Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 08, 1869, Image 1

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, -. B " '-mm.-- t.As.aa
v mo-
: SUfpny man attempts, to haul, do ion the American Flag, shoot. him on the spoWJ1 t
1 4lU ,1.
iNO. 1.
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v it n ii mm ii h ki - . ix a mm r ii ii . u . ti vhr, jii mm . vi
Y08iee corner Mala itrcet
Terms: $2.50 per. annum.
. Rates of Advertising
Oaeqar(pac of ten lines) oue Insertion,
Kca abseiont insertion
ProeiinlVrda not exceeding ! H
O ae-Quarter column or less, per annum .
.? 4 jix month
itiree uoaius -Oaehalt
cola'"n tw'oUe montb. . ,
10 oo
15 00
60. 0O
1 oo.oo
1 ortn
i. s ' three moBlh .
Oieeolumi twflre montks
- nix month "
r three tnontht -
utn4;eatdertl'emenU mast fce P
0f We reprPared to de ll kl"'f r
n .tort notice, ndln tylcthmt wUl
fjclon. '' '
' Solicitor in Chancery
II hnr nI eai uiw, muu p J"
ImproT-l nl woiirp'o'.cu '
?hysician and SnTgeon,
' ,.hii Drofe8lorl .ervicestothecitiiPDS of
redr hi proi
A,?4 co'iuiy .
"..uiy; .IJ.h-em'it corner ofO.k nd '.
Platte Valley House
Eu. B. Murphy, Proprietor.
,' . f.; An,t Fourth Streets,
orner yj
hn..j newly fur
TUMle kirn? " Bo,ra fcj
.-.likdul'"'"'"'1"'" i mi
de iy or w-c.
'Maxwell & Chapman,
solicitor in Chancery., (
'ilZZZZ. Buttery a Co.
l'rl '
- - Main Street, - -
ii . TT?Mf1ITTir. ' ' NEBRASKA
,ortm-oWthei "..'
ln lv "n band- A.iw
: ' - . . -'Peam.
A r -d fcertntvfif of t. ' "vi.-lin. end VI-
work Com
.ri TtliJKnlo?
milled to hi cre w
1,1 be W4krrteJ.
i April 1. I-
Plattsmouth SV.ilIs-
, ;C. HE1S KU rrorrietpr.
-L i .-J.i, f.wi.iii.l elueed tn thor
.u,.W orUcr. IU4U, work dune on .bort
100.000 Bushels of Wheat
W.uled immediately, for which the e
jrle wtl e pid. . -
J. N.. WISE,
Genial Life, -Accident;1 fire, Inland and
. .. Transit M" " V
Will tkeri.ktreaonaMertsin the Tno.trellnbl
Millinery & Dressmaking,
v mis a.m. DEsrAiaMs.R-r.Kfc.-.w)i , ;
. Onnnstte the City Hahtry. i
Nm-f E wontdtfptfnlly announce to the LaJ':
V re.Jtt.moWt and vlcia.ty, that : ""
"r.-calved alariceand well a!lcled aiock or W inter
ada init of Flower-, Kilbos,
flutni,1"!"' , wrilaefiiliechaapeaiHrtU
--. i imm.fcK. Ac, e H. WHI J our
Trd'r.- PerfecwataaUaionsiTenornocnafgea
--g'4 - - - - - - r
-E(?ON OMY, " ' !; I
. .3 rvasoxs Tor noARViyct
,.,r.. l j ; z with
o"it STREET," ?' - 1 " '-' i?L"ATrM6tTB
l Two block a-irlBWicn t brlek ofevol-Uoute.
RA TIT HOUSE, free to palrouft; liia
1 1. rooms are we 1 TcoUhtted, an4 price, ard
- n-atonable.
Capt. I.r LABOO & CO.,
Jt Wbolesaleand Retail Dealer ia . ...
Wines and Liquors,
Also a very cho'.oe- aeleoUoa ot -
Tobacco and Cigars, !
-Halaitreat, aacand. door eat of Svymour House,
N'oba.ka Oily. A'ebra.ka
Areast receiving a new stock of Genuine OU
tourbom direct from liourbon county, Ky., Bittera,
e. . mjlS w
, i I jjorriciAi. .
. ' ' AXlI6EW,JOIiai80.,
Frtbident cf the UniUd Slates of imer-
- tea, Zo aU-ond.nnnvlarito whom Lf
there present t shall come,., greeting:
Whereas a ireatjr was'- made and
concluded at Ft. Lariuue, in ihe Ter
ritory of Dakota, now in the Terri
tory of Wyoming.! on- tne twenty
ninth day of April, and afterwards, in
the year of- our - Lord : one thousand
eight hundred and nixty-eigtit, toy ana
between Nathaniel . TayUr. VViili-.w
T. . Sherman.- William S. Harney,
John B Sanborn, S. F. Tappan. CO
Au-pr. and Alfred H.' Terrv,' Com
i -i i
. ' . - L IT J
misstoners, on tne part ci me tioueu
Syte?, and Ma za pnn kaska, Tab-;
shun-ka co-qui pab,'Heh won ge chat.
