Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 08, 1869, Image 2

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    The Runner
Tibiya, bis z mark. The Hard fseal
Heruaza, his x mark. (seal)
Attest :
j as. c. o'Comrts.?' j:
Wm. H. Bbowjt. ? i
Nicholas JAHis. nerpirfer.
Ahtoihs J aims. Interpreter
Executed on the part of the Yanc.
tonais band of Sioux by ibe chiefs and
headmen whose names are hereto sub
scribed, they being thereunto duly
authorized: . - -.
Mabtoeonpah, his x maik seal
Two Bears
Malohoaskinya, his x mark seal
, , y Mad Bear
Heopura, his x mark seal
... - ""Louzy '
Ahkechelahchecadan,his x mark seal
Little Soldier ,
Mahtoetancban, his x mark : seal
, , Chief Bear. ; !
Cuwihwio-, bis x mark . , seal
;,' Rotten Stomacb
8kunkawetko, his xmark - sealj
.. ,.. " ; Fool Dog '.
Iibtasappah, hia x mark seal
.. Black Eye
I&ucchan, Bis x mark '.' . . (seal)
The Chief
Iawicaka, his x mark ; (seal;
The'one who Tells the Truth
Ahkechetab, bis x mark (seal)
' . , . ;. The Soldier
Tashinagi, his x mark, (seal)
.Yellow Robe
Nahpetonka, his x mark seal
, ; .., Big Hand
Chanteewekto, his x mark . - (teal)
' ; .;t - Fool heart
HohgaasZLapa.'his x mark . (seal)
Black Catfish
Mahtowahkan, bis x mark seal
: Medicine Bear ,
Shunkakanshav his x mark ,. , (seal)
I Red Horse
Wanrode, his x mark . (seal)
The Eagle
Canbpisapa. his x mark . (seal)
B'ack Tomahawk
Warhelere, his x mark (seal)
Yellow Eagle
Chatonchecahis x mark (seal)
Small Hawk, or Long Fare
Tall mil
Matsutahkah, hia x mark (al)
Sitting Bear
Hihacahgenaskeae, bis x mark (seal)
Little Chief, hisx mark ('' )
Tall Bear, bis x mark (seal)
Top Mao, hi x mark . . (seal)
Nets, his x mark ()
The Wounded Bear, his x mark (seal)
Thirl wind r bis x mark . . ()
The Fox, his x mark seal
The Dog Big Mouth, his x mark (seal)
Spotted Wolf, bis x mark seal
Eorrel Hon. max mars.
Black Coal, tax x mark
Bis Wolf, hit z mark,
Knock-Knee, bis z mark
Black Crow, hi x mark
The Lane Old Man, hi x matk
Paul, hia x mark
Black Ball, hit x mark
Big Track, hit x mark
The Foot, his x mark
Blaak White, hia x mark
Yellow Hair, hia X mark
Little Shield, hia X mark
Black Bear, hia x mark
Wolf Mocassin, bis x mark
Hi. Robe, hia x mark
Wolf Chief, his x majk
Soar. P. MoKiaai",
Cant. 4 h lot Bvi. Lt. Col- U.S. A. ConeJg.
Ft. Laramie.
War. H. Fowcix, Bvt. MsJ. Capt 4th Iaf
BsxbT W. Pattebsox, Capt. 4ih Inf.
Tax. E. Ta, 2d Lieut Ala lot ''
W. Q. Bvujock
Caas. B. Gem, Ppscial Indian Interpreter for
the Peace Ccmmlasion.
Foa-r LiBAMtx, Wo. T., Not. 6lh, 1800
Makhplablntah, his x mark. Bed Clood Ir
WasUabwechashsa, his x mark. Thunder If an I seal I
Macahxahgeh, his x mark. Iron Cane - l"1
Waumblewrywaxaiuyah, hia x mark, jTealJ
Koxepab, hit. x mark, Man Afraid 11
Waxtahwaxaaab, his x nark, llj
Thunder Flying" Banning
Witnesses :
W McB Dye, BtI Col U 8 A Comdg
A B Cain. Capt 4th Inf Bt Maj 081
Robs P McRlbbio, Capt 4th Iaf Bvt Lt Col USA
Jno Miller, Capt 4th Inf
O f.. I.nhn. 1t Lieut 4th Inf Brt Capt TJ8 A
. B 0 Loan, Jd it 4ih Inf
Whittingnam Cox, 1st Lieut 4th Inf
A W Vogdes, 1st Lt 4th Infy
Bntlsr D. Price, 2d Lt 4th Inf
SUbssqdbs., FotLabaiiiK,Not6, 1863.
Sqecntee by the aboveow this date.
All of the Indians arc Ogallalaha exeer log Than
arMsnaad Thunder 'lying Bonn log, who are
Brales. - WM. MCB. DTK,
MJ. 4th Infy. and Brt. Col. U. 8. A. Going.
Attest s
Jas C O'Connor
Nicholas J sols. Interpreter . ,
awne.t Srnmbolso, Interpreter
9 y De Sana. S J Missionary ao-oog the Indians
Baml D Binman B D Missionary
Xxecnted on the part of the U.iepspa band of
Sioux, by the Chiefs and headmen whose names ate
hereto subscribed, they being thereunto duly author
ised. ,
wokamlyaya, his x mark, seal
The Man that Goes in the Middle.
Matoeawaweksa, his x marc, Bear Bib.
Tatokalnyanke, his x mark, Bunnirg antelope
Kangiwskita, hia x mark, l.ooKtng trow
tabanska, hia x mark. Long SoWtar
WakatemanL bis x mark.
