She TctoJui ZSwblVL LOCAL NEWS. Two murders hare been committed in Omaha during the last week. Mr. Leonard is making some excellent pictures at Thomas' Gallery. .mm m . From the Beatrice Clarion we learn that Mr. Alexander Redpath was drowned in the Big Blue on the 28th alt. Until further notice all mails for the east will leave Plattsmouth office at 8 o'clock a. m. Col. O. II. Irish, of this State, has re ceived the appointment of Minister to Dresden. They have pp a big Indian scare over in the Republican river country. Look oat for all manner of hideous stories. m m mx The Slate Journal, of last Saturday, says thg contract for constructing the B. & M. It. R. to Lincoln, was lot on the 3d. inst. By the list of purchasers at the recent sales at Lincoln, we learn that Repre sentative TafFe mado a small investment in our capital city. Hasser is on hand with early peas, and has furnished the Ukrald office with a fine mega. Ilenaer has a honrt as large as an ox he cannot see friends culler for lack of early vegetables. We are informeby a gentleman from tho country, that the Omahas were on the war-path yesterday, after some of the "Lo" family that had been stealing their ponies. Blair Register. Morton is offering his Salt lands for sale. He asks $18,000 for three quar ters of a section. The land lies near the line of Railroad from this city to Lincoln. Mr. J. M. Ware, of San Francisco, ar rived in this city last Saturday, four days and a half from San Francisco. The fare from San Francinco to Prom ontory is $50 in gold, and from Prom ontory to Omaha $S0 iD greenbacks. For the first time in the history of the Washington Navy Yard, two colored men commenced work as joiners upon equal footing with the whites. They were formerly slaves, and were employed in Union service during the war. Ground was broken on Thursday mornins last for Mess. Irish & Kennne dv's banking house. Tha structure will be of stone, and will be highly ornament nl to the city. The Peckhim Bros, have the contract for the erection of the build ing. Statssman. We are in receipt of the Overland Monthly, a production of the Pacific Coast which equals anything of the kind published in the east. The Overland It published by A. Roman & Co., San Fran oisoo, at $4. per annum. Mr. Henry S. Green, ot Sjraeaae, New York, has received the appointment of Chief Draftsman in the Surveyor Gen eral's office for Iowa and Nebraska, and enteral upon the discharge of his duties last week. Capt. Palmer took in over one hun dred and fifty wagon loads of corn in one day last week, and did not count it a goad day for corn at that. He is fur nishing our farmers with a "heap" of epare change. The parties who have been securing Tight of way through the county for the li & M. R. R. Co., arrived at home Tues day evening, having been through the entire county on the Platte river route. They found but few people who refused to give tne ngnt or way. We understand Gov. Butler contem- plates convening the Legislature in extra wv - r. .-w r.w . - , to enable the Legislature to settle the herd law question The people of Quincy are anxious to have a line of railroad built from that city to Plattsmouth, connecting here with the B. & M. Rail Road. The peo- ! . luui4C ua endeavoring to divert it to those towns, but the indications are that the road will ba pushed straight to this point. Col. Peck, of the B. & M. R. R. En gineers, was in the city Saturday. He has completed his surveys to within a few miles of Ashland. The entire sur veys between Plattsmouth and Lincoln will probably be completed by the close of this week. T!vpt trv Taxation-. Pr.ecial ax will be reaaired of anv nerson. firm Mt camnanv. comoration or association. -1 J r ' ither a. a manufacturer, or dealer for - " the manufarpr. nf hnttar nd oheese. . ..i i 1 - ' U1" ow oi Doner ur cuorao ui their own manufacturers, or which thev are enazed in manufacturing either di- rectly or indirectly. Thev have the cutest wav of obtaining railroad, dawn at Nebraska Citv we ever - ' heard of. Some fellow meets his neish- or and says : "John, we ought to have a railroad connecting Nebraska City with the moon." or some other olace. and the next dav the tianers all come -oat with ' r - Earning beadinss. "Railroad to the Moon :" "Tha rnr, an mIHio cfnv . --a- cured ;' "The building of this road guar- y ft V LM W A A 4 n V W U V anteed by the Pennsylvania Central 'F. A White, Esq.,has arrived at home" etc., etc , and then they are ready to commence operations on a road to Ja- piter. Happy people ! A large number of persons have been awaiting the final action in regard to Railroad operations at this place before commencing to build. They can "let themselves loose" now. The Railroad is a fixed fact, and the future for Platts mouth is radiant. Fire your brick kilns, and your saw mills. "Brick and lum ber" will be the cry soon. We understand the officers of the fine steamer Glasgow, of the "O" line, will extend hospitalities to a pleasure party from this city to Omaha and back, leaving here next Monday This will be an excellent opportunity for vis ing Omaha, and we expect to see a large number of the';youth and beauty" of Plattsmouth aboard the Glasgow. Do the shysters who labored to defoat the Republican ticket in Omaha last week expect the Republican party to nominate and support them for office hereafter? We learn thattiearly every man who worked to defeat the regular ticket was himself a candidate before the convention. Remembor them in fu ture. A Mr. Snearley, of St. Joseph, U sup posed 'o have been tn ordered between Nebraska City and Hamburg, last week. He left the former place in company with two men, and has not been seen sioce. isomer two men passeu nam- ,he past 8eason ; Ve of Weepino burg the same day, going south, but did Water the development of the country u stop. It is supposed they murdered Mr. Snearley and threw the body into toe river TT T 1 FlflP-l 1 . xiun. ugoa laus, .uemoer ot congress from Nebraska, and Hon. E. B. Taylor. editor of the Omaha Republican, were in the city Monday. They enme in from Lincoln, where they had been attending the lot and land sales We learn from them that prices ranged much higher than at former sales. Over $140,000 had been realized Saturday night from the sale of 300 lots and about 5 sections of land The American Slock Journal for June contaids the usual amount of interesting articles, which we commend to the care Mil perusal of our rural readers. Send your name and address to the Publishers, and they will send you a specimen copy free. N. P. Boyer & Co., Publishers. Parkeeburg, Chester Co., Pa. We looked for no other result in Oma ha than the defeat of the entire ticket, yet feeling certain that a majority of the voters were lteDubiicans. it seems as though an epidemic passes over the country every few years, leaving all the brainless hoads in rather a "sore", con dition. Omaha was troubled with a considerable number of this class of peo ple this spring, and the epidemic was at its height. If they feel better after hav ing defeated a portion of the Republican ticket, all well. They should and will bo remembered in future. The man who cannot be trusted when you need him should not be trusted at a'l. Tho election in Omaha last week re-I sulted in the election of eight Republi- can ana lour democratic alderman, a democratic Mayor, Police Judge and City Marshal. The vote on unimpor tant candidates where a streight party vote was had, shows that Omaha is Re publican by about 150 votes; and yet a "sore head" faction caused the defeat of such true and tried Republicans as ex-Gov. Saunders. We can both pity and despise the men who will cause the defeat of the Republican ticket merely because they do not happen to be the choice of the nominating convention. Several of our State papers have hint- - - cd at a finding by the recent U. S Grand jarv at Omaha, wherein certain promi nent meu 0f tne State were unpleasantly " ' , ' ! jnBtioe deir;and9 that th'e whola' truth enouia oe known mat tne