Mah-to non pah, L.utJe Cniet. IlaUD-
pi h-lu-tah, Co cam i-ya-ya, Con te-po-ta,
Ma-wa'tau ni ha ska, He na
pin-wa-ni-ca; Wah pah thaw, a i. doth
- . 1 1 j r J a". . .
er uniers anu ttfaumeu vi uuieicut
tribes of Sioux Indians, "on the part of
said Indians, and duly authorized
thereto-by them, ' which Treaty is in
the words and figures following, to wit:
Articles of a Treaty made ai d conclu
ded by and between Lieutenant uen
eral William T. Sherman. Gen
era! Wilham S Harney: General
Alfred II. Terry." General C. C.
Aueer. J. B. Henderson, Nathanie
G. Taylor,' John 'B: Sanborn and
Samuel F Tappan, duly oppcihied
corniniesioners ' on the 'part of the
United- States, 'and the different
Lands of the Sioux Nation'1 of: Irdi
ans. by thijir chiefs 'and ' Seadrneb',
whose -names are "beTeto subjcnbeq.
they being ury autborized to act
pcuiiscs. , . , : 1
Article 1. .4 . -
tweeu the uiiiits to. in:s acrc4ucui I
shall forever cease. - The government I
if iU TTniiort Kifiiai i!pir npRre. mill I
Ul VUI.WU " - , ' ' I
ts hoi4or i herelv pledged la keen it.
The Indians desire peace, and tnoy
now pledge their honor to mairtain it.
If lad men among the . whites, or
amone other people sutiect to the
uuthoritv of the United -rStates, shaU
commit anv wrong uron tiie' person or
property of the Indians, the United
Siaies wilL upon xroof ''made - tothe
atrent and forwarded to the Commis
sioners of Indian Alfjirs at' VVahing
ton City, proceed at once tocaue the
fTender tobe arrested , and puniahed
according to the laws' of the United
States, and also reimburse tne injured
person for the loss customed.' . 1
If bad men among the Indians 6aall
commit a wrong or depredation upon th
person or property of any one, wnite.
black or Indian', subjeri to the authori
iv vf the United ivates, and at peace
tberewiin, the ludians be rem nameu
solemnlr o jrree ibai tbey . iil, upuu
proof made to their ageut and notice
bv him. deliver up the wrong-doer to
lb? United Siate, to be tried and pun
ished according to its laws; and in
case they wilfully refuse to do so, the
person injured nall be reimbursed tor
his loss from the : annuities or other
moneys due or to became due to them
under ibis or other treaties made with
the United Stales. And the Presi-
dant, on advising with the Commis
sioner of Indian. Affairs, shall prescribe
such rules and regulations r for ascer
taming damages undtr me provisions
of thi article a in his judgement mayjin0n. lutlbe samemay be occupied
be proper Burao-cne-hUMaining lossaQ(j h?ld in the exclusive, possession of
while violating the provisions of. this'
treaty or the Jaws ot ihe United States!
shall be reimbursed thenjfpr.', : -
;.--t -. 'Ahticlr I !.
The United Mata agrees' that the
followiogr,: dWrict of .couutryi" to .wii:
cemmenciog on the ea't bank of the
Missouri river, .where . the forty-sixih
parallel of north1 ' la titade,' crorses ' the
same, ihence: along low; water mark
down said east bank o'4ia "point opposite
where" 'the northern line of , the State
of Nebraska strikes the river," thence
west across said iirerw"nd along the
northern line of Nebraska to the. one
hundred, and fourth degree -"'of longi
tude 'west from Greenwich,, thence
north on said meridian to a point wher$
the forty-sixth parallel .'of - north laiK
luda intercepts the osanid, thence due
east along sad paralleled the, place; of
beginning; and im addition thereto, all
existing reservaii6hi,oh lha east bank
of said rivershall be, and the same s
set apart for 'the' 'j absolute and undis
turbed use and , occupation . of the lo
dians herein named, and for such oth
er friendly tribes or iodiriddaj Indians
as from time to time they may be -willing;
with the consent,' of. the. .United
State?, to admit amongst them;' and the
United Statea. bow -solemnly agrees
that L-o. persons "except; hose hererh
desirrnated and authorized so j to da.
