TMPRANCt COLUMN. JLODOIi D1RISGTORY: tlAND L0DGK : W. O. T., Rev. J. W. Tagjrsrt, Nebraska City I (1 W. Counselor J. Pkinner. Omaha fl. w V T Miss addy, Oinah; O VT. 8 --J. gterenson, Uellevoa; 0. W. T 3 Bristol, Ooubt.J OLITK BRANCH, NO. 2, FLATTSMOCTH : H-tgaiar neetlags every Tuesday evening. Travrfllrg Templar, re.pectfally incited. w q t X. B. LKV7I3, W. S. B. B. WiDAMt Lodge Deputy, BZCRL8I0K DKQKBE LODOK,,NO. 1. Meets on first and third Friday evening 1b each m0ath. ft- B- W1SDHAM. W. . T. Ij-JTAEOF HOT LODGE No 8, Mt. Fle.ieant kelda raiular meetings every Saturday evening. IS. A. KIKKPaTHICK, W C. T. 1IDREW OOLEXiN, W 8. FAIRVIEW LOI'GB. Wo. 14. holde rejrulsi meet lacs every svednendeyareniog; Traveling Templar repectfu;iy invifd . MATHIA9 CAM 'BfiLL, "W-C. T.. F.M.YOCSQ.Jr, W. 8. Wm. J. IlKSaKB. Lodir Oepcty. Correspondence for this column mast be written plain aod grammatically with ink, aod on coo slue nty of white paper. Let toea be abort ,and to the point. The following is a )i.-t of th officer-' of Olive Branch Lodge. No 2., I. O G. I'.. for the enduing quarter: 'J. Wenlcy Burn-. ' VV. C.T Mrs. Geo. Humphrey. VV. V T E B. Lewi,. - W S. Miss. Dslla Montgomery, W. A S T. W. Shryock. W. F. S J. VV. Mr.haU, W. T; Win F. Morrisoo, W. C Go. H. tiuipphrey, - W. M Mis. BIU lUadla, W. I. ii J N. Buck, W O ii . Mm. Uun Davis, W R H. S. S. Moi"i?'ii'ry. W L. II. s IUD.I2S3TO MILCH COWS. CiiWa in milk i-hould be kept tjt at a'l time.. ' Cha?itir ny d us or rud bi-yj la one of the iiust harmful thiu" io a dairy. D.tihty. a qii"t lite, i the life for Urimilt. So will giv more milk, will ive it readny; wii love to be milked if kindly trt-aird She will gel lotu ibe h-bit of doiu this, a the liab.t of early coning t milk, pay the second year, has an in fluence. Tiie cow is a home nnimal, and will take ou domestic ' una- hmeiils Tht Jr-rrey ia pculit r:y nd-tpted in tin re?pfCt. A Wild, timid cow, or fiiolit er ot any kind, rl not d o well. i a in i IU giving sense, a mild, quiet an unal. It bhouid be '.h bi!ines-i, epecitl' of eeiy dtiryuiaii. to eee to this thin n c-v3 are ireid to quietnesa, bl'' that ihy are nut mole-sled by one an other. : Mr Willard pays, in the Uiica Her ald: We have often wondered why men. who are of a naturally saving disposition, aod also would be shocked to see a pint of milk spilled io the uu'k bouse, ehoud allow quarts and gallons t be lo-t in the bad manage uienl of the herd in the stable ku k iog cow with heavy boots, ctrikiny With ntooU and keeping the aniiii! in a cout-nt strain of ueivous excite meat and fear. We have no doubt thai trie quality as well as the quamux of milk is influenced by undue excite inent aud necvous agitation." It must be in the experience of e ery one familiar wiih practical dairy ing. that cows will lesaeu their milk when frightened; thxt they will dothi for days in succession if the fright he continued. It has been noticed thai any unusual noise or disturbance w:U hare an effect. Be kind to Brindle, and she will reward your kiudneM for docility iia quality of her nature, and needs but to have full rlay. F. .G Jstl.F-SACIllFICK. When the plague raged at Marseille and all the city was panic- thicken, the physicians assembled at the Hoiei de Ville to hold a consultation, Aft-r a long deliberation, they decided unan imously that the maladv hid a pecu liar and mysterious character which a post-mortem examination might, throw light upon; but the operation w.i held an impossible one. seeing the operator must inevitably fall a victim in a few hours ! A dead paue followed ibi fearful declaration, when' suddenly a urgou named Guyi. in the prime i-f life and of great ceiebiitv in his pro fess.on, rope and said, firmly: "Be i: so. 1 will give my elf for the safety of my beloved country. By to rnormw morn I will di .sect a core, aiVi wriu down what I observe. ', H tveir. way, calmly made his .will, con'essed and reieivt-d the sacrament bl then frhut !iim-lf up with a man who died with the pUue. Ilk in? with hnn' an irik-iand, ppT and a little crucifix.