The One who Shoots Wtlkl ag
Us eaklka, lis x mark. The Magpi t.eal
LSeai I
un"ins'pi. Wolf Xeckisc F"v
IseklTU. HIS X mars, fflseall
if? J
Hehakapa, hisx mark, Klk Head, seal
Isuta, his x mark, 0 r'nStona Mttyf
I seal
Bhorfkawiiao, ms x mark, tool Dog
hfakpiyapo, his X mark. Blue Cloud
Wamlnplluta, his x mark. Bed Eagle
Matoeante, hia x mark. Bear's Heart
Akicitaitaucan, his x mark. Chief Soldier
AUest i ;
James G O'Connor
Nicholas Janis
VraneLa FramtoWeJ
P J De Smet 8 I Mkasy among the In llans
R,mi D HiiiauB. MlssionarT
XxecuUd on the part of the Blaekfeet band .of
Sioux by the cbleia and neaamen wnoso names are
hereto subscribed, they being tnereunto duly author
eantepeta, hia x mark. Fire Heart . (seal)
Waamdikte, his x mark, (
Ths One who Kills Eagle
Bhota, his x mark, "moke (seal)
Wanmdimanl, his x mark. Walking Ksgle (seal)
Washicunyatapl, his xmark, (seal)
Chief White ftfaa
Kangllyotanks. his x mark. Sitting Crow (seal)
Peji, hia x-marls, The drain - . . (seal)
Kdamani, hia x mark (seal)
The One that Kettles as rat Wslks
Wahhankasspa, his x mark. Black Shield (seal)
Cabtenoopa, his x mark. Two Hearts
a iieat :
Jaa S O'Connor .-,
Kichoias Jania, Interpreter
Franc- La Fra nboike. Interpreter
P I De Smet, 8 1. MUsy among the Indians
- 8aael D Binman Mlsaienary
executed on too part of the Cutheais band of
Fioux bT the ehiefa and headmen whose names are
hereto subscribed, they bing thereunto duly sa-
Tokainyanka, his x mark, (seal)
The One who Goes Ahead Running.
Tetankawaktoyaa, his x mtri, Tbund-r Bull (sea!)
Siatomiasapa, his x mark, Ail ever Black (seal)
Oanlca, bis X make, (seal)
The One who Took the Stick.
F-atanka, his x mark, Big Head (seal)
Jaa C. O'Connor
Nicholas Jaaia, Interpreter
Fraac. La Frambotse Interpreter
P J De Kmet, 8 i slitsy anoog the ladiaas
ami D Hiamaavlniasisnarr
- Kxeexted on tba part of the Two Kettle band of
ieux by tba ehiefa and headmen whose names are
aerate sahacdbeS, thay beisg thereunto duly author
ised. hiawatannibanaka, his s mark. Lose Kandam (seal)
Caakpeduta, hia x mark. Bed War Club, (seal)
Saakaca, hiss mark, Te Log (aeal)
aiteM:. . .
Kogiorw hi. x mark. Plenty Crow - ' fKaPj.Wr WJ , ... "W "C0 or CaSUDg Q1S
Jas C vJ Connor
Klchoiaa Junta, Interpreter
Franc. La framboise. Interpreter
P J De Smet, 8 J . Miey among the Indiana
Saml D Hinman, Uieaionary to the Dakota .
Executed on the part of the 8aos Arch band of
Sioux by the chiefs and headmen whose names are
hereto subscribed, they being iheicuato duly author,
lied. - ' .- .. .
BDapiBWanics,bls x msrk, v (seal)
. The One to it bas Maitber Horn
Wslnlapjlnts, his X iiark. Bed Plume, ' . (seal)
CHaagl, hisx maik, Tellow llaws, . (teal)
Beaaptnwanlca, hia x mark, lie Horn, j (seal)
Attest,- i . -: ' !.
Jaa C O'Connor
' Nicholas Jsots. IaWrpreter
Frane La rrambois.e. Interpreter.
P. J. De Smet, 8. J., Missy, among the Indians
Baml. D. Uiamaa, Mi'sionary.
Xx ecu ted on the part of th Eantee band of Sio ix
by tue ahiets and headmea whexe sme are hereto
subscribed, tbey beinif thereunCo duly aulhoriasd
Wapshshsw, his x mark, Kt-d Ensign (seal)
Wahkootay, his x mark. Shooter. (seal)
Hooabath . his x mark. Red Legs (ea)
Owancbaduta, hisx mark. Scarlet A'l Orsr (seal)
Waamacetanka, hia x mark. Big Eagle (seal)
Ckotanksenspe, his x mark. Flute-player (seal)
Tsshnnkemoxa, bis x mark, His Iron Dog (seal)
Paml D Hinman, B. D., Mis lonsry
J N Chiekeriag-.zd Lt., S2d Inf Brt Capt CSX
P J De Sniet, 8. J.
Nicholas Ja-is. Interpreter
. Franc- La Framboise, Interpreter,
ihd where..s, the aaid Treaty having been sub
mitted to the Senate of the United Plates for its con
stitutional action thereon, the eVnata rid, oo the
sixteenth day of February, one thousand eight
hundred Bad sixty -nine. ,dvie and . content to the
ratification of the a lesolutlon in the words
ana ngares roliosjing. to wit .
1h Exetjtib Sbwiox,
Eehstbof tii UxitkO States,
FebrasrT . 1869
Rttoleed, I two-thirds of Vim Stnator pretant
concurring.) That the Senate . advise aad eooNent
to the ratification of the treaty between ttie-United
States and the different bands of the' Sioux Nation
of Indians, made and concluded the 29th April, 188
Attest :
GEO. C. GORHAM, Secretary.