Land except such' oflicers, '.agents, ''and
employes of Ihe' government ' a may
be authorized la enter upon Indian, res '
ervaiions indischarge of duties en
joined by: law, eEall-eweis bOerrffitted
to nasi over. se"ula3DooTo"f,"re'ide in
the territory described-in this ."article
or in such Territofc'y as mavl he 'added
to this teservaila'irf oT: the -' use- of said
Indians, and henceforth' they will and
do hereby 'relinquish'.'aU claims , or
right, in and 'to.-; any 1 portion of the
United States' -or Territories., axeepl
such as is embraced within the limits
aforeraii, and except
provided. :
' Article III
-1 :
If h should appear from actuaTsur-
vo nr tiknr'. Ufactorv ' Plaint IDatlOD
Mid uaciof.laud ibttil , cootiu
leas than one hundred and uiy acres
of . tillable land for ' 'each ' person who,
at the time, inay'be1' authorized to re
sidfe ofi'lt uoiler the prarisions of this
treaty, acd a very considtraWo number
cf such person shal . be disposed to
commence c'uhtvdiingr the tuil as far
mers, the United biatea aers t
apart.'tcrr the use of said ; Indians, a
herein provided, such dJiitoiiarquao
luy of arable landr: adjoining rltoaid
reservaiioD, or as near .10 tne, same as
it can be obtained, as may ne requirea
to proVide the necessary amount.1'1 "
The United ' Status agrees, at us
own proper iexpenseyi'ti- construct at
some place on the Missouri river, near
the centre of &aid resryaiion, , where.
timber and water may ba , convenient,
the following buildings, 'to wii: a ware
house, a'storerooni for' the use of the
aeent in storinc cood belonging to
th Indians, to cost out lens than twniy
five hundred dollars;, an. -agency bull
ding for the residence cf. the 'agent, to
cost not exceeding luree mousauu uui
Inr; a residence fcr the physician, to
cost not more than three- thousand dol
lau: and five ""other.; buildm for a
carpenter,, farmer,, black? mi.roiller.
and engineer, eaco to cost not exceeu-
icg lwo thousa'hd' dollars' aP a school
hoiwe or mission building,' soon "a a a
sufficient!nuinber ;t' diilJreri? can be
tnrlnreH Kv lha n.rpiiiln alteikd.-school.
wh- h ba,i, . cost, exceeding; . five
thousand dollars
The United States agrees runner 10
cause to be erected on said reservation
the other-buildinss nereia .au-
ttioriicu, oou cu;au i-jn-uitt, r4i
mill, with a grist-mill and thingle ma
chine attached to the same,' to cost not
- . ,., , , ..
exceeding eignt tncurana uouars.
The Uhfted States agrees' that the
agent for said -Indians shall in the fu;
ture make bis home atthe agency build
ing; that he .shall. reside ainong theni,
and keep an office open at all. times
for the purpose of prompt and oilisent
inquiry into such matters t compiaiui
by and against the Indians as may ; be
presented fori investigation .under the
provisions of their treaty stipulations
us also for the faithful dis-charge of
other duties enjoined on him by law
In all cases of depredation7 on person
or properly be shall cause the evrlenc taken in wnnng and forwardtd,
together wi'.h bin findings, .to the Com.
missioner of Indian Atlairs, whose de
tisin, subject to the' revision of the
Secretary of the Interior. ball -be
binding tn tbt .: parties to this treaty
i- Article VI. ' '
If any individual' belonging to said
tribes of IndrnnvOr legally incorpora
ted with them. .. being the head f i
family, shall desire to conirnecce farm
ing, lit shall have the privilege to se
Icct, in the presence and with the as
distance of the' agent then in charge
a tract of land within said reservation
notQ exceeding three hundred and
twenty acres in --extent, which tract
when to located, certfied, and recor
ded in the .. -land book ! as herein di
'reeled, shall cease to be held in "com
the person selecting-, it,, and of his fam
Jy, s6.1ong as hu or.Laey.inay continui
tu coiiiate it" . ' , .
'-'Any person' ..orer eirxreen yea
ige.'nbt teing' Ihe head.'or.a k.fa.