implicated parties may stana vinuicateu Deiore mo i peopie. Wa j0 not believe in undefined people insinuations, neither do wo believe in covering up any man's rascality, no mat ter mw high he stands. Wno can give an authoritive statement of fads, with out comment. It matters not who these facts may hurt whether Gen. Strick land, Mr. Haxby, or Mr. Foppleton, or Mr. somebody else, or ;whetner all ol them or none of them are hurt justice to all parties and to the people demands that the facts be known. There is noth ing so damaging to any man's character as a vague and undefined rumor that he has been guilty of soma heinous crime, and especially is such rumor damaging when there is an apparent effort to cover up trie truth. If any parties in Omaha have been guilty of "crimes in high Pces," iney ueserve anu woe pujuo uo- I , it J . 1 iL . VI? J manua luii P 11 ueJ ua "UJ I - 1 . f .11 M 1.1 L Deen BuulJ ol ,BU1Bcre,,k lu I Ml . A kV -A1.l wm M reaaJ lo excuB0 iaeui BS kUD ln n7 eTen we Bnou,u ul" 'l.i i t i ..... JM 1 toe wnoie irutu, ana mat epeeuuv. - . . . , There is probably not fifty men in tne State of Nebraska who have not already heard pomething of this reported action of the Grand Jury, and as a general rule I wn donbt not thev connect it in their 1 ind- with some terrible crime, an hun- dred fold worse than the facts would justify, even if they indicate crime at all. Our own opinion is, formed from what I f acta wa have been abfe to obtain that I h character af the offense, if offense at all. is more in the nature of indescreet I ..fa fhnn nt criminal acts. Let us have I KMWW mmm w "the truth, the whole truth, nd nothing but the truth," and we are svMsfied the I parties implicated will stand More the people in a far better light taaniey do to-day, with an apparent effort to c J?er ' op something, At the meeting of the Commissieners last week a proposition was made by the board to the B. & M. R. R. Co. wherein the commissioners proposed to issue the bonds of the county now, provided the company would take them with the inter est coapans for the two first years cut off, and would guarantee tho completion o the road through the county within six teen months, and that thoy should locate and maintan all their depoto, machine shops, etc. at a point on the river not farther north than Plattsmouth. The Company has accepted the proposition on condition that we furnish them free of cost, sufficient grounds within the city limits, end right of way through the county PLATTSMOUTH TO LI.VIOL1V. On Friday company with Hon Jno. Tafle, we made a trip from Plaits mouth to Lincoln, by way of Weeping Water Falls, a distance of abuut fifty five miles, as the road gcej. We had heard numerous reports of the rapid improvement and development of the South Platte country during the pres ent season, but we confess we bad no adequate idea of the reality until we passed over the route we have named It is not an extravagant statement to say that between Plattsmouth and Lin coin, in sight of the road over which we passed, not less than one hundred npin trirmn have been on?ned curin j3 truly marvelous. During the entire journey from the last named point to Lincoln, a distance ef about thirtv six miles, newly onened farms and new I J 1 farm houses were continually in sieht Stopping the carriage at one point in I Stove Creek precinct, Cass county, we counted nineteen new farm houses, all of which were surrounded with many acres of freshly broken prairie land! We are informed that nil along the road from Plattsmouth to Lincoln on the route via Ashland, the same grati fying spectacle is presented. Indeed, well informed persons with whom we conversed while at Lincoln, informed us that the same rapid improvement is going forward in every portion of the south-PJatte country, from the JMissou n river west to the second and third tier of counties. The present seasoa will nearly, if not quite, double the population of the south-I'latte country. Nebraska is filling cp with substan tial