Now therefore, be it known that I. AbobbW
JoxxftoX, President of the United States of America,
de, in pursuance of the advice ami content or the
Senate, as expressed in the resolution of th six
teenth of February, one thousand eight hundred
and aixty-nioa, aecepi, ratify and eon.lrm the aawil
In testimony whereof I have hereto signed my
name, and caused the teal of toe United States to
be affixed.
DoBeattbe city of Washington. (hi twenty-
foil th day of February, in the year of our
tell Lord one thou and eight hundred and sixty
nine, and of the Independence of the United
fljaies of America the ninety-third.
By the President t
... William H. S swab d.
Secretary of State.
Held last Monday, resulted in the
defeat of the entire Republican ticket,
by majorities ranging from 7 to 54.
A word of explanation is probably
necessary as it is a well, known fact
that the Republican party bas a clear
majority in the city of twenty-five or
thirty otes. Our readers- will re
member that we gare warning, some
mo weeks ago, of the contemplated
fusion, but the workers of the party
fett little uneasiness,' supposing Repub
lictns who felt interested in the choice
of Candidates would turn out to the
primary meeting and entfearorto get
men of tbeir choice nominated instead
of staying away and then supporting a
a mixed ticket jon the ground tnai tUcy
were not suited with their party nomi
nees. The time and place of holding
the Republican Convention was pub
lished and there were aver fifty voters
present and took part in the selection
of the ticket, and not a word of dissat
isfaction was expressed with the choice
made. This convention .' adjourned,
about 9 o'clock Saturday evening, and
directly after a number of Democrats
and a few Republicans met at th 3 of
fice of Dr. John Black, where the suc
cessful ticket was made op by a few
individuals, without any notice being
given of (he meeting or any meeting
at all being organized. A ticker was
written out and banded around among
half a dozen men for suggestions, and
bat is the -ticket that was successful.
We have not one word to say against
any man upon that ticket, but ws would
be doing injustice to the party, to allow
the matter to pasa without recording
our disapproval of such- a course by
Republicans. The ticket brought oat
by those few individuals had on a Re
publican for Mayor, and two out of the
five candidates for Aldermen were Re-
publicans.and the other Arte Democrats.
There is a tie between one. of the Re
publicans oo that ticket and 6ne of the
candidates on the Republican ticket, so
that it throws the City Council three
Democrats to one Republican, and one
man to be chosen yet. We shall pass
no words of censure upon any ' man
who saw fit to support this pixed ticket,
even though ne were present at and
took part in the RepuHUicArconvenuon
fflTT Z-
ballot Tn opposition- to the candidates
I uhn wrs aalerlsxt ' vpl van mnat anv
that we hope no true man will allow
personal prejudices to break up , the
party, as it most and will break if such
actions are ' persisted in. WV now
have the humiliating spectacle of see
ing a City Council controled by Dem
ocrats, in a city with a clear. Republi
can majority,1 and of ' being told by
Democrats With defiant mein that our
nartT is broken up and that we. dare
. - ...,........
not run a party ticket in the county
next fall or tbey will beat us. . Re
publicans of Plattsmouth and Cass, are
you willing tosee .the country again
pass into the hands of .the .Demociats ?
It is for you to decide. You can easily
turn it over to them if you so desire.
We say this not in cesure of what has
been done, but to warn Republicans of
what parties in Cass are striving for.
Pbissxtatiox.-Ws witnessed jester
da, j, the formal presentation, to Dan, of
the iYew, e-f a pair of most exquisite
coverings for infantile psdal extremities)
or baby-shoes. Tbey were of the latest
pattern, and magnificently cmaaaentad.
A. Albright, wholesale and retail dealer
in Boots and Shoes, was the liberal do
nor. Dan responded in a "neat and ap
propriate speech," in which he stated,
that while w demand now existed in the
familv for such an artiele. it would be
handy to have them in the ' house. j
(?hrnicle. " :, ;
THURSDAY, .... APEIL "8, 1869.
We aredesirouiof recelring eorrespondenee from-
11 Pbrtsbf the State, relative to the material inter
ests fcf the country, togetner with such other mat
eras contributors may deem of Interest.
'We have stated to many interested
enquirers in Cass county that no herd
law was passsd during the recent ses
sion of the Legislature which affected
this county, except in the four western
precincts. Last week we published a law
which we found in the Omaha ' Repub
lican, purporting to be a general herd
law,' without excepting any locality.
The publication ef this law, accom
panied by the authority of the Secreta
ry of Stute that it actually was a law,
completely nonplussed us for the time
being, as we frankly stated last ' week;
Wo were perfectly confident that no
such law ever passed the House of
Representatives, although we had no
personal knowledge of what dispo
sition was made of the bill.' , Since our
last issue we find an explanation, or
or rather a statement, in. the Brown
ville Advertiser, of what disposition
was made of the bill in the House.
Mr. Church, editor of the Advertiser,
was a member of the House, and he says
through his paper that this act which
is being published as a law never passed
the House but was indefinitely post
poned by that body. This tallies ex
actly with our understanding of the
matter, and we doubt not Mr. Church
is correct in the statement. Should
the journals of the House show this to
be the fact, we think that herd law
will be effectually "squelched. " . We
are positive that the clerk of the House
never reported the passage of the bi
back to the Senate, as it was bis cus
torn and duty to report all bills orig
inating In the Senate which afterward
passed the House, and we doubt not
the journals of the House will show
that the bill was indefinitely postponed
as stated by Mr. Church.