ar8 or
may in ruannftc' cause to
he certified to' hiin H;-'....tor purposes
of ituhiVatiou.'a Qii-'u iy of lrtrid not ex
ceedtng eighty air3 in', extent." and
there"upon be entitled ro the;h;excluive
bbssession of the" est c aVabove direct'
-For each jiruciotjnd. o lelec'ied a
eertificate, " cohtai'ag a ! :r-'biion
thereof and the bauie of .the pv .i se
le.cting.itwjth a. , certifliiate endorsed
thereof that (he sameias been recor
ded, sbajf be.delivered to'the party' eh
tided i it, by the , agent, after the
same, shall have. beeu, recorded by him
in a book' to1(be kept, in Jiisffice,' sub
ject ioV .inpecJion,,,. which, 'said., book
shali'be" k'oown as' 'the .';,Sioux. Land
.Baok.,. r' - -la . i I ' -
..The'Pf esident ttiay, e.J siiy'time, or
der a survey of .the.' reservation ,"' and
wb,en a.d surveyed, yengress sDajt pro
vide for protecting "the rights if said
settler in . their , .'improvements., and
may fix the character, of. the title held
oy eaco. vOi! uqiiu plates may gsj
such laws onHhe subject of alienation
and descent of prcperty between jthe
I nd i a ns a n d ihe i r1. d e s c e nd a nVs Ja s m a y
. ' , nil T 'J 44.- . - . - '
be thoiioht proper. Ana is." further
stipulated that ,anY male. Indians, ove
eighteen'yearsofase, of any band or
tribe that tW. shall her falter become
a party of.'tljij ireaiy.wbo now i- (or
l who shall!hereiifierj, become a resident
or occupant or ajiy reservation or. terri
tory not included in,the tract of court
irv designated and .described ,in this
treaty for the. permanent home' 6f.thW
Indians, which is not mineral land, nor
reserved. by .the '. United States Jr
special purposes o-Jber Aban Tpdian oq
cupation, and "who' shall have made im-
provemeuta thereon , or, the vuiue or
wo hundred dollars or more, and con
tinuously occupied the same as a home
Head fur the term of three yearr. shall
be entitled to receive from. the .United
bines a patent for one ., hundred aud
ixty acres of laud including bis, said
improvements', the same to be in the
form of the legal subdivisions of the
urvey of the public lands,. Upon ap
icaiion in writing, sustained by ihe.
proof of two disinterested wUnesses,
made'to the register of' the local land
fhc' when the land sought to be en
lered i within a land ditinci, and
when, the tract sought , to be entered is
not in any land district, thei. ti said
pnlication and preuf Leiof . de to
the Commirsioner of the Gnrui' I and
Office, and the right of such I .)' ( or
nduus to enter such tract or tracts: of
and shall accrue aud be perfect from
the date of hi." first improver' -nis
thereon, and shall continue a liu s
he continues ' bis residence and m '
provements'. and i o longer : And any
led an or.Iudians. receiving a patent
for land . under . the . foregoing ,. p .r
vision s-liall thereby and from thence .
forth beccnie and be a citizen of the
United States and be entitled to all ihe
privilege and laimuBiiiefc ,or eui:n cm
j.trn, and shall, . at ibe same : time,
retain all his rights to benenta accruing
to Indians under this treaty.
In order lb insure'ihe civilization of
he Indians entering into this treaty.
the necessity of education ; is admitted
especially of such of;! them.' as are or
may be settled on. said agricultural
reservations, and they therefore pledge
hemelveS to Compel their children.
male and female, between the ages of
six and sixteen years: to attend school;
and it is hereby made the duly -of -. the
agent for sa;d Indians; to "e that thu
...r.i... ..r,..tiy comDiiec wud;
and the United States agrees that tor
every thirty children between stiid ages
who can be induced' or compeMed to
at'end school, a house, shall be provided
and.H teacher competerjt to teach the
eiiientary branches of aw h.ii2li-h
education shall be furnished, who will
re.'.le" nmnnrr said Indians and faithfully
di charge his or her duties as a teacher.
The provisions of this article to con
nuue for not les than twenty year.
Article VIII. :
When 'the head of a family or lodge
shall have eelox;;ed Itnds and received
his certificate as abjve directed and
the ageut shall be satisfied lhat be in
tends in gtiod faith to commence culti
vating the si i! frr a liviiiir, he shall be
entitled to receive seeds and agricul
tural implements for the first year, not
exceding in value one hundred dollars.
and for each succeeding . year he shall
continue to farm, for a period of three
year more, he shall be entitled to
receive seeds and" implements .as
aforesaid.' not exceeding: in value
twenty five dollars. ,
And it is further stipulated that, such
perso is as commence farming shaH
receive instruction from the farmer
herein provided for, hnd whenever
more than one hundred persons shall people or tne. uniieu, or ;io -enter
upon the cultivation of ihe . soil. ttlly .l?er,e'lh-
a second blacksanth shall be. provided.
with such iron. et el. and other maten
al as may be needed r "', 'rt'
Vli'"'1 '"' ' Article IX. :!! '
At any time after- ten1 years 'from
the making of this '"'ireaiy, the UniteJ
States shall have the privilege. :of with
drawing tbe; physician, farmer., black .
siiHlh. carpenter, engineer, and .miller
herein provided for. but in case of such
withdrawal, an additional sum thereaf
ler of ten thousand dollars per annum
shall be devoted ; to the: education of
said Indians, and the Ccmmissioher of
Indian Allairs snail, upon careful in
quiry-into their condition, 'make such
ruler and regulations for the expeud-
ture f raid 'sum as will beat, promote
he educational and moral improvement
pf said tribes. ... ,. ., ... , ,. .. . ,, , -,
.... , ... . w.- i ... i' .
