Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 27, 1869, Image 1

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    "If any man attempts to haul doicn the .American Flag, shout him on the spot.
VOL. 5.
ISO. 8.
V9-Oraeeeorner Maim street and Levee, second
Terms: $2.50 per annum.j
iVifes of Advertising
aiqosr(paee of ten lines) one Insertion,
Kici satn,oent insertion
Profeliiil erds not exceeding six n
ae-miaitcr column or less, peranriam
six months
i, thrr. months
On h it f eolamn ,
10 00
35. OO
8U i 0
tbree months
He column twelve months
three months
4iltranslentadvertlements mast be P
si x moi"'"
We are prepared to do .11 kin.!, cf
rt notice, and in style that will
is tbort
fcl ion.
Solicitor in Cliaiicery.
Plattsmoiitli, Xeb.
U Miy nod sell Heal Estate, and pay taxes I jr
InnroTil and inirr
aoB-Kfin-m.. ,.., ., int. for sale.
jane 25th mzv
(L,te a S.ugen-ln-Cbof of the Army of the Polo
v ni-ic )
lL.TTSMOUTir, - - EB'
Omc i.hir.n R. Llvluston. on Main street. (.uri iin. ,,,, of Rock and 11 1
. ... ..i..rii- (111 u ' I v.
tree's, two doors south of V. r. 9
Physician and Surgeon,
T.nd-M hi. professional service to thecitixen. of
..sco.iDty. .,.,., an.l Sixth
-e dnee .out uw ' .. nr, uousc,
alr-Ti.: tlTiceon Miiin tfect, ..pp.t- t,ouriiiou c,
pUttsinonth, Nebraska
Platte alley House
Ed. B. Murphy, Troprietcr.
W of Mtin and Fourth Streets,
... ... . ., .vin.r b-.-n rs fi!
,1 and newly far-
t'u.'Joj'-r. Slit cilss"
Doard. ry
a 'lay or "
Gstisral 3aad Agent,
lax-tK.exa-nine Titles, fcc.
naxwell & Chapman,
Solicitors in Cbaticery.
ZC4IeSk. Butte' . Co'. Dru. Store.
irl .
Plattsmouth S-iUs-
C. HEISEL, Proprietor.
Have recently b,- repaired P
o.iirh running order. Custom wor -
"nn ftftft I-tislicls of Wheat
, .t,, h the hiK est marke
Waote.i im.eaiaieiy, iu. - .ug2tf
ptice wi'l be paid. "
. J. N. v;ise,
.,-! Wft. Accident, Fire, Inland and
w t.i t.ka ri,ksat reasonable ratos in the most
companies in the cKDiltd ep-,al. onth.lNebras-rt-UiBce
at the booSstore.riatt u. out . .1
Jlillincry & JDrcssmakinS,
Opposite the Liny xu'.
ver sold in thiscity
kLiTStVo" Tnlut
old customers a
order. PerVecUaTasfactioniven or no charges.
health; GOMFcmr, and
Two blocks northwest or Bnc swui-uuK.
A. U 1 U 1 . . . , . ....
TTE has a BA TIT HOCSE, free to patrons ; 1,1s
XL room are well ventilated, ana ui
asonable. lJal2
tCapt. O. LAnOO & CO.,1
Wholeaaleand Retail Oealers in
Wines and Liquors,
- Also a very choice selection of
Tobacco and Cigars,
Hain street, second door eat of Seymour Home,
Vviri.liiCilr. Nebraska
Ar. Inst receiving a new stock of Genuin Old
direct from Bourbon bbit, Ky., Bitters,
TE would respectfully nnon " naveiusi
W of Plattsmouth and vicinity thaj uter
received a large and well selec ed ,1v4t, dre.,
Ooods.cnsi.ung of Flower. . ihea.'gs
rimming, AC Ac. We will ' .. our
A fc. A l.lillHn
Having permanently located at
tonderb his professional services to thj citisens ol
Cans county, Net rahka. Jan7'69tf
JAMES O'NF.IL Is my authorized Agent for toe
collection of all accounts due the undesigned for
medical services; his receipt will be valid for the
payment of any monies oo said acconnts.