Wxepiho Watxk, April 3d, 1869
lwV. .A.' ) taw v ,
taken a prominent part in securing the
passage of the R R. bonds and conse
quently must be well posted1 in refer-
eLce to all laws pertaining to the issu
iog bonds, you will confer a favor on
some of your subscribers by answering
directly the following questions and
giving this an insertion iu your nex
1st. By the vot, are the ecunty
Commissioners merely authorized or
are they compelled to issue the bonds
on completion of the road bed ?
2d. Cao the County Commissioners
ecjointhe payment of those ' bonds on
any pretex whatever, after they shall
have been issued ?
3d. Has the county any legal pow
er to compel the early completion of
the road or have they placed them
selves sit the mercy of the B. & M. R
R. by their vote.
4th. If the election call for the
county as published in your paper
bound the R R. Co. to complete the
road, why is the present' call for
Plattsmouth election worded se differ
rjly ? .V ;
5th The call for the' election was
first pablished twenty-three days be
fore the election; does this comply with
the requirements of the t law which
speHfios that the notice shall be pub
lished at least four weeks in some pa
per published within the county.
f. a ( L. F. Reed.
Answer: Whether the above ques
lions are asked with a desire to obtain
knowledge, or' whether 1 tbey are in
teoded to confound the Herald, we
leave, the reader to judge; but as we
have honestly, advocated issuing the
bonds, believing it to be to the best in
terests of the county, we acknowledge
the right of our correspondent to ques
tion ut, regardless of his motive for so
doing and we shall as candidly answer
these questions as we have a'l others
propounded to us. ' We differ from
our correspondent in . one thing, and
that is in his assumption that in "con
sequence' of our advocacy, of bonds
that we "must be well posted'' on all
questions of law relative to bonds.
We hav bad our optnton in regard
to the questions of Uw which enter in
to this, matter, tut we have only given
them as eur opinions, and not as au
thority. ' It would be just as consistent
for us to say that "in consequence of
Mr. Reed's opposition to issuing bonds
that he rus be we 1 posted in refer
ence to all laws-pertaining to : issuing
bonds,' as for him to make the as
sertieo he does. But to the answers:
1st. The law authorizing the issuing
which will be found in this issue of
the Herald says counties are author
ized to issue bjnds "in an amount to
be determined by the County Commis
sioners ' etc
Whether that is con-
,rued 10 compel them to issue the
aaiount authorised by .the ..people, 1
leave for Mr. Reed and others to judge
They are probably as competent judges
as we are.
2d. Whether or not the Couuty
Commissioner can enjoin payment is
a question we do not, care to discuss;
but we are quite confident that any tax
payer of tne connty -which will van
swer the same purpose could, enjoin
the payment of these bonds under cer
tain circumstance?; and on this point
we 'would cite Mr. Reed to the deci
sion of Judge Clinton published here
with which decision we believe Mr.
Reed, himself agreed should determine
his vole on the bond question, and
which was forwarded to Weeping Wa
ter the evening before the election.
3d. In answer to ibis questioo we
also refer Mr. Reed to the annexed
dicision of Judge Clinton, wherein he
unquestionably thinks we are not com
pelled to issue bonds for anything less
than a "railtoad, through the couuty
of Cass as will be seen by the manner
in which he has emphasized that sen
tenc. It may not be amiss to state in
this connec ion that Judge Clinton's
decision was given upon the suppo
sition that the election notice published
in the Herald is to be the only con
tract with the compaoy, as he had not
seen the law published in this issue.
4h. The county bonds were for the
purpose of having the road built in and
through the county, and the city bonds
are for the purpose of endeavoring to
secure the starting point of the road
the depots, machine shops, etc., within
the city of Plaiumouth. They are
for different objects, consequently must
be wordea differently. So far as the
'road bed'' part is concerned, we pre
sume ihe intention was to have no
wrangling or difference of opinion
on that point, and so the notice was
made to say "railroad" direct.
5th. We shall not give ourself any
uneasiness on ibis point, neither do we
think iur friend Reed should. It can
n t work any wrong or disadvantage to
ihe tax payers of the county, and we
think if the R. R. Co. is satisfied we
should not find fault Our opinion is(
however, that the requirements of the
law are fulfilled in this respect.
iv. k.i.w.o s e nave answered all of
Mr. Reed's questions, and whether or
not tbey are answered correctly or
satisfactorily we hope he will consider
that they are answered candiJIy.
Following 'is the decision of Judge
Gen. R. R. Livingston, and E. L,
Gentlem en:-? Your several letters
of this date drawing my attention to
the proposi'ion found in the Nebras
k a Heheld of the 21th inst. in rela
tion to the connty of Cass voting $200,
000 in bonds for R. R. purposes, nnd
asking my opinion of the meaning and
legal effect of said proposition, came
to hand this evening.
The meaning and intention of the
proposition upon which the voters, as
provided, are to vote, must be gathered
from the proposition, taking it as
whole, and would require toe parties
making and accepting it to carry it out
in (rood faith according to the in
tention. a3 indicated by its terms. -
If the County carry the vote in the
affirmative, then tba County agrees
that their agents shall issue the bonds
for the purpose of building a Railroad
through the County of Cass, and not
merely to build a road bed: and when
the R. R. Company built the road bed
ten miles westward from the Micsouri
river, the Company can then demand
foriy per cent of the 200,000 in bonds,
and so on, according to the proposition
to pay as the road brd is finished; and
if the agents of the coumy refuse
to issue the bond- at the time required
(the R. R. Company having complied
on their part) aid R. R. Company can
compel their issuance; but if the R. R
Compaoy do not comply on their part
witnin a reasonaoie time, taking in
to consideration the magnitude of the
work, then of course the R. R. Compa
ny cannot require the issuance of the
bonds, and if the bonds are isued un
der the proposition and accepted by the
R. R. Company, and the Company
then fails to complete the road in good
faith, then the R. R. Company would
be liable for damages, and the rule of
damages would be the fuce of the
bonds and interest; or, . if the bonds
should be held by the company, and
had not passed into the hands of inno
cent holders, then any tax payer of the
county could proceed and have the
payment enjoined. ..
