Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 13, 1869, Image 3

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She gcbrnsba- JwraW.
Capt . B. Marphy has adorned h s
premises around the P.atte Valley with
a large number of trees.
J. W. Shannon has stuck outa new
a1Zn, and offers to bet $20.00 that his
tergreen tree won't liye.
The Railroad engineers have been at
work on ihe Iowa side, bringing up
tbeir line to the river, during the past
We have purchased a complete new
"outfit" for the Herald, and expect to
bring it oat in a new dress aud enlarged
form in the course of two weeks.
Merchants and others who desire
changes made in their advertisements
will confer a favor by bringing in their
advertisements as soon as our new type
The Chronicle sajs Hon. E. B. Taylor
has taken editorial charge of the Omaha
Republican. - Taylor is one of the spiciest
writers of the State.
President Grant has presented the
addle he used tbrouzh the war to Mr.
Washburne, the father of E. B. Wash
borne, new Minister to France.
Mayor Wheeler, of this city, was in
attendance at the demonstration at
Omaha last Monday, and reports a huge
Mr Sheldon, of the firm of Sheldon
A Baylej, of Factorjville, gave us a call
this week. Mr. Sheldon is a resident
of New York, and is out hero for a few
weeks only.
Dr. A. L. Child, of Glendnle in this
county, leaves next week for a visit
among his old friends at Bethel, Ver
nont. We wish the Dr. a pleasant jour
ney and a joyous visit.
Anson C. Tiohnor, Esq.,, sold jester
day, one fourth of the undivided inter-
cat in the State Salt Works, at Lincom
to Joel T. UrifEin, Esq , of this city, far
$10,000, cash. Republican.
While on a flying visit to Plattsmouth
Nrb., thi8 week, we looked in upon the
Herald office, which institution sends out
every week, one of the best local papers
to be found in Nebraska. Glenwood
Se advertisement of Millinery and
Dress making by Mrs. Sharnhorae A
Harper. They propose keeping afali
tack of everything in their line. Call
sad e o vbat they keep. They do not
charge a cent for showing goods.
See new advertisement if the Reed
liros., in this issue. They are doin a
good business, and deserve the patron
age of the people of Weeping Water
They keep a fino stock of good, and
sell reasonable.
The President is watching the course
of event in Cuba. Our government la
in csnsUnt receipt of intelligence tht
the Cubans have not brought into the
fiVd all their.availablo 6trength.
Postponed on? week. Tha Tic Nic of
St. Luke's Parish Sabb h Sc'uo jI which
was appointed for Wednesday May 12th
islpoatfone dentil Wednesday May 19th.
17 order of the Committee of arrange
merits, i - -
Representative Ta2e baa our thanks
for a very valuable book containiug the
Constitution of the United S ates with
all Amendments, Jefferson's Manual of
Parliamentary Practice, the Standing
- Rules and Orders of he House of Rep
resentatives and Senate of the Uuited
States and Barclay's Digest.
If you want A No. 1 Wade A Butcher
cutlery, you can find it at . E. T. Duke
ft Co's. where they keep everything in
the cuttery and hardware line, and sell
at living prices. We:.harpen our lead
.i iImd with a-Wade-.&
Butcher pocket knife from Duke's es
tablisbmnt, and ; it ; appears to write
easier than when sharpened with an in
ferior article
Wa have received from the publishers,
O. D.-OaseJb Co.,f Hartford, Conn,,
a copy of their "Year Book for 1869."
It is the nearest perfection or anymmg
in that line we have yet seen, 'being a
mine of information from which you
ean always extract just what you want,
They offer liberal terms to agents.
The book is sold only by suDscnpiion
The Pawnee Tribune contains the fol
lowing item!
The walls of the Court House have
risen several feet above the ground.
The stone are large, long, and nearly
-white, s.nd when the building is complete
we doubt whither it will be excelled in
beauty V.j any in the State.
Business is looking up considerably
Emigration still on increase in an
other week we shall hardly know our
nearest neighbor. 'I am informed that
Stove Creek and Elmwood have more
than doubled the r population already
this spring Mr. Osborn is still prospect
ing for coal with hope of success Th
Surveyors of the B. A M. R. R. Co .pass
ed .through our place on Saturday to
view the Weeping Water route,' they
seemed to be much pleased with it We
are confident that the Weeping Water is
much the bst route, and only needs to
be surveyed to be the aocepted one
Bailding has already commenced, and
jadging from present prospects our place
will improve much more than it did last
- A team i ran away, on Main s ,, last
Saturday, causing considerable commo
tion for a time. ; A man who had been
down to Wyoming with a load of boat
wreckers was unhitching his team before
Hyatt's Stable 'when the horses became
frightened and started to run, knocking
down the driver and bruising him con
siderably. They ran over one or two
persons, doing them slight injury, broke
the wagon some, and were forced to be
have themselves as horses belong" ng in
"city of the first class" cught to.
