble annually in advance at ten per cent per anuj-, theflrstpaymeutoftlnteieHt b-ing rontpuf I t . 'I. lst.day of January next alter lu.Jdale of ihe note tU when notes aie Civen for the pturhareof titnU r u-1 they must lie further sreurnd by the emjorsei-u a two fiee holders of Ihe county t be ap i.,v-J', the County Treasurer. In witness whnreorl tirrtiu.io nei iv h, and . facial k. al u t 11, y otllce 1.1 l'lstt-n... .- seal ou thi 12th dny 1 f May A. I ls.;y B Sri'liMii , C'li'ik Cs c uuty N'-bi -ki May 13, IsC'J. i'kobati: ixotici: In the matter of the ei-tate of Samu I J I ik,. .ate of Cass county, Nebraska. William I.. W. ', has made application to the l'rohate Court to I,. pointed Administrator of said estate ; i.o fi;,-., ii Court has orc-ered this appiicat i. n be , .,1,1,-1,. 1 , , ., , '"l'r three wei ks aixl if ' ...r ,.iu nay 1,1 june at 10 o'clock da, at theofflee 01 the Pr.d.ate Judae in the 1 I lat amoutb. lie w ill hear and determine th of t at cii I .,..ll,i... ... .r.,,tui that d.iy. .T' j erfons Interested will Ulven under my hand this Dth da ..f T,,fiu 1. riattsmouth. Jue 16.8 DETAILED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB Missouri Vallcv x,if inD,,.n Company of Kansas and Missouri Made to thK Secretary of Stair, of AelrasU ana snowing the Condition of wi mnj-any on ihe 31 day of Decern! 18C8: Chartered Capital, Guaranteed Capital, Paid up Capital, $ f)MI) o l ,0 l,IIOO ink) l. ltir.&i. ' A9avrc Loans on Illond and MoitgaKe', and other Cash, and Cash li. 1 131,731 1' 7.7m;; 41 il ;,f. i, 6 4Pi 311,60" Due on Stock Accouut, Deferred Premiums, Stock Kills Keceivable, Accrued Interest, Olhcr Property, iuclnding Offlce Fnrniture, 14 l.l'l- ' Total Aesets, LIABILITIES, for Reserve, which None, except calculated. ha Uut In. BECEIPT3. For rremluma and Interen, ,s ,:, x c , . EXH:XDITCRE3. For Sa'arles, Commissions. Btatiob. ry and a 1 other purposes, " $13 (..j f. Percentage of Expense to Income, ' t. ., S'(1f,oe.rr.Ii'1I' ilIt;rf. "1: Amount in-nr.i. JS43,l00; Total Premium Keceipt,, (oclu !. t - 12&A7 ' 71 ! RWeiI,t' ' The Company since the 1st .ry.nn.i chased .100.000 of Govern ' CERTIFICATK OF ACTHORITV (To expire n the Slat day of January ,1-70.. 1 - . T- . .ounANClE DEPARTMENT, I i-riia or CTATB A I?nit,,L Whereas. , Abram B Covalt. E,q.. State Apu ' ril.lley Life Insurance Compaov. 1, Ml. 1 ...H r ; -Z..,: I. fompaov has filed in this office a e BTCDworin 11 U ' ' - i tnwj i 1 j ttis- u"-'in lit. m thf Wiu.. ... t. . tion of said ComM..B7.' r.' ' ln.c"rf " tmw u' 3Ult f N.r.r-.k. .... ..a he Ml. u ... v.i Act In Relation to Insurance cZ "!' e.1"lle1 Khr.- ,' ,. rance Companies," apir ' An invested Inatocksofat least Smnunr'"'' J1 wonh double ''f amount for which the same is morliraeed written lnstrun:-iir n,M, k. .t ... . by?' Pre.hientVud-Vecre.aVy thonzing Ihe said Abram B Covalt to a. kmV- r c.:' f"r"d ln bebAlt' t C " ' tn.iw- . - 'iv mm ix wrvH ui nof'su'r0' wZ,ViDe 'laimV;; "rr. r. r raH hai Vk'T10 f nd Whereas, AbraIa B co thl !il "itl satisractory evidence that he 1 tne authorized Aeent r..i,i 1'. Therefore, be il known t,. .1..... ' Till ... -i . j wivtc tti rrij I m 1 i- pursuance 1 of the aforesaid act, I, Job a GilX '. Auditor of the Sui. ..r x: .. , . ". ' .. actasfetateAifentforthe.aid Miisoarl Valler LK insurance Comnanv. in t' Kiai.. v..i....,.: ,t to do and trfi,r i rt, . ... .. v. , ,. Improved Farm mid bcr For 8a I c. L j ..k.. , ,!:ta , . .... mu-j 1 u ui'DH oi 1 ' Company authorised ty hi. appointneat as m-c!i Atfeot and by the lawn of this State, until the 3r.t day ol January, A. D. 1P70. In witness whereof, I have subscribed mr ' B i m,csec be fflll bia 1st day of April, A. JOIJX GILLEptR, J. W. MARSH il.L, AKenl.riat.M.iuu.hA k:'.','- msv.'"4