- Full f tMiiliu-iasm, he never felt more firm r collected. Kneeling before the corp-e h wrote: "I gaze with liormr even with jy I trust, by find inn h- Tecrt rus' of ' this terrible disrate. t show the. way. to some salu tary remedy; and so God will bless my sacrifice and make it useful. He be tan he furnished the p-riiii, aud rerorded in d-mii hi- iur;icsl ob-er vati'ins He then drew the papers into a vae of vinegir. sought ibeiaz ere'to, and died in twelve hours. Died," did we say? Nay, he lived. What life so real as that which. cH itself into future generations : to be a lasting benefi to men ? What bet:er illustration of the Chief Shepherd's wards, 'He that looseth his l.fe for my sake, ehll find it ? . .' At Indianapolis half a dozen found ries and machine shops are manufac turing velocipedes. At Terre ILtute the same branch of bicycle industry was cut off by unkindly city fathers who f.rbid running the machines ori the sidewalks. From Indianapolis a velocipede excurion io Richmond, a distance of sixty tojr miles, comes off oo MonJay and Tuesday next. I is Dot a race, but & pleasure trip, ani partly for th purpo.-e of seeing if it is feasible traveling that distance on a bhyclt?.' IF. JP. TODD, SEWING MACHIaEAG'T PL A TTSMOUTit, NEBRASLA. A gnnd axortment of m'chinea aod mtehine flnd XnffK kept oo hand. (Office at Stadelmann's Cljthiofc Store. Iec. 4 '61 I M-tekte repar'A n short wee. NEW STORE! WEEPINC WATER, NEB. HOUTON & JEMS SEALER IS General Merchandise, SUCH A DRY GOODS, GROCERIES," IIARD- ,WARfc, QUEENS WARE, CROCK i ERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. PJSE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, ! SHINGLES AND LATH. We are A' t forWitlcoii Gihb cewinr Ms. ciloe, which U uudnubted'y the be. Machioe now in use. marcDisnr. Weeping- Water Bins. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and the most of it. 85 lb of X X X FLOCIt ami 12 lit of BRA given In exchange for good Wheat. We are also dolDK erift work; and. with oar in creased facilities, fel assured tbat we ran give the aetl and the mott nonr or any mm in me oiie. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE liOVGUT AND SOLD. HIGHEST HAKKKT TRICK PAID. REED & CLINTON. March 26th. 186S. D. B. McMechan, Dealer in HARDWARE. CUTLERY IRON. STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, CORN. PL A NTER 8, Cultivators, sulky and walking Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Hakes &c., &c. A larfre stwk now oo band at amall advance on Eastern Prices. 106 Main Street, - JVebraska City (Opposite the Seymour House) SIQNOFTHE PAD-LOCK. FURNITURE! THOMAS W- SHRYOCK, CABINET WIAK AA'D DEALER IX ALL KISDS OF Furniture and Chairs THIRD f-TRKET, (Near Main,) PLATTSMO UTI1. JVE BRA SKA. Heparin and Tarol-hinir neatly done. r"? Fanerals attended at the snorted notice. nil. State Sale OF LOTS AND LANDS AT Liisrc olist. THE CAP JOL 0r NtBRASKA. Ttb nmlersiirned ' ommissioners appointed by an act of the LKlature of the fetaie cf Nehrks. en itlrd -'An Act to Provide for the Sale of the Duso'd Lots and Blorks on the twn rite of Llncolo, and for the Locannt aod Krection of a State Ci iverity. nd Anro t ra Collefre and State Lunatie Asylum app oved reD 1J, lbbtf, will at iiixr rxr, THE Capital of the State ofJXebraska ON TUB 3d of June, A. D. 1869, Commencing ut IO a. m. 0!f r at pul-lic f a r th-- oncold lots and blocks in the lowiiof Lincoln. S:d pioperty eouMsts ol tho 0U.1 nimbrit i blocks. Hie even number liaviorf beeu s .Id it-retefore by the -i c aud now largeiy occai.ied by uuildnijfs . I he te-oi .. sjiid nie will beCah, a .d for Dot less tbo tn- appraised value, raid apprai m tot to be made by the Cominisiiuners. 