Henry Brajton, Eeq., has established
a transfer line between this city and the
Railroad Station at Pacific City, and is
making regular trips, connecting with
all passenger trains, both north and
south. The traveling public will be
pleased to learn thatMr. Brayton has
cut the fare down from $1,00 (the
charge by the Stige Co.) to 50 cents.
Brayton understands his business, and
passengers will find things all right on
his line. Patronize him.
Mr. Tait, one of the oldest residents of
Nebraska City, fell over an embankment
near hid place of business last week, in
juring mm so badly tnat He died in
about 20 hours. He fell in the evening
und was not found until about 8 o'clock
the next morning. He was insensible,
and is supposed to have beta ao from
the moment be fell, as the cigar be was
smoking still remained in bis mo a h
when found. Mr Tait was one of the
mdst reepeated citizens of the City
An acc-.dent occurred on Friday to
the second bridge column, wb cb will
occasion a temporary delay in complet
ing the first pier. Six of the iron see
tions had been sunk to place, reaching
to the depth of sixty feet, when a work
man insido noticed that one of the sec
tions, about half way down, was broken
He had barely got out of the way when
the air pressure raised" the whole upper
half acme twelve feet, We understand
that it will be necessary to take up the
sec ions, a not very difficult matter how
ever end rpnr damages Nonpareil.
An Illustrated Cyclopedia. Web
ster s Unabridged Dictionary. with
ivvO illustrations, u not simply a dic
tionary of words, but it is at the same
time an Illustrated Cyclopedia of Natural
History, Physiology, O'eology, Botany,
Arcbitecturs, etc.
Certainly no scholar can be without
this Dictionary, and it ought to be with
in the reach of every child in the land
W believe it was the younger Pitt who
said, whatever of power he had in ppeech
was ch eay due to- a careful stu jy of the
dictionary, word by word, in alphabetic
al order. Central lllim ian.
The next annual session of the Grand
Lodge, I. O. Q. T., of Nebraska, wil, be
held in Platts outh, commencing on
Wednesday, the 17th day of June, 1869
Officers and Representatives, on their
arrival at Plattsmouth, will report imme
diately to tbe committee at the Lodge
Room, in tbe Court House, who
will provido tbem with homes during
thtir stav.
Lodges are earnestly requested to
forward immediately the names of their
Representatives elect to the committee
of arrangements.
By order of committee.
Committee, T. W. Shryock, Chairmnn,
W. D. Ferree, J. W. Barnes, Mrs. M.
J. Humphrey, Miss. Laura Davis.
A.'l. papers in the State friendly to tbe
Order will please copv.
From the Press we learn that the
down freight train of St. Joe & Coun
cil Bluffs Railroad, on Wednesday, the
5th inst., when two or three miles
above St. Joseph, was promiscuously
ditched. There were twelve cars in the
train. The foremost ear was heavily
laden with ice, and the axle heating set
fire to the truck and burning ou the
under pinning the car came down with
a whack and a tumble on tbe track.
The nine following cars went heels over
head after it into the ditch and were
badly smashed. The two rear cars re
mained on the track. The tender was
swung around at right angles with the
track, but the locomotive remained
straight on the rails. The loss to the
company is estimated " at $30,000.
None of the train men were injured, but
a ceuple of chaps who were stealing a
ride had to be carried off on stretchers
to a neighboring farm house, where
their bruises received proper treatment.
Our fellow townsman, F. Stadter,Esq ,
has received letters patent for a new
and useful improvement in stove drums,
which bids fair to supercede anything
yet brought out. The drum is made in
a conical form, in whioh it. placed a spi
ral revolving cone, which is operated by
the ascending current of heated air, and
is regulated or stopped by a brake which
is pulled.out or shoved in as required.
The drum is made to fit, top and bottom,
ordinary sized stove pipe, an! can be
used as an ordinary stove drum, oocu
pying much less room and giving out a
much greater quantity of heat in propor
tion to tbe amount of fuel consumed.