farmers as rapidly as any of the new States west of tha Mississippi, in the early period of their history and we feel perfectly confident that the vote ot 1870 will show an aggregate for Congress and the State ticket, of nearly ur quite thirty thousand. Re publican. Reduction In Railroad Fares. The Pacific Railroad is open for through travel from Omaha to Sacra mento. A material reduction of fare has been announced by the Central Pa cific Company, by whom propositions for a still greater reduction of rates have been made. Passengers are be- ng carried at present from Sacramn to to Ogden, the terminus of the Cen tral Pacific, for 850 in coin, which is at the rate of six and seven tenths cents per mile. The fare, the entire uis.- ance from Sacramento to Omaha, at present rates, is S114 4U currency, which, is the proposition made by the Central Pacific be reduced to S100 currency. Ibis liberal policy is com mendable, and undoubtedly will re dound to the bene fit of the Company. Just think of it old Humbolters a ride to the States for less money and in less time than it took to reach Sacramento a few Qyears ago. IJumbdt Regis' ter. A resident of Rochester; N Y, saw an advertisement that a receipt tor the cure of dyspepsia might be had by sendinrr a nostn.trrt stamn to the adver o r ' r tiser He was a vicljrn l0 lne dj3ease, and jent his stamn. The answer was. "Dig in your garden and let whisky alone." The Philadelphia gas-works, are dri ving the shad from the Deleware Bavaria discharges a third of its in fantry Cincinnati brewed nearly fifty thous and barrels of beer in March. MARRIED At tho Residence of the Bride, by Judge Gage in the city of Plattsmouth on 9tb. rv P Tuna fs ITvtir ftrt ra nnil T i a A tt. Borrows, all of Cass countv. Vallerys' & Ruffner'are just in receipt of the largest stock of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots, Shoes, nats, Caps, Doots, Sash, Iron and Nails ever brought to the west.' Buy None but t!ie Best Vallerys' ARuffner are agents for J. I. Case b Co.'a Threshing Machine, J. II. Manny, and Kirby'a Combined Reap er and Mower. Self and Hand Rake. John Deere's Molina Breaking and Stir ring Plows I .. . . u. V.f n- you wans to ouj m. UCo. v.u Planter in use, go to Vallerys & Ruff. ner's and buy Brown's Illinois uorn I Planter. I .. . j,v-- Joa wanl 10 BaTe "me.ana iaDor,go vauerys & nuuner-s aaa gen one oi Deere's Walking Cultivators. . ..... . - 11 Ta wan lao oe" aSQ 1Q B to Vallerys & Refiner's and buy the Is . . v -vwr ocnuttier wagon WANTED - 5000 lbs Bacon. 1000 lbs Lard. Vallerts t RcrrxER. 2 M - o 31 m 30 a m T T 30 m 3J m TJ m 30 DOOM, It HO. & CO. Agents for Birdsall's Threshing Ma chines, Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines New Yorker Self Raker Reaper, Bock eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's Reaper and Mower, Wier's WalkiDg Cultivator, Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod and Mould Board Breakers, Subble plows of all kinds. Euery implement warranted. Middle Creek, Lancaster Co., Neb. August 13 18C8. Messrs. Dooy, Bbo. & Co. .Plattsmouth. Gents ; Tho Birdsall Threshing Ma chine purchased of you, works beyond our exnectation. We have tried it to r our satisfaction. We believe it cannot be beat for saving grain, and running easy. We do not know haw much we can thresh as we have never got grain as fast as the machine will thresh. Respectfully your J J. Forest. Mt. Pleasant, Cass Cocnty, Neb., September 5 1868. Messrs. Doom Beo. & Co., Plattsmouth. Cents. In reply to your inquiry as to how we like the Birdsall Thres.her,would say: that we like it well, we have thresh ed with several kinds of machines, but find the one bought of you give? sati9fac tion. It threshes and cleans as well or better than any other we have tried. It requires less attention, especially in the cleaning part. Ours does its work well in all respects, it is very light draught on horses. We would recomend the Birdsall to any one wishing to purchase a Threshing Machine. T