AnacftH, 1867. K. K. L1V 1NG8TOS, SI
3MLX.&G,1SL-VM.& 1C!
I am agent for the best Mnsieal InHtrnment. made.
Person wishing to buy Pianos, Cabinet, Metro
Dulitan or Portable OiRans, or Me lodeons cn pur
chase through my agency on as liberal terras as they
can from the maaufa inters themselves. All Instru
ments fully warranted. J. N. WISE.
A good dwelllre, containing six rooms, a good
celiar, and cittern, a well, stable, wood Mied
and buggy shed on the lot, situate on the corner f
Seventh and Locust streets ; alo, a two story brick
buildiog, 2335, with two lota, sitnate on Fifth street
norih of Jain. The above propeity will be sold
cheap for rash, or traded for an improved farm in
Caa county.
lTor particulars apply on the premise..
All persons indebted to me are requested to call
and settle immediately, as I must ard 'will have
tbem settled forthwith.
KovUltr. GEO. BOECBl.
Having jnst re-ivrd a choice selection of Millin
ery Goods irons Philadelphia, now offer, them for
inspection and sale, at reaxonabie prices. No pains
has been spared to obtain the finest material and
latest ttylea.
Please cell ard exam it g at her residence, one and
a half miles touth of Plattenioulh. ma r2Mf
Binders ScPaperdealers.
To rni Worsi.vh GAS3 . I am now prepared
to furnish all classef- with constant employment at
their homes," the whole of the time, or for the
laie momenta. Busitiesa new, liKht and profit able
Fifty c-nts tu 5 per evening, is easily earned by
persons or either sex, and the boys and girls earn
ri. iiuieh a men. Great inducements are of
fered those who will devoto their whole time to the
busioe f, and, tht every person who see this no
tice, may fend me their address and test the business
for th'truclves, I make the following unparalleled
offer : To all who are not well satisfied with the
bu-iuess, I will send $1 to pay fr the trouble of
writing rue Full particulars, directions Ate, Bent
free, fcample sent by mail for 10 eta. Address
aprfe K. C. ALLEN', AuKusta, Me.
WM- J- HYATT, Proprietor,
First-rate Stabling and Wagon Yards for the ac
commodation of the pnllic, also a good stock cf
to let on very reasonablejterms.
f table on Main stieet, ncay opposite the SHI.K
DAN HOL'Sa, Plattsmouth, Neb. Dec31lf.
Feed, Sale and Livery
Main St., - - Plattsmouth
I am prepared to accommodate the public wit
Horses, Carriages and Buggies,
Also, a nice Hearse,
On short notice and reasonable terms. A nack will
rnn to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the
city when desired.
DR 191 II- Ifl CIXSKY,
id,m v.. r. T.ivinr.ton's Office during me iasi
in .irk month. A l orders Ml la me poi
office will promptiy.attenueu 10.
July 6.
We uave on hand a larpe assortment.of
CensUting of.tba best qualities of
i... cri-imiirlT in Tobacco we can sell as
cheap if not cheaper than any other store in the city.
Give os a call before you purchase elsewhere, as
we know you will go away aamnea.
February 11, lS69tf.
B. SptBLock,
R. Baxter Windham
Dept'y Clerk A Kec'r,
Co. Clerk ana itecoruer,
Spurlock 455: Windham,
Clerk and Treasurer's Office.