40,000 ACRES OF STATE LANDS We wH at the same time and upon th same 'e ms offer at Pnblic Auction near 40,000 acres oi One Agricultural Land, belon.-ing to the Slate, lying front one to ten miles from Liucuin. W would dd that Liocolu bs a population of Iflt; hun lrrd iubab taats, aud is rapid! r growiHi; into both political an 1 commercial Importnc. The Capitol Building iCQow completed ai.d the session ol the Lehislatu'e ja tcluii was held in it. The action of aid bei;iUicire so far as it related to fu lure iiitere-ts of this place was as favorable as the most ardent of its Iriends could ask. A g-nersl r.liruail l. was passed under which some five or six railroad campsuii-s centerinit heie propose to avail themselves or State aid and puh tiieir roads t- completion at an early day, while at leant three confidently expect to be here withia oue year f om this d.iy. Tina woold seem t j jstify us in saying that Lin coin, at nod. slant day, will be the "Indianapolis" of Nebraska, and the gre est a Iroad ceutre veil of Chicago. Thia, Uken lu e-nnection with the fact thatall the public bui.duig are licted here, and that withiu one ii t a ha.i miles rom town there is perhaps,the richest valine apt lags iu the World io in course fl levelopmsut, jive axsnra ice that it will be do or dmary chnce for Investments Those who invei-t el at former Suite sales have been abie to realise from one to live hooded percent, ad.auce. iu bu l Lt:t, THS Commissioners. Seere JOB msr2S. Q U. McCALLUM, Manuf ctarerof and dealerin Saddles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130Jtf Maiostrset,bstweeaStk aad ftk streets, Nebraska Mr. feaa Uove- nor, I . P. RKNNSKD I eretaiv of .state, f X OIIXK3PI-:. I Stat Aa'itor.J 'I HUMS A $ II IlVDi: Real Estate Office, AKD" Horn,'' stead Directory, NEBRASKA LINCOLN. Gorrriment Lands selected from personal exam ination. Free Homertrads selected. surrd anl se cured. Lands in second band - and improved farms b. olititidsold. Titles exauioed, and Con veyaoo-s mrde. KErEKENecr : Jnho B. Turner late Pres (I h C V K K : Lee Co n.ty National Rai.k. Dixon, III. : Robert liar, is, Fupt C Bk Q E B; Alt Bnnkerin WhitesMe county. Ill ; hVarister and Receiver of Land Oflce. Nebraska City. oil ME IV MEIT MARKET!! GEO. FICKLER, CORNER 2d a MAIN STREETS, PL ATTailODTH, NEBRASKA. Keep constantly on band the best of All Kinds or Meats, which they can farnlnh their customers at i be e BEST OF RAJ S3 FOR CASH I July 2d. 1968 3m. Empire Bakery ! id ST., PPOMTE "XKW YORK STORE." PLATTSMOUTH, NEB Confectioneries, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, awl SWEES CRACKERS. ItEFREnUFTS Wept on hand at all times. . II V BERT Y. n!5tf. UM. STADIaUIAW. One door west of Donelans Drug'siore Dealers in Ready-mds hth ng, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BATS. r-APS. BOOTS: STT0KS, . - TRVSKS, VALISES, ' . aod a general Htock of -"""..'