Iu lieu cf ll turns of ruoney.or othr
an lUiue provided o oe pau to me iu
Atmn kiirnirr 'n-tmofl nnripr'tinV irnnrv
U IBliO V IU w a wai j aa-.j
Rt-,4.. a-r.i.,ni44iiiftfr m ih no-Pnr.r
ii it ratiro iirr i etui vac iiiquci uc w ui.-
house on the reste.rvation herein named,
on or before the first day of August
.-"' a J . ' ii ' ' . L : r.
or eatn year, tor tniriy years, me toi
lowing articles, to wit; 1 ... -. t
For each male person Over fourteen
years, of age, a sun of good substantial '
woolen clothing, consisting of coat.
pantaloons,' flannel shirt, hai, and a
pair -of home-made :socks. 1 1 ' ' 1 'c '
For each female- over twelve years
of age, a flannel skirl,; or. ihe good?
necessary to make it. a' pair of woolen
hose, twelve yards or cal'Cp.and twelve
yards of cotton domedcs. ' ' J ' ' " '
For the boys and girlt "'under .the
ase naiDPd.'! such fUunel aud cotton
goods as. may be needed tp make each
a suit as aforesaid, .logtither with a
pair of woolen ho-e for each.
And Vri trder that the GinimHtioner
of Indian Affairs' may be able to esii
mate, properly for the- articles herein shall be the duty of. the agent
each V'-ar lo forward to a full and
exact census of the Indians." on which
the:esiimaie frr-m yeaf td 'year can be
. i j i:.- .u -i.u: i
f Thwordt-orUre,"'arti Hi.erted wttU tnaek
in named,' the sum of ten dollars' for
each. person entitled to the beneficial
effects of this treaty shall be annually
appropriated for a period, of thirty
years, while 'such persons roam and
bunt, and twenty dollars for each per
son who engages in farming. to be used
by the Secretary of the Interior, in the
the purchase of .such articles is from
time to time the condition and necessi-,
ties of the Indians may indicate to be
proper. - And if Withio ih thirty years
at any time, it ehalt appear that the
amouDt of money needed for clothing
under this ar.icle can be appropriated
to better uses for the, Indians named
herein. Congress may, by law, change
the appropriation to other purposes;
but in no event shall the, amount of ibis
appropriation be withdrawn or discon-,
nuued for the period named. And the
President shall annually detail an 'offi
cer of the army to be present and at
test the delivery of all the goods here
in named to ihs' Indiaus, and -he shall
inspect and report on the quantity, nd
quality of the goods and the n anner '6f
hir rlnrw i A r.a it is herebv ex
fressly stipulated that each Indian over fn,.r CMar .who i.hall have
removed lo and settled permanently
upon said reservation, and . complied
v-th the stipulations of this treaty .shall
i wi.niiilpd tft reneiw. fror the "United
iv'f le, fof the period of four years after
1 5hall have settled upon said reser-
vaiKn, pound cf meat and one
pound of flour per day. provided the
Indians cannot turnib their own' eub
sisience at an earlier-date. V Ahd it is
further stipulated that theUnited States
will furnish and del.ver tceach lodge
of Indians or 'amily f persons legally
incorporated with them, who' shall re'
move to the reservation herein'descfib'
ed and commehce fariBirJgi one good
America cow, -and-ene good well
broken pair of Aojerioah oxen within
. v, .(i.p iiikK mrra nr.f.mily
shall have so settled upon said reserva
tion. . . . -
deration of the' advantages
In consic
and beuefiis cvnferted by this treaty
and th inany pledges of friendship by
the Uui:ed Slates the tribes
who. are
rarties to this agreement hereby slip- ,,,.. ihor vi!l rlinnuish all ricrht"
tt o'ccudv -nermanenilv the territory
...i.. .k..,- o.oi h.nm ria
l J -
fined, but yet rerv. the right to hdat
on auy laud .north- of N .rib'laue, ;
aud on the Ilenublican Fork .of ., the.
4- i... ill' .: ' .1 . ,ki V,,(T.., u.u M.-.,-w...e - -
lo may range thereon in such numbers
as to justify the chase. And- they,
ihe said ilndians, turther ; expressly
agree:-- , . 7-.,.. v ; , - ,
1st. ' That they will withdraw all
opposition lo tne construction oi tue
raiiroaas nowneing duih ontueuiaius.
2d. That they will permit the
peaceful construction of -any-, railroad
not passing over their rtservalion as
herein dr-fined. .. .. .....
3d. That ihey will not'attack' any
persons at home;' of travelling! nor liio
fest or disturb any wagon
es, mules, or cattle-)belonging to. the,
I a - I ft J aT . .