Titles Examined, and :
CoiiTcyances Made
Taxes paid and receipts forwarde
riattsmontn, Jane 18,1568 1J,
Jlr. Jfasbg Tries an Experiment, which
Results not cs he Expected The
JVew Feeling Toward the Nigger in
Post Orris, Costedrit X Roads,
(Wich is in the Stan uv Ky..) V
May 1, 1SC9. )
The Dimocrisy uv the country are
not in that happy ccodihen jest at this
time that I cood wish. The Satrap at
the bed uv the Goverment, and his
subordinit satraps at the hed uv the
Deparunetits, liev lot left -ez many
open ins ex they ought for our good,
and the reduckshen uv the expendi
toors uv the Goverfnent, so persistently
follered up, is deih to us. We want
proaniD, but it must not be uv dismist
clerks and nrmy ofmers. Heel the
Goverment put a earrison into e?ery
town, ez we profeside it wood, and
cood we hev hed this summer, in ad-
dishun, the potater rot, weevil, frost.
ocusts, floods, drouth, yeller fever aod
holery, we rniie hev stood some
chance uv carryin the fall eleckshens,
for the people wood hev murmured.
Bat ez looj ez everythinfr is smooth
they lafT at us when we insist upon a
change, and say, jeerinly, Go up,
laid hd !"
And in addishen to these calamities,
we hev bin, or are jest about bein de
prived uv the Difffjer. wich hez bin our
heef and best holt. O, wat a back
lidin there hez bin iu this matter ! Q,
wat a ievelin there hez bin uv the
walls uv. the Dunocratic Zion ! O, wat
goin back there hez bin oo Dimo
cratic cardinal principles!
Feelin a oneasinis in my mind ez to
the condishen uv the public mind in
the Northern States, cn the adopshen
uv the Fifteenth Amendment, I deter
mined to try a most hazardous experi
ment. I hed no fears uv Kentucky,
none. Kentucky will git reddy to
dopt a ijee ninety years after date,
but I felt that I wanted to be satisfide
ez to the soundnis uv the Ohio and In
eany Dimocrisy on this question.
To this end, I determined to resort
to strategy. 1 waned to know per-
cisely the feeims entertained in those
Staies regardin the Afrikiu. I wanted
to see with my own eyes the skornful
ook wch wuz formerly slung nt Af-
ric's sons : I wanted to hear agin from
)imocratic lips that cheerin expres-hun,
'D-.-n the nigcer, anyhow! ' To ac
comphfh this, 1 dcermined to ptrson-
aie a Digger, and in that guise to go
boldly into Injt.any, announce myself
ez an Afrikin nigger determined to
assert hi rites, ai d to note the result.
I expected, uv course, to be hooted and
reviled. I expected to be etoned and
hot at, but 1 wood thereby kill two
birds with one tlun, viz: I wood dis
gust the Injeanians with nigger ekali-
ty, ez they wood see to wat it was
leadin; and I cood exhibit my scars to
Kentucky as proof uv ihe steadfastnis
uv their Northern frenda.
Wat I determine upon, I do. In my
younger days the feat involvinthe pos
bethuu uv a horse, wich resulted in
my bein tried for grand larceny, and
convicted therof by 12 preioodist ioory-
men, and my incarcerashen from wich
I wuz only releeved beccz my vote
wuz needed to carry Pennsylvany for
Bookannon, this masterpiece wuz con-
ceeved and execooted in less than four
hours. Uufcrchuniily, the courts wuz
nearly ez expedishus, for four daj's
therafter I found myself in a Basteel
I entered InieaDy ez a white man
I rejeitered my name at a hotel ez a
white man, but left it a nigger, wich
transformashen wuz accomplished by
means of burnt cork, in my room
wich transforma&hen wuz uv double
yoose, ez it enabled me to leave my
hotel without linuidatin my account,
wich otherwise wood hev bin impossi
ble. The county in which I landed
wuz a close one, the two parties bein
neerly tied; neither hevin fifty votes
to are, and ther bein over a hundred
niggers in the county, the Afrikin will,
if he votes this fall, hold the balance
uv power.