. OUTFITTING GOODS . Portbeeialns; also.'a laa lot'pf " t R UBB ER CL O THING. R E VO 1 1 ERS AND NOTIONS. We bought low and willsell cheap for cash. Cal. and exsmineoar stock before von buy an v when elsel If I Wm. 8TADELMANS CO. J. M. HINCHMAN, (Successor to Donelan A fLnchcian,) Druggist & Apothecary CEALEB IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, oils 1 'yes, Notions. Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES AND for 9f echanioal and Medicinal purposes Sep constanty on handa fuand we assort, ed atock of PATENT TOEDICIINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCR1PTI0NS CarefuKy compounded by an experienced Droga-it. None but the PUREST Medicinea used. All gocat warranted at represented. Cattand sec. MAIN STREET; 60CTH 5-1DE. Terms Cash, JEWELRY STORE The subscriber bavins- Durchaaed the ReA si..n. ?1 Htreet. lately occupied hv Sbtdv and nth era. vaiiM rcsiectfully inform the rltixen, of Plattsmnuth and vicinity, that be has refitted the store and opened a lame stock of JEWELRY AND v FANCY ARTICLES for Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, atd is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELBY REPAIRING to tne best manner and would be hat iy toerve his old and a. many new customers as may give him h ir patronage, assuring tbem of their woik well lone, at moderate prices, and on short time. I he stock, embracirg every variety I goons usu. llj k pi at 4 firat-clasa Jewelry More, will be sold a low prirea. and warranted of t.-sl workuiansLip and nalurial. Ue baa also a smalt atock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to time, an4 sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently! eatrd in this eity. I respectia ly sulicit share of pa rotiage, and cordially invite aU to ea I and examine bn stock on hand, as we woold be p'.eased to serve sa and do not ak yoa to bny unless w c-.B make t tor tout interest to patronize as. m. m &A1U. FL0EE1 Lock Sticb. Reversible Feed SKWIIXG MACIIliNE, AWABDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM WHIEEVEB XUIBITD. THE ONLY O NE Capable of sewing in more than one direction AND FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS Without stopping Machine or Turning the Cloth. It uses and was es less thread than any other, and will commence a without holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to Seio Heavy or Fine Goods Equally at well. ! OVER fiO.OOO MACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. sfSend for Beport and Circulars. Wm- E Plant,.Gen. Ag't 612 North Fourth street. St Lcuis, Ato. Dr. a. II. RLAf'K. Ae't. Piattsmuutb, Neb. .NOV. ZO, IB0,yi. S25 ! S25 ! THE A1MERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, Is 'etailed at a price within theiearh of .11 Th Mach ne usee a stiaipr.t nede, makes the LOCK Sill Oil (alike on both sides), has a self adiuating u ,n u uu cicrj variety 01 'ewiop. it will neiu, leu. oinu, cora DrHiU seam, quilt, tuck rnffl , and Rather; will work eqaally we- on i'k, linen woolen, or cotton gooiir, with iueo, or cottou thread. THE SHUTTLE HEWimt MALUISE Warranted for Five Years! Our Ag-nts will be supplied with dup tcate pai ts o .lie jiinviijur, in rae ii aicinent It ln"k S p"eciiel the sanies itch mode by II e Singer, Whee er 4 Wi son Howe, arid Florence Machines. It h.i..r, der-fi-ed, like the best of high-priced Machines and ii the onl, low priced Miuttle Machine in the tuarke lojuwinwTOi wests toseila first .las, SHCTTLK MACHINE at 1 rer. Io. nn,.. account of its fluipUiity, and consequent tow est of .iuuia..uruifi, in compauson wild Complicated Ma. We wish oarrsnge with Agei t, mile or lemale to epreent the Am-rican hutt'e ti. wine vlacliiue in e ch tate. County, and Town ir the Caited S ates aim uniario t.xtra t: niicme its to Kxp-rienced ... .u.i pariiL-uiara, as 10 salary and Com G. V. A. ANDREWS, General Agent, Detroit, Mich. n. a lot the roneflt of ot'r Aeents webavn ar rni:ed with parties wh have Goods suitable for sewing ..acui.