4th. Tbev wilr never catare.
carry off from the settlements, Hvhwe
women or children; .'1 - .!T .'.t-
5ib. They will never kill pr. scalp
whue men, nor attempt to, do, them
fth -Thev withdraw alt ;rretnce
of opposition to the construction of thej
ra r4d .now. beins? . built.. aien.. me
jriatte rive.uuu. wra(oiu i.iuii.u-
cific ocean..and thev "will "not in fdture
,- ' A -A . , h, u P..
object W the" construction of railroads,
tnrnn'rnds. ihait stations.-' bf' other
uorlfs of utility brmecessitvL which rnav
be, wderew jor-jejmt.ed Jbyt Ah.e.iavvi.of
ha TT.,itot KintPB .Kilt, fchou 1(1 uch
tile lands of their reservation ',' the oV-
rilM I I M I 1 111 1 1 f I WUI K9 UU V.tXJ?aS UUt V U WU
rimiebl w-ill'pay the5 tribe whtittver
amount of damage may be-assessed :by
three d isipterested commissioners to, he
.ppointed,. by the.'.Pre.side.Tit , for that.
w--- . J O
w vi.'uuvwvm v
1 now established south of t the North
f . 1 . L .....1.I..I.1
x-iatie . river v or iuamaj w csiautisu-
ed not m violation or treaties nereio
fore' irikde- cf "hereafter to1 bem'ade
with anV of the Indian trines.Vjn-'i.'r i
U- ii f'L? article XII. r -' i .v
No treaty for th cession of any por
tion or part ol tne reservanoii.oereiu
described which may be held in com-
inon. shall be or any vauany or iwiuc
against the said' Indians unless :executi
ed and signed by. at least three-fourths
of alt the adult male Indians-occupying
.,r intfr.stpd in thp same:, and .no ces-
sion by the tribe shall be understood or
' - ' . V. f.i r.i - A
construed in such manner as to deprive.
vuhout-his consent; oy tnaiviauai
membert-wfa-thfi uribe f is!
any tracVj.ot land se ecieq oy un:
piTQviueu m.a'w;; "--.-'.rrtV!.
article A7U r,j-j ,,r
proprjaiiois. shall .be.'jnade.froiA.titne
i nme. on ihe estimates ot tne aecre-
tary of the Interior, as- will be suffi-
:an, fi (, mnlov aiich neiscnt." ' ' "
purpose,, one ol ; said commmissioriers fiacannsnecaiij mis, ir i8COJ
td be a' 'chief 'oiheadroari 'ofhe 'irihe'. ........ T 4-. Elk , .
3 . ffthn vThflV arr8 to withdraw all W'ahakazahishtabhis x mark . raealj
, The United. Stated hereby agrees , r,
to furnish'aunuafly to "the Indians the Shonkatonka, bis Jit mark.. . seal
'physician,3 teachers, carpent'er,1 tnillef,' ... lnr -, ,f it M pj j'. j ,-Big Dogfj n
e'ngioeef.' farrheri and blacksn.rihs, ks Attest: K , ,,:., : -,..., ,...r.,r,.
herein tonieruplated; and. that such aps ' ". Asutow ,S H Vhite.' Secretary of
It is agreed that the sum of five
hundred dollars annually, 'for three
years from date, shall be expended in i
presents to the ten persons of said tribe
whom the judgement of the -agent.
may grow the most valuable crops for
tho, respective year.
- . i -
The Indians herein named agre
lhat when the agency house and other
Duiiaings scan oe consiructeu on tue i
. l 1 1 l . . J
reservation i named,-tbey will rega
said reservation' the permanent home,
and they will make no permanent .set
tlement elsewhere; but they shllhave
the right, subject to the conditions and
modifications of this treaty, to bunt as
stipulated in Article XI hereof. " ..
' ' .' ARTICLE XVI. i
The United States hereby agrees
and stipulates that the country north of
the North Platte river and east of the
summits of the Big Horn mountains
ball be held and considered to be un-
ceded tiidiapjernioryvand also.stipu-
lates and agrees lhat uo white person
or persons shall be permitted to settle ;
upon or occupy any portion of the ame;
and it : is further agreed by theryniied
oiaics, , mat wiinin ninety uays aiter
the .conclusion, of peace with all. the
bands of the Sioux nation, the military
posts now established in tner -territory
m this article named snail be auanaoo-
Led, and that. the road teaoing to tnem
anu py tnem 10 me seuiemenis in jut?
Territory of Montana shall be closed.