With rov face and hands blackt to
the color uv nite.aod assumin the knr
acter uv a preacher in the M. E. Afri
kin Church, wica katacter 1 cood as
soom. ez tbe burnt cork hid the ac
quired color uv my nose, I sallied forth
boldlv. rrocoorin the locashen uv tne
leedin Dimocrat uv the county, wich
wuz also the candidate for Sheriff, I
sought him out and demanded a sub
scripshen for a Afrikin Church, wich
I assertid 1 wuz desirous uv erectin in
the eatt nart uv the countv. and uv
wicu 1 WUZ 10 oe pastor id cqurye,
t -m . , . l
holdin myself at the time in sich a po
sishen that a kick could do but mile
i wuz TiOl kickt I
On the contrary, quite the reverse !
The gushin candidate kindly, blandly,
and winmnly beggec me to be seatea
He askt me. with tears uv interest
gushin from his eyes, ez to the pros
pex uv our Zion; ez to how many we
a 1 1 r 1 J . . t .
nunioereu, maie anu iemaie, uuuii nuu
voothful. and whether or not we cood
ont inrlnlrrn n reason able hone that
tnonv nSnr uv our co or miehtn l
.. b- - .
;rtnn.t t.i ifBBP. the South and settle
Hnnin to fritrhten him with nigger
,B.rh T W heerd him de
onnnrfi not k ve&r before in onmitiga
tid terms, I angered promptly that I
wuz even then . arranging for tbe re
moval uv
three thousand into the
"Thank Ihe Lord 1" ?ed he. . "The
administrashen I feel for the Afrikins
- tbe repeck Ihevfor-ther many
qualities uv hed and hart, make me
say, in the language uv tbe inspired
ruer, 'the more the merrier." Here
is my humble contribootion to your
church," sed he.handinme $10; "take
it, and may the Lord bless its yoose.
And, next fall, after the Amendment
is ratified, and yoor people git the
rites wich wuz alius thern, I trust yoo
will remeber at the polls ihetn wich
hev stood yoor friends, uv whom 1 am
Dumfounded, I
another who was
Etacgered over to
candidate for Tres-
hurer, and to my surprise nnd horror
he not only give me SlO, but took me
by the arm in a most affeckahnit man-
..... .. .
ner, and irsistid on takin me round and
assistin me iu raisin the amount I
needid. Feelin that so fur ez haiin
the nigger wuz concerned, all wuz
lost, I recklessly went with bim, and I
reely did raise S160 ash off uv the
candid ites for the county cilices, and
one wich nesires to okkepy a seat in
Congris. Only once .was this retch
nonplussed. Turnin a corner tharp
we cum upon suthin like fifteen gen
tlemen, who was a workin on the
streets with a ball and chain attached
to em. The minit his eyes struck em,
he loosed his holt uv me and shot
ahead, keepin in advance till we turned
the next corner.
"Why this manuver?" askt I,
thankful that he hed even that much
uv originel Dimokratic feelin into him.
"My dear sir!'' replied he, "yoo
will excoose me, but the fact it, I'm
in a prekarous sitooaslien. I'm a can
didate, and its close. Them gentlemen
with a ball and chain hev votes, and
they hev a most crooi! prejoodis agin
those uv yoor color. We must humor
ther idiosyncrosies till we kin correct
em. The time is comin, and I'm la
borin for it ni:e and day, hen it will
all be removed. My dear Fir, at the
polls this fall will yo and yoor flock
remember the sacrificis I hev made
and am makin ?''.,.
But I did cum to greef. One uv
these candidates insisted upon takin
me, nigger as he sposed me to be,
home to his bouse to dinner. Injoo
duhus ez it was, I went, and ther met
my fate. He led me to a chamber,
and without thinkin uv the burnt cork
on my hands, I undertook to wash em,
wich I make a pint uv doin reglerly
twice a week. The fust splash in the
water showed me my blunder. Off
come the color, ana i stooti arore mm
a white man iu disguise. He give one
look at my hands, and then the kickin !