S. Clin to i.
Council Bluffs, March 25th, 1S69.
For the Hsbald.
The posUx of teacher is second
only to the pulpit, yet ir is thought
that any young girl or school-boy, who
bas enough of Geography, Arithmetic,
&c, to answer a few questions put by
the inspector, is capable of teaching a
school. Sad mistake. The education
may even be goad, and the . iadivtda.!
unfit for o high a position. The in
tellect is not all that is to be cultivated;
while it is important that the teacher
understand well the text bcok, it is
highly more important that he be
person who can exert a christian influ
ence. I know some teachers would
say "I do not teach morals,' but they
are mistaken. 'Never a teacher en
tered the school-room without teaching
morals. Pupils are observing. If a
teacher it awkward and untidy in his
personal appearance the pupil sees it.
or what is equally to be regretted, al
low. his school room to be a scene of
disorder and .dirt, they notice that.
And truly will they notice and be in
fluenced by the manner of the tencher
with reference to Christianity. If a
teacher is consistent, the very fact that
he is a Christian nid begins bis day's
labor with the prayer that God will
guide and direct him and his pupils in
all they do, commands a respect that
cannot be otherwise gained, and ihis
will do far more towards governing a
school than the casual observer would
realize. For even the vilest has res
pect for the true Christian.' You rec
ollect that before one of the contests
between (he British and American
armies' in the war of 1812 in sight of
the enemy before entering into the en
gagement our General kneeled,- and,
with a brief and fervent prayer com
mined himself and army into the bands
of the Lord, and implored his aid in
battling for the right. It was said that
that act disheartened the British more
than any thing else that rould have
Order and neatness are heaven's
first laws; indeed they are almcst in
separable. Observe the vegetable
world and see with what precision leaf
after leaf unfolds itself each according
to its several specie. The successful
businets raari Arranges his goods in
some certain order that he may know
where to find them when called for.
And shall we suppose order in a
school-room of fifty er a hundred pu-
pils of less importance ? The progress
of pupils is never advanced by noise
and confusion. I do not deem it nec
essary tnat tue teacner assume ty
rant a face or power, to quiet, and
keep quiet the school-room; but on the
contrary, ever be cheerful, courteous
and self possessed, yet require prompt
obeditnee and instill into their minds
that there is dignity and true worth in
good behavior and they will tleli'hi,
and take pride, in trying to gratify the
teacher's requests, and help him to
maintain the order and neatness
desired in and about the schooi-room
Demand perfect lessons but ehort. A
short, perfect lesion is worth more than
many long ones partially learned.,.
When they become weary and rest,
less, introduce a gymnastic exercise
or a lively song while all are standing.
Then, rented, again resume the studies
with quiet. Study to interest your pu
pits and give them general information
ever remembering fn the language of
Boecber, God has placed themj here
and says to the teacher, as well' as pa
rent with reference to each, "Keep it
till 1 UUIIIC, ian.c luia CAIy vnu vianu.
and educate for me, and bring it to
heaven, and let its improving ftnd Its I
v 6 I
nrofitinc appear, when you and 1 saall I
r o rr I
stand together in the last day." I
O. L). I
Tn innhlr munliflt' elites and nierinctS I
, , , i . ' i
gu UUTJ WM 7ityr(cy ui t(if uiriu, sr iv
issue bonds to aid in the construction or
completion of works of internal im
provement in this State and to legalize
bonds already issued for such purpose.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legis
iaiure OJ n. Olaie Of JtoraSKCtt XOai I
... i..'.u c- 'c xt. I
uJf luuu,J wa vnj t uiBtw ui i,c-
braska IS nerety aUtDOriZeU tp Igsue 1
. , -, ' . , . I
bond tO aid in ibe . Construction Of any
IsVlia VU fVBiw.M " I
provement, to an amount to be deter
mined by the county commissioners of
such county or the city council of such
city not exceeding ten per centum of
the assessed valuation of all taxable
property in said county or city, Provi
ded the county commissioners, or city
council, shall first submit the question
of the issuing of such bonds, to a vote
of ibe legal voters of said county or
city, in the manner provided by chap
ter nine of the ' revised statutes of the
State of Nebraska, for submitting to
the people of a county, the question of
borrowing money.
Szc. 2. The proposition of the ques
lion must be accompanied by a pro
vision to levy a tax for the payment of
the principal and interest of eaiJ bonds
n addition to the usual taxes, and suf
ficient to meet the payment of the prin
cipal and interest of said . D3nd, and
to continue from year to year ami! raid
bonds are paid.
Src 3. The proposition shall state
the rate of interest such bonds shall
draw, and when the principal snd in
terest shall be made payable.
Sic. 4. Upon a majority ofthe
votes cast being in favor of the propo
sition submitted, the county commis
sioners in the case of a county, and
the city council in the case of a city.
shall cause the proposition and the re
uit or tne rote to oe entered upon ne t
records of said county or city, and a
notice of its adoption tO ' be published j
tor two successive weens in muy nc-
TTBrtur in iaid ronntv or citr. if' thre
- i
be one, and if not, then without such
publication, and shall thereupon issue
said bond, which shall be .and con
tinue a subsisting debt against such
county or city until tbey are paid and
Sec. 5 It sha 1 be the duty of the
"proper officers of such city or county,
to enusfc to be annually levied, collect
ed and paid to the holder of such bonds,
a special tax-upon all u xable property
wiih'u said county or city, sufficient to
pay the annual interest and finally to
pay the principal thereof, which tax
when levied shall be a lien upon ell of
the taxable property in said county or
city, end shall be collected in the same
manner as the ordinary tax of such
county or city.