The gauge controls the movement of the
spiral cone, thus causing the current of
heated air to pass fast or slow through
tha drum, and consequently causing
much or little heat to be radiated from
tha irum, according to tbe temperature
required. The smoke always has a free
channel of escape, and the heat is con
trolled as desired. We are assured by
Mr. Stadter that this drum caa be made
quite hot before the pipe between it
and the stove will get heated. County
and State rights can be had on reason
able terms by applying to F. Stsdter,
riattsmeuth, Nebraska.
The Snag Boats. The three snag
boats detailed to clean out the Missouri
wiu operate Between MOux Uity and ttie
1 rm . ..... a I
mourn or me river, 'inev win nrst open I
a cnannei in me worst tends and then
widen it as a.rcumitances will permit.
These boa's have been afRiensd as fol
os: Ihe Albert, left br. Louis a
few days ago, will operate as far up as
Lexingtoa. The Long, which left St.
Louis on Tuesday, will occupy the river
from Lexington to Nebraska City, while
the De Russey, which has not yet started
ojt, will operato between Nebraska City
and Sioux City. We gladly welcome
these snag pullers to our waters, believ
ing they will accomplish a power of
good. Press.
Cant. Palmer is ravine the hichest
market price for Corn nnd Oats at Clark
ft Plummer's
Sixteen acre, of Timber Land fvr sale in Section
S3. Township 12. 14, in Caeoaaty : at Two
Hundred and Forty Dollars.
narl32 . . MAXWELL k. CHAPMAN.
Rum Hove, Bcbby. We learn from
the Glenwood Opinion that a certain
young blood residing not over seven I
hundred miles from thia place, was the I gav; tnat we hte it well, we have thresh
victim of rather a goad joke, one Sun j j BeVeral kinds of machines, but
day night recently. He was trying to be
particularly "sweet" on a p'mng lady, I
and had paid her a number of visits at
the residence of her parents. The o'.d
ions naa somenow goi an mea inio
.a a a ..a a a I
their beads that the cmiuren were too
young to "keep company." and con
veyed the desired bint by calling the
giri oat oi ne room anu Bea.iinK ucr ,
-i i . .i : i; v. . 1
bed at n:ne o'clock, the old lady aston
ishing the young eent by bringing into
the parlor. huge piece of bread and
butter nicely spread with . sugar, which
she presented to him, saying in her
blandest manner, "There, Bubby, take
this and run home to your mother; it a
time" little boys were in bed." The
young man hasn't had any hankering"
after sweetness from that source (tince
On May 4th 1809, at the home of the
bride's father by Rev. J. B. MaxfielJ,
'J I
Mr. PniLO S. Miner, and Miss C. J. Latta, I
all of Cass Co. Nebraska.
Kev. It. Gaylord, Congregalionalit.
of Umaba, will preach al the Pre?by
terian Chuich, next Sabbath, morning
and evening, al the usual time of ser
Regular meeting of Lilly Family
No. S2 of the Eastern Star Degree
mill he. hld on eveniu? of May 26.L
at the Masonic Hall. A fall attend
ance i desired.
By order of the Patron.
Special meeting of Nebra-ka Chapter
No 3, on Tuesday evetiini. May lS'.h
at 7 2 o'clock P. M. All Companiuus
(me mbers) are required to attend.
Bv order of
E. T. Duke, High Priest.
May 12th. 1S69.
The Beatrice Record has played out
and a fine looking" seven column paper
called the Beatrice Cation comes out
in its stead. The Clarion is as. neat
mechanically as the Record was filthy.
and we wish it success. 1. ' M Hogs-
bead & Co. are proprietor. The pa
per claims to be neutral in politics.
a m
We have received from the Nation
al Publishing Company, of St. Louis
Mo., advanced sheets of a new bok
by E.. A. Pollard, author, of The
Lost Cause," "enti'led Life of JeflVr
son Davi?, with a Secret History of
ihe Southern Confederacy, gathered
Behind (be Scenes in Richmond.' "'
The sheets before us give evidence of
.n ml intrn.-iiv worl
The book is sold by subscription only,
and an
. , . t
agent is wa
in every
' Vallery8 & RufFner are just in receipt
of the largest stock of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots,
Shoes, flats, Caps, Doors, Sash, Iron
and Nails ever brought to tho west.
Buy Xone buf. the Best
Vallcrys' ARuffner are agents for J.