E. Hughes. ii. j. uccbes. Weeping Watrr, Cass Countv, Neb. December 8 1868. Messrs. Doom, Bro. & Co. Plattsmouth. Gents. In regard to the New Yorker, Self Raking Reaper and Mower purchas ed of you, I can say that it performed entirely to my satisfaction, both as a Reaper and Mower. I have no hesitation in recomending the New Yorker to any person wishing a Self Raking Reaper and Mower. Truly Yours, H. Hcbbard. Want of space prevents us publishing more certificates, but we refer to the following well known gentlemen for the merits of tho New Yorker: John R. Shaffer, Salt Creek. -Frank W. Fowler, Elmwood. J. L. Davison, Millford. Abram Courtright, Millford. C. Mason, Millford. FOR SALE BY Doom, Bro. A; Co. Plattsmouth, Neb. Reed & Bro., Weeping Water, Neb. Walker & Bond Ashland, Neb. Cassell & Hyatt Lincoln, Neb. Doonr& Etherly Millford, Neb. PAY UI. All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will please call and pay up im mediately. A word to the wise, etc. Sept.10 tf. C. E. Forgy. Take Notice. All persons indebted to me by note or acoouut will please call and settle imme diately. All accounts not settled by December 25tb, will be left for collec tion. Take notice and govern yourcelf accordingly, and save your cost nov2Gtf Jacob Vallery, Jr. For Sals. A light spring wagon. Enquire of Sam. M. Chapman. March,18tf. MUSIC. Mrs, Kate Simpson would respectfully say to her friends and the public that she has made arrangements to enlarge her class in music, and would be pleased to .instruct any who may wish to take lessons on Piano Forte. Enquire at residence, corner Vino and Seoond streets Plattsmouth. FeblStf KOTICE. All persons indebted to us. either by note or account, win piease can ana Bet A "11 A tie immediately, as we wish to close our accounts by Dec. 25th. nov2Ctf. Vallery & Ruffner. $1200 and all Expenses Paid! See advertisement of American Shcttlb Sewivo Machisk, in our advertising C0I7 umns. lj FOIt SALE Two valuable residence lots for sale. Enquire of M. McElwaik. AprUStr. ST- LUKE'S PARISH. Monthly meetings ef the Vestry 1st Tuesday eve ning ef each month, at tbe Rectory; Q latterly neetines ol Vestry 1st Mondaya of May, August, November and February. II. St. GEO. TOUNO, Sector. W. I Wells, Clerk. Strayed or Stolen, From the undersigned, about three weeks alto, one lisht bay mare Pony, white stripe in face, thin in Cesh. l'gl t mane and tail; and one red bay mare Pony, heavy mane and tail, rather short, utper teeth broken. B th ponies were shod on front feet when they left, Acy person returning the above property to Shannon's Stable, in Plattsmonth. will b snitably rewarded. WH. D. M A JOS D1.M1L5. Je8w3 J233 This space Is paid for by who keep tbs largest found in the country. LEGAL NOTICE. iD.Dietrlct Court 21 Judicial District within and for Unas oounty, MAle 01 n rorabaa. A. F. Posey. Plaintiff ts. Imle E Coolsou and Arte- mui 8nhler Defendants. To Imle E CooLion and Artemus Babler.Derendants, you will hereby lake notice that A. Y. PoHey of the Slati- of Alabama uid on the 11th day of May A. 1 1S69 file in the liistrict Court In and for said county, his petition axainnt the said Imle E. Coolsoa and Artxmas tfaliler telling frth that the said imle E. Coolsou ifave certain promissory note Ctlltng lor th; i-am of$'20due August 8d, 1S6S, tecuiedbya ct-rtain Uted of Trust up in the South East quarter of Section No. twenty (iO) in Towuship No twelve (12) North of Bange Wo Wdte (12) East of the 6th M. in (Jasi county Nebraska, an'J pr-iyru mi suid Imle K. Ooolfou may pay said mm of 2.-?0 With uteri t at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per annum bv a dav to be nanie l bv the Court or mat saia premises ' e sold lo pay Uie same, ana prayiog mat the said . rtomas Sahler may be rorever oarrea ana toreclo.