Sec. 6. Any county or city which
shall have issued its bonds in pursu
ance of this act shall be estopped from
pleading want of consideration therefor
and the proper officers of such county
or city may be compelled by manda
mus or otherwise to levy the tax here
in provided to pay the same.
Sec. 7. Any precinct in any organ
ized county of this State, shall have
the privilege of voting to aid works of
internal improvement, and be entitled
to all the privileges conferred upon
counties and cities by the provisions of
this aci; and in such case the precinct
clwctioa cball he governed in the same
timuuer as is provided in this act, so
far as the same is applicable, and the
county commissioners shall issue spe
cial bonds for such precinct, and the
tax to pay the same shall be levied up
on the property within the bounds of
t : . a t t
sucn precinci. ouca nrecinct dodos
shall be the same as other bonds, but
shall contain a statement showing the
special nature of such bonds.
Sec o. All bonds heretofore voted
ana issued by any county er city in
this Mate to aid in the construction of
any railroad or other work of internal
improvement are herebv declared to be
lrr.l - -11 f
ivt,". iiiu .oaiv. auu iicu uuisu an vi
trm tflTfltil nrnnprtv in surh rnnntv ar
city notwithstanding any defect or ir
. r, 1 . . 1 .
regularity in the submission cf the
question to a vote of the people, or in
taking the vote, or in the execution of
such bonds, and nol wnhManding the
same may not have been voted upon.
executed or issued in conformity with
law, and such bonds shall have the
same legal validity, and binding force,
as if they had been legally authorized.
veted upon and executed. Provided,
That . nothing in this section nor in
this act shall be so construed as to le
galize or in any way sanction anvvote
of the people of Nemaha county here
tofore had for the purpose of aidin? in
tne construction of any railroad, nor
any thing done by the county commis
sieners of said county authorizing said
vote; or anything done by them in con
sequence of such vote.
Sec. 9- All acts or parts of acts in-
consistent with this act are hereby re
Sec 10. This act shall take effect
and be in force, from and after its pas
Approved Feb. 15. A. D 1869.
We publish to day the new law en
tire relation to issuing county, city or
precinct bonds to aid in works of in
ternal imDrovemant. we copy tne
art fmm ih Omaha Jieriihhrnn. where
it is published by authority.
Strayed or Stolen
Prom the undersigned, four miles west of Plat t.
at .nth, about the l!0ih of Mrcli, One Bay. Th ee
tear Old. Stn4 Colt, shirht digit In -face, black lees.
n,t .it. Amr indjn him or aivioa
Inrormation ol his whereabouts, will he ui mnr r.
warded. , . . i, . s;. SAUK.
sprSlm ...
I, jj-fj jj Q ijljij ij ZJ
we moment. Business new, light and proltsble
FiftT cnts to S5 ner ercnine. is eaMts earneJ by
persons or either sex. and tt
nearly as mnch as men. Or
fered those who win devote
the boys and girls earn
reat inducements are of
heir whole time to the
hnaina a anil that i.r nprtnn hn . n . tK i arw
tice, may send me their address and tent the business
for themselves, I make the following unpsrailelrd
offer : To all who are aot wet: atined with the
business, I will send $1 to pay for the trouble of
writing ue ' full particulars, airestious, otc, seat
free. Sample sent by rusil for 10 eta. Address
apro a., v. auuev, Aaausia, sir.
To all whom it may concern :
Is hereby given, that
the Connty Commissioners of Cans county. Nebras
ka, at their regular seseion, held on Tuesday the
otli dsy of Apr,!, loy, sdj ourned to meet on Uoo-
tranaactiu nrnaished bnalnea adjourneo to sain
term, and for the purpvao of aittiuir three (3) con-
aecutive days, a. aboard of equalisation, to correct
the assensment roil In tnelr county I and during the
aitting of said board, any peraon feeling aggrieved
b anvthmir in the assessment roll, may apply to
the boHrd for tba correction of ft ny supposed error
U lK. Aa waL.atlnn af kl. nrrmurf t as hclhsir
real or peraonal. Me
Mim wassi vra shusimvu w w f s - - J f ws
Bt order of the Board of Commissioners,
Given nnder my hand end official seal this 7th
(l. t.) day of April, A t. 1:69. "
1. or CUPULA,,
April 8, 1869. County Clark
Ts hereby given that at the election held on the
27th day of March. 16159. at the usual places of hold
ing elections in the several precincts of Case county.
Nebraska, fur the purpose of auomitting to the legal
voters of said count v the proposition lo issue the
bonds or said ejnc'y to me Burlington Missouri
Kiver Railroad Company to the amount of Two
Hundred Th u-and Dollars, to be ed la the con
struction of a railroad to oe built by said Bur log-
ton A M'ssonri K er Kai road Company through
Cass connty westward, and the proposition to au
thorise aad require the Commissioners or said coun
ty to levy an annual tax to cay the interest on said
bonds, and aftzr the expiration of twenty (20) years
from the time of Issuing saia boaot to levy annual
ly until aald bonds are paid, an additional tax suf
ficient to psy one-tenth part or aaiu kotujs,aod ap
ply the sains to tba payment thereof- wit., the
form of the question submitted,
'Fot Bond and Tax, Tea.