-e Aei.t to sell. We will send book f -ampies and full t.a. tieulara on receipt orone red -tamp Address i, V, N ANDIlh Wt, General Ag t. AND WOOL- CARDIAC Ho! for SaitCreik.whereyoiicsn kill two l.irrts . ... - v. i.ju.i.i anil ot.l Carded a th" same timi; the macbio-rv for b.i his In lerfect order We use the Patent Macblr.e Cards which were run eDough last year to estal.lUh their 4uteriorit v over the ..1.1 ic ini ... .11 . .. "uiiuic Biunr.rci v. in i-i".n i ..... i . ... . can testify. The superiorit. of Mr. S Tvi .. . arder is well known, and hisservices Hre still e taioed for the benefit f the public. With thebnv oivaoiaites we natter ourselves that we can make it 1.7. J. . . ' ,n "r line S.TWI33. Carder'. PIANOS. PIANOS, MELODEONS. J. MUELLER, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Deater in the celebrated Steck t McCammon Pianos, w- ai' i mnirumenis InHtrumentu warraated tlve yeara..j oct21 ly River, In Conniption with CHICAGO, BPIILIiXGTON & QUIXCY EAILROADS Present to the Public the roont direct, sure and aafe noQie to OHIO. ILLINOIS. INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. Pasaengert have the choice of the various routes centering in Chicago. Baggage Checked through to (Hlumica. RATES invariably as low as by other Rontes. KB. Buy youi Coupon Tickets AT OTTUMWA via BURLINGTON- POLLMAN S ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS OsT AIL RIGHT TRAIHS. A. E Ti'TJZALIff. C. E PERKIKS, IGen. Tc't k Paa'r Ac't Superintendent G. C. MORTON. wn'l rresgal Aft. rt1T. Burlington Bridge Finished Burlington & lYJissouri O. F. JOHNSON, (opposite Clark 8c Plummer.) MALES IK Drugs, Medicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES. HAIR OILS, Newspapers, Magazines &c, &c, &c. Prewip'lons can fully compounded by an expe rienced Druggist. .augS nlS GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! Everybody, and mote too, are going to E. A. W IG&EUHOHK- & Co., To buy their Spring tm.CL Slimmer AT THE JS"EW YORK STORE The largest and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Arenowonexhibiiionit ibe Vusk Stort-. t Rreatiy retiared prices. We c-vli p.r.icul; r .Ueu- tion to our LcVf ty c of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELA1NS. (i IN till A MS. BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS. BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THRKAD 01 an Kmks aua prices to sun our numerous customers. A larsre Mock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We hnre a tare tocW of the ce!rratp" GARDEN CITY GLIPPE PLOW. STUBBLE nd BREAKING PLOWS nd ail k....u . CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES, &.C PlattMi.oUlh April 22i. 1SG9. E. A. WIGwENHORN &. CO. WHITE & DEALERS IN .Drugs. Medicines. Chemicals I oilet oaps, lirushes, rancy I oilet Articles, l oys, I russes, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, stationary, t-.arnon Glass and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. naving been eneared in selling DmcsanJ Groceries In this city for the last aix vears v. . I wants . f tne -eopl- In our li,0, ,r,de. ,d are predrred wl.h a lare .t.k of G.,d. of The quality to aupply those want at very low p, ces. . FlatUmouth. N. b April 8 IJ8 Hardware, E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale aod lllillll llii; A(jBICDLTDRAL I9PLENGMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaneii AND STAMPED WAuE STEEL PLOS Of all kinds and t;tea. which we warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agnts in this Connty for the sale Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Co Give us a cal! we will not be undersold Block. PLATTBMOUTH. Fruit and Ornamenta TREES, GHAPES, SHRUBS & PLANTS MOSES. ViNii.s. Greenhouse feiding and Plants, BULBS. &C- Cultivated and forssie at the - Rockford Nurseries, BOi A' FORD, ILLISOIS. Mr. s ea-u'. n, the 'uropneto'-. has d 'sretily years' e? pa l. i ce In P luina ii u tinth northwest and -vetj t'n" w bich he tends ont may be rel 1 d on as being 1 erfettly hardy aud weil adapted to this climat For Callogue, Piice List and other information .dddiess. J. S. SHEARMAN. JTarch IS.lf6'J Proprietor. Cheap Cash Store ! L. F. REED, P. E. BEAR EDSLT REED & HEARD LEY, WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA WE have Just opened a laree stock of Goods t Weeping Water, consisting of Dry Goods,- Gnocerits, Qtieensware, Hardware, Glass, Iron. Wooden Ware, Notions, Ar.d every thing th- farmer and mechanic needs. Strles and grades to stilt. To buy elsewhere m . y b. well, to buy here is well alwaya well often b-t-ter ft u bet Call and ee Loik at the Oooda. Ask for the price Consider well. and do what I wisest. All Goods warranted a repreaenti d. REED fc. BBAHDSI.EY. July 80 tf. COTTON YARNS BOOTS AND SHOES BUTTERY, all kinds, Perfumery, and and Uil, I amps, f himneys, 1 'titty, also, CONFECTIONARY, &c. .c. WHITE Sc BUTTE I. If. Retail Dealers in WORK. ! of Combination Coal k Stove. . Main St., next door east of Masonic KB BR ASK A ... tL. t. u BKmw t D. II. Wheeler & Co. Beal Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ag'ti, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. Collections promptly attended to, and prccee la re mitted at current rates u( HcLa'He. Tsaes Dald m n ....ii rnri.t.LH. lltlra to la (1 lnvestfut.l Uni., r... D . . securities. Land Warrants loesln. CLAIM AGENTS. A .nt. fl)Pf.n . f ..1 .!. . 1 ... -'""1: aiDii iioveromeh for old:ers. their a-ldow-and nnnoi list's Agont for he purcha.e and tale of Lands aod City protxi. ty, easing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Hon. B. H. Elbert, Denver City. O. T. Mers Konntze Bros. . Omaha Kefc " Mcann A iletcalf, Nebiaasa City. " O. r. Flllev. 8t Lculs. Missouri. Dr. Din Lewis. Boatoo, Maanachusetts. H V mtmars ChicuRo. Illinois. H H Jlapill Cincini-ati. Ohio. Tootle A rfanna. Plaitmotith . Nebraska L B Ktrh, Three Rivera Michiran. Hon r Prllows, Hloomneld, Wisconsin. Hon T 11 M-rquett, Plattumouth, Nebraska. L Lewis. A'to nee at f,,w, Buffalo, New Tori. Carter. Hussey h. Curl, Des It oioes. Iowa. at-S daw" WAMUIXtfirTOIY Lire nurance Compa'y, OS llroadwny. IVewYork. CYRUS CURTISS, President. Cash Aesetta. 1,000,000. Entire profits divided ioiodf the Policy Holderr. Policies nonfotfoilabie. aft. r tw.i atmujl payment Oivi'l-nda on the C ntnl'iiii.iu I lau. paid an tial ly ft 0111 dite of iiolicv. nil me ie the pietniuu. ar out p.ii I applie'l to 1 e- p the in furee. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAlSltiQ In from IU to 20 years, acroidioK to K. pnlle u- oi. all the approved plans of In.urance, and ortersevery iniluceiuintrou sistent with 4olvrncy. Vor piirtictilnrs apply to tLe nnderals nd. For Afe. ct". ti P.ll'L k MASON", rt,.n.ral Afenla, 130 La 'file street. Cliieafn RCXD k l,TN, ... Cimril llHiff, Ir. K. H. LIVINGSTON, HI. -a. (xsn.lnsr. n: B I PleUsmouth. Ws. AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES IN TIIE It I RLE, BY REV- DANIEL MARCH. D O For full, free, flowing e'ear. a .ikllni nn.. .n.t Kracefnl style; -or o. to- -nliis , for braatr of ih.Mijjiir a. d rich f lowitie im plnation ; fot alco analysis i-f cha aeter. tt'.nr dt. lii.entlons and rlre FCti-larahii. ; for life l,ke c uris. alowinir wi.rda ati i hi.i v llorRt;,,. t'll i V fca, no euual "U. Il iollllll n.fnt .i.e. Itie i.hoer , I, ....... e-ived tr. m B-.