-ed of any andallriKbt, claim or lienihemay have otaited by reason of being a trusue nauied n il-eil nl trust; And the said Imle K. Conlson and Arten:as Sabler defendants, are notified that they are required to appear and ai.twe- said petition on or before the iwenty-Urst day of June, 1S69. A. X. ru'ti By Maxwell 4t Chapman, his Att'ys- 18w4. WASTE It'S SALE. District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Leonidas J. Holland, I versus VOrderof ale. Charles Wilson. 1 Dv virtui and in pursuance of a decretal order of this Court, made in the above entitled cause, mere will be sold under the direction of the t-ubxeriber, at nblie auction, for vash in band, at the front door of he Court House In Flattsmonth, in the said county nf Cass, on Monday , the 2Ut day of June, 19G9, at o'cUck p. m. of said day. all the right, t tie ana in terest of the above deleudaot to the following tract r parcel of land, to wit : Tlie sonthi-ast quarter tX) or section o. ninety-. n townthip da. ten (10), nO'th ol range iso. eleven (.11 ) east ot the 6th P. M., in Cass countr, Nebraska 1S69. J. W. JOHNSOS, Oiven aiiaer my nana i is iin aay or ni:iy, &. mj. Special Master in Cliancerr. MAXWtLL & Chipmi , Attorneys tor plaintiff. uia.y-0".i J. &l II- J. STREIGHT DEALER lit RUIT, CONFECTION E It I E S, TOYS. NOTION'S, Etonl-rg Stationery. &c , &c SOD -X. LEIV.CNADE, AND ICE ORSAM, 210 MllS STREET, LATTSMOUTII, - NEB. ALSO We wonld invite the attention of buyers our foil and complete stock of Ilarns, Aaddtery ami Coilum, which we are selling cheup for csf'b. Work made to order, and repairing done on .-nort notice. e7 Sales room In 21 storv. over Store. The highest cash price paid for UIOES AND FCRS. J- A: U. J. 8. i"lat tmouth, April 23 tf. Guardian's Sale Notice is hereby g ven that in pursuance of a de cretal order of .ale, rendi-red by Hon George B. Lake, Jude of the District Court of the 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass county, Nebraskn, made t his Chambers In Omaha Ci'y, on the 20th ar of May, IStiU. I will, on the 19th day of June, 1(-C9, at the front door of the Court House in the city f l'lat t-month. Cass connty. Nebraska, at the hour of one o'clock p. m of said day, offer for sale to the Ighost bidder, all the right, title and mteie.t or lora s. Arnold, minor neir or t.awara Arnoia, ae- ceased, to lot No. 6, ii. block 83. as designated on the recorded plat of the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and said sale will remain open for bids from one o clock p m until two o'ciock p ni. of snid day Terms cash. May 22. 1SC9. MOSES STOCKING, Guardian of Flora S. Arm Id. By MAXWELL & CAiPMAK, Att'yt. mj27w5 THE REASOJV VHY 13,347 mm DAK Were sold in the Year 1868 IS B EC ATS BE SOT OXE IMS EVER FAILED TO CITE ENTIRE SATISFACTION TtlE PERFECT OPERATION op evkbt Charter Oak Stove SOU) W FIJULY GUARANTEED, ano WHEREVER ksowx They Stand Unrivalled FOH ECONOMY. FOR DURABILITY, AND CONVENIENCE. For Simplicity of Management, And for Cleanliness in Cooking, They are Home Institutions, Manufactured In the West, and adapted to the wants of Western and southern PEOPLE. Surely no good housekeeper can afford to be without one. - FOB PSICE LIST, aDBBESa Excelsior Manufaelurin 612 4 614 JV". Main st., St. Louis, JLfa SOLO BY E. T. Duke & Go. Plattsmouth, Neb. May STihmS. Clark A Plvxxer, stock of Goods to be Eslray IVolice. Taken np by the subscriber, three mlies south of Isblaud. on tti bin ul .liy 156, one cnesmut col ored Mare, n-avy with tua', one hind f ot and b:b fore feet whit', white strire in fiirt-head, uppO!ie(l u be ten or twelve years old , one bla-k two year nl. mare colt one dark grey two year old in re clt right hind foot and right tore foot white, whit stripe in foinhead ; one dark bay mate cult, o -year old ; one dark bay mare coit. one year oHi three white feet and white stripe in forehead OBIN KINISON. May 14, 1S69 roy 20w5 SALE OFCIIOOL. LANDS To all whom it may concern : I B. Spurlock, Clerk in and f r Cuss roun'y t i te of Nebraska, do, by virtue of the autlioitty in me vested by the pr v ions of an Act of the Legislature of Kebraeka 1 titled. An set' To provide for the Registry of Sell" Lands, for the control and disposition thereof, ni for