"For Honda and l ax. No."
rest! ted as follows, to-wit . The total number of
Votes oolled at said election were eleven hundred
ind forty-tour (ilttj, st wuicd triers were polled
'For Bonds and Tsx, Yes." six hundred and sixty
e;ght(6t3) votes; and "For Bond- aad Tax, No,"
fonr hundred and seventy ave 14701 vows, mere-
fnn It la herebv declared he aald Board of Conoty
tni'iiA' ,t& rVgairoter. II
aaid election
By order of the Board of Coromiioner .
Witness mv hsnd and offleial ssl at Platte-
. month thia Tlh dav of April, . D. loo
e n CDI'C
R KPI'RLnrr ' I
. Clerk Cass County, Keb
AP.rt4 PJVanlr T
drcQt i-OYeiiy I
TT'OB 25 cents ana one rea stamp, we seDd any
I r party 6 aampi"- an aicereoi or ov.r
Ww Golden T"oTtntain Pen.
HoldlDg ink to writ
IU Per day guarantied to Agents. Single samples
locenw. urrcniaxs rro. anoroi
a. h. yocso to,
MoiM W Ctsabers St.. Etea. Mt.
Statement ofthe Condition
e? TBC
Home Insurance Com'y
On the lt day of January, 18C.
T Fi-ir ye ' S" Colnpa7 ume I"cbbcb Cub
It is locate,! fn Xw Haves, Conn.
The Kiaount of Its Capital Stock la S3 000 (HX) On
The am't of its CajmM Bu tk pal up is 1,000,00 1 o-
The AS3KTS of the Company are as followa :
Caah oo hand and in the hands of AVts
or other pe-ona. f3T4?IT84
Real etate iinincurnlHred, 435 0 0t
Bonds owned by the Couipaar, to-wit: '
United Stales S-29 Bonds
Stats Bands
New Huven City Bonds
National Bank Stocks
ftate Bank blocks
pa rvalue.
$1-.'..V0 00 189.297
119,00 C7.988 H
51. IKK) 00 n,ooui.a
164,9.') 00 tUUion
9.400 00 1,736 Dl
Bills receivable for Inland Premiums 69.M 1?
Loans in Bonds and MoiWagra, being flrrt
Ilea tinin-timbered Real -ute, aorih
doable the atnonnt loaned 44,100 00
Debts utbsrwlse secured 9s, 11414
All other stcurities 156770 4.
Total Asrtli 11,63,9741
Am't doe or not due to llaaka ar oilier
erc.lilors $uO0 0
Lossea adjoited and due 0(K) 0r
Losses aoj oated and not dua 2T,SIt 85
Loasea tinadjnstrd I Q
Lflares in snxpeuse waiiisjr futthc r pr-of f u'"0 0(7
All other claims saairet the Cotnpssy SO )
Total Liabilities
Ths frreatest am't lunurwl in any ,ne risk, 9d,O00 00
The Br. a iet am't allowed bf ths rales of
the Co. to be intnred in any one city,
town or village, Mo rale upon the "object
The greatest am't allowed to be injured in
any one block, Depend npon Me and construe-
W. S. Goodeix, Pec'y.
To expire oa the 81. t dity of January, 1810.
IsaraavcB Dir'T, Ornca or r-rars ai pitpk, i
LINCOLN, NEB., March I. 1669 f
Whrretll. Llotd D. Blunt, AFent for ths Horn
Insurance Company, located at New Haven la the
Stale of Connecticut, baa filed (a this Offlee a copy
of the Art of Incorporation ff sard Company, and
a Statement under rath, bow ing It condition, as
required by the Fifth taction or a Law of tte Stale
of Nebraska, entitled "An Act in Rotation to loanr
atice Companies, " approved February 15th lr4 ;
approved Pehruary lib, lSbf ; and Wbersas, said
Company h is furnished the underpinned satisfacto
ry evidence that it t posaesstd of ONE MILLION
DOLLAKS, of Actual CapitKl inves ed in Stocks of
st least par value, er la Bonds or Mortgages on Real
Ktale worth diolile the amount for which the sane
i mnrtgaKed : and Whereas, said Company has
filed In this Office a written ioati umrtit. under the
e,,' IheConipsny. fiKDeJ by the Preaidei.1 and
i 2ferelsty toervor. aa'horizins tue said Lloyd v. 0in-
I nett to afknowlJ service uf proce'S for and in
I behalf of aalil Company, cootentina; that service ef
rocesa uprn htm aball be lakrn end hsld to be valid
sa if !) upon the Cooipuny. accnrdiDtf to Iks
Lawa ( this Mate or any other 8ta-e, and waiving
all clsim tit rrro's by reasou of such service ; sod
Whereas Lloyd D Bennett, Ima furnlaned aati.fa.-to-ry
evidence tht he Is the authorized Agent of laid
Company ;
'Ihrarf-re, S it known hy thru jtrmnl That In
purnnauc of ti e alorraaid Act, I, Jcho OHla-pio.
Auditor of the State of Nebraska, do hKreby certify,
that Lloyd 1) Bennett ha full authoiiiy to act as an
Agent for the said Hi me lDnrsne t'oenpany at
PUtt, mouth. In the State of f'tl'r-a, aud to do
and perforin all acts for and in be alf ef said Com
party sutho-isttd by his appointment as aurh Aseat,
and by the Law f Ibis blste, until tl.e 31. t day ef
January, t D. 1870
Jn. wiinrit wntrmj, t neve auoicriowj my
nsme. and causel the teal of (be Auditor's
I4l Office t be affixed, this 1st day of March,
A. B. 1WS9.
JOHV CILLF.SPIS, State-Auditor.