I. Case & Co.'s Threshicg Machine, J.
II. Manny, and Kirby's Combined Reap'
er and Mower, Self and Hand Rake,
John Deere's Moline Creaking and Stir
ring Plows. .
If jou wan to buy the best Corn
Planter in uae, g3 o Valierys liuX.
r's and buy Brown's Illinois Corn
I -mnt ti lima ami IsVinr irn
J .
(O VallerVS & KllUner'e ana gel one OI
John Deere'a Walking Cultivators.
If you want the best wagon in use, go
to Valierys & Runner's and buy the
Schuttler Wagon.
5000 lbs Bacon."
1000 lbs Lord.
Valliits 4 Rcpikkk.
"Do vou drink Aale in America?"
asked an Englishman of a Yankee
WalI. no. stranger," said the Yankee,
'we don't drink bail. I guess we
drink thunder and lightniag though.
DOOM, DUO. Si. to.
Airnntn for Birdsall s Threshing Ma
ch;nM Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines,
O "
j R,t i.,n n.mlr
ey(J Mower Rn(i Reaper, J. P. Manny's
Reaper ana Mower, Wier's Walking
r.,i: - .t. rt S-p.1 Sower. I
I VUUllsivvi) - " - 9
R , d Mouid Board Breakers, Subtle
plows of al! kinds.
Euery implement warranted.
Middle Creek. Lancaster Co., Nib.
August 13 18C8
Messrs. Dooir, Bro. A Co., Plattsmouth.
Gents .The Birdsall Threshing Ma
chine purchased of you, works beyend
our expectation. . We have tried it te
our satisfaction. We believe it cannot
he beat for saving grain, and running
easy. We do not know now mucn we
can thresh as we have never got grain as
fast as the machine will thresh.
Respectfully your J J. FoaiST.
Mt. Pleasant, Cass Cocstt, Neb.,
September 5 1368.
Messrs. Doom Bro. & Co.,Plattsmoutb.
Cents. In reply to your inquiry as to
how we lixe the Birdsall Thresher,would
nnj tie 0De bought of you gives satisfao
lion jt threshes and cleans ae well or
better than an- other we have trie. It
reqajTes less attention, especially in the
cleaning part. Ours does its wors wen
- n aj respect(i it is very light draught
horses. We would recomend tbe
R. , ii to anT ona wishing to purchase
Threshing Machine."
T E. IIccihks.' '
Weeping Watrr, Cass County, Neb.
December 8 1868
Messrs. Doom, Bro &, Ce. Plattsmouth.
. .i ,-v "cr t.
Geitis. la regard to the iNew iorer.
fcplf Rakinz Reaper and Mower purchaf-
edofyou, I can say thai u perionucu
. i
entirely to my satisfaction, both as a
Roarer aud Mower I have no hesitation
in reco,nending the New Yorker to any
person wishing a belt liaung ,aper
c I
and Mower, Truly xours, I
Want of anace nrevents US publishing I
Mim ui.v j; r .
more certificates, but we refer lO
following well knowngentlemen for the
merits of the New Yorker:
John R. Shaffer, Salt Creek.
Frank W. Fowler, Elmwood.
J. L. Davison,
Abram Courtright,
C Mason, Millford.
Doom, Bro. & Co. plattsmouth, N- b.
Reed & Bro., Weeping Water, Neb.
Walker & Bond Ashland, Neb.
Cassell &. Hyatt L.ncoln, Neb
Doom &. Eiherly Miilfotu, Ntb-
All riprsnns icnowiner themseves indebt
ed to me will please call and pav up iin
meitately. A word to the wise, etc
Sept 10 tf. C. E. Forgv.
Take Notice.
All persons indebted to me by note or
account will please call and settle irame.
diately. All accounts not eeHled by
December 25th, will be left for collec
tion. Take notice and govern yourcelf
accordingly, and eave your cot.
nov2btf . Jacob vamkbt, jr.
For Sals. A lieht spring warron.
Enquire of . Sam. M. Chapman.
Mrs, Kate Simpson would respectfully
ay to her friends and the public that
she has made arrangements to enlarge
her class in music, and would De
PIeased t0 in3tract anT who may wish
I to take lessons on r-ianor one. enquire
at residence, corner Vine and Second
streets Plattsmouth.
All persons indebted to us. either by
note or account, will please call and set
tle immediately, as we wish to close our
accounts by Dec. 125th.
nov2Gtf. Vallert & Rcffnkr.