the safe keeping of the funds derived from 'I. sale and lease of .aid Lund," which said Act w approved June 21, A. D. lSti7,and also in a coord ki wi in a rnbseq'ient amendment to said Act, approv ed February 15th, lt63, hereby giv- notice that on Welnesday, the Tironty- Third (23) day qf June next, at the hour of tea (10) o'clock a the fr nt door of the Court Hons , In the city of Platts mouth, Nebraska, I will ofTer for sale at public auc tion to tbe highest bidder all the School Lands with in the county of Cass aforesaid, known as Section 16 and 86 in the several Towns and Ranges of said county, and lands selected in lieu thereof. rhn Sale will commence with the Landt in tbe sonthwett c rner of the county, beginning in Range nine (9) and offering all the Lands in each respect ve Range before iho e east of tt ; and thus advancing east, thro'lfcnges within the county, via Ranges 9. 10,11. 12,13 and 14, Towns. 10,11. 13and 13, ar.d con tinuing said sale from day to day, nntil ail th School Lauds witnin the, county are otfei ed for sale The prairie lards will be offered in traits not ex ceeding forty (40) acres each ; and the timber lands in tracts not exceeding ten (10) acres each. Payments for laods'sold must be made as follows, viz : For prairie lands one-tenth of the price ca.-h in hand; and lands, one haif cash in band, or cah down for the option of the purchas er, with a promissory note for the remainder to ma ture ten (10) years after da'e, bearing Interest paya ble annually in advance at ten per cent per annum; the first payment of (interest being computed to the lst'day of January next afterthe'.iate of the note, that when notes aie given for the purrhaseof timber land they must be further secured by the endorsement ol two free holders of the connty, to be approved by tbe County Treasurer. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal at my office ia Plattsmouth, seal. on this I2th day tf May A. D. ISr9 B. SrtJRLOCR, Cleik Cast county Nebraska. May 13, 1S69. Henry Boeck, DALER llf FURNITURE, Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS, Of all descriptions and at all prices. Metalic Burial Cases, r. .-..,L.J'. .k-.-HJ'-arflM.".1. ,n Of all sizes, also WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap for cash W ith many tJ-,n1c f. r nst pU'-jnn e, I Invite all r. cill and examiue n,y lare stjefc i "nrniiure an U'ffina, Jan2rtif. Administrator s a!e Votice ii h'Tehv pvp In ar;hane' of r He order mad,- I t III- H .u jr to-oriie U. L, vk- Juilfte of th- it-l J hU-jU litricr CurL within uil or Cass county, Kiate of Xclir'a at his tlmm- rs in Omaha Cit, on vtay the 7th. i L. iSi'9, 1 will, on tbe 19th d-y of June-. A. D 1G9, offer at ;umic vendue. attheCosrt House door in the citv l Plattsmouth, Cass c, unty, Nebraska, mt the hour f 10 o'clock a. m , to the highest nod best bidder. ll tne riKht, title and interej' i.f bphrann colow leceaie-1, in and to the northwest frartional qnar ier of pection No 6. In township No. 13, north o; ranse No. 13 ; and ten (10) acies off of the west sid- f the northeaat quarter (V) o' the northwext q'tar- ter (V), in seeiiou No. 6. in township No 12, Dortt of ranfte No 13, situate bud lyiuR in Cass connty tate of Nebraska. Snid sale will remain open lo ids f'oin 10 o'clock, a. in. until 11 o'clock a. m. o same day May2S, 1S69. . OAL MrS McCART, Admr. of the estate of Ephraim Colow, dee'd. By Maxwell k Chapman, atty'e. my27w5 FOR SALE OR REXT. The undivided halt or the whole if desired of the ROCK BLUFFS ORIST A A If SA W MILL ; 84-horae power Engine a-d Boi-er, 2 pair of 8 foot Burs. 56 inch C rcuiar t-a, two Story Mid-House, 30x50 feet ; everything in good running order. Also a GOOD D WELLISO HOUSE, of four rooms acd cellar. For particulars enquire Of C. KCHLCNTZ. apr22tf. Bock Bluff, Casi connty. Nebraska- NOTICE- Notice is herehp giver; to all parties having busi ress before the County Commissioners Court, tr ." of which will require the flline of rairfrs that the reqoixite eanera must be