I hereby g ven tit it an Kle. tion wilt be held st Ihe
uunl place ol holding election In Ihe city of Platte
mouih, Cam, Nebrtrks, tin
Saturday, the 34 f A day April. Ii-,
for the purpo.e of Kuhn litinfr to the legal voters of
raid c ty tue proposition to innue the H nda of said
city to the f.urlincton A Mlrmuri Kiver Kallrvad
C ruoany to Hie amount of Firty Ihouaand Dollars,
to be tiled In Hie e 'D-ti uct..u ol a Railroad, to be
built by rsid ilurltnrton At lli.nlrl Kiver 1L II road
Company , from I'la't. month eity throorh Caa coun
ty westwnrd, upon coaditiori taut ths bep ita. War.
Houses, TariiiHbie. atd Machine ebopa of aall Knll
road shsll be located and built within the corporals
limits of the city of I'lattaiimiitli
Said bonda lo be issued, a M.owa : 40 per rent in
he is.ued on the completion of l'-n mile of said Kail
road from aa Id city, and an additional 40 per cent, to
limned on ilie ii,L-ieiioo -f tne second ten mile
i f snid RailroHil, and the remaining CO pere- nt. of
aid bunds to lm lsued when the .aid Railroad Is
eoinp'rtert to the we-t line of Cs county.
Said ttond to run I'ot 'e than 0 nor more
than BJ w mrw from Ihe dute or their fa, aanc, with
interest, payable aonually, at the rale of ten per
cent, per annum.
Said Bonds find interest to be payable at the odes
I of the Treasurer of the city of Plati m"U!h. tine-
I tenth oi said bonda to be pajati
ble In twenty nne
years fr. in the date of imnic-, ami on tenth to be
payable each year there fte until the whole amount
of aid bond is paid la full
The proposition will al-o be submitted to the vo
teia nf aniil city at said elertion to authorise and re
quire the City CouecH of aald city to levy an annu
al tax to pay the inleee I on asid boiidi. and after
the rxpirution of twenty years from th'ftinie of ta
HuingH.l bond tw levy annnsMy. antll said bonds
are ,aid,n additional tax autkeientto pay one-tenth
part of raid txods.atid to ai'p y the same loth pay
ment thereof
The quention nuhrnitted t- raid voters at aald e;es
tion will he "For Bonds sad Tax, Tea;" For Bonds
and Tax, No "
Which EUc'ioo will be opened at S o o'ock In tba
mornir.g and co itinueopen until ti o'clocic in lb af-
ternoju of said day
Hy order of the City Cooncil Ihis Stab day of
aprmwa City Recorder.
IVtxxislcs. ivtxxolo X
ram agent for the best Musical Instruments made
Persons wishing to buy Pianos, Cabinet, Metro-
nolitan or Portable Oigan. or Me lodeona ca a pur
chase through my agency on sa liberal frraa as they
cao from the manufacturers themselves. All losira
nients fully warranted. J. N. Wist.
apriiltf :
Ilaving Jnat re-ofed a choice selection of Mlllln"
ory (ioods mm Philadelphia, now otf'rs them for
taspectlon and aale, at reasonaole pricea. Sio pains
bas been spared to obtain the finest material and
latest styles.
Please esll and naming at ber residence, on and
a balf miles toath uf Plattsmou'.h. marUotf
Kothsa Is heretp given to all parties having busi
ness befoie the County Commiwtloner Court, the
nat.r of which will require the Ohng of papers,
that the reoaiftr DSDerS must be hied with the
Cooaly Clerk before the first day of each season ef
said Court, to oh ain a ooaring upon- any sueh nat
tore as they may desire to bring before the Con-rt.
The -rapidly Increasing DOMoese or me voori,
make Ihia order of imperative necessity ; lhal a
icxular order of bu'iines maybe previoosly arrsng .
ed, whereby the Board may mora ay Heroatfcally
and with greater celerity oispsicn iss cuaiava
bronvh before tbem.
By order of the Board,
marSScf Clerk Cass coauty, h'eb.
Saint Louis & Omaha
Tri- lfZ$ Weekly-
EolsLot line.
Th shave line of Steamers will leave Plnt
month every other dav throsg bout th entire enen.
eonnecling at Plaitemoutu WHB uie Burling. on av
Missouri Kiver Ksilroad fee tut esat, norih and
south, snd si the f nllowang petal with railroad i:on-
eclionn. Council Binffn.UBiass, 81. Joseph, Utt-
enworth and Kansas City. Pot -freight or psatsge-
apply at our nfliee.
marl i BlUf .-UiN at Bii&unsu, sicgn.
improved arm ana iim-
foer For fc'ale.
The firm is about 20 miles weal from riattsmootb.
3 miles west of Uoower's, on the blags Bosd 6'
arm has been tn ealtivation log Lotus upon It,
and plenty of slock water; it IsS. wqr See 27, T 12.
g K or of 8 K or Jfec 20, aasse T aad K. (timber
80andSO - ltiOseres,makiB.5aodfO -
AiwtheN warofN vrscj:,,K'1;
Mill county. Iowa, Due east from Platttmnotb, and
K il 'ioo aere.'s ana tousecica w
1 mile from the river, (neavy umoer.; iw icrujs
addrw. u.u.eoi-uaufi,
ayilStf-- uisnvooq, lava.
hues O'KEIL is in v authorised Agent for the
collection of all accounts due Ihe underaigped for
medical services; bis receipt will be valid far the
payment of any monies on said accounts.
P Ast 1. I?"?. B. H. LlTIKfUTejr.M.O-