$1200 and all Expenses Paid!
See advertisement of American Shuttle
I Sbwimo Machine, in our advertising col-
Two valuable residence lots for sale.
Enauire of M. McElwain
Fill 31 FOR S.11LE.
Situated twelve milrs west of Platts
mouth, on the Platte river.
hiOQUire Of
Maxwell A Chapman
Plattsmouth pril 15w4.
Monthly meetings of tbe Vestry 1st l uesdny eve-
I nine at each . month, at tbe
ttectory ; VI arteny
I .ariininiol Vntrr 1st Mondava
of May, AuguH,
November ai d Febmaiy.
vm. l. wblw, cierk.
I. 0-0- F. -
Regular meetings of Platte Ludgt, No. T, t. O. O.
F. erv Satuadsv evenlug at 7J o'clock p. m.
Brothers of other l.oages are inviieu io visit iun
Lodge. By order oi
WM. L. Wills, Rec. Sec'y.
Katie Is herebD elven to all parties having busi
ness befoie the County Commissioners Court, tha
nt..r of which will req.iira tbe filing of pai.ers,
that tha reauisite papers must be filed with tb
Coua'y Clerk befors the first dty of ech session of
aaid Court, to Ob aln a D -.artag up.m any sucr. mil
iars as the may destre to bring before the ld"urt
The rapidly increasing omiieii or me conn,
make this order or Imperative necessity ; mat a.
rrsular order of Business may be previously arrang
! whiTrhT the Biard may more syitematle.lly
and with greater celerity oupan me Dasmess
broush before tbem.
By order of the Board,
mt25tf . Clerk Cms win'y, Uer.
Thia ppaea la paid for by
who keep tha largeat
fouad in the country.
la hertbv given that an election will be held it
the ntual place i t holding elerti ns in Weeping
Vat r precinct, Uaes.coumy, euraMta, on
SATURDAY, the iVth'day of May. 1669,
for tfa pnrpoae of aubmiiting to tha legal voter I
id rciuct, the p-oppiaitloii b iaue me iondii or
id to the m Mint of Fourteen ($14 000.00)
Thousand Dollar lo tbe Ar t Railroad Cj - pan
that will build a Railroad from a point on the Mi -
ouri river weslwaid through aaid county by way
of Weeping Water precinc. Uon condition U:i ..
DcDot ul taid Railroad ah ill be built aud maintain
ed by tad Company with in. not to exceed, one bail
mill" o! the tow u i.I nerping waer raim
fcaid boudi to be ls-unt m loM.wn : oo percent.
Of aaid boml to be issued to said Company on the
conij. ietioii of i-aid Railroad to We puig M'aler Fall
Depot , und 5) pO' CfUt. of aaid bnudd lo lie ia
tiiid lo slid Railroad Ciiniany on com pi' ting said
Railroad to tbe west Hue t Ja couotv.
raid Bonds to run not less than 20 nor more
than :lu years from the date oi is ne, with interest.
payable annually, at iue rate or len percent, per
baid Bonds and tntere-tto ue payable at tbe ntnce
of tbe bounty Treasurer of Casa canty. One-
o. J'ZZ
bunil4 lo be Pa,aoi- -ach year Uiereafte. until the
m-hnli. MUiiniiit ,f Raid tHindrf is niil la full
The proposiuou win ao be Bubm.ned to the vo-
lers III Sam lirrcmci Miu iicvhuu wiiuviinnw ,uu
renuire inc vuiu"iiiuhcib w miu .uuij
to levy an annual tax on tbe real and pi'rsanal pro
rt tf.r aid nrAi'Innt to nav the ititere-t on said
bond, and after tho expiration of twenty years
from the time of irsuinasii bonds to levy aunual-
iyiUiitil said bimds ar.r paid, an ailditionnl tax on
the real and personal eta.t - of ild pr.'cin.t suffi
cient to pay one-teathpart of said bouds, and to ap.
p y tli- same to th payment the :or
The qat-Hiion fiunraiiieo i eaia Tt.wjrs m mu emo
tion will le "Fur bonds and Tax, Yes;" For liotids
ann Tax, No
Which EU c ion will he opcnd at9o-c'ock a. m.of
(aid day at:l co tinui- open until 0 o'clock in ibe af
terno 11 nf said day
By order the Countv CommHsioners or Cass
county. Sebiaska April 21, 18G9
ltae8 mv nana ana omciai s' nan
rea!1 month, ibis 2oth day of Apri' a. o lsl9.