-t. S .,. , . vev Albert It a r H.rf.. 0 l . I.L l . W. A. r, . I. Ii Geo liana B ..i.lrn n: I) 11. I w. u n..v' Ti n ati.ii.-l W Ki b ;. Ii D .I ., 1) .,,,,,! t..H.n. r!..'. trmen and the 'r-- .1 i l. non.Uati.L Heed f .r Circ l.,rc er.r.iait!!ne tl .- An't ta r irrtwhrrt n.e t-rj? w, ih ui.paral! eu rr.a. It i- a nioai . neaui .lull) lllu-lr ed Kud cleiiaDll bono d book, and every I. i.iiy. Commit i,,nn, $100 $200 prr mtilh. accotding to ability and enerrv. Addrr.s n 1 7, w r. Zh LK. .Vet CRDY 4 CO . Fhilaaeliihta. rn . rin.i,.,.ti , t.t r-. St. I.-UHH Mo. ' fVt,r17.,in ' A w. C00K,C0BURN&C0. Advertising Agent. Chicago. M'iT Art autltnrimd In rtcrivt Adxrr. titsmentt for lliit paper, at our ImettS pen in the U.S. ami TerriUnvA. DVERTISE Evergreens I'orNebiaska SHADE, ORNAMENT. AND IIt O TEfiTIO'V! Ihaveau cesfullr crnwina In' n-m vn-.. . P.nt Ka ney. Neb aka, an tuiiim 'iil o; ri W-linff Vftu rn Tniiitalin.. PXEi, Flfl". EDlfti. BKyil.OK. HPRCCF. I.AUCll AM It A tf nil I- VI T which I frer tr sale at 15 cents ach i.r 3 tf yr ..uu'iian an. 1 upw u4, ac. orutntt to size ?mall qu mtities of the m.l e.t trees can 1-e tn by.taall, laryvr ones by express. Terns, cash. Adilreaa M.mva u itrtiti-uiu JacSmO. Fvrt Kearney, Nebraska. PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. FORGY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Par tiling Implements, uch as thecelebrat' d Rod Breaking Plows, atould K.-ard ttr-nkr-. Stirr 01 Mi ws. KlDitln and Sonble Shovel-, Col'iva'or and Harrows. Repairing done n nori ..once an sort warranfd. riavinn had mnch expericn?. In the business. I tr aifured that I cn ifive general satisfaction.- riease give me a call before purchasing -lewhre. C. r.. FOROT. Plattsmoath. Neb., May 6th, 1917. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY" & CO- 891 B20ADWAY, NZW YOEK, fsviU lh fctRf io sf ih Trvla t th r wvfvnvlv mi -twin t mm rt. f UMii mm rn4i. mmm J mmd tm ft at, mm IV ' C rt, ' Cawkill. HlilsM, V 'nir MnaUiM Wr.abi.ifioa. artn(. Wst roist. I rtiirai Par. Uraal Wrat, ! 0t , VtwtlWII, ? AtaslaM. btua, a !, tUfiiM, , fU . WieMfl. LaftW fWiffSl trtorttn-t.wfw wf Vi. r.)4Ta--lt O. mtsmr wmmul 4 Uf rmp. aim, mmiiLuiI wf w7BWTlfav4. rruw. rr,.. aWllal, f rsaUtMi Pws mtmt r-silMw, mmfimm. aTtosnvt, m WlHW. rssnprtl. Osrr.rtaaiy A -trim. T'ilrMa ft 1 C.-X THE LAND3 OI? THE BD3UE. mmwMm latKiaif lfifrtia MflN. AU. lualattt4 4 tfiwf Mwit Vtswi. in virirt We arw m srlawi i Atnavf r fr " FK Rl K R'S l.bH4 VIK," mt wkxl mm haw f m 4 Mawrtrnrat tmt rrilti' aVrnw mf ft t 4 S 1-3 im tsa44;r'sl Vni ftwiiBA-rlssswU fb ftar. Lf it, WCasw. mt. STrKKrfty?opra.-W- afa-fwrw wry l.rywljr. m4 ftavr a mAKk ml $m mmmt mtp, t ta lmmt . rHOTOOK.Pff C Al.fttM -0r MtnM-ft alMM Ii (t ka laUHtfMt tsMCOdlstrr srUf rrC SM )! If aVb4 .Mllif ftl all tatoraw All w aril ir mmAm i mmr mrnm T am4 mm ? mwm 41 trrm tkist mf any reber hiIt ftaftn mmtrnmsm mm mmM ft M aacfc mmlif tts.t parsrhM. CHROMOS. THraa attfal p4t)ra. Iit mm a at m aal Ot Paarsva. t ant Iraib Ois-ir (, ipnn krfrit fraaj Far.a. Lx"-lau, ftcrlia. Viaa&a a4 Raiaha aa4 mrnvfAf imm Ut4t at wtva taira. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., C91 Bodwat, N. T., &njrtn ul ITaA'frs of Pa?eyapUe lUtsrtiiii I If n