Ignomir.yuly he led me to the front
door, and one kick landid me on the
sidewalk. Thank Ilevin, he coodent
kick the S160 out uv my breeches
It is needless to pursoo this disgustm
subiick further.
Ez a nigger 1 was welcomed; when
it was known that I was a white man
I was ignominyusly kickt ! Is this
ihfl hprrinnin uv a new crder uv things?
I fear me. No sooner is ther a proba
bility uv this race gittin a vote, than
the Dimocratic leaders, furgittin ther
proud Caucashen blood, forgittin the
difference in the anatomical siructer uv
lbe twe races, and forgittin that the
minit they give the nigger a vote, ther
daughters must all marry niggers;
they forgit all this, and cuddle with em
tbe same as they alters hev with other
inferior classes.
I returned home weary and sad,and
silent. I hed nothin to say to Bascom:
no cheerin words to sling at Deekin
Pogram.. They didn't know wat I
went for, nor how I went, nor shel
they ever know. I am, however, sat
isfied that I must immejitly make a
shift into suthin. My lime here is
rapidly drawin to a close the shad
ders is closin round me, and the nite is
at hand.
Petroleum V., P. M.
(Wich is Postmaster )
The grave of Adah Isaacs Menken,
at Pere la Chaise, Paris, is located in
the Israelitish nart of the cemetery
and is surrounded by a black wooden
railing. Ji the head or the grave is
a plain piece or wood shared like a
6hield. At the top is the simple in
scription, "Adah Isaacs Menken, died
August 10, 1S6S, aged 26." The re
mains are to be removed to a tomb at
Mont Parnasse. This tomb will con-
I - . e I. .
i sisi oi a vault wmi turee compartments
The pedestal will be of granite, nearly
eight feet high, witji an urn at the
top. Tbe tomb will bear the follow
ing inscription : "Ada Isaacs Menken,
born in Louisiana, United Slates of
America; died in 1 aris, August IU,
1S63," and the words "Thou know
Une ot the iemaie ciertcs recently
.a- m 1 It 1
1 I A ', c- m i . r,A (vnm (Via T pn.finriT Tlanirt.
1 uiaunucu uvui
ment, cauea there to ascertain it tne
demand of a Congressman that she
be enouia oe reinsiaieu wouiu oe success
... r , , -
in ful. "I must know at once, said she,
I "for I have received an offer of mar
riage, ana aunsuga a oaai tancy
- man. if lean t get reinstated I must
- accept."
To the traveler on the Pacific rail
way the difference in climate of the
route between the eastern and western
slopes of the Sierras is very noticeable.
On the California side, in the foot
hills (and there are some of the love
liest spots which admirers of rural
scenery ever conceived wiium easy
distance cf the railroad), it is spring
time, and all is green and luxuriant;
on the eastern side it is still hard,
sterile winter, and when spring shows
itself at all it is in thawing snowbanks
and roaring torrents, and not in green
leaves or budding flowers.
In two or three years the population
of the manufacturing and timber dis
tricts, inten-persed with agriculture,
through which the railroad runs, will
attain an importance numerically and
otherwise, that tbe mining districts will
not be able to slight. Until lately the
mining influences have overruled every
oiner, and now, when the wasnoe
i f 1. . t
leages nave oeen reinrorcea uy tne
Whi:e Pine discoveries, it might be
thought that mining would more lha.i
ever be the sole or leading interest;
but the railroad and the lumber tnter
ests will in time, by their greater per-
manence and the more settled charac
ter of the persons occupied in them,
carry away the power.
The New York Tribune has an able
article on the subject of Our Diplo
matic Pension System," and argues it
as one of the first., steps now to be
taken to abolish our system of having
diplomatic residents at every court in
Europe, to communicate only by cir
cumlocution between the respective
heads of Government. It will meet
with fierce opposition, should the at
tempt be made to wipe out these
stipendiary posts, and soft, luxurious,
showy situations, but we imagine that
the country will not always pay the
heavy expepBes of maintaining a gen
tleman and h's secretaries at every
court in Europe, to do what can be
done direct.