O OI I. II I" 'V, ,
apii:2Sw4 Cierk Cass c.unty, Neb
. i nr' n i r i . tr
fUJViBruvfp'm got I IW
VnrrmnM.M soon
ww r i
Webster's Unabridged
3000 Engraving's; 1810 Pages Quar
co- rrice qiz
10,000 Word and Meanings not in other
Viewed as a whole, we are eon9deit thtt no other
living laniiuaire has a diction try w ich s fully and
fiii'hfuliy i-e-e f .rlh its presen condition as tins l&at
edition of Webster dues that oti u- wiiUen and
oken Snirl'rh tmiK'U" Harjer e Magazine.
Thne three books are be mum Mai nf gretit li
braries : Vie Bilfe. &Ktilciitre, and K'eOtter
Hatfal Qunrlo. Chicago Evening Journal.
Thk Kbw Webstkk is Bloriou it is perfect it
distances and defies comp"tiiion it leaves cothifj;
t in da-trwi j. u Haymona, L,l. if., rieiaeia
Yaar College.
The most nse'ul and remarkable eamnendinm of
human knotledge in nir Ungual?'. AT W Clurb,
fremaenl Maim. Jlgrtciutunil touege.
1040 Pases Octavo. 600 Engravings.
Price $G.
The work isreallv a aem of a dictionary. jut
the ibiug for the million American Educational
t thi. p
ictlonary is tbe most con
"r p1"1
Roe -ester Democrat.
Am a manual if reference, it is er inentlv tltted for
usein famiii andechoo.a. V. Y 7 ri'iune.
Ii is aiioeiiier me nei r--nry ui nui'm vj ,
me w..icn the r.nirlish language nas ever pnsseecea.
Hartford Prens.
I'uhiished Dy U U MKitKlAJs, rpnrguciu,
April 1S66.
The undivided hiilf or the whole if des ired of
the -
24 horse power Engine and Bol er, 2 pair of 8 foot
Hurs. CO men c rcuur baw. two sturv wi i-n . use,
3(1x50 feet-; everything in good running order
Also a
of four rooms and cellar. For particulars enquire
of . . V. MJHLt'Mi,
apr22tf. Rock Bluffs, Casj county. Nebraska'
Attachment Iotice.
W. Fouutatn )
aea.nst Joslic Court in and for
George W Thorndike Cass county, Kebr ska. .
roGeorCeW Tho.udike.
Ton are hereby notlfi'-d
that an order of attachment was isau' d in the above
.nlltll... a ..n . 1. , J k A . w nf Inn1 A II 1 AM
by j J. Rbrts Justice- of tbe Peace in "and for
saia cornty, ror tne s-m or twe-.iy-nve "onars. wu
thi.t the ame ha, ben levied urxut as personal prop
erty r'-iDfSiiiK to ou io C..s cuautv, Nebrka, one
Itall Hawing Machine, wuu Kenung A'tacninenia.
found on the premises of T. Holder, la Loareville
precinct, Cass c unty, Nehr i-ka, and the t'iai U et
lor Wrdnevlav. the 2d dav of June. A. D. 1b69. at 8
o'clock p m at which time judgment will be ren-
d red azmt von if vou an not appear ana snow
cause ti th-contrsry. T. W. yoUNTAIN
Ag'ts Wanted-SlO a day
Patent Revolving Double
Two Continents, America aud Europe, and Amer
ica tpitA the L'nttea states ponton oh an
immense scale.
Colored in 4000 counties. .
TM1ESB areat Mapf. now lust eouipleted, MtW
1 inche latge, i-how every place of Itr-portam-e
all Railrouia to date, and the latest aleraUon in the
various Ku.onean Stairs Tbese Maps are oeeaea
in everr Schnol and family in tne lana tney occa
py the space of one Map, and by mean of the Ke
Terser, either aide eau be thrown front, and any
part hroaght leTel to the eye. County Rights and
large diiconnt riven to Kod A eit.