filed with th Cnnity Clerk before the first diy of each session of said C -urt, toob ain a b -aring npon any such ro. t- ters as they may desire to orMg before the Court The rapidly increases' basines of the Comt make this order rf iaiperatire necessity; that a reimlar nrder or bn"iness may be previously arrang ed. whe by the B-iard may more sy-ttmat,rcaiiy and with greater celerftj dispatch the business brousn be ore tnetn By order of the Board, B. PITRLOCK. mar25tf Clerk Case cunnty, Neb, Improved Fcrm mill Tim ber For Sale The farm U about SO miles weatfrom PlatUmoutb, 2 miles west of Hoover's, on th btage Road. t acres has been in cultivation 1 log house opon It, and plenty of stock water; it ia S . w qr te 87. T 12, r ii 6o acres; and connected with it is Lot 7 asd 8 E qr of S K qr See 20, same T and K. (timber) 90 and J0-1O0 acres, making 250 and B0-1OO acies. Also the N w qr of N w q," of Sec 84, T 70, K 44, In Mills connty, Iowa, Due eajtfrom Plattsmouth, and 1 mile from the river, (heavy timber.) For term addren, l. 11. SOLOmON, may2Stf. Qlenwood, Iewa. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM. Esaya for Young Men on the Interesting rela tion of bridegroom to Bride in the Institution of Marriage, a Guide to matrimonial felicity and true haDninesa. Sent bv mail in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address, HowiiD AbsociaTlOM, Boa P. fhliabelphia, ra. We.the Drnircistof Plattsmoath'ealllthe atlention of. our customers to the letters 'published below of the wondernil efficacy of Di. Roback's Stomach Bit ters, Dr. Roback's Scandinavian Blood Pills. We have been Selling these medicines long enough to know that they are all they are recommended to be. and that the certificates of cures published are true. Bead the following letter from one of the oldest and most reliable grocery merchants in the city of Davcnjwrk Friend Walton: Agreeably to my promise to you when here, I write you, for publication if you sec t Mm proper, a true state ment of the good ef fects of Roback's Stomach Bitters upon myself. I had been troubled with indi gestion for a long time, attended with severe headachc,par- ticularly after eating, when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the store and recommended me to use Roback's Bit ters. I did so by tak ing a small wine-glass full just before each meal, and to my great joy I was relieved at once, and .am now well by their use. 1 would not be without them at any price. 1 have not taken any other medicine since commenced using the Bitters. And 1 can say with a clear conscience, try Ro back's Bitters they will do all they are recommended to ' do -if taken according to directions. Yours truly, Frank II. Miller, Of the firm of 13 eideback & Miller. Wholesale Grocers, Davenport, Iowa. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RECEIVER Is the only' perfected and scientifically prepared preparation of its kind ever offered to the public, and has no competitor RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, in merit. By its use GRAY HAIR is soon restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, which is so much admired by. all. Persons whose hair is thin or falling out will, by the use of our PROMOTES Renewer,soon see its good ITS GROWTH! AM) IS A SPLENDID effects, as, by its tonic and stimulating properties the hair glands will be incited and the hair grow thick and strong again. In cases of Baldness it will create a new growth unless tho follicles are destroyed. . It is cooling, and allays all itching and irritation of the scalp. It does not stain the bkin as do dyes, but mates the scalp white and clean. As a DRESSING it is the best and most DRESSING. TRY ONE BOTTLE AND' THICKEN: DP THE THIN economical preparation in the world, as its effects last bo much lon'ger. Send for our Treatise on the LOCKS lihair, free to all, by mail. Sold by all Druggists uid Dealers la Medielne. COOK, COBURN & CO. Genl AgentB for Uorth-Western States, 87 DEAEB0BN STBEET, CHICAGO, ILL.