To Cleas Canary Birds These
pretty Ihtle things, like many objects,
are cften covered with vermin, and
mny be effectually relieved of them by
placing a clean, white cloth over their
cases at r.u'.it. la the morning it will
be covered with small red spots, so
t , it . I - .
small as naruiy t oe seen, exceri
the aid of a glas.. These are the ver
min, a source cf great annoyance to
the birds.
To rem ,ve fruit stains from nap
kins, etc., let the spotted part of the
tloih imbibe a little water without dip
ping, and hold the part over a lighted
brimstone match at a proper distance.
The sulphurous acid gas which is dis
charged soon causes the spots to disap
pear. Or, wet the spot with chloride
There was a regular battle recently!
at a Methodist Chapel in Yorkshire.
England, between the trustees and
Sunday school teachers. The latter
bad been ordered out of the buildinar
by the trustees. One of the teachers
had a large piece bitten off his thumb,
and another person was seriously in
jured by a buffet thrown at his head
from tbe pulpit. Bibles nnd hymn
books were freely used in the fight.
A resident of Treasure City, in the
White Pine mining region, recently
died, and a man was hired to dig his
grave. When the funeral cortege ar
rived at tbe spot, they were informed
by the grave-d'gger that he had struck
a splendid lead, and had staked off a
claim. He refused to allow the body
to be buried in the hole he had dug.
Mrs. Salhe Elizabeth Lincoln, step
mother of the late President Lincoln,
died at a very advanced age in Coles
County, III. . on the 19th of April. .Mr.
Lincoln was reared by her, his own
mother having died when he was very
young. She was much attached to
nnd very proud of her illustrious step
son. For many years past she bad
lived her grandson, Mr. John
Hall, a farmer in good circumstances
The number of German newspapers
published in the United Staies is over
250, about 50 of ihem being dailies.
Some have a considerable circu'ation
The St. Louis Westliche Post, Senator
Schurz's paper, is excelled in circula
tion by only one paper in that city. The
Missouri Republican. All the leading
German papers of the West, published
at Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati,
are Republican in polmcs.
A few davs apo. a Quaker is said to
nave appeared on the street in Topeka,
Kansas, and created much excitement
amoDor the dealers in wampum and
fire. water, who thought the stranger
Ano nt , ho new Indian a cents
- A cook in New York has given no
tice to the family in which she is em
nToved, that she has made up her mind
I . .
to so to .Newport this summer, and
I . I C '. I .. ... : 1 1 A t
1 uts lamuj wm gu iucio sue win aioj
With them ; otherwise, she must leave
rpi 1... 1 . . .1
- iub iasi rueutm otary auuui me au-
roral display it that of a correspondent
- of a New Haven paper, who looked at
tuo tuts leiegmiju wnC3 ouu saw "si
of electricity hop along them like uv
' finitessimally email illuminated toads."
Six of the eight principal colleges of
Iidiana admit young ladies as students.
There were G.3S1 births, 4 G91 mar
riages and 5,760 deaths in Boston last
Woolen cloth was first rr.cnufaciured
in Eogtand in 1311.
A man has been sentenced ti sis
months imprisonment in England for
stealing 50,000 feet of gas. Where is
George Francis Train?
It is staled that Gen. Btnks had cn
interview with Secretary Fish, urp!)?
the prompt recognition cf the Cuban
patriots, and claiming that further pro
crastination was ruinous folly.
The Cuban Gen. Marmol has issued
a proclamation responsive to the Span
ish Gen. Volwazeda, in which he de
clares war to the" death against the
The King of Prussia never read
anything from the paper except tuch
extracts as are cut out of the journals,
pasted on a thin board, and given him
at breakfast.
During the month of April 3.S37
claims for pensions were Tiled ia ihe
Pension Office at Washington. Dur
ing the same period 3,916 wers dis
posed of.