' '' b t-'t WIT. i
' -It Is .'hereby' expressly; undersiopd
and agreed 'by and' betweefi the re-
?r ! c..- .l?- ? .v-
spective parties to this treaty that -the
executiou of .his treaty-and its raufica-
tjoa by the .United States Senate shall
have the enect, and construed m ab
rogating and annulling all treaties and
arreements heretofore' entered'.' into
between the respective parties hereto;
so far. as such treaties and agreements
obligate the United States lo jfurnish
and provide money, clothing, or other
articles of prooerty losuch Indians and
bands of - Indians an' become parties to
th.s treaty, and no further. " i
. In testimony of all, which, we, the
said commissioners, and. we, the chiefs J
a nd headsmen of the Brule band of ihe
Sioilx natW, havehereuhtb set' bur
I . . . . T-l . -iff S-4 II
I ha nil 4 and sears at i- on L,
koia.Temtory. nhis iwenty-niuih day
or ,Ap.?ii, t in .year . one inou?uiiu ;
eigh hundred, and sixty eight-,,
N JTivmn IsPall
, j, ta r rif .lit.'.. 10V..--.H
VI A fc.' A A- -A i ' iwwa-.i
LI Genf
i --..Wm S Habney.c; , ' Tseal
. . . , Bet JUoj Gen U S A
John a Sanborn, Iseal
i" .CC Aucur, ' il: 'Heal
y. .,1, s : .'J3tt JUaj Gtn
,o AifRED H Terry,-.-, i realj
Attest:" ,- ' '
r Executed" on the pari tf the ' Brte
band of the chiefs and bead
men whose mames are hereto annexed;
they being thereunto, duly authorized.
at Fort'Laramie, D. TV, the twepty-
riirt'thr,dayi of April, la ihe year A: 1.
MazaponktskaVhis x mark j-, ;seal
f I 1 . .. . .... ilUU.OUCU
4 k .
Waepatehab his
x mark" fseaU
w w j -M - m - ieai
Hahsahpab, his x mark
- s 'i - ) v.' Black Horn
I iniaRgauiauaau, h'-""" !
I ... . . nnt;prt I nil
. 'iti. .'r. r . . i i:i ls
Zintahskh.his x rnark, , . seal
. .Jr. t,,,,,i;, . ,v h.te, fail,
Mewabtahnehoskah, his marklsea
'.'.V- "' V Tal Mahdas'
Shechacbifaihi .?'tdar'k;,;; "'faedl
il 2iti iD-j "iJHIJ Lt, .!.V!V)
I A a WW' mmmr a'B,' ' " 7
k wo ana i wo
Tahtontaskah, his- X "mark ' ' seal
Conra.vvashta'.'hisrx marli !'"seal
,-!: u.i !!iv .Erey.:CQ0O; .7!tr
I . , II - . .N' l'li 'J 1J
Matobaietah, bi x mart
ni seal
r : L'c; liearipat JoOk bebjnd: ,n ,:r-j
Btfllaonkaioakabis x marltj, seal)
" , ' ' ' ' . ', "Big Partisan "
Mahio'hoho'iik;1 his" x mark; J ' f will
.... ,4. ra . -a- T. 1 99- -r I 1 . .
Towisne; hi X; mark,Cold! Place f se'al
Ishtahskah,!his x mark.1 '(i f ; seal
cif-v T''':yf0 White Uyes
Mataloozah, his x m'arV,' - ' J seal
y-.i-j.v nis-j i;o7 ....; Fast Bei?
Ashahkabdahzhe, hisri mark-,0 seal
erf! Tfu.-r iv r: r Standing" Eilc"" ''
Cantetek'ryahia 'X mark; - seal
.loi i;s The Brave heart : "'
ux shu . . hir x-marlr.--- Tseall
I..... ijuo;;; "'Day Hawk -
- 'tilti),. . k r.1l
L l5,:r pz ,Jlf, sSafcred'BaU-'-
as .Mapjashatoh t hirx mark,-. seal
1 i-oiel ti! o t-s " -Hawk Cloud r-'r. i
jMashaaow, hia x mark. i nn ,feal
;iandt and Comes-
'" f CJommission
51 George B itbs' Puononrapherio
... - . i . -
r-M .u .-:- - 'commission.
Geo Ii Holtzmak.
I .a- a - a -I
j0Hr D HOW LA Hi)! J :'
James C O'Com iter,
Chas EGuern, Interpreter. 1
Leon'F" PALLABDy,iiierpreer.
Nicholas Janis, hitetfreUr.' iV'1
Executed on the" pan of the Oral
lalfth band of Sioux by the Chiefs and
headmen whose names are. hereunto
subscribed, they being hereunto duly
authorized ati ort iaramie.tbe twenty
ninth day of May, in the ear BA. D.!