App y for Circulate, Terms, and send money for
and see Sample naps nrst, ir nut sola lanen naca on
esDd. J. T. liLUiv,
spi!9w4 23 CtrrtiiBlt street, K. T
Class FLVmiti,
stock of Good to bo
T"eaps constantly on baud sum.- of tbe Elastir
XV Stitch and Shuttle 'r Lock S-titci. Family few
inv and Manufacturing- dewing Macbi- tf, Vfhii h h
otfera to the public. With au asso.tiueut ol
NEEDLES, &c , etc.,
at the lowest prict-s. Please give biui a call beto.r
buying, and examine the
and you will find them up r r to all ether Sewmi
Marhlne O. i. II KR LD, Airent.
Plat'stnouth, Neb , at the New Brick Store, tip,.
site the HUtf ValK-j Hotel
Orders for Machines w.ll betak n andpromi i
y (iwoui'a ui.
IH:cj. iUUidtri t fh dii lui
FUKS AND lllL)Ii:.
1'latt-mouth, Nebraska, April 15.
U- e have this di.y admitted E 8 Mirftpaspan
ner in onr busineaH Ti e name aud style v
firm mv.l be Mmpson, M oke'wait A Co.
Platthnouth, April 16 , 1S69 22w
Sarah Everett, 1
vs yia Chan&rry
Frances Gullion, )
In pursuance at
by virtue of a decretal order to me diiecttd In n
tn olliee of the Clerk, of tbi- Uiaitlct Co rt of tb
2d Judicial District of Mtbraska w ihin and f
Cass county, bearing d.ite on the 5lh day of Juuc
isoi, ih ing the Juue lerin of naid Couit. 1, n.
i-ubsc ilei, ast- r lo Chancery Tor said Court, vr
oiler ir j-ale al public aucliuu. to the higher . i
tiest binder ?or ca.h t-.eC i it. - i
the city of Plattsmouth, Cassenunty, Nebraska, on
Monday, Vie 2UH day May, 1SC9,
it 1 o'cioca p. ui , . t aail Ua , .lie iio ibg .!;-
i al erlaic, to wu ; li icaqiu. n
-vcimii No tw 'iiijwveii J'27 in mwn-rnpNo ii .
(li) i.uilh ..I rn. .ui (fi) Kt-l ,f ,h. ti
r . 1 in Nehi a?ka, e.iut jp.hi'J i.iic hubilicU aim ,
y, iCii-, m ire or less, together with all olid sin.
.r, the impro. enieiu, hi rditniueut. and ao un
u tile s ilii itumu bt-loni!iuK. 10 he . . 1 1 n u.r
rly tf ihe defend -lit ahove named to .iiiv
decree, Ihe amonni of which is Ibree Hu Hired am
t'ortj.ume and 3-1 100 dollars, and inter. si on th
same frcm dale of Mid dcr. e, at tbe late of len p
cent, per annum, tovetber with c, st of suit nd ai
Sail SI, CUAr-M .,
Apri!2iw5 Master in Chancery
Kose alh ieoaor j
va tin Cli,uivn
Vauit 1 ii. bauity A Mary E Kaiuey, I
In puiaiiaui.
ia "jf ri iubvi a t-ecrtiai bluer to Ule Uiievi
ii-jkti ui cilice ol iiieCniA ol the iiati ici .ou, I o
the 2i J i.uioal ii.iiici ol Jttliu.-ki. Vt'liliiu .
or l louci), btariu u.ite uu the "3ln uj, i,
juuc.iwi iKiim ibe cuuLlai June ivnu ol ea.
Ouui t, 1, the auoscriber, Aiaaier in Chancery lu
iiuuii,,!!! ior vuer ait al puulic auct.on, to tu
uiguoai auu u-.l Uluuf csu.iu I, uut ol llio liiui
.ou,e in uucity ut r-, aiUmuutu, Ca.a tcuuty.
oraaas, uu
Monday; Vie UUiday of May, 1SC9,
at l o'clock p. m. or said day, the u, 1. Iiowin rte
fCrlOcil real c-l .tc, to wu . Lot Ao 11., i
bioca Mi. thirty-three iXi), as the same is uc. j.. a'
uu uiu iiuiiuuiiaiitiwii tecurucii piatollu.
ui fiatuuiuutn Ae.naska. i'ugcther uUaujua
biuguiai' tne 'uipruvviuein., iiciedilanii;uta auil ap
1'Ui.e.jiu.e men ui.'o bjiuuuur. l.t ne !,
p opcii of the dcitniiut aowe nameu, to saiitfy
saiu uwi ee, mo auouui oi wnicu is Five liaodic
ana sixty ui sud Stu-JuO Uollais, with interest Irom
tne uate oi saiu acci ce, at ,He rate of ten per ceu
1ci inuuui, urgcuti h uu costs ol suit alia sale.