A young man wants a situation
where the only heavy thing is the sal
ary. He is willing to dispense with
any amount of woik if this can be guar
Eight million feet of logs were jum
med at Carraluck, Me., up to Thurs
day last, when the jam broke, and the
floating forest sailed majestically down
Lima. Ohio, is an unpleasant place
for confidence men. The citizens have
a facetious way of shaving the heads
of these gentry, and then applying a
coat cf tar and feathers.
A farmer residing cesr NashviHe,
Tenn., is the owner of o we:-k-old
mule which has the head cf a hcg.
One cf its ears 13 twice the length 01
tho other.
Among the prizes recently drawn in
-r .... . c . nrr
a Vermont lottery, were o.uuw
rings worth half a cert, nnJ l-'iO
empty flour birrels. Ce enthusiastic
young man invested icJJJ in tickets,
and drew a blue-edged plate.
In the Syracuse Tclice Court, spec
tators are fined cs vagrants, ih3 Court
wisely holding that if thsy haJ ar.y
visible means of support they would
not hang around such an ill favored
A thousand acrei of land in Wayne
county N. Y., hsa been planted in pep
permint this year. The yield. i3 about
25 pounds to the acre, and the average
price 81 50 per pound, so that farmers
find it a paying crcp.
The true blue Democracy cf Mem
phis always "red hot ana ciwaya
consistent hava uomini'.eJ a full cotn-
whom are from Illinois. "Put oiJy
Southern men oa guard.
A bill has been introduced in th
Italian Senate to prohibit the illicit ex
portation of boys as organ grinders.
Ex. Heaven ble33 the man who mfro
duced that bill! Uut why not go . a s,:rp
farther and prohibit the emigratioa cf
(any organ grinders?
A visitor to the famous',Blue Sprin
n r lorma, 6ays tne spring ituies uy
half a mile or so from the St. Jehu s
iver, is said to be eighty cr ninety feet
across ana some iaiaom3 aeep, cuu
boils up with such force that a beat can
not be rowed on to it. Ana stream
which is thus poured cut ma!iC3 a riv
er about ninety feet wide and six feet
Two young fellows, residents of
Lancaster, O., quarreled last week,
about a lady of course. A challsnge
was sent and accepted, and seconds
duly intrusted with the arrangement of
details. The seconds, however.treated
the affair as a practical jeke, and es
corted the blood thirsty youih3 to sta
tions one mile apart, whence they could
not see. much less knl each other. No
body killed.
According to Chinese writers, the
great bell of Canton was cast five cen
tunes ago. ' At hrst no person ws
bold enough to strike it. Afterward,
however, one of the officials ordered it
to be struck, whereupon upward of one
thousand infants, male and female.died
throughout the city. Un this account,
vounrr child
ien, uaiu oos nuu en,,
were made to wear clothing with frin
tres to which small silver behs were
attached as a charm to ward off the evil
An intelligent correspondent of the
New York Commercial Advertiser, wri
ting from Aikep, South Carolina, says:
"In the six weeks that we have passed
in South Carolina, we have neither
seen or heard anvthincr that leads us
doubt that intelligent Northern people,
with a sense of what is due to others
as 'well as to- themselves, can readily
cultivate agreeable business and social
relations with the tame class of citizens
jn South Carolina and Georgia."
A California exchange has the fol
lowing sensible talk for the Saints:
The people of Utah are much in the
habit ot boasting of their undeveloped
ran mines, and there is, indeed, reason
to believe that that Territory co.itains
vast resources in this metal. It is also
said they have mines. Well.then,
ince they have iron and coal, and since
Nevada, " Colorado, Idaho, Montana
and Utah have also the greatest silver
and gold mines in the known world,
why should not Salt Lake become a
great ircn manufacturing city? Why
not at once invito skilled labor from
Europe and set up shops to make tho
machinery demanded to work these in.
tericr mines of silver and gold, iron
and coal? Certainly it must pay, when
it is considered how great is the cost of
railway transportation on all the iron
machinery needed between the Ilocky
and the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Thejabor of Utah, it is clear; can nev
er be profitably employed, to any large
extent, in agriculture. They must be
come a manufacturing people, or the
country will remain but thinly populat
ed. Why should Nevada and Idaho
buy machinery from England and
Prussia, when they can make just as
good at home, furnish it cheaper to the
miners, and. build up local wealth by
the operation.