. , , , . f
rr .i : ' --. . v-r-y
mib strata oc ms norsjs
Sbatonskah, his x mark; ' '-"(seal)
- White Hawk
Seatoneapah, his x'mark, (eal)
Black Hawk
Egatnontonkasapah, his x mark, (seal)
im i ill a etc iiger
Ohwahshecha, his x mas k, ' K '(seal)'
n -. ' i Bad wound
Vrugec, bis x mark, Grass: - '(seal)
Wabnonrehchegeh, his x mark.Lseal)
i .- - j ; ,. Ghost Heart ' -
Conreeh. his x mark,'Crow . (seal)j
Ohhetekah, his x mark, :- (seal)'
ii -u The Brave
Tahtonkahheyotakab.his'jr mark(seal)
' ' i; Sitting Bull
Shbnkaohwumonye,: his x mark, (seal)
: I ' JPcor Elk
Wambuleewahwon, his x mar, (seal)
. . Medicine Eagle
Chongahmahetohanska.hisx mark(L )
Hi.h Wolf
Wahsechuntashunkah,hisxmark,(t i)
-f .1 A irn'rira n Hnrtft
Mabhahm?hhar.iaknear;his x mafk(t,
Man thaf Wlks under the ground
Mahtotowpah, his x mark, (seal)
' t eur: Hears f t
Matoweeshakta, his'x mark,-1 " (seat)
( ' ) Ona that tiilla lha bear '-
Ohtahkeetokaweechakta, his'x' mark
(1 ) Une that kills in a hard placet
Tahtonkahtamiechyhts x mark, (seal)
! ; "- The poor Bull ' 1
OhhunBceganonsken.his x mark,(seai)
.-'-' ' Vi' ''-Mad Shade
ShahtonohnahomminhenebhmiDDe, his
I x mark, (seal) Whirling Hawk
Alitmochunkaob, bis x mark., . . (seal)
Bear's Back '
netonweeitoa, ms x inarK. iseai;
' .-. ooI..iawk ..:
Wahhobkezaahhah, bis x
- uua
fllnAtha, rialKAlnr.
Shongahmannitobiankaseh.his x mark,
v-"- b y - 1
I Ehtonkah, his x mark, " . (seal)
Mapahcbetah, hia x mark, 1 (seal)
Bad Hand
Wabyeyunshah, his x mark, . (seal)
Red -Thunder'
Waksah, his x mark, (seal)
One that Cuts Off.
Chamnbmquiyah," hia x mark, ' seal
Une that Presents the Pipe ,,-
Wahhekeyacpuhtab, his x mark,seal
r ire I bunder . -
Mahlononkpahze, his x mark, . . seal
Bear with Yellow Ers '-
Conreetehka.his x mark, i .k - Iseal
., The, Little Crow :
Hehuppahtoh, his x-marlr,;t . .'J seal
- The Blue War Club '.' 't
Shonkeetoh, his x mark, seal
' ''V,:,'ThVBi'u'e Horse ., . , :
Wamballaohconquo, his'x mark, seal
.' -v i "; ' ;'f Quick Eagle ...
Tatohkasuppa, his x mark, ' ' "seal
Black Bull iI'.
Mohtohnsheno, his x mark, ' seal
: The Bear,.xiide :
Attest; ;,- .. r '. ;-.:: '. i
S E Ward. :;,:. ;
Jas C O'Cowiron.
: "J M Sherwood. ."
,! t:
: W C StICER.1 -'-'J " ''-'"
AM JJEOX. . i ;.. . i. .. t
.,; H M Matthew:?.:;;, , ; j;';;.'j
JobET-a BissoNEtTt, Interpreter
fXtitrio f Jott, hiUrprcier V j :
I r t- . .' - . - r. i m. : '..!
c'MTOlsi Jisia, jiutrjreier ,t
)x; eifuted on ite part of. the Mios
own 01;. and
headmen who name are hereto sub-
scribed, they beiDg : tberennto duly aa'.
luui 14 eu. ; - . ..." , 4 c:.- ii .
At Fort Laramie, D. J.,
Maya, t)S, 6 names.
At F.ori LarimielD. T
May 26, '6S 2 riamfs."
Hehwongechat, hiijt x mark ' -; seal
5'"' " : -" One Horn '","
Obponahtahemanne; hia x. mark Tteai
.., i he jL.ik iharneiiows V alking
Hehholahrebchaskah his x markseaj
oud2 tvune xJull,, , . . t
Wahchahchumkar.cohkeepah, his x
mark, sealj Une that: is afraid of
Hehonneshi'cta, fais x mark
.y, - The Old Owl
fnrnoattiK IS i mt rlr '
aU WR V W( ; MHa. -a
iirni: : - .! ".-Slue Cloud'
Obpttbggdoskah, "his x'mark .:'.
. i,r. -i - :--y r ;Spotted Elk
Tahtonkkahonkeschne. his x
jseal Slow Bull.
Shookaneesbahsbahstahpe, his x mark
-..-; 'seal Tbe'lJog Chief.1
Matotahiatopkka, his x-mark, seal
.' :.:j3uilBear,.,
W) rone hie took a, bis x mark. seal
The Big Eagle.:
Mahtobeescboefah, his x mark (seal)
-Tba Lone Bear
Mahtohke'suyah, bin' x mark - seal
-- The One wbe Remembers the Bear
Maiobohhetokeb, his x mark, : seal
, ' 'TTh8,:prave.Bear -Ehchemaheh,
his x mark, !
i f
I ,:
: i
1 h
lo "J
loa't n -"
4 -
1i'J - mssT''