&AiU. m. C.lA.ilAN.
Apnl2i5 4ialer in Chancer
Henry Boeck
L mnges, Tables. Safes,
Of all descriptions arid at all prices.
Ietalie Burial Cases,
Of all sizes, also
Ready made, n ad cold cheap for cash
With many thanks for past pt orsre, I invit
all t. cli and examine my Jarie ttock oi 'n-.-nitnre
andUumns, jauon.
Saint Louis & Omaha
The above 'ine of Steam-rs will l"ve Platta
month very other dav throughout the entire ieson
connecting at riaitsmonia wuu me oiirimnuia
Misourt Kiver Railroad for th eet, north and
south, and at thefollowio points with railroad con
lections. Council Binffs, Omaha, 8t. Joseph, Leav
enworth and Kansas City. Fof freight or passage
apply at our office.
tna.-U SIMPSOX k JIICKCLWalT. snis.
Tri- t55i
improved Farm and Tim
.., uer roc aie.
The farm Is ahoutSO milea west from riattsmontt.
mi M west cf Hoover's, on Ibe Mare Koad. 6u
acre has been in cultivation a log lions upon tt.
ani pU-nty of stock water; It la 8. w- or M 17, T 18.
r It 16U sores; ana counntita wua uu c -
8 K qr of 3 K q.r fee 20, arne T ana k. lumiwr)
90 and SO--100 acrea, making 330 and 80 1(H) aeiea.
Also th N w qrof N w qr of se r, t iw, k e.
Mills eouity. Iowa, Duo east from PlatUenouth, and
mile from tDe river, (neavy 'or mwt
ma;2Stf. uieawooo, lowa.
Essays for Young Men on the Interest ing rela
tion of Bridegroom to Bride in tne lnRiiiuuon or
Marriage, a Guide to matrimonial felicity and true
happineva. 6ent by mail in sealed letter envelope
free of charge Address, HoWHD A&soClATloa, Bo,
P, rbllabelpbia, ra.
We.tha DrmrEistoT Piatamouth call'tbe attention
Of our customer to the letters published below of
the wonderful effieary of Dr. Rohack's Stomach Bit
ters, Dr. Soback'a Scandioav'an Blood Pills. We
have been exiling these medicinoa long enoucb to
know that tbey are all they are recommended to he.
and that tbe cert ill 'ates of cores puMUbed are true.
Bead the following letter from
xone of the oldest and most
reliable grocery merchants
the city of DavenjwrU
Friend Walton:
Agreeably to my
promise to you when
here, I write you, for
publication if you see
proper, a true state
ment of the good ef
fects of Roback's
Stomach Bitters upon
myself. I had been
troubled with- indi
gestion for a long
time, attended with
severe headache,par
ticularly aft er eating,
when fortunately an
old soldier . friend
came into the store
and recommended me
to use Roback's Bit
ters. I did so by tak
ing a small wine-glass
full just before each
meal, and to my great
joy I was relieved at
once, and am now
well by their use. 1
would not be without
them at any price. 1
have not taken any
other medicine since
I commenced using
the Bitters. And i
can say with a clear
conscience, try Ro
back's Bitters they
will do all they are
recommended to do
if taken according
to directions.
Yours truly,
Frank II. Miller,
Of the firm of Beideback k Miller.
Wholesale Grocers, Davenport,
Iowa. . ;
Is the only perfected and
scientifically prepared
preparation of its ' kind '
ever offered to the public,
and has . no competitor
in merit. By its use
GRAY HAIR is soon
restored to its original
youthful color and bril
liancy, which is bo much
admired by alL Persons
whose hair is thin or falling
out will, by the use of our
;Renewer,soon see its good
(effects, as, by its tonic and
stimulating properties the
hair glands will be incited
and the hair grow thick
andstrongagain. Incases
oi Baldness it will creato
a new growth unless tho
follicles are destroyed. It
is cooling, and allays all
itching and irritation of
the scalp. It does not stain
the skin as do dyes, but
makes the scalp white and
-1 Ann TlTjrOCTVTfl
AND i3 the best and most
economical preparation in
the world, as its effects
last so much longer. Send
for our Treatise on tho
Lhair, free to all, by mail.
Sold bj all Druggists and Dealers In Hdictne
Genl Agents for ITorth-'Western State,