A new telegraph scheme is oa tho
carpet for a new line from Havana to
Porto Rico, aud thence through the
chain cf West India Islands to South
America. It is said that the company
organized for this undertaking has se
cured an exclusive privilege for land
ing cables in the islands of Cuba and
Porto Rico for a period of forty years,
and that subsidies for a term of ten
years have been voted by the various
colonial Governments of St. Thomas,
St. Kitts, Guadalupe, Martinique, 13ar
bircdoes, Trinidad and Demarara,
amounting in the to'al to over 14,000
per annum. -Further subsidies are
calculated upon from other neighbor
ing Governments. The length of tbe
several cables required for this work
amounts in the aggregate to 1,050
miles, and the capital of tbe company
is fixed at 8100 000. m 10 shares.
Applause is manufactured in soms
cf the French theaters in this ingen
ious way : "The reader must imagina
several articulcted hammers at four
different places under the pit floor, and
so that they might strike on a 'string
teirg pulled. The noise produced by
these hr:imcrs simclated that ot a
stick.. A few 3'ards from these ham
mers, in the center of the pit, were
placed two instruments which imitated
the clapping of the hands. They wero
two large castanets covered wjth
leather; a string pulled the shells to
gether. The six cords met in. a part
of the theater unknown to all except
the machinist, and were fastened ta
six strong wooden keys, .like those cf
a piano. At certain passages of the
piece the machinist placed bis finger
on one or another ot the keys, ana the
applause was forthcoming.''
A man in San Joaquin, Cal., Las in
bis possession a surveyor's instrument,
on the trcnt lens cf whi:h there 13
plainly seen a beautiful landscade.with
all the varied hues of natures. Some
fifteen years ago, according to the own
er's account, the instrument had been
in use, and was left standing for a time
on the plain, in a scorching mid-day's
sun, fronting a woodland. When again
brought inte use, a correct picture of
the fronting, wooaland, with all the
various colors cf the landscape, v.a3
photographed cn the lens, and Las re
mained unchangeable to the present
In the recent arrangement between
Union Pacific; and the Central, the lat
ter get3 the land and subsidies between
Promotory and Ogden. Much of the
bnd runs frora the northern extremity
of Salt Lcke through Promotory Moun
tain Pass to Montana. There is a belt
of excellent grazing land for 300 miles
with an average of fifty wide, which
will sustain a great population, not
now ichsbitc.l. except at the southern
end, by railroad men, woodchoppers
and camp followers of the Union la-
The Lewiston Journal says that at a
funeral ia that vicinity, while the offi
ciating clergyman was offering a pray
er, he spoke very loudly indeed 9
almost shouted whereup.on a two
year-old boy in the audience nudged
his father, and in a loud whisper ask
ed: - "Pa, shan't I hurrah for General
Grant now?": And it was only through
ihe most earnest endeavors of "Pa"
, lhat thpi ,..-- waa nPPWPrifo
from hurrahing for our new Presi
A well dressed fellow walked into a
room where they were talking politics.
and stretching himself up to his full
height, exclaimed in a loud voice,
'Where 13 a Radical? Show me a
Radical, gentlemen, and I'll show you
to I a liar!" In an instant a man exclaim-
ed, "1 am a Radical, sir! "Kou are:
"Yes, sir, I am" "Well, just step
around the corner with me, and .I'll
j show you a fellow who said I couldn't
find a Radical in this ward. Am t nt)
a liar, I should like to know?"